#its like shes mommy up until a certain point and shes trying to fast track to that point HER WAY...
alchemagiks · 8 months
these kids having to be their own emotional support... beatrice is way too fucking cold for me.
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arsenicpanda · 5 years
Opinions on your top 5 Riverdale ships and/or characters
Oh man, this has been in my ask box for like…two months?  And I haven’t answered because I just haven’t been up to it, but I am now!  So let’s go!
Favorite Ships
1. Betty/Jughead:  There’s really no contest here.  The rest of these don’t really have an order, but bughead is 100% on top.  The thing about bughead is that it has so many fun tropes wrapped up in it: childhood friends, one-sided pining (if you subscribe to the theory that Jughead has had a thing for Betty for years), investigative duo, poor boy/rich(er) girl, bad boy/good girl, brooding boy/gentle girl, gang member/cheerleader (which might happen enough to be a trope only on Riverdale, but whatever), dark power couple, etc.  Now, I love all those tropes, but here’s the thing: it’s so much more than that. These are each facets of bughead, yes, but they’re still greater than the sum of their parts. They both have a darkness in them that I absolutely love and want more of, but they also have a devotion to the people they care about that is quite admirable. They just fit together, and they’re such equals and so devoted to each other, and it’s just maximum levels of charming.  Bughead ticks a lot of boxes for me, and the only ships that outrank them (shirlulu and izanamie) do some of those tropes but to a greater degree.
- FP/Gladys:  Yeah, I don’t know what it is about this exactly, but I find them really endearing?  Like, they’re both such disasters and masters of neglecting their children, but I really like them together?  I mean, they used to commit armed robbery together, maybe, and that is just excellent. Also, I think I just want the Jones family to reunite for Jughead’s sake, and supporting this ship is part of it.
- Kevin/Joaquin:  God, I miss them.  The original Southside/Northside ship, with its mixture of bad boy/good boy and poor boy/rich(er) boy, and they were just precious.  Joaquin was proud to be with Kevin, and Kevin deserves that, damnit. Also! The way Joaquin just stopped dead in his tracks when he spotted Kevin even though he probably needed to escape as fast as possible and the way Kevin was like “I have to go after Joaquin” in the middle of the heist were just so cute.  And omg, the way Joaquin would just fold when Kevin asked him for information was a delight. I needed more of them; they were precious.
- Archie/Josie:  Short-lived though it was, I found them really cute.  There was an innocence to Archie and Josie, and it was nice to see Archie pulled out of Riverdale darkness (which, as much as I love it, has always been a genre he doesn’t quite belong in) and to see Josie connect with someone and be open to something beyond just music, but without losing focus on her music.  Also, they could sing together, and it was adorable. Like, their musical number was just the cutest. Honestly, if this had continued, it could have pulled Archie out of the main plot even more or it could have finally dragged Josie into the main plot and give her the screentime she deserved.  I feel like this ship could have really stolen my heart.
- Cheryl/Veronica:  You know, I like choni and varchie, I really do, but something about these two charms me.  It’s maximum levels of rich bitch, and I love that. Cheryl and Veronica had some nice bonding back in season 1, and the way Veronica used to be the kind of mean girl that Cheryl is now is so interesting to me.  Veronica would drag Cheryl into be slightly nicer in a cute but also potentially comical way. They’re two smart ladies who could combine their fortunes of shady origins and become this terrifying power couple that crushes their enemies under their stiletto heels.  And it would be so funny to watch Cheryl interact with Veronica’s friends, like oh my god, Veronica dragging Cheryl, Betty, and Jughead onto double dates with just the highest potential for disaster would be amazing.  I also would enjoy adding Toni to this to make a ship with maximum scary lady, I must admit.
Favorite Characters
1. Jughead Jones:  Was there ever any doubt?  Jughead is best boy and my second all-time favorite male character, right behind the passive-aggressive legend known as Koizumi Itsuki.  He’s got layers, man. He’s a decent guy, but he has a darkness in him that I love. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Jughead’s cut from the same cloth as Lelouch Lamperouge, and I find that fascinating.  Jughead is willing to do a lot to protect the people he cares about, but he has a few moral lines (although I wonder how unmoving those are). He’s got a prickly, brooding exterior that conceals a gooey inside full of love and sadness and abandonment issues (seriously, Jughead’s abandonment issues and desire for family/people that won’t leave him drive and explain a lot of his actions).  And watching him interact with the people he cares about is just a delight.  He and Betty are adorable at their softest and their darkest, and he’s just the sweetest to JB, and watching him investigate with FP is just the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.  Also! His willingness to believe crazy conspiracy theories that turn Riverdale into an eldritch nightmare amuses me to no end. I love this grumpy, loving, varying levels of crazy, weirdly smooth dweebazoid of a gang leader.
2. Betty Cooper:  Oh man, do I love Betty Cooper; she is so much more than meets the eye.  She looks like a sweetheart, and even is to a certain extent, but underneath lies a certain ruthlessness, as well as a darkness and a complete disregard for the law when it suits her.  She’s so determined and so smart, and she doesn’t give up on the people she loves, even when maybe she should. And you just don’t fuck with Betty Cooper or the people she loves if you know what’s good for you.  Like a dog with a bone, that girl, she doesn’t let up on a mystery until the end, especially if her loved ones are involved. Betty Cooper is silk, or maybe something soft and fluffy, hiding steel in the best way, and I love her for it.  Watching her as she relentlessly pursues leads and does morally, ethically, and/or legally dubious things like blackmail people and bribe people is such a delight, as are her gentle and vulnerable moments when she’s not in tough investigator mode.  She’s just this badass sweetheart who will hunt her enemies to the ends of the earth, drag them back, and then, after turning them in, do something wholesome like go out for burgers and milkshakes with her friends or cuddle with Jughead, and I love that to no end.  For me, Betty Cooper is a very unique character, and oh, how I love unique.
- FP Jones:  God, this walking disaster.  FP is terrible at literally everything he does, and, for some reason, I really love that.  I mean, FP is Problematic, yeah, and my enjoyment of FP is partially rooted in some personal stuff, but I also just find him really amusing.  And watching him try to be an effective gang leader or a good father or a competent sheriff is just hilarious because he is so bad at all of those.  I especially love watching him investigate with Jughead, by which I mean watching him stand there all “yeah, this is official police business, you have to answer my questions” while Jughead does all the talking.  Also! The extent to which he is proud of his son is both hilarious and endearing, and the way he wants Jughead to keep writing and get out of Riverdale warms my heart. Look at this disaster man and his tragic backstory and his timeline that doesn’t make any sense and has always been too busy (He was in the army AND he has a chunk of priors that he must have committed as an adult because juvenile records are sealed AND he became the leader of the Serpents AND he started a business with Fred Andrews, at which point he must have no longer been in the Serpents.  Where did he find the time?). I love him.
- Penny Peabody:  Penny is, hands down, Riverdale’s best villain, probably at least partially because she’s used sparingly.  But I just love how mean and ruthless and cunning she is. Also, the way she condescended to Jughead all “Is that what mommy told you?” about her not-death was goddamn amazing.  Every moment Penny is on my screen is gold. Also, she’s largely competent. Yeah, the Joneses keep taking her down, but she always comes back as a legitimate threat. Penny Peabody adapts to whatever life throws at her, and I can respect that.
- Archie Andrews:  Weren’t expecting this, were you?  Honestly, Gladys could have also gone here (or in Penny’s spot), but I decided to talk about Archie today.  Archie is human golden retriever, and I love him for it. He’s a sweet kid, and he means well, but by god is he a dumbass.  He doesn’t quite belong in this show, y’know? Like, Jughead belongs in a crime movie/gang movie/Very Special Episode, and Betty belongs in a crime/horror movie, and Veronica belongs in a mafia movie, while Archie is just this regular kid from a nice family who should probably be in some wholesome coming of age movie or a dog movie or something.  But he still really wants to help! Normally I don’t like dumb characters very much, but for some reason I find Archie really endearing. Maybe it’s his devotion to people he cares about? And, man, Archie cares pretty easily. Yeah, he’s gullible and he was a fascist for a little bit there, but he’s mostly a good kid, something season 3’s juvie arc showed off really well.  He just instantly bonded with these other kids, and he kept that bond even after he left juvie. And he just took a random kid he just met into his home, and it was precious (even though it ended in him getting sliced). He’s got a big heart and an empty head, and I just love him.
And that’s it.  I’ve probably repeated myself a bit, but what’re you gonna do, y’know?
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ayma-nidiot · 4 years
“Don’t Speak Their Names” - Chapter 6
This chapter on AO3 can be found here.
Chapter 6 - The Greenhouse
“You wanted to see me, Father?” Weevil came in after he was summoned home. He hated just leaving Rex at the mobile home, but feared to ever act against his powerful father.
“Oh, don’t talk to me like that, child.” Roach Underwood, a British CEO of a tech company, slammed his coffee mug on his work desk. “You’re acting like you don’t want to live here.”
“...” In truth, Weevil would give anything to live anywhere but there.
“Anyway, have a seat.” Roach continued after his son sat in the chair in front of him. “It’s about your grades. From what I can understand, you are currently Domino High School’s salutatorian.”
Weevil already knew what Roach was going to say next. “I swear I will study hard to become valedictorian by the year’s end. You have my word, Father. ...To make sure of it, I won’t even go to Raptor’s house.”
“I hope so. That boy is too poor and has the worst grades of anyone at the school. You need to have more high-society friends, ones that can give you better connections when you eventually take over the company.”
It took all he had in him not to cry, not only hearing Roach speak about Rex that way, but also having to say such things about Rex himself.
“Now, go off to study. There is only about a month until finals, and you need perfect scores on them all if you want to be valedictorian.”
“Yes, Father. By your leave.” Weevil ran to his room as fast as he could, then finally let out the tears that had been hurting him. “Rex… Oh, my love…”
Despite the pressure he felt from his father, Weevil was in no state of mind to study, and instead chose to assume a fetal position on his bed. The bug duelist continued to cry until his head hurt badly enough to lull him to sleep.
“Get out of my house, you damned useless wench!” Roach yelled at his now-ex-wife, who left the house with only a paltry amount of cash and the clothes on her back.
An eight-year-old Weevil cried as he watched security guards usher his mother out of the house. “Mommy… Mommy!”
“You won’t be seeing her again, son.” Roach used a slightly kinder tone with his young son. “She wasn’t as good a mother as you think… From now on, I’m all you need.”
“But… But… Waaaah!”
“Master Weevil!” A maid named Adelaide ran after Weevil, who took off crying, never mind the direction.
“Ah!” Weevil made a quick dash for the family greenhouse and locked himself inside.
“Master Weevil…” By this point, Weevil’s loud crying had attracted the attention of many maids and butlers.
“Go away!” Weevil gave the door a good kick before taking off for the hibiscus bushes. “Sniff… Sniff… Daddy is so mean! What did Mommy ever do to him? ”
Before the third-grader could cry any more, he felt a pink-winged butterfly land on his nose. “Huh? What do you want?”
“Bzzz!” A bee buzzed from his shoulder.
At first, Weevil felt the need to swat these bugs away, but he was pleasantly surprised that they didn’t bite or sting him, and he let them remain. “Are you guys trying to help me feel better?”
The butterfly flapped its wings and the bee buzzed louder in response.
“H-Hey, that tickles!” Weevil playfully poked at a moth with blue wings that flew in front of him. And just like that, Weevil could feel all his worries fly away. Over the next four years, he didn’t even care that his strict father forbade him from having friends. The colourful butterflies, gentle moths, and all the other insects he encountered in the greenhouse were all the friends he needed. Nor did he care about the passing comments the servants made to each other, and to his father.
“Master Roach.” Adelaide came to her master with a tray full of tea and tea biscuits. “There’s… something I feel you should know.”
“Concerning?” Roach raised an eyebrow.
“It’s your son. Ever since you kicked Camellia out of the house four years ago, that boy has been spending an unusual amount of time in the greenhouse, talking to himself. It’s… worrisome.”
“I see. I thank you for bringing him up, by the way. You see, there was a matter of great importance that I wanted to speak with him about. Go fetch him at once.”
“Yes, sir.” And with that, Adelaide was gone, returning with Weevil in only a few minutes.
“...Father.” Weevil was clearly annoyed that he was interrupted from another play session in the greenhouse.
“...Son. There is something I need to say to you.”
Weevil didn’t say a word as Roach stared at him with icy blue eyes. 
“I have just received word that Gozaburo Kaiba, president of Kaiba Corporation, has died. His son, Seto, has taken his place.”
“Seto Kaiba… Isn’t he that kid about my age who’s already big in the world of Duel Monsters?”
“Correct. As you know, KaibaCorp is our company’s only threatening rival. It is important, then, that you are raised to be a suitable rival to Seto so that KaibaCorp is no longer a threat. This means that you will not only have a rigorous tutoring curriculum, but you will also learn how to duel. ...And this also means that you won’t have a lot of spare time.”
Weevil knew this meant he would have little - if any - time for the greenhouse anymore, and he frowned.
“We will start with introducing you to our company’s card collection. Adelaide is a trained duelist, and will help you build your first deck.” Roach nodded to his maid, signaling for her to escort Weevil to another room.
“Hmph.” Weevil wasn’t ready to take on a whole new schedule, just so he could become a perfect doll for his father.
“There, there, Master Weevil.” Once they got to the room, Adelaide opened a vault full of cards. “We have allied ourselves with Maximillion Pegasus, so we have every single card known to man, including his latest releases.”
“Yeah, cool.” Weevil spoke passively as he approached the vault. The first card he saw, however, caught his eye - it looked just like the blue-winged moth he saw in the greenhouse four years ago! “Wow! Pegasus made a card of this guy?”
“That is Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth,” Adelaide explained as Weevil admired the card. “It’s very hard to summon, but is the strongest insect card of them all.”
“You mean, there are more insect cards?” 
“Why, yes! Would you like to make an insect deck, then?”
Weevil started to get very hyped about this game he was being introduced to. This hype drove him to become a top-ranked duelist very quickly, surpassing known duelists much older than he. Soon, his passion turned into a power-trip to defeat other duelists no matter what. 
Two years later, this power-trip now brought him to enter the regionals tournament, in hopes that Seto Kaiba would be there too. But when he arrived in the room in which he was to wait for the prelims to start, he found only a single kid in there. About his age, Weevil reckoned.
“Yo!” The kid waved. He wore three three tops of different colours. Wild, long brown-and-purple hair stuck out from under his red beanie.
What a tacky wardrobe… “So… I guess the other participants in this tournament haven’t arrived yet?”
“I suppose not. They’re probably too afraid of my duelin’ dinos, haha.”
And he’s so uncouth, too…
Just when Weevil was about to run to the loo as an excuse to get away from this kid, the weird kid beckoned for him to come over. “You might as well just wait here, man.”
Weevil wasn’t quite sure why, but he didn’t feel like running to the loo anymore. “Okay…”
“So what kind of deck do you use?”
This kid didn’t waste any time in cutting right to the small talk, which as an introvert, Weevil really hated. “I use only insect monsters, along with lots of support spells and traps.”
“‘Support?’ Pssh! In dueling, it’s either stomp or be stomped!” To demonstrate how tough he thought he was, the kid got up and starting stomping very loudly. “And I do that with the strongest dinosaur cards anyone has ever seen!”
“Heh.” Weevil smirked. “Only a complete dino brain like you would rely on brute force and not strategy.”
“Hahaha! I, the duelist extraordinaire Rex Raptor, have no need for strategy!”
Oh, you’ll learn, boy. Weevil shook his head at Rex’s foolishness. You’ll learn.
Just then, someone knocked on the door to the room, and a middle-aged man entered. “Um, excuse me?” 
“Yes, how can I help you?” asked Rex.
“Is there a reason why you boys are here today?”
“We’re waiting for the prelims to start. Why else?”
“I’m sorry to inform you, but the regionals prelims don’t start until tomorrow.”
“What?!” Rex looked to his digital watch. “Oh, shit! Today’s the 28, not the 29th!”
Weevil rolled his eyes as he and Rex walked together out of the building. “You fartknocker.”
“It takes one to know one, buttmunch! You made the same mistake, you know!” Rex stopped in his tracks when the two of them reached the sidewalk. “...By the way, what’s a ‘fartknocker?’”
“When I was in boarding school in England, that was an insult I heard from the other kids. You see, I’m half-British.”
“Oh, sweet! I’m part European, too! My dad is half-Greek. At least, that’s what Mom says.”
“...Never mind. My dad abandoned my mom when she was still pregnant with me. Now he’s the real fartknocker!”
“Stop picking up my words, buttmunch.”
“Oh, the sweet irony…” It was just then that Rex had realized that Weevil had followed him the entire way home. “Wow, where has the time gone? Shouldn’t you be going home?”
“...I really would rather sleep in the park than go back to that place.”
“Then how ‘bout you stay over at my house tonight? You’re probably hungry, I bet.”
Weevil eyed the beat-up mobile home, and was certain it wouldn’t be up to his standards. “I don’t suppose you have maids and butlers who cook for you?”
“No, but I have something even better. Both of my moms work for a restaurant, so they’re amazing cooks! The best you’ve ever seen!”
“I’m sorry, what? How can you have two moms?”
“They got married, duh!”
This novel concept left Weevil dumbfounded. All his life, his conservative father taught him that he was destined to marry a woman and have kids with her, all for the sake of the company. But before he could make a comment about it, a woman with wild purple hair and an apron walked to the door. “Rex! There you are! So, how did your prelims go?”
“They didn’t ‘go’ at all. I thought they were today, but they’re actually tomorrow.” Rex pointed at Weevil. “And this bu- I mean, kid made the same mistake.”
“A new friend of yours?” Weevil couldn’t get a word in before Ptera continued, “Perfect timing! I’ve actually cooked a bunch of takoyaki, among other things. How ‘bout you join us for dinner?”
“I don’t know…” Weevil hesitantly set foot in the house. Indeed, the interior was as rugged as the exterior suggested. Still, it smelled unusually nice, like forest pine needles. “I’m a vegetarian.” So he said, but the one “meat” dish he liked was fried bee larvae.
“Oh, don’t worry your pretty head about that.” Ptera led the boys into their kitchen. “I’ve cooked all the vegetable dishes you could ask for.”
“Mom, for the millionth time, you’re not gonna get me to eat bell peppers!” Rex gagged at the mention of his least favourite food. “You can feed them all to this kid!”
As Tricera began to set the table, Weevil spoke up. “I’m not ‘this kid,’ I have a name!”
“And what is it?” Rex took a seat at the dinner table, and invited Weevil to sit next to him, which he accepted.
“Weevil Underwood.”
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mollieflockka · 8 years
               TM2 RANT            
Hi guys! I know its been a very long time since I’ve posted any TM or TM2 recaps or rants but I’ve decided to start again because who doesn’t love hearing my judgmental opinion on a bunch of people none of know personally!? That being said, also know this: I’m well aware this show was filmed last year and I’m also aware that these opinions are based off of what we see on the show/IG/twitter ect. None of us know Leah, Chelsea, Jenelle or Kailyn in real life (although if you’ve watched the show since day one, we might feel like we do) so our opinions and things we say really are invalid. However, these people put their lives on television so in that case, they are putting themselves out there for judgement. (some more than others…) so here we go!
Watching Jenelle constantly disrespect her mother is sometimes painful.  Bab’s isn’t perfect but she deserves some respect. She is raising Jenelle’s child, which in my opinion, no grandparent should have to do. I give credit where it’s due and I think we can all agree Jenelle has come a long way and as far as we all know, she is no longer using but that doesn't change her mean spirited personality. Also, I think Nathan knows something we don’t and I’m staring to think that David might be a very controlling, angry person. He does show some signs of an abuser BUT I will not go as far as to call him one because as I stated above, none of us know what really goes on. The fact that these two have multiple baby mommas and daddies is a huge mess but I guess there are worse things in the world. Do I personally find it kinda nasty/irresponsible? Absolutely. Maybe she was embarrassed and that’s why she was trying to hide it. But either way, whats done is done. (Super done now because didn’t she just squeeze this baby out like last week?) Now on another note, someone needs to teach Jace some fucking table manners. He is beyond old enough to know how to eat like a human being. While I was grossed out by the scene in question, I was still paying attention. This little boy knows wayyy too much about the legal problems between Jenelle and Babs and they are both at fault here. Jenelle bad mouths Babs all the time right in front of Jace and we hear Babs say things like “Mommy and David don’t want me around.” I am 100% sure this confuses the shit out of the poor kid and you can always, always tell he would rather be with Barbara, which only makes sense because he has lived with his grandmother his whole life. That is the home he knows. Jenelle needs to understand that removing Jace from his environment now will proabably result in some mental trauma/confusion/behavioral problems and I think that a judge would feel the same way. Jenelle has turned her life around, we can all see how well she is doing but that doesn't excuse how selfish she was for the first seven years of Jace’s life. She will eventually have to find a way to make that up to him and popping out 93023954 more kids and trying to make him live like nothing bad ever happened is not it. I think Chelsea and Cole have absolutely made the right decision about putting off the wedding. Planning for a baby and a wedding at the same time sounds like some very stressful hell and I totally get what she means about wanting to pictures to look a certain way. I know for me personally, I’d wanna be at my smallest for my wedding so having a big ol baby belly probably isn’t her idea of perfection either. Aubree is adorable and Cole is great. I really never have anything bad to say about Chelsea (though I’m sure she’s not perfect and has her own issues)  From what we are shown, things look great. All that being said, can someone please punch Adam in his dumb fucking face? He is a loser with nothing to show for anything except having a nice body. That’s literally it. Hes a complete douche sandwich with the personality of a stiff sock and his girlfriend looks like a huge bitch. Adam acts like MTV owes him something when they definitely don’t. I have never seen him doing or saying anything nice since Chelsea’s episode of 16 and pregnant. He acts as if the viewers would give a shit if he stopped filming and I think most people would agree with me that seeing less of Adam would not break our hearts in the least. How dare he bitch and moan about 900 dollars in child support when that’s literally all he does for Aubree is pay for material shit? That’s great and helpful, but it’s not being a dad. Leah is boring me this season, not gonna lie. But the girls seem much better behaved now that she has her life straightened out. (I wish she would clean her fucking car though...) But good for her, she seems to be okay for the most part. I think Cory is a great dad but I think he maybe be in a little bit of denial about Ali’s condition. Should he have faith in her and in her doing things on her own? Absolutely 100% but he should also probably be prepared for what could happen. However, everyone deals with that kind of situation differently and I think for now this is his defense mechanism. As far as uprooting the girls from their classmates, I’m on Cory’s side and I’m glad he held his ground so the girls wouldn't have to go to a whole new school with kids they don’t know. But props to Leah for not starting a fight over it. Seriously, she’s come a long way. I have no doubt that if that would have been up for debate a few years ago, Leah would have been a big crying, screaming mess over not getting her way. I am so rooting for her and for this family. I really think they’re great people and they, to me, are the most relatable out of the series. FUCKING Kailyn....what in the name of all that is holy has happened to this girl? I remember watching Kail’s episode of 16 and pregnant and feeling awful for her. Her mom was (is?) a horrible bitch who should have been there for her the whole time. Jo was acting like a total dick at the time, which, now, looking back I kind of get. He was a sixteen year old boy with a kid on the way. (And I don’t say the same of Adam because he, unlike Jo still hasn’t grown up.) We watched as Kail struggled more, in my opinion, than any of these other girls. As Teen Mom came out, I remember seeing Kail do every fucking thing on her own. Getting into her little, tiny, place. Getting a job. Going to school. Getting a car. I will ALWAYS give Kail credit because she literally started from the bottom and she did work for everything in her life, on her own. For a while she was one of my favorite Teen moms because I loved watching her blossom and grow as a person and keep her life on track with no support. FAST FORWARD to now (or last year, rather, since that's when all this was going down.) what a difference I see in her! And not a positive one. Plastic surgery and MTV money have very clearly gone to her head. We all know she cheated on Javi first and that’s not even the fucking point anymore. Forget all the drama between the two of them. NO ONE (other than Jo and Vee, obviously) is taking two seconds out of their life to worry about how this is all affecting Isaac. It’s not hard to tell that Isaac is a very sensitive, sweet little guy with a huge heart and I was honestly fighting back tears watching Jo try to explain this current situation to him. Thanks to Jo, I think Isaac has a shot at some sanity here but if this was all left up to Kail, I don’t think she’d know how to handle his emotions. AND the reason for that is this; Kail doesn’t handle her own emotions. She was said before that she is robot. In my opinion, Kail has endured so much trauma and abandonment herself that she probably needs a fair amount of therapy to learn how to feel the things that she needs to feel. It is so heartbreaking to watch this family fall apart, but it is even more heartbreaking to hear Isaac say out loud that he is not okay, that he is scared and he doesn’t understand. I don’t think anyone should stay married if they are unhappy. That’s not healthy for anyone. But I think everyone involved needs to put themselves in Isaac’s shoes. He was been waiting for what seems like years to him for Javi to come home. Javi gets home, and then leaves again. He comes and visits, takes the boys places and then leaves again. How can Kail honestly believe that Isaac is just going to be okay? She is setting this poor little boy up for so many issues and I don’t think she even notices. Kail is strong, yes. And she’s been though a lot but I think she needs to realize that Isaac may not be as strong emotionally as she is trying to force him to be. On a lighter note, Javi’s friend is ridiculously hot.
Until next time, guys. <33
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