#jackie wants an olivia who is helpful to a fault and not the woman who she loved so dearly before
arolesbianism · 9 months
Oh baby my brain is crashing
#rat rambles#the staying up til 4 am is finally hitting for realsies I am now incapable of thinking#which is very uncomfortable so I shalst be showering and then hopefully Ill go to bed before 4 am lol#not to say I havent been thinking abt jackie anyways shes so silly#she's such a bad person but shes also my silly middle aged woman#shes so passionate abt her research and abt learning but as time goes on it shifts into almost obligatory#shes no longer a scientist working in a field shes passionate about. she runs a company that is openly for profit and has forgon morals so#much that a great deal of attention much be made to making sure they are not forced to deal with the consequences of such and it just#continues to spiral downwards as jackie becomes more and more of a husk of a person#its all her fault and she sucks so much and I love her sm#because underneath it all shes still a sentimental person and she still does value olivia on some level#not nearly enough. and she sure as hell doesnt respect her. but she hasnt managed to fully shed everything abt her past self#Im sure there is a part of jackie that wants to be able to be close with olivia again. but she still fundementally does not respect her#she hides things from olivia that she knows she would be against and still expects them to remain professional when discussing said things#jackie wants an olivia who is helpful to a fault and not the woman who she loved so dearly before#jackie is just a very selfish person whos ambitious to a fault to the point she couldnt stop if she wanted to#shes dug herself into such a deep hole that she cant remember which direction the surface is#maybe she thinks shes digging upwards. perhaps she was at a certain point. maybe she is and it simply doesn't make a difference#its why I dont particularly hunger for late story jackie logs because ultimately I think its better we dont know how she handled the fall#remorceful or not it doesnt change what shes done and what is going to result from her actions. its all already played out#multiple times before and multiple times again#I do want to see more of jackie's emotional side but I rly dont think we need a full jackie being sad monologue or smth#oni is ultimately a tragedy and I think that getting to rly truly see jackie before if all started going so downhill would do wonders#and as Ive said before I want it to be soooo small and unimportant to the greater story#just smth small and everyday even non dialogue would work to me#like to be completely honest even just a grocery list from her college years would probably tell us so much abt her#anyways back to having a crashed brain and showering this got out of hand lol
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msjr0119 · 4 years
The American Adventure
Part 2
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Prince Liam and his closest friends are sent to a summer camp in America for a month, whilst in Cordonia the nobles are preparing for Prince Leo’s social season unknowingly to him. During their time there, Liam and Drake become besotted with the same girl- Riley Brooks.
A/N: For those who have read my series ‘Cordonian Wags’, there are a lot of similarities in this series. However there has been a mix up with the pairings in this series. I’ve completely changed my original plan for this series. For some chapters it will be split between the past and present. *Some quotes and similar scenes are based from the film 'The Best of Me'*
Book: The Royal Romance (A/U for majority of this series, some canon will be used but with slight twists)
All characters belong to Pixelberry apart from; Lindsey Brooks, Andy Brooks, Jackie Brooks, Nate Cooper, Lola Hughes and Bethany Hughes.
Warnings: PLEASE DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18! Adult language, mention of sexual abuse, mention of depression suspicion, mention of domestic abuse suspicion, mention of character death (present tense).
Word count: 3,750
Tags- if you want to be added or removed let me know; @pedudley @kacie-0156 @loveellamae @annekebbphotography @texaskitten30 @cordonianroyalty @bascmve01 @sanchita012 @princessleac1 @queenjilian @kingliam2019 @lodberg @rainbowsinthestorm
Catch up here
“Why are you both hiding in a wardrobe? You both look ridiculous.”
“As I said, surprise! Uncle serious picked me up. He was in a rush, insisting that he needed to get back as soon as possible. But I get to spend an extra night with you! I heard what you said about Nate, I’m going to kill the bastard- don’t you worry!”
“Lindsey!” The girl looked at her father sternly, wondering why she was defending Riley and her father had blatantly ignored the facts surrounding Nate.
“Just saying, anyway now she knows that I’m here, we’ll head to our cabin.”
“Quick question, why aren’t you in Europe in the army?” Riley asked her second father figure, still shocked and confused as to why he was here.
“Erm... sick leave.”
“So you’re going to help out then?”
“I can’t, sick leave remember?” The two girls left the men alone, Riley caught Lindsey up on everything that had happened on the first day. When the coast was clear, Andy turned to his childhood friend shaking his head with a slight smirk.
“Sick leave? Seriously? That’s all that you could think up of?”
“How do you think the truth would have turned out... ‘oh hey girls, I don’t work in the army anymore- instead I’m a royal guard for the royal family...by the way the Prince is your fellow camper.’ I promised King Constantine that their identities will not be disclosed, as did you. If anything happens to any of them especially Liam it will all be my fault- I suggested this adventure for them to the King and Queen.”
“As long as the girls don’t know the truth, or anyone for that matter- there shouldn’t be an issue. You have my word, Bast. It’s great to have you back in the states buddy.”
Everybody arrived at the cabin allocated for ‘staff only’. On route they bumped into Jackie who agreed on the three men staying with them- she had arranged for Nate to join some other people. As much as Jackie would have loved for him to be ‘a loner’, she wasn’t that cruel.
“This is lovely. It’s like Jackson’s cabin back at home. Isn’t that right, Drake?” Nodding, Drake didn’t want to be here. Especially after his altercation with Riley. Not wanting to be such a prick towards her, he regretted how he behaved immediately. Lola took charge deciding the sleeping arrangements, not allowing for anyone else to have a say in the matter.
“Is that a picture of a blonde Riley and her sister I presume?” Liam questioned Daniel. To begin with there were some hidden feelings towards Riley; an instant attraction. But now that he had seen a picture of her sister, he began to have conflicted feelings.
“Yeah, I think Riley suits blonde. Lindsey is pretty scary if anyone hurts her kid sister, just warning you all now.” Hearing the door slam open, they all stood frozen after originally jumping in unison.
“Talk of the devil.” Daniel winked towards the visitors.
“I’m going to kill him. I swear to god if he touches a single hair on your head he’s a dead man... he thinks because his father is rich he can do whatever the fuck he wants!”
“And people think that I’m a bitch...” Lola giggled. “Hey you two, you have company.”
Lindsey faked a smile, turning from the hulk into an angel. She now knew that Nate Cooper was going to be on her radar at all times during this years camp. But would place those thoughts to the back of her mind. For now at least.
“Hey, Lo... hello handsome strangers...”
“Linz, these ‘strangers’ are newbies so play nice. This is Liam, Maxwell and Drake.”
“So you’re the infamous, Drake.” Overhearing his name, Riley joined them all blushing- unable to look at Drake. Why are they here? Why is he here?
“Hello, it’s nice to finally meet you. Riley spoke highly of you to myself.” Liam introduced himself, his heart began to flutter erratically.
“Shame... she didn’t mention about you...” The two of them remained dormant, just staring into each other’s eyes. As if they was in a trance, which was soon interrupted by Riley.
“What are you guys doing here? Where’s Nate?”
“They are staying here with us! Surprise.”
“Great...Erm I’m going to bed, early start.”
“Stop being such a prune. Have some fun will ya?” Lola knew for a fact that her closest friend was hiding something- usually she would be a night owl but her attitude had changed recently.
“I’ve got a bad headache. Enjoy everyone.” Riley excused herself, after providing them all with a soft smile. A fake one at that.
The morning after, Riley tip toed past the guests hoping to not wake them up. Not really making eye contact with any of them she decided to make a coffee before sneaking out to breathe in the fresh morning air.
“Oh sorry, I didn’t know that you was up. I’ll go somewhere else.” What is his issue with me?
“Why are you avoiding me so much?” I don’t want to avoid you. I really don’t. But I have to.
“I’m not avoiding you. I don’t know you.” That’s why you get to know someone, what a dickhead.
“Rather than just assume what my life is like and paint a picture of me....get to know me...” I want to, I really do. But I can’t, especially after I imagined kissing you in the lake.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. We will never see each other again, Brooks. We are not friends...” Is he shy? It doesn’t matter if we don’t see each other again, make every moment count!
“Meet me at the lake at six tonight. I just want you to not judge me before getting to know me.” Not giving him chance to respond she left him alone, wanting to have the last word. If not they could have been there all morning debating about why they couldn’t be fiends. At least.
After their brief talk, Drake needed some excuse to not meet her. Of course he wanted to get to know her. Wanting to spend time with her. However, he knew that it would only end up in heartbreak. The group arrived at fencing, Nate had been persistently asking where they had all been staying. Why he had been forced to move into another cabin? Drake immediately hated him more every second that he spent with him.
“So, Riley and Lindsey will demonstrate. Then I’ll pair you all up.” The two girls defined the definition of sibling rivalry. Neither wanting to give in and lose. After a while their mother abruptly stopped them, calling it a draw. Much to Lindsey’s annoyance.
“Madeleine, Olivia... are you both ready?” Olivia stood up abruptly ready to battle, where as Madeleine was hesitating. The blonde knew that Olivia enjoyed any activity which could harm her opponent.
“I think I’ll see this one out, thank you very much.” Madeleine suggested as she fluttered her eyes towards Jackie.
“Get up now Amaranth! What’s up? Scared that I’m going to slit that perfect skin of yours?”
“Olivia! No violence please.”
“I’m only joking Mrs Brooks.” Or am I? Madeleine gulped, knowing for a fact that her so called friend wasn’t joking. “I don’t feel too good. Is it okay if I head back?” Jackie sighed, knowing that Madeleine wasn’t going to cooperate in any way or form. Agreeing just to avoid any conflict, she watched Madeleine make her way back to the dorm. Jackie decided to pair up with Olivia herself, once they had finished the older woman now knew why Madeleine looked terrified at the mention of being the red heads opponent.
“Drake, Nate. You’re both up next.” Jackie suggested after catching her breath. Not noticing how the two of them were providing each other with looks that could kill prior to her pairing them up.
“Great. It’ll be like a proper duel. People who are below my standard don’t stand a chance.”
“Nate, please don’t hurt him.” Riley pleaded quietly, knowing that he wouldn’t take any notice anyway.
“Why? Do you have a crush on him? When you have me here?”
“No! They are new. You’re an expert at it, just go easy. Please.” Nate knew exactly what she thought of Drake. The blush that appeared upon her face gave her true feelings away instantly.
“I’ll go easy, if you can give me a good luck kiss...” kissing him on the cheek, that is all he would ever receive from her.
“Aw, I think they make a cute couple.” Maxwell said, before looking at Drake who was hiding his jealousy well due to his friends comment. “Do you need a good luck kiss, Drake?”
“Not from you! I don’t need good luck.”
Walking by the lake, she was disappointed that Drake wasn’t there as arranged earlier on in the day. Sitting on the edge on the jetty- she just needed a break away from everyone. Deep down, she was upset that he hated her in an instant. But she hated the fact that she was the opposite. Liam was handsome she couldn’t deny that but she felt something for Drake even if he was a jerk with her.
“Hi, Riley!” The younger campers shouted towards her. They adored her, as she ‘mothered’ them all. Just smiling and waving towards them- she checked the time. He’s not coming, Riley. Just accept it. Slowly standing up, her heart was breaking but her mind informed her to act normal- as if she didn’t care. As she walked away from the jetty she noticed two familiar faces walking her way.
“Hey, where is he?” The two men looked at each other confused, wondering who she was referring about.
“Who?” Maxwell questioned not knowing why he would know anything.
“Oh, he’s at the cabin. He wasn’t feeling too well.”
“Okay.” Smiling at the two of them, she explained that she was going to go to the canteen. Luckily they believed her.
Drake heard the door open, turning his head he didn’t want to see her. It wasn’t a date anyway he believed.
“I decided to not come. I’m not feeling too well.” Speaking quietly, he felt guilty for standing her up. He daren’t turn around to face her, he could only imagine what her facial expression would be. Anger. Mixed with hurt possibly.
“No shit sherlock.” Sternly responding to him, she couldn’t wait to hear what lame excuse he came up with.
“I didn’t have a number to contact you. So I couldn’t get a hold of you to let you know.”
“Well I was at the lake. You do have legs right? You could have walked there and explained that you wasn’t staying.”
“Why are you so bothered? Is this a little game that you’re playing? Trying to make Nate jealous by spending time with us instead?” Laughing she couldn’t believe how his mind ticked. At how defensive he sounded even if he was in the wrong according to her.
“That’s crazy. You’re crazy.”
“No, you’re crazy. Wanting to spend time with someone like me.”
“Maybe I like men that are normal. Intelligent. Adventurous. Maybe, just maybe....” pausing, he didn’t seem the slight bit interested as he remained in the same position that he was in when she first arrived. “You just don’t get it do you, Drake?”
“Maybe I don’t.” Turning around, she didn’t want this conversation to elaborate now. That’s enough of trying to look desperate.
“You know. It wasn’t a date. I just wanted to talk. Is that too much to ask? You’re here for a month, all I wanted to do was sit down near the lake. You ask me questions. I ask you questions. If it was too awkward for you, and you want to continue hating me- fine. Fair enough. But at least we tried. Forget it, I’m done.”
Storming off, he was like a magnet - her mind was trying to think up of any excuse to talk to him. To try to talk. As she walked back in, Drake had defused himself from the couch- her eyes widened as she saw his face.
“This is why I didn’t want to meet you.”
“What happened?”
“During fencing when you left, he was talking about you like you was a piece of shit. After he did this to me, he warned me to stay away from you.”
Nate pushed Drake into a mucky puddle that was surrounding them. Losing his balance, Drake fell backwards. Hearing Olivia cheer for Nate, he grit his teeth. Feeling humiliated, he used the self defence skills that Bastien and his father had taught him and the others from such a young age.
“I won! Why couldn’t you just accept defeat?” Nate snapped as he fell next to Drake.
“Let’s call it a draw.” Hearing the crowd cheer, Nate decided to become a professional actor in front of everybody. Helping Drake up, he then pat him on the back. Once everybody was getting ready for the next ‘match’, Nate dragged his opponent out of the way of prying eyes. Raising his fist, he aimed straight for Drake’s cheek bone.
“What the fuck? Are you insane?”
“Are you?”
“What the fuck are you on about, Nigel?” Emphasising Maxwell’s nickname for Nate, Drake knew that it would irritate the hell out of him.
“Listen, stay away from Riley. She’s mine. You really think that she will look at someone like you? You’re not even from around here so keep those puppy dog eyes lingering somewhere else. You and the blue eyed blonde prick.”
“I don’t like her. But she isn’t your property. So stop disrespecting her. If she is ever going to be yours you need to learn to treat her right!”
“Oh I will, money buys you everything. I’ll make her mine- even if I have to force it upon her.”
“Don’t talk about her like that. If she doesn’t want you, get over yourself.”
“Aw what’s up? Are you going to be a hero? Make her fall in love with you instead for all of what... four weeks? You can keep that thought. Because that’s all it’ll ever be. I get what I want, one way or another. See ya.”
“I’m so sorry. Drake... I....”
“It’s fine.” Closing the distance between the two of them, she gently touched the injury causing him to flinch.
“Please don’t touch it.”
“I’m sorry. I’ll sort it out.”
“Don’t. Honestly, I’m fine. It’s fine. If you want, we can talk another time? Once the dust settles.”
“Pass me your phone. I’ll put my number in it so you can contact me when we aren’t in the groups. I’ll see you later?”
Once she left, a smile crept up on his face. Regretting not meeting her to begin with, he would make amends behind closed doors. Not wanting Nate, to be a danger towards anyone. Especially, Riley. He decided to give her a quick text, so she also had his number.
Receiving his text, a smile crept up on to her face. Unable to wipe it away, she was pleased that she had a persistent attitude. Noticing Nate, she pulled him away from the group that he was sat in.
“Hey, beautiful. Feeling any better?”
“I’m feeling much better than you’ll be feeling.” Swinging her fist back, she aimed straight for his nose. Blood immediately poured everywhere, as he fell backwards not expecting this type of behaviour from her.
“Stay away from me. Stay away from everybody else...” Stay away from Drake. Realising that he was the attention of the full camp, he felt humiliated beyond words as gasps and whispering echoed around him. Stupid bitch. Were the two words that he wanted to express out loud. Instead he bit his tongue, not wanting to push her away any further. Escaping from the ‘crime scene’ he began plotting how to get his revenge- not on Riley specifically, but the new boys who had caused all of this in his mind.
Feeling slightly guilty that she had used her fists- she was a lover not a fighter, the adrenaline soon drained and she began to rethink about her unexpected actions. Drake had defended her to begin with, even without elaborating on the true facts about what Nate said regarding her. She believed that there was possibly much more to that conversation, but Drake didn’t have the heart to go into full details. Most likely to protect her feelings. Or so she hoped. Deep down, she knew that he wasn’t an arsehole under all of those scowls that prevented his true personality from making an appearance. Even though she was the directors daughter, her father wouldn’t treat her any differently and would send her to the isolation cabin for a night as well as a full day as he would do for anyone else breaking any rules.
“I know, I’ll pack my bag.”
“Baby, don’t touch him again. Ignore him in the future.”
“So it’s okay for him to give Drake a black eye? Demand that Drake stays away from me after he protected and defended me?”
“He did what?”
Riley closed her eyes, most people close to her assumed that she was suffering with depression. Possible domestic abuse added to those suspicions even if she denied it. Hence the weekly meetings in this office. Staring at the same four walls that she had become accustomed to for the last four weeks, it became tedious. Pointless, in her mind.
“So after you informed your father about what Nate had done to Drake, what happened next?” Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes. Remembering how determined she was to just talk to him. Shaking her head, she didn’t want to elaborate on the heartbreak that she had suffered. Stupidity from her part believed that they could have had the fairytale ending as Andy and Jackie did. Now, it was just distant memories. Memories that often resurfaced every now and again.
“Summer camp, was a major part of your childhood right up to young adulthood. If your parents were still here would you be able to return even with the memories about Drake, Nate and your friends.”
“One day I will have to return. To face it all again. I’m just not ready yet. That year, I finally understood what love was. I understood about how my parents instantly fell in love in a similar situation....”
“Next week, if you want- we can continue where we left off if it helps? Explain what happened for the remainder of the camp season.” Riley thanked Sharon, her counsellor. Even ten years later, she still struggled with what happened at camp that time that the five strangers attended. Lindsey had recently forced her sister to have sessions especially after losing their parents tragically. As she exited the building, her cell began to ring on an unknown number.
“Hello, may I speak to Riley Brooks please?”
“I am... I was Riley Brooks. I’m married now. But yes, you’ve found her.”
“Riley, my name is Harris Watson and I’m the estate attorney for your Uncle. I’m afraid I have some bad news...”
“Oh god...”
The last day or two had been specifically hard for Drake. He had purposely self isolated himself in his fathers cabin. Not wanting or allowing himself to socialise or interact with anyone. Not even, Liam. Thirteen years had passed since he had lost his father. Twelve and a half years since his mother had done a vanishing act. A year since his sister mimicked their mothers actions. Two days ago he lost someone else, the only other person who he was close to. Slowly sipping the whiskey, he stared at the photo above the fire place. A photo that was taken ten years prior. The picture could paint a thousand words, but for Drake its only meaning was the one and only time that he had truly fallen in love. Unexpectedly.
Here’s to you, Ri. I hope that you are doing all of those amazing things. Those aims that you said you would do when you forced me to talk to you for the first time. I’m so sorry for hurting you. I miss you every second of each day.
Hearing his phone ring, he was knocked out of his trance from all those years ago.
“Hello, is that Drake Walker?”
“Yes, this is he.”
“Drake, my name is Harris Watson and I’m the estate attorney for....” Drakes heart sunk, he knew exactly what this phone call was regarding. Suddenly he seemed very sober. “Upon his request, he had requested for yourself and four others to come to New York City. I will forward you a copy of the letter that he left; it will include the names of those people. But I will require for you to come to my office for ten am on Monday. I will forward the directions. Is that okay?”
“Sure. See you there. Thank you.” Hanging up, tears immediately rolled down his face uncontrollably. Receiving the notification he opened the document as his hand shook.
Dear Drake, my son.
I’m sorry that I couldn’t help you locate Savannah as promised. As soon as I had heard about what the King had done to you all of these years, I couldn’t hold back. He’s going to kill me, hence why I am writing this. I’m sorry for leaving you. But I had to defend you. My will hearing will be in New York, I need you to travel there with; Liam and Maxwell. Possibly take Leo with you? Maybe Tariq too? I know you don’t like Tariq much, but does anyone? I know you’re probably laughing at that comment right now. Maybe you could combine this trip with Liam’s premature bachelor party? Have a blast you lot! I’m going to look down on you as well as two other special people in my life. I hope that you find happiness that you deserve. You are loyal, and I’m proud to have been able to call you my son. Bast.
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