#jake roper
cavenewstimes · 10 months
Unraveling the Cinematic Genius of Jake Roper
In the enchanting realm of cinematic brilliance, there exists ⁤a luminary whose artistry dances with the very fabric ⁢of our ⁢dreams. Join us on a captivating journey as we unravel‌ the ethereal genius of Jake Roper, a visionary ‌whose mesmerizing creations have​ captivated‍ the hearts and minds of millions. Within the enchanting tapestry ⁢of his YouTube channel, this virtuoso has woven…
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Are we Vsauce?
The famous phrase is "Hey... Vsauce, Michael/Kevin/Jack here..." but that implies that the viewer, us... we are Vsauce. If I'm correct, then that makes it feel both empowering and more inviting all at the same time.
We are Vsauce. We are the channel. We are the fuel, the reason it still exists. We are also not students listening to three excited teachers. We are friends, humoring our excited bud, while he info-dumps about this thing he learned. Sure, he goes on tangents sometimes, but he always finds his way back to the point.
It just feels nice, ya know.
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msmoony7 · 4 months
just watched everybody wants some and i am DISAPPOINTED that there’s like no fics on here. (yes i’m finding some but i expected there to be SOOOO many more. like these men r so hot). GET TO WORK!!!!
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mariocki · 2 months
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Play for Today: The Silly Season (BBC, 1982)
"You must feel very alone."
"I don't have many people to speak to - well, you know what they're like now. Just Alastair and yourself. And when you go in August, and the silly season's passed... do you think you'll miss us?"
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pretending-ican-write · 6 months
Cowboy Up - Pt.3
Hope y'all enjoy! As always if there's anything wrong/inaccurate let me know. I'm currently looking through the show and picking out the scenes from each episode I want to put her into if anyone has any they'd like to see please let me know!
Pairing: Ryan (Yellowstone) x Dutton!reader
WC: 1894 (I wanted to split it but there was no good dividing point)
Previous part - Next part
A few months had passed and y/n had settled back into life on the ranch.  She had become accustomed to the 4am alarm in the form of Rip banging on the trailer, dragging herself into the bunk house and Lloyd handing her coffee before heading out to start work before the sun had begun to touch the mountain peaks.  Winter had arrived in Montana and the snow had descended from the mountains and into the valley.  In between the mountains, the winter sun did little to keep the frost away from the frozen ground and the hands could see their breath as they sat on their horses in the corral.
It was another day of roping practice and it was getting competitive, as it always did.  Y/n watched from her horse as a couple of hands took after the steer.  When they caught it, there were jeers from the onlookers at how long it had taken them.
“You call that roping boys?” She shouted, “you’d think they’d have learnt after a few months how to get one.”
One glared at her, “you think you can do better?  You’re a barrel racer woman not a fuckin’ roper.”
There was a low whistle from Lloyd, “boy you just made a big mistake.”
“Which reason is that I can’t rope?  ‘Cuz I’m a barrel racer or because I’m a woman?  Boy, I could rope circles around you with my eyes shut,” y/n responded.
He laughed, “I’d like to see you try.”
“Rip you want to help me prove this son of a bitch wrong?” She asked.
The foreman nodded, “boys you’re about to learn a true lesson in cowboying.”
They lined the horses up on either side of the chute, exchanging a look of determination.  With a deep breath, she nodded at Jake to open it up.  The gate flew open and the horses took off after the steer at speed.  With the ease of someone who’d roped cattle for over a decade, Rip had the horns and pulled the steer left.  Y/n swung the lasso over her head and threw it with careful timing to catch the back legs and bring the steer to an easy stop.  
“You forget that I been dealing with cattle since I could sit on a horse,” she shouted back to them.
Lloyd chuckled, “she’s more cowboy than any of you motherfuckers could ever hope to be.”
The old hand looked at Ryan next to him whose eyes were trained on the young woman as she furled her rope up neatly and patted her horse’s neck.  Lloyd observed the softness in his eyes and the way he subconsciously leaned forward in his saddle.  
He leaned over towards Ryan, “you ought to be careful with how you watch her son.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Lloyd,” Ryan straightened himself up.
Lloyd shook his head, “I’ve seen that look in enough cowboy’s eyes to know that it ends in heartbreak.”
“Trying my fuckin’ best to keep it out of ‘em,” he answered.
He watched y/n lope her horse around the corral, “you know if you break her heart there’ll be a line to break your face and I’m sure as hell in it.”
“She doesn’t make it easy Lloyd that’s for damn sure,” Ryan muttered, “god damn charm without even trying.”
Lloyd nodded, “neither of you are fuckin’ subtle.  Just don’t break her heart.”
Before he could respond, y/n brought her horse to a stop in front of them.  Her smile was infectious and Ryan couldn’t help but smile back at her.
“Anytime one of you boys needs a little humbling with a rope you let me know,” Y/n declared, “I’ll take your money here or at the poker table anytime.”
Ryan whispered under his breath, “you are gonna be the fuckin’ end of me.”
A few days later the hands were all gathered around the table with the bunk house heater on full blast.  A cold snap had come into the valley and didn’t show any signs of leaving.  The usual beer that came with the nightly game of cards had been exchanged for hot drinks and nobody had been brave enough to take their jackets off when they came inside.  
An argument was just about to break out between the hands when the door to the bunkhouse swung open to reveal y/n, not that it was immediately obvious it was her underneath all the layers she was wearing.  They stopped talking as the door swung shut behind her and watched as she deposited herself with all the clothes she was wearing right in front of the heater.  That got them talking again.
“Woman that’s the only thing stopping this entire bunk from getting hypothermia,” Jake exclaimed.
She glared at him, “at least you got heat.  Fuckin’ trailer’s battery packed in and there’s no damn heat in there.  Colder than the artic.”
“Go back to the house where you belong then,” the new hand responded bitterly.
Y/n shook her head, “boy you’ve been here long enough to know those words shoulda never come out your mouth.  Now move over so I can steal this week’s wages from you.”
“Okay but seriously why don’t you move back there where it’s warm?” Jake pressed.
She sighed, “I’ll go back there when he takes back what he did to Kaye.  And he can’t ever take that back.”
Later, after taking money from the hands that they didn’t have to give, y/n replaced all the layers she’d shed in the warmth of the bunkhouse and retreated to the cold of her trailer.  Ryan had watched with concern as she stepped out into the freezing night but kept his thoughts to himself when he saw the look that Lloyd was giving him.  He resigned himself to finishing their game of cards before turning in for the night, aware of the time he needed to be up in the morning.  As the bunkhouse fell asleep, Ryan listened to the wind rattling over the roof unsettled by the thought of y/n in the trailer with no heat.
After a couple of hours of tossing restlessly in his bunk, Ryan relented to his concern and got up.  Quietly, he put his coat and hat on before leaving the bunk house.  His breath was visible in the cold air and he pulled his coat tighter around him against the chill of the wind.  A light still on in the barn caught his attention and he went to investigate why it was still on in the middle of the night.
In the barn, nearly all the horses were asleep and safely tucked away from the cold outside.  As he headed down the aisle, Ryan looked into the stalls to check on the horses and stopped halfway down where the light was still on.  The spotted horse looked up from his hay briefly when Ryan stopped before looking to the back of the stall, as if indicating the cowboy what was there.  At the back, partially obscured, was a barely distinguishable figure beneath a pile of blankets he recognised from before.
“Fuck you doing out here?” He asked, surprised to see her there.
Y/n opened her eyes to look at him, “could ask you the same thing, cowboy.”
“Jake snores too much,” he claimed.
She snorted, “you managed just fine for years.  Somehow I don’t think that’s it.”
Ryan looked at her through the bars of the stall door as she raised her eyebrows at him expectantly.  He sighed at the look on her face and the collection of blankets she was in.
“Was worried about you in the cold,” he relented.
Y/n smiled at him, “Comanche is doing a good job of keeping me warm aren’t you boy.”
“And that’s why I can see you shivering under all those layers from here,” Ryan pointed out.
She rolled her eyes, “honestly I’m fine Ry.  Go get some sleep.”
“God you’re killing me here,” he muttered under his breath, “you’re gonna catch your death out here y/n.”
“Honeslty stop worrying about me,” she sighed, “I’m a big girl I can look after myself.”
Ryan opened the stall door and looked at her, “we can stand here and debate that while you continue to get hypothermia or we can skip that and you can come sleep in the bunkhouse.”
“Is there a way this conversation ends with me winning?” Y/n questioned from her place on the floor.
He shook his head, “if you want to be one explaining to Rip, Lloyd, Lee and your father why you didn’t take the opportunity to sleep in a warm bunk house and instead froze out here and therefore need to be taken to hospital for frostbite, be my guest sweetheart.”
“Sweetheart, huh?” She smirked at him.
Ryan rolled his eyes, “of that whole thing that’s what you took away, y/n?  Get your ass out of that stall.”
“It’s almost tempting to keep this going to see how you’ll react but I am starting to lose feeling in my toes,” she relented, “but you’re gonna have to pull me off the floor.”
He chuckled but stepped into the stall nonetheless.  Y/n held her hand out to him expectantly and he took it, effortlessly pulling her from the floor into him  They stood there for a moment, chests pressed against each other and his hand still in her cold one.  Even with the numerous blankets around her shoulders, Ryan could still see her shivering.  Y/n could feel the warmth from his hand spreading up her arm and gasped at the feeling of it.  She didn’t dare break his gaze, staring deep into his blue eyes.
Comanche snorted, dragging them out of their bubble and back to the reality that was the cold Montana night.  Ryan dropped her hand and wordlessly exited the stall.  Y/n stood there, blinking dumbly before she collected her thoughts and followed him out of the barn.
“And just where exactly in the bunk house are you expecting me to sleep?” She asked as they stood outside the door.
He smiled at her, “honestly for someone so smart you are being incredibly thick right now.  Take my bunk and I’ll sleep on the couch.”
She followed him into the dark bunk house and allowed herself to be guided towards his bunk by a hand on her back.  Ryan watched as she shed the many blankets from around her and slid into the warmth of his bed.  Y/n gestured for him to take her blankets to the couch and he winked at her.
She allowed her eyes to follow his figure through the dark to the couch and watched as he took his boots off, placing his hat on top of them.  Once she was satisfied that he was settled, Y/n turned over to stare at the wall.  The smell of Ryan encompassed her from all sides and she couldn’t help the way every muscle in her body relaxed when she inhaled.  With warmth finally filling her bones, she allowed sleep to overcome her.
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calkale · 3 months
Jake “Hangman” Seresin headcanons
(Disclaimer im keeping this non ship specific besides one past hangster mention but if anyone wants a ship specific one lemme know) 
He’s from texas (obviously), his family owns a ranch with a huge ranch house on the property thats been in their family for generations. His father died while he was in the naval academy and his mom runs the ranch now. Theres a smaller ranch house on the property he stays in when he’s not on deployment and his siblings each have one too. 
He has 3 sisters and 1 brother, one of his sisters is a lawyer and the rest of his siblings work on the ranch. His brother does occasionally work other jobs but never for too long and always comes back. Jake was third born child so truly the middle child of the family
His mother is truly an amazing woman, shes super sweet and super nice but do not piss her off, she has a gun cabinet thats stocked full and she does not miss a shot. She looks like miranda lambert but shes the same height as jake (5’9, glen powell is lying and i make the rules). 
His dad was a piece of shit, plain and simple, they got married after finding out jakes mom was pregnant so everything was super rushed, they were both really young when it happened and he hated the way his life turned out and made it really obvious without doing anything about it because he felt obligated to stay. He was bucked off a horse out in one of the fields and hit his head on a rock and died almost instantly from the impact, the family all took it in very different ways but it didn’t take long for them to all move on, everyone knew he was miserable and him being gone only made their lives better. 
Jake used to be a bronc rider until he decided he wanted to be a fighter pilot and stopped immediately so he didn’t get a serious injury (shockingly enough he hadn’t had any SERIOUS injuries prior to this decision). He still rides horses all the time tho he’s a pro at heading cattle. He still attends every rodeo in the area when he can and two of his sisters participate in a few of them, one of them is a barrel racer and the other is a tie-down roper. 
He’s so snuggly!!! He has so many blankets at home too like the man has a problem. If you sleep with him he’s gonna steal the blankets then latch onto you like a koala and when you wake up he’s gonna act like nothing happened. 
Him and Bradley have been on a few deployments together and somehow always end up in bunks above or below each other so of course they’re annoying about it. Despite popular belief they did not room together at the naval academy, they did know each other in passing tho and hooked up once or twice in Bradley’s bronco in the middle of nowhere so they wouldn’t get caught but of course they were both also super wasted 
He didn’t meet Javy until top gun, he had heard of him from other people they’d both worked with but it wasn’t until top gun that they became friends. They’re the type of friends that seem like they’ve known each other their entire lives, they immediately hit it off despite being up against each other for the top gun trophy (which Jake won) and they’ve been in touch ever since. Jake lets Javy store stuff at his place on the ranch and he’s stayed with him more times than they can count. 
Jake never really had close friends before Javy, he mostly kept to himself and the friends he did have didn’t really know too much about him. During middle and high school he never had friends stay over or hang out, he did go out to parties but it wasn’t really his scene, he much preferred to go for a horseback ride and watch the sunset from the fields than spend the night out drinking. When he attended the academy he went out more and started building the hangman persona, he did enjoy it and definitely enjoys going out to bars now but he still thinks about those horseback rides he went on when he was a teenager and when he’s back at the ranch he goes out every chance he gets. 
All that being said he absolutely LOVES karaoke, he will only do it once you’ve gotten a few drinks in him but he’s good at it and knows it too. He has a long list of go to songs but an absolute classic is any man of mine by shania twain. He knows how to line dance but he isn’t good at it. 
Megan Moroney is one of his favourite artists, he went to one of her concerts and it was one of the best nights of his life 
He realized he was gay when he was 20 but didn’t really accept it until he was 30 (he was 35 at the time of tgm in my head even tho glen wasn’t). The first man he hooked up with was Bradley and the first man he loved was another pilot (who i made another post about). He never dated any women in high school and did get bothered about it but he really just had no desire to even try, people didn’t bother him about it for long and kinda gave up when they found out he didn’t care and he was fully capable of physically fighting back. It never crossed his mind that he could actually be gay until he moved out and started noticing men more but he had a really hard time accepting it and only allowed himself to engage in it if he was drunk so it “didn’t count”. It took the first man he loved dying for him to get his shit together, he never got to tell him he loved him and he didn’t allow himself to process it for months but when he did he realized he had to be more okay with this part of himself. He’s not super open about it but thats just because he doesn’t feel the need to be, he’s okay with it and his family is okay with it (he came out to them when he was 31) so he doesn’t really feel the need to tell anyone else about it. 
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honkytonk-hangman · 8 months
Just Another Thing – [3]
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Summary: God help anyone who might’ve thought a nice, stable relationship might bring some kind of change to Walt Finnegan’s usual mischief and mild-hedonism. God especially help them if they also thought a girlfriend would provide any sort of calming influence over him.
She definitely influenced him, anyone could tell you that, unfortunately just never in any way that could even remotely be described as ‘calm’.
Warnings: cussing, flirting, illusions to sexxxxx. reader/OC is named Kimberly/Kimber, but it is still written in second person and her name shouldn’t come up very often.
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“You know, I’m pretty sure this counts as cheating at our little game,” Finn says in a sing-song voice when he jogs up to the fencing around the baseball pitch between innings. It was a balmy Saturday afternoon and at some point between this inning and the last, you’d shown up at the front of the stands beside Beverly. You stand to meet him, and he whistles slowly upon seeing the baseball jersey you have tied into a cropped top. He figures it must be one of Beverly’s.
“How do you know this isn’t serendipity at work?” you ask back, leaning right up against the fencing. Finn lifts an eyebrow but smiles. “Besides, I knew where you’d be today, I’m free tonight. I wanted to see you again,” you state matter of factly, yet still somehow very sexily. Finn pulls off his cap and holds it over his chest.
“You’re making me blush!” He teases back, before nodding in the direction of where Beverly is standing talking to Jake, feeding him little slices of oranges she has in a cup through the fencing. “I hope Bevie hasn’t told you anything bad about me,” he says.
You glance over and scrunch your nose adorably at the sickenly sweet affection between your friend and her boyfriend.
“Not anything I didn’t already know, besides, it’d only be hypocrisy,” you reply with a small shrug. Finn replaces his hat and takes up a lean against the otherside of the fence.
“How so?” he asks with a smirk. You cock your head and match his grin with your own.
“She’s friends with me, isn’t she?”
Finn stays beaming at you, leaning in even closer so your faces are barely separated by the wire between you.
“We’re all going to the Sound Machine tonight,” he tells you, eyes flickering between your eyes and lips. Your face lights up, and he feels a sudden sense of pride that he’s caused it to do so.
“I’ll be there,” you say instantly, just as one of his teammates calls out to him, the next inning about to start. Finn glances back then turns to you once again as he pushes away from the fence.
“And one more thing honey,” he calls, walking backwards back to the dugout. “Let me know the next time you plan on coming and watching me, I’ll make sure you’ve got the right shirt on!” he grins widely, and points to the number on his back just as he turns.
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You walk arm and arm with Beverly through the club’s front doors, greeting Harry the doorman as he waves you both through. By now you were well known to the staff at Sound Machine, you and Harry had even had a short fling once, so your cover and drinks were always free of charge. You don’t expect that to be an issue tonight though, not when you had already planned on meeting Finn here.
Beverly quickly leads you around the dance floor and to a set of tall tables already crowded with rowdy baseball players, and the two of you are immediately welcomed as you siddle up. You barely get a chance to untuck yourself from your friend and make your way around to where Finn is sat oogling you before someone else leans over into your space.
“Well, well, well Beverly, who is your friend here?” a man you recognise as the one who threw the baseball that hit you, Roper, says. He doesnt even look at Beverly when he speaks though, his gaze trained solely on you.
“Kimberley,” you introduce yourself, holding out your hand, only a little skeezed out when instead of shaking it, he lifts it to his lips and kisses it.
“Charmed,” he says, looking you deep in the eye. You glance in Finn’s direction to find him glaring at Roper, but before you can tell him to buzz off, another hand is struck out towards you.
“I’m Dale,” the new man says, pushing in to bump Roper aside, and for politeness sake, these were Finn’s friends afterall, you take his hand, relieved when he only shakes it.
“It’s so nice to meet you both,” you tell them, rolling your eyes a little when they both immediately begin flirting heavy-handedly, complimenting your outfit and your hair, and asking about what you do at school. Eyeing Finn again, you see him throwing mental daggers at both men, though you catch his attention when he seems to worriedly look back at you.
Throwing him a wink, you flick your hair and focus back on the two men trying their damndest to be the one to take you home. You lean on the table beside you and pop your hip out, something that doesn’t go unnoticed by either of them.
“How about this;” you begin, speaking loud enough for the rest of the group to hear. Looking over at Beverly, you spot a maniacal grin on her lips as she leans up to whisper something in Jake’s ear. “If you can guess my major, I’ll let you buy me a drink,” you propose, putting on a show and laughing girlishly when both men begin to call out what they think your major might be.
“What? No, look at her, she’s clearly a drama student, with Beverly!”
“Astronautical Engineering,” Finn announces loudly, causing both Roper and Dale to turn and look at him like he’s insane. Clapping your hands together, you grin widely at him.
“Got it in one!” you tell him, laughing again when you see the appalled expressions on his friend’s faces. Finn smiles back, clearly having picked up on the fact you had no intention of letting any of his friends flirt with you, and pushes out of his seat, holding a hand out.
“Then I guess I get to buy you a drink, that’s my prize, right?”
You meet him on the otherside of the table, and take his hand eagerly, quickly throwing another wink back at the disappointed guys now hassling each other over apparently ruining the other’s chances.
“Right!” you say when you look back at Finn, his smile never waning as he leads you toward the bar.
When you arrive, he holds the little swivel seat steady for you as you hop up, before he takes up a lean next to you at the bar, standing close so you can hear one another above the music.
“Christ am I glad you remembered,” you huff with another roll of your eyes, jerking your head in the direction of his friends. Finn laughs.
“So am I. You nearly had me going there, giggling and all that!” He says with a small shake of his head. You cock your head at him and place a hand on the arm he has resting against the bartop.
“I’m sorry,” you begin to apologise, but he covers your hand with his own and shakes his head once more.
“No, no, that,” he gestures back to the tables. “Was extremely entertaining to watch. Not to mention satisfying.” he grins at you boyishly, but straightens briefly when the bartender approaches, placing both your drinks orders quickly before turning his ful attention back to you.
“Do you like watching, Finn?” you tease, leaning closer toward him. Finn smirks, but considers for a moment, flicking his eyes up then back to you.
“Depends on what I’m watching,” he tells you after a moment, before raking his eyes up and down your figure showily. “I would watch you do anything,” he flirts back, making you laugh.
You don’t go back to your group. You flirt shamelessly until you finish three more drinks each, at which point you slip off the stool and take his hands.
“Dance with me!” you call out over the music, already pulling him toward the dancefloor where Earth, Wind & Fire has started playing.
You can’t help but laugh in surprise, not only at how great of a dancer Finn really is, but at the way he spins and twirls you around the other dancers, singing along until your bodies crash togther once again. You reach up to wrap your arms loosely around his shoulders and neck as his own take a place at your hips, and you hold absolutely nothing back as you roll and grind them against his own.
You’re a little tipsy now, which is perhaps why you pull him closer toward you so you can speak.
“Have you ever looked at the stars?” you ask, still dancing.
“Think I’m looking at one right now,” he says matter-of-factly, making you throw your head back laughing, but you quickly shake your head.
“No, I'm serious!” you shout over the music, “We should go stargazing! I want to show you!” 
Which is exactly how you end up back at your team’s house, laying on the front lawn curled up in one another as you point out constellations to him. Just as you finish showing him the big and little dippers, you sit up partially, resting your head in your palm as you stare down at him.
“Next time I have a shift at the observatory, I’ll try and sneak you in, you can see them so much clearer there!” you gush. Finn grins up at you, and tucks an arm behidn his head.
“Already cheating and planning our next serendipitious meeting, huh?” he asks, making you slip down a little lower to hide your face partially behind his sleeve.
“If you don’t want to, that’s okay, I know that doesn’t sound very sexy,” you trail off, resting your chin on his arm.
Finn looks away from you and back to the stars, his face suddenly a mite more serious than it ever has been.
“I don’t usually do this sorta thing,” he starts, voice low. “You know, seeing girls again after the first time,” he looks back down at you then, where you nod in understanding.
“That’s okay, I don’t really either,” you admit.
“It’s different with you,” he quickly goes on, but stops himself. When he doesn’t continue after a moment's pause, you poke him.
Finn sucks in a deep breath, holding it for a few seconds as his eyes turn away from you once again, before he lets it out.
“I don’t know,” he says, sounding unsure, but he’s quickly rolling himself over and draping an arm around your middle, so you lay face to face, only a hair's breadth away. “Maybe because you saw through all my bullshit and wanted to sleep with me anyway?”
You can’t help but shrug, a small smile curling over your face.
“I’d already decided that when we first met, I wasn’t about to let those ruses get in the way,” you tell him.
Finn smiles back, in that way that you like, with his eyes crinkling in the corners as he softly pinches your side.
“Maybe it’s because of how assertive you are, you know exactly what you want,” he adds as you squeak and jerk a little closer at his teasing. Your faces are even closer now, your noses touching, and you can’t help but shrug again.
“A lot of guys don’t, but I don’t really see that as my problem.” you say confidently, speaking nothing but the truth. If a man didn’t want you, you didn’t want him, and that was that.
Finn groans and cuddles closer.
“See, even you saying that’s making me hard!” he faux complains. You can’t help but laugh, leaning even closer to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth, moving back just as he tries to turn his head and capture your lips fully.
“Well, why don’t we go inside and take care of that?” you begin getting up, only stopped when Finn takes up your hand again and pulls you back. You let out a soft sound of surprise that is quickly muffled when he presses his lips to yours fully, hand moving to cup your cheek until you’re both giggling against each other. He finally pulls away and gazes at you cheekily.
“Only if you promise to sneak me into the observatory next time.”
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Finn hums to himself as he flips another piece of french toast onto a plate, not even stopping when he hears someone else enter the kitchen. He glances back briefly and nods at Beverly who eyes him sardonically as she pulls on her second shoe and opens the fridge in search of juice.
“French toast?” Finn asks, gesturing with his spatula to the ingredients he’s got laid out. Beverly eyes the two plates of breakfast he’s already made, and takes a seat on the opposite counter.
“Sure,” she says, watching as Finn goes about preparing her food. “Kimberley stayed the night again?” she asks, receiving a little hum in reply.
“She sure did,” he informs her happily. Beverly snorts into her hand and sips from her glass of orange juice.
“What do the guys think about that?” she asks, recalling the shit Jake had gotten from his teammates at first when she herself had started hanging out at the house more.
Finn places her toast on to cook then turns around to lean on the counter top as he looks at her.
“I don’t really care what the guys have to say about it,” he starts, motioning upstairs with his spatula again. “Fact is, they’re out every night complaining about getting laid, I’m actually getting laid. If they don’t see that as winning, they’re bigger idiots than we already thought,” he tells her. Beverly laughs again as Finn turns back to the hob and flips her toast.
“Well, I never!” she says dramatically, hopping off the counter and making her way to his side. “You’re finally growing up!” she gushes, pinching his cheek until he swats her away with his utensil.
“Yeah, yeah,” he shoos her back slightly, before grabbing a napkin and placing her breakfast inside it, holding it out. “S’probably about time, anyway,” he admits somewhat quietly. Beverly only smiles at him, and accepts the food, ducking closer before he can realise to press a quick kiss to his cheek.
“Good for you,” she says, stepping away before she can be swatted at with the spatula again. “Thanks for the french toast!” she calls back as she scrambles from the kitchen. Finn rolls his eyes, turning the stove off and taking up both plates just as the front door opens then closes again.
Upon entering his room upstairs, which he now had to himself since the Willoughby incident, Finn quietly kicks the door shut behind him, before hurrying over to his bed, which he climbs onto carefully. All the movement wakes you some and you groggily lift your head from his pillow, eyeing him sleepily.
“Breakfast is up pretty lady,” he tells you, hovering one plate under your nose until you start to rise.
“You made me breakfast?” you ask softly as you go about sitting up. Finn situates himself cross legged in front of you, handing you a plate once you’re ready.
“Course! Big game day!” he says.
“That is so sexy,” you tell him, placing the plate aside on the mismatched bedside table he’d dragged in for you a few weeks ago, and lean forward to press a kiss to his lips, which turns into two kisses, which turns into you shuffling closer, almost into his lap. Finn pulls back though, and tuts at you.
“Uh, uh, uh sweetheart! Breakfast while it’s hot, and then sex!” he insists, chortling internally at himself. If he’d have heard himself a year ago, he wouldn’t believe it either.
Groaning, you flop back against the headboard, and roll your eyes, but your smile gives you away as you take your plate again, and begin on the first slice of french toast he’d prepared for you.
“Good girl,” Finn teases, earning another eyeroll.
You eat in comfortable quiet for a few minutes, and only when both plates are back on your bedside, and he’s finished having his second breakfast does Finn ask the question thats been bothering him for a while now.
“Why don’t you invite me to any of your games?” he asks quietly, playing with your hair as you cuddle up to his side. You’d need to get up and go soon to catch the bus that would take you and your team an hour and a half north to Baylor, who you were playing. He feels you pause and shift, looking down at you when you look up.
“Honestly, I didn’t think you’d be interested in coming…” you tell him guiltily. Finn scoffs.
“That’s ridiculous!”
You only shrug.
“None of the guys my teammates date ever want to come, and it's not like we’re used to having a huge audience anyway, being a women’s sport and all… most of the time the school doesn’t even take us seriously,” you admit. Finn shuffles to look at you properly.
“That’s stupid, I’d come to all your games, and not just to see you in your uniform!” he tells you assertively, before nestling his face closer to yours. “I’d even wear one of those tight little tops ya’ll wear.” he grins upon making you laugh, leaning down to kiss you.
After thoroughly making you late, you shower together and dress before he walks you to your car. Leaning in through the driver's side window, you kiss him again and ruffle his wet hair.
“The next time we play here, I’ll let you know,” you tell him as he pushes off and you begin backing out. Before you drive off, you lean out your window again and pull your sunglasses on. “And I expect to see you in one of those tight little volleyball shirts!”
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When your co-captain calls you over during the mid-game break, you aren’t sure what you’re expecting her to say, but it certainly isn’t what she does.
“Hey, isn’t that your boyfriend in the stands? Why didn’t ya’ll drive up together?”
Faster than lightening you whip your head around, scanning the minimal crowd of mostly parents and friends until right there in the front you spot the green-eyed, blonde. Blinking in surprise, you don’t even respond to your friend before you’re taking off in a jog toward the bleachers.
Finn stands as you approach, placing down a book he’d been holding as you get nearer.
“What are you doin’ here!?” you ask laughing as he greets you with a short kiss. You stare up at him in amazement, still blinking rapidly like he may poof out of existence any moment. Finn waves his arms wide and shrugs.
“I told you, I’d be at all your games!” he tells you, before gesturing down at the shirt he’d worn, only for you to realise it has your college’s volleyball logo emblazoned on it in burnt orange. “Had to make a few pit stops first though, so I only caught half of the first quarter.”
“Where did you get this?” you ask, pinching the hem of his shirt and waving it slightly.
“Snuck into the volleyball courts, asked one of the staff for it,” he waves off this fact breezily and instead bends down to grab his book again.
“Now, listen, I’ve been reading up on the rules, and you guys are doing great, but I reckon if you were more aggressive, you’d easily be able to exploit the gaps in Baylor’s strategy–” He doesn’t get to finish because you pull him in for a much more heated kiss.
“I’m going to blow you so good later,” you tell him upon pulling back. Finn grins wide, looking rather proud of himself, and you kiss him again until someone from your team whistles loudly at you.
You turn back to them, finding your gaggle of teammates crowded together and watching you in various states of giggles and hushed whispering. You look back at Finn and grin.
“Later. Did you drive?” you ask, to which he pulls his keys from his pocket and waves them for you. You begin making your way back to your team, but point at him.
“Later!” you say again.
Upon reaching your girls again, you call for a huddle and gather up.
“Alright, here’s how it is, we need to be aggressive for these last two quarters, Baylor has some gaps, I know we’ve all seen them, so now we take advantage,” you inform them quickly, earning nods and murmurs of approval from the team.
“Is he reading the rule book?” Nancy asks instead of replying to your new strategy, and you look up at her.
“And he’s got a team shirt on!” Barbra adds, causing the girls to giggle amongst themselves again. You grin.
“Yes, he does. And If i’m gonna get laid later, we gotta win this, alright? Ready? Go!”
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crazyk-imagine · 4 months
The Future Mrs
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Pairing: Walt Finnegan x Female!reader
Characters: Walt Finnegan, Female!reader, Jake Bradford, Kenny Roper, Dale Douglas, Tyrone Plummber, Janet the bitch, Aunt Theresa (we don't speak of her)
Warnings: Fluff, questionable angst, cursing, moves, the boys are nice, some aren't, cousin eddie to the rescue, finn is a sweetheart, I love writing for the boys, the house parties are too lit, reader can be nice, reader is also lowkey a bitch, not me literally needing to rewrite and post this when I first wrote it, eddie and reader are the best cousins
Word Count: 1,041
Your cousin pulls his car up beside you and hollers for you. You roll your eyes and walk over towards him. “What do you want now?”
He smiles and leans closer to your nuisance, Finnegan. “Why are you giving your favorite cousin attitude?”
You bend down, leaning against the door. “Because my so-called favorite wants me to do his dirty laundry, quite literally I might add.”
You glance back, noticing the two freshmen and your favorite player on the team, “hey Dave.”
He smirks, knowing you say hi to him to annoy Finnegan. “Hey.”
Roper scoffs, “how dare- okay fine. But I have an offer.”
“Which is?” You ask with a raised brow.
“I’ll take care of the rats in your dorm, if you help me.”
“Why would I want to do that?”
“See I told she’d get annoyed and wouldn’t go for it,” Finnegan chimes in.
“Still standing here Finnegan and I can confirm that you’re the annoying one.” You glance over at your cousin, “and you, be ready. I’m not packing your shit again.”
“It was one time.”
“You’re a fucking liar and you know it. This is the third time you've asked me… this week, Rope.”
“Have I told you I’m sorry?” He gives you that one smile he uses on all the girls (it never works on you, no matter how many times he tries).
“Try again next time.”
One of the girls who made high school miserable calls out to you, Roper knows and learned (the hard way) not to interfere anymore.
He lowers his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and narrows his eyes to her.
You turn, flipping her the bird with a kind smile. “Be ready,” you mutter to him.
“I see you still have that lame car,” she shouts.
You roll your eyes and push yourself off the door, unintentionally giving the blond a good view of your ass. “How about you fuck off Janet? No one cares about your idiotic opinion.”
“It’s idiot, stupid.”
You cross your arms. “Did daddy pay for you to get in here or did you blow the principal... again?”
She screams and turns away.
You chuckle, leaning back down. “You’re dealing with the rats. I’ll pack your shit, deal?”
“And, little warning,” you look at all the boys in the car, “any of you try to fuck her, make sure your wrapped. God knows what she has. Just no one marry her, that’s all I ask.” You pat the car and walk away.
Your one and only true friend Dee, short for Alexandria, hops on your back.
You grab her thighs keeping her on you. “Why must you do this every time?”
“It’s fun.”
She hops off, “come meet my roommate.”
“I have plans.”
“She’s right next to you.”
You groan, “fine. If I must.”
Jake leans forward, “that’s your cousin?”
“Yeah,” he turns around giving the two freshmen a hard look. “Neither of you can fuck her. She’s off limits.”
“Yeah,” Dale laughs, “to anyone but Finnegan. If he can even get past her pissy nature.”
Roper rolls his eyes and pulls away, “she’s just- I annoyed her, okay?”
“You barely talked to her, and she was pissed. She’s got one of those, guys are the worst ever mentalities or something.”
“She puts on that personality, so she doesn’t get hurt.”
“Yeah, I know.”
Jake glances at Plummer who shrugs.
“She’ll come to her senses eventually,” Finnegan adds.
“You say that because you want to fuck her.”
The blond smirks, “I mean, yeah, I do. I won’t lie about that man, but I mean, she’ll stop being so defensive around us.”
Roper glances at him from the corner of his eye. “You mean, you hope she’ll stop being so defensive around you.”
You walk out of the room and head for the roof, sitting beside the window, listening to the music.
“Mind if I keep you company?”
You turn and find Finnegan in the window. “Don’t you have some lonely chick to fuck?”
“Yeah, and she doesn’t want to talk to me. Keep me company?” Finnigan says with that stupid smile on his face.
You purse your lips, giving him an annoyed, fake smile. “Hard pass.”
“Oh, come on. You know you love me… I’ll take care of the rats, if you want?”
You raise your brows. “You willing to take care of the rats in my place just to get in my pants?”
He chuckles. “Babe, I’d train them to do your laundry if it meant I could take you out.”
“I’m pretty sure you’ve said that to at least three other girls tonight.”
“Surprisingly you’re the first.”
You shake your head, “go back to the party. This is no place for a popular guy like yourself.”
“And leave you out in the cold on your own, no thanks. Roper would kill me and,” he sets his hand down beside yours, “I don’t want to leave you alone.”
You groan and cover your eyes, “would you perverts shut up already?”
Roper steps forward, “why are you in his bed?”
“I don’t mom, you tell me.”
“Don’t make me call Aunt Theresa.”
“I dare you,” you open an eye and glare at him.
He breaks, “come on, just- please tell me nothing happened.”
You push yourself up on one elbow and glance at the perky Finnegan. “Nothing happened.”
“Prove it.”
“I’m wearing all my clothes, even my socks,” you pull the sheets down and climb out of bed. “See?”
“He doesn’t have a shirt on.”
“Well, look at that. Neither do you because that’s how you sleep, Rope.”
Dale grabs his buddy and pulls him outside the room. “I’m gonna take him outside to take… this all in.” He stops to give his teammate a high five.
You roll your eyes and search for your shoes.
“Where are you going?” He sits up, eyeing you.
“I’m going back to my dorm so I can make myself look semi presentable to those who weren’t in this room.”
He fakes pouts, “don’t go.”
“I’m going. I need to change.”
He sighs, “if you must.”
You narrow your eyes at him, “don’t be like that, I’ll be back.”
You roll your eyes, “yes, I promise.” 
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callsign-cacti · 7 days
Bet on it!
Summary: A meeting with Finn leaves him with the upper hand. But after a night out, lines begin to blur.
Rating: Mature: drug use, drinking, future chapters will be 18+.
Warnings: Mentions of faking a pregnancy for a prank/ revenge. If this triggers you, please don't read!
Part One
By the time you arrive at the Sound Machine with Beverly and Heather in tow, it feels like half the student population of STU is shoved in there with you. After spending several minutes fighting your way to the dance floor through the throngs of drunk students and classmate, you can't contain your scoff when you find the baseball boys on the sofa's in the corner. With drinks in hand, and girls hanging off their arms, they're practically holding court.
Niles is absent, as he has been all year after his fight with the bartender. Dale is on the dancefloor, McRenyolds and Roper are on on a couch together, McRenyold with a girl on his lap and Roper with two girls tucked under his arm.
Jake is making a beeline towards your little group, though he only has eyes for Beverly. It's only once he has her tucked under his arm does he acknowledge you and Heather.
You and Heather both turn your heads as they greet each other... enthusiastically. As your scanning the rest of the room, your eyes fall on James from English Class, scoffing as you see there's another girl perched on his lap.
It's not like you wanted to be there, but he had invited you out tonight, not the other way around. Averting your eyes once again, you continue your perusal, noting that Finn seems to be absent.
When Jake and Beverly finally come up for air, you take the chance to greet him. The sooner you can offload Beverly for tonight, the faster the rest of your plan can be put into place.
You love the girl, it's just that she has a tendency to get loose lipped when she's drunk. Or around Jake.
"Hey Jake!" He smiles and nods at you and Heather as he pulls Beverly into his side. Behind him, you see Finn emerge from somewhere, a drink in his hand.
"Y'all wanna come hang?" Jake gestures towards the couches. Heather politely declines, already having spotted her latest victim on the dancefloor. After a quick good luck is whispered in your ear, she's off. Jake and Beverly are starting to slowly slide towards the dance floor.
"Y'all two have fun! I've got a date around here somewhere!"
Immediately, Jakes attention snaps to you, eyes narrowing as he freezes. Behind him, Beverly giggles.
"You what?" He asks, eyes dancing back and forth between you and where Finn is now sitting on the couch, eyes still locked on you.
"Mmm, a date. Is that so hard to believe Jake?"
He shakes his head, a blush running up his cheeks. Quickly, she steps out of his arms and wraps you in a hug before slapping your ass.
"Go get'em babe! You look hot!" Then she is leading Jake back to the boys, probably for a front row seat. She is a drama major after all.
Turning, you ignore the burning sensation of eyes on the back of your head as you head towards James.
“You made it!” James exclaims, not even bothering to stand as he pats his lap again. You don't know where the other girl went, but you can only hope she figured out what a dick weasel he was and left. Ignoring the clench of disgust you feel in your gut, you sit in the spot next to him, only to be tugged closer as he plants a wet kiss on your cheek. You wince, reaching up to wipe your cheek, as James narrows his eyes over your shoulder.
"Why is half the baseball team staring daggers in my direction?"
You shrug, doing your best to keep your gaze innocent. They weren't staring at him, they were staring at you. Your answer seems to satisfy him enough, as he returns back to the conversation with his friends, the only acknowledgement that you're even there is the heavy arm thrown around your shoulder.
You last ten minutes, ten minutes of mind numbing, misogynistic bullshit of conversation before you want to slam your head against the table out of pure misery. But its the hand that is creeping closer and closer to your tits that has you jumping up.
"I'm going to get a drink!' You yell. James just squints at you, like he can't comprehend why you would want a drink, before gesturing to the pitcher of beer on the table.
"No thanks, I umm. I'll be back. I'm gonna get my own!" And then your off, before he has a chance to say anything else. Not that you thought he would be offering to pay for your drink, but you didn't exactly want to stick around and find out.
As you duck around dancers and drunks, you sigh as you finally get to the bar, smiling as you see Sean, who also happens to moonlight as your plug.
"Hey!" You say, perching your hip on the bar.
"Looks like your having fun out there!" He teases, head motioning to where James still sits with his friends, not bothering to pay you any attention.
"Not at all. Soooo..." You trail off. You already know he knows what you want.
"No, it's a bitch to make!" He complains. At that, you gesture to where you are currently the only one up here.
"Come on, it's been a long week!" You pout, and then grin as you see him reaching for the cup. Your so distracted by watching him make it that you don't notice the presence at your back until it speaks.
'I'll take whatever the lady's having!" Finn. It's about damn time.
Sean just grunts before placing a beer in front of Finn.
"Don't even ask Finn, that drinks for me and me only!" You gloat as Sean pushed the drink towards you. You take a sip and sigh, tempted to profess your undying love for him. But before you can, he's shooing you away, ready to deal with the next person who has walked up.
As you walk away, Finn follows you, manuvering around people until he can plant himself in front of you.
“You wanna dance?” Finn steps in front of you, effectively blocking your view. He’s got the stupid smirk on his face, like he already knows your gonna say yes. You peek around his shoulder to where James sits, a scowl on his face as he takes in you talking to Finn.
"No thanks, I'm here with someone!"
"What, that loser?" He says, hooking a thumb over his shoulder. "Coulda fooled me. Besides, you don't wanna hang out with him sweetheart."
"I don't?"
"Nope, he was here long before we got here, and about ten minutes before you walked in, he walked outta the bathroom with someone looking mighty… satisfied!” He sounds apologetic but looks anything but.
“Mm, how nice of you to be concerned for me Finnegan, but you came out of a very dark corner looking a little too satisfied. So doesn’t that seem to be a little hypocritical!” You jab back. “Besides, who’s to say I’m not just out looking for a good time tonight. James may be an asshole, but I’ve heard he’s very… gifted, if you know what I mean!”
He takes a step closer to you, backing you towards the dancefloor. You let yourself be led, as he loops an arm around your waist and tugs you closer.
“If you’re looking for someone well endowed to show you a good time sweets, then I’m right here!” He shoots back, taking another step closer. At this point, there’s barely any space between the two of you, and Finn is glancing back and forth between your eyes and your lips.
“What, your not even going to give me your average cock line! I’m disappointed Finn, and you’ve been doing such a good job of making me feel special today. With your little looking out for me schtick, going through all the trouble of stalking my date for me!”
“I wasn’t stalking…”
“Observing then!” You smile, tugging him into you as you begin moving your hips to the beat.
“If that’s what you wanna call it, then sure sweets. Observing!”
“You observe a lot of girls dates Finnegan?”
He bends, so his lips are at your ear, brushing along the outer shell of it as he speaks. “I observe a lot of girls sugar, and none look as fine as you do tonight!”
You hum, spinning in his arms so that your facing him, letting your eyes go wide and plastering a sweet smile on your face. The two of you are so close now that there’s barely any room between your bodies, your breasts grazing his chest with every breath you take. His eyes flit back and forth between your lips and your own gaze as a slow, sultry smirk spreads across his face.
“Besides Darlin, if you really had slept with me, then you would know that the average line ain’t true. No point in lying to ya now! Besides, don’t you think I deserve a reward for being such a good friend?”
You hum, taking a small step out of his arms so that you can bring your drink up to your lips, letting a little spill out of your mouth as you take a sip. You watch as his eyes fall to the droplet, burning as they follow the trail down to your tits and below your top.
Hook, line, and sinker.
You close the space between the two of you again, forcing his gaze back up to your face. “And what should your reward be?”
“Coming home with me sounds pretty good right about now!” He whispers, his grip tightening, pulling you even harder against him.
And for a second, you let yourself indulge in the music and the solid body pressed against you. You feel his leg shift slightly so that it’s pressed in between your thighs. Your eyes fluttering closed as the two of you move in sync, grinding and moving to the beat of the song.
The entire team going out together
Lips tracing kisses down your neck as a hand tightens in your hair
Hips grinding as the two of you move together
And then you remember where you are, what your supposed to be doing. You slide the hand that had been resting on his shoulder up into his hair, which is unfortunately, is as soft as it looks. Tugging slightly, you watch Finns face transform, going from smug and cocky to utterly destroyed for a split second, before he’s smirking again, leaning down so that your lips could meet his ear.
So confident that he’s won once again.
“But don’t you wanna know about the bet?” And it’s like a lightning bolt hit him, his body stiffening and pulling back to meet your eyes.
You shove your drink into his hands, taking a step back out of his arms as he sputters.
“Guess not!” You titter, laughing at the startled expression on his face. “See y’round Finnegan!”
"Get the fuck off me!" You mumble yelled as you attempted to push Heather off of you. You had woken briefly when she had returned from wherever she had spent the night a few minutes ago, falling back asleep the sound of water hitting the floor.
But now that she had showered off the night before, she was no longer content to let you sleep, and had promptly flung herself onto your bed, talking much to loudly for...
Eight in the fucking morning.
"Not until you tell me what the hell you and Finn were talking about when the two of you were grinding on each other. Cause damn it if y'all didn't look like you were about to bust into flames!" She cackled, fanning herself with one hand as she continued to stare into your soul. "And then, after you left, he moped around and ended up leaving early... and alone!"
Shrugging, you attempted to grip the blankets and roll over, away from her shrewd eyes. You weren't quite sure what to make of that information. He was probably just upset that you had upstaged him this time. That was it!
Gripping your shoulders, Heather spun you back over, so you had a perfect view of Beverly walking into the room. "Good morning ladies!" She greeted, looking way to chipper and put together for 8 o'clock on a Saturday morning.
"Why the fuck is everyone awake and bothering me?" You spat at you cousin. But your vitriol did nothing to dim her mood, instead, her smile grew bigger as she came to sit on the bed.
"Because I have an insatiable need to know what happened between you and Finn! And also, because the guys have a game later today, so I woke Jake up with a..."
Your foot connected with Beverly's hip, pushing her off the bed as you squealed, hands flying up to cover your ears. "Disgusting Bev, I don't want to hear that!"
"Perfect, then we can talk about you and Finn!" Heather said, prying your hands from your ears as Beverly flopped onto your feet.
Half an hour later, they had finally managed to get you out of bed, and you stumbled down the stairs as the three of you began your walk to your favorite coffee shop, where they would be buying you breakfast. Because you sure as hell weren't paying today!
You got exactly two minutes of peace as Heather finished filling Beverly in on her night -something about a magic tongue- before they started in on you.
"I'm not saying anything to y'all until I get caffiene in my system!" You announced, crossing your arms as they hurried their walk, the coffee shop now in sight. By the time you walked in, they were already ordering.
It was fairly empty, as most students were still sleeping off their hangovers, so the wait for your food was far to short for your liking.
By the time the three of you had settled into the back booth, and you had begun to sip at your coffee, Heather looked like she was about to explode.
With a sigh, you set your coffee down, picking up a napkin to play with.
"Honetly, there's not much to tell. Finn was trying to..."
"Well hello pretty ladies!” Jake exclaimed, bending down to kiss Beverly's neck as he slid into the seat beside her. Quickly, you snapped your mouth shut, hoping that Bev and Heather would drop it now that the guys were here. Dale was pulling up a chair next to Heather, and looking around, Plum and Finn were still at the counter.
"Well hello there gorgeous, Dale Douglas, pleasure to meet you!!" He grinned at Heather, throwing an arm around the back of her chair. "I'm on the..."
"Baseball team... I'm aware!" Heather said, scootching over so that she was sitting closer to you and out from under Dales arm.
"So you're a fan?" Winking at her, he leans over closer to her, a slow smirk spreads across his face.
"Of what, the way you let that ball slide right between your legs like an idiot against New Mexico, giving them two runs?" She smirked, leaning fully against you now as she shot Dale her own smug grin.
The entire table brakes out into laughter as Dale's smile falls from his face and he straightens up, wincing a little as Finn comes to the table and slaps him on the back.
"And what's so funny over here?" He asks, fludily pulling another chair over and plopping himself into it.
"Just Dale getting his ass handed to him!' Jake says in between laughter.
"Mm" Finn says. But his focus isn't on Jake or Dale. It hasn't been since he has turned from the counter and locked eyes with you.
The two of you sit, locked in a silent standoff, neither willing to concede as the table moves on into other topics.
Around you, the conversation continues, but you have no interest in the rest of the group right now. Instead, you find yourself much more focused on trying to decipher the emotions playing across Finns face right now.
When you had walked away from him last night, you had expected to piss him off. Very rarely did Walt Finnegan not get his way. But anger isn't what you see playing across his face.
No, instead he looks, pleased?
The longer the two of you stare at each other, the more confused you get. Why the hell is he pleased. And more importantly, why does it feel like he is seeing right through you.
Finn only looks away when Plum bangs his plate down onto the table, and your not quite sure whether to be relieved or disappointed at the sudden lack of connection. His focus is now entirely on his plate as you struggle to find your way back to the group conversation.
"Well, I didn't know that the two of you were friends!" Dale says, gesturing between you and Beverly.
"Dude, they're cousins. Of course their friends!" Jake says, off handedly as he shoves a bite of muffin into his mouth.
At this information, Finns head jerks up, gaze darting over to you, eyes narrowing, before taking in Beverly, who is now on Jakes lap, before going back to you.
You can practically see the lightbulb come on.
Well shit.
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sarahsmi13s · 1 year
HI! Happy 21st Birthday Vinny!!🥳🥳 I was wondering if you can do a request for Walt ‘Finn’ Finnegan x reader where Finn tries to impress reader with his baseball skills and the reader thinks it’s cute and hot that Finn is trying to impress them and Finn is just eating it up? Thank you Lovely!
thank you 🥰🥰 and i absolutely love this idea and hope that i did it justice!
|| impress to undress ||
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effort is attractive
pairing: walt 'finn' finnegan x reader characters: finn, reader, the peanut gallery (the team) warning: language, suggestive content, rumor-ish talk, the guys are assholes, pretty fast paced, lmk if i missed any word count: ~1.6k a/n: sorry it took me so long to get to this my darling
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Finn had been trying to get your attention for months. 
He saw you his first day of classes and wondered how he missed you in the three days before classes started. You were absolutely stunning.
There was just one problem… you didn’t seem to glance in his direction. You seemed to prefer the football guys. You barely spared any attention to the baseball players.
Most of them just wrote you off, saying you weren’t worth the effort or time. Calling you lost cause and jock jumper. But Finn? 
Finn saw you as a challenge. Call him desperate, but he wanted you. He wanted you bad.
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One night at the Sound Machine, he noticed you alone at the bar and approached you.
“That quarterback leave you here all alone?” Finn asked casually as he leaned against the neon bar top. You casted him a side glance but just sipped your drink. “His loss, anyone would be lucky to spend a night with you,” he said as he tried his best to keep his gaze from wandering too low. He nodded to the drink in your hand, “That a blueberry mojito?” 
You hummed and sipped it, “Blueberry Coconut Mojito.” 
Your tone was dismissive, but the emphasis on the specific flavor of rum was almost playful. 
“Oh so you like the taste of sunscreen, with just a dash of blueberry?” Finn teased as his beer was given to him. He felt his chest flutter with hope at the quirk of the corner of your mouth. He was getting somewhere.
He watched you eye his beer as you turned to face him. You pinched your straw between manicured nails as he brought the bottle to his lips, “Better than the shit you’re drinking.” 
Finn hummed as he swallowed, smacking his lips a little before swiping any remnants of his mustache with his tongue. “Yeah, it is pretty bad isn’t it? But it’s cheap, so you pay for what you get.” “Mhmmm, is that the same for baseball games?”
The first baseman tilted his head, a little caught off guard. “I– Um, excuse me?” 
“Paying for what you get? Does the same sentiment translate to baseball games?”
You leaned on your elbows, pressing your tits together a little, smirking when his eyes flickered down for a split second. But he regained his cool and leaned in closer to you, green eyes scanning your features. 
“Well, you’ll just have to come and see for yourself, won’t you?”
His voice was deep and low as he spoke, vocal chords rumbling with the words. He knew he threw you off balance when your eyes flickered to his lips as he spoke, and the slight hitch in your breath as he winked at you before walking away.
He’s got your attention now.
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Later that week, all of the boys were getting settled in the dugout before going out to the field.
“So do we think Y/N will actually show up?” Jake asked as he stretched. “Who’s that?” Plum asked as he helped the other catcher into his gear. “Jock jumper,” McReynolds clarified as he broke in his glove. “The chick Finn went up to at the bar the other night.” 
Plum nodded, “Oh right right, I mean she could show up. Never know.” Roper scoffed, pushing his hair back as he slid his hat on, “You’re not serious? She has never paid any of us attention before the season started, why start now?” 
Jake went to retort but Finn ran in, clearing the stairs and nearly taking Nez out in the process, “She’s here. She’s actually here.”
“No fuckin’ way. You serious?” Roper asked, looking towards the stands. “Yeah, she’s close to the dugout.” 
Finn had the biggest smile as Kenny peeked out and saw you sitting there, patiently waiting for the game to start. “No way… Dude! How did you do it?” Finn shrugged, leaning against the dugout wall smugly, “I guess I just have a way with words. Or maybe the fact I had the balls to talk to her.”
A low chorus of “ooooo’s” came from the freshmen.
“Not our fault, she was always around some football player. She also never gave us the time of day so what else could we have done?” Glen huffed.
“Well it doesn’t matter, I invited her and she’s here for me. Time to impress her.” Finn saluted the dugout before jogging out for “roll-call”. He looked toward your seat and caught your eye before walking over to you.
You stood with a smirk, your legs catching his attention in the shorts you were wearing as you walked up to the fence from the bleachers.
“Glad you could make it,” he said as he leaned on the chainlink. You smirked at him before looking around, “Of course, how could I miss this?” He smiled and stood up straight, “Well I hope you enjoy the view.” You leaned in a little closer and looked him up and down, “Oh… I’m sure I will. Good luck Finn.” You gave his arm a gentle squeeze to show you were genuinely wishing him good luck.
Your fingers lingered on his arm for a moment before they were gone as you went to the concession stand.
He looked down at the goosebumps left in your wake before Roper got his attention. Finn was gonna have to be at the top of his game today.
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And he very much was at the top of his game.
He made near perfect plays, ran the bases like he knew what he was doing. He was great!
After every play or at bat, he found himself looking at you. Glancing to see how impressed you were, if you were impressed at all. Finn had to show you that he was better than the other guys that tried to impress you, that he was the one worth your attention.
So when he heard or saw you cheer for him, and the team, he ate it up. He felt a boost to his ego each time and he wanted to do better each play. He wanted to play better, for you.
And by the time the game was over, he glanced at you – watching you cheer for the team before looking at him and sending him a proud smile. If that didn’t make a man melt, he didn’t know what else would.
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In the locker room, Finn was so antsy to get out of there and go find you before you had the chance to leave and go to the bar to get swept up by some meathead. He didn’t change out of his uniform, just his cleats and hastily tied his Converse’s. He swiped deodorant on, with only a little cologne dabbed to his neck, before he ran out of the locker room with his bag.
When he got to the parking lot, he found you leaning against your convertible arms supporting you on the door.
You looked up at him, a smile stretching across your features as he jogged over to you. “Hey, Finn!” 
When he got to you, he smiled down at you as you looked up at him, “You did really well, I’m glad I came to watch you play.” If his heart hadn’t already been beating fast from the run, it would have been now. You said you came to watch him play, not the team, him. “I’m glad you came too.”
You smiled at him, “I um, I’m also glad you took a chance on the um ‘jock jumper’, as your friends so affectionately call me.”
His face dropped, “You know about that?” You nodded, “Yeah, I wasn’t exactly far from the dugout and McReynolds is pretty loud.” “Oh my goodness, Y/N, I-I’m sorry. I hope you know that I never thought of you like that.” 
“Finn, it’s okay. I know. And the whole ‘not giving baseball players the time of day’ thing, that’s only somewhat accurate.” Finn furrowed his brow and you giggled, “I only wanted to give you the time of day, Finn. But since my dad is a football scout, jocks try to get a good word in through me. But I turn them away a good majority of the time when I can’t get your attention.”
He blinked, “Wait, so you were using the football players to make me jealous and get me to talk to you?” You nodded and let out a small laugh, “Yeah, I was.”
He chuckled and nodded, “But did I still impress you tonight? Cause I feel a little silly about how desperate I was.” You nodded and gripped his biceps gently, “Yes, Finn, I was very impressed. Granted you didn’t have to try to impress me, but the effort…” You stepped closer to him, so close you were almost touching, “The effort was very attractive, got me a little hot and bothered if I’m honest.” 
Finn took this chance to grab your hip, “I always say the truth will set you free. But I think I have a solution for your… temperature dilemma.” You hummed and looked from his lips to his eyes, “And what’s that Dr. Finnegan?” He nearly growled as he pulled you against him, “I know a private spot at the lake, it’s secluded – just you and me baby.” “Mmm, sounds perfect.” 
He grinned and captured your lips as he swiped your keys from your pocket. When he pulled away, he held them up, “I’m driving.”
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i really hope you enjoyed this my darling! again i know this was fast paced, but i had a lot of fun writing this and making that moodboard 💜
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cavenewstimes · 10 months
Does Vsauce3's Jake Roper Know Movies?
Welcome, dear readers, to a serene corner of wisdom and inspiration, where we embark on a journey exploring the enchanting world of movies. Today, we find ourselves immersed in the captivating realm of Vsauce3’s very own Jake Roper, a man whose vast knowledge and unyielding passion for cinema have led him to become a beacon of insight. In this luminous space, we shall unravel the question that…
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His Rodeo Queen
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Chapter 1 (Returning Home pt 2)
Chapter 1 pt1
A/N: I’m sorry for how many paragraphs there are but tumblr hats long paragraphs apparently, so tried to break it were one scene ended and another one begins
Warnings: Mention’s death bit no actual character death
Jake got up at his normal time 5 am even if it was a Saturday morning, it was normal to him, but he did everything not to wake Abbie until at least 8 am, when he did wake her it was with kisses along her shoulder, she hummed in response to him waking her up “What’s that for?” She questioned him, turning to look at him “I can’t just wake up my beiful rodeo queen?” He questioned with a smirk “You want something with that smirk.” She said sitting up “Okay, it’s Saturday and Daggers kinda have a little tradition since the mission, it’s beach day. We play dogfight football outside the hard deck, and some day drinking.” He said smiling “You want me to go to the beach?” She questioned with a smile “Yes.” He said smiling back “I gotta see if anything fits me.” She said getting up and walking to the closest, she was looking at her dresses since that all she felt comfortable in right now “Where the blue one with flowers my sister got you.” He smiled at her “Wait is the beach cold?” She questioned looking back at him, he shrugged “It depends.” He said getting up and grabbing her favorite flannel of his “If you don't like it, then where a pair of shorts and one of my shirts.” He smiled at her, Jake had found over the year of being with Abbie, even if he liked something on her, if she didn’t feel it she would wear something else. He also learned that Abbie up until she got pregnant hated dresses and sandals with a burning passion, unless it was prom or homecoming. She refused to wear a dress, even to church she would show up in boots and jeans and a nice shirt. “Jake.” She called from the bedroom. Jake was downstairs but he was back upstairs as quickly as possible “What?” He asked, concerned “I feel overdressed.” She said looking at him “Over dressed?” He questioned her “If anything if this was a rodeo you would be underdressed.” He laughed, it was true between her being rodeo Queen, Team Roper, and Barrel Racer, people would think she was underdressed “I don’t know what if I throw in a pair of shorts and a one piece and your flannel?” She asked, he smiled and put his hands on her shoulders “Abbie whatever you feel comfortable in.” He smiled at her, and kissed the top of her head, Jake went back to what he was doing down stairs, he heard a small cheer and a yes followed by clapping, soon he heard footsteps coming down “they fit still.” She smiled. Jake looked and saw her in pair of black mom shorts, and a navy blue floral one piece with his flannel. “Okay damn Mama I don’t know if I feel comfortable taking you to the beach, with how good you look.” He complimented her “Jake we are not staying home.” She said looking at him “I know I’m still taking you.” He said he walked over and kissed her “You're so sweet.” She smiled at him “Only for you honey.” He smiled at her,
Abbie packed a beach bag for them, before they head out to the garage “SUV or Truck?” Jack asked her it was real question, Abbie had two vehicles but she left her truck in Texas and brought the SUV instead one it was cheaper than the truck two it would be easier for to get in and out once she started actually showing also to mention, Abbie looked at Jake and then remember the SUV was still a mess even after week of them being in Cali and the truck wasn’t, they still had stuff in Texas but Jakes mom and dad would bring when they came to get the trailer “Truck the SUV is messy.” She smiled at him, Jake grabbed the truck key from beside the garage door in the house and then opened it and they both walked out to Jake’s Ram 1500, Abbie looked over at Jake “No don't you dare ask me what you are about to ask me.” Jake said he knew what was about to be asked “When are we going to them?” She questioned “How about never.” Jake said smiling “Jaocb Seresin.” She said looking at him “They all just started not hating me.” He said, keeping his eyes on the road “Jake, your team needs to know that your wife is pregnant.” She said “Fine, you're right it wouldn’t be right.” He said grabbing her hand, “Oh also some of the guys have offered to help us move once we find house.” Jake smiled at he
“That is so sweet speaking of houses, I want us to look at a house tomorrow afternoon.” She said, “How much?” Jake asked he knew Abbie came from old money, and she had her trust fund, also the life insurance money from both her parents deaths, both parents wanted what was best Abbie if anything ever happened to them “Jake really?” She questioned him “You know I don’t think we need to spend a lot on a house for us and our kid.” He said “And you know I’m into entertainment.” She said looking at him “I know but California is expensive.” He said grimacing over the prices “Jake.” She said squeezing his hand “I know we can afford it it’s just. I don't want them thinking.” He said “That what you married me because I come from old money, even though we both know that’s the furthest thing from true, and we both you fucking chased me and then followed me around the rodeo like a lost puppy and fair grounds all that same summer. It didn’t help our that we're dating our best friends and we’re so forced to be in the same proximity as each other.” Abbie made herself at her last sentence “Oh it was so horrible to me the same proximity as me.” He said dramatically “We both that money had nothing to do with just one stubborn barrel racer and a bull rider that wouldn’t give up to prove himself.” She smiled at him, soon Jake parked the truck, he turned it off and walked around to help Abbie get out of the truck.
That is so sweet speaking of houses, I want us to look at a house tomorrow afternoon.” She said, “How much?” Jake asked he knew Abbie came from old money, and she had her trust fund, also the life insurance money from both her parents deaths, both parents wanted what was best Abbie if anything ever happened to them “Jake really?” She questioned him “You know I don’t think we need to spend a lot on a house for us and our kid.” He said “And you know I’m into entertainment.” She said looking at him “I know but California is expensive.” He said grimacing over the prices “Jake.” She said squeezing his hand “I know we can afford it it’s just. I don't want them thinking.” He said “That what you married me because I come from old money, even though we both know that’s the furthest thing from true, and we both you fucking chased me and then followed me around the rodeo like a lost puppy and fair grounds all that same summer. It didn’t help our that we're dating our best friends and we’re so forced to be in the same proximity as each other.” Abbie made herself at her last sentence “Oh it was so horrible to me the same proximity as me.” He said dramatically “We both that money had nothing to do with just one stubborn barrel racer and a bull rider that wouldn’t give up to prove himself.” She smiled at him, soon Jake parked the truck, he turned it off and walked around to help Abbie get out of the truck. Jake grabbed the bag from the back seat, he grabbed her hand and they walked down to the group “Thought you weren’t going to join us Bagman.” Nat laughed and they still used the nickname “It’s Hangman.” Jake said being cocky “Whatever.” Nat laughed, shaking her head “Auntie Abbie.” Cory said running to his aunt “Hey buddy.” She said picking him up earned her a look from Jake “Jake you know it okay.” She said looking up at him “I know it doesn’t mean I don’t like it.” Jake said shaking his head “We both know this isn’t as high risk as we thought.” She whispered to him “Yes but the thought still lingers there.” He said to her in a whisper, most of team was watching the couple but couldn’t tell what they were say but could it was serious “What’s up with Abbie and Jake?” Bob asked “Bob, it’s just kinda of thing.” Javy shrugged he knew what it was about, but he also knew neither of had told the daggers yet “What kinda thing?” Bradley asked “A couple things”. Javy said, all of Daggers got the hint, Jake soon joined them “So what was that about?” Javy whispered “It’s still in my mind that this pregnancy is very high risk even if it isn’t, and her going to teach on base here soon.” Jake whispered back “Hey, Abbie has this, beside she would calm and if she can’t get ahold of she’ll call Sadie.” Javy said patting his shoulder “It still makes me nervous it been almost three weeks since we found out I’m scared, it's all just a dream.” Jake said “You heard the heartbeat. That means all the anger, the doctor’s appointments, the anxiety, every single damn negative test, it was all worth it.” Javy said, Jake nodded he knew it was true all of it was true, everything had lead to this moment his wife, his rodeo queen, standing on the beach, her hand resting on the barely there bump as she talked to Sadie “Bagman we playing?” Bradley yelled “So on Bradshaw.” Jake said everyone got and Hondo blew his whistle starting the game,
Jake I think is nervous about this whole pregnancy.” Abbie said as her and Sadie walked up to the back deck of the hard deck with the kids, they saw Penny and smiled and Penny waved them over “I don’t think I actually got to the both of you really.” She said smiling “I don’t think so ma’am” Abbie said it was the southern charm in her “I’m Penny.” She smiled at the two “I’m Abbie and this Sadie.” She smiled at her “and these are Cory and Emily.” Sadie smiled “Question, you have a kid right?” Abbie questioned Penny “Yes.” Penny said “Was her dad nervous?” She questioned “No Amelia’s dad was very happy l, why do you ask?” Penny said “It’s just me and Jake have tried for year and finally got pregnant but were told if we did it would be high risk but then we found I’m not as high risk. But Jake is still nervous.” Abbie said “Jake is one the best pilots in the navy, saved both Pete and Bradley, but a family plays into none of those guys if they will make it home sometimes and this last mission it was hard.” Penny said looking at the beach where the team was playing “But they fly under Maverick who will do everything to make sure they all make it home.” She said “Thank you Penny.” Abbie said smiling it was that little bit of reassurance Abbie needed from the older woman “Also if need anything just call me.” Penny said smiling and passing a card to both girls with her phone number “Momma beach.” Emily said pointing towards the sand “Okay beach time it is.” Sadie smiled and picked up Emily, they all walked down to the beach Abbie was more focused on watching her husband play the game then anything, they called a time out so the team could take a break Jake and Javy ran over “So who’s winning?” Abbie asked “We don’t keep score anymore.” Jake laughed leaning down and kissing her “No your all gross.” Abbie said pushing Jake “You didn’t care when I rode bulls and had dirt all over me.” Jake laughed, “That’s different.” Abbie said, Jake pulled Abbie up and hugged her, he knew she hated getting messy, it’s been thing since she became rodeo queen “You aren’t even in an outfit that can’t get dirty.” Jake said hugging her “Jacob Seresin.” She said looking at him “Boy you in trouble.” Sadie laughed “Or she’s worried.” Javy laughed “Jake.” She said looking at him “You want me sit this next one out?” He questioned her “Yes we need to talk.” She whispered to him, “Come on the Hard Deck should be unlocked.” Jake said grabbing her hand, they walked onto the deck pass Penny and inside and sat down at table “Jake tell me what really has you worried?” She questioned him “I’m scared, Abbie not just of parenthood but leaving you, the last mission almost ended badly, and if another one goes sideways, and I get shot down. I leave you how your dad left and I leave our kid how your dad left you but not by a bull.” Jake said the last part of it wasn’t so quiet Abbie wouldn’t have heard it “Jake look at me.” She said, Jake didn’t look at her “Jake.” She said walking over to sit on his lap and grab his face in her hands “I trust you, I trust the pilots around you to bring everyone back here safely. If didn’t think you would come back to me do think I would have let leave for all those deployments, followed you to every post, and waited up for you to walk through the front door?” She asked him “Jake I trust you to do everything in your power and if the knock comes, I will know you tried your damn hardest to make it back to me and our kid.” She said, Jake looked up at the ceiling and nodded his head “And don’t think I don’t know about the damn note you keep in your bag.” She said “How do you know?” He questioned her “Jake how many times have I cleaned out your bag?” She asked, “Did you open it?” He questioned “No read the front that said in case I don’t make it home. I didn’t want to read it.” She said smiling at him,
Jake kissed her before they headed back out once back out everyone was on the deck laughing at something that happened “Should we tell them.” Jake asked, “I mean we did jsut have serious conversation.” Abbie said smiling “Hey guys I kinda got to tell you all something.” Jake said it got everyone’s attention, Jake looked at Abbie and then back at the team “I really hope you all know that you guys will make every good Aunts and Uncles to Baby Seresin.” Jake said smiling “How long?” Bradley asked, “Since we all went back home after the mission.” Jake said “Please tell me this kid will turn out more like your wife.” Natasha said “Hopefully I don’t think I could handle another Jake.” Abbie laughed
Taglist: @kitty-marie725 @hcwthewestwaswcn
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writingcold · 5 months
I've not done a music share for a bit. Just going with my day list as I'm working through trying to wake up. I think it's going to be a struggle - 2 cups of coffee in and I STILL want to crawl back into bed. But - here's what I've got on:
the guitar is so pretty in this. What are you all doing/listening to this morning?
@edgingthedarkness @jake-whatthefisgoingon-kiszka @mountain-in-springtime @losfacedevil @vanfleeter
And anyone else out there who wants to share!
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cherry bomb pt 3 - glen mcreynolds x reader SMUT
everybody wants some 2016 - glen mcreynolds x reader SMUT
In 1980s Texas, college athlete Jake Bradford moves into the communal house of his baseball team. The roommates soon begin to navigate the ups and downs of growing up unsupervised. The houses are in need of renovation bringing in the new landlord that quickly takes glen McReynolds, captain of the team's interest.
Word count – 20,996 in total
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As the sun rose, Glen slowly woke up. His head was sore and his throat dryer than sand. He placed his hands along the rough wood of the closet finally looking up at the line of baseball uniforms and stinky shoes. "Shit." He groaned, his bone cracking as he got up from her makeshift bed. He slowly opened the door letting the sunlight in. His eyes squinted but he carried on walking out seeing the bottles and cups covering the floor. "fuck" he muttered. The entire house was trashed. He could hear the team in the living room so he decided to follow hoping (Y/N) would be awake. "Morning boys." He grumbled collapsing on the sofa with a thud. "Is (Y/N) still asleep?" he asked not taking his head out the cushion. "As if you care." With the sound of an angry Kenny, he looked back up at his friend's face red with anger. "The fuck?" he questioned. As he got back up, he noticed everyone around him, Jake, Plummer, Finn, coma and Nesbit all had sour faces. "What happened? Is it (Y/N)?" he asked quickly hoping she was okay, and he was just panicking himself. "don't you remember what you did?" Jake asked his usual cheerful voice low. He shook his head lightly turning back towards Kenny. "How can you not remember?! You fucked another girl last night. I knew you were an asshole, but this is a whole new level for you Mac."
Glen processed the memories he had of last night, everything seemed to be there. No holes, no gaps nothing. "Now I didn't," he stated making Finn roll his eyes. "We all heard you. You had a girl screaming your name in your room with the door locked. Come on man just own up." Finn took a swig of his coffee. "I never went to bed last night." He growled. He was quickly getting angry he knew what the truth was, and he didn't like being called a liar. "I fell asleep in the fucking closet, next to your rotten shoes Coma." His teammate rolled his eyes in disgust not believing him in the slightest. "Kenny dude how could I have gotten in I didn't have the key." He turned back towards his roommate. "But I don't have the key anymore Glen. And only you knew where it was in my back pocket. It's now gone." The captain stood up with a stomp emptying all his pockets to find nothing but bottle lids and a crumpled-up joint. "I," he took a step, "don't," he took another step rage almost bubbling over. "Have it." the group held their silence as Glen marched towards the stairs begging for the door to open, but it didn't. Kenny followed close behind him finally realising the door was still locked from the inside.
"Did (Y/N) hear it?" he asked with fear threatening to escape his lips. All Kenny could do was nod his head lightly making Glen sigh almost holding back the tears. "We heard a girl moaning your name. Glen, please be honest. What happened last night."
"I told you Roper, (Y/N) went to get me a water and I tried to follow her. I fell into the closet and couldn't get back up. So, I fell asleep. I didn't go upstairs. Not once." Glen tried desperately to hold back the tears but failed to know his girl was probably at home alone crying from a broken heart. "I couldn't...I wouldn't hurt her like that." He stuttered. Kenny quickly moved his friend to the roof sitting the pair on the picnic chairs that had made their home on the homemade 'balcony.' Roper places the phone in Glen’s lap holding the cord to not get it tangled. "Call her quick." He ordered.
Bev and (Y/N) sat in her studio apartment, the low volume of her record playing the same song they danced to a month ago. She hadn't changed the record since that night and knew now she needed to but just couldn't reach her hand out to do it. couldn't or wouldn't? She didn't care anymore. "Come on (Y/N) you need to shower," Bev begged turning her friend’s shower on letting the steam out to try and tempt her with the heat. "Okay." (Y/N) muttered taking baby steps into the bathroom and shutting the door behind her. She slowly stripped off the clothes she wore the night and the red lingerie she had planned to gift him. She ripped it off hastily and stepped in ridding herself of that night. As (Y/N) cried on the wet tiles, Bev tidied up the apartment from their night of sorrow. She felt for her friend knowing how broken her heart felt. With a ring of the phone, Beverly sprung up quickly going to answer so (Y/N) wouldn't panic. "Hello? Beverly speaking." She answered picking up the sweet wrappers off the bed.
"Bev please it’s Glen (Y/N) there." Her eyes widened in shock from hearing his strained voice. She almost felt bad for him before snapping out of it quickly. "She not available." She spoke monotoned. "don't lie to me, Bev. Please I didn't do anything last night."
"Like hell, I'm gonna believe that Glen. Everyone heard you. Clear as day moaning with another girl who was moaning your name. explain that, Glen."
"Please Bev just-"
"Now don't bother. Be grateful I promised her I wouldn't tell her dad. don't call her don't come near her. Just leave her alone." She slammed the phone down with a bang quickly going to unplug it. the room fell silent the only sound being the business seniors muffled cries.
The phone line ended like a flat line to Glen’s heart. He held himself back from launching the machine over the roof. "Fuck!" he shouted deciding on the picnic chair instead, sending it down the ground with a crash. "I gotta fix this." He muttered, "How the fuck am I gonna fix this." He groaned. "Can I even fix this?" the tears quickly fell once again as Kenny pulled his captain up. "I don't know man but you’re gonna. We’re gonna find out who is or was in that room and we’re gonna sort this out. Okay?" the dark-haired senior nodded his head slowly calming down as his friend held him tight. "Thank you. For believing me." He muttered. Kenny smiled lightly. "If that door wasn't still locked, I wouldn't believe you."
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Word spread around campus about what happened at the baseball house, and it was hard on (Y/N). The girls that were once insulting her were now laughing at her. She distanced herself from the team and the house asking her dad to put her on a different job till the situation was calmer. Her dad was the worst for igniting her anger. He begged her every day to kill Glen for what he did but ordered him to let her handle it. he hated seeing his baby girl sad because of a stupid boy. But he was a stupid boy to her. She loved him. and she didn't want to admit it to anyone. Not anymore.
She distracted herself with work and studying sitting in the canteen with Bev every meal. Beverly watching her like a hawk was annoying, but she knew the freshman meant well. She wanted to make sure her friend was eating well and not hiding from the world. "(Y/N) Come one... at least try and eat something other than chicken salad," Beverly begged to push a sandwich and a slice of apple pie towards her friend. "I'm trying Bev." She muttered not daring to look at the plate and focusing entirely on her study book. Glen watched intensely from the other side of the canteen, his once smug attitude was dead and replaced with a mess of a man. his pain only got worse as he watched her. her once dazzling eyes were now dull almost lifeless, and her skin was dull also like all the sunlight she used to radiate off her was gone.
As the rest of the baseball group sat down, he stood up. he had no control over his legs, but he knew he had to do something. He couldn't sit there and watch her break herself over his stupid actions. "(Y/N)." He spoke softly breaking the gloomy trance she had over herself. She refused to look up her (H/C) hair covered her face from him. "Please, baby. Let me explain what happened." He begged. As he sat down, she stood up shooting off like a bullet. As Bev and the team watched Glen Chase after her they felt the emotions of their two friends, like an aura clouding over them. Beverly looked towards Jake in confusion, but he shook his head, signalling her to leave them to it he turned back to his teammates each one not saying a word.
The halls were empty except for the two teens. Glen finally caught up, grabbing hold of her shaking hand like he used to do. the only difference was now she shook her hand out of his grip breaking his heart. "don't touch me." She stuttered not once missing a step towards the campus exit. "Cherry baby please." She quickly turned around shoving him away. He stared in shock as she finally looked up at him. her eyes were clouded with sorrow tear steams stained her skin. "Just stop it! you've done enough." Her voice was croaky like she hadn't drunk all day, she was defeated. And so was he. He let her go down the hall, not wanting to cause her any more pain.
The next few days were a blur for the broken couple. (Y/N) buried herself into Oz and Glen into figuring out who was the one in his room. The team had sat themselves down in the canteen once again on a miserable Friday afternoon. The rain poured down heavily on the field cancelling practice for that evening. Once again (Y/N) and Beverly sat across the canteen, their table now full of different art pieces for the party they were roped into. "I just don't get it, man." Plummer grumbled, "Why would some random guy come to a party and have sex with a girl in your room specifically? Assuming that the guy isn't called Glen because that would be too much of a coincidence, who would gain anything from breaking you two up?" the group shook their heads not being able to think of anyone outside their friend group. The couple barely entertained other people outside the baseball team. (Y/N) friends being the only ones outside the group but none of them would want to hurt (Y/N) like that. Not even the jealous girls that bad-mouthed her could conjure up a plan like that.
"Maybe we’re too friendly," Finn murmured, his eyes focusing on something coming towards them. Finn picked something out of his pocket jingling a key as the boys watched him with shock plastered on their faces. The missing room key that hadn't been seen since Glen put it in Kenny's pocket "Maybe it's one of our own. The boys found it in the other house last night" His orbs focused again as someone sat down next to them. "Afternoon Niles," Finn muttered eyeballing the rest of the group in silent agreement. He must have done something. The key to a bedroom in the wrong house. but the only one out of the entire team who lived in the other house and had a grudge against Glen and (Y/N). "Sup," Jay mumbled wolfing down his meal. "I didn't see you for most of the party Jay?" Kenny asked pretending to take an interest in the weirdo’s night. "Yeah, the man had a girl on my dick instantly." He gloated. Glen watched the group shocked plastered on his face for a split second before he attempted to mask it. his once sickly skin had turned red with rage, but he kept taking deep breaths until he could confirm their suspicions. "Hi, Glen."
The group quickly turned their attention to the voice, not recognising it. or the person it came from. A girl. A cute freshman girl dressed in a Texas college jumper and flared jeans with thin-rimmed glasses and chocolate brown skin decorated with darker freckles. "I enjoyed the other night at the party. You never called me back?" the girl's words were directed not at Glen but at Jay shocking the guys and some stared on in confusion. "I'm sorry who are you," Alex asked. "Oh, sorry I'm Paisley. Glen invited me to the party Saturday night." The girl pointed towards Jay smiling lightly but the group did not. "Glen?" Alex and Nesbit pointed towards both Glen and Jay confusing the poor girl. "Yeah, Glen." She muttered pointing towards Jay. Glen watched on, the rage bubbling up as he quickly put two and two together and sprung up. "Your fucking dead Detroit." He shouted earning the attention of everyone in the room including (Y/N). Niles quickly got out of his seat racing down the hall to not get caught by his captain. the group stayed behind in the canteen offering a seat to a very confused Paisley.
It took glen a lot of strength not to kill his teammate knowing that if Niles went to the coach covered in bruises he'd be off the team. But now he knew what happened. Now he could prove he was innocent. "Your gonna tell her what you did." He ordered slamming Jay into an empty wall hoping he harmed the transfer student. "Like hell, I will." He spat. "Oh, you’re gonna. Or I'm gonna tell coach exactly what you've been up to. I'm gonna tell her father what you did." He pointed his rough finger into his chest pushing it between his ribs in a jabbing motion. "I don't give a shit if we lose the house. I'm not losing her because of you." The group finally joined the two. Finn yanked Mac into his arms with a tight grip. "Calm down Mac." He muttered as the rest of the boys faced Niles with fury. "Calm down Mac, paisley's agreed to tell (Y/N) at the Oz party. It's all gonna work out fine." The captain sighed heavily releasing himself from Finn’s grip. "It's gonna be an okay dude." He nodded his head lightly rubbing his eyes to hide the tears threatening to fall. "I swear to go Niles. Why the fuck would you do something like this." Jake growled. "(Y/N) has been nothing but nice to us from day one." Jay rolled his eyes pushing the teammates off him as he waved his arms around like a flag. "Oh, please she's distracted. All she does is sway her hips and bat her lashes and Mac's gone like fucking road runner. It's pathetic." The captain rolled his eyes with a groan. "Seriously. You did this cause your jealous?!" he shouted. "Whatever man." as the asshole teammate walked away anger radiating off his body glen held himself back throwing Nile's books in his direction. "The boys have filled me in on what happened Glen." He heard Paisley stutter watching the poor manipulated girl cover her tears. "Believe me I had no idea." Glen pulled himself together pulling the small girl into a tight hug hoping to bring her some sort of comfort. "I'm so sorry for Niles. He won't be doing anything like this again. Especially unpunished."
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"What the hell do you wear to an art party?" Nesbit groaned pulling everything out of his wardrobe in a huff. "I don't know do colour, patterns nothing boring., Finn replied trying to ignore everything other than Kenny and Glen as they spoke. "Jake said she's doing a tent for Bev, so you'll have to wait till she's finished whatever she's doing. That'll give you time to get Paisley there and time to figure out what you’re gonna say afterwards." Glen buckled his leather belt up tightly keeping his main focus on his breathing to keep himself calm. "I already know what I'm gonna say." He muttered. "And that is?" Jake asked hanging the phone up and placing it on the side. "That I love her." each boy tilted their head in surprise at the three words. Frozen in place the team held shocked grins. "Seriously?" Alex muttered. "No Alex I'm gonna tell Cherry it was all a sick prank. Of course, I'm gonna tell her I love her." Jake quickly picked up a shirt from Mac's wardrobe brushing the fabric with his hands before holding it out to the senior. "Wear green. She's going as poison ivy." He ordered handing it to his captain with a proud nod. In a normal circumstance, he would be thinking how sexy Shell look dressed as the DC villain hoping to end the night fucking her in her costume. But tonight, all he thought about was her heart, praying to God, she's take it all okay and be with him again. It was a long shot in his eyes, but he knew he would do anything to get his cherry back. "Do you love her Mac?" Dale asked placing his weights down on the ground to join the rest of the group. "I wouldn't have said it if I didn't," he confessed. "Cherry had me wrapped around her fingers the moment she stepped out of that van." Smiling widely the group proudly congratulated their captain as they all started to pile into their cars ready to go. "Cherry?" Finn asked skipping the congratulations and jumping straight into his curiosity. "Why do you call her cherry? you've called her that since you started dating." Glen sighed feeling his heart murmur remembering his love for her intimate tattoo. "don't worry about it." he smirked hoping he'd be able to wrap his hand around her arousing ink.
(Y/N) and Beverly split up as soon as they entered the party, their tents being on the opposite side of the land the house surrounded. The house was probably the same size as the baseball houses, but they were completely different decoration-wise. Covered a variety of artwork that stayed up all year round. The land was the same with performers scattered everywhere. From artists, and performers to actors. Everyone had a particular talent to display tonight and tonight (Y/N) wasn't going to be one of them. Although she had fully gotten over what happened the last weekend, she had sucked it up for Bev knowing the girl had wasted an entire week helping her get over the heartbreak. (Y/N) quickly made her way to the plant-filled tent. It was decorated entirely based on the plant villain covered in vines plants and tables full of fruit and plant-decorated sweets. She didn't know what the tent was meant to be for, but she knew her task was simple enough for her to do for the next two hours. She situated herself on the green velvet chair waving lightly to the other two girls she was working with. One dressed as a cat woman, the other batswoman. The two girls grabbed hold of platters feeding (Y/N) as seductively as they could put on. The tent quickly flooded with people as the music turned on and the buffet down below was slowly being emptied. She got quite a few looks from people, some saying she looked sexy and others admiring her costume. She couldn't lie she loved the tight corset bodysuit and matching thigh tall boots. It made her feel powerful. For once.
"Okay you know the plan, right?" Glen asked making sure Paisley was still behind him as the group split off. "Find her tent, find her, explain and leave you to it." she smiled brightly doing her little mind prayer for the couple. "Thank you again for this." He muttered his eyes darting across the tent knowing the shed to be in a green one. "No thank you for the chance to explain it to her. I can't believe I got roped into something like this." The two wandered the field almost lost until they spotted the lit-up emerald tent in the corner of the land. "Ready?" she asked pulling her skirt down as she started her run towards their location. He quickly joined her making sure to keep breathing.
The drug-like feeling quickly for (Y/N) vanished as the tent door opened again. Glen slowly stepped inside. She couldn't deny he looked good, neatly groomed, in tight black trousers black dress shoes and a dark green button-up coincidentally matching her colours tonight. He stopped at the sight of her, his breath hitching as she took a cherry from the grip of the batswoman. She had one leg resting on the ground and the other leaning up the side of the velvet chair showing off the tattoo he loved so much. He slowly stepped forwards looking behind him to make sure Paisley hadn't gotten lost before continuing his track to get his girl back. (Y/N) stood her ground begging herself to ignore him and continue with what she promised shed do for Bev. "(Y/N)." He muttered getting as close as he could to her before the two other girls stood in front of her. "that's far enough civilian." The cat woman hissed keeping in character even if she knew why he was there or not. "(Y/N) Please let me talk just for a minute." He begged. She continued to ignore him as the bat woman climb on top of the chair joining her in their seductive performance. Glen ignored the two other performers focusing entirely on his cherry. "If you still don't believe me afterwards, I'll leave you alone. I'm begging you." The girl sighed heavily spitting out the cherry stone and throwing it in the bin beside her. (Y/N) quickly eyed the girl by Glen seeing her hopeful eyes glitter with the catch of the light. "Please (Y/N)" the girl stuttered as if she was begging the senior to give him a minute of her time. "I'll be back." She spoke to the two girls, they quickly changed positions to carry on the show. Glen and Paisley followed (Y/N) out of the tent getting as far as she could from the music to be able to hear him. He watched her intensely her all-matching outfit was giving him a tough time downstairs, especially the thigh tall boots and matching gloves that were decorated with ivy leaves and vines. He had to make a mental note for her to keep the costume for later use. That was if she took him back.
"What do you want Glen?" she groaned folding her arms to cover her voluptuous chest. He gulped heavily mustering the courage to get his words out. "I know it looks really bad, Cherry. Believe me, I know. But I can prove it wasn't me in the room." She rolled her (E/C) heavily before turning to the girl that stood behind Glen. "I'm guessing this is the girl." She mumbled. "(Y/N). My name is Paisley. Believe me, I'm just as pissed off as you are." The senior unfolded her arms in confusion resting her weight on her other foot. "I was the girl in the room that night. But I wasn't having sex with Glen. Well, I was but it wasn't with this Glen." (Y/N) furrowed her brows as she looked towards her ex in confusion once again. "Jay told me his name was Glen and took the bedroom key to have sex it there. He wanted to trick you into thinking Glen cheated. He tricked us both (Y/N) I promise I'm not that type of girl I would never have done anything so nasty" Her eyes switched from confusion to shock before Paisley continued the story. "I didn't find out till yesterday. That's what all the shouting was about in the canteen. I'm so sorry this happened."
Before Paisley could continue (Y/N) wrapped her gloved hands around the girl’s shoulders pulling her into a tight hug. "Are you okay?" She asked completely ignoring her own mixed emotions to comfort the poor girl who had been pulled into the rivalry between the couple and Jay. "I'm fine. I'm angrier than anything. We still don't get why he did it." the two girls let go of each other. "He probably wasn't thinking knowing Niles. Acts before he thinks the type of guy." The two laughed lightly before Paisley fixed her clothes. "I'm gonna leave you to it." she smiled. "Thank you again, Paisley," Mac spoke watching the girl join the rest of the group in their pussy patrol.
The captain turned back towards his girl waiting for her to show any sign of what she was thinking. "Where were you?" she asked, "I went looking for you and I couldn't find you anywhere." The boy sighed holding back a laugh at the memory. "I went to follow you into the kitchen but fell in the closet. I couldn't get back up, so I just fell asleep." (Y/N) giggled quietly imagining him cramped up in the tiny baseball closet. He gained some confidence, stepping towards the girl he had fallen in love with. "I'm so sorry (Y/N)." He spoke. She shook her head lightly pulling him close for comfort. "I should have let you explain what happened." He took shook his head wrapping his muscular arms around her tight. "don't dare apologise. I would have thought the same thing." His lips brushed the top of her head placing butterfly kisses down her parting. "I love you, Cherry."
Her orbs turned towards him in astonishment before smiling lightly at his tender words. "Really?" she questioned. "of course, I do." the girl's smile widened further pulling as close as she could get him. "I love you too." She stuttered tears threatening to fall for the hundredth time that week. "don't cry, baby." He spoke. Glen quickly pulled her lips into his own, sparks shooting out their bodies from the long awaiting touch of each other. Their lips moved in sync before he bit down forcing a gasp from her throat. He took the opportunity to slip his tongue to meet hers dancing for dominance. "Let's go home," she mumbled pulling herself away. "What about the tent?" he asked brushing her red-sprayed hair out her face. "I'm sure Bev will understand when she finds out what happened." He nodded his head finally deciding on spending the night with her in his home, alone. The couple quickly raced to his car driving as fast as he legally could back home.
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The two lovers tumbled their way up the staircase not wanting to break away from each other as he grabbed the doorknob. Finally, the door swung open, and Glen took the opportunity to reel his arms under her picking her up and throwing her on the waterbed. The mattress jiggled making the girl forced to steady herself. "You really wanna do this?" he asked pulling her velvet boots off her feet slowly and seductively. She nodded her head pulling him close by his matching green shirt. "I planned on doing this last week." She confessed slipping her head under his jaw and kissing his neck heavily leaving purple marks where she displayed her ownership of him. He groaned loudly as he gripped her hips feeling the fake leaves attached to her body suit. "Forget about last week," he spoke going for her zip. "Focus on right now." He took the zip down her back letting her skin breathe as the fabric fell slightly. "Nothing is gonna interrupt us." He smiled allowing the fabric to completely fall onto her lap.
He pushed her lightly signalling her to move back allowing him space to finally join her on the bed. He quickly took his shirt off as he watched her move the fallen fabric alongside his shirt adding her gloves to the pile as well. His green eyes couldn't leave her chest. They were perfect like they were carved by a skilled sculptor. He could see that her nipples were erect already lightly brushing his fingers along the darker parts of her skin. "Your so fucking beautiful." He breathed quickly working his belt out his jean loops. (Y/N) smiled lightly shimming closer to his body to allow herself to touch his chest feeling along the course chest hair and muscle. Her other hand joined in pulling him closer, so their chest touched together like pieces of a puzzle. Glen pulled his jeans off leaving the two in just their underwear. "Your 100%," he asked again locking his lips with hers once again. "Yes. Please, Glen." She begged.
After his final check, Glen pushed her down, the bed shaking heavily as he moved his weight to surrounding her. He locked her body under his own trailing messy kisses from lips, neck to chest. He focused on her breathes watching her breast jump with her heartbeat. As his lips and facial hair brushed her nipple, she whimpered almost begging him to hurry up and grant her the pleasure she was hoping for last week. And he did so, locking his lips around her breast and squeezing the mound with his large hand. "Fuck." He groaned, listening to her moans of approval for what he was doing to her.
his lips trailed lower and lower meeting his hands to hook her black panties down. "I've been dreaming about being this close to you. Ever since I saw your pretty tattoo." He confessed. "it's in the perfect place to put my hand while I fuck you with my tongue." His words had her lost in lust, the feeling of wetness pooling between her folds. He did as he said he would, placing his hand on her tattoo and parting her lips with his digits. Before could fully comprehend what was happening, he quickly devoured her arousal his tongue painting circles along her sensitive bud. "Fuck, Cherry." He groaned as she pulled tightly on his dark hair holding back her moans in embarrassment. "Stop holding back. I wanna hear it all," he ordered, his tongue returning to her pussy tongue fucking her as she let out a cry in shock. "There we go." The vibrations from his voice echoed through her almost to the point she would finish. But knowing it was barely the beginning of what Glen had planned for her she held it back as much as she could.
(Y/N) quickly took control, pushing the baseball player away from what would assume was the fountain of youth with the groan that left his gaping mouth. "Get up." She whispered laying on her stomach, her ass sticking out. He quickly got up putting his weight on his knees as her dainty hands wrapped themselves around his length. Her lush lips locked on his tip swirling a mixture of precum and spit before swallowing as much of him as he could. "Holy fuck." He gasped holding back the urge to rock his hips into her mouth. He watched her work her magic, rubbing the portions she couldn't get into her mouth sticking to a speed she got the most moans out of him. She moaned giving him the same treatment he did to her making him groan. "Stop." At his words (Y/N) quickly sprung up with worried plastered on her face. "Did I do something wrong?" she stuttered making him laugh lightly Glen quickly wrapped his arms around her tightly flipping the two, so he was now laid down with her on top. "No sweet. I just didn't wanna cum in your mouth." He smiled adjusting her hips, so she was placed perfectly above the tip of his cock. Glen looked into her lust-filled eyes awaiting approval. With an eager nod, he pushed her down, groaning as he felt her body clench around him. "Holy shit." She moaned.
(Y/N) couldn't get her mind to wake up, she was in a state of bliss. But as soon as Glen started to move her body finally created a motion of pleasure between the two. The room filled with the sounds of the two-moaning mixed with their skin smacking against each other as he picked up the pace. The quickened rhythm sent her body into overdrive forcing her to hold back her orgasm until she knew glen was closer. His hands travelled up her body clutching on any sort of flesh he could, hips, thighs or breasts. Glen brought his lips to join his hands leaving mark after mark on her neck and chest. The new purple bruises formed quickly turning him on further with the idea of the team knowing to whom she belong. "You gonna cum baby?" he groaned picking up the pace. She nodded her head heavily syncing her moans with his. "Use your words Cherry or ill slow down." (Y/N)'s eyes looked down towards him as he nuzzled her neck slamming into her tight little cunt as she squeaked out, "I'm so close Glen. I wanna cum on your cock." He groaned heavily forcing his orgasm back as she let go of her own. As her pussy tightened, he carried on his pace knowing she would be a lot more sensitive now. And he was right. "Glen it's too much." She stuttered her thighs shaking against his muscular ones. With a hard groan, Glen quickly flipped her overshooting his load into her stomach with a squeak from her. "Fuck." He groaned. She smiled with a deep breath she didn't even realise she was holding watching him look down at her messed stomach like it was a piece of art. "was it worth the wait?" she asked wiping the sweat from her forehead. "Fuck yeah it was." He smiled slowly standing himself up to grab his boxers and wiping his mess from her skin. "That was the best sex I've ever had." He admitted making her smile grow. "Good." He could tell from her voice she was exhausted making him get his clean-up job done quickly and wrap her up in his arms securely. "I love you (Y/N)." He muttered resting his head in the crook of her hot neck. "I love you too Glen." He replied sending them both into a deep slumber.
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The sounds of birds chirping made (Y/N) wake up the next day. her body had cooled down but the aches and pains from the events of last night were strong. As she opened her sleep-filled eyes, she took a deep breath getting the scent of the strong cologne she loved so much. She turned her attention to the hairy chest that had her trapped in a strong grip. She knew it was Glen, but she still couldn't help but smile that he was still there, and she didn't dream of the perfect make-up night. She slowly shimmied her way out of his grip quickly heading downstairs with his oversized shirt and boxers covering her body. She went to their locked cupboard going for the breakfast stash they had hidden the first few times she had stayed over. Ignoring the sounds of the teammates around her she started a cooked breakfast of eggs bacon and the amazing store-bought pancakes they almost wolfed down on a very strong edibles night.
"Well good morning miss cherry." At the sound of her special nickname, she spun around seeing Finn and Kenny smiling widely almost hugging her until they noticed her lack of proper clothes. "Morning boys." She smiled. "Before he wakes up," she spoke watching the two sit their asses down on the counter stealing a piece of bacon to share. "Thank you for looking after him this week. I know I probably should have heard him out but knowing you guys were there for him makes me feel less guilty." As she piled the breakfast onto plates offering one for the two to share, Finn and Kenny looked each other in the eye before sighing. "Fuck it." both locked their arms around the frat mother laughing hard as her head buried itself in Fin’s armpit. "We don't blame you for anything that happened as long as you two have made up. You have." She smiled widely looking down at her clothes with a wink. "We certainly did." She confirmed taking Glen’s plate to his room.
With a creak of the door, Glen sprung up hoping to see Cherry. And he did. He smiled brightly and did so wider when he saw the plate of food. "You didn't have to." He spoke gladly taking the plate as she got back under the covers. "But I did." She grumbled into the pillow trying to keep the mattress from wobbling under her weight. "Good morning." The vibrations of his voice made her smile wider. (Y/N) looked up at her lover’s bright green eyes, their once dull colour was now as bright as traffic lights full of love and an adoring gaze. "How are you feeling?" he asked brushing her still tangled hair from her shoulders to check the marks travelling down her chest. "Like I've had the best sex of my life." She giggled racking her hands through his chest hair. Her heart pounded against her rib cage. Knowing he had stayed in the bed all night with her sent her body into arousal once again. She had finally found a guy that didn't abandon her late at night or treated her as an equal. and she was incredibly grateful for that.
"How do you feel about the waterbed now?" he joked making her join him in his laughter. "I don't know I might need some more convincing." Glen leaned back into her body trailing the same kiss down the same path from last night. "Well, we have plenty of time to convince you." He replied. "How long do we have?" she asked looking around for the time as he placed the now empty plate on the bedside table. Her attention turned back to him as she left his hard-on pressed against her thigh. "All our lives Cherry." He grinned pulling his body back over her own and pulling the duvet off her perfect body. "All of our lives."  
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xneontragedyx · 5 months
Verizon operated by shape shifters data breach and census lead to world devastation videogames murder and quantumania while aliens harness the total of all that energy to power up and create new universes but Jake roper ultimate prodigy and company that was stolen witness all collapses on itself. The they killed creation.
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In the wee hours of the morning following the Rusty Pick Grand Opening, a poker game is interrupted from a threat from above. As Chad and Roper race against time as ZAX gains access to a larger network, Commander Johns fights for his life inside the Nuclear Winter Simulation in Vault 51. The sun is setting and before this final match is through, winning will come at a great cost.
These episodes are in loving memory to long time Bethesda Game Studios developer Ferret Baudoin, who recorded his lines prior to his untimely passing. His family has graciously allowed us to use them posthumously and it is fitting that in these episodes he will save the day, one last time.
The remainder of our season ad revenue from these episodes will be benefiting the global crisis and humanitarian work of Project Hope. Please support our fundraiser: ⁠⁠⁠https://donate.tiltify.com/+fallout-for-hope-ukrainerelief/chad-a-fallout-76-story-podcast⁠⁠⁠
Written by Kenneth Vigue.
GUEST: Jordan Reynolds ~ Reuben Gill
GUEST: Jake Green ~ ZAX 1.3c
GUEST: TYR ~ Aeternus
GUEST: Ferret Baudoin ~ The Archivist
Alexander Luthor ~ Chad Johnson, Bear, Free Radical #1
Kenneth Vigue ~ Narrator
Sean Baptiste ~ Brooks Calvert
Lady Devann ~ Atomic Alice
Tooniversal ~ Damon Toon
t0nik ~ Crane
Jessica Duval ~ Susie, Tiffany
Clint Winberry ~ Moose Miller, Dogbreath, Guard #1
Christian Mower ~ Punch, Mr. Handy, Mr. Clark
Fenwa Teryen ~ Charles Bishop, Guard #2
Jessica Marie Dickey ~ Patsy Parker
Dr. Mark Hauswirth ~ Abraham, Baldrick (Handy to the Archivist)
Kevin Chenard ~ Fletcher
Robert Solomon ~ Razorhandle (Raider), Free Radical #2
Robyn Meif ~ Roper (Free Radicals Leader)
Ray Middelthon ~ Commander Johns,
Lucy Middelthon ~ Old Lady Simpson
Elder Memes ~ Beckett
Jorian Koeten ~ Insult Bot
Christopher J. Morrow ~ Fritz
Email and business inquiries:  ⁠⁠⁠[email protected]⁠⁠⁠
I hope to see you all in the Wasteland...
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All other content on this site is copyright by the author, and is licensed under a ⁠⁠⁠Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License⁠⁠⁠.
Audio program ©2023 Kenneth Vigue - All Rights Reserved. No reproduction of this content is permitted without express written consent. This content is protected by Digital Millennium Copyright Act Services Ltd. ©
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