#jane austen charted
bethanydelleman · 5 months
I think I figured out the problem with the Enemies to Lover's trope, it has a bimodal distribution. Let me explain!
Most tropes have a normal distribution:
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I hypothesize that with EtoL, there is very little middle ground. This is a bimodal distribution:
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You either do EtoL well and join the ranks of the immortals, or you crash and burn. I've discussed previously what makes EtoL work, but there seem to be a lot of traps for writers to fall into when it comes to this trope. For example:
the turn being based too heavily on lust (common JAFF trap)
never fully establishing the enemies phase
insufficient apology on one side (almost always the man's) which makes the other's acceptance unsatisfying
the pair have the communication skills of a newborn baby (ei: the misunderstanding could be fixed with a single sentence)
one side is a real asshole but it's excused because of TRAUMA
growth is ignored in favour of acceptance (can work, usually doesn't)
Relationship is clearly toxic, above and beyond the extenuating circumstances/magical premise (The problem isn't that Edward is a vampire, that's part of the premise. The problem is his disregard for Bella's autonomy)
One side gives in because the other is too obsessed with them
Once Upon a Time flew by having Hook feel meaningful remorse for his past actions (the scene with the Little Mermaid got me so good) and establishing begrudging respect between him and Emma, The Mindy Project crashed and burned by not showing sufficient growth in Danny (does he respect her career now or are they just horny?). Parks and Recreation got it by making the leads both good people who just got on each other's nerves because they had different valid approaches. I think Brooklyn 99 is one of those rare mediocre ones, because the enemy stage isn't fully established but the relationship is still satisfying. The Kdrama Alchemy of Souls got it right by having both main characters display an impressive amount of personal growth, while 100 Days My Prince burned because it relied too heavily on obsession and trauma excusing behaviour.
Pride & Prejudice and Much Ado About Nothing show that the beginning dynamic can be completely different, old antagonists vs. first impressions, but the trope can still work if it's done right. The problem is that it's so often done wrong.
So when it's good, it's SO GOOD, when it's bad, it sucks.
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firawren · 10 months
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Pride and Prejudice 1995 characters react to finding a mouse in the kitchen
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journalofanoldsoul · 10 months
Welcome to Austenland! (Rising Sign)
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Aries Rising - Elizabeth Bennet (Pride and Prejudice): Aries Rising individuals are known for their independent spirit, assertiveness, and quick wit. Elizabeth Bennet embodies these traits with her strong-minded nature, confident demeanor, and spirited conversations.
Taurus Rising - Elinor Dashwood (Sense and Sensibility): Taurus Rising individuals are often practical, reliable, and grounded. Elinor Dashwood exemplifies these qualities through her sensible and level-headed approach to life's challenges, as well as her steadfast loyalty to her family.
Gemini Rising - Emma Woodhouse (Emma): Gemini Rising individuals are known for their wit, adaptability, and sociability. Emma Woodhouse reflects these traits with her lively personality, love for matchmaking and socializing, and her ability to engage in clever and animated conversations.
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Cancer Rising - Fanny Price (Mansfield Park): Cancer Rising individuals are often nurturing, sensitive, and have a strong sense of family and home. Fanny Price embodies these qualities with her compassionate nature, deep emotional connection to her loved ones, and her appreciation for a stable and secure home environment.
Leo Rising - Catherine Morland (Northanger Abbey): Leo Rising individuals are charismatic, confident, and have a flair for the dramatic. Catherine Morland showcases these traits through her vivacious imagination, natural charm, and her ability to captivate others with her storytelling.
Virgo Rising - Anne Elliot (Persuasion): Virgo Rising individuals are typically detail-oriented, practical, and possess a keen eye for perfection. Anne Elliot reflects these traits through her conscientious nature, careful decision-making, and her attention to the details of social propriety.
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Libra Rising - Jane Bennet (Pride and Prejudice): Libra Rising individuals are known for their diplomacy, charm, and sense of harmony. Jane Bennet embodies these qualities with her graceful demeanor, ability to see the best in others, and her desire for harmonious relationships.
Scorpio Rising - Marianne Dashwood (Sense and Sensibility): Scorpio Rising individuals are often intense, passionate, and have a deep emotional nature. Marianne Dashwood reflects these traits through her romantic ideals, emotional depth, and her ability to experience life's highs and lows with great intensity.
Sagittarius Rising - Mr. Knightley (Emma): Sagittarius Rising individuals are adventurous, open-minded, and have a love for exploration. Mr. Knightley embodies these traits with his well-traveled background, broad perspective on life, and his willingness to challenge Emma's misguided judgments.
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Capricorn Rising - Eleanor Tilney (Northanger Abbey): Capricorn Rising individuals are often disciplined, responsible, and possess a strong sense of duty. Eleanor Tilney showcases these traits with her composed demeanor, practical approach to life, and her commitment to fulfilling her societal obligations.
Aquarius Rising - Colonel Brandon (Sense and Sensibility): Aquarius Rising individuals are typically independent, unconventional, and possess a unique perspective on the world. Colonel Brandon reflects these traits through his quiet strength, intellectual nature, and his ability to challenge societal norms.
Pisces Rising - Anne de Bourgh (Pride and Prejudice): Pisces Rising individuals are often dreamy, sensitive, and have a gentle disposition. Anne de Bourgh embodies these traits with her reserved and ethereal nature, delicate health, and her tendency to withdraw from social interactions.
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Please note that the associations provided are based on general character traits and archetypes associated with each rising sign. Individual variations and interpretations can exist within each rising sign, and characters in Jane Austen's novels are complex and multifaceted, embodying various qualities beyond their rising sign traits.
Stay tune for more astro posts.
xoxo J.
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itspileofgoodthings · 4 months
If Jane Austen could write about my family from the outside and I could read it then maybe I would be healed.
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oldshrewsburyian · 2 years
I have to start teaching again this week, and I cannot focus on the beginning of the semester if my mental energy is occupied with being semi-feral about Persuasion at the same time, so I’ve decided that an overcast Sunday afternoon is best spent with fizzy Italian white and a live-blog, bear with me.
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brielledoesastrology · 6 months
asteroid Jane Austen (39415) in your astrology natal chart
By : Brielledoesastrology (tumblr)
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asteroid "Jane Austen" code number : 39415
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It is obvious we know what this asteroid is named after 😉📙✨.
Jane Austen was an English novelist known primarily for her six novels, which implicitly interpret, critique, and comment upon the British landed gentry at the end of the 18th century.
Austen's plots often explore the dependence of women on marriage for the pursuit of favourable social standing and economic security.
Her works are an implicit critique of the novels of sensibility of the second half of the 18th century and are part of the transition to 19th-century literary realism.
Her deft use of social commentary, realism and biting irony have earned her acclaim among critics and scholars.
(source : wikipedia)
her works, she showcases the significance of genuine love, effective communication, navigating societal expectations, personal growth, integrity, and achieving a balance between emotions and reason.
In astrology the asteroid "Jane austen" (39415) could indicate : your experience in having romantic connections with very upper class or very lower class people (especially having actual genuine love for them), handling or going through societal expectation, having some sort of personal growth or intergrity in your life story, having balanced between emotions and reasons on the final of your story or experience, could also indicate where jane austen works resonates or relates soo much to you, where other people try to interrupt your love connections, where you are a really great or good writer especially in romance, where you could be a famous or well known writter especially in the romance theme.
⚠️ Warning : i consider this asteroid as prominent or brings the most effect if it conjuncts ur personal planets (sun,moon,venus,mercury,mars) and if it conjuncts ur personal points (ac,dc,ic,mc), i use 0 - 2.5 orbs (for conjunctions). For sextile, trine, opposite and square aspects to asteroids i usually use 0 - 2 orbs. Yes tight conjunctions of planet / personal points to asteroids tends to give the most effect, but other aspects (sextile,trine,square,opposite, etc) still exist, even they produce effects. If it doesn't aspect any of your planets or personal points, check the house placement of the asteroid, maybe some stuff/topics relating to this asteroid could affect some topics/stuff relating to the house placement . ⚠️
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study-with-aura · 3 months
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Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Happy Valentine's Day to those who celebrate the holiday! While I was away at my robotics course, my mom baked oatmeal cranberry cookies (pictured above)! My dad also picked me up a new squishmallow! Her name is Aidy (pictured above). Isn't she so cute?
The cookies were delicious too, although I only ate one because I have dance. It merely looked strange to have one on the plate for a photo. I will eat another one tonight before bed with my snack I think.
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Reviewed formulas for surface area and volume + learned to find surface areas and volumes of composite solids + practice
Lit and Comp II - Studied Unit 18 vocabulary + read chapter 20 of Emma by Jane Austen + worked on my newspaper writing assignment + read the news
Spanish 2 - Wrote a schedule of my daily routine in Spanish using vocabulary words
Bible I - Read Joshua 7
World History - Watched the second half of New Hidden Killers: The Edwardian Home and completed chart of inventions with their problems + writing assignment
Biology with Lab - Reviewed ecology terms + worked on proofreading and editing my endangered species project
Foundations - Read more on persuasiveness + completed Lumosity daily brain workout + learned about ad hominem, tu quoque, and special pleading fallacies
Piano - Practiced for one hour
Khan Academy - Completed High School Geometry Unit 9: Lesson 3 part 7
CLEP - None today
Duolingo - Completed at least one lesson each in Spanish, French, and Chinese
Reading - Read pages 261-290 of Warrior Girl Unearthed by Angeline Boulley
Chores - None today
Activities of the Day:
Extracurricular robotics course
What I’m Grateful for Today:
I am grateful for my parents who love me very much.
Quote of the Day:
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
-Lao Tzu
🎧Consolations, S. 172: No. 3, Lento placid - Franz Liszt
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writingsbychlo · 9 months
I love the potential of Elain and Lucien. Give me the Jane Austen and cottagecore vibes with “I burn for you” I really want jealous Elain and snarky/cocky Lucien. I also need to know if the saying “Autumn Court males have fire in their blood and they fuck like it too” is true for personal reasons.
yes the period era movie potential is off the charts and i need it
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steelycunt · 4 months
same book anon i'm just looking for anything interesting.. i got the handmaids tale, normal people, and little women already but i dont really mind about genres just annyything you've got!
ah okay!! well firstly i hope you enjoy those three!! i really loved little women and the handmaids tale : ^ )) as for recommendations!! sorry they are a bit all over the place...i was not sure how to organise them so sort of gave up trying
at the risk of sounding like a broken record some of my absolute favourite books which i will just always recommend are. giovanni's room by james baldwin, young mungo by douglas stuart and my brilliant friend elena ferrante!!
classics i would recommend in particular are another country / james baldwin, wuthering heights / emily bronte and emma / jane austen (+ 300 pages) and then a single man / christopher isherwood, franny and zooey / jd salinger, bonjour tristesse / francoise sagan, and the prime of miss jean brodie / muriel spark (< 300 pages).
for speculative fiction i recommend the archive of alternate endings by lindsey drager (particularly if you enjoy the handmaid's tale) which i read in one sitting and cried over!! for thrillers i'd recommend these violent delights by micah nemerever and the secret history by donna tartt if you havent read it already (i'd also recommend her other book, the goldfinch--whichever one interests you more!!)
for historical fiction (or at least what my storygraph chart lists as historical fiction) id recommend the marriage portrait by maggie o'farrell (or her other book, hamnet, if it sounds more your thing!), nobber by oisin fagan, and the passion by jeanette winterson (not for everyone but i really enjoyed it--historical fiction with a bit of magical realism). i'd also recommend swimming in the dark by tomasz jedrowski (particularly if you happen to read + enjoy giovanni's room!), and douglas stuart's other book, shuggie bain, which is also wonderful--i expect if you read one of his books and enjoy it you will also love the other!!
for other literary fiction + contemporary fiction + just anything i havent mentioned yet! for 300 + pages i would recommend duck feet by ely percy, mr loverman by bernadine evaristo, and trainspotting by irvine welsh.
and then for < 300 pages, i'd recommend the end of loneliness / benedict wells, anything by claire keegan but particularly her book foster, juno loves legs / karl geary, the virgin suicides / jeffrey eugenides, mayflies / andrew o'hagan, and panenka by ronan hession.
i hope you find something here you fancy!! let me know if you do!! : ^ ))
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greatrunner · 10 months
Emily (2022), and when a dramatization is just bad
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So, I watched this movie about Emily Bronte on Amazon Prime, called Emily (to its blandness). I was really looking forward to just watching a period piece ‘biopic’ about the Bronte sisters, because, despite their fame in the lit world, it’s weird that there’s so little about them in visual media.
From what I actually knew about the Bronte sisters prior to watching this (”a sister trio of writers, cool!”), what’s publicly available about them via documentaries and historians, I figure you’d have to try real, real hard to fuck up a dramatization about them.
And it’s to that end, I should’ve never underestimated director Frances O’Connor’s abilities, because, whew, lord, Emily was hot garbage on a sweltering day.
I really started thinking about how much the film (and novel) romance genre is informed by women’s particular brand of misogyny and sexism. You’ll see [white] women go on and on about sexism from men, especially in media. And not to discredit that, but, I’m honestly beginning to think it’s overcompensation.
No one throws women under the bus quite like other women.
Emily depicts the second best known Bronte sister as “so misunderstood” by her family, but especially by her sister Charlotte Bronte - who is depicted like the stuffy, uncool competitor of another man’s affections, with little to no interest in writing and imagination.
Anne Bronte is basically a background extra with little to no dialog who crumbles under the peer pressure of Charlotte who despises Emily’s need to turn every situation into an opportunity for storytelling.
Like, this film’s beef with Charlotte Bronte, and disinterest in Anne Bronte, is baffling. I come here for sister vibes, and instead I get Mean Girls. The fuck.
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Emily Bronte is the embodiment of “not like the other girls”. She hangs with the boys, she smokes, drinks, she has a thinly veiled incestuous relationship with her brother, Branwell Bronte, and fucks generically hot priests (Oliver Jackson Cohen in maybe one the less inspired roles of his career).
Emily Bronte could not be any more of the 21st century white woman’s idea of the “cool girl who reads dark academia” if O’Connor taped the description on actress Emma Mackey’s head.
I can’t stress how much priority this film puts on male characters vs female characters as Emily Bronte’s choice of satellites. And as a justification for why she wrote Wuthering Heights, it’s boringly embarrassing.
Comparatively, Emily makes 2007′s Becoming Jane (starring Anne Hathaway as Jane Austen with a struggle accent) look like an Oscar winning drama (spoilers: I like that movie). Jane, at the very least, isn’t interested in the vilification or minimization of other female characters (that aren’t Professor McGonagall), even as it charts an equally fictionalized (or speculative) romance between Austen and James MacAvoy’s  Thomas Lefroy (one that argues he was key in making her writing hit different).
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While it’s clearly influenced by Joe Wright’s Pride and Prejudice (2005), Jane Austen’s relationships with her family, particularly her sister, matter in her story arc in the same way Elizabeth Bennett’s do in the aforementioned film. There’s sense of balance, however dramatized Austen’s story became for that film for the sake of a romance plot.
Comparatively, Emily depicts the Bronte family, sans her brother, as obstacles (if they aren’t nonevents) to her indulgences because they’re “oh, so ashamed of her proclivities”. Additionally, I just don’t care about Oliver Jackson-Cohen’s William Weightwright. Nigga is boring. I’d sooner believe Bly Manor’s Peter Quint (Jackson-Cohen, again) was a Healthcliff and homeboy was inspired by whole another ‘gothic lit’ author (Henry James).
For lack of a better word, I really hated this movie. There’s the argument that if you know next to nothing about the Bronte sisters that you might enjoy it. But even on that level, there’s a lot about the storytelling that is bland, and outright hateful imho.
Anyway, I hated everything (except maybe the score, which, as other have said, is overbearing for no rasin). It can die in a fire and be lost to the void of history.
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
Jane Austen Charted #4
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Darcy’s Irrepressible Feelings Graphed
X Axis: Time
Y Axis: Level of Ardent Love
Also included: Proposal DANGER line
Jane Austen Charted Masterpost
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firawren · 10 months
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What the Jane Austen romantic interest characters do when they cry
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journalofanoldsoul · 8 months
Words Of Wisdom (Jupiter Edition)
Jupiter represents knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual growth. Its placement in a chart can indicate a person's natural ability to learn, their willingness to seek out new experiences and ideas, and their ability to integrate different perspectives and worldviews.
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Here are some iconic book quotes that I feel represent the energy of someone Jupiter placements (sign or house) in their natal chart.
Jupiter in Aries or 1st House: "It is not in doing what you like, but in liking what you do that is the secret of happiness." - J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan. This quote represents the enthusiasm and energy of Jupiter in Aries/1st House, which encourages a sense of self-discovery and taking bold action. It emphasizes that happiness comes from finding joy and fulfillment in one's pursuits rather than simply pursuing pleasure.
Jupiter in Taurus or 2nd House: "The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper." - Bertrand Russell, Mysticism and Logic. This quote reflects the practical and grounded nature of Jupiter in Taurus/2nd House, which values stability, material security, and the power of the senses. It encourages a slow and steady approach to expanding one's horizons and appreciating the beauty of the world around us.
Jupiter in Gemini or 3rd House: "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife." - Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice. This quote represents the curiosity and communicative nature of Jupiter in Gemini/3rd House, which is all about gathering information, sharing ideas, and engaging with the world around us. It highlights the power of words and conversation in shaping our perceptions and relationships.
Jupiter in Cancer or 4th House: "Home is behind, the world ahead, And there are many paths to tread Through shadows to the edge of night, Until the stars are all alight." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings. This quote reflects the emotional depth and nurturing nature of Jupiter in Cancer/4th House, which is all about finding a sense of belonging and security in our homes, families, and traditions. It emphasizes the importance of finding our own path in life and the power of imagination to guide us on our journey.
Jupiter in Leo or 5th House: "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts." - William Shakespeare, As You Like It. This quote represents the creative and theatrical nature of Jupiter in Leo/5th House, which encourages us to express ourselves boldly and authentically. It highlights the power of play, drama, and self-expression in shaping our identities and leaving a lasting impact on the world.
Jupiter in Virgo or 6th House: "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." - Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love. This quote reflects the analytical and service-oriented nature of Jupiter in Virgo/6th House, which is all about finding practical solutions to problems and improving the world around us through diligent effort. It emphasizes the power of empathy, compassion, and collaboration in achieving our goals and making a difference in the world.
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Jupiter in Libra or 7th House: "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." - J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. This quote represents the social and diplomatic nature of Jupiter in Libra/7th House, which values harmony, justice, and balance in our relationships and interactions with others. It emphasizes the importance of taking action and finding a healthy balance between our ideals and the realities of our lives.
Jupiter in Scorpio or 8th House: "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom. This quote reflects the transformative and intense nature of Jupiter in Scorpio/8th House, which is all about confronting our fears, embracing change, and gaining a deeper understanding of ourselves and others. It emphasizes the power of resilience, determination, and the willingness to learn from our mistakes in achieving personal growth and success.
Jupiter in Sagittarius or 9th House: "Not all those who wander are lost." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings. This quote represents the adventurous and expansive nature of Jupiter in Sagittarius/9th House, which values freedom, exploration, and the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. It encourages us to embrace the unknown, take risks, and follow our dreams, trusting that the journey itself will lead us to new discoveries and experiences.
Jupiter in Capricorn or 10th House: "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." - Confucius, The Analects. This quote reflects the disciplined and ambitious nature of Jupiter in Capricorn/10th House, which is all about achieving success and recognition through hard work, perseverance, and strategic planning. It emphasizes the importance of patience, determination, and the willingness to overcome obstacles and setbacks in achieving our goals.
Jupiter in Aquarius or 11th House: "Be the change you want to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi. This quote represents the progressive and innovative nature of Jupiter in Aquarius/11th House, which values individuality, freedom, and the power of collective action to create positive change in the world. It encourages us to think outside the box, challenge the status quo, and work together to make the world a better place.
Jupiter in Pisces or 12th House: "I have been bent and broken, but I hope, into a better shape." - Charles Dickens, Great Expectations. This quote reflects the compassionate and spiritual nature of Jupiter in Pisces/12th House, which values empathy, intuition, and the power of imagination to transcend boundaries and connect us to the divine. It emphasizes the importance of embracing our vulnerabilities and flaws, trusting in the power of redemption and renewal to guide us towards a brighter future.
Stay tune for more astro posts…
xoxo J.
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drwho-shipbracket · 1 year
Some statistics because I'm sooooo normal and definitely not avoiding any homework or anything.
The range of the number of votes in the polls was 127 (with Amy/Rory vs. Master/Clara receiving the fewest votes) to 393 (with River/Rose vs. Doctor/Master receiving the most votes).
The mean number of votes in the polls was 193.25.
The median number of votes in the polls was 178.
The polls that received the middle-est number of votes (or rather, the ones that were used to calculate the median) were Doctor/Jack/Rose vs. Martha/Donna and Doctor/River vs. Owen/Tosh.
The range of the number of votes in the polls was 24 (with Doctor/Martha receiving the fewest votes) to 262 (Doctor/Master receiving the most votes).
The mean number of votes each ship received was 96.625 or about 97.
The median number of votes each ship received was 99.5.
The ships that received the middle-est number of votes (or rather, the ones that were used to calculate the median) were Danny/Clara and Doctor/Amy/Rory.
Takeaways (That is, River/Rose soapbox time):
1/32 of the votes (so if every ship received the same number of votes) would have been roughly 97 votes, or 3.125% of the votes. River/Rose received 131 votes, or 34 more than that number, closing in with 4.237% of the total votes of this round.
Looking at the stats for the ships, River/Rose kinda kicked ass given they're a rarepair by just about every definition I've encountered. One ship received 1-10 fewer votes than River/Rose, three received 11-25 fewer votes, and twenty ships received more than 25 fewer votes than River/Rose. River/Rose was the losing ship with the most votes. In the end, River/Rose received more votes than 24 of the other ships, leaving it ranked #8 in terms of raw number of votes.
Three ships only received 1-10 more votes than River/Rose, one received 11-25 more votes, one received exactly 26 more votes, and only three received >25 more votes than River/Rose (including that one with 26 more votes).
1/16 of the votes (so if every poll received the same number of votes) would have been roughly 193.25 votes, or 6.25% of the votes. River/Rose vs. Doctor/Master received 393 votes, or just under 200 more than that number, closing in with 12.7% of the total votes of this round - over twice its fair share.
River/Rose vs. Master/Doctor had the most votes by a long shot - the ship with the second highest number of votes (Clara/Jane Austen vs. Doctor/Clara) had 285 votes, 108 fewer votes than River/Rose vs. Master/Doctor. It had over three times more votes than the poll with the fewest votes. It unequivocally had the most votes, there's no arguing with that. But that's not the bit I'm interested in with the polls numbers.
River/Rose received 131 votes. Two polls only received 1-10 more votes than that total. Two more only received 11-25 more votes than that, and one only received 26 more votes than that. In the end, only 11 polls received >25 more votes than the ship River/Rose received (including that one that received exactly 26 more). Now you might be thinking, "hang on, 2 + 2 + 11 doesn't equal 16, something is missing." Well, that's because River/Rose received 10 more votes than the Amy/Rory vs. Master/Clara poll.
There isn't really a point to any of what I'm saying here aside from "Tumblr user riverrose loves math that is entirely ungraded and also riverrose (shocker)" but. Here we are.
Bonus: Charts (....the first one better than the second) <3
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i absolutely love statistics despite being a humanities nerd through and though (english especially but do NOT get me started on the french-algerian war!) and this is amazing. especially considering that sort of thing with riverrose, i'll probably do a rarepairs tournament after this
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Brielledoesastrology's masterlist 🌲
(this masterlist is still not completed yet, i am still working on it)
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Gif by : @sleepingcorpsebody
About me :
My favorite singers are Lana Del Rey, lorde and taylor swift
I am a moderate asteroid user in astrology, but i respect both conservative asteroids users and liberal asteroids users in astrology too. 🙏
My hobbies : asking people their astrological big three ✨, editing ✨ and reading ✨
My fav color is black
Exchange reading game :
Exchange reading game #1
Vedic astrology observations :
Asteroids in astrology that i've researched on :
KARMA/JUSTICE asteroids in astrology - ⚖️👩‍⚖️
asteroid Jane Austen (39415) in your astrology natal chart - 📙💕✨
PRIDE BEFORE DOWNFALL asteroids in astrology - 😬✨
asteroid Makoto Shinkai (55222) in your astrology natal chart - 👨‍🎨🎨🌲🏡
asteroid Hayao Miyazaki (8883) in your astrology natal chart - Studio ghibli ✨🎨👨‍🎨
asteroid Oppenheimer (67085) in your astrology natal chart - J robert oppenheimer
asteroid Wabi-Sabi (10585) in your astrology natal chart - "beauty of imperfections"
Repeating patterns of asteroid hestia (64) or vesta (4) prominent people
Asteroid Nobel (6032) in your astrology natal chart (updated/refixed version) - 🏆🪙🧑‍🔬
Asteroid Anna Pavlova (3055) in your astrology natal chart - ballerina 🩰
Royalty Asteroids that is prominent in my astrology natal chart 🤴👑👸 - #selfappreciation
asteroid Hannibal (2152) in your astrology natal chart - 🧔
asteroid Volodia (1380) in your astrology natal chart - universal ruler 🌍👸
asteroid Kazuyuki (7293) in your astrology natal chart - calm [Soon will be refixed / corrected !!]
asteroid Sabrina (2264) in your astrology natal chart ~ having the power that your not ready for
asteroid Zlata Koruna (4408) in your astrology natal chart ~ the golden crown
asteroid Hatshepsut (2436) in your astrology natal chart ~ the greatest female pharoah
asteroid Vipera (7464) and asteroid Serpe (9968) in your astrology natal chart ~ are you a snake?
asteroid Lobachevskij (1858) in your astrology natal chart ~ did you just plagiarize my original work sir?!
asteroid Somnium (3258) in your astrology natal chart ~ Are you a dreamer?
asteroid Hestia (46) and asteroid Vesta (4) in your astrology natal chart ~ "like a virgin, touched for the very first time" - Maddona
asteroid Michiko (6499) in your astrology natal chart ~ being a fashion trend [Soon will be refixed / corrected !!]
asteroid 1999 HR11 (129772) in your astrology natal chart - "why does every time in my best moments in life always end up failing???" [Soon will be refixed / corrected !!]
asteroid Varuna (20000) in your astrology natal chart - 👑💸📸👸
asteroid Humpty-Dumpty (17627) in your astrology natal - "I CAN'T FIX IT, I AM SORRY"
asteroid Ötzi (5803) in your astrology natal chart - "STOP BEING SO CURIOUS ABOUT ME!!!"
asteroid Irma (177) in your astrology natal chart - "the whole world is watching you" 🌍
Egyptians queens asteroids to check in your astrology natal chart 👑👸
Asteroids placements in an astrology natal chart that indicate being loved and worshipped by people
asteroid Cleopatra (216) in your astrology natal chart - "you are so smart and beautiful"
asteroid Viridis (8774) in your astrology natal chart - ☘️🌲🌱 [Soon will be refixed / corrected !!]
asteroid Audrey (4238) in your astrology natal chart - 🤵‍♀️ [Soon will be refixed / corrected !!]
Kings, Queens, Princess, Prince asteroids in your astrology natal chart 🤴👸👑
asteroid Kamil (14124) in your astrology natal chart - "u are just so... perfect..."
asteroid Karma (3811) in your astrology natal chart - "karma is a cat, purring in my lap because it loves me" - Taylor Swift
Flower asteroids to check in your astrology natal chart - 🌷🌸🌹🌺🌻🌼🏵️🪷
asteroid Luda (1158) in your astrology natal chart - "everyone loves me" 💙
Placements in your astrology natal chart that indicates ........ :
Being bullied at school
Being a bully
Having a alot of haters
Some rants... :
Astrology community rants that I have to say
Fame indicators in astrology :
How to check if you are going to be famous in that year using asteroids in your solar return chart
Astrology observations :
Astrology observation #1
Astrology observation #2
Astrology observation #3
Astrology observation #4
Astrology observation #5
Pop culture predictions or assumptions :
Pop culture predictions or assumptions #1
Planets and Asteroids persona chart observations and notes :
asteroid Nemesis (128) in your asteroid Industria (389) persona chart - where to find your enemies in the industry you work in????
962 notes · View notes
study-with-aura · 1 month
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Friday, March 22, 2024
The fastest post I have made to date! I think I finally got to all of the tag games that I was sent. I meant to get to it last night, but I was tired after dance.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Learned to construct inscribed squares and inscribed regular hexagons + practice + honors work
Lit and Comp II - Unit 21 vocabulary test (100%) + read the second part of chapter 42 of Emma by Jane Austen
Spanish 2 - Reviewed furniture vocabulary + viewed two furniture websites in Spanish
Bible I - Read Judges 17-18
World History - Read notes on the Russian Revolution + reviewed and filled in parts of the Russian Revolution chart assignment + read about Russian Revolution + watched a video on Russia in WWI, the civil war, and the revolution
Biology with Lab - Presented a persuasive argument of my beliefs on evolution and creation to my dad
PE/Health I - Read a health article
Foundations - Read more on self-control + completed next quiz on Read Theory + read an article about headlines + viewed posters and political cartoons + read political headlines from WWII + viewed a fake front page of a newspaper which demonstrated the use of headlines as fact when they were opinionated statements
Piano - Practiced for two hours in one hour split sessions
Khan Academy - Completed High School Geometry Unit 8: Lesson 11
CLEP - None today
Streaming - Watched episode 4 of Life on Our Planet (evolutionist perspective)
Duolingo - Studied for 15 minutes (Spanish, French, Chinese) + completed daily quests
Reading - Read pages 331-400 of House of Salt and Sorrows by Erin A. Craig and finished the book
Chores - Dusted my bedroom, my bathroom, and the study + laundered my bedding
Activities of the Day:
Personal Bible Study (Proverbs 17)
What I’m Grateful for Today:
I am grateful for an amazing family.
Quote of the Day:
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
-Albert Einstein
🎧Pupazzi, Op. 36 - Florent Schmitt
11 notes · View notes