#its all i can daydream now aaaa
indouloureux · 2 years
eddie and reader in an argument?? basically eddie misses something that he was supposed to do for her like picking her up after work or she had this big thing she hoped eddie would show up to but he got caught up on something and its not the first time it happened? but pls make it a happy ending
aaaa some hurt/comfort me love. thank you for requesting! <3
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eddie winces when you slam the door open, doorknob colliding loudly against the wall as you does so. and he's sputtering out your name and stop like a mantra. but you don't.
"sweetheart, i-..." he sighs, hands falling limp to his sides as you enter the bathroom, a hasty hand opening the faucet as you begin to wash your hands. "can you please just...look at me?"
his plea was reasonable, at least. you haven't looked at him since he picked you up from the studio. poor naive eddie had expected you jumping into his arms, except he'd been greeted by an irate stance of crossed arms and foot tapping; eyes he's been daydreaming of eschew from him and it hurts his chest that you're avoiding his sight.
the car ride was silent. and he even played your favorite songs as you made your way home. but nothing made you look at him, and he wonders if the empty streets of hawkins was more interesting than the fact that he chose to listen to your songs.
eddie's how are you? was greeted by a curt i'm fine. his how was your day? was answered with a shrug. his kiss was chastised by the contact of your cheek, and both his hands were on the steering wheel than your thigh. his heart ached, really, when you kept on scooting in your corner the closer you got from home.
you turn the faucet off, a small squeak heard. you wipe your hands on your jeans, running your slightly damp fingers through your hair before you finally look at him. the frustration is evident by the way your pupils were almost a speck to nothing, a slight flare on your nostrils. although what makes him nervous the most was by the way your jaw clenches.
"what, eddie?"
he looks nervously at your hand on the sink, then at the hand on your hip before he directly looks at your irritated face. "did i do something, baby? you- you haven't looked at me since i picked you up and you sound- well, are you mad?"
you sigh, in a way that tells you're tired. physically, emotionally, his poor mind's still figuring it out. eddie has a hand lifted to reach out to you. "i don't know, eddie. i'm- i'm just tired. let's go to bed."
"hey, hey, no," he stops you on your way out, his body blocking the doorway, hands on your arms to stop you. the courage you've gathered to look at him is torn apart when you refuse to look him in the eyes once more. "talk to me, baby, come on."
"eddie, i'm tired—"
"no. no, you said communication m-makes the relationship work. so you tell me now. we're not sleeping until you tell me what's wrong," eddie frowns, trying to gather up all his patience. "please, (y/n). come on."
you close your eyes, tightly, the wrinkles around your eyes deepening until you open them and stare at him. "you didn't show up to my artshow, eddie."
his face falls, thoughts now dawned upon the realization. eddie was late to your show, one he promised about. one you talked about for weeks and one he's been listening to nonstop from how proud he was. and he was late.
five hours late, to be exact. kept you waiting outside in the cold with nothing but a thin shirt and jeans, spent two cigarettes as your thoughts filtrated around worry. and when he showed up, he had the nerve to think that everything was okay.
eddie knew how important it was to you. the same person who you expected to show up and come support you like you'd do to his gigs, never went through the door; never clapped and cheered for you.
"sweetheart," he exhales, eyebrows scrunched into a tiny raise. eddie swallows his tears, lets it hurt his throat because he doesn't deserve to cry over his mistake. "i'm so sorry."
"no, eddie! you- you promised!" you jab a finger through his chest before you wedge your thumbnail in between your teeth, blinking rapidly. "you said you'd be there! you told me every day for the past two weeks that you'd be there. and then- and then you weren't and you just left me hanging with my expectations!"
you stab your finger at his hard chest at every word, your voice wavering, filling it with this thorns around your throat that it hurts to speak while you hold back your tears. eddie takes in the pain that your nail gives, but eventually wraps his hand around your wrists.
"i know. i know, baby, i'm sorry." eddie suspires. "i just— i got caught up with the deal. they took too long. i'm sorry, it won't happen again."
you sniffle, loudly that it echoes around the porcelain walls of the bathroom. you refuse to look at him, and glare at the red pick that hangs on his chest instead. his heart aches when your bottom lip wobbles as you say, "you know, that's not the first time you said that. and every time i hear you say it, i always wished i'd never hear it again."
i'm sorry, it won't happen again.
the same words he said when he missed your performance at the pep rally and at the championship game, when he was late to picking you up from work, when he missed your dinner date that you worked hard for. countless events, arguments ended with the same six words before you both fall asleep and pretend it didn't happen because you both fool yourselves to.
"there's this voice at the back of my head that kept on whispering to me that you might be late," you mutter. "and i didn't believe it because you promised, eddie. you promised. and i believed you because i thought that you'd never really do it again. that- that you've learned—"
his heart aches at the two tears that roll down your cheeks. and before he can stop them, there's a bijou of tears that stroll down. eddie cups your face, but you shake your head to move them away. "i learned. i learned, (y/n). i promise that i learned. it's just that—"
"it's just what, eddie?" you furrow your eyebrows. "it's just that your campaign was too long and you forgot and you couldn't disappoint them? it's just that some- some guy stopped you over and asked for weed? or you took dustin to talk to his girlfriend or helped gareth with his guitar? it's just what, eddie? hm?"
"what?" he narrows his eyes at you. "baby, don't put words into my mouth-"
"i'm not," you almost yell, wiping your palm on your forehead. "i'm listing down the same reasons you tell me whenever you weren't there."
eddie lets his reason die in his throat and takes all the pain your words stab to him. he sniffles, feeling his own tears at his waterline as he stupidly decides to wrap his arms around you. you try to push him away, but your tears render you weak — pushing at his chest was as useless as the reason he tries to calm you down with.
"i'm starting to feel like i'm not important to you anymore," you whisper exasperatedly. "it's like- like all my achievements, or-or my hardwork don't matter anymore. because you're always not there, eddie."
he doesn't let go, keeps you tight to his chest as you spend all your energy into pushing him away. but with all your vigor ripped to its seams, you give in, sinking into his chest as you limply wrap your arms around his elbows. eddie whimpers at your sobs, muffled by his shirt that now has tear stains — color darkening by your cries.
"i'm sorry," he repeats. "i'm sorry. i'm so, sorry, baby i-" i promise it won't happen again. he wants to say. but he's afraid of breaking his stupid promise; afraid of breaking your heart again.
"you can just-" you wipe your nose on his sleeve. "you can't just hug me and say i'm sorry every time you disappoint me by breaking your promise, eddie."
every time you disappoint me.
his heart breaks. but he knows he's right. disappointment's always expected in relationships, anyway. it's not like he's never been disappointed in you before.
eddie shushes you, pats your unkempt hair down as he lets a few tears drop down his cheeks and onto your hair as he kisses the top of your head.
"i promise it won't happen again," he says. "i- i love you. okay? you're important to me. i'm very fucking sorry that i wasn't always there. okay so- so from now on, i'm cancelling all those stupid deals, okay?" eddie bends down, placing his hands on your shoulders. and he fights the urge to smile when you finally look into his eyes. "i promise you that i'll be there. break up with me if i break that promise, okay?"
the corners of your lips tug down, before you surprisingly let out a short laugh as you push his hair behind his ears, brushing his bangs away from his forehead as you cup his face.
"i won't break up with you. but i'll hit you in your balls, eddie, i swear," you sniffle. "just promise me, okay?"
"i promise," he nods, taking you into his arms once more. "you're- you matter to me, okay?"
you want to believe him. really. but that's the point in this whole thing — which promise to believe is unknown. it's where the trust is built. so you nod, letting him wipe your tears away. "okay. okay okay. just. be there, okay?"
"yeah." he nods. "i'll be there. even at the fucking bathroom while you pee, i'll be there. or- or at an alternate dimension. or even when you ask me to follow you into mordor. i'll do it, baby."
you laugh, and it's the best thing he's ever heard the entire night.
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reblogs and feedback are appreciated <3
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redr0sewrites · 11 months
So, I really liked your two Aaravis fics, and I have an idea/request. You don't have to do it if you don't feel like it of course.
So there is that dark mark on Aaravos's chest. And we know that it became dark after his imprisonment. Now the idea is that the reader either knew Aaravos *before* it lost it's shine, and like, later got trapped in the mirror too and reunited with him, or maybe met him in the mirror and asked about the mark. And like, asks Aaravos why it lost it's shine, and after hearing about the things, instead of looking at him differently, or scared, they see that Aaravos is sad, so they preform a little trick. So they make a little light ball, making it look like they took it out of their heart and then place it on Aaravos's chest (where the dark star is), and saying that "It's okay, you can have my light" or something like that, idk....
Like, the concept is just reader accepting that darkness, and cherishing it and all that cheezy, fluffy stuff. Like I said, you aren't obliged to write this, this is just a random idea my maladaptive daydreamer self came up with. Have a lovely day, take care, and thanks for feeding us Aaravos fans with your lovely work!
AAAA TYSM THIS REQ IS SO GREAT!!! I love this idea, it made me so excited ajsjdj HOPE U ENJOY!
🥀CW: angst (with happy ending), fluffiness, aaravos being insecure, mentions of trauma and suffering/containment
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when the news of aaravos' imprisonment reached you, you were shocked. how could he have been discovered, he had been so careful and meticulous in his planning, and all of his motives were for the good of humanity! you, and many other elves who supported him were not only surprised, but also outraged. to trap a startouch elf, to take your lover away from you... you knew you could never rest until you could see him again. years of pulling strings, gaining popularity, playing the puppeteer behind the scenes had led you to this moment. you had fought for centuries, sacrificed so much to see him again, and here you finally were. before you stood aaravos, your star touch lover, in all of his glory. it had been so long, and your heart seemed to sing at the sight of him. and yet, something was different.
when aaravos first saw you, he thought he was in a dream. you had appeared to him on so many nights, only to fade away once the morning came, slipping through his fingers like sand. the memory of you, your face, your voice, your touch, it all felt like a painful distant nightmare that played throughout his head every single time he closed his eyes. he had missed you so, so much, yet he knew he had changed. not only mentally, years of imprisonment had long since broken him, but physically as well. the glowing star on his chest had faded from a shimmering splendor to a cold ember, with nothing of its former glory remaining. he couldnt help but feel ashamed at its bleak emptiness, a disgusting mark of his failure and imprisonment. however, he would not focus on it now. you were here, in front of him, and he was free.
"my star.. is it truly you?" his voice was soft, broken and cracked from the emotions swelling inside him. you didnt dare open your mouth, knowing you would probably begin to sob and nodded, your eyes were already brimming with tears. the both of you rushed forward suddenly, throwing your arms around eachother and weeping with joy. you both stayed like that for a while, entangled in eachother and whispering softly. you werent sure how long you layed there on the floor, however it soon began to grow dark. ever so gently, aaravos layed the two of you onto the floor, his hands shaking as though afraid he would break you. as you stared at him, you couldn't help but ponder a certain change on your lovers skin.
"where did it go?" you ask softly, motioning towards his chest. he looked at you in confusion and you added for clarification, "what happened to the star on your chest? why doesnt it glow anymore?" you couldn't help but feel you made a mistake, as you watched the flicker of shame and disgust cross your lovers face.
"it faded, along with most of my powers, when i, well.. when i fell and was imprisoned" aaravos answered softly. his voice was so fragile, barely a whisper as he spoke. "it is simply a blight upon my skin, a mark of my failure and punishment. a cruel scar. it paints me as nothing but a lightless monster, a burden, and a villain." disdain and self disgust seemed to leak from his voice, and he shuddered as he spoke. pain filled your heart at his words and you reached out to rest a hand on his chest. you wished there was a way to undo all the centuries of pain and trauma the both of you had endured while separated, and you wished you could help him understand his beauty.
"you are none of those things aaravos, that is just what the other dragons and elves want you to believe. however, i know that you are special, beautiful, and so, so strong because of your differences and you have fought and suffered for what you believe in. this star is a mark of your perseverence, and it is nothing to ever be ashamed of." you gently pulled your hand away, and placed it on your own chest. using some simple magic, you made your own hand glow with a soft orb of white light resting on your palm.
"you don't have to bear the weight and darkness of your burdens alone. let me share my light with you, and share your darkness with me." you reached out, pressing the glowing ball against his chest and watched a small, pained smile break through the sadness and doubt that had resided on aaravos' face, and he covered your hand with his.
"thank you my love, thank you for finding me, and for always reminding me of the light and the love that we share." he leaned in, resting his unoccupied hand on your cheek and pressed his forehead against yours lovingly.
"i love you until the end of time, and i believe that our love will last as eternal as the light that we share." his words seemed to touch your very soul, and released a flutter from your heart. for years you had drowned in your own misery, but you felt like you could finally breathe again. he was back, and you two were reunited. nothing would stand in your way every again, and neither of you would ever be separated by anyone or anything.
I HOPE THIS WAS TOO YOUR LIKING, THIS WAS SUCH A COOL REQ THANKS FOR REQUESTING!!! REQS ARE STILL OPEN, FEEL FREE TO REQUEST ANYTIME! this was such an emotional thing to write, and i genuinely really like this lmao tysm for the idea and inspiration!
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lattesqueeze · 14 days
HI LOVE💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
For the kiss prompt: lestappen and 💘
oh this was so so so much fun, thank you for sending me this!!! i love you!!!!
Lestappen - Dared to Kiss (featuring a little Mutual Pining ish) - 600 words
“Why are we even playing this stupid game anyway?” Max asks, sounding bored. If asked, he’d say it was just a coincidence that the bottle had once again failed to stop its spin pointing at him.
“Ugh, Max, don’t be boring.” Lando rolls his eyes beside him, leaning forward to tenderly kiss George, who turns an alarming, yet endearing, shade of crimson.
Lando spins the bottle again, sending it skittering across the floor. Max stops it abruptly with his foot, and the circle groans as a collective.
“Come on, mate. What are we anyway, sixteen? I played this enough at school.”
“But it’s fun!” Lando whines. “And when else d’you reckon you’d get a chance to kiss me?”
Max snorts. “Like I’d want to.”
Lando looks wounded.
“Surely you have another game we can play.” Max suggests, hoping to escape this high school hell.
“Okay…” Lando draws out the vowels. “Truth or dare?”
“Wha- no!”
“Truth. Or. Dare?” Lando repeats, turning to face Max with his whole body.
“Fine. Dare, then.”
Wrong answer, apparently. Lando smirks, a mischievous, impish grin.
“I dare you to kiss whoever you think is the most attractive person here.”
“What, isn’t there anyone here you wanna snog?”
“No!” Max protests. Yes! Max thinks.
Lando is having fun now, taunting Max. The others in the circle remain painfully quiet, not wishing to chip in to the unfolding drama. Max’s eyes dart around the room, imploring each of his…well, he wouldn’t exactly call them friends. Colleagues, would be more fitting. His eyes settle on Charles, subconsciously and pleading.
Lando quirks an eyebrow at Oscar with a smirk. Oscar smiles back, benevolent, apparently not quite picking up what Lando is putting down.
“I change my dare!”
“Thank God.” Max mutters in relief.
“Max, I dare you to kiss Charles. No more takesies-backsies, you gotta do this one.”
Charles has the decency to look alarmed, at least. His eyes - his beautiful soft eyes - widen, and his cheeks are suddenly rosy. He raises his palms a little - don't bring me into this!
Max flushes entirely pink, from the tips of his ears to the base of his neck. He feels hot all over, and his heart is racing at a pace that could easily rival Max’s car. If he does this, if he follows through with the dare - which, realistically he has no choice in - he can’t trust himself to be normal about it. If he kisses Charles, he fears it would be too loving, too desperate, too passionate, too-
“What are you waiting for, Max?” A soft, melodic voice breaks Max out of his spiral.
“No, nothing! Nothing, I- ”
Charles is kneeling, sat on his heels. His head is tilted slightly to the left, and he is looking at Max with something unreadable in his eyes.
Could it be…?
“Are you sure?” Max whispers.
Lando sniggers, and there are definitely at least a couple more stifled giggles from the circle.
“A dare is a dare, no?”
And then, before Max even realises what is going on, Charles’ lips are soft against his own. Everyone else in the room ceases to exist. Reality itself ceases to exist, as Max floats through this daydream. Charles’ tongue is wet along Max’s lip, and Max feels his jaw go slack. Finally, he thinks. Whatever he wants, he thinks. I hope this never ends, he thinks.
Somewhere, miles away, someone clears their throat, bringing Max back down to Earth.
“That was easy. You’re welcome, guys.” Lando grins.
Charles smiles easily and shrugs, Max stares determinedly into his lap, refusing to acknowledge his friend.
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bonesandthebees · 3 months
i did not mean to do it, but i was passing time in the library, just waiting for my sign language lesson (theyre going great btw, im really enjoying it) not planning to borrow anything, ive got plenty of unread books at home, but as i was leaving i passed the just returned section and there, i noticed it, a huge orange book (would be hard to miss honestly) and before i knew it i was checking out with it
im going on a school trip to england tomorrow (by bus so, a few days on the ride, well be stopping in amsterdam for a day so id love any tips btw, i plan to check your old trip asks) and i figured im gonna need something to read anyway and its so long ill definitely only only need this one book with me and it was even the english version which is the one i wanted to read so it was perfect
and thats how i ended up with a bag much heavier and the priority of the orange tree on my shelf rn
all i saw so far were maps (YES! PLURAL! THATS SO FUCKING COOL) and some glossaries or something and im really excited to get into it
oh I'm so glad you're enjoying your sign language classes!! it's such a fun language to learn right??
oh my god a school trip to england and you're stopping in amsterdam on the way?? god that sounds so fun. and you have priory now aaaa that's gonna be such a good book to read while you travel (although it's so heavy it's incredibly inconvenient to travel with)
ok ok amsterdam tips hm. well first off watch out for bikes. I don't know how common bike riding is in your country so maybe you already know this, but in america you never really have to worry about looking out for bicyclists when you're crossing the street you just focus on cars. in amsterdam you WILL get hit by a bicyclist if you're not careful so make sure to watch out. this was a lesson I had to learn quickly as an american.
I definitely recommend finding a cute cafe or something in amsterdam. not a coffee shop since that term means something very different in amsterdam (although if you want to go to a coffee shop live your best life) but theres some very good actual coffee and snacks you can find in cafes. I still daydream about this cheese and tomato croissant sandwich I had in an amsterdam cafe it was so good
anyway I hope you enjoy priory!! honestly I'm kind of laughing at how many of you I've convinced to read it. I'm reading the prequel right now and literally losing my mind at how good it is. the worldbuilding for this series is just so immersive and vibrant and I really hope you fall in love with it like I did. and yes the maps are SO fucking cool. one of my favorite details is how you have maps at both the beginning of priory and the beginning of a day of fallen night (the prequel) but since adofn takes place several hundred years before priory the maps look similar but different and you find out what changed the maps over the course of the story and it's just so interesting
let me know what you think!! and I hope you have an amazing trip <33
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dimdiamond · 1 year
Random Writer Anon!!
When you get this answer one of the questions (or all if you really want!) then pass it on to 5 writer friends! 🥰If you have more than one WIP, pick at random! We want you to talk about your works, and celebrate with you! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Don’t worry if you don’t know how to answer these questions, I’ll be back with more next Sunday. 😉
What are you most excited to write with this WIP?
How has this WIP changed since the “daydream/brainstorm” stage?
Who is your favorite character in this WIP and why?
Hello writer anon!
Sorry for not answering it all this time, I was trying to choose one WIP from the many and now I need a push to make me finally write again after a long time.
I'm answering about a WIP I haven't posted and nor I intend to until I finish the fic (I'm close to the middle I think????). For now its title is "Distant Dreamer" and it's basically Erased au (don't follow faithfully the manga besides the basic premise) with modern Tintin having the ability to travel back in time and to save his friends' lives he travels back to his childhood. It is mystery, thriller and full of angst but has its light-hearted moments and will have happy ending.
What are you most excited to write with this WIP?
Every plot point has its good moments but I am really looking forward to writing kid Tintin meeting young Haddock. Tintin knows Haddock from his timeline but this Haddock is so different and not at the same time and anyway this meeting is very important for both of them and will lead to huge changes in the timeline. There are other things I'm also excited about but I don't want to reveal too much (and whoever has read or watched Erased may have already made some speculations).
How has this WIP changed since the "daydream/brainstorm" stage?
Hmmm many things to be honest. I tend to not have strict planning so I can feel free to discover and develop things while writing but, of course, I do have a plotline and basic plot points to follow. It's just that many times it might get me more than one chapter to cover an event that I might have thought it would take less. As we speak I'm not sure yet how a subplot will go but it will begin much later so I have still time lol.
Who is your favourite character in this WIP and why?
Aaaa tough choice, especially since not all characters have appeared yet at the point I have stopped last time! I love writing Tintin in this fic (warning he is not the Tintin we all know because of his past and ability and reliving his childhood definitely shakes him up) and kid Chang as he is THE difficult boy (I wish I was kidding). Every character (ocs too) is fun and interesting to write in this fic but if I have to choose a favourite character I think I'll go with Haddock. He has his trauma and past but still tries his best to help and support whoever needs it. Oh, and he plays electric guitar. What else do you need?
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demonizes-remade · 5 years
I'm just the cottagecore whore
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kazewhara · 2 years
holds my head in my hands. all ive been doing at work lately is daydreaming about the songs i would use for the fake animatic i wont make for the fic that i havent written so much so that i made a playlist for it 🤦remember that kazuha childhood friends to enemies to lovers idea that was rolling about for a while? i started thinking about it again and now i cant STOP thinking about it its like kazuha is holding my brain hostage like please sir i need that to think....
and then theres also just kazuha himself thats been on my mind... that kissing kazuha drabble book anon wrote i think is going to live rent free in there for a while i think. sigh................... i feel like a lovesick idiot for him but kazuha is just so 🥺️ im in love with him
if you're comfy sharing, PLEASEEE link me the playlist... i would do anything for some writing inspo. ANYTHING.
no but kazuha has me tripping over myself today, especially after that fanart.. i hope you saw it because HOLY FUCK. and then the drabble... yes i imagined kissing kazuha in vivid detail, no i am not ashamed anymore. we've passed that point.
kazuha is definitely ... he's just... AAAA, y'know? we can be lovesick dummies together 🫂💕
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chibi-honey-cake · 4 years
Top 10 favorite preds?
OH, SO YOU HAVE CHOSEN BEARS. Perhaps you didn't know what you were asking, but I am holding back more love for the bears from the Fi.ve Ni.ghts at Fre.ddy's series than is necessarily healthy, I'm sure. So it’s all bears on this list. Please note that these are my interpretations of the characters.
Get ready for Freddy some fancy singer bears because this girl is all about them sharp-dressed preds! [Stick around 'til the end for honorable mentions, a.k.a. If Chibi Wasn't Completely Teddy-Beared] Also beneath the cut because this got STUPID LONG.
10. Nightmare Freddy The only canonical parent. *snicker* I put him this low because despite being what I would call a demon, he's kinda vanilla in my head. He has sharp teeth, claws, a great intimidating aura and sure, he can make you fear for your safety... But in the end, he's careful with those pointy things. (Side note: In most of my writing the Nightmares feed off of fear, which leads to a lot of teasing fearplay with no real harm.)
9. Classic Freddy/Withered Freddy (Hey, they're the same character, shut up) He was my original crush of the series and I'm always going to love the main bear singer. Half of the time I portray him as a soft, charming pred that gently coaxes prey into being eaten and the other half he's a huGE TEASE, grinning and cooing to prey about how filling they'll be squirming in his gut all nice and snug- AAAA! He has the 'suave smile' down pat, I don't know how he does it!
8. Nightmare Fredbear Okay, look. He's intimidating, huge, wide, has sharp teeth, a belly maw, and claws. He is literally made to tower over you and make you question reality, a demon sent to torment... Really, he's a smug, teasing monster that relishes in your nervous stammering and fearful trembling. He wouldn't really harm someone, he's more interested in the fear they exude though. He also borrows some teleport powers from both being a Nightmare and a copy of Golden Freddy, so sometimes he'll appear behind you with that big, toothy, smug-jerk grin until your skin crawls enough to notice him... Or his belly rumbles ravenously right behind your head. And his tummy is LOUD when you're outside, let alone inside...
7. Lefty Okay, Lefty's a little hard to explain. He's calm and gentle in his daily life performing alongside the Rockstar models, sometimes even more slow and quiet. He likes to watch others more than participate, opting to stare. Sure, maybe he's just shy... Or maybe he's calculating the best place to catch you by yourself. Most of the time though, he's more concerned with the health of those around him. If he thinks you're pushing yourself too hard, he'll gently make sure you'll take a break. He'll shush prey as he holds them carefully inside, reassuring them. Often he will activate his inner music box to soothe his prey to sleep. He just wants you to take a nap- in his belly~
6. Shadow Freddy/Phantom Freddy Okay yes, two different characters, but I treat them more like brothers or duplicates of one another. They act almost the same, so I'm cheating shut up. Phantom Freddy is a ghost, obviously, and Shadow Freddy is a shadow entity, again obviously. They are both non-verbal most of the time when I write for them, opting instead to nudge and gesture (and tease like the dickens in a one-sided conversation). But they purr loud to let you know if they're enjoying themselves.Since they are both beings made of energy, that's what they need to maintain their forms. They just 'borrow' some liveliness from their prey, which leaves the prey a little drained afterward. But that's something that can be solved with a nap and some snacks~ Some friendly warnings- since they are not really physically solid, they're known for surprising prey. They love hugs, both outside- and inside. It depends on the day whether they are going to swallow prey- or just absorb them into their bodies. But it's like floating in cool air- you're okay with that, right?
5. Molten Freddy I have so many feels for my poor, unraveled boy... He's gone through a lot, stuck in a long, snaky coily body by himself, but he still has such a sweet demeanor! His mass appears so much bigger now that his endoskeleton has come undone, Molten Freddy can control all of his coils separately. He's starved for attention and if someone shows the slightest empathy to him, he latches onto them hard. He's so fond of hugs that he'll hold prey with his coils and call them sweet names until they fluster bright red. Then he'll wrap them up and swallow them slowly, purring as he works them down deeper into his metal-cable body for long, internal hugs... Bear with snake body, yeth~
4. Nightmare Okay, so Nightmare Fredbear? Just- magnify all of that. Like, 2000% magnification. Nightmare is what his name suggests: a literal embodiment of nightmares. His teasing can get rough, borderline possessive sometimes. When he feels he's going overboard in terrorizing his prey, he'll subtly ease back. But let's face it, it's easy to go overboard when you're... well, basically the King of Fearplay. He can be a pushy jerk, being the leader of the Nighmares means he calls a lot of the shots... But if you know him well enough, he'll reveal more of his true self and become easier to deal with. He'll be your huge, intimidating back-up with an army of nightmares at his command- no one will mess with you again. But when faced with his insatiable appetite, it means that you'll be dealing with his belly maw more often than his fear-inspiring appearance.
3. Fredbear/Golden Freddy/Withered Golden Freddy (Again, same character) Ah, a wonderful golden bear! He has such versatility since you see him in so many eras! As a younger bear, he was more polite and reserved. As the years wore on, he began to get more... sloppy, for lack of a better term. His politeness wore down and he became less reserved, starting to be more teasing and smug. By the time the first game started, he was a grinning, teleporting menace. He loves to spook prey by appearing behind them, then pinning them against the wall to fluster the daylights out of them with his ravenous appetite. "I've been empty for so long... Could you help me with that~?" He can get possessive over his prey occasionally, and he loves nothing more than lounging around with a squirming belly full of delicious prey.
2. Funtime Freddy The excitable boy, despite being my main F/O, number two on the list of favorite preds? *gasp* Okay so I LOVE Funtime Freddy so much, it's not funny. ...There's a pun in there somewhere. Hm. He's such a silly bear, so full of energy! He's bouncy and giggly most of the time, always ready and glad to spend time with someone! There's only one problem... He also burns a lot of energy and his tummy often reminds him to eat with sudden, sharp growling. And when your hunger is that fast and demanding... Oftentimes the best food source is his tasty prey friend literally right next to him! Hope the prey doesn't mind the sudden change of scenery! He has an issue with going too fast out of eagerness to fill his tummy, so sometimes he'll give himself a tummyache. Guess the prey better get to work soothing their big pal's tum, huh?
1. Toy Freddy That's right, my soft boy~ He's such a nervous, fretting bear that needs some soft reassurance and hugs. Good thing he's already soft and plush, ready for someone to soothe his nerves. He's extremely polite and reserved, never wanting to impose or bother others... But sometimes his tummy speaks up for him. If he's hungry, he cannot stop the starved rumbling of his empty tummy and he will be so flustered about it! Apologizing, stammering, trying to subtly rub his tum to calm it down (not knowing it's doing the opposite), he's a flushed, famished mess. Most of the time it takes a prey offering themselves up for Toy Freddy to eat them and he'll constantly ask, "Are you sure?" He goes slow to ensure prey's comfort and because he absolutely must savor their flavor, thanking them gratefully as his belly accepts its treat with loud approval. (But if the prey is oblivious and his hunger gnaws too hard for too long, he might snap and stuff the prey into his mouth. He'd apologize profusely after he'd gulped them down, ashamed at his own behaviour. Don't drive the poor soft boi to those measures...)
[Sorry, Rockstar Freddy. Your politeness, smooth compliments, and offers of 'substitute payment' weren't enough to get you on the list. I'll make it up to you later.]
Okay so, here for the honorable mentions now? Unfortunately, I haven't really branched out very far beyond these bears when it comes to noms, but here's a few I've experimented with or am thinking of experimenting with.
King Dedede (from Kir.by) - He's such a glutton, though! He's kind of bossy and definitely greedy for food, but oh well lunch isn't for another ten minutes so his servant or guest might just have to do until then! It may be sudden and lunch may end up joining you, but at least his belly is pretty spacious! He's a kind pred behind closed doors where no one can see his nice side, happily holding prey inside. And he'll definitely let you out later, just... keep squirming, your king demands it~
Globox (from Ra.yman) - A huge, plump frog-like friend! He literally eats stuff to store it repeatedly in Rayman 2 and (although I haven't played it yet) in Rayman 3, I think Globox accidentally swallows the bad guy and the whole plot is about getting them out? I wonder why there's not more content of him out there, he's positively MADE for this community, lol.
King K.Rool (from Don.key Ko.ng 64) - Okay so, lemme call myself out. Past Chibi, who didn't know what vore was at the tender age of 10, had a fascination with the villain of DK64. -And had daydreams of causing trouble with my friends the Kongs only to be captured and eaten by K.Rool as an act of punishment against the Kongs? Didn't know why I liked that thought, but I just- kept coming back to it! Now I know why! Considering how H U G E he is compared to the Kongs in that last boss fight, um... G/t vore? Haha!
Slimes (from Sli.me Ran.cher)- We knew this was coming. Considering the very nature of our ranching-of-slimy-friends game, I couldn't help but think of plenty of pred and prey scenarios. But the best pred scenario I can think of is an inexperienced rancher coming across a gordo slime (which is a ton of slimes congealed into a larger one). Of course they're a dumb-bucket and decide to poke it when their vac-pac doesn't work, which leads to them getting stuck and sucked into the sticky, slimy mess. When they get free somehow, they embarrassingly admit it to another rancher who laughs. "Oh, that happens to everyone once."
TL:DR- Chibi has EXTREME CRUSH on several dapper bears and very clearly has a pred type [taller, larger, and stronger than her].
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apollosvotive · 4 years
a fanfic about the cinnamon salt cinnamon characters written for the writeblr fic exchange for @apricotwrites. i chose to write about jay because i felt like i could grasp his character the best, but i dont know a lot about the characters so hopefully there arent too many inaccuracies aaaa. hope this is okay!
Borneo is white sand shifting underfoot. Fat winged insects sluggishly dragging their heavy bodies from one flower to the next, the audible thrum of their wings. It’s the muggy air, the heat of the glowering sun as it pitches itself at the highest point of its trajectory. It’s the constant need to slap himself on the limbs multiple times to ward away a stray horde of hungry bloodsuckers. But still. Anywhere is better than home.
Jay lounges in the shade of a coconut tree, a hand beneath his head, listening to the sound of waves lapping against the shore. Even with his eyes closed, he can tell the rest are off a little ways down the beach from the loud splashing and occasional squeals of laughter. Sohla’s voice is clear and distinct. She’s shouting at Ruben something along the lines of ‘You have approximately half a brain cell in your head, Ruben, and that’s me being generous.’ Then comes Ruben’s indignant remonstrations and Birdie’s light, high laughter and Jay starts thinking all over again about how chance, how fortuitous, that the universe might allow the paths of these seven people to cross and become what they are now: together. A ragtag team of misfits, a family.
When he first set foot onto this island, it would have been impossible for him to even think about the fact that he might find a group of people who understand him on such a level. Of course, when he first set foot onto this island, he was still angry and alone and blameful, thinking thoughts about his leg or, more accurately, the lack of it. But then he met these guys, and he saw shy and quiet Will, prone to smiling to himself and listening, really listening when someone talks as if to make up for the fact that he cannot see them. Ruben, who, for all the clumsiness of his left foot, manages to banish any impressions of awkwardness with a simple, urbane smile. Or unpredictable Alison, lover of Shakespeare, Shelley, Dickens, names of the dead. She’s always got that strange smile playing on her lips as if she knows something he doesn’t. She keeps her thoughts close to herself, never one to wear her heart on her sleeve, but he has come to know to find glimpses of her in little things, like in the way her eyes are always roving, looking for her brother, never allowing herself to let him out of her sight.
Come to think of it, there’s one voice that he doesn’t hear, floating up to him from where the rest of them are.
“Why so antisocial?”
Warmth lands on his face, flooding the darkness of the back of his eyelids with orange. He cracks an eye open. Alison is in front of him. She has shifted a palm frond away so that it no longer blocks the sun from his face.
“Not my thing,” Jay says simply.
“No?” She folds her arms in front of her. “You’re the only one not down there. How about for once in your life, don’t be a sad ass party pooper?”
“You’re here with me,” he counters.
“Only so that you’re not up here withering by yourself,” she shoots right back, without missing a beat. She isn’t looking at him. Her eyes are directed at a spot on the sand. “Oh, look at me. I’m Jay, I’m so cool, too cool to go down to the water and have fun with the others. Sorry to ruin your daydream, Jay, but from down there, you don’t look like you’re in a 1080p montage shot in a Fincher-esque style with emo music playing in the background. From down there, you look like a sad… ant.”
“Ha-ha,” Jay deadpans. “And that’s all an English lit student can come up with? Now put back my leaf. And go find your brother.”
Alison gasps in mock-affront. “Do you bite your thumb at me, sir?”
“I do,” Jay says very seriously. “I do bite my thumb at you.”
“Unbelievable! Incomprehensible!” she cries. “Hell is empty and all the devils are here!”
Finally, she succeeds in wresting a laugh out of him. She’s obsessed with Shakespeare. She’s memorised hundreds of quotes across all his plays and she enjoys quoting it back at him to annoy the shit out of him, which is, evidently, an effective method in getting him to do things. He shakes his head, unable to stop the upward twitch of his lips, and he pointedly ignores the smug and satisfied look in her eyes.
“Come on, Jay.” She jerks her head in the direction of where the others are. “I won. Let’s go.”
He covers his eyes with his arms stubbornly.
She sighs. “What’s going on? Are you homesick?”
“Homesick?” He scoffs from beneath his arms, as if it's an absurd concept. “No.”
“Woah, okay. Must you say it like the Bubonic plague originated in the tiny town of Laurels, Maine?”
“Laurels, Maine,” he repeats slowly. Just saying the name brings back to mind the feeling of inexorable boredom. Days of endless repetition. Just work and sleep and work. Days of friendlessness and hushed whispering and guilt-filled glances at his leg. The problem with a small town is that everyone knows everyone. This means that everyone in the little town knows that it was an accident that took Jay’s leg away from him when he was twelve and everyone knows he’s never been quite the same since. “More like ‘Bumfuck, Middle of Bumfuck Nowhere’. Wouldn’t go back if you paid me to. I am perfectly happy where I am now, thank you very much. It’s up to the rest of them to not go all Lord of the Flies and start killing each other.”
“Oh, considering that out of the seven of us, the only person to not scream at the sight of spiders is Will and it’s because he’s blind, I wouldn’t put my money on it.”
“I don’t scream.”
“I saw your face when there was that spider in the toilet the other day. Face of a pants-pisser.”
“You’re dysfunctional.”
“Aw,” she says. “Thank you.”
“C’mon, Jay.” She tries again. One more attempt that sounds as though its approaching finality. Sometimes Jay wonders how many times he can push others away before they stop coming to him altogether. He’s spent so long in Laurels angry and alone, convinced that no one else in the world could understand him, that finding this group of people, on the island of Borneo, of all places, feels like a rare stroke of luck he isn’t meant to have, the only thing the universe has done right by him. And the thought of losing them, that he might push them away enough times for them to not bother anymore – it makes him scared.
There. He said it. It does. It makes him scared.
“They’re waiting for you. ”
After a moment’s hesitation, Jay moves his arms away. He squints against the light flooding back into his vision, then his vision settles and his eyes come to rest on the black silhouette blocking out the rest of the light that is Alison.
She extends a hand to him. He takes it and allows himself to be pulled up.
“This better be good,” he tells her. She makes to place a hand on his back to support him but he shakes his head and moves away. All these years with a prosthesis and he’s gotten used to it even over tricky terrain. In fact, it feels no different from his old leg until he looks down.
“Come on, cranky old man,” she says. “Let’s go.”
They walk down the beach to where the rest of them are. Perched contentedly under a large beach umbrella, Will and Nolan sit, listening to music. They share Nolan’s headphones. Each one holds the muff to their ears as they quietly listen to whatever’s filtering in. Depending on who has control of the aux, the song is most probably either a romantic ballad or an orchestral score. Nolan turns one of his stimming toys over and over in his other hand. Lying next to him is a half completed drawing of the beach. Down by the surf, Ruben has sand packed on top of his entire body so only his head is visible. Birdie and Sohla stand on either side of him, and the three of them appear to be bickering lightly.
“Make me a mermaid!” Ruben is saying. “Give me a sweet pair of conch-covered tits and a cool tail.”
“No,” Sohla says. “Make him a mole rat. Give him grabby claws and a skinny tail.”
Ruben’s head swivels around frantically to look at Birdie. “Don’t listen to her, Birdie. Do not make me a molerat.”
Birdie quirks an eyebrow at him. A lopsided smile spreads across her lips. “You know I can’t do that.”
“No!” Ruben’s protests are nearly drowned out by the sound of Birdie and Sohla’s laughter as they begin patting the sand surrounding Ruben into a rodent-like form. “I am the sand guardian, guardian of the sand! Poseidon quivers before me!”
“Clam it, Stuart Little,” Sohla says lightly, inciting a string of rapid-fire protestations from Ruben, and Alison turns to look at Jay and Jay – well, Jay can do nothing more but smile.
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miriossunshine · 4 years
hEy hey hEY~ I would like to request a Pro Heroes match up if possible ❤️Im a straight female, reaching a wooping 5'3 inches, with long dark brown hair & brown eyes, chubby cheeks & bod(got 'em bust & bums) and piercings on both ears. Im an INFP-T and honestly quite moody. I'm really polite with strangers (borderline awkward) and I subconsciously care about what others think about me but at the same time idgaf xD People that are rude and impolite in any way piss me off. I dislike confrontation and i strive to keep a peaceful environment around me, cause not the type to throw hands but im definitely killing you for the 46th time in my mind. Witty, sarcastic and memey with friends and family, can often be found lovingly insulting besties. My friends say that i am very dense when it comes to relationships so now im basically all like "if you guys wanna do the dirty, i surely wont get any subtle queues you drop, so just tell me in my face and i'll happily leave the room" (true story). My sense of humor can vary from intentionally lame jokes to really dark & inappropriate ones. I'm quite opinionated and stubborn with a strong sense of right and wrong. Im a great listener but i wont spill my problems to others and i usually tend to bottle them up. I love observing people (i swear its not as creepy as it sounds). Not really a conversation starter but certainly down for deep, long, existential talks. I'm also open-minded & patient af and I overthink/procrastinate a lot ^^" I feel like I secretly want attention but once I get it idk what to do with it ahsgajds. Alone time is essential for staying sane and relaxed. "Why cant everyone get along with each other" *sad face* but also secretly enjoys watching the world burn ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I like to believe that im independent but I feel like someone should probably be keeping an eye on me sometimes. A homebody and a night owl with tons of raging imagination. I usually squeal and grab/hit the person next to me when I find/see something cute (its a reflex, dont ask lol). Tend to cry like a baby at even the most minor emotional things but also can be a huge stoic freaking wall sometimes (no, i did not cry watching titanic, sUE me). I looove folklore & mythology as well! Daydreaming functions are working nonstop 24/7. Music is a big part of my life, it helps me relax and escape from the world.I also really enjoy watching movies! Fave genre would be horror and thrillers, especially super cringy bad thrillers, those are the best! And that's about it! Sorry, this was probably too long~ 👉👈
hi angel!!! of course! no don’t apologize, the info helps so much!! 💜💜💜 ty for requesting!!!
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i ship you with hawks!
keigo reminds you not to worry what others think of you, and is glad to see that you can be as carefree as him!
he knows it irritates you,, and bc of that he teases you all the time to test your patience cuz u dislike impoliteness hsjdksjdkandnnx
y’all are amazing at keeping ur cool, and just being overall really chill. you guys often share a look when someone is pissing u off that says you’re killing them mentally and hawks just knows ( ̄▽ ̄)
u guys are both witty and sarcastic, and have really similar senses of humor !
keigo snorts whenever your obliviousness to romantic gestures shows hehe. hawks is v blunt with you so that there’s no misunderstandings when he’s being romantic, he also often does this to fluster you hehe ><
he really admires your morals and strong opinions!! he sits and watches you with a proud smirk on his face whenever you defend your opinions because ur his baby and he’s so proud- HDNSKNSDNND
keigo can tell when you’re bottling your emotions up like it’s an extra sense, and will strategically get you to tell him what’s wrong bc he knows it’ll make you feel better in the long run. he’s a great listener with you and becomes quite serious when you tell him about your problems, giving logical advice and offering to give you any space u may need. <3
ur both very observant people!
he totally teases you about how you like attention and how u get unsure of how to handle it when receiving it hehe >< his attention doesn’t leave you for the rest of the day bc he knows it flusters u \(//∇//)\
keigo is very understanding of your needed space and alone time! he may get a little bored after a while cuz he misses you, which gives YOU the opportunity to tease HIM now hsjskajdkansbs >:D
he definitely understands that you’re independent in most cases,, but also 100% has a cautious eye on you at all times ZNDNMSNDBD
keigo likes listening to you ramble at night about whatever your imagination creates, just watching you with his head resting on the palm of his hand with pure love written on his face aaaa (*´꒳`*)
your reflex when you see something cute is adorable to hawks and when you grab him, he chuckles and pats your hand hehe (о´∀`о)
keigo is pretty good at hiding his emotions and coos at you humorously when you cry at the simplest things -3-
he finds your love of music endearing and loves how at peace you look when listening to your favorite songs ;(( 💜💜 he has a whole playlist compiling your favorite music and plays it when you’re chilling either in the car or at home 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
he can tell when you’re daydreaming by the look on your face when you’re lost in your imagination >< he’ll snap you out of it by bluntly asking if you’d tell him what was so interesting in that “pretty little head of yours” (//∇//)
you guys make a THING out of watching bad thriller movies together. it’s essential for every indoor date night you guys have!! ^0^ he keeps a pretty good poker face for the majority of the scarier horror movies, but can’t help but bust up laughing at the corny bad horror flicks hehe ( ̄∀ ̄)
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florihilda · 5 years
Just a little while longer, just a little further up-- and there is a beautiful, solemn place: apart from coin, apart from the endless war, apart from any sovereign other than the divine. 
(OOC: Here, have some accompanying music!)
The air seems impossibly thin, upon this remote mountainside-- but it only serves to make one’s lungs all the more strong. Flora breathes in deeply as she hoists herself over a steep ledge-- As much as she has numbed herself to her old fear of heights, it remains a relief to rest on solid ground again.
She stays there for a long while, resting on her back and staring up at the endless grey skies. There’s a faint crackle of levin in a faraway cloud-- but that hardly ever means much other than a spring shower, in these parts, so she doesn’t think about where to find shelter, or anything like this.
Her mind is swimming with questions that seem stupid, today. Stupid, but necessary-- “It is known that the first Fist attained the Destroyer’s sublimity at Schism, yes,” she starts again, pressing her dry, tired eyes shut, “but accounts and scriptures vary so much on the details. Was it he himself who announced to his followers that he had attained it? On his deathbed, he was said to have said this unto the man who cared for him. How-- how must he have felt? Was this what killed him? Had he known so much of the Destroyer that he-- became at peace with the death Rhalgr gave him? The mirage-- His mirage-- was it shattered in this way?”
Her brows knit for a moment, and she sits up, rubbing at her eye with a bandaged fist. As she told Martin, this faith was one of endless questions. She had envy for the Ishgardians, their Enchridion, their high Halonic masses at their cathedrals: One text, one orthodox faith-- well, mayhap it was all changing now, but the precedent, yes-- that solid, concrete precedent set was something to be envious of. “I wonder what they think of all of this-- My god of paradoxes, my faith of endless questions.”
She stands and looks down at the wasteland that stretches on and on-- Ala Ghiri is just a pretty blue stitch of embroidery on the horizon, from here, hidden behind a crest of red mountains. A little merchant caravan struggles by, on the road below-- Ul'dahn, no doubt, by the dead, languid, altitude-sick gait of the poor birds drawing the carriages.
She feels close to the world of men, still, when she sees this-- and she frowns. Just a little while longer, just a little further up-- and there is a beautiful, solemn place: apart from coin, apart from the endless war, apart from any sovereign other than the divine.
She travels and travels for bells, up a steep, rocky little trail that cuts into a little canyon. The further up she goes, little bits of fresh green vegetation sprout up from between the stones. “True knowledge of His sublimity comes to those who have spent their lives striving to know Him, but-- Ah, centuries ago, when our faith was so much more alive, I wonder--”
A pang of loneliness hits as she takes in the utter silence of this mountain path. Nothing at all like being packed into St. Reymanaud’s Cathedral, shoulder to shoulder with followers of Halone-- the hymns, the bells, the priest’s exaltations. With few notable exceptions, her days as an ascetic had been lonesome, and left her thirsty for discussion of the questions that kept appearing in her mind. “I wonder if it was easier, then, in those days-- to know Him truly. To-- to be among so many others, searching for the same closeness to Rhalgr as I am, who have taken that same vow.”
Flora briefly daydreams of what Sali Monastery must have been like in its prime, before it had become the ruin she called her home. Images flit through her head of the wizened old monks holding forums, discussing His nature-- and, finally, imparting this wisdom on the children the order had honored, by taking them as their own. It must have been such an idyllic world, there, in those days.
With some warmth, too, she thinks on Berrod, Autgar, N’hara-- And to some extent, Martin, too, was fast becoming part of this peculiar brotherhood of monks. “The Reformed Fist-- I’ve such high hopes. I owe them so much. I’ve my own role to play, among them. That much is certain.”
Autgar likened her to a priest, and often-- And more and more, each day, she had begun to see it, too. Mayhap she would not lead armies, or be a protector of the motherland. Mayhap she would never be a figurehead that the world of men respected, in any sense, because the world of men respects power and not much else-- And power could never entice her more than knowledge.
“And folk like me-- we have a place in the new Fists too, yes? Rhalgr did call me to be this way-- did he not?” She hardly ever smiles, but it’s thoughts like this-- yes, that will do it.
She finally comes upon a clearing-- the place she was looking for. The place carpeted in greenery, where the highland lilacs and the Rhalgr’s Gold bloomed with abandon. What stood in the center of this field was something strange, however: A small, wooden statue of the Destroyer. It seemed wrought not by the hand of a commissioned artisan, like so many other monuments close to the cities-- but by common, clumsy, naive hands like her own. She found offerings here, often-- offerings she had not left, herself. This was a holy place she shared with someone else, certainly, but she was unsure just how many others.
She had, in moons past, taken it upon herself to place something here of her own construction-- A plank of wood driven into the ground, with the following words carved in: “The land He strikes does not become barren.”
Whomever she shared this place with must have taken an interest to it. Every time Flora returned here, she’d find some manner of correspondence, always in the same shaky, meandering handwriting. Today was no exception-- at the base of the sign, sat a little bundle of papers, weighed down by a stone.
There’s a little scrap of folded paper on top that says “F. V.”
Flora’s heart skips a beat, when she sees it. “Ah!” She exclaims aloud, her voice echoing through the empty clearing. “Another letter-- and, ah-- it’s so much! What is all of this?” She gathers up the bundle, and unfolds the little note on top.
“I have transcribed this for you, from my own collection. Please tell me what you think. I look forward to your reply, as always.
V. M.”
“V.M., again!” Flora’s chest pounds. “How kind they are-- to always let me read such things! And this-- this is mine? Ah, what is it? Who--?”
Her excited, trembling hands thumb through the attached manuscript-- it appears to be an essay, of some sort, and a very dense one at that-- Written by a Brother Ewald, in the year 1328, the frontispiece says.
“It will take a few reads to make heads or tails of this, won’t it,” Flora admits to herself, plopping defeatedly onto the ground. V.M’s bizarre, frenetic handwriting doesn’t help matters at all.
But she settles herself in and starts to focus on the text, and it starts to make sense. The meaning of “one’s own mirage,” what it means to “best one’s own mirage--” The pieces of the Twelve hidden in all of their creations, obscured by the desires of man. Yes, yes, there’s a lot she agrees with, here, but-- “Ah, certainly ordinary men are driven by want, but this ought not mean ordinary men cannot be taught to seek His sublimity-- this is important! Our motherland was not so wounded in Brother Ewald’s time, certainly, but-- ah, this world of ours has seen much.”
Flora’s thoughts swirl and swirl until she realizes she’s come to the end of the essay. “O-Oh. Ah…” She gulps. “Mayhap I understood all of that, after all.” She has paper to write on, in her bag, and a pen her husband mistakenly left at Sali, last time he visited her there-- And V.M, it seems, does expect her thoughts.  
She sets the paper out in front of her, and begins, in the finest handwriting she can muster:
I am full glad, as always, to hear from you…” (tagging @berrodarmstrong, @dynamitecowboy, @nhara-tia, @friendly-fire-engaged because mentioned! THANKS FOR READING AAAA)
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ineffablenine · 3 years
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A One-Act Play by C. Torres
Theo – President of Student Council 
John – College Student, Childhood Friend of Theo 
Mona – College student, Lover of Theo 
Modern Era. Time of Pandemic.
The University of Adelaide, Australia
Scene 2
Monday. Cold Afternoon.
One of the Private University rooms for Student Councils.
MONA waits for THEO as he is busy organizing the limited classes.
I feel the happiest when it’s just us. 
(Holds THEO’s hands as soon as he walks in through the door. All smiles.)
Really? (Skeptical) You do? 
Yes, don’t you? 
(Tries to understand THEO’s answer.)
Of course, I do. (Stares at her while taking a seat.) Mona, who did you love first before you knew me?
How can I answer that? I don’t know. Maybe the same or different.
Different? Who is it then?
No one. It’s just I haven’t met you back then, perhaps it was the same; always been you. (Smirks) You are the love of my life, Theo. I thought you knew that.
(MONA hugs THEO as she gives assurance to him.)
Yeah? Sometimes, I don’t know what to believe anymore. Sometimes, I think I love you too much. 
Oh, that’s impossible. (Pulls THEO close because he is distancing himself and she whispers.) I can take all the love you have to give me. 
Tell me about you and Grey Wilson.
(THEO begins to look scary as he gets rid of MONA’s arm around him. The atmosphere gets intense.)
Ugh, Theo. (Facepalms) Tell you what? There is nothing to tell.
Mona, I’ve seen him look at you every rehearsal. I was there. (Exasperates) And today? Of all the things I could notice to him, the scent. I can smell the scent from the perfume I gave to you.
(THEO looks at her with disgust.)
So? Maybe it is just coincidental. Grey knows nothing and will never have me because I belong to you.
I know everything. When you laugh with him and the way you give him warm hugs and even kiss; seems no different when you are with me! (Shouts) I know you’re always with someone else; in the auditorium, when you are on your phone, and in your daydream. You were never mine.
It isn’t true. (Cries with an angry voice.) You’re scaring me, Theo. That is not you. What is the matter with you?!
You’re lying! (Exaggeratedly taps the table.) You just have to tell me the truth. 
This is madness! None of these are true. Whoever tells you this; (Coming to THEO while pointing her fingers to his chest.) they are completely foolish.
Stop! (Aggressively pushes her and MONA’s head violently hits the wall.)  No more lies, Mona. No. More. Lies. 
(MONA who looks pale, lays down on the floor while losing a lot of blood.)
You know how much I truly love you. (Faint voice) I did not keep secrets just to keep you. You’re the onl- (Fully stops)
(JOHN walks in and drops his things as he can see MONA on its last legs.)
T-Theo, what happened?! (Stutters with a loud voice.) How could you do that to her? (Puts his finger on MONA’s pulse.) You killed her. You killed her, Theo!
(THEO flusters while trying to wrap his mind on what’s happening and the last words of MONA.)
He cheated on me, John! (Scream-crying) If she lives, she will continue to betray others. I had to end betrayals!
No, Theo! No! That is very unreasonable. (Points out) I’m sorry If I will have to say this now, but I just said that Mona is cheating because I like her. I thought this will be the only way that you will break your relationship. I never expect that you will go this far! 
AAAA! (Shouts with despair.) Is that real, John?! You are the unreasonable here. You and your jealousy! I might also kill you in this state. 
*Photo from We Heart It on Pinterest*
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phantomfighters · 7 years
Hi I would like a match up :) I'm a heterosexual female who loves animals, music, gaming, and fashion. I'm very shy at first but as I get to know you I open up and become extremely outgoing. I do my best to be as cheerful as possible and I'm also pretty goofy. I love romance so I read a lot of shoujo manga, and at school I always daydream.
@allylefashion, I’d match you with Ryuji!
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i know a lot of people tend to think that ryuji needs someone just as outgoing as him, but i personally think he can get along just as well with someone who’s shy!
besides, you’ll open up later so ??? ITS PERFECT
at first ryuji would be totally curious about you since you said you don’t talk much at first
but as you get to know each other he realizes….. FUCK. THEYRE ACTUALLY A LOT LIKE ME AND ITS CUTE
ryuji would completely fall in love with your optimistic and goofy nature
like, completely
so like with him and his positivity and you with your cheerfulness? BOOM POWER COUPLE 2K17 (ah okay he’s actually my favorite so that hurt to say why do i break my own heart like this)
literally yall will walk into a room and just. light it up like the damn 4th of july
alright girl so if ryuji sees you reading your shoujo manga he’ll probably ask about it bc he’ll be curious about it (precious boy is always curious about the world around him)
but in turn that’ll probably cause you to start talking about it and !!! and get excited!!! and all of a sudden you’re talking about the whole plot of the manga
ryuji doesn’t exactly get it (he isn’t really into romance stuff so \shrug) but he tries his best to listen
but 🚨🚨BE CAREFUL🚨🚨
ryuji boy gets jealous VERY easily so if you pay more attention to the manga when he wants to hangout
“What do you even get out of that manga, anyways? I don’t understand it.”
“…….It’s… cute? H-Hey, are you saying I’m not cute?!”
“Of course I’m not cute I’m manly as hell”
if you get him REALLLLY pissed though he might end up resorting to… drastic measures
he’ll look for ways to distract you
“I-I’ll show you I’m ten times better than any boy you could read about in those mangas.”
ok i got so carried away i’m so sorry i just loved the manga idea (i love ryuji so muCh)
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babyange1face · 7 years
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Shinee World V in Dallas Fan Account
It literally took me two days to do this because I’ve been so emotional
this is going to be so long ;^;
I don’t even know where to start?!?!?
Aaaa okay wait. Yes I do. The beginning. Um?
Honestly, I’ve been a fan of Shinee for seven years now, and I always imagined and daydreamed about what it would be like to go to a Shinee concert. But absolutely nothing could have prepared me for the real thing. Nothing.
When the lights shut off and the intro to Hitchhiking came on (one of my favorite tracks!!) I thought I was ready like, yes finally after all these years of watching videos online and buying dvds, they’re gonna be standing right in front of me! Live in concert! And then it happened and I literally couldn’t deal!! My video for that song is so terrible because my hand was shaking, I was sHOOK, lol.
I had to stop recording for Why So Serious because I had adjust to the fact that I wasn’t watching a YouTube video and they were actually there!
Key started off the night perfectly, and he was really such a good host the entire night. The breaks in between when they spoke to us were such great moments. Keys “my Gucci burned” moment was so cute and funny. Jonghyun was laughing really hard as he told the story. Couldn’t help but laughed at his reaction when he told us he took of his clothes to give to his stylist and the fans started screaming. We caught him speaking into the mic offstage and he came out an explained later that he was whining about uncomfortable stage outfits for the next section lol. Idk he really brightened up the whole show I loved hearing him talk.
Onew. Oh Onew. Whats not to love? I went in expecting to melt because of his voice and I totally did. Every note he hit was perfect. But what really got me were his dance moves and his looks? Onew was serving looks okay!(also the thighs are so real, its one thing in pictures but in person? GIRL! I was so weak during Odd Eye idk how I even filmed that but I’m so glad I did bc Onew was killing it that performance. Waited forever to see him make the M.V.P. sign and it felt so good being able to do it with him ahhh! He radiated warmth the entire concert. Every time he smiled you could feel his warmth. A soft, sweet, musical angel.
Taemin is so impressive omg. He makes every move look so easy and relaxed, like he’s not even trying but I know he gave us his all. SO captivated by his solo Goodbye! Pretty sure I had my mouth open the entire time, just in awe of him. I noticed a couple of times watching my videos that during a couple of songs his mic and ear piece were bothering him? But I honestly had no idea he carried on so professionally. He mentioned in the concert he about not being able to relax, but the fairy prince was incredible. Oh and so dead when evilmaknae!taemin showed up interrupting Key: “we’re not talking about that”. Made my night LOL
Minho!! Homeboy was feeeling himself. My best friend and I always say there’s a member who shines the most each concert, and this was Minho’s concert okay!! Every time he came center stage fans screamed. No matter what he had our full attention. And I don’t know why he had to be so sexy but he was doing The Most™️. So many body rolls and hip thrusts I had continuous heart attacks. I have always loved Minho but, for whatever reason I never felt emotionally connected to him like I did with the other members? Until now. Baby was such a sweetheart the entire night! Nothing but fanservice and smiles. His personality, shined though and his bright spirit was contagious.
Last but certainly not least my ultimate bias Jonghyun. Omg my hearts throbbing just thinking about him. I fell in love with Jonghyun’s voice when I first heard him sing, he honestly moved me to tears. I always told myself that I’d if  I ever got the chance to see Replay live, I would cry. But I didn’t I was just really happy? Instead I cried during Selene 6.23. The second I heard Jonghyun’s voice the tears came. Because everything in that song, I could feel all of it in his voice. The fact that Jonghyun wrote song for international Shawols with the thought that we’re always so far away from them. Like I said, I always dreamed of seeing Shinee but that never seemed that something that could really happen. It was a dream. They always felt out of my reach. And hearing him sing those lyrics I always identified with in person, with such soul? It sound so sappy to say this, but it was the moment I realized my dream came true. It really touched my heart.
Gosh there’s so much to talk about. The fans were great too!
I met a fan named Amber, and she took me and my friend to the concert and around the Korea town in Dallas. LOVE her! Super sweet. She made my trip tbh. By the end of it I couldn’t believe we’d just met I felt so comfortable with her. Shawols are really the best. Were so friendly! I live for interactions like that.
The energy of the crowd was honestly the best thing. You could hear everyone singing before the concert started and the intro of the song. I really felt like I was a part of something so great! Everyone I meet, in line before the concert and sitting next to me were so sweet and so excited. During Ready or Not and Savior everyone was so happy jumping and singing along. Whenever Minho would wave his hands and give us direction to swing our fanlight the stadium looked like a beautiful sea of aqua. 
The best and worst part was the end. I always wanted to be in the confetti pit of a concert and it blew my mind when it all started raining down during An Encore. A girl next to me said it looked like a confetti crown in my hair lol. But then it was over! Seeing them disappear behind that curtain was so heartbreaking. I didn’t want any of it to end.
I usually get post concert depression but I’ve been smiling ever since I left the theater. It was such an honor to be able to sing with Shinee and watch them preform. I’m just so grateful to have had to opportunity to see them.
Long story short, I love Shinee. lol. The love I had for them multiplied a thousand times over now that I’ve seen them live.
All I can say is I just feel so, so very blessed and I love them with all my heart.♡
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