#j adam larose
kp777 · 1 year
By Miles Parks
June 7, 2023
Why are Republicans abandoning one of the best tools the government has to catch voter fraud? That simple question is the focus of a new NPR investigation, published Sunday.
The tool is the Electronic Registration Information Center, better known as ERIC. It was created almost a decade ago as a way for states to share government data, in an effort to keep their voter rolls up to date. It allows election officials better insight into when their voters move and die and the rare times when they vote twice in different states, which is illegal.
"The little secret is that maybe more than 10 years ago, if somebody voted in Ohio, in Florida, in Arizona and Texas, you would have never known," Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose, a Republican, said in an interview with NPR in February. "With ERIC, we can compare our voter rolls to those states."
Eight Republican states have now pulled out of ERIC, including many with voting officials who are on the record as praising the partnership as recently as a few months ago. Ohio pulled out a month after LaRose spoke to NPR.
J. Christian Adams, a conservative elections attorney, has long been a critic of how ERIC operates. But he told NPR: "It's this crazy zeal to get out of ERIC ... that is going to cause voter fraud to flourish."
So what happened? Here are five takeaways from NPR's investigation:
1. A far-right website kicked things off
The story starts in January 2022, when a far-right website called the Gateway Pundit, which has pushed conspiracy theories in the past, began writing about ERIC. Up until then, the partnership was considered a quiet bipartisan success story, with member states that spanned the political spectrum.
NPR's investigations team analyzed hundreds of thousands of social media posts on a handful of social media sites frequented by election deniers. We found the Gateway Pundit's coverage started the far right's fixation on the program:
See Chart.
Roughly a week after the first Gateway Pundit article, Louisiana Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin, a Republican, announced his state would become the first to pull out of ERIC, citing "concerns raised by citizens, government watchdog organizations and media reports."
2. Local "election integrity" groups are a political force
NPR found that while Ardoin did not make a big public show out of pulling out of ERIC, he did bring the announcement to maybe the only constituents at that time who would even care: a local group of conservative activists gathered in Houma, La.
The crowd, assembled for an "election integrity town hall," applauded for 15 seconds when Ardoin announced he was pulling the state out of ERIC. The event was publicized less than 24 hours before Ardoin's office released its statement on ERIC.
NPR's investigation also found these sorts of community election integrity groups to be critical in the effort to discredit ERIC across the country.
A group called Protect Your Vote Florida published a page on its website called "How to Influence Florida Legislators to Suspend Contract with ERIC!"
"The STRATEGY is to run a campaign directed at key Florida legislators," the group wrote in the post, which included a list of the state's lawmakers and contact information. "Hand delivered letters, emails, phone calls, and social media activity will all be utilized to maximize impact."
Emails acquired by NPR through public records requests showed election officials began to field questions from voters and state lawmakers shortly after these calls went out.
3. A Trump ally has coordinated an election denial machine
Cleta Mitchell is known by many for working with former President Donald Trump to try to overturn the 2020 election. The attorney was on the infamous call where Trump asked Georgia election officials to "find votes."
In the time since, she's been building an election denial infrastructure.
Her podcast, "Who's Counting," has become a central hub for stolen election narratives, and she's also started a coalition of grassroots groups across the country called the Election Integrity Network.
NPR's investigation found Mitchell to be a ringleader of sorts for the effort to dismantle ERIC.
She even hosted a secret ERIC summit with red state lawmakers last summer, according to documents shared with NPR by a nonprofit watchdog group called Documented.
Secretaries of state from the first five states to withdraw from ERIC attended the event, according to one attendee.
See chart.
4. Republican primaries are a driving force behind the ERIC exodus
In Louisiana, when Ardoin made the decision to leave ERIC, he was gearing up to run for reelection in a state Trump won by almost 20 percentage points. He was facing numerous challenges on his right. And ERIC was becoming a priority for Republican voters.
"We started hearing it on the campaign trail," added Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen in an interview with NPR.
Allen ran for his office last year, and shortly after the Gateway Pundit published its first article, he made a campaign promise to pull out of ERIC if he won. This January, he followed through, and Alabama became the second state to withdraw.
Secretaries of state in Missouri, West Virginia and Ohio — all states that have pulled out — have announced campaigns for higher office next year, or are expected to run.
In Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis is a candidate for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. DeSantis appointed Cord Byrd as his secretary of state last year, and the state's stance on ERIC shifted almost immediately.
NPR's investigation found that before he was secretary, Byrd regularly joined election integrity calls hosted by Mitchell.
5. ERIC withdrawals will make for "dirtier voter rolls" and an emboldened far right
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, put it simply in an interview with NPR: The states that have left ERIC "indirectly said, 'We're going to have dirtier voter rolls.' "
Brianna Lennon, a Democrat who oversees voting in Boone County, Mo., told NPR that will surely be the case in her county.
Before Missouri joined ERIC, the elections office relied on returned mail to find out if a voter moved to another state.
"That's what we'll have to go back to using," she said.
Election experts say less accurate voter rolls have a direct impact on voters, from longer lines at precincts to mail ballots and information getting sent to the wrong places.
Lennon told NPR she's worried about what the ERIC saga means for the 2024 election cycle. She had gotten a sense recently that community election integrity groups were gaining more traction in her state, but she says the secretary of state's decision was the first major policy decision she's seen that lined up so directly with their goals.
"I'm sure there are going to be ripples that come from this particular move and I'm not exactly sure what the end will be," she said. "I don't think this is an isolated thing."
Read or listen to the full investigation here.
191 notes · View notes
kwebtv · 2 years
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The Righteous Gemstones - HBO  -  August 18, 2019 - Present
Comedy (9 episodes to date)
Running Time: 
Danny McBride as Jesse Gemstone
John Goodman as Dr. Eli Gemstone
Adam DeVine as Kelvin Gemstone
Edi Patterson as Judy Gemstone
Tony Cavalero as Keefe Chambers
Cassidy Freeman as Amber Gemstone
Skyler Gisondo as Gideon Gemstone
Walton Goggins as "Baby" Billy Freeman
Gregory Alan Williams as Martin Imari
Tim Baltz as Benjamin Jason "BJ" Barnes
Dermot Mulroney as Rev John Wesley Seasons
Jennifer Nettles as Aimee-Leigh Gemstone
Scott MacArthur as Scotty / The Devil
Jody Hill as Levi
James DuMont as Chad
Troy Anthony Hogan as Matthew
J. LaRose as Gregory
Valyn Hall as Tiffany Freeman
Kelton DuMont as Pontius Gemstone
Gavin Munn as Abraham Gemstone
Mary Hollis Inboden as Mandy
Cullen Moss as Brock
Virginia Gardner as Lucy
Toby Huss as Dale Nancy
Jade Pettyjohn as Dot Nancy
Marla Maples as Gay Nancy
9 notes · View notes
doomedandstoned · 3 years
The Heavy Best of 2020 (Editor’s Choice)
~By Billy Goate~
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The Year In Review
No doubt, there were a lot of discouraging happenings to start the '20s. It was hardly a return to the roaring twenties of a hundred years before that so many envisioned, full of raucous partying and a band playing every club. With the advent of a fiendish little bug called novel coronavirus (aka COVID-19), everything changed for everybody within a matter of weeks. Then came the long, slow months of layoff and lockdown.
From the vantage point of this same time last January, it would have been hard to imagine we would, by year's end, experience a global pandemic rivaled only by Spanish Flu, followed by shelter-in-place orders, closed businesses, lost jobs, and a North American death toll in the hundreds of thousands. Then there was the long, hot summer of socio-political unrest, followed by those blazing West Coast wildfires, which spewed toxic air into my neighborhood for weeks. Yet, the heavy underground soldiered on.
Doomed & Stoned in Hellas by Doomed & Stoned
Doomed & Stoned in New York by Doomed & Stoned
Doomed & Stoned in Wales by Doomed & Stoned
Despite cancelled festivals and shuttered venues, musicians around the globe produced some of the finest music of the new decade. Rare collaborations only dreamed of in happier times came together and bands started streaming online -- in garages, practice spaces, even closets (looking at you, Randy Blythe) -- to the delight of fans everywhere.
Doomed & Stoned was there to document it all with in-depth reviews, a new Doomed & Stoned Presents series on YouTube, the ongoing scene-by-scene compilation series, and our weekly podcast The Doomed & Stoned Show. In case you're wondering, this was our most listened to episode from Season 6:
The Doomed & Stoned Show - End Of Forever (S6E40)
To all of you who stood with us with encouragement and support over the past 12 months, thank you! We couldn't have done it without you. I want to express my deepest gratitude to each and every member of the Doomed & Stoned team, including those who contributed last year: Willem Verhappen, Shawn Gibson, Randy J Byrd, Tom Hanno, Mel Lie, Jacob Mazlum, Calvin Lampert, Svempa Alveving, Jamie LaRose, Adam Mundwarf, Stephanie Savenkoff, Sally Townsend, Drew Nez, Chris Schanz, and the infamous Reek of STOOM!
Big ups to those diligent, thoughtful curators of our now 7-year running 35-volume compilation series, Mr. Tom Jordan for spearheading the hugely successful Doomed & Stoned in Wisconsin live stream, and to my podcasting co-host Mr. John Gist (who brought us a compilation of his own). You all made a very difficult year much more endurable through your efforts!
Last, but not least, I want to acknowledge my longtime Doomed and Stoned Latinoamérica editor Roman Tamayo (who currated the historic compilation of stoner-psychedelic music in Mexico, covering more than five decades) and his team for their tireless efforts to document the Latin American scene -- from groundbreaking original content on our Spanish language website and weekly radio show, to numerous compilations and an active social media presence.
Doomed & Stoned Latin American Duos by Doomed & Stoned
Doomed & Stoned in The Netherlands by Doomed & Stoned
Doomed & Stoned in The Netherlands, Part 2 by Doomed & Stoned
Last week, we published the Doomed & Stoned staff picks, and now our retrospective on the weird and wild year that was concluded with the Editor's Choice of The Heavy Best Records from 2020! Scroll down for the 25 most "doomed" records and the 25 most "stoned" records (check out the honorable mentions here). I hope you will discover plenty of downtuned licks, wicked riffs, rocked-up rhythms, and groovy vibes to give you the high that only good music can as the New Year unfolds!
The Most DOOMED Records of 2020!
1. Dopelord - Sign of the Devil
Sign Of The Devil by Dopelord
Nihilism has never felt so warm and fuzzy! DOPELORD return for their fourth album in ten years. Showing us they're not short of compelling ideas, the Lublin quartet deliver some of their deepest material to date in Sign of the Devil. What it may have lacked stoner hymns like "Preacher Electrick" and "Children of the Haze," Dopelord more than made up for by gifting us the solemn "Witching Hour Bell," the devilishly downtuned "Hail Satan,", the doleful "Doom Bastards," and the de facto anthem of 2020, "World Beneath Us."
2. Various Artists - Alice in Chains: Dirt (redux)
Dirt (Redux) by Various Artists
The brilliance of this line-up cannot be overstated. Magnetic Eye's new Redux Records label picked the right roster to recount a generation-defining record, Alice in Chains’ 'Dirt' (1993). There are plenty of standout tracks, namely Forming The Void's swampy "Junkhead," Howling Giant's massive rendition of "Rooster," High Priest's lush and worshipful "Rain When I Die," and the immersive, multi-layered Khemmis interpretation of "Down in a Hole." Give ear...
3. Pallbearer - Forgotten Days
Forgotten Days by Pallbearer
Will you hate me if I confide that I've never been more than a passing PALLBEARER listener? "Sacrilege!" I hear many of the readership say. If there's still hope for my redemption, it will surely be found in Forgotten Days, which displays some of the Little Rock band's most powerful and accessible songs to date. Less plodding, this time, with a slight boost in tempo and a metric ton of power may have had something to do with it. Also, there's something very earnest and searching about "The Quicksand of Existing" and the titular Forgotten Days" that make them very easy to identify with. "Well, welcome to the club!" I can hear many fans scoffing. Go ahead, this time I deserve the chiding.
4. REZN - Chaotic Divine
Chaotic Divine by REZN
Here is a record that surely rewards repeated spins. It's REZN's this album and their most ambitious to date. This time the doom is accompanied by a swirl of keyboards, periodically visited by one bitchin' sax, and harmonized verses that recall the ensorcelled singing of Uncle Acid and the deadbeats. Chaotic Divine's "Inner Architecture" is certainly among the most entrancing of 2020.
5. Green Druid - At The Maw of Ruin
At the Maw of Ruin by Green Druid
On episode 30 of The Doomed & Stoned Show, we brought you the first single from the hotly anticipated second album by Denver's GREEN DRUID, which was then months away. I scribbled a few notes together before airing "The Forest Dark, writing: "Darkest imaginable midsection, a slow grind of muck, mire, and human rage." Needless to say the rest of the record followed suit! I feel "A Throne Abandoned" is especially apropos for our times.
6. Sorcerer - Lamenting The Innocent
Lamenting of the Innocent by Sorcerer
Swedish epic doomers SORCERERr have long been a staple of the European festival circuit. Though the band has been active since '89, most of their recorded material has eluded me...until now. If you can't get enough of Candlemass, you owe it to yourself to hop on Lamenting The Innocent. Songs like "Lamenting The Innocent" is about as close as you'll get to the heroic early days of epic doom's origins. Fantastic, glittering guitarwork from Kristian Niemann and Peter Hallgren, and one could not conjure a finer frontman than Anders Engberg.
7. Purification - Perfect Doctrine
Perfect Doctrine by Purification
PURIFICATION really brings the feels, with their epic doom meets occult rock two-fer. Hey, when you've got the inspiration, go with the flow, I say, and the Portland band did, releasing an album in the summer and winter. This is, of course, the enigmatic Rainbo of Troll fame. If doom ruled the world, he'd certainly be one of its most charismatic idols. By the bye, I wrote a dandy review of Perfect Doctrine while completely stoned. That is all. Doom on.
8. Abysslooker - Burden
Burden by Abysslooker
Burden was released back in April and seems to have whisked away from most of our radars. ABYSSLOOKER frontman Aleksei "Demoria" Leontev is the real highlight here. His vocal performance comes across as maniacal and unhinged, making you want to listen for the spectacle, if nothing us. But then, it's easy to get emotionally swept away with the forlorn post-metal textures. The acoustic guitar is quite effective, contrasted with those beefy doom metal chords. Then Demoria does his work. You can really sense the heart he's putting into the lyrics, executed with suffering emotional intensity. His singing style varies -- first sludgey, then powerful and clean, with a pitch and tone reminiscent of Corey Taylor). An unusual, but engrossing and genuinely moving album with thoughtfully written songs.
9. Hymn - Breach Us
Breach Us by Hymn
Huge fan of HYMN since their debut album dropped in '17. With two members hailing from the ultra heavy "Sâver" and formerly of the late, great Tombstones you just can't go wrong. Their second album Breach Us crafts a sound as powerful and driven as a Black Cobra or Gojira, and as cold and crunchy as a snow cone at below freezing temperatures in Oslo. The sound is just gargantuan at every turn and the guitar is tuned so damned low. Every time Ole Rokseth unleashes the vehement fury of those pipes, I imagine he and drummer Markus Støle in a blizzard at night (see: "Can I Carry You"), raging against the Norse god of winter or some shit. Hell, now that I think of it, they may be in his service.
10. Stonebirds - Collapse And Fail
Collapse and Fail by STONEBIRDS
With a name like STONEBIRDS, I was easily caught off guard, expecting peace and flower power when fire breathing damnation were waiting for me, instead. Seriously, Fañch Le Corre is a beast on vocals and his clever riff-making is constantly engaging our jaded ears. This, coupled with the mad drumming and rumbling bassplay of this progressive sludge outfit, were more than capable of conquering my short attention span. Ripple Music sure knows how to pick 'em. Collapse And Fail is a thrill ride and a half!
11. Cirith Ungol - Forever Black
Forever Black by Cirith Ungol
Admittedly, I was way late to the trve metal party, only discovering the Ventura greats a few years ago -- CIRITH UNGOL have been a thing since 1977. Suffice it to say, I think their approach to doom is downright wicked and adore their first four albums. After almost 30 years' absence from the recording studio, Tim Baker has lost none of his ferocious bark, the guitars summon a riff storm of fury to match, backed by an indefatigable rhythm section. I reviewed Forever Black in June, swearing I held my breath through the back-to-back attack of those first four numbers. Fire!
12. Acid Mammoth - Doom Sessions Vol. 2
1782/Acid Mammoth - Doom Sessions Vol​.​2 by Acid Mammoth
I bookmarked this album early in the year and have revisited it often since. It has certainly stood up to the scrutiny of time and competition in a subgenre that is every bit as robust today as it was five, ten, fifteen years ago. Despite the occasional pessimism of those who cry, "Doom is dead!" ACID MAMMOTH is a hard beast to kill, releasing both their second longplay and a magnificent contribution to their split with 1782, so much so that these three songs eclipsed even the excellent 'Under Acid Hoof' (2020). Perhaps it was the precocity of emotional expression that impressed me so hard.
Oh, and did I mention they're coming out with yet a third LP? 'Caravan' (2021) has already been announced and is scheduled for release in March. That, along with a repress of last year's album on what has emerged as one of the most exciting labels from the underground, Heavy Psych Sounds. All hail the elephantine ensemble from Athens!
13. DÖ - Black Hole Mass
Black Hole Mass by DÖ
”Mammoth” was indeed the watchword in 2020 for heavy music, Acid Mammoth having set an early precedent. Finland's DÖ, more than eager for a challenge, introduced us to the galactic in Black Hole Mass. Just three tracks (Gravity Sacrifice, Plasma Psalm, and Radiation Blessing), but enough to make any doomer feel like an experienced cosmonaut..
14. Sun Of Grey - Outerworld
OUTERWORLD by Sun of Grey
We premiered the nefarious full-length debut by SUN OF GREY just days before Hallowen. It felt like I was listening to a guy singing his heart out to a full moon at the dead of night. Gnarly vox, stern (and occasionally squirrely) guitars, and determined drumming sets the Colorado Springs newcomers immediately apart from the planetary pack.
15. Sky Pig - Hell Is Inside You
Hell is inside you by Sky Pig
The sonics on this recording are some of the best I've heard from any offering this year, just stellar. Crisp and clear, allowing ample space for the instruments to breathe and plenty of resonance for those gargantuan guitar riffs, deep, resonating bass licks, crushing percusion, and defiant vox. With Hell Is Inside You, SKY PIG has not merely fine-tuned their approach to doom, they have become doom (destroyer of worlds!). Every note is delivered with purpose, conviction, and a depth of feeling matched in the studio by precious few.
16. Bible Black Tyrant - Encased In Iron
Encased In Iron by Bible Black Tyrant
Aaron D.C. Edge is a master of songcraft. He can take a simple riff and build it out just right, buttressed by a dynamic rhythmic centrifuge. Now just add vocals composed of pure rage are you're in business. Encased in Iron, the second album by BIBLE BLACK TYRANT was even more fierce than the first. One of the few I ordered on vinyl this year, via Argonauta Records.
17. Vessel of Light - Last Ride
Vessel Of Light Last Ride by Vessel of Light
Sinister overtones and dark, trippy vibes from VESSEL OF LIGHT, who gifted doomers (and metal fans at large) with a real keeper. Tom Hanno, in his October review of Last Ride just came out and said it: "They don’t sound like the majority of watered down stoner-doom bands, and thank the gods for that!" Commanding vocals from Ancient VVisdom's Nathon Opposition, Dan Lorenzo's damning guitar riffs, and a crackerjack rhythm section comprised of former Overkill drummer Ron Lipnick and Hades bassist Jimmy Schulman will have you headbaning with your horns flying high!
18. Cruthu - Athrú Crutha
Athrú Crutha by Cruthu
Proving that groovy doom and folklore play so nicely together. Everytime I hear "The Outsider" something stirs up my imagination and emotions like a pied piper, to an ethereal place not unlike what's depicted on the cover of CRUTHU's last album, The Angle Of Eternity (which was on my Heavy Best of 2017 list). There's something about Ryan Evans' husky voice, paired with Dan McCormick's poetic guitar leads, that is unique among contemporary doom artists. Not too many bands are this invested in epic storytelling, either. It's time for Cruthu's star to rise!
19. The Crooked Whispers - Satanic Melodies
Satanic Melodies by The Crooked Whispers
What a great back-to-basics acid horror occult doom record this turned out to be! It practically glows in the dark (and is best listened to in low light settings). THE CROOKED WHISPERS is creative fusion of members from LáGoon, Hour of 13, Luciferica and Fulanno who connected during the forced down-time of the spring months. Their eponymous debut is an impressive, robust album full of warped singing and potent dream sequences, with plenty of moments in spent in the uncanny valley, nay in the very lap of evil, Acid Witch meets Electric Wizard by way of David Lynch and Stanley Kubrick.
20. Jointhugger - I Am No One
I Am No One by Jointhugger
With a name like JOINTHUGGER, I'm sure your stereotypes about stoner-doom have already been triggered. It would be a grave error to pass by these Norwegians, though. Their debut LP had been simmering in the cauldron for some time until cooked to perfection, demonstrating some amazing musicianship and chemistry with its stellar riffs and brutal, fuzzed-out bass 'n' beats. Doomed & Stoned was pleased to bring you an advance listen to the album, reviewed by yours truly back in May.
21. Hellhookah - The Curse
The Curse by Hellhookah
Doomed & Stoned and HELLHOOKAH have a long relationship, going back to the early days of the blog when the Lithuanian duo dropped the celebrated freshmen romp, 'Endless Serpents' (2015). Since then, the duo had been hammering out seven powerful new songs, which we premiered for you in mid-April. I believe you'll find the track "Greed and Power" particularly prescient.
22. Mammoth Cave Burial - Death's Vexillarius
Death's Vexillarius by MammothCaveBurial
Another belated discovery. This Kentucky project has been on point for every one of their 2020 releases. The doom is so well conjured, from the forelorn 15 minute single "SummerLungs" to their self-titled to the foreboding chug of "Black Math" off their eponymous record. And Death's Vexillarius is nothing short of a doomer's delight with its methodical riffing and raspy, harsh vox. I feel the same affinity for MAMMOTH CAVE BURIAL as I did for the late, great HeavyDeath. Hopefully a mention here will get them even more love in the heavy underground, as MCB's output doesn't seem to be widely known.
23. False Gods - No Symmetry...Only Disillusion
No Symmetry...Only Disillusion by FALSE GODS
Last year, we unearthed a whole slew of bands from The Empire State in our Doomed and Stoned in New York compilation. Among them FALSE GODS who brought us one this hell-raising stomper on Seeing Red Records. Reviewed in October, I described this Crowbar-meets-Godflesh feast as a "dense, dynamic, and devastating gut punch that puts the definitive punctuation on a year gone mad." Case in point: "Lords of Emptiness".
24. Curse The Son - Excruciation
Excruciation by Curse the Son
Excruciation is a landmark entry for Connecticut band CURSE THE SON, who've been operating since 2007. On the brink of the album's summer release via Ripple Music, I observed: "Whether vibrant or grim, Ron Vanacore’s wicked vocal approach gives each song on Excruciation a distinct identifying mark, along with the devastating low-end his guitar delivers – reinforced by the punishing rhythm section of Brendan Keefe (bass) and Rob Ives (drums)."
25. Saturnalia Temple - Gravity
Didn't realize how much I'd missed the sound of SATURNALIA TEMPLE until I heard the title track off Gravity. It's the vocals are so fiendish and gritty, echoing over an earthy bed of pagan melody and percussive marching, stinging guitar solos breaking out here and there. And things just get weirder from there, as though we'd injested some hallucinatory drug which bends our perception of reality, reaches its feverish height, then fizzles out with a surreal strain of noise.
Doomed & Stoned's Top 25 Doom Metal Records of 2020
The Most STONED Records of 2020!
1. Ruff Majik - The Devil's Cattle
The Devil's Cattle by Ruff Majik
There was a lot to love from a lot of bands trafficking in stoner rock last year, but none impressed me like RUFF MAJIK. For Acid Cattle, the trio ballooned into a quintet, bringing on board additional fire power on guitar and allowing for some vocal trade-offs. The change was evident in the QOTSA-esque first single, "Who Keeps Score". But don't worry, the South African band lost none of that essential Joni Holiday nasty.
Call it sludge n' roll, call it outlaw stoner-blues, call it whatever, The Devil's Cattle is an essential sound for the times, bringing a truckload of fuzz, dirty blues, punky attitude, grimy breakdowns, and wicked vox. The songwriting puts it in a class all its one, depicting tooth and nail situations with bad guys you don't wanna cross and plots of revenge to even the score. To quote "Swine Tooth Grin":
...I hope my momma understands. I didn't mean to hurt no man. I didn't mean to lay him out on the land. So bless this body full of holes and may the Lord have mercy on this soul.
2. Foot - The Balance of Nature Shifted
The Balance of Nature Shifted by Foot
In April, I wrote: "This album may yet engulf all others that have come before it this year, as Melbourne's FOOT present their stunning third album, 'The Balance of Nature Shifted' (2020). With savvy vocal harmonies and driving desert rock rhythms, it's a must-hear." Infectious, is the word I think most appropriate for numbers like "Despair on Hope Street", which involves the listener right away with those terrific vocal harmonies, reminiscent of Alice in Chains.
3. Lord Loud - Timid Beast
Timid Beast by Lord Loud
Stoner-garage fuzz-makers LORD LOUD teased out songs from Timid Beast early into the year -- an unusual PR move, as their album would not launch until September. But with every leak, the Los Angeles duo ensured we were hooked and in it for the long haul. I stand by what I said in April: "The guitar and drum chemistry witnessed throughout this recording is absolutely on-point, whether we’re talking the charging opener 'Dirty Seeds,' the cranking leads of 'The River,' or that beautiful bomb track 'Labyrinth.' Chris Allison’s vocal delivery contrasts quite effectively with the ferocity of the riffs and frenetic rhythms."
4. Lowrider - Reflections
Refractions by Lowrider
One of the most recognizable names in stoner metal is back! I searched the archives and it appears Doomed & Stoned's first mention of LOWRIDER came in October of 2013, during our daily Wake N' Bake show. Their first material since 2000's Ode To Io, these crafty Swedes secretly engineered a set of songs that would wow us over and over again come 2020. Reflections started the year strong on the Doom Charts in February, and finished number one in the rankings by year's end, with "Red River" as its enduring gem.
5. Witchskull - A Driftwood Cross
Everything WITCHSKULL have done is so damn good. A Driftwood Cross, the Oz band's third album (second with Rise Above Records), serves up superb bass and drum work, well-honed guitar solos, and songcraft that's authentic as hell. Marcus De Pasquale's vocal style is arguably comparable to Maynard Jame Keenan. In fact, if you're a Tool fan, songs like "This Silent Place" and Black Cathedrals may just be your gateway into the world of stoner-doom!
6. Elephant Tree - Habits
Habits by Elephant Tree
Seemingly out of nowhere, London's ELEPHANT TREE has risen to be one of the most beloved bands in the scene. April saw us all caught up in the brilliant "Sails", and Habits just got better and better and better from there. Many wondered if it could top their classic second album, and while the jury's still out on that, it most definitely matched it on every level. Adam Mundwarf sized it all up for Doomed & Stoned readers: "Elephant Tree expertly blend influences of Sleep, Pink Floyd, and many other classic English rock bands we have listened to all our lives in an extremely welcoming cocktail of modern rock."
7. Mountain Tamer - Psychosis Ritual
Psychosis Ritual by Mountain Tamer
They've long been one of my favorite acts since first encountering them at Beers in Hell Fest. In September, MOUNTAIN TAMER, Cali's wizards of weird, perfected a third album of acid doom and heavy psych, released by Heavy Psych Sounds. I had plenty of time to soak in Psychosis Ritual before the official release, and exclaimed back in June: "I had the strangest experience today. Looked up the definition of 'badass' and every dictionary contained just six letters: MTNTMR."
8. Rosy Finch - Scarlet
Scarlet by Rosy Finch
Grungy, sassy, and carnal, with a boss performance by ROSY FINCH frontwoman Mireia Porto (whose vocals go from fierce to scarey in an instant), Scarlet is potent fuel for a grunge rock revival! The dark tone of the guitar makes those mean riffs all the more exciting. The rhythm section is absolutely aggressive, yet on point, as well. Raging!
9. Vinnum Sabbathi - Of Dimensions & Theories
of Dimensions & Theories by Vinnum Sabbathi
We've been following VINNUM SABBATHI even before we published our feature-length story on the Mexico City band. Ten years jamming strong through times of plenty and scarcity, the instrumental stoner-doom outfit brought us another epic more inspired by science than science fiction, as they continue their never-ending quest to explore outer space. In February, we premerie "In Search of M Theory" and the band released their second LP the following month, later bringing it all to life for our streaming series, Doomed & Stoned Presents.
10. Ghost Frog - Astral Arcade
Astral Arcade by Ghost Frog
Dropped under the twilight of 2020's waning days, Astral Arcade by GHOST FROG seems to sum up a year fraught with confusion, danger, and all around strangeness. Self-described as "a (cyber)space rock opera about extraterrestrial life, the universe and video games," the Portland rockers' latest is a wild mix of genres, including stoner, punk, space, prog, doom, and shoegaze, all converging in freakish harmony, with high energy and bouncy garage rhythms. It's the band I most want to see perform live if and when venues open up again. For the wary, ”Kill Screen” makes a great introduction.
11. Rickshaw Billie’s Burger Patrol - Burger Babes...FROM OUTER SPACE!
Burger Babes...FROM OUTER SPACE! by Rickshaw Billie's Burger Patrol
With a name like RICKSHAW BILLIE'S BURGER PATROL, you know the inevitable comparisons with food are coming. In December Drew Nez described the Austin band's acid garage sound in terms of "a habanero mayo that tastes sweet at first bite, then comes creeping back with a vengeance as the distorted vocals hit your gut a moment later." Buurrrp.
12. Mollo Rilla - Viva el Camino
Viva El Camino by Mollo Rilla
The October surprise, as far as we were concerned, was the prog rock single "Rage The Day" from Clevland's MOLLO RILLA It was but one highlight from an album that had rock opera potential stamped all over it. In my review, I tried to parcel Viva El Camino apart: "We’re treated to a fusion of styles, from good ol’ fashioned American Rockabilly to Surf and Metal – each skillfully layered and accented by nods to Latin, Eastern, and Greek traditional music." It's at this point where I paused to say, "Stop what you're doing and listen to Mollo Rilla, a band that's really got me rethinking the boundaries between rock, metal, and...well, everything.
13. Bonehawk - Iron Mountain
Iron Mountain by BoneHawk
Nostalgic for the good times? Come climb Iron Mountain, where a band called BONEHAWK is waiting to show you a thing or two. There, you will behold kick ass jams, executed with equal parts joy and aplomb, deep roots in seventies stoner and southern rock. If you peer ever closer still, you'll probably see ol' CCR and Thin Lizzy smiling, nodding their heads to the beat. At least I was, when Bonehawk rang in the New Year with songs from the record, their first since 2014's monumental 'Albino Rhino' (2014).
14. Turtle Skull - Monoliths
Monoliths by Turtle Skull
Australia's stoner rock scene has been growing like mad cats, which prompted our first survey of the continent's wealth, Doomed & Stoned in Australia. 2020 gave us stellar spins not only from the likes of Foot, Kitchen Witch, King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard, and others, it saw the return of Sydney "flower doom band" TURTLE SKULL. One need but audit their single "Rabbit" to realize we're dealing with a hare of a different sort, one "taking inspiration from Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd and Crosby Stills Nash & Young." My appreciation for Monoliths grows every time I hear it, " taking joyous compositions and steering them headfirst into a realm of fuzz and fury" (Art As Catharsis).
15. Kryptograf - Kyrptograf
Kryptograf by Kryptograf
A new name to practically everyone, KRYPTOGRAF steadily solidified their place on the Doom Charts and almost every reviewer's best of list. Sometimes a band just owns and hones their craft so ideally, that a writer kind of feels at a loss for words ("this is just too good," someone remarked on Bandcamp), so I'll not be pedantic. If you like your stoner rock with a good dash of Greenleaf, a sprinkle of Black Sabbath, and a heart dab of Witchcraft, then Kryptograf certainly is your listening sweet spot.
16. Witchrider - Electrical Storm
Electrical Storm by Witchrider
Just after the lockdowns were lifted, summer wildfires (and arsons) began across the West Coast. It was in September when my parts of my county were warned that evacuation was imminent. Orange clouds dropping a rain of acrid ash rolled in for weeks, making the air the most toxic to breathe in the world for at least two weeks. Oregon felt like the Forbidden Zone. About that time, WITCHRIDER gave us the pepping little single, "You Lied" and I was practically obsessed with itk: "Hell, I've got the whole promo, but I've not been able to move past this one song! I have to say that the lead singer is the spitting image of David Arquette, who I've always thought was a pretty chill dude." The album is replete with this kind of sardonic humor, surely a comfort through those unreal times.
17. Big Oaf - Big Oaf
BIG OAF by Big Oaf
BIG OAF has a name you just gotta love, because it matches the stride of their swagger of their style. These Atlanta brothers carefully crafted and road-tested their songs before recording this ambitious debut, which I said in my November review had single-handedly restored my faith in the riff.
18. Butterfly - Doorways of Time
Doorways of Time by BUTTERFLY
In summer, along came a BUTTERFLY from Down Under, carrying a retro vibe on its wings that felt authentic and brand new -- as though we'd been transported through a wormhole to 1979. Little was known about the band at the time (and details are still sketchy, though the four-piece have an active Facebook). We introduced them to the Melbourne band on episode 18 of The Doomed & Stoned Show and Doorways of Time met with strong reception on the Doom Charts. Opening number "Desert Chase" somehow made us all feel that we could breathe again after the initial round of lockdowns.
19. Mothers of the Land - Hunting Grounds
Hunting Grounds by Mothers of the Land
I'm sorry to say, this was my first introduction to Austrian psychedelics MOTHERS OF THE LAND. They've been around since 2012 and have one other album under their belts. Today, the Viennese instrumental four-piece deliver a fantastic new album that serves as a fitting introduction to their craft for us late-comers. Think Elder meets Danava and you've got a good idea of what's in store for you on Hunting Grounds, which we both premiered to the world in June. "Each of the six tracks carries its own mood" with "an incredible singing guitar tone," I noted. "It’s easy to be filled with awe of their improvisational instinct, detailed craftsmanship, and effortless execution".
20. Black Spirit Crown - Gravity
Gravity by Black Spirit Crown
Cleveland BLACK SPIRIT CROWN are long overdue recognition in the scene. Their song "Megaltith" would have rocked alternative radio stations before meeting their demise. We debuted & reviewed Gravity in July, singling out the band's "good instinct for singing in harmony, building up a song climatically, and giving it legs so it can express itself in fitting form."
21. Old Blood - Acid Doom
Acid Doom by OLD BLOOD
Willem Verhappen reviewed Acid Doom track-by-track for us in June, raving about their sound ("big, heavy, slow, and drenched in blues") and singer ("full-bodied and soulful voice"). Songs like "Slothgod" and "Veinscraper" mark OLD BLOOD as one of the smoooooothest acts on the planet, and I have no doubt they'd be rocking ritzy nightclubs around the world right now if they could.
22. Black Helium - The Wholly Other
The Wholly Other by Black Helium
"We’re flashing back all the way to 1995 for this one," I wrote in my review of The Wholly Other. In short order, BLACK HELIUM make a distinct mark on this hard-driving rhythmic terrain with acid vocals accented by grungy guitars. "Here is a spin for all the stoners, junkies, and freaks," I concluded (quoting Alice in Chains), "delivered by one of the most promising of the newer UK bands."
23. Black Rainbows - Cosmic Ritual Supertrip
Black Rainbows - Cosmic Ritual Supertrip
Italian stoner metal act BLACK RAINBOWS have been a staple of the scene for so long that when we see another release, it's easy to take it for granted that it's going to be a solid one. Their seventh (!) longplay was just the reprieve we needed from lockdown lethargy, gifting us with sout rockers like "Radio 666" and the doomy stomper "Universal Phase". If you're ready for a long road trip, make sure you've got Cosmic Ritual Supertrip in the mix!
24. ORGÖNE - Mos/Fet
I've often said I'm a sucker for a good concept album. For the sophomore Mos/Fet, ORGÖNE establishes a kind of science-fiction mythos, "mixing '70s pop culture, ancient Egypt, pan-Africanism, spatial and paranormal exploration against the backdrop of Cold War and USSR" (Heavy Psych Sounds). Reek of STOOM described the ablum in terms of "a bewildering, dazzling and bizarre array of songs, noises and shiftless innovation from this amazing French band."
25. Fostermother - Fostermother
Fostermother by Fostermother
When Steve Howe from Outlaws of the Sun got together to preview releases we were excited for the second episode of The Doomed & Stoned Show, the Austin band FOSTERMOTHER was a strong contenter right from the get-go. Like many of you, I was sold on the band from the opening track, "Destroyers", with its windy bass hitting those guttural notes and the melancholic beauty of the words. While this may seem Pallbearer territory, Fostermother is teaming with contrasts, both doomed ("Give") and stoned ("Dark Sun") -- thus making it the perfect record to end my Heavy Best of 2020 list!
Doomed & Stoned's Top 25 Stoner Rock Albums of 2020
What were your favorite records of 2020? Leave a comment below and share your Top 5, 10, 20, 25, whatever list! As 2021 unwraps, we want you to join us on a quest to find the best in heavy underground music. Give Doomed & Stoned a follow on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily updates and subscribe to our weekly podcast for our choice cuts from the latest doom metal and stoner rock spins!
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avatarfancast · 4 years
J. LaRose as Huu
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J. LaRose is a television and film actor.
In television, Thompson in “Banshee” (2014), Ed in “Ray Donovan” (2016), Adam in “Mayans M.C.” (2018-2019), and Gregory in “The Righteous Gemstones” (2019).
In film, LaRose is best known for playing Terry Brooks in “Identity Lost” (2001), Troy in “Saw III” & “Saw IV” (2006 & 2007), Jeff in “The Tenant” (2010), The Lighthouse Keeper in “The Arcadian” (2011), Heath in “Cassadaga” (2011), Sherwood in “Workers’ Comp” (2011), Echo in “To Write Love on Her Arms” (2012), The Major in “The Devil’s Carnival” and “Alleluia! The Devil's Carnival” (2012 & 2016), Straw Perry in “Outlaw Country” (2012), Helaku in “The Baytown Outlaws” (2012), Ranger Bob in “The Barrens” (2012), Willard in “The Lost Episode” (2012), Curtis in “Rockabilly Zombie Weekend” (2013), Willy Mears in “Now You See Me” (2013), Sarge Powell in “Missionary” (2013), Harold in “The Summoning” (2014), Patrick Black in “Last Shift” (2014), Holden in “Hidden in the Woods” (2014), Walker in “All the Devils are Here” (2014), Mr. Reed in “The Wrong Boyfriend” (2015), Trey Teepano in “Dark Places” (2015), Neelis Kingston in “Wind Walkers” (2015), Kyle in “Abattoir” (2016), The Stranger in “Noose Jumpers” (2016), Curtis in “Dead Wedding” (2016), Candelario in “Boonville Redemption” (2016), Phil in “Extremity” (2018), John Vance in “Heartbreak” (2019), and Roadside Jack in “Big Top Evil” (2019).
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brokehorrorfan · 5 years
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Broke Horror Fan presents Extremity on limited edition, fully functional VHS! The latest contemporary horror film to join the retro home video line is on sale now from Witter Entertainment, along with a restock of Terrifier.
Extremity is a one-time VHS pressing ($20) limited to 50 units in black clamshell cases. It features new artwork by Dean Karr (Slipknot, Marilyn Manson) and yours truly, Alex DiVincenzo.
The 2018 extreme haunt horror film is directed by Anthony DiBlasi (Last Shift, Dread). Dana Christina (Wynonna Earp), Chad Rook (The Flash), and J. LaRose (Saw III) star.
It features cameos from genre favorites Felissa Rose (Sleepaway Camp), Tiffany Shepis (Victor Crowley), Kristina Klebe (Halloween), Ricky Dean Logan (Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare), Jeffrey Reddick (Final Destination), Michael St. Michaels (The Greasy Strangler), Adam Gierasch (Night of the Demons), and Nick Principe (Laid to Rest).
Terrifier’s standard edition has been restocked on VHS ($20). It features original artwork by Vasilis Zikos, housed in black clamshell cases. If you act fast, a couple of copies of the variant edition version ($25) are available from canceled orders.
The 2016 slasher cult classic is written and directed by Damien Leone (All Hallow’s Eve). Jenna Kanell (The Bye Bye Man), Samantha Scaffidi, Catherine Corcoran (Return to Nuke ‘Em High), Margaret Reed (The Americans), and David Howard Thornton star.
Both titles are officially licensed from Dread and Epic Pictures and have been approved by their respective directors. The films have been cropped from their original aspect ratio to 4:3 for optimal VHS presentation.
Each tape includes a letter from its respective director, exclusive actor introductions, and special features. Details are below.
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Extremity special features:
Letter from director Anthony DiBlasi
Introduction by actor J. LaRose
Introduction by actress Dana Christina
Behind-the-scenes featurette
Allison is an emotionally troubled young woman who believes that confronting her trauma might be a means of exercising her demons. She signs up for a trip to Perdition, a haunt that promises absolute, unadulterated terror, but the most frightening thing on display will prove to be Allison’s own twisted psyche!
Terrifier special features:
Letter from writer-director Damien Leone
Introduction by Art the Clown actor David Howard Thornton
Behind-the-scenes footage
Art the Clown makeup time lapse
Art The Clown returns and sets his sights on three young women, along with anyone else that gets in his way.
Extremity and Terrifier are available on VHS now from Witter Entertainment, along with Victor Crowley, Book of Monsters, and more.
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slpublicity · 5 years
EXTREMITY Joins Broke Horror Fan's VHS Line, Plus TERRIFIER Restocked
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BrokeHorrorFan.com presents Extremity on limited edition, fully functional VHS! The latest contemporary horror film to join the retro home video line is on sale now at WitterEntertainment.com, along with a restock of Terrifier.
Extremity features new artwork by Dean Karr (Slipknot, Marilyn Manson) and Broke Horror Fan's Alex DiVincenzo, housed in a black clamshell case. The one-time VHS pressing is limited to 50 units. The film has been cropped from its original aspect ratio to 4:3 for optimal VHS presentation.
The 2018 extreme haunt horror film includes a letter from director Anthony DiBlasi (Last Shift, Dread) and exclusive introductions by actors J. LaRose (Saw III) and Dana Christina (Wynonna Earp), plus stay tuned after the movie for a behind-the-scenes featurette.
The movie features cameos from genre favorites Felissa Rose (Sleepaway Camp), Tiffany Shepis (Victor Crowley), Kristina Klebe (Halloween), Ricky Dean Logan (Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare), Jeffrey Reddick (Final Destination), Michael St. Michaels (The Greasy Strangler), Adam Gierasch (Night of the Demons), and Nick Principe (Laid to Rest).
Terrifier's standard edition, with original artwork by Vasilis Zikos, has been restocked on VHS. The 2016 slasher cult classic includes a letter from writer-director Damien Leone, an exclusive introduction by Art the Clown actor David Howard Thornton, and special features after the movie.
Extremity and Terrifier are available on VHS now from WitterEntertainment.com, along with Victor Crowley, Book of Monsters, and more.
In Anthony DiBlasi's Extremity, a young woman obsessed with horror subjects herself to hours of grueling torment inside an extreme haunt in an attempt to confront her fears and conquer the tragic past that haunts her. Dana Christina, Chad Rook, Dylan Sloane, and J. LaRose star.
Extremity is also available on Blu-ray and digital via Dread.
In Damien Leone’s Terrifier, Art The Clown returns and sets his sights on three young women, along with anyone else that gets in his way. Jenna Kanell, Samantha Scaffidi, Catherine Corcoran, Margaret Reed, and David Howard Thornton star.
Terrifier is also available on Blu-ray/DVD and digital via Dread.
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thereviewsarein · 5 years
CTV’s The Launch is preparing for take-off again for season two, with 30 new artists, new mentors and producers coming to Canadian screens in search of new talent and new hits.
The first season of the show was a breakout success and put Logan Staats, Poesy, The Static Shift, Jayd Ink, and Ethan Young in the spotlight, and launched (pun intended) Elijah Woods x Jamie Fine all the way to the top with a Gold record and new-found fame thanks to Ain’t Easy.
Related: Elijah Woods x Jamie Fine Go Gold & Want More
Season two has six episodes scheduled with the return of Scott Borchetta at the helm. Each episode will see five artists given the chance to make their mark. And if we get the same level of entertainment and talent that we saw last year, we’re in for a good time.
Episode one of season two premieres Wednesday, January 30 at 8 p.m., kicking off with the return of Ryan Tedder as mentor/producer. As the schedule continues we’ll be treated to stars including Max Kerman of Arkells, Jann Arden, Bebe Rexha, Sarah McLaughlan, legend Bryan Adams and more.
Check out the episode listings, this season’s artists, mentors, and producers – and stay tuned for more from The Launch Season Two!
The Launch Season 2 Artists
Episode 1 – Wednesday, Jan. 30 @ 8 p.m. et/pt
Amber J Trail BC Pop, R&B Artist Page Dey Toronto, ON Soul Artist Page NOA Richmond Hill, ON Pop Artist Page Vi Ottawa, ON Alternative, Dark-Pop Artist Page Cassiøpeia Burnaby, BC Alt-Pop Artist Page
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Episode 2 – Wednesday, Feb. 6 @ 8 p.m. et/pt
Alexandra Porat Mississauga, ON Pop, R&B Artist Page Avery Florence Montreal, QC Soft-Soul, Low-Key R&B Artist Page Phé Vancouver, BC R&B Artist Page T. Thomason Halifax, NS Indie, Pop-Rock Artist Page Trever LaRose Mississauga, ON Alt-Pop Artist Page
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Episode 3 – Wednesday,Feb. 13 @ 8 p.m. et/pt
Charlie the Kid Toronto, ON Confetti-Folk Artist Page James Clayton Montreal, QC Singer-Songwriter, Alt Folk-Rock Artist Page Old Soul Rebel Vancouver, BC Soul, Rock & Roll Artist Page Polina Grace Montreal, QC Power-Pop Artist Page Saveria London, ON R&B, Neo-Soul Artist Page
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Episode 4 – Wednesday, Feb. 20 @ 8 p.m. et/pt
Clancy Coulter Princeton, BC R&B, Alt-Pop Artist Page Julia Gartha  Markham, ON Singer-Songwriter, Pop Artist Page Nick Babcock  Kingston, ON Pop Artist Page Olivia Lunny  Winnipeg, MN Alt-Pop Artist Page Jayde  Peterborough, ON Alt-Pop Artist Page
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Episode 5 – Wednesday, Feb. 27 @ 8 p.m. et/pt
Ben Cottrill  Vancouver, BC Acoustic-Rock, Soul Artist Page Jordane Quebec City, QC Folk Americana Artist Page Maddie Storvold Edmonton, AB Country-Folk Artist Page Nate Daviau  Toronto, ON Country, Americana Artist Page The Faceplants  Vancouver, BC Pop-Rock Artist Page
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Episode 6 – Wednesday, Mar. 6 @ 8 p.m. et/pt
Adrian Chalifour Victoria, BC Indie-Rock, Folk-Rock Artist Page Del Hartley  Toronto, BC R&B/Soul Artist Page Sarah Carmosino  Aurora, ON Indie-Pop Artist Page WILL  Toronto, ON R&B, Pop Artist Page Michelle Treacy  Ottawa, ON Pop Artist Page
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Mentors & Producers
Executive Producer/Co-Creator/Mentor: Scott Borcetta
Episode 1 – Wednesday, Jan. 30 @ 8 p.m. et/pt
Mentor & Producer: Ryan Tedder
Episode 2 – Wednesday, Feb. 6 @ 8 p.m. et/pt
Mentor: Sarah McLachlan Producer: Alex Hope
Episode 3 – Wednesday,Feb. 13 @ 8 p.m. et/pt
Mentor: Max Kerman (Arkells) Producer: Jon Levine
Episode 4 – Wednesday, Feb. 20 @ 8 p.m. et/pt
Mentor: Jann Arden Producer: Shaun Frank
Episode 5 – Wednesday, Feb. 27 @ 8 p.m. et/pt
Mentor & Producer: Bryan Adams
Episode 6 – Wednesday, Mar. 6 @ 8 p.m. et/pt
Mentor: Bebe Rexha Producer: Nile Rodgers
Host: Liz Trinnear
The Launch Season 2 Announces Artists, Mentors, and Producers CTV's The Launch is preparing for take-off again for season two, with 30 new artists, new mentors and producers coming to Canadian screens in search of new talent and new hits.
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songwriternews · 3 years
New Post has been published on SONGWRITER NEWS
New Post has been published on https://songwriternews.co.uk/2020/12/the-secret-to-writing-lyrics/
The Secret To Writing Lyrics
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Lyrics are one of the most important aspects of songwriting: They’re the first thing most people listen to, and they convey your song’s story more clearly than anything else. But they’re really hard, right? Language is so complicated and weird that many of the structural approaches we theorists like to take for chords and stuff just don’t work. Well, fortunately for us, we’re not the only ones asking these sorts of questions, and the answers are out there. We just have to look a little further afield.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/12tonevideos Mailing List: http://eepurl.com/bCTDaj Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/12tonevideos Twitter: https://twitter.com/12tonevideos Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/12tonevideos/ Email: [email protected]
Last: https://youtu.be/t2uNFpCRG9I Rhyming video: https://youtu.be/ToOqsk8m220 One Week: https://youtu.be/fC_q9KPczAg Cardboard Castles: https://youtu.be/FN1OR1aa2cM Accents video: https://youtu.be/JMxzLOSlhbs Sonnets video: https://youtu.be/-qoT5oReP0k
Script: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ARBcjTR_0EkZt3Nb3ATtobroLCnyhPbiwNVmKtN2gQU/edit?usp=sharing
Huge thanks to our Elephant of the Month Club members:
Susan Jones Jill Jones Ron Jones Howard Levine Gabi Ghita Kaylor Hodges Elaine Pratt Ken Arnold Brian Etheredge Josh King Gene Lushtak Tom William (Bill) Boston Khristofor Saraga Nicolas Mendoza Anton Smyk Wolf Bennett RAD Donato Mitchell Fund Dale Monks Duck Chris Prentice Jack Carlson Len Lanphar Paul Ward Benjamin DeLillo Budjarn Lambeth Branden Randall Dov Zazkis Jesse Russo James Treacy Bagshaw Christopher Lucas Hendrik Payer Thomas Morley Abhijit Patel Andrew Beals
And thanks as well to Henry Reich, Eugene Bulkin, Logan Jones, Abram Thiessen, Anna Work, Oliver, Jc Bq, Dialup Salesman, Adam Neely, nico, Justin Donnell, Michael Fieseler, Rick Lees, Ben LaRose, rhandhom1, Harold Gonzales, Marc Himmelberger, Chris Borland, StarsServant, jason black,Nick Olman, Dutreuilh Olivier, Davis Sprague, Justin Bronstein, Justin Aungst, David Roulston, Dave Mayer, Thomás, billy roberts, Elliot Burke, Alex Atanasyan, Joey Strandquist, Daniel Gilchrist, Amlor, Greg Borenstein, Tim S., Elias Simon, Paul Quine, Anamol Pundle, David Tocknell, Jerry D. Brown, blalo’u, Christopher Wright, Lauren Steely, Fabian, Nikolay Semyonov, Ohad Lutzky, Jon White, Eivind Vatshaug, Josiah R. Hazel, Kurtis Commanda, Bate Goiko, James A. Thornton, Jacob Friend, Benjamin Cooper, Kevin, Joe Galetti, Arnas, CodenaCrow, Sarah Spath, Skylar J Eckdahl, Kristian Bredenbeck, John Bejarano, Gerhard Blab, drunkwookiee64, Brian Dinger, SD, Revolution Harmony, Aa Markus, Paul Apicella, Pawel Sit, David Barker, Adam Wurstmann, Dave Wray, Shadow Kat, Adam Kent, Michael Alan Dorman, Caroline Simpson, Lee Rennie, Richard T. Anderson, Thomas Schryver, Angela Flierman, Matthis Knopf, Kelsey Freese, Peter Wells, Zion Suppasan, Dan Lizotte, Seth Keller, Mark Feaver, Tyler Lukasiewicz, Kevin Johnson, Brian McCue, Kevin Hellon, Stephan Broek, Richard Walker, Wú QióngYuǎn, Nathan Petchell, Blake Boyd, alex, Calvin Blitman, Magnus Guldbrandsen, Ross Relic, Stefan Strohmaier, Lilith Dawn, David Baker, Jonathan Beck, Dmitry Jemerov, Jason Foster, Ian Seymour, Brett Haines, christian madsen, Luke Rihn, Rob Holton, Devon Wilhelmy, Ben Horwood, Jaroslav fedorčák, Allen Edwards, Brandon Lanning, Ryan Nicholls, ml cohen, Brandon Hamele, Darzzr, Rodrigo Roman, Francois LaPlante, Matthew Fox, Paper Coelacanth, Britt Ratliff, Patrick James Morley, Koen Hoogendoorn, Tae Wook Kim, Eddie O’Rourke, Ryan, Timothy Field, Jon Bauman, Drew Mazurek, Jacob Luedecke, Vincent Sanders, Victor L., Tommaso Ghidetti, JJ Deman, Volker Wegert, Linus Abrahamson, Matthew Kallend, Patrick Callier, JH, Joshua Gleitze, Ben Zotto, Jan Macek, Trevor, Michael McCormick, Charles Gaskell, Sylvain Chevalier, Yuriy Honcharuk, Roger Grosse, David Hardin, Jeremy Zolner, Leon Saleh, Valentin Lupachev, Paul Koester, and Danny! Your support helps make 12tone even better!
Also, thanks to Jareth Arnold and Jade Tan-Holmes for proofreading the script to make sure this all makes sense hopefully! source Find out More about becoming a PRO-HIT SONGWRITER here
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viaggiatricepigra · 7 years
Settimana Saw: Saw IV - Il gioco continua
Titolo originale Saw IV Paese di produzione USA Anno 2007 Durata 93 min Genere orrore, thriller Regia Darren Lynn Bousman Sceneggiatura Patrick Melton, Marcus Dunstan, Thomas Fenton Interpreti e personaggi Tobin Bell: John Kramer Costas Mandylor: Detective Mark Hoffman Scott Patterson: Agente Peter Strahm Betsy Russell: Jill Tuck Lyriq Bent: Tenente Daniel Rigg Athena Karkanis: Agente Lindsay Perez Justin Louis: Art Blank Simon Reynolds: Lamanna Donnie Wahlberg: Detective Eric Matthews Angus Macfadyen: Jeff Reinhart Shawnee Smith: Amanda Young Bahar Soomekh: Lynn Denlon Dina Meyer: Allison Kerry Mike Realba: Fisk Marty Adams: Ivan Landsness Sarain Boylan: Brenda Billy Otis: Cecil Adams James Van Patten: Adam Heffner Kevin Rushton: Trevor Kelly Jones: Pete Ingrid Hart: Tracy Rigg Niamh Wilson: Corbett Reinhart Janet Land: Morgan Ron Lea: Rex Eric Gores: Matt Devon Bostick: Derek Tony Nappo: Gus Colyard Emmanuelle Vaugier: Addison Corday Noam Jenkins: Michael Marks Mike Butters: Paul Stallberg J. Larose: Troy Oren Koules: Donnie Greco Alison Luther: Jane Kim Roberts: Deborah David Webster: Steve Sandra Manson: Patti Vincent Rother: Joe Erik Knudsen: Daniel Matthews Trama Jigsaw e la sua assistente ed allieva Amanda sono morti. Dopo aver ricevuto notizia dell'omicidio del Detective Kerry, due esperti di profili psicologici dell'FBI arrivano in città per assistere il Detective Hoffman nella risoluzione dell'ultimo enigma del serial killer. Ma nel mentre il comandante Rigg della SWAT viene rapito e coinvolto in uno dei "giochi" di Jigsaw: avrà solo 90 minuti a disposizione per salvarsi o morire.
Opinione Sembra che tutto sia finito, infatti sul tavolo dell'obitorio c'è il corpo di John, ma così sarebbe troppo facile. Infatti l'Enigmista si è lasciato dietro una cassetta che fa capire che la sua morte non sarebbe stata la fine.
Pensavate che sarebbe tutto finito con la mia morte?
Non è finita. Il gioco, è appena cominciato.
Il gioco continua per altre vittime, colpevoli secondo l'occhio inquisitore di Jigsaw. Ma nel frattempo la polizia trova il cadavere della detective Kerry. Il tenente Rigg, insieme agli agenti dell'FBI Peter Strahm e Lindsay Perez, capiscono che è stata Amanda a farlo, ma da sola non avrebbe potuto: quindi c'è qualcun altro che li stava aiutando. Però Rigg è una persona troppo impulsiva e decisa a salvare gli altri, senza pensare prima a se stesso, cosa; viene catturato e messo alla prova, per arrivare a salvare il Detective Matthews e il Detective Hoffmann alla fine di varie prove. Ma darà ascolto all'Enigmista e seguirà le sue regole?
Agente Rigg, questo è il tuo primo test. La persona che hai davanti ha un disperato bisogno di aiuto. Ma salvare gente come lei non è il tuo lavoro, per te è una vittima, ma se vedessi quello che vedo io, scoopriresti che dietro la maschera si nasconde una criminale indegna del dono della vita. La tua ossesione ti spinge a salvarla, io ti consiglio... di andare via. Fai la tua scelta.
  Imprevedibile anche questo capitolo, che si chiude con un (ennesimo) colpo di scena anche se le regole del gioco sono conosciute da tutti.
Si riesce a tenere lo spettatore attento alla storia e a sorprenderlo costantemente, nonostante la storia sia andata avanti parecchio e sia il quarto capitolo della saga. 
from Blogger http://ift.tt/2uA428P via IFTTT
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christianworldf · 5 years
New Post has been published on Christian Worldview Institute
New Post has been published on https://christianworldviewinstitute.com/bible-prophecies/end-time-events/book-of-daniel/understanding-the-chain/
Understanding The Chain
In many ways, The Chain is the story of Fleetwood Mac. Located right in the middle of Rumours, widely viewed as one of the best albums of all time, The Chain breaks from the soft rock sound of the rest of the album, stripping back the layers of false happiness and revealing a darker, harder, and more painful side of the band. Written in parts by all five band members, it lays bare the turmoil going on between them, and shows just how hard they’re working to keep things together just a little bit longer.
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Last: https://youtu.be/xC6xLhSy7uw Polyphonic’s video: https://youtu.be/RqTARzw7j_w
Script: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LK8DgQBEFrs3JADcYyA3-uKEiV4q0LoWQmVe09JXgmU/edit?usp=sharing
Huge thanks to our Elephant of the Month Club members:
Susan Jones Jill Jones Ron Jones Howard Levine Duck Brian Etheredge Gabi Ghita Elaine Pratt Ken Arnold Khristofor Saraga William (Bill) Boston Owen Campbell-Moore Mitchell Fund Len Lanphar Paul Ward Benjamin DeLillo Susan Lingenfelter Anton Smyk Chris Prentice Jack Carlson Dov Zazkis James Treacy Bagshaw Christopher Lucas Hendrik Payer Andrew Beals Thomas Morley Jacob Helwig Duncan Dempsey Patrick James Morley Alex Knauth Lukas Gigler Tyler Leite Paul Grieselhuber
And thanks as well to Corvi, Henry Reich, Gene Lushtak, Eugene Bulkin, Logan Jones, Abram Thiessen, Anna Work, Oliver, Jc Bq, Adam Neely, nico, Michael Fieseler, Rick Lees, Ben LaRose, Justin Donnell, rhandhom1, Dave Mayer, Thomás, Davis Sprague, Justin Aungst, Harold Gonzales, Paul Quine, Alex, Marc Himmelberger, Chris Borland, CodenaCrow, Nikolay Semyonov, Daniel Gilchrist, Arnas, Sarah Spath, Skylar J Eckdahl, billy roberts, Elliot Burke, Alex Atanasyan, Amlor, Greg Borenstein, Tim S., Elias Simon, Caroline Simpson, Michael Alan Dorman, Jerry D. Brown, Lauren Steely, Fabian, Nathan Petchell, Blake Boyd, Trevor, Michael McCormick, Lilith Dawn, Jonathan Beck, Dmitry Jemerov, Ian Seymour, Charles Gaskell, Luke Rihn, Rob Holton, Ohad Lutzky, Jon White, Kurtis Commanda, James A. Thornton, Benjamin Cooper, Kevin, Elliot Jay O’Neill, Elliot Winkler, Payden Nissen, Tom Evans, John Bejarano, Brian Dinger, Nervilis, Stefan Strohmaier, Adam Wurstmann, Kelsey Freese, Shadow Kat, Adam Kent, Max Wanderman, Lee Rennie, Richard T. Anderson, Angela Flierman, Mark Feaver, Tyler Lukasiewicz, Kevin Johnson, Brian McCue, Stephan Broek, Hape Company, Matt Giallourakis, Marcøs, Ryan Nicholls, ml cohen, Sylvain Chevalier, Darzzr, Roger Grosse, David Hardin, Rodrigo Roman, Francois LaPlante, Jeremy Zolner, Matthew Fox, Paper Coelacanth, Britt Ratliff, Koen Hoogendoorn, Tae Wook Kim, Eddie O’Rourke, Ryan, Jon Bauman, Vincent Sanders, John July, Volker Wegert, Paul Koester, Danny, Matthew Kallend, Patrick Callier, JH, Joshua Gleitze, Jake Lizzio, Ben Straubinger, Emilio Assteves, Alex Keeny, Alexey Fedotov, Charles Hill, Harry Hume, Valentin Lupachev, Joshua La Macchia, David Conrad, John Paul Welsh, Lisa Lyons, DSM, Gary Butterfield, Niko Albertus, Luke Wever, Elizabeth von Teig, Steve Brand, Rene Miklas, Connor Shannon, Chris Chapin, max thomas, Jamie Price, Kennedy Morrison, Red Uncle, Tiago de Caux, Toby M. Schreier, Daniel Garcia, Kirk Natoza, Doug Nottingham, Scott Howarth, Barendo, Smackdab, Nicholas Wolf, Ben Phillips, Hex86, Scott Nystrom, Douglas Anderson, ZagOnEm, Robert Beach, Todd Davidson, Fahzbehn, chaoticgeek, Lionel Dresta, veleum, and Kevin Boyce! Your support helps make 12tone even better!
Also, thanks to Jareth Arnold for proofreading the script to make sure this all makes sense hopefully! source
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brokehorrorfan · 5 years
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Broke Horror Fan presents Extremity on VHS! Our latest tape goes on sale next Friday, May 31, at 12pm EST/9am PST exclusively at WitterEntertainment.com. We will also be restocking Terrifier on VHS at that time.
Extremity is limited to 50 units. It features new artwork by Alex DiVincenzo (that's me!) and Dean Karr (Slipknot, Marilyn Manson), housed in a black clamshell case.
Each fully-functional tape will include a letter from director Anthony DiBlasi (Last Shift, Dread), exclusive introductions by actors J. LaRose (Saw III) and Dana Christina (Wynonna Earp), and a behind-the-scenes featurette after the movie.
For optimal VHS viewing, the film has been cropped from its original aspect ratio to 4:3 full frame. This release is officially licensed from Dread and Epic Pictures and has been approved by director Anthony DiBlasi.
The extreme haunt horror film features cameos from genre favorites Felissa Rose (Sleepaway Camp), Tiffany Shepis (Victor Crowley), Kristina Klebe (Halloween), Ricky Dean Logan (Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare), Jeffrey Reddick (Final Destination), Michael St. Michaels (The Greasy Strangler), Adam Gierasch (Night of the Demons), and Nick Principe (Laid to Rest).
Allison is an emotionally troubled young woman who believes that confronting her trauma might be a means of exercising her demons. She signs up for a trip to Perdition, a haunt that promises absolute, unadulterated terror, but the most frightening thing on display will prove to be Allison’s own twisted psyche!
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viaggiatricepigra · 7 years
Settimana Saw: Saw III - L'enigma senza fine
Titolo originale Saw III Paese di produzione Stati Uniti d'America Anno 2006 Durata 104 min Genere orrore, thriller Regia Darren Lynn Bousman Sceneggiatura James Wan, Leigh Whannell Interpreti e personaggi Tobin Bell: John Kramer Shawnee Smith: Amanda Young Angus Macfadyen: Jeff Reinhart Bahar Soomekh: Lynn Denlon Donnie Wahlberg: Detective Eric Matthews Dina Meyer: Allison Kerry Leigh Whannell: Adam Faulkner Mpho Koaho: Timothy Young Lyriq Bent: Daniel Rigg Barry Flatman: Halden J. LaRose: Troy Debra McCabe: Danica Scott Costas Mandylor: Mark Hoffman Betsy Russell: Jill Tuck Stefan Georgiou: Dylan Reinhart Niamh Wilson: Corbett Reinhart Alan Van Sprang: Chris Kim Roberts: Deborah Franky G: Xavier Chavez Kelly Jones: Pete Vicent Rother: Joe Tim Burd: Obi Tate Elle Downs: Elis Denlon Oren Koules: Donnie Greco Cary Elwes: Lawrence Gordon Michael Emerson: Zep Hindle Danny Glover: David Tapp Ken Leung: Steven Sing Mike Butters: Paul Stallberg Emmanuelle Vaugier: Addison Corday Paul Gutrecht: Mark Rodiguez Beverley Mitchell: Laura Hunter Noam Jenkins: Michael Marks Glenn Plummer: Jonas Singer Erik Knudsen: Daniel Matthews Tony Nappo: Gus Colyard Trama Assieme alla sua nuova apprendista Amanda (Shawnee Smith), l’Enigmista, il burattinaio che si cela dietro i giochi crudeli e contorti che hanno terrorizzato un’intera comunità e sconcertato la polizia, è riuscito ancora una volta ad evitare la cattura e a svanire nel nulla. Mentre gli agenti locali si danno da fare per trovarlo, la dottoressa Lynn Denlon (Bahar Soomekh) e Jeff (Angus Macfayden) non sanno che stanno per diventare le ultime pedine della sua perversa scacchiera.
Dopo l'inizio cardio la detective Kerry (esperta di Jigsaw) nota immediatamente che c'è qualcosa di diverso in quella trappola, infatti la vittima non avrebbe avuto nessuna possibilità di salvarsi.
Cosa che contrasta con tutto ciò che aveva sempre fatto, lasciando una possibilità di salvezza.
Rientrando a casa però viene rapita anche lei, finendo in una delle trappole dell'Enigmista...
   Salve Kerry.
Voglio giocare con te.
Fino ad oggi hai dedicato la vita ai morti, mettendo insieme i pezzi dei loro ultimi momenti.
Sei molto brava nel tuo lavoro perché anche tu come loro sei morta!
Intendo dire... morta dentro.
  La dottoressa Lynn Denlon viene rapita a fine turno da Amanda, che la porta nel nuovo rifugio di John e le mette un collare con delle cartucce da fucile collegare alla frequenza cardiaca di John: se lui dovesse morire, morirà anche lei. Per sopravvivere lo deve tenere in vita.
  Nel frattempo è iniziato un test per Jeff Reinhart, in qualità di giudice: suo figlio è stato ucciso in un incidente stradale e al colpevole sono stati dati solo 6 mesi di galera, pena che per l'uomo è troppo breve; dovrà fare i conti con chi ha portato a quella decisione e affrontare poi l'assassino del figlio, decidendo, di volta in volta, come comportarsi, se salvare oppure vendicarsi.
  Vedo che non hai imparato niente.
Con la rabbia otterrai solo la distruzione delle persone che ami.
  Queste storie si concluderanno in un finale sconvolgente, che porterà i personaggi ad incrociarsi lungo il cammino e a rivalutare certe scelte compiute, perché nessuno è mai fuori dai test di John.

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