#its so uncomfortable
spacejellycreates · 4 months
so many episodes of star trek have aged surprisingly well
miri is not one of them
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Having a grand old time listening to the community dvd commentary and then dan harmon and Joe Russo decide to start talking about Jeff's "Freudian desire for Annie"
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fanatics4l · 2 years
no actually. eddie and steve would not get hate crimed. eddie and steve are not oppressed. eddie and steve are not minorities.
eddie and steve are canonically straight, white males. not a single one of those categories connect to the oppression of minorities, therefore they would not be victims of hate crimes. don't be disgusting and insensitive by claiming these straight white boys would be oppressed or hate crimed. never disrespect or undermine the severity of hate crimes ever again. grow up, i'm forever begging yall. form your own personalities and opinions. understand who and who does NOT have privileges in this society.
and stop fucking fantasizing about characters getting hate crimed or abused. says a lot about you
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emilesmithrowes · 1 month
wisdom tooth coming through... i was perfectly happy with the amount of teeth i had before
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I'm ok with the whole romancing a villain thing, but is it too much to ask to have more of the murderous, traitorous, kinda cold and unfeeling villains and less of the rapist, abusers and frankly misogynistic ones??
It's not hot to be threatened with rape at every turn
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sailermoon · 9 months
my mom is so mortifying and i can’t handle family gatherings with her + my older adopted sister because always always always she tries to make some comment about her dead mom and it’s so inappropriate like we took a photo together and she was like “wait is this the shape of a hand…” next to my sister in the photo LIKE STOP I KNOW WHERE YOURE GOING WITH THIS STOPPPPP let sleeping dogs lie!!
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anonbinaryweirdo · 11 months
I don't apologize for switching topics. how do ppl sleep without holding something I'm gen curious ⁉️
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loafofryebread · 4 months
The backs of my knees hurt so bad I'm fucking crying why
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nabsthevulture · 1 year
This temporary crown is going to be the death of me
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edogawautism · 7 months
i HATE the way clothes tags and labels feel against my skin
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electrasev5nwrites · 11 months
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artystaroc · 8 months
The absolutely raw feeling I get from freak accidental deaths in fiction.
Characters taking action while missing critical information that butterfly-effects into disaster. Unknowingly terrible mistakes made from pure intentions and ignorance. The Rube Goldberg style of death where mundane things domino into fatality.
"Destination Dismay", if you will.
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odysseys-blood · 2 years
Hey. Watch Titus Kaphar's interview with the BMoA (or if you really have to then the short film at the end that its about works too its the last ~20 minutes)
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sparklyoats · 1 year
Pregnancy is giving me the driest lips omg... anyone got a good product to recommend?🙈
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midnight-stormm · 1 year
sapnap joined a bigoted streaming site and thats why people are mad he won an event with a large minority fanbase ! hope this helps <3
If you think that's why people are mad then you're kidding yourself. He streamed on Twitch, Sapnap joining Kick is irrelevant to him participating in an event. People are mad because they've wanted dteam out of the events for over a year now and they're not getting their way
It is true that ppl want dteam out of mcc for a long time. Dream and george left months ago and still gets hate. Everytime they see sapnap name in mcc its always an uproar. It either they mad he wins too much or that he's aggressive. That he doesn't respect his teammates, don't have good leadership skills, etc. It's always something.
But The main thing I was seeing was ppl being upset about sapnap joining kick and feel like Scott shouldn't have him in mcc because he's a "racist, homophobic bigot" but like ppl is going to be mad regardless.
I feel like you could separate sapnap and kick from mcc because that was his personal choice. Him being in mcc has nothing to do with kick because he streams mcc on twitch anyway.
At the end of the day the kick stuff is always wary, and can be upsetting but the inaccurate labels gotta stop.
He gets so much hate I feel like sapnap should just take a break from mcc.
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missionel · 1 year
wish my tumblr mobile notifs would stop calling random users i follow my "tumblr crush". that's kind of fucking weird in my opinion
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