#it felt like kikis delivery service
sword-of-stardust · 8 months
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The Endless Cycle of Burnout and Recovery
[Kiki's Delivery Service - dir. Hayao Miyazaki // bestinsio (Twitter) // grocerystoredean (Tumblr) // The Oh Hellos, Boreas // Kiki's Delivery Service // Mitski, A Burning Hill // sea-mists (Tumblr) // clonist (Tumblr) // Mary Oliver, Wild Geese // MrTechnodad (Reddit) // My Chemical Romance, The Foundations of Decay // that-house (Tumblr) // stuckinapril (Tumblr) // elytrians (Tumblr) // Kiki's Delivery Service]
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jasonisaacs · 11 days
i finally finished reading a 400+ paged book that i struggled with and really did not enjoy omg but at least it’s over now…. i really need to stop forcing myself to finish books that i do not like/enjoy because it’s starting to ruin my love for reading!!
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espytalks · 1 year
Spirited away's the best one so far. Amazing.
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slytherinshua · 9 months
genre. fluff. kiki's delivery service au-ish. a lil mutual pining. warnings. reader is basically kiki and sohee is basically tombo lol. some psychic magic mentioned. it's mostly just them being whipped for each other. osono cameo cause she's mvp fr. pairing. sohee x witch!reader. wc. 2.5k. a/n. the riize brainrot is SO REAL. idk why i felt sohee would fit the role of tombo so perfectly hes just sooo 💔💔 i love him guys 🥹
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Sohee was 97.62436% sure that he was going crazy when he first saw you flying on a broomstick through the city. Of course, the other 2.37564% that had gone completely insane was fascinated, excited, and probably (definitely) head over heels in love.
He lived in a small town. One where the word went around like a whirlwind as soon as anyone new moved in. It was the most exciting thing that could happen for the residents there, especially when the newcomer happened to be a very pretty girl from a rich city. 
Most people would move out of the town when they reached 20 or so to discover themselves. Yet they always seemed to find their way back when they were a bit more settled. It was a rite of passage— a route to adulthood that almost everyone assumed the youth of the town would take. Sohee liked his town, though, and didn’t feel any need to move away. He had already discovered himself enough to know what he wanted to do with his life. 
There were exciting things to do that he doubted he would be able to do anywhere else. Visiting the town’s grandpa that ran the old antique shop, getting free candy from the young lady who ran the candy store after the old owner had passed away, seeing every new addition to the art gallery from the aspiring painters and sculptors in town. And, his favourite activity: investigating the old junk yard for spare parts to make his newest models.
Sohee liked to call himself an inventor. It felt spiffy and official. He showed off every new creation he pieced together with rusted tools and even rustier bits of metal like it was the next world-changing invention. He could spend hours in his dad’s old workshop working with nuts and bolts, seeing what the pieces could make once they came together.
He had been determined to make a flying vehicle for years now. After finding a beautiful old wind turbine in the junkyard when he was 14, he had started planning mock-ups for a bicycle. He would attach the turbine in front of it so that when you pedalled, the turbine spinned. The hope was that with enough inertia, you could eventually lift off the ground with it. He was skeptical that it would actually work, though.
He hadn’t officially talked to you yet. You had been in town for a couple days now, staying with the couple that ran the local bakery. Sohee thought you were absolutely beautiful from the moment he first saw you. He had been riding his bicycle past the bakery on his way to the carpenters to pick up some tools. One glance at you through the window had him abruptly pushing on the brakes, eyes going wide.
Maybe it was a bit of an exaggeration, but you looked like an angel. Or a goddess. Or a fairy. Sohee couldn’t decide which one, but he knew that you were the most stunning person he had ever seen. Since that day, he kept running into you in town, but his own nervousness had stopped him from talking to you properly. He had held a few conversations; enough to know your name and age, but clearly not enough to know that you could fly through the air.
Now, he was staring wide-eyed at the clouds, watching you soar just beneath them so effortlessly. He craned his head to watch you as long as he could before you disappeared behind the clock tower.
“Woah…” He whispered, jaw dropped in an awestruck expression. 
“She’s quite the girl, isn’t she?” 
Sohee turned to the side, nodding in agreement with what Osono, the bakery lady, had said.
“She’s amazing. Do you know how she does it?” He asked with a grin.
“Haven’t you heard by now, Sohee? She’s a witch! She chose our town to do her witch training.” Osono explained.
“That’s incredible! I didn’t even know witches actually existed! Do you know what she’s training in?!” Sohee felt like his brain was spinning at a speed incomprehensible to mankind. He kept thinking of more and more questions about you. He’d never seen anyone quite like you before, and the more he learned, the more intrigued he became.
“She said she’s still figuring it out— but she’s interested in love readings. For now, she’s using her flying skills to help me and the town. She’s an excellent delivery girl!” Osono beamed.
“Love readings…?” Sohee pondered the idea on his way back home. The next day, he found himself at the town’s library, scanning through the small section on magic and witches with more focus than he had put to almost anything.
“Miss witch, I’d like to get a love reading!” He announced happily, swinging open the door to the bakery where you were seated at the counter, seconds away from falling asleep due to the lack of customers. You jerked up at the sound of Sohee, immediately knowing that it was him from his playful nickname for you— miss witch.
“Really!? You want one!?” You jumped up from your seat and rushed around the counter to be face to face with him. Sohee had become your first friend in town. After he had seen you fly that day, he discovered the key to talking to you without being awkward. You could fly and he wanted to fly. There was a perfect common interest.
You loved talking to Sohee. He was infinitely more interesting than the kids back at your old home, most of which were stuck up and rude. Sohee was bright and kind and full of imagination and dreams and inspiration. He never got bored of you talking about being a witch, and you never got bored of hearing about his new inventions. You had never clicked so well with someone before.
There was also the fact that he was the prettiest boy you’d ever seen. But that was… less important. You had a bad habit of crushing on boys without it ever going anywhere. You were determined not to repeat that disaster a sixth time.
“It would be my great honour to be your very first customer.” Sohee said dramatically, making you giggle with excitement. 
“Well, then, dear client, shall we go to my witch lair? I can’t perform the reading anywhere else.” You responded, matching his dramatics perfectly. He grinned and nodded and you grabbed his wrist to lead him upstairs.
“It’s a bit messy— give me a second!” You rushed around your small attic space that Osono had been so kind to let you stay in for free. You hurriedly put away the food that you had gotten for breakfast and shoved some odd trinkets under your bed so that they were hidden. Sohee just watched, his heart racing. He really needed to get that under control.
“Where’s my witching supplies- Aha! Here it is!” You held up a small purple box, bejewelled with gold ornaments. It looked ancient and rusty— exactly the type of artifact that Sohee loved.
You set down a thin blanket on the wooden floor before taking out the little baubles and setting them in the middle of the fabric. Sohee sat on one end, and you on the other. 
“Alright, mister… I have a series of questions, but for this to work, you must answer them completely honestly. If you lie even once, the whole thing will be messed up!” You had put on your mother’s joke witches had for fun. The sight made Sohee laugh, especially when you deepened your voice to sound old as you explained how things would work.
“I got it. I’ll tell only the truth.” Sohee promised.
“Once you answer all the questions, I’ll flip over this blank card. If everything works out, the name of the person you love the most will slowly appear before your eyes! Now… Are you ready?” You quirked an eyebrow, staring seriously at him even though on the inside you were about to burst with excitement. It was your dream to open your own love reading business. You just weren’t completely sure if you were good enough at it yet.
Sohee nodded eagerly, a mix of excitement and nervousness stewing inside of him. He wasn’t sure exactly what to expect, so he carefully followed along with what you did to make sure he didn’t mess anything up. You closed your eyes and he followed suit.
The questions you asked started out simple, without Sohee needing to deliberate before delivering the honest answer to you. But as they went on, they got more complex and more personal. Sohee had never doubted your abilities as a witch, but he hadn’t expected you to be able to see right through him.
“Last question…”
“Mhm?” Sohee could feel his stomach twist in nervousness, but he breathed steadily to try to calm his nerves.
“Do you believe yourself to be in love with someone at this current moment?” 
Sohee swallowed slowly, his mouth and throat feeling parched all of a sudden. He took his time to think through it, though the answer was almost painfully obvious. He had never been more in love in his entire life.
“Yes.” He finally answered with certainty, a slight burden lifting off his chest. It was almost as if he was confessing to you in a way— and though he didn’t say it directly, it still eased some of his anxiety. He opened his eyes hesitantly after answering to see your face scrunched in concentration.
“No way-” You opened your eyes as well, frowning in confusion and looking up to Sohee with a questioning gaze. “By any chance are you…?” 
“Huh?” Sohee blinked, confused at your actions. You shook your head quickly and stared down at the blank card.
“Are you ready?” 
The air felt a little tense as you slowly flipped over the black card. You held your hand over it for a few seconds, shielding it from Sohee’s curious view. You lifted your hand carefully once you were sure it had worked and watched as the name slowly appeared on the card.
You sat in frozen shock once you read the name on the card, struggling to process what you had seen. Your name was displayed on the card, clearer than ever. There was no way that anyone could possibly mistake it or misread it, but you just couldn’t believe it.
“It- we- we must’ve messed it up somehow! There’s no way that’s- It must’ve got me confused, right!?” Sohee spluttered helplessly, his entire face a bright shade of red. Somehow in his calculations, he didn’t expect for the card to expose him that horrendously, right in front of you as well.
“I don’t think we did it wrong, though… Everything felt… right.” You said quietly. “Do you… like me?” You could barely get the words to come out of your throat. 
There were some parts of your magic that you still needed time to trust completely. Flying had always been easy in that aspect; you either flew or you didn’t. But when it came to love readings, you wondered how likely it was that your magic had gotten messed up. You liked to be whimsical and believe that your love readings could be completely accurate, but your confidence had never been as low as in this moment. 
However nervous you were feeling, it was a thousand times worse for Sohee. You had a small inkling of hope— hope that he would say yes. But for Sohee, he could only think of the possible rejection. Or the even worse possibility that this would tear apart your friendship.
“Yes…?” Sohee whispered out to you. You had never heard him this nervous or quiet before.
“Really? Are you sure?” You asked again, this time with a little more voice and hope surging in you. Sohee must have picked up on the hopeful tone, as he answered yes again, this time with more certainty. 
“Then the reading wasn’t wrong?! You actually like me?” Your hand clasped over your mouth before you could ramble anymore in your state of disbelief. 
“What about you? I mean… you probably don’t, right? But maybe…?” Sohee couldn’t help but be hopeful for your response, but he held himself back from being too expectant on the response he was dreaming for. 
“Do I like you back?! Of course I do- It wasn’t obvious before now?” You stuttered in disbelief.
“I mean- I hoped you did, but I couldn’t be sure.” Sohee clarified. The tension in the room had completely dissipated by now, and your smiles were slowly coming back as the reality settled in. 
“I’ve liked you since I moved here, I think. Didn’t you ever question why we kept running into each other before we became friends?” 
“No? I just thought it was a lucky coincidence.” Sohee admitted with a laugh.
“It was because whenever I spotted you biking around town, I’d land in a street nearby and pretend like I was always walking that way just to cross paths with you!” You corrected stubbornly. Now that it was clear that the feelings were mutual, you wanted him to know the effort that you went through to get closer to him.
“I also started going past the bakery on my way home. It added an extra 5 minutes to my route, but it was worth it to see you working through the glass window.” He scratched the back of his neck shyly, mirroring your smile when your eyes brightened at hearing his confession. 
“So… what now?” You questioned suddenly after a prolonged silence of both of you trying to stare at the other while simultaneously trying your best not to look obvious.
“Would you go out with me?” Sohee asked excitedly. “Oh shoot- I should’ve gotten flowers first. Wait here- I’ll be quick!” He stammered, rushing out of the room before you could stop him. He was gone only long enough for you to giggle in delight while you cleaned up the supplies you had laid out. Your witching skills had come in handy in the best of ways.
He was out of breath by the time he burst open the door again, but his eyes had never glimmered any brighter. He held a bouquet of pink and white roses, a little squished on one side from the rush he had been in. 
“You know you didn’t have to go buy these…” You bit back a smile, taking the pretty flowers from his hands.
“My mom always said the best way to charm a lady was with flowers.” He panted and grinned at you cheekily when you shot him a look. You smiled as you sniffed the sweet scent of the roses. Sohee was about to say something else, but you pulled him into a tight hug before he could start, the unexpected gesture knocking all words he had into another dimension.
“I really like you, Sohee.” You whispered, your smile twinkling as you rested your head on his shoulder. 
He took a second to get over the shock of you hugging him before he was wrapping his arms around your frame as well, mumbling back, “Me too.”
↳ riize taglist: @eternalgyu,, @kangtaehyunzzz,, @weird-bookworm,, @haecien
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punkpandapatrixk · 8 months
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🍯New Age Money ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
‘When I was small, God was around and curiously granted my every wish. Now a grownup, I still believe that miracles do happen and that alone gets me up in the morning with such gladness.
And if I am enveloped by a peaceful sun filtering through the branches as I open my curtains, I am sure, everything before my eyes is a message.
When I was small, God was around and sent Love my way every day. And now, it is time I opened that precious box that’s been forgotten, kept hidden in a corner of my heart.
And if I am enveloped by the soft fragrance of cape jasmine in a garden awash by rain, I am sure, everything before my eyes is a message.’
– When I’m Surrounded by Kindness from Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989)
あなたの特技!Surely everybody was born into this world carrying some precious boxes of God-given talents. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to open those boxes and monetise such talents with Soul?
SONG: Yasashisa ni Tsutsumareta nara by Matsutoya Yumi
MOVIE: Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989)
[PAC Masterlist] [Part 2] [Part 3]
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Pile 1 – ‘Harry, you’re a Witch!’
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untapped divine talents – Queen of Cups
Hey, magical creature~ You literally possess mystical powers but you probably didn’t even know~! You’re a sensual being, like a siren, who has an innate ability to feel what others can’t easily perceive. Naturally, this translates into your being highly intuitive, empathetic, imaginative—and you might’ve felt like this world wasn’t made for you. Psychics are incredibly sensitive people and you could’ve felt out of place most of your Life, but as the insightful Jiddu Krishnamurti said: sensitivity is the highest form of intelligence. We’re talkin’ EQ here😘
Someone like you was definitely not built for any kind of money-making endeavour that doesn’t allow you to be sensitive to the needs of others. There’s meaning in your being emotionally attuned and imaginative; even if—for example—you feel that your calling is to become an author, even in your writing it’s clear there’s a purpose of healing those who come into contact with your Art. If you’ve chosen this as your main pile, you literally possess some innate ability to heal others and this explains why you’ve always had the urge to make the world a better place🌍
You see, back in those long-gone days, those who were called witches were really scientists, teachers and healers. The word ‘witch’ comes from ‘wicca’ which means the wise one. Wicca (male) and wicce (female) were the knowledgeable ones who sought to apply their wealth of information and perspectives for the betterment of others as that’s how knowledge becomes wisdom. There is an untapped divine talent resting in you and it is your ability to feel through your psychic senses what society is lacking in terms of its maintenance of its own sanity🎭
YOU, literally hold all the ingredients necessary for a once in a lifetime breakthrough that could potentially heal all of Mankind for centuries to come~🌻
karmic/dharmic opportunities – XIII Death
I betcha you have significant Scorpio influences or 8th House placements or a specifically strong Pluto/Neptune presence in your natal chart. It could be that shortly before you were born someone quite spiritual/religious/magickal in your bloodline had passed away and it almost feels like you were born to pick up the pieces they had left. I betcha that some of your innate interests since childhood or pursuits you feel very strongly about that may have developed later in Life were inspired by or related to that relative/ancestor, one way or another. Like you just share similar patterns of behaviour, interests or even thought processes🦜
What you can really take away from all of this is that you have a purpose higher than yourself. That you came with specific blueprints and that your whole Life, your sense of purpose or mission, all of that is a group project you share with many Souls in the Higher Realms. Only high-vibrational peeps will really resonate with this message😊And that in itself is confirmation for you to know you have many opportunities in the healing and creative industries.
Seriously, you needn’t even have to worry about how you’re gonna make money with these opportunities even if they sound out of reach at the moment. Because it is your Destiny to be a cycle breaker—to start something completely new on your own—a path will be made for you just to fulfil your Destiny. And you can wholeheartedly trust in that to save yourself from excessive worry/anxiety🍷
the future of jobs – 5 of Pentacles
In the industry you’re meant to be part of, there will be a lot of chaos right before you make your debut. Like things are just falling apart and many of the players aren’t even sure what they’re there for anymore. There’s a lot of disillusionment that’s needing to be felt to the max until a breakthrough can really have any meaning. Either that, or some of you could be the one creating more chaos in the industry as you enter it LMAO We call you an industry disruptor, alright? You’re that breath of oxygen everybody was needing because they had been suffocating themselves with their own stupidity🍭
If you’ve resonated with this pile thus far, know that you’re meant to bring some healing—even enlightenment to some extent—to whichever industry you feel a calling to. And this is totally not a one-man’s show; you will be meeting a lot of kindred spirits in that industry and others associated with it. You’re meant to have an audience and serve a greater spiritual purpose for all involved. Bring back all those people into OG spirituality. All of this for what? For people’s mental health, obvi~💕
How does every one of these people expect themselves to be truly happy and abundant when their viewpoints are marred by childhood traumas and the excessive need for revenge? You of all people understand the innate darkness of the human psychology and the future of jobs within the industry of your calling is dependent on its people transcending above trauma and lack mentality so that a new, healthier paradigm can be established. Out with addictive behaviours; out with destructive habits; in with purer intents~ That’s the kind of New World you’re meant to be a part of to earn your keep in the most high-vibrational way👒
CURRENTS OF CHI (currency)🔻💛
being of service to Mankind – Gold Physician (Hippocrates)
delights of Life – Priestess of Contemplation
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Pile 2 – Paths Least Travelled Lead to the Greatest Stories
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untapped divine talents – 9 of Cups
You…need to go and carve out a LYFE of your own, honey. Since you were quite young, you’ve always had this desire to go explore strange territories and come back to share grand stories only you could tell. A unique Life of your own that sets you apart from your family/community. Try to check what numerology has to say about, for example, your Life Path, Soul Urge, Expression and all that; there may be something there that validates this desire to be unique, to be different, to be a fucking unicorn, and perhaps, to be the FIRST to discover or invent something🦄
You have what it takes to thrive alone, that much I can assure you. Some of you probably even have Jupiter in Pisces/12th House or Neptune/Uranus in 9th House. Whatever it is, your Soul does intend for you to travel paths least travelled and discover magical things only you could have access to. What is this strange narrative for? For discovering your Soul’s heritage. I know it sounds weird. But you’ve come from very distinct bloodlines and I sense many of you have a strong affinity towards the faery realm? There’s a lot of historical truths to uncover as you walk the lonely path of the eccentric hermit🏞
The New Age of Aquarius is changing the way we receive truths. It’s such a glad thing that people are now more open to seeing things for what they truly are no matter how politically ‘incorrect’ or heartbreaking the truths are. Your untapped divine talents will naturally bring you towards avenues where you will arise as some kind of a whistleblower or you will be unearthing ancient esoteric wisdom and sharing it with the public. Your life path is definitely very exciting and will take you to wonderful places and meeting the most unique people in the world!⛵️
karmic/dharmic opportunities – 7 of Wands Rx
In many regards, your life path could even lead you to meeting some of the world’s most distinguished individuals OMO But the path is understandably not easy. This kind of calling will require a great deal of character and tenacity. You will be rocking the yachts of the Devil, right? Your Life Stories could get extra absurd and your discoveries might lead you to some dangerous encounters. Nevertheless, if you are nudged by a sense of being of service to Truth, you will decide it’s all worth it. When we die, our Souls carry only stories and memories of our heroism anyway🧬
You will have friends though. People who share your passion for the real re-education of the people. I see professions in journalism, philosophy, psychology, anthropology, criminology, even celebrity exposé stuff that reveal the scammy behaviours of the evil rich and famous. You could also be drawn intuitively to the studies of the REAL history of Planet Earth, her extraterrestrial history and the truths of the lost civilisations that have shaped the wars of our Time. You could secretly (or not so secretly) be part of the disclosure movement😉
The studies of Astronomy and Astrotheology will benefit you a great deal if you’ve resonated this far with this being your main pile. In everything that you do, there is a panacea for the brokenness of Humanity. Your sharing of outlandish discoveries and suppressed information could be what Humanity needs for it to mature and choose global peace and harmony. It will be a lifelong effort that may not end with your lifetime though. So make sure you leave enough material as your legacy for the next generations to continue on🍁
the future of jobs – King of Cups
I suppose it’s pretty clear to many of us now that the world is run by psychopaths. Indecent human beings with terrible hobbies that hurt others and the sheer disregard for the sustainability of the Planet and the livelihood of her inhabitants. With you, you will see for yourself pretty soon that the world is choosing to move to a more compassionate space, and you will have a role in giving a voice to those whose intentions for their societies are more honourable. You could be one to contribute an invention or two yourself; perhaps an exposé book, perhaps a channel, a website~ Idk, what do you feel called to?🎪
In the future you will be part of, you will see evil leaders getting replaced, thwarted even, by compassionate leaders of the New Age Money. Down to anarchy; we want real peace. Down to young psychopaths rebelling against old psychopaths only to start a new cycle of abuse. The future you will be seeing will see that those with a genuine heart rise to the top and begin taking charge of the wheel of society. Leading with a heart. People before profit. It’s really not that difficult to sow the seeds now~🌱
You yourself, and the people who share the same passion, vision and mission as yourself, you are a bunch of experts who will glue together different factions of society who want to work hand-in-hand to remedy all the destruction caused by the powerful psychopaths. There is diplomacy in what you share with the rest of the populace and there is kindness and grace. People’s mental wellbeing will be put at the forefront before profits are made. And if we really did go into a WWIII…
CURRENTS OF CHI (currency)🔻💜
being of service to Mankind – Red Astronomer (Johannes Kepler)
delights of Life – Priestess of Solitude
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Pile 3 – For You, It’s Never, Ever, Been About the Money
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untapped divine talents – Queen of Pentacles Rx
Of all the piles, you’ve always resonated with loving being of service to the world since you were tiny. You could’ve been attracted to the service and hospitality industries since you were quite young, too. You were probably quite social when you were a kid and liked the idea of working jobs that would ensure other people have a good time, have a good experience with excellent customer service—basically, you liked the idea of helping/assisting others. If you could make your own choices, you’d rather have these types of job🩹
Unfortunately, growing up you were told that such jobs had no money or glamour. Some of you reading this could’ve come from a wealthy background in which working to service others is seen as uncool…even low. So this could’ve caused a great deal of psychological conflict in you. What you want and what your society deems worthwhile seemed to be in conflict. But let me tell you that your heart really knows what’s intended for your highest good🦉
From a very young age, you were already able to see that this world is sick and needing a lot of help when it comes to healing and transmuting negative aenergies. Your child brain couldn’t have verbalised that but your higher intuition knew you were put on Earth to tip the scale. You didn’t want to care about money; you wanted to pursue an authentic Life where your existence could be of some use to somebody👑
karmic/dharmic opportunities – III The Empress Rx
Some of you could’ve come from a rather impoverished background. This is easy to deal with. You were born face to face with this Devil called ‘lack’. But some of you could’ve come from a wealthier background or at least you weren’t necessarily starving and your society could’ve expected a lot from you. If the latter is the case with you, at some point in Life your Higher Self and team of Spirit Guides will force you to get down from the high horse of your inauthentic environment and have you experience Life from the perspective of those who haven’t got much in Life🐛
When this happens, your eyes will be opened to what truly matters in Life. That essentially, everybody in this world is sick to the bone because they’re trying to fill a hole in their hearts with weirdass purchases and hobbies. Part of your karmic reason to be born at this passage of time is to help Mankind transmute its unhealthy affinity towards excess indulgence via obtaining things that are truly fleeting. When you learn to overcome your own traumas and addictions, you help the collective conscious of Humanity transcend above that, too. This is very noble and you deserve a big bear hug just for existing in this realm~🧸
Rest assured, it is in your Soul’s blueprint that you must end up abundant yourself when all’s said and done. You’re destined to be very wealthy, from doing things that are high-vibrational and fully in alignment with what your Soul wishes for you to express as a Human being. You’re meant to set an example of what it means to do a job with Love~🎀
the future of jobs – 2 of Pentacles Rx
Many of you grew up in societies that taught you: passion doesn’t put food on the table. And you’ve observed many real examples of those who prioritise good deeds end up not having much money, indeed. And you could’ve believed that Life is about choosing between passion and duty. Bullshit. If people can’t thrive doing what they love, it’s the society that’s broken; how can there be no money to be made in those endeavours that are more exciting, more meaningful? You realise now that the System was designed to depress the common people in the pursuit of serving the Devil😰
You and your kindred spirits are the free spirits that are going to usher in an era of New Age Money where people no longer need to ruminate over sacrificing passion or freedom for a stable income. Back to before Industrial Revolution, maybe? Let’s reset the paradigm so we can recalibrate ourselves towards something more of a Solarpunk Society, or a Steampunk Society, that’s cool, too🍵
For you, it’s never ever been about the money. Career endeavours that would suit you most are whatever you feel an innate calling for. Many of your natural talents you’ve got since birth can be monetised in the service of your community, and better yet, online community. Some of you may feel a calling for being in the hospitality business, engineering, have an online presence or be a social media influencer, and some others may simply work in the aviation or F&B business, while some could want to become an eco-farmer or something. Whichever it may be, know that you have the unique power to elevate many aspects of the industry you are part of~🏹
CURRENTS OF CHI (currency)🔻💚
being of service to Mankind – Silver Astronomer (John Dee)
delights of Life – Priestess of Faith
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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[PAC Masterlist] [Part 2] [Part 3]
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Kiki's delivery service (bangchan)
Rearranging your legs underneath you for the 5th time, you squish your cheek onto Chan's pectoral, breathing in the delicate scent of his laundry detergent and his cologne. Pain will make you miserable and achy but it won't ruin your Friday night with him. It's imperative.
Chan has usually so little time off you jumped at any occasion to spend a quiet night in forcing him to catch up on Studio Ghibili movies. He needed the culture and you needed the lazy late night cuddles on the couch. Period pain be damned.
"You've been quiet an awful lot tonight...", Chan mumbles softly, not fully averting his eyes from the screen as he leans in to kiss your temple, "is everything okay?", he asks, subtly referencing the fact that you and Jisung had basically ganged up on him and forced him to begin his journey through Miyazaki works of art. And also the fact that you'd usually ended up spoiling every single scene for him cause you needed to explain everything into the tiniest little details.
Also also referencing the fact that you tended to go silent whenever you were suffering. Whether it was mental pain or physical pain, you tried your best to power through it, grit your teeth and stubbornly keep going until you were on the brink of another mental breakdown.
He was always there to pick up your pieces and glue them back together. And you loved him for it, even though you felt bad for making him feel like you were another one of his responsibilities, someone he had to take care of, but you were so grateful for him as well and it wasn't like you could really help it, he had this deeply rooted nurturer in him that made him care for you so effortlessly whether you wanted him to or not.
Chan was also super attentive and perceptive. He picked up on every single one of your little details and quirks and peculiarities. Which meant that he definitely knew you weren't okay at the moment, he was just gently letting you know... without letting you know.
You sigh as another stab of pain hits your lower abdomen and it makes you squeeze your eyes shut and hiss in pain, what a perfect timing to just blatantly lie to your very smart very intuitive boyfriend: "yeah, yeah everything's fine. Just tired".
Chan ponders for a second before deciding to just take the matter into his own hands. By literally doing so. He pauses Kiki's Delivery Service just as Kiki's flying on her broom above the ocean with the seagulls and cradles you in his arms until you're sitting in between his thighs.
Which is very normal behavior for cuddle monster Channie.
Until he just stills for a second, hands hovering over your torso, legs pressed firmly against yours so you can't move. And then he attacks you with tickles.
The air in your lungs is sucked out so fast you're crying laughing one second and gasping and wheezing the next: "PLZEASE CH-CHANAHAHAHAHAH I'M HAHAHA I'M - I'M DYING".
And you're not even exaggerating. Your tummy was already aching and your muscles tense that the added strain and effort of catching your breath makes your stomach do somersaults in between the sharp daggers digging at your uterus.
You try to squirm and thrash out of his grasp to no avail, "hahaha tell me the truth and I'll spare you hahaha, that's your only way out", he laughs and squeaks and if it wasn't for the fact that you're currently focusing all your energies on not passing out from the pain and the laughter you would have already jumped at his neck and kissed him silly because of how cute he sounds: "FIN-AHAHA FINE YOU HAHAHA YOU-AH YOU WIN HAHAHA".
He immediately stops and settles you back down in your former spot, hugging your sides and patting your tummy until you calm down your breathing again. You inhale deeply, grimacing a little from the pain, your hand reflexively reaching for his own as you give it a little squeeze.
"I'm about to get my period. I've been silently crying and screaming at myself for the last couple of hours. And you're fucking perceptive and I can't hide anything from you", you pout, finally spitting out the truth, "okay... And you didn't tell me because?", he goads on, sighing you turn to face him, kind eyes and an encouraging smile on his lips as he holds you close, "because... I feel like you already have so many things to worry about, you're always taking care of me and the boys and working over time and stressing about everything, I don't want to add onto that".
The man with impossibly perfect features sighs right back at you, not in an annoyed manner, more a self assured one:"you're not adding onto anything, y/n. You're the only person I can actually fully relax and just be me, just be Chris with. No idol duties, no leader ones, no big brother or producer or captain of everything ones. I don't HAVE to take care of you, I WANT to. I want you to be happy and well looked after and in a way it's even selfish, cause if you're happy and thriving then I'm happy and thriving, it's like an osmosis thing", he giggles.
You turn in your seat and playfully roll your eyes at him as you cup his cheeks and peck his lips, "there's not an ounce of selfishness in your entire body, babe. And you have a pretty god damn gorgeous body, at that".
He giggles so loudly he starts squeaking again, triggering your cuteness aggression. You kiss him all over his face and nibble at his reddened ears, you only stop once he's gone completely silent laughing, breath hitching, the most perfect pearly whites on full show as he smiles brightly at you and pulls you flush to his chest, "my baby girl", he sighs, his voice barely above a whisper, "I promise you don't stress me out at all, and that I like taking care of you", he insists, leaning in to kiss you, "now, is your tummy hurting really bad? Is there anything I can do to help? Belly rubs? A heating pad? Painkillers? ".
You know you'll never win this battle. You know he'll never stop making you feel alllll the butterflies no matter what he says or does cause it's just second nature to him being this kind and wholesome. You shake your head lightly and stroke his cheek, "I'll be okay. You're my heating pad", you snicker, positioning yourself with your back fully resting against his chest, his arms coming around you in a swift move,warm hands flat on your tummy.
You reprise the movie and for a while everything seems to be going smoothly. The pangs in your guts are still very much present but your boyfriend gentle rubs on your stomach are surprisingly soothing.
Eyelids fluttering almost close, you feel yourself relaxing more and more, progressively loosing focus on Kiki, much to your dismay. Up until Chan's hand start shifting closer and closer to the waistband of your pants. He acts completely nonchalant about it, one palm still rubbing soft circles over your tummy and the other inching down... down.
A tingling sensation crawling all over you, a warm rush to your chest, you swallow down quietly, feeling the muscles in your neck tensing up by the second, perhaps in anticipation. The rooms quiet, or the sound of your fast heartbeat has just drowned out any other sound, you're not sure, but Chan's quiet. He's very quiet even as he stealthily slips one finger, and then two fingers down underneath your pants, he traces small stripes over the fabric of your underwear, slow at first, his wrist barely flicking.
Thin fingers but rough, finger pads, he starts running his fingertips in circle motion over the areas he deems more sensitive, letting the hitch in your breathing guide the intensity of his motion, the speed of it, the direction of it. As soon as he's satisfied with the way you're reacting to him, he picks up his pace just slightly, a low, satisfied chuckle finally emerging from his mouth when your thighs visibly start to twitch, a boost to his ego, means he's doing something right, very right.
It's as if all the blood in your body starts running faster and faster, rushing through your veins at incredible speed only to then concentrate all at once, all of it at your centre, and with the friction generated there, you can't help but whimper, your abs contracting and relaxing almost spasmodically, the daggers of pain alternating with pleasure that comes in a wave that builds up and up and up.
A trickle of sweat down your spine, you clutch Chan's unoccupied wrist and squeeze, jolting upwards in an arch as you feel yourself approaching your high more and more, "i-I-", words come out of your mouth in whimpers, you try to articulate a single thought but manage nothing even remotely intelligible, Chan's hums softly and kisses your cheek, his lips lingering on your dewy skin, "yes, baby girl? don't hold back, don't hold back and come for me", he taunts in a sing songy voice, cooing and breathing softly in your ear.
And that's enough to send you over the edge.
Choking on the strangled noise bursting out of you, release washes over you. No more pain twisting your guts, just pure bliss.
You close your eyes and relax back into the arms that hold you, breathing hard and laboriously while Chan taps his fingers around the wetness, a satisfied snicker rolling off his lips, the very same lips now kissing your shoulder and the side of your neck so tenderly, "good girl, such a good girl for me eh? you're feeling all better?", he asks sweetly, moving a wisp of your hair away from your face with his unused hand, to which you nod and smile bashfully, still feeling oh so wonderfully numb and light and darn good.
The movie paused, yourself and the couch all cleaned up, you settle back on the leathery seat cushion and finish up the last few drops of your glass of water while Chan himself is cleaning up in the washroom, a stupid smile on your face that you just can't wipe off, you adjust in your seat and cross your arms over your tummy that gargles with unholy sounds of hunger and unrest, perhaps.
And then gushing. Warmth. Not the feel good kind, though.
You jump on your feet and immediately spot the enlarging smear of blood on the couch, a frenzy on panic immediately taking over you just as your boyfriend walks right in: "oh my god I'm so sorry oh my god oh my god I'm.. I'm-mortified oh my god", you start rambling and shaking and hurriedly pat around your inner thighs, growing exponentially alarmed when your palms come back pinkish.
"Hey hey it's okay, y/n it's okay, I promise", Chan promptly scrambles to you and cups your cheeks, locking eyes with you and immediately reading the discomfort in them, "I think you left some tampons in the third drawer of my nightstand, go check, and grab any of my clothes to change into,you'll be okay, it's okay, don't worry about a thing", he reassures, patting your head, that wonderful encouraging smile of his taking up his whole face.
"B-but your couch and-oh my god this is so embarrassing this is awfu-", you start but Chan merely giggles and gently shakes your shoulders, "BABE!!", he exclaims firmly, making you snap out of your panic and fall silent, "stop apologising, start washing up, this is absolutely fine, the couch is going to be just fine. Go, I got this", he instructs in a gentler tone, even winking at you reassuringly.
And you swear that's all you needed. That fragment of complicity, reassuring gesture that instantly calms you down.
The fabric of his shorts goes swish swosh around your knees but it's so soft from wear and tear that you kind of love it, you think to yourself, jogging downstairs and into the kitchen where you find Chan steeping some deliciously smelling tea.
"There she is, did you find your stuff? Are the pants okay?", he asks as soon as you step into his arms once again, the hugging machine within him just acting out of instinct: "yeah, yeah everything's fine. Thank you, and I apologise again, I hope the couch isn't stained forever", you reply meekly, looking down at your feet, "the stain came right out with a single swipe, and even if it didn't I'd be more worried over you not feeling this awful over something you cannot even control".
Butterflies. In your belly and in your heart. Yeah they're never ever leaving.
You look up into the kindest gaze and smile, bewildered at your immense luck in having Chan as your partner, "how are you so perfect Chris? Like seriously, you're the perfect mix of loving and kind and funny as hell and empathetic and hot and smart and mature and absolute fucking perfection how do you even exist?", you exclaim dramatically, eyes wide and heart shaped over this very man holding you into his arms, who now giggles loudly and leans in to peck your lips," I don't think I'm the perfect boyfriend yet, but I'm working on it. You make it really easy though, you make it a happy process too", he gushes, kissing your lips first and then the tip of your nose.
"Shall we go back to Kiki and her deliveries now? I made us some tea so it'll keep the cramps at bay if they're still bothering you", he suggests then, lacing his arm around your waist so he can lead you into the living room.
You both settle in your former seat arrangement and you smirk to yourself despise the flush creeping up your cheeks just thinking about what happened there not half an hour ago, "oh those?", you reprise the argument about your cramps, "vanished. Disappeared. Non existent. Your little trick earlier... I think you worked some kind of magic on me I don't know", you declare, and Chan bursts into laughs, the tips of his ears going bright red, pride and flustered giddiness both coexisting in him at the moment, the epitome of a perfectly complex man.
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fallinnflower · 3 months
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mingyu x reader (fluff, hurt/comfort?, non-idol!au)
wc: 1.3k
a writing exercise i did with a friend using this prompt list and the prompts "when we first fell in love all of those years ago, your father would say i was too sweet for my own good. maybe he was right." and "i'm the one you've been looking for."
a/n: thanks everyone for being patient with me, i'm still working on some big projects (vampire!DPR Ian and also vampire!BamBam [same universe], vampire!Jun, part 2 of river god!Wonpil, a Wonwoo fic based loosely on Kiki's Delivery Service... send help) in the works but wanted to post a little something <3
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As soon as you get into your apartment's living room, you flop onto the couch on your stomach, paying no mind to the makeup you're probably smudging onto the throw pillow. Now just isn't the time. Future you can worry about cleaning it. 
Familiar footsteps follow you into the living room and a knee gently nudges the side of your stomach; you roll so your back is pressed against the back of the couch and Mingyu can lie down in the remaining space. He settles on his side, facing you with his hand propping up his head. His eyes glimmer slightly, and he gives you a wry smile,
"Well, happy anniversary," he says. You groan and look away from him, pressing your face into the couch cushions. He chuckles at your exaggerated reaction and gently reaches over to start undoing the elaborate updo you'd pinned your hair into. 
"What a night," he continues, pulling the bobby pins out one by one. You still refuse to look up, embarrassed and frustrated. 
It wasn't like it was anyone's fault, really, that all your evening plans had gone to total shit. First was the unexpected downpour that ruined your plans of a nice walk before dinner forcing you to frantically hail a cab while huddled under his expensive suit jacket. You'd already felt apologetic over that, and then your distracted cab driver missed a turn, which you thought was bad enough because you would be late for the reservation at this rate. 
But then it had to get worse (because of course it had to get worse) when the cabbie rear-ended another car because they were too busy yelling at someone on the phone. The two of you had to spend another two hours huddled under a shop awning, answering questions for the police officers that came to assess the scene. Thankfully, nobody was seriously hurt, but you still cried so much that everyone kept asking if you needed them to call paramedics. 
That was part of why you didn't want to look at Mingyu. No doubt your face was a mess, not to mention your hair, which he was now methodically freeing from the style you had spent so long on. 
You'd just wanted it to be perfect. You only have one first wedding anniversary, after all. To avoid crying more, you keep your face pressed into the cushions, not responding to your husband. More gently, then, he asks,
"Hey, you're sure you're okay, right?" You sniffle. Goddamnit. 
"Yeah," you croak. "I just… feel bad." Mingyu chuckles. 
"I know, but it isn't your fault," he reassures you. It should make you feel better, but it doesn't. You know Mingyu isn't bothered — this sort of thing doesn't faze him quite like it does you — but you still feel anxious and upset. Is this some kind of warning of impending doom in your relationship? Just the thought makes you feel sick to your stomach. 
You finally turn your face again so you can breathe more easily and find Mingyu smiling at you, concern still clear in his eyes. The couch cushion feels rough against your cheek, still a bit sensitive from all the crying and being out in the cold. 
"I think we have ramen," Mingyu says. "Should I make some? Are you hungry?" Your lower lip trembles as tears start welling up again, and this time you press your forehead into Mingyu's shoulder to hide your face. 
"How are you so calm?" you sputter. "How are you not— not upset?" 
"What, upset at you? You didn't do anything. And the driver didn't get away with being reckless, so I don't need to worry about that, either," he says calmly. When you only continue to sniffle pathetically, he changes his approach a bit,
"Or maybe I'm just too nice. I still remember when we first fell in love all of those years ago, your father would say I was too sweet for my own good. Maybe he was right."
You let out an extremely undignified snort and lift your head to look at him. 
"As if. My dad never said anything like that," you tease. "Plus, 'all those years ago?' It's not like we met as kids or something. We met in college." Mingyu pouts at you, but his eyes glimmer playfully. 
"It sounds so much less romantic when you say that," he whines. 
"Well, you've always been the romantic one," you retort, but Mingyu is quick to counter you,
"No, no— I still remember that letter you wrote me when the semester was ending, when you said I was the one you'd been looking for—"
"Shut up!" you cry, placing your hands over his mouth. On top of everything else tonight, you don't want to be reminded of your embarrassing confession via love letter from years ago. You'd been a lovestruck student afraid you would lose your chance forever when you wrote that letter, and certainly hadn't expected that Mingyu had also been harboring a secret crush on you that would lead to marriage. It had been corny and sappy all because you thought you wouldn't see him again! Oh, how your actions had come back to haunt you. 
You can feel Mingyu smiling under your palms, and it only makes your face get hotter. Eventually, you remove your hands from his face and snuggle up closer to his chest, pressing your forehead into his shoulder again. 
"You're so annoying," you murmur, and you can feel the laughter reverberate through Mingyu's chest as he winds an arm around you. 
"But you still married me," he says. You smile. It still gives you butterflies, thinking of Mingyu as your husband, still so fresh a sensation. It's only been a year, after all. 
"Yeah," you reply. "I did."
Mingyu holds you for a few minutes, gently combing his fingers through your hair as you calm down. Eventually, he broaches the subject of dinner again, now that it's been hours since you were supposed to have eaten. 
"Do you want to shower while I make the ramen?" he asks, and you nod. Mingyu gets up off the couch as you sit up and stretch, noticing the lingering dampness in your hair and dress. A shower definitely sounds nice. You start making your way down the hallway, then turn back to face the living room. 
You watch as Mingyu attempts to straighten out his crumpled, damp button-down shirt, and smile to yourself. 
"Actually," you start, causing Mingyu to stop what he was doing and look up at you out of curiosity. "Do you… wanna join me? It's our anniversary, after all." You can feel your face warming up, but it's worth the slight embarrassment just to see the surprise on your husband's face. Sometimes he can seem so innocent. 
It only takes him a moment to snap out of it though, and cross the living room to meet you in the hallway with a broad grin. He takes your face in his hands and kisses you without hesitation.
"That sounds perfect," he says, practically purring, and you let out a surprised yelp when he suddenly scoops you up bridal style. You throw your arms around his neck and lean against him, giggling. As you look up into his face, all your irritation and upset from earlier melts away. Why should it matter if you went to a fancy restaurant or just ate ramen at home? All you want is to be together — that's why you got married. 
As Mingyu sets you down in the bathroom, you keep your arms looped around his neck and give him a kiss of your own. 
"Happy first anniversary, Gyu." He smiles that big, toothy grin you love so much, the one that makes him look like a happy puppy. 
"Happy anniversary, Y/N. The first of many."
It turns out to be a pretty good night, after all.
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acepalindrome · 3 months
Moonstone Island is so so good and fun and refreshing and I just wanna go home and play it!!
Like, it’s accurately described as a combination of Stardew, Pokemon and Zelda, and while it definitely does have elements of all three, it’s very much got its own identity where all these parts fit really well together and don’t just feel like mashing a bunch of popular things together.
It’s got farming and crafting and a little town of people to befriend and romance, but it’s got plenty of unique elements in all these systems to differentiate it from the Stardew model. There is monster collecting, but it’s not Pokemon. The style of the monsters, the way battling works and the other uses and buffs the monsters provide outside battle all set it apart from Pokemon. The dungeons have a very old school Zelda feel, but they still have their own style and tricks and challenges.
It’s just a really solid and fun game! The ‘cozy’ genre has gotten really over saturated with games that are basically the same thing over and over with a different coat of paint, so it’s been such a delight to experience this game that has a lot of the usual trappings of a cozy game, but still feels so fresh and new and exciting! Playing this game reminds me of how I felt playing Stardew Valley for the first time. It’s that good.
And that’s not even getting into how adorable the pixel art is and the massive Ghibli vibes. The beginning is literally Kiki’s Delivery Service. It’s great.
Please play Moonstone Island.
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shuttershocky · 9 months
I didn't like the The Boy and the Heron
Admittedly i'm pretty biased. I don't like Japanese media that laments the hardships they experienced in WW2 when the characters are clearly involved in the war (like two of the soldier kids in 13 Sentinels, or in this case, factory owners for war production) when in real life if a city they devastated during WW2 like Manila does so much as put up a memorial to what it experienced the Japanese government gets real mad.
But also even if the movie didn't ask me to feel for the poor little kid of a war profiteer that lost his mother, holy shit is this movie the "Stuff just keeps happening" movie. Ghibli fantasy storytelling usually asks you to take it all in and accept what's going on, but I'll do that for something like Totoro or Ponyo, not this story that introduces you to ideas like you're supposed to keep track of them for later and then keeps introducing more and more and more nonstop. You could get past the halfway point and it's still introducing new characters.
And then it ends, about as abruptly as many Ghibli movies (like Kiki's Delivery Service for example) do except this one had a whole big magic plot about space rocks and worlds between worlds you were trying to pay attention to that just ends itself, kind of like how the big magic setting just ends itself without Mahito getting to really do anything or decide anything.
It's hard to put down what exactly felt so wrong about its storytelling because everything it does that annoyed me I've already seen and didn't mind in another Ghibli movie, but this one just didn't go right.
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betasuppe · 3 months
Trip down Fløyen on the Fløibanen with a beautiful view of Bergen as we rode down the mountain.
My sister & I couldn't help but remark how much it felt like being in Kiki's Delivery Service♡♡♡
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theinstagrahame · 2 months
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It's been like 2 weeks? But I think the hiccup we had with the local Post Office kind of benefitted my collection here. That and a sale at Exalted Funeral...
Here's what's arrived in the last little bit:
The Slow Knife: I like Mousehole Press in general, but the pitch for this one in particular sticks out to me. You're a cabal of evil people who have deeply wronged someone, and they're coming for revenge. One by one, they kill each of you until their wrath is sated. I'm honestly always a little iffy on playing "Evil" characters, but this seems like a really neat way to tackle it.
Koriko: Also from Mousehole, this is meant to be a solo game in the vein of Kiki's Delivery Service and other quiet coming-of-age kinds of stories. It's also an absolutely beautiful book (and it came with the most adorable fat wizard cat patch...)
Star Crossed & Love Letters: I've heard stories and APs of Star Crossed, but never played it. Then there was an expansion coming, and it seemed like the right time to get myself a copy. The box is huge, I assume so I can store a Falling Tower game inside? I also often think about the creator, Alex Roberts, saying that the awards for this game have been nice, but that a couple who broke a chair after playing it is the real reward...
I Have the High Ground: I initially got this game from its crowdfund run after listening to the Party of One episode, but I spaced when it shipped and had it sent to my old Boston apartment. I never went back for it, but it was offered as a bonus on the Star Crossed expansion, so I decided it was time. (Also, there's a great Party of One episode that's a Star Crossed X IHTHG crossover, which is extremely worth checking out)
The Wildsea & The Wildsea - Storm and Root: I'd missed the original game, but the expansion caught my eye. The art and the vibe are weird and fun, but it's loosely a FitD engine under there. I skimmed through the Quickstart, and it felt really gripping. Weird guys sailing weird boats on the trees of a weird Earth future. The forest as a sea metaphor? I'm intrigued.
Nest: Spencer Campbell makes bangers. This is a long-time opinion of this blog, so Nest was a quick pick-up. It's set in his Destiny-like (I think?) Nova-verse, but it follows the bad guys. It's got Heist-y vibes, and I really like the idea of fleshing out the "Evil" team. It's too easy to assume the bad guys aren't people, and humanizing them does a lot.
Dusk, Vol1: Spencer Campbell makes Bange--oh, right. Already established. But still! Also a Nova-verse book, and one that I sorta missed. If I've read the pitch, it's about community within the Nova universe, and I like that that's a focus. People coming together to build communities is a theme I really enjoy, and when the sun explodes (yeah, that's what the Nova in Nova-verse means), I think we'll need people more than ever.
Eco Mofos: I really loved the universe created in Lost Eons, and this promised to be a loose prequel. It's a "weird-hope" game, which is loosely a description of why I love post-apocalyptic fiction. The idea that even in the worst possible outcome for the world (y'know, it ending), people come together to protect and help each other. That's what makes apocalyptica appealing.
Monster of the Week - Codex of Worlds Apocrypha: MotW is a well-established and really nicely designed game. I think I've only ever played it, but I honestly feel comfortable running it, because I've listened to so many APs and read so many of the materials. Apocrypha was the stretch goal collection for the Codex of Worlds expansion, which itself put a little of the best bits from FitD into the PbtA classic.
FIST: I backed the Kickstarter edition, but this was in Exalted Funeral's damaged section (I think for a slight creas on the cover?), so I wanted to grab it and see what the hype was about. Paranormal Mercenary action, is the game. I've heard nothing but good things, so it was an easy investment for me.
Haunted Almanac: Nate Treme is a name I've heard around the scene for a while, but hadn't really checked out until recently. In part because of the RTFM podcast episode about Tunnel Goons, which is included in this book. I don't want to admit that I'll just get anything that Max and Aaron tell me to get, but like... this book is great.
The Last Caravan: Backed this at the height of my FitD interest, and I'm really curious to see what's inside. Survivors of an alien attack in the titular caravan, traveling to survive and maybe fight back a little? Yeah. That sounds dope.
All Growed Up: Another EF impulse purchase, but partly because Reilly Qyote is a designer I've had really lovely interactions with and respect a lot. I hacked their game Cast Away into a Subnautica-themed survival crafting RPG. Kids playing as grown-ups seemed cute, so I wanted to check it out.
Heroes of Cerulea: I stumbled on this by accident back when I had some extra cash to spend, and it was 100% up my alley. The original Legend of Zelda is such a formative game for me that the nostalgia alone made me pick it up. It uses D4 and the pixel art throughout is impeccable. It feels a lot like skimming the manual of the original NES and SNES titles.
Details of Our Escape: Possible Worlds Games is one of those design outfits that's gotten the benefit of the doubt from me, so I had to pick this one up. Weird, artistic, and a neat backstory: It started asart pieces swapped by the artists, and later attached to a game by Tyler Crumrine. I think it's got heist energy, but I'm not sure so I'm curious to find out!
GoGoGolf!: An impulse add-on for the Details of Our Escape campaign, which looks like it's got that weird energy of some recent multiplayer golf games. I'm sold, and I'm checking it out.
Secutors of the Soundstage Sphere (for Troika!): This was a freebie for the recent EF sale, so I grabbed it. It's not really in my usual interests, but Free.99 is a great price!
Two Summers & Other Summers: I like games about people growing up, I'm realizing about myself. On a personal level, the idea that people can become different people, but remain the same intrigues me. Two Summers is about that, and I think Other Summers makes it weirder. So, excited to dive in.
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firstdivisiongirl · 4 months
Hi! I love your blog. Can I request Chifuyu for outdoor move for the date event, please! Thanks so much!!!! 💕
Hi. Thank you for the request and the kindness! I saved everyone’s favorite lover boy for last. I was hoping I got one Chifuyu request for this event because the boy is a romance lover, so it only felt right. I hope you like it!
Chifuyu x Fem Reader: The Howl to My Sophie
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Every year there was an outdoor movie night at the local park near the apartment building both you and Chifuyu lived in.  Chifuyu had liked you since you two met and the two of you were best friends.  So, he asked you to the movie night.  It was your favorite movie, Kiki’s Delivery Service.  This was going to be the night!  The night you became his girlfriend.
The two of you were sitting on a light blue gingham blanket, looking up at the large screen.  Every so often he glanced at you.  You were so beautiful, which only made him more nervous.  Your hands started to inch towards each other.  They touched each other and your fingers intertwined with his.  It wasn’t much, but Chifuyu felt a little better knowing that you didn’t freak out.  “Hey,” he whispered quietly, “they’re showing Howl’s Moving Castle after this.  Do you wanna stay and watch it?”
You got closer, but before you could answer, he smashed his lips onto yours.  Once he realized what he did, he pulled away quickly, turning bright red.  “I’m so sorry I…”. You interrupted his rambling by kissing him again.  “I’d love to.  On one condition though.”
He blinked a few times, confused.  “What’s that?”
“Be the Howl to my Sophie.”  He nodded and kissed you again.  He was right about this being the night you became his girlfriend.
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Please do not copy, modify, translate or repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs and likes are highly appreciated!
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holts-knees · 6 months
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Kiki's Delivery Service Bread Wreath - Hand Embroidery Mushy sappy sister birthday wishes below the cut!
Happy birthday to @swiss-army-fangirl ! Now I can finally reveal this piece finished :3 Kiki's delivery service was my favorite movie as a child, something I shared with my younger brother. We'd watch the VHS near daily for years till the tape gave out. A lot of the lessons of that film really shaped me at a young age as a person and a creative. During their thesis crunch I "recommended" [practically demanded lol] Tori watch the film, because I felt like those lessons were ones that could speak to them, and I'm SO happy and glad that they Did. It's been scooped right up as a now Shared comfort film between us Both. Yet another younger sibling I get to hold this movie so tightly and lovingly with. And I love that for BOTH of us ✨️💜💙 for their birthday this year I wanted to commemorate that special bond and growth, so I sat down and charted out my most extensive embroidery project to date! She isn't Perfect, but I'm proud of how she came out. And isn't that what Kiki Teaches us after all? ;]
Happy birthday Lil sis, I cannot WAIT to have you in my home again in a few short weeks! 🌅
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proseka-headcanons · 4 months
proseka casts fav anime/anime genres:
ichika: has only seen black rock shooter and mekakucity actors
saki: huge precure fan, her fav seasons are heartcatch, smile, dokidoki, and tropical rouge
honami: watches a ton of iyashikei while doing housework and cooking, loves polar bear cafe and natsumes book for friends the most
shiho: number 1 mecha fan, adores both real and super robot shows, has seen every gundam
minori: love live, need i say more?
haruka: huge detective conan fan, has every season and movie on bluray, every volume of the manga, and infodumps about the newest case every week at mmj practices
airi: has only really see the occasional ghibli movie and kids anime when her younger sister watches, likes ponyo and kikis delivery service the most
shizuku: giant rumiko takahashi fan, has seen and read all of urusei yatsura, ranma 1/2, inuyasha, and maison ikkoku
kohane: watches a lot of young shounen, but loves pokemon the most, has seen every season and has every game, avid fan of the adventures manga
an: biggest sports anime fan in the world, loves haikyu, free, kuroko no basket, and basically anything else, cries at every season finale
akito: ena made him watch the first episode of riddle story of devil when it first aired and he has not watched a single episode of anime since
toya: ena introduced him to kyoani pretty soon after they met and he's been hooked ever since, hibike euphonium was difficult for him to watch at first, but now he loves it
tsukasa: watches precure weekly with saki, doesnt particularly love the series but wants saki to be happy, doesnt really watch any anime other than that
emu: keeps up with seasonals just to find the most absurd and unknown anime, number 1 estab life defender
nene: has somehow seen and read every samey isekai light novel thing in existance, she's seen it all, from in another world with my smartphone to re:zero, she watches regardless of quality
rui: number 1 science saru geek, but will watch really anything if it looks experimental enough, has also seen a good number of samey light novel shows because of nene
kanade: watches the occasional original anime from kyoani or mappa if mizuki or ena reccomends it, but she usually only watches and episode or two
mafuyu: stumbled across space patrol luluco in middle school and would rewatch it anytime she felt like life was getting to be too much, forgot about it when she reached high school until talking about anime with mizuki and it was brought up, now watches basically anything mizuki reccomends
ena: kyoani simp, watches anything with good animation, also watches a lot of garbage death game anime and is always on the edge of her seat but wont admit it
mizuki: seasonal junkie, watches the first ep of every new show and always keeps up with at least 10, never slacking on magical girl anime, the first week of january, april, july, and october, the nightcord chat gets absolutely flooded w their reccs
I SEE THIS I think mizuki would love madoka magica
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autistic-ben-tennyson · 2 months
How Steven Universe Changed my Life
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Aside from Ben 10, the one show I've posted the most about on this blog has been Steven Universe. I know my story may not be that unique but SU has meant a lot to me which is why I've defended it so passionately. For me, SU helped me become a better person, pushed me to explore different interests and helped me realize who I am.
I first watched the show when it was airing and I didn't know how to feel about it. Sometimes I liked it especially episodes like 'Jailbreak' or 'That Will Be All'. Other times, it felt too much like Clarence or Uncle Grandpa with the rougher episodes like 'Frybo'. As time went on I slowly stopped caring about it, partially because of the long hiatuses and because I started to think it wasn't good. At the time, I held some homophobic beliefs because of the culture I was raised in. I, thankfully, never watched Lily Orchard's video but I did watch a similar essay by Misanthropony which was just as bad.
Around 2 years ago, I started getting back into the series. At the time, I was a lot angrier and was a bit of an edgelord. A lot of that was anger at the evangelical community I was raised in and anger at feeling helpless. Kids and teachers at that school held a lot of homophobic beliefs and would often make gross jokes or talk about beating up trans people in the bathroom. I felt like a black sheep at the time, being one of the few poc there and being a dinosaur lover when many kids were creationists who'd lecture me about how wrong that is. Talk about parenting was what got me interested in SU again with the episode 'Mr. Universe'. I never finished the show so I decided to give it another chance. I started watching SU clips on YouTube and one of the first I watched was "Stronger Than You". For someone who felt angry and helpless, that song gave me something to feel happy about in that homophobic environment.
SU soon became my favorite show and I began rewatching it all the time. Characters like Lapis, Garnet and Steven quickly became my favorites because I could relate to them and because Ruby and Sapphire were important to me like most lgbtq youth. 'Mindful Education' became important to me because it helped me control a lot of my anger issues. Before, my interests were "edgy" guy things like the Star Wars Prequels and Jurassic World. But, I began to be more comfortable with enjoying "girly" things. A Wrinkle in Time became one of my favorite sci-fi books because it made a cameo in SU which pushed me to read it. By that time I had moved to a different school and was able to connect with other kids at a Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) and was able to figure out more about myself without shame or as much fear.
SU was the jumping point for a lot of my current interests. Since many in the fandom liked The Owl House for its similar themes and queer rep, I decided to watch that and came away loving it with Luz and Willow being characters I could relate to. I got back into Ben 10, which I also watched growing up, because of its similarities to SU, being a anime inspired show about a magical alien boy protecting humanity while dealing with normal adolescent issues. SU was also very anime inspired which pushed me to give it another chance as I used to think it was cringe or dumb. Thanks to SU, I became a fan of Makoto Shinkai's films like Suzume and Weathering With You as well as ghibli films like Spirited Away and Kiki's Delivery Service. I also started watching magical girl anime with Madoka Magica and Princess Tutu being my favorites and am slowly getting through Sailor Moon. Some of my other favorites include Neon Genesis Evangelion, A Whisker Away and Ghost in The Shell. I do have an interest in watching Revolutionary Girl Utena, which was a big inspiration for SU, and The Promised Neverland as well. I also fell in love with Lisa Hannigan’s (Blue Diamond’s VA) music. All that was because of SU.
Over the past year, I've been figuring out my gender identity, starting with that GSA, and started to realize I was trans (MTF), which may have not happened without SU. It's why seeing the SU critical community bash the show for its representation not being good enough or calling it fascist makes me sad as it's been important for a lot of people like me. It's also why right wing fans, who do exist, irk me so much when they weaponize the message of acceptance and characters like Andy to demand people accept their homophobic beliefs. The show has shaped a lot of my philosophy about issues with relationships, seeing Greg and Rose leave their toxic families or Connie helping her mom, Priyanka, learn to let go and stop worrying. Some may hate him, but Future Steven is an important character for me as I can relate to his anger and once being a cheerful child before growing up more bitter and weary. I know that SU isn't perfect and there is some stuff I wish was written differently but I still love it because of how it changed and possibly saved my life. It helped me get through high school and gave me something to feel happy about in a world that's filled with hate and violence.
In short, thank you Steven Universe and thank you Rebecca Sugar. I wouldn’t be who I am without you.
@ankle-beez @love-takes-work
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peonyscorner13 · 28 days
𝕂𝕚𝕜𝕚'𝕤 𝔻𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕪 𝕊𝕖𝕣𝕧𝕚𝕔𝕖: 𝕆𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕋𝕣𝕚𝕒𝕝𝕤 𝕚𝕟 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 ℙ𝕒𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟
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I started watching films from Studio Ghibli way back when I was still in senior high school. I remember that I used to watch or more like listen to them while I was jotting down notes from our lectures every weekend (just so that I could still have movie marathons while studying).
However, Kiki’s Delivery Service is one of the Studio Ghibli films that has a special place in my heart (along with Spirited Away and Whisper of the Heart). It is because, despite the movie being set in a world with witches and a talking cat, it never failed to capture the experience of someone who is passionate about something.
Back then and even now, I always love to write stories. I want to create a world entirely different to our own, where solace and happiness with a little bit of magic exist. However, there are indeed times in which I get tired not knowing why until I’m suddenly unable to create a storyline. It will take a matter of time for me to return to my passion.
Like Kiki, I also felt frustrated when something like this happened. But, yeah, I learned here that it is okay to take a break (just like what Ursula said) and it will slowly come back to you in no time. We cannot escape the fact that a trial like this about what we are passionate about arrives unexpectedly, and will definitely test us. 
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