party0ndarth · 8 years
Get To Know The Blogger Tag
I was tagged by @astrid-aesthetic which is perfect because I can’t sleep so doing this from my bed on mobile in between doggie cuddles.
Rules: Answer the questions & tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better!
Nicknames: Jackie (I hate this one, only my family gets to use this one because they refuse to stop), Jax, Jay-Kwellin (Key & Peele reference), Last Call (my playa name, i.e. Burning Man) Star Sign: Cancer
Height: 5′ 8″ (68")
Time right now: 7:08am
Last thing I Googled: “spongebobs ass"…so I looked at my partners tiny little white boy booty and was like positive I had seen it in cartoon form but couldn’t remember wear. First I tried ‘American dad butt" then “Peter Griffin butt” then “white boy booty cartoon”. Spongebob was my last guess and that wasn’t it and it’s STILL bugging me. If anyone maybe knows what I’m talking about HALP! I’m looking for a but that looks like someone drew a sideways number 3 in some brackets.
Favorite music artist: well ‘music artist’ is rather non specific, so I’m listing a mix of musicians and bands (no I don’t wanna pick just one and you can’t make me): Richard Hell/The Voidoids, Tom Verlaine/Television, Pete Shelley/Buzzcocks, Iggy Pop, David Bowie, The Jam, The Gun Glub, Depeche Mode, The Smiths, The Cure, Joy Division/New Order, Nirvana
Song stuck in my head: nothing right now…
Last movie I watched: A 2016 documentary titled Zero Days about the malware worm Stuxnet
Last TV show I watched: Ummm Shartk Tank I think?
What am I wearing right now: I’m nude. Oh wait I have Kill Bill socks on.
When I created this blog: uhh I wanna say 2015. Mayyybe 2014
The kind of stuff I post: art, fashion, architecture, spooky/macabre stuff, horror genre stuff, sci fi and fantasy stuff, comic related stuff, lingerie, pin up/burlesque/sexy stuff, beautiful people and things, my own jibber jabber etc
Why I chose my url: i chose partyondarth as a handle on all my other social media because of my love of both Star Wars and Wayne’s World. Very annoyed that I had to change it to Party0ndarth for Tumblr especially since the blog that stole my proper spelling is inactive with zero posts. 😤
Gender: cis-female
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Pokémon team: Valor
Favorite Color: Black, purple, teal and other blue/green shades
Average hours of sleep: Between 4-7
Lucky number: don’t have one but fave numbers are 33 and 66 (also 666 because amusement)
Favorite characters: Darth Vader, Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto, Ororo Munroe/Storm, Xorn, Fantomex, Deadpool, Harley Quinn, the 10th Doctor, Donna Noble, Fox Mulder, Elvira, Freddy Krueger Dream Job: Gallery owner/art dealer
Number of blankets I sleep with: top sheet and one blanket
Dream fictional character that you would want to be: Magneto or Ororo because they’re powers are dope and they’re dramatic af
One interesting fact about you: I’m not allergic to poison ivy. In middle school we had to make these terrariums for whatever science class I was taking at the time. Mine was like 90% poison ivy and I did a sort of casual Poison Ivy cosplay with it draped all around me. I thought I was fly af but immediately got in trouble, had to throw everything out and was sent home. Whoops. I tag no one because 20 is too fucking much how dare you Besides mobile is being an all around sack attack right now and not letting me
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party0ndarth · 8 years
23. A song that punches you in the gut every single time
Oooo  I like this one. And I refuse to pick just one, because songs that punch me in the gut are my favorite. So here’s a few (in no particular order, just what’s coming to mind at the moment):
Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want  - The Smiths
Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now - The Smiths
Serve The Servants - Nirvana
A Lack of Color - Death Cab For Cutie
Your Ex-Lover Is Dead - Stars
I’d Rather Go Blind - Etta James
All I Could Do Was Cry - Etta James
Creep - Radiohead
Back to Black - Amy Winehouse
Paper Bag - Fiona Apple
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party0ndarth · 8 years
Fav song; fav poem; 3 fashion tips.
Fave song: Blank Generation by Richard Hell & The VoidoidsFave poem: A Dream Within a Dream by Edgar Allen PoeFashion tips: ok this one was actually tough for me cause mostly I’m just like do what makes you happy and comfortable fuck trends and all that bullshit. Which I suppose is tip #1. Ok cool. #2 it’s really easy to look really put together in all black, a pair of sunglasses and lipstick. #3 show off your assets for me it’s my legs. They are far to lovely to ever cover with pants. So I don’t.
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party0ndarth · 8 years
20 23 & 28
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?  Ooo this is tough. All the music I listen to is my favorite. And I rarely listen to new stuff. Probably a Depeche Mode song. Really any and every song of theirs is “my jam”, but special mention to Policy of Truth cause I’m about to take a break from work just so I can jam out to that song and uplift my less than stellar mood.
23. fear(s) I’ve outgrown all of my phobias for the most part. I suppose I’m still moderately afraid of dark confined spaces. And when bugs (or things that look like bugs but later turn out to be a leaf or my own hair) suddenly fall from the sky in the vicinity of my face. Those sort of typical jump-y frights always get me.
28. i’ll love you if… you’re an adorable four legged aminal. bonus points if a lot of people don’t get your cuteness.
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party0ndarth · 8 years
25 & 36?🌼
25. role model
My late maternal grandmother. Also Elvira.
Oh and just to clarify, since i got similar questions, I think of idols and role models as completely different things. Darth Vader might be someone I idolize but he’s a shitty role model. I don’t really want to emulate him (although I often wish I were maniacal/batshit enough to kill toddlers and blow up planets).
45. how you found out about your idol
answered below
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party0ndarth · 8 years
2, 15, 36, and 45
2. what would you name your future kids?
Honestly I’m not certain I want kids. But if I had a son Id likely name him Anakin. I also really love the name Sebastian. My next kids though will likely be rat babies. The next names in line are Abaddon and Azazel (continuing my tradition of naming my rats after Supernatural characters. While simultaneously being a nod to X-Men).
15. personality description?
I like to say I’m an introvert with the personality of an extrovert. Selectively social. Selectively enthusiastic. Often nihilistic. Highly analytical. Sarcastic af. Empathetic. Sensitive to negativity. Creative. Open-minded. Self-reliant. Sincere. Realistic. Indecisive. Flakey.
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
open my own art gallery/tattoo shop, become a member of the 501st Legion, unleash my latent mutant powers
45. how you found out about your idol?
I found out about Darth Vader when I was 5 and saw Empire Strikes Back for the first time. I also thoroughly idolize Magneto/Erik Lehnsherr/Max Eisenhardt. I was first introduced to him by X-Men The Animated Series when I was 3 or 4 years old. I instantly fell in love with him and his maniacal diatribes. Also my favorite colors at the time were purple and red so that helped. He’s what got me into reading X-Men comics, which has been my all time favorite comic franchise since.
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party0ndarth · 8 years
Doll& Candle?🌼
Doll ❧ do you collect anything? I think I may have a collection addiction actually. I’m probably one or two more traumatic life events from becoming an actual hoarder. I’ve been collecting since I was a toddler (pogs, stickers, beanie babies, porcelain dolls, (unused) decorative band-aids…). Currently I collect comic books, PEZ dispensers, preserved animal/insect remains, antique tools/weapons (i.e scythes, hatchets, saws, cleavers etc), vintage cameras, tin lunch boxes, Lego sets (Star Wars mainly), and toys/figurines in general. I’m also the queen of collecting [insert item that literally everyone else considers trash] for future art projects that never come to fruition. 

Candle ❧ what is your favorite scent?
Coffee I think. In terms of actual candle scents though I’m into fall scents (pumpkin, cinnamon, Apple)
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party0ndarth · 8 years
1 and 45, pleashe.
1. What is the weirdest thing you own?
Hmmm, perhaps my collection of scythes. Well technically it’s a collection of antique farming and hunting tools/creepy weapons, but majority of that collection is made up of scythes and hand scythes. But there’s also hatchets and axes, saws, hooks, cleavers, bear traps and two compound bows (just got a new one today at a garage sale for $40) and a set of arrows and arrowheads.
2. What are your favorite Halloween/Spooky Movies?
Well horror/sci-fi horror are my favorite genres, so this will be tough to keep to a reasonable sized list. In no particular order (although I did try to list by preference within series, rather than chronologically):The Exorcist (first horror flick I ever saw!)George A. Romero’s “Dead” Series (Dawn of the Dead being the best)Evil Dead 2, Army of Darkness, The Evil DeadFreddy Krueger series: A Nightmare on Elm Street, Dream Master, Dream Warriors (PS, Freddy is bae. I’ve had a crush on him since I was 4 or 5)Invasion of the Body SnatchersPoltergeistThe ShiningThe ThingAliens, AlienLet The Right One InDead SnowAnd these non-horrors but Halloween-appropriate:The CraftBeetlejuiceGhostbusters
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party0ndarth · 8 years
does you SO ever let you date women
Date? No. Sleep with? Yes.
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party0ndarth · 8 years
@toxipop tagged me in this several days ago and I'm only just getting around to it. Rules: tag nine people that you want to get to know better Relationship Status: in a relationship Pets: my handsome newly adopted Chinese Crested Powderpuff named Rockstar is the only one living with me at the moment. My mom is taking care of my two precious Pitbulls and tabby cat who I miss like crazy and don't get to see often enough. Favorite Colors: Black, teal/turquoise, purple, and holographic/sparkly (it's a fucking color if I say it is) Wake Up Time: usually about 5 or 6hrs from whenever I go to sleep, which varies. Most days now though I wake up at 6am to get ready for work. Which takes a solid 2hrs. Cats or Dogs: Both! Dogs are better of course, but I love them both. Coke or Pepsi: GINGER FUCKING ALE. Or "gingy" as I call it. It's the only soda I drink basically. Call or Text: Don't you dare call me. Even if I really like you. Because even if I pick up and sound happy to hear from you, there's always AT LEAST a small part of me wishing you had just texted. I hate being interrupted. I feel like everyone always calls me when I'm in the middle of something or not in the mood. It just requires too much of my attention both mentally and physically. I like being able to multi-task. And even if I'm not doing shit, I don't like long phone calls. Except from like two, maybe three people. All my friends who call me spend the entire time talking about themselves. Even if I casually mention I'm going through some shit, they're like oh really that's cool but let me spend the next hour talking about some nonsense drama. Because "you're such a great listener, Jacqueline, and you always keep it real." Le sigh. Chapstick or Lipstick: Both? I mean I usually put Chapstick under my lipstick. Last Song I Listened To: Sex Beat by The Gun Club Tagging:: @scparrisofficial @zannchris @spoiledlush @tightlaced-pinup @sapphicmoonwitch @blackfemalemetalhead @theconsofbeingawallweed
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party0ndarth · 8 years
Coming Out Day
So it's National (International?) Coming Out Day. And I can't stop thinking about how I've never had a "real" coming out. I did once try officially coming out to one of my best friends from college. My friend who used me as a beard for years. My friend who I helped finally find the courage to come out to his dad. Yeah that friend. Well he laughed at me and said "oh shut up, you love dick, and that's it." It made me feel like shit and totally invalid. So I never had that "let me reveal this thing" moment again. Many of my friends know I'm queer, but many don't as well. Mostly newer friends know. Because one day I decided to stop saying "straight" when people asked. But people rarely ask, making their own assumptions when they find out I have a boyfriend. So for the record. Yes, I'm in a long term relationship with a cis-man. But that doesn't make me any less bisexual. Anyway, I've talked about my sexuality on here before. If you've been following me awhile you likely already know this. But I'm considering this my unofficial official coming out. I'm here. IM QUEER. I could use a beer.
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party0ndarth · 8 years
How many inches was your waist before waist training?
Before waist training my waist was 27". Currently it’s 23".
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party0ndarth · 8 years
what do you sexually identify as?
I generally prefer the umbrella term queer, but for all intents and purposes I’m bisexual.
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party0ndarth · 8 years
How long have you been corset training? I just started myself. Any tips?
I’ve been waist training for one and a half years. I think the most important tip is to really listen to your body. The most common misconception about wearing corsets is that it is uncomfortable or painful and it should NEVER be either of those things. So it’s really important that you listen to your own comfort levels. A lot of people ask things like…
“how long do you wear it?”
“When is the right time to size down?”
“Is it ok to sleep in?”
“How far should i lace down?”
Etc etc.
The answer to all of these questions is the same, DO WHAT FEELS COMFORTABLE FOR YOU! Good ol fashioned trial and error. Because everyone’s different. And you know your body better than anyone.
If you feel uncomfortable, loosen your corset. Any aches or pains? Take it off immediately. Constantly feeling discomfort or pain? Especially around the hips or ribs? Then your corset is either too small or the wrong shape for your body, stop wearing it ASAP and have someone measure you properly (go to a tailor/seamstress or you can find vids online about how to properly measure for a corset).
And keep on researching! The Internet is a marvelous place and you can find sooo many helpful blogs and YouTube videos. Instructional vids on different ways to lace your corset, tips for hiding your laces or stealthing, brand and corset reviews, silhouette comparisons and lots more. And of course feel free to reach out to me personally as questions pop up along your journey. Happy corseting!
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party0ndarth · 9 years
Lucifer & Bela?:3
Lucifer: What are you proud of?I’m really proud to be alive tbh. And overcoming all the shit life’s thrown my way. When I was a teenager I was convinced I wouldn’t make it past my early twenties, and a large part of me didn’t want to. I guess I’m pretty proud of my now (mostly) positive outlook on life.
Bela: Something you can’t live without? Doggies. Doggies are my crack. And if some strange sadistic wizard popped up one day and was all “I’ll grant your dogs permanent health and immortality if you murder this school bus full of children”, like I wouldn’t even need a weapon id probably just bare-hand it. 9 out of 10 were probably assholes anyway.
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party0ndarth · 9 years
About you not getting into Harry Potter: I would recommend giving the books a try. I feel like most of the films were pretty meh. The effects are great and I love Helena Bonham Carter's look. But I feel like most of the acting, even the adults, is pretty sub-par. Also, I'm not a huge fan of the books, but I really love the world the JK created. I feel like the series has so much potential... Just my two cents :3
Oh I definitely plan to...eventually. Maybe I'll ask someone to get me the books for my birthday or something.
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