#and stuff for coop obvs <3
art--harridan · 1 year
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[Image description: A digital drawing of Laura Palmer from Twin Peaks. The drawing is cut-off around her waist, and is shifted more to the right. It depicts her staring off to the side, mouth open and lips blue. A red substance, either lipstick or blood, is trailing upwards from her mouth. Her skin is discoloured, and her hair is an amalgamation of different styles she's worn, namely her prom hair, everyday hair, and hair from Fire Walk With Me. She's wearing the black dress from the Red Room, but it has her angel's sleeves. Rope is tied around her body, along with a gold ring that has a green middle. It glows slightly. Angel wings grow out of her back, their perspective wrong. One of her hands is up, holding her heart necklace. The hand skin rolls up like a plastic glove, and the necklace floats upward, shining. The background is blue and purple warped shapes, with two drawings of her hands from a side view, one held up vertical and the other horizontal. These drawings are repeated, but slightly lower and lighter.]
they've all gone away
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vacantgodling · 5 months
🍕 ❤️ 💚 🧠 FOR HYA MY DARLINGGGGGG and mayhapeth toph my beloved
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
i actually just learned this about hya, he’s a red meat + white sauce kind of guy. think about steak fondue or steak bechamel type of energy. he really likes umami and savory flavors in general.
for toph it’s mint flavored anything. mint juleps are his favorite cocktail, mint chocolate or mint chocolate ice cream is his favorite dessert, he just loves Mint. he even uses mint cologne LMAO.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
this one is tough for hya frfr. i honestly don’t think he has his best memory until after canon and he and amon fly the coop and get wedded. and it probably isn’t anything grandiose—just getting a full night’s sleep and waking up to find everything is still at peace and amon’s there beside him. he would not admit to this shit under pain of death but he really cherishes it lol.
for toph, it’s definitely when dolley (nix and trisha’s baby) is born which happens like 3/4 of the way through the story. it’s really emotional for him bc if he hadn’t met trish and nix, dolley wouldn’t even Be here (to;dr trish almost died in a car accident and toph showed nix his demon form to save her) and so there’s something very precious about that to him. he’s the first person who gets to hold her after the parents ofc and he’s just so awestruck haha. dolley’s always gonna have scary uncle toph wrapped around her finger lmaooo.
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
hya is troibemme (nb). his sexuality is. complicated. he’s not aroace (neither of us would call him that tho some will definitely headcanon him that way, i already know) but he’s just extremely picky. he doesn’t quite love labels, but i think if i HAD to classify him it would be gay with a Huge asterisk. amon is literally the only person he’s ever been attracted to, even in slum aus where he’s arguably more of a normal person. like amon just does it for him and that’s it pff.
toph is a cis guy (tho being a demon makes his relationship to gender funny cuz he’s like the hell? about it) and he’s extremely bi. he does have a preference for men tho. he and nix are similar where he’d like a woman to overpower him and bc he’s a demon that’s very rare to find. with guys he’s more about being in the lead and so it’s easier for him to cultivate relationships he likes in that regard lol.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
i went on a whole rant about hya already but i can do another one. i really really like his appearance. that sounds really shallow and kinda horny at first, and it is, technically, but i more like the fact that hya puts in such EFFORT for his appearance. i don’t think ive ever had an oc until him who was so genuinely concerned with grooming and keeping themselves to a standard of what they wanted to look like and then doing the work to craft that visage. obvs if i bring it back to myself it’s the translation of my desire to want to be more confident WANTING to look however i want to look (esp when it comes to gender) vs trying to be “convenient” for others and not making a big deal about it. i could say more but yahhh.
dude i love everything about toph (he was actually my first biggest obsession oc but then a lot of stuff happened and then i made hya and ya see where i am now) but i love how he’s crass. making pretty boys who are crass (gestures to hya) is my favorite thing but the thing that really separates hya from toph is the fact that toph is so straightforward about both himself and his feelings and he doesn’t give a shit what anyone thinks about it. when i think about his old story before LR, he and hya were way more similar bc #traumabaybee but when i made LR i did kinda kick out a lot of that old baggage and he got more confident and more loud and more sure of himself and he’s GLOWING BABYYYY. i love him so much 😭
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enden-k · 2 years
Hey hi this is... high-key ridiculous of me, but! How? Do? Friends work in genshin? I haven't even co-oped yet, like at all, cus I don't understand the like. The etiquette? Obviously there's a bunch of tiktoks where some Childe main joins worlds to leave partial lyrics and see what happens and thats funny and all but what? Is the done thing here? I'd like to be able to do co-op, my absurd social anxiety aside, cus it seems like a lot of fun but I can't figure out the... rules for lack of a distinctly better term djdjdn not to be cripplingly socially inept but you've got a bunch of friends on genshin and you've shared your uid so people can add you so clearly you know how this works and so like. Oh my god. *pinches the bridge of my nose* this is genuinely the stupidest ask I've ever sent istg.
TLDR: how do friends and co-oping work in genshin cus I am entirely too skittish to find out via trial and error and you seem to know what you're doing djdhsksl
this not a stupid thing to ask, dont worry!! i can understand your question!
ok so basically, in coop/with friends you can:
join low level players and help them with progress/bosses/farming/etc. sometimes you find people in the coop list that literally have "need help with bosses" or anything similar in their signatures so theyre actually hoping for someone to join and help them out! i have a few low level friends and they often ask me for help which is v fun, i really enjoy helping people out
ask friends or join strangers if you need any mats you ran out! my friends ask me whenever they need smth if they can pick that in my world and if i dont need those mats myself, theyre free to pick. obv the other way around too; if i need smth (for example when i needed dandelion seeds back then) i just ask friends or even here. if you join strangers and are in need of mats, its better to ask them first if you can pick those!
farm together with friends! i tend to farm with irl friends or my close friends on here for artifacts/bosses; for me its more fun to do that together, especially if all of you need the same thing (shared pain over a shitty artifact is half the pain, as a saying goes ajsbsb) you can also coop in domains w random people, the game will match you up with whoever needs to run the same domain! ive never tried it (like i said, i usually farm alone or with friends) but yea, thats also an option if youre bored farming alone or need help and wanna play with others
do whatever you want w your friends, like mini concerts or photoshootings AHHA YEP! my best friend and i sometimes do little photoshootings with our ships (since u cant really take pics of two of your characters jasbc); i have really cute pics of our zhongli and childe on the bridge under the tree in the harbor <3 (he often neglects his childe, esp now that he finally got his fav boys together so i guess i need a new childe AKJBCKAJ </3)
jon others and just-- chill and chat? i had a xiao come in my world (they were the first random stranger i ever accepted bc i was also super anxious about ppl joining) and they didnt need anything, they just wanted to chill. turned out they just joined random peoples worlds and asked them about their current fav song (mine was teardrops by bmth, btw HAH i managed to share a song with yall) and turned out we share the same music taste so we ended up running around, fighting a little and chatting about fav songs and art and got super excited over stuff and boom, were friends now HAHAH (it was a really nice first coop w strangers experience for me!) but yea, never did that myself, i guess most people who dont mind/shy away from talking to others enjoy just popping in and have a chat, they just have to find the right people who are up for that i think ahbhjhja
i threw in a few things i do or experienced as some kind of example but yea! there are not really any rules; just talk to people! i think many people tend to kick others if they join their world and then just pick mats or do whatever without even a greeting or asking or anything, which is understandable
also: if it helps, depending on your server we can play together too and you can see how its like? on EU im used to help others and on america i absolutely dont mind getting help with exploration or anything since im so behind with everything and it can get a bit boring lmfao
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fruitcoops · 4 years
i was just reading coast to coast again (obvs) and they talked about their cup days and i was wondering if you’ve ever thought about writing coops with the cup on sirius’ cup day?? do they actually let julian eat his cereal out of it? idk just an idea!! (love all of the stuff you’re writing btw - autocorrect interview was SO good!!)
Hello! Reading C2C is always a valid pastime (I should really get around to that sometime...). Coops 100% let Jules eat his cereal out of the Cup, but they lined it with plastic wrap first and watched him like hawks the entire time. After that, I think it was involved in the parade! Thanks for asking <3
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tookishcombeferre · 4 years
Klaus Fanfic: “A Tether”
I wrote a self indulgent thing for the Klaus 2019 fandom. Klaus is a Christmas movie. I’m trying to be sensitive and not post too much Christmas stuff.
But, I really like this movie, and it was an Oscar nom. The art is phenomenal, and I really like the characters.
That being said, obvs you don’t have to read it.
This is sort of a self projection fic? I wrote about Alva reflecting on the Spanish Flu of 1918 in a teacher’s point of view because I am burnt the fuck out.
“I haven’t heard from Jimmy Krum in 2 weeks. I’m worried. He said in his last letter that his family wasn’t doing well. He was trying to help his son apply for some kind of boarding school program in the city that I recommended last year.” Alva ran a hand across her face as she spoke to herself pacing across the floor of the post office attic. “Although, I can’t remember if he said they might wait until he turned 11 next year or not to send him out.”
“And you probably won’t hear from him until I can safely get out there again. I won’t let you go out. You’ve only just recovered.” Jesper opened the hatch to the attic and stuck his head through. “Go rest.”
“Jesper you know I can’t. I’ve been cooped up for so ...” Alva bit back a cough. “And you’re one to talk!”
“Nice save. Really, you are so convincing. I’ve been fever and cough free for a week. You on the other hand ...” He sat next to her, pulled her close, and kissed her temple. “Need to stop worrying. Everyone is fine. You sent enough homework with me to them, before we all boarded up, for two years. I promise.”
Alva sighed, and she supposed he was right. But, it didn’t stop her worrying. Despite the phone being a relatively old invention, most families in Smeerensberg didn’t own one. She couldn’t call and check in on kids the way she’d like to. Sure, some of the more well to do families had a phone, and she made good use of theirs to call those she could call. Jesper had to remind her to slow down often, especially in those first months of the pandemic, when they were still debating boarding up.
The town eventually chose to shut down after Jesper could no longer deliver the mail. He’d only stopped his deliveries when his own children got sick. This had been in late October.
The kids had gotten the flu, somehow, despite all their precautions. Then, for Alva, it seemed that everything really was over. She and Jesper were up at all hours of the night comforting their children. Alva had never seen Jesper cry so hard as she did when he thought he was alone on the phone with his own father. Jesper’s father was lucky enough to be spared the worst of the illness, and he was in sound enough headspace to listen to his son’s terrified sobbing for nearly an hour before Alva finally stepped in. She had listened to him cry begging for the illness to take him instead of his children, and Alva simply cried with him. There wasn’t much else they could do besides try to nurse their children as best they could and cling to one another in desperation.
In about two weeks, the children had recovered enough that they felt safe sending them to live with Espen Krum. Epen’s son had just recovered from the illness and war wounds, and Espen was more than happy to take in two young children that would cheer his son up for sure. Alva remembered how the thought of the two kids living there for awhile made Jesper smile. They both recalled how Jesper mailed the love letters back and forth between young Broderick Krum, the first toy recipient, and Greta Ellingbow during his time in The Great War.
Alva couldn’t help but be thankful that they’d sent the children away before they had the opportunity to see their father in the worst throws of the illness. Alva knew the illness preyed on healthy people almost more than those who had reasons for complications. She shuddered at the images of Jesper’s thrashing as he cried for his father, for her, and for Klaus. He begged her forgiveness as he sat trapped in the memory of all those Christmas Eve’s ago. She stayed with him as he begged Klaus’ understanding, promised he’d changed, and pleaded with her to still love him despite it all. Gone was the loving goofiness of the man who tucked their children in with jokes about stamps and letters. In its place, her strong husband shook with terror, and his fears of abandonment were laid bare before her. It was two weeks of caring for Jesper, and reassuring their children, before Jesper finally recovered enough for her to be satisfied.
It was only then, when she felt certain of his recovery, that her body finally succumbed to the illness. She had little recollection of the two weeks she was tended to by her husband, but he’d assured her that she hadn’t said anything too damning, and on the whole, she was more compliant than when she was healthy. He’d called the children faithfully each night, and he remained by her side all the other moments of the day. He rested with her, and he kept her cool. She still remembered just days ago, in the very first days of December, when she finally woke up and saw his face.
His eyes had sparkled with tears as he looked at her and whispered, “I knew you could do it.”
“Alva? Yoo-hoo?” Jesper waved a hand in front of her face.
Alva blinked herself back to the present moment.
“Sorry. I was just thinking about Lydia and Willem. It’ll be good to have the kids back before the holiday.” Alva leaned into Jesper’s shoulder.
He hummed his agreement. “Yes. Oh! Speaking of which. I have a surprise.”
Jesper helped his wife to her feet and guided her down the ladder and into their living room.
“Surprise!” He placed his chin on her shoulder. “I decorated it while you were sleeping.”
Alva smiled. It was far simpler than most years. The four stockings were hanging on the fire place. The tree was wrapped in a small amount of garland and maybe half of their ornaments were put up. She noticed the cookie plate already waiting with two glasses set out for the annual appearance.
Alva turned and stared at Jesper. “I sometimes wish he was still here. I have so many questions.”
Jesper hummed and pulled her close.
“As do I,” he said in a soft voice.
The two of them stood and surveyed the scene in silence for a few moments. Jesper placed his hands on Alva’s shoulders when they tensed suddenly.
“What is it? If you’re worried about Lydia, I just got word from Espen Krum that she’s had no complications. And, Willem has slept through the night soundly without bothering anybody for the last week.” Jesper reassured. “They’re doing fine. Also, we still do have a phone. I’ll let you pick 3 people to call as a treat. It is St. Nick’s Day after all.”
She blinked at him before face planting into his chest.
“I feel so useless.” She sobbed into his chest.
“Now, why would you think that? You’ve done so much for me, for the kids, and for your students. All through October, you taught every damn day, and made all those stupid work packets to last them until we could go back safe. You gave them book lists. You told them to call you if they had phones and were stuck. You even answered most calls until our own kids got sick. Alva,” he lifted her chin and kissed her forehead. “What more can you do?”
“I-I ... I don’t know.” She sobbed as she fell further into his chest. “I don’t know. But, it’s so hard. I can’t let it go back to the way it was before when the kids here could barely speak and poor Jimmy Krum was 13 and couldn’t write his own name. I can’t let that happen. What if they forget everything?”
“It won’t. You know why?” He wrapped his arms around her waist and swayed her side to side. “Because, you’re the best damn teacher this place has ever seen. You took kids who could barely speak and taught them to be kind, to think for themselves, to report the misdeeds of their parents, and to stand up for themselves. So what, they forget how to write the letter “a?” Or so what, Heather’s daughter still mixes up 0 and 8 like her mom did on her return address most of the time she was a kid? Those are all things that can be retaught. But, you’ve got heart again, now. You’ll make it work.”
Alva felt a fresh wave of tears bring her to her knees. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I just ... I want to stop worrying, but I can’t. I want it to be over, Jesper. I want it to be over. I’m so tired.”
“I know.” Jesper knelt next to her. “Do you want me to hold you or will that make it worse?”
“Hold me?” Alva reached out to him.
They sat there on the floor for a long time as Alva clung to Jesper and cried. Jesper just rubbed her back and told her it was going to be okay in the end, but he recognized that it sucked right now. He reminded her she had every right to be sad and stressed, and he let her cry. He told her that she’d carried the weight of their family and town for too long. She had laughed and said they both had, and they both cried. They cried because the house was empty of the two people they loved most apart from each other. They cried because they’d never had the chance to mourn the moment they each thought one almost lost the other.
For, they knew, they would fade into the dark abyss of depression without one acting as the rope to tether the other from being lost in the icy sea.
Eventually, they rose on creaking limbs to sit in their chairs by the window. The two of them cast long glances at the snow outside.
“Do you think he knows? Or will I have to tell him?” Jesper’s voice was quiet and somber, in ways it so rarely was. “I don’t want to tell him that I almost lost you.”
“I don’t know, Jesper. But, something tells me that, somehow, he knows.” Alva patted his hand.
He nodded. “I was thinking that next week I would send for the kids and reopen the post office. Mail for Klaus is likely pretty backed up.”
Alva hummed her acknowledgement. “I think that would be a wise idea. Thank you for waiting that long. I know it’s hard for you.”
“I just ... I’m nervous. But, not about being out there. I just ... I never want you out of my sight again.” He clasped her hand tightly. “I don’t want to lose you.”
“You won’t.” She kissed his cheek. “It takes a lot more than that to get rid of me.”
He laughed lightly despite everything. “Good thing I actually want you around then.”
He stood, and they held each other for a moment before sharing a chaste kiss.
The two of them walked to their room, and they nestled down together in each other’s embrace. Tomorrow would find them still snuggled together as the rays of dawn poked through the window.
*******************The End **************************
Some notes on my thoughts about the timeline of events leading up to this/other weird headcanons.
I kind of assumed the movie was set in late 1890ish (based on fashion and some of the tech people had - such as the type of boat, the lack of whaling, and the items on Father Johanssen’s desk - I thought I saw some kind of phone which would have put the film at at least 1876).
Also, women’s fraternities began forming in the late 1860s-1870s. Considering Alva is a graduate of a university of some sort, we can infer that she would have gone to school during a time in which it was at least somewhat more normal to see women being educated. My sorority was founded in 1870 and we’re one of the oldest.
I would assume Alva is about 23-25 during the film considering she probs would have graduated at like 20ish. I thought she said she’d been there for like 3 years or so. So, I kind of assumed she’d graduated in mid to late 1890s and took her job in 1895 (20) and 3 (23) years later wanted to head out.
I also head canon that Alva was a member of the Sami tribe and left on less than great terms to go to the city to be educated. This is why she took the job in Smeerensberg in the first place. The Sami are pretty isolated from the feud and don’t really seem to know about it (to our knowledge). So, it would make sense that she might want to come home and patch things up by teaching nearby. It would also help to explain why she speaks and is able to translate Sami.
The only thing that kills this theory is the lack of cars. I suppose, since, those were invented in 1886? But, cars didn’t fully replace horses until 1907. Also, I’m pretty sure Smeerensberg is exempt from the car rule anyway.
Based on my weird digging into accurate time frames for the movie, I assumed the first Christmas was around 1898. That being said this takes place approximately 20ish years after my thoughts on when the film took place. The fic is set during the height of the Spanish Flu of 1918.
Further timeline clarifications: Alva and Jesper dated for about 3 years. They were married in 1901 (26/29). They had their first child in 1905 (30/33), and they had their second in 1908 (32/35). Klaus died 1910 (34/37) (12 years after the first Christmas in 1898). The original children would be in their 20s-30s ish (I pegged most of them to be about 5 and the oldest at about 13). Therefore, some of the older ones have kids of their own. Jesper and Alva’s kids are 13 (Lydia) and 10(Willem). Alva is approx 43 and Jesper is 46.
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answrs · 5 years
Double Dying Wish Verse
Have to preface this with the warning this is the blocking out stage that comes well before any finishing stuff, it’s 3 different docs shoved into one post (hence why the last bit kinda repeats itself), but I’m sick as hell so just take it author notes to myself and all. will probably clean up in distant future, but until then...
im just really proud of the concept, okay. the execution of the rest may or may not leave something to be desired, though. :p
Lewis’s dying wish is to not let his beloved remember this… except oops it catches Arthur too, bc mutually pining ot3 is my jam. vivi being so much closer gets hit so hard to the point of not knowing him at all, art is further away so he doesn't remember the cave, but more specifically Lewis death.
it absolves mystery of being a complete dickwad and not telling Arthur this search he's killing himself over is in vain, bc every time he says anything about lew being dead art blanks out and can't hear it (glowy light eyes included)
the thing is Arthur is actually mentally unable to comprehend the idea of Lewis being dead. it's not denial, not naivety, the death magic literally short circuits his brain when the idea is even brought up. then he's totally out of it for hours and has massive migraines and he just wants to find Lewis because Lewis will make the pain go away Lewis will make it all better he just needs to find him.
mystery calls home, explain to lance what happened, (maybe skips a few things) while driving to place heli can pick up
later when art wakes and can't connect Lew being dead, mystery sees spirit sparks and tells lance and pepper parents what happened
eventually when art is chomping at the bit to go and “find” Lewis, mystery assures he'll keep  them safe, and if they do by chance find his spirit he can hopefully put an end to the curse. art will probably go mad otherwise cooped up when he thinks Lew is in trouble alone somewhere, and may do something rash without them instead if they don't.
(tells vi art is looking for the person she can't remember, but because of the same magic the man doesn't realize the being is dead by his possessed hand?
she makes connection after mansion based on behavior of ghost, tender to her but almost sole focus on Arthur. doesn't voice to Arthur obv but asks mystery.)
yes- now vi knows who ghost was and connects dots from what art recollects from ghost truck (he doesn't believe it was really Lew so no worry abt painting bad light of it, she fumes and hates this former boyfriend even more
tells lance herself, he has his own suspicions based on Arthur's first recount of what happened to him with the ghost, he deserves to know and mystery is gone with shiromori.
vents and rants to the older mechanic because she's so upset about it, and how horrible this supposed friend is to someone working so hard to HELP him, and she DATED such a horrible person and-!
lew in the background super confused at first bc doesn't she remember him? gets upset and angry bc it must be Arthur's fault somehow!
art overhears tho, goes into meltdown bc she hates Lewis? but he's the best kindest gentle person and- no offense Arthur but she's not the most persuaded by his arguments after the guy had literally thrown you off a cliff -what no he didn't what are you talking about no the ghost wasn't Lewis couldn't be Lewis stop sAYING THAT IT HURTS IT HURTS LEWIS MAKE IT STOP
Lew shocked, scared at the sheer magic buildup hurting the thin man (maybe Arthur's subconscious reinforced or made magic stronger?), and now so ashamed bc if vi can't remember him then just based on his past actions involving her as a spirit he can't refute a single point she has against him
only thing be can even try is to help Arthur even weak as he is, repent even a modicum of what he's put him through, now he knows just what art had done for him and-
(vithur au verse?)
Art knows weak spirit is in house, tiny ouija board (tealight, paper with yes/no/”?”, and planchette) - writes/asks y/n question, takes lew hours to move the token to the right spot bc so weak, like kitten trying to push a boulder.
Double dying wish verse
Lew uses up all power w van and shit in hellbent after saving arthur
Mystery runs off to lure shiro away and dispatch her
Arthur concludes ghost was fucking with him by turning into lew since literally mentally unable to comprehend lew being dead bc curse, slowly forgets what even happened
Furthured by lance asking what happened and response like “the ghost had me over the cliff then it… lied, and let go and then…” “lied how?” “he- it- it- i-” sudden furious sparks overtake eyes, konks him out for a good solid couple hours. Lance recognizes symptoms from before (any mention of lew=dead causing big sparks and massive headaches later) and draws his own conclusions
Lew stuck as less than a deadbeat, just wisp following arthur around bc ??????? wtf angry but things not making sense and biding time until REVENGEEEEE and eventually watching art suffer and not knowing why and being concerned and aaaaaaaaaaa-
Occasionally gets caught in little spirit traps around the house, art always lets him go bc blond cant imagine any spirits esp that weak being dangerous. Angry bc theyre scared yes, the traps sense negative emotions, but all deserve better chance and he wants to help
Lew sees the negative side of hunt hidden from vi and lance and mystery
Arm pains pills nightmares beating self up having panic attacks crying sobbing for lewis breaking down at the peg board bc he knows something important he knows is missing but he cant. figure. out. WHAT.
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Requested by @pen-in-hand, all the even numbers of this ask game. The rest is under the cut!
02. What is one of your character’s biggest insecurities? Are they able to hide it easily or can others easily exploit this weakness?
Warren struggles with his self-worth in general. He often feels like he has no place in the universe, that he doesn’t belong, and he’s pretty good at hiding it from people who don’t know him really well (or, you know...those who can read his feelings just by touching his skin UWU lol)
04. What are their favorite traits about their lover? (one psychological and one physical)
It goes without saying that Warren is enamored with almost every part of Thrive mentally and physically, but his favorite physical trait would probably be his eyes (that’s something I include in a lot of my writing...I have a thing for characters with things for eyes lmao. mostly green and blue, too....huh). He loves their color and the fact that he can read him pretty darn well despite the fact that Thrive is very good at masking his true mental state.
I know it said one of each but I’d say he loves Thrive’s hands as much as he favors his eyes. He’s quite fond of their shape and bone structure, as well as the fact that when they’re not completely upending the laws of physics they’re twitching or flexing as if he’s not sure what to do with them at any given time.
Psychologically, the biggest thing that attracts Warren to Thrive is his intelligence. Over eight thousand years of knowledge exists within him and he’s extremely adept at putting that knowledge and wisdom to good use, and that’s a big turn-on for Warren lmao.
06. Do they have any hobbies that their lover finds unusual, odd, or otherwise annoying?
Hmm...Warren’s only real hobbies are coding/programming and dancing, and I think because Thrive comes from a planet and culture that never discovered the impact of dance, he finds it a bit unusual. More intriguing than annoying, I believe. He’ll humor Warren with a slow dance sometimes (twice in the books so far, once during a pretty emotionally heavy scene in...Eternal? maybe? maybe Aurora. I dunno yet. and once leading into their first big love scene in Rebirth).
08. What is, perhaps, their biggest flaw? Are they aware of this or oblivious to it?
Warren’s biggest flaw may be a little bit subjective but in my opinion, it’s the fact that he’s so willing to throw himself into the fire for good causes. His jumping headfirst into being on Thrive’s side before they even met, running headlong into the Milky Way war, going against Thrive’s explicit wishes (orders. they were orders.) and ███████ ███ ██ █████████, that kinda thing.
10. Is your character more feminine or masculine?
He’s more masculine in the “traditional” sense, but he’s not ashamed of his more “feminine” qualities. He’s been brought to tears on a few occasions and it’s important to him to maintain a good channel of open communication and honesty when it comes to emotions within any kind of relationship.
Except, you know...with Brayden when it comes to Thrive lmao WHOOPSIE
12. Is there some particular talent, skill, or attribute that they simply could not give up?
His gift with computers and tech has always kinda been expendable to him, he loves doing it but if he woke up one day and forgot how to do any of it he wouldn’t be as torn up as, say, one day he woke up and forgot how to dance. He got through his teenage years (though he almost didn’t) because of dance, and he could never in a million years willingly give that up.
14. Do they live alone or with family? How do they feel about their family/roommates?
If you were to get smartass-y, for like 99% of the first two books he lives with the entire universe since he technically is homeless. The once-uninhabited Tournaltis becomes his home in book 3, and while he doesn’t spend much time there over the course of the next books, it’s always an option in the background.
He ends up with seventy-one roommates and while I can’t say...well, anything about them (other than Thrive obvs), I can and will say that he isn’t sure what to make of them, in the most affectionate way possible lol.
16. Is your character the athletic type or more of a couch potato? What are some sports/games that they like?
Warren isn’t much of a sports guy, but he’s also not really a couch potato. He loves the outdoors and doesn’t like being cooped up in one place for too long, which is why being put up in the Destiny is especially hard on him. He doesn’t mind spaceships so much since they’re always moving from point A to point B.
18. What kind of home would they want to live in? Where would they place this abode?
To be true, his dream home is his grandparents’ cabin in Alaska. Off the grid for the most part, deep in the forest, right by the lake...’kay maybe not the lake so much, but he’s a loner at heart and always will be.
20. Does your character like animals? What are some of their favorite animals? Would they want pets? What about mythological creatures?
Warren doesn’t mind animals, but he’s not a big pet person. Interestingly, I think his favorite animal is the desert lights that come out at night over the beach on Tournaltis. They’re phosphorescent orange glowing insect-like creatures that float in the air over the shore, stretching from the water all the way back to the cliff face. He thinks they’re so interesting and they create a beautiful landscape, especially when the sky is clear and the Milky Way makes an appearance.
22. What kind of tattoos, piercings, birthmarks, freckles, and other such unique physical features do they have?
He’s still got a hole in his right ear (I think, yikes) from when he was fourteen and got it pierced, though he hasn’t worn an earring since, and he wouldn’t mind a tattoo if he ever came across a memorable or one with enough meaning. He’s got various freckles on different parts of his body, but no birthmarks.
24. In their own words, how would your character describe what their lover is like?
“Full of love and passion, unbelievable wisdom and an overwhelming sense of spiritual righteousness that only doesn’t come off as arrogance because he himself does not seem to be able to cope with the fact that he can’t save everyone in the universe.”
26. What is their lover like sexually? How do they feel about their lover’s quirks, needs, etc?
Thrive is not a sexual being normally. In fact, he’s only interested in the act when he’s physically interacting with someone who’s feelin’ some type of way, but he gets enjoyment out of Warren’s satisfaction and his unique emotional signature, so truthfully he only does things for him as they both equally benefit.
Warren feels a little guilty about this since he’s hardwired to believe that it’s important to make sure all parties are left feeling taken care of during intimacy...it takes a bit for him to get used to the fact that Thrive gets his kicks from him getting his kicks, lmao
28. If your character became a celebrity, what would they be famous for?
Well...he kinda is a celebrity? At least in the year 2272. I mean...he helped save the galaxy for cryin’ out loud. Truthfully not as well-known at Thrive, but the textbooks all mention Warren at some point.
30. When it comes to the arts (music, film, theater, etc), what does your character like?
He likes mostly indie stuff and some hip-hop and rock, both residual from his middle- and high-school years. He surprisingly doesn’t watch a lot of movies. He can appreciate art and actually dabbled a bit in painting when he was a kid, but he ultimately decided it was better left to those with a talent for it.
32. If your character’s lover offered to take them out on a dream date, what would they want to do?
Warren is pretty classically romantic in the sense that just some time under the moon(s) and stars is perfectly fine with him.
I’ve been thinking of including a scene in like, Eternal or something that likens to Mass Effect 3′s Citadel DLC...I kinda wanna put Warren and Thrive on a dinner-and-activity sort of date on the Node and play with how uncomfortable or surprisingly comfortable they may and/or may not be in that situation. Also kinda for a purpose as they’d be discussing the goings-on and their next plan or whatever.
34. Does your character have favorite foods? (breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snacks, etc)
Warren likes all food at all times. Really, that’s truly it lmao
36. Does your character have any medical conditions? Are they serious or minor? Do they affect their day to day life?
He doesn’t have any medical conditions that I can think of off the top of my head...well, I mean...there may or may not be some stuff after Rebirth....
38. What kind of weather does your character like? Cloudy skies, rainy days, sunshine, etc?
He’s particularly fond of cloudy, snowy or rainy weather where you just wanna curl up under a blanket and sleep.
40. Does your OC have any guilty pleasures they enjoy? Hobbies, past times, music, etc that they wouldn’t want known by others?
Not really. Warren feels (like I do) that anything you enjoy should be done without shame, within reason.
42. Is there anything in your character’s past that they regret, haunts them, or they wish they could change?
He does regret how he could’ve left his grandparents. He regrets putting them through the horror of almost losing him, especially not that long after losing their son and their daughter-in-law to illnesses.
Not saying goodbye to the rest of his family, or anyone really, before the end of Destiny is a big one. Everything that happened on the Destiny, definitely.
44. Is there a particular event that would emotionally devastate your character?
WELP. I can’t quite...HUH. I can’t exactly...well, I can’t talk about it lol
Maybe losing Thrive somehow????????? and I cannot confirm nor deny that this happens. lmao
46. What is some random affectionate thing that your character always does to their lover?
He calls him “babe” a lot, which like...always makes my knees weak ngl lol
Also, he likes to try to get ahead of Thrive’s needs, waiting in their room to give him neck rubs after a stressful day on Tournaltis, for example. Or letting Thrive reach into his mind to be reassured or comforted or whatever it is he’s looking for at the time.
He also loves to flirt with him because his reactions are amusing lmao
48. Is there anything in particular that would ignite your character’s jealousy? Or does your character not get envious?
Warren is the most jealous before he’s officially in a relationship with Thrive. After that threshold’s crossed, not so much. His feelings toward Sussa in regards to Thrive before fully understanding the nature of their situation is uhh not great.
I mean sure, if he saw Thrive mackin’ on someone else right in front of his face he’d have QUESTIONS....
But he trusts him and knows that they could talk through anything if feelings shifted or began leaning a certain way.
50. If your character confessed love to their crush, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc, what would they say?
Warren would say, “I’m crazy about you. Insanely, tragically in love with you.”
And Thrive would say nothing. Cuz that’s canon lmao
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3416 · 4 years
Hahaha oh god, I feel weirdly seen now...and that maybe I should stop flooding your asks! Guess I have a tell 🤪
But ah well, thanks for the drawn out response and humouring me on this bland evening. I love reading people’s thoughts on random stuff like this. Especially when the show’s giving us nothing at the moment and corona is sapping the life out of me (figuratively not literally, I’m all good - hope you are too I remember you saying about your work 😬)
Also, agree with all that you said regarding the last Sobbe Wtfockdown clip, it was just so easy and natural and seemed like a conversation they would just have any day but also brought up important issues that were overlooked in season 3 in a non-forced way (season 4 wishes it could be this subtle). I loved their first clip too for a similar reason actually, the mention of Robbe’s mum and Sander’s concern there was sweet to see. Just to know that he knows her now and is concerned for her wellbeing 🥰
Ahh Contaminated and Way Down We Go are two of my faves too, and I lived for Todrick in the insta stalking scene. Different vibe but so good.
i mean flkjskfl i still don’t know who you are, but i totally appreciate you popping in from time to time. you’re always the sweetest, so just thanks for that!!! you’re definitely not flooding me lol.
i’m glad you’re all good as far as corona is concerned! take care of yourself. i’ve yet to hear back about my own test, but i hate that my work has put me in the position where i almost want there to be a problem with the results/take way longer so i don’t have to go put myself back in the idiotic and irresponsible lion’s den. i obv don’t want to have it or give it to anyone, and i’ve been just chilling by myself in my room like ... 100% of the time as of late, but i’m really frustrated and stressed of how pushy my bosses are about me coming back STAT without recognizing that uhhh maybe i DON’T wanna put myself in anxiety and harm’s way for them, lol. this sounds stupid and rant-y sorry, i’m jstjlkrjsfkl so beyond frustrated. fingers crossed it takes a couple more days, lol. you stay safe!!!!!!!!!!
REALLLL i do love their first clip of wtfockdown too, face to face... it’s slightly awkward but also gives me so much warmth like sander checking on his mom and how he’s coping being cooped up and... all the compliments and verbal love i jsutjlrfsjkdf think they’re the sweetest. i’d like to think his mom probably asks about sander too 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
you’ve got TASTE with music, i love to see it. omg i do love that song being at that part like...... robbe’s actions are so LOUD but he’s not even willing to reckon with himself yet, so a todtrick hall song is lOL. i also love them using bastille when sander first comes to the apartment in the shoe clip. i like that they sprinkle some really well known hits among local stuff, and honestly, i listen to the season 3 soundtrack all the time as bg noise on spotify. anywayyy THANKS AGAIN FOR THE QUESTIONS AND THE TALK!! i hope you’ve found something more entertaining than me and fingers crossed we get some actual good content tomorrow!!!
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having stayed in a few dorms at different schools, i feel semi-confident about my ability to describe the nature of cooper dorming in relation to other schools, but keep in mind that i have spent by far the most time in cooper dorms.
so first !
what are the cooper dorms?
the cooper union owns one residence hall approximately two blocks from the nab and foundation building. the building holds approximately 175 students, including 8-10 RAs. i won’t go into all of the details here, but for up-to-date information, go to this link.
there are 4 apartments per floor, the a-, b-, c-, and d-line. you can see the floorplans on the site i linked to above. but basically all you need to know is: c-line has five people, and every ra lives in a c-line (although not every c-line has an ra); d-line and b-line have four people; and a-line has 3 people.
the a- and b-lines have bathtubs, but the c- and d-lines only have showers.
every apartment has a kitchen with a full-sized fridge, sink (no garbage disposal), and 2 burner stove (although they’re so close together it’s impossible to use both at once). there’s no oven or dishwasher, which sucks. and there’s very little counter space.
in the kitchen/dining room is a table with the appropriate number of chairs for your room, although the presence of the table can make your life kind of the worst because it takes up a lot of room. although it’s nice to have the prep area.
so that’s the suites!
onto amenities.
let’s just get this out of the way: there’s no meal plan, and there’s no cafeteria, and there’s no gym. sucks. but what do we have?
starting on the third floor, there’s 3c, which has a lot of study carrels and is considered to be the quiet study area. this is also the area where art should be done, because it has tile and walls that are easy to wipe down as opposed to the carpet and furniture in the other common areas.
3a used to be dean baker’s office until he retired. now it’s a common area with a few couches and a table, and a kitchen ! the oven here doesn’t work yet though. it’s a good spot to get together to work on a group project. sometimes the ras have movie nights in here using a projector. it’s pretty cool.
3b is the student affairs office. of importance to this post, the residence hall director ryan gambino works in here. if you ever need literally anything come here.
going up!
4d is the career development center. set up an appointment with jolie or come in during drop-in hours to talk about Professional Things and internships and whatnot. jolie is the best.
4c is the menschel room, which is The Common Area. there’s a ping-pong table, couches, a fridge, a tv, and assorted gaming consoles. also i think we have a roku ? sometimes people have groupwork meetings in here, but it usually devolves into ping-pong, in my experience. but a lot of the hall events go on in here, and it’s generally a good place to come if you’re feeling cooped up.
4b is the laundry room ! 4 washers, 4 dryers. each is $1.50, so a full cycle is $3. everyone’s usually pretty good about moving stuff along, so it’s never hard to get a load done.
okay, we’ve gotten down the technical details. what about the culture?
the dorms are basically in 24 hour quiet hours. for me, personally, that’s a positive, because a lot of the time i come home to chill out and not have to deal with other people. but for some people it’s a little isolating.
there aren’t any Parties, since the ras are so close and it’s crazy hard to get away with. but there’s a lot of gatherings, so to speak. a lot of suites cook dinner together. if you make it, the dorms can definitely be a social experience. but it’s really up to you.
the ras are kind of the best. they, like almost every other cooper upperclassman, are willing to do almost anything to help you. once miles saw me and my eid101 group working late at night and brought us oreos. like, unsolicited, completely out of the blue. then he came down again to help a couple of us with autocad and revit. the ras hold monthly events that are a great time to get to know them and your floor! i highly encourage you to go to these because it’s awesome to talk to them about cooper and also just about life. also there’s usually free food.
there is a residence hall association that is a body of residents. they like, plan events and decide what to buy for the hall (with the assistance of ryan gambino obvs). if you want to be an ra ( a highly selective position), i would definitely say to join ! it’s also cool to have a say in what goes on.
so that’s… pretty much my spiel. if there’s anything else that you want to know, just ask !  this is just what i thought of, and i’m sure i missed something you’re dying to know about.
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