#that may just be my own bias though
tachiguin · 2 years
Me eyezooming crumbs of Tanizaki content as if I could divine the secrets of his backstory from the limited pieces of information we have on him...
I've heard the theory that something happened to Naomi in school (popular theory being that she died), and that it's partially based in those two official drawings we have where Tanizaki is wearing a school uniform, and in both pictures Naomi is unconscious.
But I raise you another baseless speculation, that this could actually mean the opposite. Sleeping is associated with dreaming and fantasies, (which is also one of the themes Tanizaki-sensei is well known for), which would contribute to my tinfoil hat theory that Tanizaki's entire backstory is a fabrication, where he has fooled both his coworkers and himself into believing that he used to be a student, among other things that we really have no evidence for, except for Tanizaki's own unreliable narration.
A.K.A. the possibility that his past as a student is just a pleasant dream he fooled himself into believing.
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icharchivist · 2 months
oh thanks god, i looked for a guide to see how i could get my favorite Cloud's dress, but i also didn't want it to compromise my own gameplay so there's stuff i didn't follow to the letter.... but now i'm getting the sidequests that are associated to that dress and i'm so damn relieved.
I'll have all my favorite dresses for the girls' auditions at least
#tho i must mention that for Aerith it's a tie actually#her red dress is drop dead gorgeous and oughhhhh#but her long pink dress is so pretty....#.... when the concept arts for the remake came out and i shared the arts of the dresses in priv#one of my best friend (who's known me for over 10 years) messaged me#'i legit saw you wear this type of dress before. like almost the exact same. is that why.'#and it wasn't because my dresses in question predated the remake#while the fact i have many pink dresses may be a deep Aerith's influence#but for this one? total luck.#(i do also wear a ribbon in my hair everytime i wear them up so much so she gifted me a ribbon once. so there's that too)#and it keeps making me cry laughing like. friend clocked me immediately#though there's worse. there's how i infodumped about ff7 to her boyfriend last time i saw them#guy who's also one of my best friend for over ten years#(and those two know me very very deeply on every single ones of my issues and behaviors and everything)#and the more i was talking the more i saw him visibly grimacing.#before hitting me with a 'so like you basically.' after i recalled elements of Cloud's character arc.#i WASNT trying to make a point about that my friend just came for my fucking life.#and then i tried to explain some stuff about the movie#and my friend bursted into tears and laughers because 'oh no. no way. just like-- oh my god.'#of course my own bias may have colored the way i talked about it but i swear it wasn't the point#my friend just knew me enough to grimace and go 'so you're cloud ain't ya'#fucking kinassigned by best friends.#ichablogging ffviirg
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seelestia · 2 months
✦ how can you tell? (of how easily i fall at your feet.)
⎯ oh, how love bleeds from just one gesture. ( some telltale signs that they might've fallen for you. )
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#STARRING. neuvillette, wriothesley & lyney ft. gn!reader. { 2.4k words }
#TAGS. sfw, fluff & crack, major pining (!!!). more: neuvi has 1 extra part bcs i realized too late, wrio is a rascal /aff, lynette is a professional wingwoman here (everyone, applaud!!), mentions of various fontaine npc's.
#P/S. pardon my rusty writing and ideas but alas, may i entice you with some fontaine gentlemen on this fine day?? (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ) ੭
★ 〜 masterlist.
© seelestia on tumblr, apr 2024. please do not repost to another platform, plagiarize, translate, use for AI-related purposes or claim as your own.
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⎯ neuvillette's love is subtle, hidden behind a veil of formal courtesy. the iudex is the nation's symbol of impartiality; personal relationships, a common factor of inciting bias in one's judgement, are to be sifted through wisely. he can choose which he ends up keeping, yet he cannot choose which he ends up wanting. what of a relationship he desires but cannot keep? a conundrum but still, his affections for you seep through the crevices.
it's in the way. . . your name becomes a beloved among the melusines, you wonder why?
it goes without saying that every citizen of fontaine acknowledges melusines to be friendly creatures. all of them are sweethearts! ...but is it you or is there some form of hidden favoritism here?
for some reason, they always seem to go out of their ways to greet you on the streets. a “hello, mx. [name]!” from the right then a “good day, mx. [name]!” from the left. maybe a “stay safe, mx. [name]!” on days when it's crowded too... you're starting to think the quota of greetings you receive is much bigger than everyone else.
before long, even your arms are getting piled up with favors. one ticket for a seat in the opera epiclese from aeife, a slice of cake from sedene, some high-quality butter from muirne, a free beverage from menthe — you lost count of the freebies you've received already.
what's going on? it is as if there's a badge of approval from someone just hanging over your head. visible to a melusine's eyes, but not to yours. (you've heard that melusines perceive things differently than humans, though.)
but who are you to complain? you're not immune to their contagious smiles each time you pass by. on some days, you even entertain the thought that they are more familiar with you than you are with them. all in a humorous sense, of course.
ironically enough, this theory wouldn't take long to ring true: having received a bouquet of your favorite dessert from café lutece on your birthday from kiara, this coincidence only feeds into your suspicion even more.
a considerate gesture but surely, they don't do this for everyone? you don't recall ever telling your usual order and birthdate to a melusine before. your mind scrambles around for a memory you might've missed. who could've—
“oh, yes... i almost forgot,” kiara holds her chin in thought. “monsieur neuvillette says to send you his regards,” she nods, relieved that the message did not make its narrow escape from her mind. but blissfully unaware of the impact her words have left on you.
“goodbye, mx. [name]!” the melusine bids you farewell with a cheery wave. you murmur back a response but it comes out incoherent at best — you are simply too dumbfounded by the realization.
...so, that's who.
(wait a second, is arouet in on this too?!)
it's in the way. . . he begins to take longer breaks, hoping to run into you in front of the palais.
taking quiet strolls just outside the palais is, more often than not, neuvillette's idea of rest from work. although some might expect the iudex to have chosen a more 'creative' or luxurious location, but he digresses.
this place is near his office so less time is wasted on the journey back, liath also patrols here so he has the opportunity to inquire about her well-being — and occasionally, he stumbles upon you as well.
'occasionally' is the keyword: neuvillette has always preferred order and routine above chances and coincidences. but something about this idiosyncrasy — the tendency to linger beyond his usual duration, the act of stalling to hold onto hope that you might pass by today — is a indication of hypocrisy he wishes not to comment on.
sometimes, he closes his eyes so that his ears may be more attuned to the sound of your voice. sometimes, he opens his eyes so that they may look around for a glimpse of your face. who's to say if he'll ever be graced by your presence? it is all in fate's hands.
call it an odd method of manifestation, a childish one that even neuvillette scoffs at himself for. sometimes, it doesn't work, of course. not that he ever expects it to — but oh, when it does.
“...monsieur?” your voice cuts through the silence in his mind. he takes the sight of you in; a polite greeting on your tongue, several grocery bags in your arms and that beam on your face as you say, “what a coincidence to see you here.”
the iudex finds that he doesn't mind having his privacy briefly interrupted. not at all. not when it's like this, not when it's by you. alas, it seems that fate has smiled down on him today.
“yes, hello. what a serendipitous coincidence indeed.”
neuvillette smiles, he can't help it. perhaps, he might grow a soft spot for coincidences, after all.
(you sneak a brief glance at the sky with a squint. ...is it just you or are the clouds clearing up a little?)
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⎯ wriothesley's love is beguiling, the kind of adventure that keeps you on your toes. a forthright gentleman; he is the type to know what he wants and he wants you. with him, you'll taste whiplash like never before. butterflies in your stomach, the urge to throw a shoe at him, you'll get it all. but an adventure isn't an adventure without breaks in between and it's at that very moment where you'll find you adore him the most... when he rests his head on your lap, momentarily free from worldly titles, breathing like the man who longs for warmth that he has always been.
it's in the way. . . he always offers you tea when really, he just wants you to stay.
everyone knows that wriothesley enjoys his tea — but that's only because he sees no need to hide his preferences; not his craving for a cup of tea when afternoon arrives nor his fondness for you either.
he doesn't conceal it, but doesn't bring attention to it either. wriothesley likes to think that only those with discerning eyes can pick up on the miniscule (???) hints he drops. that is, if saying “why not stay for some tea?” is even considered a subtle clue at all... maybe, he's mixing up polite courtesy with flirting a bit too much.
but who cares? in the grand scheme of things, the fun is seeing whether you'll figure it out or not. and let's be frank here; wriothesley is a patient man in all aspects, able to play the long game like no other.
don't worry, you may take as long as you want to — ironic since you're technically the only player in this 'game' — but hey, he has faith in your abilities! besides, you get to enjoy a cup of free tea (and with his company, preferably). surely, you can't complain about that? ...hah, he's just teasing you.
tick-tock! tick-tock!
the clock strikes twelve in the afternoon.
“ah, finally a well-deserved break.” the tone in which wriothesley pairs with that grin on his face is nothing less than devious. the glance he throws your way as he set aside the documents on his desk is something. or rather, it's suggesting something.
and frankly, you've experienced this many times enough to know what the underlying meaning is. “let me guess...” you let out a sigh, “you're asking me to have tea with you again?”
the emphasis on the last word is definitely, wholly intentional. you're sure wriothesley knows that too — “bingo,” he hums at you, sounds almost like a whistle. “you're getting more and more clever. must be all the tea i made you.”
“don't flatter yourself,” you roll your eyes at his attempted jest but you take a seat on his office couch, anyway. your own unique and adorable way of saying yes, he learned. still, wriothesley thinks that exasperated look on your face is an absolute marvel... and maybe, that little smile tugging on your lips you're trying to fight, too.
“same as usual?” he asks, pushing back his chair with a proud grin still plastered on his face that you wish you can wipe off.
but instead, you shake your head fondly at his antics. “mhm,” and rest a cheek on your fist. watching him tiredly, you realize you could get used to this. maybe.
wriothesley smiles to himself. looks like you figured out the tea has always been an excuse, after all.
(you've won the game, congrats! a subsidiary reward is a comment from sigewinne about how this tea routine between the two of you bears a resemblance to an elderly human couple's. she means it, innocently sincere.)
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⎯ lyney's love can be faceted at first, one with such a smooth surface that you never imagined there would be so many layers underneath. joy and bliss, sorrow and burdens; all cramped and stuffed together behind his mask of perfection on the stage, a mask akin to a child's treasure chest almost bursting at the seams. you can unravel him if you tried, you can take off that mask if you reached out. and when you do, you'll find beautiful violet eyes staring right back at you, thankful, imploring you to go further.
it's in the way. . . his bravado dissipates around you, nerves scattering like confetti that bursts from his hat on stage.
they say that the first impression is the best impression — or at least, lyney hopes that's the case with all of the interesting impressions he has left on you so far. his instinct by nature is to impress, to bedazzle and that hasn't stopped since meeting you for the first time.
trying doesn't always lead to success, however. you stuttered in front of them twice, lynette pointed out after the first time he spoke to you. that fact spooked the poor magician so much he stayed up rethinking the conversation under the cover of his blanket. lynette isn't wrong per se, but lyney firmly believes that he will leave a better impression... one day, somehow, no matter how many times it takes!
he is a magician; charisma and charms should have or rather, already have come easily to him. his persona on the stage is no lie — just a tiny concerted exaggeration, maybe — but you've been among his audience before. you've seen what he is capable of. so surely, you'd know that lyney isn't really as demure and easily flustered as you might think he is... because no punches held back, he acts like that every time you talk to him.
he can't help it and that, exactly, is what makes it worse.
how many times have he cupped his face and mumbled nonsense into his hands for failing to impress you yet again? you're so wonderful and he's just so... miserable. this is unlike him. he has to wonder why you still look for him after each performance when you know you'll be greeted by his being a wreck.
maybe they like you that way, freminet tried to help. or maybe they like you no matter what, lynette chipped in. that had lyney pondering for a long, long, long time which translates into weeks.
will the day come where he presents you with a rainbow rose and professes his feelings for you without losing his nerves? he can only hope (and try, one day).
it never gets old.
when his feet step off the stage and the curtains have fallen, the satisfaction that spreads all the way to his fingertips never fails to disappoint. but with that, also comes the imminent feeling of anticipation.
for each performance he delivers, a visitor is bound to linger. when all members in the audience would head to the entrance of the opera epiclese to leave, one of them would stay. waiting patiently to be beckoned to the backstage. it's been a routine for so long, after all.
right on cue.
your voice greets his ears, a sound that he can admit he misses only to himself. he exhales, a placating act to shush his beating heart from growing any louder.
“ah, [name]!” the magician enunciates your name with a certain type of fanfare. “here to lend a hand again, i assume?” he tries to shoot you a confident grin, but you aren't gullible enough to not see the tint of red blooming on his cheeks.
you stifle a chuckle at his (attempt at a) bold opening. “of course,“ said with a nod and a silly thought along the lines of: he's cute.
your honest and calm response takes him by surprise. he blinks a tad. oh, it seems the thrill from the show a few minutes prior still hasn't worn off. perhaps, he's still all too used to the crowd's shouts and cheers... not that he expects you to start yelling, of course!
“i see,” lyney feigns a cough to recollect his composure. now that he is cognizant of the fact it's just the two of you, he shrinks down into a more casual version of himself with a nervous chuckle.
“will you... be staying for long?” he asks, bashful. the question sounds more genuine than just a mere pleasantry. his eyes look hopeful, twinkling at the thought of having your presence around. his fingers have even come up to scratch at the side of his neck, you don't think lyney even realizes he is doing that.
who are you to say no? you smile. “well, my schedule's pretty empty today.”
his lips instantly break into a grin, brighter than one he usually has onstage. “that's actually marv—” he starts.
“that's great,” a familiar monotonous voice cuts in. lynette peers from behind you with a hum, “we could use more hands to pack up the new props.” oh, and that brief glint of mischief in her feline eyes as she watches how lyney gapes at her sudden intrusion.
“sure!” you glance back at her, oblivious to it all. “thanks for letting me in, lynette. i'll try my best to help.” even if you admit that one of the reasons you're here is for lyney, but you can't discredit his twin sister for allowing you to enter here in the first place. a free backstage pass in exchange for free labor, quite a fair deal.
with your back turned to him, lyney takes the chance to mouth his own words of disbelief to lynette. incomprehensible except for that one i can't believe you're doing this! that she manages to catch.
“no problem,” she observes her brother over your shoulder with keen interest, “everyone knows how fond lyney is of you.”
there is a series of spluttering noises behind you. a certain magician finds himself at the verge of choking on mere oxygen.
but really, she has no doubt that lyney has fallen head over heels for you. hook, line and sinker.
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— thank you for reading! reblogs and comments are most appreciated. ♡
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dailyadventureprompts · 7 months
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Homebrew Mechanic: Meaningful Research
Being careful about when you deliver information to your party is one of the most difficult challenges a dungeonmaster may face, a balancing act that we constantly have to tweak as it affects the pacing of our campaigns.
That said, unlike a novel or movie or videogame where the writers can carefully mete out exposition at just the right time, we dungeonmasters have to deal with the fact that at any time (though usually not without prompting) our players are going to want answers about what's ACTUALLY going on, and they're going to take steps to find out.
To that end I'm going to offer up a few solutions to a problem I've seen pop up time and time again, where the heroes have gone to all the trouble to get themselves into a great repository of knowledge and end up rolling what seems like endless knowledge checks to find out what they probably already know. This has been largely inspired by my own experience but may have been influenced by watching what felt like several episodes worth of the critical role gang hitting the books and getting nothing in return.
I've got a whole write up on loredumps, and the best way to dripfeed information to the party, but this post is specifically for the point where a party has gained access to a supposed repository of lore and are then left twiddling their thumbs while the dm decides how much of the metaplot they're going to parcel out.
When the party gets to the library you need to ask yourself: Is the information there to be found?
No, I don't want them to know yet: Welcome them into the library and then save everyone some time by saying that after a few days of searching it’s become obvious the answers they seek aren’t here. Most vitally, you then either need to give them a new lead on where the information might be found, or present the development of another plot thread (new or old) so they can jump on something else without losing momentum.
No, I want them to have to work for it:  your players have suddenly given you a free “insert plothook here” opportunity. Send them in whichever direction you like, so long as they have to overcome great challenge to get there. This is technically just kicking the can down the road, but you can use that time to have important plot/character beats happen.
Yes, but I don’t want to give away the whole picture just yet:  The great thing about libraries is that they’re full of books, which are written by people,  who are famously bad at keeping their facts straight. Today we live in a world of objective or at least peer reviewed information but the facts in any texts your party are going to stumble across are going to be distorted by bias. This gives you the chance to give them the awnsers they want mixed in with a bunch of red herrings and misdirections. ( See the section below for ideas)
Yes, they just need to dig for it:  This is the option to pick if you're willing to give your party information upfront while at the same time making it SEEM like they're overcoming the odds . Consider having an encounter, or using my minigame system to represent their efforts at looking for needles in the lithographic haystack. Failure at this system results in one of the previous two options ( mixed information, or the need to go elsewhere), where as success gets them the info dump they so clearly crave.
The Art of obscuring knowledge AKA Plato’s allegory of the cave, but in reverse
One of the handiest tools in learning to deliver the right information at the right time is a sort of “slow release exposition” where you wrap a fragment lore the party vitally needs to know in a coating of irrelevant information,  which forces them to conjecture on possibilities and draw their own conclusions.  Once they have two or more pieces on the same subject they can begin to compare and contrast, forming an understanding that is merely the shadow of the truth but strong enough to operate off of. 
As someone who majored in history let me share some of my favourite ways I’ve had to dig for information, in the hopes that you’ll be able to use it to function your players.
A highly personal record in the relevant information is interpreted through a personal lens to the point where they can only see the information in question 
Important information cameos in the background of an unrelated historical account
The information can only be inferred from dry as hell accounts or census information. Cross reference with accounts of major historical events to get a better picture, but everything we need to know has been flattened into datapoints useful to the bureaucracy and needs to be re-extrapolated.
The original work was lost, and we only have this work alluding to it. Bonus points if the existent work is notably parodying the original, or is an attempt to discredit it.
Part of a larger chain of correspondence, referring to something the writers both experienced first hand and so had no reason to describe in detail. 
The storage medium (scroll, tablet, arcane data crystal) is damaged in some way, leading to only bits of information being known. 
Original witnesses Didn’t have the words to describe the thing or events in question and so used references from their own environment and culture. Alternatively, they had specific words but those have been bastardized by rough translations. 
Tremendously based towards a historical figure/ideology/religion to the point that all facts in the piece are questionable.  Bonus points if its part of a treatise on an observably untrue fact IE the flatness of earth
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justphilia · 1 month
Rating Dungeon Meshi Characters Based on How Well They Can Take Care of Me When I'm Sick
Scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the best. Precaution I have bias for women.
Laios - 7/10 He'll definitely try his best, but he's not very good at it. Achieves the bare minimum of keeping me fed and making sure I take my meds, but most of the time he wouldn't really know what to do to help more. As I drift in and out of consciousness, I see him staring at me with his autism eyes through the gap of my door.
Falin - 9/10 Practically my bedside nurse. Checks my temperature every so often, makes sure to keep my forehead cool. She makes it possible for me to be glad I'm sick, though I am not sure if she knows how to cook. Fortunately, too ill to gaf. Also it's Falin.
Marcille - 9/10 She will think I am dying and because of this she's desperate to help me recover. Heh. I love the attention. But I think. I THINK. she may not know what she is doing about a quarter of the time. She'll read the instructions on my meds like 5 times before giving it to me. She'll research what kind of foods is good for speedy recovery. She'll forget to wring the cold rag before putting it on my head, and every time I fall asleep she thinks I passed away.
Chilchuck - 6/10 Like my dad. "Don't forget to take your meds." Feeds me porridge for lunch and dinner. I don't see his face like the whole day, but I'll be unsure if it's because he's purposely checking in on me when I'm knocked out or he just doesn't want to bother me at all. I can't ask, because he wouldn't answer honestly (he's embarrassed).
Senshi - 8/10 I feel like he's gonna be like my mom and feed me herbal medicine and home remedies. My recovery will be slightly slower, but I'll recover. I will be eating soooo good, 'cause he'll definitely put a spin on every meal meant to help me recover. He sits by my bedside and does his own thang while I sleep, or talk about what he put in my food as like a bedtime story. When he goes to the toilet, I cry.
Toshiro (without his retainers [not including Izutsumi]) - 4/10 Porridge is simple enough to make, I think he is capable of that at the very least. I think he'd make sure I drink enough water, and will ask if I've taken my meds yet. But that's all his efforts and capabilities. I wouldn't blame him. He wears a mask when he enters my room.
Toshiro (with his retainers) - 9/10 Maizuru alone bumped the score by three points because she'll make sure to help Toshiro keep me well fed. But because she's only helping me for Toshiro, she wouldn't go all out with the care. It's okay, their company is enough. I will most likely think I died and went to heaven. They all are wearing masks under Maizuru's order—don't want them catching it and spreading it to Toshiro.
Izutsumi - 2/10 It may be over for me. But if she sleeps at the foot of my bed the entire time and gets me packaged food and water when I ask, I'll live.
Namari - 8/10 Idk. Like! Idk! I think she's gonna be like Laios about it, like she really tries her best, but she's unsure. She's like a combo of Laios and Chilchuck—she can make me food and make sure I take my meds, but I would hardly see her throughout the day. Sometimes she'll come in and ask if I need anything, and if I ask her to stay she'll linger at the doorway then step inside. When I wake up, she may be gone.
Kabru - 7/10 I kinda...don't want him here.....like....I like his face and everything, but I feel. scared. at the thought of being sick and him taking care of me. Might be the blue eyes. Nevertheless, he's able to make sure I don't get worse. He can cook and will help me take my meds, put a cool rag over my forehead, and keep me company until I fall asleep. "I guess you owe me one!" he'll laugh lightly as my fever-fried brain stares at him, and I won't know if he's serious until he tells me so.
Mithrun - 1/10 I am Gone but also he's very attractive so I think I'll die happy.
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hyperlexichypatia · 2 months
One time I asked my mom (in her 70s) whether she, personally, knew any people in so-called "traditional marriages." I defined a "traditional marriage" as follows:
A man and a woman, married to each other
They are both each other's first and only spouse, neither has been married before
Neither of them has any children with any other partner
Any children they have were born after the couple was married.
After thinking about it, my mom was able to come up with a few examples of such couples. But only a few. And she had to think about it.
Yet we still live in a society where this type of family is considered "the norm" and the much more common types (blended families, single parents, divorced people) are considered "exceptions."
And this is not the only thing like this! There are many experiences/lifestyles/family types that are treated as The Default or The Norm that, in fact, may not apply to a majority at all!
Even in discussions like "We should remember that not everyone has [normative experience]," it's still framed as though the normative experience is, of course, still the statistical norm. It might not be at all! Or maybe it is the statistical norm worldwide, or nationwide, but not in your particular community, or your social circle.
Sometimes it's necessary to look at global or national statistics to correct your bias of extrapolating from your social circle. Social bubbles are a real problem. But. But. Other times. It's useful to just look at your social circle and ask yourself "Do these population-wide statistics really apply here? Should I be looking at them to determine what's 'normal' instead of just looking around me?"
So here are some things that are culturally assumed in the U.S. to be "the norm", that you might want to ask yourself: How many people do I know personally that this is actually true of? (Other countries have their own maybe-not-that-normal norms that I'm not as familiar with, but feel free to weigh in on).
How many people do you know personally who:
Have a "traditional marriage" as described above?
Have a work schedule of Monday through Friday, ending at 5:00 p.m.? i.e. for whom Saturdays, Sundays, and evenings after 5:00 are "not at work" time?
Attended residential college from ages 18 to 22, and graduated with a bachelor's degree by age 23?
Had most or all of their college tuition and living expenses paid for by their parents?
Have, as an adult, the same surname as both of their parents, who were and still are, married to each other? Which was their father's surname which their mother took at marriage? i.e. whose parents could accurately be referred to as "Mr. and Mrs. [that persons' same surname]"?
Don't take any regular daily medicine?
Depending on your social circle, you might know very few people in these categories! But you probably still hear people say unquestioned, taken-for-granted things like "We should have the meeting at 6:00, so people can come after work," or "Of course parents of college students should have a say, since they're paying for it."
In many demographics, these things aren't just "not always true"; they're hardly if ever true. I wrote here about the false assumption that college students are uniformly single, childless young adults. Are you scheduling your events on the assumption that evenings and weekends are free time? For that matter, how many child care providers serve families during the hours that most parents actually work? Are we ready to admit that these things aren't the norm yet?
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minniesmutt · 3 months
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⚠︎ ━━━ LUNCH
⚠︎ ━━━ SS + WC: 5 + 0.8K
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     Y/n nervously sat in her car outside the restaurant— nothing super fancy as she had asked thankfully. He had already told her he was inside, she was just trying to calm down, finally gathering herself, grabbing her bag, and walking inside. Telling the host she was meeting someone before they led her to the table. 
     Jeongin had set his phone down on the table as she joined him. “Hey.”
     “Hi,” Y/n offered a smile as she sat down across from him.
     “How are you doing?” He asked 
     “Okay? Kind of nervous honestly.” Y/n grabbed the cup of water in front of her and took a sip. 
     “Let's order then we can talk about it. How does that sound?”
     Y/n agreed and picked up her menu. Scanning over the items for a few minutes before the waiter came over. Both putting in their orders and giving their menu’s to the waiter before they walked off. Sitting in an awkward silence for another minute.
     “I’m not getting rid of the baby.” Y/n finally stated after a moment.
     “I wasn’t going to make you,” Jeongin confirmed, “I know it was a one night stand and we barely know each other but I do want to at the very least co-parent this kid.”
     “I can work with that,” Y/n nodded
     Jeongin nodded, silence taking over the table again, “What do you do for work?” He asked
     “I’m an editor for a online news outlet.”
     “You work with Seungmin, right?”
     “Yeah. We were in a lot of the same classes in college but weren’t friends until after graduation and we ended up at the same company.”
     “Same department?”
     “No. He works more in reporting and journalism. I’ve edited a couple of the stories they’ve let him published.”
     “He hasn’t published a lot?”
     “No, (Astird)’s case was actually the first one they let him take on his own.”
     “They didn’t think he was going to be bias on it?”
     “I don’t think he told his boss she was his roommate. But even when I was editing it, you could barely tell he knew her. He’s very unbiased in reporting which is a good trait to have,” Y/n explained as her phone went off on the table next to her
Jihyun ❌: why aren’t you home?                   I know its your day off
     “Everything okay?” Jeongin asked
     “Yeah, just a friend texting me,” Y/n brushed it off 
     “Do any of your friends know about you being pregnant?”
     “Just my friend Hana, the one who was with me at the club.”
Jihyun ❌: Y/n
     “Do any of your friends know?”     “I may have told all of them?”
     “How many is all?”
     Y/n nodded
Jihyun ❌: when the hell did you turn your location off?                   answer me
     “Do you need to take that?” Jeongin asked, seeing the constant light up of her phone from the text.
     “No. It’s just me ex. He can deal with it?”
     “When did you guys break up?”
     “Almost a month ago. Hana ended up dragging me to a club to just get my mind off it.”
     “Ah. So I was a rebound fuck,” Jeongin joked and it definetly made her laugh a bit.
     “If you wanna look at it like that,” Y/n said, “I was more so looking to get drunk till I forgot but drunk me also is horny.”
     “Bad break up then?”
     “Yeah. It’s over now though.”
     “Good for you,” Jeongin smiled
     “So, how are we gonna work out appointments and stuff?” Y/n asked, changing the subject
     “I would like to be there for them but if you don’t want me there that’s fine. I also can already tell I might not be able to make it to all of them with work.”
     “You own you’re company, right?”
     “Yeah. There’s certain meetings I can’t get out of.”
     “I can try and schedule them as best I can to avoid that but I can always update you afterwards if it doesn’t work out.”
     “That works out for me.” 
     The waiter came back with their food and they both thanked them before eating. Other small talk continued throughout the meal, some regarding their lives, others regarding the baby. Jeongin paid at the end of the meal, walking out with her.
     “Don’t be afraid the text me if you need anything, okay?” He told her, walking her over to her car
     “I will, thank you,” Y/n said, unlocking her car.
     Jeongin opened the door for her, “I mean anything. Even if it’s a weird pregnancy craving in the middle of the night.”
     The two of them laughed as she set her bag down on the passenger seat. “I will.” Y/n assured him and took her seat.
     Jeongin closed her door and waved her off as he walked to his own car. Y/n took out her phone, wanting to text her friend the good news till she remembered the messages— with new ones.
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shikariiin · 4 months
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HIII HELLO I would like to apologize for disappearing a-lot for this past few weeks??? I had some issues going on and momentarily fell into depression where I went to the hospital for a while??? But uh urm yeah I'm okay now!!!
Going off number because in order to upload Henry's I need to explain the classes and how they work, but for the sake of continuity I decide to release James! With a new concept art format and him being a biological class, RAMBLES BELOW!
I made James as an imported engine from indonesia set to work for Sodor, It's more of my bias and I kinda see him with the ethnicity where I am from, his story might be close to home for me.
James is a vain, arrogant, petty and an absolute pissbaby cringefail of a man.
He's A biological class, meaning he is made like how humans are made (yes I will feature his baby photos in the future), he's only 2-3 younger than Henry and Gordon. This also means he have a family back at his country, a (late) father, a mother, and 2 Younger brothers, both of which have one year difference to each other.
He's the primary cook in Tidmouth's shed, his Top-notch culinary skills can be thanked by his father used to teach him cooking when he was little, after his father died he treated cooking as something personal to him, I think James would be the type of person to when they have something they like, they would grow personal to said things.
Batik is also one of those hobby he have, making new patterns for future projects or just something he does to bide time, during this he would be out of character-ly quiet. Though Keeping all of his original personality I would just add that when he likes someone he tends to be more gentle to them, and more caring (difficult with his high standard).
Never touch his coat. <- this is important
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Old uniform! Yes I based it on indonesia's most common uniform leave me alone HAHA
When he first arrived he was getting used to new surroundings, also funfact, he's multilingual!
Language he have learned :
Indonesian, English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, and Spanish !
He used to be a-lot slimmer, used to be a twink if you may, but now he's Sodor's most famous Himbo, why he bulk up is, by his own admission, to withstand whatever shenanigans he would get into, basically becoming his own human shield to any dumbfuckery he put himself in.
Also to my indonesian followers, yes I laughed my ass off when giving his last name, thank you for asking.
Lmao okay bye 🤭🏃‍♀️
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gangplanksorenji · 1 year
Do you think you’re forgiven?
Pairing: LE SSERAFIM Sakura x Male Reader
Word Count: 8720
A/N: Helloooo Orenjideul! I'm back with a Sakura fic and I think, this is my wildest one, yet or something idk ahhhh. I had fun writing this fic and it took me a quite while but I hope it all turned out well! Enjoy! <3
Also, thanking @kaedespicelatte for the idea on the anal scene ehehe <3
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“Aaaaand… Cut!”
Applause of multiple people can be heard around the room as the final minutes of shooting from their song has now come to an end. All the hard work and stress has finally paid off as subsequent radiant smiles paint their faces. 
They’re happy as much as you are, and it’s something all you can ask for and you love it. Thankfully, you could go to them as soon as the shooting ended as your heart beats rapidly in every step you take, closer to them. As you get closer, you notice them focused on monitoring themselves and their performance, so you wait it out in order to respect them yet not so long after it is done and you can already hear them blabbering and their laughter.
“It’s a bit hard to—wait, is that Oppa? I better call Kkura-unnie.”
“You better call, unnie, yes!”
“Shhh…” you hurriedly silent Yunjin and Kazuha with their advances towards calling Sakura as you wanted to surprise her by unexpectedly coming on their shooting. You also came to see the girls perform and their utmost efforts on really exerting all of their energy to give it all and that makes you flustered on how hard-working they are. You can't take your eyes off Sakura whenever she delivers every ounce of passion whenever she dances but you specifically take your eyes off her with this girl too. She’s been really stunning since the day you saw her and you stand by it. Who could it be? Well, it’s just Kim Chaewon with her usual bias-wrecking aura that can literally make you bias list in shambles! Every fan knows this and even though Sakura is where your heart belongs, you can’t help but be in awe whenever Chaewon is on the stage, and this is further proven when you can see them perform personally, with your own eyes.
Sneaking up to the two beautiful idols, clueless about your presence and—
“Ahhh!”, A startled Sakura meets your eyes as you both flirtatiously exchange smiles and smirks as Sakura playfully punches your shoulder on how you’re teasing her.
“Yah, what made you come here?”
“I just want to see you. How well you’re doing, that’s all…”
“Oh really? That’s so sweet of you…”
Those eyes. You swear to god, everytime she pleases her eyes, you just want to protect her from anything awful that happen—treasure her smile and her happiness because that’s what really matters.
“Yah, we’re still in the monitoring room, lovebirds.”, the nonchalant tone of the leader resonates around your ear as you apologized, earning a smile from the short-haired girl that’s brighter than any beam of light.
Gosh, she’s beautiful—you mutter to yourself as Chaewon’s beauty is way out of this world. All of them are stunning in every way possible, especially Sakura, but lately, Chaewon has been stealing the show ever since the comeback started. With this being said, you just hope to God that Sakura won’t be jealous of this, in any kind. Well, you wish…
All of you then went to the dressing room after the monitoring and shooting and with how hard they’ve been working for this comeback, you’ve thought of treating them a little bit, maybe with this little gift, they may feel rewarded as all of their hard work pays off.
“You all did so well! And, y’know, I’d thought of treating you guys so, yeah…”
“Wait, you really will, Oppa? Oh please, don’t bother anymore—”, Yunjin was interrupted with a buzz on the door as their manager delivered something in a plastic bag, full of delicious, mouth-watering food. 
“Oh thanks, manager-nim!”, says Chaewon who placed the plastic bag full of food into the table, equally distributing the tupperware for each member and including you.
“Aish, Chaewon-ssi, I’ll just go and distribute them, just chill on the couch.”
“”But Oppa, I want to—”
Chaewon was eager to help you and you’re just in awe of how she immediately took the initiative. You wanted to make her feel good by helping her but with the sudden hold of her hand because of your attempts to do the job instead, she can’t help but be flustered as the sudden contact made her blush.
“Chaewon-ah, I’ll do the rest, okay? Just relax…. I’ll equally distribute the food.”
Flashing a reassuring smile to her, she then sat on the couch as you equally distributed all of the food to them, and then delightfully thanked you as it flustered your heart. While all of this was happening—the blissful cheers and their boisterous laughter—you noticed Sakura uncannily being enervated and quiet. She’s just maybe tired from all of the things they did today, so, you just chose to not really mind it but seconds after, you approached her and asked her if she was okay.
“You good? You seem really down all of a sudden…”
“Yeah, I’m all good. It’s just that I feel a bit tired, that’s all.”
“Oh… Don’t worry, after this, I’ll bring you to your place then we’ll spend the night together, okay? Don't you want the food to get cold?”
You tucked her hair behind her ear, flashing a reassuring smile and with your alleviating tone, “We’ll take a rest later, okay?”
She nodded as her eyes ignited with anticipation, delighted after saying those few words that made her heart flutter. Despite all of this, you managed to reassure her and averted your attention onto eating the food with the rest of the members, as well as blabbering with them as the cherry on top.
It has been a delightful experience while chatting with this group and you couldn’t be any happier. Each member stands out for making any conversation funny, enjoyable and interesting, especially Chaewon. She’s been delivering such fun topics onto the table that the rest of you can’t get enough of it—everything just feels really alive when Chaewon brings the amusement amongst all of the other members, and you love it. You became so comfortable with them—moreso with Chaewon—to the point that you’re involuntarily complimenting them and confessing on how you liked Chaewon from the start.
“But honestly, Chaewon looks stunningly beautiful today.”
“Yah~ Oppa, you don’t have to say that.”, the cute, short-haired girl hides her face from your compliment as the rest of the members smile while Yunjin initiates another compliment. “But you look really stunning, unnie!”
“Aww, thanks… All of you look really stunning, right, Kkura-unnie?”
“H-Huh? Y-Yeah, you all do…”
Silence emanates the room as the awkwardness settles in. Sakura isn’t usually like this and you know it. If she’s just randomly sulking because of something, it’s a petulant excuse to have one and the soft-hearted part of you is thinking that she’s just tired from all they’ve done earlier. Yet that thought is clearly eliminated from what you’re seeing on the rest of the members; they’re lively and delightful as Sakura’s being the opposite. 
“Kkura-unnie, are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m just feeling *coos* really tired, sorry.”
Chaewon’s eyebrows furrowed as her tone emits thoughtfulness and concern to Sakura. She then asks her if she’s really alright as she feels a disturbance with the force—something feels off and it’s not looking good.
“Yeah, I’m alright! I’m just feeling tired! How many times do I need to say it!”
All are in shock as she unveils another side of hers which you never like about. Chaewon’s eyes were scared and confused as to why Sakura suddenly exclaimed what she’s feeling. She grew impatient from all of your motives, so with that, she hurriedly left the room as you followed right after. Before you even did that, you reassure Chaewon and the rest of the members that everything’s will be alright.
“Chaewon-ssi, there’s nothing wrong with what you did, okay? She’s maybe just not in the right mood today. We’ll fix this and everything will be fine. Just tell your manager that I’ll be taking Kkura home myself, okay?”
Chaewon nods as you thanked them for bringing such a wonderful bonding session as they thanked you too for treating them to some delicious food—albeit, their advances of still being too grateful and uttering the words: “You shouldn’t have bothered.”. You then hurriedly waved goodbye to them as Kazuha signals a thumbs-up from her hand, letting you know that you should go for Sakura and fix what has unfolded.
This will be one hell of a night, I guess…
Between the spotless marbling of the floor are hurried steps from the both of you as she runs away, you then, catching up to her and inevitably, you’ve reached her arms as you block her attempts of escaping, facing her and demanding an answer of her earlier attitude.
“What was that Kkura?”
“It’s just—tiring you know? I didn’t mean to provoke anyone. I’m just tired—you know what? J-Just take me home…”
You then sighed in relief as concern painted your face, worried that something may have unfolded that may turn out the worse for both worlds.
“Alright then, let's rest at your place.”
The both of you then coursed your way to the parking lot, finding your car as soon as possible because of the possible paparazzis that may have caught you with Sakura—and the last thing you want for you to happen on this planet is being on the headlines on Dispatch.
As soon as the both of you hopped in the car, you then texted Chaewon that you'll drive Sakura home to their dorm and an immediate reply of “thumbs-up” signals that they now know that you're driving Sakura home as relief coursed through your veins.
“We’re now here, Kkura.”, you said as you’re done parking the car onto the allotted parking spot that thankfully, no one occupies or you’ll be doomed to park your car awkwardly in the road.
“Oh, finally! I can rest!”, she cheerfully muttered as she hurriedly got out of the car and diverts herself towards the locked front door, unlocking it and letting you in.
“It’s not much though, we didn’t change anything that much…”
You’re now met with the same blue-ish, tranquil wall and the peaceful ambiance yet what really caught your eye are the organized set of clothes and things in which you didn’t see on your last visit here. You’re clearly feeling comfortable and impressed and teased Sakura about it.
“Wow, some organization! Glad y’all knew about that word.”
“Shut up…”
You then laughed as Sakura flashes a faint smile at your joke, and clearly, wasn’t offended by that. Not so long after,  she then rushed upstairs as you didn’t mind her, letting her rest for a while as you then slouch onto the couch, making yourself comfortable and then killing the time with the endless scrolling on social media.
It has been silent for quite awhile (maybe for like, half an hour) and you’ve never heard any hint of sound upstairs. It’s tranquil and you love it. On how everything seems uncannily silent, your curiosity sends you to check Sakura as you assume that she’s already sleeping and yeah, you half-expected this to happen.
“Hey, Kkura...”
A feeble attempt to avert her attention towards you and not to the game she’s playing (and yes, she’s playing a game) is all you can do. It’s not like she can hear you as she just chooses to ignore which you didn’t really like, to say the least.
“Kkura-yah~ Why are you—”
“Ahh! Fuc— What do you want???”
An aggravated tone reverberates around the compact automobile you’re in as Sakura is angry, infuriated over, maybe, a loss of her game she’s playing. She stares at you striking, like daggers towards your chest as you’re starting to get disappointed towards her as she completely (maybe unintentionally) ignores you, and that's something that you don't want her to do.
“Why are you so mad about, suddenly, huh? Is it because of the game?”
“Yes! And you just ruined everything!”
Shock. You're in complete shock. You've seen her like this before and it's her worse side, as always. You despise seeing her side of this—acting like a spoiled brat who loves attention-seeking and being sulky and would do every single thing just to suck your cock. It's not even fair at this point and you hate it. You get to adjust to her current mood and understand her even though her acts are nonetheless, in the most frivolous and annoying manner yet still, it feels like your acts aren't even making her get out of that ”mood” of hers.
“Hah, you, Kkura, losing your patience just because of a single mistake that you could re-do later—”
“Listen here, you little shit—” Sakura yelps out of her comfortable position, her face infuriated and filled with anger as she tugs the collar of your shirt, her face just inches away from yours as her sharp glare makes you flinch in confusion and maybe, even being nervous about her antics, “—this, is not just a game, do you understand? And you—fucking ruined this day because—”
“Because o-of what? Tell me, Kkura—what is it?” you fight back as you match the fire in her eyes that has been long ignited before.
“Aish—nevermind, argh!!”
She then turns back against you, yourself then anticipating her next move and now, this is most likely a surviving tactic to her possible aggressive antics. You then come to a realization that the possible switch of her mood is because of Chaewon. She may not know this  but you've been averting your eyes towards Sakura from time to time, on the right moment where she can't see you. You've noticed her personality being quiet and indeed, sulky rather than her usual bubbly and dorky self.
So… you did just point out that to her.
“Ahh, is it because of Chaewon? That I talked more often to her than you—”
“Just shut up! Shut your mouth!” Sakura pounces on you like a wolf, making you fall onto your stomach and her straddling your lap. She senses you, almost like a predator sensing the fear and anticipation beneath those sparkling eyes of yours as the prey falls into submission, giving in. She grabbed your wrists, further preventing you from retaliating—and it’s like you want to retaliate at this moment and to be honest, you’re even liking it. 
“You’re so annoying, don’t you know that? And I don’t care if you want to talk to Chaewon more than me. Pay more attention to her than me—I don’t care! Even if you fuck her brains out, I don’t give a fuck about it!”
She is furious and it’s all you’re doing. You know this but why would she act like this? So childish and so, out of the blue and this, almost feels like a fever dream. Even with her infuriated look, you can’t help but still be so attracted to it and it feels like she’s making you fall for her spell. You hide your true demeanor to her and act tough, trying to fight back but she easily overpowers you, Sakura now having control and the upper ground.
“W-Why are you like this? Get off of me, now.”
“Shut up. I won’t and I’ll make sure I’ll let you know who you fucking belong to.”
Without any time to waste, she started to latch her lips onto yours as the kiss was surprisingly, sloppy and fueled with intense fervor, which you eagerly reciprocated. The taste of her lips is really addicting, so, to further let her know how good of a kisser you are, you double the efforts on each little thing you do when kissing her: the way you caress her waist, the effort and small so-called “lovebites” on her lips and the way you moan between each sloppy kiss. Now, your tongues intertwined with each other as the volume of her moans now resonates around your ear, like a lustful chant that you could listen to all day. Sakura loves this, and even with this, she can submit herself into submission but even before she totally gave in to your control, she pulled out of you, gasping for oxygen as her cheeks and ears are now red from the intimate action you’ve done.
“I hate how good of a kisser you are.”
“You’ll never find someone who kisses you better than me, Kkura.”
“Shut the fuck up. You don’t get to talk! Arghh!” Still with her vicious glare, she takes full control of you pretty easily—even though you can put up a fight against her, you wouldn’t because you love it when she’s in control. 
“Oh wow, look at your little friend here!” Sakura averts her fingers playfully onto the tent on your pants as she grinds on it leisurely, you then moaning silently as her tease is enough to make you give in to the abyss of submission. 
“Fu—Fuck, Kkura. It feels good.”
She just ignores you and dry-humps your tent, causing her to be wetter than before and you can feel it. You feel yourself being at full mast as she stops after a few seconds after, causing you to be a little bit disappointed as you wanted more. 
“You think you can have more? Hah—you wish.” 
And, she’s still mad to you for no significant reason on why she’s like this. You wanted to work this out by just talking to her but on the way, Sakura is making this game a fun one as this turns you on even more than what you expected and you’re not complaining. Without any further reminders and time to waste, Sakura hastily unbuttons your pants as she yanks down your boxers in one swift motion, and not even caring if she hurted you or not. Now, with your almost fully-erect length, Sakura eyed it like it was just a piece of meat and was hiding the fact of being in awe and in drool whenever she sees your raging length.
“This?” Sakura leisurely stroked your length, you then groaned in half-pain, half-pleasure as the lack of lubrication isn't helping, yet, nonetheless, it's still pleasurable as hell. “This cock is mine. I'll get to do whatever I want to with this cock and there's nothing you can do about it.”
She then stopped stroking you and now, with full control of you, she didn't waste her time doing the thing she excels at: dominating you. 
“Now, you're lucky that I'm not really feeling that sensitive right now, or else, you could be sleeping outside right now, not with me.”
“I'm s-sorry, Kkura, b-but did I even do wrong?”
“You know what you fucking did.”
As she's about to lay down her face aligned with your shaft, a tingle in her brain says something that will make this experience a hundred times better than what it should be.
“Now, you know the drill, baby. Is it clear?”
“Wha—What? What drill, Kkura?”
Within that single word, the fire inside her ignited. The flame full of anger and lust ignited, and it became the worst in any possible situation. She is furious, suffocating your shaft with a vice grip as you wail in pain, then realizing what she's been implying and you quickly correct your mistake.
“Fuck—ahh! I'm sorry, mommy.”
Now loosening her vacuum-like grip on your shaft, you became complacent that everything is starting to calm down but with Sakura, that's not in her vocabulary.
“It's good you have a fucking mind to think then. Don't worry, you'll be all-spent after this and if you do good and follow my instructions, I'll forgive you."
Your eyes widen in anticipation, nervousness and excitement. It’s like rolling a dice full of emotions and wouldn’t know what to really feel and Sakura senses this, and further uses it as her advantage. With still a firm grip with your rock-hard shaft, she spit on your shaft a few times as the lubrication now felt better than before as you can see her beautiful, dainty fingers stroking your raging length leisurely. 
You moan in ecstasy and probably, that’s all you can do. The sudden strike of gratification can be felt throughout your body and you, immediately shudder as her wet, warm mouth envelops your raging length within a fraction of a second, and didn’t even notice it.
Sakura didn’t mind you moaning her name and the constant convulse of your hips as she focuses where she’s best at. With her slow bobs and her mouth wrapped onto your mushroom tip, you can’t help but become more aroused and you wouldn’t complain about this—maybe the only thing you’ll complain about is her anger towards you and you never liked it when she’s furious. Within a few seconds, she picks up the pace and involuntarily, you caress the silky black strands of her hair as an outlet to fight the pleasure, and you won't like what will happen next.
“Get your hands off me. Put it behind your back and just let me do my job, is that clear?”
You don’t speak, which ignites the flames inside her—
“Fucking answer me!—”
“Yes—y-yes, mommy! I’m s-sorry…”
The tremble on your voice puts a smile on her face, knowing that she, herself, is damn well in control over you. 
“Do that again and I won’t make you cum, alright?”
Another “yes” and another no. Simple articulated words coming from your mouth is enough to make her advances towards your glistening length once more, invading it with her oh-so pleasurable cavern which is her mouth. Her deprivation and her insatiability towards you is what fuels her to do this—and it’s like she’s not liking this and if she is, she’s absolutely lying and you can sense, by the way she looks into your eyes, you know damn well that she’s enjoying this.
If only you could tell her how much you love th—
“Don’t talk to me, okay? I’ll only give you permission if I say so, is that clear?”
You’re completely silent as you already followed her instructions (and with the clever mind she has, she knew that you’re taking the instruction too seriously), which she didn’t like.
“You piece of shit—not like that! Fucking answer me!”
“Y-Yes, mommy…”
“Good. I don’t want your joking ass to play around me ‘cause I’m fucking serious right now—”
She resumes her lustful antics onto your engorged head as she swirls her tongue around it, and you respond with an intimate moan as the sensitivity is way too much to handle, and so is the pleasure. Her constant slurps and her saliva running down her chin is one way to know how much she wants you, how she's so deprived of the taste of your cock and it's like a candy she can't get enough. 
“God, your cock tastes so good—fuck—”
And there she goes, again. Constant frantic bobbing ensues and the fondling of your balls—and it's really nothing new to your eyes yet the sight is nevertheless hot as fuck. Those large, doe eyes having eye contact with you as she blows you sloppily—oh gosh, you couldn't ask for anything more than to relive this moment and savor every second of her warm mouth enveloping your shaft.
Such copious amounts of that colorless liquid inevitably leaked out of your slit, which she delightfully consumed as if it cascaded like a waterfall—like a mouthful of a delicious entrée she couldn't get enough of. After such hypnotizing minutes of her sloppy blowjob, she pulled out of your shaft with a loud pop as she commended you for being so obedient to her.
“Such a good boy for mommy. As much as I want you to cum deep in my throat, I want to feel this dick inside me, right now.”
She then grinds onto your heated core as the neediness in her eyes says a lot, and you can’t wait to fulfill it.
“Strip me, baby. Get these stupid clothes out of me and don’t you fucking dare touch me until I say so.”
And you did just that. Untying her top slowly while she’s still straddling your lap, you felt your cock twitching at the sight of her handful breasts, those within and hand’s reach as you hurriedly unclasp her black bra, letting gravity do the work as it fell off her smooth, milky skin as her perky mounds are now within your sight. As much as you wanted to dive in and fondle her mounds, you wanted to follow her instructions as you don’t want to feel her wrath again. Now with just her pants on, she gave you an discontented look as you hurriedly did your job, unzipping her pants and letting the clothing fall off the ground smoothly alongside her panties on the way, letting her beautiful, hourglass figure on your sight as you drool in insatiability and need—Sakura herself exuding sexiness is always off the charts of what you always wanted and with her naked body onto your sight, you can’t help but feel so aroused to the point that you want to pull her and kiss her yet, as what she’d said earlier, you must be obedient so you’ll try and discipline yourself to do so.
“Fuck, she’s so perfect—her figure is so insane.”
Sakura then pushes you onto the bed with a loud thud as she pounces onto you like a wolf, her legs straddling your thighs and her warm hands caressing your chest and your abs, making you squirm in sensitivity. 
“You’re so fucking hot, baby. And—ooh, you’re squirming under my touch already? Oh, and I bet, you want to feel my pussy right now, don’t you, hm?”
You nod frantically as she grips your length, her hands almost clenching around your shaft as she lines her entrance towards you, teasing you as she brushes her clit onto your swollen head, making you moan in need as you wanted more but you know that she’s not going to give it to you—or is she?
Enough with the teasing as she dives onto your rod, her wet folds engulfing the entirety of your length as she fucks herself with it within as slow pace. You moaned her name softly as she’s exceptionally tight and so wet, and you noticed it on how much she’s dripping before she even entered.
She might be sexually frustrated considering how much both of your schedules are hectic as the both of you didn’t have the time to really invest into bonding sessions or even steamy ones and her frustration even ignited to the fact that she’s so jealous and you’re starting to feel bad. But you shouldn’t, because if your proposition is true, then you’re in the boat as her—you’re having the needs as hers to, and that maybe even explains on how she’s much tighter than the last time you’ve fucked her yet she’s always pleasurably tight, and it’s so pleasurable that you always wanted to hit the deepest spots inside her pussy if you can.
She rides you with a pace that’s moderate—you don’t really ask anything more than it and you can't, as it’s Sakura’s order to not interfere nor talk to her, so you’ll just shut your mouth as the gratification makes your brain go haywire. 
“Fuck—you're s-so big inside me—ahh! Fuck, this cock is so p-perfect! Thank god y-you have this perfect cock for me t-to fuck on—ahhh, fuck!”
Her hypnotic bounces onto your shaft sends ripple onto each other’s bodies as you can feel how she’s dripping wet, considering how she’s leaking between her bounces. In every thrust of herself onto your rod, her demeanor completely changed as her once stern, jealous-filled face is now filled with lust and need, her face distorted with the overwhelming pleasure she’s bringing herself into. Her pace suddenly becomes rapid, bounces within such a quick succession as she places her hands onto your chest for further stability. You realized that she’s struggling a little, so you supported her by pressing your hands firmly onto the side of her hips, which she didn't seem to mind.
“God, I fucking love t-this. I hate h-how you always s-stretch my pussy so well—ahh, fuck!”
She can’t really hide the satisfaction she’s feeling and she never will as she’s always vocal whenever she’s satisfied with something, even from the smallest things up to even some of the freakiest actions in bed. It’s also in her eyes and the way she’s leaking all over your length, and with those simple hints, you already know she’s in peak ecstasy.
“Y-Your cock is too good, baby. I’m gonna c-cum really soon!”
Now chasing her long-awaited orgasm, she rides you at a frantic pace, bounces and bounces in quick successions that make your mouth escape plethora of moans. All it takes is a single squeal as she announces her high, as she creams onto your cock, her nectar gushing out like a waterfall, dripping onto the bed sheets.
And you swear to god, you’re going to clean your bed whenever all of these sinful events are done.
She then pulled out of your slick shaft as it glistened with her juices, standing proud and hard as her body makes her the culprit for all of this. With a single motion, she switched positions with you and glared at you, straight right to your soul, seductively whispering, “Fuck me hard, baby. Don’t stop until you unload every single drop, in your balls, in me, do you understand?”
Another question. Another nod. Of course, it’s a must at this very moment as before you insert your stiffened member inside her, once again, she interrupted you with a suggestion in mind, benefiting herself and maybe even you.
“Before this, you gotta fuck me from behind. Fuck me hard until my legs give out, baby. Please mommy and I want you to impress me.”
And you wouldn’t disappoint her and you never will, because if you do, you’re fucked. Fuck her ‘til her legs give out—well, let’s see how this goes. 
With all your strength, you rotate her as the sudden swivel makes her anticipate more of what you can do. You then give her milky-white buttocks a gentle squeeze as you continue to whisper to yourself how insane Sakura’s figure is and how much you adore her passion on how she keeps on maintaining this physique.
“God, she’s so fucking hot…”
“W-Why are you teasing me? Fuck me now and I want that cock inside me.”
Her delirious and stern tone makes you anxious as you hurriedly insert your length into her entrance once again and oh—she’s still as tight as ever. Both of you gasp on the sudden spike of pleasure coursing down your veins as you fulfill her request immediately—by fucking her hard and pounding her until her she can’t feel her legs. No more teasing and slow build-ups as you immediately hammer yourself into her glistening cunt, relentless about the pace and not caring if she can’t take it or not—she wanted it rough, anyway. You place both of your hands on her hips, letting you caress and feel those soft mounds you always love and to further fuck her better as the grip and the control now is way better than before. The clashing of bodies resonates a series of sinful sounds that only reverberated around the room, which arouses you further and as well as the wet squelching of each thrust as the cherry on top.
“I s-said, fuck me harder, you piece of sh—I k-know you can do better than this…”
Upon her livid-filled request, you fulfilled it immediately by exerting more effort between your hammering thrusts into her leaking pussy. It's evident how much she's loving this even though her façade says the opposite—and you want to break it and let herself give out to you and you will. The wet squelching has been a common sound beneath your ear as it forms an orchestra of lustfully-composed sounds alongside her sultry moans that pushes you further on the edge. Sakura tries to compress her moans but with this sinful act being unfolded between her legs, it's impossible to really hold back as she fights for the bit of her dominance left.
“G-God, p-pull my hair, pound m-me faster, g-gosh—I know you can do be—”
Her further attempts of being unimpressed was interrupted by a sudden tug of her hair as your hips pursue an onslaught of hammering thrusts that makes Sakura scream your name, her cunt now glistening and leaking way more than before as you're finally getting the grip to make her fall onto submission. Yet you know her, how competitive she is and she's going to put up a fight in order to win and that's her goal, but the grass isn't getting any greener on the other side of victory and you're claiming to dethrone her. 
“God, mommy, y-you're so fucking tight—this pussy just feels to fucking good to be r-real!”
“You love mommy's pussy don't you? No wonder why you're throbbing so much i-inside me—fuck! Just shut the fuck up and pound me. I c-can still feel my legs…”
You nod as you continue the good pounding she always wants as not so long after, she's about to announce her second orgasm of the night.
“God, mommy's gonna c-cum so much! I'm so c-close! I—”
An ear-deafening shrill is all it takes as she gushes onto your cock like a waterfall, every stream staining the bedsheets. You continue to fuck her through her high yet your thrusts are way slower than before, allowing her to recover from her high. 
“Fuck me h-hard, baby. I know you're c-close. I can feel this cock throbbing inside my tight, wet cunt, ready to deposit all inside me.”
You swear to god, her dirty talks are instant buttons to push you onto your long-awaited orgasm and you love it. Thrust after thrust, moans reverberate around the air as within a few more seconds, you savor each moment being inside as the familiar knot onto your loins grows, signaling your near ecstasy.
With a single sentence escaping from Sakura's lips, it's just impossible to hold back—
“Cum for me.”
Ecstatic, blissful and lustful. Isn't it perfect? Yes it is and always it has been.
Unloading every ounce inside Sakura's perfect cunt is a must, so you did just that. Burying your length up to the hilt, you let it all out as series of thick shots of semen gets unloaded inside Sakura's tight cunt, her velvety walls hugging around your cock as she even savors the moment of your hot seed being deposited inside her, and, to no surprise, she loves it. You then pull out of her heated entrance and rest yourself onto the bed, feeling exhausted from a steamy session with this hot Japanese girl that just milked you, yet not enough to drain you entirely.
“God—” Scooping a sample from the semen that dripped out of her cunt, she tasted it and a satisfied hum lets you know that she liked it.
“Now that's not too bad, for you—hmm, I guess…”
For me? Didn't she just scream earlier like her life depended on it? And now, you know that she's trying to piss you off at this rate—not that you're disappointed and confused, yet maybe you are, yet you see this as a competition and you're willing to let her know who's going to be in control now.
“Hey, mommy’s not yet done with you, stay where the fuck you are and be my good little toy for the night.”
“B-But can’t you just let me re—”
“What the fuck did I say?”
“Sorry, mommy.”
Damn, she’s good. And it’s like you’re putting up a fight against that and you won’t, just yet…
Tugging your collar as she brings her herself close to you, she whispers seductively onto your ear, enough to tingle your senses and your eyes to widen as the simple words that came out of her mouth arouses you more than what you could ever expect in seconds, bringing your shaft to be in life again, rock-hard from her actions.
“I want you to pound my ass. I can still feel my legs and make sure that I won’t after we’re done.”
Oh… Fuck. 
Right from the start of your steamy sessions, she’s been talking about anal sex and you know that she’s into something like that yet, right at this moment, it feels like it’s way hotter than what it should be considering how dominant she is right now. Maybe it’s because of that or her just being vocal about it? Nevertheless, the thought of pounding Sakura’s puckered hole and gaping it open is an arousing sight and just by thinking of it can send you into overdrive—moreover, the drive of lust and the will to fuck her until you’ve fully deposited everything inside her tight asshole.
Letting your hands handle the side of your hips for stability, you didn't just go idle as you rub your cock into the rim of her puckered hole, making her squirm in the sudden spike of pleasure. You then spread your precum onto her hole, lathering it with the colorless liquid as not so long after, your fingers tease her ass as its only motive is to pry it open, make it gaped enough for the ease to pound her into oblivion.
“You're not fucking my ass without some lube, idiot. Go get the bottle from the cabinet near my desk.”
Yeah, and you're about to do that after you're done teasing her—yet, you said to yourself that she's maybe not liking you being a tease at this moment and prefers the real thing up in her ass, already. You would rather not answer her back for the flames not to worsen so you did just follow what she wanted and got the bottle of lube from the cabinet.
“Good. Now lather your cock with it. I wanna see your cock glisten among the ligh—”
A shocking squeal escapes her mouth as you shove the tip of the bottle from her puckered hole and her expressions changing within a millisecond once you squeezed the bottle as numerous amount of lube is being distributed inside her ass, making her moan in pleasure yet she still found it rather perplexed with how the cold liquid felt inside her snug asshole.
“W-What the fuck was that? Shit—it's so cold and weird yet it felt good but, what is th—ahh!”
A moan elicits from her as betweenher ragged breaths are her hard grip from the bed sheets as the sudden spike of pleasure was way too much to handle—and at this moment, she's nowhere near evincing a faux demeanor but rather, such expressions of lust and need, and, even though you can't see it, you can feel that she's genuine on what she's feeling. With how well-lubed the insides of her ass are, you’re not going to waste any time to shove your length in it and you did just that. You struggle to insert a few inches inside considering how incredibly tight the opening of her twitching hole is. You groan in pain and pleasure as you now manage to insert half of your raging length into it and thank god, you lubed her inside well and it wasn’t a pain thrusting into her snug walls. Your thrusts are slow and leisurely pleasurable and you want to really build up the pace from time to time yet Sakura didn’t like your thought of that.
“Enough of that slow stuff. Go and pound my ass harder than what you did in my pussy!”
As much as you wanna tease her, you can't help but feel the need of her walls enveloping your thick shaft as you pound her with a relentless pace. The feeling is mutual—you want her as much as she wants you, and you can't wait to bring an onslaught of thrusts inside her gaping hole.
“Oh god—yes! Pound me just like that! Don't y-you love how my walls clench around your shaft? Like how tight I am, hm?”
“I like h-how fucking tight you are, mommy—I really do. You make me feel so good—argh!”
Even though Sakura may feel a little flummoxed on how everything unfolded so fast, she can’t help but still feel so good as every thrust you did inside her sends shivers of pleasure up in her spine. You hammer into her tight asshole without any care, with abandon as she buries her face into the sheets as the gratification is way too much yet she always liked it no matter what. You pound her ass like there’s no tomorrow, balls deep in every thrust you do as it’s so hard that the wet claps of your balls onto her glistening cunt can be heard, as well as the clashing of your bodies. You can tell how good she’s feeling right now, considering the fact that she’s sneakily fingering her cunt in tandem with every thrust you make and the sight is just arousing as fuck. The lewd scene could not be any better and even with her muffled, compressed moans (thanks to herself burying her head onto the mattress), you could tell that she’s enjoying this as much as you do.
“N-Now, Kkura, look how you’re leaking from getting your ass fucked. You’ve thought of this multiple times, don’t you? You’re done being in control right now—because I have the high ground now, do you understand?”
Only a muffled scream can be heard as you deliver hard thrusts and harsh spanks onto her pristine, bubble butt. You wanted an answer—no, you demanded an answer immediately from her. So, without a time to waste, you pull her hair as her muffled moans are now clearly audible and ask her once again.
“I said, do you understand, Kkura?”
Silence emanates yet the wet clashing of bodies ensues, reverberating around the bedroom. If she’s playing tough and stubborn, then you’ll gladly play the game she's in.
“I said, do you fucking understand me, Kkura?!?”
“Y-Yes, daddy.”
“G-Good girl—oh fuck, Kkura! Your ass feels so good! God—I love fucking this ass, do you know that? I swear to god, if I have all the time on the world, I would literally spend hours fucking your ass.”
“Daddy—gahh! Too good! Too good! Please keep fucking me daddy—I’m going to cum so soon too!”
“Then cum for me, Kkura.”
With rough, hammering thrusts comes with a fast pace of fingering her pussy and with orgasm being chased, you wanted to help her out reach her high faster. You give her the last hammering thrusts she deserved as a blissful scream of ecstasy resonates around the room, announcing her peaked high as she squirts all over the bedsheets.
“Gosh—I—cumming, daddy! F-Fuck!!”
You didn't give her some time to recover as you resumed your frantic thrusts inside her snug hole, chasing your orgasm too as a pleading voice can be heard.
“Please c-cum, daddy. I know you're c-close too so please, j-just cum, anywhere you want…”
Even though with the fire she ignited earlier, you can't help but fulfill her desires as surprisingly, you pulled out of her tight hole, wanting to cum somewhere else that she would love.
“Get on your knees for me, Kkura. I wanna blow my load all over your pretty face.”
She obliges your command as she lewdly sticks her tongue out, anticipating your thick load that will cover the entirety of her face and with the furious strokes you're making, you can't hold on much longer as you wanted to be.
“F-Fuck, Kkura! Stick your tongue just like that! Gosh, you're so fucking hot—I'm c-cumming!!!”
A blissful, overpowering drive of lust can be felt as your reservoir breaks loose, unloading all of your semen on Sakura's enticingly seductive face as per thick shots of it, gains a hurried flinch from her by how much you're covering her. She tried to catch it all with her tongue but was deemed unsuccessful because of how much you've unloaded almost everything onto her: her face, nose, chin, lips and her forehead full of your pearly white cum.
“Fuck—it feels so warm, and so—d-delicious, daddy!”
You smiled faintly out of content yet you're still not done with her because you want to ruin her and you absolutely would.
“Do you think I'm still done with you, Kkura?”
You grip both of her arms as you face her, your lust-ignited eyes demanding an answer escaping on those lips from hers.
“That's right. I'm still not done with you. Now relax yourself, alright?.”
She quickly obliges as she wails in pleasure once you've brushed the tip of your cock onto her clit, making her weak on her knees and moaning profusely.
“Daddy—ahhh! Be gentle for me, just for now—I still feel so sensitive—”
“You don't get to say what I'll do, Kkura. Also, don't fucking worry, it won't be in your pussy.”
Catching her off-guard, you quickly shoved your length into her puckered hole again as you two moaned in unison—you moaned and groaned on how tight she still is, considering how much you've opened her from your harsh poundings from earlier.
“Gosh, Kkura—you're still tight as fuck.”
“And y-you're so big inside me, daddy! Pound me again!”
You really thank Sakura for squirting earlier as her nectar helps with the lubrication—other than the lube, of course—as it drips towards her puckered hole. You didn't get her a chance to prepare herself as you started off with harsh and frantic thrusts, sending ripples down her bubble butt as you pound her with abandon. With the clashing of bodies, you can’t help but moan in ecstasy as the scene is too fucking hot and it’s not hotter as both your lips clash onto each other. You kiss her with fervor that hasn’t been seen before, devouring her like it’s your last meal and getting the awkward taste of your own seed is surprisingly making the scene hotter.
“F-Fuck, daddy. You kissed me so good and don’t you like the taste of your own cum?”
“Well, it’s a bit weird but I never thought I'd taste this sweet.”
You indulge into another blissful kiss with her, locking tongues and exchanging breaths is what made the hottest scene in the bedroom, maybe even way more scorching hot than anything you’ve done with Sakura. You pull onto her once again as you resume your frantic thrusts into her asshole, sending shivers down your spine on how well the pleasure is being delivered.
“Oh god—daddy! You fuck me so well! So so well—fuckk!!”
The same symphony of lewd moans can be heard all over again, and it’s the kind of music you want to listen to apart from their biggest hits. Maybe, in a way, you’ve helped Sakura to improve her vocals by how much you’ve made her scream, reach the highest of notes and how much she has taken you down her throat. 
As the frantic hammering ensues comes her melodic moans that ignites the lust inside you to keep going, not minding how sensitive you are as your only aim is to cream both of her holes and to watch how beautiful she can get after all of this. You slowed down your thrusts for a moment and pulled out right after, as you wanted to do something that Sakura will also love.
“Turn around for me, Kkura. I wanna pound you from behind.”
Again, she obliges immediately as she pounced on the bed with her ass up, ready for another set of harsh poundings. It’s still surprising how her legs are still functioning at this very moment but all you can say is that, you’ll pound her into oblivion to the point that she can’t walk until tomorrow and God knows where she’ll get an excuse to his manager on why she can’t be participating in further activities. Without any time to waste, you insert into her snug hole once again as you’re met with the tight hugging of her walls as you resume the onslaught of thrusts while spanking her pearly-white, bubble butt until it’s red from your handprints and your other hand pulling her hair, making a makeshift ponytail and in order to hear the plethora of moans .
“Is this what you’ve wanted a-all along, huh? To be fucked like an animal, especially in this tight ass? Don’t you f-fucking worry Kkura, you won’t gonna walk until tomorrow on how much I’m gonna pound you—oh! Use you, like a toy and you’re going to make a convincing excuse to your members and to your manager on why you suddenly can’t walk. Hah—you fucking slut—what a slut for my cock. Don’t worry, this w-will be anything you can ask for, Kkura and you’ll forever know that I’m yours and you’re all mine, do you understand?���
“Y-Yes daddy—ahhh! Please keep fucking me! I d-don’t care anymore—j-just explode in me!”
Really surprising—you whisper upon yourself as it is indeed surprising on how she can still articulate such words even though she’s being fucked like an animal—thrusts with its only aim is to rearrange her guts and ruin her, ultimately. You wished this won’t end but it soon will be, as you can feel the familiar knot in your loins, signaling your near orgasmic peak. You then give her ass the pounding it deserves as you bury the entirety of your shaft inside her asshole, filling her up to the hilt.
“I’m going to fucking c-cum, Sakura! I’m—cum—”
Your vision darkens as your tips spurt thick shots of cum inside her ass, her walls clenching hard around your shaft as the feeling of filling her ass is way too much to handle. The creampie wasn’t as good as the first one you did inside her pussy, but surely, this amount is enough for the both of you. You then lay down on the bed as the exhaustion comes in, exasperated breaths escaping your mouth as so does Sakura. You then take a look at her holes, fully creampied by you as the conglomeration of both your liquids can be seen on both snug holes. The earlier cacophony of moan, groans and screams are now filled with faint breaths as both bodies are exasperated from the earlier wild session.
“It feels—hahh… So—warm… God, y-you fucked me good and I—can’t feel my legs…”
Sakura then looks at you as you look back to her, exchanging smiles as Sakura leans closer to you, her disheveled hair all over her face but you can’t deny how beautiful she still looks even though she’s completely ruined.
“I’m—sorry about my earlier attitude… I didn’t r-really mean to sulk like that…”
You then caress her hair, fixing her messed up, cum-filled face to be in touch with her, better.
“It’s alright Kkura. I was just scared earlier and just next time, don’t be that oppressive, okay? I just talked with Chaewon and I’m pretty sorry that I didn’t really divert my attention towards you.”
“No, it’s clearly my fault. I’ll be a better girl, I swear.”, Sakura smiles in reassurance, but with a doubt that you’re still feeling that hint of disappointment so, she ensures something with you. “So, would you forgive me?”
Your eyes glistens upon the dim light as you maintain eye contact with her, uttering the next words that will sure make Sakura smile in delight.
“I do. I forgive you, Kkura…”
You then latch onto her lips one more time as all you can feel is love, and only that at this very moment.
“Wait—would you uhh… Help me clean up? I don’t think my legs are functioning right n-now.”
“Oh yeah, sure.”
You then rose up to the bed and helped Sakura by lifting her and assisting her to walk with your arm all over her shoulders.
“Well, you wanna shower with me?”
You’re just glad that you had clothes on your bag to spare for yourself—“Yeah, why not, Kkura.”
Well, this was a night to remember—and probably, good luck explaining the mess that happened in Sakura’s bedroom to the rest of the members, especially the leader, Kim Chaewon—
Kimssammu on 21:15 - “I want my turn next, anytime, Oppa… ;)”
But how did she know—
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distressedjellyfish · 5 months
Things I think about with frequency
Amy March
How we deserved to see Amy and Laurie's wedding, and them falling in love, and just more of them
How Amy March is hated by many because LMA based the characters off her own sisters, and Amy was obviously written with some bias (as were all the sisters), which shines through and makes us feel similarly about Amy that "Jo" felt about her younger sister.
That line where Amy says "I've been second to Jo my whole life" hits A LOT harder when you realize that Louisa's (Jo) middle name is May, and her younger sister, who she based Amy off, is named May, after LMA's middle name.
I think that people see Amy as this vapid little bitch because she always knew she wanted to be a wife, and she knew she wanted to be rich. But what people fail to consider is that a lot of the time the youngest is the one that sees all the flaws in their family’s lives and feels responsible for taking care of them, even if its not expressly stated. Jo was a wild card. She was free to do as she wanted and nothing could stop her and God love Marmee for never trying. Meg was docile and almost polar opposite of Jo, and as the eldest sister she felt the same burden but lessened because yes she had typical Eldest Sister Syndrome where she had the need to take care of the family, but she also was the first, and therefore had no pre-set markers and expectations that she needed to meet or surpass. She wanted to marry and all that, but it didn't super matter about finances to her. Beth was unable to do "better" than her sisters "mistakes" flat out. And its not through any fault of her own, its just the way it was.
Speaking from experience, its always been clear to me that as the youngest of 3, I would have to do better. My half brother got a girl pregnant on his gap year when he was 18, so I was never allowed to take one, even though it would have probably helped in the long run. My half sister has always been mean to my parents, and won't let my dad see his only biological grandkid, which rips my dad apart, so of course I feel the pressure to have a child to give my dad a bio grandkid to dote on like he does with his non-bio grandkids, even though he's never outwardly expressed to anyone ever that he feels any disconnect from my niece because they aren't related, or that he wants me to have kids for any reason other than he wants them.
Anyways, my point is that Amy felt that pressure from a young age, hence always saying this or that about marrying rich. Add onto that when Aunt March tells her she's her family’s only hope of not being in the lower class/lower middle class for the rest of their lives. And just because that's the only time we see it, but that doesn't mean that there weren't other similar conversations had. Do you really think Aunt March never made her snide comments about the family and their status in front of Amy?
Amy's entire character revolves around this point, she's focused on being a proper lady, being delicate and pretty, in hopes of one day being able to bag someone rich, for her family.
Obviously, she falls into infatuation with Laurie when she meets him at the ripe age of 12??? She idolizes Jo, and Laurie is basically just the boy version (with some exceptions). He's also rich, young, handsome, and charming, and adores the family for who they are, including all their flaws. He's exactly what Amy had been saying she would marry, with the added bonus of him loving Jo the way she is, the exact opposite of Amy, proving that there are rich lovely men out there who will love you even if you aren't perfect, even if you falter. He's proof she can have the life she knows she needs to have for her family, and also still enjoy it and not be stressed all the time about being perfect.
Of course Laurie loves Jo first, for very similar reasons that Amy is infatuated with him. At 15, his whole life has been spent at dinner parties with girls the exact opposite of Jo, all proper and lovely and so so similar to one another, being told he'll marry one of them, everyone expecting him to be polished and well spoken and everything that no 15 year old boy wants to be. So then in comes this whirlwind girl who is completely different, a breath of fresh air that never wants to marry and can't ballroom dance for shit and laughs too loud, and shows him that life can be the Something Different he so desperately craves.
And of course, he ends up with Amy. He was Jo's best friend, so for 6 years all he knew of her was the way she was presented through Jo's eyes. A bratty little girl, who was the same as the other vapid girls he knew, that wasn't worth a thought. And he never paid her any mind because he spent 6 years thinking Jo loved him back, so why would he think of other girls? Then, at 21, he is essentially dumped by the love of his life, and travels abroad to find who he is without her. He meets Amy again, the girl who was always happy to see him. Of course he's going to spend time with her, she's familiar enough to feel like home, but different enough from Jo that it doesn't hurt. And there's the added validation of her liking him, which sometimes you need after your heart has been ripped apart. Plus, she's the only one he really knows in Paris. So they spend time together, and in that time he learns that she's not at all the way he's seen her over the last 6 years. Where he always saw someone not very bright, with a dim personality, that didn't stand up for anything or really rock the boat unless seriously provoked, who would do anything for him, he now finds a strong, funny, kind, beautiful girl, who is very intelligent and has a deep understanding of how cruel the world is (maybe ((definitely)) moreso than her sister) and knows how to manipulate said world in such a way that she can come out close to on top, who cares about her family enough to put everything else aside in order to become the person they need her to be in order to support them, who would still do anything for him but will absolutely call him on his shit and put him in his place when necessary. And how could he not love that?
She's not all that much like Jo, sure, but she is so much more. And she deserves so much more than people calling her his second choice.
Also I think that its criminal that most people don't see that obviously Jo loved her family but she loved herself more. Her sense of duty was to herself, and finding the place that would make her happy. She was also kind of a brat? Things didn't go her way? Editor is a dick? Boy critisizes her writing? Tantrum.
Whereas Amy loved her family more than herself. She was willing to put aside her dreams in order to support her family, and growing up was very rarely bitter about it. She decided, on her own, that her family was her number one priority, and that regardless of the fact that she could be happier doing other things, she wanted to do what she could to provide for her family. She knew how the world treated women, and she learned how to take that, and general criticism, on the chin.
Personally, I think that Amy is a way better character, and I'll die on this hill
Amy March
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giamee · 11 months
Tumblr media
ཐི♡ཋྀ featuring -> blade, gepard
ཐི♡ཋྀ contains -> mentions of depression/low mood, more blade bias teehee
ཐི♡ཋྀ gia's notes -> i kinda based these off of my own experiences with depression, so hopefully it's at least a little relatable. i tried not to romanticise it too much. also disclaimer i am fully aware that the stuff i talk about in here isn't a cure-all for depression, but i did focus on a less severe characterisation of it in this. hope that's ok anon
ཐི♡ཋྀ request -> anon: hi!!! really loved your roommate thing for har, literally makes me smile may i request blade or/and gerard with reader who got depression? even if you don’t like the idea it’s fine, hope you have great time <3
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☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ BLADE
-hm ok to be honest blade seems rather emotionally repressed
-so it may take a while for him to pick up on signs of you starting to get into a depressive episode
-he’s busy with being a  stellaron hunter, and he isn’t exactly the most frequent texter, but he’ll still notice a change in your texting style as the time between your replies increases while the length of them keeps getting shorter
-maybe you were busy? even though it may sting a little to see his last message still unanswered as he’s holed up somewhere on another planet, he still can’t help but worry for you, though he may not outwardly admit it
-and that spurs him on to finish elio’s mission for him even quicker so he can get back home to you
-when he returns, he may be a bit confused due to your seeming apathy
-he had missed you, and he didn’t want to be the one to cave and say it out loud
-but at your mustered smile and hollow sounding greeting, that’s when things start to click and blade may realise what’s going on
-personally i feel like blade’s love language is acts of service/physical touch
-and man’s just come back from a mission
-he’s dirty, he’s hungry, and he’s tired
-so he decides to deal with those issues with you in that exact order
-cue him running a bath and then convincing you to get in with him on the ground of him “getting lonely” without anyone there, making you crack a little smile at his antics
-the warmth of the water and his solid chest against your back is a soothing sensation, and neither of you voice how tender his touches are as he lathers your hair, fingers carefully detangling any knots as he rests his weight against you
-it’s a peaceful affair, and you can feel yourself begin to warm, with the weight that you previously weren’t even aware of beginning to lift off of your chest as you filled the silence of the bathroom with some hushed conversation with blade
-he asks you how your day was, listening to your hesitant recollection with his chin is tucked over your shoulder, his arms encircling you as he listens to your voice and hums occasionally, basking in your presence
-when the water begins to run cold, blade’s offering you his clothes to change into, leading you by the hand to your shared bedroom, and it’s touching to see just how much care he puts into your wellbeing when it’s him who’s just come back from a dangerous mission
-up next is finding something to eat
-the uncharacteristically soft behaviour of blade is continued as he rummages around the fridge, cursing under his breath when he realises that he'll have to make a shopping list
-he still manages to find enough ingredients to make some sort of meal, and though he's not a cook by any means, it's definitely edible and the distant growl of your stomach suggests that maybe you were feeling hungry after all
-you're leaning against one of the counters, watching your boyfriend's back in quiet awe as he continues to cook, the simple black cotton of his shirt stretching across his broad shoulders practically inviting you to wrap your arms around him
-you've never been one to resist such an offer, and you find yourself shyly walking up to him, letting the side of your face rest against his spine
-blade almost immediately relaxes into your embrace, continuing his ministrations while you mumble a muffled "thank you" into the fabric covering his back
-you don't need to clarify what you're thankful for, and blade has always been one to speak more through his actuons than words
-he pauses for a second, turning to flick your forehead gently
-"don't get all soft on me now"
-you feel your eyes well up with appreciation for your boyfriend, squeezing him a little tighter to yourself as he turns back around, feeling his hand do the same to yours where it rests on his stomach
-"yeah, yeah. now let's eat, hmm?"
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ GEPARD
-another emotionally repressed king 😍
-i feel like in terms of noticing that something's up with you he would be worse than blade
-mr landau is a bit of a workaholic, and he's guilty of using it as a coping mechanism when he can feel himself start to slip
-he will run off of denial and caffeine and just force himself to keep working, resulting in a general lack of awareness in spotting when he or others are struggling
-so really, the dots that he should connect with how you've been acting recently take a little longer than they should be
-he's mentioning to serval how you seem to be the polar opposite of him recently, acting a lot more withdrawn and apathetic in general
-and serval is just blinking at him and wondering how dense her younger brother can be
-reprimands him and tells him that this is a conversation he should be having with you, and not her
-and with a little guidance, gepard is sat in front of you and asking if anything's wrong and if so what he can do to help
-and initially, you're not really sure yourself
-you know that you don't feel the same as usual, but you tend to just go with the motions and wait it out
-and gepard furrows his brows when he hears this
-poor guy has no idea how to handle this without direction
-so he does some research and makes some notes on ways he can help you because he loves you
-and next thing you know his late working hours and overtime have turned into getting home before the sun goes down
-resulting in him having enough energy to do something with you and spend some quality time together, whether that be a date night in or just cooking a meal together
-and funnily enough, gepard notices not only a slight improvement in your overall mood, but in his as well
-with all those tips and tricks of maintaining a routine, he was glad to see your shared efforts come into fruition
-he almost felt his heart combust when you told him that being around him makes you feel better
-man is whipped he will walk the ends of the earth just to see you happy
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𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 IF YOU LIKED THIS, TRY: fade into you!
honkai star rail masterlist ૮ • ﻌ - ა
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blindbeta · 4 months
I've noticed that you are interested in stories with multiple blind characters and often propose adding more blind characters to a story as a solution. I really struggle with this because it's not as simple as that -- stories don't have infinite narrative space. The idea that every story has a large cast is influenced by the prevalence of long serialized media in fandom: webcomics, TV shows, etc. But many writers (myself included) write a lot of novellas and short stories which often only have a few characters -- maybe even only 1 or 2! Even novels don't usually have huge expansive casts -- maybe 5 main characters with some additional side characters.
Considering this, I don't understand how it's realistic for every story (or even, say, 50% of stories) to have multiple blind characters (without it feeling forced). This is compounded by the fact that most blogs that talk about other forms of representation say the same! So if I write a 2-character short story and the protagonist is a blind Latino man, does the second character also have to be a blind Latino man? It just doesn't make sense! This is just a general problem I've noticed in discussions around representation -- there's an assumption that every cast will have 10+ characters and narrative space to develop those characters, even though that's not realistic for most narrative forms.
Do you have any thoughts on this?
Writing Multiple Blind Characters in Short Stories
Hi Anon! Surprise. I write short stories as well. I have experience with this. I have never felt like my blind characters were forced or unrealistic, even with having several of them in the same story. I’ll try to explain what might help you.
First, the idea that multiple blind characters is forced or unrealistic comes from ableism. Think about why you feel there is a limit on disabled characters. If you can create stories, I would hope you are creative enough to consider the possibility that multiple blind characters could exist in the same place and time. Challenging this barrier opens up more possibilities, allowing you to explore different types of blindness, different reactions to it, different upbringings, and multiple ways of living, adapting, and navigating being blind.
Second, blind characters need access to their own community. This is where they learn how to be blind. This where they get support. This is where they might find understanding and belonging. You can find more information about community here in an excellent reblog. Also, here.
As you mentioned, I often suggest adding more blind characters when writers insist upon using stereotyped portrayals. Having multiple characters with different experiences helps to make your story more realistic and nuanced, contrary to what people might implicitly believe. Having more than one blind character is something I highly recommend because it helps with not having all your representation rest on the shoulders of one character.
For example, if you are worried a main character who has cloudy eyes might reinforce the idea that all blind people have cloudy eyes, having another blind character with a different experience may help. If one of your blind characters is naive and innocent, you might have another blind character who is brash, displays a lack of trust in others, and has a lot of shocking stories. Maybe they’re in a rock band together. They met while playing blind football (aka soccer) on a middle school team. They bonded over their pet cats and sour patch kids.
Or something.
Another important thing to remember when writing is that you have control over the story. Too many writers come to me feeling stuck because they feel they cannot change their story while also wanting to incorporate my suggestions. This makes it challenging to address implicit bias or stereotypes, much less guide writers in going in different directions.
Additionally, I feel uncomfortable with the complaints about other blogs in this ask. I feel like this isn’t really about me, nor is it something I can comment on. I will say that it sounds as if a bunch of blogs dedicated to helping people write marginalized characters are mentioning some of the same things. They are probably doing so for a reason.
However, while it helps, writing multiple blind characters won’t improve every story, which I explained in my review of the book Blind. I was not impressed with this book. I did not feel that the four blind characters were very good, nor did having them help with offsetting the portrayal of blindness as a miserable experience.
Conversely, one of my favorite blind characters is Toph Beifong from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Despite being the only blind character in the show, the writers did a good job with her. Would I have liked her to meet more of her community as she travels with the Gang? Absolutely. Even though I like her, she still never had access to her community after being isolated by her parents for so long.
So, no, you don’t need to have multiple blind characters if the suggestion bothers you this much. I even provided good examples of what to do, what not to do, and times where my typical advice was not as helpful for the resulting story.
However, please consider where these feelings stem from. Consider the origins of the idea that having multiple blind characters is unrealistic. Using the example you provided in your question, I wonder, would you say the same if both your characters were white and abled? Is there any way you can challenge the fear of seeming unrealistic? What about being considered unrealistic bothers you so much?
You don’t necessarily need to have characters in the story for them to exist. Even background characters can help. I will try to give some ideas for this:
Does your blind character have family they can talk about or remember? Are any of their family members blind?
Do they have any friends? Just because the friends aren’t in the story doesn’t mean they don’t exist at all.
Does the blind character have any formative memories or flashbacks?
Does the character who isn’t blind know any blind folks?
Your characters should have lives outside of the story. They should have memories and experiences that made them who they are. This is where you can have other blind characters. Perhaps this is how your blind character can have a community.
However, I would still like to see more blind characters interacting with each other. This is what I want as a blind person. If you don’t want to go that direction, that’s fine.
I hope this helps.
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impactedfates · 7 months
hola mijo 💓puedes hacer the tall males as dads? like for example welt, blade, jing yuan, luocha, dan heng i wish i could argenti to this list 🥰 but he not out yet so hottie okay gracias 🐾☝
★ A/N: Hola!! Yes I can :)) We all love a father figure right?
☆ Genre/Trope: Platonic + Familial
★ Format: HeadCannons (Separate)
☆ Warnings: None
★ Extra: Just HCs of the HSR men as dads, you can view yourself as their child or as their lover // I only did the characters that you've stated in the request excluding Argenti // Not proofread
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Welt as a dad is a 10/10. He would be so supportive no matter what you'd want to be. He has his own child back in his actual universe after all and takes care of him so well.
He's the type to proudly show those messy drawings his kid makes to his friends and act like his kid is the next Pablo Pacasso even if all they drew was a stick figure.
He also wants you to try new things but he won't force you if you truly don't want too, all in all. Welts such a sweet and supportive dad <33
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Blade as a father? Now I wouldn't say he's the worst but he's not the best either. Biological or not, if he was tasked to take care of a kid, he will. He may not understand much about how to be a good father he manages to keep them fed, clothes ect. And with the help of the other Stellaron Hunters they're taken care of well
Except when it comes to affection. He'll try his best but his job makes it hard for him to really be home and hang out with his kid, not to mention he still has that want to die. He's emotionally unavailable most of the time. He's trying his best but he won't be much good if someone were to want to vent to him (Sorry!)
He can also sound harsh in some of his words and the kid may not get the message he's trying to convey! He may say something he sees as positive but his tone and what not makes it seem harsh.
Overall? 7.5/10 as a father
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Jing Yuan I think is also a great father! Though like Blade, his job does make him unavailable most of the time. Especially since he's a General.
BUT, we both know this man would drop anything if his kid were to message/call or anything of the source of they were in trouble. Even if it was to just make a complaint about the babysitter he hired to take care of his kid.
He does everything he should to ensure his kid is loved and taken care of, and sure he may not have as much time as he'd like to spend time with his kid, he tries his best.
As a father, I'd give him a 9.5/10.
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I'm unsure what Luochas thoughts on about taking care of kids in all honesty. As a doctor himself, he is aware of the cycle of life but whether or not he wishes to be apart of helping the kid grow up is unknown.
I don't think he'd have any adopted kids or something like that, however if he were to get someone pregnant he wouldn't leave them. He was a factor in how the baby was made and if the other person wishes to give birth to said kid then he'll help.
He's not a distant father per say, maybe strict but he doesn't mean to come out as harsh. He does everything a father should do and encourages his kid to study and all. He's not the most amazing father to have, honestly his kids probably prefer their other parent over him (Unless they left him and he became a single father)
All in all, while he may not be the best father he's not the worst and probably is just your average dad. 8/10
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I love Dan Heng so much if you didn't know (I say as if my tumblr theme isn't Dan Heng) and this isn't even a bias but I do think he'd be a good father.
He's so worried he won't be but he really is. He remembers everything his kid likes and dislikes and applies it when he's cooking or buying something in general. He won't force his kid to do anything they don't want and will help them study.
He'd be proud of his kids, even if their grades are bad. To him, as long as they tried that's all he cares about. He may struggle with showing his care towards them, however it's easy to see he's trying.
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If I had to choose out of all the male cast who I think would be the best dad? Probably Welt. I mean from what I know he already has the experience with kids and now he's taking care of 3 more (4 if you wanna count Pom Pom)...but also it's funny to call him Grandpa instead-
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bonefall · 7 months
So, I'm writing an essay on the whole STATE of misogyny in WC for one of my university classes, and I was wondering if I could ask you a couple of things! No pressure of course, please feel free to say no!
A) Could I reference your good takes with appropriate harvard referencing and links back to your blog?
B) Are there any specific moments from the books that you think should be covered the most?
C) The end result will be a visual essay, so it's like those fun infographics people on Tumblr make on like ADHD and stuff, so when it's done, would you like to be tagged to read it?
(Sorry for anon, I'm nervous lmao, but if you'd be more comfortable I'll resend this off anon)
AAY good topic! You've got a lot to work with. Absolutely feel free to reference anything I've written, and tag me when you're done.
While you're here and about to write something so legitimate, I'm also going to recommend you check out Sunnyfall's video on gender in Warrior Cats. She breaks down the arcs into numbers, directly comparing the amount of lines mollies have to toms, and examining the archetypes women are usually allowed to be.
I think it's a must-have citation in a paper about WC misogyny.
...and, I think it's insightful to look at the WCRP Forum thread about the video. Note how the respondents immediately come into the thread to complain about how the video is too long so they didn't watch it, dismissing Sunnyfall as not being entertaining enough to hold their attention, even whining that she starts with statistics to prove her point, which I'm convinced she did exactly because they would have cried that she "had no evidence" if she didn't.
I am not a scholar, so I don't know how to document or prove that the books have an impact on the audience outside of anecdotes. But I think if you do write a section about fandom, it would be worth mentioning the in-universe and metatextual apologia for Ashfur and its reflection in the real world discourse, the authorial killing of Ferncloud because of fan complains, and the utter defensiveness against the discussion of misogyny you see outside of Tumblr.
You may also want to check out Cheek by Jowl, a collection of 8 essays about sexism in xenofiction by Ursula K. Le Guin. There's a very unique manifestation of authorial bias in animal fiction, having a lot to do with how the author views "the natural world," and it's worth understanding even though Warrior Cats are so heavily anthropomorphized.
So... Warrior Cats Misogyny
I think discussing individual instances can be helpful, but I'd implore you to keep in mind what's REALLY bad about WC's misogyny is framing and the bigger picture.
Bumble's death is shocking and insulting, but it's not just that she died. It's that the POV Gray Wing sees her as a fat, useless bitch who took his mate so she deserves to be dragged back to a domestic abuser, and he's right because the writers love him so much. It's that Bumble's torture and killing only factors into how it's going to hurt a man's reputation.
It's how Clear Sky hitting, emotionally manipulating, or killing the following women,
Bright Stream (pressured into leaving her home and family)
Storm (controlled her movements and yelled at her in public)
Misty (killed for land, children stolen)
Bumble (beaten unconscious, blamed nonsensically on a fox)
Alder (child abuse, hit when she refused to attack her brother)
Falling Feather (scratched on the face, subjected to public abuse and humiliation)
Tall Shadow (thrown into murderous crowd, attacked on-sight in heaven)
Rainswept Flower ("blacked out" in anger and murdered in cold blood)
Moth Flight (scratched on the face for saying denying medical treatment is mean, taken hostage in retaliation against mother for the death of his own child, which he caused)
Willow Tail (eyes gouged out for "stirring up trouble")
Is seen as totally understandable, forgivable, or not even questioned at all, when killing Gray Wing in an act of rage would have been "one step too far" with the ridiculous Star Line.
"Kill me and live with the memory, and then let the stars know it would only matter if a single one of your murder victims was a man."
It's the way that fathers who physically abuse their kids out of their ego (Clear Sky, Sandgorse, Crowfeather) aren't treated anywhere near the same level of narrative disgust and revulsion the series has for "bad moms", even if they're displaying symptoms of a post-partum mood disorder (depression, anxiety, and rage), an umbrella of mental illnesses 20% of all new mothers experience but are heavily stigmatized with (Sparkpelt, Palebird, Lizardstripe).
It's Crookedstar's Promise giving him two evil maternal figures in a single book, while bending over backwards to make every man in a position of power still look likeable in spite of the fact they're enabling Rainflower's abuse. Leader Hailstar is soso sorry that he has to change Stormkit's name for some reason, in spite of leaders being unaccountable dictators the other 99% of the time, and Deputy Shellheart functionally does nothing to stop his own son from being abused or even do much parenting before or after the fact.
It's the way men's parental struggles are seen sympathetically, and they don't have to "pay for it" like their female counterparts (Crookedstar's PPD vs Sparkpelt's PPD, how Daisy and Cinders are held responsible for Smoky and Whisper being deadbeats, Yellowfang's endless guilt for killing her son vs Onestar's purpose in life to kill his own), even to the point where a father doesn't have to have raised their kids at all to have a magical innate emotional connection to them (Tree's father Root, Tom the Wifebeater, Tigerstar and Hawkfrost).
It's less speaking lines and agency for female characters, being reduced to accessories in the lives of their mates and babies, women getting less diversity in their personalities, with even major ex-POV characters eventually becoming "sweet mom" tropes.
You could zoom in on any one of these examples and have an amoeba try to argue with you that "Oh THIS makes sense because X" or "Ah well my headcanon perfectly explains this thing" or "MY mother/girlfriend was abusive/toxic/neglectful and I've decided that you are personally attacking ME by having issues with how a character was written or utilized," but the beleaguered point,
That I keep trying to hammer in, over and over, across books worth of posts,
Is that these are trends. More than just a couple one-off examples. It's the fabric that has been woven over years, showing a lack of interest in, or even active prejudice of, women on behalf of the writers.
LONG STANDING trends, which have only gotten worse as the series progressed. From Yellowfang being harshly punished with a born evil son who ruins her life in TPB and the mistreatment of Squirrelpaw that begins in TNP, all the way up to the 7 Fridgenings of DOTC and Sparkpelt's PPD being a major character motivator for her son Nightheart.
So, I would stress that in your paper, and structure it less as "the Sparkpelt slide" and "the Yellowfang slide," and more as "The paternal vs maternal abuse" slide, and "the violence against women" slide. They're really big issues, there's tons of examples for each individual thing.
Anyway to leave off on a funny, look at this scene in Darkest Hour that I find unreasonably hilarious,
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"Everyone who matters to me; my truest friend, my sensible and loyal warrior, the wisest deputy I've ever known, and 2 women." -Firestar, glorious idiot
He can't even think of a single trait for either of them what the hell does "formidable pair" mean lmaooo, when I finished a reread about a year ago this line killed me on impact.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 5 months
oooh I got one! prompt 74 with any of the follower!bishops, where they get hurt on a crusade and reader, who is a healer finds them and helps them <333
74) "I think I broke my leg!"
"I can't believe this...betrayed by my own-!!"
"Lord Kallamar?"
Surprised by the voice, Kallamar looked up at you, the figure dressed in white tattered robes, clean of any and all ichor. The metal halo behind your head reflected the sunlight from above Anchordeep, making it seem as though it were glowing.
Now he remembers.
You're one of the many nameless Healers in his former army of cultists and devotees. He thought most of them were culled by the Lamb at this point, yet you were somehow still alive.
"You have returned to us in such a miniscule form." You mused, to which you saw him tense up, trying to shuffle away.
So far, every creature here was trying to kill him during his crusade, and he wasn't sure if you were going to be any different.
He knew should've gone to the tailor first; at least they wouldn't attack him on-sight just because his red robes remind them of the Lamb..and that his defeat permanently shattered his image as a leader.
"Back away from me! I'm---ow!!!" Feeling a sudden sharp pain in one of his legs, Kallamar stopped moving and looked down, realizing it didn't look quite right. "Ah...a-ahaha...I-I think I broke my leg...!"
"Do not fear, my lord. I will make it all better." Floating down to the ground, you gently reached your hands out to him, green magic appearing from your fingertips. "How did this happen, if I may ask?"
"Well..I fell.." He mumbled quietly, and you looked at him, mishearing him.
"What happened?"
"I-I fell while fleeing from one of those sea creatures..." Red dusted his face as he averted his gaze, embarrassed to be seen like this--especially by someone he used to rule over.
But you seemed to show absolutely no bias nor resentment towards him, even though he now wore the same robes of the enemy cult.
Part of him was afraid you'd refuse and leave him to suffer on his own, although he remembers that your singular job is to be a healer. And despite knowing that he wasn't some all-powerful god anymore and allowed himself to be beaten by Lamb into submission...you wanted to help him anyways. You didn't huff or laugh or show any indication that you thought of him as pathetic for breaking his leg over a simple fall.
Instead, you quietly allowed your magic to go to work, mending the broken done and repairing the torn flesh. Soon it set itself back into place without causing him further pain, making it good as new.
Like nothing even happened.
"You should be good now, my lord. Do be careful with your new mortal vessel." Bowing your head, you rose to your feet and watched as Kallamar slowly got up.
"Only now I see how fragile this body is..damned Lamb.." He grunted, checking out his leg before picking up his backpack. Then he gazed up at you. "What's your name?"
You blinked. "My name..?"
"Yes, that's what I said. I never knew your name, but I wanna know it now."
"I see, then...I'm [y/n]." You answered, surprised and flattered that he asked.
It's been so long since you've said your name to anyone, that you've almost forgotten it entirely.
"Well, [y/n]..would you care to accompany me for the remainder of my crusade? I was sent to retrieve as many crystal shards as I could carry...but I keep running into dead ends, and death traps.." Kallamar shuddered. "And I-"
"You needn't worry, my lord. I would be happy to join you." Although he couldn't see your smile under your hood, he could hear the delight in your voice, and chuffed.
Why were you so kind to him? Why did you treat him as though he was still your ruler?
"None of this bothers you at all?" He vaguely gestured to himself. "You don't see me as your "enemy"?"
"I only see the injured and the sick, and I heal them." You assured him, chuckling softly. "Do not fret. It matters not what form you take or how limited it is, my lord-"
"Okay, I'm not your "lord" anymore. Just Kallamar is fine."
"...very well, Kallamar. Then let us go. I know a safe path."
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wonfilms · 1 year
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warnings- a sick hyunjin, a little angst (but not really, there’s a lot of comfort and cuddles), nudity (that is not sexual).
a/n- this was a request from @hyungenie5 ! i hope this is the kinda thing you wanted! hyunjin is probably one of my biggest bias wreckers i hope you enjoy this!
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when you opened your phone to 5 missed calls from chan, your head immediately jumped to the worst. had something serious happened? you mentally cursed at yourself for putting your phone on silent and called him back. he answered immediately panicking you further.
“oh my god chan what happened? is there something wro-” , you rambled before he cut you off. “heya! can you come pick hyunjin up?? i think he’s ill but he’s refusing to sit out... you know we have that big show coming up i think he’s worrying himself about it.”
you exhale heavily thankful that it’s nothing life-altering. “yeah of course! i’ll be there in a bit, thanks for calling me chan “.
when you got to the studio you saw hyunjin sat on a chair dozing, resting his head on the wall next to him. your heart hurt a little at the sight, he was so prone to ignoring his own body’s messages to rest that he overworked himself to exhaustion. you waved to chan and crouched in front of him as his eyes fluttered open, though his gaze was wavering and distant. he looked so tired but the moment he met your eyes he gave you a wide smile that made his entire face light up for a minute. 
you took his hands in yours and gave him a soft smile back. “you alright baby?” you rubbed sloppy circles on his palms as he nodded. you knew he was just going to pretend he was okay but you weren’t going to force anything out of him. “let’s go home yeah?” you said as he shakily stood up and followed you back to the car. he was silent the entire car ride looking so peaceful he may have been sleeping but you knew he wasn’t from the way his glossed over eyes that were staring out the window.
as soon as you locked the front door, he fell into your arms hugging you tightly whilst you combed your fingers through his hair, “what’s wrong jin?” you whispered, “just feel all wobbly and my head hurts...” he mumbled as you held his unusually warm face in your hands. you reached a hand up and felt his forehead . 
a fever just as you had suspected.
“don’t worry i’m gonna take good care of you i promise” you planted a soft kiss on his cheek and lead him upstairs. you helped him take off his clothes while you ran a bath and let him climb in to it.  he sighed audibly as the warm water touched his body, letting you soak his head with the shower head. 
you squeezed a little shampoo into your hands and washed his hair for him carefully as to not get any of the bubbles into his eyes. you felt his body relax against your hands as you rubbed his shoulders, he tilted his head back to face you and gave you the warmest smile you’d ever seen. 
“you’re an angel” he muttered softly as he rested the back of his head against the rim of the bath, peering up at you with his soft half-lidded eyes, you chuckled placing your forehead against his damp one as he joined his lips with yours, his wet hands reaching up to cradle your cheek. he’d inched closer and closer to you and the only thing in between the two of you was the ceramic of the bath. 
“can you get in the bath with me?” he shyly questioned pulling away from your lips for a second. you smiled, getting up to discard your clothes before clambering into the tub with your boyfriend. he pulled you closer to him, happy that you obliged at his request. you relaxed against his chest and let the warm water lap over the two of you.  you grinned at the blissful expression blooming on hyunjin’s face before you basked in the peace of your apartment. treasuring the few minutes that it felt like you two were the only people in the world.
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