#its the other amicitia tbh
brother-emperors · 10 months
Do you think Pompey is in some weird, inverted way loyal to Crassus ? You ve opened a whole can of worms in my brain by comparing them as a corrupted version of whatever Sulla and Lucullus had going on and now I can't stop thinking about the implications of crassus and Pompey as somehow wedging themselves into the statesman/gladiator dynamic
I think with them, it has less to do with loyalty and more to do with trust. its like looking at someone and liking what you see, and realizing that you can achieve more with them than anyone else. like, you're going to pick them when it comes down to it because you know what they're capable of, and no one else can do it as good.
crassus and pompey don't really have to wedge themselves into the dynamic tbh: crassus was primarily a domestic politician and pompey was pretty constantly out on the battle until the end arc of it all. they're kind of like the ideal blueprint of it, at a glance.
what they have in common with lucullus and sulla is more like: lucullus and crassus both were adept at handling the administrative side of running a government and policy work, while pompey and sulla were not particularly inclined to it in the same way. statesman-gladiator. the lucullus-sulla/crassus-pompey corrupution aspect is because sulla and lucullus fit together like interlocking joints on a table (dedications, guardianship of children), while pompey takes credit for crassus' work and crassus is not above tripping up pompey if he feels like it (also, the proxy gang warfare).
I was actually thinking about it more the other day, lucullus and sulla might have more in common with agrippa and octavian (even down to the burial of lucullus), while pompey and crassus are..... unique in a way that has been making me go, 'oh cool, power couple. eat your heart out, antony and cleopatra,' but I'll have to workshop that thought more later.
ANYWAY, it's that late republic flavor of amicitia, babyy
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archonssun · 4 years
Bros’ Crush’s Clothes Get Ruined
Bros’ Crush’s Clothes Get Ruined
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I had NO idea how to start this at first...
Some are shorter than the others, btw I have a bias
July 22, 2020
WC: 1310
Noctis Lucis Caelum:
Who would have thought that you would need to pack more clothes? Not you, that’s for sure...
So when both sets of your clothes are ripped to shreds by a fucking tonberry of all things...
Let’s just say, you were less than amicable.
Whenever one of the boys got near you, you would start hissing like a rabid coeurl, trying to huddle as deep as you could into the last remaining piece of clothing you had: a cropped jacket. Luckily, it had been too hot when you and the boys were hunting to wear a jacket and you had left it behind in the Regalia.
Now, Noct was driving the three of you to Hammerhead, for more than one reason.
The main one being that you all had been hunting for items for Cid and Cindy, the other being you needed a change of clothes, and Iris was too petite.
As the Regalia sped towards Hammerhead, you noticed the looks Noct was giving you in the rearview mirror. It made you a little uncomfortable, to say the least, and you curled in on yourself more.
You were beyond thankful when you finally reached Hammerhead, and you were the first one out, already making your way towards the garage. You explained the situation to Cindy, and she only laughed for a few minutes before she helped you (seriously though, she was a big help).
When you had changed, you went out to meet up with the boys. As you walked towards them, they could only stare at you. Especially Noct.
Okay, boy was not subtle when it came to his crushes. You had known for weeks, and had managed to keep things civil between the two of you.
As you got closer to them, you realized that they weren’t the only ones staring. Most of the people at the outpost were, and it set your teeth on edge. You hated having attention on you -- hated it with a passion.
You sped up, going to hide in the midst of the royal retinue, your face beet red and hands shaking.
“Guys, can-can we go?” you mumbled. Something heavy landed on your head, and you looked up to see Noct had placed his jacket over your head. He had his head turned away, his cheeks and ears red.
You gave the prince a shy smile before pulling on his jacket, hugging the front closed. He looked at you briefly before he began walking back to the Regalia.
With a wide smile, you raced to catch up with him. You stood on your tip-toes and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“Thanks, Noct.”
Prompto Argentum:
You knew of the blond’s crush on Cindy, as well as his crush on you. It made this that much more awkward for you.
You sat huddled in the back of the Regalia, using Ignis’s jacket to shield you from their eyes. You five had had a run-in with a rogue sabertusk, leaving your clothes as well as the boys’ clothes shredded.
Ignis -- the ever responsible adult -- had suggested going back to Lestallum for the time being. You couldn’t deny, it was an appealing idea, and you and the others had agreed.
Only after you all had arrived did you realize something: you didn’t have any extra clothes. And you couldn’t ask Iris, she was much more petite than you were.
You were hesitant to say this, as the others were so tired from hunting for the better part of the week. But as soon as you all approached the Leville, you knew you had to speak up.
“Um, guys?” you began, your voice nothing more than a whisper. They all turned to you, making your face grow a deeper shade of red. “I don’t -- I don’t have any extra clothes...”
That’s how you found yourself in the car with Ignis and Prompto, heading towards Hammerhead. You still sat in the back, still using Ignis’s jacket to cover yourself up. You knew you were going to have to ask Cindy if you could borrow her clothes. Asking her didn’t bother you.
It was the reactions you would undoubtedly receive when you returned to Noctis and Gladio in Lestallum.
You were hesitant to leave the bathroom Cindy had ushered you into to change. You looked at yourself in the mirror, feeling your self-confidence waver at the sight of you in Cindy’s clothing.
Yes, you knew of Prompto’s crush on you. You just hoped he didn’t know of your crush on him.
You exited the bathroom stiffly, thankful that the sun was beginning to set as you stepped out of the garage. Immediately, everyone’s eyes were on you as you rejoined Ignis and Prompto at the diner. When you walked in, you felt the air around you bear down on you, feeling as if it were crushing you. You were quick to sit in the booth with the two boys, and equally as quick to try and cover yourself up.
“H-Hey, (N/n),” Prompto squeaked, his face exploding in crimson. He’d never seen you in such scant clothing for as long as he’d known you (which, admittedly, wasn’t very long), and he tried his best to keep his eyes from wandering.
“Ignis, could I--” your question cut off when you realized that the man didn’t have his jacket. You groaned, remembering that you had put it in the Regalia with your ruined clothing, and you buried your head in your arms. “Nevermind.”
A soft plonk and a weight landing on your head had you looking into blue-violet eyes.
“You need it more than I do, (N/n),” he winked, but you didn’t miss the blush on his cheeks.
Where’d he get this kind of confidence from?
With a flustered smile, you pulled his jacket on and zipped up the front. An idea raced through your mind, and your flush deepened.
With one hand on his far cheek, you pressed a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“Thank you, Prompto…”
Ignis: “Really? In front of my salad?”
Ignis Scientia:
This gentleman…
He would have seen this coming from a mile (or kilometer) away. He would have already packed a set of spare clothes for his crush, let’s be real, as well as more clothes for the rest of the gang…
But, let’s say he didn’t…
He was the first to suggest talking with Cindy, already knowing that the other female your group had frequent contact with was out. You had agreed surprisingly quick, taking his offered jacket and slipping it over your shoulders.
He would also probably be the least likely to stare when you emerged wearing Cindy’s clothing (he’d probably already be working on repairing your clothes, tbh)
And you … well, you were kind of oblivious to the stares you received from the patrons of Hammerhead, your mind already too full of Ignis Scientia.
(yes, you were pining after the man. The others knew, of course, and never wasted the chance to tease you for it)
Gladiolus Amicitia:
As soon as he saw you in Cindy’s clothes, he let out a low whistle, making you scowl.
“Stop,” you hissed, kicking his shin. Your eyes then quickly surveyed all the other pairs of eyes on you, a scowl coming to your face. Clicking your tongue, you slipped into your mother tongue, “Enculés.”
Gladio just watched as you strut around the outpost, glaring at the men ogling you. A smirk made its way to his face when you came to a stop at his side. Taking his chance, he pulled you against his side, pressing a kiss to your temple.
“You’re pretty hot when you’re angry, you know that?” He let you go and walked into the caravan, intent on asking Iggy what was for dinner when he heard you curse.
“You … get back here, enfoiré!”
(really hope my reasearch didn’t lead me astray:  
Enculés - fuckers
enfoiré - motherfucker)
Let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list!
Tag List: @katerleegrand​, @naisitaable​, @blossattic​, @kenkopanda​, @orgawnas, @kirahhhh, @lier3nn​
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secret-engima · 5 years
how familiar are you with youkai type stuff? like YYH, Inu Yasha type youkai. Because i had the idea for Nox & Ardyn to get thrown into a FFXV Youkai verse &. can't think how. or even what the hell LCs & NFs would be. maybe they're all human, but youkai are /around/, Somnus & Ardyn are half siblings, Ardyn's half youkai, and Nox is adopted in. kitsune maybe? that'd be a fic for Kitsunegeddon for sure. the ear and the tails, odd additions to their magic, oh, id /love/ to read that.
Ummmmmmmm not ..... really? Like- I get it as a concept but I don’t know that many of the tropes and stuff because I’ve never actually watched Inuyasha or YYH (don’t even known the premise of that one tbh I just remember it’s one with the people with the weirdly colored outfits and the one dude with a pompadour?). I’ve read some Inuyasha fanfic though so I can kinda see where you’re coming from so I can ... give it a shot? Don’t wanna turn this into a massive AU of its own tho, I like my Taur verse and other verses atm, but dabbling in this might be fun so here we go.
(What’s Kitsunegeddon????)
-Actually, Ardyn isn’t half youkai, he’s full. He’s just a mixed clans. That way I can make LCs a youkai (probably dragon) clan blessed by Bahamut with protection of humans and sovereignty over other youkai and I can make the Oracles humans blessed with the magic to purify both starscourge and youkai (what’s the word- miko? Like Kagome). Ardyn is half-kitsune/half-dragon, actually and that’s probably why when Nox and he get yote into this new timeline, Nox isn’t human anymore (much to his distress) but a DRAGON/KITSUNE HYBRID (look, some things got messed up int he transition, he should have been full dragon but somehow wound up half-kitsune, even if he takes far more strongly after his dragon side than Ardyn does. Of course, despite having, in his non-human form, dragon horns and wings, he still has a whopping nine whole tails, all of them inky black with silver scattered throughout like stars (look up silver foxes, very pretty). Ardyn himself could be mistaken for a full kitsune and is a freaking eight tails, which panics more than a few members of the human and youkai community because two unaffiliated kitsune that powerful showing up out of nowhere? Previously utterly unknown to all youkai circles? Not supposed to be possible.
-Also Nox looks and smells WAY too young to be that strong. Nox feels like a BABY youkai despite his teenage frame and nine tails. Ardyn, at least, looks and smells old enough to be an eight or nine tails (2k years old after all) but for him to be utterly unknown and have no territory? Alarm flags.
-They have that many tails because it was an adaption to how much Crystal magic they had packed inside to be converted to more youkai based forms. Being a realized and completed Chosen King is what makes Nox a nine-tails, though the PLAN was just for him to be a much larger than normal dragon youkai, considering LCs are dragons and he’s supposed to be full dragon. (Bahamut off in the void: Oops).
-Both of them proceed to wander around learning this wacky new magic and in general send both humans and youkai into fits of worry over them. Because on one hand, humans are worried over their terrible self care, on the other, youkai are worried over how two kitsune this freaking strong are only just now being noticed. Then they figure out Nox, at least, is half dragon and the panic increases because LC KITSUNE HYBRID? RAISED AWAY FROM LC CLAN. OHHHHH NO.
-They probably end up Known well before the Marilith, but despite Cor’s best efforts, the hanyou can’t catch up with them until the Marilith incident happens and he and Regis both get a real good look at a furious nine tailed kitsune with dragon features steamrolling a Marilith while an eight-tails cackles insanely and cheerfully dumps a startled and unhurt Noctis in Regis’s arms before going to help in the dismemberment of the daemon.
-Nox promptly tries to leave once the dismemberment is done, but Cor is suddenly there and Regis is on the other side going full dragon to be eye level and Nox thinks he can’t escape without a fight- which he won’t do.
-So. Regis gets to have a minor panic attack over discovering the Dramatic Way that he has a half-kitsune son who’s been running around with his kitsune uncle and that they’re probably the ones blowing up all the Niflheim bases despite the anti-youkai tech the youkai-phobic human empire has been developing for decades (their magic was originally all Crystal, rather than youkai with Astral blessing, so the anti-youkai measures just don’t - work, despite their youkai bodies).
-Shenanigans and species/culture misunderstandings proceed to abound as Regis takes the two back to the Citadel and very quickly realizes these two have no clue on how to Youkai and only a moderate idea on how to Human. Someone help him.
-Some extra thoughts on this would be: Cor is a hanyou (hope that’s the right word), no one knows which parent was the human one but the other one was a very lion youkai, which is why Cor picked the last name he did. Cor has no full youkai form, but he can have claws, slitted eyes, and a lashing tail when he’s Angry.
-Amicitias are a long line of humans blessed/bound to the service of the LC clan, which greatly extends their lifespan and makes them a little ... draconic. Also abnormally strong. The line of thought here is that LCs can handle other youkai, but anti-youkai humans can still hurt them, so the Shield is there to both serve as a voice for the humans in the kingdom and to keep other humans from hurting the LCs.
-There are more LCs around this time, but unfortunately by more I mean one and by one I mean Mors, who has been firmly retired by his son and never leaves his part of the Citadel because frankly he hates non-Amicitia humans and finds his son’s pro-human stance disgusting.
-Prompto is a full human. Ignis is a long-suffering cat youkai (nekomata?).
-Weskham and Cid are both pure humans with extended lifespans because Regis claimed them as His and bound their aging to his magic when they were all a retinue, even now that they are estranged he still keeps up the blessing because he loves them. Regis is quite the outlier for having a primarily human (and one hanyou) Retinue. Most LCs have the Shield as their human and maybe one other and the others are supposed to be youkai. Regis never cared.
-Titus is a long-suffering wolf youkai. Someone help him his new kitsune boss is a maniac.
-The Glaives are ... well. Galahdians. That means they are Weird. People can’t decide if they are humans, hanyou, or youkai and frankly Galahdians don’t help explain because they don’t care. The Galahdian youkai clans fully mingled with the human clans LONG ago and by this point they’re all so mixed blood there’s really no distinction. They call themselves shifters because they look pure human in human form but can transform into a youkai form. The youkai form is smaller and more animalistic than normal youkai though, which is where the confusion comes in (think- shifters? Shifters.). Nyx can shift into a black Coeurl, Crowe turns into a slightly eldritch/shadowy crow, Libertus is a permanently exasperated Behemoth. I don’t know what the others are.
-Also PS if someone Arts Nox as a pretty kitsune with spirally, antelope-esque dragon horns, dragon wings, and nine fluffy fox tails I will Scream for Joy.
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chofitia · 4 years
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ArtistsWAM 2020: Week 2, Fanon Feral (Canon is over. This fic is canon now. You are safe here.)
Running Down a Dream (73378 words) by tenshinokorin (@tenshinokorin) Chapters: 37/37 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum, Gladiolus Amicitia/Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia & Prompto Argentum & Noctis Lucis Caelum & Ignis Scientia Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia Additional Tags: no unsolicited concrit please, eventual smooches probably, Chocobros - Freeform, I'm only like ten hours into this game, but I literally cannot stop writing fic about every stupid thing these guys are doing, Please no spoiler comments, if I've gotten something wrong I'll figure it out when I get there, there's something good waiting down this road, I'm picking up whatever's mine, occasional maudlin detours, pecan logs and kingslayings, prompto actually prefers a boycut brief tbh, tricky situations over a pound note, timewasting nonsense, OT4, traveling with your friends gives your life meaning Series: Part 1 of Running Down a Dream - (Main Story & B-sides) Summary: Once upon a time there was a prince who went on a journey with three friends. In that fleeting, magical time together they all learned unforgettable truths about each other, about themselves, and about OMG IT'S A STUCKEYS STOP THE CAR STOP THE CAR LET'S GET PECAN LOGS
Look at the tags. Look at them.
“Pecan logs and kingslayings” is a very accurate summary of this fic series. (Yes, series. I’m linking to the main story, but there are sequels and side stories.) Lots of it has been made non-compliant by the later DLC and Dawn of the Future. I don’t care. I still think this version’s ending and sequel is what happened. Yes, I cried. Yes, I’ve stolen some of its backstory for my own purposes/OCs backstory. Yes, I’ve commented on most of the fic.
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ffxvthingies · 7 years
how the chocobros dance
NEVER dances in public!
the only exception is citadel events
and even then that’s only if he MUST
It’s to no ones surprise that he’s really good at waltzing and slow dancing
move smooth and percise
but that’s the only time people have ever seen him dance
until Noct came home early and saw Ignis dancing while he was cleaning
to say surprising would be an understatement
Noct just stood there, jaw to the floor, watching silently
iggy was doing a ballet routine with some hip hop mixed in.
the music was some Kpop type group (they’re actually his guilty pleasure)
He looked beautiful dancing!
all flowy and elegent
Noct couldn’t get enough of it (was quickly getting a hard-on due to the beauty)
Then the song ends, Iggy does his final pose
Noct is clapping
Ignis shrieks and leaps back
he crashes into a book case
comics and games are crashing onto him
“what are you doing here, highness!!”
“uhh, i live here? Why did you never tell me you could dance like an actual angle????”
iggy his tomato red with embarrassment
Noct feels bad and helps him up
cleans up the mess while iggy is just standing there too horrified to move
“apologize Noctis, I did not mean for you to see me doing such... things.”
“you’re shitting me right?? Specs you were so good!!”
Noctis demands iggy dance for him more now
it gives him an excuse to go home on time quicker in the hopes of seeing iggy dance
Noctis learns that iggy is the best at both ballet AND hip hop!
which is totally unfair because he looks so good doing both!
Iggy has begun to dance for/with noctis when he knows he had a hard day
he puts on some toons  (which is how Noct learned that iggy not only loves classical music but also rap??? iggy stop having so many interests!!”
depending on the song he’ll dance accordingly to cheer noct up
classical? twirl around and leap while putting stuff away
rap? do some sick fuckin moves while cooking and raps along with the music
kpop? Those are special occasions, where he’ll do a routine from the song
he does it as a birthday present for noct every year
it may be Nocts favorite present ever!
Noct appreciates it always
prompto and gladio are finally allowed to see iggy dance while they’re on the road
each one has their jaw dropped to the floor getting boners
iggy learns to open up around them and becomes comfortable sharing his interests!
Like iggy, he’s not a big fan of dancing in public
but him being the prince means he got all the lessons in ballroom dancing and waltzing
not as good as iggy
but is still up there in talent
it’s a bit hard for him to do it with his leg
but with Gladio’s PT and Iggy’s magical hands
he’s able to dance for a couple of songs before his leg starts to give out
whoever he’s dancing with is always surprised by his talent
he’s graceful and strong when he dances, strict in his movements due to years of training
When Iris came to her first Gala, gladio made noct dance with her
outstretch his hand and ask her like a prince
it was the damned cutest thing!
she was giggling and dancing (poorly) with the prince who was smiling because he’s happy for her!
They dance every gala now
it’s not the best dancing
it’s two kids doing some slow dance at an adults party
but they make the best of it
Noct will expertly spin her around and she’ll giggle
they’ll pretend they’re some long lost lovers and run away hand in hand to the gardens (as an excuse to get away from everybody)
then they hang out and eat fancy foods
Noct likes it when he dances with Iris
but that’s gross boring people dancing
when he’s out with Prom (at the arcade, at home) he turns into a goofy dancer
he moves with the music
bouncing up and down and pumping his fists
hair flapping
its kinda funny to see the prince do this
he also totally dances like an old man
doing some dumb ass dance moves thinking he looks cool
he doesn’t
doing the sparkler and lawn mower
he looks so stupid but they love him all the same
he’s more reserved when he’s around people who are not prompto, gladio, or iggy
claims its because he’s the Prince and it would be a bad image to see the prince dance such a way
it’s because he’s emberassed
but the bros always find a way to bring noctis close and dance with him
People assume he’s not the best dancer due to his size
and they’re right
this boy is too big for most dances
his leggys are too longg and they can’t get the movements right with fast pace music (hip hop, ballet, you name it)
but that doesn’t mean he  has two left feet per say
this boy can waltz like a mofo
he made a deal with lil noct to learn along with him after Noct refused to learn
Clarus and Regis were proud of him and told him as much
that it was good that he was willing to learn and stay with his Prince
but he just REALLY wanted to learn how to waltz!
He’s seen the princess movies
and goddamn did he want to dance with a princess when he was little
he still does
the dork
but he didn’t let anyone know that
they just thought he learned so that his Prince would agree to learn
but that didn’t mean he had to dance well!
he does
he’s incredible
while Iggy is fluid and light on his feet
gladdy is strong and percise
the women who dance with him are amazed!
He’s lifting them and twirling them around like they’re nothing
ALL of the women (some of the men too tbh) are begging to dance with him!
but he can’t share the same enthusiasm
“they don’t even know the basic travel movements! Let alone know what to do to make a lift look GOOD and not just me lifting up a person while the cling to me!!1″
if he’s gonna dance, he’s gonna make it good!
No half assing it!
it makes him not want to dance anymore
they just don’t appreciate the art!
When Iris starts coming to the events, gladio dances with her because he knows its been her dream to dance like a princess
and he does
he spins her around and they dance around the room with her on his feet
everyone’s getting pics because its SO C U T E
Clarus is getting a picture
it  hangs up in his office now
Gladio holding Iris up on his hip, one hand on her back like a gentlmen
the other holding her hand out as he dances around, their smiles bright and carefree
but then he realizes that she’s the perfect excuse to not dance with anyone else!
“Lord Amicitia, would you care for a dance?”
“Apologize, but I already promised my little sister this next dance”
take THAT unappreciative dancers!
Then noct makes him and iggy dance together at a gala
and it’s straight up like in the movies when a circle forms around the main character and love interest
they’re like the perfect match
they’re taking turns leading
the transition is seemless
when gladio lifts iggy continues to dance and its honestly mesmorizing
they get a huge applause when they’re done (gladio is dipping iggy who has a leg wrapped around him, head tilted back and arched beautifully)
but that’s all dancing within gladdy’s element
outside of that
it’s... not the best
again he can’t like do some sick moves because of his size
so he sticks to bouncing on his feet and letting the music guide him
D E S T R O I E S at Dance Dance Revolution
don’t event try
you will lose to this man
no one is sure how he does it
Noct is a close second to his talent
but he just can’t compete with Proms quick reflexes
it is a sight to see him on that thing
he always gets a crowd
always gets money too??? but not like he’s complaining
the most open w/in the group with is dancing
will gladly bounce around to a beat and do some goofy dance move
he’s not very good at just dancing
if there’s no strict dance moves or arrows showing him where to put his feet
he just looks a bit like a drunk college student dancing at all times
but it’s still cute
out of the four he’s the worst at waltzing
he just can’t get the movements down
he goes to quick, mixes his feet up, just not a graceful dancer when it comes to it
“buddy you fucking crush it at the arcade! Why can’t you do a simple box waltz?”
“Because I wasn’t born doing a stupid 1 2 3 box movement noct D:”
he’s not really upset
he knows he’s the best dancer out of them all (at least he likes to think so)
the amount of times both him, noct, AND gladio have tried to convince iggy to do a dance competition with prompto is like... so many
he finally agrees when they’re on the road
it’s at a Haven
away from all signs of civilazation
even then iggy’s bright pink as he’s dancing
Prompto’s just having a great time
but it is a close call
they do a number from the Kpop group (for while iggy is shy about his appreciation for their music, prom absolutely LOVES it!)
it really is a close call
they’re both so concise and fluid
Gladdy and noct call it a tie
until gladdy sends the video he managed to take to Iris
she declares Iggy the winner
amongst ignis being utterly BETRAYED that his bf would do such a thing!
he’s a smug little shit
Prompto just shrugs and congratulates him
but now he tries to make iggy dance whenever he can
he’ll put on some music and challenge iggy
“c’mon iggy! you gotta defend you title as best dancer of the group!!”
slowly iggy starts to open up about dancing
he does a lil jig when driving (safely of course!!1!)
He’ll dance almost always now when he’s cooking dinner
prompto will always dance with him!
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destiny-islanders · 7 years
FFXV x Hocus Pocus AU Ideas Part 2
Part 1
So Gladiolus Middle-Name Amicitia lights the black candle on Halloween Night
Yes, he is a virgin
Mistakes were made
Ignis: “Gladiolus you bloody twat”
Prompto is the only one not freaking out when the house begins to shake and glow and Bad Things are Clearly Happening
He keeps his promise. He curses Gladiolus with an eagle tattoo that spreads from his back to his chest and shoulders.
Gladio’s Tattoo: “SQUAWK”
It’s time to stop screaming and start hiding when they hear voices outside
In come the Sanderson Brothers
Ardyn, the eldest. Slick and slimy with an awful air of charisma that draws people to him...
Iedolas, the middle sibling (even though he looks like a grandpa). Basically a walking punchline. Neither of his brothers take him seriously. Useful only because he’s got the ability to pick up a scent like a daemon hellhound. 
Loqi, the youngest. Conceited. (I mean. Fair-- he’s very pretty.) Wants to be in charge, but also acknowledges that Ardyn is Quite Scary so he’s okay with his second fiddle. Sings like a hearthrob rockstar and moves all the girls and boys to tears.
Ardyn: “Welcome back, boys. It is time to Feast on the Life Force of the Young People”
Iedolas: “I smell a witch”
They find him hiding behind the cauldron
Loqi: “What century did you crawl out of”
Prompto: “Uh. The 21st”
Loqi: “Honestly. 21st century witches. No style”
Prompto: “Honestly. 18th century witches. NO TEETH” *Punches Loqi in the face*
He tries to get away as Loqi reels back, but Ardyn catches him and shoves him deeper into the room. Things don’t look good for Prompto. He’s no good at offensive magic and Ardyn’s powers are LEAGUES above his own
They’ve got Prompto pinned against the wall. He’s young enough that the Brothers aren’t above stealing his life away so that they can stay young forever
Gladio: *Jumping out from behind a bookcase* “HEY! ASSHOLES!”
Gladio’s Tattoo: “SQUAWK”
Also Gladio: “FEAR THE RESULT OF MASS POLLUTION! ACID RAIN!!!!!!!” *Sticks a lighter under the smoke detector, which turns on the sprinklers*
He grabs Prompto in the confusion and everyone runs for their lives
Noctis tells Ignis to grab Ardyn’s spell book on the way out
Noctis has the bright idea of going to the cemetery since witches can’t step on hallowed ground
Prompto: *A witch who can’t step on hallowed ground* “You guuuuuuuuuuuuys”
Also Prompto: *Sighs* “Good thing I brought my broom”
Ignis suggests that they meet up somewhere else once they feel safe, but Prompto doesn’t want the group to split up. He’s not the world’s cleverest witch, but he’s better protection than nothing
Plus he doesn’t want to be alone eeek! Ardyn is fucking terrifying
So. Yes. Prompto flies on his broomstick alongside the others.
Iris wants a ride!!!
Gladio: “Absolutely not”
Gladio’s Tattoo: “SQUAWK”
Also Gladio: “IS THIS FOR FUCKING EVER??!?!??!??!?!?!”
Prompto: “Um”
Also Prompto: “Have you tried putting your hand over its beak”
Gladio: *Does so*
Gladio’s Tattoo: *Muffled squawking*
Prompto: “IOU... one roll of duct tape”
It doesn’t take long for the Sanderson Brothers to catch up
Since they can’t set foot in the cemetery, Ardyn brings Ravus Nox Fleuret back from the dead to help capture them
Ravus doesn’t seem particulary excited to help but he chases after them anyway
The group escapes in the sewers
Prompto has no idea if he’s still on hallowed ground or not. The tunnels are too narrow to navigate a broom
Ignis carries Prompto in his arms
Gladio: “God, I wish that were me”
Noctis: *Wading through filthy water so he can lead the way out of the sewers* “Same tbh”
To be continued...
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dustybunny · 7 years
ramble bramble
So I know people have already said this before and stuff but I kinda wanted to put in my quarter and see what happens lol
OH before you keep reading, I’m on mobile as I write this and cannot add a read more break so!! IF YOU HAVENT PLAYED/ARE DODGING SPOILERS FOR EPISODE IGNIS IM SO SORRY I CANT HIDE THEM AT THE MOMENT////
I’ll be tagging this as well so please don’t get mad at me ; ~ ;
So here we go!
After thinking about it and comparing the bros dlcs it’s more then blatantly obvious that Gladio got jipped. Ok yea fighting and beating a giant one armed samurai dude to prove your worth was pretty cool, but it feels like there should’ve been more.
Prompto was able to not only come to terms with being a clone, but also start becoming independent and not so needing of the others just to prove himself.
Ignis bends over backwards to save the one person he cares about the most, not because it’s his job, but because he’s his brother. And not only that, but insuring he won’t lose him to some shitty god logic.
But then there’s Gladio— undergoing a trial to prove his worthiness of being a Shield despite facing death as the moderately high likely outcome if he fails. That’s it.
With the other two bro dlcs, they’re structured around the respective bro, with both also being a way to work on something in the future. Kinda like a emotional bankrupting gaming experience of a Dr Phil episode, but somehow worse. (I’m still crying please send help)
So with that in mind, Episode Gladio is seemingly out of place and not quite the same quality as the others. You could argue the later dlcs were merely buffed up in an attempt to win back the players and fan base.
But what if that’s exactly how it was supposed to be...?
Quickly, I re-evaluated Gladio’s character— strong, intelligent resourceful guy who is a survivalist and is pretty headstrong. He tends to analyze, and seeming to be lacking in empathy in certain events (cue the train scene) Moreover, he is the King’s sworn Shield, a job he trained for his whole life and takes very seriously.
And that last part makes his episode make that much more sense. While temporarily, he leaves the group to prove himself after being ragdolled by Ravus. Not only does he succeed, but also is able to retrieve the sword Cor lost when he attempted the trials.
It makes sense... but still feels off.
Let’s fast forward a bit.
During Episode Ignis, if you play along with Ardyn and risk your life to defeat him, the trash man leaves, thanking his immortality and lovingly telling Ignis he’s gonna die while Noctis finds him. Thankfully the group does and just in time, but one thing about the scene just ripped my heart out.
Gladio, in an attempt to hold back tears, watching over a tired and fading Ignis, gives a ferocious, emotional roar, “What were you thinking?!!”
Granted I was already sobbing my eyes out and was also exhausted from trying to make Swiss cheese out of the resident garbage lord numerous times, I seriously cannot tell you how badly that one line wrecked me.
And then it suddenly got me thinking.
Just how often does Gladio allow himself to be himself?
To review, Gladio spent his whole life training to protect a future king. He descends from a heavily militarized background, and for gods sake his own father fought in a war alongside his king to help bring peace. He’s got a pair of ginormous shoes he has to fill.
So when the bros are faced with difficult decisions, what does Gladio do?
Exactly what he tells Noctis on the way to commune with Titan.
His job. There’s not much else he knows.
It’s that one line during Episode Ignis that solidified it for me—
Gladiolus Amicitia, sworn Shield to Chosen King Noctis, is shit for luck at his own emotional control.
During the whole game, Gladio doesn’t break. Won’t even allow himself to. He’s constantly working, putting all his years of training into overdrive, trying to do what he spent his entire life on.
Everyone else in the group breaks at least a little. Even Ignis, when he has to tell Noctis what’s happened to Insomnia at the beginning of the game, is clearly heartbroken and not his normal sturdy self.
But Gladio doesn’t. Not in the way everyone else does.
His breaks are seldom, and sometimes really hard to pick up on when you aren’t looking for them.
His general hatred toward Niflheim, his snaps at Noctis during the Titan climb and on the train, his sudden distress when separated from the prince in the keep after defeating the daemon that ambushed him and his recently blinded friend. His line when he finds a nearly dead Ignis.
The only thing he seems to do for selfish reason is fighting. Hunting and taking down daemons, MTs, whatever. It’s the only way for him to release his emotions, turning it all into rage to destroy whatever he’s in front of that’s trying to kill him or his king.
It’s his only way to cope with what the fuck is going on.
His dad is murdered, his home destroyed, everything he knew turned on its head. And he doesn’t even flinch. Just keeps going, pushing onwards, focusing on being a worthy Shield. Analyzing and tactically moving forward. It’s what he knows. Buries everything else, even his own emotions to march on.
It what he has to do. It’s what he was trained for.
Gladio reacting to Noctis grieving Luna’s death was a mix of trying to do the thinking for the prince and himself. He couldn’t let his own building pain beat him. So he did his job. Keep moving forward. It’s when he lashes out that he breaks, and quickly tries to catch himself, choking down his feelings to keep going.
Keep. Fucking. Going.
That’s why Episode Gladiolus is so different. Instead of conquering some inner demon, he’s focused on the trial. To prove himself as a Shield. Swallowing down and shoving away his emotions, refusing to let them even touch the surface. It’s not that he couldn’t win, but rather forces himself to bury it away. Focus on the job. The only thing he’s known his whole life.
As much as I love all the boys, Gladio is by far the one I worry about the most. In future dlcs, I’m scared to see what’ll happen to him. If one focuses on him again, what are we gonna see? If it’s in the ten year skip, will we finally see him snap? All that time, bottling up everything, will he finally let it burst?
Ughh as much as I love this game it makes me think so much about all the poor kids involved in it # ~ #
And tbh I just want gladio to be happy. Lemme spoil me good boi, god damn it. There’s a very good reason I have an embarrassing surplus of ramen on my game and it’s so I can at least make my poor tol a little happy.
Hhhhh but that’s all my thoughts ;w;
Hopefully it makes sense. Mobile app is making it dangerously hard to revise and review //orz
And if you got this far, thank you for reading !! ;w;<33
hope you have a lovely day !! <33
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cocosnowlo · 7 years
FFXV Favourites Meme
I was tagged by @snepai21, thanks!
Instructions: To celebrate a year of FFXV and the end of the first year of updates, let’s spread the FFXV love! I haven’t seen a tag meme like this for FFXV yet, so I decided to make one. If you see this and want to, copy/paste this list and share what your favorite things about FFXV are.
Favorite Chocobro: Guess who, it’s Noctis! I love all of the guys but Noct has just become my favorite. The most interesting “prince” character ever, he’s very relatable despite his status and all. I can relate to him a lot actually.
Favorite Guest Party Member (including Ravus and Libertus from DLC): It’s either Aranea or Iris. Both very cool characters and I love how she fights at her brother’s side showing she’s an Amicitia. :D 
Favorite Minor Character(s): Talcott, he’s so adorable and I usually don’t even like kid characters. 
Favorite Villain: Loqi, he’s so dumb, it’s just great.
Favorite Kingsglaive Character: Does Kingsglaive Luna count? Cause she was amazing in the movie. And the only truly memorable character tbh. 
Favorite Astral/Divine Being: Titan. Because I love the way he comes running whenever you summon him haha.
Favorite Character Overall: NOCT. My son.
Favorite Weapon: The engine blade, might be mainstream and standard but I love it. The fact that Noct chose a nerdy weapon like this as his standard is so dorky too.
Favorite Location: I loved Cartanica for its emotional impact (combined with the intense plot..). My favorite place to explore in the open world part was Leide. I have pretty exciting memories of how I explored certain parts and met giant monsters or how I spent hours beating those damned big cactuars.
Favourite Quest/Questline/Hunt: I love to collect tags for Dave actually, it’s simple yet challenging (some of them that is). I also remember the trap search in Duscae quite well :D
Favorite Boss: That double battle against Loqi and Caligor was pretty intense. It took hours (in-game) for me to win.
Favorite Monster/Monster Family/etc: Do MTs count? Because every fight with them is funny and a little bit terrifying at the same time.
Favorite Song: Oooh, difficult question. I have the entire soundtrack and the DLC tracks in my library and there are a lot of great tracks. The ones which had the most impact on me are: 1) Somnus (Vocal version, made me cry so much) 2) World Map Theme #1 from Episode Prompto 3) Sunset Waltz (best atmosphere) 4) Any empire theme 5 ) Hammerhead
Favorite Boss Theme: Omnis Lacrima, Hellfire
Favorite Non-Episode DLC/Update/Event: The assassin’s festival was reeeally cool.
Favorite Episode DLC: Episode Prompto. I had so much fun playing this (since I never play shooters) and the other half of the game I cried my eyes out. 
Other Favorites of Note: Fave things to do: - Running over the world just collecting shiny items - Walking over the giant stone arcs - Defeating red giants or iron giants without using magic - Walking around for days without sleeping to get as much EXP as possible for the expensive Galdin Quay hotel. Love the boys complaining haha
Favorite outfits: - Behemoth jacket for Noct, snow outfit for Prompto, Casual without jacket for Gladio and the Crownsguard out without jacket for Ignis
I’m not in contact regularly with that many fans but I would love to see your answers if you have time: @nicolareed @freaky-trickster
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tianasidhe-augurelt · 7 years
FFXV Favorites Meme
I was tagged by @stopmopingstarthoping Thanks, babe!.
To celebrate a year of FFXV and the end of the first year of updates, let’s spread the FFXV love! I haven’t seen a tag meme like this for FFXV yet, so I decided to make one. If you see this and want to, copy/paste this list and share what your favorite things about FFXV are.
Favorite Chocobro:
Ignis. I have grown to love all of the bros, and originally I was drawn to Gladiolus.  But over time, I kept finding myself drawn back to Ignis.  Maybe it had to do with how cool and calm he was, or how elegant he was in battle.  Hell, maybe it was all that exquisite food he cooks!  But at some point, he crept his way into my heart (and into my panties, oh my).
Favorite Guest Party Member (including Ravus and Libertus from DLC):
Gotta go with my Ravy Gravy.  The man is so compelling to me.  Protective older brother who feels he is destined for far greater things, carrying a grudge for the protagonists, and who only wishes that his sister could have lived a full and happy life.  Added bonus that his duel attack with Ignis is so perfectly choreographed.  Ice dagger spinny!
Favorite Minor Character(s):
I’m gonna have to go with Iris.  She kicks ass for the brief time she comes along with you, in true Amicitia tradition.  I love her relationship with Gladio, and she’s so sweet.
Favorite Villain:
Fuck Ardyn, I’m picking Ravus.  For the majority of the game, the chip on his shoulder is what drives him, but he’s so much more than just a villain.  I do appreciate that he comes around to our side in the end, and bless SE for keeping him alive in the Alt Ending.
Favorite Kingsglaive Character:
Nyx. No contest.  Love me some sexy firebending action, mmm!  Wish he could’ve played more of a part in the main game, but he’s utilized well in the movie, so I’m happy.
Favorite Astral/Divine Being:
Normally, I would go with my babe Shiva, but in this case, I’m gonna pick Ramuh.  Especially on first playthrough, having him trigger while hunting tough baddies like godsdamn COCKATRICES!  Fry ‘em up nice and crispy!
Favorite Character Overall:
Overall, I’d have to go with Ignis.  I have a major weakness for intellectual types, and the way he’s handled in both the main storyline and his DLC is exquisite to behold.
Favorite Weapon:
Nyx’s Kukris.  Notmally, when in an MMO-style setting, I prefer a ranged weapon, but in this, I like being fast and striking multiple times, so daggers became my weapon of choice; plus it being a tribute to Nyx,
Favorite Location:
Top of the huge stone arches!  The instant the ability to go up on them was unlocked, you bet your bottom gil I took advantage of it!  They intrigued me the first time I saw them.  I love the view, especially if I can get up there at night.  Breathtaking!
Favourite Quest/Questline/Hunt:
Ignis losing his specs to a chocobo!  I’m sorry, Iggy, but it’s funny!
Favorite Boss:
Ravus again (hey, I love my Ravy Gravy, don’t judge!) in Episode Ignis.  It’s like he and Ignis are dancing.
Favorite Monster/Monster Family/etc:
TBH, I don’t have a favorite, though I do have a most HATED: Cockatrice/Kingatrice/Chickatrice.  FRY ‘EM ALL, RAMUH!
Favorite Song:
Got a few.
Wanderlust (so peaceful and wistful)
Episode Ignis main theme - crying violins!
Stand Your Ground (BATTLE!)
Veiled in Black
A Retainer’s Resolve from Episode Ignis (So much raw power!)
Ardyn Boss Battle Theme  (Extra Verse, Phase 1) from Episode Ignis (so fucking EPIC!)
Ardyn Boss Battle Theme (Extra Verse, Phase 2) from Episode Ignis (EVEN MOAR EPIC!)
Favorite Boss Theme:
Ardyn Boss Battle Theme (Extra Verse, Phase 2), Episode Ignis.
Favorite Non-Episode DLC/Update/Event:
Assassin’s Creed Festival. Never having played a single AC game ever, I was honestly surprised how much I enjoyed it.  Again, it played into my desire to explore everything.  Lestallum was built to be explored, and here we get to finally do so.  Not quite as grand or flexible as Altissia in Episode Ignis, but certainly great in its own right.
Favorite Episode DLC:
As if you have to guess! :3  Episode Ignis game me all that I hoped for and more!  Free exploration (with only a few caveats), lots of nooks and crannies, the BATMAN BROODING POINT DOME TOWER!...  And my beloved Ignis (and Ravus) front and center.  Besides the plot, I just love exploring Altissia and enjoying the architecture and window dressing.  As any of my regular viewers can attest, I am a sucker for details and Easter Eggs (and eyecandy, ladies...).
Other Favorites of Note:
Just... how vast and free to explore the first huge chunk of the game is!  Even in my first run, I progressed so slowly because I just loved running around and discovering things.  While I did eventually grow a little tired of it after 4 runs and ~350 hours, my wanderlust was renewed with Episode Ignis.  Add to that all the interesting architecture of the towns and outposts, plus ALL THE EASTER EGGS!  OMG, so many!  I’m still smugly proud of spotting the Chrono Trigger reference in Insomnia.  I just wish there were more (which there probably are; hell, I spotted one in Comrades that I’d missed in regular Lestallum).
Fave Things to Do:
EXPLORE!  After how bottled in that the FF13 games were (long narrow hallways, then pocket locations, then time limit), the sheer freedom of this game was so refreshing!  I am seriously considering starting a brand new run just so I can explore and level grind from scratch again.
Chocobo riding is fun, though the racing is... ehh?  Not really as good as earlier installments.  Really, the lack of actual minigames in the main game is sad, but understandable.  Gotta save something for the festivals.
I don’t feel like tagging anyone, so if anyone wants to do this and hasn’t already, go right ahead and claim I tagged you! :3c
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moonraccoon-exe · 7 years
You know one of those status ailments where they turn into toads? What if one day they found this new creature that turna them into babies instead and surprise surprise that thing got Noct and Prompto. So while trying to figure out the cure for this Ignis and Gladio have to deal with two cute babies (which I think Noct will remain the same cause no matter how old is he, he's still *ignis's* a baby.) Lol it would a bit chaotic dont you think?
That would be MAXIMUM FLUFF.
Omg anon you triggered me, like asjkfdkslf, ahaha, it’d be hilarious and so cuuuute, listen:
When battle’s done Ignis and Gladio just look at the babies and they’re like “Rly? -///-”, and Ignis suggests they wait, and maybe the status will go on its own, like the toad one.
Turns out it does not, so after a good two hours standing there Ignis reaches down and picks baby Noctis to his arms like “Well, we shall wait in a safer spot. Let’s move; take Prompto.”
“You mean as in carry him?”
Gladio’s not happy with the idea of carrying any of the babies but Ignis’ glaring at him so he’s left with no option.
He picks baby Prompto by a leg, btw, and carries him like that the entire time until Ignis notices and loses his shit.
When they get to a haven Ignis carefully sits Noctis down and tries to adapt his shirt, still adult sized, so it can be some sort of onesie.
Gladio’s just carrying Prompto and glaring at him all like
“You don’t fool me, smartass. You’re conscious and act like you’re really a baby just to get spoiled.”
Prompto pees on him.
“…you son of a bitch.”
They have to get some sleep, but the status doesn’t fade even overnight.
Gladio and Ignis didn’t think a baby could be troubles until it was time to sleep and both babies did not stop crying, rolling around, toying with the grown-ups’ eyelids and trying to sneak out the tent.
“Your highness, please, stop. Stay here. Sleep. Your- Noct, no, that’s enough. Prompto, don’t- Astrals, Gladiolus, help me.”
Gladio’s snorting and hiding under the pillow because HE WANTS SOME SLEEP DAMMIT.
The status stays like that even the following day so the grown-ups have to carry them around looking for an answer.
Ignis carefully found a way to carry Noctis on his back, wrapped in his coat.
Gladio’s still carrying Prompto by a leg.
They end up buying carry bags.
Gladio’s a bit embarrassed at first, tbh, but Ignis seems to be ecstatic and just dissimulating and trying to seem uninterested.
First time the babies poo, lmao
“What happened!? Is anybody hurt!?”
So they enter a paranoid mess of
They ended up calling for Cor.
Cor, embarrassed, sighs and uses his master skills for treating with babies.
“I thought I was done with you years ago….”
Cor ends up teaching them how to change diapers, hold the babies properly, and all that’s needed. 
Gladio and Ignis constantly go to all stores to try many options on the babies to get rid of the status that’s lasted days already.
Lmao imagine if anybody recognized them AHAHAHA
Like they turn on the radio one day and it’s the news like
“In other news, some civilians have a testimony- they say that they saw the sworn shield of our missing prince Noctis Gladiolus Amicitia and adviser Ignis Scientia in a store at Old Lestallum together. And not only that, but they were also carrying, pay attention, a pair of adorable baby kids. Here you have the photo on screen for those of you watching us on TV. Who would have thought. This has made the rumors of a possible relationship between the two rocket up, to the point people believe that not only are the once-royal Amicitia and Scientia together but have also taken their time to form a family of their own, just months after the Fall of Insomnia. What are your thoughts, we’d like to hear, you can phone at (x) phone number or tweet us, Hashtag AmicitiaScientia and Hashtag AmicitiaScientiaFamily.
Gladio’s a bit embarrassed, and Ignis’ hiding his face in his hands.
Most tweets will go on “I KNEW IT” which will just embarrass Ignis even more.
“Noctis, please, stop being so picky, you’re a baby, you should be eating everything, even what you shouldn’t, don’t do this to me.”
Constant married-couple-like fights between the two friends.
“He doesn’t like the one with cranberries, leave it. It’s food for the babies, Gladiolus, not for us.” - “Ignis Scientia, I told you multiple times to get (X) size of diapers, and what does this tag say? Ah, I thought so.”  “Gladiolus Amicitia, did you use my spoon to feed him? Omg, you’re a pain in the ass.”
When days pass and Gladio notices the babies are really not their 20-y.o. conscious, the starts enjoying of this.
Gladio’s taken charge of Prompto’s camera and has overloaded the memory card with photos of the babies.
He enjoys putting signs on the babies (because they can’t read) and snap pics.
Noctis has a photo of him laughing while sat in front of a paper that said “Fuckboy”.
Prompto has a photo of him laughing, sat on Ignis’ face when the man had been mid-sleep.
Like they had no money or time to buy baby seats so Gladio has to sit on the back to take care of the two.
He, the wild man he is, enjoys taking the babies by the clothes and putting them up on the air while the Regalia moves.
Nah, Gladio will enjoy lifting them both on the air.
The babies laugh the entire time, and complain if Gladio sits them down.
Ignis had tried putting the roof on, but Gladio would just hold them outside the window, which was worse, so Ignis ended giving up and letting him do that.
At first it’s a big ass mess, but the guys end up enjoying of it.
Gladio has constantly walked in on Ignis humming or singing to baby Noctis while carrying him to his shoulder, so well and carefully held that Ignis looks as if though this is not his first time being nanny.
First time Gladio walked in on that, he stayed slightly away as if to give them privacy, but he was too amazed by Ignis’ perfect and natural fatherly being that he can’t look away.
The babies insist on not letting them sleep and pat them on the face at 4 a.m.
“Uh…Iggy…your sons are calling…”
“Before dawn, they are YOUR sons.”
Hashtag that was a Disney reference, ten points to myself.
Gladio constantly throws the babies in the air…and remember, Gladio’s STRONG, so the babies go fast and really high up and are a mess of laughter.
So Ignis is constantly freaking out and swearing he’ll grow white hair sooner than expected if Gladiolus keeps doing that.  
Ignis has walked in on Gladio spoiling the babies, making faces at them, tickling them and, like Gladio’s had it, singing them to sleep far too many times.
Ignis is always amazed and moved; Gladio’s tough and big, but he’s really just a fan-boy mess for little kids and babies.
Baby Prompto will laugh every time Gladio’s carrying him and go quiet when Ignis does. This makes Gladio laugh at Ignis.
Baby Noctis, however, prefers Ignis.
Baby Noctis will insist on throwing his tiny hands to Gladio, frowning and with the legs flying around (if he’s being carried), as if he wants to fight.
Baby Noctis, despite his constant attempts of murdering Gladio, will cry if Gladio’s not back by the time it gets dark outside, and will want Gladio to carry him for a whole hour before he gets to sleep.
Baby Prompto will constantly hug Ignis’ leg and hide behind it.
Baby Prompto will insist on trying to take and sometimes really taking Ignis’ glasses.
Both babies will start clapping and cheering as soon as they see Ignis get close to the kitchen or any stove (even when he’s just passing by).
Ignis loses his extreme disgust of the dirt with the weeks; both babies had puked on him times enough for him to just get adapted.
It takes them a while, because at first it was very chaotic, but now they’re adapted as if they were a family.
They will still carry the babies when going grocery-shopping.
Baby Prompto will cheer every time he sees another baby and will try to reach to touch their faces.
Baby Noctis will whimper and whine if he sees another baby.
“Oh, he’s so cute! Is this your child? Aw, he’s so cute, who’s his mommy?”
Gladio will point at Ignis and smile proudly.
“That’s his mommy.”
Lmao imagine Gladio trying to flirt with a girl at Lestallum and while he’s in the middle of it Ignis arrives with both babies like
“I beg your pardon, but they won’t stop crying since you left.”
LMAO the girl will gasp and look at him like !?
“…I swear this is not what-”
And there goes Gladio’s possible date “THANK YOU, IGNIS”
“I’m sorry, but they won’t stop crying no matter what I do, they want you ;____;”
Gladio won’t mind and will go back.
Gladio will constantly hide the babies (in safe places ofc) and make Ignis freak out because “I SWEAR HE WAS THERE JUST A MOMENT AGO, OMG GLADIO WHAT DO WE DO HE LEFT THE HAVEN I KNEW WE DIDN’T HAVE TO CAMP, OHMYGOD WHATDOIDO”
Baby Prompto wouldn’t stop whining until they bought him five chocobo plushies.
Like one day the status breaks and the guys go back to normal and everything’s happy and it’s endless jokes everywhere.
But both Gladio and Ignis will constantly be thinking on how much fun they had while the guys were babies.
Except none will say a thing about it because both will be extremely nervous of what the other thinks.
And then one day Gladio just can’t keep it any longer.
“Iggy…I’d…what if…we’ve been together for a very long while by now and…I was thinking…we’re…wouldn’t you like…”
And after many days trying to say it he will just snap it out.
“Iggy, let’s have babies.”
Ignis will just look at him with wide eyes.
“…I don’t know Gladio, are you sure we can handle pregnancy already?”
Gladio will lose his shit at Ignis’ terrible timing for a joke.
Ignis will laugh and will just stare away because he’s too shy (on his own way) to look at him when talking about this.
“…I’d like it, too.”
This is how you murder Moon Raccoon. With extreme fluff, asifjosfjgsfp.
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ckyking · 8 years
oracle!au - part ii
it’s time for more oracle!au :D! as always, thanks to @jasperraven​ for enabling me and whose blog you should visit if you want to read fics written in this au~ also, @goddamnminyard​ for inspiring the part about mechanic!aulea! 
okay, when we left off, tiny oracle had just been released into the world with overprotective papa cor as a guardian
but we are first going through flashbacks because man did sylva, regis and aulea have an interesting life before being tragically cut down okay im shutting up
sylva totally had her own road-trip with a side of fighting in the resistance, alright? her and her girl gang of course. they were going to accordo to strengthen their alliance in the midst of the war against niflheim
her best friend, aulea, whom she met in high school but really got to know when the regalia broke down during her first test drive at sixteen and she was the one to repair it. after all, she’s a mechanic’s only daughter and fell just as hard as her mother for everything cars. tbh, she first fell in love with the regalia and only decided afterwards that sylva was “okay, i guess”. she ended up asking to be trained with sylva’s shield because there was no way she was letting sylva go without her on the frontlines! in battle, she is deadly with a rapier, cutting down anyone in her path.
amy and sylva gave her so much shit when they found out what type of weapons she favoured. they were sure she was going down the same “big fucking sword” road as amy. she got back at them through magical “mishaps” when she was “learning” how to wield sylva’s magic.
the regalia was totally aulea’s wedding present from sylva. all of them knew that it was more aulea’s car than sylva’s at this point~ she was ecstatic as you can believe. the heart attacks she gave regis when she took baby noctis out on drives though! she did not manage to pass on her love of cars to him, but speed? noct is all about it!
then, there is sylva’s shield, amaryllis “amy” amicitia, clarus’ twin sister. both clarus and her were trained as potential shields because it’s tradition that the eldest amicitia become the king/queen’s shield. except it was not possible to make the choice based solely on age in this case. it was decided that the next shield would be the one with the greatest compatibility with sylva, both magic and personality wise, while the other would become a high ranking military official and advisor to sylva. she is a fucking giant, okay? which was useful when she had to pick up one of the other girls to stop them from doing something ridiculous. really, her and gentiana were the most even-tempered of the group. though her and her greatsword are truly and intimidating sight, which was helpful during their travels
she ended up receiving a grievous injury in defense of sylva which left her sterile. this is why iris, clarus’ eldest, ended up becoming luna’s shield. after the wall was shrunk to surround only insomnia, she became sylva’s other advisor alongside her brother.
and while we’re talking about clarus, he also ended up travelling for a while, which is when he met his future wife, who is a power plant worker. however, she continues to work in lestallum and the children mostly live with clarus with occasional visits. when gladio ended up showing interest in hunting, he moved to lestallum and started training as a hunter around there to supplement his father's training and then started to move around eos
camelia claustra, another friend of sylva whom she met during one of the many political parties she had to attend. she comes from a family of politicians and is seen by everyone as a strong candidate for a high position in the government, maybe even first secretary, when she gets more experience. she meets sylva in secret when she can to organize the resistance’s next attacks and to talk politics in order to gain an advantage over niflheim.
she does keep contact with aulea after lucis falls back because they are both in “nifl” territory (accordo and tenebrae) though it’s much more difficult with sylva
and finally, gentiana, who will later become known as “the immortal” for her prowess in battle. she was recruited by the former commander of what would turn out to become the crownsguard. she wields a katana in battle and her strategic mind was a key element in keeping everyone safe during the bigger battles.
regis was not without his share of adventures though
he was one of the most rebellious of the oracles tbh. he did not think that his role was to passively keep the scrouge at bay while staying safe in tenebrae, a belief his parents tried to instill in him and one of the reasons why their country lost some of its hard gained independence during his father’s reign. despite not being acknowledged as the oracle at the time and not having access to his full powers, he went on tours to help those afflicted by the scrouge. it was also the occasion for him to travel the world a little. he mostly used swords and magic during his travels, having sought training from guards and hunters when he could while growing up so that he did not have to solely rely on magic.
it was in accordo that he met weskham, who would become one of his best friends yet. seeing that weskham was originally a tattoo artist, that’s when he started developing a passion for them. nobody would believe the many designs hidden under the oracle’s formal clothes~ he mostly used guns in battle and was the one to make sure everybody actually ate, what with regis’ and cid’s tendency to get lost in whatever they’re doing at the time.
he stayed in contact with regis and regularly visited him. he was pretty much a uncle to noct growing up, but could not be there as often as he wanted due to niflheim’s surveillance and restrictions after regis and aulea’s death. noctis does still visit him during his oracle tours, and weskham tries to be there for the biggest festivals in tenebrae where the oracle plays a significant role.
cid became another one of his friends when they met in one of the lucian towns afflicted with the starscrouge. fighting daemons together does create bonds after all. he teamed up with regis and co after that during regis’ tour. it was during that time that he started modifying weapons, with some “interesting” results in the beginning. after regis’s father died in the middle of one of the tours and he officially became oracle, cid ended up going back to lucis and founding hammerhead due to cars being his true passion. as you can imagine, him and aulea got on really well~
he also kept into contact with regis, mainly with letters sent via regis’ messengers and occasional visits. and just like weskham, tried to be there for noctis when he could
cid also adopted prompto as a child after regis and co saved him from daemons (more about that later!)
and to finish, they did journey for a while with clarus, who was on his own training trip. really, just like in canon, he is there to keep regis out of trouble which he cannot help but seek. it’s exhausting really.
like for the other members of regis’ “crew”, he keeps in contact via messengers, though it’s impossible for him to visit seeing that he is in insomnia and sylva’s advisor
one last thing about regis, his messengers are hawks, and not dogs. new messengers are born at the same time as the oracle they will serve and will be taught by the previous oracle’s messengers. in that way, power and knowledge grow with each new oracle that is born. most of the time, they die at the same time as their oracle except if the last of the oracle’s power is used to preserve them. of course, cor is an exception to all of that, seeing that he voluntarily joined the lucis caelum household at the time of noct’s birth. his origins are actually a mystery to regis~
as said earlier, noct is basically raised by cor after his parents’ deaths and was inducted at a young age as the oracle
it was during one of his first tours that he heard about galadh being overrun by the starscrouge and he decides to go there in spite of it technically being in lucis
when a gralean official learn about his plans and tell him that it is not possible, he tells them in his gentlest voice while cor is looming behind him that the territories surrounding insomnia are now part of niflheim, and seeing that tenebrae is also considered part of niflheim, it would be fine to go there, right?
of course they end up agreeing with him because they’re terrified of cor and they’ve received orders from higher up. the oracle is to be kept out of gralea as much as possible, and if that’s impossible, he is to be given what he asks for (within reason) to make him go away. noct milks that for all it’s worth and ends up getting free accommodations and transport in niflheim territory in spite of being around 8-9 at the time (regis and aulea’s influences shining through)
though, you know how gentiana uses her powers to photobomb the chocobros? cor uses them in a much more sinister way by appearing in the corner of gralean officials’ eyes and showing up for an instant on security footage to, ah, reinforce the message to leave noctis the fuck alone!!!
it works marvelously
finally, noct can be on his way and heal the galahdians, including nyx, who swears to become his knight and serve him
oh boy, nyx doesn’t know what he signed up for (everytime he hears nyx complaining about some ridiculous shit that noctis has pulled, he always laughs and point out that he was literally the one to hire himself as noctis’ guard. and “employee”? pffffttt, as if he was just that)
first of all, the first thing noct asks him is to call him “noct”. it takes nyx an embarrassingly long time to go from “your royal highness” to “noctis” to “noct” XD
and he’s so blasé by the time he finds out that noctis makes niflheim pay for nearly everything during his tours that he is not even surprise. he has accepted by this point that his boss casually pulls things like those and the only way to avoid a heart attack is to get used to it
eventually, nyx is the one to design the Oracle’s Knights uniform, seeing that he is the one that founded them (he is stunned when noct first tells him that)
now, nyx started his training as a galahdian warrior young under his father’s tutelage before he was killed in battle
after he joins noctis’s “entourage”, cor is actually the one to continue his training thanks to his experience and the time he spent on eos. it’s supplemented with the occasional mission with hunters so that he can gain fighting experience.
cor would never admit it on pain of death but he was totally jealous when nyx became the oracle’s first knight, seeing that he got used to being the one to protect his starchild
it takes noctis a few days to understand the root of his guardian’s “mood” and he confronts him in private about it. when cor notices that it’s something important, he kneels to put himself closer to noct’s level. which is when teeny oracle tells him point blank with no embarrassment whatsoever that nyx being with them does not mean he loves cor any less before kissing him on the cheek.
(the straightforwardness definitely comes from cor)
cor is confused and does not know how to answer and his chest feels weirdly warm (that’s called happiness, cor). he finally realizes that he got attached and that feelings, unfortunately or not, are catching.
the first time nyx go on a mission, noctis gives him one of his earrings (which have been in his family for a long time and that his father had given to his mother as an engagement present), with the implied promise that he will always have to come back to noctis to give it back one day.
this is followed by nyx giving him one of the charms his sister made, so that noctis too will always come back to nyx
it’s after one of those missions that noctis half-jokingly asks him what he wants, what with him never having asked for anything during all of those years
nyx not-so-jokingly answers “to be closer to you” which stuns noctis until he rewords it as “to be bonded with you in a way similar to the lucian crownsguard” to save face, which noctis accepts bemusedly (@jasperraven ;D) 
it sends him on a research spree with the help of cor, during which he finds out about his ancestors having forged some of the nox’s royal arms. but the account of the oracle having forged the scepter of the pious is the most interesting
and it gives him an idea about how to channel his power through nyx using a piece of himself as a focus in order to always be able to find nyx in both astral and mortal realms magic-wise
really, he is always channeling power through himself and he can feel that he has lot more power than necessary to keep the starscrouge at bay. using it to strengthen nyx would not be a burden at all. it would also go well with an idea he’s had for a while
they all head to accordo to visit weskham, and noctis asks him to tattoo both of them. mixing each other’s blood in the ink would allow noctis to create a bond between them and to share his power by giving nyx access to a part of himself and thus access to his power
for the tattoos, noctis’ is on his back and represents a fish (because of course) similar to a siamese fighting fish with its flowing fins blending into sylleblossoms 
whereas nyx’s is more simple and represents sylleblossoms climbing up his wrist, so that he can always see it/touch it for strength
to be continued in part iii~
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