#iz memory cache au
mcfudgie · 4 years
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IZ Memory Cache AU comic – part 02 In which Dib finds out the finer ‘points’ of his alien companion… quite literally…  ( previous page ) ( next page ) -- DO NOT REPOST
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mcfudgie · 4 years
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wow that’s pretty gay to slow dance with ur alien bro like that
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mcfudgie · 4 years
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IZ Memory Cache AU comic -- part 01 In which Dib finds out the finer ‘points’ of his alien companion... quite literally... ( next page ) -- DO NOT REPOST
so i’ve been posting this zadr comic over on my twitter about my dumb AU where Zim accidentally wipes his memory and it’s had quite a positive reaction so i thought to post a sfw version here ✌️ hope y’all enjoy reading it as much as i did making it
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mcfudgie · 4 years
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memory cache au notes:  Dib is not used to apologising or compromising, but his therapist used to recommend showing more compassion. He tries for Zim bc he did promise him that they wouldn't be enemies anymore. Not that Zim remembers. Or is all that good at apologising either. 
...especially for the biting. ... wonder where he learnt to kiss the band-aid tho.
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mcfudgie · 4 years
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memory cache au notes: Post-deletion; what Zim knew about humans was wiped so he had to relearn a lot of things about their habits. Did that by mostly from observing Dib. The first thing he learnt was earth's custom on how to make the hurt go away. It's surprisingly effective.
... and he put that knowledge to good use elsewhere.
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mcfudgie · 4 years
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memory cache au notes:  So basically Zim is a permanent couch resident in Dib's apartment (they're roommates). Sometimes in the night when there's nothing to distract him, he'll crawl under Dib's covers. He denies doing it, but it doesn't stop him from repeat visits. 
... it’s ok Zim apologised for biting him kind of?
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mcfudgie · 4 years
O: Luv, bootiful but Zim would like get butterflies and be all confused uwu and does dib treat Zim like a child either in public? WHICH ALSO BRINGS- what about Zim being in public? Does he run off- get into large arguments?
some memory cache au notes:
Nah irkens don’t feel love. Especially human love which is apparently pain-based. And there’s no way Zim feels a deep ache in his spooch every time he looks at Dib. No way. That’s crazy.
Zim is very much not a child and hates being treated as such. Short king rights baby!! That alien is a full-ass adult. I cannot stress enough that he is not a baby nor helpless like one. He is still very capable but his circumstances mean that he has to depend on Dib for now. If he had the means, he’d probably be depressed somewhere else right now.
Zim is gets paranoid when out in public so he keeps his visits short. He prefers staying in the apartment if he can help it but sometimes he’ll venture out for supplies with Dib or go out late at night when there’s less people around.
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mcfudgie · 4 years
I LUV THE AU!! Also Greetings to a fudge to another fudge user!! YOU MY CHILD NEED MORE ATTENTION! AND MORE POPULARITY! And to ask about ur au.. Is this like the Steven universe movie thing where everybody losses their memory and Steven tries to make them remember by doing past things they loved- and if u don’t know Steven universe I just mean- Zim is back to a regular irked invader..? Or just a confused alien?
Haha whoa that’s a lot of enthusiasm ya got there! Hello other fudge. Popularity is overrated but the attention is nice lmao i’m just here to post that Good Shit and maybe make a few people laugh or cry 👌✨
As for the Memory Cache AU, Zim doesn’t so much as revert to a previous version of himself as he does poke very large holes in his own PAK’s memory which also messed with a lot of gunk in his organic brain. So he’s still the same overzealous egotistical maniac who lives in denial… except now he’s not sure why he’s on Earth or why he’s no longer among the irken armada (altho he has his suspicions which he doesn’t want to confirm as true). So yeah, confused alien it is.
The main thing is he doesn’t remember who Dib is to him. But he does feel like something is amiss when Dib isn’t around. He can’t quite put his finger on why.  
On Dib’s side of things, he’s trying to figure out how to get Zim back to his ‘old’ self but isn’t sure how other than just try and wait it out until all his missing memory tidbits reconnect through prompting or otherwise. But for the most part, he just keeps an eye on him in case he ‘comes back’ but still tries to take over the world AGAIN. They have too much history to cover to let it all go to waste like that. 
And yeah that’s a basic rundown. They’re roommates and they’re secretly in love with each other. That’s the AU lol.
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mcfudgie · 4 years
Okay but lemme just say I 100% agree- Zim ain't baby. Zim could set on fire a whole fucking continent and that's just by accident. Zim would murder a person if they looked at him too long and if no one was around. Zim is a sadistic piece of shiT and I love that you embrace that in your AU :>
Zim ain’t baby. But I don’t think he’d be overtly sadistic either (in this AU). If it doesn’t further his own immediate goals then he won’t bother with it. Not to say that he isn’t willing to do some downright awful things to get what he wants. He doesn’t care much for those who get caught in the middle of his plans, they’re just collateral to him. He’d sell you for a cornchip and push your grandmother into moving traffic if meant achieving some personal victory and getting closer to conquering the Earth. 
 But it’s not like he’s about to just start blasting unprovoked by a minor nuisance when he’s still got his human cover to maintain. He’s still technically deep in unknown territory so remaining hidden is the main prerogative here.
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mcfudgie · 4 years
i dunno if you already answered this but where’s gir for your memory au thingy?
Oh GIR? He’s dead lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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mcfudgie · 4 years
Hey so I think I'm being dense but... in the second part of your Memory Cache comic, when Dib tells Zim he has "more than one method", what does he mean by that? I'm thinking it's a thinly veiled sort of threat, to force him to either relax or listen or both, but I'm not sure? Ty
Dib means any and all of the above in terms of method. It’s a threat AND a promise to make Zim sit still long enough for them to not start immediately brawling it out. Old habits die hard after all.
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In terms of what he’d do, that’s up to you. Dib isn’t above using certain tactics to get what he wants so long as he can justify it to himself. Anything from more heavier types of restraint or sedative. Or maybe even softer, like a cuddle sesh and a sandwich. He could mean either of those things. But Zim doesn’t know which until its too late. 
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mcfudgie · 4 years
Uwu do u know the song Want you Gone from Portal? It rlly reminds me of like dis AU and like Zim singing this-
i have heard of that song and i can see the connection you’re trying to pull there, may add that one to the playlist as a softer cover. speaking of playlists, here’s a snippet of what’s on there for funsies:
i like my jams angsty, its a weakness
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mcfudgie · 4 years
I'm sooo hype for this comic!! I personally hope Dib gets time to be a little emotional too. I've noticed in lots of IZ content (fanfictions & fancomics) they never really show what Dib's going through alongside Zim, and only rlly focuses on Zim and make Dib a sorta punching bag, both emotionally and physically that exists just to take it. But it looks like eventually your Dib will. Your close friend forgetting like roughly 8 years worth of memories is rough for both parties
Aw thank you~~✨ Hopefully the next big chunky update will be up on here on Thursday. 
I never really noticed that about IZ fan content, I think each have their place and stories to tell with these characters, and I think its wonderful how there’s so much up for interpretation. 
Without revealing too much, I guess you could say that the Dib in the AU comic does often serve as an emotional / physical punching bag for Zim but not without consequences. And vice-versa. There’s a lot going on with those two. Sure hope they work it out :^)
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mcfudgie · 4 years
What’s your twitter? I’d love to read the au! Also is there a fix for the comic? Thank you!!!
my twitter is up somewhere but i am not comfortable with linking it directly on here...
... because it’s 🔞NSFW🔞 which means I do not want to directly connect it to this blog. I like keeping em separated. Despite this blog being very much not for the kids, there’s still a lot of minors around that i gotta be mindful of; I don’t link the twitter so that path is severed. 
Not that there isn’t a way to find it, the art style isn’t hard to recognise and the comic also exists over there. It’s tagged as zadr, you don’t need to look far to find it. Unless you’re a minor in which case, stay out of it.
For the other parts of your questions, what is tagged as ‘iz memory cache au’ is all that exists right now. I haven’t written anything about it. 
If by ‘fix’ for the comic, you mean the other version of it. Don’t worry about it. The only difference is where the endpoint is. Otherwise it’s all the same dialogue and same pages. 
That’s all, thank you for the questions.
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