#its just unnesecary
squeiky · 7 months
(Images below are just doodles of (Neo) Metal Sonic redesign.)
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At some point Eggman had been killied, causing the eventually uproar of all his machines. Free from his command, some turned to a peaceful life, some just continued their preivous tasks as if nothing happened, other self destructed or got destroyed, others fought for power, and others began what i call "The Badnik Event" in which TONS of badniks went absolutely rabid. Destroying towns, homes and putting everyone in unnesecary amount of danger.
Part of this was caused due to an inner heirachal war within the structure of the eggman empire, with many robots attempting to replace the missing gap in their usual status quo.
So, heres where (Neo) Metal Sonic comes in.
See, during one of the battles, Eggman had fell into his own creation and effectively died. This caused Metal Sonic to go absolutlety rabid with rage, but unlike the badniks who partaked in the "Badnik Event" his rage, greif, (hell, even joy) was centered on one person only- SONIC.
Now, this also happens to be the time were he had straight up adopted a kid (its Luca. And later, Alberto). So its quite the understatement to say that it was a very stressfull time- where he couldn't just jump around careless like he used to (cause yknow, he has someone to return home to that needs him.)
As the Badnik Event progressed, Metal Sonic had (somewhat easily) claimed his position at the top of this bot-hierachy, and took over what Eggman once had, creating his version of the "eggman empire"- aka: "his robot kingdom." (Doesnt rhyme but i dont have a fancy name for it yet.)
He'd eventually drive the Badnik Event to a semi-hault, and became the next "big bad" for Sonic and Co.
During this rein, a familar face had arrived, that being Chaos (yes, THE Chaos.) At first it was mostly to slow the progression/ prevent any possible chances of disaster that he had sensed.
This, onbviously caused friction between the two (and partially Knuckles as well) but eventually they had came to a somewhat consensus. Where Metal Sonic would avoid attempting to deploy any tactics that might result in another, much more worse, "Badnik Event" and Chaos wouldn't try to get in his way again.
Of course, as the Event would eventually settle down and cease, Chaos would end up just casually staying/living with (Neo) Metal Sonic.
(If your wondering, Omo-chao also gets to hang with Chaos now. And Metal is still trying to get used to the concept of Metallic Chao types. But is otherwise neutral to the little, strange chao fellas that come by once in awhile.)
Neo Metal sonic remains an antagonist, but hes much more chill compared to the excentric and loud Eggman (unless hes got something to show, and i mean that- he has a really good taste for spectacle and pizzaz!)
Their relationship as of now? I dont think theres any definite label to put on it. As of right now, i'd say something like a "signifigant other" or some sort. They're similar to Shadow's & Sonic relationship in the lack of labels, but it can be what you make of it.
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dreamsy990 · 1 year
every once and a while i try to make a post about my writing style and then i just back out because like. i have no clue how to describe it. its very messy and it changes a lot depending on whos narrating and what theyre talking about and sometimes i just. dont finish sentences.
and a lot of the time (especially if the characters having some kind of breakdown) i like throwing in thoughts randomly into the narration. not like actual author style italics but kinda. just breaking into them in the middle of a sentence. like describing what theyre doing then suddenly oh shit theyre doing that????
and like sometimes i just. cut it off in the middle of a sentence like-
and then occasionally theres just completely unnesecary observations like "he nodded- okay maybe a bit too violently because OUCH"
and sometimes whoevers narrating is just. questioning their observations. like "they did this- or at least, hes pretty sure they did this, because they might have actually done this"
its very chaotic and weird and idek if its very good but its fun to write so ill keep doing it anyways
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homestuckisautistic · 7 years
For fucks sake... <p> @officialkarkat the problem is it's deliberately harrassing a small number of people trying to enjoy something entirely non harmful for absolutly no reason other than to be petty. And no, the "gays fucking over hets" doesnt fly with me here because its deliberately harrassing people juat because you dont loke theyre totally okay ship
This shit is petty and honestly kinda gross and if you think its justified somehow then great good for you but kindly fuck off my being uncomfortable about it
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bleepblopbloop56 · 5 years
yo why did you snap at that person literally giving you advice on aerial dancing? all they wanted was to let you know something you could IMPROVE on but you snapped ,,, ?
It was a result if me over reacting because of a spike in my anxiety at the time. I had gone through alot of sources and references and was really confident that i had gotten it right and then someone said "um actually you got it completley wrong" and it shot me half way to a panic attack really
Me and the person are cool, we dmed and chatted about it but overall i get that i over reacted a little on my part, but also that was a result of my brain immedietly going "you failed you got it wrong you fucking failure of a person why do you even try anymore you knew this was a bad idea you shouldve never posted it"
Also edit: i put this in the tags but its just fuckin rude to give constructve critisim without asking if they want it first. Like im not here to get better at art or areal silks, im just here to have fun. Constructive critisim to someone with anxiety can often feel like direct attacks when givin unprompted. Ut feels like someone looked at art and went "great...... But actually no because its all wrong"
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puppetsoftomorrow · 3 years
okay so i've been seeing 'should we have an avalance sex scene' posts and so i'm going ramble abt my thoughts under the cut. lets go lmao. obvs a bit nsfw.
i think this conversation is a weird one to have because at the moment i've seen a lot of 'should we have sex scenes in general' discourse, which i think is kinda dumb. like the answer is going to be a maybe for most media, ranging for a yes in some films to like a hard no in like ... teletubbies lmao. in general, i think there exists some media with unnesecary and creepy sex scenes, and some media with genuinely emotional sex scenes, and some gratutious-but-thats-okay sex scenes. its a wide range lmao. each should be judged on its own merits.
also, i think what counts as a sex scene is different for most people. like some people count a sex scene as the fully-clothed-falling-into-bed scene (the ol' avalance favourite lmao) to any degree of nakedness, to a full on hands-and-moans-and-orgasm scene. i think clarifying this is also important, not only bcos theres like... rules to what u can show on tv but different vibes for different shows right
also, i think what people are comfortable with is a deeply personal feeling. some people want them to go all the way, some people are uncomfortable with any kind of portrayl of sex on film. this is also dependent on age. i think this is important to bear in mind when discussing this, like - sometimes there is no objective measure on wether sex in film is good or bad, sometimes its just a personal feeling lmao
so, lets take it from the top:
1. talking about sex - completly fine. they do it on legends all the time. implying that they're going to have sex later, talking about kinky stuff.. its part and parcel for legends lol
2. make out scene - god we need better avalance kisses lmao. better lit, primarily. however they do kiss quite a lot, so generally, no compliants here.
3. clothes-falling-into-bed-scenes - again, theyve done this a lot, as have most other legends couples. more the insinuation of sex than anything actually raunchy.
4. degree of nakedness - we've had this .. kind of?? sara in lingere for ava's birthday. the raunchiest scene we've had so far is the zari threesome scene, in which zari was still pretty much fully clothed. aside from shirtless men (which legends loves to do in Any situation lol) we've barely had any shirtless scenes, so its not super weird that we havent had avalance like this
5. full on sex scene - okay so i dont think this wld work on legends for a number of reasons. 1. would be weird for the pacing of a legends ep. most legends eps arent suited to a low and slow style sex scene, hence why they probably havent had one for any couple on legends (not just avalance). 2. can they show that?? i think legends is rated 15, a full on sex scene might bump it up to an 18 pretty unesecarily, its not like the rest of the show justifies that rating. 3. no other couples on legends are having these kind of sex scenes, its not like we have a deluge of mlw sex scenes and none for wlw couples
these reasons dont mean that all sex scenes are bad, or that sex scenes are unecessary. this is just in this context.
my opinion: i think i'd like maybe like a clearer indication of sex? maybe like... some bare shoulders? a bare back? i think a full on sex scene wouldnt really work for the reasons i've stated above, but a bit more wld be nice
for what i would personally like? hey, i've got fanfic lmao, i can make my own fun lmao
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trunkzbriefs · 4 years
ok i feel like youve mentioned this before + i am not looking to get into dbz for a while but if i was going to (like selectively bc i do not have the patience for tv shows) whatre the best arcs and stuff i should look into?
THIS IS LIKE.. a lot of personal preference but something that is Not preference and is just fucking fact: if you want to watch dbz just watch dbz kai. original dbz is full of a lot of mistranslation, filler, and Bad Voice Acting and its suuch a pain to watch on your first run, you can def revisit it later but... dbz kai cuts down so many unnesecary episodes and is much better for the first watch
ALSO you don't need to watch original dragon ball!!! db has a lot of.. uh. Issues. and ive only seen very little of it despite being such a big dbz fan, but db & dbz are way different and dbz explains itself pretty well. you'll understand 99.99% of dbz w/o ever touching db, and the things you dont understand are probably just small references, so dont worry about that. apparently the last few arcs of db are good but id have to get back to you on that whenever i feel like watching
NOW FOR ARC STUFF!!!!! to be honest the only arc id reccomend skipping and then coming back to later if you wanna jump straight into the action is the raditz arc/early saiyan saga straight to the vegeta arc/later saiyan saga!
if you want to watch selectively id say maybe watch late saiyan saga for the setup, the last few episodes of the frieza/namek saga to get the whole super saiyan thing, and then to whatever you want next (which would just be cell or buu saga after that). im not like a huge "ururgh dont skip anything" type of person as much as i love db cuz i Get it but like. if you really want to jump in anywhere you CAN you just have to do some quick wiki reads before that so youre not totally lost. basically if you dont mind being a little confused jump in wherever the Fuck you want
as for best arcs... i am biased towards the like. Entire 'cell saga' (so future trunks + androids + cell games) obviously. it certaintly has its weirdness (cough toriyamas tail vore kink) but like. its so good. its so good to me, cell is such a fun villian and the little things you can look into in the episodes are just.............. I REALLY LOVE IT ALL
the majin buu arc or like. the entirety of the final chapters bc thats basically what it is is ALSO really good there are SO many good fights and fusion comes in here so its all around a fun time but its something i would say to watch after youve already watched some of basic dbz? just some of the character points and stuff hit a little harder if you know things the characters have gone through before. but again you can really jump in anywhere.  im sorry if literally none of this makes sense and im sorry if this doesnt rlly narrow it down dbz just has like. long arcs and i love it all. i dont often make sense when i speak abt my hyperfixes liv laugh lov <3
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meet-again · 4 years
Just Voldemort would kill a unicorn for its blood. Is there smth you need to tell me? -stoned
Its important to assert dominance by making unexpected unnesecary dark remarks.
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