#ive been watching a fair bit of stand-up and panel shows in the last few weeks
zeta-in-de-walls · 2 years
Tommy dipping his toes into live shows/ the stand-up comedy world is the most curious thing. I know he’s talked about wanting to try doing stand-up before as like a potential career goal and I definitely think he has the ability. I just really hope its able to manifest. 
As it stands right now, he’s already got the audience - his show’s already sold most of the tickets. (And yeah, doing a one-off show to test the waters is a sensible idea.) I imagine he’ll quickly get used to speaking in front of a live audience. He’s very used to interacting with fans and he’s good at entertaining an audience over live-streams and he’s pretty confident once he’s in his persona. I’m sure its still pretty different but I expect he’ll quickly shed his nerves, especially given he’s gonna be in front of an audience of fans plus he’ll have some of his friends supporting him. 
What I’m uncertain about would be the content. What I’d be really into is if he prepared anecdotes  - retelling a story like his apartment woes and the coffee shop girl story would be great. They’re funny and he’s good at playing up the drama and making it very compelling to listen to. Not sure how long the show would be, but if its around an hour then you’d want several strong anecdotes like that. (And yeah, some old stories that are sure laughs and some brand new stories so it’s not all the same would be great.) Honestly Tommy’s recent streams all have recently showcased his skill at telling compelling anecdotes really well and it makes me wonder if it’s been deliberate to prepare for something like stand-up rather than his standard improv comedy. 
My worry would be if he tried to go more in his vlog humour direction and antics like you laugh you lose. Those are workable in an edited video but it’d feel really cringey in actual concert hall. The fact that he’s doing it with friends means it might be more like that but maybe they’ll just help them to bounce off each other and have fun and Tommy will do at least a little on his own where it’s his job to keep the audience enraptured. 
Overall anyway, if it’s a planned out routine it should be great. I don’t think it’d be the space for too much improv, especially as Tommy will likely feel the pressure to be funny which would make it less natural. 
We feel like livestreaming is a different world but I’m confident there’s a lot of transferrable skills and I know Tommy is naturally entertaining. I’d honestly love it if he got advice from an established comedian just so it’s not all his friends who are also only experienced with livestreaming. I think this has the potential to bring out a great side Tommy and I just really hope it goes great.
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Another Time, Another Life
Samara/Female Shepard. Sfw. After the events of ME3. Catch it on AO3!: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14312781
Choami saved the world, but can she help rebuild it when her heart is running to other places?
    Time stood still for what seemed like years as Cho looked at Samara, memories flooding her mind. Of how they met on Ilium, an eclipse lieutenant at Samara’s mercy, and their talk of the mission. She remembered every talk after, and all the small pieces Samara slowly gave her about herself. She remembered both of the times she tried to pull Samara closer, to completely bond together with her, and Samara’s fears and her Code coming between them. Her thoughts swirled around their parting message, before the final battle, and Samara’s holographic hand brushing the skin of her cheek, and then her turning away and disappearing into pixels. Cho had gone into the fight clutching those memories, and a hope for more in the future, of something more than Samara felt they could have done then.
In all honesty, she thought she was dead when she killed the Reapers, and sent the Citadel spiraling to Earth. She remembered when the structure hit the surface, and sinking into the darkness as she bled out, her broken bones piercing through much softer flesh. Her memory is dark until she woke in the hospital, several weeks later. When she had began to manage to see what all the blurry objects and colors were in her sight, Samara came shifting into view. She was seated beside her, in a loose t-shirt, her armor including her crown long gone. The further her sight focused, she realized Samara was hooked up to a portable IV stand, and when she flexed her fingers, she felt the hand tangled with hers tighten. She saw Samara’s head swerve to her, but couldn’t understand what she was saying, not a single word. As she stood, she let go of Cho’s hand and quickly went to the door, but the memory was hazy and dark after that.
In the three months it took for her to be released from the Earth hospital, some of the mass relays had been fixed, allowing help to reach survivors. Samara had been released much early on, but did visit every so often, sharing information and all of what was happening. She talked about how she has been spending time with Falere, and is considering setting herself as a protector of the remains of the monastery and the surrounding area; Cho was fairly certain it was more so to spend extra time with her daughter, but she didn’t speak those thoughts aloud.
While Cho did want to know what all had changed now… Her first destination was Lesuss, and then, the monastery. The galaxy and adventure could wait another day.
And now, here she was. Staring at the woman she loved, and her lover staring right back. Samara had been glowing with happiness when she walked into the commons area, and while some of it still remained, she looked more surprised than anything, and Cho could relate, in all fairness. She had seen Samara out of dress only once up till now, and it was still very shocking. Instead of her combative red armor, she wore clothes much like that in the hospital, that hung loosely on her frame. From what she could make out, it seemed she was still in healing and that was the likely culprit to her sudden fashion change.
The two women watched each other for what seemed like decades. Then, suddenly, Cho was dropping her things and running, and flung herself into Samara’s embrace. She felt her cool hands on her back as she clutched the matriarch’s strong shoulders. They hugged one another tightly, and Cho buried her face into the soft skin of her neck. One of Samara’s hands curled into her hair, as though to keep her there, to keep both of them locked like this.
Several moments went by, and all either heard was their mixed breathing; all they felt was each other’s heartbeats pounding together. It was just them right then, holding on to what they figured they would lose not too long ago. Samara’s long, graceful fingers gently cupped her cheek as she pulled back from her. Ice blue eyes locked with hazel, and before she knew what was happening, Samara gently kissed her. It was a soft, sweet kiss, involving nothing more than their lips, and it only lasted a few moments before she pulled away fully, her hands sliding to Cho’s elbows. A soft smile spread on her iris lips, her demeanor changing to be far more welcoming and happy.
“Choami, I’ve been meaning to go to the hospital, but I got tied up-” She gestures back at the inner parts of the monastery- “helping Falere fix everything… It’s been quite the experience. I did not know glass paneling was so stubborn when trying to put it in place.” They both laughed, an air of love forming between them. Cho, with a slight grin, nodded to her clothes.
“I have never seen you in such… leisure clothing. I thought you prefered going around and showing off just how badass you are.” She snorted in surprise, and it burst into full laughter. She stumbled away, her hands pressing against her stomach as she continued to laugh. Cho watched her as she went to stand, looking out over the surrounding area, her laughing slowing to soft breathy chuckles.
“Ah, well, Falere insisted. She wants me to follow Dr. Chakwas’ orders to keep my wounds unrestricted. I… supposed I’d humor her. Do you… dislike it?” She sounded oddly discontented, or perhaps, worried. Cho laughed and walked to her, one hand softly settling on one of her arms; the wide contrast between the dark blue and pale sand skins always seemed so beautiful to her. Her eyes wandered over the clothes for a few moments, before meeting Samara’s questioning eyes.
“Samara, seeing you relax and take care of yourself… why would I dislike it? If anything, it’s easier access.” Samara let out a loud, surprised guffaw, and seemed to struggle to find words.
“I-I Cho, wh-what in the name of the Goddess- ‘Easier access’- I haven’t heard anything like that since-”
“Since your maiden days where you were… far more open?” Cho had a small smug grin on her face as she raised one brow, watching a deep purple flush rise along the asari’s neck and cheeks. She seemed about to say something else, but Falere came into the room from a side door.
“Mother, I can’t seem to find the number for- Oh. Commander.” The younger asari smiled warmly, albeit a bit shyly, and began to walk over to them. She was in an almost velvety emerald dress that billowed around her thin frame. She looked between her mother and Cho, a curious glint in her eyes. “It’s very nice to see you again. I know we parted… on less than civil terms. Mother told me you might come by at some point, though I-I didn’t know it would be so soon.” She rubbed the back of her neck, a bit of a blush coming to her face. Cho laughed softly, nodding.
“Samara didn’t know I was coming so soon either, to be fair. Though, I think I’ll stick around for a while… If you’ll have me.”
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totallyrhettro · 7 years
The Lone Jedi, Chapter 21
FWord Count: 2214 Rating: This chapter: PG-13. Overall story: explicit Warnings: Kissing Summary: Jedi Knight Rhett McLaughlin managed to escape the purge of the Emperor to become one of the last of his celibate order. After years of a solitary life, he finds himself with a former slave for a friend. Despite his efforts to maintain anonymity and the jedi code, he starts to realize that doing either is easier said than done. Notes: Star Wars AU; Events take place between episodes III and IV
First Chapter
Previous Chapter
*See the end of each chapter for additional notes on star wars terms*
Link POV 
Despite Rhett’s assurances that he had left the life support systems on, the shuttle soon became far too cold for Link’s tastes. Even wrapped up in a blanket and Rhett’s arm around him, he was shivering slightly. Finding comfort in fatigue, Link let sleep take him someplace warmer, drifting through a sea of distant dreams. He didn’t know how long he slept, but it wasn’t until his body was roughly shaken that he finally opened his eyes.
 “What’s happening?” He was terrified that the empire had found them at last. Rhett wasn’t by his side but at the con, looking over the controls. He didn’t look too scared and that was some consolation. Still, he did look a bit worried.
“The storm outside is getting worse. We’re safe in here,” he added. “The wind is just blowing hard enough right into our cave. I’m adjusting the inertial dampeners… There.” He pressed a few more buttons before pivoting his seat to face the back. “That should keep the rocking to a minimum.”
 “Any news from Kavra?” Link felt a bit guilty for sleeping when his friend was still in danger. 
“Nothing yet.” Hiding a small grimace, Rhett turned back to the controls. “I’m not sure if he’ll be able to land, at this rate.” Getting to his feet, Link went to stand behind Rhett and placed a hand on his shoulder. He could sense the man’s uneasiness, but didn’t know exactly how to soothe his fear. Their relationship was still in a strange sort of flux and he was unsure how to proceed. They were friends,and if that’s all they could ever be it would be enough. Yet, in his heart, he wanted more. He felt more. In his heart he knew Rhett did too.
“What happens if he can’t land?” Visions of the small starfighter being torn apart by rough winds and crashing into the mountainside flashed through his mind.
“We’ll just have to wait out the storm by ourselves.” Rhett tilted his head and chuckled. “Kavra’s crazy, but not that crazy.” 
When they finally received another message from Kavra, Link felt a wave of relief wash over him and not just because he was glad to hear from his new friend. Hopefully this meant they were going to be able to leave this frozen hiding spot and get somewhere warm at last.
“Not gonna lie, it was a bit touch-and-go there for awhile,” Kavra admitted, over the com. “But they won’t be back any time soon.”
“So... we can leave?” Link asked, hopeful. He didn’t need to wait for Kavra’s response to know the answer to that. The look on Rhett’s face was answer enough.
“My ship was built to handle acrobatics and g-forces in space,” Kavra noted. “Doesn’t exactly do well in gale-force winds. Neither does yours. Sorry, Link buddy. I think you two are grounded for now.”
“We can bunker down until it passes,” Rhett assured him and Link. “Meet you back at base. No sense in you waiting around for the weather.”
“Copy that, Green Leader.” There was lilt in his voice, almost a tease in his use of the formal title. “Catch you on the flip side.” As Rhett closed the channel, Link gave him a confused look.
 “What’s the flip side?”
“He just means ‘see you later’.” With a sigh, the jedi turned to another panel to his left. “At least we can turn on the heat now. No need to freeze while we wait for the blizzard to pass.”
“Too late,” Link grumbled, tugging the blanket even tighter around him. Rhett chuckled before getting to his feet and putting his hands on Link’s arms.
“We’re safe now,” he assured him, rubbing his hands up and down to keep Link warm. “It’ll warm up in here soon.” Rhett’s hands felt good- real good. Link found himself looking up at him, trying to read his face, his mind. He looked tired; Link wondered if Rhett had slept at all while he had drifted off in dreamland. After everything they had both been through, he definitely deserved a rest.
It wasn’t until long after Rhett’s hands had gone still that Link realized he was staring. He didn’t want to pull his gaze away from those green eyes. There was a depth to them; if he wasn’t careful, he could fall into them and never get out. He wasn’t sure he’d want to. Then time seemed to slow down. Rhett was leaning forward, Link’s lips parted of their own accord, and just as he felt Rhett’s breath against his skin, he pulled back.
“Rhett…” Immediately, Rhett stood taller, his mouth pursed tight. Fear shown in Rhett’s eyes and guilt sunk into Link’s gut, but Link had to know something first. “A-are you sure you want this?” Rhett licked his lips, his tongue just peeking out beneath his beard out of nervousness. “Your code- 
“Teaches the jedi how to not stray from the light,” Rhett interrupted gently. “”It keeps us from straying from our path.” Link held his breath, too scared to speak, too scared to breathe. “The Force guides me; I can feel it even now. It guided me to you, the day we met. I know now what it wants of me. Where it’s leading me.”
“Where?” For a split second Link wasn’t even sure he’d made a sound, his throat felt so tight, his voice so quiet. Rhett moved closer once more, so close now Link was certain the other man would be able to hear his heartbeat it was pounding in his chest. That same look was there in Rhett’s eyes, the same look from when they were last together in the academy ruins, but there was also something more. There was more than the blind lust that had driven Link to push the boundaries of their friendship that fateful day.
“You are my path, Link. You are the light in the dark. Link I…” His words stumbled, fear thick in his voice and his whole body shuddered. Just as his eyes looked down, his head turning away and Link thought he was going to give in to his cold feet, he spoke once more. Barely a whisper, yet the most important words Link had ever heard. “I love you.”
That’s all Link needed to hear, all he wanted to hear. Reaching up with a trembling hand, he cupped Rhett’s check on his palm, coaxing him to meet his eyes. There were no words; Link had already made it clear how he felt. Now he tried to convey all the love he could on his face, the trust and understanding. ‘I want you close to me’ and ‘I’m ready and willing’ shined from his eyes, echoing off the curl in his smile.
His lips shook with nerves as Rhett moved close once more; scared, excited. He practically vibrated from anticipation. He could feel Rhett ‘s breath on his skin, hot and slow in the moment before their lips finally touched. The kiss was as soft as their first time, but far more sweet with the last hesitation between them finally gone. The last of the guilt and shame, the fear, the deceit... it all fell away until there was only one truth. Souls bared, hearts and minds entwined, there was nothing left but what they really felt and it could no longer be denied.
Link grabbed hold of Rhett’s shirt, pulling him closer and making sure he couldn’t back out this time. Rhett smiled against Link’s lips, barely pausing as he tilted his head from one side to the other, exploring, experimenting. On rare occasions when he had seen others show affection, through sideways glances and discreet stares, he’d seen the way they kiss. Now he tried to recall the intricate ways they moved, the delicate touches. In the end he drew more on his instinct than his knowledge, letting his own body take the lead, not his brain. Slowly he fell into a steady rhythm, learning how to move, how Link wanted him to move.
Link, on the other hand, had witnessed more than his fair share of physical exchanges between slaves, with each other and their masters. Unlike Rhett, he wasn’t discouraged to stare and even had some more… ‘hands-on’ education from his fellow dancers. It had never been anything more than curiosity, but he was glad he’d had at least some practice. That’s not all he was good at.
Lifting his head, he coaxed Rhett’s mouth to travel down to his neck, nibbling at the soft flesh there. Link, meanwhile, pressed the side of his lips against Rhett’s ear and placed his left hand against his chest as he whispered in his best sultry voice.
“I want to dance for you,” he breathed, his fingertips tracing lines down the back of Rhett’s nape. Rhett quivered under Link’s touch, leaned back so their eyes could meet again. He had seen Link dance, back at the slave auction, and knew he was as talented as he was handsome. Part of him had wondered if the dance would have been any more beautiful once Link was freed. He assumed it would be, but he never dared ask. Even now his brain refused to give the answer on the tip of his tongue. Instead he just barely managed a nod and Link understood loud and clear.
With a light push, and a step back, Link separated their bodies. Cool air rushed in to fill the void left behind and a chill ran up his spine, but it wasn’t the cold that gave him a frisson. The room had warmed considerably, now that the life support systems were turned on full. His bulky flight jacket was getting unbearably stuffy and he began by taking the zipper and slowly pulling it down to his waist.
His eyes never moved from Rhett’s face a he slipped out of his coat and tossed it aside. Stepped back to the center of the ship, he stretched out his arms towards either side; plenty of room for a simple dance. There was no music, but Link didn’t need any. All he needed was the beat of his own heart and Rhett’s watchful gaze.
Lifting one arm into the air, then the other, he let his right hip fall slightly below the other. It was a slow dance, not the upbeat or flashy. His legs stepped with practiced agility, his waist teetered back and forth. Rhett’s eyes were drawn to those movements, though he was obviously trying to focus on Link’s upper body out of habit. Link turned around and bowed slightly, wishing he had on his normal dancing attire. Still, as he turned back to face his audience, he knew his maneuver had the intended effect. Rhett was getting rather pink around the collar and Link basked in the knowledge that he had been the cause.
He continued to dance, using all the techniques he had learned over the years- his favorite steps, his most tantalizing moves- and Rhett was completely entranced. His eyes were dilated and his fingers were fidgeting against his thighs. Link had seen this before and he let a sly, knowing grin cross his face. Flexing his stomach, he raised both of his arms once more, and rolled his pelvis in curving, sinuous circles.
Rhett was almost in a fervor, trying to hold still and wait patiently as Link performed his dance. Not wanting to push Rhett’s newly awakened passion too far, and more than willing to give him want he obviously greatly desired, Link slowed down and took a twirling step back towards his friend’s chair. As he finally came to a stop, his companion let out a sighing laugh and smiled.
“You are magnificent,” he whispered, clearly in awe. His arms reached out to hold Link has he came in close, straddling the seated jedi. “I promise wherever we end up, I’ll make sure you have lots of room to dance.”
“I’d like that,” Link noted, wrapping his arms around Rhett’s neck. Rhett ran his hands up Link’s sides, caressing, not sure where to hold him; he wanted to touch him everywhere but was still scared of what that meant. “You know what else I’d like to do?”
“Hmm...” Rhett hummed, half listening. His eyes wavered from Link’s face, casting down on his chest and stomach, still remembering the dance they had just observed. With a smirk, Link rolled his butt forward, thrusting lightly against Rhett’s lap and eliciting a surprised moan from his jedi friend. “Ohhh… Link…”
“I know this isn’t the most romantic of places,” Link admitted. “But I want you to…” He bit his lip, scared to ask for what he so desperately desired. “I- I want you, Rhett. 
“Link I…” Rhett’s voice wavered, but it was clear that ‘no’ wasn’t exactly on his mind. “I’ve never… I don’t know how to…” He took a deep breath. “I wouldn’t know where to begin. I mean, I know how it works,” he added, blushing hard. “I just… um…” Link silenced his ramblings with a tender kiss then took Rhett’s hand in his own and pulled him to his feet. Looking deep into those gorgeous eyes he whispered in a quiet, yet commanding voice. 
“I can show you.”
Next chapter
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