#j joubert
les-portes-du-sud · 1 year
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Quand on demandait à Saint-Exupéry : "Est-ce que ça vaut la peine de chouchouter les enfants ?", il répondait : "Assurez-vous de chouchouter, on ne sait pas quelles épreuves la vie leur a préparées." Les enfants ont besoin de plus de modèles que de critiques.
© J. Joubert
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lesondupapillon · 9 months
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Notre vie est du vent tissé.
/ Jean Joubert
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jdouglasdesigngallery · 8 months
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WHISPERING DUNES Greg Joubert acrylic on panel 20x60x2.5 $5200
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piece-of-the-pie-if · 6 months
Could I ask a prompt question? If not please just ignore this! I borrowed the bonus word for word from another blog so thank you to that anon lol 🩷
"📚 BOOKS - how were they at school? what is their best subject? what is their worst subject? do they have a favourite subject? BONUS: which clique do they fall under/are they in?"
Much thanks in advance
this was fun to think about, and very relevant!!
+little run down of the teachers and their subjects: professor bhart(history), mr thorp(math stats&trig), mrs halberd(math algebra), professor kiernan (chemistry), mr gigandet(p.e), mrs gigandet(p.e.), miss friek(physics), mr willingham(biology), professor lewis(social studies), mrs okoye(calculus), mr davidson(geometry), miss joubert(languages deutch&french), mr allon(language spanish&latin), mr cosi(languages german), mrs liao(language mandarin chinese), miss elphard(economics), mr dain(civics), mr darren(geography), mrs pollock(psychology) and professor grupnin(i.c.t). there are others too but... this is already long.
+let me know if you guys want to know more about the teaching faculty!
It's safe to say Dylan isn't the best at school, it's not that they don't like school or don't do the work──they just have different priorities that take president over studious things like math and science... Dylan's favourite subject will always be art and it's not just because it's the only subject they excel in──art being a creative outlet for them to channel their feelings into let's them be so laid-back and easygoing with the rest of their life, art is truly an escape and a paradise to them. Their worst subjects usually depend on what exactly is being taught... they're not bad at math but they're not good at algebra or trigonometry... they're not good at history but they know so much about the renaissance era. Their teachers usually affect their focus is class, teachers like Professor Bharti and Mr Willingham make it so engaging Dyl has no choice but the pay attention where as Mr Thorp or Miss Friek are not engaging at all and Dylan has to push themselves not to fall asleep in class!
Shay is kind of a difficult one to place. He's new, completely new to the American school system. Back in England he was fairly average, maybe above average in a few classes, but he's kind of been shoved in at the deep end right now. Technically Shay is overall good at academics, basics like math and the sciences he's got down, the subjective ones like history and english, not so much──he's got to relearn and catch up to a whole different curriculum which is hard! So I think it's a little harsh to call him bad at any subject... it's p.e. it's always been p.e──he's built like a bean sprout, a string bean. There's no stamina in those lungs, there's no muscle in those arms, he'd rather not crack a rib trying to run 100 feet, thank you very much! Shay's favourite subject is actually I.C.T or computing as the Americans call it, he's very good with the digital stuff! (and Professor Grupnin is so cool it's worth the pain of going through stuff he already knows!)
Kinsley is... Above Average. She has to be, her mother expects it. Her lowest scores are never below a C and she's always firmly in the top 10 of each class overall. She excels is civics/government as well as social studies but her favourite class would have to be art too──and not just because Dylan's there with her! Kinsley isn't particularly good at art but she loves painting, like her mother used to... Her worst subjects are actually the ones where communication and group work is essential, like her language class (mandarin chinese), or english and history because of the group work... Kin isn't the best... team player... but she's not a slouch either! It might take a while busy she does her piece, she can't bring (academic) disappointment to her family's name, you know.
In a shaking turn if events, J is actually the best performing in academics of the ROs! It started as a genuine interest is learning when they were young but was twisted into spite as they grew older and was told they would never amount to much by their father. J doesn't skip classes, especially for no reason, but with their reputation everyone thinks they pay nerds or beat up losers to do their assignments for them... J's teachers have never done anything about those rumours because when sitting tests and exams, J's always had some of the highest marks... there's no cheating off of someone who gets less marks than you... J's favourite class is history, full stop. Mainly because they're not interested in civics (government) or fictional stories (english) or fancy numbers they couldn't give less if a shit about. They like history because it's real, but it's also not at the same time, they like the challenge it brings to their mind, in what they believe history is about and if it's right. They also like p.e... mostly the running but they'd never admit it! (their worst class was government, they dropped it as soon as they could. They get enough politics at home to last them a lifetime!)
Theo tries their best at school, but it's a significant challenge when they're dyslexic. They're earnest in their enjoyment of school, as a shocker their best subject is math, specifically Mrs Okoye's calculus (because Theo is also in pre-calc!), because they're good at numbers, the numbers are straightforward and don't give them a headache just to look at. Their worst subject is probably a mix between the language (spanish) they dropped and psychology (which they're thinking of also dropping)... the big scientific words in psychology hurts their eyes and they always confuse terms, and the prospect of even comprehending english is hard enough let alone spanish! Theo's favourite subject... is the music elective with a non-teacher who comes in to... teach every thursday!
BONUS! What clique do they fall under?
Dylan──the popular by opinion clique, put there because of everyone else simply since they're so friendly and easygoing. If Dyl had to name their own clique they'd probably say something like the chill clique... because that's what they are.
Shay──the new person clique... that's to say he's too new to truly be apart of a 'clique'. Shay is quickly swept up by many different people which confused most others as to where he and his 'allegiances' should lie... He talks to both Dylan and MC daily pulling him into both the popular by association clique and the nobodies and nerds (by association) clique but he's also one of the few friendly with J placing him with the rebel kids and smokers club cliques too... maybe he should be part of the chill clique for being such the social butterfly!
Kinsley──the popular by choice and reputation clique and she's on top, at least from everyone else's perspective. She's powerful, as is her family. She's got connections. People aren't sure if they want to be Kinsley, be with her or be out of her sight! Her reputation is covered in ice, as cold as her stare and as unforgiving as her opinion of you... Though perhaps behind the scenes she's not the one pulling the strings and her facade is beginning to thaw.
J──J is a bit of an enigma at school. They're cool and therefore infamous, popular by default... but they're also scary, untouchable in a different Kinsley and Dylan are, unshakable in a different way that Shay is. Truly the embodiment of the rebel kids clique, part of the smokers clique on account that J is a smoker, not that they're friends with 'the smokers'. People tend to stay away from J simply because they don't know how J will react... some brave souls attempt to enter their circle, create a door in their walls but they're all shit down... Somehow Shay is an automatic exception and now MC is suddenly entering the ring too... it puts people on edge and the rumours we'll, they're flying.
Theo──the nobodies and nerds clique. Even though, like Kinsley, Theo's parents are powerful people they're not one for the spotlight. They trip over their words and are too anxious for they own good──they're perfectly fine living under the judgemental radar until they can get through the hellscape that is high school. That being said... being part of the nobodies part of this clique is a blessing... seeing as they don't get nearly as bullies as the losers clique. Theo often ponders if they're not there because of their parents or because they're not nearly enough of a loser to be worthy of the time to be bullied... (Theo ponders if it's because the nobodies and nerds clique are a group of close knit friends instead of lonesome losers... one person is less if a target they suppose.)
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toutmontbeliard-com · 3 months
Festival des Quatre Saisons de Montbéliard, printemps 2024
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Le Festival des Quatre saisons de Montbéliard revient, pour le printemps, du estival Les Quatre saisons du jeudi 21 mars 2024 au dimanche 24 mars 2024. Rendez-vous pour quatre jours de rires et d’émotions ! Jeudi 21 mars 2024, Marc Tourneboeuf, "l’Impatient", embarquera les spectateurs dans la vie d’un jeune comédien passionné qui rêve de réussite. Vendredi 22 mars 2024, Pierre Emonot, originaire du pays de Montbéliard, se mettra face au peuple pour défendre ses convictions avec un petit goût de sarcasme jubilatoire. Puis, samedi 23 mars 2024, place à Gil Alma et Benoit Joubert qui, (ré)unis pour le jour "J", vont se lancer dans des péripéties folles pour que ce moment partagé avec le public soit et inoubliable ! Enfin, rendez-vous est donné aux familles, le dimanche 24 mars, pour "L’Être recommandé", un beau spectacle à travers la vie contée d’un artiste feutriste qui s’est donné pour mission d’embellir tous les visages ternis par le gris de la morosité. Jeudi 21, vendredi 22 et samedi 23 mars 2024 à 20h30, dimanche 24 mars 2024 à 16h00. Les Bains Douches, La Scène et Le Théâtre, de Montbéliard. Tarif : 12 € par spectacle. infos > Info Jeunes Montbéliard au 03 81 99 24 15 ou www.montbeliard.fr/quatresaisons Read the full article
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alonewolfr · 4 months
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Cercando le parole si trovano i pensieri.
|| J. A. Joubert
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4x4community · 5 months
J-brace requirement for new Ford Ranger
Forum: The 4x4 Pub Posted By: Eugene Joubert Post Time: 2024/01/05 at 11:43 AM http://dlvr.it/T0zzR2
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xtruss · 11 months
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The American Bison (Above, an animal roaming the National Elk Refuge in Wyoming) is not closely related to true buffalo of Asia and Africa. Photograph By Charlie Hamilton James, National Geographic Image Collection
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The African Buffalo is the most populous herbivore in Africa. Above, an animal is seen in Botswana's Okavango Delta. Photograph By Beverly Joubert, National Geographic Image Collection
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They Can Do It All: Mangroves can stabilize coastlines against erosion and cleanse toxins from waters. They act as a nursery for birds, fish, shellfish, and sharks by providing food, shade, and protection from predators, tidal surges, and heat. On this International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem, these protectors need protection. (Above, Red Mangroves in Belize.) Photograph By Brain J. Skerry, National Geographic Image Collection
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Events 3.28
AD 37 – Roman emperor Caligula accepts the titles of the Principate, bestowed on him by the Senate. 193 – After assassinating the Roman Emperor Pertinax, his Praetorian Guards auction off the throne to Didius Julianus. 364 – Roman Emperor Valentinian I appoints his brother Flavius Valens co-emperor. 1566 – The foundation stone of Valletta, Malta's capital city, is laid by Jean Parisot de Valette, Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. 1776 – Juan Bautista de Anza finds the site for the Presidio of San Francisco. 1795 – Partitions of Poland: The Duchy of Courland and Semigallia, a northern fief of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, ceases to exist and becomes part of Imperial Russia. 1801 – Treaty of Florence is signed, ending the war between the French Republic and the Kingdom of Naples. 1802 – Heinrich Wilhelm Matthäus Olbers discovers 2 Pallas, the second asteroid ever to be discovered. 1809 – Peninsular War: France defeats Spain in the Battle of Medellín. 1814 – War of 1812: In the Battle of Valparaíso, two American naval vessels are captured by two Royal Navy vessels. 1842 – First concert of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Otto Nicolai. 1854 – Crimean War: France and Britain declare war on Russia. 1860 – First Taranaki War: The Battle of Waireka begins. 1862 – American Civil War: In the Battle of Glorieta Pass, Union forces stop the Confederate invasion of the New Mexico Territory. The battle began on March 26. 1910 – Henri Fabre becomes the first person to fly a seaplane, the Fabre Hydravion, after taking off from a water runway near in France. 1918 – General John J. Pershing, during World War I, cancels 42nd 'Rainbow' Division's orders to Rolampont for further training and diverted it to the occupy the Baccarat sector. Rainbow Division becomes "the first American division to take over an entire sector on its own, which it held longer than any other American division-occupied sector alone for a period of three months". 1918 – Finnish Civil War: On the so-called "Bloody Maundy Thursday of Tampere", the Whites force the Reds to attack the city center, where the city's fiercest battles being fought in Kalevankangas with large casualties on both sides. During the same day, an explosion at the Red headquarters of Tampere kills several commanders. 1920 – Palm Sunday tornado outbreak of 1920 affects the Great Lakes region and Deep South states. 1933 – The Imperial Airways biplane City of Liverpool is believed to be the first airliner lost to sabotage when a passenger sets a fire on board. 1939 – Spanish Civil War: Generalissimo Francisco Franco conquers Madrid after a three-year siege. 1941 – World War II: First day of the Battle of Cape Matapan in Greece between the navies of the United Kingdom and Australia, and the Royal Italian navy. 1942 – World War II: A British combined force permanently disables the Louis Joubert Lock in Saint-Nazaire in order to keep the German battleship Tirpitz away from the mid-ocean convoy lanes. 1946 – Cold War: The United States Department of State releases the Acheson–Lilienthal Report, outlining a plan for the international control of nuclear power. 1959 – The State Council of the People's Republic of China dissolves the government of Tibet. 1965 – An Mw  7.4 earthquake in Chile sets off a series of tailings dam failures, burying the town of El Cobre and killing at least 500 people. 1968 – Brazilian high school student Edson Luís de Lima Souto is killed by military police at a student protest. 1969 – Greek poet and Nobel Prize laureate Giorgos Seferis makes a famous statement on the BBC World Service opposing the junta in Greece. 1970 – An earthquake strikes western Turkey at about 23:05 local time, killing 1,086 and injuring at least 1,200. 1978 – The US Supreme Court hands down 5–3 decision in Stump v. Sparkman, a controversial case involving involuntary sterilization and judicial immunity. 1979 – A coolant leak at the Three Mile Island's Unit 2 nuclear reactor outside Harrisburg, Pennsylvania leads to the core overheating and a partial meltdown. 1979 – The British House of Commons passes a vote of no confidence against James Callaghan's government by 1 vote, precipitating a general election. 1990 – United States President George H. W. Bush posthumously awards Jesse Owens the Congressional Gold Medal. 1994 – In South Africa, African National Congress security guards kill dozens of Inkatha Freedom Party protesters. 1999 – Kosovo War: Serb paramilitary and military forces kill at least 130 Kosovo Albanians in Izbica. 2001 – Athens International Airport Eleftherios Venizelos begins operation. 2003 – In a friendly fire incident, two American A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft attack British tanks participating in the 2003 invasion of Iraq, killing one soldier. 2005 – An earthquake shakes northern Sumatra with a magnitude of 8.6 and killing over 1000 people. 2006 – At least one million union members, students and unemployed take to the streets in France in protest at the government's proposed First Employment Contract law.
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mennyfox55 · 2 years
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La Memoria es el Espejo donde
Vemos a los Ausentes . . . . . . .
J Joubert .
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rossa-vera · 2 years
La grazia circonda l'eleganza e la riveste.
~J. Joubert
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asfaltics · 2 years
le blues de l'ouest
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detail, p4 (90ºccw, inverted) Les représentants du peuple près les armées du Nord et de Sambre et Meuse à leurs collègues à Bruxelles: Utrecht et à nous, cher Colleguès, et tout la Hollande... Signes Joubert et J.-B. Lacoste A Nimègue, le 28 Nivôse, 3.me année Republicaine (17 June 1795?) Hendrik Conscience Heritage Library (Antwerp) copy
via a long and puttering ramble, ongoing, 20220212  
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jdouglasdesigngallery · 8 months
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TURQUOISE TRAIL Greg Joubert acrylic on panel 30x20x2.5 $2900
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rijksmuseum-art · 3 years
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Piet J. Joubert (1831-1900). Commandant-generaal van de Zuidafrikaanse Republiek, 19??, Museum of the Netherlands
Portret van Piet J. Joubert (1831-1900), commandant-generaal van de Zuidafrikaanse Republiek. Kniestuk, zittend met een sabel in de linkerhand.
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PLEASE SHARE WIDELY: Facebook shuts down community, women’s groups and activists’ pages without cause
Versión en español a continuación
For Immediate Release:January 24, 2021
Contact:  Sharon Black and Attorney Alec Summerfield
Phone:  410-218-4835
#FacebookCensorship #DefendPeoplesRights #ReactivatePPA
Facebook shuts down community, women’s groups and activists’ pages without cause
Groups announce campaign to restore pages and to fight censorship
On Friday, January 22, 2021, Facebook disabled the main pages of two major community organizations, Peoples Power Assembly and Women In Struggle / Mujeres En Lucha, and activists around the country who have played roles in either group, extending it’s purge to Puerto Rican activist Berta Joubert-Ceci; Greg Butterfield, Struggle La Lucha writer; Cheryl La Bash, co-chair, National Network on Cuba; Maggie Vascassenno, Los Angeles Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice; and others.
It also included PPA page editor Charlene Lady J. Jenkins, a founder of “What’s Up Baltimore,” whose Baltimore grassroots network was shut down as a result. In addition, 16 individual activists’ profiles were disabled, which means that close to a dozen other progressive pages and groups were frozen when their administrators were disabled, including: the Baltimore Harriet Tubman Solidarity Center, ICE Out of Baltimore, Prisoners Solidarity Committee, Youth Against War & Racism, and Baltimore and Maryland Amazon Workers.
Sharon Black stated: “Facebook’s disabling of pages and the accounts of major activists who have not violated community standards is meant to silence and censor our voices. The Peoples Power Assembly has played a significant role in the Baltimore Black Lives Matter protests in the summer and more recently opposing Trump’s effort to overturn the election. On Dr. King Jr.’s birthday holiday, we held a car caravan to Jessup Correctional Institute and the Howard County Immigrant Detention Center to demand justice for prisoners and detainees.”
Berta Joubert-Ceci, founder of the Women's Fightback National Network/Red Nacional de Mujeres en Lucha and Women In Struggle, stated, "It is appalling -- the cowardice of Facebook in silencing the voices of women and progressive people who struggle for justice and a better life for all."  Joubert-Ceci is also an organizer of the International Peoples' Tribunal on U.S. Colonial Crimes in Puerto Rico.  Her personal page used to connect with the Puerto Rican movement was deleted along with Women In Struggle.
Attorney Summerfield concluded, “We intend to fight this!  This includes waging a public campaign to demand that the pages of all activists and the groups they represent are reactivated.  We intend to use every avenue at our disposal,  including legal remedies, to stop the censorship of voices that are too often marginalized.”
Groups are urging people to contact Facebook at: Twitter: @_Finkd (Mark Zuckerberg); @Facebook @guyro (VP Integrity @ Facebook) Email: [email protected];  [email protected] and [email protected]. Phone: 650-543-4800 or [email protected]
Tell Facebook:  Stop silencing the voices of community, workers, anti-racists, BIPOC, women’s, anti-war and socialist groups. Restore all the pages: Peoples Power Assembly, Women In Struggle / Mujeres En Lucha, and all of the activists impacted and the pages they administer.  This includes: Sharon Black, Berta Joubert Ceci, Cheryl LaBash, Greg Butterfield, Maggie Vascassenno, Rasika Ruwanpathirana, Andre Powell, Elizabeth Toledo, Steven Ceci, Lallan Schoenstein, Charlene Lady J Jenkins, Alec Zomerfeld, Andrew Cancon, Miranda Etel, David Card, and Ian Andrew Schlakman.
Para publicación inmediata: 24 de enero de 2021
Contacto: Sharon Black y Lic. Alec Summerfield
Teléfono: 410-218-4835
#FacebookCensorship #DefendPeoplesRights #ReactivatePPA
Facebook cierra sin razón alguna páginas de grupos comunitarios, de mujeres y activistas
Grupos anuncian campañas para restaurar páginas y luchar contra la censura
El viernes 22 de enero de 2021, Facebook desactivó las páginas principales de dos importantes organizaciones comunitarias, Peoples Power Assembly (Asamblea del Poder Popular) y Women In Struggle / Mujeres En Lucha, y la de activistas de todo el país que han desempeñado papeles en estos grupos, extendiendo su purga a la activista puertorriqueña Berta Joubert-Ceci; a Greg Butterfield, escritor de Struggle - La Lucha; Cheryl La Bash, copresidenta de la Red Nacional sobre Cuba; Maggie Vascassenno, del Centro Harriet Tubman de Justicia Social de Los Ángeles; y a otros activistas.
También incluyó a la editora de la página de PPA Charlene Lady J. Jenkins, fundadora de "What’s Up Baltimore", cuya red de base de Baltimore se cerró como resultado.
Además, se desactivaron 16 perfiles de activistas individuales, lo que significa que cerca de una docena de otras páginas y grupos progresistas se congelaron cuando sus administradores estaban inhabilitados, incluidos: el Centro de Solidaridad Harriet Tubman de Baltimore, ICE Out of Baltimore, Comité de Solidaridad de Prisioneros, Youth Against War & Racism, y Trabajadores de Amazon de Baltimore y Maryland.
Sharon Black declaró: “La desactivación de Facebook de las páginas y las cuentas de los principales activistas que no han violado los estándares de la comunidad tiene como objetivo silenciar y censurar nuestras voces. La Asamblea del Poder Popular ha jugado un papel importante en las protestas de Baltimore Black Lives Matter en el verano y, más recientemente, oponiéndose al esfuerzo de Trump para revertir las elecciones. En la fiesta de cumpleaños del Dr. King Jr., llevamos a cabo una caravana de automóviles al Instituto Correccional Jessup y al Centro de Detención de Inmigrantes del Condado de Howard para exigir justicia para los prisioneros y detenidos".
Berta Joubert-Ceci, fundadora de Women's Fightback National Network / Red Nacional de Mujeres en Lucha y Mujeres en Lucha, declaró: "Es espantosa la cobardía de Facebook al silenciar las voces de las mujeres y las personas progresistas que luchan por la justicia y una vida mejor para todos ". Joubert-Ceci también es organizadora del Tribunal Internacional de los Pueblos sobre Crímenes Coloniales de Estados Unidos en Puerto Rico. Su página personal utilizada para conectarse con el movimiento puertorriqueño fue eliminada junto con la de Women in Struggle.
El abogado Summerfield concluyó: “¡Tenemos la intención de luchar contra esto! Esto incluye realizar una campaña pública para exigir que se reactiven las páginas de todos los activistas y de los grupos que representan. Tenemos la intención de utilizar todas las vías a nuestra disposición, incluidos los recursos legales, para detener la censura de las voces que a menudo son marginadas".
Los grupos instan a las personas a ponerse en contacto con Facebook en: Twitter: @_Finkd (Mark Zuckerberg); @Facebook @guyro (VP Integrity @ Facebook) Correo electrónico: [email protected]; Teléfono: 650-543-4800 o 650-308-7300; [email protected]
Dile a Facebook: Deje de silenciar las voces de la comunidad, trabajadores, antirracistas, BIPOC, grupos de mujeres, pacifistas y socialistas. Restaure todas las páginas: Peoples Power Assembly, Women In Struggle / Mujeres En Lucha, y todas las y los activistas impactados y las páginas que administran. Esto incluye a: Sharon Black, Berta Joubert Ceci, Cheryl LaBash, Greg Butterfield, Maggie Vascassenno, Rasika Ruwanpathirana, Andre Powell, Elizabeth Toledo, Steven Ceci, Lallan Schoenstein, Charlene Lady J Jenkins, Alec Zomerfeld, Andrew Cancon, Miranda Etel, David Card e Ian Andrew Schlakman.
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trueclowncrime · 3 years
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John J. Joubert (2 de julio de 1963 - 17 de julio de 1996) fue un estadounidense asesino en serie ejecutado en Nebraska. Había sido condenado por el asesinato de tres niños en Maine y Nebraska.
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