Beck@Teiden: "Now now thats no good, ya got a frown on ya face sweetie" beck chuckles as she sits across from him, sliding a mug of hot chocolate with whip cream. "What has you so down in the dumps this snowy season blueboy? Aint no way to celebrate the holidays." She smiles sweetly at the bisharp
Teiden caught the mug that was sent to him, a little bit spilling onto the table due to the sudden stop of it, but he didn’t seem to really care as he just took a sip of the drink, shaking his head. He took a few minutes before actually responding to the large-handed hybrid. But when he finally spoke his head was still down a bit.
“...Well I came here by myself. I have a group of people that usually would be happy to accompany me to these sort of things, but they just all... didn’t show up this time.” He took another swig of the cocoa. “I honestly don’t like these big parties but at the same time i wanted to come because I wanted to see the lights and sights here... never thought that no one else would want to enjoy them with me.”
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Snow After The Show (Closed RP)
( @thevaloroushearts-rp )
<continued from Here>
Teiden gazed a bit at the display she put on, chuckling a fair bit, even turning into laughter a little at the lively Gothitelle’s little greeting, clapping his hands with a good grin, it was the first major time he’s smiled all . If there was one thing that Cassiopeia was good at, it was making a spectacle of just about every situation they came across... no matter how small or common the situation was, she always enjoyed putting on a good show, and he admired that quite a bit. But the moment he heard her ask about coming alone he looked down a bit somberly.
“...Nah... They just, had prior engagements. I came here on my own volition.” He chuckled a bit, forcing a smile trying not to seem too down in front of his peppy magic friend. “It’s... It’s honestly fine! They chose not to join me, I guess I can understand that these kinds of things aren’t for everyone or they just were busy.” 
“N... Nevermind that! It’s not really that important!” The smaller male tried to play it off like him coming by himself to a christmas event was nothing, but there was some clear undertones of sadness in his voice behind that smile. “It’s just a lovely event with lovely people and... I’m happy to be here, hahahah.”
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Christmas in Solitude (Poke Christmas 2017 Opener)
“Teiden I’m sorry... I have to keep an eye after stellon. I can’t go with you this time. This will be a good place for you to make more friends right? Think of it as that. Please... don’t hate me though.”
“Sorry Dad no can do. I’m gonna have to wear a fancy outfit? Hell to the no no no no. You can go on your own right? Not like you’re unable to handle yourself! You’re a big and tough daddy, don’t let this constant fear and loneliness rule your life!”
“Oh please, I can think of millions of things better to do than go with you to a party. You know I can’t stand the cold, and i’m sure as hell not sitting in some lounge all evening waiting for you to get done with whatever the fuck you think you’re doing at a party like this.”
Teiden approached the event with his sweater on under his lab coat, his head held down a bit, looking around at all the mons around him. He felt himself get lost in the crowd for a few moments. It was very nice to see all these mons of unique typing wandering about, but at the same time he couldn’t help but feel a bit... uneasy? Lonely? Disappointed? Maybe a combination of all three.
“...Why did i sign up for this... this is just going to be like every other year. Maybe i should just hide out in the dining hall eat my food and leave... what do you think Serry- oh... thats right.” He said looking behind him, not seeing his partner with him this time, he shook his head and continued walking on. “...So used to having him around to talk to during these events for moral support... kinda noticeable when he ain’t there. Whatever, I’m not just going to turn tail and run, I’m at least going to get some good food while I’m here.”
With that the blue helmed bisharp approached the dining hall with a sigh. This was something interesting, a Christmas event in solitude. His hopes were low and so were his expectations, but he continued with his hands in his pockets, smiling to hid the feelings.
<<Teiden has arrived at the event and will be in the dining room available for asks and interactions!>>
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❤❣ Scarlett and Teiden? They've met.
“Okay now that i have a better Idea of who this girl is.”
“Not really much has changed to be quite honest. Still seems nice and my trust level remains rather similar to how it was before when i was asked about her. I’d have to get to know her a bit better before i make any real judgments. Very pretty lady with a good attitude. Maybe i’ll meet her again sometime.”
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(norehliananecdotes) Sanjit @ Teiden: "You're the second Bisharp I've seen today, you know that? Except that you're shiny. Which is neat, blue's a good color. You all alone out here? That'd be unfortunate if so. I saw a lot of people in the ball room though, some of them even looked like ... I dunno, singers or entertainers or something? I don't think they were, but anyway, maybe you'll consider taking a look-see?"
“Heh... well you’re the ONLY Tapu-Fini that I’ve seen around here.” Teiden remarked with a slight chuckle. “Which i think is pretty neat. Not often you meet an Island guardian of Alola. As for your question, yes I’m alone. I could no convince any of my other group to join me out here tonight.”
As his ears caught the tune of entertainers, Teiden looked over to where the ballroom was, tilting his head a bit. “...So there’s shows being put on... I wonder if... nah. Sorry I’m talking out loud buddy. Thanks for coming over to talk to me though. I’m probably going to hit the dining hall before i do anything. Empty stomachs are no good after all.” The blue helmed bisharp replied tipping his helm in a respectful manner.
( @norehliananecdotes )
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(askpkewamthhearts) Castiel@Teiden: "Never thought I'll see you here." the Vulpix with a sour look on his face walked to the Bisharp. He looked around before he spoke up again: "Where did you leave the rest of your followers? You know the kid, the pink masked doctor and Jack-ass?)
Teiden gazed down at the smaller mon, shaking his head, sorta annoyed that he was approached the way he was. Castiel despite the whole ‘him just being that way’ thing. It still was bothering him. “…They aren’t here. I came alone this year.” Teiden answered without even a grin or nod, his face seeming pretty straight for how he usually is. 
“…Sorry just, I’m too hungry to deal with this right now… please just lemme dine in peace buddy? Okay?” Teiden asked, beginning to prepare a plate of food for himself.
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Tumblr media
You are a great friendo and brilliant roleplayer, irespectu
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Chrys @ Teiden: "A Bisharp in a lab coat is something new. I never thought of the Bisharp species to be the ones in the lab; not to say they don't have the mental capacity to be scientists or doctors, it's just it seems you all excel way further in hunting and soldiering and what not. At least, that's how it goes in my kingdom anyway. Do you wear this lab coat all the time? Why do you wear it? What do you do?"
Teiden looked down at the younger mon. Her curiosity and questions were amusing to him.
“Aren’t we full of questions today? Well that’s alright, Not really anything wrong with it.” He laughed, taking a breath taking all of her questions into account before finally going to answer them.
“I pretty much wear this thing all the time, yes.This next thign goes into your second question, Its comfy and easy to wear, washes easily, and I’ve also been told I look really good in it.” Teiden chuckled, spinning a bit to look at himself a bit more.
“Finally, to answer your question as to what I do. I am a Robotic’s scientist. I help design and create machines, specifically for the organization i run, the Evermore Syndicate, which i also head up in terms of operations. I can’t really call myself much right now, as all of my current projects are back at the lab, but never the less I still hold the title proudly.” He snickered a bit, but nodded. “Thanks for your curiosity, it’s always a grand pleasure knowing someone finds interest in me. I’ve always sought out breaking the boundaries that most other mon have with species, and species traits. It’s something I believe shouldn’t have to define an individual non-feral mon.”
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❣ even though they have interacted how would Teiden take to Vonnegut
Teiden@Vonnegut 💔
“Not gonna lie here dude, you make me feel a bit uneasy... This is only at face value but... i’m unsettled a little. Not exactly afraid but something’s not really right here.”
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I need to send you some asks but ❣ Serenade @ Rowan? They've met. Also maybe Teiden @ Scarlett if you take ones who've never met / first glance stuff
Serenade@Rowan ☰
“I still am not sure how to feel about this girl. I only met her once and it was all rather... brief erm... maybe i’ll know better if i meet her again? I mean she is in a band, i doubt she’s that dangerous just... i don’t know.”
Teiden@Scarlett ❤
“She’s harmless enough. I don’t really get much of a threat from this girl. This is talking from face value by the way, so I don’t know a whole if I can REALLY trust her, but I’m sure if i get the chance to speak to her we’ll be fine.”
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37 refi n teiden
37. When was the last time they cried?
Teiden: The last time Teiden cried was back about a year ago when Traizey was nearly killed by a rampaging Poliwrath Pirate. He prayed to Xerneas for the life of his daughter and broke down several times in fear that she’d be lost. Only after she survived did he realize how strong she had gotten...
Reficul: The zoro boy’s last good sob was back when he returned from the distortion world. His crew down there that helped him get out was taken down at the last moment after his most trusted partner betrayed him and sent them both into the abyss of that world. He blamed himself for not seeing through the jerk’s plan... He still thinks about it to this day.
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Arc 1 - Chp 5 - Fallen Star (Part 2)
It did not take long at all for Teiden and company to reach. Serenade was able to easily teleport all of them, Jack, Teiden, and Traizey as well as himself, to Seika’s team near instantly without much hassle. When they got to the other team’s camp, they were in for quite the sight. Seika, Mesa, and Refi were all huddled around Stellon’s side. Seika looked to be quite annoyed about what happened, Mesa seemed a bit confused, but Refi was the most concerned however, the zoroark really was hoping he could have done something for his boss.
“So... tell me what happened.” Said Teiden as he approached the four, causing them all except for Stellon to give him attention (As he was just aimlessly looking around confused.)
“Well, we encountered your old pal Alexandrite. The weavile got him right in the face with that weird paint.” Seika explained, holding her hands behind her back. “I feel stupid not going out with him, I should have figured out that the Gang Leader was going to be in the area. Now looks like he’s going to be confused for awhile...”
“So what do we do now Teiden?” Jack asked, moving over to get a closer look at the Hawlucha and his messed up stained face. Serenade moved in closer as well, lightly pushing Mesa and Refi aside so he could examine Stellon’s condition.
“I agree with Jack this time Pops, if we know where that creep is what are we doing still stickin’ in teams eh?” Trailblazer questioned, pacing around a bit sorta nervously. Teiden stopped her however by placing a hand on her shoulder to attempt to reassure the vixen of what was going on.
“Well, It’s a bit dangerous to be all alone, Seika i think you should always be together when searching these those marks out.” The blue bisharp reminded the taller one. “Why on earth would you send him out to do this alone hmmm?” He was looking at her quite sternly with his hands behind his back, Seika was never that thoughtless enough to send a lone man out to search out these marks on their own, so he was honestly rather curious as to why Stellon was out doing that by himself without at least taking Mesa or Refi along.
“Teiden, Stellon insisted that he go out on his own. Saying he needed some time to think about performances? I don’t know why but he just walked off before i could say anything.” The tall woman responded with a light sigh under her breath. “I should have done more yeah...” That thought REALLY made her disappointed in herself.
“...Its alright, at least you got there when you did.” Teiden reassured Seika, before walking past her to check on Stellon. “Doc, how’s he doing?” 
“...Well he’s not dying, those wounds are pretty bad, but with a bit of care here he should be able to walk it off in a few days. However he appears to be stuck in some sort of trance, likely induced from inhaling that paint... this is like what happened with Minuet.” The Gallade explained. “The best we can do is let him rest it off and hopefully. He’ll be babbling on for awhile and might try to get up... I wouldn’t try to keep him in bed, but I would be mindful of what he’s doing while he’s in this state. Unfortunately that means we’re going to have to make sure he keeps up with some of the necessities while he’s like this.”
“So making sure he eats and drinks?” Mesa chimed in, looking at the other mon with a concerned look.
“Preetty much yeah.” Serenade said, taking the wrapped coat off of stellon and replacing it with actual bandages. “There...” He finished wrapping him in bandages around the wounded area, but not before putting some medicine on those wounds. 
“Alright, I need to think of what to do next.” Teiden announced starting to walk a bit. “Why don’t you all talk about plans maybe while I think about what to do next. Its been awhile since all of us Alphas have been around and I’m sure Mesa and Refi would love to speak with some of you as well.” With that last thing, Teiden walked away.
Night fell rather fast upon the forest, despite the shakeup with Stellon it was quite peaceful, until Teiden arrived back and announced a pretty big change that was about to occur.
The same word rang throughout the six others. Stellon was asleep when this happened
“I think It’d be best to merge our teams. From what happened to Stellon today it had me thinking. Maybe we aren’t even safe in groups of four. It would be much better to stick as one large squad and split up temporarily when the time comes.” Teiden explained to the group, his hands in his lab coat’s pockets once again as he looked out among everyone there. “To add to it, we also have the concern of Stellon now, who we might need to keep an eye on as we travel until he returns to his senses... Stellon is strong but I don’t feel very comfortable leaving this guy alone for the time being. From tonight onward we travel all together and search for Xander and his gang, destroying marks as we pick up the trail.”
“...That’s a plan I guess I can get behind.” Jack shrugged, looking up to the starry sky through the trees.
“But what if he’s moved on, Dad?” Traizey brought up, sort of concerned. “He could have left the area today.” 
“That might not be true though Traizey, which is why we move in a larger group and split up to search a larger area. Now that we know where he is... we can finally begin closing in on the truth.” Teiden responded, starting to pace a little bit. “This event shook me too, so we need to stay vigilant and tenacious to these guys. I understand all of you are super concerned that we’ll miss some marks, but the faster we snag that spiky haired guy, the quicker this will stop happening. Now... enough questions fellas, we have to get some rest, everything is all set up?” He looked around the camp and nodded. seeing everyone’s sleeping bags all set up as well as some small tents.
“Good... now get some rest all of you. We got work to do tomorrow.” Teiden concluded, smiling a bit at everyone.
((They groups have merged, now anyone may show up durring another’s ask)) ((Stellon has been drugged and may not respond very intelligently when asked a question))
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((Luna 💋 to Teiden >:3c ))
Teiden was once again at the same tree Lunaries hung around. He enjoyed talking with her and keeping her company. Course as per usual he talked about what was going on in his story and she would talk about whatever she wished to talk about. It was shaping up to be a pretty normal evening again. Except one moment when the two locked eyes, the Gardevoir hybrid leaned forward and planted a kiss right on his lips for just a quick second. Teiden was shocked, tilting his head curiously.
“I-I heard that was how you show a-a-appreciation here.” She said. This caused teiden to just laugh a bit. He appreciated the sentiment, even if it wasn’t exactly that great of a choice of action for it. He knew what she meant by it.
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Mere 💋 Teiden(??)
Teiden was just visiting with Meredith, he always enjoyed a friendly conversation with another mon, and often Mer had quite a bit to say. Added usually when he was there he got some free snacks... his inner freeloader enjoyed it quite well. In the middle of one of their conversations however as he reached over to grab a cookie. Out of nowhere the zoroark leaned forward and planted a kiss right on his lips. He was unsure exactly what to feel about that... it wasn’t uncommon for people to just give friendly kisses however especially as they got older. So he just continued to talk and pretend that nothing was implied from that situation.
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Cassie “💋” to Teiden!
Teiden was legitimately just walking in the ABL’s hall later at night, since the place was going to close pretty soon, most of the people had already left for the night. Really it was the usual deal. He went to watch a few fights and just get some fighting data for use in future conflicts. Sadly he missed the fight with the fighter he usually came to watch, having a few of her matches earlier in the day apparently.
Out of pretty much nowhere he was grabbed by the arm as he came around the corner by Cassie, the nebulous illusionist and to his utter shock and disbelief, was pulled even closer into a kiss. Though it didn’t last long in truth it honestly felt much longer to him. But after that all she just giggled and walked past him with that usual sway in her movements at her hips, waving. 
Never-the-less teiden was utterly mystified by what just happened, his face a bit red but with it he just nodded and waved back with a smile, trying to keep cool... even if inside he was screaming a little of joy. 
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🎀 for teiden @ Eira ^^
Teiden: Well since you basically have a natural outfit there, i guess i’ll be judging that. You look gorgeous Eira, your colors and that natural skirt work so well as well as the markings. 10/10, that guy who you’ve fallen for is certainly lucky to have someone as pretty as you.
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