#its the passive aggressive smiley at the end for me
Olena being pissed af after yet another Monday morning with Russian missile / drone attacks and roasting people on Twitter is the kind of Queen energy I love.
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She woke up and choose violence.
Good for her.
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firstdivisiongirl · 3 months
ok i'll just drop some background info abt myself here :33
i'm aromantic + nonbinary, i am an entp 7w6 and i'm a pisces !! i like to draw, listen to music (either metal or just mainstream music i listen to whatever atp) and dance in my freetime !! :3
based on my personality ::
my friends tend to tell me that i'm the embodiment of the quote "dont judge a book by its' cover" cuz on the outside i act like a full on metalhead and really passive aggressive but at home i sleep next to a whole tower of plushies 💀🙏 and i collect stickers of silly little cats and otters (not my fault that they're so cute oml) i'm usually the clown of the group !! i tend to be hyperactive but my emotions change a lot- one second talking to me is like trying to get a toddler to pay attention to your teacher and the other is like trying not to get bitten by a rabid dog (my friend's words not mine). i tend to be a loud mouth srry . . . i do try to be quiet if necessary but if i get excited when talking i am a walking speaker . . . i get rlly excited if my favorite things are mentioned ?! like i would get rlly happy, smiley and would talk about it until i forget to breathe !! i like to consume horror media ?? idk if i can say that without sounding like an edgelord sobsob im sorry . . . i just love consuming those types of media (as a former kid w unsupervised access to the internet-) and i tend to ramble abt them along w other philosophical topics !! i like to discuss abt meaning of life, whether there are other universes, abt the capabilities of the human mind, etc. they're just so interesting!!! :] i guess im proud to say that my best trait is my humor 😋 maybe im overconfident abt this one cuz i just have pretty dumb sense of humor if im being honest frfr i tend to say things out of context . . . i like terrorizing my friends by saying the most outrageous things and overexaggerating them for the fun of it :333 though sometimes i kinda mean what i say
for my ideal partner ::
i'd say i would like someone who's fun to be around but at the same time they gotta be interesting for me to find them fun . . . like they gonna have smth to them that makes me wanna observe them like they're a lab rat being experimented on and being put under observation :33 ppl like that make me wanna see whats inside them and how they see the world around them !! i just love those kinds of ppl aaaaa ik im overdramatic for this one but like . . . i need someone who can handle me- as in my emotions and sometimes my way of loving . . . cuz if i did love someone, i would obsess over them and would dream of dying w them out of euphoria cuz being w my partner is the only thing that keeps me alive and human 😞 i wanna feel genuine happiness and pure bliss w my partner so thats why after that i think we should die together, that way we both know that finally we lived our life to the fullest (in my pov, 'the fullest' means you finally reach the climax of ur happiness/u live to the moment where you're the happiest you've ever been) (idk if that makes sense but that has always been my fantasy LAWD IM RAMBLING) need someone whos as crazy as i am :333 if he aint insane i dont want him fr i need to make him worse /j
i think thats all abt me :333 pls take ur time and make sure to put urself first btw !! aside from that, its ok if you ignore this one cuz at the end of the day its up to u <333 have a wonderful day/night mwah you're super cool
Hello! Of course you can have a matchup. Thank you for the kindness. I would like to warn you that I picked a somewhat controversial character. I hope you like it!
You Got...
Tetta Kisaki!!!
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If boy can handle the chaos the is Shuji Hanma, he can handle you!
You wanted crazy...
Would love to see you smile when you get super excited about something! His favorite thing is to see the person he loves happy.
He is really really smart. So you would have very intellectual and philosophical discussions.
Would love that you aren't all you seem. Because he is the same way. You two can be badasses when out, but totally different when it is just the two of you (and Hanma sometimes when he is being Hanma and not leaving you all alone.)
Movie date nights. He'd let you pick it. If you're happy, he's happy.
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kimmkitsuragi · 3 years
i’m so angry allahım sabır 
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wizkiddx · 3 years
a father and daughter
I don't normally hop on the whole dad!tom thing, but this idea kinda popped up and wouldn't leave me alone. Hope everyone is having a lovely festive period and wish you all well in the new year x x x
Summary: Tom really struggles to get into the parenting thing, and finds it tricky balancing work and his relationship with baby daughter
Tom loved being a Dad. It had only been a couple of months, meaning your baby girl was still very much a baby - yet still he had no doubt, this was the best job one could ever ever do. To be honest he was quite regretting agree to the few work commitments he had started to ease back into too. It wasn’t like he couldn’t afford to go these months without work, which not many had the luxury of saying - but in this industry work agreements were lined up years before and he was never one to disappoint. 
Of course, as soon as you both had found out you were expecting, he’d withdrawn from the big filming project across the world but that didn’t mean he avoided the odd week of press, or a couple days flying abroad for fittings and meetings. By absolutely no means would you ever class him as a slightly ‘absent’ dad, you completely understood and when he was home did way more than his fair share with Amelie.
But Tom felt guilty and he felt like he was inferior to you in parenting ability. And you knew that was for one reason and one reason only. He did not have boobs. 
You were well aware that as much as you loved Amelie needing you so much and so often - sometimes being the only person able to soother her - was because all she wanted was to drain you of milk. She was clearly going to be a Daddy’s girl, and who could blame her when her Dad was Tom. But for right now, a mere 5 months old - she loved you because she loved your tit. 
The first time you had noticed Tom’s growing frustration was right after his first evening work commitment since her arrivel, he’d been on a UK chat show earlier in the evening and as encouraged by you, had taken the opportunity to have a few drinks after with his brothers and friends. By no means did he return late, barely midnight, but he did return just a little tipsy. You were still up choosing to have a little movie night to yourself, whilst Amelie slept in the Moses basket next to the couch. Just before Tom got back though, she had woken up and for no reason was the smiliest little girl. So when Tom let himself into the front door, he was greeted with the sound of Amelie’s little bubbles of laughter, while you spoke in baby language - pulling ridiculous faces and laughing with her. 
“Someones smiley” Tom laughed as he plopped down on the sofa next to you, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head and wrapping his arm round your shoulder as he smiled at Amelie. 
“Aren’t you Meelie? How was the show love?” You asked, as you held Amelie in a sitting position on your thighs so she was staring at you both. 
“Hmm it was nice, couldn’t make myself stay for too long though… just missed my girls.” His voice was a little rough, something that happens after talk show and then almost shouting over the obnoxiously loud music in the pub after. Amelie, laughed again at his words, almost taunting her Dad’s attachment to her, making both of you burst out laughing. She already had you both wrapped round her very little finger. 
Shaking your head, you passed her over to Tom muttering needing a wee and made a quick escape. Ever since you had her, you couldn’t bring yourself to leave her unattended - meaning you had almost made your kidneys explode holding in a wee waiting for Tom to get back. Yet as soon as you made it out the door, the bubbling innocent laughter turned into screams - but at that point you’d already made it out the doorframe - marking that as Tom’s issue to handle. Unfortunately the wails continued, very very loud and proud, and when you returned Tom was pacing slowly around the lounge with a grimace on his face as Amelie screamed into his shoulder. 
“I’ll stay up with her if you want.” You offered, knowing Tom without sleep and having to listen to her racket all night would have an impressively worse hangover tomorrow. 
“No I got it, think she needs a change.” Tom countered, even though you were pretty sure she wanted a feed, since it had been a good couple of hours from the last. He noticed your hesitance and shooed you out the room “I got it love, you’ve had her all evening.” 
“You know where I’ll be” You smiled lightly, leaving them downstairs as you got ready for bed.
It was after about 10 minutes of thrashing about guiltily in your otherwise empty bed, you gave in to the still continuous screaming. Amelie clearly was just hungry, even if Tom refused to admit it and bring her to you. So with a deep sigh you gave in, swinging your legs over the side of the bed and trudged downstairs. Tom was still stood up, taking gentle bouncing steps as Amelie apparently tried to deafen him. Once he saw you, with a defeated look, Tom offered her to you. Instantly, as if you just had the ability to turn the crying switch on her off- Amelie stopped crying and blinked away the tears in her eyes, whilst waiting patiently for you to offer her your nipple. While you were busy trying to get her to latch on, you just caught Tom muttering something as he trudged up to bed without so much as a good night. 
Then a couple months later a similar thing occurred. Tom had been away in New York for 5 days, a little press stint that he had under no circumstances been able to get off. At first all had been well but two days since he returned, Tom insisted you finally had an evening out with the girls - to be honest, after spending the best part of a week alone with Meelie you graciously took it. Oh, and also of importance for context, Amelie spoke her first word while he was away… Mama. 
You’d left that morning, your best friend taking you on a spa day before - so by the time Tom called you at 11 in the evening, he’d spent a good portion of the day with Amelie vehemently denying to do anything at all apart from yell- yelling “NO MAMA.” So fair to say he was pissed. You answered the phone with a soft smile, honestly finding spending this much time apart from Amelie really hard and guilt-inducing. 
“Hey Tom everything okay?”
“Um when do you think you’ll be back?” He spoke straight and to the point, clearly not in the mood for small talk. 
“I don’t think too long, is everything alright?” His tone made you so much more concerned,  now worrying that something had happened. 
“No no everything’s fine. Just… just been a long day.”
“Okay well I’ll be back soon I promise. I love you.”
“Yeh yeh um you too” He didn’t mean to be short. Nor to make you worried. He didn’t hate you - far the opposite, he hated how much Amelie loved you. 
If he was being honest, he just felt like a bit of a failure of a father. As a child himself, Tom had always been incredibly close to his mum and thought the typical rule was mummy’s boys and daddy’s girls stood. So why then, did his child appear to absolutely detest him with every look. Especially because, given the nature of his job, once Tom went back to actually shooting films again he’d be around much less - and that the relationship between him and Amelie would at least be geographically strained. Unrequited love is always the worst and ultimately most painful, especially when it involves your own child. 
This underlying and unspoken tension fizzled away for a decent amount of months and Tom went on his first job. At this point you were no longer breastfeeding, but still you knew that purely instinctively if Amelie was ever scared, upset or unhappy she would seek you first. It was bloody obvious to you that she did love Tom, she chuckled away like no tommorrow when he played with her and spun her round the room. And yet, you could still tell Tom wasn’t completely convinced and still seemed , just a bit aware and hesitant. 
In there ever needed to be any proof though, it must’ve been how stroppy Amelie got once Tom left. In short, for you, it was hell. You ended up constantly wearing Tom’s t-shirts, not for you but because the mild but lingering scent of him seemed to soothe Amelie when she was fussing. She would never giggle like she did when her silly Daddy was here to be her personal comedian. She had, however, finally learnt how to say Dada - which now she was shouting impressively at every point apart from when you tried to film it. She was a little devil, its like she knew exactly what to do to make you life as hard as possible - keeping you dealing with an unhappy Tom. You tried to tell him, when you were on FaceTime each evening - but no matter how many times you promised, it seemed that Tom had a hard time believing you. 
He was filming in Germany, which meant it wasn’t actually ‘that’ far from your London home and after two weeks he flew back for a weekend. You were incredibly excited- not just to seeing Tom, which of course you where; but also ,hopefully, for him to feel some sort of assurance in his ability as a parent. He needed to see her, Amelie needed her Daddy and you… you needed a rest. 
That evening, you had had her balanced on your hip as you rushed to make the house look somewhat presentable (because single parenting was not easy) but Amelie had thrown a fit so with a slightly immature passive aggressive comment to your 11 month old daughter you put her on her play mat and carried on. It was a bit of a risk if you were quite honest, she was more than just a crawler - she perfected the art of bum shuffling and was starting to on occasion try to stand up. But you were in the same room so surely little harm could come to her in the ‘over-the-top-ly’ baby proofed living room - Tom’s doing of course. 
So keeping one eye on Amelie and the other on the almost terrifyingly big stack of discarded toys you set about tidying up. It was all going swimmingly until your thoughts about how on earth you were going to hide all the crap were abruptly interrupted with a garbled screech of “DADA!”
You instantly whipped your head round to watch Amelie stumble and basically throw herself the couple of steps to the doorway where Tom stood. You had absolutely no clue how long he’d been standing there but that was all insignificant watching him sweep you little girl into his arms, before she could career to the floor (headfirst of course). His eyes were bugging out of his head, as she giggled and laughed in his strong grasp before astutely throwing her head into the crook of his neck, demanding to be cuddled by him. 
It was almost hilarious, how utterly shocked Tom looked at the real life proof that his baby girl had missed him. Once he met your eyes he used the hand supporting Amelies back to point at her in a questioning manner, making you roll your eyes at just how oblivious and stubborn he is. 
“She’s missed her Dad!” You smiled, as you walked toward him and pecked his lips. “You got this down here if I finally get some peace upstairs?” 
Because yes, you’d missed your husband and wanted to spend all night wrapped in his arms. But really? There was a more important way the evening should pass, finally Tom getting his moment with Amelie. So without so much as even a ‘how was your flight’ you left the two in the living room - you making a beeline to the bath, for just a moment to yourself. 
It was perhaps even a little shocking to yourself that you were so confident you could leave them alone for the evening. Because really, if Amelie started acting up suddenly again, this could be where Tom’s confidence as a dad goes from ‘ropey at best’ to ‘non-existent’. Except you were so certain in the fact that just wouldn’t happen. If she was hungry she’d take the bottle from Tom (which she never did from you without arguement ). 
And so you had possible the most relaxing time in the bath - actually alone for the first time in two weeks. 
It wasn’t until you quietly walked down the stairs two hours later that you got a bit suspicious of the silence downstairs. Cautiously you peered your head round the doorframe and you didn’t even try to stifle the beaming smile spread across your face. Because there was your husband, lying semi-reclined on the arm of the sofa, his arms wrapped protectively round Amelie who looked incredibly content snuggled up to her dad at last. They were both fast asleep and the sight was just so sweet it actually hurt your  heart, meaning only naturally you had sneak a picture of them both. It was infuriating how you knew you had to wake him up - it is a little irresponsible to leave her lying on top of him on the couch and you kinda wanted to cuddle up to Tom this evening too. 
So with a gentle touch rubbing and down his right arm it only took a moment or two till he suddenly blinked his eyes open, eyes looking quickly between your eyes and Amelie - his grasp on her had instinctively tightened a little.
“Hey” You whispered softly, watching him notice how calm Amelie looked on his chest.
“Mhmm hey.” His voice was slightly croaky, probably from the exhaustion of two weeks of hard work. 
“You guys friends then?” You whispered while combing your ginger nails though Amelies little curls at the base of her neck - she was most deifnetly a Holland. 
“She did really miss me?” Tom asked, still half not believing as he shuffled up on the sofa so he was sitting more upright. 
“To the point she had me wrapping the pillows in your unwashed t-shirts.” You giggled as his bottom lip pouted into a visible ‘awh’. 
“Come on lets get you both to bed.” 
Without much complaint, but keeping her in his arms, Tom nodded and followed you up to bed. But that night instead of getting your way and having Tom cuddling you, he pouted until you let him lie Amelie down in the middle of the bed between you two . 
But seeing the way he grinned at her in the dark, almost fighting to stay awake as he looked at her, the prospect seemed a lot more attractive. 
And that was more than fine by you.  
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haifengg · 3 years
Victon Falling for their Childhood Friend
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Summary: He’s known you since you were kids and because fate moves in mysterious ways you have never been apart from each other for long.
Genre: Fluff! // Crack if you squint
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-> Seungwoo. He is very career oriented. Because he loves what he is doing. It plays a very important role in his life. Well, it actually is his life more or less. But that also means that he barely ever gets to see his parents and therefore hasn’t seen you in ages. But when he did one Christmas Day he was so surprised about how much you changed. Not just physically but also mentally. The two of you met at the grocery store where your mother had send you to get more ingredients for dinner and he bumps into you in the frozen aisle. At first you didn’t recognise him but then you start to chat like in the old days. Of course you had heard about his career but when you tell him that you never found the time to check it out or google it he gets a little sulky. But you clear it up quickly: “Its not that I am not interested! Your job sounds so interesting! Its just that I have been insanely busy ever since I graduated … you know we are launching this new collection next spring and I am still up our suppliers .. well you know-“, you sigh. “I will definitely go and check it out once I find the time somehow!” After listening to you carefully and reassuring you that he fully understands how it is not having time for anything he asks you if you like your job and your eyes suddenly sparkle. “I do! Yes, I really do. It is very different from what I thought I would be doing but its very interesting and every day is different. There are so many things to learn and to take care of, I really feel needed, you know?” Even though the frozen peas in his hands start to melt he would let you go on and on about it because he suddenly realises that you are just like him. In love with your job. Something he never thought he would see on someone else. That exhilarating passion. Being 100% committed. Then suddenly he notices all these other little things about you. He truly started to see you in a different light.
-> Byungchan. One day he sits on the porch of his parents’ house, having ice cream like a grown-up. He’s home because of a huge birthday in his family. Just sitting there and watching the neighbours getting some gardening done, as suddenly an actually pricey car pulls up in the drive way next door. Some woman gets out and he Is fully taken aback to the point where he forgets about his ice cream. It is like this scene in movies. The protagonist sees someone special and their breath is completely taken away. Except that’s no. movie, Byungchan is no protagonist and that person he is looking at is you. Which he notices himself the second you take off your sunglasses and wave at him.
“Byungchan! You’re home?”
You walk over and up the path to his house in your office work clothes and Byungchan has to gather all his remaining brain cells to form a: “Y/N? Is that you?” You nod and pull him into a hug as you reached him. Like you always did when you were kids. “Yes of course! Oh my god you got so tall what did they feed you in college?” His heart dropped as you wrapped your arms around his neck and he laughed nervously.
What was he supposed to reply?? All he could think about was how gorgeous you had become. How independent you looked. Not to mention how impressed he was by that car lmao.
-> Seungsik. Since he was your neighbour all the way back, you have seen each other growing up. But more importantly: Seungsik has seen your error and trial progress of learning how to cook. Its not that you invited him over to cook for him but as teenagers he would randomly come over and by chance witness some of your great failures.
But now you were living in different cities, not being neighbours anymore but still close friends. One night he calls you, asking if he could come visit you next week since he was in town for a meeting. Of course you happily agree, promising him to cook dinner. After hanging up and the entire following days Seungsik was anticipating his visit, curiously awaiting to get to experience your now probably very good cooking skills.
Eventually he arrived at your place 20 minutes early because there was less traffic that he was calculating with. And when he rang at your door you just bolted there to open it, quickly gave him a hug and ran back into the kitchen. Because there was smoke everywhere.
“What’S going on?” He asked following you but all you replied was: “Can you take the batteries out of the smoke alarm? I don’t need the fire department to show up at my door again.”
“Again??” He did what he was told and eventually the two of you stood in the kitchen, eying a briquette like something int the casserole. 
“I am so sorry. I really tried my best this time. I wanted to impress you. But we can absolutely order something! My treat.” You say and chuckle completely embarrassed. But Seungsik waved it off. “Don’t worry. I can make something?” Even though you insist on ordering in he sat you down on your own sofa and somehow magically created something very home made to eat for the two of you within 15 minutes.
Who are we kidding? This is not how Seungsik notices he likes you but you notice that you like him. 
-> Sejun. I don’t know how to put this into many words because it is very simple: Even after graduating high school and only seeing each other a couple of times a year in your home town - you’re still kicking his ass like you used to too. But now you’re hot. It’s as easy as that. During elementary and middle school - even in high school - the two of you were best friends who never ever thought about having feelings for each other. Of course some of his friends asked you out occasionally and most of the girls in class envied you for your relationship with him and the other boys but you never thought much of it and neither did he. But now that you’re in you 20s and still act around him like you used to things begin to change for him. Especially since you  fought in your parent’s kitchen over the last piece of honeycomb your mother made. You held him headlock and he was not just turning red because the blood was rushing to his head but also because he was smothered by your boobs (that he now had to acknowledge). When you led go of him he was out of breath because of your awesome headlock technique. And because he now looked at you teasing him about the honeycomb and he, for the first time ever, noticed saw you as a woman. Not just as his friend.
-> Heochan. It had probably been 4 years since you last saw each other at the high school graduation. And you were close friends back then. Maybe not best friends but very close. And he probably always had a thing for you but either a) Never admitted it to himself or b) never went after it. 
But when he saw you at the pre-school he knew he had to. Because you somehow transformed  into his ideal type. He stopped by the pre-school to surprise pick up his nephew. And he never thought he would meet you there overseeing the pick up of your students.
“You became a teacher?” He asked you before even greeting and as you turned around your eyes lit up. “Heochan! Oh my god I has been so long.” You chat for a bit and he explains why he’s there. Eventually you were still at work and busy but you agree on meeting that weekend for coffee. So you got back to work but Heochan didn’t actually leave right away but observed you talking to the kids and the parents until his nephew begged him to finally go home.
In the car his nephew went on and on about his day and what sort of dirt he ate at the playground but instead of being worried about his nephew, his thoughts were still caught up with you. He was thinking about the clothes you wore and how the dress and cardigan was making your whole appearance look very soft and calm… Yes he was definitely love struck.
-> Hanse. You see each other frequently. At least once a week meeting for coffee at a local non-chain coffee shop became your tradition. It was shier luck you entered the same college and therefore never lived far apart from each other. You both equally valued and cherished the possibility to talk to and vent with someone you have known for a long time and who knows you very well. One thing you always did was venting about your job. And Hanse loved hearing about it because the way you talked about your boss or some other issue was always very direct and comically. So he enjoyed it a lot. He would listen to you all smiley and snickering. And one day he noticed how much the topic of your bickering had changed. Back in the day it would be about how unfair your shifts were and how much you had to do. Lately it was more about how your male colleagues treated you at work and how sexist it was. You tend to notice more subtle and passive aggressive behaviours of them and tell Hanse about it. Which made him notice how mature you became.
“I am telling you, and this is no joke, he came to work and walked by the window of my office. And the first thing he did was ask me how I was doing and as I said ‘fine’ he gave me this look. This Are-you-really-fine-or-are-you-becoming-an-emtional-stress-mess. I swear to god one day I will end him. Also the other day one of the guys at the ware house actually asked me if I was down spending an hour or two with him with this smug look on his face.”
Hanse raised a brow: “What did you tell him?”
You shrug and take your cup, knowing well what effect your next words will have on him: “I told him even if I was down spending the with him he wouldn’t be able to afford me.”
He just loves how sassy and mature you got and how well you handle difficult situations.
-> Subin. For Subin it would take a while to notice his feelings for you because it is very subtle and simple. Both of you didn’t enter college so long ago and even though you weren’t freshmen or sophomores anymore college still was confusing. At least for him. He likes his major and the field of study he is in but he can’t say the same about his class mates. To be quite frankly: He gets along with them well for the time being but they aren’t his friends. In fact he doesn’t have that many friends in the first place. At the end of the day he would always rely on you for sensible topics or when he needs advice. He can talk to comfortably and even after all those years you have known each other you still get him in a way no one else does. Eventually he realises how he does not have that many friends because all he needs is right here with him. It’s you. He isn’t looking for anything in other people because he already has it.
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@jeonghanmoon @soleilsuhh @kpopsnowball @purplepsycho03 @himitsu-luna
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ough what are some really selfindulgent shipping hcs that u have. all of em :3c -larrivex
@larrivex so u can see it when posted
just the entire concept of polyclerics (Solomon, Craven and Quiver) bc I love things that make me happy
Also poly dead men ITS GOOD OK as well as the inter ships of that (ghasdug, shudderkin, sexter, hopeskine) and any mixnmatch ones from it I will take any.
Those r just general ships but I do have Specifics
In polyclerics:
Bc Craven and Quiver have spent basically their entire lives in the temple, in my fixit aus where (long story explanation here) the temple disbands and they end up living with him, Solomon loves to bring them stuff to try, lots of food and drinks
he had them try monsters once and while Craven was still ??????? At carbonation ("its.... like......... spicy???" He had no previous experience and Solomon almost laughed himself into a coughing fit at it) Quiver was like "... Why is it like sour candy but if it were a drink?? I don't? Understand???"
Solomon finds like 90% of what they do the funniest shit including the time Craven was home alone and he saw a spider on the war and panicked and punched it to kill it
He got it but also he punched a wall and bruised his knuckles and had to tell Quiver and Solomon when they got home and Quiver laughed and kissed his knuckles but Solomon laughed so hard he gave himself a headache he loves them so much
I've said it once and I'll say it again every single one of the deadmen r fucking stupid rjdjdjsjjejsjdj (yes, I do mean Each One including Anton and Ghastly);
Skulduggery couldn't cook when alive and he can't do it now and they do still tease him about it ("how did you burn WATER?" "I DONT K N O W")
Larrikin loves saying the most embarrassing nonsense to Anton while they're out in public bc he loves to see how Anton reacts (this ranges from "hello lambykins ❤❤❤❤❤" to "oh babe have you seen my pussy" (it's a rubix cube actually, he's just an ass and it comes from an inside joke))
They have a groupchat and Skulduggery Types Every Thing Like This and Ghastly doesn't understand most acronyms ("wyd?" "What?") Or the connotation of :)/:^) he genuinely just thinks they're fun little smileys and not passive aggressive little hell signs
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zertzertzhang · 4 years
Stand and Deliver: My Life Turned Upside Down CH.2
A/N: This is my first time writing on Tumblr, so please bear with me! I am usually active on FFNet and AO3, but since this fandom is basically nonexistent except for here, I thought maybe I could post my works for this movie here. The story is a fanfic based on the 1988 movie ‘Stand and Deliver’ starring Edward James Olmos, and taking a deeper look into the lives of the impoverished students in East LA.
Eventual Angel/OC, and warnings of racial slurs with some physical violence.
First chapter link here > https://zertzertzhang.tumblr.com/post/627185848305270784/stand-and-deliver-my-life-turned-upside-down
Chapter Two: Circus
The second Vianne stepped out of the car, she realized her mistake. The school wasn’t what she expected at all. Garfield High broke the scale...in a bad way. Chipped walls decorated the main hall, flooded with overflowing trash bins and rusty pipelines. It had to have been decades since the last renovation, with the building looking like something she saw from abandoned prefectures. 
Like all other complexes she’d seen around there, the place was standing on its last two feet. This was supposed to be the best building around. 
Her white Giuseppe sneakers stepped on something sticky, and it was a challenge to hold in a disgusted snort. There was dried gum everywhere on the sidewalk, making Vianne wonder why they even bothered with trash cans in the first place. She winced when it was clear that her shoes would be torn to shreds by the end of the day.
Then came the worst part of her arrival; people stared. And it wasn’t some half-assed look you gave to a passersby on the streets. Students were either throwing her a look-over or straight on gaping. It could’ve been the way she was dressed, or the fact that she was probably the only Asian mingling in the midst of Latinos and very few Caucasians. Most likely both.
Ironed blouses and slim denim were not in fashion around here. Among the rest of the population with oversized shirts and baggy mom jeans, Vianne was the runt of the litter. She wanted to jump back into the car, go home, and put on an invisibility coat. The dirty look she saw from some of the girls did nothing to calm the queasy storm in her stomach.
“-That fresh meat?”
“It’s a fuckin’ chink. What’re they doin’ here?”
“Heh, looks like a lost puppy.”
The boys were doing a terrible job at whispering. Vianne wasn’t sure if it was an attempt at passive aggression or just plain stupidity. She glared in their direction, lips pulled into a slight frown as she entered the building. A cold sweat broke through her back, stretching its spindly fingers around her body in a tight cocoon. 
Ignore them and get on with it.
Her mind screamed at her to keep walking, and she obliged. Repeating the mental mantra, Vianne soon found her way into the main office with her slip in hand. A handful of police officers crowded in one tiny space, speaking in rapid Spanish. Order did not exist in this school; the secretary was talking to five people at once, without the time to think about the things she said. Voices filled with agitation hung in the air. 
Vianne was this close to thinking she had entered the wrong room when a small figure spotted her from behind.
“Miss? Can I help you?” A small tap on her shoulders sent her whirling around in alarm. Her little outburst startled the short woman behind her as well. When Vienne finally registered the lack of threat in front of her, her cheeks flushed bright red.
“Sorry! I’m looking for Racquel Ortega. It’s my first day and I was told to come here to get my finalized schedule.” The young woman spoke so fast she swore her lips would fall off. 
The curly-haired woman in the maxi dress looked surprised. “Ah, that would be me. Are you Vianne Yang.”
Vianne nodded. “I was supposed to meet my TA instructor for math. It’s my first period.”
Ortega smiled warmly. “Yes. Welcome to Garfield High. Please follow me.” She held out a hand, and Vianne shook them without hesitation. 
The duo weaved back and forth in the crowds, desperate to dodge the flying paper balls. Ortega would yell once in a while at a group of boys before pointing to the office behind her. The way her docile demeanor went from zero to a hundred freaked the young woman a bit. But Vianne couldn’t blame her. Had she been in her shoes, she would’ve quit before she even started.
As it turned out, her instructor was a retired engineer. Of all places, Vianne didn’t expect that to come from a high school teacher, particularly in this neighborhood. Ortega did an excellent job at filling in the details. It would seem that Jaime Escalante needed a breath of fresh air from the corporate environment. 
Vianne almost felt sorry for him. There was no relaxation here; she’d be surprised if the teachers weren’t dropping dead from exhaustion because of the students. Garfield, from what she’d seen so far, could drive a devout nun to insanity. 
The increasing voices of everyone around spiked her anxiety to new levels. She was doing her utmost best to not break down and cling onto the older woman for dear life. The mass of bodies was like an unforgiving current, threatening to wash her away if she slipped up.
They reached a door with the sign ‘Math 1A’ scribbled on the whiteboard next to it. Someone had decided that a drawing of a dick was appropriate to be placed right under the description. The person even added a smiley face onto the artwork, showcasing their enthusiasm. Real classy. 
“Racquel please come to the front desk. Racquel please come to the front desk.” Ortega’s walkie-talkie crinkled pitifully, before choking out a command. The math advisor sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. She nudged Vianne closer to the door. 
“Here’s the classroom. Mr. Escalante should be there already. Good luck with your school year.” A tight smile appeared on Ortega’s face, and within seconds, she was making a mad dash back to the main hall. All alone, Vianne was left standing there feeling like a complete fool. She blinked at where Ortega was previously, and the sense of dread overwhelmed her. On cue, the bell rang its warning. Everyone groaned in unison like a chorus before the wave of students began flowing into the classrooms. 
Lucky for her, she had no need to run to class. Grabbing the nob with renewed strength, Vianne pulled herself into the room. There was one person at the front desk; a middle-aged man nearing his sixties stood near the chalkboard, hand moving furiously as he wrote down an equation. She prayed that this was going to be the right person.
“Mr. Escalante?” Vianne cringed at her pronunciation of his name. She herself knew what it was like when people screwed up hers in the past. But this man had an entirely different level of difficulty. Ortega’s way of saying it felt so natural compared to hers, which sounded like an insecure toddler butchering their first word.
The man turned his head to face Vianne, eyes widening a fraction. His oversized glasses gave him a sage-like appearance despite the head, or half-head, of dark hair. The bald spot in addition to his very casual attire made her think of a grandpa who was likely to yell at the kids across the lawn. 
At the sight of her dumbstruck state, he quirked his lips. “Yes, how may I help you?”
The slight South American accent trailed after his speech, giving away his ethnicity. Vianne felt her mouth open and close, but the nervousness took the words from her mouth. She stuck out her hand that held the transfer letter. Escalante better have known about this, or she’ll flip a lid.
“I’m Vianne,” she explained. “Your TA. I think Mrs. Ortega already told you about me?”
Escalante’s brows rose to new heights, his amused smile broadening. “Yes! Miss Yang, is it? Welcome to my class!” The elongated hiss in his way of speech, coupled with the wild gesture of his arms painted the picture of a mad scientist in her head. It was nearly endearing.
“I’m afraid there’s not enough chairs for an extra student,” Escalante said. “Please stand here and wait for everyone to arrive so I can take a headcount for the others.”
Vianne obeyed without a word and flattened herself against the wall next to him. In response, the door was barged open, and the group of students flooded the room like a swarm of wasps entering their hive. Restless chatter buzzed her ears as she took note of everyone that rounded the class. It was hard to catch what most of them were saying; Spanish wasn’t the language requirement she took back in Napa.
Knowing French wasn’t the best course to help her in this situation. And even then, she only took it up to level two. The people before her all wore the same dazed expression, jeering in loud volumes and hooting on the sides.
Someone shot a rubber band across the room, hitting one of the boys square in the face. Angry shouts erupted from both sides as the rest of them began to laugh at the brawling duo. More paper balls were thrown, and Vianne could hear some of them yelling ‘bitch’ to one another.
It was a fucking joke. The whole class was a joke––scratch that––the whole school was a joke. And Vianne was the poor audience that bought the overpriced ticket to the hellhole circus. There was not a word that could describe the boiling feeling in her gut. She couldn’t believe it; this was the place she had to deal with for another year. 
There was no way the teachers here could’ve survived each day without going into a catatonic state before school ended. Vianne drummed her fingers against her books without mercy. A panic attack was just inches away from happening if the class refused to settle down. And from the look on Escalante’s face, it would appear that they shared the same sentiment.
A scowl donned his face, creasing the heavy lines on his forehead. If it weren’t for Vianne’s distracted state, she would’ve been frightened by those narrowed eyes. 
“Come now!” Escalante’s voice boomed throughout the small room. “You don’t want no mama’s chancla when you get home, no? I’d love to see you fight with your parents around.”
The overt threat was not lost among the students, with some of them slinking away in defeat. Others ‘booed’ at the command, but made no extra attempts to disrupt the already late start of the lecture. It took about five minutes to get their total attention to the board, and that alone fried Vianne’s brain.
“Orale!” Escalante’s mood quickly brightened at the cooperating mass, his smile twinkling with interest. “Allow me to introduce my new TA. She will be your lovely assistant for the rest of the school year. Any extra questions, she will answer for you.”
His hands gestured to her like a magician preparing his new subject for a spin. But only in this state, nothing was magical. It became clear that Escalante was waiting for her to present herself; the man eyed her expectantly, his grin not budging an inch. 
Vianne felt her cheeks flush so hot that it put the musty LA weather to shame. Clearing her throat, she stepped forward. “Hi, uh, I’m Vianne. It’s a pleasure to meet you all...uh, hope I could be of some help.”
An urge to facepalm was strong. Had her grades been irrelevant to her stay in Math 1A, she would’ve made a beeline for the door. The reception after her introduction was a nightmare, because everyone began jabbering all at once.
“The fuck?!” A young man with a messy afro glared at her. His buddies around him sniggered in agreement.
In the front, a chubby male with curly hair snorted. “Booooring!” His female friends rolled their eyes and swatted him on the shoulders. But their giggles weren’t held in for long.
Vianne wanted to find the nearest cliff and throw herself from it. If she converted to Buddihsm now, maybe she’ll even have a decent shot at getting a nice reincarnation.
“First you, now the chink?! This is messed up man!” A few more hostile tones rose from the back. 
Her eyes flared. Vianne changed her mind; she didn’t want to throw herself off a cliff anymore, she wanted to throw them. Her body trembled with brewing rage under her skin. The nerve of the scoundrels! As if she wanted to be here! If it were up to her, she wouldn’t even spare them the time of day. Like an uncontrollable tick, her temper fired in sparks. A snide retort was about to make its way to the public when Escalante’s hands came up in a flash.
“Silence!” The tone of his command left no room for arguments. “Another remark as such, and all of you will be spending Saturday school for a month!”
The teacher was practically bristling from head to toe. His friendly disposition came and went at a dizzying speed, tugging Vianne onto an emotional roller-coaster. However, she was nonetheless grateful for the save. One thing was for sure, skin color was not up for debate in his classroom. At least she found an ally in desperate times. 
At his outcry, the students grumbled amongst themselves and quieted down. She still received dirty looks from the girls, but they were mostly silent. One youngster in the front row with earrings gave her a lopsided grin and tutted with refined casualness.
“Yo ese! Does that mean if you assign sex homework I can ask her number?”
A few other boys cheered from the back, throwing their thumbs up as if they heard the best joke in record time. The girls cringed and sent disgusted scowls their way, with one of them commenting about how horny the bastards were. Only one person in the audience didn’t react. The girl with short, curly hair looked at Vianne, a pitying stare adorned her guise. 
Humiliation wasn’t something Vianne dealt with on a daily basis. And the sudden onslaught nearly had her burst into a tearful temper tantrum. Glancing over to Escalante, she could see the patience waning from him as well. The class was saved from another wrath from either of them when the bell rang again. 
Without a second thought, everyone except for the girl with short hair bolted for the door. The insult Vianne had prepared was lodged in her throat, unable to make their move. Was this a mistake? She was sure that it wasn’t even halfway through the first period, they still had more than an hour left. Time was a foreign concept to her in this town, and she figured her mind must’ve been playing tricks on her.
“Um, is class over?” It was a rhetorical question. But what answered her caught her off guard.
“Give it a minute,” the girl said. Her pencil tapped with a delicate rhythm against the desk as she wore a tired expression. Vianne stared at her with disbelief before turning her head to the instructor. Like the girl, Escalante showed no interest in leaving, instead opting to go towards the window. 
Curiosity got the best of her, and she soon joined him by the blinds. “What’s going on?”
“They rigged the bell again.” From Escalante’s frown, she reckoned that this was a common occurrence. Following his gaze, her eyes landed on a group of young men congregated before the main school alarm. All of them were donned in dark clothing, wearing baggy jeans and beanies. The distance made it hard to see their faces, but Vianne thought she caught sight of a tall figure moving amongst them. He was laughing obnoxiously, while engaging in a bro-shake with a shorter male. 
None of that was relevant, though, because the bell rang again, this time from the superintendent. His red face deepened to a shade of purple as he and the principal began their rounding of the rioting teens. The mob of students were herded back to their respective classrooms, all groaning and whining at the ‘unfair treatment’ of their lunch break.
“Lunch isn’t for another two periods!” Principal Molina shouted. “Get back to class!” His finger pointed to the doors, and his eyes bulged like an angry bull’s.
“Shut the fuck up!” A few students jeered. More paper balls were thrown, but there wasn’t anything Molina could do about it.
All the while, Vianne and the girl sat dumbstruck as they stared at the whirlwind of people coming back to their seats. Vianne swore that if this was how it was going to be for the rest of the day, then she’ll gladly accept them leaving on their own accord.
After another ten minutes wasted on trying to get her classmates to settle down, Escalante wiped his brow with a handkerchief. The toll of the students had taken its effect on him as well. But the sly grin never left his face, unbreakable like hardtack.
“I told you it was futile to escape,” he taunted softly. “There’s always a bigger fish in the pond.” 
Vianne sent him a disbelieving look. Was the man not afraid of backlash? But the rest of the class only ignored him and glared, defeated. The class TA let out a breath of relief, for a moment she feared that it’ll lead to another brawl, this time at the instructor.
“Turn to page fifteen! And I want all of your homework turned in to Vianne right here. Once you’ve done that, work on problems one through ten on the multiplication of fractions.” The command was calm and precise, not a word stuttered. Escalante corrected the glasses on his nose and squinted at the chalkboard, not giving a fuck about the moaning teens.
It was Vianne’s cue to get to work. She didn’t hesitate, and began roaming around the room collecting wrinkled papers. With time, she learned that the girl who stayed behind was Ana, the frizzy-haired girl behind her was Claudia, and next to Claudia was the redheaded Lupe. Neither of the two gave Vianne much of a glance, preferring to ignore her existence as she took their homework.
Not bothering to tell them about the mutual disdain, Vianne clicked away happily. She soon found out that the man who kept asking for sex was Tito, his lopsided smile broadening when she came to take his paper. 
“How ‘bout we do a trade,” Tito suggested, licking his lips. “My work for your number.”
Vianne wished very much to flip him off and top it with a whack on his head. But she chose to snatch the homework from his hands without a word. A snort escaped her as she turned around.
The boy next to him, Frank ‘Pancho’ Garcia, hooted. “Rejected!” 
Tito scoffed. “Tsk, tsk. Playin’ hard to get I see.” He waved a casual hand and went back to his workbook. “It’s her loss.”
That’s what every virgin says. Vianne rolled her eyes at the added comment. The stack of writings were presented to Escalante, who took it with a gracious ‘thank you’. His lack of reaction to the jeers made her question just how much he was going to take because of his job. The probability of him being numb to the antics was high.
 Just when Vianne thought her task was done for the time being, the door creaked open. She raised a brow; there were three more seats left in the corner, so it made sense that there were more people coming in. Facing the entrance, Vianne tried to get a better look than using the corners of her eyes. 
Her stomach lurched at the sight, and she had to bite her lips to keep from hyperventilating. If her memory served her right, then those were the exact same boys she saw loitering around the alarm. The shortest one with a bandana stalked up to the front, head bobbing with self-assured arrogance. His hollow eyes stared at her with mild interest before they hardened when Escalante came into his view.
“Kimo,” he drawled. “Who’s the freshie?” The languid demeanor gave away his stoned state. Vianne made a subconscious step away from him and his pals, eyeing them warily through her glasses. He smirked, showing off a row of white teeth, seemingly glad at her reaction.
“You’re late, Chuco.” To her side, Escalante came into the conversation. “Vianne’s your new TA and I need you to sit your ass on a seat.”
Chuco gave a slighted look her way before he sauntered past her to the back, followed by his buddies. Vianne didn’t realize how tall the teen she saw through the window was until she was mere inches away from him. Dressed in an oversized bomber jacket and jeans too big for his waist, the towering youth could easily pass as a man in his twenties. A good feet taller than her would be a low estimation. 
What on earth are his parents feeding him?! 
Vianne stared straight on, refusing to give him the satisfaction of knowing her discomfort. Like Chuco, he also paid her no attention as he strolled next to the ‘leader’, plopping down on the desk in a bored manner. 
It made sense that Escalante would want their homework as well, so she made a begrudging advance in their direction. Her feet padded across the room, drilling needles of dread into her legs with each stride.
“I need your homework, please.” Vianne tried to sound as polite as possible. But the grinding of teeth made it hard to sound sweet. 
Chuco leered. “Ain’t got no homework, chica. Do the problems in ma head.”
One didn’t need a degree in astrophysics to know he was messing with her. Vianne grinned a little too forcefully and sighed. “Fine. Please turn to page fifteen and work on problems one through ten.”
She walked over to his tall companion, prepared for another unpleasant conversation. “Homework, please.”
The young man proceeded to pull his beanie lower over his ears. At that, Vianne was millimeters away from flipping her shit. Did the blockhead not comprehend? Or was he messing with her, too? Her father did say that certain people around the area couldn’t speak English, so she tried to push the excuse in a better light. Maybe he really didn’t understand her.
“Give me your tarea, por favor?” She tried to remember the basic Spanish from her previous encounters. But her knowledge decided to ditch her last minute. “Uh, Speak Ingles?”
He looked at her, eyes wide with what she hoped was understanding, and his lips twitched. Then his brows joined in, before he busted out laughing. Chuco howled along with him, slapping him on the shoulders with glee. 
“Sometimes,” the tall youth answered. He smirked, tilting his head in her direction. Vianne balled her hands into fists as she watched on. The tips of her ears burned with a passion.
“Orale Angel!” Chuco high-fived him hard. “Nice one!” The duo continued their chorus of laughter, completely oblivious to the subject of their jest.
Vianne wished that turning invisible was a possible feat. It was adamantly clear that this was going to be a long year. The storm inside her grew, barely holding the thunders at bay.
A/N: As per usual, shoutout to @classic80sand90smovieloves2 for encouraging and helping me get over writers block and whatnot ;)
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sammydem0n64 · 3 years
*GRABS YOU* haha uhh, sooo, what do Lilith and Lucifer think about the humans that end up at their place? Cause like, I'm assuming its, Diamond and the others right? (unless its not idk skjskj), and like, we all know how much Drac loves Locke, so, what do Lilith and Lucifer think of them?? I'm curious,, 🥺👉👈
[IS GRABBED] I have an answer to this of course
So basically, Lucifer couldn’t? Really give a shit? Like of course he was kinda like “?? WAIT FR??” When they og group of humans showed up (Locke, Frost, Parker and DJ... they got introduced to everyone else afterwards) because HEY ITS BEEN THOUSANDS OF YEARS AND SOME HUMANS and smiley FOUND THEM? But besides the overall shock and “oh shit what’s Drac gonna do” moment, he doesn’t care afterwards. They seem chill and they’re all friendly! I’d say he’s a bit wary of the adults (Frost never makes good first impressions and Lilith dislikes Locke a shit ton) but he gets along with the teens since they’re around his age and are super friendly and acknowledge the past
Lilith definitely didn’t like them at first, for good reason, due to the history. It took her longer to warm up to them, and even then she doesn’t 100% trust them until they show support and are incredibly disgusted by their ancestors and their actions. She specifically targeted Locke with her distaste, since she seen how he and Drac instantly hit it off the second they talked to each other. This was rooted in “oh no humans” but also “oh no what if Drac leaves me too and runs away with this human what if he only cares about this homo no no what if he’s making a grave mistake”, plus it was easy to project her trauma onto Locke 💔💔
For specifics however
Frost: Generlaly disliked by the entire family due to his attitude and treatment of others, Luci and Lili are no exception! It took the longest to warm up to him, especially since Drac is just... continuously passive aggressive with him
Locke: As stated, Lilith didn’t like him and took a while to trust him. Lucifer thought he was kinda cool off the bat, since he knew a lot about the supernatural and was a funny guy. This didn’t stop him from throwing the occasional tease here and there!
Parker: They were kinda wary of him at first, but then found him funny. Only because while he was there someone offered him some “juice” (deer blood) and he was hooked, but almost threw up when Luci told him what he was drinking the whole time.
DJ: Lilith actually has quite the slowburn friendship with him! He and Luci hit it off really well once they started talking, Lilith took longer though, but ultimately he becomes one of her closest friends... because who couldn’t love the guy? (AND ALSO HES NOT 100% H)
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the-nado-hunter · 3 years
Liked this so I could do it and spaced it, but I'm doing it now!
Thank you @renecdote for tagging me!
1. Do you like answering tags?
I do! It's fun!
2. Do you prefer to write fanfiction, read fanfiction, create fanart, make video edits, or none of the above?
Either write or create fanworks, depends on where motivation is falling.
3. Nails painted (include what colour) or not?
Yes! Well right now they're black with gold holo very liberally placed on top lol. I do really like holo (thank you christine the holo queen)
Though sometimes when my nail polish comes off I just... won't get around to repainting for a while lol.
4. What would your ammortentia smell like? (For those who don’t know Harry Potter, ammortentia is a love potion that smells different to each person based on what attracts them. Basically what are your favourite smells?)
Uhhh... I think any sort of homy/homecooked meal type smell... or like... wood-y fire burning scents... fall... maybe hot chocolate or other warm-sweet smells? stuff that makes me feel safe, ya know?
5. Would you prefer to live in an extremely hot or cold climate?
Cold. It is so much easier to get warm than to cool down from hot, and especially humid climates. Its one of the many reasons I was dying to get out of Texas and will never go back lol.
6. Favorite flavour of chapstick or do you not wear any?
I live in a dry climate at a high altitude, you learn not to be picky about the flavor of chapstick.
7. Enemies to lovers or friends to lovers?
Enemies to lovers, so many twists and turns, angst with hurt/comfort....
however... might I propose friends to enemies to friends to lovers?
.... catra x adora is my ideal ship storyline, lfor full transparency.
8. Favourite crack ship (any fandom)?
Hmmm... problem with 'crack' ships is I always end up finding good reasons of why they'd work together? I think SamuriBravo (Samuri Jack x Johnny Bravo) would count since they aren't even in the same show and the shipping started off a CN promo video.... but highkey the fandom around that ship has done such amazing work that I can't in good conscience call it a crack ship really.... it totally makes sense lol. But I'll go for it since... maybe to outsiders it counts.
9. Favourite type of weather?
Thunderstorms, always. Always help me fall asleep, most soothing things, and I love the smell of rain, and I get so excited when I hear thunder
10. Do you use :), :], or :D?
I use :D all the time. Feels happy but simple! Don't think I've ever used :]... as for :), idk like it has a certain vibe for me? Like for some reason if I use :) its in a "haha i'm so done but I'm going to smile but I"m in pain" kind of context, and sometimes if someone else is using it, it has almost a passive aggressive feel to it? Or it has the meaning I listed above, its not really just a smiley face to me anymore lol.
But that's probably a big like... me thing lololol.
Tagging: uhhh @causeimwonderwoman @calciferous-kelpie @ anyone else who would like to!
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badlywrittenfilms · 5 years
final destination; lmh
Tumblr media
summary; being a stewardess has its' pros and one of it is falling for the pilot, lee minho.
genre; fluff
word count; 2.7K
Working as a stewardess has its pros. You are basically hired to travel around the world, but at the same time it meant that you can seldom visit your parents since you’re always in the air. Being a stewardess also meant that you had to deal with different types of people on a daily basis, some are nice and some are just down right unpleasant.
You loved your crew dearly, after-all they’re the ones you spend the most time with, they are just a bunch of eager to please people; with Yeji being the quirky one, Seungmin the savage one, Felix the one that never seems to run out of energy and the pilots, Minho being the main pilot and Hyunjin being the co-pilot while you’re known as the ‘chaotic neutral’. All of you are tight, with Felix and Seungmin always at each other’s neck, Yeji and Hyunjin being lovely-dovely but refusing to accept the fact that they’re in love with each other and then there’s you and Minho; the single ones.
Your relationship with Minho is a weird one, one second you both would be showering each other with love and affection, and the next thing you know, you would both be silently cursing each other.
Now, you’re dragging your suitcase behind you heading to the plane to meet your fellow crew members.
Today, you guys will be flying on a Boeing-757 to Germany, with 250 passengers on board, the number of passengers is not the most you’ve dealt with so you are slightly relieved to have a shift with slightly less passengers, plus majority of them are businessman and businesswoman. Silently thanking the gods that there won’t be any rowdy kids on board, you put on what you call a ‘professional smile’ and head down the aisle asking if any service is needed.
Whilst walking down the else, there are a few perverted old businessmen looking at you like you’re a pray, of course it made you uncomfortable, you aren’t some prostitute for the love of god. Clenching your jaw, you forced a smile at them asking if any of your services are needed.
Thankfully for you, all that was put to an end when you heard Minho’s voice over the intercom;
“Thank you for flying with us, this is your pilot, Captain Minho speaking. We hope you have a pleasant trip in Berlin, Germany.”
You let out a sigh of relief and headed to the exit of the airplane near the cockpit, smiling at passengers, wishing them to have a nice trip ahead as well as thanking them.
As soon as the last passenger left your sight, you let out a groan of frustration which earned you a chuckle from Yeji. She patted your back,
“Horny passengers again?”
You nodded vigorously and started ranting to Yeji about how disgusting their stares were and how disgusted you felt topped with over-exaggerated hand movements. You heard a giggle behind you, turning around you saw Minho, now with his hat in hand, 4-striped blazer draped over his shoulders. Minho then gave you a smile to which you returned.
“(Name), do you want to go grab supper? I am feeling a little hungry.” Minho asked, putting his hand on his tummy.
You smiled, and nodded. Earning snickers and whispers from the rest of the crew.
“Ey our captain Minho getting it tonight.” Felix teased, earning a slap on the back of the head by Minho.
That caused all of you to erupt into fits of laughter, with Felix holding his head while pouting.
After the meal with Minho, you guys settled into your respective hotels. Your next flight isn’t until three days later so you had some time to explore Berlin all you want; you were still contemplating whether or not to explore this beautiful city or stay in your hotel room to catch up on the sleep you lost. Just then, you received a text from Minho, it read,
“Hey, do you want to explore Berlin with me? Get some good food, take some photos and treat this as a hard-earned vacation.”
That brought a smile to your face, recently, things have been weird with you. Whenever you interact with Minho, you felt smiley, there’s this unfamiliar feeling that you’ve never felt before with Minho. You convinced yourself that it’s just the jetlag, nothing big, not fully wanting to succumb to the fact that you are falling in love with Minho.
Replying Minho with a simple, “Sure, we'll meet at the lobby?”. He then replied almost instantly with an 'Okay'.
When you arrived at the lobby, you saw Minho wearing his ugly sweater that you got for him for Christmas last year overlapping his black hoodie and a long coat that made him look like a typical K-drama male lead. Walking towards him with gentle steps, you tapped on his shoulders. He turned around, looking slightly offended but his expressions immediately soften upon the sight of you.
Giving you a smile, he held his hands out for you to hold them.
“So that I don’t lose you in the streets of Berlin.” Minho explained.
Obligating, you held his hands and with that, the both of you walked out of the hotel and into the busy streets of Berlin. Dragging Minho to all the different shops that caught your eye, at that moment, you looked like a little kid to him; he was lost in his thought until he felt a tug on his sweater,
“Hey Minho, I am going to build a bear to well, obviously, build a bear. Do you want to build one too?”
He ruffled your hair and nodded. Your eyes lit up and once again dragged Minho towards the direction of the outlet of build a bear, rushing up to a staff member and start customising your own bear. Minho too, started his own.
After a while, you both walked out of the shop with your bears in hand; heading to somewhere secluded you found on google hoping to catch a glimpse of the sunset. Settling down on one of the benches, you tapped random beats on the ground with your feet, staring into the sky that's painted in hues of golden, orange and yellow whilst a gentle breeze blew on your face causing your hair to flow along with it.
The golden light from the sun shining on your face made it impossible for Minho to take his eyes off of you, you looked so beautiful; he is resisting the urge to just hold you close to him and shower you with his love. He knew he fell in love with you since the day you joined the crew as an inexperienced stewardess and now, you’re one of the most experienced stewardesses in the crew, he always thought that your existence and addition to the crew was a blessing. That feeling amplified in that momentum, he felt so lucky to just have you by his side even when you’re not remotely doing anything significant.
“Woah, Minho! Look at the sunset! It’s so beautiful” You rambled on, sounding like a kid at the zoo.
‘You’re more beautiful, though.’ Minho thought in his head.
Eventually, time has passed, you both have to head back to the hotel before the last bus leaves. Sadly, you stared at the beautiful silhouette of buildings passing by you, you used your eyes to capture this beautiful view, and that includes Minho.
Time flew and the three days you had free in Berlin were gone. Back to the normal hustle and bustle, dealing with horny businessman and rowdy kids. The only thing that changed was the relationship between you and Minho, the both of you are getting daring, and more affectionate with each other, Yeji would always whisper-shout “love is in the air” whenever she sees Minho and you interacting.
Minho and you has always been like a couple, but not quite. Sometimes he would have a sleepover at your apartment and vice-versa, it has come to the point that Minho has some of his clothes in your closet and you too, have some of your clothes in his. If a stranger were to look at you both, they’re no doubt going to assume that you both are a couple, a long-term couple at that. This situation frustrated your fellow crew-mates a little, they’re tired of the both of you sneaking smiles and stares at each other, they just want the both of you to officially date.
Today your crew-members has decided on going for a ‘crew dinner’ to celebrate flying to 5 countries in the span of a month. As one of the oldest in the crew, you offered to pay for the dinner to which Minho interfered and offered to pay for half of it since you are both the same age and he claimed that it would be unfair for you. Hearing the news that you would be paying, one of the youngest amongst your crew, Felix cheered in happiness, pulling you and Minho into a passive aggressive hug.
The dinner was really fun. You witnessed more of Felix and Hyunjin's crazy side, and how Seungmin looks like he done with Felix while Yeji is just busy recording the mess and uploading them onto her Snapchat. You stared at them, silently wishing you had the energy they had.
Minho looked at you, chuckling to himself which in return, gained your attention.
"What are you laughing at?" you asked.
"You're looking at them as though they're aliens." Minho responded, holding his laughter.
You sighed and replied, "Well, how are they this energetic? I feel like my legs are going to break if I do those fortnite dances like Felix."
Minho finally erupted into a fit of laughter that sounded like heaven. You smiled unknowingly to yourself, turning your attention back to Felix's antics. Soon, your eyes started to get heavy, despite all the mess and noise around you, you started to doze off and eventually your head landed on Minho's shoulder which startled Minho a little but when he looked down at you, his heart beat starts to speed up.
Silently hoping you can't feel his increasing heartbeat, he carried you bridal style, told the rest of the crew that he is leaving and that he already paid for the bill. Heading towards his car, he placed you gently on the shotgun seat, claimed a hoodie of his from the backseat and drapped it over you and proceeded to put on the seatbelt for you. He smiled a little, brushing off a strand of stray hair off your face and closed the door as gently as he could.
The ride to Minho's home wasn't long, when he arrived, he parked his car in the garage and carried you into his guest room, or well, your room since Minho specifically decorated this room for you ever since the first time you had a sleepover at his house.
He went to the bathroom and took the make-up remover to help you remove your make-up and afterwards, he tucked you in bed, pulling the silk blanket over you; at that very instant, the urge of kissing your cheeks and cuddling you close came back. He gently placed a kiss on your forehead, he went back to his room, hands on his chest trying to calm down his heart.
Soon the sun rose, you woke up with the bright light from the sun illuminating the room. Sitting up on the bed, you realized that you aren't in your own home, you sat up straight immediately. Minho walked in, surprised that you're already awake.
"Good morning angel." Minho greeted, smiling a little too dazzling for a morning.
Your hands instinctively went to your hair, trying to pat down the bed hair you're known to have. You looked back up and see Minho staring at you, seemingly in love.
"Good morning to you too, handsome."
Minho walked towards you, ruffled your hair, and whispered,
"Go wash up, I have your clothes you left last time in the bathroom ready. I'll be waiting downstairs, I prepared breakfast."
When Minho walked out the room, you shoved your head in the pillow and screamed into it. God you really were in love with him, you were trying so hard to ignore all the heart beating but you can't now, it's a fact and you can't avoid something factual for long.
Wanting to wake yourself up, you head to the bathroom, splashing water on yourself, you stared at your reflection. Thoughts start to run wild in your head, ranging from positive thoughts like "What if he likes me too?" to negative ones like, "What if he secretly hates me?". You are positive that the more you think about these, the crazier it drives you; shaking this off, you forged a smile and walked towards the dining room where Minho was waiting for you with soup and rice alongside with some side dishes on the table.
"I made a simple meal, hope you don't mind." Minho broke the silence, flashing you his toothy smile.
"Of course not! I eat instant noodles or toast for breakfast everyday so this is very much a feast. Thank you so much, Minmin!" You spoke, staring Minho straight in the eyes.
Minho felt heat rush towards his cheeks, tainting it a dusty pink in the process. That's the effect you have on him, every little thing you do drives him insane; one day, he is probably going to just slap you on the lips with his.
Waving your hands in front of Minho, you tried to catch his attention, but no avail. You lightly pinch his cheek and that worked. You smiled at Minho and asked,
"What are you thinking about?"
He shook his head and gestured for you both to start eating.
It's been roughly about two days since you last saw Minho and your crew, but that is about to end because you're on the cab, on your way to the airport to fly once again.
This time around, Minho would be flying the Boeing 737 MAX 10, with roughly about 200 passengers on board. Luckily for you, there aren't any horny businessman in the Business or First-class cabin you were assigned to, just normal civilised people hoping to get a comfortable rest on this long flight from Incheon Airport to Los Angeles International Airport which will be taking around an estimated 12 Hours and 30 Minutes.
Time eventually passed by, you knew you are allowed you take breather when you heard,
"This is Captain Minho speaking, ladies and gentleman we have arrived at Las Angeles International Airport, it is local time 02:00AM. We hope you enjoyed the flight and we hope you fly with us again."
Soon, passengers start leaving one by one. You felt a sense of relief when the final passenger walked out the cabin with her child in toll. You fell on one of the seats and start stretching, removing your shoes, and rubbing your sore heels. Yeji followed suit, seated next to you, rubbing her sore feet and neck. The both of you looked like you are in immense pain, which was partly true, but you knew that the pain you experienced now cannot be compared to childbirth.
Minho walked out of the cockpit, and he immediately walked towards you. When he saw you rubbing your feet, he kneeled down and started massaging your legs for you which earned a whistle from Yeji.
When Felix walked out of the toilet, he screamed like a schoolgirl.
"Oh my god, they're getting bolder. Can I get a waffle? Can I please get a waffle?"
Seungmin walked out from the upper level with Hyunjin and smacked Felix on the back of the head which earned a 'Hey!' from the very offended Felix.
"Silly Felix, they're obviously married. They look like an old married couple."
Minho looked up at you and giggled, turning towards the two now-bickering boys he said,
"I would ask her to be mine but I don't know if she wants to," he turned to you, "So, (Name), I met you on the plane, and I'm going to confess to you on the plane. I'd love to be your final destination, so will you be mine?"
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scaryscarecrows · 5 years
The Roomba
People don’t roll into the computer room very often. Jimmy likes it that way. They chatter. They distract him. They...touch things. Usually the only people that come in are the Knight, people asking something for the Knight because he’s busy, and Frank, because Frank worries. He brings food. He’s allowed in whenever he wants. Everyone else...please go away.
The rubber ducky (a Batman ducky, for Reasons) looms judgmentally as he reaches for his thermos. The stuff in the thermos is green. It’s probably not healthy. There’s enough caffeine in it to kill a child. (Mark will murder him if he finds it.) BUT the Green fuels him onwards to greatness...or at least a new and improved tracking system. Suck it, Batmobile. You won’t dodge these missiles.
Something beeps. Jimmy’s initial reaction is panic; who touched something? What’s beeping? Beeping is bad. He didn’t hear anyone come in, though…
“Sir?” No answer. “Riley? Riley, if that’s you, get out. You knocked my duck into the Unreachable Void last time you were here.”
He turns around, because to be fair to Riley, he can’t exactly...say anything...and sees...yeah, nothing. No one’s here--what’s that?
A Roomba rolls under one of the tables, probably sucking up Cheeto crumbs and bits of copper wire. Huh. When did they get a Roomba?
Someone, at some point, has spray-painted the, uh, the logo on its back. Sooooo is this, like, the communal Roomba? Man, he needs to go outside more.
Whelp. It can do its Roomba-ly duty and get him food. He traps it under the table, writes, please send food to computer room on a sticky note, and slaps the sticky note on that bad boy. 
Food doesn’t come. Jimmy resigns himself to being surrounded by ungrateful bastards.
* * *
The Roomba returns a week later. Jimmy ignores it, at first, because whatever little robot dude, but then he spots a sticky note. It’s not his sticky note; his are green, this thing is boring white. And his handwriting is blocky and neat. This new writing would fit on a Slayer album cover.
The Roomba is not a messenger, do not use it as such.
Fuck you, man. Don’t let it go around unattended, then.
He should just leave it alone. He should just let it go on about its business. But. It’s just...well…
He can’t not do things, okay. It’s like...if there’s a big, red button that says DO NOT PUSH, he has to push it.
So he hurries up and scrawls a new request for food, swaps notes, and continues on his merry--nonoNO don’t make that noise! Don’t make that noise! That’s the Bad Noise!
Begging doesn’t silence the computer. Neither does cradling the monitor and humming a lullaby. Smacking it works, though, so. Sometimes, being a jerk is the right choice.
The Roomba hasn’t left yet. This means he can add a nice, passive-aggressive smiley face to his request.
If he dies, he dies.
* * *
Jimmy’s forgotten all about the Roomba when the little asshole stabs him in the ankle.
Literally, someone’s taped a butter knife to it and when it comes in, he’s in the way and it stabs him.
There’s a new note on the top of it. This one is a little angrier-sounding, but it’s still the same handwriting.
Don’t put things on the Roomba.
Jimmy wonders, a little, if the owner put the knife here or if somebody else did it. Doesn’t matter.
What? They’re not. Besides, it’s not like-shit. Hang on, Batman Ducky, he’s comin’ for you, buddy!
* * *
The Roomba War goes on for another month before Jimmy gets the idea to...play with...the thing.
And by play with, he means rig it to spit confetti when the Enemy Writer plucks off the sticky note to reply.
He’s just gathering his materials when Antoine comes in, bag of Ruffles in hand.
“Are you gonna share?”
“I might. Boss wants to--what are you doing?”
“So I tried to use the Roomba to get food once,” he explains, “but some jackass got all sanctimonious at me about it, and it’s been a month, and I’m going to win.”
Antoine looks at him like he’s just won the Dumbass of the Year award.
“Win what.”
“Life. I’m gonna get this baby to spit confetti when they pull off the note.”
“And you don’t know who it is.”
He comes over, offers the Ruffles, and picks up the note. This can wait for a second; the Ruffles are cheesy Ruffles and therefore take precedence.
His appetite vanishes when Antoine starts laughing. That’s bad. That has to be bad.
“What’s happening?” Why is he laughing? “Do you know who it is?”
“Is it Mark? Please, God, tell me it’s not Mark. I’m beggin’ you, man, don’t make it be Mark.”
“It’s not Mark.”
“It’s not you, is it?” That wouldn’t be so bad. He won’t suffer later. And, well, he’s right here, within smacking range.
“You should be so lucky.” Oh God. “That’s the boss’s handwriting.”
No. No, no, no, no, that’s not...no. The Knight just e-mails him about stuff, he doesn’t use sticky notes on a Roomba, come on, that’s absurd.
“You’re fucking with me.”
“Nope.” Antoine pats his head. “You can keep the Ruffles. You’ll need them after you get confetti on him.”
There’s been a change of plans.
“You’re sure?”
“Uh-huh. Good luck.”
He’s gone before Jimmy can ask him what he wanted, but honestly, he does not care. He hurries up and sets the Roomba oh-so-gently on the ground, pats it lovingly, and sends it on its way.
That could have been so bad.
But man, it was still worth it.
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atinywriting · 5 years
Flower Language | San Florist AU
Part 2- Red Rose
Flowers were naturally beautiful gifts. However, flowers weren’t just simply flowers. It was a language of its own. Each flower, each hue and the way the flowers were arranged had its own meaning.
This was how San learned about people. Working in a flower shop gave him hands on experience with a wide range of emotions. From a person’s birthday to a person’s favorite flowers to a person’s relationship with others, a simple bouquet taught him plenty about people.
Unfortunately, he was alone in his appreciation of flowers. There was no one to share the language with him. But then one day, you came into his life.
It seemed like a normal, peaceful day in the flower shop. That was until the door suddenly slammed open and he flinched at the loud sound. You had stormed in, fuming with heated eyes and clenched fists. Once you reached the counter, you took a deep breath before looking up at San.
“How do I tell someone, ‘I hate you’, in flowers?” You deadpanned.
San snorted. This was certainly a new emotion he had to deal with for an arrangement. But no matter, he did have the flowers for it just in case a request like this happened.
“I suggest orange lilies for hatred. Yellow carnations for disdain. Gorses for anger. And finally, mock oranges for being fake.” He paused, raising an eyebrow at you. “Is that good for you?”
A grin spread across your face and you chuckled. “Perfect, especially that last flower.”
San thought that would be the last he’d see of you. Leaving as an amusing memory of someone wanting to passive aggressively express their hatred for someone with flowers.
But you came in the next day, notably much happier than before with a cheerful tune in your hum.
His lips curled up into an amused smile. “How did it go?”
You beamed at him. “It felt absolutely... amazing.”
“Would you like another arrangement of ‘I hate you’ flowers?”
You scratched your head. “Actually, I’ve always been interested in flower language. And I was wondering, if you could teach me?”
San was taken back for a brief moment before his smile widened even further. No one had ever taken interest before. He quickly picked out a yellow rose from behind him and slid it behind your ear.
“To our new friendship.”
And so, the friendship between you two sprouted. Spending time with you became second nature to him. You had become his close friend and he yours.
San wasn’t quite sure when your presence became such a constant in his life. When was it that he started to enjoy hearing your voice when you were with him? When was it that he willingly walked with you to home or work so he could spend more time with you?
Whenever you came to see him, his day would automatically brighten up no matter how terrible that day was. Worry would eat at him if you were only a few minutes late than normal to see him. Anytime San glanced at a flower with the meaning of love, impulsive thoughts of you would flash in his mind. It was consuming how frequently he thought of you.
This was evident one day when he made a flower crown just to see you smile. Soon afterwards however, he realized the flowers he used to make it. Gardenias (secret love), yellow acacias (concealed love) and jonquils (please love me). Luckily, he hadn’t taught you the meaning of the flowers, so you wouldn’t know.
Or, so he thought.
A day later, the usual ring of the bell at the usual time signified your presence. His jaw almost dropped at your appearance. Normally you’d just come in with either your work uniform or baggy, messy clothes. But you came in, simple and nicely dressed.
“You look... really pretty today.”
You let out a small giggle. “Thank you. Today, I want a bouquet of red tulips, pink camellias, and ambrosia.”
Hearing the familiar order of flowers, San’s eyes widened and his hands trembled. Everything from what you were wearing today to the flowers you requested suddenly clicked together in his mind.
You were going to confess your love to someone.
Swallowing the hard lump in his throat, he turned around and prayed that you didn’t see his displeasured face. He hesitated. “Do you... like someone?”
You hummed cheerfully in acknowledgment. “Mhmm, he makes me happy and I want to know him as more than a friend.”
San plastered on a tight lipped smile, gritting his teeth together at the thought of your mystery crush. Call it sick, but a small part of San hoped that whoever it was would reject you and he would sweep in, making you fall for him instead. He sighed, shoulders slumping as he arranged the flowers.
No, it wasn’t good to think like that. As your Sanshine, he had to be more supportive and happy that you were happy with the one you loved. In the end, there was no one to fault but himself for not saying anything.
Damn it. If only, he had said something sooner.
San clipped the card onto the wrapped bouquet and clicked a pen. “Now, who are you sending it to?”
A grin spread across your face and a glimmer shined in your eyes. “His name is Choi San.”
It took several seconds until your words finally sank in. He froze, staring at you. “Pardon?” San choked out.
“I found out on my own what you meant when you gave me the flower crown.” You grabbed the bouquet and pen from his hands, writing his name down with a smiley face and handed the flowers back to him. “This is my answer. So would you... would like to go on a date today?”
Without a moment’s hesitation, San nodded. “Hold on for a moment.”
San turned around, browsing the flowers until he finally found what he was looking for and picked it out. He slide the flower behind your ear. He could finally openly say it with a red rose.
I love you.
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wings-of-a-storm · 5 years
Well, with this piece, I have officially finished trying to give voice to all the  frenzied thoughts in my head after watching that terrible Friday night unfold for Lucas.
I think the hardest part was revisiting the anguish on Lucas’ face. That is going to haunt us all for a while, no doubt...
Alright so we are up to Lucas running for the exit of Chloe’s house after finding Eliott with Lucille and being publicly outed... That poor guy.
I only realised upon watching this scene that you actually see the ripple of Lucas coming through the crowd before you actually physically ‘see’ him. Like people were actually flying across the screen because Lucas was shoving partygoers out of the way to get to the doorway. He was like a hurricane, leaving a trail of destruction before and after him. From our limited angle, there are at least two victims: Unknown Partygoer No.1, and the Bouncer.
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A minute of silence please for the victims of Lucas’ savagery. Particularly for Unknown Partygoer No.1 who was actually shoved aside the first time Lucas entered the house as well. :’)
Obviously I laugh otherwise I cry. It was actually heartbreaking seeing the lengths Lucas needed to go to to get out of there before he lost it completely.
I actually felt bad for Basile in this scene -- he was being really sweet and trying to grab hold of Lucas to, I dunno, support him? Calm him? Reassure him? He wasn’t to realise that that was the worst thing he could have done because Lucas needed space and distance from the heartbreak he had left behind in the house.
Things might have been ‘okay’ if Arthur’s patience hadn’t snapped; if he hadn’t escalated things further with that passive aggressive jab that was rather below the belt regardless of Lucas’ lies. Things could have been worse though -- there could have been actual punches instead of all the shoving and pulling. And the only casualty was Arthur’s glasses (which the petty part of me kind of revels in?). But still, getting into any physical altercation with your friends is extreme and just goes to show the pressure cooker Lucas’ life had become.
It is a shame the Gang had to reach this point, but they’ve all been kind of assholes to each other at one time or another. I think perhaps only Yann has been a good friend to everyone. Arthur, Lucas and Basile have all been hurtful at some point…
I wonder where Lucas and Arthur will go from here though; how they will make up in the school break if they aren’t forced to see each other in class. (Assuming David sticks to reality in his skipping of the hiatus?) This type of anger between them seems much closer to Marti and Elia than the og -- and it took the special powers of the love wizard Giovanni GaraU to piece their friendship and pride back together. Does Yann have the same touch? Time will tell...
Lucas had already reached his breaking point when he engaged in a physical altercation with his friends. He had already lost control over his emotions and was incredibly vulnerable standing exposed in front of the yard. People were staring at him and Arthur was still screaming bloody murder from the doorway about wanting to slap the hell out of him. Of course it was at this moment when Lucas saw the man behind his heartache kissing the girl he said he had broken up with.
So much of Lucas seeing Eliott kissing Lucille was awful. Firstly, Eliott and Lucille could have just stayed inside the party, but them seeking out time alone outside is just so private and intimate.
Secondly, Eliott was the one initiating everything (something none of his counterparts did). He was the one cupping her face and smiling at her and going in for two kisses. Two!
And thirdly, yes, that smile of his as he was looking at her was meant to cut all of our hearts out. Eliott’s smile is like his strongest weapon even if he doesn’t realise it. He uses it as a shield and he uses it to express all the pure and lovely joy in his heart. When he walks into any room, that smile is the first thing you see. It’s nuclear -- even from far away, that smile absolutely knocks you out. And boy did it knock Lucas out.
I’m not sure I’d go as far as to say Eliott was giving Lucille the same smile Lucas gets. Eliott’s a very smiley person and even Lucas’ friends received that kind of smile when Eliott didn’t even known them. I feel like there is an extra level of giddiness to Eliott’s smile when he looks at Lucas. I wasn’t worried about him smiling at Lucille so much. Especially when I assume the context of it, which is...
Okay, so after Eliott was hurt by Lucas and feeling like he had to give him up so as not to be a burden to him, he would have been absolutely devastated. We saw his face in that corridor and that would have been him trying to hide most of it. I’m a little grateful we never saw the extent of Eliott’s private devastation...
But Eliott’s snap decision to cut Lucas out of his life, meant he was suddenly alone with this intense heartbreak, and probably feeling extra vulnerable because it related to that terrible force in his brain that he can’t control and that always messes his life up.
No matter how strained his and Lucille’s relationship had become in the end, she was still someone close to him who really knows who he is and has seen the worst of him. She is so safe. And since we have never seen Eliott with any friends at school, I imagine that Eliott is pretty isolated at the moment without her. It feels completely believable that he would seek Lucille out for that comfort and security. It would also make him feel better about his mental illness to know that there is someone in the world (excluding his parents who we have no information on aside from David’s headcanons), who sees that side of him and accepts it. He’s not alone with it.
Luckily for Eliott, Lucas made his comments about mental illness only a day or two after Eliott had broken up with Lucille. That meant there was a window of opportunity to try and repair things with her. It would have required a lot of effort on his behalf though, to be convincing enough for her to take him back even though he was secretly battling heartbreak over someone else. He might have even ironically used his mental illness as an excuse for their break up (actually, I am convinced he did because it will probably end up fuelling a certain comment from Lucille to Lucas about Eliott’s patterns).
What this means though is that Eliott has to stay convincing for Lucille: he has to be that happy boyfriend who wants to be with her, who just suffered a blip. If Lucille sees through him, he is in danger of being alone again. There is probably also an element of Eliott needing to convince himself that he will be happy with Lucille and can make their relationship work. The alternative of being alone after such a terrible year is just too painful.
So yeh, I’m not too surprised by all the smiles and kisses that Eliott was initiating with Lucille even though it hurts to see them. His instagram diary tells us the truth: that while he recognises the good parts of having Lucille as his girlfriend, it isn’t the same now.
(Side note: His ‘L and him’ caption breaks me! Like A) he is distancing himself from himself, and B) it’s like he is cherishing the letter L and finding comfort that he still has an L in his life. He can almost pretend it is the other L...)
Well, Lucas’s face after seeing Eliott smiling at Lucille, cupping her face, kissing her, doing things he can still remember Eliott doing with him not too long ago... That is a face that is going to haunt us for a long time. The level of fury in it, of betrayal... I’ve never seen anything like it in Skam. That expression not only cuts straight through your chest, it strangles your heart.
it was so powerful and clearly the exact moment Lucas reached the bottom of what he could endure. Like shit, place a copy of that face into a scientific journal under “Human breaking point.”
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When I think about that look and all the intense emotions swirling behind it, It feels like the dark twin of the look Eliott gave Lucas when he was playing piano. When Eliott looked at Lucas in that moment, you were just hit with those eyes, and it felt impossible to even begin describing all the different emotions in them. Lucas’ devastating fury holds a very similar power with all the complex emotions behind it. I consider it a ‘twin’ because Lucas’ eyes also seemed fuelled by love, but love that had been desecrated and turned into a wound against him...
(That gruesome lip curl when he glanced back at Arthur still yelling at him though. Oh damn that was fierce.)
Oh gosh guys, it was just so hard seeing Eliott kiss Lucille during the worst time of Lucas’ life. It was stomach-churning in a ‘I think someone just punched me in the gut’ way. Like, Lucas used to go to this guy for comfort and now in his time of need, when his ex-beard is yelling out his sexuality to strangers, when his friends are yelling awful things at him for everyone to hear, he not only doesn’t have Eliott to go to, but Eliott is so engrossed in the person Lucas always felt second-rate to. Eliott doesn’t even look up at the noise, he is completely oblivious to Lucas’ distress. Could Eliott feel any further away?
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I don’t even want to begin trying to imagine everything Lucas was feeling at that moment as he looked at Eliott and Lucille. It is just too devastating. It actually feels worse than what Eliott went through in the school corridor, because at least then Eliott had control over it. Eliott could walk away before ever having to see what Lucas’ face would look like if he learned of Eliott’s mental illness; before ever having to hear Lucas break up with him over it.
Eliott also had all the information over their break up while Lucas remains in the dark (hi Polaris). Lucas is the one who has to see the guy he is in love with for real kissing the person Lucas has always felt second-rate to. And after all those promises that they would be together because Eliott had chosen him...
And since Lucas does not have the information on their break up that Eliott has, all Lucas can see when he looks at them is: Eliott never loved me; Eliott played me; Eliott has been happy with Lucille while I have been so miserable I’ve barely had energy to get off the couch; Eliott lied to me; Eliott never needed space, he just used it as an excuse to get back with Lucille without guilt; of course Eliott doesn’t want to be with me, why would I be so stupid to believe that he did?
And then in the midst of all this gut-wretching pain and the slap of betrayal, Lucas glances back at his friends who he just fought with, who can’t understand what he is going through, who are still hurling really hurtful things at him from the doorway (well, Arthur is), and he is just over everybody.
It almost feels like he is standing in this awful triangle of snipers who have opened fire on the most raw parts of his life -- his sexuality, his family situation, and the man he loves humiliating him in front of everyone. It’s just way too much humiliation and exposure for one person to take. Of course he had to get as far away from everyone and that hellhole of a place as soon as possible.
What is extra fun is that the people behind Lucas seem to have pieced some of the puzzle together. They see his fighting with the Gang, they see the pained expression of his face as he looks ahead, and they all turn to see what he is looking at to cause such an unmistakably anguished face. They see Lucille and Eliott. Guess we’re going to have some fun rumours after all when each section of the party joins up what they have witnessed with Lucas at the epicentre…
We all had an inkling that the beginning of Lucas’ hell week would be the hardest version for the viewer to watch. I think overall, our assumption was proved correct and that is all because this is the first version where we have seen Lucas’ face in the peak of his anguish.
In comparison, Skam og and Italia gave their Isak/Martino some privacy with their pain. We only ever see Isak’s back as he falls to his knees and cries so loud you can hear it over the Kanye track. We only ever see the vague outline of Martino’s face in the darkness as he screams and cries into his hands (it was so dark, it was lucky we were even able to see the spit flying from his mouth as he screamed). You basically had to rely on all other senses to figure out the amount of pain that Isak/Martino were going through. I think that method is powerful in itself, don’t get me wrong. But in France, we see Lucas completely exposed to the anguish ripping his soul apart. And it is incredibly confronting.
At first when Lucas left the party and the camera was following him down the dark, empty path, it felt like og: Lucas had privacy with his rage and pain. But then everything got loud; all the senses were like doubled. The sound of him smashing his fist against the bars of the fence was so loud and violent. We had that kind of noise in Italia too but that was from the piece of wood Martino was wielding, not his actual hand. So not only do you have the deep echo of metal being hit by a fist, you vicariously feel the pain that that must be inflicting on Lucas’ hand.
And then after Lucas realises he has injured himself and his legs lose power and he slumps down to the floor, the street light completely exposes the expression on his face. His anguish is completely exposed -- and it is anguish that is actually distorting his face. He almost isn’t recognisable. I mean, it is hard to watch anyone suffering that level of pain, but it’s even more hard-hitting with Lucas because his expressions are normally so controlled and neutral.
Two things absolutely wreck me next in this scene. The first is the way he cradles his bleeding hand. When you’ve hurt yourself, of course your natural instinct is to hold the damaged area as if you can somehow contain the pain to that one spot. But since his hurt hand feels more like a physical representation of his emotional hurt, it feels like he is trying to cradle himself. I HATE IT, MAKE IT STOP, GUYS!
The second thing that wrecks me is how after he slumps to the ground and leans his head back -- which also crashes against the metal bars with a deep booming echo -- he mouths something as if to say ‘ow’, like he is just hurting all over, no matter what he does.
And through all of it, he is crying without any sound because the emotion is coming from such a deep place in him. Until you see the numbness take over…
I’ll say it again: it is highly confronting. I can’t even bring myself to take screencaps of it.
I mean, that’s probably why og and Italia took a step back -- because that level of pain is so private and awful, it’s almost wrong for us to witness it. But, well, France plays dirty.
Did I just say France plays dirty? Because they are about to double that claim by reminding us all of their trump card: that Lucas has no place to cry privately. His bed is literally in a communal living area while Manon goes through her own grieving in his bedroom.
When a person is as wounded by life as Lucas is right now, it is so essential to have a safe space all to yourself to be able to grieve in. Particularly for someone as reserved as Lucas, who won’t let anyone see any hint of his pain at all (except for this Friday night when his depression was so extreme, he had no energy to move in front of his friends and he couldn’t hide it anymore). How the hell is this poor kid supposed to grieve in a communal living room?!
And that also raises another question: how long did Lucas stay slumped on the cold concrete path on Friday night? If that was the best privacy he had, it was probably a long time. So yeh, thanks for that, France! Like this whole clip didn’t hurt enough…
What is unfortunately so hard with Lucas is how reserved he is with his emotions. He is such an island and that makes it hard for others to be able to help him. When Mika reached out to him on Thursday, he got a defensive eye roll. When Yann tried to reach out to him on Friday, he got grumpiness and a hurtful ‘It has nothing to do with you.’ It’s really hard to see Lucas push people away like that and just suffer so many things alone.
This week is going to be such an important turning point for him though. He will finally make that step to trust in others and share the pain that has been slowly drowning him. He has no other choice because he cannot mentally survive like that any longer. And when Lucas starts to open himself up more to his friends and roomates and starts to value that process, it is going to put him in such a healthy place to be able to be that support for Eliott when Eliott’s secrets are exposed and he becomes highly vulnerable.
Lucas’ journey is really tough right now but he is going reconnect with people and with life and be the best person he can be once he starts to accept help. It’s going to be such a rewarding journey to go through with him. <3
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ohnomybreadsticks · 5 years
26 - North/Kara Grad Students AU
North/Kara is a really cute pairing I’ve never really written before! I like the dynamic of these two very headstrong ladies coming together C: Also I based the chair debacle on my own grad TA teaching experiences lmao
North was reaching the end of her rope with this classroom shit. Every Monday and Wednesday when she arrived at the classroom she used to teach basic biology to freshmen who didn’t want to be there, every single chair in the damn room was rearranged into some weird formation. Whoever taught in the room before her was clearly an incompetent or a crazed person, because they were pushing all the tables out of the way and re-organizing the chairs however they damn well pleased. And North was absolutely not getting paid enough to deal with this shit. It was bad enough trying to get her PhD in biosystems engineering without having to teach intro biology every semester, and add ‘interior decorator’ on top of that? Fuck that.
Not only was it annoying, but it wasted a good ten minutes of her class time as her students had to put all the chairs and tables back into place in time to listen to the lesson of the day. Several weeks into the semester, and North had had enough. She didn’t have time to come and confront whoever taught before her, but she did have a good fifteen minutes to spare while her class did a discussion to pen a scathing note. She left it on the lectern for ‘the M/W 9:50-10:00 instructor” and hoped it wouldn’t get cleared away by the custodial staff over the weekend. In said note, North detailed pretty much every annoyed thought she had about whoever was dense enough to pull this shit, although she made an effort to leave any profanity out of it.
On Monday morning, North returned to find her note still there, but with a little ‘Re:’ written on the envelope. The chairs were still in disarray, so she was already pissed when she ripped it open to read: ‘Hello fellow M/W instructor! I’m sorry the chairs have been causing you such problems, but arranging students in more relaxed spaces is more condusive to learning and discussion! I never teach with tables any more, and I’d encourage you to do the same! Please let me know if you’d like me to recommend some readings on the subject! :)’ North had to work very hard not to crumple up the note and throw it at the nearest wall. READINGS!!! Readings indeed! Not like she had enough to fucking read!!
The next note North wrote was much less polite, but it was met with nothing but apparent pleasantry from the mysterious teacher who came before her. At first it only served to make her more angry, thinking it couldn’t possibly be more than a passive-aggressive ploy, but after a few weeks...North began to almost get used to her weekly correspondence. Neither of them signed their missives, but she had to assume it was always the same person. They really liked the smiley face emoji, whoever they were, and also very holistic teaching approaches. As much as she would never admit it (and stayed afterwards to remove the evidence by reorganizing the chairs), North actually did try leaving them in their little circles one day. It wasn’t terrible. It was. Well, maybe it was good for some things.
As the semester began to near its close, North was struck with the sudden thought that she might never actually find out who her mystery penpal was. And as much as she hated admitting it, she had grown pretty fond of them. Luckily, her class right before teaching cancelled one day, so North had the luxury of arriving early enough to catch the tail end of the class before hers. As the students all filed out of the room, she stepped in, and came face to face with...a young woman her age, pushing short blond hair back out of her face as she gathered up her folders and papers. 
“Can I help you?” She asked pleasantly, a soft smile gracing her lips that had North’s heart down on its knees in an instant. God. She really was a sucker for a cute girl. “Yeah, uh. Mind explaining just how you use these chairs for teaching?” North blurted out, and the shocked expression on the other woman’s face was well worth the potential embarrassment. “You! Oh my god it’s finally you!” She exclaimed, coming out from behind the podium and standing directly in front of North, grinning up at her with a hand extended, “The name’s Kara. I’m so pleased to finally meet you!” North shook her hand in bewilderment, but she could feel an answering smile on her own face despite it all. “And I’d be happy to talk more about the chairs but...maybe over coffee sometime? Since you have to teach and all.” Kara added slyly. 
“I can’t say no to that sort of offer.” Came North’s answer, and it was in that moment that she knew her heart was lost. A cute girl and coffee? She could forgive all manner of chair based sins for that.
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lightsandlostbells · 5 years
Skam France season 3, episode 5 reaction
The opening clip gave me flashbacks to this SNL Totino’s commercial, another classic of gay cinema, so I FULLY expect to see some hot pizza roll action later this season. 
Episode 5
Clip 1 - Still no yellow curtains???
Dramatic music. Lucas and Eliott are passionately kissing. The camera swoops over parts of their bodies. Eliott is smiley, Lucas gets in a kiss to Eliott’s nose. The level of intimacy is very strong, that shot of their legs tangled together is nice. I think it’s great that they didn’t back down from the kissing and physical contact in this scene; it’s not that it needs to be very explicit, just respectful and on par to what they’d give for a het couple, and they filmed Lucas and Eliott about the same as they did Charles and Manon last season. Skam was so good in how it depicted intimacy between Isak and Even; I consider it one of the defining features of S3, setting it above other gay romances in media for its lack of skittishness and double standards, and it’s been a consistent concern of mine that the remakes will be a step back in that regard. This clip was definitely reassuring. 
Eliott asks Lucas if he’s his first guy, and Lucas just snorts so Eliott takes that as a yes. Lucas asks the same question and Eliott replies with this Even-worthy eyebrow raise, so Lucas is like, oh, I see! They laugh. So I that wasn’t an actual answer, lol? But I took it as Eliott having some experience with dudes. Could be a variety of things from kissing a boy to hooking up with one to a full-fledged relationship with a guy. Or the Mikael incident, if they include that in S4. They’ve apparently changed a huge amount, but that’s actually one detail that doesn’t need to be changed the way the bus storyline has to be, for instance.
We get some whispery voiceover as Eliott asks Lucas what he thought of him when he saw him the first time in the common room. We cut to them lying shirtless, so this is later in the day, after things got more heated. The lighting is very warm and golden, it’s a very romantic staging. Like there might as well be white curtains billowing in the breeze. (The curtains are white, but not billowy.)
Eliott volunteers that the first time he saw Lucas wasn’t in the common room, but on his first day in the corridor. Basically he describes the trailer to Lucas. Lucas didn’t see him but he was all Eliott saw. So that revelation happened fast. Not a surprise to anyone who saw the trailer (or you know, saw OG Skam) but it cuts out some of the mystery for Lucas - like Isak was doubting Even’s interest through much of the season, especially in this episode and afterwards, and when Sonja said the relationship was fake. Isak was so taken aback by Even revealing it in the last episode in part because he (and the audience) had doubted it so often. But Lucas has this reassurance from Eliott right from the beginning. Lucas just has so much more to go off from Eliott at this point: Eliott is more upfront telling Lucas how great he is, Eliott has said he wants to break up with Lucille and have a relationship with someone else who’s not necessarily a girl, Eliott didn’t choose plans with Lucille over a day with Lucas, Eliott told Lucas he wanted the double date to be just the two of them. Even when Eliott disappeared for a few days, he followed it up by apologizing to Lucas and saying he was sick. And that’s nice for Lucas, that he’s not doubting himself as much, but I have to wonder how this will affect the story? Or their relationship trajectory? When Eliott cuts off their relationship, it will come out of nowhere even more than in Skam. 
Lucas whispers about what Eliott would have done if he didn’t go to the common room, or Lucas came to the bus earlier or later, as they lay there in their underwear with Eliott on his back, in between lots of kissing. The camera keeps cutting back and forth between kissing and talking, different angles, lots of pans, etc.
Eliott saying that he imagines two paths when he has a choice to make, but it drives him mad when he doesn’t know the outcome of the one he doesn’t take. So Lucas brings up parallel universes. (Piano music starts playing at this point, which seems to happen at significant Lucas/Eliott turning points, like the first time Lucas saw Eliott, or when Lucas played piano for Eliott. Like in OG, this conversation might have a huge effect on Eliott and how he sees himself and their relationship.) When Lucas makes a choice, there are all these other Lucases making other choices, like he’s surfing in Bali or in he’s in a NYC skyscraper signing a deal. I don’t know if these are things Lucas actually would like to experience in his life, or of they’re just examples of things that are so far and distant from his present reality, fun fantasies. 
Eliott asks if maybe New York businessman Lucas didn’t jump off the building because he burned out. Lucas says that’s awful, Eliott asks if he’s ever thought about it? That’s good foreshadowing, a good hint as to Eliott’s state of mind.
Eliott says he doesn’t believe in parallel universes, though he doesn’t explain why (like Even say it made him feel lonely). Lucas says there are Lucases and Eliotts in other universes who are together right now. Lucille calls and Eliott groans, then says Eliott #425 can go talk to her, heh. Lucas #1 is very happy with that decision. They lie on each other and it blurs as the clip ends, as they fall asleep.
This is one of those clips that I completely get why people would love it, it’s very apparent, and I don’t think it’s bad, not at all, but at the same time it’s just personally not my thing. I’m sorry! Again, I understand why this clip blew up. It’s just ... similar to how I feel about cupcakes. People love cupcakes. I love some cupcakes! But I don’t care for a lot of cupcakes, like the really fancy ones with tons of frosting, because most frosting is too sugary for me. Do I get why people like the cupcakes with mountains of frosting, though? Or why people prefer the frosting to the cake itself? Absolutely. 
Most of my issue is with the editing. There had so many cuts and jumps and I don’t think it served the mood or purpose of this clip. Actually, I found it really distracting. I could never just relax into the moment because of how the camera was spinning and panning and cutting between different points in time, something that has been done in various scenes in Skam and the remakes, but not usually with weighty dialogue happening at the same time? I found it hard to focus on what they were saying. 
On that note, I don’t think the way it was shot was the best way to demonstrate to their chemistry. I think they have quite good chemistry! But there was so much moving around and cutting between moments that it began to feel like a series of poses rather than two actors working off each other, if that makes sense. 
It just felt a bit too much like this clip was a perfume ad, lol. It’s very heavy and sensual and romantic, and it’s beautiful, but it’s not what I prefer from the Skam universe. It takes away some of the rawness and vulnerability of this kid’s coming out story - something that they’re still integrating into the show by keeping many of Isak’s struggles in Lucas - and makes it more full throttle OTT mature romance. Like - this feels like a romance between adults, not teenagers, and I don’t mean because of the level of intimacy/shirtlessness, more like the level of confidence, the way it doesn’t feel like they’re figuring things out, but that this is familiar territory (and for Lucas at least, it is not). And well, another some of that is because the actors are adults, too. 
There’s some more stuff I can say but again, it’s just not my style for this material. In other contexts I would eat up this hardcore French romanticism, lol.
Clip 2 - Guess Who(’s not staying for dinner)
Lucas wakes up alone at 14:34 on Saturday. It’s later that day, so what’s his excuse for missing Basile’s party? Eliott is not actually there to keep him occupied. Is he just going to lay in bed and smell Eliott’s pillow or something? I realize he’s distracted but isn’t he going to be receiving texts from the guys?
Eliott left him a note on the pillow. It’s a hedgehog in bed, but when you open the note it’s a raccoon and a hedgehog in bed together with a little heart. AWWWW. That’s so cute. It’s so cute I won’t make any interspecies erotica jokes. The note says “Eliott number 3546 is a lucky guy” and that Lucas is handsome when he’s sleeping. Lucas looks bummed, though. I mean, I would be if I went to bed sleeping beside someone who looked like that and I woke up alone.
Lucas goes into the kitchen where everyone else is. Manon has been up early cooking, because she slept on the couch and got woken up by the neighbors. Lucas is like, oh sorry, forgot I’m not in my room anymore. WHY ARE YOU APOLOGIZING, IT’S YOUR ROOM. SHE HAS NEVER LIVED IN IT. (Also, I don’t think she meant anything by it, but her mentioning that she woke up early hearing the noise from the couch comes across as oddly passive-aggressive.)
But Manon is OK with it, because Lucas needed his room more! Eliott seemed super cool! UMMMM this is kinda weird. I know Eskild said the same thing but the situation seemed less pointed, like Manon’s borderline suggesting I know you needed the bed more than I did, Lucas, because of all the gay sex you were having last night.
The roommates all met Eliott when he left and Lucas covers by saying he’s a good friend who got too drunk so Lucas offered him a place to sleep. Manon is all “OK!” in a way that is too casual to be truly casual, if you know what I mean. Lucas gets on the defensive and says what, we can’t bring friends over here now? Now Manon is all, “OK...” in a way that says calm down, dude.
Mika eyes Lucas as he leaves. I don’t think they’ve really built that relationship in a substantial way, but at least they added that brief glimpse to show that Mika has Lucas on his mind?
Clip 3 - Cake!
Lucas and Manon walk into school, Lucas carrying baked goods made by Manon. Manon gets a call from Charles and ignores it. There needs to be a substantial Lucas and Manon heart-to-heart at some point. They’ve set up too much between them - I feel like their dynamic is more developed than Lucas and Mika, or Lucas and Yann this season.
The girl squad + Lucas sit around and eat cake. Well, the girls eat cake, Lucas is sitting back in his seat with his arms crossed. I know you are thinking about Eliott, dude, but there’s this thing people do called “eating our feelings” that works ... not very well in the long-term, but provides short-lived distraction and satisfaction. I recommend it!
There’s a mattress in the common room now and Manon asks, “Don’t you stop napping after kindergarten?” and I like Manon fine but she must have put some crack in that cake. Lmao, what human being is going to be like NAPS??? AN ABSURD TRADITION MEANT FOR TODDLERS. Like when you’re a little kid, you don’t want to nap, you want to run around and keep being an asshole; it’s when you grow up and become miserable that you start to appreciate the art of shutting your eyes in the middle of the day. Anyway, Daphne said the headmaster gave the students the right to nap in the common room. You know, that is a legit quality use for the common room, tbh. Everyone would use the nap room.
The downside is, as Lucas accurately points out, people are going to bang on that mattress. Well, I guess they could like … require the door to the room to be open at all time or something. Or put up a giant sign saying THERE ARE SECURITY CAMERAS IN THIS ROOM AT ALL TIMES. They don’t need to install security cameras for real, just use the sign to dissuade people. (Who am I kidding, none of that will stop the students from banging on that mattress.) Daphne is incensed at the notion, but Imane’s like, hookup-land is what’s gonna bring people here. LMAO. Again, not wrong.
They talk about the ugly mural some more (God I still do not get why everyone treats that mural like it’s a nude painting of one of the orcs from Lord of the Rings, it’s just a somewhat outdated mural, my eyes would glaze right over it). Lucas says he’s waiting for Eliott about the mural and Manon does a little “mhm” so he hurriedly changes the subject (good subtle detail). 
They discuss getting WiFi in the room and one of the nerd dudes who showed up to the first meeting, who has been sitting in the corner, starts talking about how they can get set up WiFi. The nerd dudes have the password. Everyone is happy! But nerd dude says he would like compensation. Daphne assumes they are talking about her breasts as she is showing ample cleavage. Nerd dude says no, they were talking about the cakes. LMAO. I like this guy. Manon hands over a cake, the other girls are sad at the loss of cake. Understandable, but it seems like a fair trade to me. Also, there are multiple cakes and baked goods on that table, just scarf it down before the nerds come back for more.
Manon signs off with, “Bye, bitches!” The others talk about how weird she’s being. Well, yeah, but I’m wondering how her Charles-related sadness translates into her saying, “Bye, bitches!” Trying to put on a super happy and lighthearted facade? Would go along with all the baking.
This scene is cute and all, and I assume there will be relevance to something in the plot later on but ... what does it have to do with Lucas’ story or his POV? Other than a brief look at his closed-off body language (which didn’t last long since he was very engaged in the conversation) and a brief mention of Eliott and the mural, something that has happened before? There just didn’t feel like a point to his story in this clip, whereas every scene in Skam S3 felt like it had a point to Isak’s POV and advanced his storyline, telling us something about his mental and emotional state. I know that the other seasons of Skam didn’t have such a narrow focus, but usually there was some tie-in to what the protagonist was feeling. IDK, is this to foreshadow him and Eliott fucking on the couch? More hinting at Manon being off her game and having Charles problems? My guess is that they felt like they needed a girl squad scene sometime this week. If they had unlimited time for these episodes, I wouldn’t care if they had clips like this, but they do have a time limit, and so I think it’s fair to question if they’re making the best use of it.
Daphne is by no means required to have a boyfriend, I still root for lesbian Daphne at the end of the day, but that nerd dude who asked for cake instead of cleavage is already a better option than Basile.
Clip 4 - Lucas out of the loop
Lucas waits for Eliott outside of class, but instead it’s his bro Raptor Alex who exits. Lucas asks if the guy in his class is there. You know, the guy. Clearly the only guy who matters in Alex’s class.
Alex says Eliott isn’t there much, he freaked out in class the other day and doesn’t go anymore. Oh no :( I wonder what he means by “freaked out” though, like hopefully people weren’t gossiping about whatever happened? It didn’t make its way to Lucas, in that case.
The boy squad comes around the corner. Lucas completely phones it in when he apologizes to Basile. Not that I care about hurting Basile’s feelings, as my opinion of him is well-documented, but Lucas does, and he’s not even trying to sound sorry. And the family excuse is lazy and not believable at all, like with Isak it was also predictable but he put a smidge of effort into it. Lucas says the excuse like he’s on auto-pilot. The boys just let the excuse roll by, uninterested.
Lucas asks what happened at the party and Arthur says Basile went into the bathroom with Daphne and he won’t tell them what happened. Basile say she stayed on her knees in front of him for a long time. Which I take to mean she was barfing and Basile was holding her hair back. Also her hair smelled good according to him. SIGH. I’m sure this is the start of Basile/Daphne or whatever, but you know, it would be easier for me to buy that Basile is really a good guy if he did not describe Daphne in such an objectifying way. If you’re a fucking gentleman, why are you making it sound like she sucked your dick? I know toxic masculinity, ~it’s realistic, blah blah. They could’ve had Yann and Arthur make the crude jokes and Basile get serious and tell them not to talk about Daphne that way, it would’ve been character development. (Actually, now I’m wondering if there will be a moment like that later in the season. I can’t support Basile/Daphne at all at this point, but I feel like if they want to make him worthy of her in the slightest, he’s going to have to renounce his sleazy, perverted shtick very clearly.)
Lucas looks back after the boys as they leave him behind, not interested in telling him more, barely caring about his absence. He’s just not part of the gang right now. IDK, I think they should’ve directed Axel to play this more remorsefully - not his fault, I feel like they rushed this scene for time reasons? For instance when he sees the boys and apologizes to Basile, there wasn’t time for anything to land, like he didn’t care much, not even that he was disappointed in himself for forgetting. Just this look from Lucas at the end signals what he might be feeling.
Also, very weird choice to put this clip on Tuesday and the one with the girls on Monday? It makes way more sense to switch the two, because basically Lucas must not have interacted with his friends at all yesterday. Even though we’ve seen he has a class with Arthur and we’ve gotten a clip of that class on a Monday (although I don’t know how French class schedules work). 
Clip 5 - Argh
When I started to watch this clip, I noticed it was 2 minutes and 43 seconds long and was like … are you kidding me? If this is the scene, we’re going to just fly through it? What in the fresh hell?
For comparison, the OG clip was 4 minutes and 36 seconds. And it didn’t have the end credits as this scene does, and it didn’t have this opening part with Lucas and Imane (or Isak and Sana).
Without the credits, this clip goes to 2:22. Eliott and Lucas meet outside starting at :55. Meaning there was about a minute and a half for the conversation that defines that second half of the season. Yikes.
Lucas and Imane are in class, I think they’re taking a test. She helps him out when he forgets something. There’s a lot on his mind and he’s not doing the best he can, I guess. Anyway, thoughtful of Imane to help him cheat (if this is a test)? 
He gets a text from Eliott - is this a test or not? It’s not terribly important but LMAO at this teacher who (correctly) notices two of her students passing drugs under the table before class, but fails to notice the same two talking during an exam and one of them whipping out his phone during a silent class period. Cheating must not be a main concern of hers. Eliott is waiting outside the room, grinning at him through the window. So we have students talking to each other, looking at their phones, and non-verbally communicating with other students through the window. Now I’m really surprised that the teacher noticed the weed.
Lucas gets up to meet Eliott outside. Lol, really, dude? He’s going to get a bad grade just because he can’t wait a few minutes. I mean, the desperation is funny, but Lucas is not the brightest here.
Although I laughed a lot when Imane said he wasn’t done and Lucas was like, “Minimalism, Imane. Minimalism.” That might be the best line he’s had on this show.
Imane seems concerned but I’m not sure if she suspects anything’s up with him or if she’s just like how did I get partnered with such a dumbass.
So this clip was ... not good. Bad. It was bad.
This is the kind of content I feared we would be getting from Skam France based on the first two seasons. Luckily it’s been better than this on average, I really do think the show has improved! But not here. It’s such an important scene that I’m disappointed this is the one they bungled. There are multiple things that are ill-advised or underwhelming about it.
I’m aware that I can be harsh/nitpicky/critical about these remakes, but I really don’t intend to come from a place of default negativity, or like, FUCK THIS SHOW FOR EXISTING. And I don’t want to crush people’s buzz if they enjoy something! The reason I get so nitpicky is because I feel like it helps me better understand film-making overall. If a clip just doesn’t feel right, then I want to try to parse out why it didn’t work for me. 
For starters, choosing to place this extremely intimate, private, honest, confessional scene outside. And not in some isolated space, but where tons of people are. You can fucking see students walking around behind Eliott when he’s glancing in the window at Lucas. As Lucas exits the classroom, you can see a girl headed in the same direction as him. I mean … what?? They are not remotely alone? Not only does it ruin the atmosphere of the scene, it tanks the plausibility of it.
Because Eliott’s waiting for him outside, and holy shit, gives Lucas a kiss on the mouth. Dude! People will definitely see you. He knows that he’s Lucas’ first boy(friend) per their conversation in bed, so what is he doing? I guess it’s cute but also, not a great idea to out Lucas like that Lucas hasn’t been with a guy before, Lucas has been deliberating no-homo-ing their interactions in front of his friends, Lucas has been trying to play up his relationship with Chloe (for instance slinging that arm around her when Eliott came to talk last episode, not to mention, you know, dating her while flirting with Eliott) so it’s a completely reasonable and likely assumption that Lucas is closeted and doesn’t want people to know he likes guys. I don’t think Eliott is a bad person for doing this, but it seems weirdly insensitive of him. (Even tried to kiss Isak in public in episode 8, but it was while he was manic, and I don’t want to make that same assumption of Eliott here.) 
Eliott wants Lucas to leave with him but Lucas says he can’t ditch classes. Eliott says he’s told Lucille. He’s really brimming with confidence here, like he just swoops in for the kiss, he brings up Lucille without hesitation, he seems completely sure of himself. Lucas looks a little uncomfortable, though. Eliott is like, doesn’t that make you happy? Lucas says it does, although he doesn’t look that happy. 
Lucas: “I just don’t want you to be sad if it’s my fault.” No offense because this is a tiny thing but this is one of Skam France’s typical flaws from S1 and S2, which they have largely improved on in S3, but here it creeps up again: adapting something from OG without retaining the context that makes it effective.
That’s a line from Isak, and it made sense in context for him, because Even was looking and acting very, very vulnerable when he said that he had told Sonja about Isak. Nervous eyes, hesitant voice. Holding back on his normally demonstrative body language - Even is very tactile but you can tell he’s very restrained at the start of that conversation. He speaks slowly and is very focused on Isak’s reaction, because he really didn’t seem to be sure what Isak would say. It was when Isak said, “Cool,” that Even started to relax, his eyes start to light up, because Isak responded positively. And when Isak said, “I hope you’re not sad,” it was to fish out what Even was feeling, because he needed that confirmation of how Even felt. Isak wanted to know Even wasn’t sad as a way to determine that Even really truly wanted to be with Isak. It’s a nice, subtle bit of dialogue.
Which makes zero sense here because Eliott is radiating happiness. He kissed Lucas on the mouth as soon as Lucas came outside! He’s smiling, his eyes are shining! It’s not subtle! LMAO WHAT. I guess you can take this as Lucas being insecure, but it just feels so bizarre and dense for a character to project joy as strongly as Eliott does and to ask whether he’s sad. However, maybe we’ll assume that Lucas really is just fishing for confirmation. The thing is, Lucas also has little reason to think that breaking up with Lucille would make Eliott sad. Eliott hasn’t said anything about not being able to break up with Lucille; he has made it clear that he would like to move on and have a relationship with someone else, not necessarily a girl. (Compare to: Even talking about how he felt like he was growing apart from Sonja, but saying he could not dump her, as well as not hinting nearly so heavily that he wanted to get into an actual relationship with Isak.) Eliott didn’t choose Lucille over Lucas the other Saturday when Lucas wanted to hang out, he was just busy, not necessarily with Lucille. (Compare to: Even saying he had plans with Sonja, essentially choosing her over Isak that day.) Eliott straight up told Lucas that he hoped their double date was just the two of them, that was his plan. (Compare to: Even feeling basically the same way, but not telling Isak outright in words.) 
And throughout the season, Lucas has been even bolder in some ways than Isak was. He’s done more to go up to Eliott and try to chase him, he’s stolen a class register to find him. On Saturday he felt very confident about making out with Eliott and taking their shirts off. So you could take this as Lucas being insecure, but it doesn’t make a ton of sense even with Eliott ghosting the past few days. I don’t think it matches with the characterization. I think it’s just lazy writing, sorry, especially since much of the other dialogue in this scene is copy+pasted from OG. Or maybe more vulnerability and uncertainty was meant to come through at the beginning of the scene, but the directing and acting didn’t match up with that intention. Whatever happened, this is just an example of why this scene wasn’t very well-adapted. (Also, if Lucas is so insecure he can’t notice that Eliott is smiling happily and kissing him, then how did he get so confident within like 30 seconds to move in for a kiss in public? Overcoming both his internalized homophobia and his doubts to that degree in that short of a time?)
I do want to acknowledge that in Julie’s original script, the scene played out more like the one here, with Even kissing Isak at the very start and having his happiness and desire for Isak more visible. But in Julie’s notes, she also acknowledged that it was a hard scene to figure out and that the changes from script to shooting benefited the scene. Ultimately, this line felt right and fitting to the tone of the OG scene as it was filmed, but here it felt off. I didn’t get why Lucas was asking except because it was in the original show.
We get Eliott asking if Lucas would tell his parents, and at this point I was flabbergasted that they really were going to rush this hugely important, amazing scene to this degree. No room for buildup or mood, just cranking out the dialogue as if it’s obligatory. We get this conversation similar to OG where Lucas explains his dad feels guilty for leaving so he’s not going to say anything, and his mom is crazy so he doesn’t care. There is one nice moment where Lucas tells Eliott not to worry and Eliott says he’s not worried, but immediately asks why Lucas doesn’t talk to her. So you know, he is worried. That was a good, subtle moment. Eliott has a clear sad reaction to Lucas saying he doesn’t need crazy people in his life, and IMO it’s pretty obvious to viewers (though not to Lucas) but I still think Maxence did a decent job here.
Lucas is pulls out the drawing made for him, but Eliott just says Lucas is going to be late for class, all his warmth gone. When Lucas goes in for a kiss, Eliott ruffles Lucas’ hair instead. LMAO. Well, it’s not really funny at all in context of Eliott’s feelings, but it’s also just such a clear shutdown that I can’t help but find it amusing. Lucas does not find it amusing, stands there in surprise and confusion, looking down at his drawing. 
Also, Eliott ruffled Lucas’ hair in episode 2, at the end of their lovely evening together, with a lot of sexual tension between them, so this is an unpleasant reversal. That moment felt like a “hello, I’m looking forward to getting to know you.” This moment is a goodbye.
Anyway, this scene was a mess!
Was there a reason why they were outside? Did someone see them? Is there going to be gossip? Why did Eliott kiss Lucas outside when he knows Lucas is closeted? Why did Lucas go in for a kiss at the end (more on that in a minute)? If there is a bullying/rumors storyline as people suspect, that could just as efficiently be done with, for instance, having them meet in an empty classroom and someone walks in on them or spies on them, or secretly takes a picture of them looking close. Maybe they don’t even see the person in the clip themselves, or they hear a noise but by the time they turn around, the person is gone. That way it would be more believable that they would kiss when they think they’re in total privacy, but could also lead to a storyline where the rumors get out. Or, you know ... there were rumors in OG because of Emma, so just have that escalate with Chloe. She fucking yells that Lucas is gay at the end of the episode. There’s just no need for this scene to be outside, it defies logic, and it kills the mood of the clip. It destroys the feeling of Lucas and Eliott having a secret relationship, it ruins the intimacy of making their feelings so clear to each other and of Lucas’ confession about his mom. It’s a really big deal for Lucas to tell someone about his mom! Overall the setting should reflect the content of the scene and this was just strange. Lmao, they didn’t even seem to go very far, weren’t they talking right outside the classroom? Is Imane going to look up and be like, hmm, there’s Lucas and Eliott having a conversation through the window?
I saw people be happy that Lucas moved in for the kiss at the end, and I mean, I get it, that’s the ideal outcome, for Lucas to be out and proud and comfortable with himself. I’m not going to rag on people for being happy about that. But I don’t buy it. He’s startled Eliott kisses him at the beginning of the clip. Then 60 seconds later he’s moving in to initiate a kiss. In public. Like … what is that doing for Lucas’ character arc? Is the only reason he didn’t want to kiss at the beginning of the clip because he didn’t know what Eliott had been doing, and not because of his internalized homophobia? How did he become okay with kissing him outside where people could see in just a minute? It just seems terribly weak for his characterization, and unrealistic that someone who’s so deep in the closet that he goes around flinging homophobic slurs and romancing girls can undo part of that in such a short time. (Especially combined with the Pride clip the next day.)
On that note, Lucas did not ask Eliott where he had been the past few days, there was no acknowledgment of all that Eliott had been gone, so if that was a problem for Lucas, it got swept away. Not as big of an issue as others, but it seemed odd that it went unmentioned when Lucas spent time looking for Eliott and trying to talk to him.
Why was this scene so short? I know there are time restrictions for the episodes, but why in the world was the cake clip necessary over more time allotted to this incredibly important clip? Just because they’re required to include the girl squad? Does the entire squad have to be in every episode, and was there no better way to include them? For example, instead of this clip, what if we opened with the girls eating cake and talking about the common room, but Lucas gets a text from Eliott and excuses himself, then meets and talks with Eliott? If there was anything relevant about the cake clip for future episodes, start with the girls talking about that, then Lucas gets the text and leaves. Seems like a way better use of time.
I don’t mind Eliott being frostier with Lucas at the end, turning away from the kiss, but he does such a complete mood change in such a short time span that it feels a little ridiculous that Lucas didn’t notice. Eliott up until he asked about Lucas’ parents: smiling his ass off. Elliot when Lucas said that thing about his dad: still a tiny smile, receptive to what Lucas is saying. Eliott when Lucas goes in for a kiss: not having it. There is one thing that they talked about in between Eliott’s mood change (or two, I guess, with Lucas mentioning hedgehogs). The mystery element is made less, well, mysterious and more obvious for both viewers and Lucas. Even still gave Isak a goodbye kiss, a parting affection, meaning that it’d be harder for Isak to immediately trace the source of the breakup to that conversation; Eliott is done with Lucas right that fucking second. I get that Lucas isn’t the brightest, but I’m also like … he’s really not going to connect the dots even a little? Even if he doesn’t understand the whole scenario, doesn’t that stick out to him? (Even when Raptor Alex said something like Eliott freaked out the other day?)
Eliott asking about Lucas’ parents was such a jarring transition, and it’s because of pacing. Even just asks it of Isak, too, in a way that could be jarring, but because of the slower pace, the more vulnerable atmosphere, the acting, it doesn’t feel like a 180-degree scene change, it feels more like a natural direction for their conversation to take. The boys tentatively began the scene and were somewhat walking on eggshells toward each other; Even’s question therefore has a kind of fragility that’s in line with the atmosphere, he’s testing out whether Isak will be OK if they date. There’s a lack of vulnerability in this scene, at least up until that point: Eliott is perfectly fine and dandy, Lucas is apparently conflicted but it doesn’t really land. So the transition of topic just feels sudden rather than fitting the mood. It’s just a hugely weird execution.
Stuff I feel bad about saying but I’m going to say it in the interest of honesty: I think Axel has improved a huge amount from earlier seasons and has done good work in other scenes this season. But it felt like Lucas was bored during this scene. I got zero sense of say, wistfulness from him talking about his mom. He didn’t even seem that happy once Eliott told him things were off and they were bumping foreheads? It could have been a much more layered performance. Like … I just don’t feel happiness for Lucas once Eliott tells him it’s off with Lucille, because Lucas himself doesn’t seem to care. I think his parting look of confusion was good, but during the conversation itself, it was lacking. Is it just because Lucas is putting up a front and not trying to show how much he cares? Then how does that work with him trying to go in for a kiss at the end? Like with the previous clip with the boy squad, I blame this a lot on the clip being rushed and not having time to really sink into Lucas’ emotions. But it was just unfortunate because the material in this scene is so complex. 
Another thing I feel bad about saying but have to admit: Their chemistry has been good so far, but in this scene, it felt off. Like when Eliott went in to bump foreheads? Super awkward. He’s beaming and Lucas is not into it. And you can say that’s because he’s still not sure what’s going on, sure, but there’s no sense of like … wanting to lean in to the touch but feeling conflicted, or the gesture calming him or convincing him, it’s like Eliott is on a completely different plane than Lucas, and that doesn’t really make sense before Lucas drops the bomb about his mom. You can’t avoid that this scene between Isak and Even made such an impact because the actors were so in sync with each other. That scene felt overwhelmingly intimate, like we were spying on them in a private moment (which it was). The lack of intimacy here in what’s essentially a soul-baring moment is disappointing.
Just. Not good.
Clip 6 - Pride
Lucas is lying on the couch, his new home. Mika plops down and talks about how awesome the couch is, especially if someone like Eliott sleeps over again. Again, it feels jarring because there is zero buildup to this conversation, Mika says it right away, no easing into the conversation (and again, I know that there are time restrictions with the episode, and I’m sympathetic but that doesn’t make it feel less weird - not to mention I have quibbles with how they’re allotting their time). However, Lucas is like “seriously?” and Mika does seem to reconsider, saying that he’s there if Lucas wants to talk and getting up to leave. It works in the sense that Mika’s not been portrayed as sensitive to Lucas as Eskild was to Isak, so I can buy him being inelegant with bringing it up, but still, feels more like a necessity of them having to cram in this scene rather than a conscious character choice.
Lucas does decide to tell Mika about Eliott, and Mika seems pleased. Lucas wants to keep it under wraps, though, saying he doesn’t want to scream that he’s with Eliott or walk hand in hand with him. Which feels off considering he was ready to kiss Eliott on the mouth in public yesterday, which would scream he was with Eliott to anyone watching - again, why I feel that moment was inconsistent. Mika compares it to when Lucas was with Sarah, and Lucas says it was fake with Sarah. I like this bit comparing the two relationships. Mika is chill and happy for Lucas. Despite their relationship not being depicted in the strongest way IMO, it’s a nice moment.
Lucas says this doesn’t mean he’s gay, it’s fine to be proud of being gay, but he’s not gay as in camp. When Mika asks what he means, Lucas says he’s not going to tell people how many dicks he sucked over the weekend, or dance to pop music, or post naked pics on Grindr (especially damning since we saw Mika do just that a few weeks ago). Mika of course connects it to himself. Lucas tries to backtrack but puts his foot in his mouth further, saying he’s never going to Gay Pride and throw dick-shaped glitter on people just because he liked a guy. Mika gets pissed and the scene happens much like the OG Pride clip, talking about how the guys Lucas is talking about are suffering for just trying to be themselves. Mika gets pissed and walks off.
I’m fine with Mika’s reaction being more focused on anger whereas Eskild seemed more hurt and betrayed. Eskild and Isak were closer so that made sense. Mika seems more distant from Lucas so it works that the focus is more on his anger, less than someone he considers part of the family is degrading him.
This scene is so important in all contexts, all cultures, that I am really glad it’s here. Of all the things I hope that the remakes do include, the Pride clip is one of them - even if it’s not the exact same speech or dialogue, then a similar sentiment or lesson is really needed.
That being said, I do think they could have done this scene better from a storytelling standpoint, just by building up Mika and Lucas’ relationship and by not rushing the conversation. There are some nuances in the OG that did not come across here - like I think part of the reason that Isak started running his mouth about not being gay was that he noted that Eskild didn’t seem surprised, and Eskild didn’t deny it, saying he met Isak at a gay bar, and Isak was feeling some insecurity over being so transparent. That’s just my interpretation, though. However, Lucas also has not been dealing with the issue of stereotypes and generalizations to this point? His “gay test” was over something else, he didn’t call out the dance teacher for being too gay, etc. so this is like the first time he’s brought up this topic. I know we had the issue of generalizations mentioned by Alex and Imane but Lucas barely seemed affected by that incident. They could have built that up more, or preferably, re-wrote this scene to be more about Lucas’ behavior in past episodes, like him throwing around homophobic slurs just to distance himself from being gay. Have Mika call him out on that (like instead of focusing on stereotypes, Lucas says, “I’m not a [slur] just because I like a guy” and that’s why Mika gets pissed).
Side note, but it occurs to me that I don’t think we’ve heard about Mika and Lucas’ backstory at all? Like how Mika came to let Lucas hide in the basement before Manon invited him to take her room. I hope we hear about it in a future episode, because even if their relationship isn’t as important, it’s still something of an unresolved plot issue how Lucas came to live in the cellar last season.
Also, not to make light of this, but kind of awkward now because Lucas is living on the couch and can’t hide out in his room from Mika after this conversation.
Lucas texts Eliott that he told his roommate. I wonder what he was expecting from Eliott - probably support? Happiness? Eliott wanted to know how Lucas’ parents would react, and Mika’s not a parent but he’s someone in Lucas’ life, who lives with him, so it would be important. Instead, Eliott texts back, “That’s cool, I’m happy for you” which is frankly rather cold and detached, especially considering he follows up with the spiel about needing more time and them going too fast. This makes Lucas angry and he smacks the cushions. I think this is a good reaction, different from Isak who seemed just in disbelief that Even could be calling it off after asking to be his boyfriend the previous day. It fits with Lucas being more hot-headed and feeling out of control. He texts the guys about their plans for tomorrow, then throws his phone aside and sits back. Again, more like he’s pissed rather than stunned.
Clip 7 - Really bad night
The other three boys are playing a video game (not FIFA!) and Lucas is sitting there dejected, staring at Eliott’s last text message. The sound goes from happy fun-time boy party to sad droning despair when we cut from the others to Lucas, like he’s so checked out he doesn’t hear his friends, or the game, or anything, he’s just so focused on that one awful text message.
Yann, bless him, notices Lucas is in a bad mood, and has him get up and go to the kitchen with him. Lmao but also OUCH at Lucas wearing a hoodie that says “romance” at the worst possible time.
Lucas is super snotty about Yann not being able to find one of the many beers in the fridge, but of course Yann just wants to talk about what’s clearly bothering Lucas and why he’s avoiding them. Lucas denies there’s a problem, but Yann wants to know whether they’re friends or pretending? Lucas keeps denying and says if there was a problem, he’d tell Yann, and he just wants to enjoy the night. Curious way of showing that, sitting there completely checked out from everyone else and snapping at them.
I’m so, so glad they had this scene, because I think they’ve done Yann a disservice this season. They’ve cut out some Jonas moments, such as Jonas calling out Isak for his comments on the dance teacher (the French boys didn’t call out Lucas to nearly the same degree, nor single out his bad mood of late) and the scene where Jonas talks to Isak at his locker in episode 4 was not there. Basically, other than the scene in episode 3, there haven’t been many clips to this point that indicate Yann has been watching Lucas and growing concerned like Jonas was for Isak. This part is a great addition and I’m happy they had a moment to build up this relationship.
Arthur and Basile run in and say they got a text about a party at Chloe’s tonight, Basile thinks it’s his night to hook up with Daphne. GOD WHY. SHE SAID NO TO YOU. WHY MUST THIS TORTURE PERSIST.
They want Lucas to get them into the party, Lucas says Chloe is mad at him, Arthur says she’s not and it’s all in his head. How would he even know? They haven’t even been talking to Lucas lately. They just want to go to the party. Yann seems to be realizing that the situation is not good, but Basile says Lucas can’t do that to him, Lucas missed his birthday
Lucas agrees to go with zero enthusiasm, Basile wants a high five but everyone ignores him, thank God. Yann seemed happy when Lucas agreed to go, so I guess he thought Lucas was trying to have a good time instead of moping all evening, but Lucas was so blatantly not into it and peer pressured into going that IDK how you can think Lucas is anything but miserable.
The boys show up to Chloe’s house and Basile is already screaming and being obnoxious with people staring at him, but there’s a guy at the door who shoves Basile back and won’t let them in. In Skam, that guy at the door seemed like a total tool, but this guy? This guy is my hero.
Daphne comes down the stairs and Basile yells at her to tell the guy to let them in. Maria sees him and is all, hey, you were the guy who held my hair at the last party! Daphne is like, oh, so you hold any girl’s hair? And she walks off. Oh, fuck you, Skam France. Of course they’re going with Basile and Daphne. Lol at them trying to pretend Basile is a totally new character and not French Magnus when we get this subplot.
Basile is dismayed. Arthur says jealousy is a good sign. GODDAMMIT. This pairing is fucked up, I don’t care if I sound like a humorless uptight meanie SJW. It’s full of sexist tropes. Basile does not take no for a fucking answer, he’s disgusted and bothered Daphne over and over again, but she’s going to fall for him because he held her hair back one time. We’re just going to reward creepy male behavior because the creep didn’t actually rape her, I guess.
Lucas sees Eliott inside the house and shoves his way inside past the bouncer dude. No convincing the guy like Isak did, just shoving, which goes with his larger temper and sourer attitude. He sees Eliott talking to Lucille. But before he can get any farther, Chloe comes up and says he has no right to be here. Lucas starts to apologize for last time, and Chloe says she’s not mad about that, she’s mad that Lucas used her and treated her like a fool when he’s gay.
She outright yells, “You’re gay, Lucas!” in the middle of a crowded room so I wouldn’t be surprised if someone heard. JFC, Chloe. She is understandably pissed considering the way Lucas has played with her, but it is not okay to out someone like that. She’s being extremely careless. He seems like he’s not even totally present or hearing what she’s saying, like he seems in disbelief that she’s saying what she is. It’s a good reaction, like he’s overwhelmed by everything, and numb that she’s calling him out on what he’s denied to himself and others.
I actually could not tell if Eliott and Lucille disappeared, or if Lucas noticed that they were gone before he left the house. The way it’s filmed makes it seem like he was so rattled by Chloe that he just decided to leave. Eliott was already with Lucille so Lucas didn’t seem about to confront him (compared to Even who was not with Sonja until right as she showed up and kissed him).
So Lucas walks out and shoves Yann out of the doorway. Then shoves Basile. Then Arthur drops a comment about Lucas having a family issue, which seems … out of character, kinda. Mahdi and Isak had more of an established friction than Arthur and Lucas, AND Arthur was very supportive when Lucas first told them about his mom in episode 3. Basile was the one throwing a fit that Lucas canceled the party with the girls. I’m pretty sure that’s why people were speculating(/hoping) that Basile would be the one to get punched, because it was Basile with the prior issue. (But honestly, I feel like Arthur hasn’t been given a ton of characterization in the gang, and his primary role has been to egg on Basile’s pursuit of various women. For all people say Mahdi is underdeveloped? We still knew more about him at this point than Arthur, actually. We had more of a sense of his role in the group, and it didn’t seem out of nowhere that Mahdi would say that thing about Isak’s family.)
Lucas shoves Arthur against the side of the house. Yann jumps in, Arthur manages to hit Lucas in the head, which is shitty but tbh, I can’t get too mad at him since Lucas came out shoving everyone for seemingly no reason. Obviously Lucas is going through tons of shit but the boys don’t know the context, only that he’s lashing out at all of them. 
And as a final blow, as Lucas walks away from the house, he sees Eliott and Lucille kissing against the side of it. Eliott seems happy and initiating the kissing with Lucille, unlike Even who seemed to only respond and get into the kiss after Sonja initiated (and IMO, had a twinge of sadness in his reaction). So Eliott seems way more suddenly OK with Lucille and satisfied with choosing her. Which is kind of interesting because Even was the one giving more mixed signals to Isak, while Eliott seemed so much more sure he was done with Lucille and ready to move on with Lucas.
Meanwhile, Arthur is yelling about how he wants to slap Lucas and how he’s been acting like an asshole for several weeks. Would’ve been good if we got some clearer signs that Arthur was upset about it? Not super obvious, but IDK, more focus on Arthur’s reactions, or being more passive-aggressive. Obviously he could have been bottling up his resentment toward Lucas, but from a narrative perspective, it feels like there should have been more of an indication. (There is some passive-aggressiveness from him in the SM content but I didn’t feel like it really carried into the clips themselves.)
Lucas storms home alone, then starts punching a door and yelling before clutching his fist and sliding to the ground, crying. His fist is bleeding. Again, way more rage, and it seems like the full extent of all that’s happened sinks in only at the end.
Social Media/General Comments
Eliott posts a drawing of rain on his secret IG with the caption “not scared” on it. No prize for guessing what that’s about, but still, very sweet! Not just in a romantic way but a nice moment for himself, not being afraid to take his life in a new direction.
Also, Lucas posts that he’s listening to a song called “Over There, It’s Raining” which is touchingly sentimental, heh.
Chloe is PISSED and is mad about being stood up alone with a crying Lucille and says she’s not going to forget it this time, he’s taking her for a fool. Which is ominous as hell and makes it seem like her outing him is going to be more deliberate, tbh.
Basile’s party was a busy night.
The boys ask “Where’s Lucas?” on IG and document their booze/grocery shopping trip, noting from time to time that Lucas isn’t there. Dude, why isn’t Lucas there? Eliott left in the late afternoon. Anyway, Yann in particular seemed annoyed about it since he seemed to bring it up. Although they were ready to buy Lucas ice cream.
I mentioned this in the last reaction post, but I have ZERO idea why the girl squad showed up to Basile’s party when Basile has been actively creepy to Daphne and when the boy squad was just shitting on the girls a few days ago when ranking them on IG. Not just being gross and sexist in general, but shitting on Alex and Daphne and Manon in particular. I’m serious, why would you even bother with these dickheads?
Sure enough, Basile tries to get a kiss from Daphne in an IG story and she goes for Alexia instead. Why. Why. (Not her giving Alex a kiss, that’s great. Why must I watch this other nightmare of a pairing happen.)
Basile said his hot cousin was supposed to be there, but it looks like just the boy and girl squads showed up, lmao.
The absence of Lucas is so well-documented in the IG stories from this party that it goes from passive-aggressive to just plain aggressive.
NO, do NOT let Basile and Daphne leave together. Daphne is really really fucking drunk. They’ve been gone for like 30 minutes…. Daphne’s friends just let her wander off with Basile when she’s super drunk and has made it clear she doesn’t want him? JFC.
I did not worry that Basile was actually going to rape Daphne or something, because that would be way too extreme for this show in this season. I did worry that we would maybe get more “comic relief” sexual harassment that the SkamFr crew doesn’t seem to realize is harassment. Plus, in-universe we have had Basile touching girls while drunk, we’ve had him being creepy. So while my knowledge of genre/TV prevented me from thinking he’d assault her, there are completely valid reasons to be concerned for Daphne in this moment. 
The Skam France must have seen people’s horrified reactions to the Basile and Daphne content, because they broke Lucas’ POV to have a text message between the two of them. Daphne says “thanks for your help last night, you’re not so dumb (don’t tell anyone I said that)” and Basile is like, you’re welcome, hope you’re feeling better! And like … I’m relieved that this was all it was between them, but I’m still pissed this is where they’re going with it. I hate that Basile “not being so dumb” after all is going to be his redemption or whatever. This dude has been gross enough that it’s a meager consolation. It’s as if I kicked you in the face and knocked you down and then helped you stand up. One nice deed doesn’t make up for everything else.
Not to make generalizations, but: I have lots of problems with Noorhelm/William, in terms of sexist tropes, but there’s something about that storyline and his character that feels specifically like a female fantasy. I can tell a woman wrote it. Taking the bare bones of that romance: handsome rich bad boy falls for strong independent girl and changes his womanizing ways? Classic romantic trope. At its core, it’s not so different from something like Twilight, the “dangerous” guy and the one girl who’s special enough to break through his walls. It’s something that is appealing to women (not all women, obviously, but it’s disingenuous to pretend this isn’t a popular romantic dynamic.) It is appealing to women because the love interest is someone desirable.
The Basile/Daphne thing, though? Male fantasy. I can tell men were behind the camera (even if those dudes are not straight). Because I don’t think women particularly enjoy this dynamic. A gross dude who pursues a girl despite her being uninterested? Not really a fantasy that women have, that their nasty classmate or co-worker will keep trying to romance them until they’re worn down. In fact, many women have to live through this so-called fantasy and know it’s not pleasant. Basile is not portrayed as romantically desirable, and that’s not a value judgment on his attractiveness or anything, just a fact about his characterization. What I feel is that we’re supposed to align our empathy with Basile more than Daphne: the poor unlucky awkward loser who has a good heart, really, he’s just not the most skilled with girls. And that’s why it seems like it’s a male fantasy. The unlucky-in-love guy is the one who will get the girl at the end of the day. It’s funny and relatable to the male writer/director/crew because, no offense, perhaps they don’t get the girl’s perspective. The societal pressure and media characterization is not the same with the genders reversed. Men are socialized not to take no for an answer, to think that they are entitled to women’s affection.
Anyway, I really don’t think they expected some of the backlash to Basile and to Basile/Daphne, they probably figured it would be funny, like Magnus/Vilde, ignoring that Magnus/Vilde did not have the same consent issues and harassment. So in S4 it’s likely we’ll get more wacky Basile/Daphne antics and TMI, since they don’t have time to take the viewer feedback into account before they film the season.
Lucas trying to get Eliott’s attention by sending him a picture of a baby hedgehog is really cute. He also embraces that hedgehog motif by posting a pic of one on IG. I find that really endearing, like he’s latching onto something Eliott said about it, he’s making it meaningful. It reminds me a lot of Even latching onto every single thing Isak did and making it a Thing between them.
Meanwhile, Eliott had a shit time - he didn’t reply to Lucas at all, it seems, although Even replied briefly to Isak after he left, even though he didn’t give clear answers to why he’d gone. Eliott is instead posting pics of My Own Private Idaho alluding to his rough situation, saying everything will be all right, and then showing his raccoon fursona behind a brick wall after Lucas tells him that crap about not wanting mentally ill people in his life. Which is way too sad than anything involving a cute cartoon raccoon has the right to be.
There’s an IG story of Mika and Manon book shopping, referring to their “common passion” and mentioning a gay author, which makes me think they went shopping for LGBT-related books in relation to what’s happening with Lucas. I mean I guess their common passion could just be books in general, but I like the idea of them trying to find ways to help Lucas.
Mika also makes an IG post after the Pride clip about respecting “queens” and LGBT elders for their sacrifices and all the shit they’ve had to go through. It’s a more structured way of what he was expressing to Lucas in the clip and would have made for a great speech, although I think it makes sense for him to be angrier in the heat of the moment, and then this is him gathering his thoughts afterward, when he has more time to think about what to say. Great post, though.
After the end of the episode, Eliott posts some sketches of his raccoon and Lucille the cat being all cuddly, which I think were deleted later because I can no longer see them? But I think they’re the same sketches he had done earlier in the season, pre-Lucas, so it’s like him going back to the status quo, same as before, by getting back with Lucille.
Yann posted a pic where Basile and Arthur are happy and Lucas is so blatantly miserable that it feels like a parody, why the fuck would Yann even post that if he’s concerned about Lucas’ well-being. 
I’m not French so please feel free to clarify or correct me if I missed something.
If you got this far, thank you for reading!
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kellbellsparkles · 5 years
A New Leaf (Part 1)
(My first ever Bungo Stray Dogs Fanfiction. I’m writing and publishing in parts to keep me motivated and to take breaks as it takes me hours to write as much as you’re about to read)
One doesn't have to forgive someone who's horribly wronged them. However, what if the person in question was genuinely sorry for what they had done? Do they deserve to be scorned? Unloved? Have death wished upon them?
It was a quiet afternoon for the Armed Detective Agency. There were no cases that required their immediate attention. Atsushi Nakajima and Osamu Dazai were able to spend their lunch break in the Uzumaki Cafe without a care and could talk freely.
“This is really nice,” Atsushi said. “I think this is the first time where we don't have to talk excessively about work.”
“We can talk about how your 'responsible' friend is going to get a life insurance policy to cover his tabs.”
The smiley waitress appeared behind Dazai suddenly, equally startling the two patrons.
“Oh my goodness!” Dazai exclaimed. “Do you have a silent stealthy special ability we don't know about and can be an asset for the agency?”
“It can be deadly, too,” the waitress said with a pleasant passive aggressive tone. “In fact, I'd like to borrow your little book of death to give me some ideas.”
Dazai gasped theatrically.
“Does this mean that you'll do a double suicide with me??”
“In your dreams.”
“But they're only dreams!” Dazai seemingly wailed. “I wake back up to the harsh reality I'm lonely and still alive every grueling day!”
“Would you like your coffee black then?” the waitress beamed. “Like your soul?”
Atsushi's mouth hung open. He could hear a fiery switch go off in Dazai's enigma of a mind. Or so he thought.
“That sounds lovely,” Dazai said with his unchanging, goofy face.
“Th-The usual for me,” Atsushi uttered not wanting to trouble the waitress with making a separate trip.
“Coming right up,” the waitress sang. As she whistled away towards her colleague, Lucy, Atsushi stared at his partner and mentor with great curiosity. He admired him and looked to him for strength during his times of weakness. However, Dazai's finicky and unpredictable persona exuberated a thick, foggy atmosphere.
“So uh--”
“My day's been fantastic!” Dazai cheered, turning to him with the notorious twinkle in his eye. “How about yours?”
“A-Alright I guess,” Atsushi instinctively answered. “But--”
Dazai's facial expression flipped to one with exasperated worry.
“Is anything troubling the dear kitten?” he asked.
“Uh….” Atsushi shuffled in his seat, completely confused. “No?”
“Are you suuuuuure? That sounded like hesitatiiiiiion.”
“W-Well…. The thing is….” Atsushi took a deep breath to collect his thoughts and say them out loud. “How come you never pay your tabs, Dazai?”
“A very good question, Atsushi,” Dazai chirped, his face switching on to glee mode. “I am very financially savvy and choose to invest my money in more important matters.”
“But this cafe is in the same building as the agency,” Atsushi retorted. “And they're so good to us and we bring about good business to one another. Isn't that an important matter?”
“I don't recall them having any crab cakes available, do you?”
“No, but--”
“The sweet, fluffy delicacy is what's truly worthy of every yen in my wallet.” Dazai thrust his arms into the air. “Ah, my crabby patties! They almost make me want to reconsider the whole suicide thing!”
Atsushi lights up with a hopeful smile.
Dazai slams his hands on the table.
“ALMOST!!” he hollers sternly. He wags his finger at his young subordinate. “Your deduction skills still need some work, kitten.”
“I see,” Atsushi said, shrinking in his seat.
The waitress returns with their drinks and a slip of paper, grinning ear to ear.
“Here you are,” she said as she placed them on the table. Dazai gives a quick peek at the slip of paper: a doodle of a grumpy crab cake with the caption “Not paying makes me a bad crab cake”.
“Cute consolation,” he giggled. “But you're going to have to do better than that,”
“Read the back,” she instructed before trotting off to her work station. Dazai curiously flips it over: a message that reads, “Pay 536,630 yen or else see front of the note”.
“WHAT????” Atsushi hollered, his hairs standing on end. “YOU OWE THEM 536,630 YEN???”
“HMMMMMMMMM,” Dazai hummed humorously. “She sure drives a hard bargain.”
“Atsushiiiiiiiii,” Dazai sang. “You think you could split the bill with meee? You have enough savings in your name by now, riiight?”
“No!! I'm still recovering from when I took Kyoka out on that day trip!!”
“Pretty pleeeeeease? Be a good kittyyyyy.”
“You've been with the agency longer than I have! How you could possibly be in this kind of situation makes absolutely no—”
He stopped when he saw a school girl approach the counter where Lucy was stationed. She had shoulder length black hair, wore a pink headband, black school top with orange lining, a pink collar bow and school skirt, and had very bright green eyes. Everything around him faded into a muffled silence.
“Absolutely no what, Atsushi?” Dazai said. He waved his hand over his still face. “Atsushiiii?”
His eyes burned with an angry focus and his pupils retracted, the tiger within him badly wanting to emerge and strike. He was taken back to his days in the orphanage. He was grabbed and pinned down by a couple of residents while a sizable audience looked on with those sneers and laughs that haunted him day and night. A little girl approached him with a pair of scissors. She grinned maliciously and struck fear into his soul with those bright, distinctive green eyes. Midori Hatarashi was her name. She told him she wanted to be a hair stylist when she grew up and she'd be his first patient. That wasn't her only crime; she was a leading antagonist who bragged to him every day that no one would ever want or love him.
“You!” present Atsushi snarled.
Midori turned around in a fright. Her eyes widened as she immediately recognized him.
“Is that you, Atsushi?” she asked with a soft tone.
Atsushi rose from his seat suddenly.
“Why are you here?” He snapped. Dazai pulled back a little in surprise at his sudden ferocity.
“I was just wanted to try Uzumaki's coffee,” she said shakily. “I've never been here before.”
“Liar!” Atsushi hollered. “I'm not about to let you walk in here and fool everyone!”
Midori backed into the counter like a fearful mouse with nowhere to run.
“I--” she stammered. “I know I wasn't kind to you before….” She hung her head. “No, I was terrible…. Inhuman even…. I promised myself if there was a slim chance I'd ever see you again…. I'd say I'm sorry for everything. Truly.”
Atsushi said nothing and stood still for a moment. Then, he walked up to her, never taking her eyes off her. He towered over her mere inches away.
“Do you really think anything you say or do will make me forgive you?” he said scornfully.
“No!” Midori said fearfully as she desperately attempted to back further into the counter, but her back was already flat against it. “Of course I don't…. How could you, right?”
“If you know that, then why are you even here?”
Tears formed in Midori's eyes; she had no words.
“Do you have any idea what I've went through and how badly I suffered because of you?” Atsushi growled, steadily raising his voice. “How it affects me to this very day? I'd be delighted if you left right now and I never saw you again. Yeah! You can leave my town and drop dead in a ditch somewhere!”
For a moment, Midori couldn't breathe. She had expected to be met with anger, but her heart couldn't brace itself against the beastly hatred he was emitting. She looked away and pushed past him, tearfully running out into the busy streets. When he was sure he could no longer see her, Atsushi relaxed his shoulders and took a deep breath.
Lucy was staring sternly at him; as the barista tending to the cash register, she witnessed and heard everything loud and clear.
“Oh,” Atsushi said sheepishly. “Sorry about that. I'm alright now. Finally….”
“What was that?”
“Just an old adversary that's been goading me for years.”
“No, I mean…. What was that?” Lucy's words were coated with disappointment.
“What are you talking about?” Atsushi said with a stumped and confused expression. “You weren't there.”
“I was here, Atsushi,” Lucy said. “And that girl. You said it was years ago. She had the courage to apologize to your face.”
“You don't know her,” Atsushi said defensively. “And I don't have to forgive her. Right, Dazai?”
Dazai sipped his drink calmly with his eyes closed. He set it down gently and stood up.
“I think I'm ready to head back to work,” he said quietly. He stood up and began to make his way to the stairs leading to the agency office, walking right past Atsushi.
“Dazai!” Atsushi called out. “Wait!”
The clown of the agency didn't stop, though. Atsushi gave chase.
“You understand, don't you?” he pleaded. “She deserved it!”
Dazai came to a halt. He opened his eyes finally and looked Atsushi directly in the eye. His goofy facade had vanished. In its place was a steel, stone cold expression that sent chills down Atsushi's spine.
“What exactly did you say to her?” he asked with a low, serious tone.
“Tell me what you said to her.”
Atsushi yelped. He couldn't tell whether or not he was being scolded by the man who ever rarely did such a thing.
“I told her exactly how I felt,” he said. “It's what I've always wanted to say to her…. And everyone else.”
“Including the bit after that?”
“What bit?”
Dazai sighed heavily, bowing his head.
“Do I really need to spell it out for you, detective?”
Atsushi crossed his arms and pondered, squinting his eyes shut as he thought really hard. What could he have said that was such a big deal all of a sudden? His face softened as he came to a conclusion.
“The part about the ditch? …..”
However, as he opened his eyes, Dazai had already gone up the flight of stairs. Behind him, a little boy was sniveling and sobbing. His mother was covering his ears and holding him tight. Lucy, the waitress, and the owner of the cafe were staring with disheartened eyes. Through the windows, some passerbys had caught wind of the commotion and were peering inside to see what was going on. The weretiger had been on the brink of death, seen crime scenes, watched people fight with their special abilities, been shot at, and had seen people get hurt and die. Although, none of that carried the throbbing, anchoring weight to pull him under like the moment eyes laid on him and saw him as a monster.
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