ayumitsuu · 7 months
FE4 Character impressions 4 (Green hair+): Lewyn, Erin, Midir, Sylvia, Tailtiu, Jamke, Ayra, Shannan + Oifey
- hello, im in love with Jamke and Ayra 😍
- Midir & Tailtiu are fashionista besties 💅 u can’t change my mind
- Shannan/Ayra’s hair should be the same colour but ✨layer effects✨were cool 😜
- Lewyn is a duck but that colour scheme doe… ffffffff 😩
- Tailtiu’s hair colour is the stuff dreams are made of 😍
- Shannan and Oifey are bragging about Ayra and Sigurd, trying to one-up each other
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girnandan · 11 months
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GIRNANDAN FARMERS PRODUCER COMPANY LIMITED It is a Farmer Producer Company (FPC) We are a group of farmer who practicing Natural Farming. We are supplying natural farm produce in bulk like Groundnut, Soybean, Cotton, Wheat, Chickpeas, Coriander, etc.
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prospercz · 1 year
Den 35
Smažím se. Na zádech mám určitě rybníček, pot mi teče z čela dolů na nos a kape rytmicky na zem přede mnou. Potí se mi dokonce i podkolenní jamka, a to už je co říct. Je 8 ráno a už 35 stupňů ve stínu.
Vzbudil jsem se s pocitem, že už jsem ušel 20 mil. Přitom mám být čerstvý a 20 mil dneska ujít. Nicméně je mi o dost líp než včera večer. Jen jsem unavený. Dneska jsem poprvé za celou dobu tady odložil budíka o půl hodiny. Tak moc se mi nechtělo ven. Proč si tohle vlastně dělám? Proč jsem si to vymyslel? Co mě motivuje?
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Je těžké vybrat jednu věc, kvůli které to celé absolvuju. Je toho totiž víc. Hlavním důvodem ale určitě bude si dokázat, že to zvládnu. A že jde dělat i takovéhle šílenosti s diabetem. Celý život mi totiž někdo říkal, co všechno dělat nesmím. Všechny ty školní výlety a později i mimoškolní akce, na které jsem buď nemohl nebo musel mít nějaký doprovod. Nikdy jsem třeba nebyl na letním táboře. Nemám to rodičům za zlé, naprosto je chápu a choval bych se nejspíš stejně. Prostě mají o svoje děti strach. Taky bych měl. To ale nemění nic na tom, že mi spoustu takových věcí prostě uteklo.
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Nedělám to jen pro sebe, dělám to pro všechny diabetický děcka, aby věděli, že když dostatečně chtějí, tak můžou skoro cokoli. Jasně, je potřeba vše líp promyslet a naplánovat, ale dá se to. Důležité je se toho nebát a hlavně začít. Nenechte se tím omezovat! Přijměte to jako součást vás a naučte se s tím žít. Je to mnohem snazší než to celý život odmítat.
Ještě dva roky zpátky jsem si říkal, že tohle je věc, kterou nikdy nepodniknu. Jeden z mých nesplněných snů. Prostě nemůžu, stejně jako spoustu dalších věcí. Pak jsem nad tím ale začal víc přemýšlet. Začal jsem hledat řešení a způsoby namísto výmluv. A hle, najednou to začalo dávat smysl. A teď jsem tu už přes měsíc a zatím jde všechno skvěle.
Motivuje mě už samotná představa, že strávím půl roku někde venku v přírodě. Že se každé ráno probudím a uvidím východ slunce. Že budu před spaním sledovat západ slunce pokaždé na jiném místě a v noci koukat na oblohu plnou hvězd. I když to vypadá, že si tady ustavičně stěžuju, jsem tady vlastně strašně spokojený. Dělám něco, co mě hrozně baví a naplňuje mě to tak extrémním pocitem štěstí, že mám občas chuť po trailu ne chodit, ale běžet. Bojím se momentu, až tohle skončí.
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Ještě mám jednu další motivaci. Mám v Brně kamarády (zdravím Ryťu a Aničku), kteří se rozhodli, že paralelně se mnou se budou snažit ujít/ujet/uběhnout stejnou vzdálenost. Takže se teď postupně předháníme, kdo je na tom lépe. Je to sice blbost, ale mně to od nich přijde fakt moc pěkné.
Musím říct, že mě motivuje to dojít už i jen proto, abych nezklamal všechny ty lidi, kteří to teď každý den čtou. Moje mamka se postarala o to, že to ví snad každý v okruhu 100 kilometrů. Nesmím je teď zklamat a skončit dřív, než dojdu až na konec. A co bych pak vyprávěl svým kamarádům, kdybych to vzdal? Nene, to by nešlo. Hezky si to odšlapu až do konce.
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alwayswiselight · 4 months
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Today, I celebrate the birthday of my dear mother who was born Dorothy Louise Hellis on February 18, 1921 in Los Angeles, CA to Efstrateos Giorgios Hellis (b. Prinaris) and Josefa Katarzyna Jamka. Her dedication to her family and work ethic, so sadly lacking in my father, allowed me to retire in reasonable comfort after everyone else had passed away. Although our relationship had its stormy side, the love that existed always brought about peace. Though she passed away on August 7, 2004, she lives in my heart.
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raducotarcea · 7 months
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borisjelinek · 2 years
Lípa republiky v Mezilečí
Lípa je v posledních staletích označována za náš národní strom, ale již dávno předtím měla velký ochranný význam, protože se sázela na rozcestích nebo z ní vznikaly mnohá stromořadí, její letorosty se dávaly za okna o letničních svátcích, lipové větve bývaly dávány na oltáře na Boží tělo a následně na pole do obilí nebo jiné plodiny, aby dobře narostla, případně za obrazy ve staveních k jejich ochraně před bleskem a následným požárem, z dřeva tohoto stromu byly zhotovovány sochy světců a tak bychom mohli ještě dlouho pokračovat.
Národní symboliku však lípa získala až v souvislosti s myšlenkami českého národního obrození 19. století a na našem území tehdy začala soupeřit s dubem, jenž byl naopak brán německým živlem jako symbol germánství. Na tuto tradici pak bylo navázáno hned po obnovení naší samostatnosti, kdy byla hojně vysazována u různých příležitostí.
První Lípy Svobody se začaly po nově vzniklé ČSR vysazovat hned v roce 1919, a to hned jak počasí dovolilo. Přímo v Mezilečí se tak nestalo, což však neznamenalo, že by místní obyvatelé neměli ze zániku monarchie a ustavení nového státu radost. Tu totiž projevili již 28. října 1918, kdy se dozvěděli o jeho vzniku. Tehdy přinesl listonoš v 15.00 hod. telegrafickou zprávu o tom, že nastal převrat a vznikla svobodná Československá republika, neboť došlo k prohlášení její samostatnosti.
Hned poté se uskutečnila převratová slavnost, kdy byla u statného buku v lokalitě "Na hromadě" (pozemek náležející ke stavení Anny Hanušové čp. 34) přichystána velká vatra, která byla za účasti většiny obyvatel zapálena. Na ni byly vhozeny všechny hořlavé i nehořlavé pozůstatky po Rakousko-Uhersku, ať již šlo o obrazy císařů Františka Josefa I. a Karla I., rakouské orlice, různé tabulky a dokonce i některé knihy a učebnice, v nichž byla vychvalována habsburská dynastie a podobné věci. Když hranice dohořela, rozešlo se obyvatelstvo za zpěvu národních písní v průvodu do svých domovů. Mnozí rovněž vyrazili mimo obec, aby se dozvěděli více a uviděli, jak padá starý režim ve větších městech.
K vysazení vlastní, tentokrát však Lípy republiky, tak došlo až v souvislosti s oslavami 10. výročí vzniku Československé republiky, jež připadlo na 28. října 1928. Jako nejvhodnější místo byl vybrán obecní pozemek u silnice před usedlostí obecního starosty Jana Antoše čp. 8. Této slavnosti se za vedení obce zúčastnili: starosta Jan Antoš z čp. 8, náměstek starosty a zdejší kovář Čeněk Tylš z čp. 9, radní Josef Chmelík z čp. 53, člen obecního zastupitelstva a řezník Vilém Borůvka z čp. 71, člen obecního zastupitelstva Vilém Šrůtek z čp. 18 a jeho kolega Josef Dvořáček z čp. 29.
Jamka pro vysazení lípy byla vykopána Janem Šrajbrem z čp. 37 a jejího slavnostního zasazení se ujal starosta Jan Antoš, který ho doprovodil slavnostní řečí, v níž zhodnotil výhody samostatného státu a osvobození od třistaletého rakouského jařma. Slavnost byla ukončena zazpíváním národních hymen "Kde domov můj" a "Nad Tatrou sa blýska", načež se všichni rozešli domů, aby se večer uskutečnila v Řezníčkově hostinci lidová zábava.
Tato tradice nebyla v kraji ničím výjimečným, protože k vysazování lipových stromořadí nebo soliterních stromů docházelo též v souvislosti s jinými událostmi, a to kolikrát hodně hluboko v minulosti. Zmiňme tzv. "toleranční lípy", vysazované na památku vyhlášení tolerančního patentu, lip na paměť zrušení roboty, vyhlášení konstituce a stromořadí u příležitostí různých výročí panovnického rodu nebo válečných vítězství, k nimž se poté po roce 1918 přiřadily lípy "Svobody", lípy Masarykovy či lípy Švehlovy, pokud zrovna v obci vládla agrární strana. Mnohdy se je podařilo uchránit před jejich skácením, zejména v období německé okupace, kdy jakákoliv připomínka ČSR byla trnem v oku a musela být odstraněna. Kolikrát šlo o stovky stromů, které musely k zemi jen proto, že byly vzpomínkou na doby minulé, kdy si český národ vládl sám.
Mezilečská Lípa republiky však přečkala jak toto neblahé období, tak i následující komunistický režim a má se stále skvěle k životu. Z malého proutku se stal časem mohutný a košatý strom, o němž mnohý procházející ani neví, proč byl na tomto neobvyklém místě vysazen. Doufejme, že se zde bude vypínat ještě hodně staletí a připomínat našim potomkům vše, co jsme my i naši předci kdy dokázali, že i ta nejmenší víska může kolikrát směle konkurovat v mnoha oblastech větším městům, i když tomu dnešní doba není zrovna nakloněna. O jiných lípách republiky lze najít informace na webu: https://lipyrepubliky.cz a o stromech svobody si můžeme přečíst zde: https://www.stromysvobody.cz.
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Lípa republiky v Mezilečí
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sorakaza · 3 years
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kocourmokroocko · 2 years
měli jsme dneska moment
kdy se kolem mne můj milý stočil, zatímco jsem opřen na posteli probíral našemu papouškovi peří, a zabořil mi obličej do ramene, vyčerpán po dlouhém dni cestování
a sedíme takhle dlouhou chvíli a je ticho
a najednou
se z mého ramene ozve extrémně nesrozumtelný a letargií protkaný:
"moje oční jamka
perfektně zapadá do tvýho ramene.
jsi můj
a pak zase bylo ticho
protože usnul
a já tam sedim a chcípám smíchy, ale taky mám v ruce spící pyruru a na rameni oční jamku spícího muže a tak jen
myslim na to, co asi vyplodí při svatebních slibech
(pude první, a jestli prokázaný test osudovosti oční jamka/rameno nezmíní, tak to lohnu já a přičtu si před příbuzenstvem kredit)
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banished-away · 7 years
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sorry for the shitty 1 AM doodle but consider: jamka with cute messy curly hair under his bandana
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dmclemblems · 6 years
An Actual Update on what’s going on with the manga and all that
So my chaotic reactions to Koyasu Voices Levin And I Knew It All Along aside,
hi. So I have some really big stuff going on. I can’t really work on the manga, but I’m going to try. Here’s what’s pretty much going on with it:
Currently, I don’t have access to my desktop, which is where my updated rescans up to volume fourteen are. I still need to do my check up on 14-16 and do rescans as needed (but I can look through those and label them from the laptop). I do not have access to my books or a scanner. All of that is on hold.
I need to rescan some stuff from the next chapter too, so that’s also an issue. However, as you guys are probably aware by now, we also don’t have a translator at present, so we can’t release chapters anyway (after the next one, FE5 chapter 1 and chapter 36/37). The plan was to continue cleaning in the meantime, and I’m going to be looking over the non-updated raws I had stored on a cloud service on my laptop to see what can be cleaned without rescans. I’ll be sending the pages off to be cleaned as needed so all the cleaners can work on the manga while I’m stuck in this situation.
Unfortunately, this also means we will probably not be releasing any chapters - even the translated ones. Because my cleaned pages of 36/37 are on the desktop, I don’t have access to those, and I won’t be able to release chapter 1 of FE5 for the same reason (and because of any potential necessary rescans, which are usually done to fix a page having slipped a bit during the original scan or because I can lessen the spine blur).
Depending on my plans and how they go and what happens, it could be up to the next three months before I can do anything - if not more in the worst case scenario. Unfortunately with how chaotic my situation is, I really don’t have set in stone plans. I will be posting a few cleaned panels/pages here and there for progress and to help hold y’all over, but it’s the best I can do right now being out of range and access to my stuff.
I’m sure it’s annoying at this point how many things come up that prevent us from progressing, and hell, believe me when I say it’s been gnawing at me that we’re technically a year behind schedule as is due to that last hiatus, but while I keep to myself for the most part regarding my life, I’m currently in absolutely no position, physically, to release much. ChildofDain has mentioned it on the SF forum, but like she said, my life isn’t getting better - it’s getting worse. Unfortunately it’s prevented me from getting this stuff out for a long time and I’m exhausted of it, but luckily I don’t know how to quit because I’m too attached to these projects and I’ve put too much of my life into them already to stop without seeing them completed.
I’m also going to do my best to clean what I can on the laptop, but it’s a lot more difficult to do so without my desktop and having super easy and instant access to everything I need.
But we all know me dying is the only thing that’s gonna stop me from getting all this shit done, so even if it takes ten years, I’m sorry it’s taking so long and I’m still not dropping it.
Repeat, I am so sorry it’s taking so long. For everything. All of this. At this point with how long it’s been, I’m going to feel bad about this forever even when we’re finished with Oosawa and probably FE5, but ffs I’m too dedicated to stop now. But that’s also why I’m willing to post some stuff here and there! I love FE4, FE5 and all the mangas and I’ll do whatever I can to make Jugdral more accessible to everyone.
In the meantime, I hope you all plan to support Kaga with Vestaria Saga when it comes out next year!
Fala Scans is alive. I’m just in the worst position of my life that I’ve ever been in and it’s getting in my friggin’ way.
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gascon-en-exil · 4 years
What is the hottest dude in genealogy first gen? Jamka?
I’m going to have to put a pin in this one until the remake. That art style isn’t doing anyone any favors.
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creativerogues · 5 years
Campaign Diary: The Heist!
I said I’d do it, so here it is!
So, a few days ago we played D&D, and then played a sesson right after, and now we’re probably gonna play D&D Tonight too, a rare opportunity but one I gladly accept.
I asked Tumblr to come up with Characters and Thieves for this Human Druid and Tortle Wizard to hire.
If you need context for this Campaign Diary, you can find it here.
So, we begin this session after the Party had recruited the Team, since they requested to do that between sessions rather than spend the night searching for Hirelings.
And the Team consisted of: Kenzo the Wood Elf Rogue, who helped the two assemble the Team, Talon the Human Wizard, Joey the Tabaxi Bard, Sunna the Human Sorcerer, Mars the Fire Genasi Pugilist and Jamkas Moonshadow, the Drow Rogue.
Now, they did have aid in a Wizard called Allister, but on the request of the Tumblr Person that made them, they were intended to be an NPC, and so I played them as an NPC...
Now, I didn’t intend for this to happen, but the Players ended up actually playing the Thieves, and let me tell you, DMing a Group of this kind of size isn’t easy, but oh boy was it fun.
So of course I gave the crafty Players the Wizards, the Leader-Type Player got Kenzo (The Leader of the Group), the Player that likes Combat got the Pugilist, the Players that like Roleplaying got the Rogue and the Bard. You see where I was going with this...
Part 1: Spreading Rumours
I’m gonna just break this session down into parts, because this session was about 7 hours long and I’m tired just writing it all down...
So as the session began, Kenzo the Wood Elf Mastermind Rogue (and Leader of her own little Thieves Guild, did ya know?) decides to sows rumours in the Capitol City to lead the Guards and Mages away from the Library during the time of the Heist.
So after running through the DMG to find the Rules for it, Kenzo’s Player rolled 6d6 for the amount of Days it would take for the rumours to take hold, and rolled horribly, getting 32 and meaning that the rest of the Group now had 32 Days of Downtime to fill before the Heist.
On the bright side though, Kenzo’s Player ROCKED her Charisma Check, rolling a Natural 19.
Plus, 32 Days of Downtime means even more time to prepare, which actually turned out to be VITAL!
But while this is happening, Talon the Wizard (also known as Roland) is inscribing a Spell Scroll of Teleportation Circle to gift to Hard Hat the Tortle Necromancer (don’t ask about his Name, it’s a long story...) as part of the Heist Group’s “Escape Plan”.
I will admit, the first maybe 3 hours of the session was just talking and planning, but honestly I didn’t mind it, since this “Phase” of the Heist is the Planning Phase, so of course they’re going to talk about how they get in, how they’re gonna get out, and what precautions need to be made to stop anything horrible from happening mid-heist.
Now back to the Scroll Writing!
To scribe this Scroll of this kind should take 4 Workweeks and 5,000GP, at least according to Xanathar’s Guide.
So where did Talon get 5,000 Gold from? Well he just asked Hard Hat the Tortle to get it for him.
And as it turns out, Hard Hat does not have 5,000 Gold Pieces on his person. Actually, he has no Gold at all.
So what does he do to get the Money?
Well to get the 5,000GP to cover the Cost of making the Scroll, Hard Hat uses a combination of Enthrall, Suggestion and Charm Person to con a bunch of townsfolk into handing over a bunch of their money.
Now this definitely deserves an Alignment change from Hard Hat to Neutral Evil, at least for a while, and I’ll tell you why...
The reason I’m ruling this as a “temporary” alignment change is because the actual Player's literal justification for these acts is: “Well the ends justify the means, we're hurting people to help people...”
And his alignment was partly Neutral already, so a shift that steps him towards the Evil Side for this Section of the Adventure definitely seems appropriate after this...
I’ve actually talked about this already, and you can read that Post about how I deal with Alignment VS Player Actions right here, but let’s continue...
Part 2: The Exit Plan...
It was weird that they started making an Exit Plan before they made an Entrance Plan, which kinds told me how the Players were expecting this to go just fine...
Their Exit Plan was this: A Series of Horse Drawn Carriages, with each carriage having a pair of Thieves in it. And when they reach the outside of the City, they all meet up at a predetermined location and teleport back from the Capitol City to the Eastern City of Fostin.
They planned for the Carriages to each go in different directions, just in case...
Part 3: The Pre-Heist
And so with their Plan, which they called “Pretty Much Okay”, Talon handed off the finished Spell Scroll of Teleportation Circle to Hard Hat the Tortle and the Group made their way on the several day journey to the Capitol City.
I had the Party roll for random Encounters on the Road. The way it works for me is if the Players roll an 11 or 12 on a d12, they have an Encounter. An 11 is a Hard Encounter, and a 12 is a Deadly Encounter.
But luckily they never had an Encounter, because they rolled horribly every day of travel, great for them I guess?
And as they enter the Capitol City through the Gates, the “Official” Pre-Heist began, and the Puzzle Pieces began to fall into place.
Part 4: The Actual Plan...
The Actual Plan was to disguise themselves as Construction Workers aiding in the restoration of the Library after the recent fire that destroyed the Edhel Halls West Wing.
Mr. Moonshadow used a combination of ridiculously good charisma checks and a great disguise kit to disguise himself as “Not a Drow”...
The others used a combination of disguise kits, disguise self and a hell of a lot of illusions to get into the site.
And from there... They got to work...
First they gained a Map of the Library thanks to their undercover work as Construction Workers, then they started to talk to the Guards around the area, and through observation they learned what kind of Armour the Guards wore, what Weapons they had on them, and realised that each Guard had a specific Patrol and had Signal Whistles around their necks.
And since they were actually working 9 to 5 as Construction Workers to aid in their Undercover Work, they soon gained the trust of the actual Construction Workers that were there to rebuild the Library.
The actual Construction Workers quickly learned the (disguised) faces of the Group and thanks to a few drinks after work and a few pretty darn amazing Charisma Checks (I'm serious, I'm pretty sure Moonshadow's Player didn't roll below a 15 all night), the actual Construction Workers found them trustworthy.
Part 5: Pensive Allister is the Most Helpful NPC...
Pensive Allister (remember him?) was the NPC Team Member and a pretty darn amazing Divination Wizard.
Every day during the “Scouting” Phase, Allister would remain in one of the Carts that brought the Group to and from the Construction Site, and then used a combination of Spells that slowly blew my mind at how useful they were together.
Those Spells were Rary’s Telepathic Bond, and Arcane Eye.
Rary’s Telepathic Bond allowed Allister to communicate wordlessly through telepathy to every other Member of the Heist Team, and the best part was the Spell didn’t require concentration and lasted for a whole hour.
Combine that with Arcane Eye, and this meant that Pensive could scout out the entire building and communicate it through telepathy to the rest of the Group without even getting out of the Cart.
And every now and then, the Group would need to crack open a window or a door to let Allister’s Arcane Eye through, but through scouting, Allister and the Group discovered that the basement was full of fog and strange symbols, but eventually, through Undercover Work, the Heist Team did in fact find the walls and walls of old scrolls.
Part 6: The Heist! (Finally!)
And so the day comes, the Heist is here, and they chose rather weirdly to do it during daylight!
The Players, one by one, sneak away into the deeper parts of the Library, with a lot of them just turning invisible and walking straight from the Cart into the Basement, the others creating the cover story of them being called to oversee and aid in another construction job happening to a tavern down the street.
So now they’re in the Library’s Basement and have about 8 hours to go through the Library (which thanks to Pensive made it incredibly easily to avoid the web-filled stairways) but they still had to deal with the Fog, the Stinking Clouds, and all the Arcane Locks that filled every door and entrance.
How did they deal with it? With Magic of Course!
Sunna the Sorcerer came especially useful here, using a combination of Silence and Knock (and a few Sorcery Points) to silently open every arcane lock and door.
They deal with the Fog by literally blowing it away, which I found to be a hilariously simply solution...
The Stinking Clouds however proved to be much more difficult, and caused Sunna to cast Gust of Wind after her Gust Cantrip did diddly-squat to get rid of the giant fart clouds in the Library...
But, finally, they made it to the Wall of Scrolls, and again, thanks to Allister and his Arcane Eye, they quickly located the Spell Scroll they needed, pocketed it, and then decided to be a bit cocky...
They stayed. They had the Spell Scroll literally in-hand, but in order to make it look like they weren’t Thieves, they stayed and did their work as Construction Workers, mostly because the Group wanted to be cocky and show off, but also to keep up the facade of actually doing Construction...
Part 7: The Getaway
And so as the evening came, the three carts they hired arrived at the site, and to everyone except the Party themselves, it appeared as though the Workers from out of town were just getting a cart back home, with those that snuck in invisibly having to roll Stealth Checks, which again, they succeeded because of course they did at this point...
So each Cart drives down a different street, and as soon as they reach the outskirts the city, Joey the Bard casts Sending to Hard Hat and tells him he has 10 Minutes to start inscribing his teleportation circle using the Spell Scroll Roland had given him almost two months ago at this point...
And then the group executes their Real Exit Plan, with everyone using Dimension Door (which is why they saved their Spell Slots!) to teleport just outside the forests near the Capitol.
Joey then casts Leomund's Tiny Hut with everyone standing inside and Sunna and Joey both up-cast Invisibility to hide the Group while Roland the Wizard begins inscribing his Teleportation Circle inside the Tiny Hut.
And so, with the entire Group Invisible and standing within the camoflaged Tiny Hut and standing on the Teleportation Circle, the Group teleports from their Teleportation Circle to the one Hard Hat had just inscribed in Fostin, and they return with the Spell Scroll of Sequester in hand.  
Part 8?: Where Are The Other Two?
Meanwhile, the other two, Hard Hat the Tortle Wizard and his Human Druid Friend Nemo are chilling in their Tavern until Hard Hat hears Joey’s Sending message giving him the 10 Minute Warning to get somewhere private and start casting the Teleportation Circle.
So naturally, rather than sneak away somewhere private, Hard Hat casts Phantom Steed, jumps upon his ghostly horse, and gallops out from his bedroom, on a magical horse, down the stairs, out of the tavern and out into the wilderness near Fostin.
Nemorith (Nemo for short) realises what the heck is happening, turns into a Panther, and also runs out of the tavern...
Weird day for the Barkeep, am I right?
So they get out into the wilderness, Hard Hat uses his Scroll, and with a bright flash of blue light, the group appears standing within the circle, Stolen Spell Scroll in hand...
Part 9: My Thoughts
First off: Fate was on their side. No one rolled less than maybe a 10 all night.
Second: They planned way more than I thought they would. I expected them to overthink it but still be unprepared.
This was the first time I had ever run a Heist as anything more than “Sneak In, Kill Guys, Get the Thing, Get Out.”
So running a whole 6+ Hours of a Heist was definitely jumping into the Panic Zone, but honestly, I maybe said a couple of pages of text, and the rest was the Players roleplaying through their Planning, Scouting, and the actual Heist.
Overall... I kinda loved it. And I wouldn’t mind doing it again sometime....
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pangtasias-atelier · 5 years
I feel like a lot of the characters I know you’ve already written about at this point. Can you think of any FE characters you don’t believe you’ve written about yet?
Well, I don't know which F/E games you're specifically talking about, but I probably have written about most of the 3H & Fates men. With Awakening being pretty close. Plus Valentia's smaller cast
But for the other games, here's a list of men I remembered and that I haven't written a single story for. (At least where they're fat) this list is by no means conclusive
Three Houses
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mastermatoyas · 5 years
I finished Chapter 5 of FE4! Aideen ended up being the absolute MVP because she just put Reptor to sleep, letting me just do whatever I wanted for the rest of that map. I realise now that I probably could have had Lachesis Silence him and that would have been just as effective and a lot less expensive, but eh, whatever.
For some reason I decided it was worth my time to use Lombard for some level grinding, so everyone ended up promoted. I didn’t get everyone to Level 30, though, because Lachesis still had the Elite ring and honestly after spending a zillion levels trying to make Dew and Ardan sort of good I just could not be arsed.
Anyway! Roll call under the cut, in honour of those I’m about to lose!
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Sigurd is Sigurd, not much to say about him except that he’s obviously amazing. I don’t think I ended up getting 50 kills on the Silver Sword. He’s also a bit underlevelled, because I didn’t want to use him as too much of a crutch in the early game.
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These two... are just not very good at all. Noish in particular really fell behind due to his lack of Pursuit. I gave them some better situational weapons to help out (Armourslayer and Horseslayer respectively), but it didn’t help that much. They’re not married anyway, so it doesn’t really matter.
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Promoting Ardan was a complete waste of time but I did it anyway. That’s all I have to say. Thanks for the Pursuit Ring, my sweet boy. I wish I could just let you retire to a farm somewhere, because you were not cut out for the soldier’s life at all.
Still did a great job holding the castle, though.
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I paired Aideen with Jamke, so Midayle didn’t really get that much attention from me. He still turned out useful, though, especially with all the fliers in Chapter 4. I gave him the Killer Bow for a while.
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OKAY so I had to go back to an earlier save state because I forgot to give Lewyn Holsety, but he has it now so Ced is going to be an absolute monster. I’m honestly not sure if it’s possible for Lewyn to be a bad unit. He hit the level cap, so I didn’t use him much in the final chapter.
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Luna is a good skill. To be honest, Holyn isn’t that interesting to me as a character or as a unit, so that’s all I have to say about him. He’s gonna pass the Thunder and Defence swords down to Patty, which is good for her. Getting him the Thunder sword was a pain in the butt, because for some reason I decided I didn’t want to buy it, so he had to kill the guy who had it and he had like a 40% hit rate.
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Azelle! <3 <3 <3
Objectively I guess he’s not as good as Lewyn, but he has a horse and he’s a good boy who I love with all my heart. He’s married to Tailtyu, so Arthur’s gonna get a Magic Ring, which is pretty cool. I invested a lot in level grinding him in the prologue, so he wouldn’t fall behind later on. He also had the Speed Ring for a while.
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Jamka’s just really good. Like I know he’s a sniper and they’re not supposed to be that good, but every time I wanted him to kill something, he did it. And his son will have a horse, so his one weakness is going to be erased in the next generation.
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Claude’s main purpose was just to use Reserve any time I thought I might be in trouble, and he did an excellent job of it. I also gave the Return staff to him for a while for extra utility (and levels), but he’s married to Sylvia so I sold it off to Lachesis. I should maybe have also sold the Reserve staff to her or Aideen, but to be honest the two of them both have just... so much *stuff* in their inventories, that I figured they could live without it. I may regret this later.
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I sold all of Beowulf’s stuff because I forgot Lex can’t buy swords. That’s all I have to say about this guy. He turned out okay, though.
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Lex rammed into the level cap at 100 mph. He is a god among men. He really doesn’t need the Shield ring, but I figure Ulster might like it, so I let him keep it. Also it made him basically invincible to everything exxcept magic. He’s keeping his axes so I can sell them off to Johan/Johalva (haven’t decided yet) asap.
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Dew had the Defence Sword for a while, which helped him out a lot and is the reason I decided in the end to give it to Patty. It’s nice to have a slightly durable thief, which Dew was not for a long time.
Anyway, he did his job, which was mostly visiting villages and ferrying money to people. I’m kind of hoping Patty might be a little bit less tissue-paper-like, so that I can have her actually steal some things maybe.
(He did steal a lot in the first chapter, because you can park him on the village and he basically becomes invincible).
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Training Lachesis was a pain, especially since I was trying to promote Finn and have the two of them hook up at the same time. But boy was it worth it. Master Knight is just so goddamn good. I mostly used her for her staff rank later on, since Ethlyn and Deirdre were both gone.
I also really like Lachesis as a character, so I’m glad she turned out well.
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Ayra is one of my other godlike characters. She and Lex were the ultimate power couple. Once she got the Hero sword, there wasn’t anything that could get in her way. She ended up getting the final hit on Reptor, too.
She’s got so many swords because I’m planning to have Larcei sell some to Ulster. Really, though, the Hero Sword is all she needs, and hopefully Larcei will end up the same way.
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Pegasus Knights. They’re just good. Hoping Fee will like that Wind Sword.
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I love Tailtyu so much even though she’s kind of a pain to level up. She has the Thief Sword because I don’t really know what else to do with it.
Knowing what’s going to happen to Tailtyu is probably one of the most painful things about finishing this chapter.
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Sylvia has absolutely everything she needs to make Lene perfect. Her stats are terrible but that doesn’t matter, because she’s a dancer with a Knight ring and a Leg ring. I know some people say to give the Leg ring to Seliph to start with, but oh well.
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All hail! The MVP of the final chapter! Look at her staves! The utility! She also still has the Sleep Staff but it’s in storage! With both the Warp staff and the Return ring, getting people promoted has never been easier (or will never be easier, when Lana inherits those things).
Her low movement is kind of a pain, but Aideen’s just so goddamn useful no matter what. I love staves in FE4 - being able to repair them has made me a lot less hesitant to use the ones with cool effects, even though I do still have to worry about money a bit.
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And finally, Brigid! She’s good! She has the Ichival but I never used it, so I never really found out what she’s capable of. Sorry Brigid, but you’re kind of being overshadowed by your twin sister right now in my heart.
Not pictured: Cuan (Lv 17), Ethlyn (lv 27!!!!), and Finn (promoted, but I forget what level he was at).
And that’s it! I’ve spent five chapters with these characters, so I’m really sad to see them go. It’s funny, when you spend so much time trying to keep them alive on the battlefield, knowing that in the end it’s going to be all for nothing.
Or, well, not all for nothing. But I’m still going to lose them after all this time, and that’s hard.
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We turn to face Aida, as the doors of destiny swing open...
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windmagicuser · 6 years
I bet on Quan/Lewyn/Master Knight Lachesis for the new focus.
OTOH if there’s just the Jamka GHB without a FE4 1st gen focus... well I wouldn’t get it?
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raducotarcea · 8 months
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