#its aesthetically themed to be purple but then some stuff just ruins it
https-envy · 5 months
donnie headcannon (rottmnt)
he has a whole ass pinterest board for looks for his lab, like he has those stupid LED lights on there
maybe the nicki minaj american flag tapistry, speaking from the heart here
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today i have spent far too much time thinking about aa characters' coffee mug collections (both at home and at work)
-Phoenix: Phoenix Wright owns maybe five or six coffee mugs mostly because this means that he does not have to clean them immediately and can go about a week before he really, actually has to do the dishes. The one thing these mugs have in common is that they are all chipped. All of them are at least five years old--there's an Ivy University mug, a couple plain-colored ones from the thrift store, and a cheap Steel Samurai mug that Maya bought
-Apollo: Apollo is the epitome of the intersection between "will attend university events for free stuff" and "only keeps what's functional." He's got a fairly curated mug collection that also includes a few travel mugs and thermoses, mostly branded with logos from clubs/organizations he didn't actually participate in. He probably still has a Gavin Law Offices mug somewhere, which he feels very conflicted about keeping but it's functional and it's not like he didn't work there and really would it be weirder to give it away to a thrift store where someone who didn't know would buy it?
-Trucy: Trucy's mug collection (separate from Phoenix's, at least at first) includes a variety of trick cups and also the most brightly-colored magic-themed mugs she can find. She has a handful with truly awful puns and slogans in comic sans on them. These are all mostly used for drinking hot chocolate.
Athena: Athena doesn't really have a mug collection--she's got three coffee mugs and a travel thermos. One of the mugs is bright yellow with a quote about positivity scrawled across it, one of them has a print of sunflowers, and one of them has some sort of awful psychology joke on it that she's the only person that understands.
The Wright Agency: The Agency's mug collection is an unwieldy representation of the office's many occupants. There are a couple old Fey and Co. mugs still lingering; there's a series of comedy mugs Maya keeps buying Phoenix with increasingly specific phrasing ('World's Okayest Piano Player,' 'Dad to a SUPER AMAZING magician daughter who KNOWS WHEN YOU'RE LYING'); there's about five old Gavinners merch mugs that Klavier keeps leaving behind whenever he visits; there's at least one trick mug that will dump your coffee on your lap if you overfill it; and there's one single, solitary fine china teacup that lives on a high shelf and doesn't get touched except for when the Chief Prosecutor visits.
Edgeworth: Miles Edgeworth has a matching set of fine Wedgwood teacups, saucers, and teapots. He has a distinct set for the office vs his home. Anyone who visits his office lives in fear of breaking them.
Klavier: In addition to just using his own merch (look, I fully believe that whenever Klavier needed a new household item he'd just pester the Gavinners merch people to make him a personalized, themed version. they would sell this as "merch" but really it only exists because Klavier wanted a new shower curtain or toaster or something), Klavier has a series of mugs with absolutely awful legal jokes on them. He also has a basic four-piece mug set in deep purple for any occasion where he needs to be Professional, but these are shoved to the back of the cupboard because he usually reaches for the novelty mugs before anything else. Klavier also has a variety of shapes/sizes of mug for lattes/cappuccinos/espresso/etc because he has a super fancy espresso machine at home.
Blackquill: He's got both anime mugs and a series of bird-themed mugs that he got in return for recurring yearly donations to the Audubon Society (bird conservation)
The Prosecutors' Office: The office has its own branded mugs for the breakroom. Unfortunately they keep getting stolen and/or lost, and the prosecutors continue to leave their own personal mugs in the common area, slightly ruining the professional aesthetic that's being aimed for
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smolfailure · 4 years
but it's only half shitposts and there are actual Thoughts in there.
You don't need to have read the comic to understand because I tried not to spoil anything major, but it'd help if you knew basic stuff about classpects, SBURB and the hemospectrum.
disclaimer: i'm not a good pixel artist and this is my first actual sprites ever so please be kind to my weird pixels
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The Kids:
tommy, tubbo and fundy one of the kids because they're the kids in dream smp canon (with fundy being son of wilbur)
techno's there because i want to make a dave strider reference (haha get it because techno's name is also da-- *gets shot) and also because they are both coolguys except instead of using irony, techno has adhd
The Trolls:
Wilbur Soohte (fuschia)
?????? Ehrret (violet)
J????? Shlatt (purple)
Nihacu Niikki (indigo)
Skeppy Diamon (cerulean)
Quacki Tthiey (teal)
Philza Myncra (jade)
Dreame Wastkn (lime disguising as olive)
George Notfou (gold)
Sapphe Nahfpe (bronze)
Badboy Haelow (burgundy)
don't come at me saying only females are allowed to be jades and fuschias; gender is fake and this is an au
more of the AU and the talksprites are under the cut:
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Lunar sway: Derse. Types in: Red
chaotic. the first person to be introduced.
when he gets introduced instead of the “Zoosmell Pooplord” bit, Tommy is initially going to be the name inputted but then backspaced it and decided that Tommyinnit was better and he was fuming until he’s named Tommy.
Gives me big Blood/Hope vibes. Blood because a lot of the conflict of the dream smp connected to someone breaking his trust or harming the things he cares about, Hope because a lot of the plot of the dream smp stems from Tommy starting shit based on his ideals and what he thinks is right.
the first to instigate fighting against the trolls
bbh contacts him once and tommy keeps cursing until he disconnects from frustration rip
wields Gunkind and his only strife weapon at the beginning is the Vlog gun. He has Gunkind as his strife specibus mainly because he looked up at schlatt and he imitates him.
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Lunar sway: Prospit. Types in: Orange
it was his idea to play SBURB but only through Dream.
he talks to dream the most among the other trolls fwt stans getcha juice this is the rosemary of the session
dream’s the one giving him exposition about the game so that’s how he knows how to play SBURB.
wilbur trolls fundy once and instantly adopts him.
“You’re my son.” “How does that even work??” “I was one of the people who created your universe. It’s basically the same thing.”
Fundy relents anyway.
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Lunar sway: Derse. Types in: Pink
dave strider but dead-inside voice + rose lalonde english major vibes
he slices the text box when you try to name him "Dave " like in
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techno gives me time player vibes (contantly on the move. his skyblock series, his “stays in the pit” monologue,) but also rage vibes (anarchy,  the “theseus” monologue, political alignment is Chaos) alas i am not sure what class
uses Tridentkind and claims "it came from god"
 it was dream, he accidentally transportalized one of wilbur’s weapon while he testing the transportalizer.
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Lunar sway: Prospit. Types in: Green
the jade harley of this session. the only thing keeping them from going apeshit. where would they be without him.
but also jade harley in a sense that he seems nice and wholesome but also don’t fuck with them they can mess you up
Heart/Life vibes??? someone good at classpecting help
i put them in prospit bc of the "tubbo third eye" instead of tubbo having a sixth sense or smth, they see the future from the clouds of skaia when they sleep
wields Stress-relieverKind at some point
bonus: everyone’s actual hair colors
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Ideas about the Trolls
no i haven’t done their sprites yet bc it would take so much time and i’m not even sure if people wanna see more of this au skjdkdsakdfkl,, but i have Design Ideas.
events of the dsmp revolution are just a FLARP session drawing parallels to how the homestuck trolls had a FLARP session that spoiler alert: destroyed friendships. dtrio, eret, will are involved. eret betrays will's faction and wilbur's still Bitter over that.
on the context of alternia (highbloods and lowbloods) lmanburg and dreamsmp have their roles SWAPPED.  the emancipation theme thing is completely gone since highbloods are in more power than the lowbloods (the dream team) . 
wilbur made a faction called l’manburg because he wants a place where he and his fellow highbloods could make drugs vibe.they take a piece of land that was owned by the dream team. in normal circumstances, they shouldve stood down because lowbloods aren't supposed to start shit with highbloods (especially a group of highbloods that has the alternian heir among them)  but dream turned it into an activism thing about lowblood rights. the story plays as close as possible without tommy or tubbo in it (which is pretty hard ik but this is the best can do).
like in the dreamsmp revolution, dream kinda let wilbur do what he wants but this time he has more reason to because he’s in a lower caste. dream really only fought back when wilbur announced that he’d be building lmanburg on their land and calling it theirs.
eret betrays wilbur by supporting the lowbloods and wilbur and co. technically won but only because he finally called the drones in, as a reference to how lmanburg absolutely got crushed by the dream team in the smp but technically won. l’manburg keeps the piece of land and the dream team scatter away to find a new home.
wilbur soot's a fuschia because a) he's in a position that has a lot of power, b) yknow how he wrote a song about squids and his thing with sally… yeah.
eret's a violet because nobility!! dream looks down on him because he's ambivalent on fighting for lowblood rights when he's in a power to do so "you just sit there, and you look pretty that's it"
also like eridan he has a minor aesthetic mutation (herobrine eyes) that won't classify him as a mutant.
jschlatt is purple because it makes sense thematically because of the gamzee parallels (a. substance abuse b. if you know what happens in act 6, you know this already but spoiler alert, he ruins the main protagonists' lives) also he's a funnyman he deserves the clown caste
 quackity's a teal because he’s a law student. moving on--
 ok but for real it also makes sense thematically because he's the one who wrote the thing that tricked schlatt into agreeing also he gets manipulated by schlatt which also draws parallels to certain events in the comic
skeppy and bbh are BEST FRIENDS despite being highblood and lowblood respectively. initially, skeppy just wanted to bother bbh but they grew to be good friends in time. y’know like how they actually becane friends :D
philza minecraft is a jade because dad friend. also works thematically, because spoiler alert he gets to murder a seadweller for going batshit crazy. 
he also god tiers early. he dies fighting his quick undead denizen (haha baby zombie) but the consorts of his land carry him to his quest bed because he’s treated them all so well.
dream was initially going to be another caste but then i realized that means i have to make his hoodie something other than green which is unacceptable so its a good thing the fact that he's a lime works out
dream was the one who thought of playing sgrub in the first place- initially only planned to have gogy, sap, and bbh in the session but then realized that they four won't be enough so he invited more into his session
he’s also the first to go godtier ez clap blind speedrun not sure what classpect tho
the only reason why dream avoided being culled at birth for being a limeblood is because his rng is That Good. he quickly picked up the fact that he’s not supposed to exist and masqueraded as an oliveblood and kept mostly to himself to avoid suspicion.
george is still colorblind but he has lazer eyes along with it instead. dream lives with him in the same hive since being a mutant means dream doesn’t get a lusus of his own (dnf fans getcha juice “and they were roommates”) 
despite living in the same hive, he never really figures out that dream is a limeblood. possibly because a) he’s colorblind and when he sees dream bleeding he just sees yellow b) he’s just that fucking oblivious and it’s so valid of him.
sapnap’s a bronzeblood mainly because i know he’s the instigator of the pet war with tommy also because i associate him with the color orang in my mind so bronze it is
that’s the end of this long-ass post!! if you have other ideas PLEASE i want to hear them. i don’t know the other streamers i mentioned in here very well so if you have ideas that would be fitting to them like with classpect or lunar sway that would be GREAT. 
the only thing i’m confident about in here are the kids’ lunar sways. i’m not an expert in classpects and homestuck lore so there’s that too!! i just wanted to make this post because adhd means that the idea wouldn’t shut up until i finished it. This initially started as a single shitpost edit of tommyinnit talksprite but then the hiveswap 2 trailer came out and that means i have to combine my two hyperfixations.
also i have ideas about potential quadrants but idk how much of that is breaking some streamers’ boundaries about shipping (even the non romantic quads such as kismesistude, morallegiance and auspisticism) so i decided not to include it.
edit: apparently people want more so i made a discord server as a place to brainstorm!! please pm me to join!
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likeadevils · 3 years
hey! for your post about sun moon and rising but with taylor albums, can you list out the characteristics of each album? i'm having a hard time associating them and it'd make it a lot easier, if you could do that :)
oh totally! Its really all about your personal association, so i’ll give vibes for the era and the album. a good rule of thumb is to read the prologue if you want the tone for the era quickly. honestly, there’s no set system, go wild
taylor swift (2006) “debut”
era: blue and teal and brown. cowboy boots and sundresses, wild curly hair, trucks and mud and wildflowers. very 2006, very high school, very country
album: swings between pining from a distance and wanting to destroy a boys whole ass life and feeling like you have no friends and no one understands you in the whole world. like I said, very high school, but also full of whole ass bangers
fearless (2008)
era: yellow and white. 24/7 prom. she’s got the fairy tale aesthetics set in high school, she’s got calling your ex boyfriend out on national television, she's got so many headbands. god to be 8 years old when the joe jonas/taylor swift drama was going down
album: again, fairy tale set in high school. lots of crushes, lots of realizing men aren’t shit. it’s about the pull between childhood ideals and real life tearing them down, and deciding how much you should cling to your dreams and how much you have to let them go. it’s also a pull between knowing that these little moments are kinda ridiculous but also taking everything so goddamn seriously
speak now (2010)
era: purple purple purple. she’s starting to grow up! her look has evolved out of sundresses and prom dresses and into a more preppy style. she’s moved out of fantasy and into this like. circus aesthetic? 30s movie type thing? watch the mean music video, idk how to explain it. her hair is still curly and but under control, and she’s solidly Famous at this point. the idea that she can’t sing is Big, and the man-eater stereotype is starting to get popular 
album: she’s starting to grow out of country. she’s experimenting with rock, but her pop sound is starting to take off. it’s all about Dramatics: she’s experienced her first heartbreak, broke someone else’s heart, and was in an emotionally abusive relationship all within two years. she’s moved out of her parents house and is both infantilized and forced to grow up to fast by the media.
red (2012)
era: its 2012 hipster style. her hair is Straight and she’s wearing vintage dresses everywhere, and she’s posting sketches of red lips and quotes from fitzgerald about heartbreak and finding yourself on instagram. she is dating and breaking up with harry styles Very Publically, and its the last major relationship she’ll have for two more years. the idea that she dates to much is everywhere, and she’s being slut shamed to an insane degree, while also being dismissed as a goody-two-shoes
album: it’s designed so each song has the opposite emotions of the song before it. it’s dramatic and it’s heart wrenching and it portrays these relationships that were toxic and messy and captivating. has the last vestiges of country, some more rock, and the first pure Pop songs, all nestled against each other to give you the epic highs and lows of being 22
1989 (2014)
era: its the height of her stardom, and she’s more beloved then she’s ever been and (probably) will ever be again. she’s cut her hair and moved to New York, she’s wearing high waisted stuff and taking polaroids, and she’s been single for two years and it’s has given her the freedom to find a “tight” group of friends and herself. shes talking about third wave feminism all the time, she’s papped every day, and she started dating c*lvin h*rris; they date for a year, he was the first boyfriend to be posted on social media, and the one she was with the longest (until her current bf). publically, she’s the happiest and most successful she’s ever been. personally, it’s more complicated, especially by the last few months. “she lost him, but she found herself and somehow that was everything” and “from the girl who said she would never cut her hair or move to new york or find happiness in a world where she wasn't in love”
album: single handedly brings 80s pop into the mainstream. (like seriously, her only contemporary influence is lana del rey, and even that is only on a few tracks. listening to this when it came out was a religious experience). it sounds basic now but only because she influenced all of the pop music that came after her. its also her first sonically cohesive album since fearless. subject matter wise, its very 80s movie. it’s the first album without a break up song that ruins a man's whole career— no cold as you, dear john, or all too well type. the relationship is on and off again, but more muted and mature then the tumultuous ones portrayed on red. its very star crossed; two people who just can’t find the right time. she’s also writing about how fame has affected her— blank space, shake it off, and i know places all directly reference it, but the idea that the whole world is watching is woven all throughout the album
bleachella (2016) 
this isn't an album but its definitely an era
taylor has become so oversaturated that people are starting to turn on her, and her mental health is suffering. her relationship with c*lvin h*rris is falling apart, she's changing her hair every couple of moths (most notably she bleaches it, and goes to coachella. so like bleachella), and then all of a sudden The Phone Call happens. kim and kanye release edited footage of a phone call that makes it seem like taylor swift is a liar who intentionally plays the victim to stay in the public’s good graces, and the world pounces on it. between that and the idea that her friend group is super cliche-y and exclusionary, her reputation is ruined and she goes in hiding for months. before going into hiding though, she breaks it off with c*lvin (he throws a FIT on twitter) and starts a whirlwind romance with tom hiddleston that includes them flying all over the world on vacations and meeting each others parents super quickly. this all happens in one summer.
reputation (2017)
era: black and white and gold. very edgy, very rich, lots of snakes and casual wealth. there’s the aesthetic of her being very hurt and defensive and lashing out, but the reality of her being the happiest she’s ever been. she’s still famous, but she’s learned how to have a private life and healthy relationships. the tough times have shown her who and what’s important to her
album: pretty much that. the first half is brash and bombastic and playing off what people expect her to be like, how they expect her to fall in and out of love quickly and manipulate those around her to see her as a good person (while exploring sounds that no one expected her to explore) and the second half slows it down and shows her falling in love more explicitly and sweetly and under cover. “in the death of her reputation she felt truly alive” and “finding love through all the noise”
lover (2019)
era: bright pink and pastels and bright colors and happiness and butterflies!! she’s in love and beloved by the general public again, but all of her past albums have been stolen from her by a man she thought she could trust. sadly cut off short by covid. “step into the daylight and let it go”
album: her messiest album (sonically) since red. a popular saying when it first came out was that it had the writing of speak now but the sound of 1989, which is... understandable? its the kind of thing you have to form your own opinion on. it’s on the surface all bubblegum pop and being in love, but it has some of the absolute saddest songs of her entire discography. a 18 song long rollercoaster
folklore and evermore
preface: these are definitely two separate albums and there’s a definitely a difference but this girl has so many albums and it’s taken me an hour to answer this ask and it’s 1am right now so i’m gonna smush them together. go listen to them, and we’re in the era right now
eras: it been covid so all we’ve got are a couple performances and the album visuals. cottagecore, a return to the small town setting of her first two albums, very understated and timeless. one noteworthy element is that both albums were surprise releases (especially after lover had almost a year of build up that kinda worked against it). she’s reached a level of artistic respect that she’s never had
albums: folklore is a level of sonic and thematic cohesion comparable to 1989, as well as having a similar feeling of like. oh god we’ve been waiting for you to make an album like this for years and you’ve still exceeded every exception and made it surprising. evermore is mostly a continuation of its sound, though it’s a bit more experimental. both albums are incredibly mature, and move into non-autobiographical storytelling for most of the songs. it’s easy to build your own world based on one or both of the albums. their main themes are also mostly divorced from relationships, and more tied to personal identity and mental state (though there is quite a bit about divorce and heartbreak in both)
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luminarii · 4 years
my acnh island
here are some pictures of my island, Yukien!
here’s the over-all map of Yukien. I know the map is hideous, but the island itself is much prettier, I swear lol
Dream Address, in case it’s hard to read from the image:
Monty - Nan (best friend) - Roald - Aurora - Roscoe - Whitney - Marshall - Stitches - Reneigh - Rosie
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the exterior of my house
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the entrance to my ‘garden of houses’, aka where we all live :)
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my little crafting place; this area is fairly new
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my little ‘zen’ area; a place to relax
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another little relaxation area. it’s not yet finished, but I don’t really know what else to put here yet. however, I do know that I want it to be a ‘slightly spooky pine forest’ themed area :)
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more of the unfinished area, feat. BIG BEAR BOI
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centrum + plaza (K.K. Slider and his chairs casually ruining the aesthetic lol)
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tiny not-very-well-done cafe corner, definitely want more to be placed here eventually
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entrance to Yukien. I’m pretty proud of this particular area, as this is basically the only area that I’ve designed from my own creativity, as opposed to being inspired by other’s islands online (please ignore the unevenness of the trees omg)
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an old-fashioned Japanese inspired garden area. not the area I’m most proud of, but it’s still not finished, so meh
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more of my unfinished Japanese garden area (I know mammoths most likely didn’t exist in Japan during the ice-age -- I just like having it there)
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my flower garden! pretty proud of it, and I’m always excited to see which flowers have bloomed every day. it takes up the big empty area on the top right of my map, but it doesn’t show... I’ve categorized my flowers in a sort of ‘theme’; flower breeds horizontally (as you can see with the roses and hyacinths here), and colours vertically (far left is black, then blue, then purple, etc.)
the weeds are just ‘fillers’ for whenever I get the other breeds and/or colours of the flowers
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museum entrance - pretty simple, but I like it just the way it is ^^
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one of my two pumpkin patches; trying to sort them the same way as my flowers; one patch has orange pumpkins, one has yellow, one has green, one has white. can’t really tell which sprouts has which pumpkins yet though, as I just planted them here yesterday. this is my newest area, btw. made yesterday :p
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a tiny lake with ‘aesthetic’ stuff around it. the Big Girl (don’t know its english name, sorry) in the foreground is the guardian of the lake and the pumpkin patches :3
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little cozy area
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better view of the cozy area
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graveyard, fruit-tree orchard and cliffs. those cliffs are the only one’s on my island, and I only have them to shield the campsite from view as it’s hideous lmao, and you can’t remove it from your island, sadly
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and lastly, a slightly better view of my fruit-tree orchard. my main fruit is oranges, sister fruit is cherries (can be faintly seen in the back row), and I got peaches from my brother.
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that’s it! that’s Yukien!! if you want to see more, including the interior of my house, you can come visit through my DA. again, my island isn’t the best (compaired to others), but I’m still pretty proud of it. thank you all for reading and viewing this post :) have a nice day!!
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juni-ravenhall · 5 years
writings about juni as an oc
30 questions about Juni (with unnecessarily long answers), from this SSO OC asks posts except i just filled it all out in one go. i want to try developing her into a more detailed character just for fun so this seemed like the best way to start! i hadn’t decided anything about her besides “non-binary and pan” until starting to fill this out hahah, i just tapped into my jorvegian feels and went along with what felt right.
this is already stated on my “about” page but, to be clear, Juni is some kinda persona/OC thingy and not “me”, while having some traits and details inspired by my real self. (you can definitely get to know about me by reading this, but, it’s not me me.)
BASIC CHARACTER INFO (remember her details are not mine!) Name: Juni Ravenhall Age: around 18-20 i guess, don’t wanna make her too old to fit with the other characters in the story. Gender: non-binary / genderfluid?, but more or less OK with her female body, and she’s fine with any pronouns. Sexuality: panromantic pansexual.
1. What is their home stable in-game? Why?
South Hoof Peninsula (headcanon:ing that there is a home stable there, obviously) because it’s her home. While travelling she makes use of stables and accomodations anywhere, so some people know her in the places she stays over a lot (Valedale, Moorland, others).
2. Where do they actually live in Jorvik?
Her home is on South Hoof, although she doesn’t stay there for long periods of time anymore with all the travelling and adventures going on. She was born in Valedale, but was taken to South Hoof as a small child. (My headcanon is that there’s a few more people living on the peninsula than what’s shown in-game.) It’s worth noting she’s an orphan (or is she...?! *dun dun dun*) so she grew up without a biological family. (btw, that’s not just to be dramatic... I’m from an abusive home and parents mean nothing to me, so I wouldn’t be able to relate to her as much if I gave her some kind of normal, caring parents, I don’t know that stuff. I’d much rather she has no parents / doesn’t know her parents, than that she has to grow up with awful ones.)
3. Who is their favorite NPC?
Hmm, I would make up some OCs for her proper personal story, but out of the NPCs that exist..... (these are not all my favourites, just some of them that I think works well for her story.) - She knows everyone at South Hoof to some degree since she grew up there, I think she’s especially close with Jonas as a parent-figure of sorts, and of course, Madison. She helps the hermit and is on good terms with him. When Hugh moved there, she started making friends with him, I imagine they’ll get close as Juni really cares about animal rescue. - She's fairly close to Conrad, mix of mentor, friend and parent-figure. (He’s taught her more than what’s shown in canon, and she visits him anytime she’s staying in Moorland.) - She likes helping Agnetha and Björn with their garden projects so they have a friendly relation, though casual. It’s the kind of thing where she’ll stay over and help them for a few days, and at the end of the day they have cozy outdoor dinners outside the house, watching the sunset view from the cliff and smelling the roses. They probably get some great fresh food from around Silverglade. - I think she's somewhat friends with Ed at Wolf Hell Inn (or stays over and sees what crazy stuff he’s up to often enough). - She definitely likes Rania and like going out for rides with her, whether there’s a special cause or not. I forget the name of that crazy ranger girl... but she likes her and Alonso too. - She likes hanging out with Mario, and they’ll have picnics on the mountain or on top of the observatory after she’s been helping him out, watching the stars together (platonically). - She’s a wary friend of the Bobcats and Justin, like, they could be friends (since she’s at Moorland often enough) but they aren’t quite. I think she gets along with Josh (pole bending guy). - I was going to write about the soul riders and druids... but I think in my made-up headcanon, Juni's situation and role in the soul rider team would be different. I’ll have to think more about it.
4. Who is their Soul Steed? What breed are they? Do they have any markings or look different in some way from the in-game appearance you could give them?
Winterborn, a Jorvik Warmblood stallion (here’s his tag on my blog). He’s a brave and loving companion, thoughtful sometimes, a bit silly and spoiled sometimes. His bond with Juni is very strong. He probably does look a bit different in my headcanon but I’d have to draw/edit it to make a decision, so let’s leave that in the air for now...
5. What is their favorite location? (Ex, Hollow Woods, Greendale, Silverglade Manor Library) Why?
- South Hoof, as her adopted home, and because of the ancient and “wild and free” energy it has. She feels relaxed and at home there, and somehow connected to the magic of the land (even before she learns about magic). - Valedale and the surrounding areas like Hollow Woods, where she feels a nagging sense of nostalgia and belonging, a tingling mysterious feeling (similar but not the same as what she feels on South Hoof). She loves the flowers, buildings and nature there. - Moorland Forge, for Conrad. - Agnetha and Björn’s gardens. - Wolf Hell Inn, she likes it there and (as mentioned) she likes seeing what weird stuff Ed is up to. - Dino Valley, she loves the winter, the solitude, and the challenge of survival (she’s an adventurer after all). - Crescent Moon Village, just for how cozy it is, and the Mirror Marshes, for its beauty. There’s a lot of spots around New Hillcrest and Epona she likes in general too. - Goldenhills Valley, she loves the autumn colours and the ruins, and takes an interest in the witchcraft that she sees, starting to wonder what’s good and bad magic. - Cape West, a cute little village to visit now and then. - Jarlaheim, as a place to hang out and shop / rest, after a day of helping out with farm chores around the area. - Greendale, where it seems like faeries might pop out if you’re quiet enough. - Ydris’ circus, because she can’t help but get curious about it. (I love circus / fairground aesthetics personally... I’m one of those people who’s always loved clowns and everyone else is like “what?! clowns are creepy man!”) - Mistfall and Firgrove are places she likes both for the nature and buildings, but she doesn’t tend to stay there long. - The Observatory, and other spots high up with great views, like the shortcut between Firgrove and Valedale, and the secret path up the mountain in Firgrove, too. - Aideen’s Plaza in Jorvik City, a cozy and fun place when you need a break from the countryside, especially if there’s an event / festival / market going on. - Pandoria? -- there’s certainly something about it...
6. Who’s their favorite horse? Why?
I’m going to say Juni doesn’t own any other horse than Winterborn, at least at this time. (Obviously I have lots in-game but for this OC story it doesn’t really make sense, so let’s say the rest aren’t canon, haha. Maybe they’re horses she’ll own later in life.)
7. What are their powers? Are they stronger with one Circle over any of the others?
Hmm... I dunno, I have to think more about this one. I probably want to draw some pictures to figure out more about her relation to magic and Pandoria and all that.
8. What’s their usual style? Any favorite tack sets or color themes for them?
She likes all colours and likes putting together new outfits and tack sets of various styles, but some particular favourite colours are red and purple, and overall her style tends to be bold and graphic rather than soft or gentle. She can do soft and gentle too though, when she feels like it!
9. Thoughts about Jorvik City? How do they feel about Rania’s petition for a horse-friendly Jorvik City?
She likes it there (especially Aideen’s Plaza as mentioned), but definitely thinks that there’s such a thing as “too much city” and has to retreat to nature after some time there. A horse-friendly city would be nice, as Winterborn would probably really enjoy getting spoiled with treats at the Plaza on a warm evening, getting petted by nice strangers.
10. Thoughts about Justin? (I’m sorry, I’m curious, he shows up so much)
She pities him in a kind way, thinks he’s sensitive and immature. She wouldn’t mind being friends with him once he starts growing as a person. She also likes lasagna, so they could organise a lasagna party together with the Bobcats sometime.
11. How do they feel about the magical horse race at the circus? Did they enjoy being a horse?
While she doesn’t like how Ydris treats people, she thought it was really interesting and insane, and had a lot of thoughts about what magic is / what magic can do after starting to come into contact with all its different types (Pi, Ydris, the soul riders and druids, etc etc). Maybe being able to turn into a horse at will and gallop around with Winterborn would be really cool!
12. Do they trust the Druids? Or how do they feel about them?
Once she starts getting to know about them, she trusts them as soon as she knows Conrad is involved with them, because she trusts him. Of course she doesn’t trust them 100%, due to all the weird stuff that goes on, but she trusts that they have good intentions even if it doesn’t always come out right, or maybe the right people aren’t in charge.
13. Least favorite NPC?
That’s a tough one... let’s just say she doesn’t like when people use or abuse others. However, she believes that anyone can change and become a better person, it’s just exceptionally hard for some people (and nobody is entitled to forgiveness). (Honestly it’s just difficult because I’m an open-minded person and I appreciate villainous *fictional* characters for their roles in a story, just as well as I appreciate the heroes and background characters. I don’t see a point in being pissy about fictional villains, they’re just part of a story, and in fiction everyone has a chance at bettering themselves. Plus, the victims of their actions are all fictional... nobody really got hurt. I wouldn’t think IRL people like Tr*mp is going to change for the better, plus even if he did he’s caused a lot of people a lot of harm, so IRL is another thing. but I can accept any character’s change and redemption in fiction because... it’s fiction, a fantasy.)
14. How do they make their money?
Before travelling she made them by doing odd jobs around South Hoof, now she does odd jobs around Jorvik. Often she’ll take a trade and do work for food and someplace to stay for the night instead of getting paid. She sells things she’s found and things she’s made now and then (having some skills in crafts).
15. How many horses do they own?
Same answer as before, as an OC she only owns Winterborn (right now).
16. How many pets do they have? What kind? What are their names?
I don’t think I want her to have any at this time, I might change my mind later. She loves the farm animals and the wild horses on South Hoof, of course, and helps take care of other people’s pets when needed. (I love my baby seal in the game though.)
17. How do they feel about the Soul Riders? Do they trust them? Feel like an outsider? Are they closer to some over the others?
I’ll have to decide on her role in the story and relating to the soul riders before I can answer that, so I’ll leave that for now. I don’t think she’s very close with any of them, if anything it’d be a somewhat good relation with Linda and Alex, I think.
18. Do they believe something mystical, magical, or otherwise strange really exists in Dino Valley? How did they feel about the leaving of the Kallter and the roar/scream/screech in the Valley?
There’s absolutely something strange about it, and her heart beats at the idea of more adventures there. The Kallters must have had a reason to leave.
19. Thoughts about Jorvik Wild Horses?
I think for headcanon OC story purposes, Jorvik Wild Horses and Starbreeds are probably the same thing? Just like, I’d go with that there’s a one type of magic horses with Jorvegian magic (or Pandorian) flowing through them, but then they can look different from each other. In the headcanon there wouldn’t be random Jorvik Wilds running around or anything, it’d be super special rare stuff like the Starbreeds are.
20. Do you think they are a Wild Whisperer? Or are they just bonded with their Soul Steed?
I’m not sure, leaning towards that she’s mostly just bonded with Winterborn. Maybe she has some level of whispering abilities but it’s definitely not one of her strongest skills.
21. What’s their favorite Jorvegian holiday or celebration?
All holidays, any excuse to celebrate, although she prefers peaceful and homely celebrations over parties or high-tempo events. Life is precious, so she celebrates every day to some degree (like I mentioned... sunset picnics, enjoying nature).
22. What do they think or feel about Pandoria? Have they or do they visit outside of the quests (using the rifts)? If they have or still do, why?
I think at the time I would place Juni’s story, she’s only starting to learn about Pandoria and is still confused and thoughtful about the different types and uses of magic. So what she’s going to think of Pandoria and what she’ll do about it would be something to figure out.
23. How has their visit(s) to Pandoria affected them? Do they have scars? Has it affected any of their life views?
See above. But also, since I want to explore Juni’s relation to magic, I’ll say I think the magic (or something else about Pandoria) might start to eat at her, and maybe she starts losing herself a bit the deeper she gets into those thoughts and the magic itself. (Hint... I think it’ll have to do with being an orphan and feeling alone and depressed.)
24. Would they ever consider working for Dark Core or believing their side?
No, I can’t imagine she would unless there was some very specific reason.
25. What or who is Garnok to them? A dark presence? A squid-like monster? A child with a ridiculously complicated jumping course (fuckin @’s Lizzy)?
I love Lizzy’s course lol, but maybe Garnok did have a hand in it... Anyway, I don’t think Juni knows anywhere near enough to have an understanding of Garnok at this point, so it’s just some vague thing the druids aren’t describing enough.
26. Do they ever go to the Disco? If they don’t, would they ever consider going? What would it take to make them go?
She goes sometimes, but she quickly gets tired of both dancing and socialising in crowds and has to wind down afterwards, maybe just sitting down at the disco balcony to look at the ocean, or heading down to the beach to lie down and rest. The evening ride back to her home on South Hoof (or to a place to stay in Moorland if the ferry stopped running) is a moment of winding-down, too.
27. Disco or Moorland Beach party?
The beach party is probably a little more chill, which suits her.
28. Are they interested in helping with archaeology or fishing?
She likes trying to do archaeology, and finds ancient (or just old) things really interesting, but she’s not necessarily the best at it. It’s something she does from time to time, or when someone asks for help. Fishing is something she’d only do when hanging out with someone else.
29. How do they feel about Igor, the waiter/manager of the Dino Valley cafe, and whom seemed interested in your horse for… “culinary reasons?”
She hopes he was joking, and appreciates his efforts in starting up the café since the Dino Valley crew is so small, and everyone needs each others’ help to survive and explore there.
30. Do they like the perpetual winter of Dino Valley or the perpetual autumn/fall of Goldenhills Valley, or is it strange to them? Do they prefer one over the other, or neither?
She likes them both, but she’s curious about what they’d look like if the seasons did change.
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fireeaglespirit · 6 years
Where do dragons and avis stand?
...among all of these primeval faiths none seemed to provide protection to our kind. Some turned their gazes to the skies, and started worshiping the winged ones, trying to appease their fury and displace their hunger to something else. When the dragons managed to drive their natural enemies, the avis, out of the scene, they became the supreme overlords of the skies, without challenge, without doubt. 
With time, grand temples were built to honor the dragons and appease them as rulers of this world. Many of these places survive today as ancient ruins, silent witness to thousands of years of bloodshed and slavery of our kind, while others were completely decimated.
Dragons naturally, embraced their role as god-kings over humanity. After all, were they not fashioned in the gods’ own image? Superior in every way to the hordes of small, soft creatures that worshiped them. Erebus shaped them out of creation itself; they were the first born, the dearest children, it was only natural. And now there were no longer the challenging avis to try and fight them... but could their destined opponents come back to the scene, after thousands of years? 
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I have been thinking a lot these days, concerning dragons and the influence they play on my imagination and stories... looking upon it, its easy to get a feeling that they are very important to me, so I just wanted to dabble a bit on the psychological aspects of these beasts and their own nature, on the ‘why’ I find them interesting and worth of including in my story.
Of course, I find them aesthetically awesome and very interesting creatures to work with, but what about their minds? What just goes through a dragon’s mind? This is a question that had ‘plagued’ me for a long long time and that I’ll try to explain my view here. Take note that this is not the only way to make a ‘dragon creature’, but my own view, of what those beasts are made of and what made me fall in love with them as characters:
"What is better – to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?"―Paarthurnax
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Its true, I have loved dragons since childhood, but the topic was never taken much serious before I read the Inheritance cycle by Paolini which features very interesting dragons... but this wasn't enough. 
Perhaps, the final things that turned my attention back to them and made me interested in working with them on a psychological level was this quote from Paarthurnax, an elder dragon from Skyrim. He could be called a ‘good natured character’ for his role in the game, but as the quote illustrate, one who wasn't born ‘good’ but worked a lot to change his own nature.
For some reason this quote captured me back in 2011 as I first went through the game, it resonates deeply with how I view certain things and themes for my characters. Its no secret that I do take Skyrim as a huge inspiration for my stuff.
Now back to my dragons, and what I want them to be:
First and foremost, dragons are ‘mythological’ creatures in my verse, they are the stuff of legends... and they are extremely cunning and intelligent, while at the same time they are still definitely beastly... so it involves two of my favorite themes to work with: 
1: Mythology is real and right in front of you! you live in mythological times... how does one deal with that? How does one deal with a huge overpowering beast such as a dragon?
Is it possible to peer into their minds and relate to them? Or are them so indifferent that it is not possible to even draw their attention? Humans might be mere livestock for them... and yet, and still, covenants between dragon and man have been made, so this might not be entirely true, at least for some of them.
2: God is not human. “God” is a pair of winged deities. Dragons are god-sent creatures and as much as its easy to humanize them for being able of ‘human speech’, they’re not human... they’re something else. One thing that really bothers me when reading fantasy novels is when a ‘dragon’ or ‘monster’ character takes human form and completely loses its beastly attributes. And I’m not talking about physical bodies, but the mindset. Or even when they keep their beastly forms, their minds are exactly what you would, expect of a regular person.
I want to see the animal instincts seeping in, the power of such creature and how it affects its mindset and values. Few novels have managed to do it properly, in my opinion of what I expect of a dragon... they are either pure animals or pure humans.... they are either seemingly unaware of their size and teeth and claws, etc.. I don’t mean they are ‘wrong or bad dragons’, just not how I envision them and wish to work with them.
The thing that intrigues me is what should the mind of a creature such as a dragon look like? How would their sheer size, immortality and power affect their thinking? Unfortunately we have never had contact a non-human species capable of comparable intellect, speech patterns and understanding (even thought I do value immensely the intellect of non-human animals such as dolphins, parrots, corvids, monkeys, etc.. and take them as examples of how non-humans could communicate and behave). I do imagine what would happen when we could truly communicate with a different creature of such magnitude.
If I manage to work properly my dragons the way I envision them, they should feel inherently inhuman, and at the same time, like the gods of ancient times themselves, they should be able to eventually take an interest in what goes behind a mortal’s mind and meddle in day to day life in their own way... they have their own set of values that sets them apart from humans, but they can try to understand us if they wish to, just as we can try and look past the species barrier and... they are capable of love..
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..and hatred, just like us...
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I like to take the ancient polytheistic gods of different cultures as examples for this case, as weird as it looks... they are inhuman creatures and sometimes can take an interest in ourselves, to the point of extremes, sometimes... why did the gods, in all their power and glory, care historically for us, taught humans many important things that enabled the development of civilization and even loved humans, physically and metaphorically, in various stories? ...
One nice example is...
Prometheus who defies the gods by stealing fire and giving it to humanity, an act that enabled progress and civilization. Prometheus is known for his intelligence and as a champion of mankind.
So, it is possible for said creatures not only take an interest in mankind, but even take their side and challenge their own brethren, being grievously punished in the end...it is possible, for a dragon, and everlasting beast to feel these things? Can the softness and ephemeral nature of the humans permeate their armored bodies? Can a dragon ‘sacrifice themselves’ for a human?
Going back to dragons and avis:
Its important to remember, that in-lore, unlike humans whom are considered a ‘mongrel’ race and have evolve for its own end, dragons and avis are creatures with a purpose that reflects their own sire deity: 
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Dragons are ‘conservation’, stasis, order. Dragons are prideful and they are most happy when meditating, alone and quiet in their safe havens.. dreaming a dream with no end. However, their creation and nature prevents them from achieving that: dragons have a strong, indomitable will to dominate, their nature is ‘attached’ to the world, they were meant to keep order. The dominating nature of dragons, perhaps steers from their immeasurable hunger, as since being struck down by the gods and bind to Aidera, they struggle with a huge need of eating to maintain their immense bodies... however, unlike the avians, they do not have a hunting drive and prefer to use humans as a mean of attaining food from them and receiving livestock sacrifices as nourishment. 
Dragons were struck down from the astral planes were they dwelt, and became living creatures, even thought their bodies and aether qualities work in different ways. The elder dragons that have fallen back then have each been given an aspect or ‘element’ to reign upon and keep order...
They also feel the need to dominate, in order to have peace of soul and mind, they dislike conflicts, for the most part, and only would use force and violence when provoked (or not properly taken care of)...
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Avis are ‘destruction’, disorder, chaos. Avis are most happy when flying on the high winds, they care little for the problems of mankind and they don’t depend on them. They are the definition of a ‘free spirit’.
Avis have a strong hunting drive. Avis are a different case and perhaps their mindset is even more difficult to peer into.. they are extremely detached creatures, they do not ‘care’ for the world bellow...  they have an inherent "inability to connect" and they simply soar higher and higher, and if it wasn't from their physical needs they might as well fly to end of days.
However, eventually they needed to focus as the dragons began purging them out of their lands on Aralath. Avis were given the ‘phoenix’ power as a mean to counter attack the dragons, but as proven by history, this caused their undoing. 
The red phoenix is the symbol of destruction and harbinger of chaos, as it represents the ultimate will of the avis to transcend and ‘burn’, to ascend to higher and higher and it symbolizes their vengeance too, it proves that even the detached avis can take things personally, and its and example of the overcoming of nature once again.
However, the red phoenix is a very egoistical thing in nature. Its the honed avis essence to the extreme, and not necessarily a good or bad thing, but certainly an aspect of nature that things must be destroyed in order for new things to be able to sprout and new life be created... in this regard, obviously the blue and purple phoenix are achievements of the lineage of avians who managed to dilute a bit and control this essence of destruction, achieving new heights... who knows how far can the avians go, with the allied essence of the avis with the humans?
Still, the red phoenix is the integral part that must be dealt with by Aquila in the story and again the theme of ‘overcome one’s own nature’ is worked here, hopefully to an interesting ending...
However here is the overcoming of the nature. Can an avis control their blood-lust and prey drive? Can a dragon control their pride and insatiable hunger? Its clear, looking at avian society, especially Aerynith from the floating isles, that they have a strong escapist tendency, they easily overlook and ignore the struggles going bellow their homes, they delight in their own safe havens and their hunting skills. Even the tribes have escapist tendencies, dwelling in their never ending dreams. The draconian society, or what is left of it has a certain imperialist mindset... draconians tend to be self centered and righteous people.. they feel like the world should belong to them...
The avis are all gone, and their time past.. the dragons are but a shadow of their former selves.. however their inheritors will carry their wills and dreams. Will the children of the winged beasts of old be able to turn their destinies, and look past their differences, when times of strife comes? Will the children of the winged gods accept their fates, as pieces of their eternal game... or will they rebel and take control of their own destinies?
The questions I wanted to propose with this text are... 
What really lurks behind the slitted pupil of a dragon? 
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How does the descendant of those creatures relate to them? Does being half a dragon or avis leads one away from each other and from humanity or are these different beings ever able to re-conciliate?
Hopefully we’ll be able to see as the story develops..
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ricardosousalemos · 7 years
Green Day: Dookie
When he was 10 years old, long before he sang about masturbation losing its fun, Billie Joe Armstrong lost himself in music. His father had just died of cancer, and in Rodeo, Calif., a smallish East Bay suburb next to an oil refinery, Armstrong retreated into MTV, the Beatles, Van Halen, and a Stratocaster knock-off he nicknamed Blue. He grew close to schoolmate Michael Pritchard, who had his own family grief and who introduced Armstrong to British heavy metal giants like Judas Priest and Iron Maiden. Pritchard later earned the sobriquet Mike Dirnt, for his constant dirnting on bass guitar.
In high school, Armstrong and Dirnt smoked pot and played in a band called Sweet Children, finding their tribe in a tiny clique of DIY punks. By 1988, Sweet Children had their first gig at 924 Gilman Street, the Berkeley punk mecca opened the previous year by Maximumrocknroll zine founder Tim Yohannan, and Armstrong told his waitress mother he wouldn’t be graduating. Sweet Children signed to Lookout Records!, changed their name to Green Day, and put out a pair of rough but promising EPs. They brought in Frank “Tré Cool” Wright, a drummer known equally for his musicianship and his mischievousness, and with their sharply improved LP Kerplunk!, Green Day arrived.
As Kerplunk! landed on shelves in December 1991, Nirvana’s Nevermind zoomed to the top of the album charts. A band with Green Day’s momentum and punk pedigree was obvious bait for the major labels. Still, it was Armstrong’s voice, sneering and congested, that initially put one A&R exec off of Green Day’s demo. Luckily, he passed it to his producing partner, Rob Cavallo, whose father had been Prince’s manager circa Purple Rain and who, despite signing respected L.A. pop-punks the Muffs, was sorely in need of a hit.
He found one. Co-produced by Cavallo and the band themselves, Green Day’s Dookie was released on February 1, 1994. To date, the band’s Warner/Reprise debut has sold more than 16 million copies worldwide. Most of those album buyers probably know nothing about its makers’ humble origins. But that story helps to explain the unique series of balances, between showmanship and disaffection, dogmatic punk ideals and romantic stadium dreams, sweetness and scatology, partying and pain, that have turned Dookie into one of the greatest teenage wasteland albums of any generation. Armstrong’s Dookie guitar? His childhood’s trusty old Blue.
What set Dookie apart from the grunge rock bellowers of its day was Armstrong’s voice, foggy and vaguely unplaceable. “I’m an American guy faking an English accent faking an American accent,” he teased at the time. Though Armstrong’s tone was bratty, his phrasing had that lackadaisical quality that left room for listeners to fill in their own interpretations. On Dookie, Armstrong channeled a lifetime of songcraft obsession into buzzing, hook-crammed tracks that acted like they didn’t give a shit—fashionably then, but also appealingly for the 12-year-old spirit within us all. Maybe they worked so well because, on a compositional and emotional level, they were actually gravely serious. Sometimes singing about the serious stuff in your life—desire, anxiety, identity—feels a lot more weightless done against the backdrop of a dogshit-bombarded illustration of your hometown by East Bay punk fixture Richie Bucher.
“Longview,” Dookie’s outstanding first single, smacks of the most extreme disengagement: a title taken from Longview, Washington, where it happened to be played live for the first time; a loping bass line supposedly concocted while Dirnt was tripping on acid; and a theme of shrugging boredom that placed it in the ne’er-do-well pantheon next to “Slack Motherfucker” to “Loser.” Adolescent interest may always be piqued by lyrical references to drugs and jerking off, the way a 5-year-old mainly laughs at the Calvin and Hobbes panels where Calvin is naked or calling Hobbes an “idiot.” But as beer-raising alt-rock goes, this is also exceptionally bleak, with the narrator’s couch-locked wank session transforming into a self-imposed prison where Armstrong semi-decipherably sings, per the liner notes, “You’re fucking breaking.” No motivation? For a high-school dropout hoping to succeed in music, that mental hell sounds like plenty of motivation.
The other singles mix Armstrong’s burgeoning songwriting chops with deceptively lighthearted takes on deeper topics. The opening line, “Do you have the time/To listen to me whine?” is endlessly quotable, but the self-mocking stoner paranoia of the irresistible “Basket Case” was inspired by Armstrong’s anxiety attacks. As late as 1992, Armstrong still had no fixed address, and “Welcome to Paradise” reaches back to those nights crashing at dodgy West Oakland warehouse spaces. It also brashly embodies punk’s trash-is-treasure aesthetic at its most American. But the closest Armstrong came to a pop standard, one that any guitarist who knows four power chords can play at a home and a more established star could likely have made an even bigger hit, was the midtempo “When I Come Around”—a smoldering devotion to the then-estranged lover who would become the mother of Armstrong’s two children. They’re still married.
Elsewhere, the bouncy, brief “Coming Clean” is from the perspective of a confused 17-year-old, uncovering secrets about manhood that his parents can’t fathom; Armstrong has forthrightly related the song to his own youthful questions about bisexuality. “Seventeen and coming clean for the first time/I finally figured out myself for the time,” he declares, in one particularly sublime bit of wordcraft. Teenage angst pays off well: Now he was bored and almost 22. Likewise, the rest of the album tracks often further showed what an accomplished songwriter Armstrong had become. “I declare I don’t care no more,” from breakneck slacker anthem “Burnout,” would be a classic first opener on any album, even though by now we know it contains an element of false bravado. The contrasts that made up the band’s identity also helped elevate Dookie above its shitty name, couching anti-social childishness in whip-smart melodic and lyrical turns. When, on the last proper track, the nuke-invoking “F.O.D.” (short for “fuck off and die”), Armstrong vents, “It’s real and it’s been fun/But was it all real fun,” it’s his Dookie-era way of saying he hopes you had the time of your life.   
Critics have been kind to Dookie, but not overwhelmingly so. It’s tempting to wonder how many of these lyrics could’ve been influenced by Robert Christgau’s two-word, two-star Village Voice review of Kerplunk!: “Beats masturbation.” Still, he gave Dookie an A-, and the album made it onto the Voice’s 1994 Pazz & Jop year-end critics’ poll at No. 12. But the backlash against Green Day in the pages of Maximumrocknroll was real and visceral. The June 1994 cover showed a man holding a gun in his mouth with the words, “Major labels: some of your friends are already this fucked,” with Yohannan sniffing inside, “I thought it was oh so touching that MTV decided to interrupt playing Green Day videos to overwhelm us with Nirvana videos on the day of Kobain’s [sic] death.” At Gilman, where major label acts were banned, graffiti on the wall proclaimed, “Billie Joe must die.” So it’s an album many people adore, but like loving the Beatles, proclaiming your adoration for it doesn’t necessarily win you any special recognition. Oh, you were in seventh grade and learned every word of a Green Day album? Duh.
Time has worked on Dookie in strange ways. Most blatantly, the post-grunge alt boom allowed an album like this to exist in the first place. Green Day were masters at pulling stoner humor out of malaise, and that is what the so-called alternative nation needed. One of Dookie’s great light-hearted touches, the image of Ernie from “Sesame Street” on the back cover, has been airbrushed away from later physical editions, ostensibly due to legal concerns. Among the many things streaming has ruined was the old ’90s trick of including hidden tracks on the album buried without notice at the end of the CD, so all digital releases treat Tré Cool’s novelty goof “All By Myself” as its own proper track. The unfortunate “Having a Blast,” about wanting to lash out with a suicide bombing, is understandably absent from most recent Green Day setlists.
Then again, so many of the fights that Dookie started have happily become moot. In 2015, Green Day played their first show at Gilman in 22 years. Whichever Maximumrocknroll readers were mad at Green Day for trying to make it out of their working-class suburban beginnings probably have more adult worries today (the zine, however, hasn’t forgotten). Though Green Day never quite embraced the term pop-punk and certainly didn’t invent it, they were pegged as its popularizers; you could hear their echoes several years ago in records like Wavves’ King of the Beach, but younger pop-punk torchbearers like Joyce Manor, Modern Baseball, or You Blew It! have been more likely to name-check the more tightly genre-fitting Blink-182. In interviews, Armstrong still claims the “punk” mantle, but over the years Green Day emerged as a classic arena-rock band, noted for their pyrotechnics.
These days, Armstrong knows how to fire up crowds by promising them they’ll have a good time. Fans are brought up on stage every night to take their instruments and play a song. A T-shirt cannon is somehow involved. Green Day have matured in all the ways the biggest bands usually mature, and that’s their right. Immature but crafty, punk but pop, American pretending to be English pretending to be, well, whatever, Dookie-era Green Day were, for a time, in a class alone. Call them pathetic, call them what you will. They were all by themselves, and everyone was looking.
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