Halloween Spoopsters (Event Intro)
Refi just began to approach the forest in his normal get up, a crimson cloak with the hood up. The dark-furred, grey haired zoroark seemed a little more confident than usual, but also seemed a bit annoyed. Might have been becuase of the season, or it could have been because he had to drag the Evermore Syndicate’s most infamous Alpha, Jack along with him. The cloaked dark type had to keep a close eye behind him to make sure he was still following behind him. Sure enough yeah he was, (Unfortunately.)
Jack donned a simple long black robe and a skull mask, and held a toy plastic scythe in his right hand, and a violet pillowcase in his left. “So this is the place huh? Seems like its going to be plenty fun i guess, Halloween is the one time of the year where my drinks are swapped with free candy... “ Though it wasn’t particularly visible, The masked riolu was almost drooling at the thought of Lolipops, taffy, fruit chews, and such. This got him extremely pumped up, as he laughed a bit finally yelling out all excited like. “HELL YES!!!! BRING ON THE CANDY!!!!” He rushed off after his battle cry, only to trip on his long robe. He got right back up though and like a trooper kept on going.
...Refi just simply made his  way inside the forest with a sigh and found a good tree to sit under where he wouldn’t be in anyone’s way and did just that, sat under it. Taking out his book and pen in his mane, he began to write in it like usual.
((Jack and Reficul are now open for Halloween Asks))
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From One Hunter to Another (Closed RP)
( @teamorcd-rp )
He had had enough, Jack was thoroughly furious about what had just transpired. Of course Teiden would take HER side, and tell him to fuck off. That’s totally like him being Mister Super-Nice and everything, but it also seemed like he had some sort of thing for Miss Rhymes-alot there. However he couldn’t stay all mad... he told him to go cool off by getting a drink or two, at the moment that sounded perfect. But his mind was still dwelling on that rage, and it was because this that he ran into someone, a quick look revealed it to be an.. absol? But they were on two legs. Clearly a hybrid.
“Aggh... god..dammit... sorry.” He grumbled, putting up his black hoodie’s hood, with a clearly annoyed sigh. “This day is just GAH ... i just... what the heck is going on?!” The darker than normal furred dog was just about to pass by the random hybrid when he stopped in his place and looked up at him.
“...Wait a sec...” Jack said, approaching the man once again, curiously. “There’s something about you that has me intrigued. Specifically your scent...” He commented, looking up at the hybrid with his violet eyes peering out from his hood.
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Arc 1 - Chp 5 - Fallen Star (Part 2)
It did not take long at all for Teiden and company to reach. Serenade was able to easily teleport all of them, Jack, Teiden, and Traizey as well as himself, to Seika’s team near instantly without much hassle. When they got to the other team’s camp, they were in for quite the sight. Seika, Mesa, and Refi were all huddled around Stellon’s side. Seika looked to be quite annoyed about what happened, Mesa seemed a bit confused, but Refi was the most concerned however, the zoroark really was hoping he could have done something for his boss.
“So... tell me what happened.” Said Teiden as he approached the four, causing them all except for Stellon to give him attention (As he was just aimlessly looking around confused.)
“Well, we encountered your old pal Alexandrite. The weavile got him right in the face with that weird paint.” Seika explained, holding her hands behind her back. “I feel stupid not going out with him, I should have figured out that the Gang Leader was going to be in the area. Now looks like he’s going to be confused for awhile...”
“So what do we do now Teiden?” Jack asked, moving over to get a closer look at the Hawlucha and his messed up stained face. Serenade moved in closer as well, lightly pushing Mesa and Refi aside so he could examine Stellon’s condition.
“I agree with Jack this time Pops, if we know where that creep is what are we doing still stickin’ in teams eh?” Trailblazer questioned, pacing around a bit sorta nervously. Teiden stopped her however by placing a hand on her shoulder to attempt to reassure the vixen of what was going on.
“Well, It’s a bit dangerous to be all alone, Seika i think you should always be together when searching these those marks out.” The blue bisharp reminded the taller one. “Why on earth would you send him out to do this alone hmmm?” He was looking at her quite sternly with his hands behind his back, Seika was never that thoughtless enough to send a lone man out to search out these marks on their own, so he was honestly rather curious as to why Stellon was out doing that by himself without at least taking Mesa or Refi along.
“Teiden, Stellon insisted that he go out on his own. Saying he needed some time to think about performances? I don’t know why but he just walked off before i could say anything.” The tall woman responded with a light sigh under her breath. “I should have done more yeah...” That thought REALLY made her disappointed in herself.
“...Its alright, at least you got there when you did.” Teiden reassured Seika, before walking past her to check on Stellon. “Doc, how’s he doing?” 
“...Well he’s not dying, those wounds are pretty bad, but with a bit of care here he should be able to walk it off in a few days. However he appears to be stuck in some sort of trance, likely induced from inhaling that paint... this is like what happened with Minuet.” The Gallade explained. “The best we can do is let him rest it off and hopefully. He’ll be babbling on for awhile and might try to get up... I wouldn’t try to keep him in bed, but I would be mindful of what he’s doing while he’s in this state. Unfortunately that means we’re going to have to make sure he keeps up with some of the necessities while he’s like this.”
“So making sure he eats and drinks?” Mesa chimed in, looking at the other mon with a concerned look.
“Preetty much yeah.” Serenade said, taking the wrapped coat off of stellon and replacing it with actual bandages. “There...” He finished wrapping him in bandages around the wounded area, but not before putting some medicine on those wounds. 
“Alright, I need to think of what to do next.” Teiden announced starting to walk a bit. “Why don’t you all talk about plans maybe while I think about what to do next. Its been awhile since all of us Alphas have been around and I’m sure Mesa and Refi would love to speak with some of you as well.” With that last thing, Teiden walked away.
Night fell rather fast upon the forest, despite the shakeup with Stellon it was quite peaceful, until Teiden arrived back and announced a pretty big change that was about to occur.
The same word rang throughout the six others. Stellon was asleep when this happened
“I think It’d be best to merge our teams. From what happened to Stellon today it had me thinking. Maybe we aren’t even safe in groups of four. It would be much better to stick as one large squad and split up temporarily when the time comes.” Teiden explained to the group, his hands in his lab coat’s pockets once again as he looked out among everyone there. “To add to it, we also have the concern of Stellon now, who we might need to keep an eye on as we travel until he returns to his senses... Stellon is strong but I don’t feel very comfortable leaving this guy alone for the time being. From tonight onward we travel all together and search for Xander and his gang, destroying marks as we pick up the trail.”
“...That’s a plan I guess I can get behind.” Jack shrugged, looking up to the starry sky through the trees.
“But what if he’s moved on, Dad?” Traizey brought up, sort of concerned. “He could have left the area today.” 
“That might not be true though Traizey, which is why we move in a larger group and split up to search a larger area. Now that we know where he is... we can finally begin closing in on the truth.” Teiden responded, starting to pace a little bit. “This event shook me too, so we need to stay vigilant and tenacious to these guys. I understand all of you are super concerned that we’ll miss some marks, but the faster we snag that spiky haired guy, the quicker this will stop happening. Now... enough questions fellas, we have to get some rest, everything is all set up?” He looked around the camp and nodded. seeing everyone’s sleeping bags all set up as well as some small tents.
“Good... now get some rest all of you. We got work to do tomorrow.” Teiden concluded, smiling a bit at everyone.
((They groups have merged, now anyone may show up durring another’s ask)) ((Stellon has been drugged and may not respond very intelligently when asked a question))
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Jack’s drink stash had already been cut off by teiden today, and he was in a quite foul mood thanks to more of Traizey’s shenanigans. All he could think was, ‘how could this day get any better...’ sarcastically to himself.
Then out of nowhere he was pounced by a midday lycanroc who out of nowhere began licking his face with a lot of excitement, all he could do was really flail around due to the sudden attack. “OH JEEZ OFF OFF OFFF!!!” he yelled trying to break free from the excited canine’s attack of affection.
That is to say he had to end up waiting till the dog got bored for him to get free.
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🌟 for Jack!!
Jack’s favorite genre of music is classical orchestra music. Something that Traizey constantly attempts (keyword being attempts) to tease him with. Often when Jack has free time he enjoys listening to it.
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😂 teiden owo
Making jokes
Jack: Oh gods please don’t get him starte-
Teiden: I want to thank all of the sidewalks out there today... For keeping me off the streets ;3
*Jack just stands there with his right eye twitching pointing at the one who asked the question with a murderous look in his eyes*
Jack: I̶̠̫̦͙ ͖̰͜ͅH͈̝̙͖a̳̦̭͔t̹̦ḙ̥̭̦̠̞̦͠ ̜̹̯̤͢y̧̻͙̹̙̮͎̳o̮͍̤̝u̥͎͙̠͙̖̲
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(askthecaravan-rps) 11 with Emily and Jack (getting to birbs now but lets have some hunter friends shall we?)
11. Your muse slams mine against a wall hard.
It hit him so suddenly out of nowhere, the purple eyed Riolu was slammed to the wall by seemingly nothing. He felt his limbs both being pushed up against the surface for a second, but his head was free to move to look around, and after a good look at his surroundings he saw a familiar Kirlia, using Psychic on him. It was Emily from the Caravan.
“Yo Em, the fuck is wrong? That fucking hurt!” He complained, trying to get out of it. Jack just assumed this was all just her being really rough with him, she seemed like the type of mon who’d do that. The typing of her attack though is what really caused him to hurt. “...I hope you aren’t turning on me... you know that’d really hurt more if you went apeshit on me for no real reason... I haven’t even done anything!”
He could only wonder what this girl was thinking and why she was doing it.
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Hey Jack! 🍎!!! D:
The Riolu raised his eyebrow at the apple being given to him, taking it in his right paw, and slowly biting into it. He still kept his eye on the glaceon who had given the apple to him, due to how she approached him so loudly.
“...thanks for the apple..? Don’t need to be so fuckin’ loud though... geez.” The dog grumbled turning the other way and just leaving with his apple in tow
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A Mystifying Meeting (Closed RP)
 ( @thevaloroushearts-rp )
“What a heck of a fight that was eh jack?”  Teiden said, walking out of the arena’s lobby, into the fresh air. The Altiel Battle League was quite the place to be, and yeah his friend Rhoslyn was right, these fighters were quite amazing in places, especially that last one, that Gothitelle magician. Cassie put on quite the alluring show with those moves, and it certainly kept his attention glued to the fight. The accompanying Riolu was not exactly impressed though. 
“...meh, if you say so.” The dog had his black hood over his head, obviously not one for crowds and not wanting to be looked at. “These guys aren’t anything I haven’t seen before, hell, I bet even Serry could knock them down a peg, and he’s fucking pathetic outside of his mega evolution.” He had his paws buried deep within his pockets. Meanwhile the blue blade just raised his eyebrows at him, not amused by the small bipedal canine’s language.
“Jack... I don’t mind the whole language thing when we’re on our own or with friends, but out in public is not... okay...” The blue armored mon gazed off to the side, seeing the same Gothitelle from the battle before walking out of the arena. Jack noticed his attention was lost on him and huffed a little before tugging on his lab coat. “Oh... sorry. Just caught my attention again.”
“Baaah... y’know what. You look like you need help, wuss.” The dark furred riolu trotted off in the direction of the magician with Teiden trying to stop him quickly. 
“Jack no!” Teiden called, trying to stop him, but it was already too late, Teiden could not stop him from finally reaching her.
The Riolu tugged on the back of the Psychic type’s long coattail to get her attention. “Yo, my wuss friend wanted to talk with you for a bit.” He pointed his paw back at Teiden who had just caught up with him. His gazed reached the masked mon and he honestly did not know what to say now... Jack sorta threw him into this situation unprepared.
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Arc 1 - Ch 3: Jacked Up to Eleven
.Well it was a good month and a half since Jack split with his group to find Teiden’s. Finally though... Teiden managed to catch up to Jack’s whereabouts.
There he was, carrying the small purple eyed bipedal dog by his Black Hoodie. The bisharp’s face seemed rather annoyed rather than just pure anger and hatred... considering all that had happened now and that he’s had plenty of people calm him down since that point, the blue blade was able to keep his emotions in check easier as he dropped the Riolu down near the fire by camp, the other two accompanying mons were looking at both Teiden and Jack waiting to hear what was about to be said.
“...Jack...” Teiden began slowly walking forward with his back facing the small fighting type. “...Please tell me WHY you ran away from them... and i sure as hell hope you have a good answer for me. You’ve caused a lot of grief for your fellow Alphas for the past month and such... So please, doooo tell me your side of the story.” The shiny pokemon merely stared down at the Riolu with his blaze-red eyes giving a rather angry stare. Serenade and Traizey were also waiting to hear what he had the said, but didn’t dare speak up at the moment.
The riolu just let out a light sigh. “...I didn’t like being with those plebeians-”
“OHHH I see, so when you agreed to team up with them, you were just planning on running away from them all from the start, is that all?~” Said Teiden sarcastically, cutting him off mid sentence. “Oh I’m soooo sorry! Please allow me to create ambiance for you on the world smallest violin!”
“HEY FUCK YOU! They weren’t treating me with respect-”
“Their job isn’t to treat you like a fucking king Jack, so tell me, did you not like being ordered around? When you signed up for this job like the others, you knew that you might be put in with the other team, the team that did not include me.” Teiden continued pointing right at him, this caused jack to lean back a pit holding his paws high in the air. “Did you think running away would make you look badass, i think jackass is a better term here? Did they hurt you?”
“Well they did sa-”
“DID THEY HURT YOU!?!” The bisharp raised his voice, getting right in Jack’s face, his teeth gritted.
“....No...” Jack crossed his arms looking off to the side. “But they were acting like total shitheads!  If i had to hear about Greg’s stupid performance history one more time! GAAH”
With that... Teiden had heard enough he stood up straight and began pacing a bit. “Thankfully for you... we have a replacement who just arrived with Seika and Stellon yesterday. One of your underlings, Minuet.”
“My... My cousin?” Serenade said, seeming a bit surprised in the matter. “Are you.. sure she’s ready for that?”
“Her reputation proceeds her... as second in command of the Hunters, shes perfectly qualified to replace the runaway here...” The bisharp answered, pacing. “And as for the case of you Jack.”
“Aww... crap...” Jack said with a great sigh. “...Fine hit me with your best shot...”
“You are now officially in this team, however you will remain with one of us at all times, and if you must go off on your own, will report to one of us of what you did...” Teiden answered. “This is really isn’t making me trust you much anymore Jack... you’re treading a REAL thin line here now.” Jack was merely looking off to the side silently growling.
“...Fine...” Jack agreed... knowing he’d likely be fired if he didn’t agree. This may not have been his best idea, but all he could really think about is how annoyed he was by the Hawlucha and that damn female Bisharp. Being shown up by his own Second in command was also not exactly that pleasant either... but his decision was made and his punishment was given.
“You really jacked this little thing up to eleven there, little man... I respect you, but you need to learn how to get along better with other mon.” Teiden concluded, walking off back into the woods to go look for any of those marks. 
Jack merely put his hood up, frustrated and annoyed at the whole situation. He did take it easy on him for deserting the other team ,normally someone would be fired for that... but being limited like this it was frustrating. Again he thought to himself of how dumb that plan really was. But he wouldn’t dare go back now, that would only make things worse. He could tolerate Serenade a bit... but traizey? She was the most annoying girl out of any of the ES.
This was going to be a long few months...
((Jack has officially joined with the group and will now be taking questions with the group))
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(Daily-dadalugg) Jessie@Jack "Another Riolu! Wow you look really strong! What's your favourite move? Toughest battle? You're the leader right? Of course you are, you're a riolu! How come you haven't evolved? I mean, I know Riolu are awesome, but so are Lucario!" If you don't seem to stop Jessie, they'll likely gush on forever.
After hearing this likely younger pup go on and on and on and on, Jack had finally had it and put one of his digits over her nose to tell her to zip it, cutting her off from further going on. His face didn’t show much anger, but it was clearly a bit annoyed from the way his eyes looked.
“…okay!….now that you’re done gushing like that, I’ll answer your questions one at a time. First off, my favorite move is known as ‘Shadow Rave’. Toughest battle would be with a Cresselia that went berserk. I am the leader of a group in the organization i work of yes, but not the entire organization as a whole.” He took a quick breath from that rapid fire answering spree and finally he was on the last question.
“…How come I haven’t evolved? Plain and simple, my current condition prevents further evolution. As long as this aura is with me, my form will remain the same. These moves may be unique… but its more of a curse than a blessing.” He put his paws into his hoodie’s pockets. “Thanks though for taking an interest in me.” 
Normally Jack would have snapped from someone asking this many questions… but they were all towards memories he actually sort of had a fondness for. 
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