#its just that first week back hectic everything needs to be laid out time u know
peppermint-moss · 2 years
how are you?
doin alrighttt im currently just kinda in a 'just keep rollin mode'; i've had a REALLY BUSY couple days cause university fall semester's starting up again ;-; and its an hour transit for me to get to my school rip AND i work as a peer tutor there too lol so i've been trying to get myself to take it somewhat easy n take idk smth ppl call "breaks" /j which is sorta workin haha
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jtrbluv · 5 years
need(y) | jjk
pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: angst/fluff
word count: 3.6k
warnings: swearing
request: Hello!! Could I get a jungkook angst/fluff imagine where you guys are becoming distant and you leave for some space and he doesn’t know and thinks that you left him?? Sorry if it’s confusing, thank youuuu :)
a/n: sheesh! this was not supposed to be this long HAHA. sorry this took so long to write school just started and it’s fr kicking my ass. i’ve already gotten so much hw for the first week grrrr. i rushes the ending a bit so i’m not quite satisfied and i didn’t edit it either so um sorry about it LOL. anyways thanks for requesting this anon!! in honor of his bday too ig haha, hope u enjoy it :)
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Missed Calls:
y/n <3 (11)
6:45- lmk when ur coming home i can’t wait to see you <33
8:30- u must be busy at the studio it’s okay i’ll wait
9:47- hey it’s okay if ur coming late but could u just give me a heads up
11:02- jungkook?
12:17- happy belated anniversary to you too ig
1:56- i needa stop getting my hopes up huh
Being in a relationship with a worldwide famous idol is never easy. Learning to understand and appreciate the value of the relationship regardless of its limited-time came easy to you. That’s one of the reasons why he became interested in you in the first place. You never came off as overbearing and clingy and you always understood why things had to be different. And that added to the list of things he already absolutely adored about you.
It had been a year since Jungkook had confessed to you backstage that night, asking you to be his lover and promising that he would cherish you like no one ever will. And you can confidently say he very much did at the beginning, commonly known as the honeymoon stage. Things only started to fizzle out and go downhill a few months ago. His group was scheduled for a new comeback. He was promoting and traveling around the world while you were on the sidelines and comfort of your home, cheering him and his group on. Daily texts and calls kept both of you grounded and steady, but as time passed by, those texts and calls ceased to exist. You had been constantly ignored and you didn’t think much of it at first, after all, he was a busy man with a busy schedule. The tour had finally been coming to an end and he’d have the opportunity to come home to you, just in time for your one year anniversary. He had flown in 2 weeks precedent to your anniversary, and fuck, you were so happy to be with him again.
He had made a promise to you that you two would get to spend a lot more time together as he was coming back. You two had finally been living together again after what seemed like years as his group had gotten a break after such a hectic year. He would go to his company need to work on future projects and such and it didn’t bother you at first. He would typically come back home late while you were sleeping and leave early in the morning before you would wake up. As it occurred more frequently, you started to become more concerned. He was finally home for once and he wasn’t even making time to see you. You didn’t want to seem annoying and clingy so you decided to push these thoughts to the back of your head and keep them to yourself.
You had agreed to have a celebration at home, figuring all the restaurants in the vicinity would be closed by the time he’d get home. You patiently waited in the living room, coffee table filled with his favorite foods and snacks you were able to pick up at the local convenience store. He had told you the night before he’d be coming home at 9, a little later than you liked, but you let it slide nonetheless. You essentially cherished all the time you had with him anyway, whether it be a minute, an hour, or a month.
You mindlessly sat in the living room, not paying attention to whatever was playing on the TV. Your ears were constantly alert and peeled, waiting for a familiar car to pull up to your driveway. Your eyes constantly shifted back to your front window, scanning the neighborhood to see if he was back yet or not.
Time ticked by like molasses, your patience and tolerance wavering as it went on. There were no signs of him and he wasn’t answering any of your calls and texts. You were in complete disbelief at the fact that he didn’t have the decency to spend time with you on your first anniversary. Everything you had been holding in was starting to seep out of you, anger and sadness fuming from your system as you ask yourself the same question: Why do you constantly put yourself in this situation? Being hopeful for something just to let it get torn down again. Is that what your relationship has turned into? An insurmountable lost hope?
For the first time, you realized all you’ve been doing his abiding by him, waiting for his cues, going off of his beck and call. You were being walked all over, and you didn’t realize until that moment. For the first time, you were fed up.
You groan in frustration as you snatch your phone from the coffee table. It was 2:34 AM. You furrow your brows as you see how late it is, and how many hours it’s been since he was supposed to come home. Your emotions took control of you as you hastily shut off the TV, charging into your room as you recklessly grab one of your backpacks and stuff random clothes into it.  You grab the nearest hoodie you could find and slipped it on as you grabbed your wallet, keys, and phone. You abruptly halt at the doorway, deciding to write a small note for him before you left. What were the chances he would see it anyway?
I need some time alone to think. Please do not contact me during this time. -Y/N
You stormed out of the house, slamming the door shut behind you. You quickly started your car and pulled out of your driveway and into the streets. You didn’t know where you were going, but you just didn’t want to stay in that house any longer. The streets were empty and the sky was dull and overcast. You let the streets guide you, taking whatever twist and turn you happened to encounter. Your hands were gripped tightly along the steering wheel as tears slipped out of your eyes. You quickly wipe them away as you recalibrate your focus on the road ahead of you. You decided it’d be best to stay at a hotel for now, until you could think of a better solution to all of this. You were able to find a hotel that had lower rates since you literally bought it on the spot.
You checked into the hotel and quickly escaped to your room. You throw your backpack to the floor as you lower yourself into the cold, unfamiliar sheets of the bed. You contemplate your options. As much as you didn’t want to admit, all your actions leading up to that moment had been caused by pent up rage and frustration in the heat of the moment. In spite of that, you didn’t regret what you had done. It felt as if time had frozen and it would only continue once Jungkook became aware of what you had done. So you were going to wait.
Jungkook stumbled into the home, hair disheveled and vision blurry from his near sleepless night. While working at the studio he had unknowingly fallen asleep while working on a track. All of his members had already gone back home so there was no one to wake him up or remind him of his girlfriend that was waiting patiently back home for him, ready to celebrate a long-awaited and special day.
All traces of the anniversary had slipped his mind as soon as he slid into a deep slumber back at the studio. He trudges around the house and his eyes land on the organized display of snacks on the coffee table. His eyes shift to the blanket and pillow that you two tended to share was all crumpled on the couch. The lightbulb immediately lit in his mind as he put the pieces together and his eyes widen in absolute horror. He had forgotten your anniversary.
“Oh my god, I’m so fucking stupid!” he exclaims, the tone of disbelief in his voice increasing as he realizes his mistake.
“Y/N!” he cries out to you as he runs around the house, searching in all the rooms to see if you were there. He almost forgets the phone that laid in his back pocket until he takes it out, hoping to call you in hopes that you would respond. His phone lights up only to show how indecently late he was, 5:43 a.m, and the amount of missed calls and texts from you, the disappointment and dejection he sensed from you increasing as he read each text you sent to him. His jaw dropping incredulously as he shuts his eyes and takes a deep exhale.
“Fuck, what have I done?” he huffs out, his voice small and full of somber. The fact that he had forgotten a day as important as this was already encompassing his mind but more so, he couldn’t find you and it deeply startled him, he didn’t know where you were and where you could be at this hour. He walks back into the living room where he assumes you had been waiting and his focus shifts to the kitchen where he notices a small notepad and pen along with a torn piece of paper that seemed to have something inscribed on it. He squints as he walks towards the kitchen. He took the paper in his hands as he immediately recognizes your handwriting and his breath hitches as he reads your name. His feet stay rooted to the wooden tile of the kitchen as he freezes there with the paper in his hands. Dumbfounded was an understatement to whatever Jungkook had felt at that moment in time. A tear had involuntarily slid down his cheek. Was this it? Was this the end? Were you going to leave him and never come back? These were only a few out of the heap of questions that were running through his head. All he knew was that he needed to find you. And he needed to fix the mess he had just made.
Similar to you he had bolted out of the house and drove off, unaware of where you actually were but he figured if he had searched for long enough, he would be able to find you.
You had slept deep into the day, finally getting up only because you started to notice the consistent vibrations that came from your bedside table. Naturally, you figured it was Jungkook, you didn’t tell anyone else of your whereabouts since it was so sporadic and you certainly didn’t feel like conversing or informing anyone of your situation. Out of curiosity and the annoying blare of your phone, you decide to see who it is anyway. Much to your surprise, your best friend Seulgi’s beaming smile flashed on your phone screen as you pick up.
“Seulgi, hi,” your voice manages to croak out as you adjust to the sunlight peeking out of your window.
“Y/N, where the hell are you?” she immediately asks, you can basically hear the frown lines etched into her forehead.
You groan into the mic of your phone as you speak back, “Seulgi, I can explain-”
“Jungkook’s been looking for you all night and asking everyone where you are,” she cuts you off.
“Seulgi,” you exhale, trying to suppress your anger, “he forgot our anniversary.”
“Oh my god.” she gasps, “you’re joking.”
“Did he not tell anyone?!” you shriek into the phone.
“No! He just said you left and he was looking for you and he was really scared and he even sounded like he was on the verge of tears and once I said I didn’t know where you were he just hung up!” she rambles on and on.
“Okay, yeah, he forgot and I got mad and I left,” you reveal, voice barely over a whisper.
“Y/N, I don’t blame you,” she reassures you, voice softening, “but, I think you should confront him about this.”
“Yeah, I know. I just needed some time to cool off and think.”
“Well, do you plan on breaking up with him?” she speaks timidly.
“I- I don’t know. I mean, I don’t want to. I want to hear what he has to say.” you stutter, your mind in a complete frenzy.
“Hasn’t he been paying less attention to you these last couple of months?” she asks, “I rarely see you two go out anymore.”
“Yeah cuz we really don’t,” you confirm. “He’s been so focused on his career which I understand but, sometimes it just feels like he doesn’t even acknowledge the fact that he has a girlfriend.”
“Then why haven’t you told him that.”
“I don’t want to seem like the type of girlfriend to hold him back from doing what he loves. He’s invested so much time into his career.”
“Y/N, obviously not telling him how you feel has resulted in this mess. And okay, before you attack me, if he doesn’t have the decency to spend time with his girlfriend every once in a while then he doesn’t deserve your time and energy in the first place,” she advises you.
“I know that Seulgi, that’s all I’ve been thinking about all night.”
“Then talk to him Y/N,” she softly mutters, “for the sake of your relationship with him.”
You hum in agreement but as you’re about to hang up she interjects, “Okay, but just remember, I’ll support whatever decision you make next. I know you’re wise enough to know what you deserve and what’s best for the two of you. Always here for you Y/N.”
“I don’t know where I’d be without you Seulgi. I’ll update you. I’ll head out now.” you smile into the phone.
“You got this Y/N!” she cheers as you hang up.
You had clear intentions on your mind but you couldn’t help but feel anxious and uncertain about what was to happen between you and Jungkook.
jungkook, i’m in sunset central hotel. if you want to talk, come here as soon as you can. Thanks.
Jungkook’s eyes widen to the size of saucers as soon as he saw your name flash onto his screen. He redirects his GPS to the hotel you were at, a 45-minute drive. He didn’t care, he just needed to find you.
You waited at the foot of your bed, feeling extremely uneasy about the whole confrontation. Your foot was constantly tapping on the wooden floors, as you played with your hands and glance back at your phone to check the time.
Jungkook finally reaches his destination as he surges through the front doors of the hotel, asking the front desk if you were still staying over. The front desk had called you and informed you that someone had come to see you and if it was okay for them to come over. You hesitantly obliged, cowering every time you heard Jungkook answering whatever questions he was required to answer.
It never really registered through Jungkook’s mind that he was supposed to talk to you. He just planned on spilling his heart out and hoping it would be enough for your forgiveness and just being able to hold you in his arms again.
He takes his time getting to your room. His movements are lethargic and hesitant, taking the time to gather his thoughts. He reaches the floor your room is on as he steps out of the elevator and scans the area to find where your room would be. He slowly walks as he sees your room number, he knocks softly at the door, staring at his shoes.
Your head snaps to the sound of his knocks, you take a deep breath as you stand up and slowly creak open the door. You don’t even bother to try to share any eye contact as you widen the door and motion him to come in.
“Y/N,” he begins, eyes still focused on the floor, “I’m,” he exhales, “I’m so sorry.” He slowly tilts his head up, analyzing your body language. Your hands were clasped in front of you as your eyes shifted back and forth to everything but Jungkook. You could feel his stare burning into you but dismissed it.
“Is that-,” you mutter, “is that all you came here to say to me?
“No!” he interrupts, causing you to flinch. His face softens at your reaction, “I- I fell asleep while working on a song and lost track of time.”
Your jaw clenches at his statement as you take a moment to let what he had told you sink in,  “And that makes it all okay?”
“No, of course, it doesn’t-”
“Jungkook, we were supposed to spend this time together with each other. You’re on an actual break for once and you’d still rather dedicate all your time to it instead of spending time with me. All your other members have been going on trips, seeing family, hanging out with friends,” you huff out, glaring at him as he looks at his shoes, “do I not matter to you anymore?”
Your last statement almost made him meltdown right there on the spot. The fact that he had made you believe that he didn’t care about you at all was already bad enough as it is.
He takes a step towards you and looks you straight in the eye, “No, Y/N,” he sighs in exasperation, trying to piece together what he was going to say, “we’ve just been getting so much publicity and gaining so much popularity and fame, I feel like they expect so much from us. And from me. I’m the Golden Maknae, I have to be good at everything and be able to do anything, but in reality, nothing’s working out and I’ve just been stressed as hell and wanting to see you.”
“I’ve never left Jungkook until yesterday, I’ve always been there waiting,” you reveal slowly, “and I really always want to be here for you. Ever since the tour, you stopped contacting me and I just thought you were busy but in the back of my mind, I started thinking that you just didn’t care anymore.”
“But I do, I always did.” he says, taking a step towards you.
“You haven’t proven otherwise, and I don’t want to reach this breaking point just so we can be happy and go through this all over again.” your voice cracks.
“I know, I don’t want that either, but, if this was bothering you for so long, why couldn’t you tell me earlier?”
“Do I really have to remind my own boyfriend to spend time with me?” you scoff as you shake your head in disbelief.
“Y/N, I didn’t mean that, I mean we’ve never had any problems in our relationship up until now, and now that I’m thinking about it, you could’ve told me off and broke up with me a long time ago, but you never told me when you had any problems with me. Yes, I know the things I did were stupid as fuck but Y/N, being in a relationship while balancing my career is still new to me. I’m absolutely clueless and stupid and I need you to guide me so I can be there for you.”
“I-,” you sighed heavily, “I didn’t want to intrude. You’ve worked so hard to get to where you are and I didn’t want to fuck it up.”
“Hey, I’m always willing to give up time for you.” his responds as his eyes soften, “I know it sure as hell may not seem like it, but you shouldn’t prioritize my needs or whatever you think my needs are over yours. Now I’ve just been taking advantage of your leniency. How did I not notice? Fuck, I’m such a dumbass.”
You honestly didn’t know how to respond to that, you knew what you were doing was selfless and you were extremely patient about it all, “I just figured that was the last thing you wanted you know, another thing to worry about on top of your career.”
“I thought about that at first too,” he agreed, biting his lip, “I realized later on that it really shouldn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. I care about you too much to let that happen and the more I got to know you, I realized that, well, you were worth it.”
You could feel his intense glare without even sparing him a glance, “Am I still worth it to you?”
You feel his hand envelop your own as steps towards you once again, “You always will be.”
“You’re making it really hard for me to keep being mad at you,” you huff, tightening your grip around his hand.
He noticed the fact that you were still avoiding eye contact and you remained distant. He tugs on your hand and pulls you close to him, breaking your personal barrier. He pulls you into a warm hug, something you both had craved for so long. The longing and acceptance for one another was mutual, but where were you two supposed to do from there on out?
He loosens his hold on you and pulls away slightly, “Are we okay?”
For the first time that day your eyes met his as you replied, “Yeah, we’re okay.”
Only time would tell.
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beanzybrandon · 5 years
A/N: this very quickly became nothing more than a glorified food fight. enjoy, i guess pfft
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• there's just something about being with your best friend(s) that can turn the quietest, most shy individuals into the most extroverted people to walk the earth • ‎video chatting with friends has a similar effect, especially when you haven't seen the other party for an extended amount of time • ‎what happens when you combine these two events is nothing short of absolute c h a o s • ‎in this case, the convening pals are you and the prettymuch boys. you had been out of town for a few weeks and wanted to meet up with them when you returned home. they were quick to agree and arranged for you to come over the day following your return (that way you'd have a little bit of time to yourself to relax and unpack your bags) • ‎the friends that the boys are video chatting with?? why it's none other than the beanz • ‎well, I suppose instagram lives don't really count as video chatting but you know what I meAn. it's still a viable form of communication and the absolutely adore interacting with the fandom. life's just been kind of hectic lately and they haven't had the chance to do much of anything with the beanz • ‎now that things have slowed down a bit and one of their closest friends is finally back home, why not do a live?? they all agreed it would be fun and you truly felt as if it would be a nice change of pace, too; interacting with people you love and who love you after weeks upon weeks of nothing but hecticness and disarray sounded like the perfect way to unwind • ‎ after a brief discussion, it was decided that you were to come over later in the morning (not everyone woke up at the same time and having you come over a bit later in the day ensured everyone was awake while also being well-rested) and would help them make brunch • ‎it would give you plenty of time to talk and catch up • ‎,,,, plus, they needed extra help cooking. edwin and brandon had unofficially been placed in charge of handling meals when everyone decided to sit down and eat together and sometimes it got just the teensiest bit tiring • ‎the moment you walked in the front door, though, you could see that things weren't going to be quite as laid back as you had assumed • ‎things were already lively and loud, all of the boys (except for caleb, who had answered the door when you rung the bell) having congregated in the kitchen. • ‎austin and edwin we're talking animatedly amongst each other, trying to set up the live. they were experiencing a series of technical difficulties (that really boiled down to some simple changes in the settings of the former male's phone. brandon and nick had begun to poke through the fridge, mulling over what they wanted to eat for breakfast • ‎it very quickly grew from a peaceful conversation to a loud (albeit friendly) argument over what kinds of breakfast foods were better • ‎you figured it would be best to help settle things between brandon and nick before things escalated further and became a full-blown food fight before you could even start cooking so you scurried over to them first, kicking off your sandals and dropping your bag by the door • ‎when they couldn't come to a decision after another solid minute and a half of conversation, you chose for them • ‎you had been dying for one french toast waffles. pair it with some bacon, fresh fruit, and hash rows and bAm, a whole meal • ‎pleased with your judgment, their bickering quelled • ‎at least for the time being • ‎it wasn't long before austin and edwin began the live and the six of you settled into everything • ‎you, Edwin, and brandon had moved behind the counter to start cooking, caleb was currently tending to music, and austin and nick were reading and responding to the growing stream of comments that trickled in • ‎it was pleasant enough at first. all of you were talking merrily amongst each other and answering whatever questions and comments happened to catch your eye • ‎and then caleb changed the song • ‎the action in and of itself isn't one that would bring about any unpleasant consequences • ‎it was the song itself that was the issue • ‎everyone has a hype song. this one just so happened to be a m u t u a l hype song • ‎meaning the moment everyone recognized what was playing, all hell broke loose • ‎caleb was the first to succumb to the excitement of the song. he had been pretty quiet this far, but the vibrations of the bass sank their talons into his being. he began to mouth the words, then sing along, then scream along as he gradually shifted out of his seat and began to dance • ‎nick followed suit shortly thereafter • ‎hip roll nation™ • catch half the boys jumping around and yelling 'Aye AYe aYe aYE ayE!" at the top of their lungs • it's like a frat party without the booze and loud freshmen • ‎brandon swayed along to the beat, eyes fluttering shut as he raised the whisk in his hand up to his mouth so that he could use it as a makeshift microphone • ‎which is fun, sure, but probably not the brightest thing to do when said whisk was just in a bowl of waffle batter • ‎needless to say, the front of his shirt was now caked in the liquid • ‎did he notice, though?? of course not • ‎because now he's got a whole performance going on and he's putting everything he's got into it • ‎which means he's really bustin down now. he's singing at the top of his lungs, he's hitting those runs, he's whipping around and throwing it back • ‎this also means that he has flung copious amounts of batter all over?? everyone?? • ‎this goes unnoticed by most but lordy lordy, he managed to get some in caleb's hair and that is a federal offense • ‎you k n o w the moment he feels a glob of sticky flour land in his hair he's gonna throw whatever he gets his hands-on • ‎given that there's an open container of eggs laying nearby and they fit so perfectly in the palm of his hand, it only makes sense that one is going to be airborne • he's huffin' and puffin', eyes firey as he lets out an exasperated "I know you didn't just-" and yeets the egg • ‎nothing ever works out the way they're intended, though, so it doesn't hit his initial target • ‎no, no, of course, it didn't • ‎you know who it d i d hit, though? • ‎y o u • ‎and you know what you're wearing?? • ‎a brand new shirt that is hands down the most comfortable article of clothing you own • ‎and now its sticky and wet and smells absolutely horrid • ‎and you know what you feel now?? • ‎nothing but pure, unadulterated rage. the fire of one thousand suns is blazing through your veins and you want nothing more than r e v e n g e • ‎aight, it isn't that intense but you reacted before you had the opportunity to process what had happened and develop a proper plan of action • ‎so, yeah, you started throwing food back • ‎you didn't settle for an egg or a spoonful of waffle batter • ‎you peeled open the lid of the whipped cream container that rested on the counter and sunk your hand in, scooping out as much of the sticky substance as you possibly could • ‎and, unlike some people, y o u d i d n t m i s s • ‎meaning that caleb is getting a face full of that sugary goodness • ‎by this point, no one is really paying attention to the comments on the live anymore (which were going insane, by the way. if everyone who viewed the live got a dollar every time someone said "hit edwin with the banana," they'd be rich) • ‎it wasn't long before all six of you were engaged in a battle of sustenance • ‎in layman's terms, a food fight • ‎it was?? horrible?? • ‎for a solid ten minutes, there was nothing in the air but choked cries and mushy food • ‎austin had managed to crawl onto the bar and was raining food down on everyone (quite the feat, actually, given how tall he is. if the ceiling were much lower, you were sure his head would have scraped the top of it). brandon and edwin had abandoned their positions beside you in favor of hiding behind the cabinets • ‎when their wooden shields didn't offer up enough protection, they sought out the lids of pots and pans for extra assistance • ‎caleb had armed himself in the hopes of deterring anyone from coming at him with more food • ‎his weapon of choice?? the kitchen towel, which he had wound tightly and was flicking at people whenever they got too close or looked like they were taking aim at him • ‎nick had taken up residence under the sink, hoping to wait out the fight • ‎which took an exceptional amount of time • ‎it wasn't until you had gone through about half of the food in the refrigerator that most of you came to your senses and called a truce • ‎it took a bit longer for the others to follow suit (cough cough, caleb and brandon cough cough) but they sooner calmed down as well • ‎the six of you could do nothing more than part for a while, faces flushed and hearts thumping erratically • when you cast your gaze across the room to the five men that were still strewn about like forgotten socks, you couldn't do much more than laugh • it reverberated off the walls, making everyone's bones rattle as warm grins split across their faces • it wasn't long before they, too, began to laugh • everyone but nick, that is • when the loud cries that tore themselves from everyone's throats had subsided into joyous laughter and lighthearted banter, he quietly crawled out from under the sink and stood, brushing as much food off of his clothing as possible • "hey, guys?" he'd chime, brows furrowing and lips drawing themselves into a thin line • "what are we gonna do about breakfast?" • all of you shared a look before moving toward the front door • you could shower and change later, you decided. none of you had been given the chance to eat and food was a lot more important than a few stains • no one noticed that austin's phone had been left on the counter, nor that the live stream hadn't ended.
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girlgrouptrash101 · 5 years
MiMo (Twice) - Holiday
Request: “Twice Mina and Momo went back to japan during their break. Mina pretended to have a guy who she really liked. But all that was just to tease momo and make her jealous, and end off with a confession to momo and smut”
Warnings: smut, swearing (kinda), u get it its NSFW
Word Count: 1,887 Words
A/N: well this is the first time i’ve posted an idol x idol scenario on this blog so i hope it doesn’t suck
- C
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Mina watched Momo’s sleeping figure as she curled up in the small aeroplane seat, her head resting on Mina’s shoulder. The girls were finally given time off, unfortunately, Sana was still participating in extra activities back in Korea, but her family visited her just a week prior, so she was okay with it.
As soon as the pilot announced that there were just ten minutes to landing, Mina looked over at the pretty girl on her shoulder. She didn’t want to disturb Momo and have her move away from Mina, but she knew she had to so they could both be ready to get off the plane when it touched down.
“Hey, Momo, it’s time to wake up. We’re almost there,” Mina said softly, nudging Momo out of her slumber. After the girl had woken up a bit, she thanked Mina for waking her, offering a sleepy smile that made Mina’s heart race faster than usual. It seemed Momo always had that effect on the younger girl, and Mina never quite knew how to handle it. So, she just looked away shyly, smiling a little while she put her phone and headphones back into the handbag she’d taken onto the plane with her.
The girls had decided to spend a couple of days in Japan together before they went to visit family, wanting to go and see a few tourist attractions and just relax a bit from their hectic lives that never really stopped.
That’s how Mina and Momo found themselves lying next to one another on the double bed in their room, scrolling absentmindedly on their phones after the flight. Once they landed, they decided to go for a quick meal and then head back to sleep. They had plenty planned for the next couple of days, and they didn’t want to tire themselves out too much before they got to see or do anything.
“Hey Minari, what’re you smiling at?” Momo asked, turning onto her side to face the girl in question.
“Ah I was just chatting to an old friend from high school, it’s been so long since I’ve talked to him and we were just catching up.” Momo quirked a brow, now putting down her phone and paying her whole attention to Mina now.
“A guy, huh? Is he nice?” Momo asked, not liking the feeling brewing in her stomach at the thought of someone else putting a smile on Mina’s face; that should be her job only. Mina noticed the drop in Momo’s tone, and she decided to keep going with it to see if she could get the older girl jealous of someone else talking to her.
“Yeah, he’s really sweet. I missed him a lot and we’re just arranging a time to meet up while I’m here.” Mina said, eyes locking with Momo’s. She gulped a little, noticing the pissed off look on Momo’s face.
“We came to Japan to spend some time together, and you’re gonna leave me for some dude?” Momo asked, moving her body a little closer to Mina’s to emphasize how serious she was being right now, not wanting to be taken as a joke.
“It’s not that big of a deal, we see each other all the time, right? I can spare a day or two to catch up with an old friend, can’t I?” Mina tried to hide her smile as Momo rolled her eyes, she knew she was getting somewhere with the older girl now.
“I know we see each other every day, but not like this. I wanted to spend time with you when it’s just us, because I have a lot of things that I’ve been meaning to tell you, Minari.” Momo looked deep into Mina’s eyes after saying the nickname that the younger girl was so fond of.
“So… tell me Momo. Tell me now, I don’t want you to have to wait any longer.” Mina replied, moving ever closer to Momo, the space between the two of them getting much smaller than it ever had been before.
“Alright… Hear me out, don’t interrupt me, yeah?” Momo said, waiting for Mina to nod, before taking the girl’s hand in her own. Their fingers intertwined naturally as Momo gathered her thoughts.
“I... really like you, Mina, I have for a long time, but I’ve never really had the chance, or the confidence, to tell you, until now,” Momo said earnestly, trying to show the girl that she was being serious. Mina felt a blush coat on her cheeks as she realised that her previously unrequited love… just might not have been so unrequited after all.
“I really like you too, Momo. I have for a while now, but I never thought that you felt the same.” She said, squeezing Momo’s hand affectionately. The girls just lay there for a while, smiling and blushing as they chatted away. Soon they were relaxing in a comfortable silence, before Momo decided to speak up.
“You know what else I’ve really been meaning to do on this holiday, Minari?” Momo whispered out, brushing a few strands of hair from Mina’s face.
“What, unnie?” Mina asked, a smirk gracing her lips as she watched Momo’s eyes darken at the name.
“Show you just what you’ve been missing.” And when those words left the older girl’s mouth, it was Mina who made the first move, pressing an eager kiss to Momo’s lips.
Soon Momo had moved so she was on top of Mina, the kiss turning deeper with each second that ticked by. Momo pulled away to kiss Mina’s neck, sucking and biting the soft skin, before licking to soothe the marks she left behind. Leaning up with her hands beside Mina’s head, she whispered something that sent shivers down the younger one’s spine.
“Let me make you feel good, baby.”
Momo pulled Mina’s top off before removing her own, her lips going back to Mina’s as soon as she was finished. Her hands soon wandered behind Mina’s back, swiftly unhooking the girl’s bra and letting it fall from her frame.
Momo kneeled up to look at the sight in front of her, smirking as her fingers trailed along Mina’s core. Mina felt nervous under her gaze and moved to cover herself up until Momo stopped her.
“Don’t be shy around me baby, you’re beautiful. Don’t hide it.” She whispered in her member’s ear, kissing her lobe before moving down to give her breasts the same treatment.
Mina was soon a moaning mess beneath her, Momo’s eager mouth was leaving behind all kinds of marks that Mina knew she’d be admiring in the mirror in the morning.
Both girls were on cloud nine, the only sound being heard were ones of pleasure and longing, both of them giving into feelings that were harboured for a long time.
Momo’s kisses moved lower until she was at the waistband of Mina’s jeans. Her hands moved to unbutton them, looking up for permission from the younger girl. With one swift nod and the way Mina was biting her lip, Momo knew Mina wanted this just as much as she did.
Mina was soon laid bare for Momo’s eyes to drink her in, and she just couldn’t help herself. She was soon nipping and kissing at Mina’s inner thighs, smiling at the way her chest arched and the breathy moans escaping her plush lips.
She soon found her way to Mina’s core, her breath hitching as she saw how soaked the girl was, just for her. She kissed just above her centre, motivated by the whine coming from above to continue her movements.
Momo licked flat against Mina’s slit, drawing a moan from the younger’s lips. Mina tried desperately to hold back as Momo pleased her, but the girl was so skilled with her tongue that everything just tumbled from her lips, her mind going blank from the euphoric feeling of Momo between her legs.
Momo was getting lost in Mina’s taste, moaning against her as she worked on her clit, already knowing she was hooked on the girl and that she was never going to get enough. Sucking on her clit, Momo knew Mina was coming close. She dug her nails into the girl’s thighs as she continued her work, eating her out like she was her last meal.
Mina’s hands came down to thread into Momo’s hair. She only went faster, working hard to make the girl come, hearing how desperate her moans were becoming.
Before she could register, Mina was coming hard, her moans getting caught in her throat before being released in one loud scream of Momo’s name. Her body rode each wave of her orgasm as Momo kept going slowly to help prolong the wondrous feeling.
She was panting now, her hands loosening in the older girl’s hair as she came back to her senses. She was soon pulling Momo back up to her, tasting herself on the girl’s tongue as she kissed her.
Mina used her hands to push on Momo’s shoulders so her back was on the mattress, before moving to hold herself over Momo as she moved to kiss her once again. Her wandering hands trailed down to Momo’s shorts, hastily unbuttoning them. She pulled away from the kiss and pulled any remaining clothes from Momo’s body, not wanting any barriers between their bodies.
Mina’s held Momo’s thighs, gripping them between her fingers as she kissed Momo desperately. She noticed Momo’s breathing pick up, and how her hand went to the back of Mina’s head to pull on the baby hairs on the back of her neck.
“Mina I- I need you to fuck me, baby, please,” Momo whispered out, her voice coming out as a rasp. She needed Mina, and she needed her now.
The younger girl didn’t hesitate any longer, lowering herself down and kissing Momo’s toned stomach. She took her two middle fingers, rubbing them around Momo’s
folds and brushing off her clit until they were soaked in the girl’s arousal. She pushed them in Momo’s entrance easily, smirking at how Momo’s body arched from the mattress.
After a few pumps, Mina found herself moaning at the feeling of Momo. Both of them were letting noises slip from their mouths that they weren’t expecting.
“You’re so tight for me baby, fuck,” Mina growled out, making Momo whine at her dominant words.
Mina curled her fingers with each thrust, curling them to hit the sweet spot that made Momo moan louder every time.
Her moans turned into high pitched whines as Mina pushed her closer and closer to the edge.
Mina groaned and bit her lip as she felt Momo’s walls tighten around her fingers. Momo was in a euphoric state, riding out her orgasm on Mina’s fingers. She whined when she pulled them out, but soon snapped out of it to grab the younger girl’s hand and suck her own come off the digits.
“You’re so good to me baby,” Momo said, pulling Mina up and under the covers.
Bringing Momo flush against her body, Mina kissed her softly until they both felt the tiredness seeping in. With their eyelids barely being held open now, Momo said one last thing before they both drifted off into an undisturbed slumber.
“This is gonna be one hell of a fucking holiday.”
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tea-andbagels · 7 years
Summary: just a lil one shot based on Perfect by the man Ed himself,from his Divide album. ((plus is still my fav album from him lmao))
pairing: isaac lahey x reader
a/n: i know i said i was gonna try posting more but 2017 hasn't been too good for me and i've been working alot bc yo gurl needs to save for things and yeah life is just hectic af. sorry if it isnt too detailed but i hope this makes up for it and u enjoy this!! feedback is appreciated hehe thenks frands
I found a love for me. Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead
Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet.
Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me.
Cause we were just kids when we fell in love,n
ot knowing what it was.
Isaac never knew that you would be the one that everyone kept talking about. You first knew Isaac from history. You saw him grow. He started out as that shy kid that no one really paid that much attention to. Then suddenly he became this complicated hotstuff,who thought he immediately was superior to others. Before returning back to his old self.
He approached you to help him with his history since you were one of the better students in class. There were the top students,so you had no idea why he picked you to be his tutor.
Countless of study sessions later,it was finally time for the exam. Time to see if all those tutoring sessions was worth it at all.
When he got the test back the next day,he looked for you since you weren't in class. He was so excited to tell you he aced it. He eventually found you in the field,just about to leave.
"y/n!" he called out as he ran over to you.
You turned around and smiled at him. "hello isaac."
"why didn't i see you in class today?"
"i came in late... whats up?" you said eyeing the paper in his hand.
"well,the tutoring paid off! i aced my test!" he grinned. You smiled too. He was just filled with pure happiness and you could tell.
"congratulations Isaac." you smiled as he suddenly pulled you in for a hug and kissed you on the cheek.
"all thanks to you." he said blushing at the fact he kissed your cheek. "uh,also," he spoke as you started to walk away.
"would you like to go out for dinner on maybe friday? as a thank you. and also because i wanna take you out on a date." he asked shyly as he rubbed the back of his neck.
You smiled at how shy he was. "friday sounds great."
"uh is 7 okay?"
And ever since then,you've both been together.
Honestly to you,you thought that it would be those silly high school crushes that'll last about a month or two. But you both just proved each other wrong. You thought you'd bore him eventually but you didn't. Even after he's known about you past,as you with his,he still stuck by you.
It seemed unreal to you,to have someone as caring as Isaac. As for Isaac,it was unreal to him that you love him unconditionally.
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark
with you between my arms,
barefoot on the grass,
listening to our favorite song.
It was your 4th anniversary with Isaac. You thought Isaac didn't have plans tonight and you were perfectly fine with staying in,watching movies,pigging out. Well,your boyfriend thought otherwise. You were in the living room channel surfing when he came back.
“I’m bringing you out tonight.” He said as he shut the door.
“okay.” you smiled up at him.
“don’t need to wear anything too fancy though,its going to be more how do the kids these days say it,chill?” He said coming over to you to give you a kiss.
You laughed. “sure.” So you switched off the tv and went to change into something more presentable. Once you were done,it was Isaac's turn to change as he was making some food. "we're going stargazing?"
"how'd you know?"
"i was gonna say picnic but its like 8pm so what kind of picnic would it be?"
"picnics could be for any time of the day you know."
"but we humans put it in a way that picnics are for the day time."
"but then again time is a man made construct." Isaac replied winking at you.
"that sounds familiar eh?" you laughed you helped him pack the light snacks he made.
"shall we?" Isaac then held out his hand to you. You nodded and off you both headed to his favourite spot.
It was up in the hills somewhere,not too noisy too. It had a nice view of the little houses that stood below. So you and isaac laid out the mat and settled down. You both sat there,eating,talking and eventually star gazing.
"this reminds me of our 1st anniversary." you said,your head in his lap. "when you found out i really wanted to go stargazing."
"ha yeah,i never knew that was your kind of stuff,im glad i did bring you that day. i'll never forget that little glisten in your eyes as you just laid down and watched the stars." He said looking down at you.
"i really love you,you know." you smiled looking at him.
"i know. i love you too." he grinned. And so you both just continued to watch the stars light up the night sky,in silence,soft music playing in the background.
As the current song ended,your song played. Isaac stood up and held out his hand to you. You gave him a look but took stood up with him anyway.
He held you close to him as you both started swaying to the song. It wasn’t even fit for a slow dance but you did anyway,anything to be in his arms. You eventually just pulled away from him to give him a special musical number as he just laughed at you.
When you said you looked a mess,
I whispered underneath my breath, but you heard it,
darling, you look perfect tonight.
"you know," you said halfway before isaac interrupted you.
"no i don't actually." he smiled as he looked down at you.
You just gave him a glare,slowly breaking because you couldn’t help but smile when he smiles. “that i hate you?”
“babe,that can’t be possible! half an hour ago you were just telling me you love me!” he said feigning a hurt face. You laughed at him playing along.
“i wanted to tell you that lately i haven’t felt pretty?”
This time you interrupted him. “i know its like stupid,its been bothering me this week? i hope this is period feelings because i feel stupid as hell for getting upset over that.” you chuckled. "i look how i feel." you chuckled again,averting your gaze towards the stars.
“you look perfect tonight baby.” he said rather softly. Almost too soft for you to hear. But you did anyway.
“i am so blessed to have you,isaac lahey.”
We are still kids, but we're so in love, fighting against all odds,I know we'll be alright this time,Darling, just hold my hand.
In a relationship,there’s bound to be fights,big ones and small ones. But despite those obstacles in the relationship,at the end of the day you knew it was because you love each other. 
Recently you’d say you had a pretty big fight. Well to you at least. You haven’t been in the best of moods this week. With work stuff,all you’ve been lately is stressed. Mostly at yourself. 
So when you got home you released all the pent up anger you had against whoever on Isaac. And you immediately felt bad. He didn’t deserve this. You went a whole day not talking to him because you felt bad and he didn’t bring it up either. You were one to keep it to yourself until you felt that its the right time to apologise. Isaac has known you long enough to know that. So one day he picked you up from work. You walked back home to your shared apartment. It was a decent 5 minute walk so you decided this was the best time to apologise. 
“I’m sorry for releasing my anger on you. I swear i didn’t mean to and you know me,too scared to apologise immediately. I’ll work on that eventually.” You said as you played with your fingers. It was a nervous habit. “i literally feel like such an asshole.” 
Isaac didn’t say anything at first. He just took one of your hands and held it. He then gave it a reassuring squeeze. “You’re perfectly fine,darling.” He smiled as you looked up at him. 
“we’re fine.”
“im really sorry. i can’t-” 
“we’re still growing,it takes time to make something a habit,you’ll get there.” he smiled. “we’re going to be alright.” 
You really thought this man was too good for you. Even with everything he’s been through. 
I have faith in what I see, now I know I have met an angel in person and she looks perfect, I don't deserve this.
Everytime Isaac glanced at you or looked at you,he felt happy. A feeling he hasn't felt in a long time. Often you'd catch him staring at you. He thought to himself that if an angel was a person it would be you. He even told you once. And honestly you didn't feel like one.
Sometime he looks at you,and the way you love him and care for him,he felt like he didn't deserve this. It felt too good to be true for him. He truly didn’t know what he did to deserve someone as amazing as you.
I don't deserve this,you look perfect tonight.
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runway-rpg-blog1 · 7 years
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Mei Cheng 40 She/her Faceclaim: Lucy Liu
You’re dying.
If Mei were to begin the story of her life, she’d start there. A doctor’s appointment, a nurse’s grim expression, a hand reaching down to hold the tips of her fingertips before she pulled it away. In her younger days, Mei had been an open book. She’d cried freely, openly, before she’d gotten into the fashion industry. The nurse didn’t see her cry.
Huntington’s disease is a genetic disorder, her nurse had started, presumably because the doctor had been called away to another emergency. It affects about 30,000 people in the U.S… affects movement and speaking capabilities… usually starts progressing when people are in their forties…
She hadn’t been paying close attention after that, mostly because the blood had rushed so harshly to her ears that she couldn’t hear anything. To be precise, she was thirty-nine years old, about to be married–married–living a life of unfortunate happiness. She was in the prime of her career. About to be promoted to editor-in-chief. It was no wonder Kendra had noticed such changes in Mei’s mood, the nurse continued, since the first symptoms of the disease were depression and personality changes. In a quiet voice, the nurse had asked if she had any children and if she should alert them. Kendra’s jaw set. Mei shook her head no.
A few weeks earlier, she laid in bed for several hours as Kendra tried, in vain, to get her dressed to go to work. She wouldn’t move. A few days earlier, Mei snapped and threw a few of her engraved plates onto the tile floor, shattering them instantly. A few months earlier, Kendra had proposed, right on the front steps of the restaurant they’d had their first date.
Their love had been slow and steady. They’d lived together for eight years, roughly, just when Mei’s career began taking off. Kendra led a hectic life, too; she was a senior attorney in a Manhattan law firm. Mei still remembered the sound of her voice when she breathed her name on their bed. She remembered the sound of her voice when she was angry, especially following the diagnosis. Kendra’s apathetic expression when she’d told Mei she was done, that she couldn’t stick around and watch Mei die. There was no wedding, just Kendra’s boxes loaded into a U-Haul, ironically leaving Mei behind forever.
Mei had forced herself to block it out. She could understand Kendra’s reasoning, on some level. Kendra wasn’t meant to watch her wife die as a caretaker, a gravedigger. She deserved better.  
Now Mei has to bear it alone. Sometimes she can feel the time tick away, like the second hand of a clock, every time her hand shakes or she says a word wrong. If only she could turn it back.
If only she could turn it back to her twenties, fresh out of Vanderbilt business school, smile bright and hair shiny. She had so much time. She’d juggled a Vogue internship in her senior year and was offered a position at Runway in the spring. It was just in the finance department–she struggled to get ahead, get into the right meetings and meet the right people. It had seemed so hard, before she was dying.
If only she could turn it back to her high school days, when she had all the direction and all the future in the world. Her mother had died when she was fifteen, but Mei had pushed through it, shoved it down so thoroughly and heartlessly that sometimes she wondered if she’d ever even had a mother. Death was not on the agenda when she was fifteen, not when she had so much to do with her life.
If only she could turn it back to the day her parents had first met–her father, a Chinese immigrant, working as a waiter at a restaurant across the street from her office; her mother, a successful executive. Mei was told he’d watch her order her favorite soup every day at their front counter, dreaming of the day when they might finally speak. Late one night, Mei’s mother came in to chat with him about her day–a botched deal with one of the biggest shoe factory owners in the United States. She became a regular late-night visitor. Always came in after the sign on the door clearly read closed. Mei had been told they married two months later.
Maybe if they hadn’t met, Mei wouldn’t have been born. Maybe her mother wouldn’t have had an aneurysm at thirty-five, before she’d started showing symptoms of Huntington’s disease. Maybe Mei wouldn’t be lying in an ambulance after a botched suicide attempt because life had seemed so pointless with a diagnosis like that. Mei wouldn’t be swirling wine around in a glass, flipping through the pages of the Book and trying to focus on anything but the ticking time bomb inside her brain. Mei wouldn’t be sitting in her office, squeezing her hand into a fist and then releasing it, wondering when she wouldn’t be able to do that anymore.
It changed her. Before, they called her the Captain–strong-willed, supportive, unyielding. She wasn’t sure what they called her anymore. She could feel herself growing colder, harsher, easier to dismiss. Now, they fear her. Now they avoid looking at her in the eye, too terrified of the consequences of her next furious outburst.  
Sometimes interns would enter her office, hearing the name Mei and thinking she must be soft and sweet, because a name like that is soft and sweet, only to find out Mei has never been either of those things. Her brain function might be degenerating, but her job is what she has left, and her brain sharp while she has the time. Even through the company makeover, the remodel, she persisted.
She’s going to run the magazine the way it needs to be run, before she finally dies for good.
You’ve been in working in fashion since you were rosy-cheeked and fresh-faced out of college--(Vanderbilt; you like to brag)--and you’ve worked for everything you’ve got. You were an editor before thirty-five, and the editor-in-chief by the time you turned forty. You are the face of Runway. Which is why it couldn’t have puzzled you more that the owners brought in a second editor-in-chief; rumor has it it’s nepotism at its finest. After all, there’s no other explanation: you’re smart, you’re capable, and the magazine has been making massive profits ever since you took leadership. Whatever. Whoever it is’ll have to learn their place.
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