sweaterkittensahoy · 5 months
Anyway, Jack/Bucky where Bucky takes Jack's jacket because Buck always hated the sheepskin, but also when he gets shot down, the constant reminder of Jack via his jacket keeps him going. Especially after he discovers there's a photo of the two of them in the inside pocket.
Meanwhile, Jack spends several weeks wearing Bucky's sheepskin because goddamnit he will not let the last piece of Bucky be forgotten by anyone.
And then he finally gets word from the POW camp that Bucky's alive, and the first thing he does is send Bucky a letter telling him he better come back with Jack's jacket because he's kept that fucking sheepskin in one piece.
Bucky comes back, finally, and the third thing he does is get on the radio as Buck flies in. The second thing he does is press Jack's jacket back into his hands and tell him the photo made it too. The first thing he does is grab Jack by the lapels of his sheepskin and kiss him until they fall over.
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daysofxavierspast · 3 months
Bubbles: hey, do you know what bees make?
Crosby: honey?
Bubbles: yes dear?
Kidd: hey, do you know what bees make?
Bucky: some fucking annoying sound
Kidd: what the fuck do you want?
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sweaterkittensahoy · 4 months
Post-War JackBucky
For @moghraidhs; a direct sequel to this one (which I think she was at least partial inspo for, as a matter of fact)
The bed is shaking when Jack wakes up. The curtains are half open, and Jack can just make out the time on his alarm clock. It's just after two. Earlier than this usually happens. Jack turns on his side and waits, watching as John shakes and twitches. His arms are jerking like he's trying to push something away, but he doesn't have the strength. 
Jack knows which dream it is. John's never told him what happened when he went down, but he told Red everything, just like he'd promised, and Jack has read it, just like he said he would. John's dreaming about that village. About those people surrounding him. About those guards killing prisoners in the free-for-all they encouraged. About having to fake his own death and stay still as another man was shot next to him. 
John moans and kicks his legs, then shouts and jerks and flops out flat on his back, one arm out, like he's reaching for Jack. 
Jack sits up slowly and carefully, listening to the ragged edge in John's breathing. "I'm here," he says. "John, I'm right here." John's hand opens and closes. Jack takes it in both of his. He kisses John's fingertips, then the inside of his wrist. Uncurls John's fingers so he can lay John's palm against his cheek. 
"You were there," John says, raspy. He stares at the ceiling, drops his other hand over his own heart. He has to feel it beat, Jack knows. To know that he's alive in this soft bed in a quiet house tucked just out of town. Surrounded by the ten acres they bought so they'd have as much privacy as they wanted. The driveway is a quarter-mile long. There's a gate you have to open just to get in and out. They'd laid a cable to ding when anyone drives through it. In the winter, Jack hates that gate. Having to get in and out of his car in the cold. On days they have a lot of visitors, the ding makes his teeth itch. But nights like this, he's glad for it. Glad the world can't intrude outside of John's mind. Not without some sort of warning.
"I was where?" Jack asks. He turns and stretches for his nightstand, grabs his cigarettes and lighter. He puts two cigarettes in his mouth and sparks the lighter. In the brief, bright moment of using it, he can see John's pajamas are sticking to him from sweat. He'll need a shower before they fall back asleep. 
"That town," John says. "The one where–"
"I know," Jack replies. He watches the way John sinks into the mattress at his words. He's glad as always that John can relax knowing he doesn't have to tell the story again. That he told it once, and Jack read it more than that–has it memorized, honestly–and that there's no secrets between them but also no need to talk about it again. "I was there, huh?"
"The Germans shot you first," John says. "Then I was hit on the head, and then I was in that cart. And then there was someone moaning, and when I looked, it was you."
Jack nearly chokes on his cigarette. That's a new twist. Usually it's Crank or Buck or Brady. One of the people who went down with John or just before. It's never been Jack. "Well, it wasn't me," Jack says because he doesn't know what else to say. "I'm right here." 
John takes a long drag of his cigarette and blows the smoke at the ceiling. "You could be with someone who doesn't wake you up in the middle of the night."
"Shut the fuck up, John," Jack says. He shifts and lays on John's outstretched arm. John turns his head, so they're looking at each other with their cigarette smoke creating a slight haze between each other. "I told you years ago: you and me and books and a radio."
"I said shut the fuck up," Jack interrupts. He takes the last drag of his cigarette and turns his face to blow the smoke upwards. "You and me. Books and a radio."
"Okay," John says. He stubs out his cigarette in the ashtray on his nightstand, then takes Jack's butt from him, stubbing it out as well. "I need to shower," he says. 
"I'll get you dry pajamas," Jack says. 
John turns and rolls onto his side, curls the arm under Jack's head so the backs of his fingers brush Jack's cheek. His other hand lands on Jack's waist, fingers going under Jack's pajama top. John brushes his thumb over Jack's skin a few times, looks at him the mostly dark, then leans down and kisses him. 
Jack cups the back of John's head in both hands and lets him lead the kiss. Let's himself feel the warmth of John's body and the weight of his hand, and the soft, soft touch of his fingers on his cheek. He'd missed all of those things and more while John was in the Stalag. While Jack was sending men up and wondering who else was losing their whole goddamn heart when they didn't come back. 
John pulls away after several quiet minutes. He presses his forehead to Jack's lips, and Jack presses his lips there, tastes John's sweat and closes his eyes in gratitude that he can. It's not always so easy to wake up and help John with his nightmares, but each time, there's a moment like this, the two of them close together and feeling safe and loved with each other. That makes it worth it, no matter what time of night it happens. 
John works his way down the bed, pausing to press his ear against Jack's chest, then drag his hands along Jack's calves. He stands up and strips out of his pajamas, then pauses in the doorway, reaching up to touch the top of the door jamb. In the deep shadows, Jack can still make out the muscles in his back and arms. "I love you, Jack," John says. "I'll always love you." 
"Keep talking, John," Jack replies and smiles when it gets the laugh he'd been hoping for. He gets out of bed after the bathroom door clicks closed. He touches his hand to John's side of the bed. The sheets are soaked through. He clicks on his bedside lamp and stands up, throwing the blanket to the foot of the bed, then strips the sheets and gets a fresh set from the hallway. He has the bed remade just as the water turns off. He bundles the sheets and John's sweaty pajamas into the hamper, then lays out a clean set of pajamas as he'd promised. 
He's under the blanket with his arms under his head when John walks back into the bedroom, toweling himself off a bit more roughly than he usually does. It helps him remember he's safe, he's told Jack before. Feeling a good, thick towel against his skin. He drapes it over the hamper and pulls on his fresh pajamas, then gets under the blanket. 
"John," Jack says so John will look at him. "I'll always love you, too," he says. 
John smiles a sweet, slow smile and slides over to Jack. He presses a kiss to Jack's neck and drops an arm around Jack's waist, and his fingers again go under Jack's pajama top, his thumb working back and forth over Jack's lower ribs. 
Jack rubs his cheek against John's hair and breathes deep, smelling his shampoo. He kisses John's curls and reaches out with his free hand to turn off the lamp. Jack settles more deeply into the mattress and falls asleep to the feel of John breathing on his chest. He'll wake up to his alarm just after dawn, and John will be back on the other side of the bed, but then he'll wake up too and pull Jack back to him, murmur about letting the alarm go to snooze just once. Come on, Jack, just once. And Jack will agree, as he does every morning, and it'll be another start to another day of being in love for the rest of his life.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 4 months
Okay, but JackBucky where Jack catches Buck glaring from across the room after Jack and Bucky's second date, and nah, he's not doing this.
So he walks over and just gives it to Buck straight on. "You want him? Take him. Right now. No hard feelings. No claims on my part."
And Buck goes, "What? Huh? What are you--WHAT?"
"You're drilling a hole in my head from across the room. You want Bucky, get him now before I decide you're worth beating."
And Buck goes, " Jack. I'm not jealous of you and Bucky. I'm in love with Marge."
"No, really. I am. I just--Look, Marge and I spent a lot of time trying to set Bucky up before he and I shipped out, and none of it worked, so she told me to keep an eye out and make sure he didn't fall for the wrong person."
"You think I'm the wrong person?"
"Honestly, before you came over here, I was trying to figure that out. Which is probably why I looked mad--"
"...yeah, okay. I can see how my face could be interpreted that way. But it wasn't. I swear. I was just trying to figure out if I needed to write Marge to see what she thinks, but now I know that I'm just gonna write that you and Bucky are dating."
"...I passed your test?"
"Yeah, and by complete accident, too. Marge'll love that. It's all we've ever wanted for Bucky, someone who's ready to stand up and claim him."
"That wasn't what I was doing."
"Wasn't it? 'No hard feelings' means you're giving me one last chance to go for it, but if I don't, you're all in, right?"
"That's great, Jack. That's really great."
And Jack goes back to Bucky and stares at him for a long moment and finally says, "Just so I'm clear before I ask you on a third date, you don't actually have some unrequited crush on Cleven, do you?"
And Bucky laughs so hard he nearly falls over. "I love him to death, Jack. But not like that. And even if I did, Marge could hand me my ass. I can't wait for you to meet her. You'll love her."
"Okay. Good. Just wanted to be sure."
"What's this about a third date?"
"Oh, keep your pants on, John. I'll ask when I have it planned out."
"I really like that about you, you know, that you plan things out."
"I can tell how much you care."
And, by the way, Jack and Marge get along so perfectly it's a little terrifying. Like, Bucky and Buck worry there's gonna be a coup somewhere because they get bored.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 3 months
Horny prompt: Jack ties up Bucky?
[YES GOOD. Smut under the cut]
"You want what?" Jack asks.
"I want you to tie me up," Bucky repeats. "On the bed. With rope. I got some while I was in Paris."
"You got..." Jack sighs. "I never should have let you go to Paris alone."
Bucky laughs and crawls up the bed so he can straddle Jack's lap. Jack's propped up on both of their pillows. He'd been enjoying a book while Bucky had been at the officer's club, and when Bucky had walked in flushed and happy and clearly horny, he'd expected--and looked forward to--fucking him to welcome him back from leave.
Not rope.
"How--" Jack shakes his head as Bucky rubs his hands up and down Jack's chest. Jack curls his arms around Bucky's waist and tips his head back to meet his eyes. "What were you doing when you realized you want to be tied up during sex?"
"I was at a club that specializes in stuff like that," Bucky replies. "A very nice woman explained a lot of very interesting things to me."
Jack wants to tease Bucky, but Bucky's blushing a little already, and that is very interesting. Jack was no virgin when they got together, but he's certain he's blushed much more often than Bucky in the time they've been seeing each other. "Rope was clearly one of those things," he says.
"You have to get the soft kind," Bucky answers. "So it doesn't chafe. Unless you're into chafing. Which I don't think I am."
Jack huffs a laugh. Of course Bucky's thought it through that far already. "And what else did she show you?" he asks.
Bucky ducks his head. "Um, a lot of different stuff. Some of it just verbal. Some physical. There was some oral stuff I hadn't considered--"
Jack slides his hands over Bucky's ass and squeezes. Bucky's gaze snaps to his. "I know about an oral thing or two," he says.
Bucky blinks. "Yeah? Like--"
"Like licking out a woman, except..." Jack lets his hands do the talking, sliding the tip of his finger up and down the seam of Bucky's trousers. Bucky shivers. "I've done it a few times."
"What?! When? You never told me!"
"College," Jack says. "A guy I was seeing knew how to do it. It felt great. I reciprocated."
"Always the gentleman," Bucky says, grin wide. He shifts on Jack's lap, and their half-hard cocks brush through their clothes. Bucky grunts, hissing when Jack rolls his hips upward to add more pressure. "Why didn't you ever show me?" Bucky asks. "From the way the fellas at the club were acting, it seems like a good time."
"There's no good way to ask to kiss someone's asshole," Jack says. "And while I know you say you're up for anything, I figured you've have brought it up first if you knew about it."
Bucky nods. "That's true," he says. "I really wanted to try it," he says.
"Why didn't you?" Jack asks. They're serious, but Jack's never tried to stop Bucky having a good time. A good fuck clears the head, and they don't always have time to do it together.
Bucky drops his eyes again. He gets very interested in the buttons on Jack's pajama top. "I didn't want to do it with someone I didn't know," he says. "Not when I haven't tried it before."
Jack touches Bucky's chin, and Bucky meets his gaze again. "You wanted to do it with me?"
"Yeah. Because. You know. I love you."
Jack grins. "I love you, too."
Bucky beams. "Yeah, I know." He holds Jack's shoulders, kneading like a cat. "I wanted to try the ropes, too. That's why I bought some."
"I've never done anything with ropes," Jack says. "You'll have to make sure to tell me everything."
"I will," Bucky replies. "I have a pamphlet."
"A pamphlet?"
"Yeah, the club had a few different ones. I hid it in my book on the way back."
Jack laughs and pulls Bucky into a kiss. "Okay, get me the pamphlet and let me read it."
"You wanna do it tonight?" Bucky asks, trying not to sound hopeful, but it's all over his face.
Jack shrugs. "If it doesn't look too complicated, why not?"
Bucky kisses him, then scrambles off his lap. Jack adjusts himself in his pajama bottoms as Bucky gets into his duffel and pulls out his book. He takes out the pamphlet and hands it to Jack, then turns back to his duffel and pulls out a plain paper package.
Jack reads the pamphlet front to back. It's mostly pictures, examples of simple knots. There's some written information, but it's just explaining how to tie the knots and how to make sure not to leave marks. The thought of tying Bucky up tightly enough he might bruise a little gives Jack an odd thrill he pushes to the back of his mind for the moment.
"Okay," he says after he's finished the pamphlet. He tucks it into his own book and stands up from the bed. Bucky's sitting in the chair next to the bed, stripped to his underwear and holding the package. "Do you want me to tie you up a certain way?"
Bucky jumps out of the chair and thrusts the package at Jack, then sits on the bed. "I thought just my hands over my head to start," he says. "Just to get used to it."
"Lie back," Jack says and unties the string on the package. The rope inside is black and very soft. There are a variety of lengths, and Jack grins at that. Bucky probably bought one in every size. It'd be just like him. Jack takes a medium-length piece and tries a slip knot, pulling the loop over his own hand to test that he can actually wiggle out of it. He can.
When he turns to face the bed, Bucky's staring at him, flushed all over his chest and thighs, hands up and ready over his head. His mouth is hanging open, and his dick is tenting his shorts.
"You're gorgeous," Jack says as he walks over. He holds up the rope, then leans over Bucky, wrapping each wrist in a slip knot before loosely wrapping the excess rope between his wrists. "Wiggle your hands."
Bucky does. The knots slip instantly. Jack tightens them a little, then steps back. He looks at Bucky, who's staring at him with heavy-lidded eyes.
"Tell me you're okay," Jack says. The pamphlet had said verbal confirmation was important.
"I'm great," Bucky replies. His grin is loose. "It's really soft."
"You can get it off any time you want," Jack says. "Okay?"
Bucky nods. "Okay."
Jack steps to the foot of the bed to take in the full picture. Bucky's arms above his head, his chest heaving with excited breathing. His legs open and inviting. Jack can't believe how attractive he is like this, tied up even just a little bit.
"Do you want me to do anything in particular?" Jack asks.
Bucky shakes his head. "No, just whatever you want."
"If it gets uncomfortable, you have to tell me," Jack says.
"I will," Bucky says. "I promise."
Jack nods, then strips out of his pajamas. Bucky groans at the sight of him naked, and Jack grins as he bends down over the foot of the bed and crawls his way up to Bucky's waist.
He kisses him just above the waistband of his boxer shorts, then drags both hands under the fabric, feeling the heat and width of Bucky's thighs. He scratches his nails lightly, just like Bucky likes, and he looks up when Bucky grunts. "What is it?" he asks.
"I can't grab your head," Bucky says.
"You can move your arms, still," Jack replies.
"No. I don't want to. I mean, I know I can if I want to. But I don't want to."
Jack can't quite think straight for a moment. The idea that Bucky is willingly holding back, using the rope as a sort of trick for it. Jesus, it's hot. He pulls off Bucky's shorts and tosses them to the side, buries his face in the crease of Bucky's groin and sucks hard.
Bucky writhes and whines like he always does. Jack tries not to be terribly possessive, but when he is, this is where he leaves his marks. Down low and tucked away so that no one can really see them unless they're as close as Jack is now. He pulls away and turns his attention to the other side of Bucky's groin. When he's done, there are twin hickies, deeply purple. He pushes his thumbs on both of them, and Bucky's hip snap hard.
"Jack," Bucky groans.
Jack watches his arms, watches how they tremble, how Bucky presses them hard against the bed. Bucky's got the end of the rope in his hands, and as Jack watches, he tugs it a little to tighten the knots.
Jack thinks he's going to die from how fucking attractive that sight is. He rubs his palms over Bucky's lower belly, then takes his cock in hand. "Why the rope first?" he asks. "Why not something you could ask for that didn't require a tool?"
Bucky pants and groans when Jack starts jerking him off with a slow, loose grip. "You do--" He moans when Jack lowers his head and sucks him for a few seconds, letting spit drool from his mouth to help wet the way for his hand. "Oh, god, I love that."
Jack pulls off and tightens his grip a little. "You look amazing," he says. He wraps his other hand around himself, sets a counter-rhythm so that every upstroke on Bucky is a downstroke on himself. "You're beautiful like this."
Bucky arches and sighs and rolls his head back and forth. "That's the verbal stuff," he says. "Praise. It can be other things. Dirty things. But--" He cuts off when Jack focuses on rubbing his palm against his cockhead.
"I love how you move in bed," Jack says rather than make a teasing comment that he's very aware how much Bucky likes praise in bed. He'd noticed it very early and has gently goaded him about it now and again, but now is not the time. "I love looking at you waiting for me. Love the sounds you make." He laughs quietly when Bucky shifts and hooks his ankles behind Jack's back, pushing on his lower back to tip him forward.
Jack lets him. He shifts so their cocks are lined up against each other, so his arms are bracketing Bucky's head, so their mouths just barely brush as long as Jack keeps himself a little bit levered. He presses his hips hard against Bucky's groans as their cocks slide against each other, as the hair on Bucky's stomach drags against his head and shaft.
"Oh, god, Jack," Bucky pants. "Jack. God. It's so good. Fuck. I want to touch you but it's--"
Jack kisses him, fucks his mouth with his tongue, holds his jaw just a little too hard to keep him in place. Bucky melts against the pillow, and his arms stay above his head. Jack slides his free hand up Bucky's arms and tangles his fingers with Bucky's where he's holding the end of the rope.
"You could get free," Jack says, slipping a finger under the knot on Bucky's left wrist. His pulse is hammering. "A little wiggle, and you could touch me all you wanted."
Bucky presses his face to Jack's cheek. He wraps his legs around Jack's waist and tightens them until Jack can't really move his hips. But Bucky can definitely move his, rocking up and down so hard the bed's squeaking and shaking.
Jack can't taunt him any more. It's too much. Bucky's legs holding him in place, their dicks hot and damp against each other. Bucky still holding the end of the rope as he pants and moans into Jack's ear.
Jack turns his head and presses their mouths together. It's hardly a kiss, too messy and wild, but they share the humid air between them, and Bucky manages to suck on Jack's bottom lip. Jack lets go of Bucky's jaw and drops his other hand on top of the ropes. He grabs them and tugs lightly, drags them back and forth across Bucky's wrists.
"FUCK," Bucky shouts. His eyes squeeze shut, and he shakes all over, legs dropping from Jack's waist as he comes on Jack's stomach.
Jack shoves himself off Bucky and rocks back onto his heels. He stares at him, sweaty and wild, spunk smeared on his belly.
Still holding the fucking rope.
Jack jerks himself off as fast as he can, comes on Bucky's stomach and his chest, then wipes his hand on Bucky's thigh. He can't do anything but pant for breath for a couple of minutes. The whole time, Bucky stares at him looking deeply self-satisfied but also absolutely content.
Jack finally manages to shift his weight and drop next to Bucky on the bed. He has to stay against his side so he doesn't fall off. Bucky flexes his wrists and gets the rope off his hands, then reaches over with one hand to pull Jack in snug against him.
"Thank you," Bucky murmurs, sweet and soft as he noses Jack's cheek, then kisses him on the temple. "I really liked that."
"Yeah," Jack says, still dazed but determined to make sure Bucky knows how he feels, "It was good for me, too."
Bucky beams. "Can we try the oral thing next time?"
Jack laughs and pokes Bucky in the ribs. "Jesus, let a man rest for five minutes."
"I can set a timer," Bucky says, but he doesn't actually move to do it. Instead, he shifts onto his side and pulls Jack in so they're chest-to-chest. "Really, Jack. Thank you. It's...I like trusting you like this."
The words wrap around Jack like a blanket, and he pulls Bucky's leg over his own hip. "I love you," he says because what else is there to say. "That's all this is."
Bucky kisses him softly, then shifts so he can rest his forehead against Jack's collarbone. Jack holds him close and closes his eyes, content to get a quick nap before getting them both cleaned up. After the intensity of the experience, he needs a little rest.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 6 months
if you're still taking prompts, this is literally the most self-indulgent thing i could suggest, because i am so enamored with them but: 5 times bucky got on jack's nerves and 1 time he didn't
Could he just, you know, NOT look like that. It would make Jack's life so much easier. Does he HAVE to have squinty eyes and freckles and those legs and that laugh. And those long arms he throws around anyone and everyone to give them a friendly shake? Goddamnit.
He can't sing for shit, but Jack falls a little in love anyway. It's just so fucking earnest.
The fact that he CAN dance is very unfair. And that he's happy to dance with Jack if Jack asks, but it's clearly just being friendly like he is with everyone. Jack does like that Bucky compliments him for being the better dancer. That was nice.
That jacket is...Jack has literally never seen anyone else look good in it. They'd all looked like fat baby sheep. And yet. Somehow. It works. Even Cleven had looked like a fat baby sheep. But Bucky can just...wear it. How.
Such. A. Wiseass. All. The. Time. Would. He. Stop. No, it's not because Jack has to keep a straight face as Air Exec when he used to be able to laugh along. And, no, he certainly hasn't seen Bucky smile just a little more when Jack can't help but crack a smile.
Bucky pulling Jack in one night when neither of them can sleep. Too many memories. Too many dreams. Wrapping that old sheepskin coat around Jack first, then letting Jack pull the sides around them both. Standing in the backyard because it's fenced off and safe. "Want me to annoy the shit out of you for old time's sake?" Bucky asks, his lips pressed against Jack's neck. "What do you mean for old time's sake? You annoyed me this morning when you didn't rinse your coffee cup," Jack replies, his own face pressed against Bucky's collarbone. "And ten minutes ago when you yelled me awake." "Hey, that doesn't count," Bucky says, but he's grinning against Jack's neck.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 1 month
Words: “We can stop whenever you like.” (Consent is sexy!)
“Relax, I’ve got you.”
Pairing: JackBucky
[So much consent!! Hot consent!! On tap! Smut under the cut!!]
On their third date, Bucky pulls the Jeep over into a little cluster of trees and turns off the engine. Jack doesn't bother to pretend like he doesn't know why they're here. It's one of several well-used spots used for a little necking before getting back to base for curfew. He climbs into the backseat and turns to face Bucky, who's still in the driver's seat. 
"Well, that's more eager than I was expecting from such an upstanding officer, Jack," Bucky says as he clambers into the backseat himself.
Jack rolls his eyes. "Are you gonna tease me or kiss me?" he asks because, frankly, he's been thinking about it most of the night. 
"Come here," Bucky says, and he gets Jack in his lap like it's nothing, slides a hand over Jack's knee as he kisses Jack's neck and tips his head back so Jack can kiss his mouth. 
They've only had time for goodnight kisses for their first two days. The first one a very polite and sweet kiss from Bucky to Jack. The second, a little longer and sweeter, stolen behind one of the sheds after they'd dropped off the Jeep to the motor pool. 
But now, now they've got at least an hour until curfew and only a mile to go to base. Jack opens his mouth and licks Bucky's lower lip, and Bucky opens his own mouth and slides his hand an inch up Jack's thigh. Jack cups Bucky's head in both hands and tips his chin up so they can kiss more deeply, and Bucky's hand slides from his neck to his back to his waist. 
Jack drags his mouth sideways, feels Bucky's stubble under his lips and bites lightly at his ear. 
"Make me crazy," Bucky murmurs. "God, Jack, I look at you and I go crazy." 
Jack opens his mouth to answer. To tease a little ("What do you mean go crazy?"), but then Bucky's hand slides up, up, up his thigh, and he goes very still just as Bucky's fingers brush his cock through his trousers. "Wait," Jack chokes out.
Bucky slides his hand down two inches, then slips his hand so his palm is on the outside of Jack's thigh. "What is it?" Bucky asks. "If it's about rubbers, I've got–"
"I've only ever necked," Jack says because he knows if he doesn't interrupt now, Bucky will have a whole monologue of guesses about why he froze. "I haven't–I mean…" He doesn't know how to say it delicately, but this is Bucky, who's about as delicate as a bull. "I didn't date much in college, and I didn't date at all before then, so my experience is limited."
"You were buried in your books, weren't you?" Bucky asks. "Probably carrying your weight in textbooks all over the place, couldn't even see everyone checking you out."
Jack huffs a laugh. "I assure you, I wasn't much to look at."
"You ran track in high school. You were fit."
"Like a noodle is fit," Jack says. "None of the muscle I have now was around when I was in high school."
Bucky beams. "Oh, I have to see photos. I bet you were cute as hell."
Jack groans and thumps Bucky's shoulders with the side of his fist. "Don't call me cute." 
"Okay," Bucky says, smile bright and proud. Jack realizes his nerves are settled, that Bucky's grinning because he's distracted him into it. Tricky bastard, Jack wants to say, but Bucky, skims his fingers up Jack's spine, light and easy, making Jack shiver and distracting him all over again. "Okay, so necking's good?" Bucky asks.
Jack nods. "Yeah." He rubs his thumb back and forth behind Bucky's ear and watches him relax into the touch. "I'm not against doing more, by the way, it's just–" 
Jack nods again. He watches Bucky lift one of his hands and kiss the back of it. He winks at Jack, which makes Jack roll his eyes as Bucky tucks Jack's hand against his back. 
"Shhh," Bucky says. He massages the base of Jack's scalp for a moment, and then shifts until he's about as draped across the seat as he can be given his width and height. It leaves Jack half on top of him and half squished into the seat back. "Here. This good?"
"Okay, come here. Just a second." Bucky says as he slips his calf between Jack's legs, then wriggles until he's hovering over Jack, propped up on an elbow. "How's that? That okay?"
"Yeah," Jack says. They're touching in all sorts of places, Their calves and chests and arms around each other. Jack's never necked like this, stretched out but curled together. He's always kissed upright, kept his distance a little. But Bucky's always been so casual with his touches that it feels right to be all over each other like this.
"Can I kiss you again?" Bucky asks. "We can stop whenever you like."
Jack clutches at Bucky's shirt and lifts his chin. "Come here," he says.
Bucky touches his cheek and leans in so their noses brush. "I like you so much, Jack."
Jack leans up and kisses Bucky. It's sweet and slow like before, Bucky's tongue dragging against his. Bucky's hand holding his hip, kneading a little in a way that makes Jack sigh in pleasure. Bucky buries his face against Jack's neck and nibbles all the way up and down, making Jack laugh when he hits a ticklish spot. Jack gets Bucky's collar open and pushed to one side, gets his mouth on Bucky's collarbone and leaves a little mark.
"Leave a few more if you want," Bucky murmurs as he kisses Jack's temple and slips his hand from Jack's hip to his butt. "I like them." 
"The boys will tease you," Jack says. 
Bucky squeezes Jack's butt and buries a kiss behind his ear. "Let 'em," he says. "I'll tell 'em they're just jealous I got you in the back of a Jeep."
Jack shivers at the idea. Not the teasing so much as Bucky wanting to brag about him. He feels wanted. "I think they'd be more jealous I have you." 
Bucky pulls away so he can meet Jack's gaze. He squeezes Jack's butt again and brushes his thumb over Jack's mouth. "Gonna have to disagree," he says. 
Jack can't argue with the way Bucky's looking at him, eyes bright and content. Bucky warm all over him. Bucky's hand kneading his butt and making him rock his hips without thinking. 
Jack pulls Bucky into another kiss and loses himself to it, the wet slide of their mouths and the way Bucky presses just right when he tilts his head to change the angle. Jack slides his hand down Bucky's back and skims it over Bucky's backside. Bucky's hips jerk, and a pleasure so sharp it stings runs through Jack's body. Bucky freezes.
"Jack," Bucky says, voice strangled. 
Jack shoves his hips upward hard, feeling his cock drag alongside Bucky's. The pleasure shocks through him again, making him gasp. He needs more of it. He needs all of it. 
"Right here," Jack says, then presses his face to Bucky's shoulder and shifts so their fronts are aligned. He hisses as he feels his cock press fully against Bucky's through their clothes. 
"Sweet Jesus," Bucky groans and grinds against Jack. "Jack. I'm sorry. I shouldn't–"
"Keep going," Jack manages. He throws a leg over Bucky's thigh and pulls him even closer. "Oh, god," he mutters as more pleasure spikes through him. "Bucky," he gasps, whole body shaking as he tries to hold still. "Bucky."
"Easy," Bucky says. "Easy, Jack. Just. Relax. Okay? Relax. I've got you." His hands are heavy and wide on Jack's waist, and his breath is warm in Jack's ear. "I've got you."
Jack realizes his eyes are squeezed shut, and he opens them. Bucky's staring at him, eyes wild and mouth swollen. Jack laughs brokenly at the sight of him. "I think I want to do more," he says. 
Bucky laughs in reply and dips down, kisses Jack on both cheeks, then on the chin. "You sure?" he asks, meeting Jack's gaze again. "Maybe give your brain another thirty seconds to recalibrate."
Jack shakes his head. "No," he says. "I don't need to. Bucky. Please."
"You like necking. This could still be just necking. We just had a hard detour is all."
Jack groans. "Was that a fucking pun?" 
Bucky goes still, then bursts into giggles. "Well, I guess it depends if we go through with it," he says.
"Oh, goddamnit," Jack grouses as Bucky laughs harder. Jack tries to keep a straight face, but Bucky's so delighted that he can't help but laugh along a little. "It's been thirty seconds," he says.
Bucky's eyes widen, and he swallows the rest of his laugh. "Okay," he says. He kisses Jack soft and sweet like their first kiss goodnight. "Okay, Jack. How do you–"
Jack snaps his hips up so their cocks press again. "Like this," he says. "Just like this."
"Pants on, even?" Bucky asks, pressing Jack into the seat with his hips and his hands, grinding slow and heavy on him. "You want to get spunk all over your pants, Jack?" He sounds like he can't decide if h'es really asking or desperately wants it, too.
"Yes," Jack says, panting because now that they're touching like this–really touching like this–he doesn't want to lose it just to open his pants. He grabs Bucky's face and holds him so he can see his eyes. "Yes, please. Just–"
Bucky groans. "Just what, Jack? Finish the sentence."
Jack pants and digs his fingers into Bucky's scalp. Pleasure's arcing through him, and he strains upwards to kiss Bucky's slack, open mouth. "Just get me off, Bucky," Jack says into his mouth. "Show me what it feels like for someone else to get me off."
"Fuck," Bucky moans, and his hands dig into Jack's hips, and his dick presses hot and hard against Jack's own, and their legs are tangled, and they're breathing into each other's mouths, and Bucky's making quiet, high-pitched noises, and Jack can only pant and hold on as his orgasm builds and builds and then hits him so sharply he arches his back off the seat and kicks the door hard. 
"Beautiful," Bucky murmurs into the taut line of Jack's neck. "Jesus. Just. Hold on. Hold on." And he's fumbling at his belt, then his cock is out, and he's jerking himself off while Jack stares in a sort of excited, exhausted haze, wanting to touch but boneless from coming. 
Bucky bites his bottom lip and whines in the back of his throat, and comes in his own hand. When he pulls his fingers away, Jack can see the pool of his spunk in his palm before he turns and wipes it on the bottom edge of the back side of the passenger seat.
"Why–" Jack asks, shocked into laughter. 
Bucky twists back so they're facing each other and grins, bright as ever. "They can pretend it's something someone stepped in," Bucky says. He looks Jack over as he pulls up his underwear and trousers, eyes lingering at crotch level. "You'll want to hang your jacket in front walking back to the barracks," he says.
Jack laughs again. "I was a virgin, not an idiot," he says. "I learned the jacket trick in sixth grade."
Bucky chuckles and pulls at Jack, getting him into a sitting position, "It's always sixth grade, isn't it?" he asks. 
"Seems like," Jack agrees as he settles against Bucky's side. He grimaces as the damp fabric of his underwear and trousers touches his skin. "Oh," he says. 
Bucky chuckles and reaches down, drags his knuckles lightly over Jack's crotch, which makes Jack hiss for the casual nature of such an intimate touch. "Not counting the very sticky drive back you're about to have, did you enjoy yourself?"
"Yes," Jack says. He kisses Bucky's cheek. "Thank you," he says. 
"Such a polite young man," Bucky says, and Jack can tell by his tone that he's about to be an ass. "No wonder it took you so long to lose your virginity."
"I swear to god," Jack mutters and shoves at Bucky, pushing him against the door that Jack kicked earlier. There's a squeal, then Bucky yelps, and then he's in the dirt, pants dragged down one hip as he lands. 
Jack laughs so hard his sides hurt. Bucky stands up, dusts himself off, then yanks Jack out of the car and kisses the laugh out of his mouth.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 5 months
if ur still taking prompts i’d love some bucky and jack smut if you’d enjoy writing it!
Jack doesn't lack confidence. Never has. But he's also never fucked someone as unquestionably good-looking as Bucky Egan, and he's never been unaware of his own looks.
Bucky strips him naked first, still in his slacks and undershirt as he pulls off Jack's second sock. He pulls Jack into his lap and wraps Jack's legs around his waist, then grabs Jack's arms and drapes them over his shoulders.
"You done?" Jack asks.
Bucky grins and lands an open-mouthed kiss on the curve of Jack's pec. "Not even close," he declares, then takes Jack's left hand in his right. He kisses Jack's palm, then drags his mouth up his inner forearm, then nips at the bend of his elbow. He nuzzles Jack's bicep and nips his shoulder, then kisses up Jack's neck and ends with a small suckle on his ear.
Jack shivers at all the attention, his free hand clenching against Bucky's back. "Jesus," he breathes out as Bucky busses a kiss across his mouth, suckles his other ear, then nips his shoulder. "You are--"
"You are so fucking gorgeous," Bucky murmurs as he nuzzles Jack's bicep, then nips at his elbow. "You're the leggiest fucking redhead I've ever seen."
Jack wants to laugh at the description, but Bucky's mouth is hot and wet on his forearm, and then his lips are soft on his palm, and he grabs a handful of Bucky's hair and yanks slowly but deliberately.
Bucky chuckles and lets Jack pull his head backwards, lets Jack bite at the underside of his jaw and kiss his chin. "Fucking beautiful is what you are," Bucky says. "You know what you look like in the sun?"
Jack shakes his head. "No one's ever mentioned it," he says.
"You fucking glow, Jack. You glow like a goddamn star." Bucky spreads his hands over Jack's hips, then rubs the inside of his thighs. "You're pale, but in the sun, you light up. Jesus, first time I saw it I thought I was gonna die."
"Oh, come on," Jack says. "I bet you use that line on all the leggy redheads."
Bucky wraps a hand around Jack's cock and tugs once, slow and hard and perfect. "That one's just for you, beautiful. Never seen anyone look like you in the sunlight."
Jack sighs as Bucky jerks him off, murmuring about Jack's beauty, about his light, about the way he looks so handsome when he flushes as Bucky jerks him off. Jack grinds in his lap, keeping Bucky's head tipped back so he can suck a mark on his collarbone, then a smaller one just below where his collar will hit when he's buttoned up.
Bucky never stays buttoned up. Jack looks forward to looking over sometime tomorrow and seeing the little bruise he's giving him now.
Jack may glow in the sunlight, but Bucky is always lit like a flare, so blindingly bright it almost hurts to look at him. To look at Bucky and see a little proof that he's Jack's, it makes Jack feel wild.
Jack comes and buries his moan against Bucky's mouth. Bucky kisses back just as hard, wiping Jack's come on his own undershirt before grabbing Jack's hips and holding him still so he can rut against him until he comes in his slacks.
Bucky lays Jack onto the bed, unwinding Jack's arms from his neck and stretching them lightly over Jack's head. He unwraps Jack's legs one at a time, trailing his fingers over his calves and his ankles. "Stay put," he says.
Jack nods and watches Bucky through half-lidded eyes as he strips himself naked. He's as stunningly perfect naked as he is in full uniform. When he sees Jack watching, he flashes a grin and crawls back into the bed, laying himself over Jack so their chests are pressed together, and he can slide his hands into Jack's and press down lightly.
"There's that glow," Bucky says, nosing Jack's cheek. "God, you're something else, Jack."
"So are you," Jack replies, and the kiss this time is gentle and sweet but no less intense for it.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 4 months
prompt: someone needs to make an honest man out of bucky and get him pregnant. up to you who it is.
[I don't usually write mpreg, but this idea hit like a brick]
Bucky wakes from an unintended nap when something scrapes across the living room floor. He grunts and tries to sit up.
"Don't look!" Jack says, almost directly behind Bucky.
Bucky twists his head to try and see anyway, but all he can get in his line of sight is Jack's left leg. He's wearing his oldest slacks, and there's saw dust in the cuff. He's been working on whatever he's up to in the back shed again, Bucky realizes. Jack had asked him not to come back there until he was done with something special. A surprise for Bucky. It'd been easier than usual to agree and actually keep his promise. He's seven months pregnant and he's so wiped by the end of the day, he's lucky he has the energy to fall into bed at night.
"What is it?" Bucky asks.
"You'll see. I promise," Jack replies. He darts over and kisses Bucky on the top of the head, then holds out his hand. "Close your eyes for a second, will you?"
Bucky closes his eyes, then sighs in relief when Jack helps him sit up. He slumps against the couch, both hands going to his belly. "I swear this kid gains a pound every time I take a nap."
"We'll have the first full-grown infant in the hospital nursery," Jack says. He kisses Bucky, then slides his hands over Bucky's on his stomach. He rubs his thumbs down low by Bucky's pelvis where Bucky swears it hasn't stopped aching since the kid first started showing.
"Ugh, thank you," Bucky groans. He tries to open his eyes, but Jack kisses each of his lids. "How long do I keep my eyes closed?"
"Just another minute," Jack says. "I just want to set it up right."
"Set it up?" Bucky replies. "Did you finally cave and get that stereo you've been eying so hard?"
"I wouldn't do that without checking with you, first," Jack says. "You know that."
Bucky does, but it's nice to hear. He's always liked the tiny bits of domestic life no one ever thinks to talk about. Like agreeing to big purchases as a team. Since his pregnancy started, they've become an odd little emotional touchstone, a reminder from Jack that he's valued and loved. "Suppose we do already have a record player," he says. "But what if the sound's better?"
"We'll go in and see if they'll let us try it," Jack says, and his voice is a little far away and echoing slightly. Bucky knows without opening his eyes that he's in the nursery.
He listens to Jack walk back towards him and only opens his eyes when Jack's hand touches his arm. "Got your surprise all ready?"
"Sure, do," Jack replies. He holds out his hands and hauls Bucky to his feet, dragging a palm over Bucky's bump as he turns him towards the nursery. "Easy," he says as Bucky takes a step, then sways.
"Fucking center of gravity," Bucky mutters. Jack chuckles and busses a kiss on his cheek, then leads him down the hall to the nursery.
Inside, there's the crib and the changing table they'd picked out last month. The walls are mint green, and there's a stuffed unicorn on the dresser--an early gift from Buck--next to a pair of yellow baby booties and a full layette, ready for when the baby comes home from the hospital.
And in the corner by the window that looks over their backyard, there's a rocker that wasn't there before. Modern-style with a cushioned back and seat done up in blue fabric stamped with little white frogs. The same fabric as the sheets in the crib, and the two back up sets in the closet, and a little quilt tucked away until the baby's first winter.
"Jack--" Bucky swallows hard. "How--"
"You pointed it out in the Sears Catalog," Jack says. "I know that one had striped cushions, but I thought you'd like that it matched."
"Jack," Bucky whispers, and he feels tears fall, so he wipes his face, and Jack hugs him carefully around his middle and kisses his temple. "It's wonderful," Bucky says. He walks over to the rocker and pushes it with one finger. It sways forward and back in a smooth rhythm. Up close, Bucky realizes it's made of teak, polished to a high shine. He runs his palm over an armrest, astounded at how smooth it feels.
"Will you sit in it?" Jack asks, sounding bashful. "I've been wanting to see that."
Bucky meets his gaze and feels floored. He tells Jack he loves him every day, several times a day, but Jack's not as effusive. Never has been. But this. A rocking chair. For their baby. Made with his own two hands. Because Bucky pointed it out in a catalog. "How do you even know how to do this?" he asks.
"Dad taught me," Jack replies. "It's not much harder than a table or a nightstand."
Bucky scoffs. Jack built their coffee table and nightstands and they're beautiful too, but not like this. Not lovingly recreated from a photo. "You're too much," he says, then lowers himself into the chair. He sighs in pleasure as he settles into the cushions. They're thick, and angle on the back of the rocker takes some of the weight off his belly. "Oh, I might live here until this kid shows up," he says.
Jack hums a happy sound and walks over. He crouches next to the chair, taking Bucky's hand and lifting it so he can kiss his knuckles. "I'll make a pallet right here on the floor if you want," he says. "Get you anything you want."
Bucky smiles at Jack and pulls both their hands over his belly. "I'm doing all right with what I've got," he says. "Best I've ever done, really."
Jack spreads his fingers wide on Bucky's belly and looks at him with that sweet, shy smile he has. "Yeah, me, too," he agrees, and Bucky smiles right back at him, as bright and open as ever. He can't wait to find out which smile this kid in him is gonna end up with.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 6 months
hm if fic prompts are still open id love some bucky jack smut
"Slow down, slow down," Jack says, trying to grab Bucky's wrists, but Bucky dodges the grab and gets his hands on Jack's waistband. "Bucky!" Jack says with a laugh when Bucky shakes his belt to try and pull the tongue loose. "Hold. On." This time, Jack manages to grab Bucky's wrists.
Bucky meets Jack's eyes and tries to twist out of his grip, but Jack knows all the same moves Bucky does, so it doesn't work. "Jack," he huffs.
Jack takes one step backward, then another, then a third. His knees hit the edge of the bed, and he sits, shifting his hands into Bucky's. "What's got you so wired?"
Bucky stares at him. His hands tremble. "I haven't so much as touched you in three weeks," Bucky says. "I've been going crazy."
Jack snorts. "Sure," he says. "With everyone begging for your attention?"
Bucky shakes his hands free and straddles Jack's lap. "Just because they want my attention doesn't mean they get it."
Jack leans back as Bucky starts to unbutton his jacket, more slowly this time. "You don't seem to mind the attention, though."
"Because it distracts me from wanting to find you and fuck you and talk to you and sleep next to you," Bucky says. "But even when I'm dancing or boozing or fighting or anything, you're still in my head, Jack. You know that."
Jack shakes his head. "No," he says. "No, I did not know that." He lifts his arms so Bucky can take off his jacket.
"Are you joking? The boys tease me constantly about it," Bucky replies. He's working on his own jacket now. As he pulls it off, Jack loosens his tie, then untucks his blouse.
"Well, they don't tease me, so how the hell would I know?" Jack asks.
Bucky goes still. He looks at Jack in surprise, then cracks a grin. "Oh, right, you're Air Exec. They wouldn't dare tease you about it."
Jack sighs. "No, that's your special privilege I never should have granted."
Bucky laughs. He grabs Jack's head and kisses him hard, pushes until they're both flat, one thigh between Jack's legs. "Glad I have it, though," and he kisses Jack's cheek, then mouths at his neck as he unbuttons Jack's shirt.
Jack grunts when Bucky bites at this collarbone. He shifts and turns them on their sides. He gets Bucky's belt open, then his own, and then Bucky presses their dicks together through their trousers, and Jack closes his eyes as he gasps.
"Three weeks," Bucky groans, and he opens Jack's trousers and gets a hand around his dick. "Three weeks, and I've barely even seen you."
Jack pants, grabbing Bucky through his trousers and massaging his dick with his palm. He kisses Bucky, biting his lower lip, then dragging his stubble along Bucky's jaw.
"Yeah, that's good," Bucky says. He rubs his thumb over Jack's slit and humps hard against this hand. "Yeah, make me come in my pants, Jack."
Jack buries his face in Bucky's neck and works his hand harder, rocks his dick into Bucky's grip and whines in the back of his throat.
Bucky pulls his head back and nudges Jack with his nose, meeting him for another kiss, open-mouthed and messy. His hand loosens on Jack's dick, and then Bucky's gasping and moaning.
It takes a moment for the wet spot to seep through to Jack's hand. He keeps his hand moving for another few seconds. The quiet, shocked sound that Bucky lets out makes Jack feel red hot.
Bucky tightens his grip on Jack's dick again, then uses his other hand to angle Jack's head so they can kiss and kiss until Jack comes over Bucky's fist.
Jack goes limp, falling against Bucky and resting his head on Bucky's shoulder. He listens to Bucky's heartbeat slow down and thinks about what he'd been saying before they got going.
"You really want to see me all the time?" he asks quietly.
"Yeah," Bucky replies. "Of course I do." He kisses the top of Jack's head, then sits up so he can yank off his shirt and undershirt and strip out of the rest of his clothes. "Come on," he says, holding out a hand to Jack. "Let's shower. You can be amazed at how much I like you after."
"Oh, fuck off," Jack replies, and Bucky's smile shouldn't make him feel like he's done something really right, but it does.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 20 days
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Masters of the Air (TV 2024) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: John Clarence "Bucky" Egan/John B. "Jack" Kidd Characters: John Clarence "Bucky" Egan, John B. "Jack" Kidd Additional Tags: Virgin!Jack, First Time, literal first time, Jeep Sex, Sweet, Enthusiastic Consent, oh my and how Summary:
Jack's never had sex. That's about to change.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 5 months
Who is writing that Jack/Bucky we're all in love with? I can't remember the blog name but it begins with an M and Jack just patched up Bucky in Africa after Buck nudged him that way.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Masters of the Air (TV 2024) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: John Clarence "Bucky" Egan/John B. "Jack" Kidd Characters: John Clarence "Bucky" Egan, John B. "Jack" Kidd Additional Tags: PTSD, Nightmares Series: Part 2 of Loving You Summary:
Bucky has a nightmare. It's not the first time, and it won't be the last. Jack can handle it.
And a small sequel to “To Love You” because my brain was in sequel mode the other week apparently.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 5 months
Are Jack and Bucky the same height, or is Jack maybe an inch taller? I just feel like this would be a hilarious tease if Jack is the tiniest bit taller.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 2 months
What would Bucky and Jack do for their 10 year anniversary?
Something they've been meaning to do for awhile. Maybe try an art class or go on a trip they've been talking about for a couple of years. Something that's just for them.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 2 months
JackBucky Honeymoon?
They get married a week after V-E Day and spend two weeks on leave in London because they were never there at the same time during the war.
Three days are just spent in their hotel room having quiet time together. Bucky's an incredibly good chess player, but Jack always kicks his ass at checkers.
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