#ive fixed it! no one dies. I mean Allison's not back but if you want her back so bad just have the stump pop her back out because love idk
batcavescolony · 2 years
Let me fix the Teen Wolf movie real quick
Hikari: Liam, do you think it's stupid of us to put the urn holding the Dark Kitsune 20ft from the door on a shelf in our restaurant?
Liam: now that you say it that is stupid. Let's move it to somewhere more secure. We have plenty of rich friends who also wouldn't want the Nogitsune getting out again. I bet they could construct a vault with like puzzles, security, alarms and maybe magic to tell us if someone was trying to take the triskelion urn.
Hikari: Let's do that instead!
*roll credits*
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robotnuts · 4 years
Alpha is very Burnt Out Church. Like... Constantly burnt out. Its been pointed out by the others, under plenty circumstances, that Epsilon does not act like Church / Alpha did. He was either more whipped, or he blew up more spectacularly. Alpha is more Objective, Epsilon is more Personal. Alpha took things, no matter how ridiculous, at face value. While Epsilon is more prone to reason his way out. Alpha was more willing to let Tex do her own thing... Epsilon was not.
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you have the incredible power to say exactly what ive been thinking about for days. here’s my fix
warning: im about to speak with authority even though i function by throwing spaghetti at the wall. if anything about this is wrong or egregiously off please tell me so i can eat the proper crow
epsilon had to have sacrificed himself for tex so she could escape the memory unit, and have the chance to become her own person completely outside of church in order to complete his predetermined arc.
(i love epsilon, love him and carolina, and in an rvb rewrite i would not be able to bring myself to do this and i come up with an alternate ending- this is just in the terms of, what the director laid out as his character arc, and how rvb TRIED to do progressive iterations of the director’s story, and then massively dropped the ball with the ending)
You see, I never had the chance to serve in battle, nor did fate provide me the opportunity to sacrifice myself for humanity as it did for so many others in the Great War. Someone extremely dear to me was lost very early in my life. My mind has always plagued me with the question, if the choice had been placed in my hands, could I have saved her? The memory of her has haunted me my entire life, and moreso in these last few years than I could ever have imagined. But given the events of these past few weeks, I feel confident that had I been given the chance, I would have made those sacrifices myself. Had I only the chance.
and no version of himself ever did make the sacrifice to save her. the director doesn’t really deserve the term sacrifice applied to him, but he did sacrifice everyone around him. he sacrificed his daughter, his military organization, countless lives, literally everything, in order to chase after allison. this is obviously the darkest, worst version.
alpha did sacrifice himself for tex- it’s more explicit in the deleted scene where wash convinces him to go by bringing up tex specifically and finding out about her, *which i can’t find a link to but if anyone has it please send it to me.) but he didn’t save her. they died together, which is tragic and as you said, they never figured out the truth. but in a way, they didn’t need to. alphabeta is a much stronger relationship than epsichex because they like, know each other as their own people and church doesn’t know who allison was. it is tragic they neveer learned who they were, but it makes sense for the second iteration.
and then epsilon.... regresses. he sacrifices HER. yes it is him giving up on chasing the memory like the director did, but the director’s biggest crime isn’t just refusing to give up on a memory, it’s what it did to tex. how it stripped her of all agency and made her fucking miserable. this is so explicit in epsitex’s actions. she resents being made, but if she’s gonna exist, she’s going to do it on her own terms. beta came along for the ride, she made herself. epsitex didn’t.
and then epsilon makes her last words to him “i love you” and kills her.
(also... epsitex is made from epsilon’s memories of tex. the fact that epsitex always fails is just as much his fault for not seeing her as anything else as it is the director’s.)
there are only two ways to complete epsilon’s character arc well, because no matter what he needs to let tex LEAVE. not die, just exist as a person outside of him. you can interpret i forget you as that, but it isn’t her fucking choice to stop existing. just because she didnt ask to be made doesn’t mean he should have the power to execute her. she needs to be allowed to exist without him, figure out who she is. and, if you wanted to wrap up the narrative of church becoming a better person through iterations, him actually finally making the sacrifice and SAVING tex would be the final permutation. 
i used to think this was the best option but through writing this post, i think epsilon saying fuck you to the director spiritually by refusing to give him the heroic sacrifice he always wanted is the best, most satisfying option. and them being strong enough to leave the memory unit together (which would have to be established as impossible) would be a nice parallel with beta being strong enough to make her own person. and it would make the end of s10 hit so much harder, because epsilon didn’t just do better than him, but completely subverted what the director wanted for him. 
outside of killing tex, i think epsilon is a super good character and exploring his relationship differences with the bgc vs alpha is something i’m super interested in (and something that @leonardalphachurch has done great meta on). not to mention, single mindedly focusing on tex instead of everyone else is another one of the director’s flaws that epsilon can overcome! he needed to put some serious work into his friendships that we never got from s12 or 13, sadly. and him self isolating with carolina can be an accidental repeat of the singlemindednesss cycle because he wasn’t focused on tex, and him realizing he cares about tucker and caboose and needs to show it better and stop pretending that him not showing emotional vulnerability makes him more like alpha and could be like a character moment or something. 
and then tex can go explore the universe off screen for 3 seasons before coming back to chorus in s13 on her own to kick some ass. also the flashback montage episode of her hijinks and exploits that we missed like s15e6, please god give it to me. 
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rvblabyrinth · 6 years
the formatting’s a little wonky ‘cause i had to paste it from discord messages, but i tried my best, the analysis is under the read more
He asked me how to write Texas, I think I wrote like a full fucking paragraph in response.
& I was like. “Well, depends. Is it her pov or Church’s or someone else?” ’Cause firstly, it depends. Church’s pov? The easiest for me to write because you have to kinda put her in the center of that world because that’s their dynamic, they don’t have to be in love, or really on speaking terms, but they’re both gravitated to each other & that’s important to portraying the dynamic. If it is something where they do love each other, again, she’s the center of the universe & time & time again Church does stupid shit to keep her around.
Some people choose to write her as the villain in some fics, like "she BROKE church's heart. What a heartless, cold bitch" which isn't exactly right imo & it's kinda eh to read imo because I think it can be written better- giving her some sort of motivation in that rather than being quick to be like "fuck Texas. hate that bitch."
But then again, some people just don't like Tex & write her like that because they don't like her, which is what I do with characters that I don't fucking like. If you're writing her from someone else's pov that isn't Church. it's important to include the intimidated part, because like, she's scary. She deadass tries to kill like everyone I think. She is super strong, who would not be at least kinda scared of that?
If you're writing from her pov, it depends if it's Beta or Epsilon-Tex.
Beta is a bit more oriented to her own goals, saying "fuck you" to Freelancer, & killing/tracking down Omega in the beginning. She also knows she's an AI but has to pretend because no one else knows.
Epsilon-Tex is more angry at the fact she was brought back, & is a bit more open with that kind of thing with Church. & this is clear in canon because of:
Tex: I didn't ask to be paired with you. I didn't wanna come back. But I'm here now, so I'm gonna put an end to this.
Tex: You can't even help yourself. That's why you made me, Church. You made me to take on all the things you can't handle. Just like you always have. Well guess what, I'm gonna handle it. Wash and Meta will be coming now. I have some things to get ready.
She's quick to call Church on his bullshit & set it straight
It’s clear she hates the fact that Church is quick to the "we're made for each other." She hates it. She doesn't like being tied against her will, so she fights against it. She's programmed to care about him but that doesn't mean she can't be angry. In a way, she kinda hates him, for what the Director did, for bringing her back, etc. She hates being a "shadow" because she isn't just a caricature of what the Director saw in Allison- she's become her own person but time & time again she's dragged back to where people think Tex = Allison.
So yeah, it's important to highlight these kinds of things in writing, instead of simply brushing it off as "maybe Allison was a bitch. Texas is just aggressive & mean." She's guarded, & you can't necessarily just simplify her entire character because you're removing the depth that separated Texas from Allison & you're conflating them into one
I also think she likes the Reds & Blues more than anyone else because they don't really know Allison, which means they only know Tex & they're not holding up the burden of Allison.
The Freelancers were focused on the rankings, but they also couldn't really be friends with her through that because she was at the top of the leaderboard, too. Like, look at how Carolina acts, Carolina freaks.
Tex considered Carolina a friend at once, but Carolina couldn't see Tex as anything more than competition, something wedged between her & her father, & the favoritism tore Carolina to pieces, which is part of why I think when Carolina survives the fall, she doesn't go back to the MOI. There's nothing left there for her, especially not York, because she knows he's gone.
It kind of severs her & her father completely. I like to think she waited a little to see if anyone was coming. They had to know what happened to her. No one came. He (the Director) gave up on her, & she gave up on trying to salvage the once close relationship they had.
Okay, I headcanon like, after Allison. they got closer, because if he got distant, what would've kept her? She wouldn't have been as competitive in Freelancer. She would've hated her father. They had to have been close, & then the project started, so naturally, he offers her a place. She takes it because she loves her father. They're close.
Then, Alpha creates Beta, & he withdraws. He realizes he has Allison now. so he focuses on that & nothing else matters. Carolina is left in the dark because he doesn't tell her shit, so she gets to the top of the leaderboard- he has to notice her then. Instead, he uses it as a way to pit Tex & Carolina against each other, & that's why she stays. & she sees Tex steal her place, & takes York too.
Carolina doesn't consider York "her man" but they were exclusive. She takes it hard because he was there during the fallout with her father, so it fuels her. fuck Texas. Texas took everything from her. That's why she's so motivated to fight Tex. if she doesn't win, then what does that mean?
When the Director tells her that Texas attacked Wyoming for his AI & his equipment, she accepts it, because that makes sense. She sees a demonized version of Texas. Sigma inherently knows her, & sets her up for his meta thing. He convinces her to take both AIs. He knows she's going to go for it, & he knows that she's distracted with Tex.
I'd like to think he & Gamma & Omega conspired together, too. Sigma acts, in a way, that they're gonna be whole if they get the Alpha & the other fragments, but he wants to be the main personality or fragment or whatever. He doesn't care about becoming part of Alpha again, it's for him.
I think Carolina never exactly "knows" Texas is her supposed to be her mother, in a way? I’d like to think Church & the Director didn't exactly tell her, 'cause she's once like "Did I ever tell you about my mother?" & Church kinda knows because he's the memory of Alpha & the Director, but that's not the most important thing. What's the key here is that in my headcanons, Allison technically chose her work over her family.
Or, to the Director, that's what it seemed like, because you don't see Tex ever really stick around, in a way. She's gone a lot, which makes sense because Allison was in & out on deployments, but she doesn't seem sorry about ever going. So I'd like to think the Director was mad, because she was his everything but it seemed like the reverse wasn't the same. & then he lost her. He never tells Carolina, he's kinda like "Your mother loved you so much," because what the fuck is he supposed to say- "Oh your mother didn't really like us so she kept away until she died in duty," which isn't true but he sees everything in his own way.
They had different habits, & where he showed love one way, Allison showed it another, & he didn't quite understand it, so he & Carolina grow closer when Allison dies- Carolina is all he has left of Allison, & he loves her.
She keeps him grounded where he otherwise would've faded away, & he nurtures her so she can be her best.
It's Project Freelancer's fault. He thinks he can help turn the war with the use of AIs & super soldiers- lovingly taken from one of his colleagues. It's like the SPARTAN-IV program except butchered because that's not his thing. I'd like to think all of the Freelancers had augmentations in a way, like they're less human more something else but nothing like the SPARTANs. & like I've said before, Beta is what fucks everything up.
I'd like to think when he first comes across Beta, it's like Alpha & Beta chatting together. They're having some conversation about philosophy or something, & he has a fucking heart attack
probably drops his cup of coffee. He separates them immediately, has the Counselor rate Beta- Texas for active duty. She gets cleared, & there's something they do so she doesn't really understand she's an AI. However, they do put her in a robot body. They tell her she's a cyborg, which kinda makes sense. They tell her she lost certain things in the war, & it makes sense. It's not entirely right, & she knows it, but she thinks the Counselor is creepy & assumes that's what the bad feeling is. So she integrates successfully into the program, & she quickly rises through the ranks, which pisses off certain people- Carolina & South.
She's sent on solo missions usually before that, to judge how she works out on the field, but it's clear the Director would do pretty much anything she asked. She could ask him for all the AIs & he'd probably (with a bit of hesitation) give them to her. He falls in love with her. He thinks its Allison.
When she finds out she's an AI, that she's Beta, after CT dies, it severs anything that the Director had for her, in a way. He's more bitter, because she's just like Allison. She withdraws. She goes rogue. She takes Agent York with her. Both the Director & Carolina hurt from it, like father like daughter. Except at this point, the Director is kinda fucked up.
He's been torturing a version of himself, committing a bunch of crimes, he's kind of lost any sense of like... shame I think? Anything that's necessarily good.
He wants Agent Texas back, but he also, on the side, keeps trying to "fix" her. He wants his wife back, he wants her to stay this time, like he begged.
But that's never how Texas comes out.
She comes out angry, all fists & bitterness & he doesn't fucking understand. He gets really frustrated about it, & when Carolina "dies", he's more preoccupied. Maybe, in a way, he thinks that if he could make Tex, he could fix her & just as easily bring back a Carolina.
Or, her armor sends out a recovery beacon, but it eventually stops, when he doesn't send anyone for it 'cause the ship crashed & they need to get their shit together, & then they have to deal with the meta. They say Carolina's KIA, but somewhere, deep down, he knows she's not.
Carolina returns home from then, hides away on a little planet & recovers. She hates her father. She decides she's gonna take down Project Freelancer. She's not the only one. Washington knows everything, as much as he fucking wants to forget it. He buries any positive feelings he had for Project Freelancer, friends & everything gone. York looks for Carolina, but gives it up quickly.
York's not like the Director in many ways, & he moves on where the Director never could
& the Director never could because he never got to settle it. He was angry at Allison for leaving, he was angry that she didn't put him & Carolina first. He could never move on.
It's hard to get over something when you don't get closure, & that's exactly what he didn’t get. He got into an argument with Allison, a quick conversation before she had to go fight, limited because they're not allowed to have anything more than a few minutes since the Covenant can track human comms. She was angry at him. He didn't apologize. He thought he had more time., his last words were something like "I'll talk to you later. Someone has to take care of our daughter."
Allison hates when he does that kind of thing. She's a good parent, she can't help that she's a fucking soldier, can't he lay off? Their relationship is stressed in a way it wasn't before. The deployment was only good because it kept them apart, but it was also the main stressor.
Leonard tries to convince her to take a position closer to him & Lina. She denies it (in my hcs she's an ODST & there's nothing like being an ODST, so she'd have issues adjusting) & that's another thing they fight about. This dynamic also pops up in Beta & Alpha, because they argue quite a bit, but it's usually alpha instigating it.
It also comes up in Epsilon & his Tex, because she's honest with him. She's tired of being brought back, can't he let her rest? But epsilon takes it (at first) as an attack on him.
Why can't she do something for him, for once?
It’s only within the unit that he works through it. It's always been his fault.
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argentarium · 7 years
kara sevda (3) ↠ stilinski
author ; fessa
rating ; 18+ nsfw
pairing ; fuckboy!stiles X oc!reader
word count ; 3003
warnings ; angst
a/n ; u guys r making me cry with all your support, thank u for all the feedback, i really appreciate it and i love u guys :,) p.s. playlist coming soon
i. ii. - iv.
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*not my gif*
kara sevda
1. blinding love;
literally translates as “black love”
The past couple weeks went by with blur. When you first saw your Gran again, that’s when all the tears began to pour out. You held it in for a while but when you saw her in the hospital bed you just lost it.
You were barely in school because you needed to keep driving down south to take care of your Gran as much as possible with your dad. It was a horrible schedule to balance but it kept you on your feet. Your mind was mostly occupied and you didn’t really think about how you were feeling but how everything was going around you. You simply didn’t have time to think about yourself and you liked it, because if you could really just sit down and think about what has been going on, it would rip your mind in half.
That’s when your father made the decision. He hated how you kept travelling back and forth from Beacon Hills down to Emeryville, California. He was able to be transferred down south with his job and you were going to be moving down to be closer with your grandma. It did compromise your college plans of going out of state but you had to be with her as much as you could before she died.
It was your last day at Beacon Hills High School. It was the first day you came that week and it was Wednesday already. Scott checked up on you a lot but you rarely had time to talk but you appreciated how he did. Through all of the hell you were going through at the moment you found yourself lucky to have him there, Allison was one lucky girl.
The icy stares never stopped but you continued with your life nonetheless. You had bigger problems to worry about other than stupid high school teens. As you were pushing your way through the crowded halls, you heard your name being called out.
“Y/N!” You turned to see Scott weaseling his way through to catch up to you. “Hey, uh- haven’t seen you around in a while..” He trailed off awkwardly.
You let out an awkward chuckle, “Yeah well I’ve been a little busy lately..” You said, hugging your books to your chest as your eyes trailed down to the ground.
Scott couldn’t help the immense pity that washed over him when he finally spoke to you. Ever since that night, he was torn between you and Stiles. Stiles wanted him erase your friendship with each other but Scott didn’t want to lose his best friend. “Oh.. Right..” Scott mumbled and you nodded your head, about to walk away before he spoke up again. “Uh, how’s Grams doing?” He asked so sweetly, causing a memory to spark in your head.
Scott met Grams a many years back when her illness wasn’t bad yet. She was still able to walk around outside and play with you and your friends. She loved the both of them like they were her own but she always had this feeling about Stiles. As much as she loved Scott, she would often ask about Stiles and want to know what he was up to, you assumed it was favoritism but she was onto something else.
“Oh, um- she’s been.. she’s been sick lately and it’s not looking to good..” You said softly, shifting the books in your arms. You turned and saw him nod in understanding, you didn’t have to have werewolf senses to feel his sorrow. As he was about to say something you cut him off, “I’m moving down to be with her.” You stated abruptly. Someone had to know what was happening. “Wait- What? When?” Scott asked in shock, his eyes almost bulging out of his head.
“Today?!” Scott exclaimed and you glared at him for causing some attention to fall upon you two. “Today?” He repeated much quieter.
“It’s my last day I guess..” You shrugged as you stopped right next to the door of your classroom. “If you want to come see me before I leave, that would be great rather than saying our goodbyes right now.” You chuckled but his facial expression didn’t change.
“What about Stiles?”
The dreaded mention of the name pulled one of your heartstrings. Scott could feel the spike in your heartbeat and smell your uncomfortability. “What about Stiles?” You asked back in a rougher tone.
“Come on, he hasn’t been the same for weeks and you-” Scott cut himself off, staring at you with remorse. “You haven’t been the same either.”
“If you lost your best friends in one night, how would you feel?” You tried your hardest to not snap at him, he didn’t deserve your rage. The mere mention of Stiles triggered you.
“But you’re fine.” Scott stressed but you were certainly not. As you were about to protest he cut you off, “Compared to him!” He added quickly. “Stiles has been off the rails.. He’s been with another girl every night and when he isn’t, h-he’s drinking you know? And you know him, he isn’t like that and his grades are plummeting..”
You heard the worry and fear in Scott’s voice. At this point, you wanted to just yell at Stiles for being so stupid and then hug him after he realizes what’s been wrong. But you couldn’t, Stiles wanted nothing to do with you but listening to Scott stumble over his words like that.. You haven’t seen him so worried about something before.
“What am I supposed to do about that?” You shrugged, keeping your emotions inside although there was no point, Scott could hear your heartbeat spike from being nervous.
“Can you just talk to him?” Scott asked pleadingly, somehow making his eyes seem bigger, and puppy-like.
“Stiles won’t even look at me, let alone talk to me.” You stated, partially true. You had the run in a few weeks back but that was it, no contact with him whatsoever. “And I don’t want to either.” You stated defiantly, folding your arms across your chest.
Scott rolled his eyes, “I don’t have to be a wolf to be able to tell that you are lying.” He said, rubbing his crooked chin before looking at the ceiling in thought. “Just talk to him, you don’t want any loose ends before you leave, right?” He raised a brow, holding his hands out to urge you on. “It’s your last day, you won’t see him again for however long, can you just try?”
You looked at him with annoyance. You didn’t want to comply, you wanted to just leave and forget, but there was a part of you that wanted to talk to Stiles, make it all better. You didn’t want to lose your best friend already. It may have only been a year but usually friendships last much longer than that. And those damn puppy eyes Scott gave you were the bane of your existence.
“Fine.” You muttered through grit teeth, watching as Scott silently fistbumped the air in achievement. “But how are you going to get him to? He doesn’t want to talk to me.”
“Trust me, I can make it happen.”
“What do you mean there’s a werewolf in the janitor’s closet?!” Stiles whispered as loud as he could to his best friend as they were speed walking down the hallways.
“I mean there is a werewolf in the janitor’s closet at the end of the hall!” Scott said shaking his head, waving his hands around in the air like it was obvious. “Just shut up and walk.” He muttered, knowing his lie was terrible.
As the two approached the door, their steps became much quieter and Scott moved a finger up to his lips. Stiles nodded his head, creeping behind Scott, watching him carefully open the door.
Stiles tentatively payed attention, peering his head over Scott’s shoulder until the door was open. Scott motioned to let Stiles go first but Stiles’ face was already twisted in confusion as he began to walk inside, “Scott, there’s nothing in-” The spastic boy was immediately cut off as Scott forcefully pushed the skinny kid into the dimly lit closet.
Your head snapped up as you heard the door slam. You sighed, putting your phone in your back pocket, there was a reason why Scott never came up with the plan. “Hi.” You said shortly, looking at the boy you fell in love with right in front of you.
Stiles didn’t say a word but glared then turned toward the door, pounding it hard, “Scott, let me out of here!” He ordered, not even looking at your face but his eyes burning holes in the wooden door.
“No!” Scott replied. “Not until you guys make up.”
“I didn’t want to do this either..” You said, drawing your eyes on the ground so you wouldn’t have to look him in the eye. You agreed that you didn’t want to be in the same room as him, you felt it would’ve been easier if you just left.
“Then tell Scott to let us out of here.” Stiles grunted, folding his arms across his chest as he rested his back against the shelf.
“But this needs to be fixed.” You reminded yourself out loud, it was for closure. Like Scott said, you didn’t want any loose ends. Twiddling with your fingers shakily, you didn’t let him speak, “Look Stiles, I am sorry I said that, it was an accident..”
“You don’t get it, do you, Y/N?” Stiles spat, causing you to look up at his angered face. “Nothing will ever be the same between us and I will never love you that way.”
Stiles’s words were like knives, scraping on the strings of your heart and ripping you to pieces. He was right, and the mere thought of it was bringing tears to your eyes. But you had to keep trying, Stiles always came around.
“I’m really sorry, Stiles. I want to fix this, I want to fix us and all I want is to be your friend again, like we were before.” Your voice faltered, you were practically begging at this point. You kept your eyes focused on his chest, staring into those whiskey eyes would make you so weak.
Stiles drew his lips in a thin line and shook his head, beginning to pace in the small space. “This can’t be fixed. There is nothing that will ever fix what happened.”
You nodded your head, feeling your eyes well up again until a single tear rolled down your cheek. Your vision was blurry as you tried to keep your eyes open, not blinking so the tears wouldn’t fall. “I know-”
“You know this is your fault, right?” Stiles barked, cutting you off as your body twitched in shock. “You can’t even look at me right now! And you are trying to get us back to normal? Piecing us together again is impossible, Y/N. Whatever was between us before..” He said darkly, moving closer to you. “.. is gone.”
You swallowed a thick lump that was sitting in the back of your throat, which in turn let all the tears stream down. You finally looked up at him and couldn’t find any hope in those amber eyes, just a cold, heartless void showing the Stiles you knew and loved was no longer there all because you ruined it.
You cleared your throat, trying to tame your emotions to match his stiff demeanor. “Just to be clear,” You began as you brought your hands up to wipe away the tears. “We are no longer going to be friends or anything else from now on because I ruined it?” You asked, summarizing everything Stiles blamed you for and wanted.
Stiles’s look never changed, his arms still folded across his puffed chest defensively and no feelings of remorse passed his eyes. You were so desperately trying to find a sign that showed he cared but there was none. It was like your whole past with him was erased, the moments you shared on a video call, or when Lydia was in the hospital after being bitten and he was terrified for her, you were there for all of it.
“Correct.” Stiles confirmed, the word easily rolling off his tongue.
You swallowed once again before nodding your head, the simple word ringing in your mind again and again. “Alright.” You responded softly, clearing your throat. “I won’t bother you anymore and you won’t ever want to be friends again..” You sighed, reminding yourself of what he wanted.
You motioned him to move out of the way as you moved towards the door, patting softly. “Scott?” You asked out, pressing against the door. “You can let us out now.”
Not a moment later you heard the lock click and watched the doorknob twist from the outside. Scott pulled the door open slowly, letting the hinges creak loudly. He didn’t look at you, he was unhappy too, thinking Stiles would come around but he didn’t. The only time Stiles let him down.
And you.. You weren’t a mess like you thought you would be. That was the only time you were able to focus on something, you had been pushing your feelings aside for weeks already from being so busy all the time. After everything that had just happened, you didn’t feel pain anymore but you couldn’t tell if it was acceptance or not. All you felt was this numbness.. a feeling that you began to like.
Scott was kind enough to stop by your house and help you pack the rest of your things in your car. You were supposed to leave at three-thirty, but Scott insisted you stayed to wait. The two of you were sat on your steps of your porch, looking at the clouds moving through the sky. Scott claimed he knew Stiles better than you, which you didn’t necessarily doubt. The two were best friends way before you came around, he knew Stiles like no one else but at this point, Stiles was unpredictable.
“Scott, this is pointless already.” You sighed staring into the distance from your porch before looking down at your phone as it was already four o’clock. Scott had convinced to stay a little longer because he was so sure that Stiles would change his mind and come running back to you. “If Stiles wanted to fix things with me he would’ve shown up thirty minutes ago..” You said hopelessly.
You tried to not get your hopes up, burying all of your emotions deep down because you knew he would not come around. Stiles never let you down.. But that changed. And as much as you really wished he would just come back and sweep you up in his arms, it wasn’t going to happen. And you were just trying to accept it.
“No, he’s coming, give it another five minutes..” Scott piped up. “He’s probably finishing homework or-”
You turned your head looking over to Scott. He looked so hopeful. You checked your phone once more and noticed two more minutes had already gone by. You kept your feelings inside and set the phone down on your steps quietly. “Scott, it’s okay..”
“No, Y/N, it’s not okay. Stiles is just being - difficult - right now, you’ve never doubted him before so don’t start doubting him now.” Scott declared with confidence, taking your hand and looking you in the eyes. “Stiles would not do this to you.”
“Scott, some friendships don’t work out.” You breathed truthfully, turning your head away and looking towards the horizon. “It’s been like a month already and he still looks at me like I am worthless. I can’t chase after someone who doesn’t want me even as an acquaintance because I have been the patient one here and I can’t let this happen to me anymore.”
You felt Scott’s stare at the side of your head, “Y/N.. He loves you.”
You wiped your eyes, feeling a tear beginning to roll down your cheek as you were shaking your head, “No, Scott. Stiles loves Lydia. The girl he has been pining after since the third grade because he is not good enough for her just like how I am not good enough for him.” Your voice faltered, admitting the truth, noticing how hard it was to actually accept it.
“Who is going to come up with our plans? W-Who is going to be there when we screw up and we could die on the spot?” Scott began to list just as your dad honked the car horn. “We need you, Y/N. Stiles needs you, I need you, we all need you.”
Your dad was motioning for you to come to the car. There was still no sign of Stiles and you weren’t that disappointed. You stood up and Scott did the same. “Scotty, you need each other more than you need me. You’re never going to be given something that you can’t handle. By the time this whole supernatural drama is over, you won’t even remember why you needed me.” You said letting a smile start up on your face. You were calmer and accepting it slowly became easier.
Scott pulled you into a bear hug, nuzzling his face in your shoulder, “I’m going to miss you so much.”
“But I am going to need you to do me a favor..” You mumbled.
You pulled apart from him, “Don’t let him contact me if he decides to have second thoughts.” You told him, knowing it was for the best.
“But Y/N…”
“Scott, please.” You said softly and he nodded his head after a moment. You couldn’t let Stiles just waltz back into your life if he pleased and you didn’t want anymore drama in your life. You gave Scott one last hug before you walked to your dad’s car, getting into the passenger’s side.
“Ready to go?” Your dad asked, offering a smile as he fastened his seatbelt.
“Ready as I’ll ever be…”
tags :) ; @squirels-angels-and-moose @were-cheetah-stiles @shameless-danni @danopeg @aestheticallytrashysunflower @lcnelykth @rememberstilinski @wydobrien @amethystmerm4id @charmedjeri @itskatiemahoney @leilaelizabth @pufflethehuff @parislight @unfoxs @infinitydunbar @ellie-bee242 @iknowisoundcrazy @mieczzyslaw
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thegeminisage · 7 years
tumblr locked me out again so here we go: yeah i mean shes underage? and hes like a full on adult who is also a legit cop, i think people wouldnt be weird about it if they didnt cast like 25 yr olds to play 16 yr olds you know? but yeah lydia parrish is always platonic no smooching involved but also i want the banshee and the hellhound to commiserate about death TOGETHERthey’re wasting time with this lacrosse game again! so much wasted time!! i don’t care about these characters!
why is scott mccall not the focus OF HIS OWN SERIES. I LOVE WHEN PARRISH IS LIKE “I AM A DEPUTY” as if that means anything in beacon hills its hilarious a small joy. that makes sense, about the counselor. maybe instead of reading it like they’re shoving it in our faces its more that her character is going into this too eagerly/blind because she is inexperienced. i can get behind that. this moment with scott and malia and argent is lovely.
i wish scott and argent’s relationship didn’t have to come at the price of allisons death but ill take it i guess. that whole sequence was so badly done? the grenade so quick and the blast zone made no sense? NOOO PARRISH GOT LOCKED UP! nooo my son. where is lydia!! WHERE IS SHE!! why is this the “anyone other than the main cast” show now???? also lydia not registering for classes is an easy fix.. like she’s presumably already accepted her admittance bc thats how college works and
and she can always defer a semester. also if argent changes his allison password i will WEEP yeah i see what you’re saying with her and brett, honestly i just wish they hadn’t introduced another new character in this season? there are plenty of villains already to pull from without having to establish someone new and pull time away from the pack. GIVE ME THE CHARACTERS I ALREADY LOVE. I AHVENT STAMPED A BULLET SINCE ALLSION DIED GOODBYE FRIEND, IVE LEFT MY BODY GOODBYE.
i guess I’m just bored with this episode? idk it feels strange and forced and not in any way what i wanted, i miss the pack :/ lydia going back to eichen house is awful and she’s so strong and i love her so much and i wish this show treated her kinder. why is she constantly put through hell!! i hate this so much. i hated that whole arc and i hate her having to relive it now. LYDIA SAVING PARRISH A+ lydia owning her banshee powers is EVERYTHING. god scott is the MAIN CHARACTER AND HE HAS BEEN
IN 3 SCENES. I’m so mad about this. why isn’t he the focus of this show i hate jeff davis. ALSO GERARD IS BACK!!! GERARD IS BACK! which as much as i hate him hopefully he’ll finally face consequences
re: lydia and parrish absolutely like i like their relationship and since both actors are in their twenties when you like. look at it on the screen it doesn’t seem weird until you remember hey, actually, lydia is really for real in high school and he really for real is 24! like that would be worrying IRL you know? it’s the same weird dissonance i get w/ sterek - i like their scenes together a LOT they’re really funny and i enjoy their banter and relationship but i can’t see derek sleeping w/ a minor especially after what happened with kate? like on the screen it doesn’t feel AS WEIRD bc the actors are similar ages! so i see why people want to be like that about it and just kind of wave away the age thing - but in real life that would matter a BIG amount - like you would just be v aware of how much younger someone is than you if they’re still in school - i have friends younger than me who are in hs and friends younger than me who aren’t in hs and i always forget when it comes to the friends who aren’t in school but never for the ones that are. so like…none of these adults would be banging 16-17yos in my eyes i just cant see it! i just can’t! that said i really really like parrish he’s like…so cute and good and he tries hard. like he’s just a good clean boy (“i’m a deputy” honey please) and i appreciate that.
also i know like i dont mind a little side character stuff but i dont care about liam as much as they want me to - liam’s at his most interesting when he’s paired with scott, and they didn’t interact at all this episode, so :/ out of the new characters i like mason the most cause queer solidarity + very smart, and he got a cute moment earlier tho so that was nice :’)
i also really enjoyed the stuff with scott and argent and malia, i’m glad scott and malia are interacting on an organic level like…if this romance has gotta happen pls let it not be as awkward as melissa/argent, yk? honestly as sad as i am that scott and argent only started getting along after allison’s death it’s like…quickly become one of my favorite relationships which has me #shook like i never expected to enjoy that so much but i do. there’s something very neat about him asking scott to glow his eyes for him and just like…this guy used to be a werewolf hunter and now he’s comfortably working with/protecting werewolves, i could go on yk but it’s nice
RE: the pack i know literally like i’m just gonna bide my time and Wait for the shots of them all together like i feel like they’re coming, we’re still in the setup stage, but i know from the trailers eventually they’re gonna punch us in the face with nostalgia…like i dont have to trust JD on that because i saw the footage myself, yk? frankly i think this was like a bit too disjointed and someone should have gone in with lydia but like - one of the things i’m looking forward to this season is that sort of bravery that she showed us - she had to go in and do that thing she was terrified of but she did it and she kicked ASS at it, yk? and i want to see that from all of them - as much as i love them i don’t mind them suffering a little if we get to see the best of them, what they’re really made of - like obviously there’s the element of “do you trust JD to pull this off? wouldn’t trust him as far as i could throw him no” but like the POTENTIAL nugget of it is really good i think. by all means let kate come back to terrorize derek if he gets to have an eichen moment, let scott and malia and argent and all of them be afraid for a little while if they get to come out on top like this, yk? i’m Ready for it
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1989dreamer · 7 years
Chapter 11 of Looking for a Place to Call Home
                                                                                                                      ~ * ~
Derek finds the towels under the sink and wraps three of them around his body. They are smaller than the one Stiles had but nicer. White and fluffy and warm.
Then, just as he is deciding if he wants to dress again in the scrubs or seek out other clothing options, the door breaks inward with a muted thud.
Derek stares at the woman standing there, holding an ax. She looks crazy, hair pulled into a tight bun on top of her head, quivering with her heaving breaths. Her t-shirt declares her a member of the Beacon Hills Fire Department but that is of little comfort to him as she readjusts her grip on the handle. Her eyes won’t stay still, betraying her intentions.
He growls at her, flashing his eyes and letting his fangs poke out.
Her face blanks, and she moves when Stiles jerks her back. Derek flinches away from the taser in Stiles’ hand.
“Hey, you doing okay in here, bud?”
Stiles’ eyes keep shifting around the bathroom, like he thinks Derek did more than take a shower. The taser never wavers from pointing at Derek’s belly button, but he notices that even though it’s prepped, Stiles’ finger is nowhere near the trigger.
It doesn’t feel like he’s in danger any more, so Derek says, “I’m still hungry. Also, I want my sisters.”
“They’re just outside talking to some deputies,” Stiles says. His heart blips a little, and Derek tenses before he hears the nurse Melissa speak.
“Try convincing him to finish the IV, Stiles.”
Stiles rolls his eyes. “If just a little felt good,” he says, “imagine what the whole bag will do.”
Derek looks down at his hands. He feels strong—stronger than he has in a long while. Is that really because of the liquid in the bag?
“Hey, if you don’t want it, we won’t make you take it. It’s entirely up to you.”
A choice? It’s like Stiles promising not to hurt him—and look how well that had gone. So maybe Derek doesn’t really have a choice. Illusion of choice is more likely.
“The bag is fine.” After all, if the liquid in the bag is truly helping him, he’ll only get stronger, and then he can fight all of them and escape. Ax and taser included.
“Well good.” Stiles seems flummoxed, as if he expected Derek to put up a fight. “That’s good. We should get you set up then.” He frowns. “You might want to get dressed again.”
Derek frowns right back at him. Stiles flushes angrily and grabs the woman’s arm to pull her out to the room with him. Once they’re gone, Derek sheds the towel and pulls on the scrub bottoms. He gets stuck in the scrub top and uses a claw to slit it open. He growls at it for good measure before he follows Stiles out of the bathroom.
Melissa points at the bed, and Derek climbs onto it, settling with his ankles crossed, hands intertwined and resting on his bare stomach. Stiles glares at him before looking away quickly.
Derek grins at him, sticking one arm out so that Melissa can insert a fresh needle and reattach the bag of liquid. He concentrates on not healing so that the liquid can actually enter his system.
“Are you a hunter?” he asks Melissa. He doesn’t think so since she doesn’t have the underlying smell of gun oil or wolfsbane.
She shakes her head, heartbeat steady. “I was Claudia’s nurse.” She shoots a look at Stiles, but he’s too busy arguing with the woman about who is going to pay for the destroyed door.
So far, the woman is winning.
“Claudia was Stiles’ mom.”
“She died,” Derek says. He remembers John saying he took over his wife’s emissary duties.
“Yes, she did. Before she passed, she entrusted her journals to me until such a time that your mother had selected her new emissary. I don’t know if I was supposed to read them or not, but I did. I learned of your family’s existence and how to care for any of you through those journals. My boss is actually the former emissary of one of the packs that lived in the surrounding territories. He’s the one who equipped our dampeners.”
“Smell and hearing,” Derek says. He touches his ears.
“Both senses are easily overwhelmed. The dampeners filter out most of it so that any supernatural creatures can be treated in relative comfort. I’ll speak to the director and get the dampeners lowered.”
The limitations placed on him are for his own good? Derek hadn’t liked the roar of sound or the pungent odor of so many people’s illness. Even the smell in the room is limited. It’s only if someone is next to him, like Melissa is now, that he can smell their emotions and intentions.
“No,” Derek decides. “The dampeners can stay. But,” he adds, “I want my sisters.”
“That can be arranged. For now, I just want you to focus on getting better.”
The growing itch under Derek’s skin eases only when Stiles stops arguing with the woman and comes to sit by the bed. It’s worrisome that Stiles shows a bit of kindness to him and he stops trying to fight him. When she had him, he never made the mistake of thinking she could be good for him. He needs to steel himself against Stiles.
“Just sleep,” Stiles says, “your sisters will be here in a few minutes.” Another promise.
But, it’s a good promise. Stiles’ heartbeat stays steady. His scent is soothing, and Derek finds himself drifting off as Melissa removes the IV line.
                                                                                                                      ~ * ~
Stiles tries not to feel so creepy watching Derek sleep. Melissa assures him that the intake of nutrients and Calories is on schedule, even with Derek’s little temper tantrum that saw Stiles handing over a hundred bucks to Melissa so she could pass it along to the billing department. Stiles still thinks Harley should have covered at least half of it, but she’d dodged it, saying, “You called me,” and waltzing out the door to meet her fiancée for drinks.
Stiles had tried to convince her to keep the fact that Derek is a werewolf quiet, and she’d fixed him with an unimpressed glare. Apparently, her fiancée came from a Canadian pack of werewolves and they were just waiting on her citizenship papers before they got married.
Melissa taps Stiles shoulder. “Derek will be ready for the next IV bag when he wakes up again.” He nods his understanding.
After a few more minutes, Stiles can’t convince himself that he isn’t creepy any longer, and he points at the door. Melissa nods and follows him, dimming the lights behind them.
Once outside the room, Stiles sighs.
“Is there any evidence on him of what he went through?”
Melissa shakes her head, and Stiles refrains from punching the wall at the somewhat expected answer. “Even a werewolf as emaciated as Derek still heals,” she says. “If you want to know what happened to that boy, you’ll either have to talk to his tormenters or get him to tell you.” She checks her watch. “I need to finish my rounds before I clock out.”
“Thanks, Melissa,” he says belatedly when she’s already halfway down the hallway. She still waves.
Stiles turns to the little window beside the door, peering into the darkened room.
He needs information to prove without a doubt that Derek was tortured. The starvation thing is a major indicator, but he’ll need more to bring charges against Kate Argent and her hunters.
Derek does not appear inclined to share his experiences of the past three years, and Stiles has a strong feeling that Kate Argent will be even less forthcoming about her actions.
Stiles wants to bash his head against the wall. The only thing stopping him is the fact that it wouldn’t help in the slightest. He sighs and runs his fingers through his hair, gripping the strands and pulling harshly. He still needs to give his own statement about what happened at the vet clinic too.
A quick peek at his watch makes him curse. The time is a few minutes past 8:00. With any luck this night will just end and Stiles can go home and sleep.
Where he tasered Derek and although he cleaned a bit, there is still shit and bile all over his bathroom. He is really not in the mood to scrub and sanitize anything tonight. What he’d really like to do is take a hot shower and fall into his bed.
His dad has a spare room. Stiles can crash at his place and then clean his house tomorrow. All he has to do is get his pillow, a change of clothes, his uniform and service weapon, and some toiletries.
He has to wonder where the Hales will stay once Derek is discharged. Yes, Laura is eighteen, but as established, they have nowhere to go. As far as Stiles knows, they don’t even have any clothes other than the scrubs borrowed from Scott and the hospital.
In all likelihood, one of the deputies will have to house them at least overnight. Stiles hopes that the sheriff won’t volunteer. Sheriff Lahey is a cold man with dead eyes and a bark like a charging rhinoceros. Stiles had swimming lessons back in the third grade when Sheriff Lahey used to be Coach Lahey. Something has always been off about that man.
It’s a worry for another day because Stiles’ phone is buzzing with a call from a number he doesn’t recognize.
“Stilinski.” Being a deputy means he answers his phone even if he’s suspicious.
“Stiles, it’s Erica.”
“Hello.” Stiles is curious as to why she’s calling him. He was under the impression that if she called it would be in a couple of days. Not the same day they had reconnected.
“So, I just wanted to know if you’d be willing to help me out with a project.”
“Kind of forward,” Stiles says, and Erica laughs.
“I suppose,” she agrees. “Look, I know things have changed since high school when we last saw each other. You’re a cop and I don’t have as many seizures as I used to.”
“Okay?” Stiles doesn’t understand. They’re all in their thirties—high school should be the furthest thing they all talk about—aside from Allison and Lydia who truly were high school sweethearts.
Erica sighs in his ear. “I run the only shelter in Beacon Hills. Since I’m alone, I don’t have the resources to take in all three Hales indefinitely, but I can be a temporary home for them. My boyfriend is busy tonight—something with his job—so I don’t have the necessary help to set up for them tonight. Please, just say you’ll help me.”
“Erica, I’m tired and need a shower. Is there really no one else you can ask?”
“No.” Erica sounds small.
“Damn it,” Stiles mutters under his breath. “If you promise to feed me,” he says louder, already regretting the offer but knowing that he wouldn’t have said no anyway, “I’ll help you.”
Hell, he can bring Scott too, if Scott’s willing.
“Deal,” Erica says brightly. Stiles thinks he just got played. “I already made supper when my boyfriend told me he wasn’t coming home tonight.”
“You have enough for another mouth?”
Erica scoffs. “Boy, I make enough to feed an army. Have you seen my boyfriend? You think it’s a mistake that he’s that well-fed?”
“It would help if I knew who your boyfriend is.”
“Vernon Boyd,” Erica says, and Stiles can hear how in love she is.
“Vernon Boyd from Animal Control is your boyfriend?” He tries to say it mildly, but there is no mistaking the shock in his voice. He winces, expecting Erica to take offense.
Instead, she says, “I know, right? I mean, he’s him. He’s so kind and gentle and good, and I’m me.”
“Hey, now, you’re just as good as B—Vernon.”
Erica snorts. “You say that now, Stilinski. Little do you know, I’m the devil in disguise.” She laughs. “After the wonder-drug, my life completely changed. I was able to finally pursue my interests with minor worry about relapsing. I’ve actually been on this new drug for almost three years. Clinical trials are almost done and it goes to market in six months. Once that’s done, I’ll have to pay for my prescription like everyone else. Hence the pet supplies store.”
“And you run the shelter when you’re not at work?”
“I only work at the store when the shelter is empty. I’m kind of a spare employee—they don’t need me really—but my dad is friends with the owner so anytime I have some downtime from the shelter, they let me work.”
“Wow, that’s a pretty lucky deal.”
“Don’t I know it. So, you’ll definitely help me tonight? And you’re bringing a friend as well?”
“Yeah, if he’ll go for it. He’s had a rough day too.”
“Oh, hey, you could totally bring your new companion too!” Erica chirps. “I bet the kids would love him. Unless, he’s anti-social. Somethings dogs that go through abuse are a lot less willing to socialize, especially in large groups.”
“Uh,” Stiles says, grasping for an excuse, any excuse. “Uh, Miguel is at the vet’s overnight—he has worms and he needs surgery tomorrow and—”
“Stiles,” Erica interrupts.
“Stop lying to me.”
“I’m not lying,” Stiles protests but it sounds hollow to his own ears. “Fine. What do you think I’m lying about?”
“Everything. Starting with the fact that you actually have a dog.”
“You saw me buying things. You helped me pick them out!”
“So? You could just be running a scam.”
Stiles doesn’t need this shit, much less from someone he hasn’t interacted with in over a decade. “Look, do you want my help or not? Keep insulting me and you can kiss it goodbye.”
“Fine,” Erica hurries to say, huffing out a breath that sound suspiciously like a sigh of relief, “I’m sorry. “Just, please don’t be mad at me.”
She hangs up before Stiles can ask her to clarify and he stares at his phone, wishing he could chuck it at the wall.
“Hey, kiddo.” His dad startles him when he claps him on the back. John has Laura, Cora, and one of Stiles’ coworkers, Deputy Haigh, with him. “Sheriff Lahey wants Derek’s statement tonight,” John explains. “Haigh is the bona fide volunteer.”
Meaning that come hell or high water or a right to privacy, Sheriff Lahey is going to get that statement. Stiles fixes Haigh with a sour look. The man transferred in after Stiles did and almost immediately, the entire force decided they didn’t like him. Haigh is a giant butt munch. He brownnoses like nobody’s business and then turns in other deputies for minor slip-ups.
Parrish, his assigned partner, has suffered the most. Parrish is usually confined to desk duty with docked pay because of Haigh’s tattling (of mundane things like an extra bathroom break or missing office supplies), which Parrish claims Haigh uses to hide the rules he breaks. They have no evidence though, and Haigh is definitely the Sheriff’s favorite deputy.
“Okay, first of all, Sheriff Lahey can shove it tonight. The boy is resting right now. You won’t get any useful information from him. Secondly, you ask questions like a bulldozer: heavy-handed and rude. This is a child who has suffered abuse and requires a gentler hand than you are capable of providing.”
“And I suppose you think you’re the best person for the job?” Haigh sneers.
“Well, I am the one who’s taken those classes,” Stiles says. During his time in Atlanta, he worked hostage negotiation and interrogation of child witnesses and victims, able to empathize and connect with his targets. Allowing Haigh at Derek makes his hackles rise.
His dad lays a hand on his shoulder, and Stiles subsides, adding, “But, I’m probably too close to the source.”
“That’s what the Sheriff thinks too,” Haigh says. “He wants your badge pending an investigation.”
“What? Why?”
“How is it that a trained officer is taken hostage?” Haigh’s smug smile makes Stiles’ insides twist. “Where was your service weapon?”
“I was off-duty,” Stiles protests. “Why would I be carrying then?”
“That’s something you’ll have to answer. Now, if you excuse me, I have an arson suspect to interrogate.”
“Now wait a minute!” John cries. Laura growls deep in her throat, her eyes flashing red. John puts a hand on her shoulder, like he did with Stiles. She shrugs him off. She is not so easily soothed.
“My brother was stolen before our house was burned down.”
“And how do you know he wasn’t working with the ‘kidnappers’?”
“Because I was thirteen,” Derek says. “Because Kate Argent drugged me and took me, and when I woke up, I was in New York.”
                                                                                                                      ~ * ~
MP, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
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