featheredclover · 5 months
Hi so I stumbled from your (very) recent poll for Aman Mathur. You mentioned Jalebijanes works do you know where can I find them👀 please do tell🫣
P.S.: BTW love tour posts and reblogs and your blog in general😊🫶
Unfortunately, you cannot read her complete stories because that blog has been taken down. But I strongly recommend reading the available ones on IF because it's a really good reading experience! Here they are:
PALLAVI (not ipkknd, but really interesting)
PS: Love your blog too❤️!
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goals1024 · 2 years
When little ant(khushi) took down the mighty egoistic elephant(ASR)
I was re-watching the office track, because 1 I don't have a life and it's my escape mechanism.
What I saw is Arnav is a elephant in the office, every1 talks about him, stares at him, makes way for him, he is at the top, just like elephants. Even though 🐘 r not the king of jungle they r status is very high.
On the other hand in the office Khushi is an ant. Every wants her out, stamp on her self esteem, create hurdles for her and just like an 🐜 she faces her hurdles and achieves her goals and is comfortable when have her family and friends are arround(her colony).
We all know khushi is not that significant employee to AR designs that she would get so much attention of o so great ASR yet she does. Like La mentioned to Asr that y r u so concerned about a small employee".
Hence, for ASR her value is exactly like a 🐜, he doesn't care. But when Khushi is in his vicinity, he is completely shooked. Just like if the 🐜 is on the ground 🐘 can easily stamp on it and it's the end or the 🐜. But if Ant climbs on 🐘 body the only thing on his mind is the ant, and getting it out. Which is exactly what the situation is. Eg the footage leak of the sheesh mahal,not in his vicinity where as now she is in his office and bit in his house and every where he goes and he is shook.
We can clearly see how the elephant is getting defated from an 🐜. Our lovely 🐜 (kushi) is doing her work diligently.
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The mighty egoistic 🐘 Defeated partially.
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phuljari · 5 months
any ipk fic recs? i loved devi works!
hey! so i have this post where i've asked people to share arshi fics, incase you want to go through that. i've personally not read a lot of arshi fics (being new to the fandom myself!), however these are some that i enjoyed reading:
• sheesh mahal by @jalebi-weds-bluetooth
• rapture (veritas) by @phati-sari
i've also read the following but haven't finished them yet:
• khushi by jalebijane (a very well-known writer from the first generation fandom, good story-weaving but can contain mature themes like non-con)
• mohabat door jane na de by doe-eyes- (recommended by @featheredclover — checkout their blog for loads more of arshi ff recs!! this particular fic is very descriptive and canon-divergent, if you're into that)
• serendipity by zee (contains an original character; don't remember if there's cheating in that or not? i don't really like reading that trope)
• ek nayi zindagi by palaayan (an au where khushi is a psychologist and arnav is her patient)
• to love or not to love by shrattila (beware, manipulative!arnav in this story)
the last one was recommended by @msbhagirathi on the ipkknd discord server where we have a dedicated channel for fic-recs! (maybe you can ask someone on there who has read devi's works and understands the kind of fics you prefer! i personally haven't but you can definitely share a link below)
p.s. if anyone reading this wants to join the discord channel— the link expires in 7 days! please reach out in case you've missed out on the limit and are still interested in joining! edit: this is the never expire link to our discord server!
p.p.s i'm writing an arshi fic myself, so self advertising to banta hai ;)
• stitch by phuljari (ongoing fic, arnav and khushi reunite in a strange land after a decade, redemption fic, mind the tags!)
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phati-sari · 6 years
your blog has been super helpful in my discovery of ipkknd - i now understand what all the hype was about! your episode recaps were especially helpful and i love all the gifs! i had a quick question for your regarding fanfics (yours are amazing btw!) i am not sure if you read any but there seems to be a scarcity of well written "nsfw" arshi fics or am i just not looking at the right places? thanks in advance!
I’m glad you like the blog and that it’s helped you with IPKKND :) Thank you for the compliments, especially regarding the FF.
Your idea of well written might be very different from mine … but I think you’re looking for something like KHUSHI by Jalebi Jane. Or maybe Secret Passion by TinaFF :) My NSFW stuff is in RAPTURE, in case that’s a thing that interests you.
Have a nice day!!
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featheredclover · 10 months
hi! do you know what happened to JalebiJane who wrote the fanfic 'Khushi'? she also went by Inked or MayaHill - any leads will be appreciated
You really don't know how much time and effort I spent in the past few months trying to reach her! 😭 And I am glad someone's in the same boat as me 😅
Her last ongoing fanfictions were Pallavi and Chandani, which were both put on halt because she said on IndiaForums that she was going to start a new academic course and her preliminary prep was too much for her to juggle writing along with it.
• Her website had licence/ownership of the space till 2020 and she didn't renew it ; because the domain is free now 😞
• She was going to start an Arnav - Khushi fanfiction after the 11th anniversary celebration. But before that could happen she put everything on hold.
• I tried the email that she had asked people to contact her from her old IF posts but even that is not functional now.
So....we can either create an IF post asking other readers if they have any clue or continue to re-read a fraction of her beautiful novels still available on her IF account (which btw shows her last visited date as July 2021). Phew!
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phati-sari · 7 years
Dearest Sister, Thank you for your critique of my work. Indeed, I do have a preference for dark tales with aggressive heroes. We write what we wish to read. But I recognize it is not for everyone. Now five years after KHUSHI, there is much that I would change. I am (hopefully) a less-clumsy plotter and a more-seasoned writer now. But I stand by it as it launched my writing career, and introduced me to a Sisterhood whom I cherish. Sincerely, Maya PS You may enjoy MRS RAIZADA, a more recent work.
Hi @mayahmaya :)
Absolutely, just as my stories aren’t for everyone! There are many people who love and admire and enjoy everything you write … and it cannot be denied that you have flair :) I binged KHUSHI when I first found it; it is an excellent piece to have started with (remind me to talk one day about how cringe-worthy I now find Forgive Her Anything lol).
Since you have contacted me I feel it is only fair that I address my critique in that post. It was not aimed at you as an individual but at the story, but I know that the lines blur. There are things I would phrase differently, points I would flesh out more, sentences I would make less … combative … if I could go back. But as you have indicated, we all grow and learn as people and I know that I would answer the question in a more restrained manner were it to be posed today. However, it does not excuse any hurt that you may have felt, and for that, I apologize unreservedly. I endeavour to do better in the future.
I wish you well with Mrs Raizada, I read the first (three?) chapter(s) when you published it as part of the anniversary special. I’m sure it has shaped up into a wonderful tale.
For those of you who are interested, Maya has recently launched JalebiJane. Go forth and follow!!
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phati-sari · 5 years
do you know what’s up w mayahill/jalebijane? she seems to have vanished into thin air! awesome blog btw.. i came back into the fandom after 7 years and it’s so nice to see how active and loving people still are!
Thanks for the compliment!!
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