#jack and bitty
zimms · 6 months
ollie and wicks invite bitty and jack on a double date but they are very unaware that ollie and wicks are dating. thoughts? (@gothlesbianlardo)
it's only as bitty sits down next to jack at the restaurant that he realises that this is actually an awfully fancy place to be just meeting up with college friends. like this is a place that he comes to for dinner with jack on dates, rather than somewhere he'd necessarily meet shitty for a catch up. he shakes off the thought though; maybe ollie or wicks is just a food snob? that feels like something he could expect from one of them.
bitty peruses the menu diligently, whilst ollie and wicks do the same, and he can't help but note, with a glance over his menu, that ollie and wicks are sat pretty close together. surely it can't be that comfortable? like surely their thighs would be touching? but maybe that's just what happens when you're two ginormous hockey players. bitty wouldn't know personally.
jack shuts his menu (he'd clearly already decided on his chicken tenders) and asks ollie and wicks about their post grad plans. bitty opens his mouth to say that he already knows, but he quickly realises, that he does not in fact know.
"oh!" ollie says, "we've got jobs at a couple of start ups here in providence actually! that's why we're here at the moment actually! and then we've put in an offer for a house out in pawtucket!"
wow. a house is definitely a big investment for just two best friends, but ollie and wicks have always been codependent. it's no more than what ransom and holster would do.
it's only at the end of the evening, after a very lovely meal, that bitty realises that the two of them have only been speaking in the first person plural all night. we this, and us that, and our whatever. but what really tips him off is when ollie and wicks share a quick kiss before walking to their (their!!) car.
bitty turns to jack "wow i did Not realise they were dating."
jack blinks. "wait, they're dating?"
bitty stares at jack incredulously. "honey, they literally just kissed. did you think that was platonic?"
"shitty kisses me like that all the time. i saw ransom and holster shares like six kisses yesterday alone."
okay, that's a good point.
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ash-fandom-blog · 2 years
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Just some hockey boyfriends ^^
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skeletonzimms · 2 years
jack inviting bitty to play golf and bitty agreeing but saying he doesn’t know how to play actual golf. jack saying he’ll teach him and bitty picturing jack ✨~teaching him to play golf~✨ like in the movies but really it’s a fully structured golf lesson and bitty ends up just uncomfortably sweaty and bored.
by hole 7 bitty gets frustrated and tells jack what he thought their day would look like. jack just going ‘oh’ and immediately gives into bitty’s ~learning how to golf~ fantasy and they only make it three more holes before their sexual tension is just through the roof and they throw in the towel to go home and bone
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peggycosplays · 1 year
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Apparently its Eric Bittle's birthday!!! Sweet birthday baby!!
Myself as Bitty and @halusional-cp as Jack pay homage to our favourite bakers with this screen cap recreation 💋
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mycozycornerreads · 10 months
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Check, Please!
I read this online years ago and I don't know why it took me so long to even think of buying the physical copies. But I have them now so all is well. 😉
I'm getting ready to start my re-read and I'm so excited, I remember loving Bitty & Jack so much! 🏒🥧
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bernard-the-rabbit · 1 month
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Celia and baby jack deserved a separated post <3<3
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omgpostsplease · 3 months
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there's no bad weather, only bad clothes
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heresthepomegranate · 2 months
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parvuls · 8 months
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Year 1, #18 - Playoffs Pt. 1 Missing Scene (WIP)
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zimbits-my-love · 2 months
happy 200 followers!! 🎉
you said any accessory or hat… can I ask for cowboy zimbits? 🤠 please please pleaseeeeeeee?
Thank you!!! Cowboy zimbits is something I did not know I needed in my life, but boy am I happy it exists
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(my inbox is still open for anyone who hasn’t requested yet, so ask away for my 200 follower celebration!)
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skeletonzimms · 2 years
childhood friends to lovers au where all throughout elementary and middle school jack and bitty end up in the same class and every year they get sat next to eachother cause bitty is the hyperactive kid and jack is the quiet kid who’s a pleasure to have in class
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montrealmadison · 6 months
perks of writing older zimbits: strong nonverbal communication, lots of inside jokes, getting to work through jack’s retirement and bitty’s career success, really REALLY tender, peak ride-or-die energy
pitfalls of writing older zimbits: fellas is it weird that jack’s inner monologue still defaults to “bitty” when bitty is a 44-year-old father of three who hasn’t played organized hockey in years
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zzzbittle · 8 months
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Please help me I think about them (and the frogs) every day of my life
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ohyoufool · 1 year
Jack slander: wears a black suit to the Met Gala
Jack truth: allows Bitty complete creative control over his costume and shows up in something absolutely WILD and when asked by the press why he chose such a "daring outfit," he's just like "euh, my husband liked it?"
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appalamutte · 1 year
you’re sixteen-years-old, moseying through your local bookstore when you come across it.
you’re not usually into nonfiction, especially not memoirs, but the man on the cover is familiar. laughing over his shoulder with his eyes closed, relaxed in a turquoise button-up and jeans, standing with his back to the camera at a counter cluttered with leafy vegetables and mixing bowls.
from seeds to supper, the title reads, and his name is eric bittle-zimmermann.
you deliberate for a bit, picking it up and reading the blurb, the reviews printed on the back sleeve, the first page. the very first words of the book are hey, y’all! and your friend walks over at that point, and they see him and say—“oh, i used to watch some of his videos.”
so you buy it, because your friend said you should, and later that night you’re already deep into the stories of peach cobbler recipes and learning how to differentiate between living and surviving when they send you the link to the guy’s old youtube channel. it hasn’t been active for a few years, but that doesn’t matter because oh my god are there so many videos. years of videos, almost a decade’s worth, starting all the way back in the early 2010s and you get sucked into them all, laughing at the funny ones and tearing up at the emotional ones, watching as the guy slowly grows up from high school to college and beyond.
you switch between reading the memoir and watching the videos over the next few weeks. you see his video on introducing his boyfriend and you read the chapter on maple-crusted apple pie and how learning to love is a lot like learning to lattice a pie, slow and patient and sometimes messy.
you see his cooking challenge video featuring all of his friends from college and you read the chapter on homemade bagel bites and how family doesn’t have to be a four-course meal you’ve had reservations for all your life. sometimes, family is just frozen bagel bites and sriracha sauce crowded around an uneven table.
you see his two-part wedding vlog posted in 2019, nearly 10 years ago, and you read his chapter on red velvet cake and how the brain can get confused, something to do with all the nerve endings getting tangled up, because when love reaches the same heights fear does, you end up fainting into your then-boyfriend’s arms.
then, you see his final video on the channel, a farewell to his subscribers and a glimpse as to what’s next. it’s short and simple, just his husband and him sitting on a couch together, a toddler between them. and you read the last chapter of the book on chicken tenders and how a seed in the garden never knows it’ll grow into a supper worth loving. it just knows it’ll grow into something, and that the growing takes time.
(a few years later, when you’re twenty and in college, you’re downtown with some friends and come across it. you still aren’t into nonfiction that much, but that one memoir always stuck with you, sitting on your shelf back in your dorm. and this one, with the guy’s back to the camera, tall and steadfast, standing in the middle of an ice rink, an emboldened number one across the back of his jersey. the name is familiar.
melting ice, the title reads, and his name is jack bittle-zimmermann.
you pick it up.)
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aristaeuss · 2 months
rip eric bittle you would’ve loved bodyguard by beyoncé
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