#jaeha x kija
laflynn · 4 months
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Some sketches I made after binge watching and reading akatsuki no yona
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rainhorizons · 1 year
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i love how kija always refers to the dragons as “jaeha and the others” <3
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blueowlreader · 4 months
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Jaeki thinking
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ray4nibal · 2 years
Jae Ha | Akatsuki no Yona
Manga Coloring by me
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Her gaze could kill
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koukaimagines · 4 months
Hello! Could you write headcanons for the four dragons with a female s/o who is sick and how they would go about taking care of her?
Hello Anon! Thanks for sending this in when you did! I'm so sorry about the long wait. Every time I get requests about the dragons fretting about their s/o for any reason, I get so excited because they're all very cute (and maybe even cuter when they worry)
These might be reminiscent of my injured s/o HCs with Jaeha and Kija as the topic of discussion is somewhat similar! (ailed s/o with dragons caring for them)
I also happened to fall sick while working on this LMAO, but side note: using my platform to say please mask up when you go about your day! Masking is a way to protect yourself and your community members, especially those at risk/who suffer chronic conditions due to or not due to the novel COVID-19 virus— the pandemic is not over!
Pronouns for this ask will be she/her as used by anon!
Kija is a member number 1 of the overprotective squad. He already wishes to treat you delicately under normal circumstances, so if ailment befalls you, you can bet that protective nature will flare up more. He makes sure you're in bed and resting no matter what you say and takes care of all of your chores for you.
Much like he would in my injured s/o HCs, Kija would want to be as knowledgable as he could be about your illness and would ask Yun questions about your condition, unusually attentive and serious while taking the info in.
He's very worried about you! It agonizes him to see you suffer headaches or sore throats— anything that your illness inflicts on you, he would take in your stead and he would often voice this to you at your bedside.
He'd help you eat and feed you without question, and maybe even force feed you before Yun tells him not to bother you too much in case you're suffering from headache/unable to stomach anything, but of course you make sure he knows his intentions are appreciated.
I don't know what to call this factor; something like this applies to all the dragons in different ways, so I'll tell you how I think they'd go about processing and expressing this: Kija is ecstatic he gets to take care of you. He thinks it ill-hearted on his part to be happy about your unfortunate state, but really, he's just happy to be at your service in any way he can. Your being sick only increases the opportunities for him to show you how much he loves you and how much he cares.
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Shinah is member number 2 of the overprotective squad. He'd go to great lengths to make sure you're well-accommodated and ask Ao to be with you at times he may have to leave your side. He gives you his fluffy coat of fur and braves the cold without it because he thinks you need it much, much, much more than he does.
He sends you glares if you try to be proactive. He really really wants you to rest because Yun advised it and said it would go away faster if you slept and ate and don't overexert yourself.
While he's out in the field and happens upon some wildflowers and thinks of you, he may hear from Yona or Zeno that he could give them to you as a get-well-soon gift. Even though it's a form of courtesy, he wants to believe that it's like a prayer for you to get well soon and thinks it will help you fight your illness.
He always keeps an eye on you. Every time you run out of water, Shinah would make sure to fetch some more for you. You don't even have to ask— if he sees that your cup is empty, he'll be right back with it full. Even at night, if he happens to be on night guard duty, he'll care for you all the same.
I don't know what to call this factor; something like this applies to all the dragons in different ways, so I'll tell you how I think they'd go about processing and expressing this: Shinah loves taking care of you. He feels like he's doing something good and that makes him feel good and worthy. He has a bit of a hard time expressing his feelings for you in words, so in some ways similar to Kija, Shinah would take this time to make sure you're well-taken care of because he wants you to know how much you mean to him. He really, really wants you to get better.
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While you're sick, Jaeha often teases you with things like feeding you dinner and saying that you must've gotten sick so he can dote on you, or hoping that he'll catch your illness and be in bed with you, but he's actually really careful (worried) and observant of your state and wants to make sure you're comfortable.
As always, he cares much more than he lets on, and does things for you outside of the periphery of you and the group. Once he's caught, he plays it cool (like he always does) and keeps going about his day doing things for you.
While you're sleeping, he'd often sit there and watch your peaceful expression. If you have fever, he'd be there to change out the wet towel on your forehead, but he's otherwise there just watching you. When someone else walks in on him, he's unusually startled— I'll let you decipher why on your own. :) (spoiler: he's embarrassed for no reason and gets more embarrassed because he felt embarrassed but he plays it cool— it's complicated. TLDR Jaeha's silly but we already know that.)
Generally, Jaeha may tease you but his true feelings can be gleaned from how he blows on the steaming porridge in your spoon and the way he pulls the covers over you when you lay down.
I don't know how to word this factor; something like this applies to all the dragons in different ways, so I'll tell you how I think they'd go about processing and expressing this: Jaeha secretly loves the intimacy of being at your side and having you rely on him. He'd be quite open about how he's loving it (it'd come off a bit teasing and as typically non-betraying-his-feelings as Jaeha can get), but there's a deeper emotion that he's feeling while he goes through the motions of taking care of you that he wants to keep all to himself.
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When you're sick, Zeno already knows the motions of caring for you pretty well. He's his usual cheery self and his sunny disposition almost cheers your recovery on like a cheerleader.
Outside of caring for you, Zeno likes picking flowers as get-well-soon gifts. He likes to tell you all about the shenanigans of the group that you may have missed in your time resting, and his lips stretch into that heart-wrenching smile of his as he watches you giggle about how silly the group can be.
Zeno sticks by you the most out of the three dragons. Because he's immune to illness and fatigue, Yun trusts him to look after you the most while he may have his hands tied with other chores. Because of his inability to feel fatigue, Zeno also rests by you while you sleep despite your many demands for him to get some sleep. "Zeno doesn't need sleep, so you rest well, Y/N." You can hear his care in the way your name rolls off his tongue despite his infrequent use of it.
When he feeds you, he lightly brushes his lips against the spoon to make sure it's just the right temperature.
I don't know what to call this factor; something like this applies to all the dragons in different ways, so I'll tell you how I think they'd go about processing and expressing this: He finds your sick state incredibly endearing— it evokes a lot of memories for him that are bittersweet but nevertheless precious. He knows your pain will only be temporary and takes each action he takes to care for you with a profound contentedness and hope that he'll see you bounce back within a few weeks' time.
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cozymoko · 1 year
Hello, since request is open how about gen yandere hc of yoona, son hak and the rest of the dragons?
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Includes: Yona, Son Hak, Ki-Ja, Jae-ha, and Zeno
Format: Headcanons, 2nd person
WARNING(S): Yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, not proofread.
LINKS: Akatsuki No Yona Masterlist
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Manipulative, Dependent, Clingy
You grew up with YONA in the palace and have been by her side since. You being a few years older than her led you to have many responsibilities of your own, leaving you very little time to coddle the young princess. She hated it. Being her elder, you always kept her in check, essentially raising her into the woman she is today and she had fallen for you long ago.
Whenever you left her side it felt like a part of her died. The young princess grew less lively and even snappy to those around her because they just weren’t you. What was the point in trying to be perfect when you were nowhere in sight? How annoying…
YONA will latch onto you like a koala if it means you won't leave her. She’ll kick, scream, and weep if it means you won't leave her. Nothing is off the table if it means you’ll stick close to her; she adores your attention. In her mind, you love hers just as much. But being the spoiled girl she is, I suppose this isn’t too far-fetched.
Despite being shy about it, YONA finds it hard to not have her hands on you in some way, preferably holding your hand. It takes her back to a time when things were simpler, where you were with her and no one else, cooing sweet promises merely to soothe her worries. A princess always gets what she wants, and she'll cut down anyone who gets in her way.
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Possessive, aggressive, protective
As seen in canon, HAK does have a pretty strong jealous side toward Yona. Think of that but times a hundred in your case. It's not hard for him to conceal his distaste for your friendly interactions with others but everyone has their breaking points. When intervening he'll step in front of you, pushing you behind him and out of your "acquaintance's" sight. If you ask him about it later Hak will most likely try to label it as him protecting you.
Being as tall as he is, it's usually easy to keep creeps out of your personal space. After all, who wants to deal with an imposing, scowling man with a Hsu Quandao strapped to his back? But of course, some people still try their luck. Asking you for directions is off limits, let alone allowing a man to speak so familiarly with you. It's always, “Ask me, not them” with Hak.
HAK forever has an arm tossed over your shoulder. He claims it's "to make sure you don't get lost" but the vacant street says otherwise. Leaving the village on your own is forbidden unless you want your neck smothered in deep purple bite marks beforehand. The idea of you completely giving in to his affections makes his heart beat.
If it came down to it, murder isn't something Hak is opposed to. But as a pitiful attempt to keep his reputation, he'll settle for beating them black and blue, until his knuckles are covered in a deep rouge. Jealousy is a terrible disease and once he reaches his limit don't try and stop him.
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Jealous, insecure, delusional (worship)
One of the few good yanderes you could be paired with. Ki-Ja is very attentive to his lover and their feelings no matter what he's doing. The dragon is quick to side with you even over his own master because, in his mind, you're never wrong. Everything you say is law and Ki-Ja follows every command without a second thought.
When he’s jealous it’s so painfully obvious. Ki-Ja’s emotions come in waves so when he dislikes something it's hard for him to bite his tongue. The white dragon practically worships the ground you walk on and follows you every step of the way. His loyalty runs deeper than his own blood so he'd rather not see people referring to you so familiarly. (Is he Yona's dragon or yours atp?)
Your praise is forever rewarding, regardless of how small it may be. Just being by your side is the greatest honor one could have, in his eyes. You could look down on him, subjecting him to being nothing more than entertainment, and he would somehow tie it back to you being a kind person. Ki-Ja sees himself as not only your lover but your loyal companion, prepared to stick by your side no matter what happens.
He would never kidnap you, that's out of the question. The thought of you hating him for his selfish acts submerges him with panic. If you were to leave him, he'd wish for death on the spot. But that's only an IF. And killing would only be justifiable if someone has hurt you.
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Manipulative, Possessive, flirty
Jae-ha flirts solely for his own pleasure. No true feelings lie behind his words no matter how beautiful the individual may be. But with you, he felt like a wild animal chasing a female in heat from the way his eyes followed you. You were beautiful, more than the many others he gave his time to, and he was a bit too determined to make you his.
Once a ladies' man always a ladies' man. As I’ve said, he could give two fucks about the women he banters with, they mean nothing to him, but somehow seeing your face contort into a harsh scowl turns him on more than you'd ever know. If looks could kill, he’d be six feet under and he knows that. But I have a sneaking suspicion that he wouldn't mind.
However, your talking to another man leaves him quite bitter (hypocrite). The passive aggressiveness this man dishes out is unmatched; he will rip them a new asshole for even breathing the same air as you. None of your friends compare to you and he tells you that every day. Jae-Ha worships the ground you walk on, satisfies and pleasures you every evening so why was your attention elsewhere?
On a regular day, Jae-ha can be seen by your side, trying his hardest to get under your skin. Placing a hand on the small of your back, biting several of the plush areas of your skin that he can reach. He doesn't shy away from PDA. Mainly due to the curious stares you receive from men that pass you by, their eyes hastily lingering on your figure. It vexes him to no end but he won’t bother getting his hands dirty. Perhaps you can help him let off some steam.
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Emotionally attached, clingy, dependent
An attention whore at its finest. But seriously, this man thrives off your love and time. It's like a drug to him and he craves it. Whenever he isn’t tending to Yona he tends to you instead. If he could have it his way, every waking moment would be spent in your arms, sleeping the days away.
He's one of the better yanderes of the dragons due to the many centuries he's lived. Don't get me wrong he's completely infatuated with you and is hung up on every word you speak. But he's not one to control your decisions as long as he gets to tag along. Zeno trusts you with his entirety, he just enjoys invading your personal space.
Zeno gets jealous of people like Hak quite often. He's strong physically and mentally even as a human and as much as Zeno admires his strength, he doesn't need you doing that too. So if you plan on interacting with Hak, be prepared for some pretty embarrassing things. Zeno will place slow, wet kisses on your skin until he has your attention again.
The only real downside of this relationship is his clinginess. He never leaves your side. Oh, you have to get changed? He'll help you. You have to use the bathroom? Cool, he’ll wait ‘till you're done and sit right in front of you. Personal space doesn’t exist in your relationship and at times it gets really suffocating. You couldn’t reject him if you wanted to in fear that his reaction will leave your heart aching in regret.
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foxxiatto · 1 year
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seri-tonin · 2 years
Hi here's a list of my favorite queer yotd ships <3
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deathprophetfics · 1 year
Às vezes, tudo o que alguém precisava para ser feliz era de mais temporadas de #AkatsukinoYona 🌸
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wd-ghosty · 11 months
Dancing Dragons
Zeno x reader fanfic part-1
!Disclaimer! this is my first fan fic and English isn't my first language so please be nice.
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Back Story
You are a twenty-two year-old wandering entertainer from Xing, you come from a big family, and you're quite popular among nobility. You started out dancing and singing on the streets, to preforming in theaters.
Your life was amazing despite the fact your parents were mad at you for years for not becoming a doctor, government official, or marrying into a rich family. But other than that your life was great, until one day you came home from a trip, and your whole house was in an uproar. Turns out your younger cousin was kidnapped, he'd been gone for weeks and you're family only had one lead. A couple month's went by and your family hired a private investigators, but none of them had gotten anywhere in their investigation, so you pack your bags and look for yourself.
Present day
You're wandering the water tribe in Koukha, umbrella in hand as you look for an inn, the rain is hard and loud you can barely hear yourself, but then you hear a scream. You see a girl who can't be over the age of thirteen on the floor with a black eye, while an older man probably forty towers over her.
You know you probably can't win this fight so you should leave, but you just can't leave a child alone at the mercy of some random man. You grab a rock off the ground and throw it at the man's face, you run towards the little girl grab her and run away. You get kinda far from the man but he's fast, you manage to hide the girl but he grabs you and throws you to the hard and wet pavement. The man gets on top of the and starts screaming at you as the blood from his eye starts dripping on your face, you try to break free from under him but he's got you pinned down, and everytime you lift up your head he slams it back onto the ground and you start bleeding yourself.
You fear the worst is about to happen, but then you see a huge white claw pick him up and throw him. You see a group of strange people and a person with blazing red hair, a person with golden hair rushes up to you before you black out.
You woke up you caught the amazing aroma of steamed pork buns, and a plethora of spices, when you opened your eyes you see the man with the golden hair above you, before you could say anything he offers you a rice ball. "Hello..." you sit up and look around, this place look pretty fancy and this is an amazing bed. "Are you ok? that's a pretty deep cut on your cheek," the man looks at you concerned, and he's still holding a plate for you. He doesn't look like he could be older than nineteen, but he looked younger and he was Incredibly welcoming so you were at ease around him. "Yes, I'm alright, would you be ever so kind and tell me where I am?" "Oh you're in the water tribe..." it takes him a couple seconds to realize what he said, "Oh! Your in Riri's house, she's the daughter of the water tribe chief and his friends with us."
As the yellow boy talks to me another person walks in the room, "Zeno i told you to call me when they wake up! Hi I'm yun, it's your cheek ok?" "Yes it is, thank you." Yun walks up to you to re-bandage the scar, "how did you find me, and why did you help me?" Yun and Zeno both look at you surprised by the question, and all three of guy are collectively confused. "What did you mean why did we save you? You needed help so we helped." Zeno added, "Oh, the little girl asked up for help, then Jea-Ha took her home." you look relived and try to get up out of bed but Zeno loops hid arms around her shoulders. "You've been asleep for three days, Zeno doesn't think it's good for you to get up yet."
It takes you quite some time to register what he said, "Three days! I-i need to go!" You rush out if need grab your bags and into the hallway as Zeno and Yun run after you. "Wait come back!" Yun screams at you and you run into the garden trying to get out but you bump into a guy with green hair, "oh, hello there, and whom might i owe the pleasure." He holds your hand and kisses it, uni get quite flustered and confused by this romantic gesture some random man just greated you with. "Hello, Hi, I'm Y/N and I'm just about to be gone." As you try to exit out the garden door a man with pale skin and hair for in your way, "aren't you the girl we found in the streets? Should you be out yet, I thought Yun and Zeno were watching you?" As you try to get away from them Zeno grabs you by the waist "Hey you can't go yet, Zeno doesn't want you to!" you're overwhelmed by this and when you finally break free you see a guy with a weird mask and a bunch of fur. at the point you're surrounded, but then the person with the red hair comes around and tells them to back off, "Hi I'm Yona, sorry about these guys they can get... curious, what is your name?" At this point you're irritated and you just want to leave, but you dust yourself off and tell her your name. "I'm Y/N." "Common let's go to a more quiet spot." She lead you to a gazebo with three other girls two with black hair one blonde, "Riri she woke up!" One of the girls rushes over to you and asks if you're ok and they sit you down at the table and you explain everything. You've been talking with the girls for hours enjoying yourself, and forgot all of your problems until Petra asks you a question, "Y/N you said you're a traveling entertainer correct?" You replied with, "Yes, why do you ask?" "I just wanted to know who in Koukha booked you for a show?" You take a second to process what she said and you remember why you came here.
"Actually I was heading to Sen Province, my younger cousin was kidnapped, and the only peice of evidence we have is an address with Sen province under it. THAT'S IT NO NAME, NO MET UP PLACE, NO RANSOM JUST THIS!" You start to tear up in anger, confusion, and frustration. "It's so frustrating, I don't even know what to expect what if he's already dead what if I'm too late! I don't know what to do, but if I don't try, if I dint get there fast enough I have no doubt in my mind he will be gone. Thank you for helping me but I must take my leave." You grab you bag and start to head out but Yona says something unexpected, "me and the dragons will help you find him, you said going alone might be dangerous but you'll be safe with us."
Your shocked by this, the fact a group of random people are willing to help you is baffling. "I-i don't even know you, why wigs you want to help me... TWICE?" She grabs you by your hands "we're friends now and you need to get your cousin back so we'll help." "Thank you Yona... you don't know what this means for me, I- I can't describe what this means to me."
The next day you and the rest of the happy hungry bunch left for Sen province, as you all walk through the forest and the mountains you get to know all of them. You all become great friends, and the trip is supposed to take a three on foot but everything is going great so far. The group stopped in a clearing and set up camp when it was late, after everything was fine you decided to go on a walk. As you were walking through the forest you find a flower field, the flowers ranged from lavender, baby's breath, and chrysanthemums, the beautiful colors mixed with the sunset is almost euphoric. You take off you cape put it on the ground and layed down, you have hope that you'll find your cousin and get back to Xing so fast you'll barely remember what happened between. You start to doze off but you hear something coming up, you think it's a bunny so you don't mind until that thing... lays next to you. You open your eyes and jump up in shock, you look down and you see Zeno laying next to you. "Did I scare ya?" He looks at you with a cheeky smile plastered on his face, "Zeno don't do that, my soul almost left by body!" You were kinda angy quickly calm down and lay back down, "so why'd you come out? Me personally I was just bored". Zeno turns to his side and faces you, "Do you ever think of death, do you ever wonder who, or what is waiting for you on the other side?"
You look at him shocked by the question, "I haven't thought that far, no matter what you believe in I don't think death is something you should be scared of." Zeno looks at you then looks but at the sky, "elaborate, you aren't scared of death. If I were to stab you, you'd be fine with that?" You're dumbfounded by that reply, Zeno is a cute little kid... well not little but he doesn't usually talk like this.
"That's not what I meant. Death is as natural as birth, death itself isn't scary is the way you die. If you pass in a comfortable bed surrounded by your loved ones that's a good death, but if you're murdered, burned, or suffocated, that's a bad death." You try to think of words to further explain, but Zeno says something before you do, "i get that, you don't need to explain yourself," you and Zeno both just may Duan and enjoy life together, but even you opened your eyes the beautiful red sunset turn into a black sky full of stars. You look around and see Zeno laying next to you looking at the stars, "oh your awake you've been asleep for awhile, don't get me wrong if love to stay here with you but we be better off with everyone else." Zeno stands up and holds his hands out for you, you grab them and the two of you walk back to camp, "how long did you wait for me?" You asked Zeno a question you beloved was stupid to try and fill the awkward quite walk back, "probably two hours..." you ask Zeno "what did you say? Two hours why didn't you just she me up?" Zeno grabs your hand and continues to walk with you,
"I fell asleep as well, but I woke up two hours before you do is fine... Why do you care so much about inconveniencing other people, even if it causes you a problem? You were about to leave by yourself until the princess said well accompany you, why is it so hard for you to ask for help?" You stop dead in your tracks and stare daggers at Zeno, "What the hell did you just say to me! You barely even know me, I don't have to explain anything to you!" You're obviously insulted by his question "I know how to ask for help but..." You take a moment to think about what he said it was Incredibly hard for you to ask for help when you need it, he's only known you for a matter of four days you were asleep for three of them and he can still tell. "So what, it's better I do things myself, if I ask someone else to do it I'll be disappointed. It's not even that big of a deal, so getting help isn't Worth it."
Zeno grabs your hands, and placed his forehead on yours, "I have a good feeling about you, don't be scared to ask me for anything. Ok." It's too dark to see but you can feel Zeno next to you, you tighten your grip on his hands and take a deep breath, "Ok... let's go back" Zeno smile and leads you back to camp.
When you two get back to camp you see Hak and Jae-Ha talking by the fire, "where have you two been?" Jae-Ha asks with a smug look in his face while Hak is side eyeing him, "I fell asleep in a flower field, Zeno found me and waited until I woke up." You go into the tent you're sharing with Yona and Yun, when you get in your sleeping bag you can't stop thinking of Zeno, he was so warm and comforting, but at the same time you were in edge around him. Zeno is... something, but I wonder where his parents are and why they'd let a seventeen year-old go away with a strange group of people, you wonder so many things about all of them but for now you'll wait until the time is right.
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rainhorizons · 2 years
jaeha x kija and why i love them:
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considering their personalities and demeanour, it wouldn’t be surprising to assume that jeaha is more protective, while kija is more reserved. however, i think it might be the opposite. despite his somewhat carelessness, kija can be quite protective of the happy hungry bunch and is easily angered by whoever tries to harm them. he often uses himself as a shield to protect jaeha during combat such as against yotaka and the war with kai empire. it’s this sort of duality and gap-effect where kija does something that he normally wouldn’t that makes it even more unexpected and special.
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on the other hand, jaeha surprisingly looks up to kija quite a lot, the most obvious instance being their trip to the onsen in the special chapter/ova. kija showed him that it is honourable to carry on the desire of previous ancestors and saw the scar on him back as something that is positive, rather than negative. jaeha called him “surprisingly human” and apologized for whatever harsh things he may have said which shows how much he’s changed since meeting kija and the others. it’s also quite funny to see that jaeha actually thinks that kija is stronger than him, which might explain why he always refused to battle him.
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although when they’re both in combat together, they make one of the strongest duos in the series. other than the fact that they have a dragon arm and leg, they’re really good at working with each other and cooperating in stressful situations.
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even better, they’re also the best comedic duo. in all honesty, it’s 95% kija annoying jaeha and jaeha dealing with all his shit, but that’s what makes it so hilarious. i swear he’s gonna accidentally kill jaeha with his dragon hand one day-
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and finally the best part… they do be kinda fruity though. yes, there’s obviously the love potion chapter, but jaeha was also super protective of kija during their trip to the onsen and there’s just a few panels that are a bit suggestive.
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all in all their relationship development, especially on jaeha’s side, was something that i found incredibly… just, adorable and heartwarming throughout the story. what would the happy hungry bunch be without them?
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blueowlreader · 2 months
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Jaeki <3
Kija secretly makes secretly a crown of flower for Jaeha but Zeno and Shin-ah discover it 🤭
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iluvluvnutella · 2 years
Kaji was locked up but he wasn't shown so I dunno if Chagol hurt him or nah...
Kouka x Xing armies surprised attack at South Kai camp.
Yona suggested a strategy to Suwon to move their troops with torches, while her team DDHHB, five stars and Val will infiltrate the camp, bcoz she wanna end the battle asap and Suwon put it in order. Keishuk asking Suwon what happened with "don't go too far"? Suwon said tbh it's troublesome to take back Meinyan and Hiryuu castle isn't doing well either. but he also wanna end the battle soon, so it seems like they're both looking into the same path.
Suwon inner monologue: "but I choose to believe in her power."
Hak suddenly carry Yona on his back, Jaeha was like, can you guys pls stop flirting this time. Then Hak hop on Jaeha's back 😆 South Kai camp is surrounded by walls, and Hak said it's only him who can do it. Jaeha says that he's not a grasshopper lol But he still jump anyway 😌
Kija, Algira and Yotaka destroyed the wall!!! 😆😆😆
Jaeha saying he's trying to give them a quiet ride but they do it so loudly. Kija, Algira, Yotaka be like, "it's faster this way." 🤣🤣🤣
Jaeha was like, Yona chan, you picked wrong people. (Yun"s not with them btw)
South Kai soldiers are coming, Algira said they'll draw them away so DDHHB and Val can find Meinyan. Soldiers asking if they're from Kouka
Yotaka: from Xing kingdom
Algira: We're the Five stars
Vold: it's just the 3 of us, but we're Five stars. 😭
Soldier: who? (lmao)
Dragons feeling better even after fallen down, Kija said maybe bcoz Princess Yona is nearby that's keeping his strength. Jaeha suddenly joke and said maybe if they stick to Yona they'll get more power, Yona believes it and stick on him, and this made Jaeha blush 😆
Zeno noticed a strange person standing on top of the tent. It's a dromo, but suddenly disappear and went straight behind Yona, touched her hair and said, "red hair..."
Hak tried to attack him but vanished again. Shinah can see his move and they follow him.
everyone trynna chase the dromo, Val left behind. Gen. Ran arrives behind Val telling him to turn his face, he's an intruder and bout to attack him, then Yona intervene, last panel showing Hak's glaive.
A reunion with a good opponent.
Next Chapter, December 5th.
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surprise surprise
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koukaimagines · 5 months
Hi!! Can I have your headcanons of how Jae ha and Kija would take care of their injured s/o? (Not sure how she got injured but thank you for opening your inbox love!!!)
Hi anon! Sorry for the wait, you absolutely can have headcanons of that! I think Kija and Jaeha especially would be fun watching when it comes to an injured s/o, so thanks for sending this in!
Because anon has used she/her pronouns, I will also be employing that in these headcanons where applicable!
When Kija finds you with Yoon treating your injuries, he is immensely and instantly worried. Kija's the type to fret a lot about small things, so if he could take ten thousand arrows to soothe your pain, he would do it.
But that's unfortunately not how healing works, so he refuses to leave your side until Yoon finishes dressing you and tells him that it'll heal without an issue. He may refuse to leave your side after that too.
He'd ask Yoon about several things and try to change the dressings himself based on what he's learned. Unfortunately, his abilities are no where near as skilled as Yoon's, and the claws bestowed on his right hand do little but wear the bandages or tear them. He's clumsy trying to take care of you, to say the least.
He'd feel frustrated at how useless he is, how only Yoon can help you and how he failed to prevent your injury in the first place, no matter what he was doing at the time.
Until you recover, he does everything in his power so that you rest. You're forced to concede to his adorable authoratative tone every time you try to move. "Do not move! Yoon has instructed that you rest! I shall fetch that for you, Love." He attaches that pet name to each of his sentences like he's happy to be at your beck and call while you heal, and he unabashedly is.
This is exclusively figurative and metaphorical— but he's sort of like a puppy that tries to lick at your wounds if that makes any sense. The licking is more like staying by your side, making sure you have everything you need and keeping you company. Note the futility of the wound-licking in terms of actual wound-healing. It's just nice because he very obviously cares.
"It's only natural for the duty to be mine to care for Y/N until she recovers!"
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Jaeha would be fascinating to watch. Despite his usual attitude, he's visibly shaken when he sees your bandages soaked in red. Soaked in red on your body.
He'd revert back to himself once he registers that you're in Yoon's hands and alive, making a snarky comment on what you've gotten yourself into this time. "I leave you for a mere moment and you've gotten hurt? Looks like I can't let you out of my sight now, Dear."
Although he wants to stick by you and take care of you, he can't seem to forfeit his pride as he does so. He makes himself more composed than how he really feels as he changes your bandages. And he didn't volunteer to, nor had he asked Yoon about it. Yoon simply told him to, of course, and who was he to deny Yoon and refuse time next to you? Even though he could just do it if he wanted to and it would make no difference.
While you're injured, Jaeha's fraught with a silly internal conflict as he navigates his feelings of worry towards you and a fear of acting like he's too worried. That explains why he'd rather you didn't know about how intentional his close proximity to you is. How he'd keep the herbs Yoon used on you in mind and excuse himself and leave for the fields without telling anyone what he was up to.
If you're injured and unable to use your hands, he'd feed you while teasing you about it. As if he's not absolutely ecstatic to be in the position he's in right now.
Throughout your recovery, he'll let his walls down here and there, often while griping about how hopeless you are, when he more means to convey how hopeless he is— how hopelessly carved into his being you are, and your injury would only serve as proof of that.
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