#and tommy can definitely do that
bucksdaffy · 16 days
oh, how i LOVE that tim decided to include tommy in the last two episodes, even though they are not really buck-focused. if this doesn't prove to you how serious he actually is about tommy being a long-term LI for buck, i don't know what will.
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bearyyayay · 2 months
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I made this with laminate paper actually, since I don't have the stuffs to actually made an acrylic for this. But ey it worked :D ( Basically a showcase ) ↓
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crime doods doing activities
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i3utterflyeffect · 4 months
I wonder how victim learns that Alan is now a stick figure? Probably from footage of the showdown, and victim somehow recognizes that the purple stick is Alan. Anyways, the mercs would probably be ordered to hunt him down and bring him to the base. This could be really interesting, especially if Alan and King have already met.
YEAH.... the hunt for c!alan throughly interests me in this au, especially since victim also could have just noticed the artstyle. like, alan's sticks have a very particular look
they could probably mistake alan for a creation MADE BY alan instead, which brings up a very interesting topic: what happens if ALAN gets captured and victim doesn't immediately realize it's him????
this could also go into the ending of The Box if victim assumed it was Chosen and SC that were the only other hollowheads, and then discovered that there was one more. instead of hunting yellow they might end up accidentally going straight to the source, which means that everyone else has to be as prepared as possible to defend alan, because even if they've probably taught him some self-defense he is not going to be strong enough to beat them, much LESS able to actually think in the middle of combat
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zecoritheweirdone · 6 months
first art post of the new year!!! granted, i don't share my art here that much anyway, but– shhh.
hehehehhhooo,, here's something i've been working on for 'bout a month,, albeit not consecutively– took a few,, very very long breaks in between working on this,, but i managed to finish it in the end! am i satisfied with it? .......ehhhh? not completely, but if this took any longer, it might not have seen the light of day, so like. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
anyway,, made a little poster for my favorite fic, tommyinnit's services for villains, vigilantes, and various other vagabonds, by @scorpionoesit!!! it's really really good,,, and i've always wanted to make more art for it,, so i decided– poster! at least,, that's what it's mean to resemble,,, dkdmkdmdkd.
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i will freely admit,, i'm... not the biggest fan of the fan-made logo i tried to design for it,, feels a bit boring, and could definitely have used a bit more pizazz, something to make feel more like the fic itself(what does that mean? you figure that out),,,, but– again, steam was running low,, dkdnksjs. graphic design is my passion. i do also have other complaints, but i'm afraid i already punched my one-use self-critique card,, oh well,,, dkdnkxjdkd.
regardless,, even with the flaws only i can really see,, this still turned out pretty okay!! hope you enjoy it, mx. scorpio and mx. alibi!!! and i hope everyone else has a wonderful new year!!!!
#my art#dream smp#tommyinnit fanart#tommyinnit#i don't wanna try tagging the rest of them so i'm just not gonna <3#anyway wrow i wonder who the skull guy and mysterious shadowy figure are....... could be anyone.#i was gonna try and fit in some sort of hero so i could check all the dots of everyone tommy's help#specifically either dr**m (derogatory) or phil#(was mostly leaning towards phil)#but 1) couldn't figure out a way to make it look good with the current set up#my first thought was to try moving the current characters around a bit; but then it would feel too crowded#my second thought was to have them appear from the smoke; somehow? a smoky figure?#but that only really looked good in sketch form and i didn't have the patience to figure that out properly#and 2) no clue what their designs look like. don't even know what their powers are; yet!#was also wanting to fit fundy in but it didn't work for the first reason#fun rapid fire character design facts: niki has a littol sharp tooth 'cause of the joker stuff!#i originally gave tubbo green eyes;; but i decided blue-green looked cooler#tech– [cough] i mean;; *orion's* cloak has a faint lil orion pattern on can barely see it but it's there i assure you !!!#(i tried my best for his design but i am. not the greatest at outfits;; especially hero/villain ones)#tommy has long hair bc it's *MY* art and *I* say he gets long hair. this definitely isn't canon to vagabonds i just like to do this#<- also why michael and tommy have freckles#tommy has a bit of green in his design(through the patch) due to a theory of mine :D#might have over-rendered the hair a bit but. fuck you i like it#anyway i think that's all i have to say about it? if you've actually read all these tags;;; have a cookie -> 🍪#pretend it's a peanut butter cookie#actually. no pretend it's both. you get two cookies. as a treat.#anyway have a good rest-of-your-day !!!!!!
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ellies-enrichment · 1 year
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they are so ellie idk why everyone was afraid
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angrilydancing · 9 months
i am so normal about br!goldenboys yep
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warpedpuppeteer · 2 months
An alternative writer's take of whatever the hell is going on with Buddie and Tommy: Eddie already figured out he loves Buck and he's talked about it with Tommy and he tells Tommy that he doesn't think Buck feels the same way but Tommy's like that's fucking insane let me prove it. And the whole hanging out thing right in front of Buck is just to make him jealous and to get him to make a move because Eddie is terrified of taking the first step.
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cata-strophes · 5 months
currently starting to catch-up with phil's streams, i have three months of streams to go through
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mariatesstruther · 8 months
Wasn't it agreed on that Marlene and Tommy dated? Maria vs her husband's ex being Boston's answer to Che Guavara
u know what ive def heard this so i guess at some point this became fanon???? im not sure, it definitely sounds true to me. and i like the idea that maria would beef with marlene but tbh i think itd be more about marlene being a firefly than her being tommys ex
in my mind it would just be in maria’s character to not fuck with the fireflies because she can see clear as day how them vs fedra is turning more into a political pissing match for military rule with kids suffering and being used as soldiers on either side. i think she’d be definitely supportive of rebelling against fedra but would have huge criticisms of how the fireflies go about it
and then after she finds out what the fireflies (and marlene) were gonna do to ellie????? maria, who knows just as deeply as joel how precious the life of a child is????? oh its on sight
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janemoriarty · 8 months
My colleagues be like: wow what a handsome man you got there in your phone 🤩
Handsome man in question:
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daringdoombringer · 7 months
but fr I decided to line and color a sketch I made two days ago I ZONED OUT AND DID THIS. I WANT TO DRAW EVERYTHING LIKE THIS NOW.
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dapper-nahrwhale · 2 years
If the ninjago show doesnt tell me where echo zane is by the end of the season I'm finding him myself
Like. Hes definitely not at the lighthouse (where he would be if he was left there when skybound reset because they forgot abt him) then where IS he.... where did you put my boy lego ninjago....
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zecoritheweirdone · 6 months
i don't usually share wips,,, but 'm pretty happy with how it's coming out so far,,, plus it's also killing my hand so i might as well share a sneak peek since 'm not continuing this tonight,,, dkjdkemwkjssk. anyway have i told you guys how much i like the fic vagabonds
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dadvans · 8 days
my favorite line in the entire bucktommy saga is maddie's reading of "wait, it's the same tommy?" because at that point you know this girl has been THROUGH IT way too many times in a short period, like:
her soon-to-be husband comes home. he just fake called out sick from work to fly into a hurricane with his closest coworkers, her disaster-prone brother she mostly raised included, to save his boss and his wife. he tells her all about it, adrenaline still pumping the day after he comes back from the COAST OF MEXICO, and is like, no, it's fine! see, my old co-worker tommy works in air ops and I saved his life once, and we used to be super tight--[insert 10 minute off-topic backstory about how tommy used to be a jackass but now he's different here]--until he moved away, and funny enough, buck was the guy who filled in for him? anyways, tommy's the coolest, we could've died but we didn't! how was your shift at dispatch, honey
her brother she pretty much raised comes over and also brings up this tommy guy. yeah, he's so cool! do you think it would be weird if i called him up and asked for a tour of harbor? he just seemed like a neat guy, i want to be his friend, you think chim would put in a good word for me?
her brother she pretty much raised comes over AGAIN and is like, okay FUCK this tommy guy, he's so cool and knows everyone and his meat is huge!!! my best friend likes him more than me and they're doing things without me and i'm so sad about this in a really abstract way, can i please have a bagel
her soon-to-be husband comes home in the middle of this and is like, yeah he's cool and knows everyone and his meat is definitely huge. LOVE that guy!
her brother she pretty much raised shows up at her workplace and is like, remember how i was experiencing jealous thoughts and feelings because the coolest guy i've ever met with the biggest meat isn't paying attention to me and is new besties with my best friend? i may have caused bodily harm about this and yes i did involve your almost husband as a co-conspirator
approximately 2-to-3 business days pass where she experiences quiet. maybe too much quiet
her brother she pretty much raised comes over for a fourth time and is like, i lied to my best friend who i was just telling you i was angry at and s l i g h t l y injured because he kept hanging out with this other guy i was trying to hang out with and totally unrelated but i went on this date with someone and lied to my best friend about it and oh yeah it's the same guy but that is so besides the point it's not even worth mentioning
justice for maddie
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filthyjanuary · 4 months
i've been talking about this with friends over discord but i really need to say it publicly that i think it is entirely unproductive to sift through years of old video footage to look for signs that wilbur was and is an abuser or run his statement through (very inaccurate) AI detectors to argue that a human didn't write it when it's just your average lawyered corpospeak
i think a lot of people, especially younger people in this fandom, feel blindsided and want to find some kind of secret damning evidence that was hiding in plain sight that they missed but that's just not how abuse works most of the time. abusers are people that can and often are perfectly pleasant to most people. there isn't some secret trick to detecting them around you. and while a lot of what we've seen can be recontextualized knowing what we know, it helps absolutely no one to work ourselves into a frenzy to pull out of context clips to paint a narrative of victimhood on every single person he's ever interacted with. there's stuff he's done on camera in the past that we can be uncomfortable with especially knowing what we know now but it is revisionist to act like the same acts people cooed over and called 'brotherly' 2 weeks ago are suddenly smoking guns of abuse.
wilbur is not some disney supervillain who is rotten down to his core he's a human person who definitely wrote or got his team to write his shitty apology and definitely manipulated the people around him but there isn't some film reel of his abuse that we can play or people can look to to say they somehow knew he was a bad person all along
we have actual stories from actual victims to uplift and focus on, we don't need to dig for more things and slap a victim label on people who have not come forward to do so themselves and if they do come forward we can support them then but for the love of god can we stop circulating clips of wilbur and tommy's staged antics or wilbur yelling during mcc
all my love to shelby shubble and everyone else who is affected by this man's actions and is now being exposed to some of the most infuriating discourse conceivable. and fuck that man sincerely.
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