#jamilton smut
Chapter 32 has been posted ❤️ please pardon my rustiness, and be gentle! I really appreciate it :)
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kaethefangirl · 9 months
new to tumblr -
ONE: when a situation or an image can be interpreted in two different ways, but you can only see one of the interpretations.
TWO: the inability to see what is right in front of you
THREE: the tendency to see oneself as less biased than other people, or to be able to identify more cognitive biases in others than in oneself
ex 1: Alexander Hamilton
ex 2: Thomas Jefferson
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winterzz7 · 5 months
i need to finish that one fic instead of letting 3k+ words sit in a google doc
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jittyjames · 2 years
(finally getting back around to doing these requests from december lol)
i've never written smut before and i don't really read it, anon, but for you, I'll do anything.
behold... jamilton smut.
(i'm so sorry)
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hamilfan · 2 years
Hanilfic recommendations 3
Jamilton; smut addition! (Fancy_that 's entire account tbh)
One day I'll get better formating for these lists.
Thomas and Alexander have a some time in the office closet together. Thomas isn't the best at staying quiet.... or emotionally detached. In short Thomas is sad and Alexander's mean, the angst is strong in this one.
After publishing the Reynolds Pamphlet, Hamilton's life is in ruins. There is nothing he can do anymore to change America for the better. Well, except one thing. He'd let Jefferson fuck him for political favors before, he can do it again. Except this time he offers more. In exchange for abolition, Hamilton agrees to become Jefferson's slave.
I needed a reason why Hamilton is Jefferson's sex slave, and I wanted no actual historical slaves anywhere near my smut. This was the best excuse I could come up with. It doesn't make sense, but neither does getting stuck under a bed. It's porn logic, ok?
Thomas should not have been fingering himself at work. He really, really, really shouldn’t, but.. He did. And if he didn’t, he wouldn’t be getting fucked on his desk by the one and only Alexander Hamilton.
Alexander calls him easy to please, easy to satisfy, and easy to rile up. And it’s true, he won’t deny that. Alexander however is quite the opposite. There has to be a mood, there has to be a tone set, a word, a touch, a nudge from Thomas. Thomas usually has to take the lead, which he’s used to doing, which he doesn’t mind doing. However in the five years they’d been married he’d certainly had fun coming up with new and creative ways to get what what he wants.
"What the fuck are you wearing?"
Or: Alexander tops Thomas for the first time and Thomas isn't prepared for the way either of them act.
With a tug of his hand, Jefferson’s mouth was off him, those brown eyes shooting up to look at him in confusion. Hamilton didn’t elaborate, just held him there firmly, fingers tangled in those tight curls. His other hand came down, wrapping around his shaft, and he saw the exact moment Jefferson gathered what Hamilton’s intentions were. Hamilton half expected him to protest, to refuse, but he didn’t. He just… opened that pretty mouth again, and closed his eyes. The sight of him sent Hamilton straight over the edge, and soon he was coming in short bursts, some sticky white landing over Jefferson’s face, some in his open mouth. It painted the prettiest picture, and Hamilton only wished he could savor this moment.
The morning started off as every morning of theirs did - with an early alarm, sleepy smiles, and the strong, distinctive scent of espresso.
Thomas was sure he painted quite the pretty picture for Alex - wearing nothing but a pair of boxer briefs, marked with bruises from the night before, and morning coffee in hand. Alex looked up from his phone, and a smile spread across his face, “Aw, Thomas, you didn’t have to do this for me.”
Thomas smiled and handed Alex his coffee, “but I wanted to.” He leaned forward, and accepted the kiss that was pressed to his cheek, “you deserve it, daddy.
Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson agree not to get one another Valentine's day gifts, but to they really follow through with that? Why not take the chance to one up one another and be the only one giving the other a gift, it couldn't possibly end badly, could it?
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fancy--that · 1 year
The fact that it has been almost 4 months since i've written any Jamilton smut is appalling.
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the1laff · 1 year
WIP Post
Tagged by @jittyjames, thanks for the tag!
Rules: Post names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that intrigues them, then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I’ll try to tag as many as I have WIPs but idk if it’ll happen. Also if I tag you, you don’t have to do it, Idek if you write, sorry.
@binch-i-might-be @duelamort @cecescomposition @himnnnnnn @xcminhdang
Hellfire and Rhinestones
Jamilton fic, modern day, angst?
Thomas is a demon (more specifically the devils son but that’s not important till way later) and takes a liking to Alex so he starts showing up when he needs help, and then more frequently just bc. Alex doesn’t know Thomas is a demon yet. At one point he think he’s a guardian angel or some shit. I love irony.
That Little Noodle Fuck
Jamilton fic, modern day, fluff and some emotional comforting.
Adopted from parsniffs, 3AM Warmth. Alex is a college student who writes for a living and Thomas is also a college student who works at a late night cookie shop. Alex orders cookies way too often and before too long he realizes he actually has somewhat of a relationship with Thomas. Thomas is a caretaker at times for our poor Alex. I tried to keep them as close to how parsniffs wrote them.
You Won’t Die Alone!
Jamilton, modern day, fluff, angst, slow burn, one of those soulmate AUs where everyone has a black mark/stain from where their soulmate will touch them for the first time, once they touch it turns into bright colors.
This starts as a senior year HS fic and if it goes to plan then it will evolve in to a college fic. Alex thought he didn’t have a mark. He kinda likes Thomas at first then hates guts then eventually comes around and can be civil-ish and I haven’t gotten past there if I remember. There is snow at some point, drinking, drinking games, minor injury and pranks. He does end up in possession of a particular jacket. The rest of the gang makes intermittent appearances. Also Washingdad
“T” is for Trauma
Lams, modern day, established relationship, fluff, hurt/comfort.
John is a paramedic, Alex is a freelance writer. There are a lot of chapters centered around real calls I’ve been on, some are altered for reader enjoyment and to abide by HIPPA laws. I don’t use real addresses/names obviously. There is a lot of medical trauma, infant, child, adult, and animal death. Alex gardens, there will be a mental trauma reveal for John later, possible smut if I can get over the fear of posting that. I try to balance it with wholesome fluff and couple things in between. My longest and current favorite fic I’ve written.
Reading Too Far Into It
Johnlock, modern day, fluff, maybe some angst.
John discovered Ao3, and reads fic. I can’t say more without spoiling the entire plot. Pre slash if I remember correctly. Lots of Sherlock antics, there is a case I plan on throwing in at some point.
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showmink · 1 year
and what if i wrote genderbent jamilton smut? what then?
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Awww thanks so much I actually just started working on it last night 😁
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jefferoni-quotes · 5 years
29. Jamilton? That would be awesome thanks
You got it! (These pieces take me 10 - 15 minutes because they’re so dumb, I’m sorry lmao)
Enjoy, @fangirlqueen-15 !
29. “Come over here and make me.”
Love this prompt so much!
- - -
You know what they say! Opposites attract! ... Right?
It was a staring match. They were breaking each other down from the inside out. Tearing away their defences just by looking deep into the darkest parts of their soul. Glares that could kill elephants, and frowns so deep they put the Grand Canyon to shame. Alexander kept his arms crossed tightly across his chest, electricity flaring through his veins and begging to be released. Thomas was more loose, natural. Letting his hands hang effortlessly by his sides, giving him a breezy, unbothered look. That only infuriated Alexander more. He felt as though Thomas couldn’t care less, that he was underestimating the power of one small angry man. The whole room was holding their breath, ready to see who would snap and scream first. In fact, a few people were making bets. Most were betting on Alexander breaking.
Thomas’ expression changed suddenly, from deep and angered, to humoured and airy. Alex grit his teeth to try and stop the words from escaping. Instead they just came out as a long, drawn hiss. Thomas laughed quietly and looked around in disbelief.
“Something to say, Hamilton?” He finally broke the silence. Yet the bets were still on, Jefferson hadn’t broke... yet. There was always time.
Alexander wiggled his fingers and bit his tongue, literally. “No, not to you.”
“Am I supposed to be offended?” Thomas placed a fake dramatic hand to his chest, feigning hurt.
“Maybe, your call.” Alex remained calm. He was cool. He was chill.
Thomas laughed again, a little louder. Washington cleared his throat. “I think this meeting is adjourned for now.” Everyone hurriedly rushed from their seats, making a wild dash for the door.
Both Hamilton and Jefferson waited for all the rest to leave, before Thomas shot him one last death stare and swaggered off. “Goodbye, Hamilton. Don’t trip on the way out.”
“Shut up, Jeffershit.” Alexander muttered, thinking he was already gone.
“Come over here and make me.” Thomas sneered before opening the door to leave.
Alexander’s eyes lit up with an idea. It was insane. Beyond comprehension. But if it worked, boy would it be satisfying.
Hamilton slowly sauntered over, catching Jefferson by surprise. The taller of the two had expected Alex to fire over an insult, or a glare. But this, this was new. And he was scared.
Alex grasped Jefferson by the collar and pulled him down, keeping their faces inches apart. “Are you sure you want me to do that?” Thomas’ breath got stuck in his throat, and all that he could do was shake. He let go of the door, listening for the slam of it closing.
And in an instant, Alexander’s lips were crashing like tsunami waves onto his. Hamilton’s eyes were closed tightly, one hand still firmly grasped onto Jefferson’s collar. At first, he was obviously taken aback, who wouldn’t be? But he found it surprisingly easy to melt into. Simple to sink in and drown in the sea of Alex. The way his lips were pressing, nipping at his own. It was all too much to keep up with. He tried to match Alexander’s hurried pace, but he was just too fast.
After what felt like an eternity, but was most likely around 10 seconds, Alexander was off of him. Thomas gazed at the floor, but his eyes kept darting around. What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck-
“What was that?!” He finally exclaimed.
“I shut you up in the best way I know how.” Alexander smirked smugly and opened up the door. “Goodbye, Jefferson. Don’t trip on the way out.”
“Shut up, Hamilhoe.”
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Oops that got intense
0 - 100 in god speed
Requests are still open!
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jittyjames · 2 months
given that it's august and there's still no kinktober list out, i've decided to just create my own masterlist. i decided to do this when I realized i had quite a few smut request i still needed to tend to. but I dont have enough to cover the entire month. that's where you lovelies come in. my smut requests have never been more open than they are right now.
y'all know my fandoms by now. ask away. as always, my hard limit is pedophilic and incestual ships. anything else is free game. i want a challenge c:
if you want to see what day your request will come out, check back here! i'll update the days with every prompt I receive. masterlist under the cut! (also if you made a request months ago and I never did it, don't think I forgot! I'm just slow!)
day 1: jeffburr - hate sex
day 2: jesus x judas - jealousy/forced to be quiet
day 3: whamilton - spanking
day 4: arena tour jesus x judas - first time
day 5: jesus x mary x judas - exhibitionism
day 6: hamburr - food/eating
day 7: arena tour jesus x judas - hair-pulling/over clothes
day 8: jesus x judas - almost getting caught/loud sex (yes anon. I see the vision. I see it so clearly)
day 9: arena tour jesus x judas - vibrators
day 10: platonic hamburr - tickling
day 11: hamburr - edging
day 12: fem!jesus x mary - sensory deprivation
day 13: daniel x helen (candyman) -cunnilingus
day 14: mary x tamar (the chosen) - writer’s choice (and i choose hand kink reheheh)
day 15: jesus x judas - teacher x student rp
day 16: marliza - historical sex
day 17: jamilton - continuation of “tell me all the things (you want to do)”
day 18: comic judas x jesus - body worship
day 19: judas x jesus - only one bed trope
day 20: dom!castiel x sub!dean (supernatural) - blood kink (hi kait)
day 21: hamburr - cnc
day 22: whamilton - daddy kink
day 23: lams - wax play
day 24: burrens - public sex
day 25: hamliza - first time after the events of mine to subdue
day 26: judas x peter - revisited
day 27: jesus x mary - virginity
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hamilfan · 2 years
Hamilton fic recs 2
Jamilton themed <3 fluff and angst, no smut this time
Five years since the incident. Five years of a using a cane. Five years of being beaten. Thomas Jefferson just wants a break. What he does not want is Alexander Hamilton butting in. It might be what he needs.
Alexander is forced to see Jefferson home after the man's surgery. He expects Jefferson to be pissed about it when he wakes up, but he gets a reaction he doesn't expect.
When Alex has to bring Philip to work, he and Thomas discover that they both have something in common: they lost their love. They form an unexpected bond and connection about this that grows into something more.
A medium burn with parental feelings about Philip and flowers.
For a moment, Alex lets himself forget about the curse, forget about the way his life has been torn from his hands. Forgets about Jefferson, and how he's supposed to hate him, and simply lets himself be held.
Cursed to be forgotten, cursed to be forgotten… the lesson Alexander has learned is to never piss off a witch. And it seems that the only person who remembers him is the one he'd most like to forget.
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theonlyfeckuser · 7 years
Tfw when ur granny is sitting next to u and u SHAMELESSLY read gay fanfic.
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showmink · 1 year
Not that I don't agree on the platonically married vibes, but romantic Jeffmads is SO good too, imo, they're underrated. Especially when wanting fluff or something short to read! As in, I go for Jamilton for the more lenghty fics or for the smut, because for me these two are where the spice and/or the plot is, but whenever I feel like reading or scribbling something more "light" then Thomas/James works so well. It's giving best friends to lovers but also opposites attract which makes it less bland. In this essay I will lmao
bless! i personally never care for friends to lovers so it's not my cup of tea ^_T
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I have MANY pages of the unfinished next chapter written, but I will be posting a very short flashback chapter 🌙TONIGHT🌙or tomorrow 🌞morning🌞 just to get the wheels rolling!!
Remember to check for the short chapter tonight or tomorrow, because it will be there!! I am SO relieved not to have to struggle to type the chapter on my phone anymore. WE’RE BACK BABYYY!! 😄😄😄
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• let's get to the point, there is // so much // angry sex
• they are both left with bruises all over by morning
• instead of "I love you" It's a lot of "Fuck you" and stupid smiling followed by things like "You imbecile" and just a thousand loving/hateful insults
• they don't do things like hold hands or kiss cheeks; soft stuff like that isn't their thing
• Alex is a fighter; he absolutley doesn't fall at Jeffersons feet, and he absolutley doesn't beg for anything from the man
• Alex likes to play with Thomas' hair all the time, to the point of sometimes annoying Thomas
• Alex blurted out "I love you" in like the second week and it's the only time he's ever seen Thomas flustered and nervous
• Thomas cried after saying "I love you" a month later and Alex makes fun of him for it
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