#and he keeps telling me hell take me to the exit but he keeps announcing whats going to happen so ut takes my ability to lucid dream away bc
despacito-uwu16 · 1 month
The Resolution
Kenji Sato x Journalist! Reader
Enemies To Lovers | Forced Proximity | Pining
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We could be, we could be anything tonight, just tell me anything you like. Can’t you see, we could be something if we tried, just tell me how to make you mine.
Make You Stay- Girl and the Dreamcatcher
Despite you leaving for Norway today, your boss asked you to cover the championship game, with the benefit of letting you leave during the 7th inning stretch.
Instead of taking notes, you just sat and watched the game. Ken was there cheering for his team, despite the broken arm. You tried to avoid looking at Ken, but it was difficult when the jumbotron would feature him every ten minutes. To your knowledge, he hasn’t said anything about the one-night stand in college. Which was surprising, because you were ready to come clean about it all. 
“Hey Y/N”?
You turn to Ami. 
“Is everything all right”? She asks.
“Yeah, I’m totally fine”! You assured her.
“Really? Cause you haven’t touched your recorder”. She points to the device that is resting on the table.
“Oh, that old thing? I don’t need it”. You laughed. Ami looked at you unamused. 
“Is this about Ken”? She asks. Your side eyed her slowly. “What makes you think this is about Ken”? 
“Y/N”. Ami raised her eyebrow. “Every time Ken appears on the jumbotron, you look away. Also, you’ve been staring at Ken’s social media page”. She points to your phone on your lap. Your phone was on low brightness but Kenji’s X page was still visible to Ami’s eyes. You turn your phone off and put it on the table facing down. 
“You are psychotic”. 
“It’s just an observation”. Ami shrugs.
You continue to watch the game, mentally counting down the minutes you have until you finally get to leave. 
“Have you talked to him since the interview”? Ami asks.
“No. And I don’t have a reason to”. 
“Maybe you should at least see him before you leave”. She suggested 
“Like I said, I don’t have a reason to talk to him. He was merely an assignment”. You lied.
As soon as the announcer announces the 7th inning stretch, you begin to pack your bags. 
“And that’s my cue to leave”. You smiled as you put your bag straps on your shoulder
“Before you go, a little piece of advice”. Ami says halting you to a stop.
“You’re the youngest reporter in the business. You’ve done so much for yourself. So don’t be afraid to be spontaneous sometimes”. 
You slowly nodded. “Okay then, well, it was nice working with you too Ami”. You exited the media room and then started to speed walk to the parking lot
Kenji’s eyes dart up at the media room and then back to the game. Every time his eyes looked into the room, his heart sank. He looks at the empty chair with sadness. You were already gone. 
“SATO! EYE ON THE GAME”! Coach Shimura yells.
Sato sat up straight and watched the game, trying to not think about you. 
“Dude, you okay? You’ve been out of focus since you got back”. His teammate, Ryouta, says. 
“I’m fine”. Ken says, trying to watch the game. 
“Really? Because your eyes keep wandering at the media box”. Ryouta presses on
“Um, Ryouta? Enough about me, more on the game”. 
“If this is about the reporter chick, you should go after her”. 
Ken groaned. “Ryouta, drop it. Y/N’s already gone. She’s probably on that plane right now”. 
“UGH WHAT THE HELL”! You honked at the car in front of you. “DRIVE FASTER”! You yelled. You looked out the window and saw a line of cars ahead of yours. Of all the days the kaiju had to destroy the highway, it just had to be the day you were leaving. You slightly slide into your seat. 
“Don’t be afraid to be spontaneous”. Ami echoed in your mind.
“Ugh, what is up with her and her psychic advice”? You scoff as you tap your pointer finger on the steering wheel. 
The world was so persistent on guilt-tripping you today. While you were loading your luggage’s into your car, all of the billboards surrounding your apartment had Ken’s face plastered front and center with a chicken leg in his hand. During your drive to the stadium, there were posters of Ken and his signature colognes on the telephone poles. And now, as you were waiting forever in your car, a blimp flew over the highway every few minutes with a beer ad starring Ken. 
“Tastes like a home run”. He would say repeatedly.
You groaned. This was a sign. A sign that you have to make things right with Kenji. You stepped on the gas pedal, driving out of the line of cars and off to the nearest exit.
“You know, I don’t think it’s too late to go find her and tell her how you feel. It’ll make you chivalrous”. Said Ryouta. 
Kenji pinched the bridge of his nose. “Ryouta. Game. Focus”. 
“I know, I know, but I just think, you shouldn’t go in with life without any regrets. Life is too short, and I think she would like it if she reached out”. 
Kenji turns to Ryouta. ready to yell at him. But for some reason, he was right. The least Kenji could do is head to the airport and apologize to you in person. But he was stuck here, afraid that one wrong move could piss off his coach. 
The crowd cheers as another player from the Giants steps up to the plate, ready to hit the ball. Kenji looks at his watch and then at the sight of the game. 
“Go, I’ll cover you”. Ryouta whispers in Ken’s ear. 
“Thank you, Ryouta”. Ken pats his shoulder and runs out of the box unnoticed. 
You quickly got out of your car and ran off, not caring if it was locked or not. You ran towards the stadium in hopes that you could catch Ken. You hear the crowds roar as you almost reach the entrance. A small round object launched into the sky, falling out of the dome. You didn’t pay attention to it and focused on the entrance. 
“Y/N”! Someone yelled. 
But before you could turn your head, everything went pitch black. 
You open your eyes and a bright light blinds you. Someone helped you sit up and put an ice pack on your head. 
“Y/N, are you okay”? You turn to see three Ken Satos looking down at you. 
“Ken? I thought you were an only child”. 
He chuckles, “It’s probably the concussion talking”.
Eventually, your eyes started to adjust to reality, but the pounding headache was still lingering.
“What happened”? 
“You got hit by a baseball. Again. I found you unconscious by the stadium entrance”.
“Oh, so that’s what it was”. 
“On the bright side, it wasn’t me who knocked you out this time”. He laughs.
You try to laugh, but the pain in your head begins to throb. Ken adjusts the ice pack on your head. 
“So, did you guys”…
Ken shows the championship ring on his ring finger. You smile. “Congrats”. 
“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be celebrating with your team”? 
“I wanted to see if you were okay and to apologize for everything, for what happened during college, what I said last month, and for blackmailing you. I was completely selfish. You have every right to be mad at me”. 
“I’m not really mad at you. For one thing, I should be apologizing to you too. For what happened in college. I was so focused on my career that I wasn’t being self-aware, and ended up hurting your feelings. I wasn’t using you for any story. But it didn’t look that way when I left that morning. I’m sorry ”. 
Kenji smiles. “I guess everything was built by a few misunderstandings”.
“Yeah, it was. I’m glad we got to sort it out”. 
You look up at the clock on the wall.
8:51 PM
“Great, I missed my flight. And considering I just ended my lease on my apartment, looks like I have to go hotel hunting”. 
“Or, you can stay with me for the night”. Ken suggested.
“Are you sure, I don’t want to intrude”-
“I want you to. As a way to make up for everything. Also, Emi really misses you”. 
You walk into Kenji’s house and the feeling of peace returns to you. The first thing you do when entering the home is head to the basement to see Emi. As soon as you step out of the elevator, Emi immediately runs up to you, chirping gleefully and jumping up and down with joy. 
“I told you, she’s Y/N deprived”. 
You laugh. “Well, I missed you too Emi”. 
For the rest of the night you both played with Emi until she got tired. After putting her in the tube, you both settled down on the couch. You were trying to find flights for tomorrow, while Ken was trying to find his energy drink in the cooler. 
“Thanks for letting me stay. Despite everything”. You said as you turned off your phone. 
Kenji grabs his drink and cracks it open “It’s no problem. Like I said, I wanted to make it up to you”. He gives you a soft smile before drinking from the can. 
“So, did you find another flight”? He asks. 
“Yep, leaves tomorrow afternoon”.
“That’s great”.
You raise an eyebrow. “You aren’t going to try to stop me”?
“Nah, I don’t want to get in the way again”. He says. 
You were both sitting in silence, watching Emi intently while Mina sang her a lullaby. 
“Although”… He adds
You turn to Kenji. He takes your hands and holds them gently. 
“I don’t want to go the rest of my life without telling you how much you mean to me. You’re more than just Emi’s babysitter. You’re everything that I want. For the last two months, I never felt so alone whenever I’m with you. You make me want to become the best version of myself and become a better person. I know I can’t make you stay, but I want you to know that I love you”. 
That night, you were lying in your bed, staring at the ceiling. You were thinking about Kenji’s confession. About how you were about to respond, but he ran out to do “Ultraman business”, knowing all too well that he can’t fight with a broken arm. But you knew deep down, he was scared. Scared that he was going to repeat the same mistakes, scared that you were going to laugh at him.
You hear a buzz coming from your phone and you turn it on. 
Boarding Time: 1:05
Flight Time: 1:45 PM 
Your stomach turns as you look at it. Instead of being excited, you lay there with an ultimatum. Kenji or your job. Your job made you happy. You achieved more promotions and accomplishments than any other reporter. You were traveling the world, and you were getting so much praise from everyone. While you were happy, deep down you weren’t satisfied. On the other hand, being with Kenji brought you peace. Sure you two didn’t get along at first, but as time passed by, you were comfortable around him. You haven’t felt any comfort since you started your current job. You’re scared to think about what life would be like if you left Japan already. How upsetting it would be if you left Kenji behind without telling him…
You love him too.
Your cheeks heat up, and you feel your heart beating faster. 
You love Kenji. 
The billboards, Ami’s advice, and the baseball incident led you back to Kenji. And this time, the world was giving you a second chance. 
So with your impulses ready to take the risk, you begin to text your boss.
The next morning, you wake up to the smell of something burning. You got up and ran out of your room. When you get to the kitchen, you see Kenji putting down a plate of food on the table. 
“Hey, you’re awake”! He smiles. “Breakfast is almost ready”! 
You look down at the plate of food. The toast was almost burnt to a crisp. The bacon looks too oily and ready to turn into ash. As for the eggs, it looks completely overcooked and a little black. 
“I know it looks unappetizing, but if you put a lot of ketchup on the eggs, it’ll mask the ashy taste”. Kenji says earnestly. 
“You made this for me”? You look back at Kenji. 
“Well yeah. You made dinner for me multiple times, so I thought I would do something for you too. Also, you have a flight today so I just wanted to make sure you eat well and”-
Before Kenji could finish his thought, you walked up to him and locked your lips onto his. Kenji stands there in shock, but eventually returns the kiss, holding you close with his arm. He held you tightly not wanting to let you go. You pull away to catch your breath, Kenji puts his forehead onto yours, his breath shaky. 
“I canceled my flight”. You say, finally speaking up. 
His eyes widened. “What? What about Norway”?
“I told my boss that I want to continue working in Japan. He was more than understanding. So he extended my residency here. Meaning, I’m staying”.
“But why Y/N? What about your dreams”?
“Norway can wait. I am still young after all. Plus I don’t want to go on with the rest of my life without telling you… I love you too, Kenji”. 
Kenji smiles and kisses you again. 
“I love you Y/N. I promise to never take you for granted, and to make every minute of every day worth”-
Suddenly, you both hear a high pitch alarm go off and see a visible trail of black clouds coming from the oven. Kenji’s happy face turned into horror as he ran towards the oven.
You tried to stifle your laughter as he tried to grab the tray from the oven with one hand. You grabbed an oven mitt and helped him take it out, the smell of burnt potatoes hitting your nose. Kenji throws the burnt potato patties in the trash can. He sighs as he grabs his phone from his pocket
“How about we take out”. 
BONUS SCENE (cause I love my patient pookies) 
“So what’s gonna happen now that you’re staying in Japan”? Kenji asks as he takes a bite of his ham and cheese omelette. 
“Well, I get to obsess over one of the greatest living players in history”. You responded as you finished your bacon strip. 
Kenji sits up tall with a toothy grin. 
“I mean, Ohtani is so amazing. I mean, his batting average is perfect”. You dreamily sigh. Ken pouts at you, making you laugh. 
“Aww you jealous”? 
“Pft, no”. He crosses his arms and huffs.
You put your to go box down on the coffee table and scoot closer to Kenji. 
“Awww it’s okay”. You cooed while slightly pinching Kenji’s cheeks. “You’re still the second greatest player of all time”.
Suddenly, Kenji throws his to go box on the table and tackles you down on the couch. You screamed as Kenji begins to tickle you.
“Hey, you’re arm”! You breathed out while you point at his sling.
“Eh, it’s almost healed anyway”. He shrugs, continuing his assault.
“Stop”! You laugh.
“Say it”! 
“Okay, okay”! You breathed out. “You, Kenji Sato, is the greatest living baseball player”.
“Better than Ohtani”? 
“Better than Ohtani”.
“Yes”! He hugs you tightly as you both fell back on the couch. 
“I’m glad you’re staying with me”. Kenji whispers and kisses your forehead. You cuddle closer to him, hearing his steady breathing and relaxed heart beat. 
“I’m glad I get to stay with you”.
A/N: My first mini-series is complete!! Thanks for being patient with the posting schedule. It’s so hard trying to figure out what day to post and what time. I also want to thank you for reading!! It was such a lengthy process and I’m glad it’s finally out and in the open! The comments are so sweet and I always look forward to reading them. I have a few projects cooking, but it’s probably gonna get posted later on. And with school coming up, some stuff might take longer than others. Thank you guys for your support! I love the Ultraman community so much!!
Likes, Comments and Reblogs are always appreciated!!!
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bronx-bomber87 · 6 months
Hello my wonderful fandom :) Thank you for all your lovely comments on me being delayed. Not my usual M.O. but I definitely needed the extra time to process. I was GUTTED and absolutely wrecked. Poor D had to deal with my panic spiral for most of Wednesday. (love you lol) I'll be honest I'm still little shook up and sad. Kinda grateful for the 3 week break tbh between episodes. This was a gut punch I wasn't in the least expecting. Hoping we'll get a S7 announcement during this hiatus. *fingers crossed* Get it together ABC. This took me awhile to unpack emotionally so thank you all again for being so patient.
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So I want to preface this post. There will be ZERO And I mean ZERO bashing of Tim in this review from me. Would appreciate that in comments as well. I love conversation you know I love comments. What I don't like is hate being spread. Also nothing on Eric either. I've also seen this which is utter madness. Don't touch our captain. Man loves this fandom so much. Deserves respect. If you came to this review for either of those things please promptly exit stage left. I mean that in the kindest way possible but I love Tim/Eric so it's a non starter with me.
I’ve never so deeply related with a character in all my life as I have with Tim Bradford. I’ll be dissecting this ep to best of my ability. I love both these characters so very much. Why I was knocked out for a couple days before could tackle this. I imagine my thoughts will change when I do my summer in depth one. When we have the rest of the season in pocket. I have to say this won't be mini at all. LOL So lets get rid of that concept right now ha I can't be mini with this ep. I am not brief so thanks for reading. Also hats off to Eric my god he was incredible in this episode. Melissa too killing me left, right and center you two. Let us get started.
6x06 Secret and Lies.
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Poor Lucy looks like me when I’m stressed and drained af. Tamara asking how stressed she currently is? Lucy answering 19.....She looks like a 19 if not worse tbh. This is probably the most time they've spent apart since they got together. Basically living together at this point let's be honest. Other than 6x01 they haven't really spent time apart aside from that UC op in 5x21. *sigh*
Tamara asking if Tim is still ghosting her? Lucy trying so hard to keep it together with her answer. My heart. What a wreck she is without Tim. Do love that we get to see her pin-up board btw. Good shot of her room we don’t usually get. That cupcake poster I love it so much. Although now it makes me sad...
Lucy asking what's wrong? Tamara telling her she wants to move out with some friends from school. Crap. Her moving is the last thing she needs…. But it's good for her even though the idea makes me sad. End of an era. Lucy is right she needs to live with people her own age. Doesn’t make it hurt less though. This is a ROUGH season for Lucy my god. The hits keep coming for our girl and I wanna hug her. Shield her somehow....
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Lucy touching near her tattoo when she reaches Angela. (Mini gut punch.) I do love her coming to Angela about this. If there is anyone who knows Tim like she does it's Angela. Does help she finds his behavior alarming too. I mean of course she does. You can see the immediate worry. The empathy she has for Lucy is there but she holds her cards close in her advice. Telling her to trust him even though it's literally killing her. Not the council Lucy needed to hear or was looking for.
Lucy wanted more action than 'Just wait and trust him.' She has been trusting him but she’s so insanely worried. Going out of her mind with anxiety for her person. It's exuding out of of her and she looks like she wants to cry…Ugh me too Lucy. I’m an empath and an anxious one at that. I would be going out of my mind too…. Angela looks worried as hell though. Even though she isn't conveying that to Lucy at this point. Breaking my heart as she takes off from their convo. Because if she doesn't she'll lose it right then and there.
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God I love Angela Lopez. First off well done on tracking him down. She's just a bad ass. I mean it's one of the reason's Lucy reached out to her tbh. Just gets into his car, drinking his soda, calling him out right away. I love her reasoning saying she can live off Wesley’s trust fund. Lmao. Doesn’t matter as much if she get's fired. 'Wine o'clock.' for her. Gotta love the confidence. I truly hope we get more Tim/Angela scenes the rest of this season. I always adore their dynamic.
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Tim is sold on her reasoning and starts to explain the current situation he's trapped in. Angela taking it all in and assessing everything as he explains. Once Tim has succinctly summed up his current predicament Angela's reply is the best. 'I’m in.' lmao I love this woman. ‘I got your back boo.’ That she does. In more ways than he even realizes at this point.
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Gotta commend Angela calling him out for walking away from Lucy. Not only that but his job to arrest a guy hasn’t thought of in a decade…. Ain’t no one better than her to be there to call him out his crap right now. Not only that but to really dig deep. To know this is far more than what he's sharing. This is why Angela is an incredible detective rooting things out like this. Saying this is more than just protecting Lucy. Her intuition is out of this world.
I mean she's not wrong. Lucy would understand if it was just about the benefits. She would be proud really. Thing is it's about protecting himself too. Which really just scratches the surface of why he is doing this. Tim knows he's caught even if he shrugs it off. She has him dead to rights and he knows it. 'I’m your BFF. I know you.' Ha it’s true whether you like it or not Timothy…Just like Lucy she has your number.
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Angela giving him crap with how they're following Ray. Worried he isn't being smart about this. This is so unlike him to be this sloppy and unfocused. She was right he was tailing too close… Ray catches on to their tail quickly. When he scanned the vehicle made me so nervous. Doing it while he's taunting Tim. He's so detail oriented blows my mind Tim let that get by him. This SL gave me such MASSIVE anxiety as I watched it. Oh my lord.
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The minute they get back to Angela's place she calls him out once again. Asking why he thinks this is ALL his fault? Tim shrugs it off and she refuses to take that as his final answer. Of course Angela was right there is far more to this story. Tim finally opens up to her about what happened. He had been leading his squadron for some time. Looking to move up to Sergeant.
The catch was he couldn’t be promoted if there was rampant criminality in his unit. Ray clearly was in the way of him moving up. Tim figured he could keep it within his unit if they went after him.. Oh Tim…. It was an unsanctioned mission too. Thinking if he could accomplish this would be easy fast track to his promotion.
Kills me to know he was there during the air strike ugh… Details missing from the last episode. The Humvee saved him and Mark but not his other men… I can't imagine what Tim felt in that moment. The immense amount of guilt laid on his soul from here on out. I mean it makes sense why he never left patrol before Lucy. The last time he tried to advance his career this happened. My broken boy.
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Eric CRUSHES this scene. I wanna cry. My poor Timothy. He was more focused more on his career than his oath...Got two of his men killed. My damn heart. He’s so ashamed of himself. The way he points at himself when he says 'leadership.' I knew his military past would be dark but holy crap. I wanted more of his backstory and they delivered that in spades. What a gut punch this had to be for him. No doubt his men were loyal af to him. Would've followed him anywhere and did.
He carries leading those men to their deaths because they followed his leadership. Oof. That is quite the weight to keep on your soul. Also gives us insight to why he shoulders everything. Even when he doesn't have to. Punishing himself for past transgressions such as this. I'm sure when we get to the other side of this season, I will have an even deeper respect for the writers going into his backstory like this. Giving us even more insight to this man.
This hurts so good to get this kind of info. I have no doubt that’s why he shut Lucy out. The shame he feels is overwhelming. I totally get it. Nothing scarier than someone knowing your darkest secrets. Not only that but worrying they’ll think less of you due to it. Tim already struggles with self loathing. Been a theme for him his entire arc on this series. Something I've touched on a lot. This is truly bringing that to light in the most painful way.
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We see Ray scanned Tim's car in order to gain access to it. To check his GPS to see where he's been. How he's been tracking him. When he scrolls down to Lucy's address. Made my stomach sink. Legit felt sick to my stomach....
I do love Lucy coming home and having Tamara there. Saying she ordered pizza for them. This is exactly what she needs. Do you really have to go Tamara? I wonder if she'll delay leaving now after this ep. There is a knock at the door and of course it's not the pizza. It's Ray. Hair's on the back of my neck stood up from the moment he entered that apt.
I know Melissa stated in her interview she was nervous about this scene. That she came off awkward in her anger. You are incorrect madam. Holy hell Lucy is a BAMF. Telling him the only call she's gonna make is for the ambulance. Because when she's done with him he's going to need it to wheel him out. Holds her ground like the confident bad ass we've all loved seeing her become.
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Lucy calling him shaking and demanding where he was. Ooh lord hell fire coming with her through that front door. I love Angela grabbing Tamara to another room. Like let's go mom and dad are about to have a big blow out. Let's give them some space...
Tim asking if she's ok? Truly concerned but Lucy isn't having ANY of it. 'Do I look ok?' Damn no she doesn't....Ripping into him saying how that creep could've showed up when she wasn't there. Lucy is not wrong....Oh my lord I’ve never seen her so damn mad. She is RAGING at him and rightfully so. Her home was violated, Tamara was put in danger and threatened. All because Tim was trying to protect her. phew.
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Tim FINALLY concedes to telling her something. It only seems to enrage her more. She is literally vibrating with anger in this scene with him. The more he tells her the more it doesn't explain why he left her in the dark. Lucy begging him to read her in. I mean she has earned that my love. ..Telling him to stop protecting her. Gah Tim is a deep loyalist who would protect anyone he loves even if it's not the right thing. His reply is a reflection of that.
'I can't. I won't.' He's so driven to keep her safe. His instinct is to protect her but doesn't see he's hurting her in the process. I knew she was going to be pissed he let Angela in and not her. But Tim was right she has a lot less to lose. Which doesn't seem pertinent in this moment...I do love her placing her hands on his when she also replies. 'I can't. I won't.'
Mirroring his words from moments ago. Just like he will never stop protecting her. Lucy will never stop fighting for him or longing to help him. That man is her entire world. The most important person in her life. It makes perfect sense she would help with this. Career be damned. I mean she risked her career to get him a shot at Metro. Of course she would do the same thing in order to shoulder his burden with him.
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Love her standing her ground in this moment. Like damnit I love you and you are going to let me in. Whether you like it or not I am here and I'm going to help. If this wasn't a reflection of the communication problems that still painfully exist between them I don't know what is. I mean she tried to be patient and trust him. But honestly he needed this kick in the ass to let her in. Which is a problem. Lucy needs to be the first person he goes to. It shouldn't have to come to this. *sigh*
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Their OP goes off without a hitch. Except Ray saying he was going to be an air strike on Tim's life.... God I had no idea as I was watching that scene how true it would be. Tim gets his interview and lies to protect Angela and Lucy. While keeping his own job intact as well. Also welcome back to Jackson’s dad. Hello there Percy. This is not how I wanted to see him again.
But he is IA him returning was never gonna be a good thing tbh in a post Jackson world. Regardless it was nice to see him again. The scene is Grey's office is ROUGH. Never seen Wade so disappointed in Tim. It hurts to watch. Just like this entire gut punch of an episode. Tim is just standing there in utter shame of everything. Ashamed Wade is looking at him like this.
Kills me Grey has to inform Pine of what he did. It makes sense he has to but damn that sucks. The amount of respect Tim has for Wade is immense. To watch him tear Tim apart and just stand there like a puppy being scolded hurts my soul. Especially when he tries to fight Pine knowing. Just dismissing him without further comment or argument...
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So I will say this and it's not at all fair to Lucy that I thought this I'm sure. But I felt like if there was gonna be a breakup it would be coming from her. Not Tim in this moment. That's the part of this moment that really knocked the wind out of me. She had every damn right to be the one too btw. Instead she is there waiting for him with open arms. Honestly I took a breath for the first time this entire episode when she welcomed him in.
Wrapping him up in her arms. Encasing him, rubbing his back, her fingers in his hair. Gently cradling him against her. I thought ok maybe we'll be alright. Since Lucy isn't nearly as angry as she was earlier. Maybe they can get through this together. Cause she loved on him regardless of what happened. The unconditional love she has for this man blows me away. I honestly thought with her loving on him maybe they'd make it out. That they’d work through it together.
Tim looks so very defeated. On the verge of an actual breakdown as he explains that he lied about everything. Saying it saved his job...protected Angela and her. It doesn't seem like enough of a win to him. He looks so very destroyed and this is just the beginning of his downward spiral.
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Lucy is doing everything to be his rock in this moment. To assuage him of his guilt… Most vulnerable ever seen Tim *pre tears*…. Lucy telling him it was an impossible situation. She would've done the same thing. It’s so very clear she was willing to work through this. To build them back to where they were before he got that phone call. Everything Lucy was in this scene represented her unconditional love for him. Tim is just too destroyed at the moment to see it….Also for him to accept it. It's so hard to truly accept unconditional love if you've never had it before. To truly trust in it.
Lucy is watching him spiral out of control. The way he's talking about himself with such loathing. How she never would've been in a place where she put her self interest over her team like him. She is trying her damndest to right his wrong. But Tim is having none of it. It pains me to see it... Pains Lucy too. It's the way she grabs onto him while he continues his verbal self flogging that get's me.
Trying to ground him in this moment with her touch. Bring him back to her. Something that has worked so well in the past. Sadly not having the intended affect this time around. Tim is too damn gone at this point. He feels he’s betrayed everything he thought he was. THOUGHT he was. *heart clutch* Tim has such a deep moral compass. That's why this is rocking him so very much. Ugh my heart. I too have a crazy deep moral compass. I can't say I wouldn't be spiraling out like him as well.
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This was his greatest sin brought to light. To Tim exposing him for the fraud he feels he is. Him saying he's been lying to himself for a long time is a reflection of this. That imposter syndrome coming out real strong here. Something he buried deep down came rushing to the forefront and he is imploding. Says as much above. He no longer feels worthy to be in her life now. I get this anytime I screw up with a friend or my sister. I have this deep sense of shame attached to it. Like I no longer deserve that friend or my sister cause I messed up or if a past sin comes up. That they'll no longer love me or will forever look at me differently cause of it.
It's not logical but it's deeply ingrained from my mom shaming me for doing anything wrong growing up. As it is for Tim. His father literally beat the hell out of him for ever being out of line. He has suffered emotional and physical abuse. Unless confronted and treated comes out like this. Demons making their way to the surface. I was bawling by the time he said 'I'm sorry.' He’s never seen himself worthy of Lucy’s love that much has always been evident. But to see it this raw and visceral ripped my heart out. It’s on the ground where they're both standing.
I think this is something that has been brewing in the background for Tim for a long time. Now that I've had time away to decompress and think. I'm actually very excited they're tackling this. It's clear Tim is not in a place where he thinks he deserves her anymore. Low key never has been. He acts before he thinks. Eric had a great quote from his interview about Tim "He is impulsive and he reacts instead of thinking things through, and it can come out a bit too strong.” That is this decision in a nutshell. He feels he is a burden therefore he is removing himself without thinking it through. The regret that is going to come with this is going to be immense for him.
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'You deserve so much better.' Better than me basically. He feels immense shame and that shame is launching him away from her. You know I learned something in therapy about this. About not being perfect and feeling like I'm too much. i.e. a burden. My therapist told me and it made me cry. 'You are worthy of the space you take up in people's lives. They want you there.' Tim does not think he is worthy of the space he is taking up in Lucy's life now. All his sins on the table laid out for her to see. He can't handle it. That much is very clear here. I will say I haven’t let a ship hurt me like this in a long time.
This absolutely crushed me. I couldn't even fathom assembling my thoughts. Cut me very deep. Been with this ship since day one. Also what a crushing blow this is for Lucy. Our poor girl. I mean she gave everything to this relationship. I mean EVERYTHING. She was all in from the moment Tim said ‘Unless it is.’ This was her first real relationship. First real leap into being serious. Thinking about marriage and kids. She gave her all to Tim my god. Her career took a hit for him and she never complained. Knew he was worth it (he still is btw) Fought every step of the way for him. For them.
When he was pulling back above it was an absolute panic for her. She could see him slipping through her fingers. Idk what broke my heart more Tim thinking he’s not worthy of her any longer or her begging him not to do this. She literally can't fathom how he can let go of her like this. Thought she was his person. Tim feels he’s gone back to who he was pre-Lucy and that scares him. He feels undeserving of the love she has to give him. Lucy knows everything and in his mind he can’t imagine her still loving him.
Lucy was as we all were in this scene. In disbelief... Even though Tim put her though absolute hell she was still there to comfort and support him. Because to her he is worth it even in the hard times. We all know Tim isn’t the best with his emotions. In his trauma damaged brain he thinks he’s doing the right thing here. That he’s radioactive, she deserves better than being around him and his reckless behavior.
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The kiss on her head. Lucy trying to physically push away his rejection. Stomping all over my damn heart...However this ends up playing out Tim is going to have to address his emotional instability. How he charges forward and doesn’t think things through. Ruled by his emotions in the worst way. He’s impulsive and he’s gonna have to fight to get her back when he’s in a better mindset. Her trust has been obliterated by this. She fought and clawed for them and this was her reward. He’s gonna have to do some serious healing to get back to her. Lucy has loved him the best she can but he needs to put in some work now. We see next ep he's meeting with Aaron's therapist. Don't love that but I’ve wanted Tim to go to therapy for years. He needs this. Therapy doesn’t work unless you put the effort in though.
That will be a challenge for him. When I get out of the purview of this hurt I’m feeling...I’m actually going to be really impressed and happy they had Tim go through this. Do I think this is the end of them? No I think this is some serious growing pains. It was issues that have been percolating since Lucy did that 5 player trade. Hell probably back in 5x12 when Tim sacrificed himself without telling her so they could stay together. I still think that was romantic because of it's intended nature. BUT was the beginning of the communication problems. They’ve grown so very much in that regard. We’ve seen it but there is still work to be done on that front. It just came to a very gutting painful head.
I still have faith in the writers. I still have faith they’ll be ok. It might not be right away and I'm already feeling impatient tbh. But this is some serious realism being applied to them. It wasn't some random BS angst. Honestly we’re lucky our ship gets the most attention, the best SL’s and two people who LOVE these characters. They absolutely adore them and this ship. If you haven’t read Melissa and Eric’s interviews for this episode I highly recommend. This sucks right now. No two ways about it. But we will survive this storm. They’ll come out stronger than ever. Truly believe that. But for now let's rally around each other and get through this together. There will be brighter days ahead just doesn't feel like it right now. We got this.
Side notes non Chenford.
Do love Aaron working with Harper all if of all I cared about other than their SL in this one. Nolan's I fast forwarded which I normally don't do but I had no patience for his BS in this ep lol My anxiety was rampant in this ep and had no space for him.
Also RIP Metro Tim for the 6x07 promo. This hurts to see not just cause I enjoyed him in that outfit lol But to see his career take a nosedive like this. I wanted more Tim back story. Didn’t think would hurt like this though....Feel free to comment I love you all for any interaction I get with these. <3
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yanderederee · 1 year
Delinquents are Cute
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a/n: was experimenting with a few ideas about reader’s family life and wrote this as a result. Mostly a spinoff of my Baji x Tutor!Reader series…
tw: Baji beats grown men up, attempted forced entry— nothing major
“Kei! What is this?” His mom yelled from the living room. This was a familiar scene that played out often. Except instead of a lecture, his mother squealed with joy. “These are the best marks I’ve seen from you yet!” She said, tearing up.
Ironic, he thought again. He promised not to make his mom cry again, and now that he was actually doing well, here she goes crying again. Though, the teenager was proud of the achievement. Not only had he passed every subject, he actually reached 80 percent in Two subjects.
“I’m so proud of you Kei!” She laughed, grappling him into a bear hug. “Knock it off!” He complained. She grinned her canines and ruffled her son’s loose locks. “So when are you gonna let me meet that tutor they assigned you?”
The younger Baji grumbled. He tried really hard to keep your existence a secret from his mom, but it was hard when you sent him home with a bag of whatever fruit was in season since he started walking you home in a routine. That, and there was no way he could achieve this academic spike alone.
He continued to ignore and accept how his mom often let it slide. Apparently not today.
“Oh by the way Kei,” His mom grinned. “As congrats for your grades, I thought I’d make your favorite tonight!”
Food was definitely the way to whip him into a good mood, yet when he met his mom’s eyes, he sensed mischief. “Buuut, you have to invite that wonderful tutor over to join! I’ll even get a cake!”
So that's how he found himself hovering his thumb over the call button on the phone, his mother’s intense gaze and solid smile never breaking. With a defeated sign, Keisuke accepted to make the call.
“L/n F/n, how can I help you?” You speak into the phone, casually. “Uhh hey it’ss Baji.” He murmured, awkwardness setting in quickly. “Baji? Hey, crazy you called! I was wondering how your midterms went!” You asked enthusiastically, the pleasant chime reaching his mother’s ears.
Ryoko inhaled a sharp gasp, mouthing, “A girl?!”
Ah shit.
Before Baji even had the chance to react, the phone was snatched out of his loose grip. “Baji Ryoko speaking!~ Thank you so very much for your help! Kei scored higher than ever before! I can’t tell you just how grateful I am!”
‘You're being annoying,’ the youngest Baji growled lowly. “O-oh! Good evening Ms Baji! Please, it was a blast teaching Ke– I-I mean Baji!”
He heard the first syllable of his name, sending a jolt through his body. ‘Oh this was going to be fun,’ the devilish women smirked.
“Oh please! He’s a handful, but you really helped us so much! Please, join us for dinner tonight, if it’s not too late!”
Baji opted to plopping himself on the couch with a groan, losing control of the situation completely, not having the fight to oppose his hard headed mother.
“Dinner...?” You’d whispered, as though looking far away for a moment. “Um... Are you sure? I don’t have anything on hand, but I’m sure I can whip up–” Ryoko cut the humble talk, “No need, I have it all under control! I’ll send Kei to pick you up now!” She announced with a sharp smile. Never failed to scare the shit out of him.
Fine, what the hell, he sighed.
“What are you doing?” Ryoko questioned when Baji went to pull his hair back, though it was freshly washed and extra voluminous. “Huh? Putting my hair up?” He rolled his eyes, dredging to his room, only to exit with his school glasses and– was that deodorant, or.. Cologne? When the hell did he own that?
“Obviously, I mean what’s with the getup so late at night, you dork? You don’t hang out with Chifuyu in that costume.” She huffed, taking the glasses from him.
Kei wanted to jab how it wasn’t her business, but for some reason he didn’t feel like picking a fight. He shrugged, not sure why it was harder to meet his mom’s eyes.
“We don’t hang out, that's why. She’s a classmate. It’s less intimidating, I dunno. Guess I like not being treated like a delinquent all the time.”
He slurred his words near the end, answering more honestly than he’d have liked.
“W-whatever! I’m off!” He huffed, snatching the glasses back before pushing them to the bridge of his nose. “Wait, Kei!” His mom yelled after.
It was tempting to ignore her, but just in case, he listened. Wouldn’t look, but he was listening. Ryoko smiled that he’d allow her even that much. “You’re a good person Kei, I raised you after all, right? You're not hiding anything anyhow, if she’s stuck with you this long, I can’t imagine you can scare her off that easily.”
. . .
Keisuke considered his mom’s advice while walking down the road he’d usually journey with Chifuyu down to school. Lately he's feigned scene after scene to keep you and Chifuyu from interacting.
Why? Honestly, Kei was asking himself that now.
Why keep you from meeting his friends?
Why did he continue to walk you home, even when it earned him a damn earful from Draken almost nightly?
Why keep you from seeing his face? So what, if you too spat in his face and started putting distance between you two?
Why did he feel irritated whenever you looked him as close in the eye as you could, smiling or asking something of him?
Chifuyu was actually extremely observant. Baji may have thought he was slick, feigning excuses to not go in one specific direction, even if there was no need for them to turn that way. It was Chifuyu’s sharp curiosity that did him in.
One time when this had happened, he noticed you. You were wearing a somewhat sad look, as though you’d just been ignored. But Chifuyu definitely would have known if you had tried getting either of their attention.
Baji had changed their direction before you even had the chance to greet them. It didn't take much more digging and stalking to understand the situation.
Chifuyu and Baji both enjoyed manga, but their genre interests often differed. Yet, Chifuyu forced Baji into reading one full shojo series, a whopping three volume tale.
—-Sweet goody-two shoes love-interest, unknowingly but willingly getting involved with a wolf in a nerdy disguise protag.
The plot was perfect for the hard-headed Captain.
From the male’s point of view, of course. Chifuyu was confident it would help his dear senior come to his senses. So of course, that is why Chifuyu felt the sudden need to rush Baji into reading this one very specific manga genre.
If Baji were honest, the story was touching. He found himself cringing a lot at the beginning, but as the dialogue became heavier, he found himself relating to the protagonist, struggling to come to terms with his feelings for the leading love interest.
He couldn’t help thinking about how you would react so cute if he also—
Baji thought he’d faint right then and there. He did Not just come to this realization.
Especially not when he just made it to your house.
The air was heavy. There were some quiet noises moving around, giving off a very unsettling feeling. Where were the sounds....
Baji froze.
Your front door was wide fucking open.
“I-I just told you, my dad’s not here right now, p-pleas—” You voiced out forcefully. “Don’t care, you’re the message anyway, princess.”
“What–” You had replied, quickly being cut off with a sharp shriek, reaction due to one of the three men shadowing your doorstep suddenly gripping his fist in your hair. You were being pulled into the house, your house, the other two hurry to follow the third offender in, carefully covering your screams somehow.
Baji Keisuke was indeed fast.
Fast enough to sprint a thirty foot distance in four seconds time.
Fast enough to dramatically pull the half shut door by its outside door handle.
Fast enough to catch the guy closest to the door by his disgusting oily neck.
Fast enough to use the sack of shit’s head like a fucking hammer against the man who had his hands on you.
Full Face.
Full Throttle.
The three adult men had absolutely no chance against Baji Keisuke, not when he was this far gone to rage. It was clear how the scene would have played out, had he not crossed by this night.
The thought of it alone was fucking nauseating.
Dropped to the hard surface of your own home, you felt yourself backing away from the collision of men. Heart racing, you couldn’t hide the shake of your nerves getting the best of you. The stinging in your scalp was still sore, and already felt as though your wrist may have sprained by the force of the push and fall.
You were scared.
But not downright terrified.
Shameful to say, you knew the disgusting men who forced their way into your home. Associates of your father.
He wasn’t exactly an honest working man.
But everybody needs a little help, especially when you have a drinking problem and a public reputation of a happy family to maintain.
. . . Luckily he had a child who he could let his stress out on by berating the stress of maintaining both the facade and habit on...
You were only thankful whatever he kept himself busy with left you home alone majority of the time. Usually.
It was only a matter of time before loan sharks would finally come to collect...
All of this was unbeknownst to Baji, of course. How could he know? You always avoided the subject of your family and parents, and since he wasn’t really interested in the details anyway, the secret was secure.
Until now, maybe.
All the while, Baji’s mind went wild, thoughts of guilt plaguing his rage further and further until he was sure these guys deserved to die for what the hell they had in mind.
You’d never done anything wrong. The only reason someone would target you, is to get back at someone else.
And being a widely disliked figure, Baji could only assume he was to blame.
Baji Keisuke had finally shown what he really was. A stone cold delinquent, who failed a grade because of being an accomplice of attempted theft, and first degree murder. He knew what he was when he kept inching closer to you.
But goddamnit. He really thought he could hide it, longer than four months, at least. His glasses lay smashed against the front porch, hair tie getting ripped out by one of the scum, who all lay appropriately below his shoes.
It was silent. Baji couldn’t find the confidence to turn your direction. You’d seen him at his most terrifying. There wasn’t a soul alive who didn’t fear his blood hunts.
Yet, he took how you didn’t immediately run away in fear as a good sign, right?
“Baji?” Your voice called out softly.
“…Yeah,” He replied just as softly, still unable to turn your direction.
Slowly, he noticed your figure close in on him. Is this what a scared animal feels like when they feel cornered? The intense instinctual urge to run from what looms over it? Ironic, being that he was half a foot taller than you.
But he didn’t run. His feet glued to the pavement, he needed to accept what happened next. Even if that meant he’d have to go back to self study.
Taken out of his negative thoughts, your hands caged his bloody right hand tightly. Baji felt his breath catch in his throat, jerking instinctually. He glanced your way.
You didn’t seem interested in his feral locks, or searching his face.
Instead, you held his hand tenderly, an unreadable look looming over your features.
He really didn’t want to be the one to speak up first, but it really would be a good idea to get rid of these low life’s still darkening your doorstep.
Noticing his unease, you pull him gently. He followed, but only because the alternative would be his own way of rejecting you.
And he just... Couldn’t.
How could he push you away, when even now, presented in blood and fang, you still touched him as gently as you would when pointing out an academic hiccup.
Damn shojo manga, he’d have been better off oblivious.
Yet even when you washed, disinfected, and wrapped his knuckles, you didn’t look up at him.
Were you scared of looking at him? He couldn’t blame you, but he had to admit it did hurt a little bit.
What would have happened to you, had he not come around that corner? Had he not invited you over for dinner in the first place? Fuck, he was probably the reason why you were targeted. Baji Keisuke was a delinquent with a big reputation and rivals who sought to destroy it.
He’s the one who’d put you in danger, he had convinced himself of that as fact.
You fluttered your gaze back to Baji, a little laugh leaving your throat. “I was right, you do look more mature without glasses.”
Were you Seriousy teasing him now, while in the middle of this Serious Crisis. Honestly, Baji had no idea how to properly respond. His normal ‘what would mom do’ trick couldn’t work this time. The silence was eating at both of you, but he just couldn’t muster a response.
... ~~~~~~~!!
Finally deciding you’d had enough, you finally willed your head up, eyes slowly trailing up before landing on his face for the second time.
When Baji came running in your defense, the fire behind his eyes gave you a warmth you’d never felt before. To be protected?
The first time you looked upon his face, framed by his thick locks, the only way you could describe how you felt when met with his feral expression...
Only after you two locked eyes had either of you notice the sneaking glance of the other.
Your reaction was to take in his mildly nervous form, and how he feigned a look of indifference.
Baji’s reaction was to hold his breath and listen as his heart pulses in his ears. Did you make him nervous?
“Baji.. Back there...” You spoke first, earning another sharp intake breath in reply.
His nerves couldn’t deal with this.
“Y-you.... You looked...” You mumbled, turning to avoid his hopeful eyes. “R-really cool.... You looked really cool, back there...”
Baji Keisuke had to be going deaf. Hard of hearing, Auditorically Dyslexic? There was no other way to explain what he just heard come from you.
From you.
You? Thought he looked cool? When beating up random strangers?
Most would describe his behavior as brash, monstrous, merciless, unapproachable.
Yet here you sat, face red and looking identical to a shoujo protagonist red in the face after a confessio—
Oh god, he was short circuiting.
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wisteria-cherry · 1 year
forty days and forty nights (day twenty-two!)
(it’s super duper long!!)
(told ya i’d make up for the short ones :))
“you know just regular coffee gets free refills.” you tell bakugo, who was swishing around what little liquid was in his mug, hindered by the coffee grounds.
“i don’t need a refill.” bakugo grunted. “s’almost time anyway.”
“alright. i’m surprised you made one coffee last two hours.” you smile.
“so what?” bakugo raised an eyebrow.
“nothing. just an observation.” you shrug. you glance at the clock— 6:54.
“hey, takumi, can you close today?” you turn around, watching as she did a cash drop. “i’ll do it tomorrow, i swear. i just—“
“—have a date, right.” takumi interrupted. “of course.”
“it’s not a date!” bakugo yelled furiously, the tips of his ears reddening again. “fuck off!”
“…right.” takumi matched bakugo’s glare with a perfectly blank deadpan.
“well, i’m gonna clock out early,” you announce, purposefully walking in between bakugo and takumi’s lines of sight in order to break off the apparent staring contest.
“okay.” takumi agreed, finishing the cash drop and moving aside so you could clock out.
“i’m going to go change, and then we’ll be off, sound good?” you glanced at bakugo once you finish.
“yeah, whatever.” bakugo fiddled with his empty cup once more as you left to go get your clothes and change in the bathroom.
once you emerge, you find takumi across the counter from bakugo. curious, you walk up to them.
“takumi? whatcha talking about?” you ask. takumi glanced at you, then back at bakugo.
“nothing.” she says, taking bakugo’s empty mug and heading towards the back to put it in the sink. you blink, but you don’t push it as bakugo stands up.
“c’mon, i don’t have all day.” bakugo grunted, looking you up and down briefly before shoving his hands into his pockets.
“sure you don’t.” you laugh. “let’s go, i’m ready.” bakugo grunted in response and made his way to the door. he stopped and waited for you at the door as you tried to walk and get your coat on at the same time, which was harder than it should've been.
"it's kinda chilly today." you remark as bakugo holds the door as you exit. "thank you," you add.
"yeah, whatever." bakugo averted his gaze and surveyed the city, which seemed at peace, for once. he began walking in long, brisk strides, which you had to quicken your pace to keep up with. you tighten your regrettably thin coat around yourself as you walk.
"so, ramen, huh?" you begin. "do you go here often? is ramen your favorite food?"
"one at a time, geez," bakugo tched. "i go semi-often. no, it's not my favorite."
"then what's your favorite?"
"don't have one." bakugo replied bluntly. "the closest you'll get is anything spicy."
"of course." you laugh. how fitting. bakugo paused for a moment and glanced down at you from the corner of his eye.
"...you got a favorite?"
"not particularly."
"so you're indecisive."
"kind of," you admit sheepishly. "if it counts for anything, i have favorites at specific places. just not a be-all end-all favorite."
"you're weird as hell, you know that?" bakugo said. he seemed to be scornful, but there was no denying his amusement.
"i'm pretty sure you've told me that once or twice."
"yeah, well, we're here anyway." he grunted in response, nodding towards the small shop instead of pointing, because heaven forbid he take his hands out of his pockets lest he look less cool.
you inhale deeply as you step in. it smelled amazing. the smell of ramen broth wafted through the air, letting for a warm, comforting atmosphere.
“the hell’re you waiting for?” bakugo looked back. he was already walking in. “it’s seat yourself.”
“oh. okay!” you smile, happily following after him as he finds the two of you a booth. bakugo sits, and you settle across from him in the plush cushioning of the booth.
“it’s so cozy here,” you ramble. “i love the decorations, they’re so cute, but, like, not the kind of cute you find at a cat cafe, but the kind of cute that’s like— well, i don’t really know, it’s just not the same kind of cute…” okay, so maybe you were a little bit nervous that you’d run out of things to talk about with bakugo and would inevitably be stuck in an awkward silence so you tried to prolong every topic as much as you could, but who wouldn’t? however, bakugo glanced up from the menu before closing it completely, seemingly not fooled by your efforts.
“aren’t you gonna look at the actual goddamn menu?” he tched. “dumbass.”
“oh, right.” you quickly turn to the menu, studying it closely. you pause and look up at him. “aren’t you going to do the same? you’ve hardly looked at it at all.”
“i go here a lot.” bakugo rolled his eyes. “i know what they have, and i know what i want.”
“right, my bad.” you laugh lightly. this was much more stressful than it should’ve been. you turn your attention back to the menu.
“hakata ramen.” bakugo said suddenly. “that’s what’s s’posed to be the best.”
“that sounds good,” you agree, flipping the menu over to see if there are any more options. there were. too many, really. “it’ll be nice to have something heavier since it’s cold out. what’re you getting?”
“spicy tonkotsu.”
“that sounds good, too,” you agreed, scanning the menu to see where spicy tonkotsu was.
“hello, how are you tonight?” a waitress approached the two of you, setting down two glasses of water.
“good, thanks.” you closed your menu and set it down, smiling as you turned your attention to the waitress. “you?”
“i’m well, thank you.” the waitress smiled back. “can i start you guys off with some drinks?”
“just the water.” bakugo grunted before casting a glance at you.
“water for me too, please,” you add. “and i think we’re ready to order, if you’re ready.”
“okay!” the waitress chirps. “what’ll it be?” you glance at bakugo, signaling for him to start.
“the spicy tonkotsu.” bakugo stated as he took your menu and lined it up with his, making a very tiny pile to hand to the waitress.
“and i’ll have the hakata ramen, please.” you smile. the waitress nods as she scribbled the order down.
“alright, we’ll have that out shortly.” she took the menus bakugo had been holding out. “thank you!” the woman scurried away, leaving the two of you to your devices once more.
“do you come here every day like you do the café?” you ask, sipping your water as you wait for an answer. bakugo rolls his eyes.
“maybe if i wanted to waste all my goddamn money.” he scoffed. “there’s no point in eating out every day. coffee’s cheap, so it’s fine if i do that often.”
“but… aren’t you rich?” you blurt out. “as the number one hero?” you instantly clamp your jaw shut. oh, god. why did you just ask about his financial situation? that’s so personal, who does that?!
bakugo seemed to find it amusing.
“straight to the point, hah?” he smirked, cheekily displaying his pearly whites. “not bad, dumbass.”
“i’m so sorry.” you apologized, dipping your head in shame. “that was way too personal.”
“s’not like i get any privacy, anyway.” bakugo’s smirk turned into a scowl. “fuckin’ extras dunno how to leave me alone.”
“that must be really tiresome.” you replied sympathetically.
“no shit. so goddamn lame…” bakugo grumbled, his mood soured by the thought of the paparazzi and other meddlesome groups. luckily, however, it was interrupted by your beloved food arriving.
“here you guys are.” the waitress set down the two bowls and two pairs of chopsticks. “did you guys need anything else?”
“no.” bakugo snapped.
“no, thank you,” you replied quickly after bakugo, praying she’d dismiss his attitude. “but thank you.”
“of course!” the waitress smiles, casting a glance to bakugo before leaving. “enjoy!”
the not-date went amazingly, more so than you’d expected. the food was delicious, and the conversation flowed smoothly. you learned lots about bakugo and the life of a pro-hero, and you hoped he learned a little bit about yourself. the only real “differences” you had to overcome was who was paying. bakugo ended up winning that particular battle. at the end of the date, bakugo insisted on walking you home.
“otherwise, it’ll be on me if some villain attacks you.” bakugo had grunted irritably. “so shut up.”
naturally, you thanked him for taking you out (and reminding him that you were going to pay him back for the ramen) once you’d gotten to your apartment, and he only replied with a “whatever” and a scoff. really, you didn’t think it could’ve been any more fun.
as you walk into your apartment and begin to peel off layers, you glance at the clock. it was half past nine; you’d been out for two and a half hours. you smiled to yourself. who knew bakugo could be so entertaining?
you toss your jacket on the chair in your bedroom, swearing that you’ll hang it up later (you won’t) as you change into comfier clothes. you make your way to the bathroom next, humming as you went along. once you reached it, you turned the faucet on and washed your face.
that was a good not-date. you think contentedly. you pat your face dry and stop suddenly as you look in the mirror.
“not date, huh?” you murmur. you’d been using the term all evening. were you really so inclined to deny it being a date? there could be platonic dates, couldn’t there? of course there could. you were just on one.
then why am i being so defensive about it being a date? you sigh to yourself as you made your way into the living room to plop down on the couch and turn on the tv. you flick through the channels, not sure whether you’re watching for background noise or for an actual plot line tonight. you stop suddenly on the news, despite having sworn it off. bakugo was on tv; it was a story about where he’d been. you stared at the pictures and footage they displayed of him, your eyes studying his features. he wasn’t half-bad looking.
i wonder if i like him. you ponder. maybe that’s why. you flick to the next channel. regardless of bakugo being on tv or not, you still didn’t like the news.
i guess it’s a possibility, isn’t it? you watch a cartoon for a moment to see if it’s interesting at all. it wasn’t. i’ll leave it at maybe.
“you’re weird as hell, you know that?”
tags: @k0z3me @cherryblossomclarity @jazzafaye5294 @stevenknightmarc @failingstudents-blog
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it-was-funeral-grey · 2 years
"Fuckin' hell." (Ghost x F!Reader)
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Summary: A trip with your fiancé goes wrong, leading to you making a suicidal decision in order to keep him safe.
Warnings: Reader worked as an intelligence officer (code name Dahila), OC male character (reader's fiancé), Reader and Max get drugged, kidnapping, violence, arson, vulgarities.
Word count: 2.1k
Inspired by: -
Author's note: I don't know how information systems or special ops teams work lol.
Please give criticism! Also, if i missed any warnings, do tell me so i can add them!
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The ring Simon made you was nothing short of a masterpiece - at least to you. It was crafted using ebony, with a small carving of what is supposed to be a flower on the outer band.
("I'm sorry, love. I know it looks terrible-"
"I love it," you interrupt. "It's beautiful."
It was your first anniversary as a couple. One year since the two of you decided that flirting over private radio channels wasn't enough.
He slipped the ring on your index finger, gently holding your finger after.
"No taking this off until I can replace it with a better one, you hear?"
"Promising to propose to me, Riley?" you tease, wiggling your ring finger at him.
But despite your teasing, your heart was serious.
This is the man you want. This is the man you want to spend the rest of your life with. No one else but Simon.
The ring is still on you to this day.) 
A wave of nausea hits you as you stir from your sleep. Your whole body feels stiff, but most importantly:
You see nothing. You blink rapidly, realising that there seems to be a blindfold over your eyes.
Panic begins to set in as you attempt to feel your surroundings. You quickly realise that your hands seem to be bound behind your back. Your legs are no different, tied to what you're pretty sure are two legs of a chair.
What's going on?
"Well, if it isn't Agent Dahila," a voice announces. "Welcome back to New York!"
That voice.
Oh no.
This is really, really bad.
To celebrate your engagement, you and Max decided to go to New York for a holiday. Although you were nervous about setting foot into America again, Max was so excited to show off his hometown that you couldn't say no.
You both had just reached New York and were en route to Max's parents' house. Your taxi driver was friendly, offering you drinks, snacks-
Dammit, it was probably that. The food was spiked.
"I can't believe you have the guts to come back here," the voice scoffs, and you hear footsteps inching closer. "And on holiday! Did you think I'd forget what you did?"
Your blindfold is ripped from your face, and you wince at the light pouring into your eyes.
You were in the middle of a large, unfurnished room, save for a desk. There were no windows or exits apart from the ladder behind the fuming man standing before you.
A basement, you think. That would explain why it's so cold in here as well.
Samuel grabs a fistful of your hair, forcing you to look up at him. 
"I have half a mind to kill you right now," Samuel fumes, pulling on your hair tighter. "However, we could use your expertise."
Releasing your head, Samuel walks over to the desk and pulls a tablet out of the drawer.
"You see, a couple of our bases have been destroyed recently," he continues, walking back to you. "Four men. We can't find out who they are or who they work for."
He turns the tablet towards you. A blurry video, supposedly from a security camera, shows four heavily armed men shooting up the area. They are in perfect sync, moving with impossible efficiency.
"Now, this wouldn't be such a big issue if all they do is kill our guys." Swiping the tablet screen, Samuel sighs. "They destroy our goods."
On the screen, the four men pour gasoline into a room, which you assume is where the goods Samuel mentioned are kept. Blood coats the walls, and their owners lie on the floor, dead.
One of the men wearing a green hat lights a cigar, taking a puff before throwing it into the room. In an instant, the room is up in flames, and he motions for the other three to leave.
"Believe me when I say we've checked every possible system for information on them. The only two we haven't checked are the death registry and..."
The Special Ops servers. Your eyes widen in alarm. If he's going to tell you to do that...
"You seem to understand where this is going," Samuel says, grinning. "Then you probably know what I'm asking you to do. You don't get to decline, by the way."
He turns the tablet back towards him, tapping the screen.
"Clearly, those four guys aren't dead, so there's no point checking the death records - well, even if they are legally deceased, there will be records of them on the Special Ops servers." He states, eyes never leaving the tablet screen. "You are going to access the Special Ops servers for us. Being an intelligence agent, accessing it wouldn't be suspicious. You will search for these four troublemakers and tell us who they are and who they work for. If you don't..."
He turns the tablet back to you.
"You'll have front-row seats watching him burn alive."
The screen now shows a live video. In it, Max is tied against a pole, gagged and squirming helplessly against his restraints. He looks horrified, watching as a canister of gasoline is poured over his legs.  
"Don't you dare lay a hand on him!" you seethe. Fear turns into fury as you fight against your restraints, desperately trying to free yourself so you can kill the bastard in front of you.
"Ah, the queen of intelligence speaks!" Samuel says, moving the desk in front of you. 
Pulling out a knife, Samuel continues, "Settle down now, wouldn't want to get your wrists cut up, huh? That'd make your job a lot more painful."
You relent. Samuel is right, now isn't the time to panic. You need to remain calm and think of a way out of this. 
With your binds removed, you rub at your wrist, hissing as you stretch your arms. Samuel allows this, and you make full use of the time to plan your next move. 
"Get on with it then." Samuel removes a laptop from another drawer and places it on the table. "And no funny business, or the both of you are dead."
Not that this situation can get any worse, you think. You start up the laptop.
You have a plan to survive, but it's not for you.
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(" What do you mean, "What Special Ops server?" ?" you almost shout. No way, you think. He's got to be joking. There's no way the Simon Ghost Riley, legendary SPECIAL OPS SOLDIER doesn't know what it is.
"I mean what I say, love," Simon replies, handing over his phone. "What is this Special Ops server, and how can I access it?"
You were literally too stunned to speak. How did the man survive without knowing about the system that keeps him alive?
Taking his phone from him, you tap on the internet app.
"How are you still alive? You guys rely on this server for mission details and information!" you reply. Sighing, you lead Simon to the couch and sit next to him.
"Now look closely," you say as you press the search bar. "Firstly…")
Your hands move without you needing to look at the keyboard. It's the muscle memory, having typed in the link many times before. Pressing 'Enter' after, you wait for the link to load.
("No, seriously. How have you lived this long in this line of work without knowing what it is? So much information is on this server! Plus, this is where your mission details are! How do you know when to go to work if you don't even check the server?!" you rant to Simon while waiting for the page to load.
"The Captain calls me when we have to leave."
"Unbelievable," you reply, shaking your head. "Anyway…")
Contrary to popular belief, the server isn't something that can only be accessed by 'secret spy devices' or only by government laptops. Anyone can access it if they know the correct steps. The website looks like a regular online shopping website. In fact, it runs as one. You hit the 'ALT' key twice before clicking on the website's search bar and typing '202130iso202130' before hitting 'Enter' again.
("Ok, now you just gotta place your thumb in front of the camera," you instruct, handing the phone back to Simon. "The website doesn't look any different, but it's actually gonna scan your thumbprint and your retina later to verify your identity - no, not that close."
You guide Simon's hands to hover a little higher above the phone camera. The website flashes bright green and then returns to normal. "Ok, now just bring the camera close to your eye," you continue. "Don't blink."
Simon does as you say, wincing slightly as the screen flashes the bright green light into his eyes. This time, the website changed to a black screen with a login page.
"Now you have to put your login stuff inside. I can't use mine since they scanned your thumb and eye."
"I don't know my login details."
"…I'll get someone from intelligence to reset it for you.")
After scanning your biometrics and entering the login information, you were loaded into the server. Immediately, you begin your search for the four mysterious men. You estimate that you have five minutes before their intelligence team realises what is happening.
(After redoing the process with your thumb and eye, you finally enter the server.
"Now listen up, Riley! There are two things you need to know about entering the server." you say, turning to face him. This was serious, and he really needs to know.
"I'm listening."
"Number one! Do not let anyone else log in using your login details! Even if they are Special Ops!"
"Why not?"
"The owner's login details must match the biometrics of the person logging in - It's like what happened just now. I couldn't log in with my details after they've scanned you. A whole lot of trouble will come if you do. Like a full-blown investigation and 'intelligence team hates you forever for increasing their workload' type of trouble."
"Fair enough."
"Anyway! Just remember this: Thumb and eye from the same guy, anatomy and login's owner both have the same boner."
You start by searching up teams that have only four individuals. The list you get back is way too long.
"Show me the recording again," you request. When Samuel doesn't move, you slam your fist on the table. "Hurry!"
Time is running out. If you don't find these guys, Max is going to die.
You seemed to have spooked Samuel enough for him to give you the tablet. Quickly starting the video, you pause periodically to look for distinguishing features or flags. But the quality of the video is making things difficult for you.
Deciding that the first video has nothing you can use, you quickly move on to the second one.
("Now, number two!" you continue, holding up two fingers. "Never, under any circumstance, attempt to access the server after you retire from service."
"I can probably guess why. You aren't supposed to know these things anymore. You could be sellin' the information to enemies."
"That's right," you affirm. "Every nation that signed the Special Ops agreement uses this shared server. There's too much sensitive information here. Immediately after the intelligence team picks up that you're in - or tried to go in, you're done for. It's practically a death sentence. You'll be hunted down and killed."
"That's understandable," Simon hums in agreement. "But why don't they just delete the account?"
"Oh, we do. But for intelligence agents like us, we know how to get in even without an existing account. Not that it matters. The moment you try is the moment you die."
"Another rhyme."
"Now's not the time." you frown, trying to get him to focus.
"Oh, another one."
You have about two minutes left, and you're getting nowhere.
The database tells you nothing. You've typed in all sorts of things, like 'green hat cigar' and 'white mask', but still nothing.
You're on the verge of tears from all the stress you're under. Finger trembling as you smash at the keyboard, trying anything and everything that comes to mind.
Fucking hell. You bite your tongue. Fuck, Fuck, Fu-
"Fuckin' hell."
A voice slightly distorted by static comes from the video. But even through the static, you could make out the accent.
British. Could this be a UK team?
You don't know, but you might as well give it a shot. Immediately, the long list is reduced to a single result.
Task force 141.
The computer screen flashes blue not even a second after you've read the name, and an error message is displayed.
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dinogoose · 2 years
where we gonna go? (i think he knows)
He knows he loves Buck. It’s so ingrained inside of him, it’s just second nature at this point. ‘Oh I need to breathe oxygen, drink water, and love Buck today’.
“Are you still with me Eddie?” Karen asks. He makes a noise of acknowledgment. “Good. Now get back out there you weirdo, you can’t just hide in your bedroom because his ‘hair is fluffy’, you are a grown man.”
(or, a buckley-diaz movie night. and eddie really loves buck)
“Eddie you can’t just call me every time Buck looks, ‘so pretty you could die’. In case you weren’t aware, I have my own life.” Eddie is actively holding Karen hostage over the phone, to rant about his huge 'crush' on Buck.
“Ren. You don’t understand, he just walked into my house looking like an angel, bringing food for me and my son.” Eddie whispers into the phone. A long groan is let out into Eddie’s ear.
“Come on! Who looks that good after a 24 hour shift? And, and- then he sets the food down and fucking picks my son up, twirling him around. He just… he’s him. And he loves my son, doing everything he can for him-“
“Eddie, breathe.” He takes in a shuddering gasp.
“Okay good, keep doing that.” She breathes with him for a moment before saying, “Listen, Eddie, I think you should tell him. He deserves to know, and you deserve good things.”
Eddie sighs knowing she’s probably right. He knows everyone thinks he’s oblivious but he’s not- at least not completely.
He knows he loves Buck. It’s so ingrained inside of him, it’s just second nature at this point. ‘Oh I need to breathe oxygen, drink water, and love Buck today’.
“Are you still with me Eddie?” Karen asks. He makes a noise of acknowledgment. “Good. Now get back out there you weirdo, you can’t just hide in your bedroom because his ‘hair is fluffy’, you are a grown man.”
“Fine, Fine whatever. I’m a grown man who can do hard things.” He says, making her laugh.
Him and Karen got close when he moved to dispatch. They would meet up every Friday, drink way too much wine, and discuss their fears of losing their partners to the job.
Once he returned to the 118 he kept up this friendship, Karen being someone he could turn to when he needed the extra support.
Or specifically, support whenever it comes to a certain firefighter, who has the most breathtaking blue eyes, and golden-
“Okay! I’m hanging up now, I’d like to get back to my beautiful wife who has been waiting for me. Be good Eddie.” The phone clicks before he can even respond.
Running a hand down his face he mentally prepares himself. He can do this. He’s an adult, not a child with a crush.
Exiting his bedroom he hears the very familiar sounds of giggles from his son.
“Look what the cat dragged in!” Buck announces as Eddie rounds the corner.
They have spread out various snacks and drinks all along Eddie’s coffee table. The sugar crash tonight will be brutal.
“Yeah look what the cat dragged in!” Chris laughs, Buck joining him clearly finding themselves extremely funny.
“Har-har, sorry I had to take that important call.” Buck raises an eyebrow, suspicious. “Let’s watch the movie!” Eddie exclaims, hoping to distract Buck from his weird behavior. He sits down on the couch next to Chris, thankfully separated from Buck.
Buck, who decided he was going to wear the softest sweater that hugs his torso so perfectly, it makes Eddie want to fall to the floor and worship the ground he walks on.
Chris nudges him with a bony elbow.
“Dad, turn the movie on.” His son rolls his eyes at him, stretching out the word dad to convey his annoyance.
“Alright, alright.” The movie clicks on, some superhero movie Chris and Buck have been enthusiastically discussing for ages.
They had originally planned to see it in theaters, but work and life kept coming up, so that didn’t happen.
Tonight wasn’t even going to happen, except Buck moved heaven and hell to ensure it did. Doing whatever it takes to make Chris happy. Just as he always does.
How could Eddie not be in love with this man?
The man he’s been co-parenting Christopher with, the man who spends his weekends here, the man who may actually be his soulmate.
If Eddie believed in that kind of thing. (Honestly Buck is the person who could convince him of it)
The credits are now rolling, letting Eddie know he’s spent this entire hour or so thinking about Buck. Yeah- that tracks.
Chris is slumped against him, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. Eddie raises a hand to soft his hair.
“I’m gonna put him to bed.” Eddie murmurs to Buck. The blond nods his head, standing slowly from the couch so as to not jostle Chris.
Eddie lifts his son from the couch, holding him against his chest. No matter how old or big his child gets, he will always be Eddie’s baby. He will protect his son forever.
Carefully he lays Chris down, taking a moment to look at his son. For a long time all Eddie was living for was his child. It took him years to understand that he was allowed to live for himself.
With a soft ‘Goodnight, I love you.’ and a kiss to the forehead, Eddie leaves Chris’s room.
The scene Eddie walks into is one he is wildly unprepared for.
Buck is bathed in the moonlight, humming to himself as he does the dishes. His sleeves are rolled up displaying his muscular arms and those tattoos Eddie wants to-
“Chris asleep?” Buck asks, causing Eddie to choke on his own spit. He thumps a fist to his chest.
“Uh- yeah he is.” The taller man just casts him a glance before returning to his task. Eddie tears his eyes away from Buck’s glorious arms, stepping into the kitchen.
“Beer?” He asks into the fridge, already grabbing two drinks.
“Sure, but you’ll have to let me crash on your couch if I stay any longer.” Eddie was always planning on forcing Buck to stay here. Eddie would have him stay forever if he could.
“Wow. Are you getting old Buckley? It’s barely nine.” He teases, enjoying the offended look Buck throws at him.
“No, you dick, it was just a long shift today.” It was a long shift. Eddie can feel the exhaustion in his bones. He was honestly surprised Buck showed up at all tonight (He shouldn’t have been- Buck always shows up for Chris).
“Yeah.” He brings their beers over to the table, taking note of the fact that Buck has already cleaned up. God.
Buck plops down next to him, plastering his entire body against Eddie’s. The brunette wraps an arm around his shoulders, pulling him to his chest. Buck goes willingly.
Eddie rests a hand in Buck’s hair, slowly running his fingers through it. It’s just as fluffy as he knew it would be. His sandy curls have always mesmerized Eddie. Drawing him in.
Buck relaxes in Eddie’s arms, beginning to doze off.
“I’m gonna fall asleep if you keep doing that, Eds.” Eddie just continues, not deterred in the slightest.
“Alright as long as you don’t drool on me again.” Buck snaps his head back to look at Eddie.
“It was one time! Let it go.” Eddie just smiles, feeling lighter than he has in years. He plays with the hairs on the nape of his neck, causing Buck to shiver.
He wants this everyday. He wants to watch movies with their son as a family. He wants teasing, jokes. He wants the laughter. He wants to tuck their son into bed together. He wants the quiet moments, the ones just for them.
He wants everything with Buck.
“We should probably go to bed.” Eddie whispers. Buck doesn’t move.
“Do you love me?” Eddie asks suddenly, already aware of the answer.
“Yeah.” Buck murmurs into Eddie’s side.
A pause.
“I love you too.”
They fall asleep tangled together on the couch.
(day three!)
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books1031 · 2 years
lead the way, Potter
They were at a ministry ball, it was the third year anniversary of the war, and although Draco would much rather be at home drinking himself into a whole, he was here. Standing around, watching people chat and hug and get teary eyed. 
Draco was standing alone against the wall. Against his better judgment his eyes were following Harry Potter around the dance floor, how he was swinging around Ginevra Weasley in his arms, smiling like there wasn’t anyone else in the room. 
The way her hair flowed around, how he had a smile and his eyes were bright. Something about all of it made Draco entirely sick to his stomach. And to think he had only had one glass of Champaign. 
He looked away from Potter and instead looked over to Granger and Weasley who were stood on the other end of the dance floor talking with the Minister. He must’ve looked over at the worse time however because Weasley looked over to him, the pair locking eyes before Draco could look away. 
He made a polite exit from his conversation, gave Granger a kiss on the cheek, and headed over to Draco, picking up a glass of champaign on his way. “You looked lonely.” He told him as he handed him the glass which he gladly took. 
“So you thought you’d come and keep my company?” It’s not like him and Weasley were friends. Or had ever had a civil conversation. Why start now? 
“You’re subtle Malfoy, I’ll give you that. But you seriously didn’t expect me to notice?” 
“I haven’t the fantest idea what you’re talkingg about.” He responded, and he didn’t. 
“Does it hurt?” He asked quietly taking a sip of his own drink -beer-, “Seeing them together dancing like that.” 
“I-“ The blond started but Weasley cut him off.
“Please you can’t keep your eyes off of him. And I know my best mate, he spent years watching you too.”
Draco thought about it for a moment. Of course it hurt watching the man he loves dance around a room full of people showing his love for another. Smiling and not having a care in the world. 
“Unendurably.” Draco answered not daring to look at the man. He knew all he would find on his face was pity and the last person Draco wanted pity form was Ronald sodding Weasley. “Why are you asking? It’s not as though we’re friends.” 
This time Draco did look over to Ron who has a half grin on his face. “The thing is, when you’re not looking at him, he’s looking over to you. That’s why I looked over at you a minute ago, because I was following Harry’s eyes. Just between you and me, him and Ginny broke up months ago he just wasn’t ready to announce it to the wizarding world yet.” Weasley took another swig of his beer before continuing, “We’re not friends no, but I imagine with the way that Harry keeps looking at you, and you keep looking at him that we will have to be, for his sake.” 
While Weasley had been saying all this Draco ended up sneaking another glance over at Potter and sure enough, when the other man didn’t think Draco was looking, he himself had his eyes glued to him. His head never turning from Ginevra but his eyes always staring at the blond. 
“Why are you telling me this?” 
“Because I saw how you’re looking at him. There’s no doubt about how you feel. And I know Harry, I know that once he has his heart set on something he’s going to go for it, and I also know that by starting off being the bigger person or whatever will help tell Harry that I’m okay with it. Even if you we’re a complete cock to us in school, I know you’ve changed since then, hell we all have. So I’m taking the first step for him y’know?” 
And Draco did know. He knew exactly what Weasley was doing and he couldn’t help the gratitude that flowed through him about it. He turned his full attention back to Weasley, “Thank you.” 
“No problem farrett. Now prepare because Harry’s coming over here.” 
“What-“ Draco was caught off guard and turned back towards Harry who was indeed only a few metres away. 
“Ron, Malfoy. Strange seeing you two talking.” Potter said with a funny look on his face. 
“Not strange at all mate, now by the holes I’m feeling in the side of my head Hermione is looking for me to come save her so I shall make an exit. You two have fun.” Weasley replied before he winked, WINKED at Draco and headed off. 
“Potter.” Draco nodded, not entirely knowing where to start. 
“Nice dancing out there.” Draco started, trying to sound casual. 
“Yeah?” Potter answered, seemingly not entirely sure if Draco was being honest or about to tell a joke. 
“Mmhm, much improved since the Yule ball. You didn’t even step on her feet once.” Draco gave him a small cheeky smile to let Potter know that he was just trying to be cheeky. 
“Yeah that wasn’t exactly my greatest moment huh? Poor Parvati deserved much better.” 
“She did indeed.” 
“I don’t know why Ron and I didn’t just go together as mates. Looking back it makes perfect sense.” 
“Yes but then there would be the question of which of you would lead?” 
“Oh Ron definitely. You probably couldn’t tell but Ginny was the one leading out there also. They’re surprisingly good dancers the lot of them. You should see a wedding, an ocean of red hair all doing the most majestic dancing you will ever see.” 
“Sound like it would rival one of the balls my parents used to put on when I was a kid. There were a horribly formal event not entirely unlike this one where people would talk small and just try and make connections with one another. My mother loved them thought which I think is why my father was always letting her throw them.”  
“That sounds exactly like this yeah, although if I’m being honest it almost sounds better. I hate this place I don’t know why I always come to these things. Actually no I do know, it’s because Kingsley always asks me to come and do a speech. I always say know about the speech but I do come, to show my support or whatever. I have a problem saying not to things I think.” Potter confessed. 
“Oh they were definitley much better, people would dress better for a start. But also but he time it hit around 9pm my mother would take a couple of minutes to properly put me to bed, kiss me goodnight and promise that tomorrow in the morning we could have crepes -my favourite- to make up for any noise that I may hear or disturbances that could be called by the manor being filled with hundreds of people. 
“And as I got older and she stopped doing that, she would hound me to show up but would never question it when Pansy, Blaise, and I would disappear and go down to steal snacks form the elves. WE never called for them because we knew that they were incredibly busy, but they were always happy to give us extras.” Draco smiled at the memory. 
“I’m sorry I never got to attend one.” Potter answered, taking Draco away from his thoughts and back into the present. 
“Oh don’t Potter, you’ll attend one some day if I have anything to say about it.” 
“And do you have anything to say about it?” Potter challenged, raising an eyebrow. 
Draco licked his lips hungrily. If he thought that his eyes were bright because of Ginevra, they were now glittering looking at Draco, in a way that almost wasn’t possible. “Yeah, I think I do.” 
“Well if you insist. Shall you give me a preview now?” Potter asked putting his hand out for Draco to take. After a moment of reflection, remembering how it was when he was eleven and Potter hadn’t taken his hand, Draco wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity. 
He took the mans hand, “Lead the way, Potter.” 
Potter dragged him onto the dance floor and the two spent the night dancing away, much to the shock of the public. Draco knew that they were going to end up being on the front page of the Prophet tomorrow, and some part of the back of his mind thought maybe he should warn his mother.
But then Potter looked at him like there was nothing else and no-one else and Draco forgot all about everything else.  
based on this twitter prompt: https://twitter.com/dramiodantes/status/1596988803666673664 
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Her Song part 33
"I'm just gonna go take a quick walk around the building. He might be here," JJ announces.
"Okay. Be safe," I reply. She nods and exits the apartment, leaving Florence and I alone in the living room.
"I can't believe you didn't tell me about any of this," Florence starts. "I mean, we're in a relationship, are we not? I know we haven't really had this talk yet, but I'm not gonna dance around it with high school bullshit. I really care about you, Y/N, and that means no keeping secrets from each other."
"I know, Flo, I know I should've told you. But I was just so focused on getting you and Syd out of here, I wasn't thinking. I just want you to be safe, mon amour. Je t'aimerais jusqu'à la fin de mes jours."
Her glassy eyes look into mine and I smile softly. "I have no idea what the fuck you just said, but it was really hot," she says. We both laugh and I pull her body close to mine, wrapping her in a tight hug.
"It doesn't matter," I whisper into her neck, pressing a kiss to the soft skin. "I wanna do this. I wanna be all in with you. As soon as Ben is gone, I want you. For real. I want the world to know that I am head over heels for Florence Pugh. I want Syd to know. I just want you."
"Head over heels, huh?"
"From the second I laid eyes on you."
"Let's tell the world, Y/N."
"Yeah." We smile like teenagers in love and kiss fervently, forgetting the troubles surrounding us, just for a moment. My phone dings in my pocket. I ignore it and hold Florence closer. It dings again. I sigh and dig it out.
"What the hell?" I mumble, jumping up from the couch. I get out on the balcony and squint my eyes to try and see the rooftop of the building across the street. I can't see anything. My phone vibrates with an incoming call from JJ.
"JJ, what's going on?"
"Well, I caught your friend here lurking around the building. Not very nice," a male voice gravels through the phone. "Don't worry though, sweetheart, I took care of her for us. See you soon."
"Ben, I swear to god if you touch her-" He cuts me off by ending the call. "Shit!" I yell.
"Y/N, what's going on?" Florence asks shakily. 
"Stay here, call the police," I instruct as I throw on a pair of shoes.
"Are you fucking crazy? You're not going out there alone! Tell me what's going on!"
"Flo, there's no time! Just trust me, okay? Call the cops. I'll be back." I open the apartment door and step out, looking back as I exit. "I love you, Flo." And then I close the door, running through the apartment building. Down the stairs. Down. Down. Faster. Down. Across the street. My lungs are burning. I don't have a fucking plan. I reach the building across the street. The doors are locked. I run around the side, trying every door in sight. They're all locked.
"Fuck!" I grunt, pulling on another door. I run around the back of the building, tripping over the cracked concrete but quickly getting back up. I see the fire escapes, and I take my chance. I climb up and up until the black metal stairs end. There's still about ten feet to the roof. Fuck. I glance over at the metal pipe attached to the side of the building and swallow thickly. Before I can change my mind, I grab ahold of it and swing my body off the fire escape, placing my feet on the rivets in the pipe. I take a few shaky breaths, then force myself to climb. Up and up, until I reach the top and heave my body onto the roof. "Holy shit," I breathe, standing shakily. I glance around but don't see anything. 
I pause, thinking I heard something. A man's voice. I can't make out what he's saying, but I know it's him. And it sounds like he's dragging something. JJ. I step quietly across the roof, pausing when I reach the corner of what looks like a small utility room. I peer around the corner and immediately jump back, seeing Ben dragging JJ's motionless body across the roof.
"Y'know, it's not very nice to spy on people, Agent Jareau. You couldn't have just left us alone, huh? It's too bad...You were a pretty one," he mumbles.
My heart lurches in my chest and I step out from the corner. "Ben!"
He looks up with wide eyes, momentarily looking ashamed to be caught red-handed. "Well hey there, darlin'. Glad you could join us. Wanna lend a hand?" I don't say anything. "No? Okay then. Why don't you sit pretty and give me a few minutes okay? Then we can talk, yeah?" he says brightly with a sickeningly sweet smile.
"Fuck you," I spit, but I'm frozen to my spot. My legs won't move forward. I'm scared of this man. I don't want to be, but, fuck, I am.
"Oh, we'll get there, baby, trust me. But right now I'm busy," he grunts, dragging JJ's body once again. I lunge forward and push him, but he barely budges and now I'm only a few inches from his huge body. "See now that was just unnecessary, sweetheart," he says tightly, grabbing my arm.
I wince, already feeling the bruises forming on my arm. "Ben, you're hurting me," I say through clenched teeth.
"If you want me to play nice, then you're gonna have to behave," he spits.
"Hey, douchebag!" someone yells, and then Ben collapses to the ground. Florence is standing there holding a pipe, her mouth agape.
"Holy shit, Flo. I told you to stay there! What the fuck!" I yell, panicking.
"Oh, yeah, you clearly had the situation under control here. I'll just go then, yeah? You can deal with the big stalker-man by yourself, hm?" she retorts, visibly panicked.
"I was working on it!" I scream.
"You cunt!" Ben seethes as he staggers into a standing position, clutching the back of his head. He stumbles toward Florence and I jump in front of her. He steps closer and I slap him across the face as Florence and I both scream. "I'm gonna kill you both, I swear to god!" Florence knees him in the nuts and he crumples to the ground, his face bright red. He grabs her ankle, pulling her to the ground as he punches the side of her face, and she falls unconscious. He lunges at me with a knife, tackling me to the ground and holding the blade to my throat. "I didn't wanna have to do this but I'm running out of options, sweetheart. I'm giving you one last chance to behave. Are you gonna be a good girl for me?"
"Go to hell," I grit out as I feel a line of blood trickling down my throat. He puts more pressure on the blade and I feel it cut deeper, but then his face goes slack and he falls to the ground beside me. I don't even register the gunshot. I only stare into his glassy eyes. Everything is ringing and I'm getting dizzier. He's dead? They're safe. It's okay. He's dead.
I faintly hear yelling. Someone is kneeling over me, tapping my face. "Hey,  Y/N, baby, c'mon. Say something, please. It's Flo, can you hear me?"
"It's, yeah...I can- I can hear you," I mumble.
"She's losing a lot of blood," Flo says tightly.
"I know. The ambulance is on the way," JJ answers, blood dripping down the side of her face.
"Flo? Am I- Am I gonna die?" I cough, blood spilling from my mouth.
"No, darling, you're not gonna die. I promise, okay? You're gonna be just fine. Syd needs you, Y/N. Just keep your eyes open, okay?"
"Okay," I whisper, but everything's getting heavier and I'm just so tired. My eyes start slipping closed.
"Hey, don't do that. Stay with me, Y/N. Y/N? Hey, I love you, asshole. Keep your eyes open. Just for a few more minutes, okay?"
"Okay," I promise, and then my eyes close and everything goes black.
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janis-1987 · 2 years
The First Time I Saw You (Fizzmodeus Fluff)
Asmodeus sighs as he arrives at the circus, quickly being swarmed by reporters, cameras flashing all around him as he makes his way to the big top. As he enters the tent he's lead up to his viewing box, he takes his seat, the other 4 princes sit beside him, all muttering to each other about how annoying it was to be pulled away from their duties to watch a performance in which all the performers were imps, they all had their phones out and were trying to keep on top of their duties. As Asmodeus looks out over the crowd, he can see the entire goetia family sitting just below them, and he manages to pick out Stolas with his wife, having just been to their wedding a few weeks before, he was surprised they were still together, he thought they would have already divorced, and that's when his eyes land on another viewing box, and he's shocked to see that Lucifer and his wife actually decided to show up, he knew appearances were important but he still couldn't believe they'd make time for something like this. He shudders slightly as he sees all the children in the crowd, having a strong disliking for them.
Finally, the lights dim and a spot light flicks on, in the ring stands none other than Mammon himself, he smiles up at the crowd, "Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, princes and princesses of hell! I welcome you to my show case, I have gathered the best performers in all of hell for you all to witness tonight, including a fiery new comer jester, Fizzarolli, with his robotic limbs you won't believe the feats he can perform, so without further ado, enjoy the show!" He announces before making his way off stage.
Asmodeus rolls his eyes, about to take out his own phone when he sees him.
Fizzarolli appears in the ring and the moment he does, he has the whole audiences attention, he jumps off the high beam and grabs a rope, swinging around the tent before doing a backflip off and landing on his feet with ease. Asmodeus feels his face heat up with blush and he's certain he must look absolutely star struck seeing the little imp.
Fizzarolli smiles at the crowd, Asmodeus can't even focus enough to hear what he's saying, but as another spot light clicks on, and a horse is revealed running full speed at the imp, he can't help but get nervous for him. At the last second, Fizz's limbs stretch and the horse goes under him, he jumps into the air, before landing on the horses back with one arm holding the saddle as he does a handstand. The horse never once slowing down for him, the crowd oohs and ahs at the imps feat as other performers make their way on stage, the acts continue, getting more and more elaborate with stunts that in any other circumstance probably would have broken the performers bones. He can't take his eyes off the imp in the jester hat, and he's laughing along with the audience as he tells his jokes.
"I'm sure a lot of you little kids must be curious about my limbs and if you could get your own," he laughs softly, "well let me tell ya, when your boss says break a leg, they don't mean it literally."
This earns laughter from the crowd and the show continues on.
And all too soon the show ends, the performers taking their final bows as Fizz takes center stage.
"That's our show folks! You've been a great audience and to all the royalty in the crowd, the fun isn't over, Mammon invites you all to stay for the after party! Have a good night!" He calls out as he exits the ring.
Asmodeus is the first out of his seat and quickly makes his way outside, hoping to find the little imp that had stole the show. Only to run into Mammon.
"Ozzie! You made it! Did you enjoy the show?" Mammon asks, clearly pleased after the performance.
"I did, that little imp you have, Fizzarolli, he's a star for sure, your audiences are going to love him." Asmodeus responds, "I'd love to meet him." He blurts out at the last second, without putting much thought into it.
"Well, I'm glad you liked it so much and I couldn't agree more. I managed to swipe him up from a dying circus after an accident." He says, seeming proud of the fact, he then pauses, "Wait, you want to meet him? Ozzie, he's just an imp, all that's special about him is his limbs. But I can't say I blame you, he really steals the show. He'll be at my party and you can tell him how much you enjoyed it, I'm sure he'll love to hear it. Just don't be trying to get in his pants okay?"
Asmodeus laughs, "Don't worry, I'm not interested in him that way." He lies through his teeth, "but after that performance, I'm sure every demon in there is dying to meet him."
"That's what I'm countin on. I want him to be the star of a new business I'm workin on." Mammon replies proudly, "Plus, he could use the encouragement. He's a real pain to deal with with his little ego crisises."
Asmodeus just nods, letting Mammon lead him to the private tent for the party, excited to meet the imp who had already stolen his heart.
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 5 months
Hart and Hunter - Chapter 33 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
Dane Hunter
I drive much too fast but luck is with me and I manage to avoid a speeding ticket.
Spotting Julian's car in front of Danni's shop, I park with a screech of brakes, get out and jog across the street.
The interior of the store is dark and I reduce my pace and increase my caution.
Testing the doorknob, I find it unlocked and enter without announcing myself.
Inside, I pause for a breath while my eyes adjust to the dim light, when an oddly muffled voice calls my name.
"Dane? That you?"
Spotting her bent over near the counter, hands covering her eyes, I bolt to her side.
"I'm okay," she says, waving me off. "
Just got some pepper-spray... or pepper dust... in my eyes. I think there's some wolfsbane in it, too. Stings like fuckin' hell and I can't see for shit but I'm not hurt."
"What happened?"
"Skin-changer got Danni."
"Where's Julian?"
"He went after it."
"Shit. Which way?"
"Out the back."
She waves towards the other end of the shop.
"You sure you're okay?" I ask as she pushes herself to her feet.
"Yeah. Go after Jules. I'm fine."
I grunt my acknowledgment, in which is a promise to come back for her as soon as I can and slip through the narrow emergency exit and into a familiar alleyway.
It's the same one where Julian had lost the thief, the night of our stakeout.
A little way down, the back door of another shop stands ajar.
I reach it in a few strides, throw it open and burst into the storage area of Stephanie Wong's thrift shop.
Pausing, I sweep the darkened space with my gaze and sniff the air.
Julian's been here, for sure and so has someone else.
There's another smell, too... the dank scent of the tunnels... and it leads me to a gaping hole in the wall, which appears to have been knocked in with a sledgehammer.
"Fuck," I swear under my breath as the scenario plays out in my mind.
Julian in pursuit, alone, with no one to back him up.
Of course he rushed headlong into who-knows-what.
After what I said and did, he probably...
"Dane?" his voice echoes softly from the dark, cautious and low.
I duck into the narrow opening but he's already emerging from the gloom, eyes wide and pale face streaked with grime.
I clamber back through the hole and help him out after me, then grasp his shoulders as if to reassure myself that he's solid and real.
He grasps me in return but his expression is tinged with uncertainty and a trace of fear.
"You got my note?"
I nod.
"How did you know it was Danni?"
"I didn't. I was hoping they could help me break Rhiannon's curse, so she could tell us what the fuck is going on. We figured out Danni wasn't Danni by accident."
"You lost them?"
He hesitates.
"Sort of. They escaped to the Shadowlands. I... decided not to follow them."
I blink.
"Decided not to?"
The thought that he'd even consider something so recklessly dangerous is what alarms me but what I see on his face is guilt.
"I'm sorry," he says.
"I had a chance. I might have caught them and gotten some answers there and then. It was a risk but I'd have taken it. I know you'd have told me not to but that's not what stopped me. Sometimes we have to make choices on our own but when it affects both of us..."
His eyes flick between mine, a painful uncertainty in his expression but something inside me relaxes as I finally let go of the fear I'd been clinging to all night.
"I made the same choice, Julian," I say.
"I chose us. I won't take the Alpha unless you're standing at my side and whatever we do next, we'll do it together."
His eyes widen and then he's in my arms and I'm in his and we hold on tight.
When our heartbeats and breaths have slowed, we release one another and share a tentative, hopeful smile.
Movement in my peripheral snags my attention and I turn.
Freya stands in the doorway but she's not alone.
Her hands are cuffed behind her back and Detective Erickson keeps a rough grip on her arm, a gun in his other hand.
He grins, obviously pleased with himself.
"Well, well, well," he drawls.
"And what do we have here? Three for the price of one. Looks like I'll be getting that bonus after all... once I turn you over to the Fae, that is."
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aspenmissing · 1 year
𝙵𝚘𝚕𝚜𝚘𝚖 𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝙱𝚕𝚞𝚎𝚜 (𝙿𝚝 𝟷)
Sam and Dean walk in through the door, Dean holding a map and flashlight, Sam holding just a flashlight. Dean looks at the map.
"This way" They walk down the hallway.
"I hate this plan, Dean. Y/N wouldn't approve of this"
"Yeah, I got that the first ten times I heard it. And It's not our fault that Theo wasn't there" They turn a corner, walking side by side. They pass a motion sensor on the wall at mid-calf height. The light on the motion sensor turns red as they keep walking.
Later, Sam is undoing the lock on a glass exhibition case and he carefully takes a decorated axe from the case. Dean is holding a hooked dagger from another case. Sam turns the axe round in her hands. There is a sudden noise and Sam looks up. Dean looks back at Sam. Sam inclines his head and they put down the weapon and leave. The two leave the room and walk quickly towards the exit. They turn a corner and are met by two policemen.
"Freeze!" One cop says. They turn back the other way, but two more policemen block their path.
"Don't move" They go down the last hallway open to them, and there is yet another pair of cops standing there.
"I said freeze!"
"Hold it right there!"
"Put your hands on your heads! Get down on your knees! Now!" Sam and Dean comply, kneeling down. Two of the cops walk closer and handcuff them. Dean smiles slightly and looks at Sam. Sam doesn't look as pleased and heaves a worried sigh.
"Y/N's gonna kill us"
Sam stands in front of a mug shot board, holding a sign. He reaches about 6'5 on the board.
"Front," the photographer says. The camera clicks, and Sam's picture turns black and white. "To the right." The camera clicks again, and Sam is now facing his right, looking broody. Later, Dean stands where Sam was, holding a similar sign. Dean reaches just under 6'3 and grins.
"I call this one the Blue Steel," Dean announces, pursing his lips, arching his right eyebrow, and mugging for the camera.
"Yeah, that's right." The camera clicks again, and Dean faces to the right. "All right, back to the lineup."
"Wait, who looks better, me or Nick Nolte?"
"Shut up." Dean sits in an interrogation room. The door opens, and two men enter.
"Well, it's about time. I'll have a cheeseburger. Extra onions," one of the agents smiles at the other cop, and the other cop smirks.
"You think you're funny."
"I think I'm adorable," Dean says, smiling widely.
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person, Dean." On hearing this, Dean's smile freezes. "I'm Special Agent Victor Henriksen. This is my partner, Special Agent Reidy." Dean continues to smile, but he looks a bit worried.
"Henriksen? Not the Milwaukee agent Henriksen?"
"Live and in person." Dean gives a short laugh. Henriksen pulls out a picture of Dean looking over his shoulder with his arm around Y/N, who's facing away.
"Oh, nice shot." Henriksen tosses the picture onto the table. "You can hang that up in your cell at Super Max. Now I wonder where your sister went, but I doubt you'll tell me. But then again, twins come in pairs, and they are always close to one another."
"All right, maybe we can just forget the cheeseburger, huh?"
"Oh, yeah. Keep that game face on. Try and cover up how cornered you are." Henriksen turns to Reidy. "Read him the charges."
"Well, we got mail fraud, credit card fraud, grave desecration..."
"Skip to the good ones."
"Armed robbery, kidnapping, and, oh, three counts of first-degree murder."
"And after Milwaukee, your brother and sister are now suspects in a murder case themselves. I'd say for you, 'screwed to hell' is a major understatement."
"Well, where there's life, there's hope, huh?" Henriksen makes a noise of assent.
"See? That's what I kept thinking as I was searching for your asses all over hell and gone." Henriksen leans forward on the table, speaking softly. "Your dad taught you well. The way you cover your tracks, and after Milwaukee, the way you" He whistles and moves his hand to the side, mimicking disappearing "vanished." Dean laughs softly. "I nearly went nuts trying to find you. Ask him."
"He nearly went nuts," Reidy deadpans.
"And after all of that, you get tripped up on a motion detector. Pretty rookie moves. Gotta say I was... surprised." Dean smiles. Dean is staring at the table when the door beside him opens. He looks at it, as does Henriksen and Reidy. In walks a public defender.
"Dean Winchester?" She asks.
"In the flesh."
"And you are?" Henriksen asks.
"Mara Daniels, Public Defender's office." Mara shakes hands with Dean. "I've been assigned your brother's case. And your sister's if needs be."
"Are you Henriksen?"
"Yeah, and we're not quite done here."
"Ah, yeah. You are. And if you don't mind, I would like to meet with my clients. Privately." Dean raises his eyebrows and smiles at Henriksen. Later, Sam and Dean are sitting in the same room. Mara opens her suitcase.
"Unfortunately, your arraignment on the breaking and entering charge won't be until Tuesday."
"And they'll keep us in the county jail?"
"That's right."
"Green River County Detention Center?" Sam says.
"Yeah. And considering the charges you're facing, no judge in his right mind is going to grant you bail." Sam scoffs.
"Yeah, we figured that."
"Extradition papers have already been filed from five separate states, Missouri and Wisconsin being the biggest concern - the bank robbery and the murder raps."
"How long can we stall extradition?"
"A week. Maybe less." Dean nods. Sam raises his eyebrows at his brother.
Rear bus doors open, revealing a shackled man, who gets out. Following him is Dean, holding the chains attached to his wrists and feet. Sam follows.
"All right, let's go. Watch your step. Come on, keep moving." The prisoners walk past the front of the bus in a line and along the rec yard. Prisoners line up against the fence and catcall at the new convicts. One of them points at Sam.
"You're mine, baby!"
"Don't worry, Sam. I promise I won't trade you for smokes."
The new prisoners, flanked by two guards and each carrying blankets and a roll of toilet paper, walk down the hallway in a line. One of the guards unlocks a cell door. The first prisoner in line and Dean enter the cell.
"I call top bunk!" Dean's roommate scoffs and places his things on the top bunk. "Okay." Dean turns and watches Sam walk into the cell across the hallway from his. Sam nods to his very large roommate, who stands slowly and glares at him. Sam's eyes widen, he swallows, and turns around. The cell doors close on him and Dean, and they stare at each other.
The prisoners are lined up to be frisked by a guard and scanned with a metal-detecting rod by another. Dean and Sam are well down the line.
"My roommate doesn't say much—how's yours?" Dean asks in a low voice to Sam, who is standing behind him.
"Just keeps staring at me... in a way that makes me... really uneasy."
"It sounds like you're making new friends."
"Dean. This is, without a doubt, the dumbest, craziest thing we've ever done. And that's in a long, storied career of dumb and crazy. How the hell are we supposed to get out of this when they're on the lookout for us as well?"
"Calm down. It's all part of the plan."
"Oh really? So Henriksen showing up was part of the plan?"
"Yeah, that guy moves a little faster than I thought. Look, all we gotta do is find this ghost, put the sucker down... then grab ourselves a couple of teardrop tattoos."
"That's not funny. Dean, what about this escape plan? It—"
"It's 100 percent sure. I wouldn't have gone if it wasn't. I mean, come on, man, this place has all the signs of a haunting. Innocent people are dead. Four so far."
"Yeah, innocent," Sam says, laughing sarcastically.
"You from Texas all of a sudden? Just because these people are in jail doesn't mean they deserve to die. If we don't stop this thing, people are going to continue to die. We do this job wherever it takes us."
"Look, Dean, just be straight with me, all right? You're doing this for Deacon."
"Damn right," Dean says.
"Well, you barely even know the guy."
"We know he was in the Corps with Dad. We know he saved Dad's life. We know we owe him."
"But don't you think he's asking a little much?"
"It doesn't matter. We may not be saints, but we're loyal and we pay our debts. Now, that means something to me, and it ought to you. I'm not thrilled about this either, man, but Deacon asked us to hunt this thing down, and that's exactly what we're going to do."
Later, Sam looks at spaghetti on his fork and sniffs at it disdainfully. He and Dean are eating at a table.
"You know, this chicken isn't half bad."
"Great," Sam says. Sam puts down his fork and slides his plate towards Dean. "Finish mine. All right, so let's get back over this, Dean." Dean stabs Sam's chicken with a fork and moves it to his own plate.
"Spirit suspect number one is Mark Moody, right?"
"Yeah, psycho killer extraordinaire - Satanism, ritual murderer, died in jail."
"You sure it's him?" Sam asks.
"Pretty sure."
"Dean, considering our circumstances, I'm gonna need a little bit better than 'Pretty sure.'"
"Really pretty sure. Moody died of a heart attack, which is what all the victims in here are dying of. He died in the old cell block, which they closed after he croaked, 30 years ago. They just opened that back up. That's when the killings started."
"So, you think his spirit was released somehow?"
"But what if he was already cremated?"
"I'm guessing there's something in the old block that's keeping him around. And whatever it is, we gotta find it. And, uh, you know the rest," Dean puts down his fork. "I'm done." Dean gets up and walks away, Sam following. Sam bumps heavily into a Tattooed Prisoner.
"Sorry. I-"
"Watch where you're going."
"Yeah. Sure, I just..." Dean walks over to the Tattooed Prisoner.
"He said he was sorry."
"You talking to me?" Dean stares at him. "Are you talking to me?"
"Great, another guy who's seen 'Taxi Driver' too many times. Yeah, I'm talking to you. Trust me. Let it go." The Tattooed Prisoner walks away, and Dean turns to Sam.
"Dean, come on"
"See, that's how you gotta talk to these guys," Dean winks. "Instant respect." The Tattooed prisoner is talking to a very large prisoner, who is sitting at a table nearby. The very large prisoner gets up.
"You were saying?" Sam asks as the Very Large Prisoner is following the Tattooed Prisoner towards Dean as other prisoners look on.
"Oh great." The Tattooed Prisoner throws a punch at Dean, who catches him and holds him from behind. "We can end this now - no harm, no foul." The Tattooed Prisoner breaks Dean's hold. Dean grabs him again and slams him against a wall. The Tattooed prisoner steps on Dean's foot. Dean steps back and kicks the Tattooed Prisoner in the groin and then sends him flying backwards to the ground with another kick.
"That's enough!" The Warden and a Guard walk up.
"On your feet, Lucas."
"Yes, sir, boss." The Warden takes out his baton and holds it under Dean's chin.
"What's your name?" The Warden asks. Dean is about to answer until he is cut off by a familiar voice.
"Winchester." Sam and Dean turn their heads to see a familiar woman wearing a white blouse, with a black jacket and wearing black pants. A pair of glasses are on her head and a clipboard in her hand.
"Y/N...?" Sam mutters.
"Now, Warden. What have my patients done?" She says, walking over to them, her heels clicking off the ground. "Oh, Lucas? I thought we were improving with your violent behavior?"
"Ah, Doctor Halsteed. These two just had a little misunderstanding. Nothing to worry about." The Warden looks back at the two.
"Well, Winchester... not a good start." There is a long pause. "Solitary. You too, Lucas." Guards grab Lucas and Dean.
"Yes, sir."
"Are we having fun yet, huh?" Dean says to Sam, over the shoulder of the guard holding him and escorting him out. The very large prisoner points at Sam, then makes a slicing motion across the neck. Sam sighs.
"Winchester," Y/N says, and Sam turns. "My office. We need to talk."
Y/N leads Sam and a Guard down a hallway and to an office. She opens the door, and Sam walks in.
"If you need any help, just shout," the Guard says.
"Okay, Mike. Thanks for the help." The Guard nods before leaving, and Y/N shuts the door and lets out a sigh, turning to face Sam.
"It's horrible being in a prison full of me-" She is caught off guard by Sam hugging her. "Woah, okay. Jeez, I know prison sucks, but not this bad. You've barely been here for a day."
"What are you doing here? This wasn't part of the plan?" Sam says, pulling away from the hug.
"Forget the plan. I didn't know what the hell would happen to you two in here. You’re lucky the Warden had stopped Dean or else you and Dean would have become their dessert."
"You know, Henriksen's looking for you."
"I know, but I doubt he's gonna look here. I mean, I did manage to bribe many guards in here to not say anything or bring up Doctor Halsteed in any way."
"But what if he finds you?"
"Then. I'll probably try to go hide somewhere; you know, lay low for a while until this all blows over. Maybe go to Bobby's. A week without you and Dean, hah, paradise." Sam laughs. Later, there is a knock on the door.
"Come in." Mike opens the door, another prisoner stands by him.
"Doctor Halsteed, your next patient is here."
"Well, Mr. Winchester, our time is up. Remember, no violent behaviour. We want to keep that baby face still fresh for when you get out." Sam walks out, and the guard leads him away. "Ah, Mr. Bolton. Now tell me, how is that wife and kids of yours doing?"
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apeshit · 2 years
just had a super lucid dream but i was scared the whole time so it wasnt super fun
#canto vii#i got to fly this time and it helped me be less scared because i got to establish that i was the only flying person in that world#AND#in previous flying dreams ive had issues with starting up from nothing / still air and always flew rly slow#but this time i had hummingbird wings which was much better 👍 smart#if i was stuck inside and scared i would just fly up to the ceiling#i was in this movie theater by myself that was showing jerma stuff#and a guy walks in from the front and i follow him out and hold his hand becUse im scared as fuck of the dark giant PT-like 4 hallway buildi#ng we’re in once we step outside of the theater room#and he keeps telling me hell take me to the exit but he keeps announcing whats going to happen so ut takes my ability to lucid dream away bc#its always whatever he predicts and my willpower to prove him wrong was never enough for whenever we’d turn a corner or go in a room#until one time i tell him to stop talking and go ‘this is outside right??? it is!! lets go!’#and then it was#and then i left him and flew up high and tried to find a place to live on the island i was on#it felt like kikis delivery service#but also incould interact with a mini version of every house on the map like wooden hollow fake houses with fake people inside#but they were like 1.5 inch wide house figures#there were a lot of couples with a lottt of childreb#i dint think i ever went to a house#i started dreaming of being in my house with jett but i still had wings but i was scared#like i knew i was dreaming but was afraid of the dream becoming scary
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talesofesther · 2 years
Moonstruck - Part 4
Eddie Munson x Reader
Series Summary: Eddie knew he was doomed the moment his eyes landed on you and his heart jumped in his chest. You, princess of Hawkins High, one of the most popular and beloved girls of the school, with perfect grades and perfect charisma; and the daughter of Hawkins chief of police.
A/N: Safe to say this part ended up even bigger than the last one, oh god. Hope you like it, next part might take a few extra days to be posted. <3
Masterlist | Read Part 3 here
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"What the hell was that about? Are you trying to assassinate your reputation?" Allison ranted and walked with you to your locker. School day was over, and Hawkins High hallways were filled with students eager to return home.
You rolled your eyes, tightly holding your books to your chest so as not to turn around and give her a piece of your mind. You passed by one of the many bulletin boards of the school hanging over the green and orange stripes and white brick wall. Pinned to it, was the poster that announced the yearly prom. This year, given that you graduate, it would be yours. And even if it was still three months away, the anticipation was already making itself known in the back of your mind. It was a big night, or so they say.
"Hey, Y/N." Bryan, one of the most tolerable guys from the school's basketball team walked towards you.
With a small smile, you met him halfway in the hallway; forcing the other students to walk around you.
"Can't thank you enough, I would've been dead if it wasn't for you." He opened his backpack and pulled out your science textbook.
You took it from him, holding the textbook with the other two books already in your arms. "Don't worry about it, I'm glad you managed to write it all down on time."
He reached out to squeeze your shoulder. You didn't fail to notice the jealous grimace from Allison beside you.
"See you on Monday."
"See ya, Bryan." With that, you both continued walking. He towards the exit and you towards your locker.
You finally turned to your friend, who was now pointedly looking at you. "Listen, Allison, this is high school, not the Queen's Court." You stated, referring to her previous breakdown.
She had seen you walking through the school's doors earlier, hand in hand with Eddie Munson; as had the many other students you passed by until you reached class.
The metal door of your locker opened with a click, and you started storing your books inside. "I couldn't care less about the stupid social circles here, or whatever you'd like to call it."
"It's one thing to not care about social circles," she said, leaning her shoulder on the locker next to yours; "it's another to walk in holding hands with the school's resident freak." Her tone made it look as if you had committed a felony.
The sound of metal against metal was loud as you closed the locker's door. Inciting a few glances in your direction from the students talking near you and passing by. "Don't call him that."
Allison raised her hands in surrender. "I'm just saying, it was super weird. He is…" she trailed off with a grimace and huffed out a sigh; "if you keep, whatever that was, up; I don't know, some things might change."
She pursed her lips, leaning closer to you. "He's not called the school's freak without a reason. I'm telling you as a friend, you're better than that."
You knew you were considered one of the cool kids at school. You could see it whenever people who weren't in your so-called social circle looked at you, their gazes were always different, always placing you one step above them. You weren't particularly fond of it.
You crossed your arms. "I'm not better than anyone, Allison. And Eddie is just called that because of shallow people that can't see past his looks that don't fit their standards; or, his loud attitude perhaps?" You paused, taking a deep breath. "Or even because he plays a damn fantasy game. Spare me."
Allison straightened her posture, her dumbfounded look let you know she was having trouble understanding your reasoning.
"Besides, maybe I'd like things to change." You raised an eyebrow at her.
The curiosity swimming in Allison's eyes was evident, she wanted to ask much more, but just shrugged her shoulders; "it's your funeral." She leaned in and pecked your cheek, undoubtedly leaving a trace of red lipstick there. "Just, be careful okay?" Her words were genuine, manicured hands adjusting the straps of her backpack.
Opening your arms, you shrugged and smiled at her; "I always am."
She mirrored your expression with a shake of her head. "See you on Monday, weirdo."
You couldn't help but chuckle, blowing a kiss her way before she turned around and made a beeline for the main doors.
As Allison disappeared amongst other students, a certain blond jock caught your eye. Jason walked past you, his stained jacket in his hands as he stared daggers at you.
Leaning with your back against the cold metal of your locker, you made sure to move your gaze up and down his stained clothes, before settling on his eyes with a smirk and shooting him a wink; which surely only made his blood boil more. Small pleasures, you thought to yourself.
"Hey princess." Eddie's sudden and sultry voice right beside you made you jump on the spot before you turned to him with a smile.
"Eddie, hey."
He was sporting a timid smile of his own, hands on his jeans pockets and shuffling back and forth on his feet.
There was something still slightly unnerving about being so close to you inside the school, for everyone to see. He felt the stares of others, focusing his eyes mainly on you to try and block them out. He relaxed a little with your voice though, letting his shoulder rest on the locker beside him. "How was the rest of your day?" He dragged the question.
"Boring, but still okay for a Friday." You told him honestly, picking at the ends of his jacket that you happened to still be wearing.
Eddie's heart was beating too fast and his lungs were working too slow. He held himself back from reaching out; from cupping your jaw and kissing you senseless because god- it was unfair for someone to look so beautiful while wearing his worn black jacket.
The silence stretched for seconds that felt like hours. Your eyes were glued to his, focused as your smile faded and pulled Eddie into a trance; as easy as that. His hair fell past his shoulders and you tilted your nose up, until a particularly loud voice made you blink several times and Eddie gulp a big lump in his throat.
You're in school, more specifically the hallway, surrounded by students. Focus, this is the one thing you can't mess up. Eddie thought to himself.
He removed one hand from his pocket, running it through his hair and huffing out a breath to compose himself. "I wanted to ask, are you sure it's okay for me to show up at your house?" He squinted his eyes, scratching the back of his neck. Now that he had a bit of time to dwell on it, showing up at the house where none other than the Chief of Police lived, looked a lot like a death sentence.
"Trust me, Eddie, it'll be fine." You pushed yourself away from the metal door with warm cheeks, hooking your arm around Eddie's and pulling him towards the exit.
"Yeah, it's just, I'm not very confident I'll be your father's favorite person." He looked down at you with a playful grimace. Feeling the warmth of your body against his already easing his nerves.
"Well, you're mine already, so I'm sure he'll like you too, sooner or later." You pushed open the school's glass doors, being greeted with warm, late afternoon sunlight right on your face. Chatter was heard all around you from the other students, some picking up their bikes and others turning on their cars. This time of day was always your favorite. Not because of going home, but for the golden glow that shone down the school's grounds and the chilly breeze making the leaves rustle.
Eddie almost felt his knees giving up on him upon hearing the lighthearted confession. He had trouble making his mind focus on forming words, his cheeks most likely already as red as a tomato. "You'll be the death of me."
You untangled your arm from him, running your hand down his forearm until your fingers hooked loosely around his own. "Maybe so, but you do love me." Your tone was playful, not aware of how true those words were.
Letting go of his hand, you shrugged off his jacket from your shoulders.
"Yeah…" Eddie breathed out. He took the leather jacket from you and when he draped it back over his shoulders, he was instantly enveloped by your warmth and perfume. His skin was littered with goosebumps, momentarily wishing you'd wear more of his clothes.
"I'll see you tomorrow then?" You took a step backward, away from him and towards the parking lot, eyes still big and hopeful.
"I'll be counting the minutes." Eddie smiled sweetly, squinting his eyes because of the sun and only being able to see your silhouette. And he meant it, knowing he wouldn't even be able to sleep properly tonight.
Eddie did not, in fact, sleep at night.
He felt as if nerves were eating him up from the inside out. Even as he sat on his bed, guitar resting on his lap as he tried to play, he couldn't stop thinking about every possible outcome of him arriving at your house. He wasn't one to worry so much, not about something like this. But he really, really didn't want to mess it up. Eddie knew he wasn't the picture-perfect guy, let alone for you; he wanted to try, though.
And now, as he sat on the driver's seat of his van. Hands clutching the wheel while he stared at the turn that lead to your street; part of him wanted to tuck tail and run back to the safety of his trailer, and the other part of him knew he'd never forgive himself for that.
Eddie sucked in a deep breath and turned the key in the ignition.
The street that led to your house was pretty, surrounded by huge trees of which the round shape made Eddie think of broccoli. They were beautiful nonetheless, shaping the sunlight on the road with the gaps between the many leaves. The neighborhood was quiet, he passed by a few houses which had some kids playing on the sidewalks. It suited you, Eddie thought to himself.
Your house somehow turned out to be all he expected it would. He'd never seen it before today, you handed him the address, written down on paper with calligraphy much better than his. The house was made of dark wood, had two floors, and a big porch right at the front. It was surrounded by nice-looking grass, even if it was due for a trim, and two big trees stood tall on each side of the yard.
Eddie parked by the side of the road, he wiped his sweaty palms on his pants and got out of his van. He wore light blue jeans, a black Metallica shirt, and his black leather jacket. He walked up to your front door rehearsing in his mind everything he would say, while simultaneously giving himself a pep talk.
With a hammering heart, he raised his fist to the wooden door, knocking thrice.
The door opened slowly, and Eddie held onto his breath. Jim Hopper stood in front of him, in casual clothes, it was Saturday anyway. His face wasn't looking too casual though, he had an unreadable frown on his mouth and thick eyebrows. He looked Eddie up and down, making the long-haired boy feel as if he was reading through all his sins.
Eddie cleared his throat, "Hi, I'm Eddi- Edward! Your… daughter invited me over." He averted his eyes and mumbled a curse.
Hopper hummed, leaning against the threshold. "Y/N talked about you, and I'm gonna hear more if I don't let you in, so…" standing aside, Hopper motioned unenthusiastically for Eddie to come in.
Stuffing his hands inside his jacket pockets, Eddie ducked his head and mumbled a "thank you" as he walked through the door. The house felt incredibly cozy inside, being smaller than he thought it would be. A joined kitchen and living room, what he assumed was a door to the bathroom and maybe storage, and the stairs up that most likely lead to the bedrooms. Everything was nicely decorated, some pictures of family memories hanging on the walls that sparked distant envy in Eddie.
The door closed with a thud that made Eddie jump, he glanced over his shoulder and Hopper walked past him, cigarette and lighter in hand as he walked up to a kitchen counter and leaned back onto it. Eddie pursed his lips, praying to whatever entity for you to come and find him already.
Hopper blew out the smoke, the frown never leaving his face. "What are your intentions with my daughter?"
Eddie's eyes went wide and he wanted the ground to swallow him whole. "I uh- don't-" He fidgeted with his rings and put his hands back in his pockets. "No- no intentions sir…" He stuttered, his sentence ending more like a question. Should he be calling him sir?
"We're friends. She's my friend." Eddie nodded, as so to emphasize his words, even if they tasted bitter.
Hopper chuckled humorlessly. "Right." He glanced down and flicked the ash from his cigarette, "guess I'll have to keep an eye on you."
His words were so stern they sent a chill down Eddie's back. Before he could try to answer, they both looked up the stairs, hearing footsteps.
"But you look pretty." Eleven insisted, her hand holding on to yours.
"Are you sure? I feel weird, but maybe it's because I'm not used to it." You grimaced, referring to the new shirt you were wearing.
"I'm sure." Eleven smiled brightly as you both reached the end of the stairs.
You looked away from your sister, your gaze finally meeting your favorite brown eyes. Eddie stood awkwardly in the space between the kitchen and the back of the couch, cheeks flushed and posture rigid. He was adorable. Your eyes lit up in a smile. "Eddie, you're early."
"Hey, sorry I-" he was interrupted by your body colliding with his in a hug. He held you back, both hands over your back as the corner of his lips inevitably tilted up.
"Don't worry, I'm glad, at least we'll have more time." You beamed and pulled back. You looked towards your father with a raised brow. "I hope my dad wasn't too intimidating."
"Oh, we were just getting to know each other." With a full-on smile, Hopper walked up to Eddie and patted his shoulder, hard.
Eddie chuckled nervously, unbalanced from the hand on his shoulder. "Yeah."
Hopper put the cigarette back in his mouth, and with a last look in Eddie's eyes that told the boy everything he needed to know, he walked to the couch and sat down.
A relieved huff left Eddie's lips. He felt your thumb rubbing circles on top of his hand, automatically calming him down.
"You do have pretty eyes." The girl beside you; your sister, Eddie assumed, spoke to him for the first time. He frowned at her words and looked at you with a smirk.
"And that is my sister, Jane." You introduced Eleven quickly, with a mortified smile.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Eddie." He replied with a kind voice and extended his hand for Eleven to shake.
"Y/N talks a lot about you, she says you make her ha-"
"Okay, Jane?" You spoke loudly over her, feeling your heart dropping to your ass as Eleven spoke about your crush as if it was weather talk. "I think dad could really use some company." With both hands on her shoulders, you guided her towards the couch.
Eddie bit the inside of his cheek to contain a smile, his heart fluttering inside his chest.
"Alright come on." You took Eddie's hand and all but dragged him up the stairs and to your room.
You pushed your bedroom door after you and Eddie walked in, leaving it open with just the tiniest gap. He looked around your room and you sat on the bed, watching him.
Eddie turned on the spot, giving a quick once over to his surroundings. Your room had lilac wallpaper that almost seemed white in the sunlight, there was a desk on one side with your backpack and several school books on top, your cheerleader uniform rested on the chair, folded neatly and several potted plants stood by your windowsill. He knew he stood out like a sore thumb in your world; but looking closely he could see clothes haphazardly hanging on the holder behind your door, used sneakers pushed to the corner of the room beside the wardrobe, and to his surprise, what seemed to be a Bon Jovi tape hiding in the middle of the pile by the drawers.
He had a smug smile when he slowly turned to you. Eddie took the remaining steps in your direction, sitting in front of you on the bed. "So I have pretty eyes huh?"
You groaned, heat coming up your neck and to your cheeks. You averted your eyes as you mumbled; "don't let it go to your head."
Tilting his head to the side, Eddie watched you. "Too late sweetheart."
Something about his tone made your heart jump. Low and soft as if he was in a trance, the words rolling off his tongue easily.
You licked your lips, bringing the bottom one to your teeth momentarily. Glancing up, you caught him staring, the tip of his fingers touching your knee. "Well, it is true."
Any confidence Eddie had, left him as he heard you say it. Compliments were not a thing he received often, or ever. So having someone say that something about him was beautiful felt odd; in a good way. His mouth dried up, feeling your hand touching his. You reached out for him so easily, every time making his heart pump blood at a quicker pace.
His hand closed around yours in a gesture that already belonged to the two of you, thumb brushing over your knuckles. He couldn't put a name to what you two were, not anymore.
You got up then, separating your skin from his when you walked to your desk and picked up a thick book. "Are you sure you still have the time to do it?"
Eddie frowned, you stood in front of him, and from his place sitting on your bed his eyes leveled with the book in your hands, and he remembered why he came; having forgotten about the chemistry book before even going to bed last night.
"Yeah, but I doubt this year will be any different from the other ones, so I wouldn't worry." He shrugged.
There was an annoyed tilt to your eyebrow, you threw to book on the bed beside Eddie and crossed your arms. "Don't say that, you're going to pass Eddie. Third time's the charm, right?"
His throat rumbled with a low chuckle, he tilted his head up, dark brown eyes looking at you with blown wide pupils. "I do hope you're right, princess."
You became acutely aware of how close you were to each other. You standing between his knees and his chin centimeters away from your body. He looked up at you as if you'd hung the stars in the sky, making your skin tickle with goosebumps.
With a dash of confidence; or mostly affection tugging tightly at your heart, you reached up and buried your fingers in his hair, just behind his ears as your thumbs traced the outline of his cheekbones in a bold move.
Eddie went as stiff as a statue before your hands even made contact with him, and all but melted against your touch afterward. Your hands cupped his face with a tenderness no one ever offered to him before, for a split second, tears stung behind his eyes before he pushed them back, closing his eyes. He didn't bother to think about what this meant.
"You'll graduate, and then we'll go to prom and prove everyone wrong before driving away from this town, how's that sound?" You offered, playing with his hair and pushing it back until you could clearly see his jawline and the flushed tip of his ears.
"Fucking perfect." He breathed out, the ghost of a smile on his lips. His eyes remained shut, if this was a dream he never wanted to wake up. Eddie carefully lowered his head, his forehead now resting against your stomach.
You smoothed down his hair in a comforting manner with a hand resting on the back of his head. None of you mentioned the intimacy of the moment.
A minute passed and Eddie tilted his head back to you, getting up from the bed and straightening his jacket. "Let's go, there's a place I want to show you."
Eddie picked up the chemistry book. You smiled, with newfound curiosity making your eyes spark, and followed him to your bedroom door. He held the door open for you, making a show of bowing and extending his hand as he presented the way out.
Eddie won your heart over a little more every day.
You both walked down the stairs. Reaching the living room, you placed a hand on Eddie's forearm. "Wait outside for me, yeah? I'll only be a minute."
He pursed his lips with a smile, opening the front door and walking to his van, keys jingling between his fingers.
You turned around, bracing yourself on the back of the couch where your father was sitting. "We're uh- we're going out for a bit."
Hopper turned his head to look at you, the images from the TV illuminating his eyes. "Alone?"
"No, me and Eddie."
His eyebrows furrowed, and he got up. The way his eyes widened was comical and you held back a giggle. "Yeah, alone with him. I don't think I like the idea of you going out with that guy. Much less alone."
That made a frustrated sigh leave your lips, you rested with your hip against the couch and crossed your arms. "Give him a break, dad, he's actually much nicer and more respectful than any of the other guys at school."
Hopper grumbled under his breath. You managed to hear something about "bad influence."
You rolled your eyes, clenching your jaw while willing yourself to stay calm. You couldn't really blame him for worrying, given your past. "Dad, please listen to me. I'm only asking that you see past his looks, at least this once, he already goes through enough at school. Wasn't he super well-mannered today? Hell, he was even scared of you."
He's thinking, you can see the cogs turning when Hopper looks at you.
"I promise, he's a good guy." You said quietly, smiling softly.
Hopper massaged his forehead with one hand, you knew it was only for show though. "Alright, fine. If you trust him…"
His gruff voice with sincere approval made you beam.
"But if he does something, anything, slightly questionable; you come straight to me, understand?" He pointed a finger at you.
You nodded excitedly, "I always do, you know that."
Hopper sighed; with a calloused hand behind your head, he brought you towards him, planting a quick kiss on your forehead. "Be home before nine."
You closed the front door behind you with unmistakable happiness, skipping on your feet towards Eddie's van.
The long-haired boy looked your way as soon the passenger's door opened, his knee was bumping up and down in anticipation.
"He hates me, right?" Eddie didn't hold your gaze when he spoke, turning the key in the ignition once you were comfortable beside him.
"No, not really," the smile could be heard in your voice. Eddie's hold on the steering wheel was white-knuckled, you placed a hand on his knee to stop it from moving. "I'd go as far as saying he's warming up to you."
Brown eyes turned to you with relief, his smile was tiny and shy. It lit up your heart anyway.
Driving around town with Eddie Munson could easily be described as free therapy for you. The seats on his van were comfortable, windows rolled down to allow wind to make your hair flow. Eddie hummed along with most of the songs playing on his radio, the tone of his voice mixed with Sabbath's guitar solo was becoming your favorite song.
Eddie didn't tell you where he was taking you, making you laugh every time you tried to pry the answer from him. It ended up making things more magical. No destination, just two souls moving in tandem and finding peaceful bliss with each other.
He eventually parked in front of an ice cream parlor. It was small and nicely styled with pastel pink and baby blue colors. The sun started to go down on the horizon, painting the streets and trees around in a deeper shade of orange as the minutes passed.
Even with you insisting on the contrary, Eddie paid for your ice cream. After buying your favorite flavor along with his, you hopped back in his van. He told you this wasn't your final destination yet.
Ten more minutes of driving and you reached a secluded part of Lover's Lake. Eddie parked his van with the back facing the lake, opening the back door of the vehicle so you could sit there comfortably.
The view was easily described as breathtaking. The sun was setting right in front of your eyes, its final rays painting the lake's water with strong shades of orange, yellow, and pink; same as the sky above you. The trees around you were nothing but black silhouettes against the warm light; faded stars could already be seen in the darker parts of the sky, far from the descending sun. It all resembled a painting.
The air was a bit colder, your ice cream was almost completely eaten by now. Eddie sat beside you, his warm shoulder flush to yours, legs swinging by the edge of the van.
"It's so beautiful here." You mused quietly. You'd been to Lover's Lake before, never here though. The place felt like a private hidden spot. Your heartbeat quickened thinking that Eddie was sharing a personal place with you.
"Not as beautiful as you," Eddie said lowly, a boyish grin on his face.
You chuckled, bumping his foot with your sneakers, eating the last bit of your ice cream. "Real smooth, Munson."
Eddie glanced down at his lap, hands fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. "I usually come here to play guitar and shit like that, when the trailer feels too crampy."
A breeze flew by, you turned your eyes to the boy beside you. His curls followed the wind, twisting under his chin and past his shoulders; his gaze was focused on the setting sun in front of him, brown orbs taking in a golden glow. A shiver ran down your spine, feeling privileged for being with him, here and now. For knowing the real Eddie.
Your hand found his own naturally, you intertwined your fingers with his, allowing them to rest on top of his thigh. He looked down at your joined hands, his thumb tracing your skin, then looked up at you; his eyes open and vulnerable.
"Thank you, for bringing me here." You expressed quietly.
Eddie's gaze roamed your features, his lips parted. Leaning in, he kissed your hairline. The touch lingered before he rested his head on top of yours, bringing your cheek to rest on his shoulder.
Labels were a complicated thing. Friends don't hold each other like that, yet it's not like you've kissed his lips yet.
You squeezed his hand, molding your body against his. But you had time, time to figure out what you two were and what you would be.
You knew you were exactly where you wanted to be.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Read Part 5 here
Feedback and reblogs are very much appreciated. <3
Eddie’s taglist: @milkiane @bookfrog242 @alicefallsintotherabbithole @bambi-laufeyson @marvelbrokeme @boooil @science--hoes @cherrypieyourface @tssf-imagines  @daph-505 @astream-ofconsciousness @fentyreligion @fantasylovestoryme @justabeautiful-letdown @crazyrapunzel @yessica41 @dancing-hillary @bakugouswh0r3 @hehehehannahthings @eddiemunsonsfrgf @jakebasement @taeeyongs-hands @zervopoulouu @forverdaydreamer-blog  @fromthedt @oeuryale @mcueveryday @palah @miraakswhore @witchbinchstories @call-me-magpie
@yangsbff @loveshineslikethesky @luvmybbies @tvserie-s-world @agirlsguidetolove @strawberryoverkill @hallothankmas @ribyourtoplip @sweetpeapod @harringt8ns @forsaken-letters @hazydespair @munsonzzgf @fangirling-4-ever @akiisbae @electric-cabaret @ollyoxenfrees @linkpk88  @twinkofmydreams @ribyourtoplip @paola-carter @masterlistmanic @boomhauer
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lilacsandwhiskey · 3 years
drew taking care of his girlfriend drunk in barbados plssss 🥺
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Drunk In Love
Pairing: Drew x reader
Warnings: implications of sex, alcohol consumption, tons of fluff
requests are open!
Drew was ecstatic.
His excitement was overflowing when you’d surprised him a few weeks ago over a broken up FaceTime that you were flying into Barbados for a week. You’d arranged the perfect trip, surrounded around his schedule, with the help of everyone.
He stood, waiting for you to exit the terminal, Chase and JD offering to join him to pick you up. Drew felt a little silly with a homemade sign he’d made, with the help of the girls, who were more than excited to see you for the first time in months. Hell, it was his first time seeing you in months.
When he saw your signature smile across the way, his heart rate quickened. Chase was quick to snatch the sign as he met you halfway, arms open as you flew into them. Drew kisses you multiple times, spinning you around. “You’re here.” “I’m here.” You say with a giggle, tears brimming your eyes.
Drew checked his phone for the okay to arrive at the BnB, knowing that the girls had been more than excited to craft a whole welcoming party surrounded around you, considering you’d grown so close to them over the last couple of years.
Drew takes your bags as you follow Chase and JD up the walkway into the house.
“Welcome!” They yell, thrusting hugs in your direction. You take a moment to say hello to everyone, your heart swelling from the consideration. There was more than enough drinks and food, every intention to let loose for this short break, aka having the next day off.
“Let me show you to my room, babe.” Drew ushers you to the bedroom all the way down the hallway, pushing you inside quickly. He’s quick to drop your bags at the end of the bed, before grabbing your waist and pulling you close into him. His lips connect to yours, a slow but needy kiss, a feeling you hadn’t felt in entirely too long.
A small grunt erupts from the back of his throat as his hands roam over your body, a small giggle leaving your own. “They’re gonna question where we’ve went.” “Shh, we’re unpacking.” He grins into your neck, placing soft kisses, sucking lightly. This elicits a small moan from you. “You’re something else, Starkey.”
“Another one!” Carlacia announces as she hands you another shot. With a clink, the two of you are throwing them back. You’re already feeling tipsy, and the encouragement is enough to keep you going. Drew is not as near far gone as everyone else, telling you to let loose. “You’re only here with me for a week, baby. Gotta party.” He kept saying.
He holds your hand up as you walk around to the kitchen to find a snack. He giggles as your slight stumble, holding you up successfully. “You’re so strong.” You say with a hiccup. Drew shakes his head with a grin as he makes forces you to sip on some water in between your next drink.
Maddie screams as her favorite song comes on, begging for you to come join them. You pull Drew along with you, his hands become steady on your hips as he presses kisses to your neck as the two of you walk in sync.
You are far gone. Drew’s hands haven’t left your body, not that you’d complain. You are more than grateful for the way he’s holding you up. “Here, let’s get some water in you, sweetheart.” He picks you up to sit you on the counter, finding home between your legs as you sip on the red solo cup of water.
“Good girl.” He says, pushing your hair from your face. “You cannot say that to me right now.” You say, wiggling your eyebrows. “Nuh uh, no ma’am. Not when you’re like this.” You give him a pout, only causing him to smile but stand his ground.
When one by one everyone is going to their bed, Drew steadies you to his own. You plop on his bed, the room spinning around. You’re giggling to yourself, not even sure what you’re laughing at. Drew laughs to himself, opening your neat suitcase, carefully pulling out a pair of shorts and your makeup wipes. He grabs one of his own shirts. “Legs up, baby.” You oblige as he slides your pants down to replace them for your shirt. “Arms.” He says. “Sit up just a bit, bubs.” He helps lift your body up enough that your against the headboard.
He pulls out a makeup wipe, carefully caressing your face as he wipes the night off of your face. “Pretty as always.” He whispers, kissing your clean cheek. “Okay, pretty girl, let’s get some sleep. You’re gonna feel this in the morning.” You nod sleepily, murmuring soft ‘I love yous’ as you snuggle into the sheets.
Drew grabs some Tylenol from one of his drawers, leaving a bottle of water and the trash can from the bathroom next to your side of the bed. When he looks over he already sees you softly snoring, his chest tightening at the precious sight of you.
With several kisses to your face, he switches the light off and pulls your frame into his own. He takes in the feeling of having you here with him, and he’s more than happy to feel you next to him. He can’t wait to do this forever.
tags: @pogueslandia
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parkersbliss · 3 years
Diamonds | K. Brekker
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pairing; kaz brekker x female!reader
warnings: cursing, I think that’s it
wc; 2.3K
synopsis: dirtyhands doesn’t need anyone, but he wants you, even if he can’t have you
prompts: 001: “why do you care?” 047: “please just let me in.”
a/n: this went in a very different direction then I planned but I love it??
Masterlist | Taglist | Prompt List
Kaz Brekker was a lot of things.
Emotionally unavailable was one of them.
But you never thought much of it. You didn’t think less of him because of that. Surviving the barrel meant being cold, ruthless, and cunning.
Everyone had to have some dark side to them. It was a given.
But Kaz’s dark side never turned off. He was always in a constant state of brooding, thinking about all the ways the plan could fail or coming up with a new heist.
His brain never shuts off.
You never considered that a bad thing, but everyone has to rest eventually.
But rest wasn’t a word in Kaz’s dictionary. For him, resting meant thinking about other things.
Things that he wanted to forget.
So he busied himself with work, numbers, and other things to push the other thoughts out of his mind. Sometimes they were about Jordie and the harbor, sometimes they were about Rollins or you.
Kaz never wanted to forget you, but he didn’t want to think about you either. About the way, your lips curved up into a smile every time Jesper threw his arm around you. Or the way you throw your head back every time Nina makes a joke, the way you sit patiently with Wylan when he tries to read, the way you train so gracefully with Inej, and the way you make fun of Matthias’ accent.
He wants to push it all out of his mind because he doesn’t understand it. He doesn’t get how he manages to notice every detail about you.
It would cost him eventually, which is why he didn’t think about it. It’s why he tried to busy himself with things that have nothing to do with you.
But sometimes, it doesn’t always work out that way.
It was moments like these where Kaz is in a constant state of don’t fuck up and don’t say anything.
Which never goes in his favor.
The plan was simple, break-in and walk-out. There were three separate sections to the museum, and the event kept everyone pretty busy.
All you had to do was get in, steal a few jewels and then blend in with the crowd for the rest of the night.
It should be easy enough.
You all dress in your best attire, at least, the best attire that wouldn’t slow you down if you have to run. Kaz’s breath hitches in his throat when he sees you. Silky fabric, exposed skin, and all your beauty.
He nods at you as you fall into step behind him.
“You look nice,” You said.
“Thank you. So do you.”
You all find yourself in an ally by the museum as Inej scales the roof for her way in. You know she’s successful when the back entrance pops open, and she leans against the door frame with a satisfied smile on her face; her green dress trails along the floor as you make your way inside.
Bright fluorescent lights illuminate the hallway, and the sound of heels and Kaz’s cane echo down it. Kaz pick locks the three doors with ease, signaling for the groups of you to go in.
Matthias and Nina are responsible for the smaller riches, Inej, Wylan, and Jesper take care of replacing them, and you and Kaz get the big stuff.
The room sparkles with diamonds, almost blinding you. To Kaz, it smells like money. For each piece stolen, the two of you replace it with a cheaper place holder.
By the time anyone noticed, you would be gone.
You grab a ring off a stand, slipping it on and examining it in the light.
Kaz coughs, and you turn to face him.
He holds the most expensive piece in his hand, a diamond necklace.
It’s worth more than a quarter of a million kruge.
“Woah,” you breathe out. The diamonds are arranged in such a way that it sits close to the neck, and looks like small interconnected leaves.
“Wear it,” Kaz said.
“You would look… pretty with it,” The last part is barely above a whisper.
“Okay,” You agree, taking the piece from his hands. Your fingers barely brush his gloved ones as you take the necklace, clasping it around your neck.
Then, Kaz steps back. “I think we got most of it.”
You can’t take all of the riches, but you can take enough to make some serious bank. You exit the room, Kaz locking it after, and meet back in the hallway with everyone else. Inej and Nina both drip in equal expenses and gasp when they see your necklace.
“I almost want to keep it,” You said, touching the diamonds.
“It does look stunning on you,” Nina said.
“I’m sure we have enough to keep that piece,” Inej said, gesturing to the jewelry between you all.
“I do not understand the need for stones to prove one’s worth,” Matthias said.
Nina pats his shoulder, “It’s like you Fjerdans and your fur coats.”
"Witch," Matthias mumbled under his breath.
Kaz takes the lead, directing you to the main room. You can hear the sounds of people chattering, classical music floating in the air. You all split into smaller groups, mostly pairs, to avoid detection.
You and Kaz stay towards the center of the room, observing everyone else and waiting till the event ends.
As Kaz’s eyes sweep the ballroom, yours sweep over his face, familiarizing yourself with his features.
He has sharp cheekbones, fair skin, and a pointed nose. His lips are drawn down into the softest frown, and there are bags under his dark eyes. His eyebrow twitches ever so slightly whenever he sees someone he doesn’t like, and he runs a gloved hand through his hair, slicking it back more if it’s possible.
He was beautiful.
After a few more moments of mingling, they prepare to bring the jewelry out on display. You and Kaz back towards the exit, just in case something goes wrong.
The fake one sparkles just the same, and a clear difference can’t be seen. It’s only glass that Wylan had managed to craft by himself.
The servant gulps, taking careful steps with the case in his hand. His hands shake, and as he takes the first step up the stairs, he stumbles.
It shatters.
The glass scatters across the floor, the fake necklace you planted aside does the same, the pieces landing everywhere.
You can practically feel Kaz tense next to you when the crowd gasps; actual diamonds wouldn’t break.
“Don’t move,” Kaz whispers. He makes a hand gesture to the rest of the Dregs around the room that means remain still. “Act just as surprised.”
On any other occasion, it would be easy, but when the original necklace is dangling from your neck, it’s like an open target for anyone with eyes. Murmurs flow through the crowd, but no one pays any mind to the Dregs because you all look like you belong here. They’re looking for the black sheep among the white.
But they all look just the same.
“We will be conducting manual searches,” The guards announce.
“Saints,” You whisper, hand instinctively grabbing the diamonds on your neck.
“Plan B,” Kaz said. He meets Jesper’s eyes across the room, nodding his head, and Jesper smirks. He grabs one of his revolvers, firing a single shot and tucking it away before anyone notices. The crowd screams, everyone rushing to the exits as more shots are fired from various parties (some from Jesper, some from guards, or others who just love chaos).
You all make a run for it, using the main exit where guards were desperately trying to keep everyone in.
You watch Inej slip through with ease, Nina and Mattias next. Jesper gets held up, but he managed to talk his way out of it as Wylan tugs on his sleeve.
You and Kaz are last, taking your time to avoid being pushed in by the crowd. You could run ahead, get out before Kaz, but you don’t.
You stay by his side and maintain the slow pace, even when there’s a quarter of a million kruge hanging from your neck.
As you approach the exit, you’re one foot out when someone grabs your arm.
“I got her!” The guard shouts. He starts dragging you back inside as you try to dig your heel into their foot.
Then, in the span of a second, a cane comes down on his arm, a clear snap ringing out.
You stumble from their grasp, unknowingly using Kaz’s shoulder to steady yourself. He hisses but says nothing more because as soon as you notice, you let go.
“Nina!” You scream as the guards come pouring out the entrance.
It was clear who the target was.
The heartrender holds up her hands, effectively dropping their beat, but you underestimate how many there are.
“Run!” Jesper shouts.
And you do as you’re told. The guards open fire, and you bunch your dress in your hands, running through the streets of Ketterdam. Kaz begins to fall behind, and you slow down your pace.
“Jes, throw me a revolver!”
“Throw it!”
Wylan rolls his eyes, fishing the gun from his boyfriend’s pocket and tossing it at you.
“What are you doing?” Kaz said.
“Saving your ass!” You reply.
“I don’t need your saving!” Kaz retorts, glaring at you.
You roll your eyes, “Fine, I’m covering you.”
“I don’t need that either.”
“I don’t need you!”
You nod, turning away from him to hide the hurt on your face. “No, of course, you don't."
You fire a single shot at a guard, busying yourself in taking a few out, so Kaz doesn’t get hit. When he’s a good way ahead, you sprint after the rest of the Dregs. You see the tail of Jesper’s coat disappear down an alleyway.
You fire one last round of shots and duck behind it. You move past Kaz, catching up with Jesper and thanking him.
He smiles, bumping your shoulder. “Anything for the lady.”
The slat is in sight, and you sigh in relief, happy to rest and unload all the jewels everyone is dripping in.
You could only imagine the amount of kruge you’d come up with.
Jesper opens the door for the Dregs, and you all practically collapse on the couch. You Nina and Inej are all on one, kicking off your heels.
“I hate heels,” You said.
“You’re telling me,” Inej replied. “Never again.”
Nina shrugs, “Annoying as hell, but they do work in place of a knife every now and then.”
“I am never without my knives.”
“We know.”
Kaz walks past you all, limping a bit worse than usual and going up to his office.
You don’t bother following after him. Instead, you all dump the jewelry on the table.
“Oh, saints,” Inej gasped.
Jesper leans back in his seat, “I think we’re set.”
“You’ll gamble it all away before we even cash it in,” Matthias said as Jesper scoffed.
“It’ll take me at least a few months to lose that.”
“Months?” Wylan asked.
“Like six tops.”
Everyone begins to argue, and you tune them out. You forgot about the most expensive piece hanging from your neck, absentmindedly playing with it. When you remember, you figure the best thing to do with it is give it up to Kaz.
With a sigh, you stand up, the fabric of your dress falling back into place.
You don’t bother knocking on his door, you know you should, but you didn’t care all that much.
“Here’s your necklace,” You said bitterly, dropping it on his desk.
“A quarter of a million kruge, enough to set you for life. That’s all you need, isn’t it?”
“I didn’t mean that.”
“Sure felt like it,” You snap.
“I just-,” Kaz sighed, avoiding your gaze. “Keep the necklace.”
“I don’t want it.”
“You don’t?” Kaz asked, eyebrows raised. “I thought you liked it. You should have it if that’s the case.”
“Why do you care?”
“I don’t.”
You click your tongue, “Keep the fucking necklace, Kaz.”
Kaz curses himself, tugging at his hair. He was making the situation much worse. He didn’t know what to say that wouldn't piss you off. He thought the necklace would be like a peace offering, a sign of his thanks.
It backfired on him.
He’s bordering the line of being cold or grateful. When grateful didn’t work in his favor, he went for the other.
“I want you to have it.”
“I don’t want it.”
“Please, take it.”
“It’s worth money. That’s far more important to both of us.”
Kaz shuts his eyes, “(Y/N), please.”
And you know this isn't about the necklace anymore. It never really was.
You shake your head, crossing your arms over your chest. You were tired of pretending to brush off your feelings. It was killing you. Every time you tried to do something, Kaz pushed you back. You couldn't keep doing this to yourself.
“You either want this, or you don’t. Which one is it?”
“Please,” he said softly.
You sigh, blinking harshly. Your heart hammers in your chest. You take a breath, trying to calm yourself.
“Kaz, I need you,” You said softly, “Please just let me in.”
“I can’t,” He said, voice strained as he fights his demons. God, he wants to, but he's scared. He's scared of pushing you away or hurting either of you in the process. He couldn't go through that kind of loss again.
“I will wait,” You said. “I will wait as long as you need. I just need to know that you’re in this too.”
Kaz meets your eyes. His are glassy as he holds the necklace tightly in his hands, running his gloved fingers over the diamonds.
He could lose you.
And that is far worse than not having you at all.
He slowly peels his gloves off. His movements are slow and deliberate, taking his time. When they’re off, he grabs the necklace and stands up.
You hold your breath as he stands behind you, brushing your hair out of the way. His fingers just barely dance across your skin, but they’re there.
He clasps the necklace, and you turn around to face him.
“Kaz?” You question.
“I need you too, (Y/N).”
“I’m not leaving," You assure him.
“Good. We’re in this.”
“We’re in this.”
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neon-junkie · 3 years
MORE panty snatching shenanigans! its your turn to do laundry so you go to strip the beds— including pillow cases. you end up finding your panties tucked away into the crevice between the mattress and surface it rests on and stashed in their pillow cases. its not an obnoxious number, but you could tell they were underwear you had just thrown into the dirty hamper the previous day— each one had a freshly dirty pair for themselves. how the hell do you move on from tjat?? just put the bedding back on and leave it alone? how would they even react when they get back to the ship to stripped bed. they know you saw them, there’s no way you didn’t. now you have five sheepish men (that includes cross) who don’t know how to approach you or look you in the face. you pretend to not have seen anything, go on like nothing happened just to see them squirm but also how the hell do you approach a situation where you catch five extremely handsome men stealing your panties, panties you wore the night prior when you touched yourself to the thought of them, and then slipped them back on when you were done…. 😳🥴
Part 1 is here.
I think Echo is the only person who wouldn't get caught. He partakes in pantie snatching shenanigans, but he constantly feels so guilty about it, so much to the point that he physically cannot forget to return them. But you've just caught four of the five men doing it, and given Echo's panicked expression when he returns to find that you've changed his bedding, despite not finding anything, you assume that he's just as guilty as the rest.
The men are silent. They know. You know. They know you know. You know they know. Tension is so thick in the air that you could slice through it with a knife and eat it up for dinner. What the kriff do they do now? Are you going to mention it? Should they mention it?
It doesn't really bother you, if anything, you have the opposite reaction; you're glad that they see you in that way, considering you touch yourself to the thought of them every night. If anything, they deserve to enjoy your panties, since you're often cumming in them to the thought of these men.
You're uncertain how to move forward that you leave it, at first. Your panties stop going missing, and suddenly your underwear draw is overflowing. Ugh. You want things to return to previous ways, so you chalk up a plan to encourage them to use them again.
Minor adjustments are made to your wardrobe. You begin to wear tighter fitting clothes, ensuring that your pantie line is visibly pressed against your ass beneath the clothing. Sometimes you wear a thong, and settle the bands over your hips, peeking out from beneath your pants, as if to remind them that you're wearing underwear today.
You bend over more often. Tech is the perfect victim for your crime; he's always dropping tools whenever he's working away, and that's your opportunity to flaunt what you have whilst 'helping him.' Tech doesn't notice at first, not until you're shoving the tool back into his hand, and he jumps at your sudden appearance, dropping another tool yet again.
"Careful, Tech," you tut as you pick the tool up. "If you treat your tools carelessly, then that makes me question how you'd treat a woman." Tech is attempting to stutter a reply as you smile and walk off, leaving him with a hazy mind.
Crosshair is another victim to your bending over shenanigans. It's part of his routine to clean his rifle, and you're lucky one day, lucky in the sense that you overhear Crosshair grumbling to himself because he's just sat down and forgot something from his kit. You offer to retrieve it, and Crosshair watches hungrily as you band over and begin rummaging through the box, taking your time to retrieve said item.
"For you, Sir," you playfully announce as you hand over the missing item, and Crosshair accidentally drops the toothpick from between his lips at your bold name. You're gone before he can even think of a reply, and he makes a mental note to get you back for it.
You ask the boys if any of them want to come clothes shopping with you. Wrecker says yes, and you enjoy dragging him through the underwear isle specifically, asking for his opinion on every single frilly, lacy, bright pair of undies that you pick out. He tells you that they all look "nice," and the poor man looks like he's about to pass out at any given moment.
Hunter is a hard one to catch slipping, so you create an opportunity to rile him up. Whilst he's alone, you strike up a conversation, and eventually ask, "have you ever misused that knife of yours?"
"What do you mean?" Hunter quirks a brow.
"Oh, I dunno.... Used it during sex, maybe to help undress someone? Cut off their panties, maybe?" you shrug. Hunter can't even attempt to string together a reply, too flustered at those thoughts that you've put into his head. "I'll take that as a no," you laugh, and as you begin to walk off, you turn over your shoulder and state, "let me know if you ever want to practise."
Echo has managed to act the most normal around you. He always politely averts his gaze whenever you're flaunting yourself in front of the boys, and you can't deny that his politeness isn't winding you up, just a little. One day, Echo's going through his usual routine of oiling his joints, a task that you sometimes help him with. You offer a hand, as always, and he accepts it.
Usually, you'll work on his legs whilst he works on his arm, but since he's already started, he decided to do his arm first. You settle between Echo's thighs, looking up at him innocently as you begin working on his legs. Echo has nothing to distract himself, and struggles to keep eye contact as you slowly work the oil into each crevice, slicking the mechanical compartments up. All colour that Echo had managed to gain drains from his complexion, and once you've finished and left, he has to remain seated for a while, concerned that he's going to pass out.
Your shenanigans have been going on for a few weeks, and you decide that it's time to finally inform them that you know.
"I'm going to bed," you announce one evening. The Batch say goodnight, and you find your way into your room, quickly stripping off and changing into pyjamas. "Oh," you sigh as you exit your room, turning to face them. "I don't know whos turn it is tonight. You can fight amongst yourselves," you say with a smirk, and toss todays pair of panties at them.
"Goodnight!" you sweetly smile once your panties land within their crowd. You don't linger around, you've seen more than enough of their ghost-white expressions as they figure out what's happening between them. You enter your room, the door shutting behind you, and grin to yourself as you get into bed.
The Batch is frozen. Every single one of them has their own shocked and embarrassed expression plastered across their face, unable to move, until Echo finally breaks the tension by letting out a cough (he forgot to breathe.) They decide to speak about things, and two questions swiftly rise up in conversation:
1. You're clearly aware of what's going on, so how should they approach the matter?
2. Who gets your panties for tonight?
Part 3 is here.
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