#its bed is made of clouds and stars it's cute here & warm . we r all cuddling & thats all i care abt rn
euclydya · 1 year
girl. the . why can't i sleep.
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novthewolf · 8 months
hey can you write hermione x slytherin!reader (gender doesn't matter to me) where r convinces hermione to sneak out of the castle and go stargazing and hermione realise her crush on r isn't as small or fleeting as she thought it was thnx
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In your eyes, millions of stars
Pairing : Hermione Granger x Slytherin!Reader
Masterlist : Here
Warnings : sickeningly sweet, poor baby is crying, insecurity, english isn't my first language.
Words : +1,6k
"Hermione !" You called out loudly, rushing through the crowd. Since the students of Durmstrang and Beauxbâtons joined Hogwarts for the triwizard tournament, the corridors were crammed. So you had to elbow your way towards your favourite muggle born.
Her cheeks warmed up at the sound of your voice, much to her dismay. You always gravitated around her, though it didn't bother her at the beginning, but ever since the other slytherins started proclaiming their hate towards muggles, she tried to avoid you. But you were incredibly persistent and stuck with her for almost four years now.
And in the course of those four years, she ended up with sort of... feelings for you. A silly little crush, that's all—one that will probably fade away if she stops thinking about it.
You giggled like an idiot and stood right in front of her, a conspiratorial look on your face. "Alright, I know you will probably laugh at my face for that, but it's really, really important!" You pressed with a wide smile.
Her heart skipped a beat, the thought of you asking her about the upcoming Yule Ball popping into her mind. But she pushed her silly little fantasy back and composed herself, offering you her signature frown. "What is it ?"
"The sky is clear tonight ! There have been clouds up there for weeks, and now we can finally see the stars." I smiled geedily, awaiting her reaction.
"Oh..." She nodded, now understanding your excitement. Hermione, you absolutely knew about you sneaking out to the astronomy tower at night to stargaze. The first time she was caught was the night you caught her and her friends sneaking out of their dorms to challenge Draco. Despite her slight disappointment, she rolled her eyes. "Again, Y/N ?"
"Of course ! Oh, come on, please join me tonight !" You pleaded with a pout, your hands joining in a prayer.
You had asked her to accompany you every time you snuck out, but she always turned you down. However, this time, you really hoped she would accept. Hermione had been stressed for weeks, going back and forth with Harry and Ron to patch things up. You wanted to offer her a chance to relax and focus on herself.
Hermione bit down on her lower lip and looked down. "I don't know. It's been a rough couple of days... I'll just head to bed right away."
You smiled at her, your eyes full of care. "I know, but I swear it will be worth it."
"We're going to be in a lot of trouble if we get caught." She crossed her arms in front of her chest.
You smirked mischeviously. "I never got caught... but I do accept the risk of taking it with me." I teased, raising my hands.
"Ron and Harry are the only reason I always get into trouble." She raised her finger as a warning and fought the playful smile that tried to creep its way onto her lips.
"Add me to that list, then." You winked teasingly, causing her to fumble on her words for a minute.
"O-Oh, you... you sly snake..."
You chuckled mischievously and took a step back towards the buzzing crowd. "Midnight, armour room !"
Her mouth fell open as she yelled after you. "I didn't say yes !"
You turned one last time and visibly shrugged. "You didn't say no." You laugh like a brat and finally disappear.
She scoffed in disbelief, but her smile couldn't fool anyone. She brushed away a strand away bashfully and whispered. "Why are they so annoyingly cute?"
Midnight was soon here, and you steadily made your way up from your common room to the alley of armour stands. In spite of the confidence you showed earlier, you couldn't deny the hurtful beating in your chest, a mix of hope and deep doubt. Your fingers were nibbling around your nails as you waited for her to come. The moment you spot her, your eyes light up, and an excited smile grazes your face. "You came !" I whispered, a slight sigh of relief passing your lips.
She rolled her eyes and muttered reproachfully. "I'm just here to make sure you don't do something stupid." Her eyes kept scanning around frentically, as if awaiting Peeves or Filch to jump out and surprise you.
You sighed playfully and reached to take her hand in yours. "How heroic of you... Now come on !" You chuckled and started to lead her towards the secret passage.
Hermione gasped, and her cheeks flushed. She couldn't worry about the ringing of your footsteps on the cobblestone floor or the chilly breeze brushing her skin. All she could focus on was being in yours, squeezing softly. She shook those thoughts out of her head. She didn't want to think about her silly crush too much.
"We're not going to the astronomy tower ?" She whispered when you got out of the passageway, outside the castle. Her hand holds onto yours tighter. Your thumb circled soothingly on the back of her hand.
"Indeed not." You chuckled a little louder now that you were alone. "We're going to the Black Lake; the caslte would block the view otherwise."
She gulped and glanced back at the shrinking castle. "Why did I accept it... ?" She mumbled. You turned back to her and smiled softly.
"It's okay, you're with me." Your reassuring voice was pushing her to keep moving forward. The tips of her ears were coloured bright pink, but thankfully the darkness covered the evidence of her heart.
Finally, you reached the bays of the lack. Dodging the branches that hide your secret spot. "Wait here a second." You grinned and let go of her hand. The loss of contact made her shiver, and she put her hands into her pocket, the winter slowly setting in.
"Lumos.." You searched for the bag you hid a few hours before you had to go back to the castle. Hermione squeaked when she saw you light up your wand and rushed to grab your arm.
"Put it down !" She groaned. You observed her for a second, simply blinking, before looking down at your linked arms. She followed your gaze and suddenly pulled away, blushing and rubbing the back of her head.
You chuckled nervously, your own blush matching hers. "Sorry, I just needed to grab the blanket." Once the soft fabric spread on the ground, you moved your arm towards it. "My lady.." You bowed your head with a teasing smile.
Hermione chuckled and slapped your arm. "Stop it."
You laid down next to her, and your gaze met the stars, welcoming the familiar sight. But this time, the feeling was different—better. Because she is here, right next to you. Your chest was slowly raising and falling. Being with her this way made you feel warm despite the cold, and knowing the two of you gazed into the same sky created a connection between you two.
Hermione sighed, totally relaxed, smiling at the stars. Minutes flew by, spent in a comfortable silence. The brunette was the first one to speak up. "It is quite relaxing; I'll give you that."
You chuckled and whispered. "The least I can do for you. You study so hard and still make time to help your friends."
She smiled bashfully before dismissing you, her eyes saddening. "But they're still fighting... I should do better. I should do better." She groaned at herself. "It always just feels..."
Tears welled up in her eyes, preventing her from speaking more. She swallowed thickly and stared into the wide night sky.
"Like, I'm not enough..." She sniffed, a tear rolling down her cheek.
Alarmed by her voice, you turned to her and rushed to comfort her. "You are trying the best you can, Hermione. And you are doing incredibly well !" You reassured her. "You are like the greatest person I know." Your hand grabbed hers on instinct, which got her attention.
Her beautiful brown eyes met yours, ready to brush off your praise. But instead, her breath hitched in her throat when she noticed your own eyes reflecting the bright stars. Her glossy eyes shine like a mirror. Taken aback by her beautiful and yet so sorrowful face, you gulped, your brain having a hard time creating full sentences.
"That's why I brought you here... I always come here to clear my mind and get away from all the  confusion."You twisted your fingers, not knowing how to formulate the words that wanted to pass through the barrier of your throat. "No one knows this place, so it's peaceful."
Her heart beats louder in her chest. No one knew this hidden spot by the lake, just you. It was your safe haven, where you felt relaxed and safe, and yet... you were willing to share it with her. Hermione was incredibly touched by your gesture. Her soft hand sneaked her way to yours and embraced it gently. A silent thank you. You squeezed back, too embarrassed to meet her eyes, and instead focused on the sky.
She smiles lovingly, though you couldn't see it. You were always so supportive, caring, and kind, despite your blood status or your different houses. It was at this moment that she realised the simple idea of not spending time with you like this ever again was unbearable.
"You are the sweetest slytherin I know." She joked in a whisper. You chuckled in response and hummed in pure comfort.
No, she wanted to stay here, your hand in hers, laying down, gazing at the stars. Hermione had spent so much time trying to forget her feelings for you that she didn't realise how, just like the stars that covered the entire sky, you took all place in her heart.
But never in a million years will she try to forsake you from it.
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vampcubus · 5 years
Quiet (Midoriya/Reader) [part 2]
| A/n: I have to admit, I re-wrote the ending several times and I’m still not satisfied with it but here we go anyways! |
| See part 1 ... here |
✦✿  Warnings: Angst with a happy ending. ✿✦
✦✿ Words: 5500+ ✿✦
are you guys ready to c r y??
.   .   .
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You stare blankly at a red and purple sky, eyes lazily watching the clouds roll by and the half-visible sun dip down and slowly set. You leaned forward to capture that perfect in-between moment, smiling as the last sliver of the sun finally dipped behind the horizon, letting the sky gradually shift from warm pinks and oranges to dark blues, indigos, and purples. You sighed and sank into a more relaxed position as your eyes welcomed the appearance of the moon as it took to the sky, washing the park in its gentle white light.
You sat at the same rotting-wooden picnic table you sat at every night, a familiar book with kitty skeletons draped in red and black across the cover sat just beneath your hand. The lukewarm coffee you’d picked up hours earlier sat right next to the book, half-empty from your lack of interest despite it being your favorite kind. 
You’d even considered dropping by your dorm to throw it in the freezer—to beat yourself with later if you kept thinking about a particularly annoying green-haired boy—before coming here, but you found that you just didn’t want to be on campus more than you had to.
Being out and about decreased your chances of running into him.
You let your eyes stray from the steadily appearing stars and to your right, where Midoriya had sat just a few nights ago.
You let out a frustrated sigh, turning your gaze back up to the sky and raising the cup of coffee to your lips. It didn’t taste amazing right now, but it served as a good enough distraction to stop thinking about him. You’d done the right thing, whether you cared about Midoriya or not, you wouldn’t let yourself be manipulated. You would not come running back into his arms only to be forgotten when other things in his life became more important than you again.
It was better this way. 
You told yourself, trying to convince yourself that you would only distract Izuku from his dreams. You’d only get in the way and end up broken again when he realized that.
You flicked the book open and skimmed your eyes over the pages. The illustrations of grim-themed yet still cute cats above each new chapter momentarily consuming your attention. Your soft smile faltered when you stumbled upon a particularly strange looking cat with wild, curly fur and huge round eyes cowering underneath a couch. Your eyes lingered on the drawing, everything about it just screams Izuku.
You shake yourself out of it and flip to the front page, breath hitching when you noticed a sticky note attached to it. It was in the handwriting of the clerk you’d grown familiar with. She often scribbled funny quotes or little notes things into the books you purchased for you to laugh about when you stumbled into the shop again.
He was here today, wanted me to slide this to you once you came in today. Not quite sure if he knows that ‘secret admirers’ are supposed to be discreet? 
-Kiko ッ
You almost smile at that, not doubting for a moment who she was referring to. But then you knit your brows together in confusion when you noticed an arrow at the bottom of the note. Curiously, you unstuck the unusually heavy sticky note and flipped it. Your heart stopped functioning entirely when you saw a familiar bracelet taped to the back of it.
You gasped tearing the bracelet from the note and inspecting it closely. No way… there’s no way he even remembered this existed.
It was a colorful and cute bracelet with mostly green beads and white lettered ones spelling out ‘All Might.’
The sight of the bracelet brings you way back, and suddenly you are no longer outside at the park.
Instead, you are laying on your stomach with an impressive fort of blankets hanging above your head. Your small hands fiddled with the beads, tiny fingers slipping on each random-shaped bead you could find in your craft box that was remotely green in color. Across from you lays a much smaller Izuku on his belly with his nose buried in a comic book, eyes sparkling and lips noisily slurping at the straw of a juice box.
“Y/N-chan look!” The curly-haired boy squeals, shoving the comic book over to you and pointing at a panel of a very stylized All Might with multiple civilians draped over his shoulders. It’s a familiar frame from the video you’ve watched with the boy about a million times already. You personally didn’t idolize the symbol of peace as passionately as your friend, but it always made him happy, so you always watched it with him. You squinted, scrunching up your nose at the picture.
“They drew his hair wrong!” You complained pointing at the clearly exaggerated shojo-looking hairstyle the number one hero had been illustrated with.
“No, that’s just the artists’ style.” Little Izuku exclaims, standing up in the fort, proudly posing in his All Might one-sie, holding the comic book up into the air like it was Simba.
“Ohh,” You remember humming thoughtfully before returning to tying an s-clip to the end of the bracelet, looking your newest creation over with pride. You sat up too, looking anxiously over to your best friend who had engrossed himself back into the comic. “Gimme your hand.”
You vividly remember the young boy’s freckled face lighting up and his hand being shoved in your direction. You slid the way-too-big bracelet over his tiny wrist and looped it around a second time so it wouldn’t fall off. “Here, so everybody knows you’re the next All Might!”
His big green eyes overflowed with tears, almost flooding your blanket sanctuary and drowning you both in his own tears when he tackled you to the ground, hugging you tight. You remember him showing the bracelet off to all of his friends and Kacchan the next day. He wore it even more religiously than his hero-onesie, his mother even mentioning that he only took it off to bathe.
You recall your shock when a week later he dropped a similar home-made bracelet with your favorite-colored beads and your idolized hero’s name on it. It had been the first time anyone had ever made something for you and you cherished it.
“We match now, so that means we gotta become big strong heroes together when we get big!” You remember his high-pitched voice declaring with his best All Might impression.
You felt your eyes burn with salt and the telltale weight of tears welling up in the corners of your eyes, your fingers shaking as they clutched the bracelet. Despite how old the plastic piece of jewelry was, it was in outstanding condition--save for a few scratches on the bigger beads here and there.
You’d thought that he’d lost it or thrown it away a long time ago. It’s been years. How on earth did he still have this?
Feeling your breath start to quicken you shot up from your seat, grabbing the book from the table and dashing off towards U.A. You turned each sharp corner, narrowly avoiding crashing into several other students—including Bakugou who hissed and swore at you as you retreated to your dorm You shoved the door open and slammed it shut. The next fifteen minutes were spent digging through your stuff, looking through untouched boxes of your things you’d brought from home but never needed until now. 
And then, you finally found it tucked away in an old pencil pouch. You pulled out an all-too-familiar bracelet, holding it up to compare to the green one in your other hand. There was no doubt about it, it was real. Your fingertips traced the familiar beads of your own bracelet, eyes flickering between it and its counterpart.
Why did he keep it so long?
You kicked the box back into the closet and toed the door shut, tossing both bracelets onto your nightstand and flopping face-down onto your bed.
It didn’t matter. It was just a bracelet, nothing more than a flimsy piece of plastic. Nothing compared to the friendship you had. So what if he held onto some dumb bracelet? That didn’t make up for months of distance, weeks of him slowly forgetting you existed while you stood idly by. Letting it happen because you cared too much.
So why did you feel so guilty?
You groaned exasperatedly into your pillow snuggling your face into it when it started to soothe your headache. Your eyes opened suddenly with a furious glower when your stupid brain immediately thought back to the times you and Izuku would nap together when you were kids, anywhere anytime. You often played so hard you knocked yourselves out so his mom would find you cuddled up against one another in your blanket forts, on the couch, on the slide at the park, under the sink once… anywhere you could fit into and doze off, you would.
In fact, you didn’t shake the habit of napping together until you were at least thirteen, which is usually around when parents start getting suspicious so you stopped doing it. You felt a slight blush rise to your cheeks, remembering those special times in middle school when you would sneak in and sleep together for a while if one of you had a nightmare. That was most likely the most rebellious thing you two innocent little suck-ups ever did.
You sigh, eyes drifting over to the bracelets strewn carelessly across your nightstand.
How can one bracelet bring back so much nostalgia?
.   .   .
Midoriya was slumped miserably against one of the couches in the dorm lounge, pen shakily scribbling away at an assignment. His handwriting has gotten a little better since last year, still wobbly and inconsistent in places but his teachers have voiced their appreciation of its improvement. He thinks back to earlier when he had dropped off that bracelet at the bookshop, afraid that if he approached you, you wouldn’t want to see him or he’d start crying again.
It really tore him apart inside to part with it, having kept it for so long. He’d found the bracelet while looking through some of his things one day. It fell out of a box with a bunch of his older more beat up action figures.
Seeing it after being put away for so long had brought the biggest smile to his face, remembering how much he’d loved it when he was younger. It was also what made him remember you… It was as if you suddenly popped back into existence. And in excitement to share the memory with you, perhaps catch up with you over coffee, he had disregarded the fact that it had been months since you’d last spoken.
He now realizes his mistake. 
But after last night he knew he didn’t deserve to have such an important piece of you to himself. He absentmindedly wondered if you still had yours… probably not, huh? His wasn’t as pretty as the one you made him, and why would you keep it after he practically ignored you for a year?
Still, he had hope that just maybe there was a chance he could make it up to you, that he hadn’t messed up so bad that you never want to speak to him again. Midoriya closed his eyes, frowning down at his notebook in shame. Who was he kidding? It was just a piece of plastic and likely held no value to you after what he did.
He misses it. Already.
“Midoriya.” Iida’s voice piped up and the green-haired boy jumped.
“Oh hey, Iida. Did you need something?” He asked, trying not to sound as worked up as he really was, forcing a small smile.
“I came to ask if you’d heard from L/N at all today?” Midoriya’s heart dropped at the sound of your name.
“No… why?”
“Well, it’s just that several students claimed to have seen her running obnoxiously through the halls earlier this evening and I was curious if you’d happen to know anything about it?” Iida asks, straightening his glasses with a displeased expression, clearly not amused by your behavior.
“No, I haven’t. Sorry,” Midoriya admitted sullenly, eyes downcast to the floor.
Iida’s eyes softened and the bluenette sighed, taking a seat next to his friend. Ochako and he hadn’t managed to get much out of the sulking Midoriya since the other night, but they suspect that things didn’t necessarily go well between him and you. Not to mention he’s been a zombie all for days, barely getting any sleep at all these past few nights
“And, as your friend, I am concerned about your wellbeing,” Tenya confessed, pushing his glasses up closer against his face as Midoriya sighed. 
“I’m fine, Iida.” Midoriya offered him a half-smile but otherwise made no attempt to spill anything. Tenya made eye-contact with Ochako across the common room, who had been the one to encourage him to approach Deku in the first place.
“Midoriya, what happened between you and L/N last evening?” The Iida son pressed, cautious not to pry too much in fear of upsetting him.
“I messed up,” Midoriya looked down at his lap, a drawing of your face in the corner of his math homework. He abruptly turned the page in hopes Iida hadn’t already seen it. “Really badly.”
.   .   .
The next morning, Izuku is as sluggish and mopey as ever, worrying his classmates with his lack of enthusiasm.
“You should talk to her.” Todoroki’s cool voice shakes Midoirya out of his daze after homeroom. He’s been staring absently at you as you ignored his existence, focusing on the lesson. It isn’t hard to guess who the half-and-half teen was talking about. And yet he still found himself surprised.
“I’ve tried, Todoroki. Talking won't help.” Midoriya sighs, eyes dropping to his mess of notes, including several crumpled up drawings of you.
“And sulking around doing nothing will?” Todoroki questions, not able to recognize the shell of the boy in front of him.
 “I messed up, and she wants nothing to do with me now.” And he respects that.
“Something tells me that isn’t entirely the case.” Shouto replies and the green-haired boy sends him a puzzled look.
“What do you mean by that?” He asks, a brow raised at the possibility that Todoroki knows something he doesn’t.
“You forget that Y/N and I are close friends now, although you haven’t necessarily been around so you may not have known at all.” He states bluntly and it does nothing to comfort Midoriya at all. He hadn’t known you and Todoroki were friends! What else did he not know about you?
“What are you getting at, Todoroki?” Deku asks with a defeated tone, wishing the stoic prodigy would just be out with it.
“Y/N tells me everything, don’t think she hasn’t told me about what happened a few nights ago. But when she spoke about you it didn’t seem like she didn’t want anything to do with you.” Shouto explained, definitely catching the young Midoriya’s attention. “She’s upset, yes, and you aren’t wrong to assume that she is angry with you right now. But the longer you wait to talk to her about it—if you planned to at all that is—the longer it will take for her to forgive you.”
Forgive him? Was that even possible at this point? He didn’t know, but if what Todoroki said was true, and he actually had a chance, he couldn’t waste any more time ‘sulking around and doing nothing.’
“Are you sure that’s even possible, Todoroki?” Deku questioned, eyes adept as ever as he searched the bi-colored eyes of his rival and friend for answers he may not even have.
“I don’t know for sure, Midoriya. That is up to Y/N.” Todoroki admits, and Deku bites the inside of his cheek still torn over this. “But I don’t think she will forgive you if you don’t try.”
“Mm.” Deku nods, thanking the two-toned boy and packing up for his next class of the day.
.   .   .
Your ears perked up at the sound of someone knocking on your door later that night. You sighed into your pillow, not wanting to leave its soft embrace. You tried to ignore it at first, pretending to be asleep but he insistent knocking continued. Grumpily you pushed off of your comfy bed to sluggishly open the door, thinking it was most likely Mina and she’d just keep knocking until you opened up. 
You were not expecting Midoriya to be standing there.
“What do you want?” You asked, your voice holding no softness or enthusiasm ad your narrowed eyes stared coldly at your former best friend. He flinches at the icy tone of your voice.
“I-I um… can we… talk?” Izuku asks anxiously, wringing his hands together, elbows drawn in close to his stomach self-consciously. “Please?”
He meets your steeled gaze with his own apologetic one, green eyes pleading with yours. Izuku owned the most convincing pair of puppy-dog eyes you’ve ever seen, even when he wasn’t meaning to and even now you faltered.
“Why? Why should I let you in? Give me one good reason not to slam the door in your face and go back to bed?”
“B-because I w-won’t leave until I say what I need to say,” Midoriya stated as firmly as he could, a determined glimmer in his eyes as he did so. You don’t doubt that he might sit at your door all night if you refused him. “A-and I have a feeling you have some things to say too.”
He wants to resolve this.
“I have nothing to say to you.” You hissed stepping back into the threshold of your room starting to close the door but his hand smacks against the wooden surface, a desperate look in his eyes that only makes you push harder. “Move.”
“Please! Please just hear me out, Y/N, please just give me this! Let me try! You don’t need to forgive me. I just need you to listen!” Midoriya pleads, his glossy eyes already spilling hot tears down his freckled cheeks. He’s shaking. “Please…”
Midoriya stumbles forward when the door opens and he just barely catches himself, wide eyes darting up to yours as you take several steps away from the entrance. You cross your arms, you can’t believe you’re actually doing this.
“You have five minutes. Start talking.” You relent, sitting down on your bed.
Midoriya sighs in relief, closing the door behind him before clumsily scrambling over to you. You pat the spot next to you, avoiding any and all eye-contact. Izuku’s heart skips a beat when he spots his bracelet on your nightstand. So you did get it! His breath gets caught in his throat when he tries to speak at the same moment his eyes drift to your wrist, where a relic of your friendship dangles. 
You kept it! He feels his eyes overflowing, the ugly fat tears streaking down the sides of his face as he stares dumbfounded at the familiar bracelet.
“You have four minutes.” You flatly remind him, and he jumps, trying to think of the words he’d practiced just a half-hour before he showed up at your dorm.
“AH—o-okay! um, I…” When he fails to speak even after a good minute passes, you sigh deeply. If he had nothing to say, why’d he even come? What happened to all that gusto about ‘saying what I need to say’?
“Why did you keep it?” You ask out of the blue after an uncomfortable silence and his head perks up, but he looks confused, eyes searching yours.
“Keep what—?” He starts, but you cut him off.
“The bracelet. Why did you keep it? It’s been years, I didn’t even think you still remembered that old piece of junk existed.” You blurt out, each word sounding distressed and just… confused. You wanted to understand.
He stares at you, mouth agape at a complete loss of what to say. His mouth suddenly feels dry and his tongue rubs anxiously against the roof of his mouth.
“Because… because it was important... to me.” Izuku breathes, the muscles and nerves in his hand twitching as it laid only inches away from yours. “I was s-so happy when you first gave it to me, my mom had to pry it off of me just to bathe me.” He chuckles, smiling at the memory.
“And I kept it because it reminded me of you, it felt like there was a part of you with me even when you couldn’t be there. It comforted me, knowing that you put s-so m-much thought into something j-just for me and I f-felt so special!” He breaks off when his hiccups start to get out of control. “A-and—”
He chokes and apologizes taking a moment to breathe again. You hadn’t realized how much one silly piece of jewelry had impacted him until now, so much so that he’s crying over it.
“And I made a promise, remember?” Izuku sniffs, wiping his eyes uselessly with his hand, only really smearing the wetness across his cheeks and wetting his hand with his own tears as they continued to spill down the freckled planes of his red cheeks.
You nod, but turn away when you feel your own emotions starting to spike up. You bit your lip, held your breath, clenched your teeth. Anything to keep the tears at bay as they threatened to fall.
“I-I said that when we—”
“We match now, so that means we gotta become big strong heroes together when we get big.” You butt in, sniffling and raising a hand to scrub at the tears streaming down your face and pooling at your chin. “That’s what you said.”
Deku stares at you, guffawed as you quoted his younger self. He hadn’t expected you to remember it so clearly, It makes him feel even worse. Knowing how much it must’ve hurt you when you grew apart. How hard it must’ve been on you to keep quiet about everything while he lived his best life, forgetting all about his dearest friend.
“Why’d you give it back?” You asked, voice trembling as you wiping your eyes with your arm. You glanced over at the green bracelet lying on your nightstand. “If it meant so much to you, why give it back?”
He closed his eyes. He listened to his heart as it slammed against his chest like a pinball machine, demanding him to say something.
“Because I forgot about the friendship it represented, and I shouldn’t have. I wish I wouldn’t have, but I did. I broke my own promise and e-even worse, I hurt you because I was just too caught up in my own problems—my own dreams—to remember that you’ve been a part of them since the beginning.” Izuku sobbed, there was no point in holding it all in now. 
“I gave it back because I was so afraid I screwed up everything between us, and I don’t deserve it!”
I don’t deserve you. The phrase rang in his ears so loudly it was almost deafening, he wanted nothing more than to say it too. He couldn’t because he couldn’t catch a single damn breath to say it. But even as he feels he has gathered that breath it’s stolen away once more when he feels your hands on his face.
In a flurry of your own emotions and a nagging force of habit you had reached out and grasped his face, the soft pads of your thumbs wiping at his cheeks.
“Stop crying already, you had something you wanted to say right? Stop letting your emotions get in the way of that.”
The firmness in your tone as your stern eyes descended upon his own struck a chord in him. You’ve said something like that to him before. Years ago.
“Stop crying, Izuku! Stop letting your emotions keep you from standing up for yourself! Kacchan steps on you because he knows all you’ll do is cry!”
Multiple times.
“Would ya quit crying already? You’re tougher than that, Izu. Like All Might!”
“Stop crying because you don’t have a quirk! Become a hero without one!”
It had always been you. You there comforting him, encouraging him, telling him to quit crying and speak up for himself. To keep pushing on despite the fact that he just wasn’t as gifted as other children. How could he have forgotten one of the most important lessons you ever taught him? How could he have forgotten about you?
You tugged one of your bunched sleeves down with your teeth and dried up the downpour of tears from his cheeks with your hoodie sleeve. Careful not to rub the skin raw, you kept at it until he was simply too shocked to cry anymore. This is the first time you’ve done this in years, yet far from the first time you’ve had to do it at all. Even as children, you were using your fingers, your sleeves, the edge of your shirt to wipe his tears away.
“Shush, I don’t want to hear it unless it’s what you came here to say.” You interrupt, and the look in his eyes changes from nervous to determined.
“I was going to say that I am s-sorry,” He stutters.
“What else?” You encouraged, watching as he slowly gained more confidence. “You said you weren’t going to leave until you say what you need to say, keep your promise.”
“I was going to say that I don’t deserve you!”
“And are you lying?” You ask.
“No!” Midoriya exclaims more confidently, more certain of himself than before.
“And is that all you wanted to say?” You asked again, smiling as the sobbing boy from before completely changed with your encouragement, egging him on.
“No…” Midoriya confesses, faltering slightly as his nervousness returns. He doesn’t know if he’s ready to say it yet. Would that even be acceptable right now? Even as strong as he feels right now he can’t help but hesitate, to blush, to avoid your gaze.
“Then say it.” 
“I…” He trails off, suddenly terrified of the thought. He couldn’t! It would put everything on the line! “I-I…”
Your hand cups his cheek coaxing him to look back up at you.
“Stop hesitating, tell me what you want to say.”
He’s already put your friendship on the line, what difference would it make? You wanted the truth so you’d get it! He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes before opening them again, meeting your own straight on. There’s a spark in those green eyes that wasn’t there before he squinted them shut. It’s like an emerald fire was lit behind them.
“I love you!”
It’s quiet.
You stare at him, and he stares right back, his determined gaze never weakening as he maintained eye-contact.
“You what?”
“You heard me,” Midoriya replies.
This time it’s your turn to shy away. Your face darkens incredibly fast, heart racing against your chest as your eyes darted from side to side, deep in thought. Your mind threw numbers together into every equation it knew, each answer coming out the same. You had expected an “I want to be friends again!” or “I want a second chance!” or “I want to fix this!”
Never in a million years could you have predicted him to say that. Not to you. Your eyes drifted back up to his. He looks a little less confident now, almost worried as he awaits your response.
“Get out.” You breathe, eyes wide as you stare at him watching his determined face change to one of confusion.
You couldn’t believe it. After forgetting your existence for almost a year, after only remembering when he found the bracelet, after only wanting to talk to you because it was most convenient to him… and he has the goddamn nerve to say that he loved you.
“W-what?” Izuku gasped, not understanding what was going on. Suddenly you were pressing yourself against the wall farthest from him on your bed.
“G-get out!” You exclaim, the angry tears running down your face.
“Y/N, what are you s-saying?” His voice shook, the tears starting to fall from his eyes again, his nose beginning to run as well as his entire body shook. Why were you telling him to leave? Did he make the wrong call? Did you not feel the same?
“Why are you lying to me?” You asked, the question coming out like a whisper.
“I-I’m not lying to you, I love you!” Midoriya cried. “Please, you have to believe me, I wouldn’t lie to you! I’ve always liked you—since we were kids, Y/N! I can’t fake that! You know I can’t!”
You shake as his desperate green eyes plead with yours, a sincerity in those irises you grew up staring into, a sincerity that just can’t be faked. He actually… he actually loved you? But why? He ignored you for a year!
“And you can honestly tell me that in that year you forgot about me you loved me?!” You demanded, your tears making your vision blurry and unmanageable.
“I never stopped loving you, even if it was overshadowed by my dream to become a hero, even if I made mistakes not even I can fix, my heart always belonged to you.” Midoriya crawled over to kneel in front of you on your bed where you still had your back pressed to the wall and your knees pulled tightly to your chest. “I’m not perfect, Y/N. I made a mistake by not being there for you, and I will do anything it takes to fix it if I can.”
“And you won’t forget me again? You promise?” You ask shakily, feeling a little embarrassed by how small you felt, scrunched up in such a way and crying in front of someone other than your cat at home.
“Yes,” His immediate response confirms it, not an ounce of hesitation present in the way it rolls off his tongue. “I promise, I’ll never forget you. And I’ll never be the reason you cry again.”
“Can you believe me?” Izuku reached his hand out to you.
“I… I believe you.” You admit, a small smile gracing your lips as you take his hand. Izuku lets out a relieved sigh, his free hand trembling over his heart. You can tell how terrified he was. “This doesn’t mean I forgive you though, Izu.”
“I know, and I’m going to try my very best to make it up to you. I promise.” Izuku states. It doesn’t bother him that you didn’t say ‘I love you’ back, he wouldn’t have deserved it. He’s going to have to work for it, and that was fine with him.
“Do you…” You started, face flushing and eyes avoiding his as you removed your hands from his face. “Do you wanna hug it out?”
“Yes!” You yelp when he throws himself at you, tackling you to the bed with his arms around you. You squeeze your own arms around him, face burrowing into his shoulder as you squeezed the life out of one another.
“Sorry.” He mutters when he realizes he’s practically on top of you and most likely crushing you. He moves to roll off of you but your arms only tighten around him.
“No, please just… can we just stay like this for a while?” You asked, and Izuku felt his heart beating so fast he was convinced it eventually just commit seppuku if it pounded any harder. He nodded against your shoulder, cheeks burning a bright crimson as he relaxes.
“Also,” You spoke up and he hummed in response, he couldn’t be bothered to move. You reached over to your nightstand to snatch the green bracelet from it, the green-haired boy whining when he had to re-adjust after you started moving. “Gimme your hand.”
He pulled away, green pools swirling with confusion. He complies with your sudden request and gasps when you slide the bracelet back onto his wrist.
“This belongs to you.” You smiled and he mirrored it with one of his own, hand impulsively taking yours, fingers intertwining with your own. Your matching bracelets reflected the dim light of the room, casting a warm glow over your faces as you smiled at each other. No longer did you feel forgotten or used, instead you felt loved again. “Now get off  me.”
Izuku laughs and slips off of you to lay at your side, his arms pulling you in close so he could cuddle you, just like you did when you were kids.
Izuku rested his forehead against yours, one hand reaching up to timidly brush against your reddened cheek, causing your eyes to flutter closed and a small sigh to escape your smiling lips. He missed seeing you smile. But there was still something else that he needed to take care of before you drifted off to sleep.
“Y/N?” He asked.
“Yes?” You sighed sleepily, 
“Don’t ever feel like you have to keep quiet anymore, alright? Please, always talk to me.”
You blinked, your mouth opening and closing several times.
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ficletsbynaria · 5 years
(Characters of your choice) if possible, could you do some of the boys with a s/o with a huge dog? And the boy's reaction to the big ol' floofer? I have a Great Pyrenees and he is literally the sweetest dog ever, and when he's on his hind legs, he's as tall as me. It'd be fun to see how some of the lads would react!
okay I searched up great pyrenees and !!! 
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THEY’RE THE ABSOLUTE CUTEST I WANT 50. as a fellow dog lover (and owner of a floof chowchow), I enjoyed making these hcs that I ended up making it longer than I planned it to be oops 😳😳😳🤪
I went and chose my bnha bois: kiri, baku, mido, and mirio for the headcanon :>> since they scream dog lovers pls excuse my dumb nicknames for the boys lmao
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𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙: 1,789 words
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘: Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Togata Mirio
𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖘: none
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★ when you told him about having a pet dog, he was ELATED
★ like he was more excited about it than you ever saw him
★ maybe u were jealous about it even
★ and when you described your doggo as one belonging to a huge breed
★ he was so enthusiastic about it
★ asking how big they were, how playful they acted
★ bb boi just was so excited about dogs
★ finally you two got home and Kiri almost passes out
★ your baby was a samoyed and she was the prettiest ever
★ kiri most likely fell in love again
★ your dog absolutely loved Kiri
★ it was love at first sight basically
★ he was so mesmerized by your dog’s fur
★ described it as a cloud that he can hug
★ calls your doggo ‘cloudy’ as a nickname
★ it’s even funnier and cute bc cloudy looks so soft while Kiri’s quirk is hardening
★ opposites truly attract
★ cloudy and kiri just enjoyed each other’s presence so much
★ cloudy thrived in Kiri’s love and attention
★ and your boyfriend had enough to give her just that
★ your big doggo and your big strong bf
★ it looked like the perfect family portrait
★ I think you almost cried while staring lovingly at them
★ and while u had your tears of joy
★ both cloudy and Kiri noticed your mood shift
★ and they just shower you with kisses !! (dog kisses included)
★ kiri DEMANDED you three take a picture together
★ and he talked about bragging on how he had the best s/o AND THE GOODEST GIRL in the whole wide world (kiri’s words not mine)
★ those muscles aren’t just for hero work wink wonk
★ they’re for giving hugs and holding your huge doggo up in his arms
★ kiri loves your dog and cloudy loves kiri
★ you love them just as much 🥰🥰
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
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★ you mentioned your dog in ur convos with Baku before
★ but never really stated what kind of breed your dog was
★ and Baku never really asked about it so meh
★ so when you actually introduced your dog to him, it was hilarious and terrifying at the same time
★ your Neapolitan mastiff was very protective of you (and he was huge AN ABSOLUTE UNIT HAVE YOU SEEN THEM)
★ as was Bakugou (the protective one I mean but the huge part can also apply hmmm)
★ you were worried they’d actually fight with each other
★ your dog would win no cap
★ but Bakugou does not condone violence against animals *chefs kiss*
★ your doggo had a really close bond with you so it’s understandable that he would be wary of any stranger
★ you ended up becoming the mediator between Baku and your dog
★ but eventually, you had to leave them both alone in the living room (rip), since you had to go fetch (lmao fetch get it) something in your kitchen
★ fear for your bf and dog’s lives intensifies
★ your dog had this intimidating aura that scared off strangers, considering his size and all
★ and Baku was the type that challenged every person he’s met, with a fight
★ so both boys might not be compatible sigh
★ you wondered if Baku preferred smaller dogs (plot twist he loves every dog no matter the size)
★ that is until you were almost in the living room and spotted Baku kneeling to your dog’s level
★ you hid in the corner and watched everything unfold
★ you ALMOST choked on your spit when u heard Baku CONVERSING with your doggo
★ it’s not that the whole act was stupid, you’re just surprised that it was something Bakugou would do
★ eavesdropping a little more, you heard Baku sigh
★ “look we’re here for them for the same thing”
★ “I want to take care of them and you want to protect them”
★ “so we should just get along and cut the bullshit”
★ that was the most rational thing you ever heard from Baku
★ and he was saying it to your DOG
★ if your mastiff could talk, you think he would’ve agreed.
★ instead, as you peeked, you saw your dog slowly lowering their guard around Baku
★ probs sensing that he means no harm
★ and just ??? NUDG ES HIS HEAD ?? on Bakugou’s hand ?? (omg can u imagine that would be so 🥺🥺🥺🥺)
★ your heart exploded with uwus
★ you might’ve uwued loudly bc Baku and your doggo noticed your presence
★ Baku was about to shout at you for spying on him
★ BUT YOU SWEAR you saw your dog give Bakugou a warning look
★ Baku chose to shut up instead cus he knows your doggo ain’t playing
★ but you’re absolutely sure that Bakugou and your mastiff liked each other now
★ bc yes they do have a common goal,, and that is love and protecc u uwu
★ bonus: Baku insists you call him ‘lord explosion murder’ and you reluctantly agree
★ extra bonus: your dog loves it
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
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★ you were very sure that Mido was a dog person
★ even before you two dated
★ you had your own doggo and she was a sweetheart 🥺🥺
★ exactly like Midoriya
★ when you dated him, you kept the ‘owning a dog’ part secret from Midoriya for personal reasons
★ just so you could see the surprised and joyful expression on his face when he met her
★ so when you actually invited him over to your house
★ your dog came over and greeted you happily !!! doggos are so pure i love it when mine does that 
★ and you saw Midoriya freeze, shortcircuit, then internally fangirl at your dog in the span of 5 seconds
★ your Saint Bernard noticed Midoriya’s excitement and went over to greet him too
★ your doggo was snuggling up to Mido and the sight was just 🥰🥰🥰 
★ two cinnamon rolls being the most adorable
★ speaking of cinnamon rolls, Mido started calling her ‘cinnamon’ because of her fur’s color
★ so Midoriya kept asking, whenever he got the opportunity, to take cinnamon out for a walk
★ you happily obliged, bc that whole scenario seemed so purifying in theory
★ your big doggo with your smol bf, a healthy balance
★ walks with cinnamon and Mido would be an experience in itself
★ like you’re used to people commenting about how big your dog was and how they’re kinda intimidating
★ but Mido being Mido, would overhear people who would say that and just go “actUALLY”
★ and he drones about how cinnamon’s breed is family-friendly and very gentle
★ so there’s nothing to be afraid of PSA IT’S NOT THE DOG’S FAULT IF THEY’RE AGGRESSIVE,, IT’S THE OWNER THAT MADE THEM LIKE THAT ! ok moving on
★ you’re so grateful to have Mido by ur side AND defending your dog get a man like Midoriya 
★ when the people are actually educated by Mido’s lecture, they ask if they can pet cinnamon
★ you say yes, and cinnamon is just happy to receive some love and attention
★ Midoriya even convinced some parents to let their kids play with your dog (with u and ur dog’s consent ofc)
★ the walk turned into the cutest playdate ever
★ and you see cinnamon just giving Mido sum kisses and your heart just did 10 backflips
★ in conclusion, Mido + big dog = wholesome content
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
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★ i will hold onto this hc on my deathbed
★ n e ways
★ and Mirio was just a big ol hunk himself (you can confirm the big part if u know what I mean)
★ so it was a match made in heaven
★ you mentioned to him about having a doggo at home and he was all giddy
★ when he asked about the breed, you told him yours was a Bordeauxdog
★ he immediately searches up what they look like
★ and stars were shining in his eyes 🥺🥺
★ “They’re like me!” he exclaimed and you wholeheartedly agreed
★ the day came when Mirio and your dog would see each other
★ you promised to bring your doggo to him at the park, since Mirio saw that the breed needed to be active outdoors and suggested a morning jog lmao great idea mirio jk
★ 5am and you were there at dawn just bringing your huge boy to the park
★ can you imagine walking a very big dog at the crack at dawn,,, that seems so cool tho
★ You spotted Mirio stretching in the distance and called out to him
★ once he noticed you he l i t e r a l l y ran over to you and your doggo
★ he had so much energy for someone who woke up before sunrise
★ your dog was mostly the same too, mimicking Mirio’s excitement BIG UWU
★ just two excited boys and you were there, too tired to even find it cute
★ but their interaction was a good enough reason to be happy about waking up in the morning 🥰🥰🥰
★ Mirio volunteers to jog with your dog, and you saw that your doggo already warmed up to Mirio and that you were too dead in the inside to actually jog, so you let them have their fun
★ a few paces behind mirio and your doggo, you saw how fitting the scene looked
★ Mirio looked more like your dog’s owner than yourself, the connection was so natural
★ You wanted to slap Mirio over the head for wanting to call your dog ‘Junior’ since you said they were so alike
★ Mirio and his weird nicknames but its kinda cute ngl
★ after the jog, you and Mirio just passed out on your bed, worn out from the exercise and waking up really early
★ Both of you had a peaceful cuddle session
★ It just so happened that junior likes your bed and claims it as his own
★ and he so conveniently forgot that you and Mirio were lying on it
★ having a Bordeaux dog settle himself on your bed was anything but pleasant
★ he lied down between you and Mirio (almost suffocating you) and you swore Mirio was just laughing at your demise
★ you maybe have to ban both boys away from your bed 🙄😳 
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ahmerjohnny-blog · 7 years
Cute Good Night Quotes, Sayings, Wishes, And Messages With Images
Cute Good Night Quotes, Sayings, Wishes, And Messages With Images
Cute Good Night Quotes
Hope you all are going fine wid your lives. As you all know about nights the most beautiful and romantic part of the day where the lonely angles and loving birds are awake some are up for the love and others are for memories.
We have something really interesting stuff for both of them because we care for both so now im gonna share you a pack of Cute Good night quotes for which you are actually looking for and I’m sure they will convey your feelings and thoughts to someone you care about no need to wait. Put these cute good night quotes on status tonight and tell them that you remember them at the end of the day.
Sweet Good Night Quotes
You’ll be the last thing I think of before I fall asleep and the first thing I think of when I wake up.
May you dream of lovely things and to find them real.
Each day I wish that my dreams will come true. Then I remember that I am now with you.
Each night you sleep is a signal that a new beginning awaits you.
One day, we will never have to say goodbye, the only goodnight.
Wake up with determination. Go to bed with satisfaction.
Touch your heart and shut your eyes, dream sweet dreams and sleep tight.
I wish I was there to hold you tight, instead of just sending you this loving “Good Night”.
It was the possibility of darkness that made the day seem so bright. – Stephen King
Good night, and good luck. – Edward R. Murrow
Best Basketball Quotes And Sayings Collection
Here is to hoping that angels will guard you while you dream and the gentle breezes of the night will keep you cool. If it is too cold, may your blankets be warm as you drift on to a gentle rest
A day is over, night has come. Today is gone, what’s done is done. Embrace your dreams, through the night. Tomorrow comes with a whole new light.
God’s guidance is like a small lamp in a dark forest… Doesn’t show everything at once… But gives enough light for the next step to be safe. Goodnight!
The night is to see the dreams and day is to make them true. So its good to sleep now and see the dreams. Good Night!
Always end the day, with a positive thought. No matter how hard things were, tomorrow’s a fresh opportunity to make it better.
Stars can’t shine without darkness.
Good Night Quotes For Friends
Good friends don’t necessarily make life perfect, but they sure make all the imperfections easier to tolerate.
The brightest stars in my life are not planetary objects, they are friends like you who shine through night and day. Good night.
Boyfriends and girlfriends will come and go, but our friendship will forever radiantly glow. Good night.
The memories of our friendship are like the radiance of the moon and the fun times we’ve had together are like the twinkle of the stars that light up my life’s skies. Good night.
Real friendship is when misfits come together and find that they’re the perfect fits for each other.
Sometimes I am goofy, but don’t ever think that I don’t care. No matter what, for you, I will always be there. Good night.
Funny Friendship Quotes Collection For Quotes Lover
Whenever I feel bogged down by life’s worries, I simply dive into the beautifully endless abyss of our friendship’s memories. Good night.
Success is not always measured by how big you can dream. Real success, is often measured by the number of friends you can share your dreams with. Good night my friend.
I have invented a new phrase and it goes like this – early to bed, early to rise and early to meet friends like me.
Even the melancholy of a dark and lonely night transforms into a sweet harmony when I think about the memories of our friendship. Good night.
Maybe all of life’s troubles aren’t meant to be fixed. Sometimes it is just better to move on.
I won’t take any selfies for the next 12 hours… not because it’ll be dark but because they’ll be without friends like you. Good night.
The calm silence of the night is a reminder of how blissful and serene my life has become after we became friends. Good night.
Inspirational Good Night Quotes
Always end the day with a positive thought. No matter how hard things were, tomorrow’s a fresh opportunity to make it better.
Tomorrow is a new day and a new start to make things the best they can be! Let someone know what they mean to you! Goodnight!
Remember this: An ending is always the start of something new. Good night!
Before you fall asleep every day, say something positive to yourself.
I dream of the day when each night will end with good night and not goodbye. That day will come soon.
Feed only positive thoughts into your mind as you fall asleep, and you will wake energized and armed to face a new day.
Never go to sleep with anger in your heart. Lie down and let the darkness lift the pain and bitterness away before you fall asleep. You will wake up refreshed and ready.
Meaningful Quotes And Meaningful Sayings About Life
Ever wonder why your pets seem to sleep so peacefully? It’s because they have no guilt, shame, worry, jealousy, ambition or greed.
The internet is closed for the night. Go to sleep, and get those great ideas percolating.
Holding on to pain can make you hate that which you love most. Resolve to let sleep ease the pain away. Start with a fresh light tomorrow.
May you fall asleep in a comforting cloud of dreams that will define the purpose of tomorrow’s adventures.
Let’s end our day on a positive note. Life’s too short to take our special relationships for granted.
Go to sleep, and chase your dreams into the limitless summits of the skies.
Only love lasts forever. Hold on to the love in your heart and let it guide tomorrow’s goals. Sleep tight.
Good Night Quotes Funny
You can sometimes get a good workout by trying to fall asleep.
The alarm clocks always interrupt a good night sleep.
Dear friend choose your dreams tonight, choose what are you want to see then close your eyes and now I am wishing you a sweet good night.
Boyfriends break your heart and Girlfriends dumps you. Only friends stay with you always. They are real teacher and parents for you good night friends.
Dear friend now stops thinking about all the worries people said to hurt your feelings. Just hold on tightly someone made you smile. Good Night
Top Cute Boyfriend Quotes And Sayings
See the sky in the night our friendship adds a sense of character and glamour to our life. You are everything for us good night friends.
I am so lucky because a most careful boy is my best friend which care me and understand me. you are my everything good night my best friend.
A true friend is not a friend only. He is our best brother in the world who always with us and share everything with us good night friend.
Today night is silent, the night is beautiful, the night is quiet. Do you know? My night is not complete without wishing you a sweet good night.
My dear friends don’t think about the tomorrow because I am always with you to set things right. Good night friends.
My dear friend, I think about you and you also think about you but the difference is that when I think of you I send you message and you think of me after receiving my message. Good night my friend.
Good night my friends. Sleep is a language of rest, sleep is to visualize our dreams, also sleep improve our mental ability so now you go to sleep.
Romantic Good Night Quotes
In sleep, we must be apart, my love, but rest assured for I will dream of you till we meet again. Goodnight, darling.
Goodnight, sweet angel, and join your fellow stars among the heavens. I will wait here on the earth for your sweet return.
When we are apart in sleep, the dream of you keeps me company. So for you, I leave this persisting message: even in the darkest night, the light of your love shows me the way.
Do not fear the blanket of night, for I will still be by your side with the morning’s rising light.
Cute Love Quotes For Her Amazing Collection
Even in my wildest dreams, I could never imagine a love as sweet as yours. So tonight as I close my eyes, I dream of the morning when I can see you again because nothing in my own imagination will ever come close to the reality of your embrace.
My dreams of you dance in my mind like the stars across the sky. My only hope is that as you sleep tonight, you dream of me too.
When I am alone in the night and I look up into the great stars of the universe, the only heavenly body I want to see is yours.
Goodnight my sweet princess; tonight my dreams are filled with your smile.
Although, in sleep, we are apart, you will be with me in my dreams.
My bed is lonely without your tender embrace. I long to be with you; even while my body is sleeping, my mind wanders to your side. Goodnight, sweet Angel.
As the darkness of the night covers my mind and body like a blanket, your memory is like the moon that shines above me, keeping me company through the night.
Good Night Message For Friends
Do not count what you have lost. Just see what u have now because past never comes back but sometimes future can give u back ur lost things! ‘Good night’.
I wish moon always be full & bright and you always be cool & right. Whenever you go to switch off the light, remember that I’m wishing you …Good Night!
Goodnight my friend, pleasant dreams, sleep tight my friend, may tomorrow be sunny & bright and bring you full of happiness& success. Good night & Sweet dreams friend.
Between a million yesterdays and a million tomorrows, there’s only one today. And I would never let it pass without telling you – I’m thinking of you. Have a good night.
May your good night prayers reach the Angels who will immediately come down to watch you sleep. Good night.
You will only be able to enjoy your night if you stop thinking about yesterday and stop worrying about tomorrow. So sleep tight and immerse yourself in your favorite dream. Good night.
Sad Quotes About Life Best Collection For You
Use every second of the night to dream about all that you want to achieve in life and use every second of the following day to achieve every dream you saw the last night. Good night my friend.
Stuff your worries in your pillow, wrap your troubles in your blanket and spread your anxieties on your bed sheet. When you wake up tomorrow, you will have dirty linen but a fresh mind and a happy heart. Good night.
The biggest gift that a night can give you is not good to sleep, but the promise that your tomorrow holds millions of possibilities. Good night friends.
Moon had appeared in the dark sky showing its glittering dim light all over and the stars are shining like diamonds. Good night dear friend, Sleep well and stay blessed.
Good Night Quotes And Images
You’ll be the last thing I think of before I fall asleep and the first thing I think of when I wake up!
Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it is morrow. William Shakespeare
Let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure.
As you fall asleep, I want you to remember what a good person you are. Remember that I admire you and care for you. Sweet dreams!
And tonight, I’ll fall asleep with you in my heart.
You’ll be the last thing I think of before I fall asleep and the first thing I think of when I wake up.
My idea of a good night has always been having a lovely meal and a proper conversation.
Always end the day with a positive thought. No matter how hard things were, tomorrow’s a fresh opportunity to make it better.
The stars and moon arrive just to wish you a good night. Let the light of the moon guide your dreams as you pass the night away.
Funny Friend Quotes Beautiful Collection
A day is over, night has come. Today is gone, what’s done is done. Embrace your dreams, through the night. Tomorrow comes with a whole new light.
Legend says, when you can’t sleep at night, it’s because you’re awake in someone else’s dream.
Good night. May you fall asleep in the arms of a dream, so beautiful, you’ll cry when you awake.
Sleeping is nice. You forget about everything for a little while.
You’ll be the last thing I think of before I fall asleep and the first thing I think of when I wake up.
Goodnight my love, pleasant dreams, sleep tight my love, may tomorrow be sunny and bright and bring you closer to me.
Good Night Sayings
“Before you go to sleep, do not forget to say thanks for everything good that has happened to you in the last 24 hours. However, I am thankful at the moment for you.”
“I was walking along and this chair came flying past me, and another, and another, and I thought, man, is this gonna be a good night.” » Liam Gallagher
“I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.” » Sarah Williams
“The darker the night, the brighter the stars, The deeper the grief, the closer is God!.” » Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Kevin Gates Quotes Huge Collection
“I like the night. Without the dark, we’d never see the stars.” » Stephenie Meyer – Twilight
“She wanted none of those days to end, and it was always with disappointment that she watched the darkness stride forward.”
“Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it is morrow.” » William Shakespeare
“The night breeze is blowing through my hair and the soft touch reminds me of your kisses. I wish I didn’t have to miss you this much.”
“Although I love the stars that dot the night sky, I love the stars in your eyes even more. While I sleep, I will think about my favorite stars and wait to be with you again.”
“My idea of a good night out is staying in.” » Martin Freeman
“A day is going to end again. It is nice to have a friend like you. Making my everyday seems so great. Thank you, my friend, lastly. Good Night and Sweet Dreams.”
“I love the silent hour of the night, For blissful dreams may then arise, Revealing to my charmed sight – What may not bless my waking eyes.” » Anne Brontë
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