#its just something about xhosa women that call me baba that just
countdykulaa · 8 months
as a south african i would like to see more of shuri x readers where shuri calls the reader mama or the reader calls shuri bhabha
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airis-paris14 · 4 years
Redemption 15
Summary:One person, a secret, and and ocean tore them apart. Six years later, they find their way back together. But a rekindled love is not Redemption.
A/N: Let me know how y’all feel about this cause, chile..... I hope y’all enjoyed the fluff while it lasted.
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[5 Weeks Ago] Birnin Zana, The Royal City, Wakanda
The palace was silent as the royal family sorted through the work in the office. “I am going to get some lunch. Did either of you want anything?” Shuri stood filing away the papers she had sorted through. “No,” Ramonda glanced up sadly at her youngest child, “Thank you though.”
“Brother,” the teen pulled the newly coronated king out of his thoughts. “No, I am fine. I want to get through this safe before I take a break for the day.” The king stood from his father’s chair and walked over to the desk, looking for the holographic keypad. “Very well. I am gonna head down to my lab after I eat, if I am excused, mama?”
Ramonda nodded silently and the teen kissed the crown of her head before leaving. The Queen watched her son fiddle with the safe before speaking,” Try your ring,”  She stood and glided over to where he stood. “One time, Your father asked me to grab something from the safe, and that is when I realized the keypad and lock did not work. Place your ring under the lock projector.” With an eyebrow raised, T’challa let the light flow over his ring before the door clicked open. His mother smiled as the king pulled the small safe open. “You are welcome,” the Queen Mother laughed. T’Challa chuckled and grabbed the surprisingly small stack of papers out of the metal box. A small stack of letters caught his attention. “Will you take your father’s office? Or remodel your own?” The Queen asked, looking up when she did not receive an answer. “T’Challa?”
“I am sorry. What did you ask Mama?” The king continued to shuffle through the envelopes, his frown deepening with each subsequent pass. “What on earth are you reading?” The Queen frowned and reached for an envelope. “These letters, I know this address. I saw a deed for it the last time I sorted through these papers with baba.”
 “Well, what did he say about them? I am sure it is just a war dog-” The queen is cut off as T’Challa shot out of his seat. He slipped his shoes on and ran out of the room. “For Bast’s sake,” Ramonda sighed and grabbed the letters her son dropped. A picture of a small boy and a pair of graduation tickets fall out of the envelope. In the photo, the child was smiling, holding a backpack and grinning, his smile just like T’Challa’s. The longer she stared, the more obvious the connection became. The mother flipped over the picture and read Aiden’s First Day of School. Her heart sank as she opened the letter and saw the signature at the bottom, “Zari. Oh, my love, what have you done T’Chaka?” Tears formed in Ramonda’s eyes as she began to look around for more clues as to what had transpired all the while her mind kept repeating. My son has a son.
The roaring of a jet caught her attention as it shot past the palace window. She sighed realizing her son left to walk into a situation he hardly understood. Ramonda plopped back into her husband’s desk chair. “I thought we promised not to hide anything from each other?” Her hands ran over the desk before she found the compartment latch she was looking for. The wooden top popped off and she reached in. Sorting through the papers, she found the deed to the townhouse and started to connect the dates. The more  she searched her husband’s files the picture became even more clear. “But what is a marriage without secrets,” the woman sighed, dropping her head into her hands.
[Present Day] New York City, New York, United States of America
“What are you doing?” 
Zari looks up to find Melanie frowning from the doorway. “I’m just,” she stutters as her partner walks in, “Supposed to be on a flight back home with your son and boyfriend,” Melanie drops her bags and raises an eyebrow. Zari’s gaze flits between the door, her phone, the costumes, and Melanie. “Does T’Challa know you are here?”
Tears form in the young mother’s eyes before she can stop them. A sob forces its way out of her throat and soon Melanie’s arms engulf her in a hug. “Okay okay,” the brown-skinned seamstress soothes her best friend. “Tell mama all about it child,” Melanie sings. A laugh mixes with a sob as Zari tries to catch her breath. A few minutes later her breathing evened out and the two women were rocking together slowly. “You ready to tell me what that was all about?” 
Zari sighs and looks up at her best friend, “I’m terrified to go home.”
“Well, I got that,” Melanie laughs and Zari does too. “Have you told T’Challa how you feel?”
“We talked about it last weekend, but I thought that I could come here and calm my nerves before flying out.”
“This can’t be your only safe haven love. If T’Challa knows you are nervous, I’m sure he’d be more than willing to help ground you.”
Zari sighs, “I know. But he and Aiden. They’re so excited. Aiden has been learning Xhosa and how to greet his grandmother and aunt and-“ the young mother teared up, “I just feel like I’m ruining everything. I can’t seem to get excited about going home. I’m terrified.” 
“I know, but you have to be kinder to yourself. You are a survivor Zari. Wakanda comes with a lot of baggage for you. It’s ground zero for some of the worst moments of your life. 
In spite of that, you agreed to go to make your son happy. You’re putting his needs before yours and that’s what a true mother does.” Melanie reassured. “Uh Zar,” Renee popped her head in the room, “your boyfriend is outside waiting. Aiden is asleep so he can’t come in.” 
The seamstress nodded and dropped her head into her hands. “Thank you, tell him I’ll be out in a second.”
The actress glanced at Melanie who nodded, letting her know she could handle this. Melanie watched Renee leave her attention moving to her partner’s groan. “I’m so stupid. I’ve ruined the whole day and we haven’t even left yet. Maybe I should just let them go and have fun together,” she reasoned. “Nah. You’re getting on that plane if I have to carry you myself.  Your kindergartener is going to a whole new continent  for the first time with a father he just met. You cannot leave him alone in this. He needs you.”
Melanie packed away the tools Zari had pulled out. She grabbed her best friend's bag and held it out. “Chop chop, lets go.” The mother stood and grabbed the bag. “I’m making the right decision right?”
“I honestly don’t know, but if it’s not the right one, it’s a damn good one.” Melanie pushed her through the backstage corridors and out onto the front stairs of the theatre. T’Challa stood at the bottom of the stairs, a sleeping Aiden on his shoulders. His body visibly relaxed once he realized Zari was safe. The seamstress pulled her best friend in for a final hug, guilt settling in her stomach when she realized how worried T’Challa must’ve been. For the first time he’d had to get Aiden together alone and figure out where his girlfriend had disappeared too. When she popped down the final step, T’Challa pulled her into a hug. “Please don’t do that. I thought I’d lost you again, and my heart cannot take that.” Zari nodded into the embrace,” I’m so sorry,” she sniffed. “I put your bags in the car if you’re okay with leaving from here, we can talk on the plane.” The father explained.
The younger couple looked up as clapping rained down, “KISS kiss,” someone chanted and soon the whole crowd joined in. All the actors, dancers, and crew stood on the theatre steps laughing. Most still in their coats suggesting they never made it into the building. T’Challa pecked Zari’s lips and the whooping intensified. “Don't you people have jobs?,” Zari yelled and some people chuckled. “Okay back to work, you’re all officially late,” Lin called, corralling the now moaning group into the theatre. “Be safe,” he called over his shoulder. Melanie threw in one final wave before she too headed inside.
 “I’m sorry again, I didn’t mean to worry you,” Zari repeated and the king nodded. “I know, but with our history, you disappearing when you need space without telling me, it’s not going to work. My heart will stop every time guaranteed.” T’Challa strapped Aiden into his seat before opening the door for Zari to get in. He followed suit and the driver pulled away from the curb.  “I was not thinking,” Zari started explaining, “I just needed to get out of the house.” 
“Is going home still bothering you? We can postpone the trip, head to a different location instead?”
“No you and Aiden have been so excited about this trip. That’s why I didn’t say anything. I don’t wanna ruin the trip with my irrational fears.” 
“They aren’t irrational Zari. They are not random, and they are not unfounded. You were taken from your home in the middle of the night, sent to a new continent and country, then gave birth to your son alone at 18. Who would not be nervous to go back home?” 
“How are you so calm about this? I feel like I’m close to coming undone every moment I spend thinking about it.”
The king sighed, “I am afraid too, but I choose to focus on Aiden. He’s gonna meet my mother, see where I grow up, and see a place where he will spend time growing up. Is there not one thing you ever wished you could’ve done with him?” 
“When I was young, mama used to take me to the cliffs and lull me to sleep singing lullabies into the air beyond the edge and it would echo back up. I always said I’d do the same for my children,” a smile etched its way into Zari’s features. The king grinned, “So grab onto that image and hold it. When you feel like running away on this trip, hold onto that goal as your safe place. Imagine yourself at the falls singing our son to sleep.” 
“And breathe,” Zari grabbed the King’s hand, “yes-“ he grinned, “don’t forget to breathe.” 
“What is your happy place?” Zari asked as the jet cruised over the Atlantic Ocean. 
“Huh,” the king turned to face the mother of his son. “The falls are the memory that keeps me from running, what keeps you here? Safe from the panic attacks we are prone to?”
“You are going to laugh,” the king chuckled. “I’ll do my best not to,” Zari promised leaning into his shoulder. “Do you remember the winter formal senior year?” 
Zari nodded, “My mom was so worried when we decided to wear white. She was convinced people would think we looked like one of those American wedding movies. Like we were making a statement,” Zari chuckled. The king nodded and pulled her closer on the long seat, “I know we weren’t making a statement at first. But by the end of that night I was. I knew what I wanted, and when you went missing, that picture became my safe place. When I thought I’d never see you again, I used to imagine that it was our wedding photo. That was my happy place, it still is.”
Butterflies erupted in Zari’s stomach and she let a smile stretch over her face, “You play your cards right, you might now have to imagine much longer,” she grinned and laughed at the shocked expression on T’Challa’s face. A few hours later T’Challa excused himself to wake Aiden and get him ready as the ship neared Wakandan airspace. Zari twisted her fingers together as she stood and walked closer to the cockpit. She’d never seen her home country from the outside. The ship headed towards a grove of trees and broke through the country’s barrier. Her anxiety levels dropped as the familiar scene of the border tribe villages came into view. Children ran chasing the jet and waved desperately. Zari waved back as best as she could before the aircraft zoomed out of their sight. The city unfurled in front of the ship and the pilot set her sights on their destination. Zari took a deep breath when the jet passed her neighborhood and slowed to make its descent over the castle.
 “Woah, Baba this is where you live?” Aiden ran past his mother and pressed his face to the glass. “Don’t put your mouth on the glass Aiden,” Zari gently reprimanded. The boy leaned back, but his eyes stayed glued to the castle as they landed on the tarmac. 
“Are you alright?”
Zari nodded. “I just need a second.” The king nodded and kissed her forehead. They stood together watching their son ramble excitedly about everything he was seeing. T’Challa pulled his love into his arms and she rested her head on his chest. 
“What is taking him so long?” Shuri leaned over to ask her mother. The jet had been sitting on the tarmac for ten minutes now. The luggage had been unloaded and even the pilot had disembarked. Ramonda sighed. She had not told her daughter what she and her son had learned that led him to leave so abruptly. She herself was not sure of how to feel about the bits and pieces that she knew, and during this period of grieving any reason to be upset with her father, or his legacy, is not what Shuri needed. 
Quite frankly, Ramonda had no idea what was keeping her son. She had a sliver of hope that he had found Zari and their son, but a lot could change in five years and that sweet girl could want absolutely nothing to do with their family, and no one could blame her.
 “Who is that?” Shuri’s question interrupted the Queen’s thoughts. She pulled the gaze she was not aware had drifted, back to the ship and felt tears burn her eyes. She recognized the young woman walking down the stairs beside her son and the child he was holding in his arms. “He went on a rescue mission?” Shuri’s second question also went unanswered as the queen abruptly ran towards the young woman to pull her into a hug. Tears rolled down Ramonda’s cheeks. Zari felt herself relax into the familiar embrace and fought her own tears. “Oh my love I am so sorry,” the queen apologized, pulling back to look her in the eyes. “You knew,” Zari frowned, getting ready to pull away, but Ramonda held firm. “I found out when T’Challa did, but unlike him,” she glanced at her son,” I stayed and tried to piece together what happened before heading out into the unknown. Fury blazing,” the queen raised and eyebrow in his direction and he gulped, setting down Aiden who had begun to wriggle in his hold. “I realize the error of my ways now,” the king replied, running his hands together. “I am sure you do,” his mother hummed before pulling Zari into another hug. “I am so glad you are here sweet girl,” Ramonda sighed gently cupping Zari’s cheek and the woman nodded. “I cannot say that I was not a little apprehensive. I thought you all would hate me.” 
“If it is any consolation,” the queen let her hand drop to squeeze Zari’s, “I was afraid you would hate us,” she admitted. 
“It was not your fault. I always understood that,” Zari reassured. Ramonda sighed and squeezed her hand. “We will talk later. Catch up.”
The older woman’s regal gaze turned to Aiden,“ And you must be Aiden?” She grinned. The kindergartener nodded and latched onto his mother’s leg. “Aiden,” his father started, “this is your grandmother or umakhulu. She is my mother or umama,” the king explained gently pulling his son away from his mother and bringing him closer to his grandmother. “May I have a hug?” Ramonda opened her arms and the kindergartener giggled and obliged. “I always wanted a grandma,” he revealed when Ramonda settled him on her hips. “What a coincidence, I have always wanted a grandson!” 
The two broke into giggles before she set him back on the ground. “Is that Shuri?” Zari asked, nodding towards the teen who stood at the end of the tarmac watching the reunion. “Yes, my baby girl is all grownup . She’ll graduate this year to head off to university.” 
“She’s only what sixteen?” Zari asked then grinned, “She must be smarter than you,” Zari teased the king. “Yeah yeah,” he waved away. He and his mother lead the two over to Shuri. Zari raised both palms in a formal greeting and curtsied. “Princess,” Zari smiled. Shuri bowed her head in acknowledgment but the confusion never left her face. “Shuri, this is Zari, my girlfriend. She was around a lot when you were younger but she went missing five years ago. And our son, Aiden.” The little boy waved back when the teenager waved at him. “Hello, I apologize I don’t remember much, and I do not understand,” she shook her head looking back between her mother, brother, nephew and sister in law she guessed. Zari nodded as the Queen spoke, “That is more than understandable. Why don’t we all sit down for a late lunch, we have much to discuss.” Ramonda ushered everyone inside to the dining hall. Aiden walked along with his aunt and grandmother as his parents trailed behind. 
“Everything looks the same,” Zari noted as they walked. “I have not had the heart to make any changes since he passed. We were in the process of cleaning out his office when I came to find you.” 
“Will you take his office? I assume you have one of your own?” You were so excited to re-decorate it after graduation. We were to go shopping together,” Zari reminisced. 
“I am not sure, I will probably just keep my own. I do not want to be in any space that was his right now,” the king sighed. Zari frowned and bit her lip, “What is troubling you?” T’Challa stopped walking and grabbed her hands. 
“I hate to think that my situation has driven a wedge between you and your father after his death. You should only be having good thoughts right now.”
“Zar, none of this is your fault. He made the decision to keep my son from me. Intentionally. I just need time to come to terms with that. My own father kept me from being present in my first born’s life.” The king frowned, “He  brought this on himself. It is just hard because I will never get to ask him why.” The designer nodded and the couple continued walking both deep in thought. 
“You may all be dismissed,” Ramonda smiled as she carried in the family’s lunch. With some hesitation and additional reassurance, the queen walked all of the servants out of the dining room before shutting the door and moving her family into the informal dining room. Quickly shutting those doors as well.  “Sometimes I swear they forget I did have a life outside of this palace before I married your father. I can serve a simple lunch,” the queen muttered before heading back over to the table. “They just want to help mama,” T’Challa laughed as the woman huffed. “I know, but I am tired of everyone following me around like I am an invalid anytime I want to do something myself. I lost a husband, not an arm!” The queen placed the last plate in front of Aiden before settling into her own seat and taking a deep breath. “And as much as those two things hurt, I will be fine,” she looked up at her children’s frowns and Zari’s sad smile. She reached over and grabbed both T’Challa and Shuri’s hands. “I will be fine,” she reassured, “Besides, soon enough I will be moving out anyway. To make room for the next royal couple to start,” she smirked and glanced down at Aiden, “or finish making their own family.” 
T’Challa frowned and went to speak before his mother cut him off, “you cannot change my mind T’Challa. You and Zari, or whomever you marry need space to be young and in love without your mother being here to hear every second of it. Your grandparents moved out for your father and I. I shall do the same. Shuri may do whatever she so chooses, but we do not need to worry about that matter for the moment. Zari, Aiden, you must be starved. Why don’t we all eat.”
“Aiden, finish your vegetables, not just the fruit,” Zari reminded as her son pushed around the food on his plate. Reluctantly he finished the portions left and his mom smiled down at him. “So, Zari,” Ramonda started, “I know very little about the circumstances involving your disappearance just that you were pregnant, graduated, lived in New York City, and that my husband orchestrated the whole thing.” 
“What? Baba would never-“ Shuri started. “Shuri,” her brother interrupted her and shook his head. He gestured for Zari to start and the woman offered the princess a sad smile, but the teen only turned her hurt expression the other way. “Umm, is there somewhere Aiden could go? I don’t want him hearing this,” the mother whispered to the king who excused himself and the little boy, “Let’s go see if you can help the chef make dinner,” he pulled Aiden up into his arms and they headed to the kitchen attached to the dining room. The three women sat in awkward silence as Shuri avoided looking at the guest. “Are you still into biology? It was your favorite thing to talk about when you were younger-“
“I know. I was there,” Shuri glanced at Zari. “Shuri Udaku,” Ramonda hissed and Zari shook her head letting the Queen know it was fine. She understood, she’d anticipated this reaction from both her and Ramonda. She wouldn’t want to accept that her father had done something like this either. The teen sighed, “My favorite area of study is biochemistry. So yes and no, but I plan to minor in physics in university.” 
Zari nodded, surprised to get so much information. T’Challa returned Aiden less and the room descended into quiet once more. “Well, as you know,” Zari started. “I was pregnant with Aiden and I had planned to tell T’Challa after brunch the next morning. The day before, I had run into the king leaving the doctor appointment that had confirmed I was expecting. Somehow the king knew as well and told me congratulations when he spotted me in the hall of the hospital. When I confirmed the news reluctantly, he,” Zari paused dreading continuing her story, “he said that I should not tell T’Challa because he needed no hindrance in becoming king. When I said that I refused to keep this from you, he offered me a private  abortion that he would pay for. Again I refused and told him that you deserved to know about your child. He finally agreed and I thought that the matter was settled. Until that night. Some guards showed up at my house and took me and Isha from our parent’s home. We were driven to some building way off of the road and outside of the city. From there I was put on a plane, and I do not know what happened to Isha. I woke up in New York City and was told that the king had found me a war dog doctor, a house, and offered me the choice of any institution in the city all expenses covered. I had Aiden and now we’re here.” Zari sighed and glanced at everyone’s faces. Each seemed to be lost in their own world. T’Challa and the Queen seemed to be reflecting on some experience, while silent angry tears trickled down Shuri’s face. 
“I hate to, but I must,” Ramonda broke everyone’s focus, “I saw that he sent you monthly allowances for Aiden, what did you do with that?”
“I put it in a college fund for Aiden and have never touched any of it. Initially I sent the checks back, until the king wrote and wished that I would
allow him to provide for his grandson.” The queen nodded but the king’s jaw clenched, “That should have been me providing,” he mumbled. Zari nodded sadly, taking his hand in hers. The teen glanced at their intertwined hands and stormed out of the room. Zari watched her go sadly feeling like she’d been kicked in the gut. Shuri had been like the little sister she’d never had, and she’d loved every second of it. Now the young woman hated her. 
“She will come around,” Ramonda grabbed Zari’s freehand, “This news is hard for all of us” 
“I know I just wish I did not have to be the one to bear it. I wish his majesty was here to explain himself. The last thing I want is for you all to be angry with him during this period of mourning.”
“If I know my husband like I feel I do, he’d be glad that this family is being put back together in his absence. Bast rest his soul, he was ‘image over everything’ but  these past few years, that had started to shift slightly. Who's to say whether or not he would ever have been honest and told us. But I’m sure he is glad that we are doing this. You needed closure too and T’Challa needed his son.” 
“I will go check on Shuri,” T’Challa kissed Zari, then his mother’s forehead before following his younger sister out of the room. “I should probably go check on Aiden.” Zari stood and the queen followed. “Help me with these dishes and we’ll both go check on him. We should probably take a walk too, give Shuri and T’Challa some space.” 
“Can we go to the falls? It is almost his nap time and I’ve always wanted to sing him to sleep by the falls. My mother used to do that with me.”
Ramonda grinned and hooked her arm through Zari’s. “That sounds lovely, I’ll teach you some that I know.”
“Shuri why are you acting like this?” The king huffed as he walked into her lab. “Why am I acting like this?” The teen exclaimed moving from behind her desk to face him, “Why are you and mama acting like this! You truly believe the word of this stranger? You believe that baba practically threw her out of Wakanda for being pregnant with your son? Even if baba threw her out, are you sure it is not because the boy is not yours? She could’ve been spreading her legs for-“ 
“That is enough!” T’Challa slammed his palm on the table, interrupting Shuri’s rambling. I get that you are upset and hurting. For Bast sake, I am hurt by everything too Shuri! But I will not allow you to degrade my girlfriend and the mother of my son!”
“Alleged son!” The scientist shot back.
 “He is mine! And you will respect him and Zari as members of this family!” The king roared and the princess walked back around and took a seat, staring at him coldly as she gathered her thoughts. “All I am saying is that baba had to have a reason. The only one I can think of is that the baby was not yours and she was trying to pin it on you. You need to get a paternity test or I will do one,” Shuri threatened before walking away deeper into the lab.  “Shuri do not touch my son!” He called after her.
 The king ran a hand over his face before returning to his office. He contemplated all of his options and sighed as Shuri’s logic got the better of him. He didn’t want to believe it, but he also did not want to believe that his father could send Zari away. With his mind made up he glanced at the clock realizing he’d missed dinner. He walked up to his old bedroom where he’d had Aiden’s stuff taken and as expected he found his girlfriend maneuvering his sleeping form into some pajamas. He watched for a few moments before noticing her struggling to get the shirt over his head. “Would you like some help?” He whispered moving closer.  Zari smiled up at him tiredly and they moved together to finally pull the shirt over the kindergartener’s head. They tucked him under the covers and Zari traced the outline of his head and face. “You gave my baby your big ass head and ears,” Zari chuckled, and the king playfully bumped her shoulder. “Let’s take a walk,” he grabbed her hand before kissing his son’s forehead, dreading the conversation he was about to start. The couple wandered out into the garden where the breeze and moonlight swept across their faces. 
“How was your talk with Shuri?” Zari broke the silence as they waved at a guard stationed in the garden. The king stared off in the distance, “Not well,” he finally admitted and watched his girlfriend’s face fall. He loved how close she and Shuri used to be, and he knew that it was hurting her that her “mini me” was being so hostile. “She is just hurting right now. Baba just passed and now she’s learning an ugly truth so she’s lashing out. You know that it is nothing personal against you.”
“I understand. Does not make it hurt less. Does she think I am lying?”
“Partially, she believes that Aiden is not mine,”the king started. “Oh,” Zari offered as they continued on. “She’s trying to find a good reason to explain why our father would have sent you away, and that’s what she came up with.”
“Well as long as you and your mother know, she’ll come around eventually right?” Zari glanced up at the king. Dread filling her stomach when the king didn’t immediately agree. Anticipating her next move T’Challa squeezed her hand tighter to keep her from running. “She wants us to do a paternity test and I can only assume the council of elders is going to want one as well so-“
Zari pushed down the embarrassment and anger that flooded her system, “No T’Challa. Because if you did not want this, you would find a way around it. So do you want the paternity test too?”
The king gulped then nodded, “I do,” his heart shattered as he watched Zari come apart on the inside through her eyes. She snatched her hand back and took a few steps away, “So all of this time. This past month, you did not trust me? You didn’t believe Aiden was yours?”
“No! Because I did not ask you to come. I did not ask you to fly to America, come get us, and ‘save us’. I did not ask you to play savior! You did that! You found the letters! You found the picture! You saw it and “just knew” T’Challa. You stood in my townhome and told me that you saw the Photo of Aiden and you knew he was your son! For fucks sake even your mother saw the photo and knew. Now a month later you wanna come out and ask for a paternity test? Now that Aiden has gotten attached to you?!” 
“Are you saying that he is not my son Zari!”
“That is all you took from-“ the woman threw her hands up and walked away. “Un-fucking-believable,” she muttered as she stomped up the stairs onto the palace patio. “Zari wait, is he or is not my son,” the king grabbed her arm and turned her around. Tears were streaming down her face by this point and she furiously wiped them off, “He is your son T’Challa. I was with no one before you and no one since. Don’t fucking touch me your majesty,” Zari pushed his hands off of her arms and the king nodded. “Then if you have nothing to hide Zari, why are you so against this test?”
“I am not against the test T’Challa! I am offended that you do not trust me!”
“I do trust yo-“
“No you don’t T’Challa. If you did you would not have had the audacity to ask me for this test when you were there the night he was conceived. The condom broke and we were both terrified. You told me you would be there for anything! Now you’re sitting up here asking me for a test like I was with multiple men at 18! You know you were the only one! I was never like that! So excuse me if I’m hurt and offended that me man I love, the man I thought loved me, asked me for a fucking paternity test on a child that we both know is his!” Zari yelled as she walked back inside the palace. 
“Lower your voice Zari,” the king grit as he followed her into the palace to their room. The couple stormed into their room and the mother went immediately to where her clothes had been hung up and folded into the closet. Her hands move furiously grabbing everything she can and stuffing it back into her suitcase. “Zari what are you doing? Look I’m sorry Zar. I shouldn’t have asked. It was uncalled for.” 
“You’re damn right,” she muttered, zipping the haphazardly repacked suitcase. “But I’ll give you the stupid test, because the last thing I need is for you or anyone else questioning Aiden’s parentage down the line. But as far as I am concerned,” Zari slammed her bag down on the ground and grabbed her toiletries and purse in her arms, “this is over. We can co-parent your majesty, but I cannot, I will not, be with a man who chooses his 16 year old sister's wishes over mine. Especially when the evidence is right there in front of his face. She is a child! I am the one who put all of my trust on the line again with you, and it took you three weeks. Three weeks to break it T’Challa. And this time, it really was your fault.” Zari grabbed her bag and began wheeling it out of the room and down the hall, peeking in doors to find a guest bedroom. 
“Zari wait! Please come back,” the king hurried after her. 
“And since you believe so strongly that Aiden isn’t yours, stay away from my son until that positive test comes back!” She hissed in response.
“Look Zari, I am so sorry. I’ll sleep on the couch or the floor or something. You can have the bed. Just come back to the room.”
Zari found the first open room and walked in tossing her things on the bed, “I think we both need some space right now. Just leave me alone.” She turned to face the king who had tears rolling down his face. “Then I am sleeping in here on the floor,” he walked over to the closet and grabbed an extra set of sheets and began making a bed on the floor. “T’Challa,” Zari sighed. “Just sleep in your own bed.” 
“No I lost you once, I’m not leaving your side again.” He grabbed the two spare pillows and made himself comfortable on the floor. “Fine,” Zari tossed up her hands, unpacked, and went into the bathroom to change for bed. “Goodnight,” she murmured as she passed the king on his makeshift bed. “Goodnight” he replied as she closed her eyes and emotional exhaustion led her off to sleep.
Taglist: Taglist:  @almostpurelysmut @blackbypurpose @nyneebee @hutchj @tchoking @sisterwifeudaku @wikiwakanda @royallyprincesslilly @90sinspiredgirl @strictlyashley @afraiddreamingandloving @thedelightfulone @autumn242 @purple-apricots @kumkaniudaku @queertrex @kaciidubs @halfrican-heat @skysynclair19 @dramaqueenamby @gorjiss @leahnicole1219 @kreolemami @mzbritt @yoyolovesbucky @derangedcupcake @builtalongthewayside @ilcb7 @chaneajoyyy @lalapalooza718 @ororowrites @leahnicole1219 @dopegalkk @sarcastic-sunshines @sarahboseman @shesakillerkween @waitingonafriend @faatassbitch @lady-love-and-glitter-roses @cxnismajcr @tchallasbabymama
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iliketowrite1996 · 6 years
Tying Shoelaces and New Faces part 9
Intomba- ‘’Daughter’’ in Xhosa.
‘’Nah, man. Can’t babysit tonight. Got plans,’’ Erik tells T’Challa, and from the noise coming from his side during their phone call, T’Challa can tell that his cousin is moving something around.
   ‘’Oh? What do you have planned, N’Jadaka,’’ T’Challa inquires curiously.
   ‘’Plans,’’ his cousin says flatly, because he truly is a turd.
   ‘’I got a date with his girl. Fine as heck, chill as can be. It’s gonna be great.’’
   ‘’Ohhh, so you’re going on a date,’’ T’Challa smirks.
   ‘’Aye, man, wipe that goofy looking smirk off ya face. It ain’t even like that.’’
   ‘’N’Jadaka, you haven’t been on an actual date in two years. Now all of a sudden you have plans with someone? She must be special.’’
   There’s a momentary pause before N’Jadaka breathes on the other side.
   ‘’She is, man. I’m just tryna see where this goes, ya know?’’
   T’Challa knows very well.
   No one knows, but he’s really excited about his first date with you. So excited, in fact, that he realizes he hasn’t felt this way since Nakia.
   It’s odd feeling now, but it is certainly not unwelcomed by him.
   ‘’You’ll have to tell me about it at dinner tomorrow,’’ he insists, ‘’I’ve tot go to. I’m taking Autumn on our weekly Saturday daddy-daughter time.’’
   ‘’Sounds good, man. Tell Little Bit I love her. I’ll see you tomorrow.’’
   The cousins say their ‘’Goodbyes before T’Challa heads off to Autumn’s room, where he finds his babygirl still dressed in her pajama and staring at her clothes, little finger tapping against her chin.
   ‘’What are you doing, intomba?’’
   ‘’Trying to decide on an outfit.’’
   She currently has her cranberry, corduroy cardigan with the pink turtleneck and tights, her overalls with the multicolored sweater, and her jeans with her black turtleneck, with pink flowers embroidered on it.
   ‘’Hmm, can I help?’’
   ‘’Of course, baba!’’
   ‘’Why don't you wear this dress tomorrow to dinner,’’ he points to the outfit, ‘’And you can wear this overall outfit right now.’’
   ‘’Sounds good!’’
   ‘’Great! Now, go get washed up and come back so I can help you get changed.’’
   Getting Autumn Elizabeth Udaku ready is a process.
   First he sends her to wash up.
   Then he sends her back because she definitely did not do to the first time.
   Then he helps her get dressed.
   Then he does her hair.
   This is the department that is trickiest for him. His hair is thick, but it’s cropped short. He moisturizes it and gets it cut every so often and keeps it moving.
   Autumn has length and thickness of her hair. When down, in its curls, it grazes her shoulder.
   So T’Challa just usually pulls it into a bun, and Erik does it for his baby cousin when he can.
   Right now, he’s sliding rain boots onto her little feet, ready to head out for their day of adventures.
   ‘’Put your coat on,’’ he tells her, dusting off his jeans from where she had her foot before sliding his own shoes on.
   The dynamic duo are out of the door fairly quickly, all things (Autumn taking forever) considered.
   T’Challa always takes her through the park if the weather permits. It’s nearly November and it is cold, but the sun is shining so he does so.
   Autumn kicks the leaves as she has done every single day that he’s taken her to school this week, picking up her favorite ones and placing them into her little bag.
   ‘’Baba, where are we going?’’
   ‘’To the children’s museum. They have a new exhibit that I believe you will like,’’ T’Challa informs his daughter, stopping to pick her up and place her on his hip so that he can carry her.
   ‘’Yay! Is it about movies?’’
   She’s bringing it up because he watched two movies with her last night, to make up for cutting move night a bit short last week because of his date.
   T’Challa doesn’t regret the date. Not in the slightest.
   But Autumn Elizabeth Udaku will  always come first, and he knows that you’ve already accepted that.
   Maybe that’s why he finds himself already falling for you.
   ‘’Actually, yes! It’s about some old movies that your grandpa and I used to watch together,’’ T’Challa confirms.
   His little girl is practically buzzing with anticipation as they reach the ticket booth and he buys three tickets.
   Confusions sets into her soft features as she counts the tickets and then herself and T’Challa.
   ‘’Why is there one more?’’
   ‘’Because Auntie Shuri wanted to spend time with her favorite niece!’’
   Autumn squeals as she turns to find her Auntie behind her, reaching out for her as she does so.
   T’Challa elts his little girl leave his arms as Shuri holds her close, pressing a kiss to her smoothed back curls, ‘’Look at you! You’ve grown so much!’’
   ‘’Baba says I’m getting taller every day,’’ the little girl beams proudly, showing off her tooth gap, ‘’Someday I will be as tall as him.’’
   T’Challa watches fondly as two of his favorite young women catch up, Shuri carrying the four-year-old into the museum.
   Autumn absolutely adore the exhibit, especially the one about the musical she used to watch with her bhabi in rainy days.
   ‘’Do you like that one,’’ Shuri had asked her niece after getting permission to take a picture of the young girl in front of the exhibit.
   Autumn nods enthusiastically, eyes wide with curiosity and the need to explore.
   She looks so much like Nakia when she does that, that T’Challa can see how she truly is a perfect blend of their personalities and features.
They exit the exhibit an hour after they arrive, T’Challa holding one of Autumn's hands as Shuri holds the other.
The little girl is enthralled with playing with the sand at the ‘’Dinosaur Exhibit’’ when Shuri turns to her brother.
‘’Who’s the girl?’’
T’Challa turns to her with wide eyes, ‘’W-what?’’
‘’You’re grinning all goofy and lovesick-like. Who’s the girl? There obviously is one,’’ Shuri shrugs, tossing her braids over her shoulder.
‘’What do you know,’’ T'Challa raises an eyebrow at his younger sister.
‘’More than you,’’ she mirrors his expression.
‘’Just someone I’ve been on one date with. We are meeting up again tonight,’’ he tells her, because there truly is no point arguing with Shuri.
‘’I see. Do baba and mother know?’’
‘’No, and I’d like to keep it that way,’’ he stresses, ‘’Until I see if something is going to come of it.’’
He really hopes that something does, but he won’t tell her that.
‘’Ahh, forbidden love,’’ she nods sagely, as if she has the wisdom of an elderly woman,’’Been there?’’
‘’Shuri, what?’’
‘’I’m kind of seeing this guy from my class. He’s really wet, really smart. Kind of a dork. Has a thing for old pop culture references.’’
‘’Do our parents know,’’ T’Challa questions, training his eyes back on Autumn.
‘’Mother does. Baba does not. Not yet, at least. You know how he can be.’’
‘’Protective,’’ T’Challa nods with a sigh.
‘’Yeah, that,’’ she shakes her head, ‘’I don’t want to hear it from him now. It would make things complicated.’’
That’s part of why T’Challa has not told N’Jadaka about his dates with you. The fewer people that know,t he better for the two of you.
Why invite the outside mess in before you know if there is going to be any business for them to even get into?
‘’Your secret's safe with me, brother. But I say we go get my niece and grab an early dinner. I’m hungry.’’
T'Challa thanks his baby sister with a smile before the pair retrieves Autumn and head out, looking for a kid-friendly restaurant to enjoy.
They settle on a pizza place, and Shuri is wiping Autumn’s face with a napkin as T'CHalla receives a text from you.
‘’Can’t wait for tonight! Dress casually, wear something you don't’ care  messing up’’
Thank goodness for Shuri being able to babysit Autumn tonight.
He can’t imagine where you’re taking him, but he knows that it'll be great because he’ll be with you.
He looks to Autumn, who is giggling as she and Shuri blow bubbles in their drink, because he can’t take them anywhere.
‘’Eh, stop that,’’ he chuckles at the two.
He has a great baby sister, wonderful daughter, and a date with you to look forward to.
Could this day get any better?
The day could not get any better form that moment, but it certainly did get awkward.
T’Challa found out that you wanted to go play paintball. That’s cool.
You bring along Sanaa and wait for her date. Alright.
Her date is N’Jadaka Udaku himself, who is looking at T’Challa like he’s struggling to put the pieces together.
   When you return from the bathroom to join them, he does.
   ‘’We gon’ talk later,’’ he says, shooting T'Challa a look before putting on his gear.
   It’s you and T'Challa against him and Sanaa, and you have a blast. Erik and Sanaa are a match, because they both break into the same happy dance and are already finish each other's sentences.
   ‘’So,’’ Erik turns to his cousin as you and Sanaa head to the bathroom before you all leave to go get dinner, ‘’You finally asked Little Bit’s teacher out.’’
   His tone and expression are both unreadable, so T'Challa treads lightly, carefully.
   A bright grin spreads across N’Jadaka’s face, and T’Challa feels relief washing over him like water, ‘’THAT’S MAH BOY.’’
   ‘’Keep your voice down, N’Jadaka!’’
   ‘’Look At my little cousin, man, taking chances and going on dates and getting numbers.’’
   ‘’I am literally a month younger than you, N’Jadaka.’’
   ‘’Don’t care, man,’’ Erik shrugs as he sees it and Sanaa returning, ‘’We gon’ talk about this some more later.’’
   It’s communicated only through a hand pat on the back, but N’Jadaka supports him. So the fact that another important person in his life supports this enough.
   T’Challa don't miss the fact that N’Jadaka sends him a smirk when he notices you intertwining your finger with his.
   He has his hand on your knee during dinner, gripping tightly as you two finish your food.
   ‘’Erik and I are gonna hit up a party. Don’t wait up,’’ Sanaa hugs you before turning to T’Challa and shaking his hand, ‘’Bye, T’Challa. It was nice to meet you.’’
   ‘’Likewise, Sanaa,’’ he states before looking to Erik, ‘’I will see you tomorrow, N’Jadaka.’’
   ‘’See you, man. Catch you later.’’
   Sanaa and Erik walk off, and you somehow doubt that, even if nothing major happens, she’ll be home tonight.
   T’Challa grabs your hand again, pressing a kiss to the back of it as he guides you to the car.
   The car ride to your apartment is filled with laughter and chatter as you to rehash tells of your time playing paintball.
   ‘’N’Jadaka is his real name. Erik is the name he uses with new people and in school sometimes. Plus, it was easier for Shuri to say ‘Erik’ when she was younger, and now it’s easier for Autumn to say it.  If he likes you and trusts you, though, he lets you call him ‘N’Jadaka’.’’
   ‘’Good to know,’’ you nod, admiring their close relationship.
   ‘’Still mad at you.’’
   You gape at the handsome man, ‘’What did I do?!’’
‘’That girl, Annabelle.., yeah, we never should have let her join our team! We should've gone with her brother,’’ T’Challa shakes his head amused.
   ‘’She actually shoot paintballs at me, like, girl! We are on the same team! We just lost!’’
   ‘’Can we please discuss how N’Jadaka and Sanaa’s dance is the Cabbage Patch? Like, why is that both of their go-to dance?’’
   ‘’Because they are a match made, T’Challa,’’ you giggle.
   He sombers up a bit, eyes trained on the road,and you worry if you said the wrong thing.
   ‘’They really are. He seems happy. This was god for him, ‘’T'Challa says as he pulls into the parking lot of your apartment complex.’’
   He pulls into a parking spot, turning off the car and pulling the key out of the ignition.
   ‘’So… I really like you,’’ T’Challa says, turning to you.
   ‘’I really like you, too, T’Challa.’’
   ‘’I’m not… I don’t want to rush into anything. I can’t afford to. Not with Autumn,’’ T’Challa reminds you.
   ‘’I know. I don’t, like… I don’t want to rush into this, either. It’s just not me, I can’t go fast,’’ you agree with him.
   ‘’I would really like to see you again,’’ T’Challa says earnestly.
   ‘’I’d like to see you again, too.’’
   ‘’Great! We can work it out for next weekend sometime. Um… can I kiss you again?’’
   You nod, and he leans in, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips like he did eight days ago.
   For some reason, the spark ignites a fire that burns inside you, and it is a fire of bravery. That is why you ask him: ‘’Do you want to come up?’’
   He nods, knowing that Autumn is safe and sound at his parent’ house.
   He has one thing he never seems to have enough of during the day: time.
   T'Challa won’t lie and act like he doesn’t want to spend it with you.
   ‘’I don’t want to, like… I don’t want you to think that…’’
   You trail off, trying to find the right words as ou fish for you keys.
   ‘’We don’t have to do anything. We can just talk. I just want to spend time with you.’’
   It’s softly spoken and sweetly stated,a node nothing but fan the flames of bravery that are rushing inside of you.
   So here you go.
   You talk.
   And talk.
   And talk.
   You discuss past relationships. How you haven't had someone since last year that you could just talk to like this.
   He tells you about his divorce and being a single dad.
   He loves her so, so rich that it makes you realize how truly they adore each other.
   He tells you more about Wakanda as you tell him more about your hometown, groin up, and your college years.
   His hand rests on your shoulder, playing with the fabric of your sweatshirt as you do so.
   And it’s nice, because you trust him. It has only been short while since you met, but there’s something about this man that you can’t quite explain.
   It’s just… nice.
   It’s twelve in the morning when he stands, grabbing his coat as you walk him to the door.
   ‘’Can I kiss you,’’ you ask this time.
   He chuckles and nods, pressing his lips to yours for the second time that night.
   This kiss is different, though. It deepens ,and suddenly his hands are in the pockets of your ripped,faded jeans as he lies across the couch, you on top of him. His lips are warm and full as they move against yours, and the only sounds are soft groans and the sounds of you two kissing.
   It’s hot and it’s passionate. This is not love, but it’s stronger than infatuation
   With a start, you realize what it is: potential.
   Potential for a relationship that could be well worth the leap you’d have to take.
Into possibly getting your heartbroken.
Into this not working out.
Into this being something beautiful.
He moans into the kiss, bringing you out of your thoughts.
He hasn’t been kissed like that in ages.
‘’That was amazing,’’ you breathe out as you sit up so that he can't stand up.
‘’It was,’’ he kisses you once more, letting your lips move together for a few more seconds, ‘’But I must get home.’’
You stand to let him out then, a final goodbye kiss punctuating the last sentence in the story of your second date.
You go to sleep with a smile on your face and a warm feeling in your stomach.
Across the city, T’Challa does the same thing.
Something was born tonight: potential.
Potential for something great, a for a good and healthy relationship that the both of you deserve.
It’s up to you to grow that potential into a reality.
But based on the goodnight text and third date idea he just sent you before you went to sleep…
You have no worries about that being a problem.
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