#iunkjergdf mE CRYING IN THE BG gosh ily you sweetheart <3 <3
narutorpcpositivity · 6 years
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Everyone who I have talked to has been so nice and wecoming!! And I haven’t even had this blog for very long at all really. I WANT TO GIVE A BIG THANK YOU TO SHORP FOR TALKING TO ME, and basically inspiring me to want to jump into the Naruto Fandom because of their Kankuro which is amazing and I love him!!
I also want to give a pretty big thank you to the muns of @of-smoke-and-deer, @sabakv, @shadcwd, @karukv, @inumbratte, @oneesands, @variantia, @blackgreed, @vestiallus, @galgenballade, @lavafed and @kageheir !
They’ve either answered any questions I had, said something nice, and/or interacted with me a bit thus far (and I have some replies/asks for some of them, at least at this point)!
I also just want to thank EVERYONE SO MUCH WHO’S BEEN INTERESTED IN THIS SOFT SAND BOY (and my mean my followers as well as those, of course!) I’m surprised that I’ve taken to him as much as I have, but I think part of that reason is because I’ve been doodling him, and he makes me happy basically!!
I have a lot of thoughts and I want to interact with everyone I’m mutuals with (once more, non mutuals can still come into my inbox to send questions!) I’m not sure what else I want to say here so I’ll just end it here thanks!!! Sorry if I missed anyone orz.
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