I need to send you some asks but ❣ Serenade @ Rowan? They've met. Also maybe Teiden @ Scarlett if you take ones who've never met / first glance stuff
Serenade@Rowan ☰
“I still am not sure how to feel about this girl. I only met her once and it was all rather... brief erm... maybe i’ll know better if i meet her again? I mean she is in a band, i doubt she’s that dangerous just... i don’t know.”
Teiden@Scarlett ❤
“She’s harmless enough. I don’t really get much of a threat from this girl. This is talking from face value by the way, so I don’t know a whole if I can REALLY trust her, but I’m sure if i get the chance to speak to her we’ll be fine.”
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Quick reminder: You asked FOR IT!!! 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋
Serry was literally just walking through town on his way to go pick up some goods. The streets were busy as usual so he didn’t noticed as he was pulled off to the side away from the crowd by someone... oh shoot a mugger? Someone wanting to stab him in the neck? In broad daylight?!
Instead he was greeted by the lips of a fluffy-chested Lopunny being pushed up against his. Alla just dragged him out to grant him a kiss, as he was pushed up against a wall during it all. It stopped after a bit with the normal type just chuckling a bit before walking off back into the streets waving to him, not before saying one last thing.
“Thanks for that, Doc~❤” she said, leaving him to ponder what exactly what that was all about.
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Arc 1 - Chp 5 - Fallen Star (Part 2)
It did not take long at all for Teiden and company to reach. Serenade was able to easily teleport all of them, Jack, Teiden, and Traizey as well as himself, to Seika’s team near instantly without much hassle. When they got to the other team’s camp, they were in for quite the sight. Seika, Mesa, and Refi were all huddled around Stellon’s side. Seika looked to be quite annoyed about what happened, Mesa seemed a bit confused, but Refi was the most concerned however, the zoroark really was hoping he could have done something for his boss.
“So... tell me what happened.” Said Teiden as he approached the four, causing them all except for Stellon to give him attention (As he was just aimlessly looking around confused.)
“Well, we encountered your old pal Alexandrite. The weavile got him right in the face with that weird paint.” Seika explained, holding her hands behind her back. “I feel stupid not going out with him, I should have figured out that the Gang Leader was going to be in the area. Now looks like he’s going to be confused for awhile...”
“So what do we do now Teiden?” Jack asked, moving over to get a closer look at the Hawlucha and his messed up stained face. Serenade moved in closer as well, lightly pushing Mesa and Refi aside so he could examine Stellon’s condition.
“I agree with Jack this time Pops, if we know where that creep is what are we doing still stickin’ in teams eh?” Trailblazer questioned, pacing around a bit sorta nervously. Teiden stopped her however by placing a hand on her shoulder to attempt to reassure the vixen of what was going on.
“Well, It’s a bit dangerous to be all alone, Seika i think you should always be together when searching these those marks out.” The blue bisharp reminded the taller one. “Why on earth would you send him out to do this alone hmmm?” He was looking at her quite sternly with his hands behind his back, Seika was never that thoughtless enough to send a lone man out to search out these marks on their own, so he was honestly rather curious as to why Stellon was out doing that by himself without at least taking Mesa or Refi along.
“Teiden, Stellon insisted that he go out on his own. Saying he needed some time to think about performances? I don’t know why but he just walked off before i could say anything.” The tall woman responded with a light sigh under her breath. “I should have done more yeah...” That thought REALLY made her disappointed in herself.
“...Its alright, at least you got there when you did.” Teiden reassured Seika, before walking past her to check on Stellon. “Doc, how’s he doing?” 
“...Well he’s not dying, those wounds are pretty bad, but with a bit of care here he should be able to walk it off in a few days. However he appears to be stuck in some sort of trance, likely induced from inhaling that paint... this is like what happened with Minuet.” The Gallade explained. “The best we can do is let him rest it off and hopefully. He’ll be babbling on for awhile and might try to get up... I wouldn’t try to keep him in bed, but I would be mindful of what he’s doing while he’s in this state. Unfortunately that means we’re going to have to make sure he keeps up with some of the necessities while he’s like this.”
“So making sure he eats and drinks?” Mesa chimed in, looking at the other mon with a concerned look.
“Preetty much yeah.” Serenade said, taking the wrapped coat off of stellon and replacing it with actual bandages. “There...” He finished wrapping him in bandages around the wounded area, but not before putting some medicine on those wounds. 
“Alright, I need to think of what to do next.” Teiden announced starting to walk a bit. “Why don’t you all talk about plans maybe while I think about what to do next. Its been awhile since all of us Alphas have been around and I’m sure Mesa and Refi would love to speak with some of you as well.” With that last thing, Teiden walked away.
Night fell rather fast upon the forest, despite the shakeup with Stellon it was quite peaceful, until Teiden arrived back and announced a pretty big change that was about to occur.
The same word rang throughout the six others. Stellon was asleep when this happened
“I think It’d be best to merge our teams. From what happened to Stellon today it had me thinking. Maybe we aren’t even safe in groups of four. It would be much better to stick as one large squad and split up temporarily when the time comes.” Teiden explained to the group, his hands in his lab coat’s pockets once again as he looked out among everyone there. “To add to it, we also have the concern of Stellon now, who we might need to keep an eye on as we travel until he returns to his senses... Stellon is strong but I don’t feel very comfortable leaving this guy alone for the time being. From tonight onward we travel all together and search for Xander and his gang, destroying marks as we pick up the trail.”
“...That’s a plan I guess I can get behind.” Jack shrugged, looking up to the starry sky through the trees.
“But what if he’s moved on, Dad?” Traizey brought up, sort of concerned. “He could have left the area today.” 
“That might not be true though Traizey, which is why we move in a larger group and split up to search a larger area. Now that we know where he is... we can finally begin closing in on the truth.” Teiden responded, starting to pace a little bit. “This event shook me too, so we need to stay vigilant and tenacious to these guys. I understand all of you are super concerned that we’ll miss some marks, but the faster we snag that spiky haired guy, the quicker this will stop happening. Now... enough questions fellas, we have to get some rest, everything is all set up?” He looked around the camp and nodded. seeing everyone’s sleeping bags all set up as well as some small tents.
“Good... now get some rest all of you. We got work to do tomorrow.” Teiden concluded, smiling a bit at everyone.
((They groups have merged, now anyone may show up durring another’s ask)) ((Stellon has been drugged and may not respond very intelligently when asked a question))
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ES At the Queen’s Festival (Intro)
Teiden and Serenade were waiting by the entrance to town, it looked like people were still setting up for the queen’s festival inside. Teiden was just leaned up against a post looking at his communicator, while his friend was pacing around eagerly, his hands behind his back and a nice smile upon his face. Serenade was clearly eager to join in this party, but they still had to wait for the other two to show up.
“...They’re late.” Teiden commented, looking at the time. “They said they were going to be here in five minutes like 20 minutes ago. What’s the holdup I wonder.”
“Oh hush now Chief. It’s not a business meeting, they can take as much time as they need.” Serry commented, putting his hands on his hips. “...I get it though Teiden you aren’t a big party person and you’re being dragged along here, but this is a good chance for you to meet new people too. Plus Queen Darina knows you right?” 
“I can do that without having to go to a party, Doc. Also the Queen and I only met once, we had a nice chat but I’m not sure if i can call her a friend yet... she seems a bit-” 
“OI FELLAS!~” A voice interrupted Teiden, making the two look in the opposite direction from the town, to see a Hawlucha, Stellon and a Marowak, Mesa approaching them together. “Are we ready to party?”
“Awww yeah!” Serry answered holding his hand high to the air, then proceeding walking into town FINALLY. “Cmon lets not waste anymore time here fellas” Mesa and Stellon laughed a bit and followed suit, leaving Teiden behind them who was looking over to the town.
“...Well... Guess I better go in.” The blue bisharp was hesitant at first... but slowly made his way in with his head slouched down. “Its gonna be a long few weeks...”
((Teiden, Serenade, Stellon, and Mesa have all joined the Queen’s Festival and will be available for asks and interactions until the festival ends.))
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Zabrina@Serenade: If I may be so bold, why do you don a mask upon your face? There must be a reason why.
Serenade looked at the delphox, untying his mask to remove it real quick before he held it out in front of him, looking down at it. “...Really It’s not for any sort of purpose, everyone around my group knows my name, they all know who i am where i grew up, what I’m like. The truth of the matter is, this mask belonged to my dad, Bolero.”
“It’s sorta like a parting gift. He died a long time ago battling... someone... but it brings me comfort as i continue to wear it. Really it may sound cliche as all hell... but its the truth. I’ve been told by someone else that my eyes are gorgeous and that i should toss it but.” The gallade just shook his head. “I couldn’t, but i can at least remove it, to show them.”
“Thanks for asking though, its nice when someone’s so curious of me.” He grinned, putting the mask back on his head.
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[Dragonoak-kingdom] Darina saw the gallade keeping quietly to himself and decided he would be a good choice to share the spring time warmth with. "I bring warm greetings of spring." With a slight dip of her head she greeted him. "Apple blossoms are a sign of peace, love, and fertility. While the later two are not relevant I sense the earlier is suiting to your personality, yes?" She places the flower in his hand. "May this season bring you just that."
The sudden approach of the unknown mon caused the Gallade to jump a bit. Upon seeing this new mon it suddenly clicked with him who she was. Teiden had mentioned a royal who appeared to be a hybrid of a Gardevoir and the legendary Xerneas.
“You’re… Queen… Darina right?” He asked looking up at the taller female, clearly pretty intimidated. But almost immediately when she handed him the flower, he eased up a little. 
“Thank you very much.” A small, grin appeared on his face. “May this season bring you happiness and peace.”
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(from askthecaravan-rp)) "Excuse me, big brother..." ((Cue the tiny ralts and a very misplaced teleport XD))
||5. Falling Asleep||
It was a long, very tiring day. Serry was just glad that Teiden had decided to set up camp in such a nice area. a very secluded part of the woods, not easy to spot unless you were actively looking for it. 
The time was around 8 when Serry decided it was time to pack it in, though the other three were still awake, he had already gotten settled inside of his tent, as he lay his head down against a pillow he had brought with him, and started to doze off.
Then out of nowhere, he heard Phineas say something to him, normally he’d just shrug this off since the boy DID often talk through telepathy. But what caused him to jump was the sudden intrusion of the little bro.
“ACK... Phineas... what do you want?” He asked, a little surprised he found him, but a little annoyed at the same time.
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"Excuse me, Doc!" (((You just activated my trap card, Alla-Serry!!)))
||11. In a Bubble Bath||
After a long days work, it was finally time to relax a little bit. Serenade felt the need to enjoy some time on his own while the other three were out celebrating a job well done. So he had prepared a bath using special bath soap he had been saving for just the occasion.
About a minutes past and he had shed his mask and belt, the water was perfect and the suds were just the right height. With a hum of a quick tune he stepped in and lowered himself down, letting himself sink a bit as far as he could for such shallow water. As he took a nice deep, slow breath, embracing the lovely scent of the bubbles he finally got relaxed.
However, it was when he heard a familiar ‘Excuse me, Doc!’ when his trance broke.  His head turned super fast to see what it was, only to see Alla Mcflame poking her head in the bathroom door. 
“AH! Alla!? What are you doing here?! How did you get in here?!” He asked raising himself a little backing up against the wall a little as he just stared her in the eye, his face red.
At then it occurred to him… he had forgot to lock the door to the room. 
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Blayz: E-Excuse me? Mr Serenade?
||14. Ranting||
Ouch! The gallade had just fell over one of Jack’s beer bottles that he had left stuck in the ground. Landing right on his rear, now he didnt get angry that often, but the fact Jack was not only leaving his damn debris on the ground infuriated him.
“Of all the goddamn things he could do with these bottles he decides to leave them on the ground until we leave. Ugh that pisses me off so much! He does it on purpose i know he does. Usually it’s traizey who ends up complaining about jack’s shenanigans, but me? Is this really what we’re getting to here? UGH I do not understand why this even makes me so mad! Is it because it’s littering, the damage it could do it one breaks, or just the smell from the alcohol? UGH for arceus sake-”
Just then he was cut off by the familiar voice. Blayz was standing behind him and likely had witnessed the whole thing. Him getting all worked up over what had just happened. Normally he was seen as a very peaceful not ragey sort of guy so this situation was especially embarrassing. His face was stuck in a blank and he did not know what to do past  this point.
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"Excuse me, Monsieur?" (Uhhh lets say Darina to serry?)
||7. Dancing at Home||
The gallade was in solitude, practicing his elegant dancing steps, his big gallade feet only touched the floor from his toes as he twirled as if he was a Kirlia again. Dancing was always something he had loved to do, he had even somewhat used such graceful moves when he had to fight.
Serenade struck one final graceful pose, standing up tall with the front tip of his left foot keeping him up while his right leg arched up high. The pink masked mon smiled at his finish feeling quite at ease… until he saw who else, but Queen Darina standing in his doorway all of a sudden. This caused the doc to lose is balance and fall backwards onto his rear as he was stuck looking up at the Xernishvoir, his eyes a little wide from just the surprise of her coming into his house out of nowhere.
“Ah… Oh…. jeez I’m sorry your highness! I wasn’t expecting you to come to my house.” He was always the shy and uneasy one of his group, and this was the way it was for as long as he could remember. But having someone walk in on him like this, especially when it was the Queen of… well wherever, made him stay still and silent while looking up at her in disbelief.
Quite embarrassing but… it could have been worse, she could have walked in on him in a different more private situation.
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👍 Serry about Alla. (Harrr garr)
Neck:  ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Shoulders: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Arms: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 
Hands: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Chest: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Overall Upper body:  👍 9.25/10 👎
Waist: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Butt: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Legs: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Feet: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Overall lower body: 👍10 /10 👎
Body language: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Overall appeal: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Notes: “I… I.. Oh gosh why did I sign up for this. Shes… very attractive, in almost every place. I don’t know what else i could say about her… Would maybe I feel differently if she wasn’t just flirting with me before?”
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Clair approaches Serenade tentatively. "Hello, sorry to intrude, but I heard you are a pacifist? I am one too, but I can't help but assume it's made a bit easier for me. See, the males of my species tend to be more passive by default, and though I'm not male I believe that nature is still within me. For you, well, how do I put this..." Félicité pops out from behind the skirt of her dress and inquires rudely, "You have BLADES on your ARMS! ARM BLADES! Why not use them?"
The Gallade jumped a bit at the Espurr’s appearance, but quickly composed himself, lightly clearing his throat. He looked up at the older Meowstic.
“Erm… well I didn’t want to be a Gallade originally. I wanted to evolve into a Gardevoir like my mother. But something came up and i felt like i wasn’t strong enough to do anything at the time. I do use these blades on occasion.”
He showed his elbow blades, showing that they were still there.
“And I can still fight, I just don’t use them often. Hurting other mon isn’t a good feeling for me… even when i have to, even if they’re the most despicable person on the planet, I still feel incredibly guilty afterwards.”
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Arc 1 - Ch 3: Jacked Up to Eleven
.Well it was a good month and a half since Jack split with his group to find Teiden’s. Finally though... Teiden managed to catch up to Jack’s whereabouts.
There he was, carrying the small purple eyed bipedal dog by his Black Hoodie. The bisharp’s face seemed rather annoyed rather than just pure anger and hatred... considering all that had happened now and that he’s had plenty of people calm him down since that point, the blue blade was able to keep his emotions in check easier as he dropped the Riolu down near the fire by camp, the other two accompanying mons were looking at both Teiden and Jack waiting to hear what was about to be said.
“...Jack...” Teiden began slowly walking forward with his back facing the small fighting type. “...Please tell me WHY you ran away from them... and i sure as hell hope you have a good answer for me. You’ve caused a lot of grief for your fellow Alphas for the past month and such... So please, doooo tell me your side of the story.” The shiny pokemon merely stared down at the Riolu with his blaze-red eyes giving a rather angry stare. Serenade and Traizey were also waiting to hear what he had the said, but didn’t dare speak up at the moment.
The riolu just let out a light sigh. “...I didn’t like being with those plebeians-”
“OHHH I see, so when you agreed to team up with them, you were just planning on running away from them all from the start, is that all?~” Said Teiden sarcastically, cutting him off mid sentence. “Oh I’m soooo sorry! Please allow me to create ambiance for you on the world smallest violin!”
“HEY FUCK YOU! They weren’t treating me with respect-”
“Their job isn’t to treat you like a fucking king Jack, so tell me, did you not like being ordered around? When you signed up for this job like the others, you knew that you might be put in with the other team, the team that did not include me.” Teiden continued pointing right at him, this caused jack to lean back a pit holding his paws high in the air. “Did you think running away would make you look badass, i think jackass is a better term here? Did they hurt you?”
“Well they did sa-”
“DID THEY HURT YOU!?!” The bisharp raised his voice, getting right in Jack’s face, his teeth gritted.
“....No...” Jack crossed his arms looking off to the side. “But they were acting like total shitheads!  If i had to hear about Greg’s stupid performance history one more time! GAAH”
With that... Teiden had heard enough he stood up straight and began pacing a bit. “Thankfully for you... we have a replacement who just arrived with Seika and Stellon yesterday. One of your underlings, Minuet.”
“My... My cousin?” Serenade said, seeming a bit surprised in the matter. “Are you.. sure she’s ready for that?”
“Her reputation proceeds her... as second in command of the Hunters, shes perfectly qualified to replace the runaway here...” The bisharp answered, pacing. “And as for the case of you Jack.”
“Aww... crap...” Jack said with a great sigh. “...Fine hit me with your best shot...”
“You are now officially in this team, however you will remain with one of us at all times, and if you must go off on your own, will report to one of us of what you did...” Teiden answered. “This is really isn’t making me trust you much anymore Jack... you’re treading a REAL thin line here now.” Jack was merely looking off to the side silently growling.
“...Fine...” Jack agreed... knowing he’d likely be fired if he didn’t agree. This may not have been his best idea, but all he could really think about is how annoyed he was by the Hawlucha and that damn female Bisharp. Being shown up by his own Second in command was also not exactly that pleasant either... but his decision was made and his punishment was given.
“You really jacked this little thing up to eleven there, little man... I respect you, but you need to learn how to get along better with other mon.” Teiden concluded, walking off back into the woods to go look for any of those marks. 
Jack merely put his hood up, frustrated and annoyed at the whole situation. He did take it easy on him for deserting the other team ,normally someone would be fired for that... but being limited like this it was frustrating. Again he thought to himself of how dumb that plan really was. But he wouldn’t dare go back now, that would only make things worse. He could tolerate Serenade a bit... but traizey? She was the most annoying girl out of any of the ES.
This was going to be a long few months...
((Jack has officially joined with the group and will now be taking questions with the group))
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Anzu@Stellon: "Whoa there li'l guy, you're kinda teetering there!" The Medicham forces a grin as she keeps a palm on his back briefly to keep him stable for a few seconds before pulling her palm away. "In fact, your eyes tell me you must be on something... you gonna be okay? Think you need anything?" She gasps, "OOH! I bet I have something to help ya out, with a small fee o'course!"
**Stellon’s eyes wandered a bit, gazing over at the medicham as he was touched, but his expression showed a strong hint of fear and he babbled a bit.** 
“All... a....ell...h...haayay! NoT... NOT TODAY! I....I.... ugh..ewmm... w...won’t”
**He appeared to be babbling in his trance, his eyed widened with terror as he backed up a bit. It was then that Teiden entered the scene with Serenade, both pulling the girl away from him, the taller one letting out a sigh. The gallade going over to calm the poor flying-fighting type down.**
“While i appreciate you taking the time to try and talk to him. Should probably hold some restraint missy...” The blue bisharp sighed putting his hand in front of his face. “Stellon is in no condition to be talking to anyone right now unfortunately... The medicine you offer is probs not potent enough to fix the problem as he appears to be stuck in some sort of trance. If you’d like though I’ll peruse your wares, I bet there might be something that could be used there for other purposes.”
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💎 You know who? >:3 Mwuhahaha
Serenade’s rating for Alla : 10/10
“Oh…. JEEZ why do you do this too me… Well… your fur is very soft, you clearly groom it on a regular basis.  Your eyes are really lovely… like a pair of opals almost… then…then there’s your-” 
*Serenade then gets slapped in the back by jack*
“ACK OKAY! Your curvy body is your most amazing feature, you’re hot, and extremely attractive! Am i done now?!”
“…You’re super pretty and someone i really want to see more often. I know I’m not exactly the most amazing guy though, and my confidence leaves soooo much more to be desired. Uuuugh… i’m sorry.”
{ @askpkewarmthhearts }
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