oliverwxod · 6 years
Just a little bit of your heart (Part 2) - Bucky Barnes
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader   (Frat!Bucky)
Warnings: Slow burn, college au, eventual smut, references to and implied sex, swearing.
Summary: Bucky is Steve’s wild off the rails room mate who sleeps with lots of people. The reader is Steve’s best friend since birth and has been in love with him just as long. Steve starts dating and the reader goes to Bucky with a plan; to wing man each other with the aim of getting Bucky a serious girlfriend and the reader someone to mess around with.
A/N: Prologue is in my masterlist in my bio, I would recommend to read it before this x
Prologue  // Part 1 //  Part 2
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Saturday 1st September 
Y/n hung up the phone to her flat mate Natasha as apartment number 6 came into her view. It was Saturday, her and Steve’s dedicated day. Yet she was suddenly nervous about spending time with him, she still held a small amount of anger towards him for leaving her alone at the frat party the previous weekend. He had gone against the rules of friendship by leaving her there alone, not knowing that she had gotten home safely. 
 It had been fairly quiet from Steves side that week and she assumed It was because he was to busy with Sharon and to blindsided to notice the fact Y/n was upset with him. However, she knew it was vital not to bring it up, it would only cause an argument and push him further away and towards Sharon, she was in a vital and important part of a friendship that now had the potential to decline if either one of them started an argument. 
Y/n took a deep breath, telling herself to knock on the door, she had done it plenty of times before so why was she struggling so much in that moment just to lift her arm up. 
 She was being silly, she new that. Steve was her best friend and no matter what they would always be an important part of each others lives. 
They would be fine and she needed to stop overthinking. Y/n knocked on the door, hearing shuffling behind it and the sound of Steve's voice getting closer. It sounded as if he was on the phone, which was confirmed when Steve opened the door with a grin on his face as his eyes met hers.
 He waved silently in greeting, ushering her in as he spoke into his phone , motioning with his hands that he would be 2 minutes. 
 "Hey Bucky" Y/n spoke, walking over to where he sat at the kitchen island, hunched over and tapping on his laptop keyboard. 
 "Hey Y/n. How're you holding up?" He asked pausing and diverting his attention from his screen to her. 
 "Yeah, good, I'm good, you?" 
 "Same old same old" he muttered tiredly.
 "Whose he on the phone to?" She asked, not being able to help herself. She could already tell who it was.
 "Take one guess" 
 "Sharon?" she asked knowingly, the dreaded feeling of her stomach falling to her feet arose, just like it had been recently whenever the woman name was mentioned.
 Bucky nodded staring at her and inspecting the blank look on her face for a reaction. He turned his attention back to his laptop as Steve said his  goodbye and hung up.
 "Hey Y/n" he spoke cheerily. "How's your week been?" 
 "It's been fine" she shrugged "average you know" 
 "Yeah?" He spoke, an odd look on his face.
 "Yeah?...What?... Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked, the look was giving her anxiety, panic setting in. 
 "Sharon said you've been the talk around campus this week" Steve voiced. Bucky spun round in his chair, now facing the both of them and shooting y/n a look of confusion. He hadn’t heard any gossip or talk around campus.
 "Me?" She asked shocked, panic arising once more, a dizzying overwhelming feeling of uncertainty and fear passing over, she was never the talk of campus, many people didn’t really know who she was, except for being Steve’s friend. "why?"
 "Travis Mills... That ring any bells?" Steve asked. Bucky's jaw clenched at the mention of his name. 
"What about him?"Bucky asked butting in and  tying hard not to glare at Steve, wishing he would stop being cryptic and just damn well tell them.
 "People saw the two of them talking at the party last week. Travis has apparently taken a liking to her" Steve said shrugging as he was just relaying what Sharon had said. 
 "He's creepy" y/n spoke remembering how uncomfortable she was in his presence before Bucky saved her. 
“Yeah, well you should stay away from him" Steve spoke. "I've heard bad things"
 Y/n wanted to tell him that Bucky beat him too it, already warning her. She wanted Steve to know it was partly his fault for leaving her there that night, she never would have bumped into Travis if Steve had stayed or taken her home with them. 
 "Yeah, so have I" she settled with saying, disguising the bitterness in her voice. Steves phone rang through the apartment, the noise shrill and offensive and Y/n did not have a good feeling about it when Steve rushed to pick it up. 
 "Hey babe what's wrong?"he asked, eyes quickly flickering to Y/n as the term left his lips. She looked away, pretending not to listen in, ears straining hard to try and hear Sharon on the other line, but all she could hear was a rushing mumble. 
 "Oh no- are you okay? Oh doll, listen I'll be there in 10 okay, yeah? I'll see you soon" he said hanging up. "Shit y/n, I'm so sorry to do this but I have to go. Sharon really needs me.” 
 I really need you too- y/n thought but discarded it, instead nodding up at him.
 "Okay... That's fine. I hope she's okay" y/n said. 
 "Thank you doll" The words doll didn't sound as beautiful to her as they had previously, they didn’t make her stomach flutter like normal. She thought that was a name only reserved and special to her, but hearing Steve call someone else it, she suddenly felt dirty. 
 He was out of the apartment in a flash, Y/n staring after him with a sour look on her face. 
 “You coming out with me tonight then?” Bucky turned round to ask, having just witnessed everything. “Unless our deals off” 
They had said they would start that weekend. Y/n thought about it, almost forgetting they had made a deal. She was never this kind of girl. Never one to go out with the sole purpose of finding someone to bring back home.
But Steve had left a gaping hole that was expanding every day and if she didn’t try to patch it up soon, she feared she wouldn’t ever have the capacity to move on. 
“You’re on, I’ll be the best wing woman you’ve ever had” she spoke with a fake confidence. 
 “yeah?” he asked softly, cocking his eyebrow in surprise at her little challenge “and I’ll be the best wing man you’ve ever had” he said, his lips tugging up in a smirk.
------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- 
“How about her?” Y/n spoke, leaning towards Bucky slightly, so he could hear her over the loud music in the bar. Y/n cocked her head in the direction of a pretty blonde who was about to walk past them. 
“She’s cute” Bucky spoke, eyeing the woman up, following her movements as she was about to pass them. Before she did, Y/n took Bucky by surprise, leaning out slightly to tap the girl on the arm. 
The woman looked at her with a polite smile as Y/n shocked Bucky once again by easily flowing into conversation. 
“Oh my gosh” Y/n spoke to her “I absolutely love your dress, I've been looking for one just like it for ages! Where did you get it from if you don’t mind me asking?” 
Bucky watched as the two girls conversed, his mouth open slightly at how quickly Y/n could hold a conversation with a stranger, he had never pinned her as the out going, confident kind of girl and he knew it was a front.
“This is my friend Bucky” Y/n suddenly threw into the conversation. “Bucky, this is...”
“Amanda” the girl spoke softly, a blush forming on her cheeks as Bucky smirked up at her. 
“Hi” He spoke, pulling his most charming smile. Y/n could tell why so many women had fallen charm to Bucky. All he had to do was flash a smile and they became weak at the knees. 
“Anyway, I need to pop to the ladies room, you can keep Bucky company while I'm gone” she spoke, smiling at the both of them, half in achievement and half in politeness. 
“Sure, that would be great” Bucky spoke “I’ll get you a drink” he said getting the bar tenders attention. 
Y/n hopped of the bar stool with one last look to Bucky who gave a small nod which she returned, allowing Amanda to take a seat, before she left to the toilets. 
Upon returning, she saw Bucky and Amanda deep in conversation, smiling and laughing with each other. She was proud of her work, but couldn’t help but feel that Bucky had not kept his side of the bargain, a little bitter that she had nothing to do now. But she decided to let him off tonight, it was only the first night of whatever this agreement was.
Y/n knew she should hang around, just to make sure Bucky didn’t leave with Amanda. Knowing his normal routine and how It would not be helping him clean up his act. She sat herself across from them, the other side of the bar so she could keep an eye. 
“Here” one of the bar tenders had pushed a drink towards her “It’s on the house” he spoke Kindly, his smile soft. 
“why?” Y/n asked, looking up at him for the first time. He was cute, definitely her type.
“You look like you could use it, seeing as your date is now chatting up that blonde” he spoke gesturing towards Bucky and the girl. 
“Ohh, no no... he’s - uh he’s not my date. That’s just one of my friends, I'm kind of helping him to - well to find someone” she spoke, not really knowing how to explain it. Truth was she didn’t even really know Bucky and didn’t know whether they could even consider each other as friends.
“Right. I see what’s going on” the bar tender spoke, nodding his head slyly and knowingly. 
“What?” she asked confused at the look he was giving her. 
“You’re in love with him” he spoke out right. 
Y/n’s eyes widened as she burst out laughing. 
“God no. I barely know him” she said, smiling at the thought and the confused look the bar tender had, she had just told him they were friends so she could understand why he was looking at her that way.
“it’s kind of complicated” she shrugged “ Basically he’s my best friends room mate and we made a deal with each other.” she explained. 
“What kind of deal?” he asked curious, a teasing smile adorning his features. 
“Okay, don’t judge because I'm really never this kind of girl, but If  I help him clean up his act and get a girlfriend, he’ll wing man me every so often so I can have meaningless sex with strangers to get over the person I’ve been in love with since I was 3” she said bluntly. 
“wow” he spoke. “so you’re basically swapping places with him then?” 
“ No” she frowned. 
“well it sounds like it” he said pulling the same confused face. 
“I guess it is, but I'm not emotionally stunted like him and I don’t want to become like that” she defended. 
“Right... so you just want... casual hookups and meaningless sex?” he concluded, watching her intently as she nodded. “I'm Ollie, by the way” 
“well, Y/n.” he spoke softly ,looking down at his watch “I finish in 2 minutes, so if you’re looking for a casual hook up, I'm available” he said, staring at her as he took in her surprised face at his offer. It was very forward, but she had been just as forward by explaining her whole situation to someone she had just met. 
“You mean that?” she asked, hoping he wasn’t just winding her up. 
“Yeah I do” he spoke. “I’m not that kind of guy either...” he spoke, and it reassured her. She didn’t know if she should trust him so easily, but thinking about it, he was having to trust her too. “ I’ll let you think about it, I’ll be 5″ he said “no pressure though, I don’t mind if you don’t want to, we can just go get some food or something” he said, putting down his bar rag and giving her one last smile,  then disappearing out of the back room. 
Y/n stared at the counter top in thought. This is what she wanted. He was her type, he was looking for the same kind of thing, a one night stand. It was perfect. Her eyes flickered across the bar to meet Bucky’s eyes. He smiled softly at her, indicating he had seen her interaction with the bar tender and could tell what was going to go down.
Ollie returned 5 minutes later, standing beside her with a black leather jacket now wrapped around himself. 
“so?” He asked. 
“Your place or mine?” she asked. 
“Mines just round the corner.” he spoke, his hand reaching out to brush hers teasingly. 
This was by far the most irresponsible thing she had ever done. But a nod from Bucky across the other side of the room encouraged her, reminding her of the heart breaking despair of Steve and Sharon. 
She really needed to do this for herself. So she went home with him and every touch of Ollie’s body on hers made her forget more and more about Steve every second. The softness of his kisses against her bare shoulder, and the steady thrust of his hips against hers made her forget about the reality and pain of being in love with her best friend.
Tags: Hope these are right and that you like this part, thank you for reading, lots of love to you all, please leave comments and reblog and like if not I'm gonna be that bitch that removes tags bc it’s a lot of effort to not get anything back xx
Just a little bit off you heart: @nishanki1 @hiddlestonstansworld @annoyingpoetrycollectionme @all-love-l @callmedaddys-blog @katecupcakekate @free-as-fishes @igotkatiepowers @pizzarollpatrol @melimelbean @hayley-jadee @ofheroesandvillains @madhurimarajasekar @fuckythebuckybarnes @stevieboyharrington @buckys-arm-rocket-loves @barnes-and-noble-girl @ohthedevilsanus @chic-marvel @little-baby-heroine @grayxswan @redkessy @ghost-writers-world @loving-life-my-way @dumblani @starryeyes-sadmind @lowkeysebby @adoracap @linniearcos @chook007 @annielovebug22 @budlitebrig @asadmarveltrashbag @ofheroesandvillains @netflixa @booksteaandarainyday @void-imaginations @justnerdystuffs @piensa-bonito @urlindah @morgan-atr @killjoynotes @achishisha @request-me @radi0active-thoughts @buckysthunderthighs @stonedxsoldier @cm1126 @marymooonlastrage @misplacedorphan @boxofteenageideas @beancruncherexpo @headspinnhappiness @kassidykline13 @coconut-blueberries @directionerfae @katzenwahnsinn @learisa @barnes-hoe @heartssick @rainbowkisses31@idrkwhatthisisimsorry @joyofbebbanburg @hadesgirl1015 @arandomprep @section-79 @albinotigerpython @ladifreakingda @this-side-of-midnight5 @theonelittleone @missihart23 @uhh-katie-griffiths @n7siha @andreagf956 
Bucky Barnes: @courtmr @lowkeysebby @starryeyes-sadmind @tranquility-or-chaos @analovesseb @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @australianhorrorstory @chloe-skywalker @bexboo616 @adamsbubblegumbitch @mywinterwolf @jitterbuck @ria132love 
Forever Tags: @dreambigbeawesome @hellosafie @linheliano @thisismysecrethappyplace @mannls @1elboomdemsechevarria @myrabbitholetoneverland @jbarnes87 @permanent-lines @alyssaj23 @piensa-bonito @maresmiley @soldierplum @jjsoccer11 @les-bio-lie @dewy-biitch @despelllestrange @unlikelygalaxygiver @hiddles-rose @httpmcrvel @breezy1415 @artisticlales @imthegirlyourparentswarnedyouof @xinyourdreamsx @stevieboyharrington @maladaptive-ninja-returns @teenwolfbitches2 @harryngtonewithyourshit @strangersstranger @sthorkronstrangy 
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larryismygod · 4 years
Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart: análisis Larry.
 Holaa :) el día de hoy analizaremos la letra de la canción Just  A Little Bit Of Your Heart de Ariana Grande y el por que se considera una canción Larry.
Empecemos con lo básico. Esta canción es parte del album “My Everything” de Ariana Grande, lanzado en el año 2014. Fue escrita por Harry Styles en 2013.
En una entrevista, Ariana admitió que es una canción bastante fuerte y no pudo contener las ganas de llorar al escucharla por primera vez, por esto dudo en sacarla e incluirla en su album. 
Analicemos la primera estrofa y el coro de la canción: 
I don't ever ask you where you've been And I don't feel the need to know who you're with I can't even think straight but I can tell That you were just with her And I'll still be a fool, I'm a fool for you
Just a little bit of your heart Just a little bit of your heart Just a little bit of your heart is all I want Just a little bit of your heart Just a little bit of your heart Just a little bit is all I'm asking for
En mi opinión personal, esto nos habla sobre el tener que compartir a quien amas con alguien más, en este caso sería que Harry tenia que compartir a Louis con Eleanor, aunque E sea una barba. 
El querer sentir un poco de amor de esa persona, el sentirte dependiente de ello. 
Cabe mencionar que esta canción fue escrita cuando los rumores de Larry eran tan fuertes que se les prohibía cualquier tipo de interacción publica, como en el escenario. Esto para hacer parecer que lxs larries habíamos arruinado su amistad. 
I don't ever tell you how I really feel 'Cause I can't find the words to say what I mean And nothing's ever easy That's what they say I know I'm not your only But I'll still be a fool, 'cause I'm a fool for you
Esta estrofa nos dice que es difícil expresarle nuestros sentimientos a otra persona, el no poder encontrar las palabras adecuadas. Es algo que la gente nos suele decir, amar es difícil, y más si nos pusiéramos en la situación que L y H estaban viviendo en ese entonces. 
“I´m a fool for you” me recuerda bastante a un video donde Harry le dice a Louis “now kiss me fool” (adjunto el video)
I know I'm not you're only But at least I'm one I heard a little love is better than none
Harry nos dice que el se siente como uno mas, no se siente especial, pero aun asi prefiere eso a realmente dejar ir a quien ama, osea a Louis. 
Muchas veces cuando estamos enamoradxs, sufrimos por sentir aunque sea un poco de amor de esa persona, un poco de su aprecio. Queremos sentirnos especiales, y nos conformamos con saber que al menos eres alguien en la vida de quien estas enamoradx, porque claro, es mejor eso a nada. 
Esta canción fue escrita en el mismo lapso de tiempo que Two Ghosts y Don´t Let Me Go, canciones que hablan de igual manera, el no querer dejar ir a quien amas, ser conformistas con el poco o mucho amor que recibamos. 
Muchos lo relacionan a que en 2013 supuestamente termino su relación con Taylor Swift (cabe aclarar que yo no creo en Haylor) por lo tanto son canciones para ella. 
Nadie tiene la verdad absoluta porque no conocemos toda la historia,  pero esto me parece bastante erróneo, ya que el supuesto romance que hubo entre ellos fue un romance fugaz, y las tres canciones desde mi punto de vista hablan de una relación larga que pende de un hilo. 
Analicemos una parte de la canción Two Ghosts: 
The fridge light washes this room white Moon dances over your good side And this was all we used to need Tongue-tied like we've never known Telling those stories we already told 'Cause we don't say what we really mean
Nuevamente, menciona el no poder decirle a la otra persona el como te sientes, lo que en verdad piensas, por miedo a equivocarnos. 
Preferimos hacer como si nada estuviera pasando por nuestra cabeza, como si todo estuviera bien. Preferimos callar. Es muy bien sabido que en una relación hay conflictos, desacuerdos, y muchas veces son necesarios, pero aun asi, queremos que todo sea perfecto y disfrutar cada segundo que pasamos a su lado. 
Me es muy impactante imaginar que un Harry de 19 años sentía tanto dolor, se sentía tan solo, al punto de escribir estas canciones, que a pesar de que son muy buenas, las letras son muy fuertes.  
Un dato bastante interesante es que casualmente, entre los mismos años que se escribió JALBOFY, Two Ghosts y Don´t Let Me Go, osea finales del 2012 y 2013, Louis escribió Strong, que a mi parecer, si analizamos bien la letra puede sonar como una respuesta a las canciones de Harry. 
Cada quien puede llegar a sus propias conclusiones. 
Graaaaacias por leer este análisis, si me llegue a equivocar en alguna fecha o en algún dato me ayudaría mucho que me lo dijeran jsjs trato de enseñarles lo que se. Les mando buenas vibras :) 
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