#its always whatever he predicts and my willpower to prove him wrong was never enough for whenever we’d turn a corner or go in a room
apeshit · 2 years
just had a super lucid dream but i was scared the whole time so it wasnt super fun
#canto vii#i got to fly this time and it helped me be less scared because i got to establish that i was the only flying person in that world#AND#in previous flying dreams ive had issues with starting up from nothing / still air and always flew rly slow#but this time i had hummingbird wings which was much better 👍 smart#if i was stuck inside and scared i would just fly up to the ceiling#i was in this movie theater by myself that was showing jerma stuff#and a guy walks in from the front and i follow him out and hold his hand becUse im scared as fuck of the dark giant PT-like 4 hallway buildi#ng we’re in once we step outside of the theater room#and he keeps telling me hell take me to the exit but he keeps announcing whats going to happen so ut takes my ability to lucid dream away bc#its always whatever he predicts and my willpower to prove him wrong was never enough for whenever we’d turn a corner or go in a room#until one time i tell him to stop talking and go ‘this is outside right??? it is!! lets go!’#and then it was#and then i left him and flew up high and tried to find a place to live on the island i was on#it felt like kikis delivery service#but also incould interact with a mini version of every house on the map like wooden hollow fake houses with fake people inside#but they were like 1.5 inch wide house figures#there were a lot of couples with a lottt of childreb#i dint think i ever went to a house#i started dreaming of being in my house with jett but i still had wings but i was scared#like i knew i was dreaming but was afraid of the dream becoming scary
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sailourpastel · 7 years
Cold turkey in Kyrgyzstan. Facing Inner Demons: Stories of recovering drug addicts
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Cold turkey in Kyrgyzstan. Facing Inner Demons: Stories of recovering drug addicts
Yes yeah your life flashes before your eyes Roslin and you start seeing connections between things yes good woman mine's a simple story wedding spielen started with a beer kissy girl that led to a joint NASA voice and then it got more serious thirty-three-year-old you've gained E is heroin dependent he's married with a child and has used drugs since he was 18 they're no good to you I've taken drugs since the early nineties but Abu Morton it was trendy then one and I was young and stupid war we thought it was something special and I wanted to stand out from the crowd Sergei is 37 with a wife and son he's been heroin-addicted for 16 years when I was 19 did it not yet Mitchell I started taking oxycontin then they went up to 120 dollars each instead of 60 lavazza and they weren't that easy to get anyway then a friend offered me some heroin to try gleb is 24 he lives in the USA with his parents he's been arrow independent for five years the Central Asian state of Kyrgyzstan is a mountain country between the Tian Shan and pamir ranges with beautifully picturesque scenery of wide valleys and stunning lakes what you look like a lot of my patients are ordinary good well bred and educated people but because of different circumstances they found themselves in this position yep see society the government and the politicians generally have no idea cool the drug and its are young or what it means to have one in the family addicts from all over the world have been coming here for more than 20 years when they hit rock bottom they seek help in Kyrgyzstan when you have gained his life was in danger his family brought him to the clinic his wife Maria came with him soon we bought a new car yes yes and I really wanted to keep the sons I hoped I'd be able to drive myself but I just couldn't that's what made me realize that I really needed help the whole point is that he's come off his own free will I didn't want to force him it would be useless if it hadn't been his decisions I didn't want to come at first he has to really want to do it I didn't have enough willpower maria fell in love at her dream wedding and then the child she always wanted with her man at her side it was a shock to learn that her husband was a drug user his sister was the first to realize he had a problem lookin saying you I wouldn't really believe it she tried hard to open my eyes how can you not see it she asked but I just refused to believe I said it couldn't possibly be true suppose it's only natural a woman always thinks her man is the best in the world is the illusion of all the close friends I've ever had only one is still alive some overdosed others were killed or died in prison well well this isn't exactly what you'd call a safe way of life it's been a long road I should have come here way back in 93 but the truth is that I was sent to prison several times and so it wasn't something I could do once the body becomes accustomed to drugs it needs them all the time when addicts don't get the heroin they crave they experience withdrawal symptoms which often include acute pain so their patients are not subjected to that torture the doctors chemically induce a coma this who's his doctor I am his name's of Dar has 29 and at the moment he's going through his fourth blockade he's been taking drugs for five years from 2005 here occasionally used marijuana and then harun from 2007 to 2009 for the last six months has been on crystal meth he alternates between drugs and has taken heroin about once a month in the last six months now he says he's ready for the pilgrimage yellow yellow we give new patients a thorough examination first of all and carry out all the necessary tests after that we individually select the best treatment method for each of them what they think oh so for some patients as few as three or four sessions are enough while others may need five or six or even more comfort they are comfortable in this state cousin you see literally if their temperature rises or the pulse rate increases because of sympathy and renal attack or if the patient's life is in danger that we can bring them out of induced coma at any time there is an antidote drug addicts don't only endanger themselves but also the lives of their families and friends parents spouses and children always suffer as well relatives usually go with the patients to the clinic they take the long road to recovery together loomis today I think by now you all know that the treatment they go through is quite tough and it's easier for the patients when it's a family member who looks after them when a family first becomes aware of addiction the first reactions are often confusion panic and anger doctors describe close relatives of drug users as codependent well as in bloody man what are you feeling now just listen what are you thinking about my only thought is about how to get rid of it what to do right what to do yeah how to help yes what I can do to help haunts me what can be done what steps to take at the organ y NOS llamo the incredible sense of guilt is tearing us apart that make you it's haunting and depressing the birthday that's got that how could it have happened why did it happen to my child story unions what did I overlooked but it's gonna depend what did I do wrong cuz the richness that's what happens when a person's mind is consumed with thinking about someone else another Aquabat sir sometimes these thoughts just take up too much space in your brain it's like that that's what work so you don't have much time left to develop your mind and personality am i right the treatment is intended to help not just the patients but their families as well to ease their guilt pain and fear once a drug addict does give up heroin perseverance is vital for that they need to be calm and relaxed rock-hopper they are medicated so they can continue their psychotherapy treatment with a clear mind we'll work with them for at least a week but that varies for different patients in the con average the psychotherapy takes seven days we can predict quite accurately which of our patients is most likely to fight until the end and which will break what's the swing if they don't have the inner strength will power and an intense desire to overcome their addiction and then it is highly likely that one day maybe much later after a year or even ten they'll eventually started taking drugs again Gleb was always an adrenaline junkie and an extreme-sports enthusiasts he first tried heroin in his search for yet another high nips toy wake up clever clever time to get up brush knees he liked it and was hooked that's how he ended up here in the kyrgyz clinic you're beautiful what first interested me about him was the fact that he'd come from the USA at that time malev was the youngest of my patients that made him the most difficult he was 22 and wanted to see everything there is to see in the world he's full of illusions that's impossible to persuade him of anything he never listens to anyone klebs parents brought him to the clinic last year but he couldn't make it through the treatment he gave up and went home whatever we keep in touch with patients for six months after the treatment we learned that he was taking five pills instead of the one he was prescribed he knew what he was doing but he's a thrill seeker and he was but for a dhryn alene ah the medicine overdose was far too much for him he nearly died now Gleb is back at the clinic to complete his treatment to prove to himself and the doctors that he can do it even at the clinic there is still temptations after the coma stage you have gained II met a patient who invited him to smoke some weed well that's bullshit we had a huge row we have no secrets from each other so one day he just came out and said that he wanted to smoke marijuana I told her honestly that they had offered me some to smoke than I did he said I couldn't say no and then the doctors had to bring me around we use what's called the stress energetic psychotherapy method which first appeared in 1988 any mental disorder is linked to the soul especially we're talking about drug or alcohol addiction it's all rooted in our emotional experience on the shores of Lake is it cool the patients take a 24-hour vow of silence they live or stare lives and meditate in search of inner peace for this spiritual journey everyone chooses their own ritual stone they try to transfer all their fears pain and drug-filled past into their stones the UH LaBelle pass is about 3,000 meters above sea level and marks the starting point for each patient's final trial the pilgrimage 250 kilometers of rugged mountain terrain they'll have to negotiate it on foot and they're likely to suffer from heat cold sore feet and lack of oxygen gleb attempted the pilgrimage last year but failed the rough hike proves too much for him after 50 kilometers the young man could go no further nobody tell me I hurt my back badly either way you have to get out of  here look around and make a decision and just it's not that I didn't want to I did show up after all show me where it hurts was here I jumped onto a snowboard to put him about 30 meters and missed now every step I take hurts but it's tonight Gleb our first stop is in two and a half kilometers look what's the point I could go on but what for so you're not going I could go on but it's pointless well at least you'd get that far but I know that I won't get any further what if you really want to give up no but I already know I won't make it when it came to picking a stone I chose a huge one it must have been about eight kilos I think that she's doing I didn't know then that I'd have to carry it 250 kilometers that's why it ended up so badly I have problems with my back I nearly broke my spine when I was 15 so on the first day my back hurt like crazy but they even wanted to give up but decided against it I walked for three days but as my stone was too heavy I broke it into pieces to make it lighter and was disqualified yes now though I've come again to finish the whole 250 kilometers who's a good little glib a lot of people were against bringing you back to the clinic do you understand they still don't really want you here but we've decided to give you a second chance give gainey has also begun his pilgrimage which should take about a week one of the doctors accompanies him and an ambulance delivers everything he might need medicines water and attempt to sleep in this is the second day wow I've got four or five to go it all depends on how fast I can hike there isn't happen to be honest I thought it would be easier especially the first day I didn't think 60k a day would be too difficult I did 20 k and then another 10 and that's when it got really hard for the last 5 or 10 kilometers I haven't been walking as much as crawling yes with you bear Seattle while you're walking your life flashes before your eyes then you start seeing connections between things ok I think about my future about everything really Moisture mobile showroom where there's no one to talk to you so sometimes I hum tunes to myself yeah yellow suit I'm preparing a surprise for my dear husband I want to show him how much I love him of course he already knows good but I want him to read my banner from the mountain so you can see for himself it's stuff up there I want at least to make his last two kilometers a little easier so he'll hurry knowing i'm waiting for him there's no stable means we miss each other so much which Allah silber Maria stood by her husband at every stage of the treatment they cried argued and made up together hoping he'd recover was he a strong man probably if he can do it he hasn't yet he's only been walking for three days he can do it you're confident right I have no doubt at all I know he can make it to the end what will you do if he started taking drugs again again no he won't I'm sure I don't even want to think about it what if well I'd stand by him to the end if he breaks we'll try to cure him again well done what a woman not everyone can cope with the test of the pilgrimage some patients need to face emotional rather than physical trials I'm not well enough to go on the pilgrimage listen there's not the airport I'd like to but I know I'm just not strong enough to get through it what a confusion was it so if you think about it shock therapy seems to be quite a reasonable alternative doctors call this stress energetic psychotherapy but in layman's terms it's shock therapy he came to us was serious withdrawal symptoms and went through six black aids monkey are you sure in your own mind that you'd give up one hundred percent why do you think so many people say that I don't know you have some experience of the criminal world right sure I know it inside out many say they're one hundred percent sure and the next thing they're shooting up again I don't know about them but i can give you my word I'm a man and I always keep my promises that's how I was brought up the doctors have decided that after his induced coma and therapy sessions Sergei should now be given shock therapy at first he couldn't make up his mind he wanted to go on the pilgrimage she said I want to carry this stone with my past and my pain I can do it Sergei has survived severe trials before he was in solitary confinement in prison and I'm sure he can pass the test but the big question though is how important it is to him so I think that for him stress energetic psychotherapy is the best option the procedure takes half an hour the doctors think of it as a psychological reboot bright lights loud shouting and aggressive clapping help clear and reprogram the patient's mind the process induces a cathartic state ok that before it's a little like hypnosis thank you slowly we repeat you're strong you're powerful you can do it there's no need for drugs in your life anymore and these subliminal thoughts become imprinted in their minds the next day these ideas get stuck in their heads though they don't remember the actual words when you say gleb sets out on his pilgrimage again this time he's chosen a smaller stone which will be physically easier for him but psychologically much harder loving parents and a good career are waiting for him at home and he's promised to come back cured romola doom cocky I wanted him to remember the exact moment that he finished his journey Stephanie malish I wanted to make it special mr. i know it was quite a demanding experience for him and I'm so proud of him for proving he was able to do it a cleansing summer rain shower began just as you've gained he completed his week-long pilgrimage the treatment was over the patient's rid themselves of their negative past by discarding their stones and symbolically burning their troubles on the sacred touchdown at our Mountain the most important thing is that I've saved my marriage all this is thanks to my wife who's waited 16 years for me after the treatment Sergei kept in touch with the clinic for a month he claims to have stopped taking drugs now he's not answering his phone and no one knows where he is yo I've been going to university for five years and still have no degree but now i am going to graduate Gleb finished his pilgrimage and returned to the USA he doesn't take drugs and has taken up extreme sports again he is convinced he will never return to abusing drugs again shit up bullet though I flew a paraglider yesterday and I'm thinking of buying one the euros where I live a perfect for it you've gained Ian Maria have returned to their hometown and changed their social circle if gaining has found a new job now it has taken no drugs for six months he wants to give up smoking and hopes for a second child you
See more here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XD58-3aDgDg
drug rehabilitation centers
Source: http://eliterehaballiance.com/video-blog/cold-turkey-in-kyrgyzstan-facing-inner-demons-stories-of-recovering-drug-addicts
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