#j.c. leyendecker my gay icon
jasperscringepit · 10 months
Tentatively thinking about javid in J.C Leyendecker’s style. His art is just so gorgeous, and iconic in terms of how it both revolutionised American illustration and also fit in to shaping the so called “ideal man”. I’m very aware that that doesn’t sound like a great thing, but let me tell you, if you weren’t aware this man was GAY. Like GAY gay. A lot of his studies were drawings of his partner at the time. His pictures were admired as the men always seemed so indifferent to the women in them, which many Americans at the time saw as “men knowing a woman’s place” which is so funny bc it was just because he was a HOMOSEXUALLLLLLL.
His illustrations were used in newspapers as illustrations and advertisements of the “ideal man” in terms of looks, build and mannerisms. Which turned out to just be,,, a gay man,,,
ANYWAY, I’m thinking about maybe recreating a Leyendecker with javid, but ALSO a universe where Jack goes on to illustrate clothing adverts and is using davey as his go to model, only for people to become obsessed with his way of drawing a “proper and desirable” man. And he’s so baffled, but is like “yeah, my man is hot” so he’s also oddly proud. Davey starts getting some extra attention in the streets, with people constantly saying “do I know you? You seem oddly familiar” and old women pulling the “such a handsome young man” card. He’s SO confused initially, but when he realises he’s both flattered, because his features have never been considered particularly desirable before, but also sort of mortified and he has a talk with Jack about maybe perhaps finding a different model for this kind of stuff. More models start popping up, but his likeness remains a firm presence for as long as Jack Kelly is illustrating for the magazine.
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Cannon gay spy funny hahaha
So you got jc leyendecker, yknow yknow major early 20th century illustrator, pretty obvious and direct artistic inspiration for tf2s art style (especially in the early concept art). And you’ve got spy. Probably the poster boy for tf2s Norman Rockwell Jc lyendecker James Bond Cold War bullshit. And it would absolutely not be a stretch to say that spy (again citing some of the initial concept art) in his cool sexy suit guy vibes, was directly inspired by jc lyendeckers multitude of cool sexy suit guys. Like, hordes of cool sexy suit guys. Like so many. Also the arrow collar man. Cool sexy suit man cultural icon of the twenties. Also drawn by leyendecker, who, I cannot stretch this enough, had an absolutely massive market share on cool sexy well groomed suit guys. Jc lyendeckers sexy suit men were absolutely one of spy’s inspirations, if not his primary inspiration.
However, sexy suit man gay. So gay. Jc lyendecker gay. So so gay. The arrow collar man model was his boyf. He was rich and horny and drew his type. Which was sexy suit men. Gay sexy suit men. And it was this massive cultural movement of undercover gay sexy suit men in the twenties, that lead to spy tf2 in the early 21st century. Spy gay. Goodnight.
I do not think the art of J.C. Leyendecker specifically gave the people who made tf2 the idea to make a character wear a suit, given that "suits" are kind of just, yknow, a thing that men wear, but sure babe. This is my conspiracy now
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