theartofeverything · 10 days
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Arc 1: The Grafitist
Alright, do y’all remember from a WHILE ago when I talked about a Casey Jones fic? Welp, I know it’s been a hot minute, but here she is!!
Part 1:
Side by side with weapons drawn, we stepped together into the black. We’d been tracking down this den for weeks, mapping out where the attacks were happening, tailing mutants as they retreated back into the night, staking out dark alleys and abandoned buildings until we finally spotted them slipping in and out this dilapidated warehouse.
With a signal from Fong, our commanding officer, we split off into pairs down each of the hallways, scanning for signs of life with our night vision goggles. My partner, Angel, checked for traps while I stayed on lookout. I kept track of the sounds of my team in the back of my mind as they moved elsewhere in the building, mainly so I knew what was them and what was the enemy, but also for the needed reminder that I was one of many, even when venturing into enemy territory.
As we wound our way through the labyrinth of debris left over from numerous battles, I picked up on a faint noise up ahead where none of the team had reached yet. Signaling the others with a click on our salvaged walkie-talkies, we converged on a set of double doors hidden behind a stack of crates. There was a muffled din on the other side, the clatter of claws on concrete, thumps of large beasts moving around, trills, hisses, growls and chirps from non-human throats.
Fong held up three fingers. My hands clenched around the cold gritty metal of my gun. No matter how many raids I went on, this part always made me feel nervous. Two fingers. I thought about Candy back at camp. She was itching to join the hunters but was still too young. I’d promised she could come with me in a couple of years, but part of me was really hoping we’d have killed off the last of the bastards by then. One finger. Now was not the time to be worried about little sisters. I had to stay focused on keeping me and my team alive. Zero. Fong kicked the door in with a bang and we opened fire.
So here we are! Finally at the beginning! I plan on releasing short form like this so I can hopefully put more out more frequently. I’ve got the baisic plot for this first arc figured out and ready to go, but I’d really love to delve into more detail, bring in more backstory, and take off on some side quests based on y’all’s questions. So ask away! Curious about a detail? Got a hope or theory where something might be headed? Just thought something was cool? Let me know and I’ll likely write a part of the story in response!
Part 2 coming soon!
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heretherebedork · 3 years
And the battle goes on: "Friends will be Friends" edition! Who are the truest friends? Friends that support and connect with one another?? A protective friend?? When he's in need of love they give you care and attention?? aaanndd the contestants are:
Puth vs. Thurs
Miriam vs. Yihwah
Fong vs. Ni (TonChon)
Tum vs. Hin
Fujisaki vs. Pang (TonChon)
Two vs. Tul (ATOTS)
Tsuge vs. Rokkaku
Kao (Oxygen) vs. M (SOTUS)
Man vs. Bone
Waan vs. Pond
Duean vs. Ram
Mueang Nan vs. Longtae
Mark vs. Ming
Win vs. Team
Manaow vs. Tiffy
Khiem (HCTM) vs. Jack (Nitiman)
Na vs. Boss (2gether)
Zhao Zi vs. Mon
Jack vs. Inspector M
Oat (MoD) vs. Ai
BoXiang vs. ZhiGang
Shou Yi vs. MuRen
Zon vs. Champ
Saifah vs. Pearl
Kit (Gen Y) vs. Beam
Puth vs. Thurs
Puth wins this because he's been such a supportive friend to many of his friends. Also, the stupid way he helped Sun and Nuea get together? Adorable and stupid and that special kind of manipulative that only friends get to be.
Miriam vs. Yihwah
Miriam is just amazing, okay? She stood up for Chon on so many levels and helped out Ai and Ni just... she was basically an angel and supported all her gaybies and made sure everything was okay.
Fong vs. Ni (TonChon)
Look, this at least partially because I liked THCT way more than 2gether. And also because Ni was an amazing friend and supportive and there and patient like a saint. So... yeah, he takes it.
Tum vs. Hin
Hin stood up for Gene. Hin risked his job for Gene and he did it in front of the world. Tum did as well but later and behind closed doors and while I do respect him as well... Hin put so much more on the line. And he did it so, so well and with tears in his eyes and I love him.
Fujisaki vs. Pang (TonChon)
We stan Fujisaki in this house. No questions, no substitutions allowed. Pang is awesome and she does her best but does she go on a roof and set off fireworks after the show was canceled to insure that her friends have a good date?
Two vs. Tul (ATOTS)
Tul is a great friend. Absolutely fantastic. But Two stands beside Third with such willingness and such openness and takes his side so thoroughly... He wins by the tiniest bit.
Tsuge vs. Rokkaku
Rokkaku was ready to throw down Tsuge for the sake of thinking he had hurt Minato. Like, I can't pick anyone over Rokkaku. Tsuge is amazing but Rokkaku would do anything for a friend. Also, he's adorable beyond measure.
Kao (Oxygen) vs. M (SOTUS)
M is such a good friend but Kao scales the side of a building to rescue his friend from being held hostage by his father. Like, M, love ya but you can't compare.
Man vs. Bone
I just love Man. He's the best part of 2gether, okay? So he wins this.
Waan vs. Pond
Pond is fun but he's more comedic relief than good friend. Waan really does his best. Though I do think he should have talked to Pai more rather than keeping all the Itt stuff secret. But whatever. At least he really tried.
Duean vs. Ram
Ram is willing to get into a boxing match for his friends. Duean is a good brother and a good friend but I think Ram edges him out simply by being a bit smarter. Duean might have him on loyalty but Ram can solve an issue with thinking.
Mueang Nan vs. Longtae
No one from FUTS is gonna win, okay? Also, Mueng Nan is a good wingman but that doesn't mean he's a good friend. A good friend would be talking to Mork about how stupid he's being. Longtae listened and learned and opened his heart and seriously he was so, so good and so understanding and so supportive.
Mark vs. Ming
Honestly, I think part of this is when the shows aired? The friendships in Thai BLs have been increasingly important and Gen Y did come after 2moons/2moons2. But also Mark just gets some of the absolute best friendship moments with Yu so he's gotta win.
Win vs. Team
This one was HARD. They're both amazing friends and exactly what their friends need them to be... but I think Team's support edges out Win just a little bit in terms of friendship.
Manaow vs. Tiffy
Tiffy kinda got fucked over by the show so... gotta give it to Manaow. I think Tiffy had all the potential in the world but the show just kept pushing her in the wrong direction.
Khiem (HCTM) vs. Jack (Nitiman)
Both fantastic hetero buddies! But Jack and his adorable willingness to play wingman despite being in the love with the girl he's pointing towards his playboy friend? So sweet.
Na vs. Boss (2gether)
I had to pick Na. I love Na. And his willingness to sacrifice his love for the sake of friendship? And then everyone joining him on the beach and the sheer comfort there? Ughhhh so gooooood.
Zhao Zi vs. Mon
ZZ is just an angel, okay? I love him dearly. And get this one because Mon is adorable but he's also so, so sassy and maybe not always the most supportive. He has good friends, though. But ZZ? ZZ was ready to throwdown just at the thought of someone judging ShaoFei for being gay.
Jack vs. Inspector M
Jack wins this because he's got his scary switchblade tricks. Also he's a friend the entire time. Inspector M is close, though. No denials. But there's something about Jack's support and the way his friendship turns to love as well... he wins.
Oat (MoD) vs. Ai
Another hard one! This one is so, so hard. I don't wanna choose. Whyyyy. But Oat helped cover up deaths and saved people and I just had to give it to him. But it was close! I've gone back and forth over and over again. Because they're both amazing friends.
BoXiang vs. ZhiGang
Honest statement, I feel like I haven't watch either of these BLs recently enough to tell you. Sorry.
Shou Yi vs. MuRen
MuRen is just such a soft, sweet friend. And then the occasional little snarks as he takes care of them? He has to win. What a darling.
Zon vs. Champ
This was also a challenge. But I feel like Zon had more good friends than he was a good friend for the most part. So it goes to Champ. Who was a very good friend as well.
Saifah vs. Pearl
Pearl's own show might have been a little fucked (which is sad because it was GL and it had potential but just went nowhere) but she was an amazing friend at all times. So she takes the gold here.
Kit (Gen Y) vs. Beam
I just adore Kit. Beam as good and he did his best and he was a good friend but Kit nearly destroyed his own romantic relationship to help a friend. Was it a good choice? No. Was it true friendship loyalty? Yes.
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theartofeverything · 1 year
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Tada! In This Together Masterpost!
Where it all started
Angelo: Sunrise, Mask
Mona Lisa
April O’Neil
Height Chart
Ask Game
Postapocalyptic New York
The Lair
Designed with Care
Purple Dragons
Alignment Charts
Loving life? x Who’s problem am I?
Turtles in their Twenty-Somethings
Leoraisagi, Comrads in Arms, Leosagi
Red Carpet Venus
Lost in Thought
Do you ever get tired of lying?
Turtle Tots
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theartofeverything · 1 year
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🦹 Who is the main villain?
Biker gang turned rebellion fighters turned new world martial law, the Purple Dragons have led the human race through hell and back. Now it’s their job to rebuild a world worthy of their comrads’ sacrifices and make sure the Kraang can never come back. That mission includes wiping out the mutant monsters the aliens left behind.
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