#ive been reading svu fics for like a week
svu prompt
canon divergence where after eli's birth, the stablers make olivia his godmother. soon-ish after, they disappear (kathy or elliot or both) so olivia ends up halfway adopted into the stabler family by the kids because they need someone, and it takes them a while to get used to everyone else. and then, whoever disappeared shows up again.
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loop-deloo · 2 years
15 Questions | 15 People
rules: answer the questions & then tag 15 people
thanks @deadgayfurrywizardsinthe70s​ for the tag :) sorry it took me a second
are you named after anyone? my gov name is after liv from law&order svu which i cant even be mad about but i dont think the name suits me. the name i actually go by was sort of made up by my older sister when she was 1 so no. 
when was the last time you cried? honestly no idea, i don’t cry enough, im working on it.
do you have kids? no and im currently in a crisis about whether i want them. i told a close friend the other day that i think id love it if it were an accident but seeing as im a greyace lesbian... one of my siblings/friends is going to have to take one for the team and kick the bucket in a fiery crash so i can raise the kid with good morals
do you use sarcasm a lot? yeah, i feel like an average amount (maybe slightly above average)
what’s the first thing you notice about people? tendency to help/give others the benefit of the doubt, also how they move/sit/walk, mannerisms and the like
what’s your eye colour? unclear... sometimes fairly dark brown sometimes verging on hazel
scary movies or happy endings? depends. i do like a happy ending but scary movies really do it for me when i need to feel things without... emotions?
any special talents? packing, i can fit anything in a suitcase. also weirdly good at twister which i discovered last night.
where were you born? hospital
what are your hobbies? sometimes art stuff and writing, reading, anything to do with fic, cooking
do you have any pets? ive since moved out but my parents have two dogs that i still consider mine and i love them more than anything (the sweetest great dane and a really bitchy bernie doodle)
which sports do you play / have you played? field hockey, running/high jump, swimming, and briefly water polo but that was all at school. i did karate for like 13 years. i pick things up here and there and im currently getting into climbing which is very very cool
how tall are you? 168cm / 5’6”
favourite subject at school? bio for a long time but english by the end
dream job? i would love to be a therapist, especially working at a school or for a non-profit or something. also maybe obgyn or a nurse but med school is ridiculous. in a dream world where no problems exist, id own a bookshop thats a coffee shop by day and a bar by night and i would live upstairs. we would have live music every night. it would be gay and once a week we’d hold knitting workshops.
i don’t know who to tag and i think the game is waning anyway. but if anyone has been itching to do it, this is your sign! take it and run.
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fighterkimburgess · 3 years
You talk a lot about your health and wound care, so I hope it’s okay to ask, but what causes the wound?
I forget not everyone was around for the start this has been going on so long! Gonna pop this under a cut because hey, I've been asked, so you're getting all the gory details and it's gonna be long. The TLDR is I had an abscess.
I got my first abscess a few years ago in my boob, we worked out it was from getting a bruise being pushed against barriers at a concert, and then because of how boobs and milk ducts and mammary glands work, it got infected. At least that's our best guess. However because of that, I'm more susceptible to them.
I ended up starting one in my groin, trying to ignore it until the pain got too much, and went to the first hospital. They discharged me that night with painkillers and heavy duty antibiotics, and the next morning my dad came to pick me up to bring me to my parents. That was August 27th (How do I know the exact date? Because it was the day Trick-Rolled At The Moulin was airing on TV over here. I. Was. Pissed.)
I got home, I was in pretty bad pain. For the record I got given three different types of painkillers to take at once, including an opioid. I've also once walked on a broken ankle for three days, so yeah. My pain threshold is fucking high. I was sobbing in pain when the painkillers were wearing off.
That evening the pain just...went away. I discovered it was because one of the abscesses had burst, and I found out just before SVU started on TV that night. Ya human had two in the same place! (this becomes relevant later) So it was to my second hospital of the 24 hour period, to pay another A&E charge (€100 each time, not too bad but also that's like...a good chunk of my pay the week before payday). I ended up sitting in A&E for nine hours until they called me back and got me a bed. Gonna be honest, from there it's a bit of a blur. I remember messaging Ree updates from like 3am because I was in pain and scared and I knew she was asleep but I needed to talk to someone.
I had a nurse and a doctor work on getting an IV into me because I've awful veins, and then I was seen by the surgical team before being moved up to the ward. About an hour later while I was on the ward (and doped up because they'd FINALLY given me good IV painkillers) the surgeon came up and told me they were going to drain the abscess. Right there. Under a local anaesthetic. On a ward with five other women.
Gonna be honest folks, I was in fucking agony. I couldn't make a noise because there were people there but I felt it. They took about 25 minutes in total to drain it, and I know this because I had my kindle app reading me a fic I'd saved to it so I could concentrate on anything else. (For the record it was Contentedness by Ree, because there's a reason we call that fic my comfort fic) They needed more anaesthetic because of how big the incision needed to be and having to do the second incision to get everything, and then they packed the wound with a wick.
From there I had another night on that ward, and the next day was moved to the surgical ward. They didn't need to do any more surgery thank God, but they changed my dressing and discharged me to the public health nurse. That was the Monday afternoon, and I was off work for another week and a half. I basically spent all that time sleeping and high as a fucking kite on painkillers. I want to say the Monday is when there was the "Cíara hates Hailey" stuff, but again, I was literally stoned out of my gourd at basically that entire time.
I've been getting daily wound checks for about ten weeks, and two weeks ago they moved me to every second day. On Friday they were happy enough that I don't need to be seen until Thursday, which means that if everything goes well then (technically tomorrow cause it's 1am) they'll discharge me and I'll be considered healed.
It's been a long ass road, and the biggest frustration I have is I didn't go to A&E when it started. I ignored it. If I'd gone the Monday or Tuesday I would have been straight on antibiotics and probably wouldn't have ended up getting the incision and drain. I'd have been able to stay home and not live with my parents.
So yeah, that's the ridiculous story of my wound and everything that happened.
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