#its time to release more far fetched tanizaki theories into the wild
tachiguin · 2 years
Me eyezooming crumbs of Tanizaki content as if I could divine the secrets of his backstory from the limited pieces of information we have on him...
I've heard the theory that something happened to Naomi in school (popular theory being that she died), and that it's partially based in those two official drawings we have where Tanizaki is wearing a school uniform, and in both pictures Naomi is unconscious.
But I raise you another baseless speculation, that this could actually mean the opposite. Sleeping is associated with dreaming and fantasies, (which is also one of the themes Tanizaki-sensei is well known for), which would contribute to my tinfoil hat theory that Tanizaki's entire backstory is a fabrication, where he has fooled both his coworkers and himself into believing that he used to be a student, among other things that we really have no evidence for, except for Tanizaki's own unreliable narration.
A.K.A. the possibility that his past as a student is just a pleasant dream he fooled himself into believing.
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