#its all that compounded that makes katsuki want to strangle him even mORE
seiwas · 6 months
Oof a jealous Katsuki bc of shout 🥰 say less
it’s what my dreams are made of nonie
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ochcko · 5 years
@kvtsvki​ turned in their slip for a feels trip--
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"--but I just... I...” Ochako’s voice wavered, but ultimately refused to crack even as her free hand rose to rub her knuckle against her eye, the attempt made in vain to quell the traitorous flood of tears that she was, ultimately, unable to suppress. It was just another failure, compounding the sting of falling short against Bakugou. Even if she knew, logically, that she had fought valiantly and put up more of a fight than just about everyone had thought her capable of... she’d still lost. Worse yet, past the bone-rattling explosions that had been hurled at her, she’d heard the crowd reacting like she hadn’t had a chance--like he’d been toying with her. So while she knew some would see her value, see that she was a fighter, so many more would just gloss it over, treat her like she hadn’t done anything but been a faceless body in the way of Katsuki’s meteoric rise to the finals.
Like she was forgettable, and that... that was a thought that sank that optimistic spirit.
Dimly, she could hear her parents on speaker phone on their end--her father reassuring her that there would be other opportunities, her mother saying that they were so proud of her regardless of if she won or lost--and while their words usually gave her comfort? This time, they cut her deep, a shaking swallow catching on a sob near its end. No, no--she couldn’t let them hear her cry. She had to... had... to...
“Everyone was watching, and so much was riding on me making it past him! Now, who’s gonna want to work with me? What pro’s gonna want someone that couldn’t even make it to the second round?”
...had... to...
A strangled sound left her, a hand cupping over her mouth as her composure silently shattered, tears streaming down her cheeks as she still tried her damndest to keep it quiet. While it was working on her parents somewhat--or maybe they were pretending not to notice so that they didn’t upset her further?--anyone that happened to walk into the room would have her dead to rights even if her back was turned. After all, there’s only one reason that her shoulders would be quivering like that.
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