#its really hard thinking of stuff to do them for lately ๐Ÿ˜” or atleast sticking with them...
art--harridan ยท 1 year
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[Image description: A digital drawing of Laura Palmer from Twin Peaks. The drawing is cut-off around her waist, and is shifted more to the right. It depicts her staring off to the side, mouth open and lips blue. A red substance, either lipstick or blood, is trailing upwards from her mouth. Her skin is discoloured, and her hair is an amalgamation of different styles she's worn, namely her prom hair, everyday hair, and hair from Fire Walk With Me. She's wearing the black dress from the Red Room, but it has her angel's sleeves. Rope is tied around her body, along with a gold ring that has a green middle. It glows slightly. Angel wings grow out of her back, their perspective wrong. One of her hands is up, holding her heart necklace. The hand skin rolls up like a plastic glove, and the necklace floats upward, shining. The background is blue and purple warped shapes, with two drawings of her hands from a side view, one held up vertical and the other horizontal. These drawings are repeated, but slightly lower and lighter.]
they've all gone away
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