#ive only ever watched lps
blrdnames · 8 months
Really neat to see you acknowledge the Sparky reference from the movie! Also neat to see how far your art has come, I figured you'd just disappeared from the face of the internet since 2014 so its awesome to see the improvement. Out of curiosity, is FNaF something you still actively care about (or Sparky by extension?) I know the movie has at least recently picked up engagement in the topic if nothing else.
yeah, changing my url after i thought sparky's initial buzz had died down was perhaps not the best move but I had no idea his legacy would continue so strongly and that i would still be online nearly 10 years later to be like oh hey thats my dog. and thank you so much for your kind words about my art! i do still linger on the peripheral of fnaf fandom and when the urge takes me, i do venture back in to see whats up. i never got into the extracanon stuff like books or comics or the likes but i watched playthrus of all the games and i really like glamrock freddy
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trainingdummyrabbit · 10 months
lobcorp posting again, VERY funny getting fucking bodied by hods meltdown cutscene completely unprepared and then immediately after ". Is That Fucking Sonder."
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druidgroves · 1 year
post apocalyptic media cannot stay away from boston
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ojamayellow · 1 year
also i should rly follow more people here since mt tl loves to be dead when i use it but im anxious i rarely follow new people. hmmm.
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lobotomizedlady · 6 months
will u give me stealing advice i always just hide things under my hands or scan only one thing at self checkout but need to up my game
Ok Im stoned rn so bear with me BUT Ive been lifting on & off for like a decade & never been caught so I do consider myself a bit of a expert on petty theft against big box stores(& I do mean petty, NEVER go over the felony amount in ur state in one trip & be careful bc some places like target will literally case build against u and let u get away until u have hit the felony limit, then they will prosecute. Srsly fuck target. their PTZ cans are insane & they have their own fucking crime lab plus very aggressive hands on LP. Only thing I ever take from there is sports bras that I wear out from the fitting rooms)
Anyways the best tip I have is do NOT linger around trying to look natural after concealing. It doesn't matter if you think leaving suddenly would look suspicious bc even if it does they won't have time to react. basically just getting in and out as fast as possible is the idea bc u don't wanna be in the store for long enough for them to A, notice u, & B, organize an ambush at the doors.
Obviously u must not look suspicious & don't dress in a way that's flashy or out of place (ex, don't walk into a suburban swanky mall looking homeless or the LP will be on u like glue). also if u aren't relaxed & able to act totally normal u absolutely will get caught sooner or later. I actually wouldn't recommend the self checkout swindle bc these days stores are catching on to that & placing cams there plus employees are instructed to watch them like a hawk. It's the single most popular way ppl steal.
detag only when u can do so easily, quickly & silently. it's not 100% necessary imo, the alarms going off isn't the end of the world just wear headphones & keep walking briskly (no running unless they start chasing)& it's very doubtful they will follow u off the curb, most LP aren't even allowed to. I have a hook and magnet but I almost never use them bc if ur caught with a those it's an automatic felony due to proof of premeditation, it brings the charge up to burglary. I'd much rather just beep when I leave.
ymmv with all of this tho, anon. Im a white woman, obv I would have a much more difficult time lifting if I were black bc LP racially profile ppl all the time
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trottlecanon · 8 months
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
HIHI!! you can call me calico or leafy, either one iz fine :3
i uze she/they/paw!
im a demigirl + sapphic and i uze xenogenderz! im also questioning if im on the aromantic/aroace spectrum
im 13! im gonna be 14 on december 3 >_<
i have social anxiety and autizm (both diagnosed)
i have a typing quirk! herez how i uze it:
“i forgot to do my homework last night, i hope my teacher doesnt check today.” iz now: “i 4got 2 do my homework last night, i hope my teacher doeznt check 2day.”
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im an editor, artist, and fanfic writer!
ive been editing since december 2021! ive alwayz only uzed capcut becauze idk how 2 uze anything else tbh..i post my edits on tiktok (bottom of post)
ive been drawing traditionally my whole life, and digitally since 2020, i uze ibispaintx and my art acc iz on instagram (bottom of post)
im also a fanfic writer! i have a bfb au and i write oneshots once in a blue moon (i write on ao3 and wattpad, bottom of post)
tbh 4 this account im gonna fuck around and find out what gets reach
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i have 6 cats and a dog i love them so so much
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i first discovered the osc in 2016 and ive been fixating on it on and off ever since </3 so far ive watched bfdi, ii, hfjone, burner, and cfmot and i plan 2 watch a lot more! a few showz on my list are extraordinary excellent entitiez, the nightly manor, ion, etc!
some of my other hyperfixationz/interests are total drama, vocaloid, project sekai, hell park/south park, dr stone, percy jackson, lps 2012, pokemon, spooky month, tbhk, AND A LOT MORE god im in so many fandomz plz
i kin a lot of characterz…my highest kinz are leafy (bfb), fan (ii), nene kusanagi (pjsekai), amelia euler (one), taylor nolan (one), teardrop (bfb), x (bfb), remote (tpot), suitcase (ii), microphone (ii), tweek tweak, heidi turner, pip pirrup, mafuyu asahina (project sekai), ena shinonome (pjsekai), AND SO MANY MORE BC IM MENTALLY ILL
i also collect ships like baseball cardz so here are some of my fav ships!
bfb/bfdi/tpot: tree x bottle, liy x leafy, teardrop x leafy, pillow x book, gelatin x leafy, tennis ball x goof ball, pin x coiny, and a bunch of other ships with leafy LMAO
inanimate insanity: poly bright lights, fan x test tube, lightbulb x paintbrush, suitcase x microphone, soap x microphone, lifering x tea kettle, baseball x nickel, suitcase x balloon (only platonically!)
hfjone: liam x bryce x amelia, taylor x charise, bryce x amelia, liam x owen
cumfart and burner: spraypaint x kit, kit x rozey, tissuez x record, knify x picture, chargery x socka, yoshka x kratcy
project sekai: nene x tsukasa, kohane x akito, an x kohane, akito x toya, mizuki x an, rui x emu, ena x airi, minori x kohane
tbh the only tdi ships i like so far are noah x cody and tyler x lindzay
dni: basic dni, pro/comshipperz, xenogender/neopronoun antiz, rarepair antiz, winner x clock shipperz
thin ice (unless we r close): cringe culture believerz, fireafy likerz, oc x canon antiz, firey defenderz, tree x remote shipperz
plz interact: osc, cat loverz, pjsekai playerz, vocaloid fanz, TROTTLE SHIPPERZ, literally any1 who sharez my interests
im a choir kid
im an infp-t
my humor: 🔥‼️😰⁉️💔😇🚼💨😈😡😧👎😱🤓🧌🤨🦅😿
my fav artists are cheezy hfj, inanimate insanity, taylor swift, melanie martinez, ghost and palz, mitski, maretu, kikuo, the living tombstone, and or3o :3
tiktok: sillyvveon (main) treexbottle (alt)
ask 4 discord!
wattpad: calico_cloverz
twitter: cxlico__cxt (shitposting/spam) theiichronicles (rant/opinion acc)
instagram: calicokittypawzz (art)
tumblr: youre here!
ao3: cxlico_cxt
project sekai friend code (global server): 210235411300147200
bye thanks 4 reading! :3
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pinkiepiebones · 2 years
Okay I've been working on this waaaaay too long I'm tired of looking at it now here, have this thing that probably only I will enjoy as I am the only fan of a current Swedish glam rock band AND a defunct Canadian LP channel
✨Ghost as random quotes from Two Best Friends Play/ Super Best Friends Play✨
Papa Nihil: "Promise nothing, deliver less."
Papa Emeritus I: "Everyone get a piece of this hot granddad!"
Papa Emeritus II: "I didn't think you had it in you... What with you being an incompetent sack of shit."
Papa Emeritus III: "I find myself becoming an omnisexual dick magnet."
Papa Emeritus IV: "I’ll go out like I went in: With no dignity and with everyone watching.”
Sister Imperator: "I mean you don't have to pay people when they're dead. You don't. 'Cause they died. That's like free labor."
Cumulus: "Hot girls are good at murder. It's real easy: you be a hot chick, then you poison the guy... you're done! You're done! You skip like, thirty steps!" 
Cirrus: "He doesn't look too happy. Oh, it's because he's dead, whoops."
Sunshine: "Kids love the Devil!"
Mountain: "I don't know what we're doing, but I think we're doing a great job."
Rain: "I don’t think I’ve ever truly gone balls to the wall."
Aether: "Your weapons are wack, your gods are wack, your magic is wack. My gods? My gods are tight as FUCK."
Dew: "You see these tiny legs? These are made for scaring people, not for cardio!"
Swiss: "All the boobies are now mine."
BONUS- Special: "If I got turned into a vampire tomorrow- and God knows I might- I would be so fucking confused. Like oh God, now I have to learn about this? I barely know about being human!"
BONUS BONUS: Mister Saltarian: "What the hell's your idiot problem, moron?"
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twiggeh1339 · 1 year
So I have a theory about the papa's that ties to the robo papa we are seeing. This robo papa has 3 forms, similar to the previous papa's and that had me thinking about how we see the trinity and how it connects to the body. It also raises some other connections with the possible horsemen theory about our 4 lovely papa's. To start off I want to explain why I see each connection to the specific papa's.
Primo, he is the horseman of famine, the mind and father in the trinity, and he takes the form of the skull robo papa. He is the foundation and the pillar of the mind and belief. In his album, we hear this dedication he has to his faith through ritual and con clavi con dio. Famine is heard in stand by him and Elizabeth and prime mover. Held together with the "I'm crucified" cover.
Secondo, the horseman of war, the soul and son of the trinity, and the muscle of the robo papa. He is the call to action and the will of the soul. We see his personality give rise to a call to action but also to act on our soul desires. He is deeply sad and angry taking position as Papa with neutrality. His album we hear his voice call us to act on our desires and the call to action in year zero. The connection to the son while not super apparent connects with his willingness to step down from his position as Papa, willingness to give up and accept his retirement. The cover of "I'm a marionette" supports the theory.
Terzo, the horsemen of death, the body and spirit of the trinity. He takes the form of the flesh of the robo papa. His album presents the question of death and what comes after, from pinnacle to the pit is reflecting on his fall from power for his strong independence. He is the papa that is outspoken and not afraid to push the ministry on their own beliefs and traditions. He embodies the confidence and independence that challenges life and looks death in the face. His album also reflects on the physical and spirit. We hear this through absolution, spirit, and he is. The cover of "if you have ghosts" speaks to the physical fighting the spirit, that regardless of the physical desires, the spirit has everything. Like his status of the horsemen of death, and the uncontrollable nature of death that happens when we least expect it he is removed from papa status and we see his death along with the others after his removal.
Copia, the horsemen of pestilence, the vessel for the dark one/satan/etc. He is the copy of that is waiting for inhabitants. Because we see him as the first papa to break the bloodline of the previous papa's, which is a very important lore peice, he is able to be a clean slate and able to succeed where the previous generations have not. How does he connect to the previous papa's for the horsemen theory? Well, we see in his album as cardinal, he's untouched by the sickness of his pestilence as he's not yet papa. But his album warns us how with every album before his rise to power, he was in the background. The overarching themes of the albums before prequelle struggle to only support war/death/famine. When we see these themes, pestilence, sickness, and corruption take place. In rats and faith, it's shown to us that these pests are everywhere and always watching and listening. This growing madness of the mind, body, and soul is ever present and can not be stopped. When copia becomes papa emeritus iv is when his full horsemen power begins to degrade his form. The madness and paranoia and personality shift to untrusting others is apparent. He gears his ghouls up for war. He dresses himself as a commander and fearless, strong leader. But underneath that facade copia is fighting the pestilence that plagues his mind and soul. That leaves him wide open to become a vessel, both mind and soul weakened to not fight the dark one inhabiting his body. As said before, he's a copy, not by blood line but by a pillar to usher in the end of times. We see this now in the LP he shifts lyrics to put himself as the devil, as the dark one that will reign.
Hope this is entertaining I'm having fun with all the possibilities, the connection of trinities and how we could see the hag, the mother and girl possibly?
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paperpeachy · 2 years
Howdy, fellow Paper Mario fanatic! 👋
I really enjoy your art. <3 Do you have headcanon voices for any of the PM characters? If so, what are they?
hiiiii thank u sm ur v kind !! and i have some loose thoughts on voice stuff let's see from the top of my head
goombella: very valley girl, but not like, lindsay tdi valley girl if u get what i mean :P californian girl ofc
koops: speaks w a lot of umms and uhhs, kinda has a nasally boyish voice.
flurrie: southern belle (literally just the voice lucahjin gave her), but she noticeably uses more aave w a subtle rasp to her voice.
yoshi kid: sounds like a RASCAL. very raspy and scrappy. think doopliss' desc but more hyper.
vivian: low, sing-songy voice, kinda sounds like a more mature fluttershy. she has a dulcet hum to her voice
bobbery: roughened up vocals, just an old sea dog voice
ms mowz: gonna b basic here and say she defo has a transatlantic accent. imagine 'badges are a girls best friend!'
blumiere: i think… a subtle dracula way of speak. crazy take i know. timpani: very quiet and lulling in the first half of spm, but becomes more pronounced w more of an edge to her tone. slips in some spanish flavour the more she remembers. dimentio: VERY sing-songy, effete and delivers all his one-liners w a twirl to his voice. he only ever rlly sounds cherry or theatrically in pain. i'm thinking todd haberkorn's death the kid or korekiyo nastasia: I ALWAYS SWITCH AROUND W HER i like the game's outdated-valley girl speech for her, but i also like… something of a muture lady-like russian accent to her. idk ! o'chunks: everybody do urself a favour and watch roamer's spm lp he does the only authentic o'chunks voice ever mimi: wide variation of tonal pitch changes and dialect swaps. when you first meet her she's talking in that sweet, polite southern hospitality kind-of-way, but drops the accent when she's pissed (the louder she is, the more the mechanics in her body interfere w her voice). her default way of speaking is v catty and facetious sounding. think junko enoshima meets grimes…with a touch of blair the cat's vocal purrs and cloe from bratz (<--pedantic) mr.l: just luigi but he talks w a more lower, slurred voice.
doopliss- ive always read his lines in greg ayres voice LOL specifically like, kaoru hitachiin/leo from ghost stories.. i think esp of leo's 'why don't we meet at the scary, isolated payphone on the bad side of town. alone, yeah :)'. i just rlly like that raspy, incredibly scratchy voice on him. but maybe not as innocent-sounding, i think he'd dip his vowels a lot for the intimidating ghostly effect.
squirps- 100% koda from brother bear (jeremy suarez)
olly- juno's olly covers have just cemented that voice for me
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cynical-crypt · 1 year
Autism ask meme
(originally by @autie-j​)
Here's an ask meme specifically for autistic people
How old were you when you found out you were autistic? 5
Do you have any other autistic people in your family? Or are you the only one? most people in my family are autistic or have some kind of other neurodivergence
Do you have any comorbidities? Or just autism? severe adhd and “very likely bpd,” as my psych put it
Are you LGBTQIA+? yup
What do you wish more people knew about autism? that it makes it hard to exist around people and also that it doesn’t automatically make you “dumb”
Have you ever been in a relationship? quite a few
Do you find it hard to make friends? yes, unless we have several things in common
If you have any, what are your special interests? fall out boy and anything i was really into when i was little
What was your first special interest? prob warrior cats or lps
What are your most common stims? rocking fwd/side, bobbing my head
If you could give any advice to your younger self, what would it be? keep being cringe its ok
Do you headcanon any characters as autistic? If you want, tell us why you headcanon them as autistic. a lot of characters if they remind me of myself in the autistic ways
Tell us an autistic person that you really look up to. kittydog. shes also my friend but shes one of the people that inspired me to start animating
Are you currently in school? does reading wikipedia pages for 12 hours straight count
Have you ever received any accommodations for your autism in either school or work? my teachers let me listen to music but thats about it
Do you have any autistic friends? i dont think i have any that arent autistic
Do you own any stim toys? Which is your favorite? i have plastic straws to chew on
Do you find it easier to get along with other autistic people? depends on whether or not theyre annoying in the “everything is offensive to me!11!!” way but generally yeah
What kinds of things are sensory hell for you? plastic anything being crinkled and more than one person talking to me
What kinds of things are good sensory wise? music i like and silence
How open are you usually when it comes to being autistic? i mean i told my teachers but they also knew i was trans so
Would you say you're proud to be autistic? yeah i guess so. i see the world differently and i think thats neat
What's the longest you've ever has a special interest for? 10 years i think. i still like homestuck but its not a special interest anymore. i take that back ive liked httyd since it was in theaters
Do you have meltdowns? yes but not publicly
What about shutdowns? really frequently yeah
Do you avoid eye contact? yes unless im doing it to annoy my friends. then suddenly im amazing at eye contact but otherwise if i look someone in the eyes ill be on the verge of tears and i will want to run away
Do you have any vocal stims or echolalia? does singing a single verse over and over again from whatever song im fixated on count?
How long do your special interests usually last for? 2-3 years
Are your friends and/or family accepting of your autism? yeah my mom and i watch people and be like “thats so autistic. theyre like me look theyre making the me face” and we do that for hours
Favorite canon autistic character? hiro hamada, mothflight, all of them...
Do you have a comfort item? If you feel comfortable with it, then show it to us. too lazy to take a picture but a wolf plush my dad gave me when i was 7 i absolutely cannot sleep without it
What are your same foods? microwave meatloaf and chicken alfredo
Foods you are sensitive to (maybe because of bad texture for instance)? pickes, taste is too jarring... also anything chunky in a certain way
Do you enjoy hugs? Or are they sensory hell? depends on the person but i dont like being touched in general so
Have you ever used a weighted blanket? yes theyre great i need one so bad
Do you have routines that you have to follow? What's in your routine? i have to pick up my cat and pet her every single day or else i will be angry the whole day and wont want to talk to anyone
Do you enjoy holidays or are they sensory hell to you? i dont like them. i hide in the bathroom or in the corner the whole time
How good are you at detecting sarcasm? terrible. i either take EVERYTHING as sarcasm or nothing as sarcasm no inbetween
What's the most comfortable/sensory friendly outfit you own? old mental hospital pants and this one specific hoodie ive had for 12 years that somehow still fits me
Do you collect anything related to your special interest? yes
If you date people then would you prefer to date other autistic people? yes
Tell us something about your special interest. eevees. adobe flash. dance dance by fall out boy and let’s dance by five
If you could have any item related to your special interest what would it be? warriors figurines but theyre all how i see them in my head
Who are your favorite autistic bloggers? Say something nice about them. i dont think i follow any neurotypical people if i do i sure as hell dont know about it. i love all of you keep posting
Favorite autistic celebrity? 田尻智。pokemon destroyed my life and im glad it did
Are you generally a loud or quiet person? quiet i suck so bad at verbal speech that i just dont talk 99% of the time lol
Do you happy flap? on occasion
What is your favorite special interest related item you own? Show it to us if you want. all of my toothless (httyd) and bnha merch. i have so much
What's something you find hard to do because of autism? anything that requires extended attention that im not interested in
Free question. Ask anything you want! Any topic at all! can i go to bed...?
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olgunia · 1 year
this year was Ugh! fucking awful!’nnn!!!!!!
left the band after 10 years and all in all it felt like going through a break up / it turned out that my dad has a tumour (it’s fine now tho) / turned out that im in high risk of having tumour too / got heartbroken / grieved over dad and my broken heart / finished masters and even got some one time scholarship/grant which allowed me to pay off the rent for 4 months / got serious problems with stress levels and anxiety that ended up with me having lots of difficulties with sleeping, body pains and withdrawal from social life that only brought more pain / lots of stress based on me not having a job and not being eligible to get financial help from the state and also not being able to get a job without knowing the language BUT in a year i did a great progress with swedish so that im able to watch and read things and listen to people and understand most of them or all but at the same time being too stressed out to talk in SE with people that i know but.. it will come.., / ending up in a weird situation with my flatmate being not open/honest with me and having her “friend” KinDa move in with us without asking me about it which ended up with my reliving my trauma - i was sure that im fine and over and worked out the trauma thing and such but apparently i am not - it brought me a great lot of both psychical and mental distress and pain / i started to really really miss my friends and understand how much i left behind after moving out and… more things…. / someone at my language school started to fucking stalk me online and believes that there is something between us as in we have any sort of relationship going on, IM SCREAMING ITS ALL TOO MUCH!!!! /////but from the good things a cute rom-com situation happened and i ended up starting a relationship with the cutest person i ever saw and it’s the healthiest relationship&friendship that ive ever had with anyone so that brings a lot of light and comfort this year / another good thing is that we played cool gigs and recorded an LP with my new band / and learning lots of swedish but that’s bittersweet / got to know some people closer but that’s also bittersweet bc of how shitty i keep on feeling- me and some other people drifted apart
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luna7822 · 1 month
to any new followers out there that felt like following me for good shit and whatnot welcome to my blog as said in the description where i basically talk and post abt whatever tf i want and also do drawings too :3
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(just showing my best ones and no im not just purely hs artist cuz i also like to draw other things too and all that so yeah)
heres the stuff im pretty much into for those of u who wanna know:
• smg4/glitch (including every show as well as tgd which i cant wait for and fuck off if ur from the f**base cuz it sucks and nothing more)
• inanimate insanity (mind u the only things i give a shit abt are mephone, bot, cabby, the lore in general and nothing else cuz honestly i could care less abt the contestants nowadays with how the f**base overly obsesses over them in the most boring way possible and whatnot so if ur a part of the 0*c then pls dni and fuck off for all i care cuz i really despise the 0*c sfm istg)
• homestuck as well as homestuck^2/homestuck beyond canon (haters fuck off idc leave me in peace cuz i srsly dont wanna deal with ur bs and also dni if ur a part of the f**base too cuz i also hate it sm)
• oddworld (ok so for those of u who are wondering how the hell is this even a part of my interests this whole thing pretty much started back in the summer of 2020 where i remember one day getting curious abt it to the point where curiousity ended up biting me in the ass and ended up getting obsessed with it after basically watching lps of the first 5 games at the time before soulstorm came out and being really intrigued and terrified at the same time with how much ill like anything thats obscure and good as shit cuz naturally i was scared shitless at first until slowly but surely as the years went by i eventually got used it and not to mention soulstorm also helped that out a lot since everything has technically already been laid out for me to consume for my own enjoyment and when that came out i liked it sm to the point where i was even more normal than ive ever been in my whole life but regardless i still cant get enough of it and ur just gonna have to deal with it lol :3)
• splatoon (mainly 3 tho i was already familiar with it beforehand cuz of smg4 and whatnot ever since i started watching it back in 2018 but i didnt really get around to playing it till april of last year when i originally only had a 3 month membership for switch online and when i didnt participated in splatfests that much until the frostyfest one and now here i am doing things and all that but im having fun nonetheless and especially with side order as well :3)
• pokemon as well (mainly gen 5 and the previous 4 and also gen 6 as well as some 7 sprinkled in there and not really much of 8/9 since its technically the most nostalgic one for me and mainly cuz of pretty much everything else besides the mainline games which i never got to play due to me owning diff consoles until i got my own switch on christmas of 2022 and basically got shining pearl as well as a couple others too but still)
thats basically it for my interests in general and i hope u all like my blog for all the good shit i do and all that so yeah dont forget to follow me too and read my dni list before following and whatnot if u like my stuff lol :3
my other socials too:
wattpad: https://wattpad.com/user/LUN47822 (where i also talk abt stuff and also where my hsbc patreon archival stuff is at too, also the only reason my username is like that is only cuz i think the regular version that i often stick with was taken iirc so yeah)
not active on there all that much since its technically still a new site atm and that im more active on here and wattpad but ill put it here anyways cuz why not
and yes i also have yt in case ur wondering but its just that i havent gotten the chance to post any good shit lately despite having a handful of ideas but still
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anosci · 10 months
Media Thread
im making a list of media ive watched/played/etc this year with brief thoughts. its going to be far less featured than my music list, but still a bit long. again mirroring twitter except this time because fuck twitter.
list below the cut
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1/ Princes Arete (2001) I was sold on this movie under the premise that it's similar to Kino no Tabi. and… it is. kinda. Kino and Arete would be cool pals. Every character is interesting, which seems rare(?) Only real drawback: the hostage situation kinda really sucked.
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2/ Time of EVE (2008/9) the classic tale: androids indistinguishable from humans as an allegory for racism. but unlike DBH, this is actually really good. its a story that feels like a single thread in a vast tapestry that'd be fascinating to explore, but too bad: you only have 6 eps
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3/ Spice & Wolf (2008) i remember loving this show. i don't remember understanding the economics. I took notes this time. I still struggled. (spoilers for ep3) regardless: wow this is a good show. weirdly, I saw myself in the relationship portrayals. I guess that means its realistic?
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4/ Spice & Wolf II (2009) i feel like this kinda fell off? :( like it tried too hard to be action-packed. and that worked sometimes. but that first arc was just… :( it feels like a case of "just needs an editing pass. needs a bit more focus" i'll treasure S1 more, after all
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5/ Double Fine PsychOdyssey (2023) absurdly captivating. i say that it's a miracle that any video game gets made ever. this shows that Psychonauts 2 was several miracles in succession. it's simultaneously illusion-shattering and inspiring.
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6/ The Owl House S1 (2020) finally sat down to watch this. it's GOOD. lots of worldbuilding to chew on, and then it picked up quite nicely. im immediately pouncing on S2 and feeling glad i was late enough to be able to marathon
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7/ The Owl House S2 (2022) stumbling down the boulderest mountain and hitting every rock on the way down. the rocks represent engagement. i am engaged. i adore this show. it is a little weird to suddenly freeze mid-tumble.
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8/ Broken Age (2014) (Dr. Mick's LP) delightful start! brilliant, even! then the big bad is revealed and…. meh. I watched Dr. Mick's playthru tho, and holy shit that's some really cool commentary.
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9/ Double Fine Adventure! (2015) its a little unfortunate that the nature of gamedev means that the ending is kinda anticlimatic but good lord what an amazing journey. i'd watch a million of these.
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10/ Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022) ok ok fine ill [finally] watch it …oh its good. like really good. its rly funny but in a way that fascinatingly beside the point? yeah I can see why some ppl didnt like this but i think its super fun
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11/ Nichijou (2011) a nice and cute slice of life thing… that occasionally breaks out some quality jokes. though only half of them landed for me. i feel like i would've gotten more out of this if I caught it at the time.
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12/ The Owl House S3 (2023) i had a lot of reservations about the collector initially but having seen the entire arc: that came together nicely! still sad that it's The End, but like. good overall!
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13/ Penguindrum (2011) i DONT think i followed 90% of the themes and their connections. that said, i DO love the way metaphors are treated as "literal". confusing maybe, but i adore the idea of "paint what you feel not what you see" applied to storytelling.
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14/ From the New World (2012) this has a mess of an opening (several) episode(s), but it eventually found its footing and became quite a cool action adventure… thriller i guess? i do take some issues with bits and pieces but it was a good watch overall.
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15/ GinGitune (2013) fluff. the lightest, fluffiest of fluff. melts in water. there are several elements that couldve been mined for drama and intrigue but they were all treated as background elements. (this isn't a bad thing, but it's not what you might expect.)
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16/ Space Dandy (2014) dropped after ep4, but on good terms i guess? fun animation, funky vibes, sometimes even funny! anime johny bravo…or I think i saw a Dirty Pair comparison, which feels right. but im not meshing with the silly wacky high nrg antics rn. maybe another time.
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17/ Death Parade (2015) rly misleading intro (i was ready to drop lol) rly rly promising setup by ep4 RLY good development and mildly biffed ending, but hard to fault considering its a 12ep. i love the aesthetics, worldbuilding, characters. overall i really really liked this!!!
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18/ One Punch Man S1 (2015) i forgot how fun this show is! and the great worldbuilding! i dont plan to move to the second season again tho. i thought about grabbing the manga instead but good lord it's way longer than i thought. oh well.
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19/ Flying Witch (2016) slicest of life with a la croix touch of supernatural. the normal slices didn't do much for me 90% of the time. but the supernatural slices? choice. (…mostly.) tbh i just want an entire season of that cafe.
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20/ Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto (2016) i was skeptical, but this actually worked rly well. for moment. a short, beautiful moment. most of the potential here was stifled by trying to add high school drama/plot. the comedy tho, at its best, had a vibe i havent felt since hayate
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21/ Saiki Kusuo no Psi Nan (2016) it is VERY EASY for a comedy show to slide from "absurdity = funny" to "this is just annoying". somehow, this never crossed that line, which was weirdly refreshing? not always a winner, but overall a good mix of laughs and superpower exploration.
21b/ edit to add: oh this was right after Sakamoto! Man. The two feel kind of kindred but Saiki is leagues better at staying fresh.
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22/ Viewfinder (2023) short but very sweet mind-bender puzzler thing. the story had a cool foundation but fumbled in execution imo. but the gameplay? top notch. felt great through and through. never too difficult. beautiful idea and beautiful execution.
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23/ Flip Flappers (2016) uncertain about the show at first, and then, after watching… im still uncertain. i did enjoy it, but I also felt outside the audience ig? a case where I can imagine a version of this show that knocks my socks off, but as-is it's just a fun ride
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24/ Fionna & Cake (2023) my expectations were very low and they were VASTLY exceeded! think this show is at its strongest when exploring characters w short stories, which was most of this. the ending felt slightly fumbled…i think it couldve rocked me but instead it was just :).
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25/ Outer Wilds: Echoes of the Eye (2021) i already played and loved this game, but happened upon About Oliver's playthrough and fell in love again. truly that is The Most outer wilds playthrough. good lord.
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26/ The Amazing Digital Circus (2023) interesting and filled with style… but not for me. i'd list complaints but basically all of them are strengths and favorites for someone else. yknow?
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27/ Little Witch Academia TV (2017) as the credits roll, i find myself with two thoughts: croix was done dirty and wow this is SPECTACLE. aptly magical. oh also! it was quite fun to follow along with contemporary discussion
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28/ Scott Pilgrim Takes Off (2023) oh it's like. really good. i dont remember the movie so i cant compare but this stands well on its own and i love the character exploration, even if i dont like some of the uhh… what would you call that? scifi jokes? (spoiler territory soz)
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29/ Land of the Lustrous (2017) FLOORED by how much I loved this. qualms about the CG turned into admiration, the shading drawing me into the world. worries about annoying characters melted away to find admirable layers. THE USE OF SYMBOLISM kept me SO well fed. and the pacing!
29b/ cont: my only complaint that isn't a nitpick: i hate how it left so, so, so many threads loose. i faceplanted my dashboard during the decelerating pace between the first 10 eps and the final 2. i get that it's from an ongoing manga but that still felt maximum bummer.
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sanchoyo · 1 year
been quietly following your tm2 for nearly two years and i know nothing about the original material but emotionally i want to watch you make videos with your characters like early youtube lps videos with the plastic clackclackclack walking sound. does that make sense
also saguaro is technically my favorite. i love them. i hope they’re doing okay mwah kiss on their weird head
oh my god....youve been following my ocs that long??? WITHOUT ALREADY BEING INTO TMM???? I am in AWE and actually going to cry tytyty 😭 it totally makes sense and. id absolutely do that w my ocs. if they were big headed lps toys. mentally im always doing that. or imagining amvs with them (my fav lps was the iguana btw. used to love those guys) i am so so so happy. if u guys ever want details or have qs. i am always VERY excited 2 talk abt them!! :D
(btw i always recommend tmm. if u like my ocs they are next gen for it jakshd it would probably fill in some context (I...dont know how comprehensible my lil bits of character stuff and story ive shared is w/out that knowledge?? I did a little summary of tmm on the directory anyway, and i pull from several sources, like the mangas, video games, og 2002 anime, etc...) but..... u would LOVE it. I have an entire post abt why u should watch it. or read the manga. OR. OR. that post is old so it fails to mention theres a new anime, 'tokyo mew mew new' thats basically a retelling of the story w elements of the manga AND original anime that started airing last year and its on season 2 rn like its still airing on tuesdays!!! its considerably shorter than the 52 eps the original anime was. would recommend any of those. tmms so good. sorry for the ramble but I MUST take any chance I get to drag someone else into furry magical girl anime its my fav anime ever :") )
...SAGUARO IS UR FAV???? i've barely shared any of the Good stuff on them omg i cant believe someone not only 1. has a fav of my ocs 2. but its one i dont even talk or post a lot abt yet. WILD!!! theyre doing great theyre probably in a snuggie sipping tea. or pondering their sword collection (picking a sword of the day is TOUGH) maybe cara is helping them pick one bc shes kind of a sword lesbian and they would trust her sword opinions.
u 100% made my day btw I am going to pace around the house about this. hope u have a great day 🥺
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animutate · 2 years
the only thing i understand or want to understand about euphoria is that its like lps popular but boring
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tysabrewing-s · 5 years
God im such a dumb bitch jsust rewatched timephoon??? 
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