ofkxnoha · 5 years
kageheir liked your post:hums some day my prince will come
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there he is!
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konohadaddies · 5 years
Come Home {c}
Continued from HERE with @kageheir
The bespectacled man frowned slightly at his teammate's words, but still he accepted them all the same. Arguing with Konohamaru had rarely had any effect anyways. "I can try to keep her here. But you know she's as hard headed as you are and will do what she pleases." Sadly, Udon was pretty sure he was the only one of their team that tried to think about things before acting.
Still frowning, Udon was silent for a long moment before speaking again. "Konohamaru, be safe. Please. If you need help, just send a message and we will come help you. But we need you to come home just as much as we need them home."
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narutorpcpositivity · 6 years
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Everyone who I have talked to has been so nice and wecoming!! And I haven’t even had this blog for very long at all really. I WANT TO GIVE A BIG THANK YOU TO SHORP FOR TALKING TO ME, and basically inspiring me to want to jump into the Naruto Fandom because of their Kankuro which is amazing and I love him!!
I also want to give a pretty big thank you to the muns of @of-smoke-and-deer, @sabakv, @shadcwd, @karukv, @inumbratte, @oneesands, @variantia, @blackgreed, @vestiallus, @galgenballade, @lavafed and @kageheir !
They’ve either answered any questions I had, said something nice, and/or interacted with me a bit thus far (and I have some replies/asks for some of them, at least at this point)!
I also just want to thank EVERYONE SO MUCH WHO’S BEEN INTERESTED IN THIS SOFT SAND BOY (and my mean my followers as well as those, of course!) I’m surprised that I’ve taken to him as much as I have, but I think part of that reason is because I’ve been doodling him, and he makes me happy basically!!
I have a lot of thoughts and I want to interact with everyone I’m mutuals with (once more, non mutuals can still come into my inbox to send questions!) I’m not sure what else I want to say here so I’ll just end it here thanks!!! Sorry if I missed anyone orz.
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altarfated · 6 years
hi im mimi and i like to recruit fictional children into my army in my video game eye winks
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konomedi-blog · 6 years
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“Not that way, this way!”
( kageheir // one-liner! )
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akarxuu · 5 years
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*~Galaxy here, So I finally hit my mark  of 500 Followers!! |I love you all T,T| I made for the blog for a follower forever, forgive me this list is long, however, I wasn’t going to leave anyone out so, I love you all and you deserve to be recognized.   ~stay awesome and Love ya~
*~Thank you so much for all the love and support, I’m very sorry that I was absent for a long time however I plan on being here a lot more this year and the years to come. ~ I’ve had this blog for 5 years now and I plan on keeping it active and alive <3
*~IF you would like to interact, ANYONE ONE ON THIS and NOT , CAN– please please let me know, I want to interact with all of you if I could <3
*~||I’m so sorry if I missed anyone I really tried not too >< But Thank you!!
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The Happy Hungry bunch and the Aka Sinnamon rolls |need I say more XD|
@raiiju ** @redlineoffate​ ** @jaxyl ** @jabbers-wild-world ** @whatthefkim |sinnonmon roll X3|** @xking ** @peachchanvidel, @ask-captain-gi-gan ** @ask-seiryuu-ao ** @shinah-the-furball ** @whitehandedwarrior ** @minnhalr ** @akatsuki-min-sooo ** @the-crimson-haired-princess ** @domesticdragon ** @moonbrought ** @raijuu-hak **@eyes-ofthedragon, 
                                       ** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~**
@l-lakuryuu ** @luminescnt ** @raijuux  ** @shujaesss ** @ao-n-iksoo  ** @an-lili-petal ** @xboygenius ** @sora-no-kaizoku ** @formergeneral ** @seiryuu-no-gekko ** @ouryuuu ** @goldeneternal ** @advxnturxrs ** @kittenxmulti  ** @scnhak​ ** @advxnturxrs​
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                             The Travelers |Ones I have not interacted with and so would love too and to become freinds|
** @baailong ** @vestiallus ** @betterhealing ** @musically-inclined-idol ** @magnusxgentem ** @sweets-so-sweet ** @atotorii ** @musing-asylum ** @ansem-riku ** @rxnao ** @amxrtentiia ** @thealchemyfreak ** @hazuxki ** @auccntraire ** @fratergemina ** @noahxbourne ** @valkiiria ** @hisrequicm ** @redhotmetalvinea ** @fxnalis ** @shararrakesa ** @resolved-princes **                                              ** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~**  @liiyong ** @priinve ** @friendofthecrown ** @abyssalrulerofthenorth ** @rescuedgoi ** @neutralnamed ** @mondartmusen ** @cutestprincessofkou ** @gcjunim ** @son-of-thetis ** @twistedblacksun  ** @naru-uzumaki ** @amethystxne ** @djinnkingsinbxd ** @crazy-tea-lover ** @plantnxrd ** @monthxffear ** @drcuge ** @bblogan ** @nisiwohuo **
@superbiia ** @yamaxun ** @utnapishtims ** @sindrias-vizier ** @royaltutorhaine ** @sneakyninjacat ** @dreams-defy-gravity ** @pravitias ** @rosaxui ** @spiritrxns ** @giant-of-another-world ** @vittieru ** @mushimcster ** @better-safe-than-eaten ** @yukimurachizu ** @dragonkinggojun ** @hakuyamazakisensei **
** @loyalbreed ** @windandclouds ** @bleubeauty ** @the-digi-wiz ** @multixchildren ** @heliohapts-healing-sun ** @heartshredded ** @helsiiing ** @cxliigo ** @the-real-krampus ** @the-gentle-blue-rose ** @the-mightiest-pixie ** @bluesourcerer ** @sobreviviir ** @scales-and-flowers ** @outcasts-of-the-pridelands ** @enterran-warrior-of-air ** @the-phantom-fanged-beast **
** @bloodstains-and-lies ** @findanewangle ** @seven–deadly–dragons ** @kingcursed-a ** @lunaverium ** @amcldherrsaiqa-arc ** @magiofdefloration ** @multlfarlous ** @cnlyhumxn-a ** @leandralynx ** @crimsonlightfan ** @arthxrian ** @thelionessandthecrowe ** @ryusxnka ** @luzrovsoulrulay ** @lunaetis ** @darkrukhsin ** @serapxim ** @inkedace ** @radiantxspada ** @meandemcanor** @ufemew-wexub ** @unmeinotenzoku ** @refined-silva **
** @nocturnalbun ** @scarlethaki ** @vigilantevesperia ** @shaperdherolegend ** @littlebunnynurse ** @mobstercat ** @unswervinglight ** @the-nameless-pierrot ** @the-phantom-gentleman ** @kingsregimen ** @dont-call-me-pittoo ** @nuriiko ** @golddustsontitouan ** @shanghaiedskylark ** @captain-pattycakes **
** @solisnumen  ** @eternity-hero ** @valiantlionheart ** @stxllarxclipsx ** @vulpidsamurai ** @sxjyou ** @cfabomination ** @maskedmuses ** @survivaltrickcd ** @deductions-and-heists ** @kiidreamu ** @musepool ** @heartdetector ** @horclogium ** @dvasia ** @zhulibun ** @plethora-of-souls ** @oceanwept **
** @hushabydog ** @seacaller ** @shaivara ** @sagesyndrome ** @kageheir ** @sakuraari ** @gcnsbcrg ** @yokaire ** @savepnt ** @durindanna ** @fatedexalt ** @castgil ** @otomates ** @inkblccded ** @astriisx ** @abxndonedd ** @tsukiycmi ** @noctexperpetua ** @prophetream ** @hiittokiri ** @mahadcva ** @collectiveillusion ** @kcguyahime ** @secondranked ** @fgoprotagonistrp **
** @awakenedfctes ** @saeiqas ** @soriaiiro ** @viclaceous ** @gxntil ** @ultimatepharaoh ** @kavastra ** @nullcfied ** @swordforged ** @slxceoflxfe ** @aidolic ** @alchemybled ** @bearxclaws ** @roylcrwn ** @leth0logiis ** @floofymuses ** @parvata ** @deliciousmuses ** @princecfnothing ** @worldstraveled ** @distorticnist ** @roxas-no13 ** @wolfenge ** @askthemagebrawler ** @illusionstm ** @ibadouji ** @callousinfamy **
** @leorexfilius ** @ircnadmiral ** @sanjeruman ** @kuromeido ** @shepherdduty ** @herwagonvoidpsychic​ ** @symphathymotion​ ** @undeadxangel​ ** @venusadeptintraining​ ** @serpentinewxman​ ** @zodixcsorangekxtten​ ** @fragmentednexus​ ** @phantomxstallion​ ** @dragonknightsworn​ ** @lawain-dimensional-heroes​ ** @runxtoxeclipse​ ** @sakuwai​ ** @mnemosys​ **
** @boldestgreen​ ** @tomeofwanderers​ ** @xsterisms​ ** @vindictalead​ ** @soldicriism​ ** @gallowking​ ** @ofairheart​ ** @vcsavi​ **  @theaterofmisfits​ ** @imherebecauseyourehere​ ** @tigertempered​ ** @runelancerism​ ** @hellsdolls​ ** @brokenxfragments​ ** @lxndfall​ ** @decayman​ ** @subserviiient​ ** @chaldealast​ ** @bigcasinc​ ** @defyingxgrcvity​ ** @theabyssalmuses​ ** @implexaanima​
** @rebellicnstar ** @direbcrn ** @silentskysplitter ** @fateswept ** @soufaked ** @snw-cnvs ** @flowermaguss ** @jikogiseiken ** @noirenfer ** @petalshattering ** @dollmakcr ** @aprimalpassion ** @ofichinose ** @silvercrownd ** @goldreign ** @manifestedsun ** @rentarc ** @nostomannia **
** @dcpraved ** @muniificus ** @abendrotbrav ** @islcndxmisfits ** @hcusecfmcnsters ** @homeport ** @ryogai ** @magicklamp​ ** @dekirukoto​ ** @thewinghero​ ** @drxgonharted​ **
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  The Stargazers |Ones I have interacted with and care for amazingly. |
** @laetationis​, ** @frogprinceus​ ** @manioskaiser​ |<3| ** @pupperofulster ** @seraphxx​ ** @thebloomingrosefamily ** @the4thmagi ** @fxtelism ** @braveblume ** @shxdowofclarines ** @moonxsuncelestials​ ** @narcasse​ ** @sxmayo​ ** @hxjiime​ ** @forazaiqa​ ** @sparklingemeraldidol ** @bevorzug-t​ ** @tearsforgctten ** @universalcrossover​​ ** @xxyumeno​​ ** @shimmerfang-impact-moved​
~THIS INCLUDES ALL THE AKA ROLEPLAYERS ~ But ya know they are mentioned  ^.^
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ofkxnoha · 6 years
“Are you okay? Anything I can do to help?” (;3 for hanabi)
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     “ Look at yourself, all worried about me, Konohamaru-san! “
    she did appreciate his concern, obviously, but that didn’t stop her from teasing him, just a little bit.
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healheir-archive · 6 years
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                                         I’ve finally caught up to them.                                   @vchihxnbu​ / @kageheir / @shannarc
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uchihaheir · 6 years
+  [ @kageheir​ ]
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“Wake up, dobe.” He grumbles, using his knee to shove at the other’s side, hoping it would be enough to wake him, but he knows it’s unlikely. This guy sleeps like the dead, and that’s without the hangover he’s positive he’ll wake up with after last night at Kiba’s. Usually he’d let him sleep it off, but it’s almost 2pm, he has things to do, and the blonde is knocked out on their couch. So he ends up reaching down to grab at his shoulders, shaking him roughly (Sasuke was never gentle), until he was sure the other’s eyes were open. 
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gurotm-blog · 6 years
@kageheir  x
[      txt      ] :   (  attaches  a  photo  of  said  succulents  now  tucked  neatly  into  a  transparent  container  specifically  made  for  their  transportation. )
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[      txt      ] :  in  that  case,  i'll  bring  them  along  for  the  trip. [      txt      ] :  in  advance,  i  apologise  for  the  spontaneity. [      txt      ] :  but  i  also  have  found  myself  missing  your  company. [      txt      ] :  this  time,  if  you'll  permit  it,  i  can  stay  longer.
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biteheir · 6 years
⭐️⭐️⭐️ !
For each “⭐️” I get, I’ll write a headcanon about our muses. / @kageheir.
⭐️ - in modern verse , karin first learns about naruto’s bpd , when she spots him out in the questionable crowd that she keeps sometimes. there was crying and fighting. 
⭐️  - in canon verse , naruto works closely with karin as kages together , him in konoha , her in uzushiogakure -- to rebuild. 
⭐️ - in modern verse , karin ends up sleeping on naruto’s couch a lot -- not because she doesn’t have her own place -- she does , but because she doesn’t like to be alone most of the time. 
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akarxuu · 6 years
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Galaxy here, So I finally hit my mark  of 400 Followers |I love you all T,T| I made for the blog for a follower forever, forgive me this list is long, however, I wasn’t going to leave anyone out so, I love you all and you deserve to be recognized.   ~stay awesome and Love ya~ Thank you so much for all the love and support, I’m very sorry that I was absent for a long time however I plan on being here a lot more this year and the years to come. 
IF you would like to interact, ANYONE ONE ON THIS CAN-- please please let me know, I want to interact with all of you if I could <3
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The Happy Hungry bunch and the Aka Sinnamon rolls |need I say more XD|
@raiiju ** @redlineoffate ** @jaxyl ** @jabbers-wild-world ** @whatthefkim |sinnonmon roll X3|** @xking ** @peachchanvidel, @ask-captain-gi-gan ** @ask-seiryuu-ao ** @shinah-the-furball ** @whitehandedwarrior ** @minnhalr ** @akatsuki-min-sooo ** @the-crimson-haired-princess ** @domesticdragon ** @moonbrought ** @raijuu-hak **
                                ** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~**
@l-lakuryuu ** @luminescnt ** @raijuux  ** @shujaesss ** @ao-n-iksoo  ** @an-lili-petal ** @xboygenius ** @sora-no-kaizoku ** @formergeneral ** @seiryuu-no-gekko ** @ouryuuu ** @goldeneternal ** @advxnturxrs ** @kittenxmulti
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The Travelers |Ones I have not interacted with and so would love too and to become freinds|
 ** @baailong ** @vestiallus ** @betterhealing ** @musically-inclined-idol ** @magnusxgentem ** @sweets-so-sweet ** @atotorii ** @musing-asylum ** @ansem-riku ** @rxnao ** @amxrtentiia ** @thealchemyfreak ** @hazuxki ** @auccntraire ** @fratergemina ** @noahxbourne ** @valkiiria ** @hisrequicm ** @redhotmetalvinea ** @fxnalis ** @shararrakesa ** @resolved-princes **                                               ** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~**   @liiyong ** @priinve ** @friendofthecrown ** @abyssalrulerofthenorth ** @rescuedgoi ** @neutralnamed ** @mondartmusen ** @cutestprincessofkou ** @gcjunim ** @son-of-thetis ** @twistedblacksun  ** @naru-uzumaki ** @amethystxne ** @djinnkingsinbxd ** @crazy-tea-lover ** @plantnxrd ** @monthxffear ** @drcuge ** @bblogan ** @nisiwohuo ** 
@superbiia ** @yamaxun ** @utnapishtims ** @sindrias-vizier ** @royaltutorhaine ** @sneakyninjacat ** @dreams-defy-gravity ** @pravitias ** @rosaxui ** @spiritrxns ** @giant-of-another-world ** @vittieru ** @mushimcster ** @better-safe-than-eaten ** @yukimurachizu ** @dragonkinggojun ** @hakuyamazakisensei ** 
** @loyalbreed ** @windandclouds ** @bleubeauty ** @the-digi-wiz ** @multixchildren ** @heliohapts-healing-sun ** @heartshredded ** @helsiiing ** @cxliigo ** @the-real-krampus ** @the-gentle-blue-rose ** @the-mightiest-pixie ** @bluesourcerer ** @sobreviviir ** @scales-and-flowers ** @outcasts-of-the-pridelands ** @enterran-warrior-of-air ** @the-phantom-fanged-beast **
** @bloodstains-and-lies ** @findanewangle ** @seven--deadly--dragons ** @kingcursed-a ** @lunaverium ** @amcldherrsaiqa-arc ** @magiofdefloration ** @multlfarlous ** @cnlyhumxn-a ** @leandralynx ** @crimsonlightfan ** @arthxrian ** @thelionessandthecrowe ** @ryusxnka ** @luzrovsoulrulay ** @lunaetis ** @darkrukhsin ** @serapxim ** @inkedace ** @radiantxspada ** @meandemcanor** @ufemew-wexub ** @unmeinotenzoku ** @refined-silva **
** @nocturnalbun ** @scarlethaki ** @vigilantevesperia ** @shaperdherolegend ** @littlebunnynurse ** @mobstercat ** @unswervinglight ** @the-nameless-pierrot ** @the-phantom-gentleman ** @kingsregimen ** @dont-call-me-pittoo ** @nuriiko ** @golddustsontitouan ** @shanghaiedskylark ** @captain-pattycakes ** 
** @solisnumen  ** @eternity-hero ** @valiantlionheart ** @stxllarxclipsx ** @vulpidsamurai ** @sxjyou ** @cfabomination ** @maskedmuses ** @survivaltrickcd ** @deductions-and-heists ** @kiidreamu ** @musepool ** @heartdetector ** @horclogium ** @dvasia ** @zhulibun ** @plethora-of-souls ** @oceanwept ** 
** @hushabydog ** @seacaller ** @shaivara ** @sagesyndrome ** @kageheir ** @sakuraari ** @gcnsbcrg ** @yokaire ** @savepnt ** @durindanna ** @fatedexalt ** @castgil ** @otomates ** @inkblccded ** @astriisx ** @abxndonedd ** @tsukiycmi ** @noctexperpetua ** @prophetream ** @hiittokiri ** @mahadcva ** @collectiveillusion ** @kcguyahime ** @secondranked ** @fgoprotagonistrp ** 
** @awakenedfctes ** @saeiqas ** @soriaiiro ** @viclaceous ** @gxntil ** @ultimatepharaoh ** @kavastra ** @nullcfied ** @swordforged ** @slxceoflxfe ** @aidolic ** @alchemybled ** @bearxclaws ** @roylcrwn ** @leth0logiis ** @floofymuses ** @parvata **
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    The Stargazers |Ones I have interacted with and care for amazingly. |
** @laetationis, ** @frogprinceus ** @manioskaiser |<3| ** @pupperofulster ** @seraphxx ** @thebloomingrosefamily ** @the4thmagi ** @fxtelism ** @braveblume ** @shxdowofclarines ** @moonxsuncelestials ** @narcasse ** @sxmayo ** @hxjiime ** @forazaiqa ** @sparklingemeraldidol ** @bevorzug-t ** @tearsforgctten
~THIS INCLUDES ALL THE AKA ROLEPLAYERS ~ But ya know they are mentioned  ^.^
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61 notes · View notes
inumbratte · 6 years
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my boy wonder baby son
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healheir-archive · 6 years
[      txt      ]      i  have  abooooout….     120  yen. [      txt      ]      okay      ,      so  neither  can  i  but  here  me  out      ,      movie  night. [      txt      ]      we  have  had  one  in  forever!
[sms] if you insist it’s at your place i’ll scream [sms] there only ever seems to be ramen in your cupboards
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gurotm-blog · 6 years
@kageheir‘s  naruto  is  the  love  of  my  (  and  gaara’s  )  life. 
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biteheir · 6 years
kageheir replied to your post: “NONE of this is your fault. None of it.”
im hurting , this is beautiful , thank you
ur welcome
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