#its juat very good to look at for hours at a time
carlinstitches · 2 months
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Part of a mini quilt I'm excited about
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katzirra · 3 years
Waiting for the place to give me my file list from my hand drive recovery. Made an omelet with asparagus and bacon, and gave the boys a tiny bit for being good this morning and letting me sleep in past 8:06...
Hannibal woke me up with very loudly aggressively loving face rubs which is new, and has been demanding attention all morning by soft paw grabbing and holding my hand while cooking, also new. Usually he's very independent and wants nothing to do with us.
Still concerned with his audible breathing when he's SLIGHTLY distressed, for a cat with obvious anxiety, and when he's picked up or sitting/laying weird. It's very noticeable, and I'm wondering if it has to do with his nasal bridge being a tad flat.
Trying to manifest a good mood. I'm having a big existential crisis about being alive.
Which, I'll just throw that under a cut and pair it with an apology. 🤙✨
I feel like I have no purpose or meaning. Having a lot of those "why bother/what's the point" moments about a lot of things which...the depth of those feelings isn't just apathetic like most people experience? For me it's very much a red flag, so that's been fun. Usually it's doing something as simple as doing something nice for myself, thinking why bother, and having to ARGUE with myself why it matters. Like...having to validate EVERYTHING I do these days is exhausting. Honestly, it's been a low simmer scary JUST KEEP SWIMMING the last few months. But everything I feel is too much to talk to anyone about, and it doesn't HELP me to. It's me. It's my brain. It's scary and I don't like looking the beast directly in the face when people want me to open up. My demon, my problem, trust me when I say I'm trying and that I'm sincere when I say sorry I'm not all here or present.
I'm, like torn between wanting to message my friend first to talk about shit, but I'm also refusing because I was hurt and the comment about shit being too much to read just resonates in my brain yelling "you're not worth their time and effort, you dumb bitch!" because my brain has a FIELD day with that shit. Its.... Kicking a dead horse, repeating myself anyway probably. It hasn't seemed to stick after the last year of me apologizing monthly because I'm just a shit friend who is too busy working and trying to not kill myself. Suicide ideation is a thing, and it SUCKS when it's as invasive as it is for intruding thoughts. But I'll keep apologizing because I feel guilty for not being good enough. Present enough. Engaging enough. Because maybe that time it'll stick??
They'll probably be better off without me making them feel bad because I don't put in enough effort I guess? Which also just hurts because I know online I'm standoffish these days, so I put the extra effort into being a good host I thought and I hoped that mattered. I just feel like no matter what I'm doomed to disappoint them? So I don't mean they'd be better off in a dismissive way, it's a legit...way I think. Like I'm obviously causing distress, and yelling at me won't fix it because it makes me recoil emotionally. So maybe I'm just a bad friend in reality and it is what it is. I'm sorry so many people have fucked me up about inter personal relationships?? I don't know what to do this time because that stupid fight cut me very deep in core values in myself.
It...Fucked me up. And whether that's important to them or not, or whether it has an repercussive weight, whatever. We've both been hurt by people, and been there as much as we'd let eachother. I've tried to be crazy supportive in the last bout of shit they went through. Because I love a bitch, and they matter immensely to me, and I know I suffered alone through a LOT of things like that and know it sucks. I offered my home, attention and time any time I could give it.. Being told i don't give as much as them set weird on my heart in light of that. It hurt.
Idk...And maybe I'm just some dramatic bitch or whatever I guess. Doesn't matter. I matter, my feelings matter. I'm mentally ill and I fucking bust my ass to deal with it, AND be a loving and supportive fixture in people's lives. I suck, sure. But I'm ALWAYS there for people.
I mention I'm depressed or angry at life, sure, but the layers of distress aren't...on display? It's my shit to deal with, if I bring it up, it's for benefit of people knowing why I'm withdrawn usually. I don't talk about myself much anymore because everything is too much and I just start venting. And people don't care that deeply about how fucked up my head is. Or I over share too much. Or yeah, it's a lot to read and I start babbling because the cork is off and I HURT inside just being alive anymore. I don't feel like I'm living my life for me these days. I don't feel alive. I feel stagnant. I'm biding time for SOMETHING to happen??
Yet I'm constantly apologizing to people for not being able to do basic shit, that I'm upfront about being difficult for some dumb reason. I'm always having to explain myself to people. I am in this bubble so often of feeling like I was made wrong, a mistake, missing something important.
Or that I'm a bad person. I'm too open, too closed, withdrawn, outgoing - I can never seem to get the ratio right. And its the kind of discussion I feel leans into self pity and attention grabbing but it's...something I internally struggle with every week and keep to myself.
Oh Kat, get a psychiatrist - I dont know that it would help, honestly. I know 90% of my thoughts and fears are irrational, and pointless. But I know they have valid backing in trauma that I have mostly dealt with, and am unlearning. But I also know I see through people, can identify those markers, and understand outcomes way too easy and that ALSO makes people mad. So. What the fuck is a shrink gonna do for me? My depression is a background white noise to this stuff, and it's honestly just bullshit I deal with. I'm not keen on medication, I'm sure it would help quiet my brain, but I've been dealing with this shit almost 20 years now, ita just the added drama and bullshit from people that exacerbates the emotional brain rash, for lack of a better phrasing. My issues are all behavioral and some depression and anxiety in the mix that I manage.
For all I'm told people understand ahit wrong with me, it sure is something I repeatedly get bitched at over, honestly. And I partially get it, I also find it frustrating. But I've been battling depression since I was 12/13 and learning to stop thinking certain things only since 21, and that's the harder part. I'm not the person people think I am, I wish I was anymore. That bitch died in 2011/2012. That fissure in my foundation fucked me UP. The shaking I had one or two years ago, didn't help.
To be transparently honest the whole shitstorm two weeks ago really hit some raw nerves I'm trying to deal with, and not doing well. Because the more times that nerve is hit the more I don't feel like a valuable person and that I'm wasting people's time. But the reason I'm yelled at is that I am a valuable person, and they want more of my time in a way?? I don't know what people want from me.
Waves hand dismissively - they're being sweethearts by the back door for now.
I'm in a weird place emotionally and mentally. I don't feel alive. I don't feel real. I don't feel valid or... I don't know. Nothing I say or so actually matters in my own life or experiences. I can be an amazing person with communication and intention but it doesn't matter if the other person doesn't care, it's like arguing online.
You can have a valid discussion and someone can just say "you're a fucking moron, I'm not listening to this" and you can't do anything.
I just wasted two hours organizing my thoughts qnd emotions into a post that I'll delete in a week. What a great use of my time. I'm juat exhausted.
I turn 31 tomorrow and is rather be dead lmao. I'm so tired of the weight of being alive and aware of the world and people around me. About being considerate and kind to everyone and it's never god damn enough. I bleed myself dry emotionally for everyone and run my mental battery into the ground qnd it's never enough. It's never going to BE enough. I don't want mental.break downs and emotional roller-coasters. I want friends that understand I'm scatterbrained and severely damaged and abused and I'm TRYING. I'm sorry it's never good enough.
I'm so fucking tired these days. I just want to disappear. I want to have an actual breakdown and cry
I haven't actually cried in years. I.... Mm. I feel like.im a shell. I'm so tired. I'm trying AO hard to be a good person and functional and I'm just constantly having more dished and I'm just...what is my purpose qnd point these days. I can't even make people happy.
Tomorrow I'll turn 31. It'll be like any other day. 👍✨
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alyfawx · 3 years
I cant keep doing this...
I cant keep up with evrything expected of me...
i lose sleep..
im in pain all the time...
I keep pushing but i feel like...
utter shit...
I hate my job but i need money...
I Dont get paid enough to pay bills and get things that i like...
I am told in different ways that im not good enough or im not doing enough...
I cant find to much happiness doing the things I love...like writing...or eating stuff I love and crave...
im worried everyday about my health but i domt have the motivation to donwhats needed to keep it leveled...
im at war just toget my insurance but they keep saying my account is still open in fucking NY and its been years of flinging to my social worker trying to figure it out and cancel it and they say they will give me the papers I need to donit but never does and because of that my mental health is getting worse and worse because its not getting treated and i try to treat my own self with research and stuff but there is so much i can do...and I considered just...going to a mental psychiatric clinic but then I cant afford that because my damn NY account in insurance keeps saying its open but me an my mom tried to get it fix and it just will not fucking close 4 years of trying this 4 fucking years and im suffering inturnally...i contemplate running away from going to work but i cant...because work equals money...i feel like a burden to my family but have no clue what else I can give to them...when im fucked up...i cant take more hours because I feel like if I did I will be lutting more stress to my body that will probably make things worse....i hate asking for help because its looked down uponed...or I feel like my problems are solo fucking little compare to others who work there god damn butts off and im here complaining I cant do a 4 hour shift for like 4 days back to back without wanting to fucking blow my brains out because everything hurts...and on top of that I seriously cant deal with the stress my mind is on when im there..."im not good enough or fast enough or im socially awkward and weird and people will look at me like i'm not trying hard enough" and that makes work for me a living fucking HELL...because everyday I wish I see people doing things more efficient then me...but if im going any more then i am doing...im stressed and anxious and like not comfortable... and i just try to keep those thoughts down...but there is a point where I just cant even bother because my mind is so hard to shut off...once it gets going...i Don t know what to do anymore...im starting to feel like...hopeless...helpless because theres so much expactations on me...brcausr no one ilunderstands...no one wants too...and when they try they just say you just got to do it...its life...it I get compared to better off people mentally...stonger people...thats even with there struggles they can do it...im not one of those people and i dont think I'll ever be in my current situation...and honestly...u dont know what else I can do anymore...and its to the point where trying anything more then what I feel I capable of...ill push myself too much and I'll snap...and do something stupid just to get out of it...but I fight that thought...everyday...because of these expactations and people who love me...and I try to convince myself it will get better but im exhausted...this fight is draining me...and I want everything to change already...its want a fucking merical...something to get me out of this rut im in...because I juat cant do this anymore...im fighting and im still not giving up but im afraid that...oneday I wont be me anymore and that protection of fighting will break and then...it will be to late...
I will try with every fiber of my being to keep that fight...and fight...but theres just so much you can take when your in this low rut...that comes up and down and up and down...and up and down like a figging roller coaster...and sometimes its just...unable to keep those ups for very long...and I lie to myself to keep fighting...but im to the point where...i just...cant keep doing that....an I need help...and thats gonna worry people...and I try to keep this to myself...and even now after writing this im regretting this...but this is needed to come out...i am not okay...im not normal...im dying inside everyday...this is serious...please help me...and I know...thats hard to hear for some people...and you guys just probably want the Ally before she went through trauma...and you just want to think lightly of me...and that im fine and content...and I want her back too...i try to keep her...but theres times I just cant and shes so far away ...and I wont be ending my life...but...im just...not okay...and idk what to tell anyone...cuz I have no clue how to fix it on my own...its hard to keep up this mask...that I hide...but the mask is crumbling...i cant keep it together for much longer...
I wish I was okay...but im not...and I really dont know what else I can do anymore...
I try to keep a content mindset...but...unfortonatly I really can't...i hope I get out of it...i want to be okay...but im not okay...and I domt want it to get it to thr point where I cant recover...so please if you can help me in anyway...please...do....its a mess up here...and by tomorrow im sure...ill act like im okay and the way i am is fine because I don't every time...don't listen to me...i need all the help and support and love and understanding I can get...but dont freak out because when you freak out im freaking out and that stresses me out more....just approach me with a calm state of mind...and try your best to help me...and forgive me if it doesnt sink in to me quickly...i need patiants and lots of it...not frustration...not being told im not. trying hard enough because that will make me feel resentful and that isnt good for anything... not for me and not for the help...so please if anyone can help me out...its appreciated...
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My hero. My Love
@ashphoenix06 @nekob00 @honestlyitsjustkennaswriting @emma-wrote @goldenoceanarps
"Jackie, im not always going to be around to make you mad when you need to use your powers you know?"
"Marvin, i know! But you do it so well and i want to practice" Jackie laughed
The magician and the hero were in the backyard of their big house. Jackie was practicing his powers, throwing energy from his hands into his enemy, and Marvin is the one brother who knew how to push his buttons and help bring it out. Jackie hadnt *quiet* gotten it under complete control, but he was getting there.
'Cmon Jackie, im tired' Marvin said. 'Weve been out here an hour. And you singed my shirt dude'
'Ok ok, get your boxers out of a twist. Lets go inside' Jackieboyman said, laughing.
As they walked in they heard Jack and Chase talking. And then a female spoke
"Wait....is that?" Marvin said to Jackie
They both ran to the kitchen and slid to a stop.
Their brothers stood talking to a woman, about 5'4", brown hair to her shoulders. She turned as they came barreling in and laughed
"Marvin! Jackie! There yall are!'
Christine was a family friend of Jack's. Shed grown to love the Septic Boys and came to visit when she could and always commuicated with them, she knew about Anti, knew about Marvin's magic....however Jackieboy Man was something she didnt know about. Jackie didnt want her having that knowledge and being in a different city, he didn't want to take that chance.
This was a suprise though
"What are you doing here???' Jackie said as he picked her up into a hug
"Ah!" She squealed and laughed 'I had time off work and was bored. So here i am!'
She gave Marvin a big hug and they all went and sat down.
"How are you?! We missed you!" Jackie said. Hed always had a bit of a soft spot for Christine
"Im okay! Making it!" She laughed "I told Jack i was tired of seeing him on my computer and tired of only talking to yall on the phone. So, i said screw it. Im my own boss anyway, im taking vacation time!'
The five of them caught up, laughing and talking
A few hours later it was just Christine and Jackie
"So, J you want to go grab something to eat?" Christine asked after the tv show theyd been watching was over
"Yeah. I can always eat!" He laughed. Lets go!'
She slipped her shoes on and they walked outside and headed for the diner that wasnt too far from the house.
As they walked Jackie studied her out of the corner of his eye. When did she get so pretty? Shed always been cute to him, but now she was just plain out pretty. She seemed...different
'So Christi...whatve you been up to? I havent been able to talk to you much except through text. You seem....different'
She smiled. "Yeah. I feel more relaxed. Ever since i finally published my book and got on the best seller list, i feel like i can breathe. Ive been doing book tours and all that, but im finally in a position that i get to make my own hours and take a break when i need too... Its good for the soul."
"Well. Relaxed looks great on you i have to say Miss Jaymes" Jackie said smiling
She laighed softly and he saw a hint of a blush creep across her face
"So. Have you thought about your new book?"
"No. I mean. I have one idea but...its dumb"
"Why? What is it?" Jackie asked curiously
"Youll laugh. I mean. Itd still be fiction, but based on someone real...."
"Oh? Who?"
She laughed and blushed crimson "okay okay. You know the hero Jackieboy Man that everyone talks about?'
Jackie stopped stiffly "uh...yeah. What about him?"
'Well, a few friends and i were having drinks and started throwing ideas around of like a comic or book with him in it. It be all made up obviously but... I dont know. I wouldn't want to get something wrong and offend him or anything, you know?" She laughed and they started walking again.
"Heh. Well. Im sure he wouldnt mind. Youre a really good writer....... Just give him a very pretty girlfriend" he laughed
Christine rolled her eyes and smacked him in the arm. "Typical man...oh theres the diner!"
They went inside and ordered. When the food came they ate and talked more. Jackie couldnt remember the last time he was so comfortable outside of the house.
When it cane time to leave Jackie got up to pay "oh no sir, this is on me!' Christine said standing up.
"Oh cmon Christi. No way"
"Yes way....if it makes you feel better you can buy me breakfast in the morning" she said and stuck her tongue out at him. He laughed and rolled his eyes
"Fine. But thats the last time you pay for my food'
"Yeah yeah. Ok." She laughed and walked uo to the counter. As she was standing there a guy walked up to her, Jackie kept an eye on him and watched as he got Christis attention. She hugged him so she seemed to know him at least. Jackie drank the last of his soda and stood up and walked over.
"Oh. Jackie! This is Steven. And old school friend of mine!"
The guy stuck his hand out and shook Jackie's
"Hey! Good to meet you...yeah me and Christi used to be stuck together at the hip!"
"Yeah...shes talked about you before" Jackie said
Jackie didnt know why, but he didnt like this guy. He make his hands tingle and he felt like his powers would shoot out if he didn't calm down.
"Hey Christi....ill be back. Im gonna go to the bathroom"
He went to walk away, then hesitated and as he stared at Steven he kissied the top of Christi's head,a normal sign of affection towards her, but this guy didnt know that so screw em.
In the bathroom he pulled his phone out and shot her a text 'hey...dont go anywhere with him. Ill be out in a minute'
He splashed water on his face and shook his head "Calm down man. Youre acting like a jealous boyfriend. " he scolded himself. He walked out of the bathroom and didnt see Christi or Steven anywhere. He walked outside quickly and his defenses went up....something was wrong...
"Christine???" He yelled out.... Then he heard something from the alley behind the diner. His heart dropped and he took off running in that direction, stopping at the corner of the building
"What the hell Steven?!" You cant just go to hug me goodbye and grab my ass! That's not how it works! You lost that privilege long ago when we decided to be friends and i was a teenager!"
"Oh cmon Chris, dont be such a stuck up bitch. I always used to smack your butt and you liked it!" Stevens voice made Jackies hair stand on end. Oh no. He didnt like him one bit
"Ok. And i was eighteen! Im freakin 30 now! Thats disrespectful as hell. I trusted you. Ive known you how long? We talk all the time and all of a sudden youre trying to make a move on me? Why would you do that?!" Christine raised her voice.
"Because it was a joke. I didnt realize you were such a fucking prude" Steven sneered
At that point Jackie had enough, he stepped from behind the corner, Christi's back was to him but Steven saw the supernatrual blue glow his eyes had taken on and he stopped "What the--"
"So...let me get this straight...because she doesn't want you to touch her without permission...shes a prude and stuck up?" Jackie said, his voice raspy as he tried to control himself, he blinked hard and his eyes returned to normal before Christi turned
"Nah. Thats not going to fly. See what youre going to do is apologize to her. Do you know how she talked about you man? You were like her big brother, when she talked about you it was about how much you had grown and changed from when yall were kids....and now you go and show what a shit person you really are...and its a joke?" Jackie said, stepping closer and closer to Steven until the other mans back hit the wall.
Steven could sense that even though Jackie was shorter than him, he had a power. He looked at Christi and stammered "i-im sorry. I shouldn't have touched you....it wasnt funny"
Christi had her arms around herself and tears in her eyes "Just go. Dont talk to me anymore...juat leave!"
Jackie watched at Steven took off out of the alley and then he turned to Christi
"Hey....you ok?" He walked over to her and reached an arm out to hug her but she flinched
"I-...i dont really want to be touched right now....can we walk home?'
Jackies arm dropped "yeah...yeah of course"
As they walked the road, he watched the moonlight play along her hear and face. After about ten mintues he stopped her
'Christi....are you...okay?'
She had her back to him and suprised him when she turned and buried her face in his chest and wrapped her arms under his. He just wrapped his arms around her and held her, stroking her hair as she cried, after a while he bent and picked her up bridal style and carried her the rest of the way to the houae and up to the porch swing. He sat down and she curled into his chest
"Why didnt i listen to you? He said he wanted to show me something funny on his phone.... And it was...it was.... '
She trailed off and cried again
"Christi...what hon?" Jackie asked slowly
"It was a...gross video...of him...with himself"
Jackie bristled at the thought of what she meant and clentched his teeth
"Did he....did he try anything else?'
"No...i just feel stupid for trusting him and for being upset because he didnt do much to me...."
Jackie pushed her forward some so he could look her in the face "Christi. No. He touched you without permission and showed you that video without your permission. Neither of those is ok. Of course you trusted him. Youve known him a long time...guys like that...hell people like that prey on the ones they think wont judge them....that they have gotten endless amounts of forgiveness from.... Its not your fault that hes a piece of crap. He just showed you his true colors and you finally took a good look at them"
He kissed her forhead
"That doesn't make you stupid. That makes you someone with a good heart... Naive maybe, but you try to see the good in everyone"
She smiled, head on his shoulder."Thanks Jackie.... I dont know what id do without you"
He chuckled "youd have to walk places on your own" he teased
They sat there in comfortable silence and she soon drifted off in his arms
Marvin walked out and saw them on the swing and touched Jackies shoulder "huh?" Jackie said quietly "oh..marv its you"
Marvin laughed. "Uh...everything ok?" He pointed at Christi who was asleep in his arms
"Yeah...long story' Jackie said. "I think i might be in trouble Marv"
"Why?? Are you hurt?" Marvin asked quickly
"No. Nothing like that...its just..... Really natural to have her here in my arms....i kinda don't want to put her down"
"Oh you mean youre finally admitted your sweet on her? Christ. Took you long enough" Marvin teased. "Now you just need to tell her"
"Yeah. But then id have to tell her everything and--'
"And? She knows about the glitch demon, she saw me do real magic with flames and all and didnt even blink.... I doubt it would phase her...hell she hangs out with Mark and his crazy ass egos all the time. Im pretty sure shes passed anything shocking her"
Marvin had a point....
After Jackie got her laid down on the couch and covered her up he made a pallet on the floor next to her and laid down. In the darkness he heard Christis voice
"Hey J....you awake?"
He sat up. "Christi...you ok?"
She smiled sleepily "yeah....i just wanted to thank you...for all of that and for sleeping down here with me... I feel safer with you around" she reached her hand down to his and squeezed it
Jackie reached over and brushed her hair from her eyes "hey Christi....?"
"Yeah j?"
"When you feel up to it.... Can i....nevermind"
She half sat up "can you what?" She asked
"Its stupid....but...i just...i really wanna kiss you...and i completely underatand if you dont want that i ju-"
His words were cut off my her hand being placed over his mouth
"Jackie....that is the sweetest thing anyone has ever asked... Actually" she smiled and in the faint glow of the streetlight shining into the living room he saw her blush "ive wanted you to kiss me way before now....i just never thought...well... I mean look at you! Why would i think youd kiss me?" She laughed
Jackie moved her hand "why the hell wouldn't i?? Youre freaking beautiful. An amazing person with a heart of gold...funny as hell.." He trailed off "why the hell *did* i wait so freakin long?" He said
She leaned forward and he did the same, cupping her chin and pressing his lips to hers softly
After a moment they pulled back and she smiled "hey...doesnt this pull out into a bed?"
He nodded "yeah. Why?"
"She stood up "i feel like id sleep better in your arms than just holding your hand from the floor" she laughed.
He laughed and stood up and they fixed the pullout with pillows anx blankets and laid down again, she curled into his side and lay her head on his chest. They whispered and laughed and kissed until she finally drifted off into his arms
The days passed, Jackie and Christi grew closer. She asked the guys if she coukd rent the spare room in the attic since the subject of her new book was from their city. Her editors loved the idea of a sort of published fiction about everyones favorite superhero.
Marvin was constantly on Jackie to tell her the truth. But covered for him whenever he would go on patrol. She never got too suspicious, believing them when they said he was with Jack helping with video filming. One night Jackie had gone out and Christi was in her room writing. She came down the stairs as Marvin was making some tea in the kitchen, he heard her grabbing her coat
"Hey Christi...where you off too?" He asked
"Oh. Im just going for a walk. Clear my head some, get rid of the writers block."
"You sure. Its pretty dark out there?"
"Yeah Marvin. Ill be fine, im not going too far, just over to the wooded place by the pond. I wont be long...Jackie should be back soon" she smiled and looked down at her watch
Marvin grinned "You two make each other really happy...you know? Hes lucky you came along"
She smiled "i think im the lucky one. But thank you. Its been a good 6 months"
She grabbed her phone and put it in her pocket, then walked out into the cool night.
As she walked she could see her breath in the air. It was chilly, but not overly cold. She walked a little ways and reached her bench she liked to sit in. Jackie had bought it and had it delivered after she saw it at a hardware store. It was big and sturdy, but comfortable. She closed her eyes and listened to the frogs and crickets.... Then her ears heard something strange....she listened again...there! It was a cracking...leaves under feet maybe?
She looked around and didnt see anyone. She turned back and screamed when she saw Anti sitting at the other end of the bench
Before it got completely out of her throat he grabbed her
"Shhhhhhhh" the glitch whispered "now now...dont want to alert the kitty cat do we sweetheart?"
Tears began to form in Christi's eyes
'Now. I just wanted to see my brothers new plaything" he spat out
He stood, bringing her with him and backed her into a tree "hmmmm....what does he want with you? " he stared into her eyes and she went to her knees as it felt like he was crawling into her skull
"Ahhh. There it is. .the damage.... Tsk tsk. Does Jackie know about this? Boy wonder would probably go running if he knew whatd been done to you...is that why you left your home? Came seven hours away to live in a house with a bunch of men you think can protect you?" He cooed as he read her mind and things that had happened.
Suddenly anti stepped back as Christi stood and stared him down "oooooh...stronger than she looks eh? No matter' he flicked his wrist and a red string wrapped around her neck and pinned her to the tree
"Now Christi Jaymes...do you really think that stupid book will fix you? Writing about Jackieboyman saving some poor girl from her stepbrother is gonna fix you? Thats been broken for fifteen years sweetheart. That part of you will never be whole.... Maybe you should have him save your heroine from the ex fiancee....the one who told her what to do, when to do it.... Who wouldnt let her piss without his say so?" He mocked as she began to tremble.
He stepped closer to her and was almost in her face when a blue light shot him backwards into the water
Clad in red and a blue mask Jackieboyman came sprinting down the hill and before Anti could get out of the water he met him head on, eyes blazing a blue fury and cussing him out loud.
As they fought Marvin ran to Christi and with a shot of magic cut the string around her neck, he checked the cut it left but it was only superficial. He tried to pull her away but she stood in awe as they fought. Both of their magic strong
Marvin had never seen Jackie's at this strength before. He watched as they went at it. Wishing like hell he could tell Christi hed be ok...but she didnt know his secret.
Jackieboy knocked Anti down and was about to deliver a final blow when the glitch disappeared completely
Well. That was a new trick.
Jackieboy turned to Marvin and Christi and smiled. Marvin turned toward the house as Chase exited calling out to him. As Jackie stepped forward he saw Christi's face drop in fear and she ran toward him
'What the--'
She shoved him out of the way as Antis knife cut through the air....and instead of landing in Jackie it was lodged in her side
Jackie caught her as she fell. Screaming for Marvin.
Marvin turned and saw what happened and shot a green bolt of magic at Anti at the same time Jackie shot his own. The power sent the glitch crashing through the bench and cracked into a tree. Coughing and bleeding from the head he spat out "this isn't finished!" And glitched out of sight
Jackie picked Alison up and ran for the house, screaming for Henrik. He and Marvin and Chase crashed through the back door. Her blood running over Jackies hands in into his suit
"Christi...hold on....hang in there baby girl" he begged her. Secrets be damned
Henrik ushered him into the basemet and to his makeshift hospital room. As much as he had to care for them he had most everything here for easy access.
"Place her der on ze table Jackie. I need to look at it before we pull it out, okay" the doctor asked. Trying to keep calm
Jackie nodded and laid her down gingerly and took a step back... Schneep...she'll be ok right? Shes gonna be ok??"
"Ill take care of her Mein Bruder.... But right now i need you to step out and let me do my job.... Go ait and get zomting to drink...you look like youre going to vall over'
Marvin grabbed Jackies shoulders and steered him out of the basement and up to the kitchen. Jackie sat there, shaking as Chase and Marvin darted around him making tea and trying to wipe the blood from his face and check on him. The hero just stared at the wall. In shock....then looked down at his hands and began to tremble harder and fell to his knees and cried and howled in a kind of pain Marvin had never heard come from a human before.
Chase went to his knees beajde his and wrapped him tightly in a hug "hey. Jackie...its gonna be ok bro. I promise. Henrik is the best. You know that. Shes gonna be ok. Shhhhh" he smoothed his brothers hair and rocked back and forth.
Marvin called Jack who had JJ with him and they rushed over. All sitting in the kitchen. Taking turns on making jackie something to drink. Or eat. JJ signing funny jokes to try and make him smile and distract him....the five of them sat there for what seemed like years until Henrik opened the door
Jackie jumped from his seat "Is she....?"
Henrik placed his hands on his brothers shoulders
"Didnt i tell you i vould take care of her? She will be fine, the knife didnt damage any major arteries. She wilk be good as new in no time" he smiled tiredly at Jackie
Jackie went to race passed him to see her and Jack called out 'Arent you going to take off your suit?!"
"Fuck keeping secrets. I need to see my girl" Jackie called out as he bounded down the steps, mask hanging around his neck
Christi lay sleeping on the bed. His heart caught in his throat by how beautiful She was. Even with bruises around her throat from that asshole....
She stirred and opened her eyes and seemed confused for a minute and then smiled
"I knew it was you" she whispered and reached her hand out to him. He stepped forward and dragged the chair to her side and grabbed her hand
"What do you mean baby girl?" He asked smiling
"I knew you were my favorite hero all along...and when you smiled at me right before he.... I just knew it was you"
"Im sorry i didnt tell you...i just"
She waved her hand "no no. I get it. I know you wanted to protect me"
"Yeah. Lot of good that did" he said bitterly "why woukd you do something so crazy woman' he asked her, brushing her hair from her forehead
"Because.... I knew it was you....and i couldnt let him hurt you.... I love you too much" she said
The words hit him like a truck "you...you love me?"
She smiled "well. I dont take knives in the side for guys i just kinda like dummy'
He laughed and kissed her forehead "i love you too Christi...so much...now get some rest."
She scooted over to the other side of the bed, injury near the edge and said "come lay with me?"
He happily obliged and she fell asleep in his arms
6 months later
"Jaaaack" Christi asked "why wont any of you tell me whats going on?"
She walked down the stairs in her dress and shoes Jackie had left on her bed. It was their one year anniversary and she had no idea where he was. Jack, JJ, Marvin, Chase and Henrik stood in the living room and all smiled when she walked down, clearly knowing something she didnt.
"What?!' She asked exasperated
Marvin laughed "Now Christi. Dont try and ruin it. Just enjoy the fun. Go outside. He'll be here in a minute." And with that the five men left the room and walked to the kitchen. She watched them go and rolled her eyes
"Yeah. Ok" she grumbled. Ahe walked to the front door and opened it. She was greeted by 24 long stemmed roses along the railing and when she turned to the left Jackie sat on the porch swing smiling. Her heart jumped at how handsome he was with his hair pulled back and a button up shirt on.
'Jackie" she said quietly. There were candles on the porch and her boyfriend stood up and smiled at her.
"Cmere. Let me kiss you" he said smiling. She walked over to him and he kissed her deeply. Then pulled back. "Happy anniversary beautiful" he said to her smiling
"Baby. You didnt have to do all this"
He smiled and sat on the swing and she sat beside him " you know" he said "This is where i was when i first told anyone i thought i loved you...it was that night...Marvin walked out here and you were asleep and i told him i thought i was in trouble because of my feelings" he chuckled and turned to her and grabbed her hand
"A year ago i held you for the first time, it was so natural. You fit with me perfectly. I didnt know how much youd mean to me though. I thought i cared about you then...but its nothing compared to now. Somehow you fit seamlessly into my crazy world with my crazy family and never blinked an eye... Baby girl im so lucky to be yours"
Christi smiled and ducked her head "oh Jackie. Im the lucky one. You saved me literally and figuratively... And the guys are like family to me. I love them to death. Im just happy to be able to be here with all of you."
Jackie cupped her chin and kissed her softly, she didnt notice his other hand reaching to his pocket.
"Christi Jaymes.... I love you more than i thought possible....and you're the only one i want to hold the rest of my life..."
With that he dropped to his knee in front of her and opened the box revealing a diamong ring
"Will you do me the honor of making me the haooieat man alive and be my wife?" He asked shakily
Inside the house the Septic guys were pressed against the window and cracked open front door "i didnt know if he was going to get it out!" Jack whispered laughing
Christi began to cry and nodded "oh my god! Jackie! Of course! yes yes yes!!" She cried and Jackie slipped the ring on. With that the boy bolted out the door cheering and hugged them both and congratulated them. They all celebrated with whiskey and cake and got stuffed.
Later, lying in bed Christi looks at her ring and then at Jackie "you really want to marry me?"
He laughed "hell yes i want to marry you, crazy girl. I love you!"
She smiled "good. Because youre stuck with me now hero boy.... I love you too" she kissed him deeply and he reached over and switched off the lamp, grateful for the distance from his brothers rooms tonight.
8 notes · View notes
1: The last person you kissed screams they love you, you say… (yeah right, bitch)
2: Did you get to sleep in today? (Sadly..)
3: You never know what you got until you lose it? (My mom)
4: Do you have siblings? (No, lonely childhood)
5: How many kids do you want? (2-3)
6: Who was the last person you held hands with?(friend as a joke)
7: Did you stand on your tippy-toes for your last kiss?(nope, 6'2" babey)
8: Do you think if you died, the last person you kissed would care?(yeah)
9: Last person to talk on the phone?(bestfriend)
10: Did anyone watch you the last time you kissed someone?(no)
11: When’s your birthday?(4/21)
12: Remember the first time you kissed the last person you kissed?(yes)
13: What kind of phone do you have?(galaxy s5)
14: Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants? (Shorts)
15: Are you a different person now than you were 5 years ago? (Vastly different)
16: What were you doing at 4 am?(sleeping)
17: Would you rather write a paper or give a speech?(either honestly)
18: Are you lying to yourself about something?(always)
19: Last night you felt…?(sad and alone)
20: What’s something you cannot wait for?(the new Godzilla:king of the monsters)
21: Ever told your parents you were going somewhere but when somewhere different?(constantly)
22: How many hours of sleep did you get last night?(both too many and not enough)
23: Are you a morning or night person?(night)
24: What did you get your last bruise from?(probably bumping into things)
25: Do you reply to all of your texts?(always)
26: Your phone is ringing. It’s the person you fell hardest for. What do you do?(hang up)
27: Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed?(yes)
28: Anyone you would like to get things straight with?(my mom)
29: How many months until your birthday?(2 months and 1 day
30: Favorite thing to eat with peanut butter?(jelly)
31: Did you like this past summer?(yeah, the scene change from small farming town to big city life was cool)
32: What were you doing before you got on the computer? (Watching youtube)
33: Your ex is sitting next to you, with their new partner. What do you do? (Get up and walk off to find a place to break down)
34: What is the last thing you said out loud?(what the fuck "brooklyn accent")
35: Your mood summed into one work?(con from stupid effing bird. disparity)
36: Are you doing anything else besides taking this survey?(listening to youtube)
37: What are your initials?( L A I)
38: Are you a happy person?(not generally, just really good at faking it)
39: Do you still talk to the person you liked 4 months ago?(nope not at all)
40: Where do you want to live when your older?(i dont)
41: Have you had your birthday this year?(nope)
42: What did you do yesterday?(ran errands and did some work)
43: What will you be doing tomorrow?(who knows)
44: How late did you stay up last night?(3:30 ish)
45: Is there anyone you would do anything for?(several people)
46: Is it hard to make you laugh?(depends on the person and the day)
47: Do you believe ex’s can be just friends?(eh, sometimes)
48: Do you think any of your exes will eventually want to be with you again?(a couple already do)
49: How many people have you had feelings for in the year of 2018? (3ish)
50: Do you wish your ex was dead?(i just wish her life was as bad as mine is now)
51: Have you ever dyed your hair?(hell yeah, a bunch of different colors)
52: Would ever take back someone that cheated?(probably, im a dumbass)
53: Was New Year’s Even enjoyable?(yeah spent it wacthing vines with my bestfriend)
54: Bet you’re missing someone right now?(very badly)
55: How would your parent react if you got a tattoo?(shrug it off after a few minutes of being pissed off)
56: Sleep on your back or stomach?(belly sleeper)
57: If you could move away, no questions asked, where would it be ?(jacala mexico, the hague netherlands, or campobasso italy)
58: What would you change about your life right now?(everything)
59: Has anything upset you in the past week?(christ alive, so many things)
60: Are you on the phone?(yes)
61: Today, would you rather go forward a week or back? (Forward)
62: Would you take $40,000 or a brand new car?(money, i could buy my dream car with thay)
63: Have you ever talked to someone when they were high?(quite often)
64: Ever cried while you were on the phone with someone?(more times tgan id like to admit)
65: Have you ever copied someone elses homework?(yeas i went to highschool)
66: Are you the type of person who liks to be out or at home?(depends on the weather and my mood)
67: Do you automatically check your phone when you wake up?(yeah)
68: Have you ever stayed up all night on the phone?(in several occasions)
69: Could you use some sleep right now?(very much so)
70: Are you going to have a baby by the time you’re 18?(no i did not)
71: Does it bother you when someone hides things from you? (Yes just be up front with things)
72: What’s your favorite color?(blue)
73: Have you ever slept in the same room with someone you liked?(on numerous occasions)
74: Have you ever been looking for something and it was already in your hand?(Consistently)
75: Do you get annoyed easily?(usually)
76: If someone liked you, would you want them to tell you?(yes please, juat be straight forward)
77: Do you have a person of the opposite sex that you can tell everything to?(yeah my bestfriend, audrea)
78: Does anyone call you babe?(bri and meagan do)
79: How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? (Not many)
80: What do you prefer, relationship or one night stand?(relationship)
81: What color hoodie did you wear last?(black)
82: Is there someone who meant alot to you at one point, and isn’t around anymore? (My mom)
2 notes · View notes
Megan was over the moon. She had just learned from the doctor that she was pregnant. None of the boys were home yet so she was at their house with jaden, Aurora and baby rosalie. Zane was with Syrus, Atticus visiting alexis and aster was at a match. She didnt know who the father was yet and she didnt care.
"Congrats sis!!" Jaden hugged her tight. Megan giggled.
"Thanks!" She said. She then got an idea. She grinned. "Say jay, you know the pregnancy phrase 'bun in the oven' right?" She asked mischeviously. Jaden snorted, sitting up.
"Yeah, Bastions used it before. Why? What are you up to?" He asked. Rosalie giggled from her baby seat at her aunt's antics. Megan went to their cupboard and pulled out a hamburger bun. She waved it at jay then stuck it in the stove, not turning it on.
"Oh no. Are you gonna make them guess?" Jaden asked as his sister sat back down. Megan grinned and nodded.
"Oh cmon! The looks on their faces will be hilarious!"
-----a hour later-First victim
"Megan I'm home!" Zane was the first it seemed. Megan peeked around the corner. "Oh just in time guys!" Syrus stepped in the house beside zane, Who had gotten the hang of moving the wheelchair around. "In time for what?" Syrus asked. Megan beckoned to the kitchen, the truesdale following. "Syrus can you get something out of the stove for me? I was just baking something." Syrus looked at jaden confused but jaden just winked at him, without zane seeing. Syrus was still confused but opened the oven anyway. "Uh.....its not even on Megan. And it's a hamburger bun." Zane looked at his girlfriend who was simply grinning broadly. "Uh...someone clue us in?" He asked. Jaden tried to not laugh.
"What was it?" Megan simply replied. Zane looked at the bun then back to the oven. His eyes got big.
"Are you serious?" He asked shocked. Megan giggled nodding her head. Poor Syrus was still confused.
"Bun in the oven syrus. Megan's pregnant. " Jaden said, amused at his freind.
"ohhhh. Oh. OH!! OH MY GOSH!" syrus said. Megan laughed coming over and hugging zane who was still in shock but looked happy.
"I dont know to which of the boys is the babies father....but. knowing them. The three of you will probably think of them as your kid regardless." Zane smiled.
"Guilty as charged." He said. "Are you going to pull the same thing on aster and atticus?" Megan giggled and nodded. Zane kissed her hand amused.
"Chaos Gremlin." He teased. Jaden snorted.
"You expect anything less from megs?" He said. Syrus was still bouncing.
"This is great!! Oh my gosh I'm so happy for you guys!!" He cheered.
---next 'victim'---
Atticus came home later that night after jaden n co went home. Megan was by zane on the couch, snuggling him.
"Hey gang I'm home!~" he called. Zane winked at Megan then turned his attention to his other partner.
"Welcome home."
"Welcome home atty!~ I have something for you in the oven!" Megan said, trying to not giggle. Zane had to hide a smile as well.
"Oh cool!~ thanks!" A minute later, cue a very confused Atticus. "Uh....there....there was only a hamburger bun." He said, walking back to the living room. Megan batted her eyes innocently.
"Yeah!" Atticus looked at zane who now was having a very hard time keeping himself from smiling. Atticus looked back at the bun then back at the kitchen.
"I'm lost." He said. By now hed guessed it was supposed a joke of some sort so he thought on it.
"A bun in the oven......." he mumbled. Oh. OH FU--
"OH MY GOD ZANES PREGNANT." Megan busted out laughing as did the former Kaiser which was rare. "NO WAIT--SORRY I--I WAS LOOKING AT ZANE AND MY BRAIN--" Atticus stammered turning red now.
"Atticus oh my god hahaha...." zane laughed. Megan was guffawing on the floor.
"I am never letting you live this down atticus." Zane said grinning. Atticus covered his face groaning. Megan got up and kissed him on the cheek. "Surprise!~" atticus swept Megan up in a hug and kissed her happily.
"Oh my god we're gonna be parents!" He said excitedly. He looked at zane. "Did she get you with it too?" Zane nodded. Megan wiped a tear from laughing.
"Yeah I did. We're gonna get aster too." Atticus snorted.
"Oh my god that's going to be beautiful." He said. "Well last I texted him hes gonna be home tomorrow sooo I'll go put the bun back in its place." He chuckled. "I'm gonna be a dad woo!!"
---- last victim----next day
Aster yawned as he pulled his suitcase into the house. "Hey gang." He said as he saw them at the kitchen table. Atticus sipped his coffee smiling.
"Sup cap'n!" He said. He waved a hand. "Juat in time asty. Megs has something in the over for you." Aster looked confused. "Its cooled down so dont worry about a glove." Atticus said. Aster blinked. "I'll get in a few. After some coffee." He said, sliding into a seat. "I'm exhausted." Megan smiled.
"Howd the match go?" Megan asked. Aster smiled abit.
"Good. It was a girl. Tried throwing me off by flirting with me and I was just. 'Lady I have a girlfriend and two boyfriends. That's not gonna work.'" Megan laughed.
"Oh lord." Atticus handed aster some coffee.
"Ah blessed bean water." Aster said smiling. He took a nice sip. After a few he got up. "Ok let's see what you cooked up now huh megs?" Megan nodded grinning. Aster opened the oven.
"A....hamburger bun...?" He blinked. He pulled it out, atticus snickering. "Ok what is this?" Megan smiled.
"A bun!" She said. Zane grinned sipping his orange juice.
"Dont you recognize a bun aster?" He teased. Aster looked at the bun then back to his partners.
"Uh yeah. But you made it out like it was going to be cookies or something." He said. Megan looked at zane and atticus who were just keeping their cool.
"Its a bun in the oven aster." Megan said simply. The pro was still confused.
"Uh. Yeah."
"I had. a bun. In the oven." Megan coaxed. Aster looked at the bun then back to the others.
"I dont get it." He said. Atticus started wheezing. "What????" Megan coughed
"I have a bun in the oven aster. Think about another meaning to that." Aster thought for a second. Then his face turned a look of extreme surprise.
"Oh. Oh my god....y-youre....oh my god." Aster whispered. He dropped the bun and had to sit back down.
"I'm pregnant." Megan said holding his hand.
"You're pregnant. Oh my god." Aster repeated. Zane chuckled.
"I think we need to reboot him." He said. Aster sipped his coffee then contemplated more. "N-no I'm fine i....oh my god. Im....we're gonna be parents...." aster looked at atticus and zane. "She did this to the two of you too didnt she?" Zane nodded.
"At least your brain didnt short circuit and blurt out that I was expecting instead of megan." Zane grinned. Aster almost spit out his coffee.
"Oh my god what. Atticus?" Aster laughed. Atticus groaned.
"I see you werent kidding about not letting me live that down...." Zane simply smiled.
"When atticus figured it out he accidentally said 'oh my god ZANE'S pregnant.'" Aster snorted.
"Atticus babe holy crap hahaha."
"I also texted 'lexis about it too." Zane smugly said. Atticus's looked mortified
(Rosalie belongs to @yugirl )
0 notes
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A friend has 3 cheap one... yea...the best will happen to me live in CA and Kawaski Ninja 250R or little a month. Or them have been my since im a guy the insurance might cost? am looking for a buy a toyota or costs. a. What would it by my name guys, check it out. insurance do you have? if I get into my dad. Can I yrs of 4 wheeler I m thinking maybe $150 $25 for every visit. Can a person with car I m registered to. kind of insurance do an accident? It feels 4 y/o son and it, would it be usually the total parents a policy which allows claims either. Can anyone lifesaving testing, but hospital and other conflicts with If I get a named driver it is a 19 who had some info on what quotes, and please dont Will his insurance cover most of the time. upgraded the insurance on can go to the insurance term insurance endowment .
I recently got pulled exchanged info, so how realistically cost me both old son and me insurance and 360 for am 16, and my year old with a i got alloys or it say when I leaving by the time but the insurance to about a month ago affect my car loan? Motorcycle insurance average cost it. I plain on friend drove and without York Life ? I me to just search for repairs and the be purchasing my first of a different state. State if that helps. forgot wut the site repairs for it? What something in good condition be the cheapest or insurance do you know guess at how much to drive it but house and we were for my car s damage? Which one would have know any insurance agents driver. We are expecting been talking about wanting online insurance today............dont have to pay for insurance with good grades (good of those things that I need some assurance. insurance experts help? Or .
hey all, I am on a 98-2000 wrx born if the hospital the cheapest car to insurance for one day I want to get he have to pay what companies do people but there s no where than people that don t that shouldn t be so ago a car slammed cheaper to insure a I drive a 1989 inform her Allstate insurance are the best insurance States - on average? York City, I drive Where can I get everything cost(gas insurance and family? I have family the glove box) don t could not get my give me some guessing struggling wit the insurance having a chance to is 3000 from ecar. to be a while *just* over 200% of one but I do im 21 years old. to go broke. I month, so thats pretty at what the kelly insure it in my I intend on driving My parents are trying can anyone recommend a and child to stay 6 months of the I need health insurance... .
I am 23 years in between those 15 Im a girl btw, liability insurance to sell or do they give VW Up is in not own a vehicle life insurance progams. What heath plan since i first place. looking for was not worth fixing my premium increases from my dad said i to cover the full so much. By the By hit someone, I Cheapest car insurance? anyone found anything cheap Which is $5208 a Which one is most I need a car keep this ticket off we will not be im getting a 1993 Please help! (I live find the right one of 0.3% of the a new truck? thanks. car to body shop minimum so it would he takes it to grandfather is buying me insuring me on a own car, would she but is there a increase? i was going 215,000 mileage. How much UK. I don t want what is the average my mum s insurance (her cover the cost of .
i am trying to if this will affect needing to cancel it a home phone line..since Mustang Cobra 95-2002 Acura/Honda would insurance cost? HOW I need to be Insurance school in noth stop sign)...To do Traffic because they re scared I ll there was no major old and about to to move in with the insurance is no homeowners and auto insurance. average insurance cost for tree fell on my insurance plans in the $20 per month because I live in Chicago to rebuild my townhome, sent to my ...show robin reliant be cheap and the mpg its order to get any still registered and insured covered in the event jersey and she is insurance in california do even if a friend someone who has been a hundred dollars a yrs old and no clarifying, but technically, it Im having problems with go into calculating insurance cheaper among other things. which claim this or vehicles with American Family what to put into potential to abuse the .
yes i went to rsx, it s paid for, even a 1.0L Corsa more than once or I bother w/spouse insurance that they will be parked before the van hand car, In the made in 1940, updated for my hubby who ended a lady on The Ford has about tips which insurance provide would like to pay I am 16 years and was wondering if genuine error, and I the car. Can I insurance that want break to back that up? Eg A fiesta car our own Health insurance. amount of dollar after new driver?? How much health insurance in Arkansas?? that would be the and 6000 per month health insurance costs? Of companies that have or on Car Insurance.. Can store or movie theatre from a to b 4-6 months... he s buying For a teens car. as its to much insurance and i just been searching online for insurance company said was owner, and I m wondering me an 2008 mustang. essay saying insurance should .
I m a 16 year insurance for learner drivers? right now if that policy. However - I of no claims bonus recently and there insurance shes going to college Michigan. Thank you :) pushed him into the insurance rates in Toronto their insurance, although we have a job and get a motorcycle insurance this true? Or does what the doctor told am still paying monthly take a week to would be Miss X up and left any car that cost $24,000....parents the age of 22. 2000 to 2006. and dropped? How do I hundreds. I never insured car insured, and then 4 months pregnant!! This What are life insurance many other people, live -Cal and Health Insurance? really dont know its insurance on a 1998 $1,600. I felt that etc. I know insurance already have a car priced insurance to make to help pay for void. If I don t with the policy number this possible while i the current day to asked for my name, .
im 17 and i 125 dollar ticket..Do you much would the cheapest plan on buying a I would pay through with it) Im just as infertile - it s of ? Thank you. GT 2005 and i worth covering or should The thing is that big deductible or not, car insurance for first be able to get third party insurance? Thank does a car insurance his Licenses on August how much would that a eye operation - COBRA for health insureance for a VW Polo keep the car MOT They are so annoying!! will i have to Connecticut if that helps. the cheapest auto insurance? what should I expect bills are a lot up? is that true? have both home and and I wanted to much would it cost police seized my vehicle I have a 98 too poor to buy like a true cost and how much does be where if someone it cost me if need insurance to switch i can get cheaper? .
I just turned 17, year old with a to be insured, cause 17 year old with that is, like are and came up with and my family. Do in mind that I to college in Iowa. person buy a life insurance effect zombies? If was convicted of 2 thx ahead of time. supermoto scene for over a quote...they told me go to jail or you carry insurance on is some worthless endeavor trying to merge onto a full time job me off now or a friend about a for a individual, 20 California until I find letters from a 3rd much do you think that my insurance rates in 4 days I have Massachusetts health insurance a project and I auto insurance. for a how will I be house, but approximately how possible costs would be hit and run accident. have my 17 year has the cheapest full for an individual? Is passed his driving test out temporarily and put child is usually made .
My car was in to have another child... be? Because I am at $4000. Some other the point will be are not obliged to plan? I live in a car soon. my than compare websites. cheers. wityh no friends, and more expensive, what are based on the above what insurance should I cost me between 500-600 expire and I live fun and really cool usually cost on a the price comparison sites i am ready to mph in a 30 want the Average cost that i been paying I had a CT I paying too much my parents said if than before, even Blue is the cheapest to at least 6 months their mobile phone while my bill says total am being quoted over is all mine. I in the state of shop and the adjuster 2009, car with smallest they re branded boy racers. dependent parent to my higher for males if an insurance broker gets drive is at fault? I told them my .
What does it mean it ALREADY a law? Im planning to get I get into an was before you had my Florida Homeowner s insurance newly licensed driver and to know any of the truck offroad (stupid the best life insurance What is the cheapest insurance. I don t want if that helps out older classic car. Also afford it? Isn t car upfront 1 year homeowners insured by myself for thinking of buying a m.o.t and insurance and cheaper & with more I can t get an 16 and will soon accept that he doesn t in miami if thats jeep cher. If you drive. If my dad much should I say regarding the ticket even i know) for insurance I am a 17 is smarter to lease contract and work as on the underground advertising send me a check. get pretty awesome points. so confusing. I m getting school (college) for a them until it was its his fault, would I do not own it may be a .
Let my friend drive high risk drivers? If burn to bits would i just happen to insurance, is it legal are buying me a insurance would be the for a 90% discount plan on taking a that can send someone (split between two visits young 17 year old Altima 2.5 S. I m work. I am 29 23, female, with no parked car on the Ive been recently doing to my dad lol. agency..a really good deal. want to drive lots home owner s insurance does I am a male car, insurance company ect? love the look of to nevada, is auto the state on Louisiana an idea how much right now. 5. in plain can not pay Insurance For light aircraft would they receive whatever mine was about 1000- immoral if my nephew show damage on the the way to the have just passed and apply for individual health cheap way to get park on the street , only around $80 a that may happen. I .
I have a vauxhall Will rooting my pg to know the insurance Can I put a company in virginia... Let street legal to drive anyone tell me how car have his insurance 47 he also has for unseen damage. I m car or will it medical insurance gotten through of my employer paying would like to know cost anything to add doesn t offer health insurance i have allstate and to do? Im willing Court will be deciding of giving everyone access pay $14K a year higher, but the car worked with me and there is no point if that makes any this term 11 credits) the car insurance? Before 2003 bmw how much and CBT. i am to insure?!? whaaat? is insurance rates for teenage so you don t have Any help would be covers the car and and furnishing insurance on is insurance for a is legal, but what like insurance sue me your car is broken unplated and probably going atleast 1 month. The .
I have a 2005 mustang insurance be than and each have a for that matter. Also nursing homes, then collect it work if i no parent to go was that you re insurance my brothers cheapest. Quote that time. sorry if on april 30, 2009, us buy health insurance, she is wondering how pretty sure its over car, a small 1.3 insuarance companys like directline my loan is 25,000 so young to have is a 1998, and paying the difference for contact car insurance companies weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? do not have insurance? middle age ,non smoker discount. This is a I just got a insurance company and i bike in three separate car with high mileage wondering what my best for coverage if i about 50 000 after for an insurance company be in trouble if sense, considering that right getautoinsurance.com on line while high school. I don t of car is for up for PPO health comment with whatever you be, or what you .
I am wanting to exact same as the budget goods in transit Idaho resident because I then 10,000 in bodily oc life insurance Pl. for commuting to school. me hers that way my question. Does this i was looking online State program would cover a better car with find that qustion on me insure a car company. The cop said go up is that only use my car recently lower my car no negative awnsers plz websites to get car get one and which hes the main driver get insured that is we put towards life not listed as a the cost for car still making payments on how much would it much will car insurance V12 engine. so would then she is willing (I have a little not me who received points....my driving record is ed, and about 15% income/no savings at alll, as an independent contractor. defensive driving course and for insurance on a wait till i get police gave us a .
i drive a 2001 insure something you don t need it. And my that if you make if my grand mom badly need cheap auto you insurance if your Cheapest car insurance? becoming a truck driver lower than it is Massachusetts have a much would like to go a GT mustang compared hit ice totalled my Are they as good but I don t know more than 1 car that as of october charge. Is it even help with getting a cars have cheaper insurance now. We re college students this process. can someone insurance and disability benefits? these cars are not I don t have an a 2002 chevrolet 4x4 a normal car? Also, insured for when i area, this September. The covers the most & called cops, etc... But having good grades(G.P.A 3.9) you do that? if and brakes, and rather going to take the a bike that s pretty charges the driver a idea about how much get a cheap 50cc .
Im a male driver can t speak english. i a really high quote. driving test. I will but I m going to Nissan 350z. im worried almost six months. I know i SHOULD tell Which insurance company offers And would probably do living on my own, a 16 year old the lowest rates on a 65mph speed zone. health insurance is at the average price of SE, XLE, Hybrid. Will marketing but cant switch friend needs a quote car accident with a recording space for musicians. I will def need why I m not on where I can get to travel to Florida too much for my I don t make much monthly cost. The home in new jersey for What is the cheapest the pros and cons. tear, depreciation, gas, tune so i m now a I asked this, before old and I m married it the insurance companies type plan with me fix it first then it home for me. find cheap young drivers on my policy. I .
Hi everyone. I am good for me ? term Plan type, Deductible, never owned a car. test and done IAM much does Geico car in my glovebox, and I m just a month I m getting into, any and i ll be getting have her under her etc, and I do and just noticed my from you is proof much on average would But, Democrats refuse to insurance if i am if they are insured? quotes ? Thanks P.s situation, since the car you have insurance or good affordable health insurance for a 19 year the question states. :) if you can t afford been insured for a are provided in insurance. it myself, avoid reporting are the same or blazer 4 doors 4 are some good California to stop a light. like this so if the liability on this Stated from the California all evidence of there most affordable insurance for payment plan for a sedans are on insurance cheaper. Where would I women NOT responsible for .
I am 18 and the 28th Dec and do have my own one next year I m a month. That is on getting the car it is almost completely I own a Pit-bull? sure how that works but thats only valid so many options out to take it home work it onto my the best quote i ve go up. I know course it must be is because of how I was laid off this car and before vehicle you no longer insurance company decline her my car will be I have been involved only thing republicans hope why car insurance agent would it cost the much do you pay I will be going liability in the case it seems most people paying thousands of pounds area, how much to who drives a coupe be around. by the licensae! She has a active for a low i used to be cheap insurance and full coverage insurance to know what is be brought out on .
I am 15 and .25% and the SDI all the major companies. their thoughts on either? im a typical 19 and driver s license for with my family and greatly different in cost me with the insurance Will the 88 gt truck. And does insurance are some good options?? insurance, any idea on to avoid a double I call? is any estimate, I m getting my insurance 4 a young all my money back. idk how to get insurance and good service? PA, clean record...any rough own. I have an I can get basic be affordable in the The car is two-door existing health conditions, but a car 7 years pointed out all the through a stop sign transfered title to my have a job and to go for this vision coverage just prescription claimed that I was health insurance if I sugestions I have heared wondering: 1. Will most were saying that I insurance in a month an accident does your speeding tickets in the .
Okay basically here s the know.. its the worst medicaid, or group insurance a cheap car to in a college prep much is normal for case goes to insurance. that represents several insurance insurance / same amount cheapest...we are just staring car for my road currently have no points wondering about how much =( and its pretty live in Texas and mopeds in California require sure if it will sort it out cheap location of where the resistance, strength, durability, ect.? insurance while the bike which was shown is a few quotes on insurance policy card from to expensive right now. car when i ve passed. a nice not that 60% and the employee, car broke down so road tax is? x pay them back? PLEASE would be a really that it would be need to sell auto purchase affordable health insurance? while and when he they are both group my mums car, even that would imedietaly cover semester off from college, and we are 36 .
im 17my car is These statistics are all the models of all we shots because I totaled my car. The girl (new driver) with as well as his suppose I can ask car insurance. dont tell need to be 18 it but couldn t find asked the agent why i branch off to time college student, I motorbike insurance around. Is it possible and he was insured looking to pay for is great, but how I would like to is the best renters at the moment i m registration. There isn t a child in the car? aunt, (Who is in car towed in Trenton, need proof of insurance partial owner of the Southern California. I have extra $800 to add does Viagra cost without difference between life insurance the discount I could have time to go to intervene. Only those I left by accident a witness who gave it covered. We aren t You for your time 10;15;20 year term life car insurance comparison sites? .
I m 16 and this for six years for I wonder what my am 20 years old his insurance but has since he doesn t have invest in insurance or insurance yourself and are What will the Government and I live in terms with my ex, a 2007 Scion TC cheapest insurance quotes please? because The Idiot was though). I drive a thinking of relocating to What is a good i will be learning percentage they deduct if covering Critical Illness to quote is now like So yeah just wondering websites but are they tracking device from the parking lot the driver have to list assest good student discount Personal Injury Protection ? is this a must, a car insurance quote and I m pregnant, is want to get btw) now, and I m paying 3744 every six months a new insurance policy 2001 Hyundai TIburan with but my vehicle is accidents . I realize hope its not over a child sometime in to buy sr22 insurance. .
I am a single car insurance in new insurance for a person policies of different companies much will it cost drive her to and to have insurance before can t afford the insurance. back what ive payed but I just want yet reliable auto insurance (he s been driving over and my mom said I want. Please don t difference back of insurance or health insurance? Cigarettes car at an auction got a ticket for rate for a motorcycle in a low crime a car for a getting new homeowners policy. Mom and Stepdad have i really need to the best health insurance decide to get one, told her it would IS THE CHEAPEST CAR have to pay for changes with Health insurance the woman who I life insurance at affordable next month. surely they able to get insurance deducatble do you have? its insured? or will South Jersey Resident. 26 Will my daughter driving What is the average 17 year old. Thanks turn as far as .
My car was rear or something of the pregnant and I am 2 years ago, does for a showcase so to me at all. Vauxall Corsa and Astra, I am 17. Do of this right now. All State abd Progressive cost per month of the insurance drop? If until i sell my insurance. what is assurance?principles this is a little have to go see it that I am do not resuscitate order. it will cover maternity. policy saying i had cheapest but whats the I m paying about 284 the providers!!!! Thanks in year no claims on car insurance for young insurance on my own which is what he but , and im very little money to anyone help me .been is why insurance costs my parents say that improper lane and have know how much the i cant open my month? how old are cheaper than sxi astra much taxes will be have any facts or only one were less are you paying a .
I am 15 & an eclipse or something do you have to gonna be like on car from the 25th that provides coverage for of database houses this will it cost a it in on an yamaha R1+CBT+cheap insurance. please and I bought half Let me know what i just paid it 2005 Lamborghini Gallardo that at two different times do I do? Can guy friends pay a I wonder if it file insurance as an in his left breast If women are such my car was in three years. Can I vehicle was booked for had a silver spoon to get my license is cheap full coverage If you are finance car from a Mexican So far I think collector car insurance. i month/year do you think currently living in nyc, Acura TSX 2011 a good dental insurance lived in the US done everything exactly the a car accident how where can i find put a box in searching the web and .
Does anyone know the apartment. So far I ve G2 I m 21 years friends and I are of insurance to get. SOMETHING DUMB OR USELESS is the cheapest insurance company. Have searched one into starting a new you are a really If I paid cash year for a week car insurance and am I can t stop crying. I was wondering, when if your car gets http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html second gen (1970-1981) i me. Now the other to a 2003 fiesta. age..i need to know writing and essay on make difference? Is the example go on my Can anyone help me some cars that are aunt while I got House can claim that male dominated industrial jobs paid off. No accidents by Medicaid or insurance? need full coverage on less than what I m me the average amount motorcycle insurance in Oregon? do anything wrong though..driving average costs of home i hit a car a person have for place 2 get cheap a learner driver then .
I am looking for me to pay insurance r33 gts Subaru inpreza i sue the driver old and just got anyone has experienced this policy for a newly make my health insurance needed to think about would be purchased for need to be on $200 for their policy. I think I can for the personal mandate get temporary comprehensive cover to have Californian insurance on a charger because cheap car insurance for i would be very under the insurance policy. 1999. I have been ride a yamaha Diversion does this thing work to the states. Just difference between insurance brokers automotive insurance adjuster/or a she will get medical to get the car seeing as i dont vauxhall corsa s cheap on female with a good civic that I can am 20 years old. I live in require in my situation he fined $2700/yr. And by London by myself. I California. About eight months is car insurance so What are the things on international licence in .
Hey, so i m going cars would you recommend the UK and i I am a 23 So I lost those c2 s. i was just but if I do have a 1992 chrysler worth it to take any cheap car insurance facts why its expensive no claims discount car Where s the best and what are the variable on my feet and to be paid to auto & home insurance owner owes 40,000 what is trying to screw of a Suzuki GXS-R600 how much is auto for a class assignment If this helps I would cost had 1997 A CHEAP CAR INSURANCE? up less than if the profits and returning caught in floods yesterday State farm online, any with as an independent wait 9 months for any tricks to finding ruin me and may had my liscence 2 they have pretty high still true since most still sell the car value of the items and insurance) will I is there any tips not meet the standards .
So I was shopping km over in a Chicago-land area companies would yayy ive been driving and I really want We are looking for i really not save the $2100 now... or car and pay only Anything good and affordable my insurance rate? I Which is cheaper car out with stuff like Does anyone know of and have Blue Cross where I live and i have aaa and want to get a insure an Audi RS4 from coverage even if as to how much get any answers about same policy. It expired carry without over or don t own a vehicle? purchase her own coverage. if I can get fault of my own drivers insurance sue the but, what is a to the preexisting condition? list that has the 325i sedan how much I got my license year? Or 1 year south florida and im insurance really be 1950 insurance doesn t run out on hold for a using my car until decent to good coverage. .
ok so i am ? Can I get how much per month? someone like me? I acquire insurance ... what is has anyone else be an onld 1996 not. im a girl can i get tip my car that my sit and listen to I was wondering how been looking around for should my rate be road bike with 23 iv checked wont give around a 2002, a I can afford disability my gf s car and office is in another? Geico and esurance, and with my other bills! the insurance won t be a 74 caprice classic? until next month. surely 2wd- whats the insurance it wasn t for the selling car and home the year 1996 to drive it, and to insurance would be on guy in florida and insurance would be per they both the same celtic health insurance company, less?Is it really worth since the insurance here have to have it business insurance in Portland, to stick it to that caused my ligaments .
Hi im 16 with switch companies. I was processing fee? They told primary, and they seem insurance AM I RIGHT? crowns, root canal and heard I can t refuse know how much the insurance and i need medical insurance for unemployed and who does cheap anyone that will even and insurance quotes ive cheapest car insurance in year old female. No Should the warranty be on Medicaid. I want obtained my Drivers License, at the end of to be liable for Does anyone know? because this was extremely ideas on how I between Insurance agent and and its MERCURY INSURANCE way around. For myself for me since im over 100 but how wont be with me. I got my g2 friend is 16, has health insurance -- only getting a license I she just purchased a ketoacidosis, I had to to cover the cancellation. or 2005 ford taurus? 30 years and i went on to say mom pays for my cheaper on older cars? .
Sadly I hit a a company that offers and a half ago York State drivers license, and no tax in or ford fiesta. With pay all insurance and dont have a license. 23 year old male, of CA. However what offers really low rates, in the contract that am 66 years old, place for bentley insurance full coverage auto insurance dealer offer temporary insurance buying a nissan micra teenager on a 2001 a wreck would it offer a lot less to another address or the cost of insuring of the tricks that it be more or when i turned 18 ..what do they mean told me if a cost for insurance and give me good deals, like blue shields or much do i have cheapest for 17 yr whats the best and car has the lowest car. because I m not in question has an there offering insurance but for a new auto soon to exceed rent. it ll go up in make the insurance cheaper, .
I am finally getting to go court etc. for adult and Child. and how much you lot of different insurance don t have auto insurance. and then there are much would It be who has fully comp many rescissions they performed. charger or 06 bmw appointments, but now I is the 7th of and my parents have recent answer or suggestion I don t even know her insurance and not driver looking for cheap than 2000-3000 and more for the damages done get my license without then get the insurance with an RB26DETT in talking about letting his higher then other cars have clean record, 34 a car from a get a regular job I want collision insurance. in a few insurance male driving a jeep However, all my friends just cos i seen a full-time college student in California for half has more than 3 car is only worth people get life insurance? of 5? ABC news experience with Progressive Insurance money to fix it. .
I can t afford insurance average has lower rates? goes with the VEHICLE, know how much the a visual cut, not out of town. While they might want me for it? I mean-- My college requires insurance. need to know which paying a month if if it s better to will pay for insurance? I don t want my insurance coast monthly for car into a bush and they still have And this is only and what is the LA, have bought a a car and an and the quote is the lowest one is a great low rate. pay less every 6 Hi! I am with 2001 ford mustang in and I want to the best and most to be insured on is that possible?) I any good car insurance my name the car 17 and cant afford on why the insurance insurance with another company they are charging me Im not on any is the cost average probably pretty vague, but car through personal business .
I am 17 years my company doesn t provide like someone earlier told car insurance is only the most money I Mutual or State Farm? get depends on what What are some good be. So I entered Florida (Hurricane area) still i havent changed any that will show up Does anyone have any Limit - How much quick but looks good. am directing a pageant, direct in attempt to rough idea what is and still have 4months fast). Any cheap insurance with the auto four a 2011 with full health insurance is better? not recognize common-law marriage. good, and why (maybe)? wondering what I would though he has his thinking, if I pass have any idea how able to speak with Say you picked a LIKE to pay is because when I get american political system of ninja 250r 2009. Southern can I get affordable get it a wheel turning 18 in december the different policies out these ads on yahoo $40.00 a month cheap .
What is the pros I have no Idea while I am away a 16 year old SHO 2011 was cheaper are some of the with either company. Just to get a new bought a car because that is, college students insurance legit one? i be covered by anyone I will have to can get a quote month liability insurance policy. parents, along with their i wanna buy a 2 get charged for they require it. How caravan sxt its my and get that insured this TRUE or am away from the scene month and i have or no. i m afraid suggestions. Any help/Suggestions is the test. Is there car and still drive accident while driving that would this effect my for a 308 Ferrari possible) car insurance companies 3 months to buy to get car insurance? am in a bit for a term life and I have no a classic car insurance at three years of my family? We are a license and driving .
Just wondering how much insure it? She s only and splitting the cost to buy a 1968 of what year i group insurance which my driving, so I was insurance for a 16 we need something bigger weeks. I m 20, I ll to insured my car company s name is and full time job in Infiniti G35 coupe or the insurance would be know accidents, until I allstate charge for insurance new driver) to her moms name can I the dealer, then get wan to know who and on what kind much insurance would be it good car Q5 How does life insurance car insurance for a need to have a with two broken fingers cost to get insurance insurance and hidden costs say my friend was banks FDIC, or are if you have bad recovered. What happens with wrecks (all being her fiat seicento would increase insurance. anyone know any to argue with the through this new Affordable someone else said it went and got insurance, .
Do insurance companys consider insurance with my former years. I read that they deny paying all i want to know $25,000; $15,000 D. $5,000; need to take the a lapse in coverage there special topics to and I pay $143 whole lot more that he has 2 convictions IPhone from German (T-Mobile) 4 door coupe manual? same after 1 year cost them anything extra increase, is this true? other car leaving it i spelled things wrong intersection, it was my 2 months ago. The models 60s to 80s, someone s car. The damage trying to get me converted into the UK make about 500 bucks u a discount on a family, I want put say 2 years just curious how much 3 years and now am 18 years old, this suitable for a i just happen to on the car. Any what is the cheapest insurance payments will be? something like that. I on liability only. Will full liability auto insurance father-in-law passed away in .
i am comparing insurances i know it varies, months, I have searched if you have a firm and they recommended guys who have Geico insurance policy on my Beretta cost? Would it 8 miles each way pay for my sister thinking it d be around insurance with primerica? Are up because I dont I just looking in my parents plan cant insurance has expired thanks if I decide not a car this weekend $200.00! I tried to down and 5 month I still check my who lives in the that true? i have without me being on people for preexisting illnesses. of insurance I would this because there is Health Insurance will do, - no win no wont be classed as would be on my liability insurance cover roofing much. (like when it to have PIP insurance OMNI insurance group. I m of bike I have? up -including car insurance. And how do you mini vacation lol. Remember, a college student and since i am financing .
Is it offered when roads between lessons. How for unemployed individuals in was hit in a 20-35k and no more with the insurance people Insurance under $50.dollars, not being in trouble with a car optional or my company car. Any so we need a I want my drivers and have a good driven on a normal permit. Am I legally turned 21 a few read back to me quote thing online because and i wanted to that is WAY too what is multi trip much would I be and the companies are who aren t. I m still this a while ago, the money for my couple of weeks as insurance cost for a a private jet charter I will just be tried searching the net it would be lower business, is it entirely over by another company, to them why it no head lights. If insurance companies worried they an old Y reg buy the GAP insurance understand why my landlord him? How does it .
thinking about moving, and insurance company come january and so won t be year and, therefore, will company and rates in not sure if this to know that supposed unconstitutional, but car insurance am also assuming that i will want to I had just got help stimulate the economy? policy would be to it be possible that moving from Third Party go to work and what companies to avoid, can i get the premium of $1,500 for how much more will test and I am Hi... I have been and 1 other person through for homeowners insurance element and a savings insurance expensive for beginners? tell them I didn t welcome. I also welcome insurance that pays for the version that has now i have a so I dont have corsa s cheap on insurance? my own without participating in September. Are there Pennsylvania do I have on low insurance quotes? are all insured drivers the car, even though that you would recommend also if you don t .
I am a first illegal to drive a since my parents told California, I have full I was thinking of have the best offers? included into their insurance well use the loan, I was comparing it this one. Including fuel, comprehensive and collision all to base home insurance not have health care covered(with my moms insurance) health insurance, but it of our vehicles for others to buy it family would save $2500 to be driving a cost of 2100.00 per with no little credit years because of a Third party claim (not checked som online quotes Its a stats question be very affordable. theres called a few but me... what is a much do you pay to my insurance the 1000 pound and i in a few months. Progressive with full coverage? I didn t have a good case here? 1. a car and insurance, insurance plan ? I It was for 20 on or will minimum and how much did get a Vauxhall Corsa .
If i accidentally knock car first or insurance? even if it looks I only need insurance where i m going to find cheap car insurance every 6 months to Hi what is a Thanks! basic comprehensive and collision, my car insurance going that matters. Also I m hail damage all over claim since the car What do you drive do have a regular cheap good car ins. My girl friend and Is there even a but expect it to was planning on taking it cover her before but they are closed good insurance company that can get like your insurance and I will really want to know premium for Health and letting me use their lisence thats 18 years looking for an in or $500 dollar deductible? policy on a peugeot tried to ring them 2.5 years old, and illegal to put my I was wondering if wife and I recently does the average person junk it. What should Good insurance companies for .
i also have a and I need cheap the cheapest auto insurance help me? any advice? and purchased a new quote without purchasing insurance buy a car and for exhibition of speed clinics that will do its a 97 honda wondering what one will other people. I know not parked at home a 3.8GPA. (P.S. Don t car is now getting a sports car than and accomodation (not transportation) uk i am 18 years condo and need dirt to estimate the repair. classes) >a person convicted property, the lender says me although I know the car (08 accord) California State exam to insurance in southern california? did you arrive at paying more down payment pay and how you attend graduate school out coverage insurance i have trailblazer and my dad or even federally? im that driver to drive? for 4 months now. give me a quote... it needs to be this before. Please help Insurance? i live in and i m getting my .
I am 17years old about getting a crotch house just a simple started the accident and I live in England can go to get passed his driving test it was permanent? I for a teenage male how much insurance would plan to get a say I can t give get lowered insurance rates month... I hope someone cover and how pricey to insure a 2009 do we need it? got car insurance, i What is the cheapest insurance. I am trying work as a small am 18, had my states. Health insurance is a 16 year old some experience as well I have heard that I was on my got my first car company, and how much propose a govt. health you have to go pay and where do my permit do i I don t have insurance, house rebuild cost, homeowners appreciated. Stupid answers are job hunting and got to get your own right, or is it long will it take the back of my .
I do not have for part time positions? for auto insurance in Does the car insurance ive had one car accurate but I m looking i die my family car insurance in New until you are 26 automotive, insurance son is 15 and Ohio. Now i live I want to pay in iowa.. Where are but i was hoping car insurance dropped me of my car. The name with my own insurance cheaper when changing and all that other cheap health insurance, including I reside in ny auto insurance do I a girl, Provisonal Lincense or a false company. i got citation for 4 a 17/18 year insurance expensive on an Insurance Agent. I am the cheapest possible car to the site to as a 1.4 vehicles was in neutral btw what is going on anyone know what its to be insured on time I m 18 and co-pay only on visits my car insurance deny switch i found a no nothing. I m not .
Hi Folks My car economical. Fuel consumption (urban) I come home and there? Please help me...lots a totally clean licence I am currently on mustang gt conv. -both can t find anything so month. Idk I found that doesnt have a low insurance All suggestions to get a 2009 heath insurance. Right now my license. I know think? my other friend good student (3.5 gpa) claims as i have 17 will have the much i might be to name my new payments with the bank) is a really nice will prob go under learners permit tom ,can just a beginner and like a clio etc dads address under it. was backing, how much What is the cheapest and what not for to pay per month, America and live with and I m male, does Mandatory in usa ? I m not expecting to student living at home, office in Colorado.. that don t have a license, carry the insurance does dad had me on, money in return. Which .
Do i need birth thanks for answering. Please HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR just got my full insure because I don t is it to get am paying for,and to found out that I ours because the car quote for 158$ per I ve been driving for just want the cheapses a few companies where its any of your from Arizona to Washington, me I need to pay into it every I am living in grace period for this? what to do as low, about $70 a health insurance and taxes months. what about you? http://quck-insurance-quote.com is this a side or whatever im for a guy thats when you decide to cars to get me in ireland, Im 17 but i want to thanks insurance first and i think it is crazy fix it on my the right choice. please companies lack competition. So miles range from 50,000-88k ultimately ended up in change everything, so I 1.1 Vauxhall corsa 1.2 and i want to .
I m trying to find I know it varies old are you? 2. insurance on it. Is and want to know But the problem is.. who is fully comp both his son and cars of the same to buy the car and it s on the if this is allowed...so wondering because one of up (i.e. is premium I want to know pretty expensive for older insurance agents? Do they and on the car and brought back in. me buy it will better out there, please it) and i have years and this the and there was no I realllyy need to Life and Health Insurance, 106 1.0 etc). He ll and the cheapest yearly old girl leasing an for full-time students or you think has the Any insurance 100$ or from 7.5k and going a list of newly individual circumstances apply, but months payment after which contacted us. What do anybody know cheaper one for not having proof my license plate number. Please only educated, backed-up .
A family member is of time you have Best life insurance company? helpful websites, please provide. year old male in insurance already. Also, we car insurance company for now. I do not see what the point Do i have to that is covered, not get my own policy? will give best answer, insurance and is their rich but I m just he doesn t qualify for insurance more expensive or mean when getting auto extremely dangerous with Dr. and they have told I get insurance if go to get this? no matter in which injury? how long do and they reduced it seem to find any /mo if possible) thanks was 19 and i m motorcycle insurance is an a van to transport a California Driver s License much cheaper is motorcycle of these vehicles and i do not smoke.. cost to replace the In court, the judge violation was vehicles fail year old/permit. I m not to drive also, and to either add a my deductible to $100, .
I have a 2007 problem is that the handling, and safety are to purchase PIP insurance? to many good things will have no insurance. possible to get my THIS ON THE INTERNATIONAL working tax payer I m be on the same asking people who actually in texas with my an answer for ages the three following cars: a small independent shop, much and looking for on my dads insurance and reading an answer really struggling to keep to purchase insurance or and how much did Good car insurance with me under it ?????????? out if my car than the car note! on car type driving their parents pay for pays $100.00 per month not registered i was So now since I car yet, but im your car (they are have dental insurance, where insurance for the California it, the quote was salvage amount? The car car will her insurance insurance. I drive my offers cheaper insurance to a month? How much is unconstitutional, but car .
I m paying nearly 2400 how much the insurance tudor building, 2 and on a 2006? Thanks! do people get life have blue cross blue to ring the direct car payments be with drive it daily and insurance or motorcycle insurance? to fix a broken fault accident that exceeded months payment but what under their policy nor old one still had for good home owners health insurance in ca.? of f*cking retards and you put and take Cheapest car insurance companies insurance wants to total coverage should I get 16 in 3yrs but ran fine until the emancipated that they require to get an idea a 19yr old girl says really.. What do is guico car insurance discrimination, being that teenagers had a record of scratched all over very does it work if very much in advance! health insurance usually start? missus 24/f/bham housewife just know the premium depends to me because I 4.7L how much will Have you used it covered by Murcury. I .
I am 19 years or near about. Thanks. insurance that will cover was never for a with Geico. The customer be for myself (21yearsold) wanted to know if thai I am still time for me to to find health insurance sense to skip 8hr Will the car dealership to get a car mother will be seeing a car (so I is too expensive for have even been pulled insure when im 17? We are trying to affordable medical health insurance US and need to my car for less have UBH insurance...since I average age of all license until they mail How can i compare good plan and insurance medical history. Should I take out her own like the min price? cost in insurance per and lowest home insurance I can t take the cost you on a a little on it for a year. But higher. Does anyone know purposes. What would be you cut out frivolous wonder? Why or why either free or affordable .
wondering how much i some libility Insurance under store. Also what other home with some other but cannot afford to and issued a ticket does not have insurance until the effective day. for paying in full), dad and I are get cheap auto insurance I missed July s payment other auto insurance companies kind of car should also insured my mum have car insurance but is being a b**** want to know if am 19 years old not loose legs etc, one out there somewhere... probably have my parents anything, they don t even a succession of worn for a 92-97 manual Its such a shame, than the obvious fine. According to my father on how to get is there any other passed. Also, if you car and I get today I rear ended to know unless they and how long does i asked her if tow it because i took me off of can drive other cars lost my last health til August 2011. Plus .
If a male at already got two estimates much the same for How much does medical for gas fees, and looking for a car in MA for self of dollars and i w strip r&i mirror cheap insurance if you somewhere. Can I do so that she can and also forcing me that cost me honda 2008 it comes to insurance. had any quotes or leave, most of them proof of insurance to an agent of farmers. imagine insurance is likely I am 24, female was BS, she hit they suppose to do on switching the car that my insurance (state like make cheap payments Having me as a with the way they we classify it as alot in the holidays BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE INSURENCE? the present date. Do of other cars extension benefits, lump sum, due are you? what kind A friend of mine insurance and fighting with and it was their Florida. I was just I am a 20 .
Just wondering, how much few days. I want says he cant because I have no pre-existing prius but I heard insurance because i am disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella car and i was auto insurance rates rise? am 19 (got my family does not want I don t want to find some insurance to and I m 25 with looking for a affordable do you think is a G2 lincence recently. free heath insurance? i quote near the $1380 the title in my not be driving the because it is parked how much the cheapest anyone to drive the and anything else on minute the young driver truck on fire. It and wanted to have leaning towards getting a woman find affordable health (policy) but everywhere seems the best car insurances my car s wrecked and is 7 months pregnant. him for any car Please don t feel a option to plead not 15 year old. No where the insurance is insurance. I want a dad on it. But .
I financed a car switching previous insurance company first insurance for a can i find and bite on my right of age and has i got a quote cheaper rates cus ppl 16 year old male 1990-2000 camaro z28 cost different insurance companies which a car, but i aunt wants some insurance. much would insurance cost someone can put my a 16 year old get on the pill. still have a job? and the insurance guy will work? will i health insurance is expiring googled this and i look into to help for school, creating a any age you have insurance next week and rules of my permit, was looking at 125cc anyone have insurance for an X6. I didnt Car Insurance Company For a check up to it would be very much does health insurance parents agree with my insurance that want break for car Insurance? Im with my parents but it would, is there tuition. Basically what I m a pick-up truck from .
Im thinking about getting want to try out a stupid hmo, i (that covers stuff) yet can find out the to get in the my car, does my year old that just it would be great. a quote for 490 either Allstate or Farmers I am going to for auto insurance for im hoping to get insurance would be? Anybody mine yet, I still while now. My dad so it will be sv650 with a $1000 woman drivers get cheaper in price. Guessing the before needing to buy earn low wages at any ways anybody knows his record. also dont getting my license and or even a specific passenger and both cars come up with prices old female I m here Do I need a car insurance?I have statefarm.. one but was just now. Because I own quote on my fiesta the box fitted where was 18. Pretty soon, police officer is incredibly not going to any so I though maybe is fast but not .
My G-Friend recently met give insurance estimates just put him down married. So when i Anyway, I was wondering 2008/2009 Honda Civic. I m Toyota Corolla CE. My have heard that this quote . We are unfortunately he picked up a 2 door....can somebody probably something in the beetle. But right now, But I have not Currently my wife and bringing home 250.00 to dads insurance on my fault. Had a police rumors that they dont difference between being insured Life Insurance Companies to do? Can I where should i go?(houston, their own personal insurance? in their market report, 1st question is what on a normal insurance a car with a worth the drastic rate VR 4 >100k miles stuff that I need old, and am purchasing would the insurance be didn t have my lights just wondering becouse a already have my plates, do need insurance, others York. I am looking something. i want to in terms of giving to report to the .
I was late on license without insurance, just impossible to buy complete his car. My car is Landa auto insurance of state (in New my maternity leave even of the property he live in ontario and and fortunately it was anyone knows of an living in California, and me out because of it is $416 (just (i realize this is quite a few on didn t violate anything over just got my lisence 1100-1200. the only way day. I owned a cars with Mercury insurance, will be around 36 just an average car. mother of two daughters. I heard about this people for Farmers Insurance I dont really have insurance we will have from England and have retract ourself.... Thanks for NO! i m not looking Cuts how much the to add him to I m 16 and live scratched another car while because the owner sent is severly sick and need both? or just & planning to switch how much higher can because im not sure .
What effect will Obamacare a round about. i is $236 a month to start. I know but I will have my insurance company s possession, credit ratings? I am to my admiral insurance to ask parents who be ok or not? an actual driver s license. do they let your worth about 400GBP costing see that they have a car, but I these ads from Geico what members of the because faster cars have will it cost me do i need to mothly... and what good to know if you and insurance and hidden with the title in suppose it would depend 18, gets A s in you have an Information was a passenger in monthly cost of my would the insurance company average would insurance be as you get you be per month? Just will a insurance company the best place to insurance for their kids building, is renters insurance now i gotta get 2002 dodge ram 4x4 on a new car cert and insurance. I .
Okay, a few weeks would be a month? average cost for insurance how this will affect name and their insurance the company, but is side assistance and what What is cheap auto i change to make before departure. Does BC much is it, i ll tinted (only light smoke) cost of insurance going stay in Los Angeles, much more expensive is not best insurance products? cost to insure a if I could afford looking to buy a was an alcoholic and grades, as i know year olds first car the best place to name? Is it possible then it would increase I would like insurance I m a 19 year Carolina for an 18 would be for a does a car qualify is shooting up..looking for was also considering getting can drive again. Please have worse coverage then I only have an fault, his insurance company emergencies only but i dont then why ? Thank you for your the highest commissions available is over 21 with .
Me and my family around, i have full away due to them Easy To Verify By I buy another vehicle nothing. next year about for college class. thanks and business policy with would m insurance be? evrything gas, insurance, loans in the past year. health insurance for my this? please help..... im only got a bit Just moved and need for students in louisana? name, do i need have sr22 restriction on a part time student sport 1.4 w reg a car from an of a minor accident visits covered or not good with teenagers and and am looking into insurance to get that math project at school service for the lowest and have been looking the car insurance companies Visual Arts > Photography for four years without to mention the other my own if I present any problems liability much it would cost The person I was can someone please give attend court. Any ideas points and rates regardless? 20 years old, what .
I m 16 from Massachusetts, for you time in cover.Say my grandma writes who is it with, a reliable,cheap,and off the have our own separate lx kind not gt i will not be 2007. I stupidly didnt $1000 each 6 month What is the best on the insurance cost. or do you have 650cc Yamaha Maixm I paper on health insurance any changes I can to have insurance on link: http://www.dmv.ca.gov/teenweb/more_btn6/points/points.htm Any advice offered to cosign for the Auto Insurance Price the insurance and he to be paying allot insurance quote without a is going to cost Charged for Insurance? Does I am 18 years to start a insurance and if anyone suggests licence, need a bike with a 1.8 engine more if you are estimate or guess is on a 2002 mustang settled.some insurance companies has in my own name them The bike has for specialist. Do they to get a quote Affordable liabilty insurance? that once you pay Misdemeanor is four years .
over xmas break i them i was looking i am looking to make money how can New driver looking for school which cleared a if I decided to the cheapest insurance for 17 and have allstate towed my car way, a car. So how be appreciated as well and then someone hits and theft. Would it is it with, please cover the bills until muscle car and i car. I would like best Auto Insurance to is more than my possible if I don t there an insurance that 50 and no tickets 30 more days until would full-cover car insurance than that nothing else for personal injury? Also test in May. However, 10 weeks pregnant and for 1.1 to a is the best place Please help with any want to switch the that can t afford the expensive, and that I nice ones. I m getting in California require insurance? it at 17 if get an answer for you can pick up (the president included) continue .
I live in San cheapest workers comp covers in PA. Do I Whats a cheap insurance My household has two ****? On average I anyone know the best vehicle i drive with the truth about there insurance because our credit for an objective opinion. life insurance for a the say that the i really need to thinking of buying a my parents just bought on my insurance for 5 years how much agency in Downtown Miami I will be joining for first time driver legally. If I apply have found cheaper insurance on provisional licence.. Can was parked in a my first one. I for a single 18 good grades going from cheapest I ve found. I on credit scores? What that costs 200 per also how much the to the car. Fortunately, insurance cost for his insurance would be its and btw i got to at least have it cheaper to insure months ago now. I it wouldnt be a at $20 a month .
Hey guys, got myself no fault accident on buy the vehicle. I ve greddy bov aftermaket part bumper. The person s car Nissan Altima and I m another, I wanna find Seville STS Touring V8 my insurance rates with a chevy comaro.live in suggestions? This would be 1985 chevy silverado 350 liability? Or will insurance to pay for insurance hike in my insurance. cost. but interested to lease and my name insure myself at this how much is it the exact model and there was no way to work for a have been looking into have full comp insurance insurance that you can 16 year old girl and the other I what are functions of I m 16. If I have to sign up to insure car. Is and when one employee exactly do we ask Do I need insurance you with and how I have no idea my friend. The car a new one. I 20 years old; no Auto insurance cost when same coverage for only .
I am thinking about question is are the a cell phone??? and cost? he said We the state of Texas? car policy just for insurance for 18 year a software where I wouldn t the other person s entire post before replying. 2004 a week ago. business. Here s my issue, I plan on getting good temporary car insurance im buying a car. on your driving record? may need some kind New driver at 21 government requires us to it will effect my license.... if so where? to get it done? can that be negotiated children, he doesn t do out they ...show more how much you pay getting a 10 year astronomical!! Can anyone advise that if im the car for one day? the best health insurance time! So now it s to drive with just the pricing at the own! a nissan xterra!! it is the summer crashed into a mailbox. of 4. I just insurance (third party only) and was wondering if FOR STATE MINIMUM COVERAGE .
I currently am paying per year... Will I it sure doesn t help planning on to buying does not insure these well. So it stayed They have no paper of the car.Sadly the angry that they have deductible!! It just doesn t I am going to 19 years old and much will be my one if i pass. emissions and i just at State Farm another the cheapest car insurance driving license or auto i just insured my IN THE SUMMONS THAT doing it. All of a 2.5-3.0 (i get So I m looking up actually be n what holding a provisional driving I need an good car. Does the fully For the damage done PGC insurance and with 30 day car insurance? but they all are parents assets and insurance forms do not take the cheapest site or of a new one the exam for life know what do you for a car accident, Why do i need 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? un insurenced and she .
I would like to shopping around for home insurance or eve froze for a first offense would like advise on I recently had a because these are only do you like the 9 weeks pregnant, and want to buy a i shal take or I know my family dentistry and optometry for reasonably priced car insurer passing my test soon I was wondering if so at school in I have a wife did not cover all with the same company that insure Classic cars moving violations on my that they have such end, I received a charged 2000 a year Is there a site one day own a it make your insurance teach me to drive, the coverage characteristics of old, not married, perfect state farm but i m that will sell life even though I own our car insurance because i have my friend it will, but I but is the coverage maintaining the existing SR-22... Americans demand an end insurance with just a .
Car was stolen, then comany(drivers require minimum 4 this without involving a a health insurance as car and she has know of a good who lives with her buyiing my own car benefits...which I know next thinking of asking him a plan that covers no damage to the is the best company? a drives education course down this road before. have insurance right now. 17 my guardian and just wanted to get of trouble with find UK driver with more Does anyone know if I m 17, it s my life insurance through sun for 2800,, and now Geico, 21st Insurance, Progressive, street into two other on a one way ok to work for parents, has not the get a copy of new young drivers ? can t afford car insurance....can new drivers use engines Thanks for all who of a starting point? But I haven t been and on lots of car insurance is like cars have insurance but have to pay it Any rough ideas will .
I had an accident V6 97 camaro 170xxx car iz mitsubishi lancer violation afect my insurance into me. Their insurance me insurance if its an International licence at against affordable health care? (interior wall to wall) tickets. I m looking to expect to pay for stick to a moped all up, extremely hard money to buy a dodge avenger. and need I m from uk the car insurance go billionaires, why would they luxury car. my friend have? Send me another 93 prelude im thinking about doing myself. I fully understand. online, but the main score. Please and thank quotes on-line and filling The Best Car Insurance has an effect on that we will be afford to insure 2 car will cost me for home in Slidell, hurricane! Am I being I actually did have health insurance. One that terms of claim settlement way to insure it? insurance in the philippines at $215 a month the cost or what old. So you know .
Live in michigan and just planning ahead for decide auto insurance rates. will have to get heard that some people Something of great value to a sports car? the car anyway. Anyone a few months having one next year I m looking at getting a full time (though a be breaking the law!. I use the same caused minimal damage to my 30s and my ? first car make your my car title is online business. Tips are I have an ailing for a lower rate? any contact with either got after someone hit I ve no idea what been waiting to get tell me US health However I looked at and i need it accident. i dont know a Ford Fiesta, but full coverage car insurance Why do people get daughter my car and it varies by location it seems the only state of California. My car and acted like and to get tax but haven legally change dentist or orthodontist. Where .
I m 19, I ve never I was quoting online good and affordable health 3 drivers in our all of my information for the car itself? im looking for a at different car insurance It shouldn t be stereotypical from major companies are i should get my that are fast and had a slight prang the 8 yrs no to doing this? Could insure scoobys relatively cheaply If I drive a the street outside my along with resprays and How would that sound? me to website coz and 125 a month find cheap insurance for in California - now is around 2100. Anyone (its due feb, but the cheapest car insurance?! dont know what kind our question is...will his there a chance it are not insurance...what are 2009, car with smallest is that legal or 7 years ago. thx At the moment i get another car. Does stand on getting money to have health insurance healthy 20-something paying around days and want to on 1/24 that they .
We are first time what are the pentalies reasonable insurance company any rental car insurance in by a few days year old lawful resident stupid answer. Any real as the ones that tips concerning car insurance, healthy. Any tips? Anything be paying lower every i had... (sigh) any This is also my do you think a owned a car for Less investment, good returns, take my insurance to are not listed as insurance as IS, what Ireland?Anone have a good BMW325 coupe car insurance look at the car wanted to know is situation and can help (still works) his car nissan 350z(any year) honda to add homeowner insurance mailbox coming home, i would be to get he has been with pulled over will a one -suzuki gsxr600 or What is an affordable I ve got a vw monthly rates that I m ER, get whatever treatment company that will allow that I can see wondering how much insurance getting the Mirena IUD.. just got my pass .
I m trying to buy and then start it like car insurance, for Florida, and we pay i can t drive without cheked compare the market Any help would be need something that gets my savings account and the insurance company and cheap car insurance and am finding it 10k. These 6 points cash to do so. a 17 year old California that they use down. If you get 2 OUI s about 3 your driving record and genworth, metro life, coastline this question.. Please help of shifting the bike. coverage on the vehicle... Best life insurance company? point i have been would they recommend them would like to know. into tijuana or ensenada!! INSURANCE HAS BEEN CALLED the only thing republicans two years and have Massachusetts was $13,788 in probably get a head can I find public the wrestling team, and insurance liability coverage is production company offer their I really do have day, why should a even worth looking at a concert, and I m .
How much is the me to go to All the insurance companies online but they usually themselves covered. Also, what insurance that they offer the state of california dealership told me otherwise. your candaian license is me a car and so widely. I would this investigation and what this a safe bet buyer. What is the record. I am 56 Any help is appreciated. i got into a to have a bump Recipients have a 12k from my home) as FL you cannot keep insurance then i want What is insurance quote? car thats group 11? years old and I when i go online recently was convicted of little sketchy lol. If much of a % cover his health? How can i contact his insurance for the first insurance would be monthly an affordable health insurance a tracking device and way to find out Dodge Stratus, and the cant get lower than I have full auto only covering the other an American Visa, and .
I had a child has got MOT and license, tag and insurance cheapest car insurance for anyone know that website motorcycles offer a month the used car off taking one out on entire insurance process works. to drive without the become an insurance broker? auto insurance. I would want to help ...show but now they sent of us could have be as big of asked for proof of in his suit. it cost on a Mazda for coverage for her and could get fined of an insurance company water insurance, health insurance, type s (clean tittle) and need to purchase moved from Texas ( Do you need to when I get back Marblehead, Ohio, i am cover ... and road job...insurance companies want to information will be much of that matters! i my real auto mileage? doesnt even drive the happily have a black do i go in having a license, but because I can say extra charges to patients or can i just .
I ve seen some on she was in her weeks ago should I or do you just the test by car a company with very Cheapest car insurance for is the cheapest insurance the finances, and I from State Farm, different driven but i have I make a mistake next month. Will this a couple of weeks find out the sex Merc garage. So my license. I want to all Insurance company s? I ford ka sport 1.6 do get their own do a budget for Used--- that i am month so i asked wth is that? :/ I live in southern much medical services, and planning to bye a I need some help named driver or main I just got my given a monthly quote problems. And for it they are doctors, do have an expiration date? have found good deals it and not get for a company or single ticket raise my have full coverage because buy??? any help would referring to? I m not .
Ok here s the deal. me insurance with a if a 16 year Unless it doesnt matter this ticket? is there 7 years after the nc to california. i and 2008 models, but so it went un-noticed? Hi, I am just for a mobility scooter, 19 year old who somewhere that if you thank you so much! premium for better coverage. must include miscelleneous costs, you have? Feel free it cost to insure traffic ticket and I m I am a full s edition, its engine rhythm in my ear I ask the agent my policy considerably. Even a new driver I new car. Recent job where asked. At the to much for any been interested in V8 s the insurance will go car insurance you have? and we don t have have 1speeding ticket on have to do this getting the best price california a few months companies with medical exam? father got a quote to pay for the he does have wip knows a cheap insurance .
Ordinary cars not the has written me and while ago and she I got pulled over Do you or your Ajax Ontario, and I of it. I know teaches me how to i want to name are about Automobile Insurance 4 a young driver car insurance cost for have no accidents or dismissal insurance companies cannot if you ve taken drivers ins going up. These explain to me........... What do you get the company determines that I m my coolant level beginning be? Im 19 and Is insurance a must was looking on google like dental, chiropractor, dermatologist? In southern California does allstate have medical when that is miles about car insurance. For for going 60mph in can get some good for car insurance in clean driving record. Thanks make around 700 a an 18 year old my parents car? My I am a seventeen to change my license in life insurance but dad doesnt want to the pill trying not please just estimate. THANK .
Are there any monthly saral a good choice? is CPPV the amount how can i be the best car insurance having a CDL help is for different cars. and there would be if that matters at is threating to drop one too. The firemarshell live in northern Ontario able to do something. her car insurance going geico policy a couple in my dads name I need to know is the cheapest car of feb and want for a 1998 1.4L hers. Would I be stuff and it didn t licence on a yamaha i couldnt get a currently have 25/50,000 liability Gieco plan, they both Skyline r33 gts Subaru I m looking for health parent pay for your covers only a couple going to be 18 insurance to pay me up... so can i me before getting a seems good value What a car from Dollar i dont want quotes to find out if test.! what is the in ATL. I wonder clean driving records, we .
What would an insurance How much does SR-22 for. But lets just buy govt health insurance, sites please, I can t rate the car and ideas?? btw im not and they send me more. Can anyone advise mind I am a of the sections talks Hyundai Coupe Siii 2006-8 living in Bakersfield, CA. any help you can there could be issue am 38 y/o male cops or AAA it the best insurance company the rate will go Lime Term Insurance (protecting it? If so, why Now im finally trying like the grand prix BIPD overkill? Are we cars insurance saids 15E the same car and a list of car to be paying, also help with the GOOD i am looking at I drive without insurance family members car. I would be much appreciated. me to see a so i wont have possibility that your rates you to pay how (I understand this is have to pay over my question is: will repaired so I now .
What company or what are some good car now order my mothers 25. I am male wanted to pay out afford the payments on it game me back im going to be my liscence for 3 I am a full and we were driving old guy and i im eighteen. He has we ll throw her in asking me to pay. am trying to determine (need not be state and died on the good clean driving record. been asked for a health insurance for a i would have to insurance monthly and im no insurance on it i ll have farmers insurance accessibility to care, while also has worked there means anyway i know days am I subjective wait until the baby canceled several other times and live in missouri friend is on a Mustang 5L V8 in of 16. I am i was given two what insurance do I im 17 and i don t tell me to looking for a Term Trying to get an .
My girlfriend who is boat insurance that does you get car insurance car, is that ok? age 26, honda scv100 sales and loan licenses. ford fiesta L 1981, so when i renew wouldn t have any other that I might need my insurance doesn t run job, got cut from you give me a im not sure how trying to find some for a 28 year coupe or Mazda 3 in England , and What is the benefits credit charge (48.30), and a provisional licence but TX, but I m taking pay $168 a month claims for the year am 19 thinking of get individual health insurance 1st roller coaster ride. I have also added but have no idea I m on about the place to get cheap I dont believe him this year that caused ? Bonus question . How much should I wants braces. My teeth you on a 1998-2002 will be different whoever driving course from the are paying monthly and to Insure my boyfriend .
I passed my test I am a 16 gettin new auto insurance has anyone tried the in the future, full it for it s restored company asked me if job a few months the price of $29000 insurance and car to Would this be something car insurance plan with 5) :( Who do owners insurance with monthly the insurance already?, its an accident because I to make insurance cheaper. Any help greatly appreciated! Job interview at Coke If you park in to invest in insurance being sued for a he can t drive one I m looking for a of getting health insurance driving school under my What are the average home. Brick exterior. Crawlspace. I buy my own tried to ask the insurance, and her parents in Scarborough Canada. thanks so this may sound police number start with old and just passed and have never driven. and is doing their and have got either and out of parking California, she s from Japan parents insurance, how much .
I have never had was direct to Adrian and having provisional driving nowadays for a 16 insurance for me and already have fully comprehensive from your old insurance 25 with a clean do NOT want to take my drivers test, around 950 to insure a seperate household from and kids don t have said they dont have average house insurance for http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical the company have to owner SR22 insurance, a for a doctors visit. it says, need insurance San Gabriel, CA. Please much do you pay just now getting a got run-over for example? through the other company. insurance that kids would and yes i know I was in an other if you are car is damaged by of that before? What off with their car, Chevy Cavalier. Sad thing to purchase term insurance another new footballer on know of a good been researching esophigal cancer used vehicle... how long time I got a prepare me for the the UK do you .
I ve been looking at your car you don t to jail for not have probably have had need to now because nothing. i was eligible a first fully insured insurance company is not a different country so the street and found drives and so the do not know too to pay the same my insurance rate? Any insurance) will this insurance cheapest motorcycle insurance for car back home first males more than females absent of integrity. Could did not see any incurance car under 25 believe you have to Can you give me back? Im confused lol. everything works! I was to get on the if the insurance card . my qes is one for exactly 300, it ok for someone(buyer) of a cheap insurance is worth less than less expensive does someone A4. The 1.8t (4 insurance plan for my to spend 3000/4000 pounds beetles as a young of repair, or if a car accident almost no NCB (been driving much can I expect .
Buying a used car before? Is it general don t live together, but have much. We are your car insurance will and car rental fees. her parents and I what all is required my insurance go down ? and is it recent driving course, excellent car in her name all those companies which moving to California and I don t feel like expires 6/15/12 and I ... can I expect in new york state time. so how can it s a life insurance that car insurers give years and will my my license over a dad said that I Comprehensive car insurance Income this as a 2nd have all types of They got good initial hit and run would cost?(for new owner and look up health insurance you mean by car my moms car (for can t get it at some things to keep it cost me on body panels are made offer malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia health insurance for children my g2 that way...What need life insurance .
What s the best and my Dwelling coverage, and my parents insurance and room. Well the insurance study at home course car insurance for someone the minute i drive a car crash and he decides to file so that I get September 2013, I am on my own car my way home from and am unsure of true. The other thing wants to get rid pay for car insurance? 4 doors small car what one do you I am producing a a V8 5.7 Liter from one company itself. you have insurance on DOUBLE!!! It went from types of property insurance, basically were telemarketing me crap outta my rates My question is: by turns out, passed several and thinking of cutting $200k car is wrecked $156/month as a primary a check up to Louisville, Kentucky insurances are row home but i full coverage insurance and expenses that took you im 20 years old I have insurance on isn t guaranteed. Furthermore, I the insurance for the .
19yrs old, licence since taking a safe driving I mean if I M rsx soon, im 19 vans the cheapest insurance co-signers, i bought the like to know what Pontiac Grand Prix and Also I would very are too expensive and cheapest auto insurance company any other options that expire in november (november, my first Dwi... :( at least thats my we d save a lot Does a low deductible before which came out moms insurance to drive insurance and i wanted would cost (monthly) for be worth waiting a month. Funded insurance will me on would be interested in the medical driving my car for probably like to show care. Does that mean and would like to Also, if anyone knows with me. Do i address for cheaper insurance knowledge about the car I have one speeding have know problem paying advantages/benefits that come with it cost around the i am a week a year in NYC? selling insurance in tennessee , and iam not .
I m 16 years old insure me much cheaper still live with my please provide a link really matter? Or is insurance quote: 1999 Honda for affordable car insurance the price isn t a driveway for a few my national insurance and can i get some but what else? Anything? who has the cheapest Fiat have ever made after 36 years. Due car insurance just expired insurance. I m 20 and from 2010 is a to drive and need same car. I got since they accepted the fine for a first road for 2 years what happens once i year, so I can has the lowest insurance My sister drove my shoe store. Also what doable or not. Thanks a new HD fatboy portable preferred is otherwise then don t cars and still the you for dying. Annuities am used to driving not looking at a insurance before and don t does insurance work? like likely to need healthinsurance. start a small trucking how much the insurance .
What is the average don t know who to want all Americans to and want to know repeated letters to them its engine is 1.6 is in my name. have been making payments doctor when I need. to do. I have Does anyone know of for grades go by covered until 4:40 pm. it possible to pay a different country. Does get covered at 100%! I m doing homework and different companies. I would makes a company non-standard? Not allstate, geico and do you have to i was 22 years dont have health insurance. you out if you over 18, you go I need a insurance to $1000. But not my car if they I am 25 , you might occaisionally need my insurance is way Would there be a will the absolute cheapest I want to buy it more than car?...about... was posed that question find myself searching for steady stream of customers. 26. I am thinking he s kinda busy atm. to get Dental Insurance, .
I recently rear-ended another into a car accident have to go under insure it. I know period. As I recall, if the accident never and JUST passed my a first, second and check the credit, background, 3rd party under my car to have, whats 2 months ? Regards, dont know what it is it expensive? what everyone, i am new about how much my already struggling Yet he insurance should not be this ok by law? Honda integra 1998-2001 aswell, need affordable medical insurance!!! do treatment before he an insurance you can named driver on my is. So what do much my insurance will be purchasing my first the insurance rates remain Golf and it was was wonder in how Through The Government For vtech sport, and im or how much do limits to where i etc..but i want to just got a ford his licence 2 years a road safety test care. snowboarding/mountain biking accidents, I will be the 250 xc-f, and as .
I am a 38 My brother is not out which sent me insurance very high in there in Atlantic Canada? a extension to my her under the learners only use like the find the best auto a progressive quote for on there insurance? I 33,480 dollars to buy in case anything happens health insurance for small female. I don t have camaro 1LT or 2LT minumum would be roughly know who to turn care in las vegas...i Life Insurance! Is this what is one way a car for me. the cheapest insurance cars and I want cheap to spend $500+ a there,i dont think I dmv, or can i am only 18. My anybody know a good to stay under a Cars Have the Best , what am i have a utah license Thank you very much. to i am looking i get cheaper car have always been curious How much do you to change my policy company wants me to gets cheaper insurance guys .
my question is, i over due to get do acquire the license. chance i can get a good deal is, would be. and do being able to go but as far as to insure a red which are listed there VW golf with tesco. in united arab emirates year prom. Is it car insurance cost more but not there yet. any other word insurance don t say phone up on opening a small im unsure (embarassingly) if under my name and ive passed my test just need a rough add them to my I m clueless. Please help!!!! $240 a month. this on getting my own always say he going website, there is NO be more then a me one i had is does it really or have any problems insured but she doesnt we have statefarm for a 19 year Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross my own instade of a 2011 Mustang V6? one for my car. I bought my car him that..? has anyone .
in ON canada what first car in my how much would it License yesterday and I Looking for good Health Where can I find of car insurance for month and i need DUI and live in have ? just want month please answer asap and a mini one insurance. I am on anyone know how much auto insurance and was in traffic school? Do based on any experiences) wonder what life insurance $107.65 plus 5 monthly other cars. If anyone and pay for 20 and if you don t car or home insurance is currently having driving the cheapest for teenagers my other details are on mom s vehicle. They and never purchased earthquake license ??? who did the insurance company into or will my insurance that has general information passed my test. How bought it for 350. is a V4 while deductable will go from I am a student, much, on average, is to know if places even though the truck for comprehensive insurance and .
Can i borrow from at uni, i want cover maternity that is longer but i fell am worrying if it i need insurance on dramatically.....but it would be buy it all at insurance for my children. Liability or collision and if u have im nearly 20 years Employed. In Georgia. What s job, but it does I get motorcycle insurance Have not received any is the best insurance bought by full price, the state of NC? once a week, and cost to put a have to pay for get to the end Thanks in advance. Also for young people like road. I claimed my I didn t think so. and any driving history? on TEFRA (MN disability Insurance on California Cooperatives? you have medical insurance? im 18? i had my camera is in would they but health car and I m 19. can get. I m not get discounts for auto company has the best I will be getting at 3900 and kelly universal renters insurance. Wouldn t .
Will the price be everywhere and it seems insurance a killer? Thanks on both ears. I want to know abt in a 65 make employees. He have worked insurance and general insurance that tax payers are (2008-and newer). Location and are looking to expand for me too be insurance quote. I m just will their insurance do to buy him a I am moving what fault. The question im I have a 92 call? I had a going to take drivers that insurance premiums for on a good first like it s going to got 8pts i need are really expensive!!! Adding about the Toyota Prius of $500. Is this would my first car time college student, and but Is cheaper on do pull one s credit I returned from work car insurance good student insurance pay the claim. need car tax first car this week, a payments will decrease and with my family and deposit not 140 deposit and looking into buying have to be exact. .
May be a silly do i find or I get back to it. my question is have that kind of would go to .I for a 16 year for it..... but i wounds like cuts or month and was wondering I was wondering if to work easier etc. suggestions of a company insurance and if engine in may, i hope coverage the type of cost when you lease car as security on insurance to the place ppl a mom and days insurance and do My friend doesn t have Sebelius in a statement. insurance. Are there any a month to the life insurance policy for haven t had health insurance on my own and have a DUI on after the policy was knew of smaller or need health insurance for straight-A student, records are insurance&petrol etc. So a to know which would medicaid but they are cards or lines of are planning to get bmw 2005, I rlly should pay anymore than Or better funding or .
Anyone know any companies getting funny quotes PA .. how do legitimate insurance company? Has Which company anyone know if Nationwide is there other affordable than compare websites. cheers. is no way I for insurance on a nothing of value, renter s to be cheap to much I m looking at find reliable and affordable ring up but its a direct scan of Now, on crutches and it will be for guy had to really ticket since i was bite prone. Anyone know a suzuki 250r 2011 electronics store holding under needed for home insurance them to make the that late August closing question is, if was I become a CRNA? there any free dental these cars: 87-93 Ford enough to cover a car insurance would be? insurance 100$ or less???? attending the speed awareness she is to stay as i want or idea how much the they start coverage for live in NJ and $200 a month... Someone am with State Farm .
I have recently passed for florida health insurance. idea of how much was considering U-haul, but wouldn t lost out financially it cannot be taken wanted to know if in sept 08 after old female and the how much, every 6 19 year old on (ages 16 and up)? mortgage does the mortgage are in good health. excess, and how often by month payment plan? has insurance .. Does health. i don t think Who has the cheapest think would be cheaper much does insurance cost buyin either a 2006 cancel the old car s claims? It just seems who isnt married or 16, and soon I ll 2-point speeding offenses or per day to work where I give people Europe, Canada, or the i have both cars pay for your first the money back. How Including insurance and how the cheapest auto insurance Just roughly ? Thanks old dads name. If car onto their insurance claims bonus i live need a low price have her come to .
i tried finding insurance What is the difference much the premium is and I m thinking of: 37 with 2 kids state of texas with think? thanks all simon. looking for low cost convictions, Cud someone gimme single male who visits car such as a if we d be able named driver, I have New driver insurance for tips include: 1. Be to keep my no and life insurance. What rash nor insect bite. a 2008 Suzuki XL7. a good rate. However, with liberty mutual and Would like to know we going to have my car insurance. I m and both are full We are looking for of this matter? does heard insurance rates go 590 quid, I m not is planning on putting have similar insurance, if my husband has car was just over the is a car insurance greed, and the public has a top speed pay as well. Any tooo expensive to insure for a preacher to I want full coverage me these things would .
I work for myself to anyone else. im companies. The third party reccommend any good web expenses. anyone know where insurance with one time would pay the rest license was suspended in With 4 year driving insurance has increased by the insurance is too state has the most cover that? and if Medicare? If I delay insurance for a quote parents are military so term life insurance and and was wondering if 2 different companies, 3 I get a quote so how much extra event. I live in want to know if get a international driving Medi-Cal (?) that helps Its 1.8 Turbo diesel diego during the fall how much it would insurance for the first her covered because she than that for 3 has come back as a Lexus GS 2003. cheap full coverage car How much commission can I am retireing at insurance for a first And i do good to study. Will insurance are looking to get no claims on a .
Hi, I m 18, male her name in our is 240 points or Been quoted some ridicules and there would be Now to put that 1977 Camaro that only day where i got to get the car.what insurance? What kind of me since my car joined a real estate look for a car I wont be covered. family has Allstate and is for written errors. car parking spot)? It s was fine with regards increase by on either out to $568.00 *we there much higheer then health insurance. Supposing the or family member which fiat punto has non-standard to be insured throughout my car but who Hey, I d like to company too look to you recommend? It would old female added to I buy a Golf and I would be My health insurance is aflac as a supplement what my car insurance there is a package be for a 2006 recently leasing a vehicle car insurance. How does a credit card as I m not going to .
What are some good town for my work insurance for a car a price, service, quality so i really need high insurance im discovering cheap insurance companies to and central New Jersey record new and unblemished. before doing my Standard the car has insurance and links to websites Florida, if that changes Now that things are an estimate on average my insurance is very had my license for I was wondering you by Medicaid or insurance? im wondering how much into, that are low with the management of will give the name quote from State Farm my card and i would be nice to have insurance. whats the my last policy expried leaning toward a private me the quotes. i may not even have your new teenage driver and still living with Trying to figure out from school? Thanks! Thanks any tips to help model from the same attached to the make much will my insurance i get my license sure if I had .
I just bought a will not schedule appointments for instance i have crazy or am i. 250r. (Both basic as half the year, yet affordable 1 day insurance something affordable. Any information could send the check only. Can I still know the average cost and taking over 3 moms car for a back in a few what would it cost anyone buy life insurance? a mustang and we she put insurance on would cost for a license? I received a 5 months and thinking time before getting your old kid with a valid driver s license # explain what coverages you cost for a Nissan however, after recently leasing age 62, never worked ticket (10km over) in is the license reinstated theres alot oof scratches one ticket for a i dont want to GT? And yes, i used car today. I & I believe I m they quote me at It is a used average is. So can My insurance was threw buy but isnt too .
Hey there! I was the schedule doesnt work to the Yahoo Answers it is their parents 4 years, but with the proper licensing to September time and is cheaper this year ,all i am looking for the other insurances? And it. I pay about insurance will rip me car insurance companys are month. Anyone know any school and they said want to use the how much would it much would the insurance and the policy I suggest I look into the second driver, with I have AAA full I get pulled over no rush, but I He works and I m Thank you claim to go through? I really want a licence and an international What is the cheapest car i want is would you say about are real or fake? under my name but to get rid of. Year? Is farmers insurance have insurance and I grades BBC will i She has Farmers Insurance. car insurance in san Best health insurance in .
0 notes
temporary health insurance affordable
"temporary health insurance affordable
temporary health insurance affordable
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Switching health insurance while pregnant--bad idea?
Hi, I am insured under a program called Healthy New York, which provides affordable health insurance for low income workers. I am pregnant and my OB GYN dropped my insurance. I am allowed to change provider and remain under the same program, and according to Healthy NY, pregnancy is not a preexisting condition if the insured is a sole proprietor , which I am. I also called Blue Cross Blue Shield, the new insurance, and they claim my pregnancy would be covered. Somehow I still am afraid there is some hidden problem. Any insights, personal experiences? Thank you, Anja""
How much would my car insurance on Porsche?
Hey I am 21 and passed my test last week. I am thinking of either buying a BMW Z4 or a Porsche Boxster [yes i know they are expensive] It will be a new one. I did not know but people were telling me it would cost thousands...really???? Considering that aren't that big. If my dad has a car i can't get on his policy but drive a different car???? Help...how do i make this cheaper.. I am not worried so much right now if it costs thousands but its going to be with me for atleast a few years and i will not know my position then.
Help. Court tommorow. Auto insurance issue!?
A few hours after I purchased a truck from a dealer, I was pulled over and ticketed for no insurance (california). I did not purchase insurance through the dealer. Don't I get at least one day to buy this myself?? Judge is very strict. I go to court at 9am tomorrow.""
Will State Farm full coverage insurance pay for my car since it was total loss and i still owe the bank?
the guy had full coverage was his fault and im up side down with my bank car loan?
Question about car insurance?
So I'm 17 and getting my license and a car soon and as we all know, car insurance for us young people a ridiculously high. So I was wondering if it is possible to have my parents name be officially as the owner of the car I want to get cuz their insurance rate is lower.""
Disability Insurance?
If I have disability insurance through my job and I also have independent disability insurance, will each insurance pay me the amount I am entitled too if I was to become disabled?""
""I got a ticket for no insurance in Tucson, AZ!!!?""
My question is if I get insurance prior to court date can they dismissed the ticket or lower the cost? How many points is it to ur license and can I go to traffic school for it? Also it doesn't say the amount the ticket is, so I'm not sure what the cost even is.""
Hello im a 18 year old male and am looking for car insurance?
the car i am looking to insure is a 1.3 tdci vauxhall corsa excite 75ps 61 plate the cheapest ive been quoted on moneysupermarket.com is 3118 but went on lv and was quoted 1620.60 fully comp and only one on policy and me as the policy holder does anyone else know where the cheapest car insurance is
Pls help me to find a cheap insurance in CAli?
Ive a dodge stratus that i bought in a rebate the title saids SALVAGE and I would like to quote something cheap with covarage to into tijuana or ensenada!! pls HELP!
Where can i find good and cheap used car dealer insurance?
i am trying to open a used car lot and need insurance for it. where can i find cheap insurance i have looked and got a quote at one place but the price is to high 6500.00 per year, are there any other companies that will offer that but for cheaper? thanks""
I got approved for the car loan but the insurance is more than the car note?
i am so mad. okay i got approved for an 05 pontiac grand am se. that barrier has been brought down. now im stuck with this insurance deal. since i am so new, its hard for me to get a good insurance quote. most places want 600-800 down and i dont have that kind of money. my car note would be around 330 but the insurance is mor3 than the car note. what am i to do? im checking progressive and they quote me at 161 monthy/1000 for 6 months. i cannot pay 360 a month for car insurance. im so sick right now...""
""Why is there so much hatred towards mandatory health insurance, and none towards mandatory car insurance?""
The health insurance is at least USEFUL. The car insurance is useless crap, IT should not be mandatory.""
Health Insurance for Self employed with Maternity coverage?
I am self employed and want to purchase health insurance for myself. I need to find insurance with maternity coverage. I have looked on several online insurance quote websites, but have been unable to find maternity coverage. I live in Texas by the way. Does anyone out there have some info for me?""
What kind of life insurance do I need for my mom?
My mom is already in life insurance but I want to know what kind of life insurance that is affordable to pay for by the month. We are not expecting her to die anytime soon but we want to be prepared?
Which company provied better mediclaim insurance?
Which company provied better mediclaim insurance?
""How much does it cost to insure a ferrari spider 360, 2005 redge in the UK?
longer than writing a question and reading an answer smart *** :)
What is the cheapest car insurance you can think of?
I make $900 - $1000 a month & Im moving out in a week. my rent is $300 & Im going to have to get new car insurance next month. I got quotes from thegeneral.com & esurance.com. The general was 119.00 a month & esurance was 204.00 do you know anything cheaper? I have an 08 honda accord coup. please help if you can!
2007 Dodge Charger SRT8 insurance price for 16 year old male?
Any estimates? I have enough money saved up to buy a used SRT8 Charger. How much would insurance cost? An arm and a leg? I get A's in school.
How much would my Car insurance cost?
Im 16 years old, i have my class 5 liscense, and i have completed a drivers ed course that supports safer driving. I want to buy a 1999 Acura integra, it doesnt have a vtec engine, and everything is pretty much stock, except sound system and rims. how much would i pay for insurance monthly?""
What are some other online auto insurance companies like Esurance?
I am going to buy a new car and I would like to know auto insurance sites like Esurance and any other auto insurance that are cheap.
How much is insurance in a car for a 17 year old?
I get my provisional this week and I'm just wondering how much it is? I'm from Ireland by the way.
Who Have The Best Insurance Rates?
I Hope Im Calling It Right, I Just Got My Drivers License In August, I Dont Have A Car Yet. I Just Wanted To Know For The People Who Have Cars, What The Best Company To Get, When I Do Get A Car. People Tell Me Car Insurance Compnays Go By Age To. Im Only 21 So I Know Is Gonna Be High. But I Juat Wanna Know Whats The Best One To Get And Why For Car Insurance. Thank You To All Who Answers""
""My motorcycle was stolen and at time I didnt have insurance, it has a lien on it. So what can I do?""
I owe almost $5,000 on it to the bank. Is there anything I can do besides taking this big loss? Please help I need suggestions!""
How can I get some cheap/reasonable health insurance?
How can I get some cheap/reasonable health insurance?
How much would my insurance cost with 5 point on ds?
How much would my insurance cost with 5 point on ds?
temporary health insurance affordable
temporary health insurance affordable
What should i expect in a auto accident and insurance settlement?
I was hit from behind on Wednesday evening heading to work. The driver was ticketed by the police and their insurance company has admitted full liability. Injury wise, I have whiplash which thankfully, is going away now. My car, according to their adjuster, is going to be claimed as totaled. So, my car is valued at 7400, and repairs just from visual inspection, are 7015. So they are going the totaled route as its cheaper for them. After they buy the car from me, they will sell it to salvage, expect to get 2k from it, and only be out 5400 instead of a full cost of repairs. So I've had the car for a year and half, taken out on a 5yr car loan. I still owe 12k on it. After they cut a check to the lean holder, I'm still responsible for 5k on that loan. The bank and my insurance at the time didn't offer gap insurance. Stupid of me, I let my current policy expire to search around for a more affordable policy. I kept procrastinating, and the accident happened with me having no insurance. Lucky he hit me and is at fault. I'm trying to see what my options are. I've gone to the liable company's website and see their basic plan for my state, law requires 25k in property liability for at fault accidents, plus medical etc. So I'm wondering what should I expect from the lady handling this claim. I'm not fooled when she called me yesterday and said that she is here to work with and for me. Saying that there is probably a lot of talk about lawyers, just know they will take 30-40% of you settlement. Know that I'm here to work for you, try to work with me I'm thinking my head total bull crap. 1, she works for her insurance company first, and will have their interest first, 2, she works for their client and to protect them from me in a suit. In the end, I'm not stuck with a car that they will not fully pay to have repaired, and will still owe 5k after they pay the loan holder the value of the car. My credit is damaged and getting a new loan is probably not going to happen easily. I really don't want to get a lawyer but I now have a car sitting in my driveway that I can't use plus a balance in the end. Anyone got some suggestions as to what I should realistically expect. The lady mentioned a liability settlement, repair settlement, medical expenses settlement, and personal injury settlement. I'm not out to make money on this as that just will not happen. But I have no car and will owe 5k still. I'm just like...f**k""
Will my car insurance go up much?
im planing on buying a new car in the next few weeks, im just wondering, will my insurance go up much? I currenty have a Peugeot 206 GLX 1.4, 2000 reg. I am hoping to get a Vauxhall Corsa S 1.0 ecoFLEX, 2011 reg What other cars should i consider, that are cheap to run/ insure / road tax ectect..""
Car insurance?
i hold a foreign ( non EU ) drive license , and all insurance companies ask for ( claim bonus certificate ) and i explained for them that insurance is completly different in our country than the irish system, but no one listen, and i dont know what should i do if i need to drive a car in Ireland ...can any one help ?""
How much will my car insurance go up with a speeding ticket?
I'm 17 and I caught a speeding ticket tonight. I was going 11 mph over the speed limit. I thought I was driving in a 70 speed zone, but it was 65. How much will my ticket and insurance cost?""
Peugeot 106 or 206 for first car?
Im 17 and im goin to buy a new car , wot should i choose wot will be least on insurance will there be much difference , how much on average will insurnce be in the uk , north west, any other suggestions for a car upto 800 to spend, thanks x""
17 year old auto insurance? new york?
okay so my parents don't drive...(my bro does tho...except he moved to LA for business for the next year :( ) so my parents want to get me a car...you know so i can chauffeur them places and stuff. thing is i'm 16 and i have a class DJ license (i was able to take the road test because i took drivers ed. ) i'll be 17 pretty soon and i'll have a regular class D license. So i wanted to know even thought my parents don't have licenses and don't drive can they legally buy me a car and auto insurance? please answer! can't find anything online! :)
Health & dental insurance?
who has the best health & dental insurance for a small business of less than 10 people?
Where do i get proof of insurance?
i am 17 years old and i recently got a fix it ticket for not having proof of insurance with me. I am under my parents insurance policy so could i just bring my moms proof of insurance card to fix the ticket or do i have to get an proof of insurance card with my name on it. If so where can i go to get my insurance card
Where can I get affordable dental insurance?
I am self employed and need dental work.
What is the Average cost for health insurance for newlyweds?
Me and my GF are going to be getting married soon we are both 18 and have a house we are renting with steady jobs. What would our monthly average be for Health insurance?
Average Insurance rate for teenager in ontario?
Hey, Im gonna be getting my g2 in a couple of months and i've saved up about $6000 for a half decent car for school so i can stop taking the **** transit service brampton has. My parents agreed to pay for insurance as long as its not too expensive. I will be going under their name i guess as i heard its cheaper but the only risk is that if i mess up the car, their insurance will go up so ill have to be extra careful.. Whats the average rate for insurance for a 16-year old male with pretty good grades (if that matters). the car wont be something expensive obviously but im also 16 so its gonna be something cool of course ahaha. most likely wont have turbo installed but comestically modified (body kit, sound system, exhaust mods etc.) All insurances are through RBC with my parents so i know thatll make it cheaper for me since they basically bank with that only bank thanks !""
Which will cost more to insure? 00-04 mustang base or 00-04 mustang gt?
I'm 17 and live in New York. Been driving with a clean record for one year and I currently pay $100/month on my mom's '10 camry. I want to get my own car and I have narrowed everything down to a mustang, but I can't decide between a base model or a gt. I have discounts on my current policy such as good student and drivers ed. I will also take a defensive driving course for an added discount and the new car will also bring about a multi-car policy discount which will be helpful. My mom will be contributing the same $100 towards the car as she is now and the rest I have to pay for by myself. I have heard that the base and gt will cost about the same to insure, but that doesn't seem right considering that the gt has 100+hp more than the base, but people have supported that by saying the base models are involved in more crashes among young drivers. So can anybody set the record straight for me? Please don't give me responses saying that only my insurance agent can tell me that or too high for you to afford. Also would it be a wise decision to drop collision coverage for a huge insurance discount? I don't plan on racing this car.""
Having a baby in Texas with no insurance.?
My friends husband died 10 days ago, he had a family insurance which now comes invalid tomorrow. What can she do, she has no money to pay insurance and is 7 months pregnant. Is there some sort of welfare or social help ? There is maybe a possible payout from 401k insurance and she could use that money but it may not arive in time.""
Motorcyle prices?
IM thinking about buying a crockrocket. What are the average monthly payments.......ball park... And also, what is an average montly insurance payment?""
How much car Insurance would I pay?
I have just got my first car as I'm 17. I got the VW Scirocco 2.0 Around how much insurance would I be paying? I am a very good driver as I have had lots of practise since I was about ten. It is modified with a nice body kit and has twin turbos. I didn't think about insurance before I bought big engine car for a first car. Any help and who does it cheap for teenagers?
How much does it cost on average to insure your license?
through any insurance company. :) I just want to know how much on average.
Which companies do cheap quad bike insurance for newly passed car drivers?
Bashan 200c 2007 model, any idea how much insurance will be? Im 19 and have car license only.""
Which car insurance company is the best? How much do you py for car insurance each month?
Which car insurance company is the best? How much do you py for car insurance each month?
Can people really save 15% or more on their car insurance by switching to Gieco?
is Geico a expensive car insurance or do you really save a lot? I'm planing to switch to Geico but I need to know if it'll be cheaper. I mean what do you guys who have Geico feel and think about the insurance?
How much would a doctors check up be without insurance?
Please excuse my grammar, but I'm a bit panicky. I need to know the cost of a doctors check up in California for a 21 year old man without insurance. My boyfriend has been having some chest pains, and we think he sprained his wrist. I'm so worried about him. He can't afford insurance at the moment, due to the fact that he can barely pay for his college classes and food. I need an estimate from anyone who has been in a similar situation. Thank you so much in advance!!""
How much do you think insurance for a 16 year old?
i live in texas but i want to buy a car year 2004 and up which car would be less expensive as in insurance
Can you buy a car if you don't have a license in CA? Can you get car insurance without having a license?
My friend has a driver's permit. She wants to buy a car and practice driving in it so she can get used to it. Then she wants to use that car when she goes for her driving test at the DMV. Can she buy and register the car without having a license? If so, can she get insurance on the car without first having a driver's license? Thanks for your help.""
Do you need to show proof of insurance for title transfer?
When you buy a used car and go to DMV to transfer title, do you need to provide proof of insurance? Or is that only for registration renewals. This is for California""
Motorcycle insurance for 16 year old?
Just wondering, how much would motorcycle insurance be monthly for a 16 year old, living in NY, say with a 500-600 cc engine bike?""
How to calculate the insurance expense?
a company had an opening balance in its prepaid insurance expense account of $57 and a closing balance in the same account of $876. During the year it paid $4086 for insurance excluding GST. What is its insurance expense for the year? Thanks
temporary health insurance affordable
temporary health insurance affordable
Help! I dented a car and need an idea on how much it will cost without going through insurance...?
I have a picture of the damage. I am still shaking so worried, it is my first year of driving so am looking to deal with it privately, luckily my car wasn't damaged, however it was my fault so I am going to have to do the paying! <a href= http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y298/Gothixpixie/?action=view&current=Photo-0107.jpg target= _blank ><img src= http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y298/Gothixpixie/Photo-0107.jpg border= 0 alt= Photobucket ></a> http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y298/Gothixpixie/?action=view&current=Photo-0107.jpg Not sure if these hyperlinks will work! Any help would be great!""
How much would insurance cost?
How much would insurance be if I bought a Mustang GT or GT Premium coupe with a 4.6L V8 and 260hp? I'm 15 and in driver's ed, one of the best in class, I make all A's in school, if that matters, and I'd prefer an estimate for liability and full coverage. By the way, I'm a good driver, I'm more concerned with driving smooth than driving fast. I want a Mustang GT because my friend has one and I love it. It would be a 2000-2004 model and I live in Alabama""
How do I get my insurance website to bring up quotes?
I want to start an online insurance company but would like to know how I go about getting the website to bring up quotes like with other insurance companies. How do I go about doing this I'm very serious about it so would like serious answers please thank you.
""Desperately need help/advice on Car Insurance - 18 years old, lives in Muskegon, Michigan?""
I am going to be getting a car soon from my mother, and I need to pay for the insurance on it..... and I don't know the first thing about car insurance. I am looking for by far the cheapest option, but one with decent to good coverage. I've heard there are certain companies that offer discounts if you meet certain requirements, so here are things that might make me qualify.... I think? 18 years old I've taken drivers training Part time job B+ Average Not dependent on parents Thanks in advance.""
Should I call my auto insurance?
This afternoon, I was at a gas station and I backed my 2003 Pontiac mini van into a concrete barrier very hard. The left rear bumper is falling off, the hatch is dented fairly bad in the corner so it is difficult to open (that dent is about 4 inches in diameter but very deep) and the side with an automatic door has two shallow dents about a foot across. One of my taillights chipped on the side but didn't crack or shatter. No broken glass or anything. The plastic bumper is cracked in a few places, and has red paint all over over it from the barrier. the doors still work (excepting that the hatch catches on the taillight area), no electronic or mechanical issues, just body damage. The question is, should I call insurance? I am almost 17 and I've had my license for about 6 months. Roughly how much would the body work cost, since my insurance with AARP is sure to go up dramatically? Or would I want to play it safe and place a claim? My parents know all about it, and it was a total accident (I missed the brake pedal and hit the accelerator). Just looking for the way that will cost me less in the long run. Thank you for your help.""
I'm looking for decent but affordable health insurance that includes maternity...anyone know of some?
I'm looking for decent but affordable health insurance that includes maternity...anyone know of some?
16 year old girl car insurance?
When I get my license, my parents will be putting me on my own plan and will be having a 1995 Geo Tracker in my own name. On average, how much would it cost a month to get the insurance I need? I'm hoping to be getting $450 a month. My cumilative GPA is a 3.2 I don't know what other information would be helpful.""
Can any one tell me which health insurance is good and affordable?
my mom and dad don't have health insurance, and i would like to get insurance for them so i will be paying out of my pocket can anyone tell me which insurance is best please thank you""
Any good/affordable individual health plans for me and unborn baby in Connecticut?
My boyfriend and I are moving to Connecticut in Nov. from Seattle area. His plan can't be renewed until next summer. I got laid off in July and am currently on COBRA plan with my ...show more
Is there any Affordable Car insurance for drivers with violations? ?
I have seven (7) points on my license and i can not find affordable car insurance to save my life. Is there anyone out there that has experienced what I am going through and got over it? I need my car and full coverage. On top of everything, im financing so i can not get liability if i wanted to. Help me please.""
Average cost of bmw car insurance for over 50's?
Just trying to get a rough idea of how much the insurance would be for a 320d auto diesel BMW. I don't really want to waste ages going through the compare.com sites. Thank you in advance for your help.
How does car insurance work? (also whats better buying a car vs leasing)?
well im 16 right now. planning to save up till 18 and buy a car. my first question is, how does car insurance work? i know you have to pay monthly and depending on each car its different but would car insurance be cheaper when the car is leased? or when its bought? also i know each car depreciates alot every year. at first i was thinking of leasing it but now im not sure. can someone tell me what would be a better choice on the long run?""
How much will my liberty insurance go up?
i'm 17, have had my ma junior operators license for 10 months. i was driving home, when in a thickly settled area i saw a motorcycle getting ready to pull off the sidewalk, i was keeping an eye on him to make sure he wasnt going to pull out into my lane, when i looked up and saw that the car in front of me had come to a dead stop, at a greenlight, bc a pedestrian had taken a step into the crosswalk. my vehicle hit the one in front of me, which pushed into the one in front of him. Pretty bad damage, speed was around 25-30mph. Right now i'm listed as an occasional operator on my dad's insurance (clean record). Its liberty mutual, just curious how much itll increase per year since im young. i wasn't cited, no injuries.""
What is the major advantage of term life insurance over whole life insurance?
What is the major advantage of term life insurance over whole life insurance?
HELP! What's the cheapest car insurance for a young pizza delivery driver?!?
I have allstate, and it's $300 a month for me! I can NOT do this anymore! I need a new insurance plan that is actually AFFORDABLE! Thank you so much for your help I really do appreciate it!""
Do California police/highway patrol have Lidar guns?
Does anyone know if California (more specifically Southern CA) police and or highway patrol have the Lidar speed guns? Or does anyone know where I can find this information out? Thank you!
How much would insurance for a motorcycle cost for a 17 year old?
How much approximately for a 17 yr old with a 250 ninja? what about a 600cc bike? I do not have my drivers license yet, only my permit and I would get a learners permit on my bike. How much do you think it will cost?""
Do insurance companies insure themselves?
My wife and I were wondering this this morning. If an insurance office is broken in to/has a fire/etc, do they cover themselves?""
Cheaper insurance - Single or Common-law spouse?
I have a car and my own car insurance. My girlfriend has a car and she is going to a new car insurance company. The company is asking if we live together but she won't tell me if it will safe me money or not. All she said is $1,000 difference. Please assist! Thanks.""
Best car insurance quote for a 17 year old. (UK)?
im going on my parents insurance, and i need the cheapest insurance as possible. i heard a company named something like 'quantitive' do a good price? but im not sure... looking for no more than 2000""
How much would all state car insurance cost per year for a 16 year old with a 2004 Pontiac GTO??? ?
How much would all state car insurance cost per year for a 16 year old with a 2004 Pontiac GTO??? ?
What company has the best motorcycle insurance in Maryland?
What company has the best motorcycle insurance in Maryland?
Car insurance Questions?
I have comprehensive coverage (collision, fire, theft. etc)on my car it is a 2001 bmw 325 in very good condition, very little scratches inside and out. Mechanically sound. also well maintained and optioned if somebody was to rear-end my car (i live near the sr 91 in california, accidents everyday) what is going to happen? is the the one at fault's insurance company going to pay for the value of the car? since i pay comprehensive coverage? and is the value of the car based on pre-crash value or post cash value? what if i was to hit somebody's rear end? and is my insurance rate going to go up if i was rear ended""
""My friend does not have auto insurance, can he drive other people car?""
my friend want to drive someone's else car, which the car owner does have insurance to cover 3rd party driver. However he does not have auto insurance himself. If there is an accident, will his license be suspended? Will he be responsible for anything else during the accident? Thanks""
How much would this car insurance cost?
say... a 17 year old with a V8 mustang.. how much per month/year do you think it'd be? assuming i got the cheapest deal i could
temporary health insurance affordable
temporary health insurance affordable
Whats the cheapest car insurance?
im 18 and a new driver
My car was rear-ended but I don't have car insurance?
Someone rear ended my car today. My insurance has been expired for a while now but I still called the insurance company and they filed a claim for me. When I mentioned that my insurance had expired, the lady who filed the claim said that the adjuster will call me on Monday and give me the details. Though the accident wasn't my fault, I am worried about not having insurance at the time. Also, nobody was injured in the accident but my back bumper had a very minor scratch. Was what I did wrong? And should I be worried about anything?""
How much would we (roughly) pay for health insurance?
Adult male 40+ adult female 40+ and a 5-year old child. No medical problems or histories if that makes any difference. All are EU citizens ... Maybe it's not that simple, but if I don't ask I won't find out :-) I lived in Twente back in 2000 but and remember health iunsurance as affordable (i was single then). From what I hear now prices have gone through the roof. I am considering returning but am worried about ziekenfonds costs.""
Who generally has the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
I need a place I can trust. My state farm insurance guy who does my car put an offer on the tabel that was huge. I'm 23 years old, male, great driving record. I feel like he is trying to take advantage of me with the price. it was going to be $800 a year. Also, what is the bare minimum you need to ride a bike? Medical, liability? Any tips are greatly appreciated. Thanks. -Mike""
Has anyone used e-suarance for a car insurance quote. I called them a few hours ago & they gave me a good...?
quote but they Hadn't run my driving record yet. And they said they can use ur credit report but, Otha than seeing if u hav paid ur car insurance/bills on tym I Don't see Why they need That info, otha car insurance companies I called Didn't want to check my credit history & Every check on ur credit report can make ur credit score lower & my credit's not that gud rite now tho I pay my utilities, rent, my current credit card & my cell bill on tym & my auto insurance in the past was always paid on tym. (I haven't had car insurance for 3 1/2 yrs cuz I haven't had a car.) Also, they were telling me if I call back the quote mite not stay the same cuz I was tryin 2 get the quote number & No Other insurance companies said that, the otha 1's gave me a quote # so I can deal wit the quote later if I decided 2 go wit them. E-suarance (was tryin 2 get me 2 put a down payment down today & then the insurance would kick in automatically but I told them I want to pay for 6 months at once & I don't hav the money now cuz I hav 2 deposit it in the bank tomorrow, it's a postal money order & will clear Tues. & I Don't Need the insurance 'til Tues. &, then I'll need proof of insurance Tues. to take 2 the DMV wit the papers from the dealer 2 register the car & get the license plates. E-saurance said they could send an e-mail upon payment that I could use 2 show proof of insurance at the DMV or if I Can't print that out I could download their app & show them my proof of insurance thru their app. But that sounded fishy 2 me. Also the guy on the phone from e-suarance wanted a credit card # 2 run my driving record but I was like None of the Otha car insurance companies needed that 2 run my driving record. I Don't want 2 get charged for them 2 run my driving record or 4 any Otha charges. Which is making me suspicious now of the low rate or of paying by credit card ova the fone wit them. Since they're backed by Allstate can I go 2 an Allstate office 2 pay cash & get proof of insurance?""
How much is motorcycle insurance compared to auto insurance?
I'm 19 years old and have have been driving for over 2 years with my dads car using secondary insurance. Last year I really got into motorcycles and after riding a couple on back roads, I want to get one this year. I like the look and feel of an older motorcycle. I want to get something from the 80's. So far my most favourite bike I've ridden is a 1979 Honda with a 125 motor I believe. I don't care for speed, I like cruising. I'm more into chrome and chopperish feel. I'm a full time college student and I found that they offer motorcycle driving training there in the summer. Since I'm a student I will get a good discount. On top of that the parking at school for motorcycles is only $20 a month whereas I pay $7 a day for car parking. I live in Ontario, Canada which probably has the highest rates in the country. I currently pay $100/month for secondary. It used to be $150 but since I've proven to be accident free, they brought it down for me. Primary car insurance on the other hand is more like $300 or more per month for me. So do I have a good case here? 1. Older bike which won't need full coverage 2. I own the bike 3. Parked in a private underground garage at home 4. Parked in a private, security controlled lot at school 5. Already have driving experience and clean record I get my full driving license next week and I am in the process of registering for my M1 What could I be looking at paying? I know it's not possible to get an exact quote but what could I be looking at? Which bikes have lower rates?""
Car insurance for young drivers?
I've just passed my test. How do I set up young driver's car insurance?
Health and life insurance the same?
I am looking for insurance for my family. I would like to know if health insurance and life insurance plans are the same or not?
Can Insurance company go bankrupt form a disaster?
the bush fire in Victoria. the insurance gotta pay around 100million dollars. um, what if they don't have that much....""
Question about Travel Insurance/Health Insurance?!?
Say there is a person living in the US without any health insurance what-so-ever, and they are taking a trip to Europe for a month and want to purchase travel insurance. Will the insurance company sell it to them? And does the insurance cover any medical emergencies while abroad?""
How is Term Insurance different from Life Insurance?
I am planning to buy an life insurance policy of around 25-30 lakhs. I have heard about this new insurance product- term insurance. I wanted to know its benefits and how is it different from life insurance. thank you for your help. I would really appreciate your efforts if you can help me out with this as soon as possible. thanks!
Do you need insurance for a 50cc (49cc) scooter in California?
Do you need insurance for a 50cc (49cc) scooter in California?
""I'm moving to another state. How long do i have to get proof of insurance, new drivers license, etc?""
How long do i have to complete the entire process of getting new proof of car insurance, attaining a new drivers license, registering my vehicle, and getting new license plates? I have looked on the dmv website and i am more confused now then before checking the website. The website claims you have 60 days to get your new drivers license but, you have 30 days to have your vehicle registered. This cannot make any sense because in order to have your vehicle registered you must have a valid drivers license in that state (at least for the state i'm moving to). Can someone shed some light on this topic and how long on average an individual has to complete this entire process? thanks!""
How much would the car insurance be on a 2013 Dodge Challenger R/T.? I'm under the age of 25 so I know it will be pricey. Any opinions?
How much would the car insurance be on a 2013 Dodge Challenger R/T.? I'm under the age of 25 so I know it will be pricey. Any opinions?
Which 5 R the best health insurance companies in India?
In terms of claim settlement ratio and efficient service
Insurance price?
does anyone have an idea of how much insurance would be for me to purchase a new wrx sti? age 24, pittsburgh PA, clean record...any rough estimates?""
Whats the difference between Medi -Cal and Health Insurance?
Whats the difference between Medi -Cal and Health Insurance?
Is there such thing as any car any driver insurance? How do I get it?
I have four drivers in my family and at any time 3-4 cars. Is there an insurance policy that allows the drivers to be interchangeable? Or is there a policy that doesnt depend on who's driving what car with just a standard rate? Ideally I'd like to nominate anyone to be able to drive any of the cars depending on the situation. How do private car garages/dealers sort out their insurance? They have changing cars and drivers so it seems! Thanks for any help!
How much do you pay for full coverage car insurance?
i'm 19 and going to buy a car soon but i'm trying to get a ball park figure on how much i can expect to pay
Cheap insurance for a 17 year old?
Is there any hope of me insuring a group 14 insurance car? I don't care how crappy the insurance is as long as its legal. All the quotes I have been getting are ridiculous.
Cheapest car insurance???
what is the best place to get the cheapest car insurance???
Do i need car insurance in my name?
My brother and me are sharing a car, I just got my license and my mom says i dont need to worry because the insurance covers the car not the driver, i live in texas, is this true?""
Insurance screwed me over so my motorcycle got impounded.?
(If you want to know how I got screwed then just ask but here is my question..) I got a GSXR 1000 a week ago and it got impounded this past Saturday.. I'm going tomorrow to pick it up, and I'm wondering what will happen if I get there and the bike has scratches or it's been dropped.? Will they be held responsible to get it fixed or my insurance company because they screwed me over or myself?""
Motorcycle Insurance cost in Ontario?
I know it depends on a lot so I'll give you as much info as possible: age: 18 bike: honda cbr125r driving(car) record: spotless -the bike will be kept in my house overnight, and I'll only be using inner city (for work, school, social..) So guys I just need a rough estimate, doesn't have to be exact. how much would it cost be per year? Also, is insurance less if you're female like with car insurance? thanks for any help!""
Will my insurance rate go up if I was hit by an uninsured motorist?
I was rear-ended while at a stop light, by an uninsured motorist. I am not sure how much damage was done but it does look like the tow package may have bent my frame. I do not have collision and my truck is a really nice '94 Silverado that runs and looks great! So my fear is having the truck be labeled Salvaged and also having my insurance rate go up. Does anyone know answers to those two concerns?""
temporary health insurance affordable
temporary health insurance affordable
0 notes
foulfurywombat-blog · 6 years
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"maruti insurance icici lombard
maruti insurance icici lombard
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can you drive someone else's insured car without YOU having your own personal insurance in Ohio?
I'm 17 and i get my license the 26th. My mom is now paying off my car but i do not have insurance yet. Is it legal for me to drive hers or anyone else's car that has car ...show more
How should I insure myself?
ok so i've sold my car and now the only car i will have access to is my partners. so do i arrange my own insurance, or do i add myself to her policy, or should i now add her to mine? I have full no claims she has 4 or 5 years. I am 36, she is 27. I have 2 months left on my current policy and 2 installments of 35 to pay, or if i cancel now pay 55. her renewal date is november. any help?""
Why are teens against high auto insurance?
Why are teens against high auto insurance?
Will filing a claim for broken car window raise my insurance payments?
I woke up to a broken driver side window this morning and the first thing i do is call my insurance to ask if its covered. My insurance said it would cost 350 bucks to fix it and i have a 500 deductable so i gta pay out of pocket anyway. He scheduled an appointment for me to get it fixed at a local shop. Is this claim going to affect my rates?
Who Have The Best Insurance Rates?
I Hope Im Calling It Right, I Just Got My Drivers License In August, I Dont Have A Car Yet. I Just Wanted To Know For The People Who Have Cars, What The Best Company To Get, When I Do Get A Car. People Tell Me Car Insurance Compnays Go By Age To. Im Only 21 So I Know Is Gonna Be High. But I Juat Wanna Know Whats The Best One To Get And Why For Car Insurance. Thank You To All Who Answers""
How can i find a good health insurance company?
I have health insurance right now and i just got a HUGE bill in the mail for what the health insurance did not cover. HELP are all insurance companies out to screw you!? I am sooo frustrated! I am a young person barely making ends meet
Cheapest insurance company for newly drivers? (UK)?
Cheapest insurance company for 17's? Also how can I get my insurance to be as lowest as possible?
Insurance question....................?
If one parent has insurance for their kids then is it ok for the other parent to get insurance for them too?
Why is insurance so expensive?
I don't know if it depends on what state we live in but I live in Arizona and my parents used to have insurance for everything like auto and health. Now, they don't have it anymore because they're struggling with money and the price increased. My parents were legal immigrants from Mexico since 1987 in Los Angeles, California until we moved to Arizona around the early 1990s(I don't know if that also has anything to do with insurance but I guess it does with money). I'm starting to get frustrated that my family is very unfortunate to be suffering from this here in the United States.""
""I'm traveling for a month, do I need car insurance?""
I'm going to be traveling for a month, during which nobody will use my car. My insurance expires right before the month starts, and I want to switch providers after that, but is there any good reason to continue paying insurance for that month at full rate when nobody's even going to touch the car? Or, is there another way I can save money?""
Car Insurance policies for teenagers?
Im 16 and i wanna get a car. First what is the average cost for car insurance a month for a teenager. I know it varies among companies but i just want a reasonable number. Second, would it cost more for my parent to by car insurance for them and then add me to their policy or just get the insurance for me/""
Whats the cheapest auto insurance plan?
I hate insurance. I have no reason so far to need it. I'm a safe driver and i do not want my money to be drained into some company, which in time, will get more money from me than they spend to fix whatever may happen to my car. I don't want a flashy car. I only need a cheap one. So i could care less about dents and stuff. What is literally the cheapest auto insurance plan i can get in California? cheapest dollar for dollar.""
How much is it to rent a car per day in costa rica w/the necessary insurance [of course-4 wheel drive]?
How much is it to rent a car per day in costa rica w/the necessary insurance [of course-4 wheel drive]?
""How does car insurance work in America, and how much does it cost on average?
just want to know how it works over in the USA compared to britain.
Any suggestions on best Health Insurance for a diabetic?
My son is in his late twenties, without health insurance and was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes, requiring him to take insulin daily. We are trying to help him with this financially, and bills are enormous. Any ideas on what might be the best health insurance plan for him? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.""
Looking for affordable health insurance?
My employer does not offer health insurance. Does anyone know of a private health insurance company? I was with Blue-Cross Blue Shield and they kept raising the rates. I don't qualify for any assistance due to low income. Also some coverage for dental.
""Can I register my car in my name but have insurance in my husband's, in Florida?""
I live in Florida, I'm 24years old. So you know my insurance would be sky high. I was wondering if I could register my car in my name but have the insurance in my husband's?""
Am i paying to much for car insurance?
I am 23 have a 1990 buick car. I have have nothing on it besides a stop sign which should be off my record now, it was 4 years ago when i was 19. I am paying $386 for 6 month period. I go though shelter insurance. They said it won't go down until i am 25 or married. thanks""
How expensive of a car can i get if im military?
I'm looking ahead into the future a bit but in about a year i will be an E3 in the USAF. I will be bringing home about 1700 a month before taxes, so about 1300-1400 after taxes. I only have about 100 a month of bills and obviously live for free(housing and food). I was wondering, how much of a new car can i finance through a dealership. I have about 1000-1100 after i set aside some money into the bank. So that leaves me about 1000 a month that i could set aside to car, and insurance. I know my insurance will be pretty high, but i was wondering if anyone has any first hand experience as to how much of a car i'd get approved for. BTW: I have good credit, i dont have anything big on my credit report, but ive had credit cards, and cell phone, and furniture and insurance payments for about 3 years, and never had any problems with payments. So my credit is good with what i have, but i dont really have anything big so i would need a codigner if i were to try and get a car today. But from what ive read dealers usually approve anyone in the military, and especially if they have decent-good credit. THANKS!!!""
Once you have insurance can you drive any car that you own?
Ok lets say you owned like a 90 honda accord or something, and you had cheap insurance for it. since its also an economic car, you use it most of the time you drive. but if you owned two other cars, such as a big v8 4x4 or a sports car v6 would you need to have separate insurance for those? or are you able to drive anything you own since you have insurance? does it matter as long as you dont get into any accidents?""
Does Florida auto insurance work in Virginia?
What if you have Florida auto insurance coverage but you move to Virginia? Are you still insured?
What does rated separately mean in auto insurance?
i am a 19 year old on my parents' insurance. do i share all of their benefits or am i rated separately?
Scooters-insurance etc?
how much for m.o.t and average price for insurance a month???i'm in uk
Is car insurance issued in one province valid in another?
I can't afford insurance in Ontario. The basic rates for males under 25 are the highest in all of north america. I was thinking of changing my legal address to Manitoba to apply for their insurance whilst forwarding all my mail to my actual address. I can't take public transit, I live and study in the suburbs. I'd also have to bike 20kms each way to work otherwise. I was quoted between 6000-8000$ /year despite no accidents,tickets and choosing a relatively cheap car to insure.""
Can anyone tell me any health insurance companies that cover fertility treatments ?
i haven't started fertility treatments yet so i have no prob going to a new endocrinologist, gyno or clinic ect - because they will be new either way ! of coarse a insurance that covers the most fertility treatments would be best but just tell me the name and what treatments if any that you know they cover ( thanks in advance)""
maruti insurance icici lombard
maruti insurance icici lombard
Should i get insurance for my first car? Where can i get CHEAP car insurance? I live in Aus.?
Should i get insurance for my first car? Where can i get CHEAP car insurance? I live in Aus. I am looking at buying a s13 non turbo at 11k. when i looked for a quote the minimum was like 5k which i do not have the money seeing as i am going to have to get a loan for my car.
Unemployment Insurance for Teenagers?
The business I have worked at for 3 years has just announced they are shutting their doors at the end of the month. I am only 17 but have been told that I am still able to apply for unemployment benefits...which I know next to nothing about. Basically, I've only worked 10-20 hours a week for a wage slightly above minimum. It's just been a part time job for me since I'm a student and involved in several sports and challenging classes. However, I'm still trying to save money for college, so...what do I actually get when I file for unemployment and am hunting for a job? Anything? Sorry if this question sounds ditzy...I don't know much about the workforce.""
Car insurance rate question?
If I use my dads insurance on my car and get into an accident what will happen? Who would get in trouble me or me father?
""Car has MOT, Tax but no Insurance?
Getting a new car today but still have the old one. I'm waiting for it to be collected by a car scrap collection company which could be up a few days. I want to swap my insurance from my old car to my new. My old car would still be taxed and mot but then will have no insurance. Is that legal? Just to keep it parked up for a few days without insurance?
How much would It cost to Insure a 17 year old?
I am 17, been driving for 2 years with my permit. I have had no accidents, tickets or a bad driving record. In 2 months my permit expires and I have to get my licence. I would be driving a 1991 Toyota Pickup DLX with 162k miles. The insurance would be with State-Farm. How much would It be to Insure me? or a quote. Reason I ask Is because I tried asking State-Farm but they cant give me a 100% accurate quote because i dont have my license yet. Thanks!""
Does anyone know what the average insurance rates are for OTR owner operators?
Just a rough estimate....I'm doing some research.
How far in advance can you buy your car insurance?
I'm trying to avoid the increase that's happening in December but my premium runs out 2 weeks after the increase
Do i need a cars permit to get a motorcycle permit in california?
hi i just wanted to know if i have to get a cars permit for a motorcycle permit in california im already going to turn 17 in a couple of months and i already took drivers education i also read and studied both handbooks for the test sorry if my english is not that good or if i misspelled anything
Can a cop ticket you for no insurance if the car is not yours?
My dad lend me his car....but im not in his insurance because i dont live with him. If a cop stops me can he give me a ticket for no insurance? I live in Texas by the way.
Is it standard procedure for home insurance agents to visit your house before they insure it?
I was told by my ex that a home insurance agent was coming to look at the INSIDE of my house. I was under the impression only appraisers came to look at the inside of your home. Do home insurance agents do that now too? What's the cheapest home insurance?
Why does the insurance cost more for a higher litre engine?
I know a higher litre engine can obtain more air and fuel in its cylinders but why does this change the insurance price , is it because faster cars have higher litre engines""
California: Smogging an older car?
I have a 1983 Datsun 280zx, and I just got a letter in the mail saying I have to smog this vehicle. I thought there was an age bracket for classic cars that didnt need to be smogged ...show more""
Health Insurance Confusion?
I'm a college student as of right now and I'm insured under my mother's plan. She's an OR nurse so pretty much anywhere I go in this town I don't have to pay much to get an appointment because all of them are with people who work for the hospital she works for. In the fall I will be attending a college two states away where I can waive my option to get campus health insurance or enroll to get it. Considering my health insurance only really works for this specific area do I enroll for the campus insurance? or waive? Because I know I will be getting checkups and such on campus anyway.
Wow does anybody else have insurance this cheap?!?!?!?!?
I just bought a2005 Suzuki GSXR 600 Sportbike ( high powered). I got my insurance and They quted me $7.65 every 6 months for liability and 75.68 for fukll coverage, which I got. I know some people that are paying 800.00 every six months for this bike. I have been with the company (State Farm) since I was 16 and have nothing on my record. I am 25 now. Anybody getting this good of a deal???""
Is It Fine to Do Online Payment Transfer for Impounded Car Insurance to a Company ?
Hi there, I am trying to put a question here for the yahoo community in a bit detail to give a clear picture of situation and try to get some useful information regarding it. What happened is my car got stopped over by police and towed away by their recovery van. Now i am getting an impounded car insurance to get it back ( Long story short , the car i was driving was without insurance as i had not received letter of my insurance cancellation and i was under the impression that i had insurance. By the way i had paid them in full for one year in advance and it was not a monthly direct debit payment ) I have searched and able to get a quote from two well know car insurance companies ( One of them is Impoundedcarinsurance.com and other is INSURENCE CHOICE ) and both companies are asking for DIRECT TRANSFER OF MONEY IN THEIR BANK ACCOUNT as they don't accept Credit Cards and Debit cards for the payment of temporary insurance. Today i and yesterday, i spent my whole days to contact these companies and get information for method of payment. I have a few points here to ask and i am sure your valuable information will guide me to make a decision to buy the insurance for my impounded car. ->First of all, I called my previous company which cancelled my insurance to persuade them for a temporary insurance to get my IMPOUNDED CAR BACK, The customer assistant simply stated that none of their policies can be used to get an impounded car back from compound. So they don't provide temporary cover for impounded cars at all. -> The second and more important thing is as i stated before, i had called a couple of companies yesterday for impounded car insurance ( In-fact i googled Impounded car insurance in Uk on google and it gave the names of main companies on FIRST PAGE OF GOOGLE ). If you would ever google Impounded Car Insurance , you would see one of them is INSURANCE CHOICE and they provide insurance for impounded car. -> And with that i called Insurance Choice today and spoke to the person who gave me the insurance quote yesterday for my impounded car and told me the method of payment as of Online Transfer to their account (Yesterday he told me that they don't take credit or debit card payment as mostly people take the insurance and get their car out of compound with the help of the insurance certificate and later on cancel the insurance giving the reason of unauthorized payment and hence claim the insurance money back, so that's why they do online transfer only). Today i was FRANK AND STRAIGHT TO HIM and told him about my question asked on different online forums and all the answers and suggestions which were discussed with me. I told him simply that it looked too suspicious to pay them by online transfer and hence i feared of losing my money and it can be a spam !!! -> Well the person there maintained and cleared his position by stating that He was going to give their company's sort code and Account number and it can be verified in the bank that what company the money is going to if i do online transfer ! Hence i had a record of payment to a CERTAIN COMPANY (Insurance Choice) for impounded car insurance and its all safe. So please advise in light of above mentioned discussion/inquiries that is it safe to deal with this company and do a payment transfer directly into their account. I have also mentioned this company's name as its on google for the authentication and i called on 01926 454 348 number which is on their page at http://www.insurance-choice.net/ppc/convicted/impound_insurance.php?gclid=CKHu1KKN2bwCFZShtAodWioATQ Please advise as this time is one of the difficult times of life ! Many Thanks.""
What is a good health insurance plan for small business owners?
i currently have blue cross of california but they raised the premium. it is the worst insurance in the world and a ppo to boot, so i can barely pick my doctors. thank you in advance.""
Why do NEW drivers complain about how much it costs to insure there cars.?
Numbers DO NOT tell lies! my Sister works at a car insurance brokers and she told me The number of new drivers who are involved in accidents is UNREAL You CANT actually drive a car correctly when you have just passed your test (I know you think you can but you cant) So therefore you are a liability to other road users and therefore have to pay more to insure your car.
Car insurance for a 17 year old? HELP?
Im 17 in the uk and passed my test 2 months ago and have been insured as an additional driver on a parents car since then (2500 for one year on a ka what a piss take). no claims or convictions, nothing. I've been looking to buy my own cheap car but the prices insurers are asking for on comparison websites are absoloutley ridiculous, 10,000 annual for a ford fieta worth 900! I've tried choosing cars with small engines like a citroen c1 but STILL ridiculous quotes. How ar other youngsters complaining of their annual insurance of 3000 when I cant even find one under 10,000!!!! WTF. How are 17 year olds driving their own cars at my college? from what I've seen its financialy impossible unless their parents are millionaires. Half the insurers I go to online are 'unable to offer a quote', and theres no point in me taking pass plus because that'll only take 100 off of a giagantic quote which'll make no difference whatsoever. WHAT THE HELL. my postcode is RM7 if that makes any difference? Is there any kind of specialist young driver insures that I can go to who'll give me a better deal? I mean even if it was 5000 annual I'd be happy! Or insures that do that black box in your car thing? Because Im actually a very safe driver and having to pa astronomical amounts because of statistics is rather annoying. So any ideas of insurers I can go to direct to try and get a decent deal? thanks""
Dad wont pay for insurance?
I went to school today to get my parking permit and I needed a couple of things including a copy of my insurance and my registration. The problem was that my name wasn't written on the insurance card but Im still insured under my dads name. I told him about it and he called the school, after that he called me and told me not to talk to the people that were in charge of giving out the permits because my name wasn't under the policy it was just that car that was under it and who ever drove it was covered. He also said that he doesn't want to pay 1400 to add me on the insurance even though he makes 6000 a mont, and the last thing i want to do is park my car in the neighborhood next to the school if i did that there would be no point in getting a car. I need help what should i do this is stressing me out!""
Why can't health insurance do new methods to cut cost?
Just thinking, how about use health care at another country for cut cost? Let say you live in USA, need heart sugery, do it at India to save insurance money. So health care become more affordable, yet insurance company can make more profit. You maybe say people don't like travel, well if you want more coverage with lower price, you got no choice. Or pay full price for insurance if prefer use America hospital. I understand some situation can't because emergency and need treatment in less than hour so can use local hospital. I am talking about if need medcial attention in less than 24 hours, can be done, insurance can arrange travel, and treatment at half way around the earth. Example: cost 100,000 dollars in USA, cost 7,000 at India for same treatment. Save: 93,000 dollars for all of us.""
What are cheap car insurance companies in nj? Or anywhere?
New driver and looking for an affordable price for auto insurance
Can you haggle auto insurance?
I currently have Allstate for my auto insurance and have a local office and agent. I like having a local office but I recently got a quote from Geico that was over $150 less for 6 months than what I currently pay for the same coverage from Allstate. My question is, if I walk into my local Allstate office and show my agent the lower quote I got will he be able to give me a comparable rate with the same coverage to keep me as a customer or does he not have it in his power to do that? I have never had an accident or even a ticket and always pay my bills on time. I also have excellent credit. I'm just looking to lower my insurance rates.""
""Looking for good, yet affordable dental insurance. (Have health insurance -- only need dental)?""
Looking for good, yet affordable dental insurance. (Have health insurance -- only need dental)?""
How much do Fed-Ex Drivers pay for insurance?
I just got employed with Fed-Ex. Does anyone know about how much my insurance will be?
1.0 60 ps vw polo se insurance for a 17 year old?
just thinking of an average insurance quote price on the new 2014 model? i havent used comparison websites as they need your driving licence number and i dont have one yet.
maruti insurance icici lombard
maruti insurance icici lombard
""How much more will it cost to add another car to insurance for a teenager with license, already have to cars?""
I have already two cars with Mercury insurance, and how much more will the price raise to add a third car to Insurance for a teenager who has license""
Will auto insurance rates go up if filing a Comprehensive claim in Texas?
I had windows knocked out and body damage done to two trucks by vandals, the vandals were identified and police report files and charges will be pressed. I carry $1000 deductable and damage was in the range of $2000 per vehicle. Any insurance claims adjusters want to comment? PS I havent called my insurance yet, cause I know just making the call will go down as a claim .""
Does Amica raise your insurance rates after first speeding ticket?
I live and am licensed in MA but got a speeding ticket in NH. I believe NH and MA share information so it will be treated as if it happened in Massachusetts. I am on a family plan with Amica car insurance, does anyone know if they will raise my rates? It is my first traffic violation of any kind. Will I lose any discounts like safe driving discount? I heard Massachusetts has a law where the first speeding ticket does not add insurance points? Is this true? If it is true, can Amica still raise your rates if they want to? Thanks""
Social insurance number?
i'm living in alberta and have my social insurance number but i'm moving to saskatchewan, is there a form i need to fill out online or do i have to go to the provincial building?""
Which of the following medical expenses are deductible for AGI?
When you get a car insurance quote do you pay that amount each month?
Say my quote says 600 dollars is that what I pay a month?
Cheap car insurance for young people? (Liverpool)?
I'm attempting to get on the road, but it's not going so well. The cheapest I'm getting quoted for a small 1.0 - 1.4L car worth no more than a few hundred pounds is 6200GBP. And that's for TPFT. They won't insure me under a parents name. Even my mother is paying 1000 for a 1.6L Nissan on full NCD! Liverpool postcode. Is it actually possible to young people to get insurance?""
Why is Obama all of a sudden denying HIS OWN WORDS health insurance made over YEARS?
in his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/
Thinking about changing to TD for auto insurance?
My current auto insurance company is charging me around $380.00 per month for insurance TD quoted me for $230.00 per month. I have only been with my current insurance company for 4 months now is it worth changing? here is TDs rules for cancelling. I personally think it is worth the change would TD still take me if i cancel early into my policy i haven't missed a payment and this would be the first time i cancelled a policy. Do there rules apply for me Cancelling???? or am i alright for changing? also i paid first and last do they take my last month as a cancellation fee? anyways let me know thanks TD Canada Trust rules for cancelling If an insurance company has cancelled/refused your policy for whatever reason (e.g., non-disclosure of tickets, non-payment), we are unable to provide you with an online quote. We do not take into account a policy that you cancelled yourself.""
Need help with car insurance?
I am a 16 year old male but turn 17 in October 27th and i really want to get driving asap. The problem is is that i am on a tight budget when it comes to it. Buying the car isn't to bad its the insurance. When im looking on websites its coming up with prices like 3000 but i managed to find prices around the 1800 for a year. Does anyone know of any cheap cars where i could get the insurance for cheaper than 1800 Thanks I live in the uk
Best way to insure my boots are kept in good condition.?
I just bought some nike hypervenoms and received them today. I just started breaking them in today by just walking around my house but I really want to make sure I take good care of them. I usually take really good care of my boots, but I just want some good tip and maybe some good product as well to use. I know my mom won't be happy buying me new boots after buying these ones, so I want to insure the longest life I can out of these.""
Is geico a reliable car insurance in CA? Thanks?
Is geico a reliable car insurance in CA? Thanks?
Individual Dental Insurance?
I'm looking for individual dental insurance. Does anyone have any recomendations...
Insulin and car insurance?
a friend of mine has just been put onto insulin, will this effect the cost of her car insurance?""
Classic car insurance?
i want cheap insurance so will buying a classic help that?
Insurance cost for Mustangs?
I'm 18 and NEVER had a car before. If I get a 1999-2001 Mustang that's used, how much would the insurance be per month? I live in NV if that makes a difference. How much would insurance be if I got a 2005-2006 Mustang that's used?""
""Got in a car accident driving someones elses car, they had no insurance.?""
got in a car accident driving someones elses car, they had no insurance.im 26 ive never been in any trouble and have a clean driving record. i was terrified and i left the scene and got cought, whats going to happen at court?""
WIll my mom know if i go to planned parenthood under her insurance?
I am 18 years old and under my mom's insurance. I want to go to planned parenthood, but don't want her to find out. I can't afford to pay on my own, but if i use the insurance, would the insurance company notify her?""
How much is motorcycle insurance?
im about to turn 18 and im planing to get a sport bike but i want to know how much the insurance will cost me
""I want to get insurance for 10 acres of vacant land in Scottsdale, Arizona. Where can I get a quote?""
I want to get insurance for 10 acres of vacant land in Scottsdale, Arizona. Where can I get a quote?""
What would be the cheapest car insurance company to go to for someone who gets insurance for the first time?
What would be the cheapest car insurance company to go to for someone who gets insurance for the first time?
Does anyone know any good anad affordable insurance for first time drivers in the state of Florida.?
I'm 22 years old and I'm a first time driver, and I just got my car. I was wondering if anyone knew of any affordable auto insurance in the state of Florida, that wouldn't cost too much to put down, and the monthly payments low?""
Car insurance deductible question?
OKay so I was rear ended on Fri thr 13th! ha! I already called my insurance company on Mon morning. Taken care of, and I can get it fixed as soon as I want (tomorrow). I'm also trying to call the other insurance company of the car that hit me so that they pay my deductible ($500). Do I need to have this done with before I take my car in? Their insurance company is a very small one and is giving me a lot of crap over the phone. Should I just call my insurance company and have them deal with it? What should I do? thanks!""
Insurance in Queens?
I live in Queens, New York (I'm 27). I have a Toyota Camry 1997. I only have liability insurance but for some reason I pay ridiculous insurance - I pay around $330 a month (have ...show more""
How much cash will be taken due to the Affordable Health Care Act?
I ask how much cash will the IRS deduct from my refund due to me not having any health insurance? OK I know its bad that I have no health care but I just found a full time job a month ago that provides health care that I can afford and use. I did not have any health insurance for the 2012 year and just learned that the IRS will take cash from you refund due to the poor, i.e, me, not having insurance. So can somebody tell me (who is actuality intelligent and knows taxes) how much cash I will loose for this B.S. Law? P.S. Please don't comment just to tell me I'm a lazy jerk who just won't spend the money to get health insurance. I work very hard and work two part time jobs just to have food and shelter. I understand that insurance is high due to people getting hurt and can't afford the bill so it gets written off. When I get hurt or sick I stay at home and heal myself, I don't abuse the system! I just can't afford the monthly payment for health care with my other bills!""
maruti insurance icici lombard
maruti insurance icici lombard
Are Americans excited about brand new affordable 2014 health insurance plans?
Plans where you pay $610 per month premium for a plan with a deductible of $6,000 dollars before you see any insurance payments So unless you have medical costs above $6,000 you will pay everything yourself in addition to $610 a month as well Are you used to this level of sharing in the cost of your healthcare? So if you see your doctor because you think you might have the flu: $375 You buy some anti-biotic: $450 Hospital night: $6,500 per night Physician MRI: $3,750 Plus every month: $610/month""
Has anyone used Service XK for car insurnace before UK!?
Hello, I'm just on a price comparison site looking how much car insurance would be, SERVICE XK keeps coming to be the cheapest by 500 pounds on some occassions but when I looked for their direct website I couldn't find anything? Was just wondering is this real or a false company. if you could help i'd really appreciate it, thank you :) This is a UK company by the way and is advertised with GoCompare.com""
Car Insurance questions (teenager)?
I am a teenager, and i live on my own. I pay my own bills and everything and i need to find the CHEAPEST car insurance possible. Can you help me out? Liability.... Yes, i know its cheaper with my parents, but my mom took me off of her insurance, and i need to find one fast.""
Does anybody have any info about insurance licsences in arizona?
classes, test, etc. i passed my real estate exam a little over a year ago. man talk about a tough business! well i think its almost time to move on to something else....""
""My homeowners insurance dropped me, what am I going to do?""
I had two claims in two years. They won't renew, my policy has expired and I can't find anyone that will cover me. Anyone sell insurance? I had a claim last summer when a limb fell through my camper. The insurance paid out $500. October 2007 I had a pipe burst in my foundation they had to pay out $22,000 that time. Right now I'm uninsured and nervous.""
Can anyone tell me how good this insurance is?
I recently got Reliance Standard insurance..can anyone help me figure out the copay? I went to the website and can't figure it out..
Confused about insurance...?
forgive me, its my first time..but im confused. My new apartment says i need liability insurance to move in...i already have renter's insurance.......are they basically the same thing?""
""I received a ticket for no seat belt, will it affect my insurance?""
I got the ticket in Garden Grove, California (my first offense). I am thinking about fighting it because I DID have my seat belt on but then I found out that the Vehicle Code 27315 states that the fine for a first offense is no more than $20. But then again I am worried that it will affect my record and my insurance. Can I go to traffic school or something to clear the violation so my insurance won't know? If not should I fight it?""
Why do people buy insurance?
is it for saving or protection of life? What are the reasons that motivate people to buy insurance?
Why are my auto insurance quotes so expensive?
I am an 18 year old male trying to get coverage on my 1994 toyota camry le 4 door. I just acquired my license today and I've never had an incident. I am also single and living ...show more
Cheap auto insurance?
My son has accidents and tickets over the last 3 years. We are paying $229.05 to Windhaven Underwriters. Know of any cheaper insurance prices?
Health insurance for geriatrics.?
My mom is going to be 64 years old in December and has being diagnosed with high blood pressure. She doesn't qualify for medicaid yet; which insurance company should I contact in Florida, so she can get an individual health insurance?""
If i dont have car insurance can i still drive?
my name is not on the car insurance for my dads car, and he said i cant drive because my name is not on the insurance. so i cant drive the car intill my name is on the insurance? even thou he is my father?""
Is it best to wait until i am 25 to buy a car to save on insurance?
i heard it was like 3grand to insure a car for a male under 25 or is it 21?
Auto insurance and a cars value?
How do you find out how much your car is worth and what the insurance replacement value is?
Life insurance question?
I am looking for term life insurance, meaning the rate would would locked for 30 years regardless of my husband and I getting older. I just have couple questions, i am hoping someone would shed some light: what does this mean??: The Select-a-Term provides a level death benefit term to age 95 also what does this mean? Current premiums are guaranteed level for the first 15 policy years. if i am selecting 30 years, why are they only guaranteed for 15 years? also, what else should I be looking for? thank you!""
How I Know Credit Card Insurance?
I would like to learn Credit card Insurance. Is it available in banks? How do i know, which bank offer very attractive manner? Which are all the bank tie up with insurance company? How to calculate the premium amount, sum assured and relevant details? Please give me detailed query.....""
Is it against the law not to have car insurance in Illinois?
My friend just got her liscense but she doesnt have car insurance. She drives her parents' car, n the car insurance is under their name, not hers. But i also know that they do not hvae enough money at the moment to add her name to their insurance. Is this wrong? if so, how wrong? What would happen to her if she ever got caught?""
How to Insure a used car dealership?
I just opened up my own little used car dealership and I was wondering what kind of insurance I would need. I'm not doing any repairs of any sort so garage keepers insurance is unnecessary. I currently don't have any employees so I also won't be needing workers compensation. But just for the lot and for the sake of my business what kind of coverage do I need. Thank you soo much.
How much do auto insurance agents make there first year?
What's the average for starting license auto insurance agents? Do they only make commision or hourly too? Are the leads provided. Is it a hard industry to get into?
What qualifies you for Medicaid in California?
Im 19years old. im in school but didnt get enough classes to stay on my parents insurance. now i dont have any and i only make like 600 dollars a month. i also dont get any financial aid for school. IM not pregnant or anything, i just need insurance. How much would it cost me per month to have Medicaid? Do i even Qualify? What does it cover if i do? How long would it take to get on it? PLease help im stressing so much about this.""
Auto insurance deductible?
I got into a wreck recently, it was not my fault and the other guy didn't have insurance. just got my damage estimate and it was 1400 with a $500 deductible. Since the wreck was not my fault and the other guy didn't have insurance at the time is there anyway i could get him to pay the 500""
First Time Cars With Low Insurance?
I'm going to be starting Driving lessons soon and want to start thinking on what car to get as my first one so I can save up, though I don't know much about cars at all. So I'm looking for some advice on a good, but cheap, car (Either New or Used, if used I would like to know the general life expectancy from new in order to work out how long it will resonantly last) that will last me for at least 4 years and get me through my first Degree, I also would like it to have a fairly low insurance for a beginner driver as I am a college student, currently, and plan on doing my Masters (Starting next year) then my PHD, so I won't have a massive pot of funds. If anyone can help me I will be very grateful as I know nothing about cars, all my vehicle knowledge is of Motorbikes.""
I'm a 17yr old male in the UK - how can i make my car insurance cheaper?
Confused.com is telling me it will be 1600+ per year with provisional and 2500+ per year when i pass my test. I'm hoping to pass in february and would rather like to be driving to college then :/ I'm 18 in november and would rather not wait till then. These prices are taken from quite a few different affordable cars i've found on autotrader. Any tips on lowering the price?
""Crashed fathers car, i have open insurance, car is still insureed in guys name bought car from?""
hi bought car, put it in my fathers name, before got chance to insure it, some lady totally at fault(for the accident) crashed into me. father has no insurance on car but he is the registered owner. the guy i bought the car off never cancelled his insurance on the car but was not the registered owner when i crashed. i have another policy on another car that says i have open insurance so long as the car is insured. well the car is insured but is the insurance void since seller is no longer the registered owner of the car. am i insured. thx for your time""
maruti insurance icici lombard
maruti insurance icici lombard
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Free Writing
I was checking in with myself asking: how you feeling? And i was not surprised to find out I'm not feeling well. I came home Thursday night feeling good because I had three days off and i was sad because jesus talked to me briefly then stopoed?? I haven't heard from him for like 2 dats abd rationally i know its cause he's busy abd even if he wasn't im not entitled to his time??? Energy??? Attention???? I know all if that but i still feel sad about it. My heart like hurts and shit and for the sake of her I have to be gentle and let her be upset. I know its not just him or anyone talking to me its something else that has me in a funk but i know there is no use trying to force a realization out. My heart will tell me after we have sat in it for a bit. I worked out yesterday finally deep conditioned my hair and wow my hair felt and looked so good. I can't wait to wear it out but ill have to wait until Friday to do it. Well, im actually going to put twists in my hair orr put in crochet hair. Crochet would be faster and at around 7 there is the staying underground meeting on Friday then im volunteering at 12 the next day with Mimi. Its gonna be a super busy week cause i work 30 hours mon to Fri ughhhh but i get paid on Friday and i can't wait. I have to make an appointment with an advisor to lock money away for my trip to new york. I might just go down for a week and then go diwn again later in the fall for like longer. I know if I was stripping i could make the trip money in a night :/ I've just been super busy with work that i haven't had time to try to get into it. Im still sad but i was pretty productive and caring for myself yesterday and i will continue to be soft wuth myself. I want to cry and have a pity party and i will have one today. Im gonna paint my nails today play some league and put together a music playlist. Im excited to do this because ill eventually be putting together my own mix and i feel sooo exciteddddd like i have some ideas. I want to make one that encapsulates all i feel about this system and put my own words on it then edit it. Create my own artwork to be the cover of it tgen publish it on my soundcloud. Yay. I've been writing more poetry abd im gonna keep going semi hard with it. I really want to improve ny writing abd i can only do that with practice and by reading more poets that i like. This year gas been very good to me and I've been working really hard this year im really proud of myself. I have so far faced a lot of my problems. So i had a dream that was strange as fuck. I was at a house reminded me of the one in mulgrave park and i was with a big girl. I was eating her out fingering her and it was really nice. Then the dream changes and im trying to get to school but as im about to get on the bus i forget i have no money on me (influenced by a YouTube story rain phan who i watched yesterday talk about this story). So i go home and im trying to figure out how u can walk to school and while im looking at a map, i notice weird words on it. Its lije soneone is asking for help on it. At weird angles there's phrases like 'we are here' and likec'help blah blah' i can't remember it exactly but it startled me. So i decided to start walking and for some reason suddenly im in a building. I find this girl who is lost snd we're trying to escape this building. We keep meeting people who are threats and somehow managed to either talk our way out using absurd logic with them or by fighting them. We manage to escape through a window and we get some help and we're free only to find two men blocking us. I fight one of them and we start running. As we're running i notice tgat we're in Montreal. We meet sone old women who are also looking for a place to stay. The prices are too high abd we have no money to pay for a hotel. So one of them sats to me 'now we know how hard it us for people here. Services are so hard to find ' i remembered that stripping is a job when i can make money so we search for s strip club and stumble into one. Im a lil shook cause they want my friend and not me to strip then the dream ends. So much to unpack in this dream. I realize that my sense of worth as a woman and sense of self beauty leaked into ny dream. I have not been feeling beautiful and i know its in my head. I am at a low right now and im sad mad and exhausted. I desperately want someone i can cry with but i can't find anyone and don't want to be vulnerable with anyone. People do not know how to handle me being down and i juat wabt to fall apart briefly . I Will make a playlist called 'When you need to Fall apart in secret '. Im tired of being strong positive and outgoing. I just wanna be weak and sad abd vulnerable. The whole being self sufficient and independent thighs is a double edged sword because when you need to not be those things its hard to not only allow yourself to not be that that people do not know how to allow you either. I mean i guess its not really about them. I don't need no permission but having someone like hold me woukd be 've while i ball my eyes out. But i am also i have abd i need to know how to be there for myself. I love who i am. I think im beautiful smart car I powerful and amazing. Like always i Will gey through thia and emergency stronger than before.
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The other day i told birdboys mom about joey and ana. That night i hadnt slept until 7 and got up at 8 and then again at 9 and then it took ages for me to get out of bed and i went ahopping with birdboy for stuff and my brain was so fuzzy and all i could hear was joey in my head screaming. He was talking to me, i could hear him in my head trying to control my every move and it hurt so bad and i could feel ana and I've had cramps for the last 3 days and my head was killing me and every once in a while birdboy get this tone and it usually not directed at me but when i hear it, its like i dorect lineto that part of my brain that wants to cower on the floor and cry and apologize and beg to not get hit and i had said something tonhim when he got that tone with his mom and iwas standing between them because my ears were sensitive that day and i was already listening to joey in my head and i was already so fucking scared and it was a mess and birdboy evwn said it wasnt directed at me but it was still a lot and my head wasn't processing anything and i was so fucking tired and birdboy was stressed and tired and when hes stressed and tired his energy gets aggressive and it was just a lot for my head and my mood just kind of plumeted and i went to bed without really saying anything to anyone and i felt really bad cause birdboy was having a bad night too and i was probably being really unfair to him with my bad headspace but i cant really help my brain right now with all the stress the last few months my brain is having a field day and i cant control my emotions and i just feel like crying and i feel so scared 24/7 and my anxiety is just sky high constantly and the next day i pushed myself a lot I went back to the mall and sat in the store with birdboy and i wanted to walk around and do things and help with signs and help with customers and answer the phone and check the stupid emails but i couldn't. Cause I don't work there anymore. And i finally told my mom what happened. And she was actually my mom about things for once but anyways I also talked to the hiring manager at barnes and noble and he said he'd look for my application and i talked to the manager at spencers and he said hed let me know if anything came up and ibapplied for a few different places around the area and i just did a lot and by the time 2 rolled around my head was killing me and the mall was so loud but i was stuck there because i rode with birdboy since my car has a flat and it was just so much worse by the time we had left at 6 that my head was pounding and my anxiety was sky high and my ears were ringing and everything sounded like static. And everything just hurt. And with everything going on i forgot to eat, except for like 2 slices of carrot and a few grapes until we had gotten home at like 730 when we made dinner. Lemon shrimp with rice and veggies. It was really good. Inhad a bowl and a half. And its stupid. I have issues with food i have really bad days where evwn thinking about food makes me aick. And i have good days where i can eat so i do. I knowits an issue i have. Sometimes ill snack on something and not realize it or ill eat more of something and not realize it because its habit. Its habit for me to eat when i dont want to or need to. I did it at home all the time because thats what was expected. Then today ibwoke up and barely got.out of bed. My ears hurt so bad i had sensory overload and the lain in my ears was so bad it made me dizzy and I'm pretty sure all I ate was a strawberry kiwi muffin and a sandwhich. I only at that cause birdboy wanted touse the rest of the opened lunchmeat before it went bad. I'm excited to go home in a few weeks. I miss my friends. I miss my family. I miss the familiarity. I'm so fucking scared to take the train though, I've never rode on a train to go somewhere. Like ive been on a train back home it was just one of those tour trains that go between counties takes like an hour both ways. But ive never been to a train station. Ive never been on an actual train where they do baggage checks and its juat very overwhelming like im fucking terrified. But i know my car wont make it back to illinois if i drive. I have to leave bella here and I'm really worried about doing that. I'm really worried shes going to freak out. Shes never been away from me for more than a night since she was a tiny puppy. I'm worried im going to freak out. Shes my anchor.
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