Arc 1 - Chp 5 - Fallen Star (Part 2)
It did not take long at all for Teiden and company to reach. Serenade was able to easily teleport all of them, Jack, Teiden, and Traizey as well as himself, to Seika’s team near instantly without much hassle. When they got to the other team’s camp, they were in for quite the sight. Seika, Mesa, and Refi were all huddled around Stellon’s side. Seika looked to be quite annoyed about what happened, Mesa seemed a bit confused, but Refi was the most concerned however, the zoroark really was hoping he could have done something for his boss.
“So... tell me what happened.” Said Teiden as he approached the four, causing them all except for Stellon to give him attention (As he was just aimlessly looking around confused.)
“Well, we encountered your old pal Alexandrite. The weavile got him right in the face with that weird paint.” Seika explained, holding her hands behind her back. “I feel stupid not going out with him, I should have figured out that the Gang Leader was going to be in the area. Now looks like he’s going to be confused for awhile...”
“So what do we do now Teiden?” Jack asked, moving over to get a closer look at the Hawlucha and his messed up stained face. Serenade moved in closer as well, lightly pushing Mesa and Refi aside so he could examine Stellon’s condition.
“I agree with Jack this time Pops, if we know where that creep is what are we doing still stickin’ in teams eh?” Trailblazer questioned, pacing around a bit sorta nervously. Teiden stopped her however by placing a hand on her shoulder to attempt to reassure the vixen of what was going on.
“Well, It’s a bit dangerous to be all alone, Seika i think you should always be together when searching these those marks out.” The blue bisharp reminded the taller one. “Why on earth would you send him out to do this alone hmmm?” He was looking at her quite sternly with his hands behind his back, Seika was never that thoughtless enough to send a lone man out to search out these marks on their own, so he was honestly rather curious as to why Stellon was out doing that by himself without at least taking Mesa or Refi along.
“Teiden, Stellon insisted that he go out on his own. Saying he needed some time to think about performances? I don’t know why but he just walked off before i could say anything.” The tall woman responded with a light sigh under her breath. “I should have done more yeah...” That thought REALLY made her disappointed in herself.
“...Its alright, at least you got there when you did.” Teiden reassured Seika, before walking past her to check on Stellon. “Doc, how’s he doing?” 
“...Well he’s not dying, those wounds are pretty bad, but with a bit of care here he should be able to walk it off in a few days. However he appears to be stuck in some sort of trance, likely induced from inhaling that paint... this is like what happened with Minuet.” The Gallade explained. “The best we can do is let him rest it off and hopefully. He’ll be babbling on for awhile and might try to get up... I wouldn’t try to keep him in bed, but I would be mindful of what he’s doing while he’s in this state. Unfortunately that means we’re going to have to make sure he keeps up with some of the necessities while he’s like this.”
“So making sure he eats and drinks?” Mesa chimed in, looking at the other mon with a concerned look.
“Preetty much yeah.” Serenade said, taking the wrapped coat off of stellon and replacing it with actual bandages. “There...” He finished wrapping him in bandages around the wounded area, but not before putting some medicine on those wounds. 
“Alright, I need to think of what to do next.” Teiden announced starting to walk a bit. “Why don’t you all talk about plans maybe while I think about what to do next. Its been awhile since all of us Alphas have been around and I’m sure Mesa and Refi would love to speak with some of you as well.” With that last thing, Teiden walked away.
Night fell rather fast upon the forest, despite the shakeup with Stellon it was quite peaceful, until Teiden arrived back and announced a pretty big change that was about to occur.
The same word rang throughout the six others. Stellon was asleep when this happened
“I think It’d be best to merge our teams. From what happened to Stellon today it had me thinking. Maybe we aren’t even safe in groups of four. It would be much better to stick as one large squad and split up temporarily when the time comes.” Teiden explained to the group, his hands in his lab coat’s pockets once again as he looked out among everyone there. “To add to it, we also have the concern of Stellon now, who we might need to keep an eye on as we travel until he returns to his senses... Stellon is strong but I don’t feel very comfortable leaving this guy alone for the time being. From tonight onward we travel all together and search for Xander and his gang, destroying marks as we pick up the trail.”
“...That’s a plan I guess I can get behind.” Jack shrugged, looking up to the starry sky through the trees.
“But what if he’s moved on, Dad?” Traizey brought up, sort of concerned. “He could have left the area today.” 
“That might not be true though Traizey, which is why we move in a larger group and split up to search a larger area. Now that we know where he is... we can finally begin closing in on the truth.” Teiden responded, starting to pace a little bit. “This event shook me too, so we need to stay vigilant and tenacious to these guys. I understand all of you are super concerned that we’ll miss some marks, but the faster we snag that spiky haired guy, the quicker this will stop happening. Now... enough questions fellas, we have to get some rest, everything is all set up?” He looked around the camp and nodded. seeing everyone’s sleeping bags all set up as well as some small tents.
“Good... now get some rest all of you. We got work to do tomorrow.” Teiden concluded, smiling a bit at everyone.
((They groups have merged, now anyone may show up durring another’s ask)) ((Stellon has been drugged and may not respond very intelligently when asked a question))
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Arc 1 - Chp 5 - Fallen Star (Part 1)
It was another day out on the trail, another camp out, another search and destroy. Stellon was out doing the searching part around the forest off of the path. The star-eyed performer didn’t exactly enjoy scouting himself, but it was his turn, and all of these taboo marks needed to be erased. Still it was irksome to the Hawlucha, he wasn’t the greatest tracker in the world and he didn’t actually have any spells to make this easier. Much to his surprise however he had actually succeeded in his search… and then some! There it was, a Machop in black attire spraying some black paint on a tree, it appeared as if the mon had just gotten started.
Stellon approached the fellow fighting type quietly, casting a cloaking spell to stop the other one from noticing him. Capturing one of the TMG (Taboo Mark Gang) would be a perfect way to gain praise, besides just being part of his job which he signed up for. Sadly his sneaky antics were cut short as he stepped on a branch and made a loud crunch which caused the other fighting type to turn around with a Dual Chop, both of which hit him and caused the cloak to break and Stellon to slide back a bit with his guard up.
“Yo who da frick’re… wait you’re dat famous dude… erm” The machop gawked, recognizing the other mon with a confused look as he thought to himself with his free hand up to his chin. “Stellon right?” The hawlucha just bowed as if he were in a show to the opposing mon with a smile on his face. 
“The one and only!~ Pleasure to meet you oh ‘gangstah’ one.” He chuckled a bit as he looked up to him. The machop stayed on guard, holding his cannon up in front, and his other hand back, taking a fighting stance. He was not willing to let some half-baked pretty boy get in the way of his job, but at the same time Stellon was also not going to let some random gangster punk get in the way of his either. “I guess there’s no easy way of settling this feud eh? So you’re going to fight me?”
“YUP!” The gangster exclaimed, quickly attacking once again with another Dual Chop. This time however, the Hawlucha responded faster, grabbing the other mon’s shoulder and stylishly flipping above him with grace and as he spun back around, he arched his legs into the Machop’s back before letting go of him, causing him to already be heavily damaged as well as tumble down onto his front. Despite his smaller frame, Stellon was pretty strong. Yes it seemed like the match was only just beginning but was already ending. Stellon hopped high into the air and flipped to use Flying Press striking a glorious pose with his left leg held high.
BAM! He landed right on the Machop with full force, rightfully K.O.ing the weaker mon without much effort what so ever. As he got off and turned around, he held his head high with his eyes shut, as he dusted off his hands. “Easy Peasey-”
“Lemon squeezey.” someone finished for him as when the Hawlucha opened his eyes, he was sprayed in the face with some of that nasty spraypaint which caused the bird to gasp and fall backwards, tripping on the unconscious Machop and onto his back as he tried to wipe it from his eyes. The stench of the horrid paint made it hard to breath as when he finally opened his eyes he saw a Weavile wearing a long black torn up coat with the front unbuttoned, his black long shorts were just as torn. Upon his face was a wicked grin, and his hair was much spikier than a normal one of the species.  There was no doubt about it, this was the Gang Leader of the TMG. Alexandrite Rose was standing right in front of his very eyes.
“So Stell, how ya doin’ dude. Well... really that doesn’t matter, you about to be zetta effed up pretty soon.” Alexandrite answered holding his claws out in a taunting pose. “Sorry but we ain’t got no time for ol’ fogies round here dude. Message still needs to be spread loud and clear and seems like you Syndicate cronies are trying to complicate everything.” Stellon attemted to get up and managed to hobble onto his feet, but that spray of that mysterious paint was already starting to kick in as reality was beginning to alter from his very eyes. To top it all off, as he was looking around, the weavile charged up and jammed his claws straight into Stellon’s gut. 
Blood beginning to flow, but he didn’t even realize he’d been wounded as his world was starting to turn upside down around him, his eyes widened a little and his pupils turned much larger as the area around him began to distort. Alexandrite pulled his claws from the other male and stepped back watching him hobble around confused and unsure as he continued to bleed pretty bad. He crossed his arms, quite proud of himself. Only to nearly get clocked by a metal fist of the charging Seika soon after, his cat like reflexes were the only thing saving him from being nailed by that woman.
“BEAT IT YOU TWERP!!!” She yelled before throwing a few more punches with kicks thrown on, one of them putting a massive dent in a tree which caused it to fall over soon after. By the time it fully fell, Alexandrite was gone. Seeing stellon still heavily bleeding seika rushed over and took off her outer coat, quickly wrapping it around the hawlucha’s wounds fast to try to hold the bleeding. It was sorta hard for her considering the circumstances, she already saw from the black on his face that he’d been sprayed, and no doubt he took a big whiff of the paint already.
The damage had been done, she needed to get Serry here to treat these wounds... and so with a quick flick of her communicator with her free hand, Seika began to make some calls as she ran back to the camp.
This was not a good start to the day...
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ES At the Queen’s Festival (Intro)
Teiden and Serenade were waiting by the entrance to town, it looked like people were still setting up for the queen’s festival inside. Teiden was just leaned up against a post looking at his communicator, while his friend was pacing around eagerly, his hands behind his back and a nice smile upon his face. Serenade was clearly eager to join in this party, but they still had to wait for the other two to show up.
“...They’re late.” Teiden commented, looking at the time. “They said they were going to be here in five minutes like 20 minutes ago. What’s the holdup I wonder.”
“Oh hush now Chief. It’s not a business meeting, they can take as much time as they need.” Serry commented, putting his hands on his hips. “...I get it though Teiden you aren’t a big party person and you’re being dragged along here, but this is a good chance for you to meet new people too. Plus Queen Darina knows you right?” 
“I can do that without having to go to a party, Doc. Also the Queen and I only met once, we had a nice chat but I’m not sure if i can call her a friend yet... she seems a bit-” 
“OI FELLAS!~” A voice interrupted Teiden, making the two look in the opposite direction from the town, to see a Hawlucha, Stellon and a Marowak, Mesa approaching them together. “Are we ready to party?”
“Awww yeah!” Serry answered holding his hand high to the air, then proceeding walking into town FINALLY. “Cmon lets not waste anymore time here fellas” Mesa and Stellon laughed a bit and followed suit, leaving Teiden behind them who was looking over to the town.
“...Well... Guess I better go in.” The blue bisharp was hesitant at first... but slowly made his way in with his head slouched down. “Its gonna be a long few weeks...”
((Teiden, Serenade, Stellon, and Mesa have all joined the Queen’s Festival and will be available for asks and interactions until the festival ends.))
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Arc 1 - Chp 4.5 - Fateless Friends Join the Game
“Seika, when do you think they’ll arrive?” Stell asked, watching Seika as she hung up her phone from talking with the two. “I trust that they’ll show up rather quickly, the zoroark is my second in command after all, and the other is one who’s trained under you extensively. I don’t think either of them wishes to disappoint us from how close they’ve been to us.”
“Yeah well, that little dude’s come pretty far, I just hope he’s up for a big task like this, I wanted to bring my second in command, Hatchet, but Teiden insisted that the bonehead come along with us. I’m a bit concerned considering how big a job this is, however i’ll be sure to suck that up.” Seika mentioned, leaning back against a nearby tree and looking into her current comic book continuing where she left off. “To be honest, i’m glad we get more company, sticking around with only you is a bit of a pain.” This comment caused stellon to just laugh with a shake of his head. 
“Welp, better set up a camp fire for now then. Can’t expect these guys to be here in the blink of an eye now can we?” With that, stellon wandered into the woods to gather wood for a camp fire. 
“Already done with that man.” A younger voice called out from a few feet back, as the Bisharp and Hawlucha’s head turned their heads quickly to look at the one who addressed them. As from the shade of the trees, walked a Marowak wearing a green scarf, and a Zoroark wearing a crimson cloak over his right arm and a knapsack over his other with who knows what inside.
“Ahahahah... We’ve made sure to not be too late to the party these days.” the zoroark said, laughing a little. “Better a little early than late. In truth i’d rather be there early, sitting at the gate. Ah i should write that down.”
Stellon just smiled at the two who had decided to join them, Mesa, the Remade Marowak Guard. and Reficul, the Mystic Man of Words. Both only came in a few years ago, but already made their way close to the alphas in a sense. “Welcome fellas.” The hawlucha greeted, putting his hands together. “A fond hello you two. Glad you can join us so soon!”
The Marowak and Zoroark duo already had begun setting up the camp fire as he started to talk. The bone headed one setting it up to a perfect position, and the fox finishing it by using a fire spell to ignite it. “Well, were in the area at the time, right Refi?” Mesa asked, plopping himself on the ground, looking up to his friend. 
“Indeed...” The fox answered, sitting down on the ground, making sure he didn’t sit on that long hair he had. “Never thought we’d be working together again though Mesa, it’s honestly a treat to be working with an old friend.”
Seika closed her comic book and looked at the two. “You already know the deets on what we’re supposed to be doing out here, so I ain’t wasting time explaining it to you again, you were instructed on how to work a Purifier already, so explaining it again would be redundant. Be friendly to people, know when to defend yourself, blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda, you two already know these things so I’m not overly worried.” She concluded, putting her hands behind her back and her head held high. 
They responded by nodding at her at the same time, “Yes ma’am!” They said simultaneously, then realizing they said the exact same thing at the exact same time, they looked at each other and laughed about it.
“Keep those spirits high you two.” Seika advised, walking over to them, and kneeling down, holding out one hand to both of them. “Welcome aboard Reficul, Mesa. It’s good to have you around buddies.” 
(Reficul and Mesa have been added to Group 2 and are now available for asks and interactions.)
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Arc 1-Ch 4: Noisey on the Other Side
Meanwhile, in another place in the world, somewhere in a dense forest... things were at an unrest for a specific fire-helmed Bisharp and star-eyed hawlucha. The two stood back to back, as a thick black fog surrounded them, a magic shield cast around by the bird-like mon as the tall, strong steel type observed what was going on as her bright yellow eyes peered over her aviators. Something was circling them... likely one of those things got loose.
“I can’t see it... this damn smoke’s too thick.” Seika commented, trying to see what was going. The female gripped her large crate with her right hand, and also proceeded to adjust her tie with her right. Her teeth gritted a bit, ready for whatever was coming.. as she turned to her partner. “You doin all right? Hope that barrier isn’t takin’ too much out of you.”
“I’m fine... i think i can take about twenty minutes more of this... hurry up before you reach that threshold if you could please.” Replied Stellon, the hawlucha chuckling a little. In truth the performer wasn’t a huge fan of combat, but he understood when it was needed. Seika may have been exceedingly sturdier than iron, but he found it beneficial to protect her from taking unnecessary hits while she tried to observe, he just prayed to arceus she could find it before his energy was spent. Keeping a barrier up for an extended period of time was, as to be expected, quite the challenge. Finally however, something struck the barrier, from the north side, a long beak attempted to pierce the solidified energy but was unsuccessful.
“Gotcha!” The bisharp held her box out in front of her like a battering ram, and charged towards it, Stellon lowered the barrier accordingly so she didn’t run straight into it. Seika managed to collide right with the mysterious beast, finally identifying it as a Dodrio, its body however was black as soot and its eyes a horrific crimson, and a black, goo like substance dripped from its mouths. With the impact, the bisharp brute was shoving the dark looking bird back.
The beast continuously attempted to peck at Seika with all three heads as she charged it back, all its were landing, but it did not cause the bisharp to falter, nor did it slow down her charge. What finally stopped her was when she rammed the bird’s body straight into a tree which caused it to let out a loud screech. The dark Dodiro had been stunned for a second. Her opportunity finally arose as she dropped her case and grabbed two of the bird’s three necks, the ones of the heads on the opposite ends, and started to yank them away, a gruesome tearing sound heard once she finally parted them from the body... black goo gushed from the now headless necks.
“...Three heads are better than one eh? Too bad you’re about to have none.” She remarked wittingly, picking up her box. Seika arced her arm back and swung it right into the dodrio’s final head, smashing the thing in a nasty spray of the creature’s black colored blood. “Oh..yeah... heheh... i felt good about that one liner... did that sound cool Stellon?” The steel type’s head turned towards the hawlucha, who just nodded.
“...Whew... You are quite brutal, Hothelm. However, the moon shall be watching soon... mayhaps it’s time to return to camp... or would you rather we move on from this place and try to find an inn to stay at?” Stellon asked, putting his arms behind his back. 
“Might be a good idea to get moving... We’ve been in this place way too long. Lets go and try to find a town to stay in. However uh... yeah I’m gonna change into a clean suit before we head out, kay?” The fire helmed woman lifted her case over her shoulder and began to walk in another direction, her clothes were stained in black, so Stellon just nodded, and started to follow.
It only took them an hour to pack their things, and for Seika to change her clothes (Away from Stellon of course). She was now in a fresh suit, almost identical to the one she had gotten stained. Her sunglasses were now hanging from her suit’s breast-pocket. On her back was the supply pack, rather large at that. Stellon’s load was a bit lighter, merely carrying the duo’s medical bag and a personal backpack. The two remained silent for a good while, allowing the ambiance of the night to roll through the air uninterrupted. It was peaceful... super peaceful, until finally, Stellon spoke.
“...Why did you tell Minuet to go home anyway?” Stellon inquired.. his head still facing the road as he talked. The gardevoir that was meant to accompany them in replacement of Jack had left by order of Seika a few days ago, and Stellon was confused why she left.
“Greg... you saw how sick she was. She could barely keep a sentence going without coughing. We can’t treat her without serenade, so her better option was to return back to the Evermore Abode and get examined... if she would have stayed out here, things might have gotten worse, breathing in that black smoke those things release would have worsened her condition.” Seika answered, looking towards the ground, a sigh escaping her throat. “...You have to look out for your team... she’ll come back when she’s feeling better, for now we’ll just have to make due. Kay?” 
“Alright. I understand, sometimes such things need to be done. I guess that’s why he chose you for the leader of this group... Ah alright, lets hurry up and find us a place to rest.” He replied, a nice hammy grin on his face, Seika returned the smile with a laugh at the face.
“You got it, man.”
((Seika Tia and Gregory ‘Stellon’ Bright are now available for asks/interactions))
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Morrigan@Stellon: "So, you've studied a bit of magic have you?" The Braixen asked, her curiosity peaked "Any spells in particular catch your fancy?"
The star-eyed bird turned to face the bipedal vixen. Upon seeing her his mouth formed a quite eager smile seeing her. He turned around and approached her. 
“Ah, not often i get asked such a question from someone about such a subject… from the look of things you have also studied your fair bit of spells in the years.” The male lightly chuckled, putting his hands behind his back. “Anywho yes you could say I’ve studied it… I’m not ask experienced as most due to being self taught, but I have studied it quite intensively yes. As for your other questiooon.” He put his right talon up to his chin, pondering what was his favorite spell was. 
“To be honest, I more enjoy spells such as this one.” The Hawlucha lifted his hand into the air and started to murmur something under his breath… likely an incantation, and it was having some effect, as the spell caused his eyes to glow, during that time, both he and the accompanying Braixen were lifted from the ground… it was some kind of Levitation spell. “There is your answer…”
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Anzu@Stellon: "Whoa there li'l guy, you're kinda teetering there!" The Medicham forces a grin as she keeps a palm on his back briefly to keep him stable for a few seconds before pulling her palm away. "In fact, your eyes tell me you must be on something... you gonna be okay? Think you need anything?" She gasps, "OOH! I bet I have something to help ya out, with a small fee o'course!"
**Stellon’s eyes wandered a bit, gazing over at the medicham as he was touched, but his expression showed a strong hint of fear and he babbled a bit.** 
“All... a....ell...h...haayay! NoT... NOT TODAY! I....I.... ugh..ewmm... w...won’t”
**He appeared to be babbling in his trance, his eyed widened with terror as he backed up a bit. It was then that Teiden entered the scene with Serenade, both pulling the girl away from him, the taller one letting out a sigh. The gallade going over to calm the poor flying-fighting type down.**
“While i appreciate you taking the time to try and talk to him. Should probably hold some restraint missy...” The blue bisharp sighed putting his hand in front of his face. “Stellon is in no condition to be talking to anyone right now unfortunately... The medicine you offer is probs not potent enough to fix the problem as he appears to be stuck in some sort of trance. If you’d like though I’ll peruse your wares, I bet there might be something that could be used there for other purposes.”
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