#ive read some love triangles and mafia stuff tho
ihatebnha · 2 years
recently i read this AMAZING AMAZING fic, it was not only omegaverse but MAFIA au w erwin & levi from aot so it was literally the perfect set up for erwin was an alpha & readers lover, levi was an alpha & erwins right hand but he eventually fell for reader & reader fell for levi bc she rlly didn’t wanna be Erwin’s and on the last chapter erwin finds out and instead of them duking it out like it had been building up to, he just LEFT oh my god i wanted to blow everything up thts my biggest pet peeve when an author is afraid to give into angst like if you didn’t want them to fight they could’ve at least ran away tht would’ve been so much better bc they literally built up how dangerous of a man erwin was, how he would KILL them both & their families if he found out. only to cop out on the last chapter AGH 😭😭😭😭 it’s still rlly good tho & much better than i explained but idk if i’ll ever forgive them for tht 😒
Legend how are you gonna drop this incredible desc. in my box but NOT include a link? Just seems unfair tbh and I'm big FROWN.
Tbh tho I think... I've heard about this one before? Or something similar, at least, but I'm forgetting from who and where. Was there a fire in the attic at some point? IDK LOLLLL BUT ANYWAY!!!
That does sound disappointing! Esp. if it was so well written that you were looking forward to (and expecting a fight), as sometimes those can be the best parts... it's like DUH I WAS LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING TWO MEN BEAT EACH OTHER UP OVER ME, ruff ruff ruff bark bark bark!!!
Maybe the author just... couldn't figure out a way to write that without feeling like they were doing a shitty job (cuz fight dialogue is hard)? Or they didn't want to end it in a cliche way so they took it out entirely? Sucks still ofc, but that seems likely to me given that sometimes I'll hype something up so hard that I end up scaring myself out of fear of doing a bad job.
It's just unfortunate that the cherry on top of this all is the fact that you don't get any more!!! Not just a bad climax but a shitty end overall. Honestly though, gotta appreciate a good fic when you can, and if the rest was interesting... maybe find just enough peace to think up a new, more satisfying ending LOOOL. When you go to bed, too... that's always the best <3
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