#jancy sucks
share-the-damn-bed · 9 days
theyre very jack and rose core
I mean....
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This is a direct reference, right? Like, inarguably?
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im-merobiba · 2 months
y'all ever make up scenarios about your blorbos to help you sleep? me neither. anyway here's my headcanons for if the main drawtectives cast played minecraft
york would be a really good builder. you'd think he'd be about the combat but he doesn't like that he can't use his bare hands very well so he prefers to make grand intricate structures. he's pretty decent at the other aspects of the game, but he cannot understand redstone and farms for shit. he lets the others handle that.
grendan collects everything she finds, especially animals, and it gathers most of the resources. ze also used to make farms for them all to use but once they started playing with eugene they handed their title over to him. he has one of those texture packs that makes everything pastel and cutesy.
rosé is the most into the combat side of the game, and her priority is often to secure a powerful sword and/or bow. however, she also loves picking flowers and using them to help decorate the houses york builds. overall she's probably the best at the game.
eugene is not very good at the game, but he enjoys it anyway because he loves spending time with his found family. he's found he's very good at redstone, so that's his main job.
jancy insists she doesn't like minecraft, but when everyone else is sleeping she secretly logs on and grinds out extra resources and gifts for her kids. she helped them fight the dragon once and basically soloed it.
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jonathanbyersphd · 1 month
This is gonna be Jancy in the back of the bmw
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yourelosingains · 2 years
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-    jancy photos from season four how you’ll always be loved.
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emily-mooon · 1 year
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Jancy Weekend Day Three: Future or AU
Since I have started to reread the Miss Peregrine series (more like reread the first three books, read the rest of the fourth book, and then read the last two), I came up with an au last night for Stranger Things and I thought why not make little doodles of Jancy in this au for day three of Jancy weekend?
Since I’m assuming most of you have never read the books, I’ll quickly explain some important things under the cut (I encourage everyone to read it).
-Peculiarities are the powers in this books universe. They can appear at any point in a persons life and can vary from being invisible to having bees living inside you with added ability of controlling them. Even though they can appear randomly, it does not mean everybody has them. Technically you are born with them but it does not mean you’ll come into the world floating (that happened to one character).
-Ymbyrnes are another type of peculiar that is in charge. The reason why is because they can create loops, the hiding places of peculiars. They are always women and can transform into birds.
- As I mentioned briefly, loops are the hiding places of peculiars. They are time loops and can be set in anytime period on any day and can be placed anywhere. The reason why peculiars hide in them is from hollowgasts, the monsters of this universe that hunt peculiars (though in the second book they evolve and gain the ability to enter them).
Now that I have explained some details about the universe, I’ll quickly explain small details of this au.
- I imagine that Nancy is an ymbryne in training and the bird that she transforms into is a bluebird (yes Nancy is the bird sitting on Jonathan’s fingers). I’m still deciding on what Jonathan’s would be. I’m thinking either whatever Jake, the protagonist of the book series, has or the ability to see ghosts.
- The loop that Nancy lives in is in the 1930s, the reasoning from whoever will be the ymbryne in charge of it is that everyone is too busy thinking about the depression so no one will notice that there is an invisible child walking around. The outfits in the third sketch is what they wear in the loop (because who wears modern clothes in a time period where the style does not exist?)
That’s all I’ll share for right now. I’m thinking about making a ton of mood boards for the other parings at some point. I may or may not write it but since I have not read all of the books and only finished the first three and read about half of the fourth book, it would be at some point in the future.
Also if there is someone who has read all of the books here and would like to add information I missed in the comments or in a reblog, go on ahead.
Hope you all had a good weekend!
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bylertruth3r · 1 year
the show started with Nancy dating Steve and then she started having relationship problems with him (cuz she was in love with Jonathan) and s1 ended with her getting back together with him and in s2 she started dating Jonathan plus Byler has many parallels with Jancy and mleven has some parallels with stncy idk how y’all can't see that plus almost every couple in the show has been in a love triangle with someone else: Dustin, Lucas and Max. both Lucas and Dustin had a crush on her (but Dustin got over it and it was never mentioned again and they even gave him a gf in s3) and Lucas started dating Max. Steve, Jonathan and Nancy. Nancy dated Steve but she was unhappy cuz she was in love with Jonathan, Bob, Hopper and Joyce. Joyce dated Bob and you could tell Hopper was jealous about it cuz he was in love with her and in s4 Joyce started dating Hopper. notice how they all ended up with the second person? and guess what
 gf, Byers             bf(?), Byers               bf, Byers
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oh and L*nnie and Hopper were in a love triangle with Joyce and she married L*nnie but now she’s with Hopper 
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Based on this. I know I'm supposed to be working on my WIP but this just wouldn't leave me alone.
They met in Heaven. Steve was barely even old enough to be there, wide-eyed and in awe, like every baby gay that walked into the most prominent gay bar in England.
Eddie remembered the feeling well, it had only been a few years since he'd stood there for the first time himself but from his spot on the dance floor he could see the vultures circling. And just like looking like a tourist in the middle of Trafalgar Square, it's easy to end up in a bad situation if you're on your own and don't have a good poker face.
Eddie’s first time he'd been with Chrissy, his childhood best friend and given his mum insisted she move in with them after her dad had gone berserk when he'd caught her snogging Jessie, he supposed that also made her his sister. That's just how she was, his mum, just so full of love and kindness and generosity and for someone who'd been through all she had, it always amazed Eddie. His dad was AWOL, never even spoke to Uncle Wayne, they suspected he was in prison given the amount of time he'd been gone. Not that Eddie cared, his mum was his hero, hardworking, endlessly compassionate, staunch and all in all just out-of-this-world.
And between his mum and Wayne and Scott, Eddie and Chrissy had all the parents they were ever going to need. His uncles only lived two doors down, so the five of them ate dinner together most days, they were an amazing support for all of them, had been throughout Eddie's life. He knew how incredibly lucky he was to have them, hell he knew just how blessed he was just to have a family that accepted him. But the three of them loved so unconditionally, they made amazing role models, not just to him and Chrissy but to Scott's students too, the couple just wanted kids to grow up in a different world to the one they grew up in. 
So Eddie couldn't in all good conscious just stand there and let this little baby bird get swallowed up. He didn't even wait for the song to end, completely forgetting his dance partner Jack or James or whatever, he just dashed over all overly friendly, "Hey! Where've you been? We thought you weren't coming!" He was shouting absurdly loud but it did the trick, prying eyes slinking back into the shadows. 
Steve was initially confused but Eddie used the excuse of a friendly hug to tell him he was attracting all the wrong kinds of attention. In fact, Eddie's pretty sure he told him he was "far too pretty to stand in the middle of a gay bar gawping like a newbie" but it didn't matter, Steve had just been grateful to be rescued. 
He'd only just arrived in London, he didn't even know anyone in the city but he just couldn't sleep until he'd at least tried being in the club, Eddie didn't need to be a mind reader to see Steve had found whatever he was looking for. 
Eddie knew how important it was to have a community, especially for someone new to not only the city but to themselves (he'd always had Chrissy, she'd been by his side through all of it, just as he'd done for her, he wouldn't be him without her) so he'd taken Steve to meet Chrissy and Gareth and Jeff. 
They'd all hit it off immediately, Steve was a sweet little angel with a razorsharp tongue, what wasn't to like! The five of them were fast friends who spent every spare minute hanging out together, quickly becoming a group of six when Steve rescued Robin after she'd walked into Heaven doing the very same thing Steve had. And those two were insane, it was like they'd been separated at birth, Eddie was surprised to find out they didn't share actual brain cells.  
And god they were all just so close! They barely left each other's sight those first few years, they got jobs together, flats together, had dinner parties and sleepovers, went for coffee and on shopping sprees, Steve and Chrissy even went jogging together in the park when they weren’t too hungover from a night on the lash, they were settled in their domestic little London life. Looking back, the years spent in their tiny shitty flat was when Eddie was happiest, just the six of them, skint and hungover but full of life and completely content.
The girls were the first to fall in love, Eddie was unsurprised, he knew full well it'd been love at first sight for Chrissy, and from Steve's drunken ramblings (which was the only time he'd spill Robin's secrets) Eddie was pretty sure the same could be said for Robin. Jeff and Gare had been fuckbuddies for years but they finally got together after Jeff's particularly nasty breakup with Danny. Jesus H Christ! Gare had hated him! Basically from the moment he'd met the guy, it was speculation amongst the others as to whether it was a problem with Dan or a problem with someone else shagging Jeff. Things came to an explosive end when Dan cheated on Jeff, in the club bathroom of all places! Gare was about ready to take Dan outside, probably would've if Steve hadn't got involved until Jeff calmed him down enough to convince Gare to take him home instead. 
Eddie had fallen so gradually for Steve he hadn't really even noticed it was happening until they were in Heaven one night and the light caught Steve just at the right angle as he was dancing and the realisation just plonked itself down in Eddie's head and heart, like oh! Oh fuck, I'm in love with him. Not that Eddie ever told him that, of course, Steve had come back to Eddie sweaty and panting and Eddie for the first time in his life, he'd been completely speechless. Then Steve had kissed him playfully on the cheek as an excuse to steal his wallet and all Eddie could do was laugh as he disappeared into the crowd to buy another round.
And it was all going amazing until, just as Eddie was bucking up the courage to tell Steve that he was kinda sorta maybe in love with him, everyone's career started to take off.
A random audition landed Steve a place in a boyband, where godforbid anyone is openly queer, the girls started a tour, and a summer anthem flung him, Jeff and Gare into the stratosphere overnight. And it was fine, love confessions could wait, they had time, Steve's contract was only for two years and who knew how long their popularity would last, they could be a one-hit wonder for all he knew. So those first few years, the six of them just focused on the music and making sure not to party too hard. They all really thought they’d done it, they’d made it big and they were happy, but it didn't take long for the cracks to start showing and then quick as a flash everything started to crumble. 
Both he and Steve ended up solo acts, the boyband eventually running out of steam and his band ending when Jeff and Gareth imploded somewhere over the North Atlantic.
Not that it took long until they were back to being the best of mates though, with that much history you either part ways for life or you wiggle through the awkward stage and be the best friends you've always been. That's how Jeff described it anyway and given they both eventually met other people, and Gare's godfather to Jeff's little one (who's two going on eighty, Robin keeps calling them an old soul, he's never quite sure whether she means it literally or figuratively) Eddie's inclined to believe him.
Chrissy and Robin were the only two who actually managed to stay together, both musically and romantically; they're set to get married soon, he's happy for them, he is! And he's excited to walk Chris down the aisle, doesn't mean he also can't be a little jealous.
Because he and Steve, they're still acting like teenagers! Sneaking around, texting constantly, seeing each other whenever they can get five minutes on the same continent, and as much as Eddie still feels blissed out from their whole week together on an equatorial island in the middle of nowhere, being a teenager is only fun for so long.
Musically, it's going great! It is! He's producing bigger and better than ever, which'll happen when you're completely free of creative restrictions, and it's great, but sometimes there's such a thing as too much freedom and no-one's there to rein him in or talk some sense into him when he needs it.
Steve's also enjoying his solo career, he's bigger than ever, freer, his fans adore him, the general populous prefer his music now it's just him and none of them are surprised by how huge he's become, it's rare that someone so beautiful is also an absolute fucking gem as well as a creative genius.
So it's all going great! And Eddie looks forward to every second he gets to spend in Steve's arms, whether it's hours or days hauled up in a hotel room together (or on the luckier times, at home together). Because honestly there's no place he's happier than with his Sweetheart but he knows they can't have anything more, they can only ever have hidden moments and undeclared feelings, and it's kinda starting to feel like it's killing him because every time either of them leave, Eddie's leaving a little bit more of his heart with Steve.
And he isn't sure there's much left to give.
But the group are all still best mates, so he can't talk to any of them about it, can't talk to his manager because she's practically married to the guy who just also happens to be Steve's manager, can't talk to his therapist because they just come out with dumb comments like "why don't you just tell him how you feel?", can't even call home about it because they just want him to get down on one knee and propose and he can't tell anyone outside his immediate circle about how he's feeling because what if it gets out?
So he just does what he always has, he channels all these feelings into a cover of a song he hasn't been able to stop listening to since he first heard it because it's speaking to him and this is the only way to make it stop.
And when he steps off stage after its debut and he's met with nothing but a whole twenty-four hours of radio silence, it starts to make him nervous, then it makes him jittery and then it just makes him sad.
So he's alone in his hotel room, like he often is these days. The only thing he had planned for the evening was waiting for the videos to start pouring in from Steve's concert because his fans are wild in the very best way. And he can't blame them; he often feels the same way when he sees Steve perform and something about seeing the videos settles something in his feral goblin brain. 
He's just laying in bed, channel flipping, eating Doritos and generally feeling sorry for himself when Nancy (his manager) calls, tells him to get dressed now! Chrissy has tickets for a thing, which should've been a massive tip off because one, why wouldn't Chris just call herself? And two, why is Nancy, Queen of planning every last detail down to the milliseconds, being so damn vague? But the silence has him all off kilter so he just does as he's told on autopilot.
He's dressed and in a limo and outside the stadium Steve has sold out before he even has time to register what's happening. And the whole group are there and they all have VIP tickets and yet they've barely said two words to him.
Eddie wants to ask what the fuck is going on but he daren't, he's a strong believer in not asking questions you don't want the answers to and he feels like he really won't want the answer whether it's a good or bad one so he just follows quietly while they chat about the terrible two's and trying to deal with stroppy wedding planners.
Eventually, they get situated and then the concert starts and for the first few minutes, Eddie stays shell-shocked in his seat but Steve's voice wraps around him like silk, like it always does, and before he knows it they're all on their feet, dancing and singing along, having a whale of a time, it almost feels like everything's back to normal but then there's a costume change.
Steve comes out in his full Danny Zuko outfit that he'd worn that very first Halloween all those years ago, and of course he still looks as good now as he had then. Dare Eddie say he might even look a little better now that he's grown into all of his features, now he's a little more muscular and he's got the swagger of a man comfortable with himself and the way he looks. 
Everyone's going mental, his fans, the group, Jeff recognises the outfit first and starts ragging on Eddie, with full mimicry and big eyes "but Jeff didn't you see him, he's just so sexy!" making Eddie sound like the chick from Aqua. They'd all been hammered that night, Eddie's surprised he even remembers, can't deny it though, Steve had looked sexy, still does. Eddie'd take Steve over John Travolta any day of the week, but honestly he's kinda glad for the teasing, that's just Jeff's way of showing love and a bit of normality feels nice.
Especially because as he watches Steve strutting around the stage, chatting with fans and waiting for the screaming to die down, Eddie finds he's actually trembling. Then Steve speaks, settling thousands of people by just putting the microphone against his lips, like he's got them all under a spell and god it's so alluring Eddie's starting to feel a little hot under the collar. 
And then his words float across the stadium, "A special song, for the very special someone in my life. There seems to have been some miscommunication between us, so I'm hoping this'll make things clearer," he tells the crowd, turning his attention to the VIP seating, searching for him until their eyes meet, smiling the smile Steve only ever seems to have for him and Eddie just melts.
He recognises the song immediately, of course he does, he knows it inside and out, knows it in his very bones because they've watched this movie together a thousand times, in a thousand cities, howling along or turning the characters into muppets or impersonating other celebrities because what if so and so had played…? because when they're together they can just be themselves, they can laugh and be silly like they used to when they were younger but to Eddie it never matters how he's singing, Steve always sounds beautiful even when he's purposefully trying to sound terrible.
But right now he's just Steve singing a song to Eddie, for Eddie, completely from the heart, in front of thousands of people, in front of the whole world and Eddie can't breathe.
Because how stupid could he be? How could he have got it so wrong? His Steve, his beloved Stevie, his Sweetheart. The years they've spent together! And yeah, in the beginning, they'd both been with other people, but it never lasted because really for both of them, it's only ever been the other one, probably from that very first moment, so eventually they just stopped trying, stopped involving other people and were just them whenever they could find the time to be together. 
And yeah they never actually discussed being together and that clearly wasn't the smartest thing to do because that seems to be what's tripped them up because in private they're a couple in every way that matters. He's Steve's, it's just a fact of life. He thought Steve knew that!
Their family know that! They don't even have separate families, for god's sake, they might all have different surnames but whoever calls it's always "And how's Steve?" or "How's our boy?" like he's an extension of Eddie, like they're EddieandSteve. Even some of their fans have cottoned on, creating their own little subgroup, with cutesy names and "evidence" of the length and depth of their relationship.
It's only by the grace of god and Nancy and Jon's (Steve's manager) careful planning and scheming that means they've made it this long without the press finding out, he and Steve rolling around in bed laughing, the night after they've walked down a red carpet together, even having the audacity to hold hands sometimes and just howling at how clueless the tabloids are, because they've only ever been seen as bachelors, bros supporting one another and as Robin has pointed out on many occasion, it's ridiculous that so few people have spotted the ridiculously besotted, gooey eyes Eddie always has for Steve.
So they know they're not single but somehow they've both got their wires crossed because he somehow thought he was someone to keep Steve's bed warm and Steve has given him his heart and assumes Eddie doesn't want him! And how after all this time have they managed to get it so wrong?
The song ends and Eddie just flops into his seat and sits in wonderment, not really hearing and only seeing the tunnel vision of Steve doing his thing, just trying desperately to understand how he missed the signs that Steve loves him and how the hell he's going to untangle the mess he's made. 
But before he knows it the concert ends and he's no closer to an answer and he's so far up in his head Eddie doesn't remember much else, just flashes of moments. Chris' encouraging smile, Robin's curled lip, Gare's arm around him, being backstage, his phone vibrating in his pocket, knocking on the dressing room door.
Then it's all Steve, his tentative smile, the shine in his eyes, his hair still wet from the shower dripping onto his t-shirt making glistening trails down his neck. His damp collar, his arms around Eddie, the sandalwood of his products, peppermint toothpaste and that underlying something that's just Steve.
Quiet, hesitant greetings in the silence, Eddie just opening his mouth and letting it all out, everything he's been holding in for so long, apologies and admissions and declarations, finally ready for the chips to just fall where they may, and he knows he's rambling, can tell by the endeared look on Steve's face, by the way he runs his thumb over Eddie's bottom lip knowing full well it'll stop his blathering in its tracks.
Using the opportunity to lean in, bumping their noses together, knowing Eddie will close the gap, will chase his lips with his own, will be thoroughly distracted from his thoughts as his whole world becomes Steve, Steve, Steve. 
Eventually they come up for air, Eddie sitting in Steve's lap, content to rest their foreheads together, just feeling each other close and breathing the same air. Eddie, unable to stop playing with the still damp hair at the nape of Steve's neck, can't quite manage to wipe the stupid, lovesick grin off his face. 
It takes a moment to register what he's doing as Steve wiggles Eddie's continuously vibrating phone out of his pocket, it had been ringing for so long Eddie hadn't even really noticed it but no doubt it's driving Steve crazy. Steve hates phones, he makes them all put them in a bowl when they hang out together, only Jon is allowed anything to hide behind but that's because he and his DSLR are inseparable. 
It's his mum calling, Steve answers and she actually squeals! She loves Steve so much, she has from the moment they met, she treats him like he's her son and honestly if he didn't know that that's just the way she was he'd probably be a bit jealous, especially when he's only ever home for such short periods of time and her and Wayne sit around the breakfast table gushing over Steve's latest whatever, it drives him a little crazy.
Steve had barely been gone an hour the first time Eddie took him home for the weekend before they both started practically begging Eddie to marry him, they've only become more insistant since Chris and Robin's announcement, luckily Uncle Scott always has his back, rescues him from their tinkering with a "leave the boy alone, he'll ask him when he's ready" which is only somewhat helpful.
"So it's true?" she wants to know, Steve kisses Eddie's cheek, hums an affirmative and she screams so much Steve drops the phone onto the couch with a laugh, it goes on and on, like she's won the bloody lottery, the noise coming through the phone only interrupted by Charlie barking, confirming Eddie's suspicion that she's at Wayne and Scott's. Because he loves his family but they're abysmal when it comes to technology and thank god for Uncle Scott because he's the only one who can handle anything more complex than a TV remote.
And it hits him like a freight train because that means this whole thing was planned, and of course it was, he doesn't know why he's only just realising that, but it means that Steve heard him, that he saw and he heard and that this was his response.
It explains why Robin was so pissed, explains why no-one had anything to say because the whole group probably wanted to bang their heads together because what the fuck after all this time, how were they still not understanding each other?
And Eddie can't quite believe his luck, because they've had this massive communication hiccup but Steve just declared his devotion to him anyway, not only in front of his thousands of screaming, adoring fans but in front of the people who matter the most, because yeah the public finding out had been a sticking point once upon a time but none of that had ever really mattered.
Steve declaring his love to him in front of their loved ones though, even after Eddie's massive fuck up, even after he managed to get so stuck in his own head, even after he let that song corrupt what he knew in his heart, he just couldn't quite believe it. Steve's just…
Jesus H Christ!
He's everything!
"Marry me," Eddie blurts and Steve looks surprised for all of two seconds before he's nodding a watery kiss against Eddie's lips.
His mum starts screaming again, "He said yes, right? Eds! Eddie! Answer me!" Then there's the sound of the phone being handed to someone else, it's Wayne, "Eddie! Boy, answer your mother before she deafens us all!"
Eddie breaks away from Steve just enough to grumble "He said yes!" into the phone before turning the damn thing off. They’ve had enough distractions, enough time apart. For now, he just wants five minutes with his fiancé in his arms, before she calls Chrissy and the maniacs come piling in.
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ronancecats · 28 days
Sorry about the aggressive stancies who showed up in your comments when the post was tagged jancy. There's a reason why they fandom despises them.
If you're having jancy doubts remember that Matt Duffer had jancy fanart in his Pinterest and zero stancy.
Oh I don't care about them, they're just embarrassing themselves even more lol 😭
They definitely suck though and are the reason the media literacy in this fandom is so low.
And yeah, I completely forgot about those Pinterest boards but that just makes everything BETTER
I can't wait to see all of them having tantrums and switching up when Jancy/ single Nancy is endgame MWAHHAHAHAHAHA
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infestedguest · 1 year
“I love stoncy!”
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“But only when Steve and Nancy are dating Jonathan separately and aren’t dating each other”
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What’s this I hear about spoilers that essentially kill Stancy? Even though it’s something I assumed would be the case bc the final shot of Steve looking stupid and dejected and Jancy holding hands confirmed it for me lol
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ashyblondwaves · 1 year
the ily prompt - #39 with jancy
Prompt: “Don't cry." Pairing: Jonathan Byers/Nancy Wheeler Rating: T Word Count: 408
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With their forehead's pressed together, Jonathan's arm rose up, cupping Nancy's cheek as he tearfully looked at her face.
"Dont' cry."
"Why not? You are," Nancy said with a sniff.
Jonathan let out a mirthless laugh.
"You go me there," he said, moving his thumb is slow circles at the apple of Nancy's cheek. "Winter Break."
"Spring Break," Nancy volleyed.
"Summer Break," Jonathan added with a sad smile. "Then College."
"We'll get through this," Nancy declared bravely.
"We'll get through this."
Jonathan's other arm moved up, grabbing Nancy's face and bringing his lips to her's in a slow, desperate kiss. He was determined to remember everything about Nancy Wheeler's kisses. The way she always hungrily kissed him back, the sharp intake of breath when their lips met. The warmth and smoothness of her lips and the taste of the strawberry chapstick she always wore. He pulled away and watched as fat tears slipped down her cheeks.
"We'll write," Nancy reminded him with a hiccup.
"And call."
"It's only a year."
"A lot can happen in a year."
"Shhh," Nancy cooed, reaching up to brush her fingers across Jonathan's lips. "We'll get through this," she said again.
Jonathan nodded, hands shaking against Nancy's cheeks.
"Jonathan!" Joyce called out. "Time to go!"
With a sign, they broke apart, stepped backward and creating a hole that would only grow wider the further away Jonathan went.
"Gotta go."
Nancy's tears only came faster, dripping off the end of her nose and soaking her cheeks as Jonathan reluctantly walked to his car. Nancy followed him, standing back as he opened the driver's side door and slipped in behind the wheel.
"Call me as soon as you find a phone," she said. "No matter the time."
"I will."
"Be good to El," Nancy added. "She needs you."
Jonathan nodded and started the car; Nancy's cries turned to sobs as Will made his way to the passenger side of Jonathan's car and got in, his own tears coming in heaving waves.
Slowly, as if it'd buy them more time, Jonathan backed out of the driveway, his silent sobs drowned out by Will's weeping. He kept his eyes on Nancy the entire way to the street and as he kicked the car in drive and started to pull away, he watched her in his mirrors getting smaller and smaller with each yard put between them.
Those yards turned to miles and soon, she was gone.
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imhyperfixatingrn · 2 years
An essay abt Nancy Wheelers lesbianism:
Nancy was sure she had liked Steve Harrington. She had never loved him like she should have, like she pretended she had. When she had closed her eyes in the night, in Steve's arms, unable to sleep. She had felt the boy's hand rubbing her shoulder tenderly as he drifted into sleep. She had sighed shakely, knowing that Steve was head over heels for her, and that she was far from his level of feelings. Knowing he was in love made her feel weirdly uncomfortable and pressured.
So she said it was bullshit. She couldn't love him, she wanted to, but she couldn't.
She had liked him though. At some point she felt comfortable and happy around him, and she hadn't liked people before, so yes, she probably did like Steve, liked his jokes, liked his charisma, liked that he took care of her. And she felt bad for thinking it but, she liked the unconditional affection, liked the attention and the way other girls envied her.
So... Maybe she didn't like Steve after all.
But then Jonathan came along and Jonathan was fully different.
With him, she felt safe, she felt content. Their relationship was like an anchor. And truly, Jonathan was her best friend before he was her boyfriend, so he was still a friend, a confident, someone she could be herself with.
And it was something that she was looking for in a relationship, the authenticity, the comfort, all of that.
So for a while her relationship with Jonathan was perfect, she found herself loving someone for the first time, and it was good, it was everything she needed.
The only problem being: the way she felt about Jonathan got more abstract and distant the more they were far away, and maybe she realized that her feelings for Jonatahn were... platonic feelings.
Jonathan was the best. The best friend she ever had. But... maybe not best as her boyfriend. And she felt really bad about it. Because she loved Jonathan. Just not romantically.
So. The two relationships she ever had were false. She was back to square one.
Before Steve started showing interest in her, she had never found any interest in a guy. All the girls around her were having crushes, getting boyfriends, thinking about kissing the popular boys. And the idea wasn't enticing whatsoever. So she didn't force it, just focused on friendships and classes. Her mom told her she was probably a late bloomer and eventually she'd find the right man for her. She didn't feel too impatient about it.
The only person not pressing her about boyfriends was Barb, her bestest friend since 6th grade. Barb was an angel to her and when Nancy opened up to her about not liking any boys yet, Barb smiled and said:
"Boys come and go, Nance, you don't have to focus on them, you're your own person, not just an extension of some boyfriend. And um, we can just not like boys together. I'm not interested either."
Nancy smiled wide when she heard that, she felt all warm and giddy. Barb didn't pull some speech about being a 'late bloomer' or the 'meeting the right guy'. She just... Validated Nancy, told her feeling like that was okay, that Barb felt that way too.
So Nancy thought back about that, after telling Jonathan she didn't want to date anymore –and Jonathan admitted he felt the same way and they were both relieved–. She thought about Barbs words, that she didn't have to focus on boys. And Nancy actually adopted that way of thinking for a few days, she was just going to lay off dating for a while.
But then.
Steve introduced her properly to Fucking Robin Buckley.
And Nancy knew she had found girls pretty before, of course she had, everyone thought girls were pretty. But that was a whole other level.
When she was at the library with Robin, she couldn't help herself but to look at the girl. Like, look at her, all the time. Robin just had these piercing blue eyes, that porcelain skin covered in freckles, her dirty blond locks framing her soft face these pouty pink lips –Nancy could tell she wasn't wearing any lipstick, yet her lips were the most perfect color she had ever seen, it was now her favorite color–, even Robin's nose was the most adorable looking nose that Nancy had ever looked upon.
God, she was absolutely gone for Robin.
The way she felt about Robin was so new and exciting, she had never felt this way about anyone, about any boy. It all clicked in at once, one long overwhelming second where she thought about everytime she had looked at a woman's soft skin and round curves, the way she had never thought about a man's hard muscles and straight edges.
Nancy Wheeler was a lesbian.
It was a hell of a revelation but Nancy found herself being more relieved than scared. She was more worried about her massive crush –obsession– on Robin Buckley.
When they settled in after all the Upside-down events, she wanted to talk to Jonathan. Jonathan who never said anything about himself, but who had gone on hour long rents to Nancy about how brave David Bowie was for being open on his bisexuality, how he loved the idea of California because they were more socially advanced, because they were less bigoted.
"Jon... I– do you know Robin?"
Jonathan looked confused but curious. "Buckley? Yeah I've met her before, a bit odd but nice, really nice."
And he was right, god, Nancy might cry. Robin wasn't just an awfully pretty face, wearing the prettiest outfits on earth, she was also the kindest, funniest, best person ever, and Nancy thought she might already be in love and that was a scary thought.
"Yes she is. Well, I might have a huge crush on her." Nancy just blurted it out before she could backtrack.
Jonathan looked very surprised but he smiled at her. "Well... I have to say you have way better taste in girls than you do with guys."
They both laughed at that and Nancy accepted her sexuality even more, knowing her friend was fully supportive.
"And um, talking about crushes I might like Argyle. A lot. But don't tell him...!"
That one, Nancy actually didn't see it coming.
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the fact that people are out here defending Johnathan Byers really bothers me.
also, someone got mad that I spelled it Johnathan instead of Jonathan as if spelling his name one way over another makes the fact that he took pictures of people being intimate any less wrong?
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jonathanbyersphd · 2 years
really wish I could just put on stranger things to fold this laundry like a normal person but I know I cannot do that
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a-strangers-thoughtss · 5 months
Can I just say how much I love Jancy?
Like they’re actually so fucking adorable wtf
The way they just complement each other so well is like really cool. I mean Nancy is definitely more intense than Jonathan and knows what she wants and goes for it. Jonathan just wants to take pictures and be supportive and chill.
Ngl they remind me a lot of my parents. Like they fight a lot and stuff and come from extremely different backgrounds (poorer and more well off) but it just plays off each other so well.
I mean just the fact that Nancy wants to be a reporter and Jonathan wants to be a photographer? Complementing each other so well.
The monologue they both have in season 4 telling other people why they love each other is also so perfect. It shows how unconditional it is.
I also love that the Wheelers have the Byers wrapped around their little fingers and vise versa.
The wheelers need someone they can protect and get emotional support from (bc they suck at emotions) and the Byers need someone to support and get them out of their comfort zones.
Also these siblings love each other so much sooo In conclusion?
Jancy/Byer supremacy
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ivys-garden · 3 months
Drawtectives Headcanons Let's Go:
● York learned to read before season two but is lying about it because he's embarrassed that he's not very good at it yet
● Rosè and York are sparring partners
● York visits Emery in jail to mock him
● While in jail, Emery almost lost his other eye in a knife fight
● Joebeans runs the coffee shop Harper and Harold go to
● York actually did end up buying a new pair of shoes for harper just to shut her up
● the gang was kicked out of Eugene's first show back for trying to start a wave
● Jancy actually did develop a crush on Joebeans and is desperately trying to hide it
● Rosè has no fucking idea when people are flirting with her
● Grandma had a dramatic fear of death, which is why he got so worked up about the spirits being juiced
● Harper has repeatedly, though unsuccessful, tried to join the information network
● Lotta started training Harper on how to not completely suck at being a thief
● Rosè, Harper and Ogalvy have a monthly competition to see who can steal the best
● Harper, Currently, is a Mail Corrier
● Rosè has kissed everyone in the cast of a similar age to her while drunk at least once
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