seizasa-a · 4 years
hello again grandpa
Ghosts   .      He had come to know ghosts on a deeply familiar level   .      They followed him like possessed souls   ,   watching his every move   ,   waiting   ,   salivating for his inevitable DEMISE   .      He knew   ,   logically   ,   that he would live a long &&. full life if only he chose to   ,   but seeing the gaunt face of the SHINIGAMI around every twist &&. turn made him fear for an end that was closer than he thought   .
He spent most of his time indoors   ,   reading   ,   studying discreetly as if he thought he were surrounded by ENEMY SPIES   .      He searched for an answer to his woes   ,   an escape from this torment that plagued his mind   .      He did not mind sacrificing his soul when the time came   .      What bothered him was the constant reminder of what was to come   .      He couldn’t stand it   .
The wind picked up outside of his windows   ,   rattling the blinds just enough to startle him from his concentration   .      He let out a breath as his heartbeat evened out once more   ,   but that relief was SHORT-LIVED as he heard a very distinct whisper   ,   so clear it nearly felt tangible   ,   &&. suddenly he was frozen solid   .
No . . . no   .      Nobody came to visit him anymore   ,   let alone Gaara   .      His youngest grandson was quite possibly the most disappointed of everyone when he learned of what Tetsujin had done   .      It was survival   ,   he had tried to explain   ,   but to no avail   .      Trading another’s soul for his own was just as bad as murder as far as everyone else was concerned   .      He was no better than the very man who had threatened the entire foundation of the Five Great Nations in the war recently passed   .
Gods   ,   he was disgusted   .      He closed his eyes   ,   leaned his head back against the wall behind him   ,   &&. willed away the tears   .      He was not unused to loneliness   .      It was this feeling of ABANDONMENT that clutched at his heart so viciously   .
&&. still   ,   behind the cover of his closed eyelids   ,   he could see it   .      Watching him   .      The beast that beckoned him into its grasp of death ———
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sukoshitachi · 5 years
Shikadai used to get teased by the other children...
Pls introduce uncle gaara to the bullies he will set them straight
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“My Uncle killed a million guys in one night when he was my age, what did your stupid uncle do???” 
Shikadai using his uncle as a scare tactic: go.
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variantia · 5 years
"Happy birthday, Yashamaru," Gaara smiles. He offers out a shoddily wrapped box with a purple bow taped to the top of it. Inside his uncle will find a picture frame made from sandstone, with the characters of their names carved into either side. The frame itself had one of the very few pictures of Yashamaru and Gaara from before, and he was sure his uncle hadn't yet seen it. In it, Yashamaru was grinning up at an embarrassed Gaara, whom was sitting upon his uncle's shoulders, embarrassed.
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   Yashamaru returns the smile and carefully opens the box, not wanting to completely rip the paper.          ❝  Oh, thank you, Gaara.  You didn’t have to get me anything, real-                  ly, it’s ...  ❞
   The words die as he gets a look at the gift, his eyes darting from the kanji to the actual picture inside the frame.  Captured there is a memory that he recalls vividly, but he had no idea it had been photographed.  How in the world had he missed such a beautiful picture ?
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          ❝  How did you -- where did ... this ... this picture ... oh ...  ❞
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   His fingertips trace delicately over the characters for Gaara’s name, then move to run over the hair and face of the child in the picture.  Slowly, a wide smile forms on his face -- not unlike the one he was sporting in the photo.  He reaches to pull his nephew into a hug with one arm, squeezing gently as he kisses the redhead’s temple.          ❝  Oh, Gaara.  Thank you, thank you so much.  ❞
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kabukv · 5 years
Gaara offers a gentle smile to his brother, then holds out a poorly wrapped gift that's decorated with a bow the same color as Kankurou's facepaint. "Happy birthday, Kankurou -- /brother/." The gift wasn't much, but as the most prominent family in Sunagakure there was little they didn't already have. Within the box was a sandstone sculpture of Kankurou's favorite puppets made from Gaara's very own sand, and of course, hand carved by the youngest sibling.
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        -- ❝ aww-- thanks, gaara ! ! ❞ as arm wraps around his little brother’s shoulders, he doesn’t even bother hiding the SMILE that crept up at the sight of the present. he already knew he’d love the gift regardless of it’s contents ( though he had to admit, the hand made sand sculptures of his puppets was a bonus he wasn’t really expecting ). a chuckle escapes him as he examines them, ❝ man, i’m gonna have to make a FRAME or something for these ! y’know, like one does with trophies ? knowing myself, i’d probably end up accidentally dropping them or something otherwise. ❞ really, he’d never get tired of this feeling-- them, celebrating each other’s birthday every year like a proper FAMILY. just that was the greatest gift he could ever ask for-- & one he’d been lucky enough to get year after year. 
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karukvmoved · 5 years
“You’re worth more than you realize.” (@sabakv but im lazy ilu)
Hands stilled, any act she had been busying herself with, now seemed unimportant. it still caught her off-guard, these moments, these simple moments that brought her more happiness than she had ever dreamed possible. It had taken TIME, time to heal && to reconnect, time to trust themselves && each other.
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But they had pulled through, they had pulled through TOGETHER,  united like they should have ALWAYS been. Her brother, her littlest brother who for the longest time had been lost to her, who had nearly been taken from her anew. 
The women took a deep breath, pushing back the FEARS, the thoughts of almost losing them, of having lost Gaara for the briefest of moments. Pushing herself away from the desk, the women broke the distance between herself && her brother, it was odd to her, how she now had to look up to meet his eyes, he was growing up && she couldn’t be prouder of the man he had become. Fingers moved to RUFFLE his hair, an old habit, but one she wasn’t sure she could ever break. “I should be saying that to you, but thank you....I’ll keep it in mind.”
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karukv-moved · 6 years
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                                It’s DARKEST before the dawn
                                          - - - but YOU don’t have to do this ALONE
                              IND && SEL. GAARA, KANKURO && TEMARI, THE SAND SIBLINGS. 
loved by Nia, Shorp && Mari              template credit X
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narutorpcpositivity · 6 years
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Everyone who I have talked to has been so nice and wecoming!! And I haven’t even had this blog for very long at all really. I WANT TO GIVE A BIG THANK YOU TO SHORP FOR TALKING TO ME, and basically inspiring me to want to jump into the Naruto Fandom because of their Kankuro which is amazing and I love him!!
I also want to give a pretty big thank you to the muns of @of-smoke-and-deer, @sabakv, @shadcwd, @karukv, @inumbratte, @oneesands, @variantia, @blackgreed, @vestiallus, @galgenballade, @lavafed and @kageheir !
They’ve either answered any questions I had, said something nice, and/or interacted with me a bit thus far (and I have some replies/asks for some of them, at least at this point)!
I also just want to thank EVERYONE SO MUCH WHO’S BEEN INTERESTED IN THIS SOFT SAND BOY (and my mean my followers as well as those, of course!) I’m surprised that I’ve taken to him as much as I have, but I think part of that reason is because I’ve been doodling him, and he makes me happy basically!!
I have a lot of thoughts and I want to interact with everyone I’m mutuals with (once more, non mutuals can still come into my inbox to send questions!) I’m not sure what else I want to say here so I’ll just end it here thanks!!! Sorry if I missed anyone orz.
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inumbratte · 6 years
What’s that? That’s the sound of Shikamaru not...
he isnt emotionally grown enough to handle this on his own, brother
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“Well... since you asked nicely Gaara-”
Temari vo: OI!!
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mgicunleashed · 6 years
“ really? what did you dream about?” (to Shinki!)
Six Words ( accepting )@sabakv
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     ⏳𝒮𝒽𝒾𝓃𝓀𝒾;;– ‘ The details are actually kind of hazy… Since I got up. ‘ He rested his head against his hand, a soft huff leaving him as he tried to recollect what it was he even dreamed about. If he’d forgotten it… Surely it wasn’t that important. Still, suppose it’d be nice to know a little bit. Even a shred would do.
     ‘ Seems like it’s just one of those dreams that doesn’t want to be remembered. ‘
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manipulatingart · 6 years
Not scared, hm?
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        “ ... um, i mean ... you’re shikadai uncle. that basically makes us family, right ?? why would i be scared of you ?? you can do that cool sand thing. plus, you’re yodo’s dad and yodo’s great. ”
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xotosan-blog · 6 years
sabakv replied to your post: ‘ i’m not angry with you, just disappointed. ’
hi gaara just got So Angry that their father just talked to his sibling like that bye
omg. i’m so sorry lmao
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yajutsu-blog · 6 years
smooches his cheek.
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          SUNAGAKURE again .  his regular travels no longer make him WEARY ,  bones & muscle refreshed from a  ( peaceful journey )  across countries ;  customs know his FACE like the backs of their hands and the villagers have WARMED UP to his stays .  aside from seeing his beloved KAZEKAGE ,  he spends as much time training as he does interacting with the locals .  it’s like a second home to him —— as much as he would LOVE to stay at home in KONOHA and steal away gaara to live with him ,  it simply isn’t a choice .  maybe ONE DAY he’ll come for a permanent stay .  he SMILES ,  just thinking about it as his lover offers a warm reception .  he leans down & presses an  ( affectionate kiss )  to the redhead’s temple in return ,  fingers brushing LIGHTLY across feathery tresses as he SMILES against gaara’s head .  “ i missed you … !! “
          ☆  /  @sabakv
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variantia · 5 years
sabakv replied to your post: "Happy birthday, Yashamaru," Gaara smiles. He...
ur welcome
BELLUM.   ur heckin right I’m welcome thank u Nia u r a blessing
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kabukv · 6 years
                                   @sabakv​ && @karukv
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          -- SHORP. i wanted to take a second to share a few words to you two !! THIS year marks the second year of this blog, which i initially created on 2017 ! 
          -- NIA; i’ve known you the longest time, & began talking to you not too long after i made kank, & you joined me with your gaara. there are no words i could use to express how GRATEFUL i am that you did & that knowing myself, how without you i probably would’ve long gone inactive on this blog. it’s mostly because of you, your headcanons, your chatting with me about our muses, your gaara & shino in general that my take on kank is how he is today & that my muse for him as stayed alive for so friggin’ long. without you, this blog wouldn’t be what it is now & honestly it all goes to you. not to mention you’re currently one of my main ship partners ??? literally i don’t think i’ve shipped so many muses with a single person apart from you & i’m so glad you’re so open & easy to talk to in that regard ? that you’re willing to stick with my dumb ass & develop all our muses ? at this point you could tell me ‘ hi i ship these two together ‘ & i’d ship with you in an instant & further develop our muses from there. i’m honestly so glad to have met you & gotten the chance to write with you ♡
         -- MARI; ! ! !  it’s not even been a year since we began talking & writing & just !! !  you don’t understand the excitement nia & i felt when you decided to match with us & develop our muses together. for SO long we’ve been wanting to have a temari to talk to & develop the sand sibs with & i’m so glad it was you. you’re so easy to talk to & you know temari so well, that developing headcanons & thoughts on the sand sibs has never been easier, now that i have your input on what temari would think & say in certain situations, as well as being able to discuss their past with you. you !!  quite literally completed us !! & i can never thank you enough for coming along when you did & sticking with our dumb shitposting ♡
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chakrastring · 6 years
Blood in the Cut
starter for @sabakv​
“You want me to deal with him?” Sasori asked dubiously. When he’d been called into the Kazekage’s office for a personal meeting, he’d expected something like a top-secret mission. Not glorified baby-sitting duty.
“Gaara is a vital asset for Sunagakure,” the Yondaime said, his expression unchanging. “But he can’t be used if he’s not contained.”
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And who’s fault is that? Sasori wanted to ask, but he just said, “I use puppets. I’m not -”
“It means you have a better chance of escaping alive if he turns on you,” the Yondaime replied. He had a blocky, square face, one that became even harder when he was frowning like he was now. He’d stopped smiling general after the birth of his third child.  “And you have puppets designed for capture and movement, yes?”
“...yes,” Sasori said, not liking where this was going.
“If he loses control in the village -”
“- I have to get him out,” Sasori finished, already connecting the dots. The Yondaime’s eyes narrowed for his interruption but he nodded.
It made sense. Sasori didn’t like it, but it made a stupid amount of sense. There was no argument that could really get him out of something like this and besides... it was almost flattering that he was being considered the best possible guardian for their village’s jinchuuriki.
Key word being almost.
Wasn’t the Kazekage’s youngest child ten? Or was it eight? Twelve? Sasori didn’t really keep track of children; he just wanted them out of his way unless they were good enough for the Puppet Troupe, and even then, he’d rather they just did everything out of sight until they became respectable adults who could cross the street alone. What did children even do at that age? Play? Eat sand? Back when he had been eight, he’d been fighting a war.
Today’s youth. Tch.
“...is there anything else I need to know?” he asked.
“No. Gaara’s waiting for you in the anteroom.” The Yondaime jerked his head towards the smaller room adjacent to his office. Sasori thought he saw sand trickling under the door. He narrowed his eyes and the door shifted, closing.
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karukv-moved · 6 years
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The sand siblings POKEMON AU: // @kabukv @sabakv
Before you dare to challenge the Sunagakure gym, take note. The WIND badge is fearlessly guarded by the THREE sand siblings. TEMARI,  who’s famed for her cruelty in battle. She attacks without mercy, her team made up of heavy hitters. KANKUROU  who’s famed for his poisons, slowly but surely widdling away your pokemon's health.&& GAARA the befriender of legendary pokemon. If by some luck you are able to beat his two siblings,  Sunagakure gym leader WILL do everything in his power to keep the gym's reputation intact. 
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