#its angry boi brainrot hours
stinkyhorsebitch · 7 months
I want to theow him in a wood chipper and the dive in the pile of chunks
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nintendont2502 · 2 years
My homestuck brainrot is genuinely so intense I'm convinced I could connect any song to it at this point
So uh. Gonna try that with my almost 30 hour playlist and see how long it takes before I can't I think
Song #1 - Teenage Dirtbag
Okay wow I. Do Not remember adding this to my playlist but okay
Dave Strider. Definitely. Specifically his perception of himself as this tough, cool kid yk? That's literally all I have to say about it, it just fits the vibes
Song #2 - Discord
This actually works genuinely well for Rose wtf (specifically around the time she goes Grimdark after talking to Doc Scratch - the mention of "someone else [is] pulling at the strings" and how she "can't sit idly, no [she] can't move at all")
Song #3 - Alligator
Hmm. I'm thinking either John (either around the time of God tiering or maybe using his retcon powers?) Or maybe Terezi + a little sprinkling of Vrisrezi. Unsure but it works
Song #4 - Try
Again why is this in my playlist wtf
God I guess Jane + Roxy having crushes on Dirk and all the stupid relationship drama the Alpha kids had? Idk I don't want to listen to any more of this song it's so boring
Song #5 - Lemon Boy
Okay this feels like cheating - this is obviously Davekat
Song #6 - Brave As A Noun
Oo okay we're back to the good shit. Okay this is definitely Davesprite (specifically the way he tends to push away his friends/the fact that he's seen as the "depressed bird Dave")
Like. Come on just look at this shit - "But I've got an angry heart/filled with cancers and poppy tarts/if this is how you folks make art/it's fucking depressing" and "I'm afraid to leave the house/I'm as timid as a mouse/I'm afraid if I go out I'll outwear my welcome"
Song #7 - Chase That Feeling
God okay this was the first one I genuinely struggled with. I *guess* the fact that the song is about doing something you're passionate about despite people trying to stop you, and the kids/trolls are passionate about?? Living?? Not having the universe being destroyed by LE?? Also it has all the beta kids instruments there we go. It's incredibly weak but it's *something*
Song #8 - Bad Apple
Do you know how many Homestuck animations I've seen to this? *Everything* goes with Bad Apple
Song #9 - Redesign Your Logo
Doc Scratch? Yeah Doc Scratch I think. His manipulation of Alternia/Earth to ensure tje creation of Lord English ("DNA is crucial/we must understand it/in the human genome/we will find your logo" - the codes that created Doc Scratch + by extension Lord English?) Especially "We are here to help you/everythings connected/time is of the essence/we live in the future"
Also like. "Here we have a circle/smooth and inoffensive/this will be the basis/for your revolution" like come on
Song #10 - Rapunzel
Double digits let's goo 🎉
Anyway I struggled a bit with this at first but I think Davekat (specifically pitch Davekat).
"Couldn't leave her had to meet her/greet the girl of my dreams with a kiss on the hand/What up!" < Dave 100%
Song #11 - Warriors
The troll ancestors. This is way too obvious but do i care? No
Song #12 - Body
Trying so hard to think of something that isn't just that one really good troll animation but god does it work so well. Anyway the obvious stuff:
- eyes (terezi), face (gamzee), arms and legs (vriska + tavros), hands (nepeta), heart (feferi) etc
Song #13 - Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High
Unlucky 13? Maybe! All I can think of is Cronus is being desperate which. Does work
"Now its three in the mornin/and im tryin to change your mind/left you multiple missed calls/and to my message you replied"
Song #14 - God Forgot
God for a second I was terrified id have two Cronus songs in a row but thank God I remembered sollux exists 💀 specifically AraSol
"Before you came along it was God who already forgot me/cut off both my hands, changed the locks again, that's alright/a fuckin angel caught me/she pays all my rent, paints the walls and then sings all night"
Song #15 - God Is Dead
God do you know how long I've been waiting for a Smith Street Band song. Anyway as much as I hate the epilogues this is Ult!Dirk *and* also [S] Collide
God is dead and reality is fake - Lord English destroying dream bubbles/cracking Paradox Space
It's a hivemind nightmare of a dying race - the kids and the trolls are literally a dying race and this shit is definitely a nightmare
And there is no luck and there is no fate - Vriska leading the ghost army methinks
"And nobody cares about you and your pain/but that becomes freedom if you look at it that way" - I'm gonna be real I don't have anything for this part BUT
"I've always been more distressing than cool/I'm a blood nose on the first day of school/my own quiet life at the bottom of the pool/tragedy is comedy if you can get through it" Dirk or dave probably
"Come a long way from a neck in a noose/look me in the eye and call that an excuse/wasnt sure what to make tight or keep loose/was never a boy scout, so I fell straight through it" - Dirk going ultimate
Song #16 - The Sea Is Rising
Would it be cheating to say the Batterwitch flooding Earth B
Uh god idk "I don't want them to look back when the future is written/and know we killed ourselves with nuclear visions and stupid decisions/shit I'd rather an asteroid doomed for collision/than know the planet got fucked by the human condition/sing this tune with conviction" yk what fuck it this is about Alpha Dave now. (Also fun sburb reference with the meteor there ya go)
Song #17 - Masterpiece Theatre III
This would actually work really well for a Five Giants style animation for Homestuck as a whole (focusing on the trolls, the beta kids, the alpha kids and the Cherubs or just showing major events)
Might actually look more into this later because listening to it rn god there's so much potential here
Song #18 - As The World Caves In
Dad Egbert + Mom Lalonde on the Battlefield. That's it that's the post
Song #19 - Bang Bang
Hmm DaveJade I think. Don't ship them personally but it works pretty well
"She was walkin around with a loaded shotgun/ready to fire me a hot one/it went bang bang bang straight through my heart/though I couldve walked away/just stood my ground and let her spray"
Song #20 - Le Seine
How the *fuck* is this at 20 songs already I thought I'd stop at like. 10
Anyway uh. Callieroxy. Don't know why but the vibes are so strong
Song #21 - Children of God
Fuck me I guess I'm still going
Anyway this just has tje vibes of playing Sburb. Like it fucking sucks, it's weird as hell and theres that underlying sense of anger at a universe that Does Not care about you yk
Song #22 - Basics in Behaviour
Please god there's no way I can make this Homestuck am I finally free
God fucking damn it nevermind
"This is how we live our lives searching for the answers inside of every page/and im here wondering if one day we'll finally be free from this cage/is it okay to have this feeling that maybe there is more to this game/however now, no time to question, so just behave" < that's just. That's just sburb. Specifically the way rose is trying to basically tear it apart for answers (and maybe doc scratch coming in for that last line)
Song #22 - Line Without A Hook
Sigh. Do I even need to say anything? Vrisrezi. AraSol. Line Without A Hook works for any fandom and I will *never* be free
Song #23 - Betterman
Epilogues Roxygen? "Cause you taught me so many things about myself and you know this is true/but now we are apart and it's all my fault cause you know I need to be alone/don't know myself, so how can I share me with you girl, or anyone?"
Could also add a sprinkling of June in there if you're feeling particularly trans
Song #24 - Make It Bun Dem
God I was convinced I was free.
"Killin the flows we're sicker than most/defating the foes we weather the most/never yet falter, never yet flop/never yet halt and never yet stop/keep up with God and never yet drop" < peak 2011 amv material (specifically pre-scratch, when the beta kids alcjemise all the cool shit and just kick ass on their planets yk)
Also maybe a rap dave would make I don't fjcking know anymore kts almost 2 am I started doing this *an hour* ago
Song #25 - Let Me Down Easy
God it's just. It's just Davesprite again. Specifically Davesprite after/while dating Jade on the battleship.
"You want someone who wants you for who you are/I want someone to try and let me down easy, easy tonight/easy, easy tonight/honey it's no secret that with matters of the heart/I'm reserved, I'm irrational, and rarely ever start/since the world's dark and often I humane"
Song #26 - Eleanor Rigby
John god tiering and/or retcon powers. Something big and flashy (maybe retcon powers to fit the "all the lonely people" line since him, Davesprite + Roxy are the only people from the preretcon timeline)
Song #27 - Still Alive
Lil Hal leaning into the robot thing as an ironic bit to piss off Dirk? Yeah probably - especially "I'm not even angry/I'm being so sincere right now/even though you broke my heart and killed me"
Song #28 - Tightrope
At this point I'm excited everytime I see an aussie rap song I get excited because it might mean this is finally ending, and everytime I'm disappointed by the depths of my brainrot
Anyway this is also Davejade "i play my demos one by one/smile if she likes it laugh if it sucks" - also the mention of "it's like I'm running with a blindfold" because haha get it she wears a blindfold in her entry god I'm so tired
Song #29 - Float On
This is just John I think. Like it ties into his aspect and how it provides freedom/independence which usually helps solve these major issues hes facing? So he can just "float on"
Song #30 - Rockefeller Street
Jesus fucking christ song 30?? Anyway this whole song is just Trickster Mode. "Everything is more than surreal" fuck dude it sure is
Song #31 - How To Save A Life
Epilogues Dirk + Dave. Specifically that part in Meat (?) After Dirk goes Ultimate and Dave talks about how he should have tried to talk to him or do anything to help him
"Lay down a list of what is wrong/the things you've told him all along/pray to God he hears you"
Song #32 - Little Talks
Hm AraJade or JadeRose I think. "I don't like walking around this old and empty house/so hold my hand I'll walk with you my dear"
Song #33 - Clown Prince
Thank God,,, thank fuckign God ***FINALLY***
There's literally no way I can make this Homestuck it's just fucking and drinking and honestly. Thank God.
It's 2 am. I started this an hour and a half ago as a funny haha. I didn't think I'd get further than 5 songs, but my commitment to tje bit won out over literally everything else
Thank you hilltop hoods
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cause of this episode: @ lestersolace ON INSTA MY GOODNESS I LOVE THEIR EDITS
if u remember i made a post a few days back about nico being pinned to the ground by percy etc etc in BotL I think (sorry jf my facts are a bit off its been some years since i read pjo) AND IM THINKING THIS: nico, as much despise he is feeling towards percy, still cares for percy so so much as we know which is why he proposes The River Styx idea. i know nico intended to send percy to Hades first as a deal with his father. but imagine how embarrassed/ guilty nico would have felt knowing he’s leading percy to Hades as part of a bargain (with good intentions but obv percy doesnt know), which causes Percy to feel betrayed, embarrased, and so infuriated with Nico that he’s literally inches away from impaling nico with his sword. and all nico (KEEP IN MIND HE IS ABOUT 12 RN) can see is his literal crush and hero looking at him with such betrayal and anger. nico would have been so angry with himself!!! SO I THINK IT GIVES A GOOD EXPLANATION AS TO NICO’S DRAMATIC APPEARANCE IN THE BATTLE OF MANHATTAN. HE WANTS SO BADLY TO LOOK HOT FOR PERCY MAKE IT UP TO PERCY. the love i have for this boy
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Wherever the Winds Take You: Chapter 12
A/N: Another chapter! Yay! Thank you to those of you who read/liked the last chapter! This is definitely just a fun little thing I like to write in my free time for brainrot reasons, so knowing that even a couple of you read and enjoy this, genuinely makes me so incredibly happy! So thank you! Anyways, not much else to report! Hope y’all enjoy! 
Star City
July 22
The sun was already risen by the time Roy Harper swung his body through his window and into his apartment. His new black, grey, and red uniform stretched awkwardly as the material hadn’t yet been fully worn in, but it was still much easier for agility compared to the old tunic.
When the ginger looked around his apartment, however, he was shocked to find it much cleaner than it had been when he left for patrol. The dishes he had left out in the living room were gone, everything looked as if it had been dusted and vacuumed, and the room smelled faintly of citrus. For a moment, the archer thought that perhaps he had swung through the wrong window. But then he looked to his old, mishappenly stitched, leather couch and all became clear when he found the sleeping form of a familiar young brunette. She was curled up under a threadbare blanket and wearing a pair of sleeping pants that he was pretty sure were his, so he assumed she must have been here for a while.
Walking towards the sleeping girl, Roy rid himself of his mask and weapon, placing both on the coffee table as he knelt down beside her.
“Lin’?” He spoke softly, grasping her arm and running his thumb along her skin. For a moment, she did nothing. But when Roy spoke her name again, her nose twitched and a small groan emanated from her throat as Lina’s face rolled into the pillow underneath her head. Roy smirked and gently shook her arm. “Come on Frenchie, time to get up. It’s almost…” he checked the clock on the opposite wall, “4 in the afternoon in France, you should be up and at’em.”
Another moan, followed by a muffled. “Que sont les fuseaux horaires? Je ne sais pas!”
Roy stopped, hesitated, then said “yea...you know I barely passed sophomore year French by the skin of my teeth, right? I can say ‘I’m a baguette' and that’s pretty much it.”
Lina sighed and sat up slowly, her eyes drooping as she tried to run the sleep out of them. “Good morning, Roy.” She smiled sleepily.
Roy smiled back at her, rubbing her matted hair before plopping down on the couch. “Good morning to you too, Lina.”
“Sorry for coming in while you were on patrol, I needed a quiet place to sleep.”
“Trust me kiddo, I’m pretty used to it at this point.” Roy shrugged. “Everything alright?”
Lina nodded, “Kaldur and I were on patrol in Gotham until two a.m. Eastern last night...I don’t know how you guys do it. Patrols are very much not for me, I have learned.” She explained. “But then, after all that, my brother came home drunk and started very loudly talking about a party he went to last night.”
“Oh Calvin, you bastard.” Roy gave her a sympathetic look. “And I take it the, uh, ‘Cave’ you guys called it, wasn’t any good?”
Lina yawned as she stretched her arms up to arch her back, “Superboy doesn’t sleep very well, so he gets up early and watches static on the TV, and since my bedroom is right next to the living area…”
Roy nodded, looking around his apartment to study the unfamiliar cleanliness, “Well you know you’re welcome here anytime, even though the cleaning wasn’t expected.”
As Lina dropped her arms, she gave Roy a look. “The room was dirty, I didn’t feel like sleeping next to a bunch of dirty dishes.”
Roy couldn’t help but chuckle. “I swear sometimes you’re like if Dinah and Nanny McPhee had a lesbian lovechild…”
“Nanny McPhee? I do not know this woman...” Lina asked with a raised eyebrow, and she leaned over to look into a bag that was sitting on the floor by her head. Roy watched as she rummaged through her bag, before pulling out her uniform. Her hands went to the thigh of the clothing, identifying one of the hidden utility pouches, and opened it to reveal a compartment fitted to house an emergency dose of her medication.
“It’s a movie, don’t worry about it.”
Lina hummed, pulling her medication out. As she injected herself with it, her eyes shut and she focused on the feeling of cool ice flooding her veins. Once the syringe was empty, Lina took it out of her arm and placed it back in its case. Then she looked around, suddenly appearing much less sleepy.
“What time is it? I will make us food.”
“It’s about 8, I think.” Roy hummed and then got up. “But don’t worry, I got it. You’re a guest.”
Lina sprang up from the couch, waving his words off. “No no no silly, I’ve got it. Please, you know I love preparing food. Plus, you need to shower and get out of your uniform…”
Then she looked down and noticed the red and black fabric. Her eyes widened.
“You changed your uniform!”
Roy chuckled and nodded. “I thought it would help separate myself from GA, I’m also still workshopping a new alias. What do you think?”
Lina poked and prodded at the material covering his chest, studying the design and fabric. “Very cool, I bet this is much easier for stealth missions. What did you use? Where did you get it?”
“Cotton-spandex hybrid fabric, coated in CNTs with some leather reinforcements here and there.” He explained. “I got it from a guy.”
“...so the same idea as mine and Robin’s?” Lina asked with a raised eyebrow.
“How do you think I knew it would be good for agility?” Roy smirked, and Lina smiled back before pulling away.
“Well, it’s good to know you’re at least trying to be safe. But don’t think I won’t stop worrying just because you’re smart with gear.”
“I would never expect you to stop worrying, Frenchie, I’m smarter than that.”
“Good,” Lina smirked. “Now then...I will start on breakfast. I hope you have some decent food I can use...may I borrow a sweater?”
“You know where they are.” Roy gestured to the hallway that leads to his bedroom, and Lina flew off. The archer watched her fly away, then turned to pick up his weapons and put them away in the chesterfield beside the couch. Not the best hiding place, but he didn’t exactly have his own secret stash of warehouses quite yet.
“So how is the Junior Justice League?” Roy called out.
“Not the Junior Justice League, first of all,” Lina called back. “You know, you really hurt the guys’ feelings by brushing them off.”
Roy sighed, letting her comment sting him. “I’m sorry Lin’, but you know I was just stating my opinion.”
“We’re allowed to choose our own loyalties, Roy.” Lina said, walking back into the living room; now clad in one of Roy’s sweaters. “Just as you have chosen yours.”
Roy shrugged. “Ouch...but I guess I deserve that. I’ll send them all an apology text or something…”
“‘Apology text’, bah! Ce qui s'a passé à parlant dans vraie vie, là?” Lina sighed and walked into the kitchen. “We’re good though! We fought an evil air-manipulating robot named Mr. Twister the other day.” At the mention of the air-manipulating robot’s name, Lina had to tune out the sounds of angry Winds.
“Okay, that’s a terrible name.”
“Right?!” Lina exclaimed. “And I know from personal experience that air-related names can be hard to come up with but I mean...that just sounds so foolish, non?”
“Definitely.” Roy nodded. “You think there’s any relation to RT? We still don’t know where Morrow is, last I checked.”
Lina was silent for a moment, then answered. “Perhaps...he did seem to have a personal vendetta against him. And you’re right about Morrow...it doesn’t help that Red was off after the whole thing. But we defeated Twister, right? So I’m sure it won’t be any issue.”
“Your call.” Roy nodded and sat back down on the couch; deciding not to shower and change quite yet. “So...have you guys chosen a leader yet?”
Lina was, once again, silent. For a second, Roy didn’t know if she had heard him or not. Just as he was about to repeat himself, Lina replied, “no, we haven’t...I wonder if Batman will assign one before our first real mission…”
“He kind of seems the type to let you figure that out by yourselves, doesn’t he? Who do you think should be leader?”
Without even a moment’s hesitation, Lina knew her answer.
"Who do you think?"
“Yeah, figured as much. He definitely has the makings of one. But are you sure the others will be okay with that? Robin may want a seat at that table, and personally, I think you’d be a decent leader.”
Lina hummed in thought but didn’t respond so Roy decided to drop it. An unspoken agreement was made between the two, both knew that Lina wouldn’t be elected as the leader and wouldn’t try to force herself onto the position. Robin, however…
“So how is Kal? I haven’t seen him in a while.”
“You would know if you reached out to him...” Lina said in an almost sing-song voice, and Roy sent her a look through the wall. Even though she couldn’t see his look, she knew it was there. “You guys are best friends, right? You should at least try and act like it. He may not admit it because he’s all stoic and calm most of the time, but trust me; he’s worried about you! To an extent we all are, but he’s not like me and the boys. He won’t drop in unannounced to check up on you.”
“That’s only you, Lina.”
“Bah! You know what I mean.” Lina exclaimed. “Obviously you can’t reach him right now because he’s in Atlantis with his parents but...just try to call him and invite him over every once in a while, okay?”
“He’s in Atlantis? Didn’t you say you were on patrol together last night?”
“He said he felt that he needed to be there or something.”
Roy let out a low chuckle. “What do you want to bet he just really wanted to see Tula?”
Although they had never officially met, Lina practically knew enough about Tula to write a small book about her. The pretty Atlantean girl who was Kaldur’s peer, friend, and crush. In the early days of her and the Atlantean’s friendship, Lina had asked him if he had someone special at home; and he had happily gone into a half-hour tangent about how Tula was not only one of the best friends he had ever had (along with his other childhood friend, Garth) but also one of the strongest, smartest, and most beautiful people he had ever known.
It was admittedly very cute, watching the usually very reserved man blush as he spoke about the young Atlantean girl. The one time that Lina actually saw Tula, when Kaldur showed a magic-infused picture of the trio of friends, she agreed that she was indeed a sight to behold. After one of his long tangents about Tula, Lina had once asked Kaldur why he didn’t just confess his feelings towards her. He replied that he had always wanted to, especially before he started splitting his time between land and sea. But for a multitude of reasons, he never had.
“You’re changing the subject,” Lina spoke sternly.
Roy let out a loud sigh at having been called out.
“Yes, I’ll reach out to him.”
“You promise?”
“Yea...but don’t tell GA alright?”
Even though he couldn’t see it, Lina rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry, I’ll protect your stupid masculine ego.” And with that, she collected the bowls of yogurt and freshly cut fruit she had prepared and brought them out to the living room.
“My stupid masculine ego thanks you.”
Mount Justice
July 22
“Isla Santa Prisca.” Batman spoke clearly and loudly, as he stood in front of the team of 6 supernatural teenagers. Behind him shone a holographic map of an island that sat in the heart of the Caribbean. “This island nation is the primary source of a dangerous neo-steroid, a strength-enhancing drug, sold on the streets under the name Venom."
The screens flashed with images of factory blueprints.
"Infrared heat signatures indicate their factory is still operating at full capacity, but all shipments of Venom have been inexplicably cut off. That's where the team comes in." The Bat turned to face the eager-faced teenagers standing around him.
"This is a covert recon mission only. Observe and report. If the Justice League needs to intervene, it will." The leader of the Justice League turned back to the screens. "The plan requires two dropzones."
"So who's in charge?" Robin piped up, not at all hiding his excitement.
Batman and Red Tornado exchanged glances before the former said sternly,
"Work that out between yourselves."
Caribbean Sea
July 22
As everyone sat around the bio-ship, stale tension filled the air. Nobody dared to break the silence, if they were even aware of it. Most of the team stared ahead through the window at the sprawling sea, their thoughts locked away in their own mind. For Lina, her thoughts lingered with anxiety. The fact that they were going into their first mission without a clear chain of command made her innards tie themselves into tight knots. But instead of trying to make small talk, Lina cast her eyes up to the moon above them (trying very hard to not think about the flying contraption she was sitting in) and thought about the small bit of dialogue she and Roy had shared over the topic of team leadership…
There was no way she could be team leader.
Being responsible for the success or failure of six powerful teenagers? No, thank you. Sure, she could look after her family and Roy. But that was small stuff; making sure they ate and were hygienic, healing any minor injuries, giving them advice and making sure they were happy. But in battle? When one wrong decision could lead to real consequences…
She shivered at the mere thought of it.
Not to mention her sheer inexperience was enough to disqualify her from the discussion on its own. Just three years ago she had been a simple circus girl, a civilian, and she barely had a year of field experience under her belt. She didn't know the first thing about tactics or battle strategy. Running a hand through her hair, Lina let out a long sigh, and began mentally preparing for a mission she hoped wouldn’t go terribly wrong.
“Approaching Santa Prisca.” Miss Martian announced, snapping everyone out of their trances. “Dropzone A in thirty.”
Almost in unison, Kaldur and Lina stood from their seats. As their chairs sank back into the ship’s floor, the two teens reached for their insignias and gently pressed them. Black began to pulse from the letters on either of their waists, and slowly the darkness began to cover the entirety of their uniforms. Aqualad’s red and Zephyr’s white and gold all turned to the colour of the Caribbean night sky, leaving nothing but the metallic gold-tinting of their respective symbols.
As Lina pulled up her hood and looked down at the new look, she grimaced.
“I feel so…angsty.” The girl muttered, but then looked back up at Kaldur. Their eyes connected, silently communicating before the taller of the two looked to M’gann.
“Putting bioship in camouflage mode,” M’gann replied, and the cabin’s air pressure changed as they descended from the clouds and closer to the water. The two teammates nodded at one another. “Go.”
As a hole opened up under the hero’s feet, they both fell down and into the saltwater below. Just as her body was about to breach the surface, Lina circled her hands and formed a bubble of air around her form. Then, once the two had fully submerged, the two rocketed off towards the shore. The darkness of the water made Zephyr’s human eyes strain, barely able to make out Aqualad’s form as she followed behind him, but the water was thankfully clear of any obstacles. Or rather, almost clear. After a moment, the two came across a long, large wall of netting, but Kaldur was able to promptly slash it open with a swipe of his sword, creating a hole big enough to swim through.
Not long after, they breached the surface. Kaldur poked his head out of the water for a moment, then dove back under.
“I’ve located the security sensors, are you ready?” He asked, used to speaking underwater. Lina nodded, then with one sweep of her hands, blasted them both through the water, breaking her protective bubble and lifting them into the air and over to the heat and motion sensors. When they landed, Lina pulled out a USB drive from one of the hidden compartments on her upper arm and plugged it into the large, boxy machine. After a moment, the USB began to blink a blue light.
“Heat and motion sensors have been patched. Data is now on a continuous loop. Move in.” Kaldur spoke into his earpiece.
“Acknowledged.” Robin spoke back.
As Zephyr and Kaldur made their way over to the end of the beach, they were met with a tall cliff. Overhead, they could see trees, foliage, and other signs of a jungle peaking over the surface, the jungle that housed the Venom warehouse. Kaldur turned to face Lina.
“If you please.” The young man leads as he placed a firm hand on his partner’s shoulder, and with a small nod, Lina summoned her Winds and began lifting them as slowly and as quietly as possible. About halfway up, however, they were interrupted with their com’s sparking to life yet again.
“Aqualad, Zephyr; dropzone B is a go.” Robin’s voice came through.
Kaldur lifted his finger to his ear. “Head to the factory. We’ll track your GPS coordinates and rendezvous ASAP.”
Once they landed, Lina lifted one hand to her ear and pressed her com. “Be careful, and let us know if you need assistance.”
“Copy.” Robin responded.
And with that, the two teenagers began sprinting/flying in the direction of the factory. Partway through, however, movement caught Kaldur’s eye and he slid to a stop. Lina had to quickly drop her Winds to avoid flying into him.
“What is it?” Lina whispered as she stood, and Kaldur motioned silently over to where the movement was coming from. Stepping over a little to get a better look, they were able to make out a slow procession of armed men a few meters away...and headed in the direction of the four younger team member’s coordinates.
“Superboy, KF.” Kaldur spoke as the two partners began their sprint yet again. “Switch to infrared, see if you are being tracked.”
A moment later, Wally replied. “Got a band of armed bozos incoming.”
“Two squads, but they’ll reach each other before they find us.” Superboy added.
“Sweep wide and steer clear.” Kaldur instructed, but apparently, his words fell on deaf ears as hardly a minute later, the sound of loud gunfire rang through the forest.
“Those miscreants always find a way to bring chaos to nature, so much disruption.” A voice sighed into Zephyr’s ear.
Almost in unison, the two heroes let out whispered curses in their respective mother tongues and picked up their speed.
Once the two had reached the source of the gunshots, a large clearing amongst thick greenery; Kaldur and Lina found their teammates fighting groups of men. Some were in long, dark red coats with black face masks, and others wore typical dark street clothes. Two of the red-clad individuals caught Aqualad and Zephyr’s attention and they jumped to action; the former leaping in front of the first goon, placing his hand just over the man’s heart and lighting up his tattoos to send a surge of electricity into it, and the latter using her Winds to pick up the other cloaked man, sending him flying into a nearby tree.
The last of the men fallen and unconscious, the team turned to look at one another.
“Nice of you to join us.” Wally smiled bashfully.
Santa Prisca
July 22
“I recognize those uniforms,” Robin spoke up once the last of the men were hogtied and safely incapacitated. “The Cult of the Kobra…”
“I am certain Batman would have mentioned it if he knew a dangerous extremist was running Santa Prisca’s Venom operation.” Said Aqualad.
“Agreed.” Robin nodded. “And since there’s clearly no love lost between the cultists and those goons...I’m betting Kobra came in and tossed them out. That’s why normal supply lines have been cut off.”
“We get it, Kobra wanted super cultists: mystery solved.” Wally piped in. “Radio Bats and we’ll be home in time for-” He was quickly cut off by Robin.
“These cultists aren’t on Venom! Kobra’s hoarding the stuff. We don’t leave...not until I know why.”
“Until you know why?” Kid Flash spoke, frowning.
“This team needs a leader.”
“And it’s you? Dude, you’re a thirteen-year-old kid who ducked out on us without a word.”
“And here we go…” Lina sighed, just loud enough that Superboy, the closest to her, was the only one that could hear her.
Robin let out a cackling laugh. “And you’re a mature fifteen? You broke our cover the first chance you got!”
“Don’t you want to lead?” M’gann asked, tilting her head towards Superboy.
Superboy scoffed, obviously not fond of the idea. “You?”
“After the Mister Twister fiasco..?” M’gann cringed, raising her hand up in rejection.
Superboy gave her a shadow of a smile. “You did alright.”
M'gann face lit up with pink as her eyes grew wide. She quickly caught Lina’s amused gaze and the French girl gave the Martian an approving nod and thumbs-up behind Superboy’s back. Turning her attention back to Kaldur, Lina saw that he was carefully watching Robin and Wally bicker with a look of mild annoyance on his face. After a moment of trying to find the right words, Lina leaned in closer towards the Atlantean so that she wouldn’t be overheard.
“Being a leader is a very important burden.” She said. “It’s important to have the one bearing it be cool-tempered, reliable, patient, and level-headed.”
Her hinting wasn’t meant to be subtle.
“A good leader must also care deeply for their team, always have their best interests at heart, and have a good moral compass.” Kaldur countered.
“Fair enough.” She nodded but then turned to look directly at her Atlantean friend. “Although one could argue that some people on the team embody all these traits, while also having real experience with combat and strategy.”
Kaldur didn’t respond, but it didn’t much matter as not a moment later Lina’s attention was diverted by her overhearing someone muttering in Spanish. In her peripherals, she saw Superboy turn towards the sounds as well.
“Look at them argue.” One man spoke in Spanish. “Free yourself now and take them while they’re distracted!”
“Quiet!” Another man, this one larger and wearing black and white face paint. “For now I play along, they’ll give me what I need.”
Superboy and Zephyr exchanged looks.
“Yeah? You don’t even have superpowers!” Wally screamed, drawing the attention back to the young arguing boys.
“Neither does Batman!” Robin exclaimed.
“Duh,” Wally scoffed, “you’re not Batman.”
“Duh,” Robin mocked, “closest thing we’ve got!”
The two’s bickering was interrupted by the man from before, the one with the painted face, laughing.
“Such clever ninos.” The man spoke. “But you only know half the story. Let me show you the rest, get you into the factory via my secret entrance.”
M’gann knelt down to the man and began focusing, channelling her telepathy. “There is a secret entrance, but he’s also hiding something.” Her eyes began to glow white as she attempted to dig deeper.
“Ah ah ah chica,” Bane tutted, “Bane is not that easy.”
After a pregnant pause, M’gann let go of her telepathic connection and groaned. “He’s mentally reciting football scores en Espanol...this could take a while.”
“I can try and translate.” Zephyr voiced. “Mi Español debe ser satisfactorio.”
“Suffocation is an effective means of interrogation.” A deep, dark voice whispered in Zephyr’s ear, causing her to jump, straighten her back, and wave off the sadistic Wind.
“It’s not that complicated.” The man, Bane, said. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
The team exchanged unsure looks.
Santa Prisca
July 22
As the team hiked through the forest, led by Bane, each and every one of them felt uneasy. Even Miss Martian, arguably the most naive and inexperienced of the group, knew that their guide wasn’t trustworthy. It was like a ringing feeling in all of their heads, telling them that they shouldn’t be doing what they were doing. Eventually, however, they came to a cliff, and Bane silently motioned towards a large industrial compound. Robin took out his binoculars and began to scout.
“Look at all that product…” Robin whispered. “A buy is going down. But if Kobra’s not selling to the usual suspects, then-””We need to identify that buyer.” Kaldur finished.
“Just what I was thinking.” Wally nodded.
Robin scoffed. “Yeah, you’re the thinker!”
The look Wally gave his friend was the most unimpressed anyone had ever seen him. “Sarcasm? Dude, a real leader would focus on getting answers.”
A loud grunt, followed by a crashing sound made all of them turn to see Bane removing a large boulder to reveal a hidden passageway.
“Answers are this way.”
“So now El Lucador is our leader?” KF exclaimed, only to be smacked by Robin. “Ow!”
The passageway led to a gate, which-with Bane’s thumbprint-led to the factory’s interior. Bane poked his head through but was nudged to the side by Robin. After a moment, the young boy gave the all clear and ran out. When the others caught up, however, he was gone.
“Has that little fool already been captured?” Bane grunted.
“No...he just does that.” Kaldur spoke, disappointment evident in his face and voice.
“Stay put.” Wally whispered, slipping his goggles over his eyes. “I’ll get our intel and be back before the Boy Wonder!”
“Kid, wait-“
But Kaldur was too late, and the ginger had already sped off.
“Great chain of command.” Bane spoke, which to everyone’s surprise, earned him a deadpan remark from Zephyr.
“Bueno trabajo manejando tu fábrica.” Bane cast the girl a dirty look.
“What’s that?” Superboy piped up, and motioned to a nearby opening. It was a large garage door, littered with tall piles of crates with a forklift moving some out. The group moved to kneel behind the crates.
“It’s a massive shipment.” Kaldur muttered.
“Yea, but they’re only taking new product outside. They’re not touching this Venom.” Superboy noted.
“Maybe...freshness counts?” M’gann tried.
Suddenly, almost like a dog, Superboy’s head jutted upwards at attention.
“Helicopter’s coming.”
But of course, to everyone else, there was utter silence.
Santa Prisca
July 22
Kid Flash zipped into the control room where his best friend sat. The older boy munched on one of the energy bars he kept in the hidden compartments in his suit as the Boy Wonder sat above a knocked out Kobra cultist. The sight of the limp body on the group didn't even phase the snacking speedster, however, as he walked over to peer over the Boy Wonder’s shoulder.
"What'cha got?" Kid Flash asked.
"Chemical formulas." Robin explained, not even looking away from the monitors. "I'd say it involves Venom but…"
Robin pulled up two pictures of molecular makeups and their chemical formulas as the ginger's eyes squinted in focus. Not even after a second of thinking, Wally's granola-holding hand extended to motion to one of the pictures. "That one's Venom", then to the other, "and that one's...Woah, the Blockbuster formula from CADMUS."
In a simulated diagram, the two images formed together to create a new compound.
"Mixed correctly, Kobra's new juice would be three times as strong as Venom...and permanent." Wally turned to Robin. "But how did Kobra get access to Project Blockbuster?"
"Our mystery buyer must also be Kobra's supplier!" Robin exclaimed. "Using the cult to create a Venom-Blockbuster superformula!" Robin raised a hand to his com. "Robin to Aqualad, we got-" He was cut off. Static.
Meanwhile, back at the loading dock. The helicopter Superboy predicted had finally landed. A blonde man wearing a hockey goalie mask walked out of the flying machine, met by an awaiting Kobra and two of his goons; a tall punk girl with orange hair, and an inhumanly bulky male with skin akin to that of a post-Blockbuster Desmond. The two men spoke, discussing business. But unbeknownst to either of them, an invisible force watched them from above. The camouflaged martian watched closely, barely being able to hear the words they were exchanging in soft tones. But she could clearly see when the cult leader, Kobra, opened a silver briefcase. Furthermore, she could make out the several vials of purple liquid that lay inside. Quickly, Miss Martian opened a telepathic link.
"Aqualad," She mentally spoke, focusing her gaze intently on the masked man. "Sending a mental image of the buyer now."
Back inside the factory, Kaldur focused on the image of the blonde man that flashed in his brain. Once he had, he opened his eyes to the other people sitting with him on the raised catwalk Bane had taken them to.
"Sportsmaster? He is the buyer?" He muttered to nobody in particular.
Lina knew very little about 'Sportsmaster', never having run into him herself. But she recalled reading his file at one point. An average man, Lawrence “Crusher” Crock, but apparently some sort of sadist that was affiliated with the League of Shadows. He was trained in more than a few martial arts and was known to have access to an arsenal of dangerous weapons. Basically a glorified goon-for-hire, but a dangerous man nonetheless.
Kaldur raised a hand to his com. "Aqualad to Red Tornado, do you read?"
Upon only receiving static, he attempted other channels with very much the same degree of success.
"I cannot reach Robin, the League, or Kid. We need a plan. Now."
Bane gave a smile, an eery one that shot straight through Zephyr's spine. "I have a suggestion." And then he leapt right off the catwalk and straight into two armed cultists, quickly taking them down, but not before getting them to open fire at their attacker. The sounds of the gunfire quickly notified the rest of the security forces around the warehouse, who all rushed over to zero in on their intruders.
"What is he-" Kaldur didn't get the chance to finish his question, as the Blockbuster-esk Kobra goon (a previously normal man who went by the name of Mammoth) leapt through a nearby window and crashed straight into the catwalk. This caused the three members to fall or haphazardly fly down onto the floor, ridding them of any sense of safety.
“There goes our cover.” Superboy huffed.
Mammoth ran straight at the heroes, and the clone charged back at him, causing a resulting force strong enough to shake the whole building. As the two tanks went head-on with one another, a few dozen cultists began shooting at the two remaining young heroes. Aqualad knelt down, using his water-bearers to form a shield that protected both him and Zephyr from oncoming fire. Meanwhile, the young air manipulator lifted her hands, targetting the closest cultists she could see as her Winds picked them up and sent them all flying into metal walls.
“Where did Bane go?” Zephyr asked once she had realized that, once the shooting had started, the Spanish man had seemed to disappear into thin air.
“I’m not sure.” Aqualad shook his head as he lifted his other water-bearer to begin shooting cultists. “But I’m afraid we have more pressing matters.”
The fighting was a blur, with the members of the team very obviously outnumbered and confused, all of them internally reeling at how the mission was playing out. The large, open area of the warehouse floor made for little cover, and the sounds of repeated and multiple bouts of gunfire made it difficult for the team to get their bearings. At some point in the chaos, Miss Martian and Kid Flash had returned, only for the former to be blasted into a nearby wall by a rocketed projectile.
To put it simply, they were losing. And there was still no sign of Robin.
“Miss Martian, radio is jammed! Link us up!” Kaldur shouted.
A moment later, a sharp ringing entered each team member’s mind. Zephyr winced a little, but noted that the link didn’t hurt nearly as bad as it did during the initial cave tour.
“Everyone online?” The Martian girl’s voice rang into each member’s mind.
Superboy’s mental voice growled, but reluctantly spoke, “Yeah.”
“You know it, beautiful.” Kid Flash said from his place behind another support beam.
“Present,” Lina spoke, creating her own shield and blasted more cultists that were aiming at M'gann.
“Good. We need to regroup.” Kaldur’s voice rang.
Robin’s voice came through, rushed and chaotic. “Busy now!”
“Busy? What does he mean busy?!” Kid Flash’s actual voice sounded over the gunfire.
“Where did he go anyway?” Lina asked, but then spotted another cultist aiming straight at Kid Flash from around a corner. She delivered a quick air-strike to him, but in doing so, opened herself up. A sharp blast sliced at her arm and with a loud yelp of pain, she flew back behind the support beam for cover. “Putain!”
“Are you okay?” Kaldur asked, eyes darting to her injury.
Zephyr examined her arm, finding a tear just below her shoulder. Crimson blood seeped into her uniform, and the girl was suddenly grateful her costume was no longer white. “Just a graze, I’m fine.”
“Robin!” Aqualad called over the telepathic link. “Now!” After giving the order, Kaldur ran out, forming his weapons into water-whips and taking out as many cultists as he could.
“Strategic retreat! Kid, clear a path.”
A dark blue zig-zagged across the warehouse floor at top speeds, sending cultists down onto the ground as the remaining team member followed close behind and into a side door. Superboy lagged behind, having to wrestle Mammoth. But after a moment, the clone was able to leverage his strength into gripping Mammoth’s hands and send him flying into a group of armed men. Once the clone was able to enter into the side-passage way with the others, he and Aqualad promptly closed the door and resumed running. This only granted them a short reprieve, however, as Mammoth busted down the metal and was quickly followed by shooting cultists who open fired into the cramped walls of the hidden passage.
“Superboy! The support beams!” Aqualad exclaimed, and the clone delivered quick, strong strikes to the wooden support beams around him. Not a moment after, the rocky passage began to collapse, and with a rattling ‘boom’, all surroundings went dark.
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uncertaininnit · 4 years
tommy brainrot/rant/inner discorse(how tf do u spell)/vent @ self/ general concern for my mental health basically if you want to read my mind for a bit this might be the thing for you but like self-hatered tw
i stayed up all night and it started fine then i watched the house burning vod and it was cool, tommy and ranboo’s dynamic is actually hella cool and i like it a lot. then i watched some other shit, i can’t really remember, and then i tried to watch asmr before getting bored and angry and stopping. and then i think i watched tiktoks for an hour and then, when the light began filtering through my window, the guilt started filtering through my mind and man. this is why i dont stay up all night. because when the morning rolls around i have convinced myself i am a shitty person. man. 
sometimes its just in general but it’s often tommy-based, like today. so, you know how tommyinnit is a persona? just like quackity? like that isn’t Alex or Tom? because its an internet persona? well, let me tell you, i love their internet personas! especially tommy, he brings me exceptional joy! but something else that brings me exceptional joy is seeing tommy think out loud, or just generally be transparent about how he feels. 
tommy is a very transparent guy. just in general. it’s one of the coolest things about him, how is isn’t afraid to share the way he feels about things. also, at the like very start of his streams, the intro, the part cut off by the vods channel, he is very real for a little bit, just chatting, and it makes me really happy. also, when he’s with his good friends and being soft and real and a generally good friend? one of my favorite things ever. 
but 7:45 sleepless brain had just been reading shit about how shitty people are prying into people like dream’s lives, and trying to figure out their names, where they live, etc. those people suck ass, and what they are doing sucks ass. don’t fucking do that. but tired brain was telling me how i’m doing the same thing, deriving happiness from the moments that tommyinnit isn’t tommyinnit anymore, he is himself. Tom Simons is NONE of your business. NONE. You little bitch, why on earth would you allow yourself to be like this? you tell yourself you set boundaries, always respect, no fanfics especially not x reader (i dont like x reader in general, y/n is so different from me i just can’t visualize her as me and so it’s always like oc x cc) but really? you fucking cunt. tommy thinks out loud often, he probably doesn’t MEAN to be transparent a lot of the time, he doesn’t want people prying into his life.
and i’m not prying. no, yes, you are, almost. you aren’t directly prying, obviously, but you are still being inappropriate. no, what? im not harming anyone. all im doing is being happy. because of some stuff some guy on the internet is doing. you aren’t taking it from what some guy on the internet is doing, you are taking it from that guy on the internet’s real self! you dickhead, that isn’t a man on the internet anymore. of course it is! yeah? yeah! like, he wouldn’t say any of that stuff if he minded, right? you can’t make any assumptions like that! he is 16! he is probably going to regret many of his actions now in several years! he doesn’t really know what he’s doing! if he was having issues with what he was doing he could stop. no, he couldn’t! he is SIXTEEN and in the public eye! 100k viewers on his streams all the time! this is where he is in life! and you have no right to be invading his privacy like that! i wouldn’t actually invade his privacy, though! i would fucking rather cut my vocal chords with a sickle than disrespect him! he means so much to me! but he SHOULDN’T. don’t IDOLIZE him, don’t make him into this image of what you think he’s really like when you know you aren’t correct. he doesn’t owe you a thing, and you have NO rights to know ANYTHING about Thomas Simons. don’t fucking DO that to him. the boy didn’t know what fanfictions were until Ranboo told him! it’s not FAIR to him.
i’m convincing myself as i write. am i wrong? am i a terrible person for enjoying it when tommy is genuine it sounds harmless in passing but there are so many arguements against it. i don’t actually expect a lot of people to see this/interact with it because it is genuine rambling, but i genuinely am hurting myself with worry while i try to figure out how my actions are reflecting. so, um, help?
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